The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 08, 1871, Image 3

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    The Beaver Argus.
Bearer. Pa.. March 8.'1671.
Circulation Milroy* Hundied.
'Rates 'or
TIME. 3w. 6w. sw.
Ga. 1 ye.
pqr-10110ev, $ll 00 $3 00 it s 00 uo
IM'M.du 331 5 113 1:0 'hi 00 15 OD
3 moor.. do 500 600 oo 15 00 16 00
moon., do 000 840 10 50 15 OD 11100
c01umn,.... 800 11 151 15 00 11 110 30 00
column,— 11 00 .15 00 1000 10 GU 00 00
I column 03 OU t 0 OU 36 00 00 00 100 00
dreinisUato!s' and itareenture• 0 0
notices per nee, ten Cents.
tff - Payments lobe made Quarterly. except
for transient advertisements, which meet be paid .
to advance.
(4 E O. P. HOWELL, 40 Part Roe. ?LIDA'.
14. N. PETTENDILL dr Cos 3? Park Now.
New 'fork are the lOU arrests for Wit Desna
Amore lo that city. and are authorized to colittect
fur Inserting advertisemenu ter list ottr
est cash rates. Advertisers to that cif: are re
suestea t o leave their favors With either ot the
above Poem.
Mate °fah, Thermometer for tho
wook ending March 4th, 1871.
7 A. Y. 9P. at.T.'
}oh. ''9i 41 aeg. 47 deg." 38 deg
4.:7 35 deg.. 37 deg., 35 dog
31 deg.. ' 4144 h 42deg ,
:kiarcli 1 42 deg.. 47 Ara , . II deg
" 2
61 s deg: - 640e. M deg. •
35 deg dew
0 3 k.g. 41 •
4 .13 deg. 40 deg. 34 deg
YebrUary of 1871, was pearly. 4 degrees
warmer on an average than file IMMO
lll4nittl of 1570,
Cleveland & Plltabliegil IL — T* I W
Erua leave Beaver Si*llou lolluilra: H ot.
Ong Aectinen 3171 - 1113 n ,tl3 p. 1131 1 ,33 11 11
5 :111; LAWAI Freight (conies passengers) 3,11
P 7 u .e rlor going West least Bears? Iktattos 14
tnere: "1ent1.1;43 a. as.: imeal-lfmaght (carrylag
o...euerni i Pitt. FS . I W. tlltolB ame;Accominudation. o oing ee .4l p. la
l .
i..v. Enchemer Batton Mt end of bridge) as 101-
less: Beaver Falb Moos. 6.01 a.m.; iteonaeCOM.
m.; New Castle occum. B.6ti a. cat.; U. Yells
10.10 p. m.
Trains going Went leave Rochester Stailoa. tat
end of bridge) as follows: R. V. accom. 10 a. m.;
Edon *mom. 0.10 p. m.; Brie Mgbt express 6.43 p.
tn.: 8., Y. 'mom. TAT p. m.
Trains going But lame Rocbeeter (Upper) De
pot so follow*: B. F. sarem.6.o6 a. m ; Enos as
cum. 7.16 a. tn.; NOW Castle :mom. BAR a. as;
['him° exp. 10.6411. am Realm? Falk same. 10.13
p. m.; Chicago *M LW p. la; Erie exp. 4. t 0 p. at;
chlesgo sip. CLOS D. m; mall 936 p . . d.
Trans going Wee.. leave Itochester(upper) Ro
wan. follow.; Chicago atoll 0.15 a. to.; !Cele exp.
el 5 a. Wesverlheis seem. aa.4.adeege
11. 11E0 a. m.; Cbkago exp. 3.55 p. ia; New Car
Ile annum. 4.60 D. Erie exp. 6.42 . Beaver
p dim *mom. T. • .
The attention of the pithile b directed
to tho following New Advektleeniente
which alipoar for tho first time In the
A itgUM ta:day
Special Notices—B. slulholtn..
special:Notice—S. & Suollenburg.
spoefuL Notioo—Hugo Auttriessoo.
Speelat Notice—Dr. H. V. Norm
decent NoUoo—Dr. Keyser.
special Notice—J. C. Itutruut & Co.
Special Notico—Spovoror & Sono.
F r ors'Wented=-Coi. tt. Welton: •• •
4 %Ltd —J Stunkel. •
oard—JoalahTinininon & Co.
Administrators' Slkle—E. M. Power.
stmixamopss—N. tr. H. Anthony. &
carnet.. &e—Brivard, Hoge & Co.
Advertisoment—J. C. Buffnm & Co.
Nen' Avd'ia—Dauchy & Co.
• Muting Mill—M. Miller & Co.
:,; ( m Wagon for Sale—Geo. I'. Smith.
AO,. Society Report—ll. It. Moore.
Agieultural Nolico—H. It. Moore. '
Special Notice—Prof. N. R. Johnson.
Slilo of Stock—Davichron's Adair's.
wit tell (leer it Cady', advertisement lu
;mother Inianut, and write them at Mar.
Awl!. Michigan. r ' jantioy..
I es Mao a Lando and out like a
Lloh."L—Thure is an old saying- that If
Navel, eOlllll4l in like a lamp it will be
i.isro to go chit like a lion, and rice versa.
A s last Wednesday (March. Ist) . proved
to boa clear„ pleasant lamb-like day,
we may therefore; conclude thit the
limaith will end In weather having a
tierce, llon-like aspect: We wouldn't
advise any one however to hot their pile
sit this.. Weather, liket young lady, is
very tickle.
Dhowlved.—The ' Motown, Bruin,
who hare been conducting barber
.hop in' the Quay building in Heaver,
bare diamoired their partnership, the
elder Bruin retiring. John can be
f mud at the old titan& ready and willing
to attend to the wants of all whin will
fraviden with a call.
It is ru moFed that the. P., Ft. W. Ace.
it.OTlllipany will erect a rolling mill
at Leannia Liam mumtner, which will be
exclusively fur the manufacture of
t: Ilnwd iron for the tine of thecompany.
A Hold Robbery.—on last Friday
evening at about 91 p. m. , while a lot of
.mall bop, were 'standing around the
%bow window of Mr. Urchin, Jeweler,
L. ni • Bridgewater, a strange man came
along, and dashing. his hands through
one of the panes_ of glass, he seized 3*
imeize deer on which a gold - watch and
%hint, Jewelry wero hanging and limn°.
inadopif live great hurry with
he hooty. The alarm 'Wait glven at once,
soda chase began. 'The thief thinking
that he would be overtaken dr4ped the
aver,.niid then the watch, hut, succeeded
in getting away with the finger and ear
rings which unfortunately annelid° hie
Wile he was or whence he came
pi at present unknown. We trust an ef
.fort will int made to find hint out, so that
minable boarding and lodging accom
modations may be provided fur flu, in
Allegheny city.
.• WELL PAtuostrato. Notwithstand
ing that of lute frequent complaints
about the depression of businear, we no
tice ...,nelderable activity at. the well-.
knowueltalnitit Store of titE't.t J.Suellett
burg The tirtu have auch an exponent
stuck of Piecti goods; as well as panty
'made clothing, and urn isco.particular to
pleasp,;thal thotiy all UUu enjoy a fair
trade. There is nothing in' the Wetting
line for gentielmeir that cannot be had in
this establishment, and satisfaction 18
guaranteed both In the matter of quality
,and price. Tlie beet cutter to employed,
sad every articliLls gottigLup In the lat
est style, so that the 'moat fastitilouscan•
het Ist disappolited. • The furnishing
department is crocked with everything
'in that line needed by gentlemen, salt
the latest novelties being proinptly
- Public Males.—Frum bills printed
st the Aituus opal, wu bairn that John
• i:,,,Len s , usq. , of iirightun luwurhiprvill
iIIIVU •r sato of ponionill prop fifty ILL his
rtNoleneo ht tliattownsiiip on the Zki
thy of \l arch at le a. w. Bursa, rows,
hug", fur g implement*, ie., .tc., will
h. tlapoeutl of av that thou. A credit, of
six inuptlis will be given oi! all Wee .
, nor tuu dollars. •
Mr. J. J. Hort ttw of New ; liiiighttni Mut
i , 1:14 bills prtutett at thht ‘4l-
houli,in g a public 8010 of grotwolm. dc.,
tt that wo k e ou tho 13th of this mouth.
11r. Withaul H k o ( liatiover tp.,
make* Shown, through hills priut
hl the Aitutto Jut; umoe, that he -will
Lit e a palate l'eale of ilto/1114.441, PP;olVerlY
nil th e =ld of this nieitth. reffikUl4l Du
11.0*.tall ride Of the river, a/weld Maki ) to attend the sale. " • •
. .
kis, J. I. Mister. a U.
r, and fur sumo Limo put a ruaident .4
14-4% er has been nailed upon to take
congregntioti at Waver Falls.,
thu , euuuty. Mr. F. . will, take. up lila
reNideiten in that place in a abort thine.
I lunng Mr. Fratier'italxide in our midst,
Lu has anetwisled in making. pinny
Mend* bore, 6ho earnestly hope. Mutt
in pelf, and his amiable lady, will
nair hew home a pleasant one, and Melt:
Insane of doing' good hunsearurably.
eidianeed "
IiNII CA it of eiintoti4o4r.l?
of _Etna dour, 4 0 13skiefr:,citolcsi Nb
caui eugsr,llo larrontbrovc Orleans
innisna,k; 254 kegs W heeling'
lot of tarkst dada lu all Oolors, fine
tretirod add for aaloartiolasalo
WI. Also, eloverseed grab; bought
and sold, for cash, at RperyererA Sou y
Rochester. Pa.
Akrent o
f an Alleged Sedu cer. —
On Saturday Mlsslsabolla 'Reed, Of Al
legheny, related to Mayor Mow a Ree
-1 en years' history which, though Amnia
In many particulars, bears the impress
of truth. This young woman, who is
not yet twenty-six years old, and still
cavries In her features the traces of for
titer beauty, ways that corky In the spring
of 1862, shames introduced by a mutual
friend to Mr. David Stewart, of Freedom,
Mover county, in this State. It seems
that on both sides there was an admire
tien that rapidly deepened 'lntd lovik
Thi., however, was the unwise love that
in l ovitably brings sorrow, for, sapless
Mud, Stewart aeoompUshed her ruin by
force. She was loth to bring him with
in the pale of the law, and as be still
cl slug to her with all the tenacity of the
earlier and leas harmful imension, the
mitt'"? Woo tulasetrhY. Mr., Stewart re
tained, his hold on-the girrs effbetlens,
and though no moulage ceremony bad
been. performed he continued to cohabit
with her until Steinmann. ofhiMi, when.
as the lady alleges, ho deserted her, went
to 'Now York, and there entered Into an
espousal of a young girl of high connec
tions and considerable wealth. " Miss
Reed then took up her residence In Ak
ron, and thine remained until she heard
of the alliance into which Mr. Stewart
was about to enter. She then took an
other view of the ease and being deter
mined to resort to law, made an infor
mation before Mayor Callow., embody.
lug the facts given above. The warrant
(or Mr. Stewart', arrest wesulssual, and
upon It that gentletnan war taken into
custody. He desired to give ball, and
before 'Squire Sel-r, of Freedom. ho en
tered into 1)0114,4o( 152,000 to appear Wed
nesday next for a hearing. It is stated,
with how much truth we know not, that
Mr. Stewart has offered to make the girl
every reparation in his power.—Pitta
burgh Post, Feb. 27.
Pavan 111- 7 -25,000 bolts of Wall Paper,
all of the West, pattorns,at, B. Mulhelm'a.
. CITY Burnam] liouss.—Tho atten
tion of out' readers is called to the card
in to-day'epaper of Messrs. J. C. Butrum
.k. Co., Bottlers, Pittsburgh. Mr. But.
fum tho senior of the Arm, is the oldest
Bottler West of the Mountains. They
will keep on band for immediate ship
ment, a large stock of Sarsaparilla,
eral and Raspberry Soda Waters, also
for medial and family use in bottles,
Smith's Kennet, Wainright's and all the
best brands of ales and LondomPorter.
Clive them a will.
•The Now Orleans Picayune. tells the
story of a printer, who when his fellow
workmen wont out to drink boor, during
the working hours, put in bank the ex
act amount wuich ho would have spent If
ho had gone out to drink. lie kept to
this resolution for five year;. He then
examined his bank 4conint and found
that he bad on deposit $l2l Sd. In the
live years he had not lost a day from Ill
health. Three out of five of his fellow
work mon, bad, In the meantime, become
drunkards, were worthless as workmen,
and were discharged. The water-think
er then bought out the printing office,
'went on enlarging Ids business, and in
twenty years from the time he began to
put by his money, was worth $lOO,OOO.
The story, whether now or old, teaches
a lesson which every young niechai3lo
should lay to heart.
Marriage Lleeases.—Mr. Rehm
Introduced a bill In the &nide a few
days ago, regulating marriages and pro
tecting clergymen and justices of the
peace performing marriage ceremonies,
providing that It shall be the duty of
clergymen or magistrates to require •
license from the Clerk of Orphans' Court
of the , county in which the marriage is
proposed, which parties shall procure at
a fee of one dollar. After the ceremony;
the license shall be returned to the Clerk
within thirty days, with an endorsement
embracing tho.dato of marriage, mimeo!'
the party performing the Ceremony,
with the minim of the witnesses present.
The Clerk shalkeot grant license unless
the partici are legally entitled thereto,
or the parents or guardians apply, and
when the application is doubtful the
Clerk stall administer the oaths and ex
amine the witnesses, and he shall keep
a record bealLapplicaticus and cases; for
negligence or violation of the law, the
Clerk or Other persons may be lined one
thousand dollars. the. license shall re
lease the clergyman ur magistrate from
all responsibility.
llarrksbarg Marais.— Thu Stale
Journal of March let hays:
Every sober wan in the land knows
that there Is too much drunkenness—too
much misery. imposed by those who
make and taint; intoxictitiug liquors
upon others. These are facts which no
one disputes, they are painful, dlegree
ful, and debedng, and fur some mason
the ommuunity at large is not moved by,
their ex/swim,. But ou Sunday after
noon, insight was presented, on Second
street, which, in ail respects; was heart
rending and. horrible as an exhibition
of drunken degradation. Two youths,
neither uvar eighteen years of age, stag
gered along that thoroughfare, maniple's.
fy and feartully intoxicated. Where did
those buys get the liquor which intoxi•
Wed them? Who sold the poison on
Sundxy? These are questions well wor
thy the Investigation of our detective
police.. It is bail enough to give liquor
to miner* at ally time, but to send tnetu
forth to reel along cur streets on th holy
Sabbath is a Spectacle of atrocity which
no community should allow without
making en infort to 'detect the guilty
parties. The law Is plain on the sueleut
of selling liquor to minors, It its clear as
to selling on Sunday, and the man who
violates it in this respect is unfit to be
recognized anywhere with docent con
• CAurers! Quirt:ma!! CARrwrel !I
A very large stock of the most desirable
patterns of Carpets, u cheap as the
cheapest, at B. MuMelons, Bridgewater.
• Misr illattic Oliser,forsouie months
past a visitor in our city, was married
by Bishop Dominec, at the Eplsoopal
Residency In Pittsburgh, landau:Nl by
Rev. lather lfevlim and Rev. Father
Grace, on the 21st lust. Mr. Gilbert
Rafferty is the happy man—and thecuu
pie have the best wishes cif many friends
boreal:outs for a long life tit contentment.
—Jtosiongehcla Republican.
Tbu bride hero referrodlo was for some
time a pupil. In Prof. Taylor's school in
thin idsoe, and we believe she is a -grad
uate of that ihalltutiti. . .
now two-horso wagon with Um' celebra
ted mist spindles, and completely &limb
ed in the latest and best stylii. Only
5100. Parties finding themselves In want,
bt a new wagon ;nu hind lito their inter
eat by purchasing. Inquire of Cleo. P.
smith, corner of Brighton street and the
public 114 . 14a1V, Itucheater, Pa. mara;St
College seems that
oven our colleges have thieves wiadu
Muir . walls. A Mr. Monroe, a student
at th*Allianco College chains to have
been arbbcd elf Monday night of last
week at the college boarding house, of
fifty dollars in money and a note calling
fir one hundred dollars. He accuses
bis room-mato, a Mr. Kent, of commit
ting thetbeft. On the other hand Kant
claims to Omit lost a watch' Mid mime
alit or Seven dollirs.• As examination
was had at the college bail, but nothing
elicited that would point to where the
money and effects went. On Wednesday
forenoon the pocket books wore .picked
up near the house, by ono of the ledy
boarders, the monez abstracted, bat the
note was lett In the book. .
Adjonnsed.=The Wen!' " Dun
lap Property"—D. Reisinger, mini.—
has been adjourned UM Saturday, March
18th, p. en. BM advertisement In
another column. -
„For,” Black Horse" roo latbsoonnty
commissioners' advertisement tom es
proposals from bridge Malden, read
Block Haw Banc. - • -
". pi ma it se - lag.—
We leithilliktuilredneindak night ' lett
• bold sittoinpt Was made' to , enter the
dwelling of Thome!, in
Hopewell township. Mr. IL was In Mk;
plate at the tune fieviog o tsubpcsosed
as a witness 111 the Brown - murder ease.'
It fortunately happened, however, that
young man named Elsa Adana, em
ployed by Mr. Hardison, wu staying
with the fiunily. There were two of the
robber, and their first attempt Was to
open the door Of the dwelling by forcing
the lock. Falling In this they seized
• bmwliiie which happened to be
lying upon the porch' end endeavored to
pry the door open. This *roused Use
family and young Adams seized a gun,
went to the front window, and endeav
ored to-discharge it, but the weapon
td to go Mt He Mau Maceedal down
stake and made another abet , to shoot,
which was this time successful, the shot
penetrating through the door. The rob.
here fied, and an investigillon Showed
spots of Wood on the porch, Indicating
that some of the shots had taken' effect.
No clue to the Parties bas yet been die- :
covered:l-Washington Reporter.
The Ohio Legislature has a bill lbefora
tho House limiting the charges fbr seats
or berths In pollee, sleeping or dining.:
room tars. The rates fixed is for a sin
gin chair, berth or sofa for twenty-tour
hours, one dollar, for a section one dol
lar and fifty cords; and for a atatikmun
two dollars.
igeselisary hitielety.rAt the meet
ing of this society last week, the young
ladies and others discussed the question
"Resolved, that circumstances make the
man." Misses itesonm, Roberts; liar
rah, Ricbenison and Atkins, read very
creditable essays on the subject ; which
was followed •by speeches from several
gentlemen. Mite Hunteiresd an 'inter
esting and amusing paper. The exer
cises were Interspersed with mush,—
both vocal and instrumental—by , the
pupils. We were much pleased with
the spirited singing on the eecasiou ; es
pecially thatof the C 1111111,14: Prot Muter
played, by request, a couple of pissegi In
his Inimitable manner. These weekly
meetings are.very pleasant lbr Invited
guests, and must be highly Improving
to the youngilellee and gentlemen who
participate In them. We understand the
school is preparing to give an entertain
ment for the publio—at the close of this
term—the ?Rd of this month.
We have received two eummunica
tions—one from New Brighton, and the
other f. r
em Glom' Arbor; Beaver county',
In reply to K. K. K. In the last Radical;
both too late for this paper. They will
appear In our next:
t ,
;New BRIO lITON & MINA In. - The
Spring Tenn opens n t Tuesday.
X HITHER tl niggle tior customers will
have accidents, explosions. &0., if they
use Andrlceen's Standard Refined Car
txtn.oll, fgr sale at Beaver Drug Store.
Also, " Excelsior" Crude Oil • which ii •
better than non-explosive humbugs.
In a large variety, at B. MuWeiner.
'Killed by the hire.—A young
wooisus whose mune was Crawford, and
residing near Clinton, Lawreneecounty,
wa4 killed list week by a train offivdght
can striking and running over her.'
U. Mulbeisa.--Succeas le aimed
sure to come to those who merit, it There
are many dealers In the borough of
Bridgewater who, conduct business in an
honorable way; and who, - by strict atten
tion to the wants and necessities of the
people, and a Judieions method of pur
chasing and ladling - at reduced prices,
have proved themselves eminently wor
thy of success, and the liberal patronage
they receive. Prominent among this
class:wo may ik;int, to . the gentleman
whose name heads this article. By un
weartoil application, courteous, demean
or, anda great. variety of excelleuSgeods
in his line, Mr. Mnibehn has establish
ed ;reputation endsfraid° of which any
merchant might, he' envious. fps • new
stock of capon., statkmary,
dtc., is unprecedentedly largo, . well se
lected and' cheap. Now is the time to
prepare for opting renovation lu refitting
your houses, and 2dulhelm's, Bridgewa
ter, Just the place to Purchase. ,
Wkatetrwr may. be said of the merits
or demerits of MissMindulau's lecture,
delivered in the M. E. Church Of Heater,
ou last Friday evening, all will agree that
she drew a larger crowd of people, than
any of the five geutletiteu lecturers who
preceded her.
UPI.= SANDUSKY, Ohio, Feb. 24th 1871.
Forrest Astons :—While nods are
muddy and business dull, I will give
you a few local items that may be of in
terest to some of your readers:
Since writing my last lettel• to the An
nos, there has been a raid made on the
"whisky ring" atlas place. There have
-been about a dozen suits began - against
grocers and parties owning property
that waszpied for "whiskysalooos."
One Mils ' fiald had a hearing before
the maylor on Tuesday last, and fined
it4oo and coot of prosecution, and he
will have another tr!al to-morrow for
another offense, whore In LIP° damages
are claimed. Damages claimed by other
parties run up as high
. 4 , 1 ten, twelve.
and fifteen hundred dollars. •In every
case the ladles are the prosecutors. Able
eounse have volunteered their services,
the community are very- mocha:cit.
:A over the matter and hardly anything
else cams be talked about. A few cases
were began some time since, but were
dropped or compromised for want of
sufficient funds to prosecute. Dot the
"Good Templans" of the place kindly
took the :natter in hand, and furnished
moans and counsel, free of charge to
those Innocent women, who wore coal
palled to see their husbands robbed from
day to day of their kat:learning..
Two won were sent to the 4 , Peniteat l
ary"- from this •plsee, some taro weeks
slime fur bhrglary. It was vriasky that
caused them to err, "as It does all men
who drluk it." Their families are now
left to the public to be 'eared for; one of
the broken hearted woutenints taken so
action In Court for 115,000 damages
against the one that furnished , her hus
band With drink, and there Is not a re*.
seeable'doubt but that she willViscover
the full amount cleft:tact: We think be
fore long that instead of twenty-eight
. doggerlee In our town, their will be
numbered with the thing* that were:
The old saying that, *there la many a
slip between the cup and lip," was
brought to my . mind s taw days since,
the elreurantarelea are about as follows:
A youug couple isppesred before Erg.
Era:well, (wise three about three miles
from this place), a teii days slum and
wished to be "roads one" onabort. no
tire,. whereupon the Sisq. miter. e•refully
surveying the tkence,Ao see that all was
right On . :eanded to unite them la the
holy bandi cnuatrlmoni. 110 'Aces&
ed until he cautChOlisatpartor the ellen!.
..D0 You yroeiise o Aoaer.suuf obey your
husband and that'—"hold ea' /*Mire.
"wild the lady," please road that part.
orer whereupori ihe t3gglre again
toad until ho owns to the "honor and
obey." when the lady Interrupted by
eselaitulug, "No by thunder not by a
Jug-full," the youth looked la astonish
ment, first at the lady then at .the 'Jos
tles, and soon they took their departure
without giving the Squire a :marriage
• Therm have been several Coot taces Lett
althin the lasi few months. A lively
. 1141
froW Pittsburgh flimsily carried away the
lla►moo Eborsolegavis two young cirr ,
a complete horae-whlpplor. a few
cor the Wed,. Gir over driving one of
611;111'460 leifoo. ' WltAzooi.
rittin;i7 2 - • : 7 4rai
2lth ult., we 'noticed:lt' entrundiainatlon,
headed, I •Ctir, NOIPP. III I capability
"of supp o rt i ng iteelif;" ;VA subscribed
by one "J. 11. C." Who "J. U. C." is,
or when` he Ilea% at ntuitile dopi, poet'
isaairpear.- nut - Ong' hi'will,istot king
remain "A youth to fortune and to Massie
unknown," seems evident. • Ms produe
dota haa:lvidently been •pnaparad with
greet care, :and aim that Wiwi It Iti •
print, be doubtless - thinks ha bee meek:
ad "the top of manbood'eatpactations:"
Had ayriend 'not cal led alioptlon
to MU aunt :wonderful -evrOdunUai, : we
might . not have had the pleasure of I*
perrisak The very lint senteneastruck
us as entirely'original. We confess that
to us, "the eye tittittellectaal reason" Is
new. What kit dOf reason Is "
teal reason fl irerlaithetilutatrlous
Mather tit the ninught *the "toaiersedoeve
6. umbsormindlng worbila bin PflufmlY.
"magnificent*" can tell; ear. be, .doubt
less, has looked into her "eye."
And, then, who ever heard of the howl
of a uvage . belng a raviabline tiontid? If
we recolloctarlght, the vinni fa used by
our unknown friend means tti 'deligistto
rapture, or to transport with delights
but it would seem that when " this Re
publle with thigannente of
'financial and domestic poverty,' the
howl of the seine ravished its ear,
What bad musical taste that "littlelle•
public," must have had . beton "the
great crisis of its history." Surely West.
"garments of linanclal and domestic pov
erty" must have, bionq over its tiewiland
dulled Ile ear, an that, It war r yrevanted
from drinking its the mum of tweet
sounds as they float/aro,' thO 'frilly'
"music bath charms," but we never be-
Aire knew that mayor/ hoWle were class
ed among these charms. • Holever we
suppose it is on the same principle that
•• Tbe.trow dah slug Si sweilly se the .
Whets nei th er Is attended: sod I Woa
l•Tbe hlghtlugste, tt she should slug by day, '
lAltbesortory gammons:klieg. weld be thusgbt
What a dark, doleful gluten must have
been to "the new born-Republic," when
the "chords" (musical chords, we sup
pose,) which bad "bound It to its mother
country had been severed, and the hide
ous form of bankruptcy flapped its rev
on wings of demand" over its devoted
heed. Perhaps 'twee then those savage
yells greeted the ear of t h e "emaciated,
and almost annihilated little Republic,"
. her to think any sound more
ravishing than the flapping of those
'orei;itul wings.
Having viewed this republic lit its in
fancy, and having told of that fearful
struggle • "which spread the veil of de
,spoir over every loyal heart, and shook
the monumental strucludof our liberty
Goethe very centre" (iu which occurs a
sentence of tbitiy-seven linos—longer
time any we ever saw—oven in "PM
lock!te Course of.Thue.'!) our author (fur
of ammo lto iv one now, and will have
no.peaoe until he writhe a book oui PO:
liticsil laxaceny)propoun stbostartling
question, 'Aro we able to support our
selves now and In the future l'":11ti then
proceeds to say that "runtime tells us that
Usegukling star to all natieual greatness
and durability is the Code of lime by
which the nation is guvernod—and going,
to the colossal rtruature of liteAmorican
Republic we thud ertscribed upon its key
arch (Hug be he meant Inscribed on its
key atone) the wholiesomast (probably
the moat wholesome Would have been
more like It) code of bon that ever eo:
coived national Ulb through legislative
breathlogoelesu sintering hoot* betted
the skY." Would that•vrimiuld behold
the d i o ng_beauty of that star 0, That
he t told as where we 'might dnd
was that glo "key arch," whereon are
"macerated" iuch• eupertativsly
some laws ! But alas for us and for pos
terity the secret is his, and he whine may
Visit the escrediplecte where it is bidden
from the' gain of "the ts.knenon • herd,"
and with "the eye of Intellectual reason
nay. Woke the Wundroes, things - "op!
• ski bid" hereon.' Therkluit, he out
ten to the deep breathing of that great
akilfe" that great code of . most whole-
Seine) levee. Of odurie by this the Pune
sylvaela Logisature is not meant, for
his said its breath "is rank and swells to
Maven," so that by nu possitility could
our nempolitlcal °ammonia contemplate
tbaleantifte of that "key arch" with the
testa degree ut comfort.
Our author thew takes "the wings of
morning" and soar* "to the zenith of the
literkry sky," and fit passing through
Om hound less mat ins of apace, heralding
the glad hurl:lnger o f liberty over the
world, shakes "the hand of friendship
with all the natieefs whitin the hounds
of civilization," glances at "education,
one of the greatest hicesimpi Mat swabs
fell mankind," (we thought befall usual
ly deuuted ill,) he, at last, alights in an
"earthly garden of
. paredise in the liter
ary world." We presume he feared if
he should use the word paradise without
qualifying it with earthly, some one
might mistake the location. 'After such
en exhaustive flight one might, sup
pose our author would feel like linger
lug fur a time at least amid the beauties
of his "earthly paradise," bathing his
weary limbs in Its crystal 'streams, and
resting beneath the shade of Its fa
ding trees. But not so, for, alter dettrat
itrating "our arpability to support our
selves in a morel muse of the word," be
again plumes his untiring wings, leaves
the sweet pleasures of his "earthly psra
dbm," and onward takes his flight to the
tropical regions of *Wel l and diamonds,
shouting exultathin and defiance to the
eafeounding world, as ho passes along.
Me thee leave* the glittering sands of
South Autertist, end llying og the .tor
my Gulf, and revisits once more his owit
loved laud, only stopping to rota beside
the grand "key arch" to listen with the
ear of imagination to the "click of the
machinery" ofthat wonderful legislative
body that once "breathed
into a great Mahe of laws," bulls now eM.
gaged in forging a greet nktronal key to
unlock the mighty vaults of the snow
capped mountains of the was!: ' What a
wondrous key t no 1110 e in the &pomp
lyptiml vision, the lamp of Aladdin; toe
great "key arch," rang the things that
are writteu thereon, all sink into utter
U. woutlrous key
When that Illustrimmday shell daivn,
when those ponderous doom obeli be un
InelAal, "may we be there to aee."
Again our author, after causing the'
.vieeef Preeperity to sehotroiri the vil-.
loges and " heonlets" of the nortliand
east, as wealth tames thundering down
the mountain side, throws that wealth
Into the "commercial atmosphere, there
by,"settliog the great micas' of American
ctiMmOica lrc niuden.Ldnill sails can .
be seen to float ou every commercial
sea." flow uniting the Owl. of nun.
merSitiCindliroa wtU capes" to gee lie
auks; 7roTonto pe'reelve. we do not
ristoFr:"thoe opted intededual reason,"
or we could 'not. only uadetsland this,
but his meaning, when Le says "the
"T." 1 4111erli r energy Ind enter-
JESS h ',tient; gli4ondest,lieldfrpee
have been uushruudud) by, tiio; hand
of science; audits untabernacled soul
as the Oodess of Liberty have been
the 'guiding 'tar to - American achieve
ment." 0, unahrouded corpse! 0, un
taliernactsd emit 10. reoeltd* l 4 l o ll botz
We were at first taught that reason tells
us that " the guiding alai to all national
grestnete and durability Is the code of
holm by Which; die' method he 'governed.'
With is ilk thetctli4aheriiicb prOud
bean,' now make,' ati • ' " nisista`udeol
.corpao,". en untabarnattled
guiding startle Amerkan addevemente?
That corpse, If %were horsetail. the "paler
glimpser Of the Monti," might speak hie
name.. We hums hint net..
. Our author. after • lourseutenceoreu
pylng some tawny Huss, litreduesi the
sbade Of Diuslel Webster. who, la deep.
sepulchral tenes,tleelares that "ottrobit.
t • 71..4w5.1 ‘ , _,......--
gstansaink Into pout notavegi t no'
great statute= tousthilie:beinrag
through "Opp,. OfintOpstput iv
low kg Oland Weis words to ion'
to our prtwent national debt; Wee,, id tba
!present liaton, r ; 'yam)* ... *it
:withAPi l o l o)4 lo 4 414 W gip!
two isumw.koon t ifout ` , P lillimilitiwk.
nothing;'! dlf Dinlel ludn't been a
err . .Isall!ahliktaalhat +fled
Its Elllnfii,.. :hive Isiah, Such un ea k ,
tauten. ' We are dhipeno to thisit that
the mint' er thai imaginary hltbiaturs,
that sits In 'solemn estuirsse Muds, the
shadow of the "key ireY forgSs that
key, uidbehii the - vaulta or Quite mighty
mountaine, and astonishes the Wes of
mankind with the wealth with' whloh
therabound. the hotter A will ho 1,, as.
But w must hasteu to • Maas. We
would like to hike a look: with our. polit
lest economist at the :WSW antis/gra-
Bon whick Is to envelop the *Meant of
Battik Mishima. W. wouaillto
sew* among the sabes.tbr the.singed
lion lir &Web monarchy, cla. he C4lickes
bord.We iii Allbetkati Am*
We would nki to go with him m a t
grand iolcaudcr. rumusilaium of kkouth
Amerimn Repo blink and kelp kelpbluiplant
tliailisious stars sad gripes Amon:
We 'Mould love to secaud with khn the
mountain tops and "cry to the hibahl.
tants attire valley that liberty !PION.
-.ran our mooed
War [be lams tabu , trosinittik , war
but time forbids. We;plttiompoy
with him with no littlivolhetim4,—We
bavo traveled thukbrelltAttlicong,
we wauted to do Itittr'Sohd:• -
saw Us place, wo said to Ourself, here is
a genius, let to bring, him into notion.
Ile war not "born to blush uuveco," kit
us show hirable beauties and bki grac
es: Muse day *ben slablias mocked Bill
topmost 'Omuta of fame'. high 11114thir i
be will thank us for reniemborlatt
and encouraging MI that efforts : But
we fear not. • *.
ror 'll4 aamooh plod .
That lowans.* le aasbidatio ladder;
Whereto the Norm* Sum lilt fare:
Bat *Yea as odor ataardbelorloon mad.
Be then unto the ampler mw ale back„' •
Looks la the dead*. peoraba7 the for segues
117 maikh be dal attest"
A toirilt OP Glows.
I.lot of Letters remialotor. Is Beavir - Port.
Ocoee March I: hal : 111.6 Maul. Aldridge.
Mn J *Hari Benin. It C flatimo.
Miss Asada Coma, Xt. Jaw& ilAdai p .' • .
N. Patrick 1114:Uputa, J U 311Voy, Req.,
Mos Yu; t. chid, J Risk.
Tom tifinract. • ' 11, • MvUarruot. r.ll.
,Indlatis county has L'i'mutonAind.
blthd poruCno. ' •
Penn'a. Legislature.
Sax Utsekalew wide
a report on public printing. In which he
showed, by figurer that the State Trassu
4. had been_ lleeccei.Of!ttOore
amount of money during rike .
years lie repOrted a aliregaiiiingthe.
public printing. Among the i gip haeW
duced were: One to pry for pnblits . hbig
the military history of Pongr e , on*
lino volumes at $4.00 per coPY . ate
les of em:h, twenty-five thous Mi di copies
in: ill-emountitig to illOO,Oult. Also, a
bill to repeal the ireettuu of the tee hill
which gives glattorney fee in judgments
under flee. Also, a bill to collect mine
ral statistics; and one to tend:did, ti ferry
over the Ohio river 'ai.ghowstown; and
one au thoriiing an additional tax of three
mills foi school purposes la McKeesport,
aathoriziotPetible's sub-sellout district
of ralabOlth t o barreP ,OP: PP!••
meat for the Pittehargit.Ove .00., which
authorises voting by proxy.. Itioorpor.
mini horn gietimpi Bank of Pitrtrgh,
priaolpel obrPorliiers U. findy Milos i
James McAuley and Oeorge t Wilien. • j
„Mouar.:—"flie house met at half-past T
p. spectsi ardor being ibis cliose:
stitutional I.kaiveWioa 11W, andepentbse
were made before erawded 4 Tbe
bill was sustained the tie
and opposed by the bemocristObe
Acuity being la the bsili.4 so to.
4on, whether upeg tbe iPpo . ; maul
P r ae ai1 2 %.141 the
Madly. Adjourned.
SMIAT/S. Web. 28.—Petitioes . were pre'
Needed on various subject:lk A ODIXIIISU.
skidoo was read from the Governor
giviug the opinion of the Attorney Gen
eral, that the Legislature Ws the sight to
repeal the charters of Railroads and Py
nate when their .111:iiiimis of Corporators
exact such high rates of toll on coal onto
work au inlury, to citizens of UM gale.
A thousand copies f the °pinkie Were
ordered printed. ugh* *nit bode
to refer the message and Attorney doll
oral's opinion to theiudielary thmumit7„
tee, with power to for persons and
papers. Mr. ltilliugfe.t moved au amend
Meta; that they be referred to a special
committee of live, with tile Neale powers.
Ou this last motion a lengthy debate oo:: ,
cursed; the amendment was hot; and
the original motion prevailed., Adjourn
llousz.—The petition of Imo citizens
of Montour county for • law regulating
toll ow coal. Several wheel,. very ."8"
inerously aligned, of a similar impart,
wore also prosecuted. Soule dbacussiou
on the subject' was had, but without def
inite eiction. A. number ofs local bills,
passed; but none of interest to our read
ers. The Senate resolution opposing the
granting by the General doVernment, of
land subsidies to named", passed al
most unanimously. Adjourned.
Stairs, March I.—The. supplement
to the bill allowing the York sk Wrights
ville Railroad tio., to sell to the Ps. It.
R. Go., and allowing the latter to issue
new shares of stock theroou,yassed. Al.
so a skulk's' bill to allow the W.Pa. It. It.
Co. to sell to Ps. IL It. Co., and allowing
the latter to liana new stock thereon,
passed. The Finance Committee repor
ted against selling the nthe millions
Sinking Fund; but' reconsmended that
the Governor be allowed to receive bids
for the same, and report to the next Leg
islature. They also reported negatively
the bill to sell the surplus ; funds to
pay State debt, which, atter debate, Wier
lionsg.—A twee coal bill war. intro
duced., The local option flquor law;af
ter notesiderehle slebrite. Pow* t°ll6B°-
and reading without simendriient.
Suns* Ifirek2.—A• contrunulotUon
front fitemanagers of the Western House
of Refuge, notifying the Senate of the
doraltetkor and absconding Of Hingwalt
Secretary of hoard was received. A cow
chllol,l4lort re i eelved trout the President
Of the Worklintenenn' Beneficial "Amocl
&Hon of Hog York. urging legislation
evilest the'exorbibuit charges by coil
carrying companies. 'Some discussion
Was had relative
. tip 'extending the law .
for the proteellotr of anthracite coal ruin
ers; Mr. Bolan thought it not miociawary
for his regioli. The bill Was bald over.
• Housx.—The Treasury bill awarding
State deposits to the highest bidders, was
Wampum) . quit 04 the day. , A utuitber
of roll' LI lend! Oder' !Ad
SensTn.kliarcli 3.—Theappertkonenent
biliV reported from committee and made
the special'order for Ttieuday afternoon.
provides that until the next septennial
enumeration. titers shell bs 201 Senators
and NO Representatives. Beaver. But-.
reread Lniorioneo compose a SettatorlW
and Beaver county forms 'situp.
resentative district—one ruefishei.
Weal figures from this bill jiii:el7 Dem
ocrats to 16 Republicans lu the - Semite,
end El Mtn: to 49 HIS 1 / 4 1E1 the House. It
not • psis the Homo In Ili present
shape. The Mut resoluon relative to
Pieventottailt inniverseryst Phlladel
ptita, tniklns ilieljonimission unnilit of
the Govermar. Speakers and throo Item =
hers of Mob noose, pawed. The Got
-01110, recommends the enlarginent of
Hogan.—Tbeannualippropriaik6 bill
wive reported;. htnouif ate
Rai W 12031,069. Many WWI mans p.m&
bliCoolistereatingto Beaverollites&
~ , ~~ . santricrMir,Allarch idit
watmdrat , Spring. month °penis' with
oav ddightful 'wealWr. . It ia
likele ,
the Norther* Otiteri;f The
buds are owelliettp and we may soon es
• roase-4o thatAporks and Montilla
streets and avettof Um Nsilluilal OW
ituithe freesia teat.' But with this,..
forty-el In which to fin
ish the irduoub and important work of
its last sesakiii;.Mo imoabiniN rain or
sleet, seem to have the least weal. The
minor bills, or bills only interesting to
private Mill vidiuthi; are matfett, give way
to those °relational importance.
or the Forty-84mnd Congress have wee.;
ly all arrived. and aro orlikedly survey
ing thogrouud on which they will abort- ly tread , and - the proeppot is torso actiVo
wagon, laathig nntll May.. • :
• CITY YosTAL srsoolr.
' The P. O. Department has put a wag
on constructed for the purpose. into the
letter-carrier rertice of Mir city. It le
In excellent taste, drawn by one hones
and attractemuch attention. 'lt hat=
erste - compartment* for letter.,
and documents taken fur delivery front ;
and return to, the 'Mee. . It promisee to
•be a amocom. ~ • •
", • arcalotmcitormetia,
Or-old deviltries iu a new quarter. Now
conies bubbling up fret the. old Demo-,
eratie taldrou of devil WOW, a new tea
lure' or itteobl one inane* Ana: t ,
' Alba dos sincoameeting et* taw of
the lidtbfut was held In a western city to
(tumult on 'a plea tcusecure a Democratic
triumph In ISM Many, schema , Rare
prommted and canvassed by, the mann,
bled saran., but it woe generally agreed
Wet the only Mao which,: piranhas. sec
ems Is that. adopted in Tesueece.
la and Missouri; TuAbicarti, for the
linos being, all ultra Deutketraist Such as
ithdr, Huffman, Hendricks, dm, whose
daring has lod to defeatnute atter tinge, -
and to takerap Instead mai men as Gen:
Hancock awl 11. Grata Drown, and whip
In all Denauents to vote for them, hop
ing that these men may draw bff enough
of the Republica' strength to constitute
with the Detuucracy, a majority in thu
electoral college. There is no doubt
about this plan being seriously , taovaaa
ed. The Democracy are out and are
likely to stay out, unless they can cap
ture by strategy what they have failed to
do by force. They point to the States of
Missouri Tennessee and Virginia as so
Many tributes to their wisdom and say,
!'we told you so, men elected ,by Demo
crats must act with remocnaa ;' tauter ,
did it, Walker did it, and now D. Grata
Drown la going through the saute pro
nto% These schemer, claim that their
little game so successful Its Mates oin be
trade as successful' over • the United
States. How the game will work- re
mains to be seen. To be asucoess,Shree
Whigs are Mummery, lint, they rely uu
carrying with them certain Republican
Senators. (ray four) nut one of about bar
yet attrued to the plan. Second, a Dem
ocratlecouvention Milan be cloned, cow"
of uderate Democrats, ti or epin
posed m made in the Republican moven._
don, and a man nominated upon whom
the ultra Democracy will Mate without
calling a convention. Third, the- old
tkipperhesde of the north end Rebel. of
the eolith must keep out of the field as
candidates fur Uuberuaturial and Con
gressional honors. A question presents
Itself in this connection of this kind, mu
the Republicans of Una ouuutry be tooled
in a national canvass of this character
with such exantples of treachery before
Diem as the status ofjeliiiismx,, and Va.-
'rho news of the safe arrival of the
steamer Twine:we will; 1111.1 w latsiuli
ens at him Domingo, led Attic a bomb
shell into the comp of the gru ui blurs, and
"1 told you so'i." Hardly a person can
now be found who ever entertained a
atingle doubt as to the safety of the vessel
and its precious freight. /lard as It way
'seem, there Is but little rejoicing among
the few opponents of annexation, who
In a tlt of fanatical sail had trained them
selves to believe that the vessel was lost,
by interposition of divine Providence,
to vindicate the few who have carried
'personal spite Into opposition to public
'lll6lllllOlll. 'Thus far all the oirrespend-'
:outs secompanyin_gtheaxpetiltion, unite
in declaring th /40141 beautiful
and desirable than' Its warmest friends
had claimed fur tt. -Every line from the
expedition thus far goes to prove that
the assertions of Sumner, and the theo
ries of Schur* against the annexation of
the Island, are • without fouudatiou in
fact. ,
• ID regard to the sentiments of thepeo
ple, sturdy old lien Wadearrotejnie,be-
Safe the salling,ot the Tybee: **We dna
'that the people arena in favor of annex
glint; theta foUt was taken en the quer
tion twelve menthe-ego; that the people
that analaimmusly—loaaypc
and are now mote vehement and enthu
siastic In their desires to be annexed to
day than they were then. We andlian•
Doming* rich beyond all comparison—
richer and more teethe In soil than any
of the aurthanding lahuula.7' .Thus is
the Presidenrejunguteat again vindica
ted and his traducers brought to shame
by, showing the facts In the case.
The Democrats In Congress upon the
subject of the enforcement: act, are like
mad bulls with red sheath shook before
them. They mve andthar, and gabellow -
lug In those bodies until fairly exhausted.
The subject being before the Senate on
the 21tb, inst. was the mumbled fur an
other Pentocratie outbreak of isacidied
eloqusince, raving about the "mend bal
lot hoz." " Tyranny,"," the bayonut," .
. We same old stock in trade upon
which they have been trying to do bust
news Mr tea years past. Nu one will ob
ject to the arguments made use of by
them, if made in a good cause, and hon
estly used, but itehould not be Tomotteak
by those who read the buncombe
speeches of these gentlemen, that they
just as buhic:li ilt
is ca lc ulated to st again every
the facts which make enforcement cede
necessary, us they do against the en
torment acts themselves.
In the House every Democrat voted
against sending the it:emu/Wee on
tome to Louisiana, to investigate the
manner In which the election was eon.
ducted in that State which reported forty
Ihuissaiid majority for Seymour, and a
full Democratic delegation lu CoLgreiss.
The Consmitee was sent, and ass sequel.
two Republicans were...twisted and the
election* hi the remaining three
tricts, declared to be so wholly fradident
ibid/hey-were void. In WO a fair elec
tion was held resulting in the election of
a full Republican delegation and an age
greside Republican majority iu the
State of thirty thonsand. •
When the House voted for a special
Committee to in vektigate election trawls
lu Newlfork city, every Democrat vote
ed against the element. The Cum tallies
went and developed the. must frightful
frauds In registration, ballot Ito' stiff
ling, rulitaniain at the polls, and bare
fated perjury In tasseled and obtaining
muuralisatiog papers.
When it was proposal trf<he Senate to
appoidt a Committee to investigate af
lam in the South, every Democrat Sena
tor declaimed against ti, and when the
joint Resolution apprupriatlog thuds to
suable the Comieutee to perform the du
ties; assigned them, every Democrat In
both Houses took sweeten to denounce
it ass political move, or voted easiest it
us order to prqiudissi the people in ad
vanes against any. *min whit.* Wight
be made. _That Use Democracy at-large
are either, as a body; guilty (Odle frauds
charged upon them, or that they fear in
yestigailue of the result of their teach
ings is very naturally
° suggested by th e
election of th eir Repretheudiver ut the
House and Senate. If lenoteut„ they
would court investigation, being guilty,
they tear the consequence. Approioe
of this.. It was asserted a few day since,
by au old gambler front NeW York city,
who seems. to be postai, that the State of
New York was lust to Henry Clay, in
1844, (to use his own words) because the
"tool Wigs" were too damned honest to
Invest ten thousand dollars in .New
York city.
' It Is not denied' by
. Republicans that
the iniftwomeut act ts severe and seerch7
log in itactuirecter,yetit has beeushowu
by the varsousinvestigations held that
the mischief sought to b. neweilled, will
not yield to any milder treatment. It
should be remembered by honest Dem
ocrats, who do nut Wisest to violate the
law, that usme of Its pains or penalties,
fut i r. l,6ll " 'AWL"
wee mph Wane voting Soli dly !brined
a measure, tholes Mather do sot feu'
its penalties for themselves ur
The Democrats, on the other hand up
posiug, show that theythiferwthework-.
tags vi the law.
it twist 'not be , forgotten that the In
tent erne, law " fit to secure a fair vote of
all the. peuVe_ Denim/thy oppose
the brie s crst) sue, omelet' ' to. is fair.
velem' the • 'this Wag the ease,
how am bonsai Delnovrate vote with a
party thus euennitted agibasi fair else-
Motif This question is worthy of more
than passing Me, by slier; outdid
man without regard levalty prejudice.
(Wit 4 retaitiln
thing new and novel. Be remand read
thiadie rtieetnent iti 04f paper beaded
"Greatest Invention 01- the Age." We
believe the Golden Foonteln Pen la 00.: 4
it ultimo!". A gad Pen k a neetailli
Wiry tote, *minis and child: • Agorae
here ism eluerce to make money In Intr o,
deigns gnixi lad st4fisbliartiels; • kr.
' , ll,llerviiberrawlesnribes thaJii
lion in regard to Washington and Jeffer
son Cloilemi is ind nicely to he &Within
ad during Use present year. 'Ws under
stead that s gentleman who was In
Washington city • slatort thnesineerundO
Inqiderlotioislmithe condition: of reser
before this is: X supreme emir!, and
'aistarriadiied that only some eighty pod
bad be.q dispost4 or, and as the . college
owe umilberid something over two
hundred on the IW, there fs little hope
oft laws r f •1i4.134,4 until Midday
toff llsaWaer„ . • '
. .
Air Eituratil,•stop Wet terrible cough,
and thuaiiivold a veitauteptlve'd:
by using lir: Vbitue:v JII, k.:ab or Gold
eft Medical Wu:every, Fur curing all
thrnat bronchial pod...lung illeeiesei,
has Unfit beau equaled. tY,W by drug
gist*. . ' •
The iinnO*l useeth4 of the ineirthera
of the. llasever CUunty 440'11hp-el sie.;
ty, tor the ehajkot of carer* and uunt;.
pea fur the uumulni year, will Loihold
at tb• nheritris uttice Its !leaver, ou Mon
dui; Maras 20, lira, • at ltt uiluck, r. us.
inere;244. A. ft: Nowt{ Beer
tite.dent cagy.) '
by Rev Juu& Ilrunn;"hlr. Wut. Head
' hatd,• to 'Mini Wale ilateog, all of
Kuub, Ileareet ouustly. • •
liEßN—McCULl.oo3ll—Velikl9th, by
fey. Joarph 116111uphotod, Alintandur
tient cud Jdary 1110.:alluugb, both of
Bearer county. Pa.
SAItTO3I-11AK ER—At the reeldeuee
of, the bride's Whir, on the =at
by Wtst. shriek*, my., Mr, Wm; •Iltu ,
ton of North newlekley'tdwurblp. to
.1/Issa limitig - Daher, of floweret!
townebip. .
MOKRISON—At the Deaver County
Your House, ma the tZ4 uIL, Eliza
Murr4wi, aged T.l years
Obltuary.—Died, February 18th, at
the residence of hor father—William hi(.
Doude—in Heaver Falls, Pa, Mrs. Bar
bara A.; McMillin, wife of J. /I; Mc/slit;
len; Its the 93tla year Or her use. -
The deceased, at strearly age, nude
public profession of her faith In Christ,.
and connected herself with the timbre-
Asa church, of which she contiuuelA a
consisteut and faithful utentbm until her
Joins.: Although she OSIWOO.CII a desire
that her health might be restored, yet
she was, resigned to the will "et Lim
whoidoeth all things well." Through all
.Im...sickness, which hulled 'about kiln
suositits, she was never knOwn to mur
mur or 'repine. On the day of her de
parture, and huts short time before she
fell asleep. when asked by her husband.
"Is Christ precious, l'an you trust all
to Lien T" she answered, unhesitatingly,
in the aflinuative. Whikt all around,
her were bathed to tsars, she oh ne re
:twined mint; and sank to rest as gently
and serenely sis thesaunter's pun sinks'
imbind the western hills. Mrs.
toe WWI a faithful cud loving wifu, anda
devoted Christian, She leaves a husband
and a large circle of friends who mourn
their loss; but nut a ithout hope, for we
trust that she lies gone to that laud where
"tho Inhabitants shall nut say f SW sick;
tho people that dwelt therein shall be
forgiven their',lniquity." Though we
hope to meet our loved one "in that bet
ter land," yet the thought of our lona Is
a grief almost too heavy to be porno ,•
"But whesekwe emt•pt Ik, aorchlese .deli 'ism
Beyond where epleudld Wore the alto( del:
*ad weeping aster lead her to Mote bee ere
Where eodleee phloem virtue's deed* warp.
ANA .bale preeetepttroiss Mortals Delved arraign;
dud, mull. tioLtlite Providettee mummer -
Alt au: far dy hems me attempt. so vale.
• 1%1 °e'er tutbealteloo to my trod refuse.
Yet hi reesestbratiee Or these virtues dear;
Yet troth tin memory of that beteuar We;
41U1 they CSii forth my warm affeedoere teen
Still In my bout Mato theft wooed place.
Nero Advertisement.
Sf 1WAPIT111).-74e. sadershiond sW
.1 pay Opal:beat pice la caah far tar. of all tias
salptliaa. Ile wishes the Far Company of Bet
eat . wady to best
.1a mind that ha ha. tra
la itoasey ammoitlif
Will catch sad bring blot a mama akin d pot
able. bat dead dt Wye.) weighing , peemds.
tUL. R. WALTU4. ,
Indartry w. Match 8.1571-41(
ELUNM tiTUNSIX.n.a gesrial witorownkt'af
Celie, qUtwiiowar..,Wale. elltiLe4
.4c.. Cot. it & Broadway. Lut•Ltvrrpool,
tiOnilATriliii iTivilent m U.
ij Good. Clothing'. BOCi/ Shots. Mtn a. Cap.
unrpets. eeU Clutha. Queenntnns.froo-vrarit. se,
eon Broadway &Coot N. & Llverpottl. tsarS;ly,
L'ISTATIE W. lie. Wedyg Deed.—
Letteri of Admhiletrallue mew the et tate of
Woe Korestedg. Iste of the borough of
cheerer, lIIIVIIIg been granted to the Itoderehttied
.r.ldlett he Fold borough: • All person,. Indebted
thert•to ate requested to role pastueut end those
harlot; dale. optima II IS 111 prpaut the *aura da
b' autheutlcated Sur eettletneet to
tuarg:fitgl K. L. POWER. Adair.
• •
E. & H. T. ANTRONY'ac CO•,
591 Breadwar, New-York.
Invite the attention 1.1 the truth; to their
extet:slve , amorimeut of the above goods,
of their (new publication, manufacture
and istoortatimit . •
Ahial. ,
7 9
\p4r .
311 d
E..& H. 'ilk Antimony & Co.,
51)1 Broadway, New York.
Oppooite Iletropolintullptc:l
Importers and Mantifunturers Of'
usurtgi l—ly • •
eli% - a'VLOI I I£I6ISO
814111 littagittt.
A full nud well selected stock of,
gar a Liberal Reduction mule td Min
isters nud on Church •Carpt:l3.
uovAnD::noSs& co_
'YI Fiala Averae.
iumW7l-431 PItT613111•1(111, Pst.•
" Street,
Bo ruettiti~'
_ 'Annum! and ltagiberry
Sada Ali stem. Syrups !sad Ckler, • usith s
Keuiiett; Wahlistightik Sad the brit
(install' tif,Ale'stia 'London Po der. st 4 ed•
ed and bornt bottled for NWlcal awl Foul
ikt use. Used* qelleeted rree. 03'13;1111Y
, far libm iaWrNloaslb. Aaagutvace.
Llatat fiTrLfeitaawst Nardi
. .
'PPM JablaKW. Outal *arm .
lakbael llt a.widla7
Jahn ••1 • «... - .
.Jacub Niro. ••• , . Lantab
Julioahrodi. " „ -
Win likinartalL .` •• • • ' • „
LANA Immo •
Incased Dusuutei .
84efhm put *.• •
Edciardt.:, •;. Vaasa Valk •
-auks &Imam . - - (Walk* .
W Watt soli! 'joins ; - niximwr
„ T ....a Diann
Is quatlika at leas ' Was
wt. swam wla paw gaudy am War.,
• Pow Atoclmpreor benv
LB bane* •
!B°1!"". • .JOUSI Mar, L7r2 '
.W. 'MUT, . ..... T. NARK&
.1%;. MILL R & ce.•
• ontractors and:Buildersi.
: AND .
I:l4toci.rfia. Eitan/laki
C..a.taatly uu hands, and wade to o flier.,
Ittraharraten,:ipa. , _
Ciders by null will tervir. pnnnpt at•
to itior„ • , • , r
el )
1 late won•lerfal medicine to which the iM kin'
ire ahms pointed •Ps relief. the dfccv.ver'r te
Z li iLI tau comhiscri Ls Aormeny imote of Na
ra'. m )01 ineelltlZl ' curative pneiertiee, whirl
.1.1 hte tutilled Into the vegetable bhicansi fee
b 'din r, tto e vick. than were ever beans combined
I. e, i tuslklue. The evidence of [Die fact I.
Yi ' I iv the areal variety of most Wirtinate Ca
', i. wbloh it has been found to conquer. In tin
rues of Illeouelettlo. Moor. Coupler..
all the Golf lilie4 of Commit merit ea, It bat
14,11411 the medical esenitf. sod 'valiant phy
striate pronounce It the greatest medial 'Shane
ry of the ate.. While it cores the serenest Coact.
It et:ea.:thous the system and purifies Mae
blood., By its great and tharoughl Mood purify
let Properties, It cure. ail HO ailisildic from tin
ward fle ro ?she to • common RI adelit, .1.1.
pie. at Eris palm,. Mercurial disease. Mine
cal Poisons, and their effects, are amMaited, ma'
rigorism health and a wood constitution nub
tithed. Bryalre las, Solt Illeestas, roves
sera% licitly or liontrie Skin. la short
all the numerous diseases ceased by bad blood
are conquered by this powerfal petrifying and In
11 tog medicine. • •
Myren fed del. drowsy. debUltaled, bare sal
low color of ski; or yellowish brown mots ca
face or holy. frequent Udder-he or disalmilM. bet
taste la =alb, internal heat or 'chills .Menaces
with hot fl gibes, low spirits, and gloomy Ibrehod
Inc% Welder appetite. and tongue coated, yes
• suffering frees Torpid Liver or 4 1111*
loueneom.” la,staar cues of "Liven
elomplolutll ably part of these symptom
NMI eCperienor. k.
ki. t a rem e t , be A seek own
De. Platte's - Medi Dtaeoirerylsl o 4
Neal, as It effete perfect cares. leaving the :
strengthened and healthy. Per the care
Mahatma, Constipation of the.bowels I -
Is a Deter failing remedy, and those who hart
need It for this pmnose are loud
sward praise.
The proprietor edam IMPS for a midi
sine that will equal It foe the cure of di the die
owe for which it Is rest mended.
Roll hy drill-dote at $1 per bottle. hemmed Im
R%4.Plerec. M. 14,„ Sole Proprietor. at his Owns
iett To . .saapn-,. 131 R•nwt Street. lielfalo, X. V.
• 4 . - '..- •.. , !•• •• •I'or a i.a^la'll 1.
Notice to Bridge Contractors. •
Communises BMW& Bursa, a
. reams" Inn Bal. I
Sealed propose!" will be remind at tick cake, by
the Board of county COLOIDWOIIeft, mud Setup
day Mardi Ittlita, MI, at 10 &Mk a. au. ter lie
mesa:lm sad topentracture of lea Lion
of about tilly•llea Mt open each- and aim=
teen fret roadway; to wic Use over Bkrelklioase
Me in Palatal towandp, where the liannouy
mad moms the man; one over Brash Creek. near
Mechanicsville in North fiewlekicy towitinip; 60S
over the tame mak. at Palmorille in New Myrick
ky township; me over Big Travis' creek I. Ban
user township. where the tleorgetown and pins
bmg rued crosses raid et wk. and that' hue struc
ture of the bridge at Koefer's Bill. oeer_ Big Tts
ria• creek. al.° in Liazurrer trunnhip. Prepaid"
for No structures Must be accomenkd with a
IMMWIOI4 itivinif the tout weight at the con mad
wrought Irma of each bridge; the general work-
BIS ellwaillbJud the ultimate or beeektag strettott
tack per Mien &MA as well a. Ma greetrot wad taw
wm Maw apselludieue
tor the mommy or sold bridges may be seen at
this aim imm the Ant day of March antil the
day 01'14:allay. Th e Commisoloaers wUI remove
the right to rend as; or alikids.
By order of County Com els, mere •
... 1911111 XMOLTN, pert:
• The nnikreigned. byeiMp_of Poirmot Anor•
bey to elm given ibo widow Mid heirs of Wm,
Darldeon, Sr. deceased. artilatfer for rent for one
year from A prU let, Inni. the fallowing property,
via :
Ibur .I.aTens adwakil la Chippewa Tp.
eontelaiss reepealilvely4L, 73, TA, and ail woe.
Alen. a number of Lots to the Dorn' of Bridge.
water. belonging to the rotate of mid deeemed.
Pm Molter innermatkm call at bye reoldepec.
nett Bear T., mt the.Tumauanaa road. or alarm*
lam at Bearer C. H , Pa. JOS. C. WILSON.
ntarhlar • • Ally In feet, ite
D u. Jon. C. LEV., Surgeon 41: PhY
-021cr, during We day. at Duntay's
Comm al l:Clgtit at mirteulde nee oa Warer arca.
likidgewster. Yu. .Wlllpracticel4nrgery auMed
icine. [martlrgti'd awl
°TICE' lo hereby civets that the Mowing se
ll counte of Executor., Adnunisindoro,
4us. de, here been daly newt' In the /teener •
oblee sad will bnpreeented In the Orphans Court
for Continuation and allowance, on Wednesday
the day of Man*. 18:11 •
Final account of Chao. C. andfleo. F.. Muncher:
inn , or George Boa KAM', deemed. • •
coast of Ganes eleasea, edit halettutor of
the tate orduhn Ituckreight, deonsed.
Final account ofdames Read Jr., admlelstrpor
or the estate orJanoes deed. Cr., demised.
Abed and pereonalestatesecounto of Woi.dolon.
ston adoi r. of the eftate of Joltn Derry. Ireared.
Aount of Robert W: Scott. eters t of the
wilt of Marearet Bayne. deamwed. •
Account of John lictlrown, ad Wont nttor of tbn
rotate of Zactoon Septum, deed. "
Account of Mary A. Calla ma, &Mondani:lz of
of the estate of Rosen Calhoun, dreamed
Aeon - t of Jesse Mercer, administrator of the
unite of John Nercer.demaseil.
Fluaraccoant of Minna Potter. - administrator
of the cabin of Balmy Reed decreed.
Account of 3. ?Wide. inseam of Chas. U. Nla
hid coo of James Sickle, dictum .
Real and personal MCCOOIIb. of Edward Even..
Wier of the emote of Daniel Enna decanied.
• Accoant of F. .1. A Samuel David 1100, "Andra. of
Wm. Davidson, sr.. who was executor of We no
tate of William Eldon, deceased.
Amount of George Gardner, adadnistmlac of
.llkhael Miller. deceased.
Flul account of Jane Dowling. execatrls df the
bat will mid testament of John Hood. deceased.
Final amount of Jobs Donde, adaddstrator of
the estate of Mary Duds. deceased.
Ammons of El izabeth and James B. Fergana*,
executor* of David Fergusoo, deed wbosnie toe
guardian Midi and Clarence May, children of M
ien May. deceased.
Ael of W. P. Townsend. sreantlan of William
Uililiand, von of illauhew tandoori. deceased.
Acconot S m ith Lt. h. Marquis, circular of the
will of Ur. thinslogloion dreamed.
Account of Y llerteobedi a It Fuchs. executer.
of tire will of Conrad Llartenttach. dccesscd.
Real mid pommel accounts of Elizabeth J ame_
ton. others of the offames Jaraeroo. dyed.
Final soucurt of J. K. Thompson, atiministratos
DI the estate of Robert Stinson. dacemed.
Final account of Joseph Coooe.Ladner euesfer.
, entente, of Joseph Gunnel, deceased.
Beal and personal accounts of Laura D. Fisher,
darter of the estate of Ebswell 11. Fisher, deed. ,
Account of Robert Doris, administrator ol the
state Mre. Eliza Leech, desensol.
Account of J. W. Baths, guardian of ii - ebeera
Loon.. Child of William IL Carson. deoused:
Ao:onet of J. C. Wilms. administrator cum for.
lanwrib aestrze, of estate of Jane Wiese. deed.
Rent and personal actounte old C. Meow. ed.
astnistrator of the maim disk K. KlicbsiL deed.
k Intl account of Ennis Hardee, adder ds bolds
sox, cum lettameato worm, of Jostah McCown,
deceived. • . ,
Aomori' otT. Harker. gunnies of Kart 4
kr., child of Sampson, ilukeeoicecueoL.
Mal account of JamewThompees.lididatetra.
for of the meat* of John Thompson, decoy e d.
Yloal aceonut of John Mortal, adatinietotor of
the mate of VIM Itatoca. deceased.
Final account of William Dtela.adolnistcatwt of
the mimeo( Connuthe Wilsoyer. &cooed.
Yhol account of John Pteetckitdmlhbtralar of
the bate On Pena's.] of Janice Darns, deed. •
• Meal acomit of S. IL Wilson, seq.. Itzecutoeuf
the will of Elzahent Workman, &wooed.
tetft.Orl ' V. 151,,0f WALTON. Jfrf i.
• .
e 6, 'tai the
l /th.
nye *Veer.
14A Th tr
e ealbor
Pwill Met pablir oak% prelllo4 be"
Saturday, Marrh 11314, Lill, at 3 p.• m.
der foltowler brmi,Witad Moo Ole eerier of re.llll
Wood wad lower= oboe. fo lb*
• flosof Iwo florin with foot moor. Lb sad
Malian new not red attar soolerorelb. rood be
t.rtabolepk.hesasphillerbri4=ro47..boros. 4
Tense ray.
NOON,' Arcot ihr Xn. lf amen Mode/.
$300 , 112. MONTH? • 3
All poipei: rater "or old. dodder 'rte. r
plOpPtiat of from Owe to ?blies LIU&
dr.* paws per mouth. oloosld oldreso Im•
4 2 arartelyGlloll d CADT,SoIe blasetactor
iererriimarettell. blirldras.
las bike Sale of Howse and Let la
• liwilletubw.--Tbs saderstswed• Steel.
tor of *girlhood testament of Jobe ladrely,
d 111 export' topablle sole of his 'Terre,.
"mon 7, Kart G. WM.& II o'clock p.
eine of amid abuts la the borough -of &Wee
'nem Baran ceunlis r briar lot allLo add
lboroorti. banded cri The blurt "*.
ens by Woaerdasel. emelt by Ist.Na.lll awl west
by torynde Wt oo M
brae dw risti
elling boom; wO 3 a Lo r i ' Mortal? O-s beim
lop_reltable saber Ise 1' duelling or store mossy
TlllOlB-1411 pa=rt. of lbe combat looney
to b• paid lu bend. p+4 the Wipe/ as Ow LM
day Or April Mt. •
MAY L maw. Icuestoi,
44 11_23'604 of Thoviaidi: '
. fa
; 'S,
"ii 11 3,,
1 1 1
'I I
. , . ... ... p. I
ill a ' c-
mesas NOrAMLS ~ ,
Sou at Prof V am. Wllittetuty.' Proof illaltrita •
tat litiboo LAtoorodoetormasalooll solettece ,
gaol to ahootao Woe. .18.4 olootaa.o.lpatus
tok"..atatomo," *a.. UM lead es ttOpkt , ea ea •
Itaskaaam tad tota. but an i Ulm 1414115bie Mai...,
too tit Native Loots tot Eats ot.CollAmnita.tre a ,
%wit all Alcoholic lialoochuus. Ttsr cso'lh. , '
alma macs rcs. I.3moralei ali -
Livirwsiof et the illybilm. erryter <a all pe:Linuata
motto: sod 00.4441,.... I ..... l 1.c.41 to ,1ra1tLy...L4.14,,.
So ipenav ma 11... L a i'...c r..3:1..zu unc4.c.:....; ig . i. ? .
leo sad nielaiii4..;,. ._ :1
Woo wall., g1r..f.r.... Lanni:4. iell, .... !
IS boast ore rot &Alvaro! II elLat.ra 1 cf.,. %.
Alf saw. ald t 6. '.Ltd aroma .111*“.4 L4,,,,,m.
Nat atesealr. . . .
Zoo hallaumout err mid cameos.
Ara nod Oast. Ovittosata. ae lualgost too,
illtlawa, lieaattlert am/ I otoralittest Ycvt c.
Illattaaav rf tka Moe/. liver. littlao), , L..
litgaitait. lbw Milani tate Leto' v i al tocc.fa
11. bomb Stairatte - • toe commit ly
Med. eLleb 4yetsMf ith.:aectl
tftb Dlscsalvo
DYtarglihitlA Olt I XIIIWESTIOit.
Woe. nibs la ths I.lhadit.i Ceeete,l%,y,Li...aa • I
Mott, pleseseta, fold Enctsttoes cf the Mete;
the la the hletth. abate Attaets. Talpitte ;
7e Oa Mort, lailastuttloa air the LOOP. Tatala tLe
reelehe of It. WALD, oats buds* (Act roa.:l
lyloptatathato tha ottbriopai,Dy•apaya:A.
tio f Loolgarata the stomach sad altruists t:L. i...
pld lbw sad boweit,s-LkS readiaitbota ota.oeq . cano.l
oCleasy la cbaanalsty tLa Mood of all bayou:nobs. Li
butottkat w bLa ad vlyot b the aim! sydast.
VOA SIM DIAIZABII3, Empties's. Totati.l.lU
ICbrata. Inatabsa:l444... MIAs. Ilettol
vaigaYottoa. kg:waxes& ion yolattit*.
Asa. ltais, scary. Direolorstlooa of Qs Skim,
tad Naomi of tba Lila. of "Lawlor soma 01 IthCara;
Ittetaty day ip bad autiell act of tie vitt,* La
than Lisa by the oral Igoe taws. Os* WWI Ls
snob mesa win iambic, tbs moat laeradokaaa of Sole
eatittos aact.
anon lho /Wand Mod ir Senior Tao toil I: . s
toparitin borstiog tough tlio ult. Is /nip* gny=
does or Sons doing 11 obeli ma 20 It o.ll2tega
stattrida hi lb. Tans; el aria U. %Soo Ins nor;
sad roar draw tit NU no ohm, 'Corp W bind
pin sod tin kola id the mini sat Wow.
ro. TAM sad dam WORMS. lurtnetio
organ id so any thoossiis. on eirearstr diesinf
or sad removed /or roll Otroction. rand esneilif
Ln etreslsr woad eon boSlls, lArsadl. lboniss.
rogoo-roitlik,Gonedia. ►nods sod IprotO.. • •
ALLIEZIL Props Woe. IL IL IlcDoll.2i CO.
hagelsia ant
O. Aosta. ass Yrs=lsal;
• salllllmilliCaomare• Wed. Nom Tat
arrow 17 ALL intuaalsrs AND Dui=
GOII SAL/S.- The intdrrqglud ti t,, fue oda
A: OD eAloy tlw Luo.e nd h.t uu ClAirt.f of
Found ,trrt .d la.rauce ellry, fa borough of
Lot 1:.1 , :1•31 bowe two stocksrflb4
row.. ban .4 klic:waa aud.b.l; zood
Ice hung,. hud It o: her urtrroary wabdlldftigo;
trill tree., wartwo. phooki,le. on lb* WI
DA 11.1:1. ItAlSlfft/Elt, Avid
fur Mrs. Ilaron4 INDLy.
lasenelatlista Or l'aritteiraltl
D—^aut ano-ot y.►la a huintehl ham twee ahs.•
almost bum 111”. day by menial assent.' All
!bar Wain/ tlismesultus Weasel to the aka'
Ana will Nina their amounts bythe kg edlltebe
rotary with abider 'wall* be tweed to give
the hide for concedes. Y. Sent YY
Hawing to the .bore. I beg to aaaoaace to the
public Cl lkarrr coady
: Met I will tem at; ott
Rey cell accusal. tbe lity Goo& h wiser at the
old eland: sad. au assure every eve that ale will
be Ike piste to .c.l ha= e w
i. as hiretolote, Dry
ac. Y. SCOIII7/P. •
a li c t
The undersigned will matinee Um Iteedy-Mal.
CSMADIZ And Merchant Tailoring bashers. se
Itennoerre kept trader the Om of tiebittir Stele.
AM. ean liihr own account sad; kW the purpose of
making mum rue the Spring Uooda ha caws. for
day daye, tilecntlre stuck at Ckierngat met. At
the sum time be farina the public that the cm
perfected Cutter. W. A. Boar, Ma again
et the; Merchant Department, wh=
will be happy to MO Ma old &Made.' •
; 40*.liair .
ilintsom, , harm' Whin Mid - of
alns yid Foundry inula, In itarliester, Pa"
will be *seed to woes Ids old customers sad
facade who nay' want elfher the DM COOK.
ING STOVE Mating More, waxy otter End of
Dollop of bort martial and whim:Alp. The
budium• will be conducted FF
NOTICX Li hereby given that Use Court of Ap
seals Or the several boroughs and
of tearer county, .1111 beheld by the wooly Core,
'miarionere, at the Unica and place+ devigusted.
fin the year 1111. to nit:
&mousy tp, Ore. C Mines, Feb. 4Rk.•
Freedom and tit. Clair haro's, .11ctkiskey dt
Ken's stare, Feb. Seth, turetwou.
Baden bore., 3. T. [ark's' store. ireb. Idth
• Ittebeeter born and tp., Dosicesices
• '
March tit.
Perfekt tp.; Matti Wallace's, Mertltid. •
New r.secklo.tP, GU.% MG*.aL.
Neer Drightou born, Keystoao hotel, sumo Mk.
• North Sewickley fp,. Naiad ILMINVO, Much Mt
Franklin v.. AutreesltltNdkostsv Meedulth.
Marlon George Mach Mk.
Ik•airet Falls and Pallerson..., 'trachea'. betel,
March Kith- •
llig livaier ite,l Galilee,. John ion .licteei
March Mil.
Darlington born. and tp., Anderson'i Motet.
Ilarch till.
I p h p v i trt t igr i girl Lan": =l6l'
FaiLien noro.. SelsnasaFer,. March rib.
Brkglatun tp.. D. W. Scotto, Ainll'34.
UWrl , A 1 02 . • el.nj Ariall Mit
Gewilelowo berit SNlteleu a itory,'APet alt,
tito.g t er hero., Je•ver Notith*a. April sth, Orr.
• . . .
Industry tp, Aber 's Odra% ril Oh.
litidgmater born.. J. M. Iterd's hotel, April Till.
Burunsb tp. sad &aver .bona., Consuitantonene
• dice. Aprll nib.
MOOElhenry&km's, April MO.
ilopswelitp., Pat.os and Calvsvfa, April
Independence tp.. Ms& busepsses, April
Ramona tr.. J. IL Vials ty's slurs, April II b.
Ildllpsbarg bora. • T. Lor , ikleiknet SWOT, April
• . •
Ht 6„ . . .
tlookatown kora. and Urveste 1p„ awataingatea
lotto% April 7itb. l
/frankfort honk and Mower tp„ Isaac POMO
don's, Al'„. lath.
AVID W. tworr,
JtarttPll HIRIITAIK, %. Commlailoneri.
1 1 00 K ILERIL
It may not Is• a muter of siPicial .
tem:it to the iwfrplir 14 Beaver" count lo
know what is transpiring between
William. Nap eon 111, It'Sinitic".
Teoehu in Europa, but it is smatter that
effects them materially to know where
they can buy limy end clamp tIItOCEII
- • .
S. Co..
At their old ilntiti in Bearer. Pa., are still
furnishing to their customers everything
03114.11 (item their lino. They always keep
a fell woortment of
/lour, Feed, thffees, 7bas, Sugars.
• Apiee4, •
l'obaccci. and Cigars*
'Ana all oilier unuatts usually ~anst
Ina First Class •
.From their tongued intimate acquaint
ance with the Grucery; Flow; and Peril
tautness. and their dispooltisn to ren}dor
satishtetion to those who may favor I.lon
wi'.ll their patronage, they hope In the
as, in the past, to obtain. a Übe&
share of the public, ostrowese. ..• •
Givp its a Call
. anthsts if we do sms mute it toper's
tercet to callagaln.
isas. . d. tiNITOEIL ibto. •
widerolgosed LIMN: Innight 'Olt Ms llno
hey not Coolortlomoy • einoldlohaleint of J.
V. dam WV la Waollsosbar.".,
won 4 nopeethatte Inform Me public 1001 - b• .111
Keep At beet quality of Opriare
wYIA leo mime to story sole ; also will .oupply
rhombi Me cm et nooseable. wawa Tiara la
fn mud tOm should give m an early all.
Uls Coollnetlooery depeonment Is WSU Mocked:
,joo4 pones, wedding*. are, wilt b. 'VO' wig*
everything weed on GUM sat Stn Iblp beet
of Myler.
Ilendoied whit Irodi hood in ahro
deolred. ‘11190.01K indralhanll9lco.
A - —ATOM. Navies. —Lei
!IL ton Alablatrailosiliarls; we WWIIMs
welsettb„ Sea ver t en on Ow
o• odnly e 4. Div
ee t. id ginNawoir
Ip. d
solm ledelited to mokl Maio Nip riquieelied to auk*
lausoliale , impost; aa4. 1100 Inlet. chains
noise. Übe ramie yin present Melo dal) , satkeoll.
wed far 'Miasma m
ww. J. srpottax, d.•n.
iJ 01rT..00RtSUCILItr., deed,—Latter. llos
tatoeitory epos Qs mato of Itoltort ammo\ tic.
Oeo:d.. Woo( litylopeodesee toossOlD. Boom ON
PL: 11 •1 1 A Ulm mated In tie sadinagdoe, rtt
venom tosoliptilot um aototo Ni Oolomtiot
to Soto pawn*: lad Utemoo Wise, adios ototlot
Ike state_to ppwat awe wittioat Gay to
WM: 11001),Itsee000 to
ItnlrT 0011tSVC11. bokpoodolloo Woo. ,
WO* . . • • -