The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 08, 1871, Image 2

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The.Be,iier Ailtis;.
4..WSTAND, Sums AND rsorsurroz.
Beaver. Pa.. March Sib. 11571.
Tun bill providing for thOceletnii.
lion of the hundreth university of
owl Independence. st,PhlladeliAtia, oh'
the Iburthotiely l lll7olspisedbot4
flows of Congress. AU Pentisylvani
tins will rejoke at the selection of our ,
chief city, - pe.the pitiee for' thisitiost
interesting detnostnttion.• '
11634 - Twoliss H. , Bunn°Wrst
Pres% of 140)114w:61:a 4rialitund
College,dledathfa raddenettiallentre
county on the27th ult.,,ldr. Santarem
had been a prominent men iltlhbi
Stale for arimber, of Va ,il: 494
beenfieeretary.of /Rate, litate WPM ,
it:amid/at of Publictlatools and edit.
or of the.fliato School Jonrnal,allot
which iloaltions he filled satlailtaorily
to the people, In whose interakhei,
TnE bill creating a territorial forta
of Government Itlr the District, of
Coluuabla has passed both lionam - of.
Congress, and been, illg4d, by, the
President, under the requirements of
the act the President appoinetd
lieury D. Cooke of .12leorgelovn
C. as Governor of the the New Ter
ritory. This appointment seems to
give general satisfaction.
, Tun labors of the Forty-first Con
gress have been concluded, and a now
Coeval takes it place. Very little
important business has been done
this seeekin. Those measures, which
the public were most anxious to hive
passed, the repeal of the Inconie Tax
and the abolition of the Franking
Privilege, have, through most dex
trous manamiering, been laid over
from time to Alum until the exPira-
Lion of the session. An unusual
nurnberof subsldyschemmhave been
considered and defeated.' One °four
leading weeklies Says, on the whole,
" The last session, though in appear-,
once a barren one, has been -really
very creditable, owing to the &didn't
nearly every thing has been left
alone." In the new Congress, fifteen
contested election cases are pending,
with the probability of there being
two or three more, which is certain
ly a great improvement; there, latii
ing been over thirty contests in the
House of last Congress.
To apportion the State satisfacto
rily to both of the political partial,
will be attended with no little diffi
culty'. Each party having control of
one branch Of the iLegislature it Is
not likely that a bill 'originating in
either will become a law withou
changes by a conference committee!
The House had not yet perfected its
bill; but the one • presented by the
Senate districts the State as follows:
It proildes that Until the next sep
tennial enumeration there shall be
thirty-prate Senators and one hun
dred ItepresentatiVes. The follow
ing is the.Sellatorial apportionment:
Philadelphia four, Chester and Dela
ware one, Montgomery one, Buckii
and Northampton. one, Berke one,
Lancaster 'one, Schuylkill one, Le
high and etrbon one, Dauphin and
Lebanon one, Luzern, Monroe, Pike
and Wayne two, ,Bradford, Susque
hanna and Wyoming one, Columbia,-
• Lyconilng midi Sullivan one, Potter,
. Tioga, McKean and' Cameron one,
Clinton, Northumberland ; Union
and. Montour one, Blair, Cambrla,
Clearfield and Elk one, Cuinberiand
and York one, Adams and Franklin
one, Huntingdon, Bedford and Ful
ton one,Snyder, Juniata, Ce -
ter atidTerry one; Allegheny threes
JefferSon and, Armstrong
one,' Somerset • and Westmorelan'd
one, Fayette, Greene and Washing
ton one, Beaver, Lawrence and But
ler one, Clarion, yenango, Forest
and Mercer one, Crawford, Erie and
Warren two: i • '
Th4 ., lbilowitig is the Representa
tive • apportionment : Adams and
Franklin two, Allegheny seven.
Armstrong one, Beaver one, Bed
ford and Fulton one, Berke three,
Blair one, Bradford, Sullivan and
IVYuming• two, Bucks, two, Butler
one, Umbria one,
..Cameron and
Clinton one, Carbon one, Chester two,
center and Clearfield two, Clarion
Lind Forest one, Columbia ofie Craw- .
ford two, Cuuiberland one, Dauphin
two, Delaware one,. Erie two,. Elk
and Jefferson one, Fayette one,
Greene one,Huotingdon one . , Indiana
'ono, JuniatrAlifillivand Perry Nto i
Lancaster three, Lawrence one,,Leb-.
anon one, Lehigh •two, Luzern° and
Monroe five, Lyeoming; Snyder and,
Union two, Mercer one, McKean and
Potter one, Montgomery two, Mon
tour and NOrthumberiand one, Nor
thampton two, Pike and Wayne one,
Schuylkill three, Somerset one, Sus
quehanna one, Vega one,. Venango
one, Warren one, Westmoreland
two,'Murk two, Washington one,
Philadelphia nineteen. •
According to the figuring of poli
ticians this apportionment makes the
Senate stand seventeen - Democrats to'
sixteen Republimits, the I louse fifty
one Dentocrula to hirty.:ftino .Itepub-
Heins. "
The Timm, wig 'very likely
give the Republicans a small major
ity In both bnmehtsi of' the Legisla
ture and then will wail the tug Of
• THE treaty• or poses 'agreed upon
by the representatives or theaerntan
and:Frenehttowers soma ten days ago
wai ratified by the Frelich Asseinbty
' on last Wednesday. The vote stood
yeas #lO to* 107 nnytt. • Om the same
day the Gerntans'entenid Paritniltle
out eneountering any i cllsturtsuccei.
The entry of the Gesuians=be
conquered city Is Mimi -1111
*At the pour which had Been
al, Wu u'eluelF.:,,the :deal , rPprostada
the Corps oi the vidorieus army en- '
tercel the cadent° under the *pi of
hhilmperild MaletitY. "Iriacceihisame
with the proiramMe, aored b the
• splendid wmcher,the Eleventli amps,
numbering 80,000, with Anetpsix
pieces of field artillery i t lnd the us
ual voportion ta ialry,l ander :coin
mend of General Von Ease. advanc
ed • lu two ooluinus;. One et: Porte
Neuilly, the other at Pont Du Jour.'
The fernier advanced at alatild 'pace
up the avenue - opm! .krisse, direct
'for the Arcola Trpunphs the.Preneh
troops vacating , hestmets as iliatier•
mums approaehcd, Thnether oolumn,
entering at the Yont OA Jour.. below;
'Aitluiel, eotinntakced , : • the snitch'
a ono the qta9r on thei . nolith aide ca
the gehle; Attlit f.(if um .1140 de .1a
ponconie, where' the Modeavoue of
:the two minima in axe& - •'
The sone surrendered to the 'Ger
mans was aluMst entirely tree of
French. It comments a 4 at ' the ett
tnSne sou th west corner of the enuicote
Whitt forms a point and rugs to Ole
shape of an irregular triangle. Of
which the Seine' forms the lust WO,
thidwlente from Pont du Jour . to
Per WlTlrne Lho west, the Faufierg
Rio Royale
n.4:11104. ,uejOIMPOO,6I-10 -1111
Rao Royale to thoenclente 0011112
(term- banw.-"Thonlyvtgatrwith•
In , theso limiteretained by . therrench
are ° the baking establisliments Of the
td,iiiryi. do *ls
thb Pont du Jens.. The triangloym
well chosen for strategic purposes,
with Its right protected by thei3eine.'
Nothing could exceed :the splendid
appetuauce of the fii4s;tlesplte"Jlip,
Wird service:they had seen. • The rest
shoaled two during' the. armistice
have (Alliterated most 'of
theliaceidft.he. 4/1401640?
• The shops cl osed thewindows fie-
InittlidUtreets; and the aspect,of.the
03934'dcitolate:' The 'prittlclpti Are
*Kited as i) . lqints. every ,ivenud.
tvith lines idiom Mee across the streets
yi prevent the soldiers going: beyond
the line, of denutriattott; Rowlett
to fweltie,o'clOck,n t in: the ,santft' fut;
pest was presented, ;with ,more-we.,
pleb the streets In small CroWds, and
With more liatiwits 'on duty. At
the Ituaikryalsr. Bitten andtbeAlett
Concorde there are double lines of
wagons cutting oft communbstlon
with"clvilluns, ,who urn allowed to
pion the Cluutip tlymat.' Most. of
the.wouten out are in.mouroing and
going to times. "The"men are
Pressed In - points, and the convent&
tlou le an the. unfortunate 'stab? of '
l'arls and .F.rance.. ',bat Ino, Omits
against the government. , At 'Wight
o'clock a. rn. hardly, a, person , was
seen. AR tbe bowies are closed.
At. b a. up,, the head et: the pr .t e l ehm
advance was seen rounding the Arc
de Triomphe. To the surprise of the
few, who were present, both mon and
women Were Men Inirrilag away in
tears, and only boys, and few
workmen were left. The German
Hussars galloped down every avenue
leading' to the Champs Elysces, to
search the streets • branching then:-
frono Not the slightest ittempt,at
disturbance 'oCcurred. The umduet
of, the peopie was actin treble. About
4,000 tufazstrycina , cavalry only id
**need. There was no music, but a
druin wa%beat and trutepetsciund-
Cd. A Splendid body of men, whose
marching le equal .to bowoehold
troops, halted opposite the 'Pahtis
d'lndustrie, which was at oike taken
possession of by the hussars. A few
Uhiana ride down the Place de la
Concorde, whore they view with de-.
listen the•htcea of the statues covered
with crape. The Gertnans are as
tonished at the mournful aspe: el of
the city and the desertion "of the
The German troops all eVucuated
Parlaslu Frldity last, in accordance
with the terms of the Peace Conven
tion. The French Mobiles and Na
tional Guards, have been disbanded;
and the treneheo around the city or
HarFe an, lie'lufg filled up. The bar
Ticades of Purls hove been removed
There are no longer any restrietiOns
In going to or (rein Paris. The Ger
mane, during their stay In the city.
behaved wrelt: •
GOLD closed 'at 1101(8111, Mach 6.
Two years of o en.Grant'aAdmln7
Istmtlombelng now completed,. Mr.
Boutwell repOrts the reduction by
payment of the principal of the Na
tional Debt since March PM, at
$204,751,413, or a little ever Ckle.Hun
feed Millions of Dollars per annum.
0 that we could have had the forecast
to 'map right on at this rate till the
last dhuepfthe Debt was paid, or at
least till all that remained bad been
funded tin an/ American tjousni pay
ing one per cent. Interest at the close
of each quarter I And, had the Treas.
ury been kept empty by haying up
or paying off Debt, it might have
been done.—Neat York ,Tribune.
Mr. McPherson, Clerk of the House
of Representatives, has Just complet
tsl a list of the members of the House,
having for this purpose taken the t.vr
titicates of the Governors of the seve
ral States. Thecertificate of the mem
ber front the I lld District of Arkan
sas lino; yet received . . Thy following
is the • classification of the polities of
the' two parties: Republican, 130;
Deinociatie, Including the lIId Dis
trict Of Arkansas, J 6; Independent.
• .hurttG..Blair of Missouri, 1;
total, 2Pf ; vacancy in , litinobs, Caused
by the election of togan•to the Sea
ate;), ; vacancy hi Michigan, Loused
by the election of Ferry to the Senate,
I.; making total, 2M; not, eleetptl—
New ilampshire, 3 ; ' Connecticut, 4;
Texas, 3; Cldlforniu, 3; hitsl num
ber of Members, 243. Two; Du. Bois
of Geerght, and Rogers of North Cur
:olluu, and probably Waddell of North
Carolina; are tarred by the XiVtli,
Amendment, They wilinut be able
to qualify until their disabilities are
removol by act or Congress. All of
.the old officers of the House were re.
inomittateti. by the Republican cau
cus, and :re-elected. • ,
The Denteerats held a caucus a few
eirenings .. - 4efOra. the Forty-second
Congress enlivened, and - nominated
*organ. or ido fur speaker; Bar
rett for Clerk ; Isenberg amoblermuit
at-arms; 'Thorne for Doorkeeper;
Oaks fur Postimuter; and'"Cooper
for Chsplaimp
• A THE:tiiiamt
dated *arch 4th Noe thee.4i great
excitement at Ogden four hiller from
Salt Lake City eonceniing the gold
idacei• diggings " disonvered there.
Save* nuggets luve been found anal
Oilskin's are ritpltkly being tatoen ;np.
liusintee'lli-neglected amid their Xi a
amend stampede fur ground. A,
kite from n!ndiable party to Fait
Gorr; • eays" good placer diggings
Iniyebeen. struck there and claims
1:0C144 for . tullirt. • All is nxtitemeitt.
theeirselting ut this eiuwu are also
'eurinlaiimecemtulle.. Them le wm- ,
iildaiiiblo Wein(' • the , mountains,
:Wh 4 icg,pre
04417WV - rilaylue,r4 &Cretan?, 'Bout: ,
well dhected Ate Asitstanertawdrar
to nallt, the toldemot II per cent eer
-484W at liercleal,:lWlTF and '4ltilr
2a11i, 2 8a. that all, Wich
bearing date tram Ociebei 15t1, 18G7
to.Decutuber 16th; 18111,' luchreive ' of
thedenothinatlou of 0.000 each be
(Weed nirtribens tell and LIPS, of the
den*Uuktiod. Of ;$ 11 4 0 . 0 .: 1 tiet*Wiu
.nambere TalYstad 1,170, wut...he:peld
pretentation at tile otllce,ltud that
41101 AN4 after - Oieh April, 1871 4 '
$44 . 64101 5040 1 _,Whi 0 8 1 6 .14 . 0eut
tenet tuidwill roe nu: longer.
tria portion OF the lairtal enserve,
Inpoa+oaetoieofenyNational budded
L emaciation.
~; - 4 -,,,• - t.,-,
1 .,1: ; --- i + in v, . .....
—4. fituthent, no pet., emu
iVashlWin 41 Gerti Late "tits'
twits ofilniinotik=PP bili it e it.
deutty 4 consid ':'l . by for the
biggest twin of the two.
The woman, who we the mune of
'Emma Williams, was committed by
Zang .Si—the.„4l4l-.
cies were ideptldett, by, Mr.. Robert
*cares, ordizth averme.tuni Nine.
tenth street, as •having been .stolen
from his store:
—A few days Hintz,. a well. drawl
young woman was itmeted'in Nett'
`York for shop4lltlng. She 'had. W-
I ilea* fier skirts, and fastened to her
wahst,.. by strong, cords, -vt atuittla
pocket; about, :three !het and a half
bmg and billy three feet wide. From
i„1111.1 coftir tb p following oitieles were
;Produced: •, •
Twabottlesoiwine, day Yirds of
gnaliptire'isce,qtro habit's. dresses,
0unb0 . 430:1 add tacked. :One - piece
'of mauve, vavet trimming, two palm
of kid gloves, • stiventpave pairs of
children's, Ihney sap . 4klngs, onefaney
figuredgiass, 'seventy-are Yards of
tlue and green velvet trimming, one
,pair of jet earrings, and one large
Bible. •
an alf►lr recently ocCured nt
Fort"WaYne, Indiana. On Sun*
/ morning Mr. John. E. Beirough:and
a Miss ToWbridp„were married. On
Monday morning the young wife
Was aelmed with convulsions, pro
ceeding, it is thoaght, from brain fe
ver, which continued at short, inter-
Valli until ,ruesibiy morning, when
—:-Not long • since -several female
Medical students appeared at lee
tido on clinics at Broekley Hospital,.
Philadelphia, and were greeted with
hissei by Men of the medical profes
sion present. The:Phdadelphia Preis
- denounces th . ls With some severe
wonis. It sas bet*re ten years-eve
ry physician in Peonsidvankt will
deny he ever insulted a woman phv
sician or attempted to bar the doors
of the profession against her.
.—At Mansfield,. Ohio, the retail
liquor dealers have invented the fol
lowing mode of avoiding the iietutity
of the State liquor, laiv, which gives
a woman the right of action fhr dam-,
ages against the man whosellsstront
drink to her husband. The wife
waives her right to action by signing
her name to the followingeard: "To
—I hereby authorize yott to give
my husband whatever he Wants to
drink, so Icing anise can stand up and
pay fur it.
--Indiana has fallen, not from
grime, but from its primacy lit easy
divorces. Connecticut hae now us
sutned tho first place, for which we
hope thete are not many aspirants.
.obUtining.divorces In the "wooden
nutmeg"state is an art that has ma
ny mysteries, and of which a certain
shyster known as the "divorce law
yer"—a mushroom . freshly sprung
from matrimonial infelielUeer—la the
—There is a dreadful want at Beau
fort, 16. C. They want "a hearse,"
not, The Republican explains, "from
the frequency of lie use, but out of
credit to the town and respect for
those who are called upon to uw it."
Well, it is rather hard that a dead
man almuld loudly demand, "A
heezie!- A hearse! My kingdom for
a Learse !" and not be able to get one.
We trust that the defunct will haunt
the neighborhood fearfully until the
proper authorities purchase the ue•
cessary but convenient Vehicle.
—Froth Alabama we hear that the
iimrues of liussell!County "have
generally contracted for the. yearand
gone to wurk"—trtan which wa.luter
certainly nut without reason, that the
negrues of Russell (Jaunty weretairly
trinteil and honorahly pale! WI year.
Ou the other hand; from Florida we
get intelligence that the negruea are
hanging back—that they "demand
esorbiantprices"—that they even In
swim nisei, refuse to labor uu any
teruis, —lnSisting upon renting lauds
and tanning upon their own hook"
—and that is nut tt.very bud honk ut
ter all. • .
—Auburn, lit, has u greatsrandal.
There mine to tluit place, (rum :Ohio,
a young gentleman . whO had eloped
with his nteptuother l The father
and husband wrote to the erraut
wife to come home Mid be forgiven;
aim swore that she would rather die
nun jetty° her "al iuity," and the
youth was equally ardent. liar lath
er came utter her and curried her off,
leaving Miami hieousolubly howling.
Ultildreu !save not usually beau . over.
loud of stepmothers, generally mau
-1 ifesting a disposition to run away
(nun mem than with them. /how
ever theft odd things are Put without
precedent aueieut and doodad. ,
--(Musts in our day are becoming
very cheap and ph.4itilul. ' There Is a
lively tam just how haunting the
residenisa of Rev. Mr. Thrasher, of
tiotecourt county,
a trouble
loitic uppurithni, given to toruing
beds topsy-turvy, upsetting. barrels
in the garret, throwing:kw of wood
auto the rums,' and cluing all other
things Which ghosts have from time
Moue/tiered turned, their invisible
lands to. Hut this Virginia. glum!,
hus but only - been heard but wee,
lied lie lookei like a now, it braid, of
which we have net the least doubt.
butuetiltuis your ghost is a highly
mischievous girl,' but this kiwi is
notusuany su muscular. . The Rev.
Mr. ThrMater may teat 'uteti
claw. mid . persistent inv Igatleis
will date up the Mystery. • .
==The trustees era ,eertain chuivh
Iq • western 'PeurtaYiyinia,:,having
adieu innnears with the minliter!if
sah►ry for six month)), determined to
pay him up "in tilde."' They writ
on him, and after the faintly had
gathered arousal the spokesman add:.
"Mr. Brown, we have a very phis
ant duty to perform. We haveetaue
to remunerate you 'for year labials
In our church for theinitsixinouths;
In fart, we have brought you your
'salary. Mr. Jones Just coda lir..
brown's salary , sad basal It tabliii."
Joneatikl sit Reminded, and. handed
Mr;-Brown-the following articles:
Ten tbet of stove-pipe, two papers of
aom stilth, one felt - lud, three kegs
of v:anklah t one paper collar, four
paini4eaf hats, and two bundles of
bed stabi l At the eight of these
Brown mad.
t r u s t ees were, fleeted.' through Ned
wiedowinsh, andall•the Lunliylm
inediately vanishe&
-Biete rep•
tillable by hie Twos aid. Original w
eds aid sketches, but ho will have's
stlltwhier repute if he' escapes spoil•
lorby lql icious uct of
- - 4lllO adl
frienitiitilid admirers. Excessive #4.
logyrind abused ovation rein coal
spirinfi - fei his literary ruin. TO
mgt: frantic' demotistdtiens hioo
been madeiri Chicago. One format
testimonial there took the shape of a
proposition to present'blin - With,awk
swore the supporf.:lif `i monthly.
runtish/cf.. ~I.llll.3l3o,tiabennfialled
through lEtartili non appeanwice at a
dlunetparty, to which &Raid 'been
Invitee" 4 1Phe 'offended , leaders- of
Chicago society Instintly , resolved
that Harte shouldhave no aim - nine,
and he is now looking for a , literary
establishment lu some other city. ' if
Hark, Is a Han of taste be must cov
et retirement, and If he 'As wiscr,he
will certainly seek it: ' .
- SDCtiETABY. Boutwell on the 6th
inst., heard from siveralpoints Where
enbscriptions foi-the 'Mini' ken • were
opened, and liaMithsit.bOvetlfOF
and live Wiliam have been taboo;
This reporkdld include Whole
Country. . Ilfe .expecta to dear front
Europe within forty-eight hours, and
ibela obalkleat that the flews : will 'be
very favorable, Ile thinks Una the
new loans to be placed by
the govern !ta the continent will
not Interferit uch with the stweeMof
ours, because wo can offer much bet
ter 'lmmune° ii(asyment, and other
things being equal, the securities - of
the United States will be Filen* to
any others.
Tux Joint Committee of Copinks,
appointed to wait upon the,Preeldent
and inform-him that the blirtylee.:
and Congress had atweambled, and
ready to receive any moose 10
might wish to communicate, Per
&mned their, duty •on Monday hie.
The Prisident replied that he hadeis
inessagelo communicate 'at prosesit,
but that ho would be prepared to
"leaks' a communication in a week.
[iiiblisbed by Request.]
nem The Pittsburgh Couunere
• - "1 wonder why Miss Smith has
left school" said a tenchei to a fellow
laborer. Ido not know but Icannot
say lam sorry,"was the response.
Two days alter the conversation was
continued, as the teachers - met at re
mos. "I have heard why Milk Smith
left. Her mother said she did not
leanr'enough, had notenough studies
awl we ranked her too low." "I
. . _
-would-like to shoyi-her mother my
crass book. In the three recitations
she had tame she never had a per
fect lesson." ""Well, what Is worse,
her mother blames us, when she al
lows the girl to go to parties, isocia
bias, have beaus the remaining even
ings of the week; and then thinks we
ought to drive the nonsense out of,
her head In five hours of the twenty-'
four, and at the same tithe stock It
with useful knowledge." "Yes, and
she is only one out of ,the many,",
was the response In a . sad tone.
There are several evils which this
incident shows, and to the truth of
.which every teacher can testify.
When parents are dissatisfied with
anything In the .education of their
children, bow many of them go tsv
the teachers and in a polite way
speak or it and desire, to have It rae
tilled? Not one lu fifty, Instead of
that • the child is withdrawn from
the school, and the evil wid th might
be rectitled, and whir% Is often hn
aginary, is told to other patrons,
much to the injury or faithful and
careful teachers. Back of this fault
and leading to it Is another very
lrevalent one, the habit of encorirag ,
ug children to tell what has occured
in school and upholding them In any
act of insubordination ; even if not
directly upholding, still by a laugh
at a saucy reply showing .yourself
plainly on the side of like offender.
In family.after family this is done,
and what is the consequnee? Of
course It - utast lead (Meetly to a scorn-
Ingpeet. of the teacher's authority and dis
Patrents mustbe prejudiall by what
their children tell them concerning
their teacbers but it is at easy mat
ter to withho ld your Opinion until
you have discovered wherein lies the
fault. We would not haveparents
shut themselves off froth sympathy
with their children in their pursuits.
No, indeed. Interest yourself in
their studies, look alter their mu
pardons, and yourself prove their
teachers. Do not put the work all
upon one aide If you have found
the leaf:hers faithless or. imprudent,
and words from you have been Insuf
ficient, withdraw die children from
their care. If they have been proved
the opposite, uphold them, and lu
any owe so long as the child is under
the teacher's 'care, strengthen the
teacher's hands.
A teacher was once scold I ng a young
girl for not handing her a required
composition; "Mamma says 1 need
not write them," was the reply, and
as the teacher further urged the mat
ter she brought the next, morning
written excuse frign that mother:
Anotheryoung girl was reprimanded
for an imperfect lenien. "it:rout:l:tot
help it,' sheanswered, "mamma
made me come deiwit stairs and see
company all the evening."
Papers are filled with articles con
cerning the "girl of the period," des.;
cribing her frivolity lack of solid ed
ucation and love of
.fashion. Blaine
not the girl. They are born with
good Intellects, ambition and desire
(or knowledge, but it is the parents,
alas, who are most at fault. White
- the girls are at schocd shut them out
from general widely. Let Wbe tin
, derstood that Friday evening is their
only spate evening. Let parties en
tirely al ne. Said a school girl In
my 'hear it: "I cannot go to-morrow
evening because mamma says 'one
party a week is enough." Enough !
One tee many. For two days before
It Is nearly the .sole Suited in the
thouh end the morning
she comes w i th flushed cheeks, exc after
id eyes, with dance; music and, gay
dresses flitting through:her 'brain,
and of einirse no Icesons'; and- the sec
ond is stupid and 'Hatless. How mit
ny a teacher's heart aches tut she daily
sees girls, lady-like and , with good
hearts. and all the elements, of true
hearted women becoming fault 1100-
lin anti fOolbdu We commenced
with a plea for jote - to the girls.
However, one necessarily involves
the Other. A lady meld a short time
go, "1 neverallow ray deughter to
'complain of her teacher s at home:: - I
think their work is sufficiently hard
cVett with haste 'co-operation. The
sarire mother further 'said,'- rI eciuld
not elk:kr her' to go to 'such! party
because It would break into her
Wheel." ' What is the result of such
training? The young lady lam • a
'thorough English education; lila goal
'French and (fermata scholar and is
makingstut a Woman as will one day
be tut ornament to socielP andk pride
to her sex.' • •
-Parelds,'lmietially mothers, think
of theseithlogsOmd while you Ire
mourning over thelnellieleney of
lambent, and the lank .ofittiod soluxis
earetbily esittitine and see tmui far it .
Liles In your "power to"retnedy the
'evils of which you complain.; \Vhere
there is one fidthlearteadier I Think.
you cart find, estimating it very low,
ten falthlestiparents. .
Enourtite - your eldhlreit in work
but notrinvomplidid Remember
the teacher is pottslble fortut five
hours of the 'twenty-tour and yotr for
the other nineteen. A:father sdid•to
a teacher' "What Is the use of your
I , A
making toe ,
girls take home so many
books? They never' look in'-one.
Doyou not know, father, that is not
the teathets Inuit? Itshe sem thatthe
boolcs'are tarried home. It rests With
yap to see that they are maid. 'The
har..t cross any' tree teacher bears
never crimes from the pupils - Ikt 'is
laid upon her shoulders b9 negligent
and nsympathlrlng parents. -
1; 0. '4 00 Phi ** f la
Wu were to lave a ivanwilumu
to rlhe WM* iiiithe Omatltigkin--
Imiithorlndibr tie L s *Miniver: •
sat ghat wairtely prob Ole
Legielatil wlllaoJourn wltftut sty
lug It heed—ono of the most vital
questlowthat will come befinLia
opcomepoionVlll WA*
07 i 1170700 . 0 16 th 6 MettihhrailiM' 7 o
4tqw.g....Poupe. To allow the coop
pamuve gloat (her
* "
of diffenaltltates,Urthew
nonberofthemeet n merona
we have co_napilW th.knowing table
upon the basW of tho recent census:
• • 4 - AltaP94
gra" • moaao,ov
Maine-. 01 151 4,150
New Hampshire 12, 333 050
yarment 110 241 - 1,870
Mote*Aliwytto- ; 40 - 240 0, 0 7 0
RnelloW,no $I • 72' ::11,020
Ommecticut 21 2 10 2,209
I {
• ewEngedSt'sl6,3 1,278 2 , 785
.Newitork —al 123 • • 84,100
Pennsylvania- 8;l 100 1 5 4 60
Illinois - -50 177 1 4 , 850
Missouri- -- 84 200 . 8,575
Now Jersey ~. -05 15,100
Calitownlat SU =• ;7.016
New York, Pennsylvania. Ohio,
Illinois and Jewell are, 'in their
order gestated, the five most popu
lous States in the Union, and it Wil
t* seen that, at present, the legisia
tiveconstituencies of PellSyleallia are
larger than those of New York, and
greatly in excess of theme of the three
othettgabee ritusted.. The,ti ri r
England:States, with Mt to
population of 3,487,400, are iv ded
altogether into 1,215 representative
districts, with an average population_
of 2,785; While Pa: with population
of 8,515,993, or some twenty-eight
rad more them all New Eng
. kk divided inteputone hundred
'strict% with an average population
Of about 36,100. The Senates of the
New Decked States embrace in the
_aggregate 168 eumabees, with an
average constituency of 20,780, or. but
, fourleventheuf the avetageiconstit
uency of members - of the most me
meronattramit of thelegbaatur° of
this State.. In New,Hampehire the
lower House has more members than
in any Miter State l 3 the Union. and
the amstitueneks axe consequently
the smallest of all, numbering:even
less than a thoturand. Massaehusette,
with a, Haase of Minembers; Inman
average constituency, of 0,0744 or but
little more than : one:sixth of the are
of those - in thisBtate.
House of Repreeentatives previous ,
to the recent revisloti of the ,Cotudi
tution, tremberedf 90 members ;,.and
if the number had districts won have nevera-
ni i t i 'been increas
ed, the
god a population o 28,220; but by
the new Constitution the number of
members have been, increased to 177,
uud the alze of the constituencies put
down to 14,350.
Yates ituil Sauliburj
A WashingtepetWrespondent of the
Brooklyn Mirror refers to the, better
charadesisties of the Senators' espe
cially notorious for inebriety,:in a
. ,
manner at wee charitable, .tender
and affecting:
With Senator Saulsbury wilt vand
GM one of the most memorable-faces ;
and forms of the Senate. On the
Democratic side of the Senate he is
the grand figure, head, as Charles
Sumner is on the Republican. Noti
to see Saulsbury With - his hands deep;
in his pockets, glowering up, and
down behind the lust tier of senatori
chairs, restive and : defiant as a
caged.lion, but his' tale, trim,' fem.
brotherte "Ell" in 'Ma - seat will
be to see a new relate. To look upon,
he is a great leonine man, noble to
behold; though he does chew tobacco
and mock with strougdrink. I have
seen him on the gt eet. corner ex
changing "chears".en terms of per
fect hail fellow equality with one of
the dembied race i , Which lie !aged
over the next day ift - the Senate tut
virycjittle above ilipt,Of the taboo
Mee seontiut easplir his slot t
hi the gutter and then drop down
and lie In it, and L have seen him
one of the grandest looking of men.
clad In fitultiess black and empties'
linen, walking beside Mrs.lelihrson
DaviS ontt'falatitte Sabbatillivhieh
her itusbandspent at FortressMenroe)
gallantly end devoutly carrying her
prayer book tochurth. 1 have heard
him reedit° a friewl by his side the
days of hits boyhotel, when - he and
"Eli" played In: the: old barn and
slept iu one bed:. lid each Mid the
either all his Warr, each loved the
other so much :that they couldn't.
quarrel}?-And in this mental there
were. toutteis'. of a generous nature
whieh . ,, told that God made this man;
in the beginning, loving and .noble.
Hes lands more than six feet high,and
is large in proportion., His head' is
with.. abbnihmt black hair,
just touched with' silver. He has
black °yet, and finely cut features,
and, when he is himself, a moat-win
ning expression. In early' life , he
studied fur the Episcopal ministry,
"antleven now, when he assusina thy
"White 'choker," as he . often . deer,
looks like one. • With him ,and
Rich:int Yates, on e 4th .of March
depart:the, last of the htebriele
tors. There may beplenty of,
era" left, but no other ''drunkards."
"Poor Dick Yates," as his brethern
so often call him. Probably never
did living man battle harder thin he
has done with an over-mastering ap
petite. An inherited one, horn in
MI blood, no one not thus cursed
can dream of the power of such a foe,
nor Judge by the right the sin of the
soul that at last sinks vanquished.
Brave, generous, and child-hearted—
as the victim of thewine cup often is
—lllinois loved this, her favorite son.
lovelltim f o r himself and Await that
he bad done for his native state;
trusted him, bore with.. him, trusted
him againven when through
weakness of the. will he oft betrayed
her faith. How he struggled to be
worthy of that trust in the highest
legislative.council Of the nation -,ho
only 'knows, and hie God.' 'But there
came an hour when it was tee late
when • utlbetion, , intellect and' will
went down
.forever before the in
itiate foe, and Rishard .Yates, but
the wreck of hinnejf,-to-day tremb
ling In his .seat, ?counts the ,days
when his place Willa filled. by an
Am Omaki pt•? 7.
Yesterday's exprete train, brought
from tho•west an estray individual
known as "Bill" Jehkins, a comely
prepossesalng youth of twenty-tive
summers and , an 'extra winter.
For years if not foi days. "Bill".
has_ hunks! the brightmeyed. prx-
Ole. Assad th,, a lt erope. and "got
away" with z grizslles. "Biii" is
tali, slim, rad - looking and, had lie
not been mewed of en adventurous
'spirt, :
Id probahly have occupied,
to-da i a high toned lucrativa i place
anon the leaders of thetas& , As it
walk rat IS, he his only led bull
whackers, ernigrantsand occasionally
stray redskins.
Twenty-two mouths, whiledo- ,
I ng the "heavy" lathe hint of Neva
dathe met with a party by the name
of Wilkins, who was ottlelalof the
Territory. Wilkins foramen! weeks
had been doing the agreeable to a
young lady, the daughter of a weal
thy miner who bare the euphonious
tide .of Joner„ but she smiled not
sweetly upon him neither did she
display' thoseawl:Sling blandish
ments that charm soul, bat rather
reflected the brigh tingter of her beau
tiful er d ea own jeakino- r theheloveu
anitsarW3etildrtL 4 --r ' '". '
- The httter possessed her love, her
all, and was therefore the declared
visitor Inro this pattkular cunt* of
••Cu_phl'a ti
Wilkins Became . .
on the 2:liVat .1 .?. A.,.' 1 'll
41426 tel laaethilt AlMliFilf opeibf
the nes ItoutsAdellberatekg pull
ed Ids "rirounWhibUidtter m and pa
'bated the corporadty of "Bill" In
(as th 6 lattei expresseg IC) atter:Wed.
I Yrraceei nian - net. .-
The WU struck Jenkins In the right
•and sidle out at theupper,por.
tiara the thigh Weide, Wil!sleeted
O . country awl joined algind circles
gfaradoes. LlSAnussuNVlentit sr"
• - - f ass mall robber NAM atteMpt.
• ilg tot make his aseapit'4ecelired a
'isited* hem Ohtlieuttri•who - sent
the spirit of the ex ! olticial to other
Iliff t -
Wliussfikkeenneed . to his bed for
sixteen =kith', Whetslie found him.
seAfaufficiently strong , to travel.
Min SotIWW - beeM'weenstantet•
tendant upon , hint durios his sick'
new and convalescence, and one
mouth age linked her fortune wit_ ,h
his at 'gyms* aline, find cite. Week/
aloof the happy Awaits itarted an
extensive bridal tour. .We inter
viewed them on the train and learn
that they are about to visit New Or
leads, the home of the happy bride
groom, where a •reception , hal
'been' prepared kw the parties-Who
I=3 Awed through so many trying
"Bill'lsindids really prett bride
will return la May, am' , n take
dp their residence in No • where
we hope '.tbe ghost-et-the , parted
Wilkins - Will - never- littera:re' with
their connubial felicitations; --, "
; • "MEI die ClikaPh RiPOUCAL
Garret Davis put himself to unnea
eatery trouble the other day, when
ho declared, that he never subscribed
to newspapers, eared nothing for
what they said, and certainly never
read them It b well enough known
that the a bsurd old Kentuckian is
wholly unacquainted with the events
of the present generation. His stud
ies in modern history cleseit with the
Resolutions of 98, and he has never
been able to appreciate the lesions
which the record of other times con
vey to less bigoted minds. He is an
intellectual mummy, and has been
too long kept ahem ground. -
"Sturdy old Ben Wade" seems to
have stood the voyage to Stud° Do
mingo:very .well. According to all
amounts, his stomachvtis undisturb
ed during the whole trip He must
have improved in a sea faring sense,
since 1865. During the summer of
that year he took a voyage down the
coast to visit the South and Improve
his health. Before he had lot 4 sight
of Sandy Hook, however he began
to experience the nauseating horrors
of the briny deep 'Next morning a
friend called at his state-room to in
quire how he was atioying himself.
"Enjoying growlei the ven
erable statesman.. 'ls this what - you
call it pleasure-trip? The next time I
want one,- I'll stay at home and
a dose of ipecac." During the
same voyage, on a windy afternoon
a lady of the party, happening to lost;
her veil overboard, rushed to Sir.
Wade with the story of her trouble.
She was astonished to find that the
only consolation he was disposed to
give was to advise 'bee to ''hang ttu
to her teeth and hair. or they'd go
next." She, however, • attributed
this want of gallantry to the pangs
unutterable which sturdy old Ben.
was suffering joust then. %V e are glad
to know that he wasn't sea-sick this
time. ft ,Wade it much more pleas
ant, not only for Mr. Wade himself,
but for those who mom led him.
Forty - First Congress
Si:OTE, Feb. 28.—The river and
harbor bill was reported with amend
ments. The army appropriation bill
wine up end was amended, and dis
cussed until tuljouniment:\ '
Hovaii.—The vote whereby the
Outhibus appropriation bill \ vas de
felted, was reconsidered and a sub:.
stitute, with appropriations fur new
works malted, was passed. A bill to
promote the construction of the Cin
einnatiSoutheru Hallo:Sid was }tamed.
A bill passed to protect ptectuble cit
zeus in the ',Sou . h. The Senate
antendinent' to the House' bill' for
celebrating the 100th year of Awed
can Independence, ut Philadelphia,
was coneurredin and the bill passed.
SENATA Feb: 3T—A resolution
'wtlS pliaoo4 to pay the Georgia Sena
birs. Thu balance of the day was'
chiefly taken up in , ''chaffering"
ahempersouat inutiers; 'referring to
Ku'. Klux teidtuuny .before the 'in
vestigating eatniultteo t hiving been.
given to the N. Y. fls.4beine reporter
tor publication, benne the Committee
'lova& =Che Senate uniendments
to the Legislative appropriation bill,
had the Indian appropriation bill,
were not concurred in, and a com
mittee of conf,rento asked. The
Omnibus appropriation bill was con
sidered at great length, and finally
wised.' Adjourned. -
t ,
SENATE, Muhl& I.—A resolution
culling for a detailed statement of ac
counts between the United States
and the Union Pacific It. ILCo. wits
offered. The neolutiou to wahine
the investigation - oi Ku Klux out
mtie, gave rise to au animated de
bate, but was finally currie r !. The
Artily appropriation bill, after some
debate, nuttily passed. Thin Naval
appropriation bbl was then taken up,
and alter disposing of 23 pages; the
Senate went into Executive Session
and then adjourned.
Borax.— rheitienate bill providing
that no tax shall: be imposed upon
any undistributed sums added to the
contingent hind of Insurance com
panies, or on ,unearned pnatilunas
paSted. A number of bills, of a pri
vate ebanwter, l llauelxi. The report
Couferente Cumtaittee ou the
Indian appropriation bill, was agreed
to. • Adjourned.-'
SE t NATE,. Ma 2.--Thu Commit
tee of Conference uu the Legislative;
Judicial and Executiveappropriation
bill could not agree, and were dis
charged... New Committees wereap
pointed. The Deficiency bill was
discussed and'amended, and passed..
Also, a bill authorizing a stilt to be
commented to recover the value of
the U. S. Ship Oneida, and of her
Bous.a.—A bili was discussed and
passed estubibstiing a Courtomnposed
of threw Comm lesioners, to adjudicate
theclaiuts cif loyal citizens-of Mollie
rebel Suites, for atoreisur supplies ta
ken or furnished during Me rebell
kou:for Smarmy, itc: The Army meal
Navy appropriation bill were' nun
concurred .ima, and a Committe of
Conference asked. A resolution' • ac=
quitting lien. Bowan' of the'cluages
against him relative to . the manage
inent'of theFreedmen's Litman, and
eulogistic of the character- of that
utlieer, pitamed bye isu.ty vote. Tim
Legislature appropriation bill was
diseussed at exalt length; and
new Conference Committee appoint
ed. Adjourned.
Bs:Nara, Mardi 3.—A bill to pro
vide for the reissue of National Bank
nuns, and: fur ; the : nmeeptioa ls r y time
Treasury. of inutilatts.l. stoles of Na
naiad Itarilut„ end the:elbows In their
place* utnew rules,passed. -A bill
Junkie* the elst4.lblisfAllaktcl/LII.
of wurds t ito $5 in gold. passed. , A
uety Culillindleif of . euilluttlice was
appointed on the bill lb utmlisit the
rauk.uf Admiral Cud Vice Admiral
hi' the &ivy." A number of pension
bills were passed. Tile Southern
Nettle Bailsman' bill passed. 'The.
Cincinnati Bridge was ordered to
haire 100 feet nnueriman at low wa
ter mark; and iiiithoitusttlie courts
to 'determine whether it hai been
constructed acconlleg to_ The
Senate concurred in thefiiinseaniend
mein to the apprispriation bill, rela
tive to the claims-of Si/ether - a. loyal
,Hovel:.—The bill to penult ani
mists imported 'for bnavllng cur
poke: tree or duty, passed. The
rieeate anienduienus to the House
bill relative to .the telegraphic corn
miiniadbm with foreign countrie s
Was concurred in. The report or the
tlaarence Committee•on the Feria
ficadonAppropriation bill was agreed
AW The bill to amend the , patent
.iaara - plumed. A. at:solution ccuopiV
sanitary te!pealtec Blalae was paw
ed, The bill for the , reductlim of
cow coin pissed.
barren, .Iffarch 4.—The question,
of repealing the tariff on waives di&
cussed till 6 o'clock in the morning,
When it resolurassorcouipftV.;
tleg the Vice Id*. Tfehour
of atijounentm v i . ve.ollx.
Colfax returned. - , Ica the
Senate for thi na mp .-. t Inl,
and declared sail . . (the ate
for the Forty- k, = re
ed without day.. The hour-12 m.
--having arrived, the Secretary of
the Senate culled the roll of Senators
°lett, for thn
_XLII Aketareas, - who
cable forward And took the oath of
T Thernamesoffliearwritillier
a PO I ClaYtothA Minutes, and
V nee, of North Camilua,- were not
tw ed. The subject of contwitadimile
laid over temporally. _
oun..C h ills a, storm of words
occurred on a Mellott: to amend the.
rules, which was defeated., The Sen
ate amendments to the Omnibus v.;
pmpriation bill passed. The Speaker
made his valedictory when. after a
short pause, the Clerk,• Mr. McPher
son. summoned the new House to,
order:. tied proceeded to call the
names of members by States, and 222
members' answered to their names;
248 being the MI representation..
Mr. Bogen; of North thrones; wan;
at his own .request, lted in the
roll stall: The Arkansas membent
were not called, their_ certificates of
election being informal. Xr. libilue
Was remeleeted Speaker, glad made his
oCknowledgmenis. There wereaunte
motions relative to contested elect
loos; alter which the House proceed
ed to Meet the oktillifilcers of. the
House. The delegates from Tertihr
rtes were then called and Acorn in.
New Advertisements.
R• we= wo aror
ht Itoussonn blo Frit:eat,
At 148Tedentl St. Allegheny City.
Ladles' &Achele and Baaketa•
Apia a tine stork of Gents Valtsts,
!'acid Book2 l,
Pam*. Goods,
Wagons, Toys; Su.
A very hake and fine nstiortment.of
Children's Carriages,
To arrive Ulla month.
V. A. '.L.V. A. ,
Successor to
O'Leary & Singleton
148 Veclerszl St.,
p a ir„
gle of Bank & Bndge Stock,
e undenlined, administrators of William
Davidson, sr., deceased, will tell at pnblk yen
due at too Court House. In one borough of Bea
ver.on Tuesday, March 21, I o'clock
p m.,of cud day,Thirty Snares of Stock in the
Neaps! ps! Bank of Beaver county. sad Yiftpo e
Snares of I lock In the Bridge over Ike Big Be l l.
Yes creek, neer the month of Wolf Lane,(between
Rochmter and Bridgewater).
tiarS,l.l DAVIDSON, AdnOrs
[Radical copy.l
Ileoripts and Expeuiltureu of Soave
County Agricultural Society nor 1170
Beat from Jac. Allison. late Treastinr..s 433
Eating bonere. 113 Cu
Meows and Sating atando tl6 23
Stock pile It 37
Seale H ID
Mingle tkketa. ' CB7 Cu
“' Faintly ..... ...7 1.181 66
Clerpro.... 650
!key (U. Moore) for entries :56 Id
h ea t St e appro'n (from Crim'ra).. 106 id
en of grounds Cu MO
For Materials' $ 41* 91
. . . .
Foe Ilanllo7 water...". ..
Foe Keeping gains and seats.
For hinting
Fut Boarding Judge., de. ,
Far P.llett and IFlltebmen..
For Old debt a NO
For lte;nretary'eWy
For Treaenree. do
Pqr Pemba of 1.41
• .
Total .....
Ammar received, rir abuse-,
'Balance to Traseurer's baud* ... .. $ la fili
I. N. AIXINP. Treasurer.
The Under/WON/ COOIIIIII3OO abpoluted to audit
the above account. hereby rattly that Irons an as.
ionisation of the Treaenneee books, paper.. tr.,
Illnd the above statement to be correct
D. M. DODL■oo.
131112/41W.1 W. S. TSAI= Art
&Wing 7.)
WANTEDI—AUVITB everywhere: to sell
our DeW bolduitr. l4 lllllassity of Pain , .
(Illustrated,) by Joux S.C. Annoys. A splendid
rub.** Ind psspilsr: • anthor. • A;13.. ELL,
Bask*, • - inarttilin
10 SZA l iftna da iion air soak.
en Roe, to trodoce Our
a rea strand WWI Wire
ClafAva Liar.. (a hut foretvr. Don't raw ails
thawed_ painplectrie. thiltera
Wink Woe& Bt. 166th. ogle petwborb
flint r , • outh.
r'elci — cffirlCTO - 8. CATAIrIiCIIIIVULA.—A
dy who bad sabered for yeans from Deafness.
Untarrh and scrotal& was qtred lya ele rem.
, lier opine*, ant groaned° preoW her to
send the recipe free of obarge to any one similar
y ignored. Address SRL 11. C. LAMM Jer
sey Cliy, New Jenel, muster
r rat
evert Ira will be sepp i ted e Mlfreneell. 171
every o we
andnee latent:of. and will
and can sealed! any and all ethers. import
Price list 10r Itql wiser reedy and sent free. Ad
diem CIItAIL IMLAY "MSON, No. lt. Duck
11 - 9 4 91 .64 C AGENTS!
Almost weissmentsisMMiruiPr
Is •Phyldeld rient , of
Childnnont: It tris'spierulld Steel Plates,
Is richly hound, andever: u p p te . t it , and Mother who
sees It wand It:, It U. DO lan and delivers
elegant y. Th e Ilftrat, nut viewed VIEW In
pee hairs! No modern hoot like Ibis one. =
did terms. Circulars sent free. Canirssaltir
mils E. New World Pah., s. w. cur. 7111 end
klitteidis.. Philadelphia. Imard;fw._
JOSH 111.FOIUNG, Attorney an law,
Braver, A. Ofilee and ',widener. oultdrd
me tboCOurtaionerli AU Yaw bradawl nutrias
led to any Amu 'ball receive prompt aitentlon.
Also 'pawns lifting Mal Eatak.for Safe, and
More ribbing to buy town property. coal re Sarni
land., may wig time and money by calling at my
once. aprl7:ly
~ . .H„.- t• „ . .:
- 0 . 4 1 •
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.i, .6 ,
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. ,
P Decimass 86g.
1.1.1•;r40 . .:k . /V1 9 1.1
• ..
A 3 '.a .1 • 1 -.7....--1.-• ki r &
i )
r .., . or lo •••••
s 4 . I. — ; I
Pt j i. . • ~.. ,ti
• . .:- . aL,-. "...- 1 -Lt-u., - . 47 .• .-- ,tv
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_ .w. . . .
yAm:;N Powamo Ca. •z.
u. .s•
AP /0 17; /S 7, 32414%r
. And IdsotiLne Works.
Anderson & Freyvogie,
...44ecessors to S. S. Ibect ,er
Irot Fontes 811 1111 Millen,
. Afgatffacturemi
Orlift,'Elaw-31111 end White Lead Ma
chinery ; Preucb Burr, Cecalico and
Esopois (Re I.l6drA CO,)
German Anchor Brands Bolting
Cloths-. 1 Water , Wheigs,.filmut Mo
chines:Rolling 'Mill aim other ma
chinery; Pulleys, Hungers and Mat
nto 32: WATEg
febltr,3m] Pittsburgh, Pa.
117'0 -, P: • = IEIMEINTS
s Vol Approbsemosts, saber die A c t
*Moen Ur UM et Aprll. lin, of pro
Moored Mahood by the widow we ebb.
` • of • WIN .doe of three loodod
how Led lit the ogee of the alert of
the Orphaab Rout sod coslosed olio wit :
Peraotal propoty to the mood of
ed by the widow of Jobs Rellaboo, I =
pad M a eM m easilta.s
Real es 111 0,= . 0f .11.1 . •1=
delis Mhos. etterf.
l'el fonl i gt= l ilt.
V lLilintr ' jr"
&eV y a. p. Wode'rodiftr....
by widow of &Oa Ca, decowet• i=
reenuei yosbeety be sloomat
I wf Moistwallsod A I
widow Orions Row. Odd; L hem W.
flowed o•oety botooeit of gra* nadaed
by widow OW.. MAY" et . red t T. l.
a deiseel Roblies,ad . • .
Ponsotal ihas•llo Of 8000.1relblell4
by tbe widow ot Strom. doteletd: IC .1.
Not ,
Med day iii Wag the A
Winer ULM, ' •
t.. , 11
. 1 ,
j _ .1 1. C.eitiliff.Rlrfk.
:Lift Ca o urof fbr Ilrial m at- Mare*
Irn% A. lie
SP arr.
W a lliotter : w
vo mambo Maul co
Illeadehrok • 8 Wortiois
cholottml atria& VI *num *woo
Valostini W.Y n Y X Awlerstio
J.W Liebe! Ts WM= IlLtosedy
MONT Clotho . ; ti
JokeDail a Co
Mots. Brothers r Dilworth
. ow= 1,1/224 a
Jesse 11l &Marton • en • Brief Dear
Healer & Webster . : vs • - . Konen II limbs
/ohs Paton . ea . /Ins; Balky add
vs PSt Wu CIt W Co
t 'u llris wi t yd im e, o7 U re , vs _
~ r II Anahuls
J w Kit c h e ll . ••,- es Pat ells Cotkar Co
flows IlJeckson ; vs
_. Zi th er Snake
V 0 llobough . " 3 " .
• Vs A 0 Oaken; A wire
Jellltoller , vs , Wisner Gm
Sampaurs Marker vs 'W Trimble
118telefeld 'Menlo Bettor
Wm &knots' Wes' vs Wm II Wiseman
T Wawa A W Peelle:sr vs T lb White
George WWIe de at vi Conine Offbeat .
John C Pet - vs . JMI at Jobe Xcillbat
Wm II Jonnalon : re • Illifenehdltall
Wm Burbos, is William Rigby
A McMillen . ' ' vs Aiwa Grier
Jobs C Dog vs J X Jaohnllclldien
ti II Condere James Tor's Admin'i
Wamiaston , vs Limey et al
Jesepb A.Fiendng , vs Wm Bunts
Albeit Knees • vs Phillip Elaenbarl
• vs 110 & Panay •
Geo W Barclay ve . .7Y McMillen
AMMO Miller • • vs . .W II SIVUV Se al
licheale Me lot B.
lons del Widllon .es . James rem
Janet es ..r. , •• . • .
Jilt Schutt vs Jiver sehatt
Thomas A leans ft al is a. Andrew Serener
Jason RichanLoon ' vs . Iticlund Walton
Jake Sternums aal . vs -Wm
..• vs ' - J B Vancre b lZ
v.. Samoa Keifer
.. ..
. .. II x Nancy
John &UM* II Co va Janlada a J Cope.and
limy Ilse re John Birks
Hamm Cbray m • Wm E. away
new Wagner m A .1 Webb et at
Jaws Wan S. penal. yalighe
... _
T W Andomun v. I lemtee;a. Lenz
IX Mr-keret al - to Jim BMWs OM
Win A gmbansh , 6• John Emboogb
Wm Maki* m ' John Unebhmt dal
Wm Brunt Jr it Co m C A P R. It Coney
fobittk... JOHN CAUGUKY, Pro.
Wood . Turning'. OhOP.
- Allegheny city. Ps.,
Is prepared to do all kinds of Wood-
Turninf. Scroll-Sawing and 81m11 Mord-.
ding. Itesrell's Balusters and Hand Bails.
TO HANG, thrashed on short notice.'
Orden by mall promptly attaadad to, or may be
left with Glower Jt Co., SO, 4th Air., Pittab
Pc. and at the XI I. comer of Wener stVi and
Gush= Alley. lelY
Beaver 4 1 11.04idestilly,"Ths Sistine tee
of this hornet= will open on the 1.1t6 a(
much Deli. to coodnua 14 weans. Far keg:m.2e.
apply to C. MUGS, Psi..
•• Offers Ms Dry Goodkand Notions
All Winter Rath, and Meld and Boys'
Hata: will be cleared out regardless of c.a.
A large stock of GROCERIES. of die
best quality on hand and for We at low
rules. A. 8. HARYkri,
.Car. Bridge 4: Market ets„ Bridgewater.
Pa. • febtbilw
Whitler, Whiter* Cola Rag icy:
Clothing, Clotilag! Wairies mud heavy
As Ilegulor w the Seamus Clutnge, so
14 11l
37 03
171 23
38 CO
NO 1/0
7113 23
53 00
73 01
1.211 3
mud we nitange our Light Gar-
manta for
1-le:Lvy Gaymentf:i.
. .1.513 1.6
- i.Sti 111
AA the Mechanic and the Lainwer go
W their daily laboit aVtlgie PFat'isional
and business man to Oar offices ouplaces
of biisiness, these * el mid chilly morus
finis, the thotight enters their mind-.
Our Winter, Clothing; P
Te the nun who huys,.his goods reedy'
made, 'would say: Go to
Broadway, New Brighton;
GI- CO C:11) 3:0 IS ,
And Keep the Best Assortment in
Bearer Cbualy.
Tn the man who line his goods made hi
order, cr by iiteamirr, we would any: Grist°
Because they hare a Mier,
it;il . l 4 ;il4;ro liCcorul Co;
Piece Goods Frotiliek to Select;
a , N 9 vine. .' , NO
ing ER
• o , •
4111001114braltataiii CfiraCtgr.
1111a.latcra,School Tambora aad all
salba agatoriliis new And
lasparlaut book eallikd m.
; !.- • • •
0 AZT , „ 3E3Z 3E3 X.-I NI
• I>A
I A I • y
Of tit DAM orIDA isDo Atalreof Newby Dar.
Joann, Irogoo.p. D.
Tkla sort IMPOrator:wand la
readily reodytay ousest sad heany asthma.
mot or all islaasiod dosasalladadoiss.: To wawa
No agark . ptirbaala polars attniatmem or Wuhan*
hod it mew 4:Cerl lorcl7lcklea. It la Jost lb'
wadi lac the et
Apply foe Orate.* chtelar sad terms. State
the tesTitoti ram .sat,
J. R. 70§12111.4
atikly.] Lock Box DO,
.g7cti'llot Catawba
(kwypisgat Alma havkart. ay
..-AlidibtragitahMalt ehoo hay, r
Lhvr Am rainy Ahoy ar
twos. ak*Vlol:"‘Tors ikadarY UPOlit
dr. gq016114, aMkawlaff Jagg:
MATS. or Lfruips.
These Ohtani the most delightful pleas. -
apt purgative, superseding caster oil, salt %
magnesia, etc. They are composed of the
Oust furredicats. After a few days' use
of them, such an Invigoration of the voila
system takes plies as to appear milieu!.
o ul
to the weak and eneniated, whether
nalog from Imprudence or disease 11.
T. Reimbold's Compound Fluid &tract
Catawba Grape Pills are not augar.coated,
from the fact that tutu-coated doses
dissolve, but pau through the Monad
without dissolving, consequena4. not
produce the &And eft mt.. T HE CA
-1 AWBA GRAPE PILLS, being *mud
in tams and odor, do sot t
BOXsugar - coaled • FIFTY CENTS
/LEN WV T. Eir.W•LAUFSCliarit4
MOULT ealtelltrnmvo
Will mdkally exterminate from the sys
tem Bzrolfula,- Byphilis, Peres Boren, IX.
oers, Bore Eyes, bore Legs, Sore YotiQ,,
Sore fiend, Bronchitis, Skin Diallitti••
Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings from the
Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous
Altextions, Nodes, Weitem, Glandulu
Swetiings, Night Swilts, Rash, -Truer,
Humors of CI kind*, Chrome Memos
dam, Dyspepsia,
the diseases that hers
bum mtablistied in system for yeart.
Being prepared e,xpressly for the above
Complaints, its blood. ptuityl ng properties
are greater than any other preparation or
sarsaparilh‘ It giro the maple:lon a
clear and healthy color and restores the
patient to a Mate of health and purity.
For purifying tht blood, removing all
chroedeconstltutional disease:ambling from
an Impure state ofjlae blood, 'Liedtke only
reliable and efrectal known remedy for
the dire or pular and swelling otthe bones,
Alceratkrus of the throstand Imblotches,
flu dpi on the face, crYtipelas, and all
scaly erupt of the skin, and bawdy.
lug themfipleslow. PRICE $1 50 Plitt
rianDlmotacT Infant
has cured eiery case of Diabetes in whirl
It ban been given, Irritation of the Neck
of the Bladder and lollsmation (4 the
Kidneys, Ulc.:ration of the Kidneys sal
Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of
the Postage Gland,.Stone In the Bladder,
Calculus, Gravel, Hrickdust Deposit, and
Mucous or Milky Discharges, and flit en
fbi•W and-delicate constitutions of both
sitlea, attended with the followin. sem
hints Indisposition to' xertion, bats of
Power. Lai of Memory, Difilctilty of
Brnithing, Weak NefTet, Trembling, Llor
for or Disease, Wesktainew, Dimneia of
VisPiri, Pain in the Back, lint Bands,
Flushing of the Body, D mess of the Skis,
Eruption on the Fsee,Pallid Countenance,
Universal Lassitude of the Muscular Sys
tem, etc.
Used by perm: from the age or elgb•
teen to tieeutyfire, and from thirty.lire to
fifty-fire or it: the &cline or change of
life: after confinement or labor us; hot
wetting In children.
. -
11eimbol4's Extract Ducl,u k hurdic
and itloodl•Pn rib ag, smbeures sit disci,"
arising frtun . Habits of Dissipation, and
excesses anal imprudences in lite, * Impuri.
thm or the Mood, etc.,Supersetling,Copaibs
In Affections for which it is used, and
Syphilitic Affcctiorm—in these dismal
used in comuection with Igelmbeki's'ltose
Wash. .
In many affections peculiar to ladie%
the Extract Bachn to urieguallei by soy ,
other remedy—u In Uhlorosis 01 Hetes
Lion, Irregularity, Painfulness or 3uppres•
aloe ofcuatotuary Esacuations, Uleeratid
'or Hchiretts state or the Uterus, Leucor•
rime or Whites, Steel litt and for all eon•
plaints Incident to the sex, whether stir
lug from Indiscretion or Habits 'o( Disu
i on. It is prescribed extensively by
the meat eminent physicians & midwives
for enfeebled and del ic ate constitutions, , 31
both sexes and all ages (attended with any
of the abovo please; or symptoms.)
in alt their stages, at little expense, little
or no change indiet,-no inconvenience,
and no exposure- It Ganses a frequent de•
sire, and gives strength to Urinate, then•
by. removing Obstmetions, Preventing
and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. Al
laying Pain and Intimation, so frequent
in this data of diseases, and expelling all
Poisonous tuattter. •
Thousands who have been the victims
of incompetent persons, and who bane
paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time,
have found they have been deceived, and
that the " Poison" has,by the use of"pow•
erful astringents," been dried up in t h e
system, to break out in a more aggntraud
form, and r terhaps after Marriage.
CHU for all atteetious sod Diseases oldie
Urinary Organs, whether exciting in Mole
or Female, Iron' Whatever cause original
lug, and no matter Of how long standing.
cannot tm liurpassed as a FACE WASIL
and will be found the only specific reme
dy In every speck% of Cutaneous Affection.
It speedily eradicates Pimples, Spots.Seof•
butte DryneM, Induraeobs of the Cutane
ous sfttnbrane, etc., dispels Rothman; and
Incipient Inflatuation, Wear Rash, Moth
Patches, Dryness of skalp or Skin, Fro , t
Bites, and all purposes for which Salvo
or Ointments are used: restores the skis
to a state of purity and softness, and la
soma continued healthy action lathe tissue
of its vessels, on which depends the agree
able clearness and vivacity of complexion
so much sought and admired. But how.
ever valuable as a remedy for exittiog
fects of the Alm IL T. Rembold's loan
Wash has long sustained its principle
claim to unbcamd patronage, by pleas
ing qualities whice tender ft a told aJt-
Yeadage of the most Superlative and Con
genial character. craMbWng le an Apra
formula those prominent requisites safety
and efficacy—the Invariable accompani -
Mots of us use—as a Preservative and
Refresher of the Complexion. It .Is an
excellent Lotion for diseases ore Syphilit- •
Ic Mame. and roan injection for
of the nitteryClrgans, arising from haik
u of-discilatlos, used In couneethat with
PILLS, In sea diseases as reco m mended.
cannot be surpassed. PRICE ONE DUI. -
Full and explicit girections accompany
the medicines.
Evidence of the moat tesponsaiiie and
reliable character furntshoill on applies
ration, with bundnsds of thousands of
Tiring witnexies, and uriwatit of 1.000 un
solicited certitloitea and, recommendatoryletters, many of which are from the high
est sources, including eminent Physiciani,
Clergyown, Statcwiten, etc,The pro
prietor has never moiled to heir publi
cation in the newspapers; be does Da 410
this from the fact his articles runk ss
Standard Preparations , and do not need a
be propped up be certificates
limy T. nellnibeWs ilisanils• !re.
'Delivered to iny gail = ll.l / 2 2 *. Seibre from
TY YEARS, Sold by Druggists every
where. Address letters for Intorautin, in
confidence to IiENRY T. HELMBOLD ,
Druggist 'yid Chemist..
Only Depots: If. T, lIELMBOLD'S
Drug and Chemical Wprebouse, No. 4 94
Broadway, New To rk,or to R. T. LI Elk
BOLD'S - Medical Depot, UM !With TOOL
Meet, Phlladelplda, •
BZWAniI 01P couttizzernes. Ask for
HINNY T.lllMlnsorest Tuts novenas.
MaY0410;ITI cbd febls.