The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 08, 1871, Image 1
'Advertisements are inatirtad at the rata of $l,OO per squire for OW 103118i0111,1114 for each subsequent trisection 00 aorta. A liberid diseountarride on toasty sit. rertisements. A spars soul to tan Una of thlntype measles* a aiiiincit , Business Notice. set under SAW by themselves inunedlately altar thalami news, will ho charged ten'oents aiiriii for sash insertion,. , • • Advertisniteribi ationll tit/ handalli before Monday noon to insure Insertion in that week's • • ONAvata. IMlta, //VW and dealer In gnats, UN 111011Cdba 'aft 6nd Mum, Glow am pt ined Benny Good bar rd. rm. ocaptioa. Lea mom . compounded s; . wow 0. IF T. Drake in Groceries,. Irkna. P/WE Cm** • Tobacco mod c ( • I • • tar. , ItU=4s. Miro at A Maio st. ormieMaTty commode g - ; ANDLitsolt. Parlor la OW Uppereed mei/Wtu. Harlot lifielibm Aft IL' WY L to • coons.. • • neMly D &MON Km. L t AL. Vidor Is Miltkerryois LP Titan • al stAiod Diamoad- • • I tiAWLS NWOMS. Wow, .11 letuteereat , fge Tay. Dore Calker. ToreatO end Clore; Cop eetioa well Vert libber: !Ilehi st. 'eopitil A , imadra• / harms,,stove. o• th ane, ie. West NA it. .selikly Tiv:THlVitle, lueanumet spot, Deaver. Pa. Cell tad get your property tuee!et. eglegty rzirirsmi t. lati. _ T 11108,0ANSTIIDN. Dula WIWI.' &haft:. . FoetlltttkatBt.P4abanY.Pa i loryatlJ CiDiti`A Xiinsts Apar, pp: puliksP•MANßou. sia MOE.; too liagthisr," Hat fros..Fit!.batirti. WiNDattiON Ilium.. tairsole . Drat 'tl . gilts, IN Liberty 13L Plitatrint. eeStly D TAT PARLOR. 12 sink AT. . emu, (nest Market St.) 'Wilbur/Kb. 1.1914:17 fl S. en , iiFlttistA t ik. P 9. 414:1;, I 0911 PH HUHN It MAW,' 71119 Itarket Bt., J P4l9ll9TlL9—biportalts sad dealers la Natlees. Trimmings, Malan% Whit. Goods, ix. [oll,ly - 13 TAMER* 118.0TUIRS, Trawl lust wed , cal i Confectioner'. Denims le nuts, A halt.. us.lao Wood St. Pftleteugh, [eepltlg I W3COORS., Ileiler le &See tea., Metes J . Pnmlly Utocetiee. No >b Firth Avenue. Mils nu!gh, PIL — • • Dessi;ty - TWIN BIG(11LET /‘ SON. Denten, In, the New Weed Fatally Sewing llisejtines. lid Masan tenet, Plibbanti o Pa. - aspltly OTIVIMii t aISTOCK i CQ, Dealen lu lace. pen. Oil node. £o. Special Mee to Pem. to nab Anna.; Pluebanth. Pt le4g P 79 °Fc e w°Cw J/11.7,/I°.:!Ti• ...a. iNsiehes, clocks, ie;;;16 iiiiiiiii;iiiii:Plis 16 Fifth AMMO. P it t iAMITIL - ilitPl4:l7 `filo A. LYUNeI, Homo owl Bi('. Adman write+, 1V • to order Shut Cud. fur•lotwo. Na 7 Fifth krona,. Pfttrbtfrgb, Po. (reolf;11 ._ --. rip C. FlJLEol.f...llsarfiKturer of awl .1. • Furniture sod Chafrot—ftetterratd. Walnut. ildlokaor sad Oat. 45 Bettklekl rt. toellkly NEW_,, Rasawren. I) ft n tall. „o —tgLlA l L , 4l , NDA y in w ! i me. New linglitoo, :peeceseore to L. D. No. bk:) SO. v. titism63 - 10cery viteiii ry R. It. vtreet. SPecial atenilou given to wed diep and balto„ Li — at• NNBKll44..garabas • Broadway, New Brighton. Ban adv 4.914;4 N. WIIIBI3OI, Dentist. Broadway, New tt. Brighton. . (aapttly Photographer: WIWOW. Muck, 11. Broadway. Jaw. photognighs from rwtonch rd o. sUrao. (fe • :4:ty WINTKR, BILDISON, Jewalers an , Tobse coaling, Brdsdway. N. lkightan. Lseplt,ly I J. Holm . _...Mit (Dorado,. Queenaware and fl lloa•ehola Gond.. Broadway. -tsepllly Wiudt7w • Mindy, intake, litallobeery • Dothan; Broad. ray. Nerrlrightun. Pa. Enep9l4 t;SMIFIT s STILLNIMID,DeaIera la boy Geode, 1.1 Puny Gonda a tiotkos; Merchant Talkni Chneltra Bmadway. actltly 1111EAVIIIS I/ALIA ` ILU*M eong6TdU : irl>G~ter fa impro♦ea YV llowe eewfup Macbl iee . Ydn bl .. knem V11if4.11. -- KiNif,LAirTiro — ode — ..4l - e nd AL Millinery. curuer of Mald'andller etrets Buyer Pal,. selarkly.. lilitiMAti.leall'iN s Mlfresc MY. Artistotclit: err, also, Moose and tligt, reinter*, Main Ht., ikaret Valls. • '', • rapii;ly i PLUMING, Dealer. In Moots and Roca of /iv every description. at low pnees. and of a an perior qaanty, Main lit, Seaver Palls, Pd. lad,18;ly rrTrr-7vrri BRZUM, Brldge 'treat. Bridgewater, Pa., Dealer lo Ould and Nikes Watches, Clocks, Jewelry sod Sliver•Ware,dpeencM,le. Watch so, Cl.Clus sod Jewelry repaired. Lfcbl677l;ly DANIELIIIILLS.R.FaatiIutiabIe Tam. None but ei o erleoced workmen employed. tibup 'on ridge at.. Brlityewater, febdltily. TAMES PORTER, Tloner. Dealer to Tin. Cop. U per and tibeel•lrou ware, bod Iron tiletera Poole. Drilge et. DrA•evrater,(e9l4o.l' I=l and tibirea. 2l" =l, 664 woes Dror ": ri:Jolla/ C. iffRST. Ley Mods. Nab. Cape. Pate; in • Carpets. 011 Chaim' end Thomlags. Bridge Ikldgewater, Pa. • e914:11/ Jl — X - DOlilitlTY. Lawler In 11,71,nne and dnier, • Bridge Stmt. Bridgewater. riep I•, Millinery, Trimming' lb Notions IL. Bridgewater. sepitly 11 — V. %MINICAR iiitiireFat '6°74 - aid Shun. Brldr St.. Bridgewater. (sryettly 11 104. lilltUlESl.ll.katirmen'a Clothing cleaned end premed. ill'eter bl.aborr Dredge. (miCly • 101 IN WOODRUFF. Marble Cutter; MuTeic el meets • Tombstones of all description. made to order. Bt. Market and Water acmes. reepitly OTI MS.& CO. ternaries. queeneware. Win e' • duw Glass, Fluor, Y eel Country Produce. Imulate'r Omer, Bridge St. Bridgewater. islOßly IRAIC NKOMO% Dealer In ettEmougahela 4. 1 Coal. Orden" lett at d 11. eillfrOoll Braver, and at Itmlth'e Uinta blare, In Bridgewater: will be promptly attended to, Cbsh on deltrery-lowest price. Tad,--McDoeleld's Polat. eitattly ROC-IRTC•Tligto 1 rANICINA--Deslvr fa Boots, Skim and urea aud weals Gar Shure, Seeds); machine; Narr Tort and It. IL Sta. Itucbwter. gab= 1 7 U1tr177., Garwealib. Near work. of L.l the Mat material, made to order. All wink wattaated. Itepabiag rattly dime. Prima Low. AdiM $O.. Ithehooten H 1 41171 1 011 C e O r; V a c iL i t y st., "ll. thawd. Itueiaeot.r. . isepliat TJ ENNY LAPP, r ad Dealer to 11 Plow Factor . Sco.adet. (a .74:1) 401 IN It Altel • f„ Uakn Bud eutiticittmer.— ILI Water et.. Rochester, Ps. (Sepik!, ' T Nil ItialAli BOYD, Wagon & Carriage - Maker, 1 Railroad .t., Hoebeiter, I. tsepttly t,, , _ &MUM. C. lIAN.NEit. Dregglit. Presatp, LI Ouse carefully COMpunaded. Wiser it., Ku cheyter. tiepli:ly DK J.S.WlNANCEJeortuttPhyßklest; Chroutc Miami* made • specialty. Waft, issuer of irruna.d and Bridge so., Itaciteetrr. [sepOily PRIIRRRR t RONS. I ,I holm& 4 Retail teal.S ere le Dry Goods.Urocetles,Fkbur, freed Artie, Bust otorrearoo I Salle. Cur. Water & .111114a111111. fa FREW:Ma. Raker anti 'Coorectioner.— Vio•Wirddintr Cake. sod Ice Cream ferahhed promptly. Uu lihunued, Rochester. (replhty HALE by A. SILVERMAN, Illeadquarters tor only, S , Domestic. Dry Goode. Nodose. Trialsolage and Pitney Donde generally. Water Areal. litiebester. Pa bleprCly tent l{s D r* tra • tli d u U rt i id Deal In Lamberfatb rte. ItOrbeeter. Lublin & Co.. Deflate In Hawed sad Plild Lumber; Lath A Sitingler..trocbester. - aptegly DOWER% LIVIDLY STABLY A COAL YARD. Ibetween R. R. etatlon and titan Ti,,,. uelbllir C7l to Tlo,Copper and Meet Iron Ware. Miriam Snoallog. Am., attended to. 7r. Yoe% sin DC sway QTEVlll.EK 4 'ittAßK:liropiietoiv — ofJohnitai 1.1 Doom Good aeconnsodAbans and Food all. bloc Neer It. R. De ..t uelltbl .___ • . ' ' des er re. tristesll. tem. "jte. !Upside* done neatly and promptly. Mort ort the DlsrsoodOtochester. P. oat% Jr wAurkte Wagons. Coaches. Borth*. tipting•mamsets. altrs. *4. Plackstottkhyl sod hommilmelog does in the bort manster. Rochester. Pm Dotty Lurr ursarool., li • et it.. our R. It .. kie . TIC pikai lhli rreall iff y and accaratply com pounded. • febl:lT MOM LILAXEOVIII. JOHN THO=Y_Alsadouota rim of the Omit Iteptib Sove. sad Anemia, or POi• table tztomeloo Sap and onitzs. FaUstoa. Pa. A La CRT RUSSELL Stoneware Illan'afacnuer. 41 Order' promptly mended to. Vasport. Pow otace aditnee—Seaver.Pa. --.-lattly 'RAVING Penneiently located la the Minute or 1 1 Zellenople, Pa.. for dee purpose at manikin; Medicine, 1 reepectfitlit tender MY PrOmi n del unless to me citisentioreald milege and vicinity. (Mice in reeidence. GmbH. Kula Hotel: when: dad &nay. Ye torn& mikes profeeelasally "gle•d• Ail Mille ettit receive Immediate and P 6 oapt attention, A. V, OVNNIMIIIA/1.11. _vennll:l,l J. LiNNENBRINIC._L Dealer In liaratloDen. Clnenno lam b, Jewe and lry', ArJewe ny iedinda and Sieflontry. ' "µrnpalnrd. A I "µ LD" Kayla, Ilandee.• Rudman Pa.for l!, ly . J. U. miyenmattv. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Third Stied. Bearer, OROS tekow Ilbe Cowl Boma, Baiter, N. 'u4brutriciatotrom.`-. T ROMAI3IWORMERY & CO. Ifni*. WeinMKT, MAW. J. DRAVO 'J. IL M'CRlttliy. 'has t Ulm Wild tot tlaw &gods: flrosipt atlantic* o Rood and o t d e u l i bl oo O s. o m A pa k aak. i la mac VaLe OAV 11 4 1 :1 11 Arr i a141: trios permaar a tit: eII liart eeooliaa to Ilte==iloi• ttti* tr.a...f INA a alalltall Yltd. Weft as Taira atm. a dtain di awes wan oleo Coin alma. rdtdat :: ' ~. 4' .~.£~ :~. , MN Vo 53;46. 4111111 TAIL CAIIIIIgIION, Attar* stLei— ej Waver. Pi. Moe la the mat for =gift oeciPled b 7 tba Ins leas. iutues. Cot. lociakm, Itemptly alto", to- 1 4 21 1 " / stifrile Entitle telitimuit r.- • Pam liazinfactiry WlLtlAa¢itxss 41r, •• - ifintebthenirsql • 1.: GRAN D"( 11111111; AND o,lllolll` 'MO _ _.ftAzrimoß.E, 11D. TMtw My* Dem Wore =l i e lee awl" llillyzer .6 aroaead thole eleseeettslotties pr..weeLeuwee *Wilk peowoovee theal uewitoalleaL Melt 'TUNE roielliVe emit power. eweetneei wed towelagtog leditrile well me peel parity of lolowsloa. eweetweetthrowzboet the satire nal& Tleir r TOUCH • pdaat and donde, and entirely ha Itos I. *lbws band In no inany Piano.. In 'Workmanship • they an esequalled, ulna moue but the very bast nemesis aisrantas. the krare capital enipleyed is our heathersenabllag no Ur keep ask tounan stock elbosaber; Lc., cot hand. AU oar SWAM Pianos hare oar New Up proved Over elms }Sado and the Ante Debts. Fir We would cat !epode/ attention to our We tanoroventeats in ()BAND MANUS =OM:MRS GRANT'S; PATitaTan AVG. 14. lEtak shirk WES tbo no newer perfection than has yet bore at. tattled. Rum Plea° Fatly Warreated for Thor roars. Vie have soda anangesteata Cue the . tide WilotaNale /jowl la the moat Celebrated PAR LOR IMAM aad MELODEONS; whkb we of to Whokoalo sad Retail, at Lettere ran WILLIAM KNAME AV'? =I Inistant Keller Vox'. The AListlarna,.. Ha►lag been afillca ti mrlik that terribte eom• V i al at a =a:the 01 twel eae f gy b" askd at 'tail head a reai.4 that glyea • Inidani and Cbnipltie Relief t have concluded to Welt wenared for sale so thit Other* eindbuily afflicted no metre the ben. eat lt, atentring them that It will do ail, and more thahall prom • ised for iI; sad. that per ions cum lolog, will deter be frith oat It, As, minaerous' others who hare used U • can testify. Can be bad at the Drag Store of WILLIAM U. DIJECIILINR,_ Rochester, or will be sent by mall to say Address on receipt of one altar; sod tea ows so pay postage. CUAII.R.UU/118T. noeta,ll.r yl• . • Rochester, Dearer county, Pe. I,lV.A.Pernibl- A Geuend Agent for Vier ver county, for the Quad= Iluttal Life in surance ("mopeds of New York. Ethers! Induce. tarots to, the right outo. Net term and eirsubus, address Smith, Roberta k Roillagsbesd, Nana gent, Routh-tad corner sth sod Walnut streets, Philadelphia. , poriutf. 1..113% itAtitt It II Bridge Str , et, . • BR WATER., PA. I L DI WNNIELY REM NO A FRIDIU 511PYLT OF GOODS IN NA II Or TUN FOLLOWING . . DRY ILvi CO Cl.i) SI. Steubenville Jeanv_, Ceaolnionni and Sattinvig. White Woollen blankets, White And colored and. `Barred Flannels„ MerlnfA, ' . Detainee, • . I • , Plaids, . ..• Gingham:is, , —'' - Coberge, • - Lawns, • Water Pmoce, ...I 1 Chinchilla. . ; ./. Cloths, . Woollen Shawba repl4:ly Brown utid Black Muslin.., Tirkings, • Clinton Joconces, Table Linen, Irish Lineu. Crash, Cuiinterpancs. Hosiery, Gloves Mits. Groceries, Culler, Team, Sugar. Mularees. White !Miran/rips Gulden sod. Common Syrups Mackerel In bah orto and alto. Star md Talknr Caudle", Snap, Spier-. andSAL Te e Meat. Abo, p. Hardware l . . Nails , Glass , ....Loeks.Doot latebril, flinger, Severn; Tibia Catlary,labla atal Tel Spoon.. Sleigh Bella, Lodi Boni. Fire Rdrrels and Niters. Nano and Masa. Spaded. %hovel.. 1, 3. and 4 1 Ina 'York., Rakes. Scythes and Snattts, Corn sad Garden WOODEN WARE Buckete. Tub. Chortle, Butter Prietreaut Ladles CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil 4; White Lead. Boots and Shoes La DIES' NIDISNS' AND CUILI/RENS' 0110ISI in Erect walety.• - Rifle Powder acid Shot, Blast:ink Powde. and Pogo. Flour Feed ar. QUeens-vrilore. 'vli beery good. delivered Owe °rebury. Ity due attention to bovinore. and •by keeping constantly on baud a well arum ted stock of goods of all the different bled. woolly kept Ina estuary wore. the undendrued hopes to the future air to the pain to merit and receive a Ober/11.81nm or the public palroulffe. st. ItANO a lt. fiwwa& The' Most Complete Business Col lege in , the United States, • dlfonilur I.NINi efr toe acquitted a thoroopt..Onse: tiral Nobless education, poreeeved by no other School In the country Since Its Incorporation •Su 1n66. newly. blsteen Thousand Students. reguarentatired. Sues every Slate in the Union. have attended here. varatioste. Situteuta eater et 'auy thee, and twelve private (minutiae Iluoughnat the claim atone N. B.— Malthus with full particular. , and ail oe• ertury Inhumation. ow addressing , ' 81111Til t COWLKY, Pirrativisan. Pa. Lull MEYRAN SIEDIJg. • Socce.mos In ' REINE.MAN. MEYRXN MERLE, N 0.42 Filth 41.4e0ue, GOLD ANTI) SILVEIti - 4 . 111T118, A aid tit-alerA in FINE JEWELRY ! , iWATICIIESORAMONIM:AND SILVER. PLATER WARE. Agency ho• all the beat 'nuptcs of AMERICAN NVA,746IIIO*Ii, SETH THOMAS C 1.0635. special 'dietitian paid to the ring and adjumlng of, FINE WATCHES. oc13:111,1y. or Donn& Xoadn, Yortinneen. Jostle& Ininki ktrt constantly on nand 44 tor sato 4 this gat,. . , righton Paper Mills, BEAVER FAILS, PENN A. PRINTING. ifit4 vat t ROOFlns,~c, asn. Meow. BAG AND: CAMP _ ET .1P 'A. .1a- DIA.NtJVA.C•I`U 'EL =3 AND,-OtI)AT Wbelemide*'llWall by Fruier, ktrst lets 11*'Tkir1 Ave.'s*. _ 2 PrrsiBURGU. IPr/hp was szetsage. Iseppkitu ••:: , ..• , • iwuur!tilaiskiT , FI2T P'LWATitlialliC4l6o RAILIWAT: •Os ins Ow Doer. 4114 fall IlerrartiVar4.7l.laltirril' .3 • nuta i hi sis e. tam day.l • . • le== rilist . Mtis ---,prim 1018.61111110 in; Sociamor ser 21( 11 111 1 ON • 421 Animal EO6-Mmi NA: MM Zitzes. 'm ' .. • ..... % ...... ::::._ . :::: • . Maimoma - ' , • lee . MI ' .41tE , kin • 2: mm l a %a d li a P s ii : l M ao -' A:' , 154 ; i • i i - ' 17• i 4 DI ig l i i 3 'i! . •' U l" . r•' . a P"l 1 i s ; Cikaday ~ Una. 1.. lOWA l al IWO VW i Pot War w. MI 11{+11 :343 .150 Vyaoail bta an I rum GOIXO IBUT. --'ThEi - -- . I[IP . . ' STATI93IP. : IV A. i7iirall.. a .4----..,......„: . .,!..,-..... r , .6-......„ 1 --- ?Ik4lo. Aglaia 316ra MIAs mem Vitlll '''sixtrx en . ar tarot sZ i r 11 ... • .. • Ceilligibr. - ' - "" ) " . 1' -.-,. - tic. : ' V Pa n rt W e,t imp ~ 133 PM Mural sio Lima lea ;SUN 81116 HO Peron KA 1143 413 7111' lincynni ...... •••• la, 41ili I.ail riii q u ' ili" 1 g ••••4 es ao atium us • *mould •i 717 /SW 1140 11015 Orrvilkt 'il 006 134 I 113 I- . Alliance Ha1m:.........115 230 IMO Mrs ... ... .1/octiaelar liusim *llO I Mrs! Ma .Plitanitab '; IS 111101 m 343 440 ' Taturgatown s New Castle and tete gorrass lanes Yobngstown at 110 Ir. New erns. MOO arises at - Pittsburgh; p. sr. Returning. lams ,Pittobarrh .7:00 a. as err. sr %New Castle. 10:44a. m. , VNingltirri, lOW. a. in. :3=v. Now Csle urd Pittsburgh M ime Youngstown, 1:10 a. an New eastle,llo a. nu wired at Allegheny. Iwo a. ea. Returning, leaves PlUsbargh, p. as; as , rives New Y. H. IIYN9B, General Risormer and 7lcket ANst. CLEVELAND s PITINBUROII RAILROAD. On land alter laylllll MO. Ming will leave Sini.oni daily inandaycanceptedlo Wows. Cleveland... . Euclid intact. litarenl44 Alliance ~. WelbrUlc lITATIUNO. ' MAIL. Mire. AMIN. , WellerUle ........;; 10Uie I 501st Bayard 1;11X5 I & Alliance .... ...... '1135 1 715 , 'Max ; Ravenna '2lUrit OA Oil Hudson I a 00 . 1 .055 &end Street...... .... . , Cleveland j 9lO 915 . 1010 ; 4011110 IC.AST. Irt/ITIO/li - i. ' ACCOM 1 , 1111,11: ) fti ACI. UM Itellalr V 5455 n ' .. 110040 41 0 11411 II ma. 1 .. . 110 100 il=le i . 100 1 . ... " 315 11111Ei 11411vj mltIsi Ul• .... -' ; SIS ; .15.5rn 4141 Beaver 110e1ener. T I Nes es uo Pmsbunrb _ ' 1056 go— s‘s __._ rrawoas. jj lliii - , -,.. - rairVitscni 49,1XiM l'-r- ---I-- --. hibbazirti 1 05as 11094 s 41rant Rocberter ' ; 115 410 557 ;Beaver 1 Budder; Fern 1 '... . . .. • Wellsville ;; d . iOO idili , titeooo4l4ll4. ... ii 1153 01 7USAu Urilipport. . 'llO5 WI " 815 Itellalr 41115 735 1130 ___. TUSCARAWA leis N. rbEadelpbta, WO a. pa. Bayard, MO F. R. N4YEN9. Go Aviles oftdif tiPictet ot Baer. AGENTS; Male and Female ; Yea and Women or ietedifwere and omega, to sake olden foram arllUsat, spark. luc rem work. Third 1141Ume sew noway. LIVING TIIOUGIM OF LEADING WHINKERS; A Damon hbuse of brilliant. pangeat and living thought. on art, toesce, religion. pollUa, burl. seta 'octal 114 anttall lb; leading qtlestioue of the dr/ ch la. tepiete also. pia rare Gnu of lbetry, to whi appended d let Weary of pourez a eaore with their real aad • mat rignate p re, Alt Ix , TILLLZOTVAL BAN POll ALL WOO READ AID Tatar.. Addrea. for Itretne. .1. R. IrOaTlia 6 CO, Pablbbeta. febatly.l ai PVIA Angle, Jilabargh, Ph. LOOK HERE. The' 17. Wiersigned Ras Just Opened A FOAMLESS ASSORTMENT OP DRY - GOODS, llak, Caps, Nalua;,Quassarare. Mau, Lamp OM, UAW Finery, C3.I2.OCMIZIMS: PROWSIONS,ic., t thA torOix of Badge and Market Streets: Bridgewater, Pa., Having had considerable everiiare is the Mercantile Business, 1k Flatten Nlaveu that Ms Selection of Goods Ad Ms Prices Will Prove Satisfactory to the Public Generally. THE PATRONAGE OF HIS OLD IPA. TRONS, AND ALL OTHERS, Is; reripecrttially Soltotted 1 - IA.ILVEAr. dael1;1( In 0 0 E putio6 - I.g,T, Preseriptioni Cat*My and Amtrak ' -I,t fbnapoureded. , THB Bat =Ong UT A.44BOiiTED M. '41:0 ; ' n !' I I g; W• 1 67 6 .' • • 'I. • 6 SNINSi 1 a't'n t w muNY. P.M. ,OF W.** .0,-1413.- 4.---TuTrir; Y 404 4 wpm, ROI* punt, atlappe 0411,Leop Triaaalizi, Licking be, A „fame Amalgam! qf TOILET ARTICLWs. -SOAP% BRUSHES lir, PATEN'''NNAIUINJ , 7[.1.811,4, Nara P. Burk pedal' as Tn!sgiumt . • of School Dl.. deb; jut aid . select Odor cake Tants ems 'ram Goma 11013211 YaiL.Czr'.. Acaua~~ 2140au 121.5ry SArii 13 I—* 30$ tie 165 :OW lUD aVOtni AI ==! en. Ann' 943. dept) tot A I= ?Eg scellaneous. MM. ANN N. itic-ilayor rtf Ifitliamapert, liegonsylranis : I take vest palletise la yeetutunetollug '• Gomm Tiede" to I.llr one tabu may he al 'Wed with Uppersla I had the byapeseila badly ft was Imptiesible to keep soy , food ea lay stousach, and I beams to weak as not to be able to walk half a tulle. Twu hot Ik. of Tuttle silo led aperfbet cute. JAWED 11. WOOD. ROOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, • Or Wading away of the Hotly. ruom..3l . llllblil IIOOPLAN GERMANIHEMEDIES A.e 'eOrdieliace yinz 'multi' to' portly Ito Blood. excite the torpid Liter •bilmultUy &Wilt end to ruble you to pus. early Orate! say,turt. ebaps fe evuour., nu ITCOCIW.LAIPITWO4 ..T e rd naninr4V.datn - Or Substitute for TWO PILittSrAIIOSE. - The Mad Powerful; diet Innocent; V , Kahle Chtliriittc known. . . • "If ti hot necessary to take a hshdful of themepUbt to roduce the &sired abet: two dlbws lysad prerctfully.elaussiatt W.. dim. sad Dowels of elf Important. The Whetted taittedfetd Podophyltin. or the A babel* Re newer yg e ed re h e , which la Whom, thmespore bietild, act* aad searchlos than the Mandrake Welt Its peculiar }Moo Is aka the Lirsr;eltiu lir It *weevily leen . ell ebstrarthsae.. cdo the pours callisecari. Set Regrow itiefftwo 10. salts attached to the ale of lost Miner • Fet eft disasses. is irhlch the it wet a cadmic -YYr ca. theee SW win city adios eatieSsalet .la esery cum They NEVER PAIL I la cases' of Elver Coatplabst,'Dopeesta and re - °wee oasitireeeve. Dr. Ifoolleare ftatmaahe or Tonle should be used in cut section with the Pills. ,The tout. effect of the Diltera at Towle halide up_ lib* ilpteto: • The Bitten' or Teals puri ties the alowe.strearihetis the Neresi,moriateta the User. sad sires stceogth. mew sod rigor. Leap your Drottele MOW with the rms. had tone tip the *peens with Mara EX Took. sad act dia. .elsee caw Walls Its had. or esti mash you. • *collect abet It Is DILMOOPLAND'S °ER AN. MEMADIMI On see so watterestly heed astlLtiy semateseselk4load au toot allow th to %duce 'zits ally thing es the be h tut h.' ;beelines' he mates a tberrotyt welt. Recucdiee will be oet: 114 REEMTAWIPICK.;' it"ul't .01104116" Ms STORMS Et As e a l J ima 1113.3111? CRAW 'rives Mier retrtur C: M. lACMSOMiti CO: ' These Remedies a$ Jof iSkile by Dreg.. visit.' Storekeepers mad heediehre Dealers everywhere. . • Jestally • -€O-1 -1 sr . (Du; Vii. 'l4f. ' ME INANri3r, Pa A. REMINDEit. To .DebillUitett Pinions, To =VV . / • To. V V./ ' nee. To those having no Appetite,. . 7b thoee.wilit Broken //own Pion. ati email To "cm " 61jge • To Chlkiren.Wastik Away, To any, with Debiiitated Rigestive Or &trains, triteiany 4/ Mefollowing Bhirsptonu, which indicate I)4scrifred Liver or Storatick ' . , Con.,th.s. • thta. hmit4 Y to the am.. . • thomch,Normajbatrt_, bers.Dbetrifutlfttod.lropt • nem of Weed ta the elosiadt. ' Haar Zett th atailase.elaklits&r. • orate e% Dkel - t r z ."llla`" *rabbi. rum M dis bast, auk. Ittotlartuttlooticas trims la sy's/ %M. ithentem tor Vlsket. Wolof bit. e tg= "Pt sod Dolt Mai la the flood, oUrtriptritos..ltellow.. al" hg the utkee. Plata In the itild*Bock. Chest. lobo. &e.; Set - an Mob* at Balk -Bars. tog la the rieslatcoamos • of Evil, & Omit Derdhlon • - Hoortmot a sax Al M=t WiNEFEEkaM Is different from all,uthera. It Is caw pound ofSke pore Jumto, Or YAW Psis& elpte. ofilitakk, Has be mud . 111airks, Os au witdichiully Mined Extracts,) the Worthless or inert portiotis the 'ogre diems not being used. Therefore,' In one Bottle or thwe Bitten there la contained as tune's' niedlebial virtue us will he found In several xallont of onlinary inixthres. The Roots, k,c., used In this Bitters, are grown in Germany, their vital principles extracted In that country by a acientltie Chemist, and forwarded to the manufac tory in this , •ity, where . they, are cow poundul and bottled. C4/1011abiUS sit spirituous ingr tiktitiht...ild* Bitters is free from the objections urged against all oth ers; no desire for sthuuleatii mu be ducal from their use. hiey cannot make, drunkards, iota eanntit.under any circum stance.", have any but a beneficial effect. lI 6O FUND'S GERMAN TONIC ; Was compounded for those not inclined ' to extreme bitters, and hi intended foruse In awes when smite alcoholic stimulent is retraind In cuttuecti 111 l with the Tonic . properties of the linters. Each bottle of see Tonle contains one bottle of the ilit• tent, combined with . pureSANTA CRUZ RUM, sod flavored m such a number that the extreme bitt6riiess of the Hitters is overawe, Claming a preparation highly agreeable . and 'Minium to the, palate and containing tip medicinal vintleof the Bit ters. The price of the Tonle is 41E50 per Bottle, which many, persons LIMA too high. They must take into consideration that the stinmient used Ls guaranteed In be of a pure quality. A poor article could be *cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little more and have a wood, article? A medicinal' preparation should contain none but Ms' best Ingot:di cola; and they who expett - to obtain a chump compiund, anti he benelitted by will most certainly be cheated.' 000114ANWS German Bitters, BOOPLAND'S WITH E(OOFLAND'iIi • PODOPHYLLIN r PILL. WILL CURE YOU. Thvy are 11w Greuirg BLOOD PITItiIF`IMUJI4 to She Medical world, arid will etadirate didvases rrising rim impure Woad ; lirbilitt or the Digmoive Orgasm. ut Disenbeil laver, inn sh u tter time than any other k n own retimlies. • Tie whole sone Curt of Pew s. SPEAK FOlt TLIKSE Kt:NED/ES.. Who would ash for snore D . iyol flied or &rouge" Teslinwiny 1.100. GWYNN W. WOODINARD.feriIY74O C.114 . J10. COO of the erprenw evort of Rnnglronid, of pr . Member of Coagrves Own Proorptronio, firrkr: YuiLsolguruta, Jamb 16. lagt I !WU 6 .lloadutt'r Gorman Blum ^ b egad tom, loofa! in dteeaseo ot the Mortis.° organs , . sod of grail bettrilt to eases of deNtlty and want of Dermar action in the osetem: Yount tru 77 (1110U6K w.wtxmwateb. Jattas Tamar. um. CAW lattice of Me tiro ynwn Cou4 - 1 it( Illiquylaania. ?MUD cr-rtna. APrit' 2B r. it , n• =welder Utrothurra Germ& ktittere , . a yenta. hi. 'Redwine in cast of *narked IntUtreetion ur Dom,.la. ICAO rerttry Oils Irons my experience of It. Yom with reettect. •• JAIIEn T 1 O.IIPB non, ticohne nnavtrwu, Joslice of tArSvprents (burl qr Itaarytenala: PutLaneyrnta, June 1. hill. I have found by expe:leare that . IluolLure German 11111, r. I. • Yen goon Ronk; relieving drapeptie aymtnoina &lames ; directly. riIi3OR9WB,IIAUSWOOI.4 lion. Wm. F. Ito n, Jfp yor of tAz Ulty ey Brio . to, Seta York? • Xoyoe• Otßat. Datirolo, Jane:Liar& . I t aco ate d - • - ltoultatl'o Getman "Bitten and Toole" lo my family during the tow .am. and CM 114,40111emi itlino in as mumilma took, tsuporildt Mug and vigor to tbo kyotem. Their use ham bora ptaluellm ut decidedly brueatittl ed:mto. L221M=371 TiEMIF.:2IIIfI2III 111 AT AND 1100FLiND'S GEUMAN TON.; WlRetire every Case or Ili 4L11: 4 M341E113.2- =EI 6tocoC o ' • • - „. r:rad l44lll M. "IMO t ; 0..74in • - 4.. , 77 ::i tsc ibTO. th, R 1- 114At is ' ort *- . ' 74 1! ) Another on • ROU ; , Effrif.OtgetTinTa# 421 -' ' 3 'Priced the; tticriry'Uiliregilt; vi Of ad 'eked. cf . siokfo: ilatelkfifilio toosquirloo, -a %oak P -4. 4vA 'Behr; the ant). heiedi , chitty, sad haling *Oil gat etiapshleei I noir Oak le Netters War.' oiopplied. by Aiwa . gaiseked Mid lark • • No. 16 Fjft* accoreadipritv Joint Saws' ' Linds No curse N gnu RSV for marl =I IN° lbla I. in wear 4 titza, ye. Milner of asm, C/ li Ir, obwild ready ru r4k.r.Ll arta sputa eares 1481 if we wi the bl part. . and Iwo ISM 1/ 14 * R. E. =lll with Du Otte= Dea te,l4 O hlcl yin, at d iu - iirlei ao. .4 MOM V LE WipOr Wn=LE PRICE•9*NLY $40:• Wo are now AktiooQur toWle, Pehlk FIRST CLASStEWING MACHINE of Seperfefkrle of Welrb, EifibraChi6f allth4 _latest Improvements bond IrplinroiWinid Amain, at o Prke Itnino nitssook•lrer.ory dour. Rol • • . • vlk The muteniloied eskers of the armies Sudo ty for the twee it of it* N. E. Clout* Brevet. 4r • imd w1U403 !MOTTLE OE a I MA eiIINE In ure for time, hike pleasure to that. are Min ty of OCHWllletinb, d4rll. eau: of poemseed sod beauty of per. Ibrmaisee, un li b not retimerea by any Mutton In Mu Meriatt. Mn.s .1. F. Dum 11 p Ire 11(...i tidtri lice r. Ws: M. Pfldpe i T. Um Pnof. IL_ .T Yrs. Berv..l. LAD Urr. Bey. '.W. U. Kn. Ude. V. D, Fin e . Mrs. Dr. lleNult,, . lin. - A. Border Ure.-1111dhias Kraplel. .- him &Our .1.15. itapin. 41Ino A. al. irk.too. - Yrs Y. Values, J. FE BeHer.' • Mrs. /CV. lilslmy. Mrs. Esq. It Talton. Brs. U. 74 Whirtm. Mis 14 Mrs s . Attu* Jolusslas. al Llevreirllsars, Mfrs Los. Wllissu. • Yr., Andrew:White. 021leo and Saks Xion. 4 alelltl3 - 4421.: J. Thlrd Bt.. Denim, ht AN DKR:SW. Agent, • Singer ming Machine." • HINKLEY KNITTING :MACHINES, perfect ' red stook ittatlseut the kind aver Invented. • • - both ot lb abo* ;orally machine* have awn tat_e . ty Improve* die/stand ofghnut a rival. PAO§ or the sunann FAMILY SEWING CUIN M front SCUSPoploratAii. • ' • Print, nt MMITYMUS SZIO. Ctradats and Hiniple• maned tree on trritAtwut MMTON. ukitsuiLiatram. 23d ]D sixth Witt, littsburyik LArepts wasted4or In* iltddisimii w.hcret and fur In Wagers Peavoylirar ma Winn Oh liod Wt.! Va.„ 'boa Mob s - i m ilevady - • • • •• . - airaltl . • • , t • • • •ikd IS Atria - ICU ' IPEIRVIIN • • a 114 • CuaNDLEICtia. m— ' ' chased late; oxiaa • : • , rtshrot Booted sboto4 ttier#/SIIOZWo "toot • by tr! tbetroos put " F 'a tto N o itt t i n w F/14 di' Ili ' Mal Is ' t 100 le or to lor4etty nat aida p t % e f t to the pm* r tkot oloolokooditimary cootittoo. yoX oodoplabool of lottolgtorr,ooa bomentkp Wt. Why to took tom toot. lir Miledopo ow ttirderla be Wlinif luiresa lbe aid op. pid. ow }war lbeymtmeld Mania 01=Clatlitai biz umagr....ts. USW ONO WWI foldlide.., meta& 011111r11411111,691 WINN 04 Cal Mir to !kW ,sh K g. illntrn kV, stall ' twee% fttlor years. Oat.Jora.AtgptllßWestdattlWtati sYpR. tot tome al ;fen Ago; tbo tottli so perfect al dpie dry they way liteprroo. oa our plooklomeloo tt Own sopitoond sid.dan. MotodilearilS dre. evracom pc. ooto:o.ot roller atonal' harb , Colla PAIL Price. IS Army sew 'dam* in' lb* 'mil. Vent at aginir„-tr .i.a ILA c tdiuct." *RN • 3oiettria . nutionakidge .. _ • • • natur to deur alma 40**th)tsa. • Dentiot _ Ildsterattal fo won( *ter or • • chalet than L' . lar i rigis=aaaaps. la ce tlia a / a /o iratarnaa. Man ttar ," ' , - •.. . ..vs : ..: hy„: roux *1 • A* Yoe heard the story . Mat realm tad alliernsurGettystrurgt.;Rot Ai, well: ilgetetre Um glooltlaat.hero earns, Briehr4beatogyorpoor John Bums: Il e wai the ham Who Won renown, ' 'hironly Mut Who MO biek down .- Thin tbaretielstude through h & native t. • .. Mid halal& own la theight oast day, HiraiMon` folks ran away. • '- hiJelly,ltety4luvel • . Mi li oiritrAt i f il licel • " " . ,and baten•bactitlyd tivitd Yermiamitutottorn Wade andatureadeld, 4 *itekl. f nitinitheldii Mime, ltdie Btreislod atUN? MaeoUage door,: •.: , " thorivsho ones, • • : -, . I MOM, tArtaluda of : Foetal, MK , *lokatitll - red ear breath* lemmOtt I gr puled 'aeyoshen Mamma bawd. i The mkt arm phi; hithreilt turned 'llth Milk thitAll tali ha go e r r lotd thindltimit,tied Qv how.hadradad theism al hem ..,' _. • . Weraireltets 7ff:heiress, litd all suck hind' fir 'slims:, ?Witmer, to's manlikettanm . landed MI 43000gra ! rouhkal no more by fancies One . Memos Ms talseettalled hi: *4 , r•k*/ ' - '" 2.... "M "millra=c alt ' ' • ad " . am mese folks my, Irteghtaiiwell en that iambic day. .. / : T ir er as houni lerrible: th e . bes On Ty 'the si ri bi ght Iltunder, the Imliery'a double bum 1) ~ t mule for nun to taco; 4 . r - ort the lett—erhete now the 1mm .. 0 ; to like the llvingmans 1 all that day.natwasing swept , i p trt the Mu tbs rehab kept-- : 4 0 1W 3 4 thug &wed the'lltwhirld gilla flown with ballets, ramped with blades; ; nattered fences here and there lesserl.l4o oP.Uutertigl the sir t .The very tries were. ' • 1 Ind bary ; The tw- ' , ,it - p8.??8 2 W - : - :: = Spoke I u the old mates strong right hand ; And his corded throat, and the lurking frown :Of his eyebrOws under Ida old bell crown; Ugh% as they gated, there crept an awe Through the rtinki In whispers, and some men saw.' In the antique - vestments and long white bor. • • , - The past of the Nation in-battle there; And some of the soldiers since declare That the gleam of his old white hat afar, Llite the crested plume of the brave Nay,. anc, • That day via their oridanune of war. So urged the Cottle. ouknow the res Row the rebels; beaten and , backward • pressed. Bloke at the final charge, and ran. At Which John Borns—a practical Wain— Stwukiered his ride, unbent his brows. And then'went back to his bees and caws. That is the story of Uhl John Bdrns;,. This Is the moral the reader learns: . In fighting the halite, the question's whether Ton'll show a hat that's White,or a feather ! szt,Ecf -- kige.Eit ETILEL UOSIEWIt 311INTAiLE. . Valentine's Day I us soft aud sweet a day as any birds could wish for mating in; promise of violet in Its breath—pwintse of roses in its sun shine. Though, to be sure,the boughs are hare us yet, and there were no green things growingorave In the pots which Ethel Romer had been putting Out on the broad window-sill to catch the sunshine. The thing that savored Most 'of spring wus Ethel Romer her self as beautiful a woman as ever an artist painted, or poet sang of. With in., near the fire, sat Dr. Ralph Ro suer:himself. "Spring had left him' long before. If winter - frosts were not upon his head,autussan had touch ed It with grey. ' ' Ethel'a musing was ; interrupted. The postman's rap did; it. An en velope, with a pretty border, - fanci fully aoded, and her name upon it, was pat into her hand. . At the sight she blushed' rosy red, knowing well what lay therein. and went back to the fireside Ywith thu thing in her hand. - , r 1 "For rue" ' asked Ralph. "No," she said, "for me. " If ho haul MI shown some curiosi ty theif-'-lf bid only looked at her ' jealously'• d there been some shad tr ow of the !Ore in her mien, all might hive been difftirent ; but he went on with his hook, and she tarried her valentine to her own room, to read it therein qUiet. Yes..ii 'was a valentthe. Three times had, that, day., returned al ma she usarried;Dr. Ralph 'Renter, and. each; time had it brought Just such an envelope, With Just smelt passionate ines upou.the page Within, written In the. same feigned hand. Again and supdaahe read It over- = again and sclin, l -jut melte had the otheNtual - Itt, oh.. how' bitterly ! ' what a beaus furthinglife Might hive :.eeu to her, blest with such *glowing love as this—life that must be altintrs cold mid wintry: . having.,Only .the sidtu, .quiet..imustrouplam.sdiection Which ber_gnkl-hrilfed heshiMilgulie her rec. all me ,wealtu 00/olden what time, ararodh ;hit sbe *lt Within her soul i 7 for alit the "saintly' that many air. 'ardent youth had coveted 'miter girl hoist. ..Could it be the fair4saired' etite it ‘- d .who mama Dear Abe* in eharth : Or, this dark-eyed saddler, .With its empty .sleeve,:whopasmd their : garden so ofteutclis who bad 40 noub3aueb an impression? *bile he whole 'life slat),shared saw In her, only st good . woman, who needed much sage ad , Vke,andsonnael.. ... ,_.• , .. ~. .`,‘, ..lier poor. heart ached; as her bead did. Bbe.felt,Wicked.and. ashitheds and v o ery : uilserablsit and forgot bow time Was flying, . 310 4 . 1 14; bm 101163 CiSkii-I"lmil ariett er. ' °til 1148 sinking. ssm „her orthens. , tr. ZilVti.kiD, !r: !! , ". • . MEE = 8;,1871. theCwiklest could under 'Even then witittiok tiiie kith glass, atid , thought. Mahe dki , it, that u!stn.v 'teal of lasat, Keen east away on quiet, utkosasela 'Ralph Room After tea they wanted oat , the peed lit= d saw the gold ash ittitsto an M ash her of tlejOeval of . The -art' those wou ld lartviptititi—Oo of Its gthed•—otber guides hilz. , Met came out, and leespgkp,af Om of her liight eke. She wantedio turd' taxis hir say, "What are these Utley :• 'oomparott with .ertrer,datt, hive V?... Oho loogystte; a*, 4di itt.' bad Ritmo bet shit A r g i Why Ne - hAti eisgedilii hhOillih. Sa4 • tare 'gm ' "AMY' :"wellittivera. Yew your to. twit, liableted - , Jfpleoser t eatli: Poly ",:linete till% au her' ,faihrwi ark, - to,ei, 4 1 to g.,-.:„ . .• r. 4, ~ ~,, ~,, • ~ r Bet ebeadd Ma !ilea him, a UttleV - . 0 . 1 M.f •_ifi,, Mr , • i gig kiiitloZh ih uit y & te happlpeat I til -AM Ethel sine waiatinand.. - iibighitir drlverate• and Waal 01Pon I tht_r• ally i pawl We read' to the Intaiotessyeitheel Ilfo. Vertifill,verglltielyAiradi eisirted • • theid/htge •fttat* gibe totted Iso ifilesity in becoming that most detestable creature, a hurried girt. t•Ralph Wisner never sought to keep' her bowel but ho seldom went out with bee. .Mora than anon the gold- halm' student or the dark-eyed sal -1 (fief had found It the Dust natural thing la :rid to set se eked I hutnellter t metal ere mai I no harm done ; Poly- there ware:l too many blood% l ama • moll% too lingering a ',of ighied• when. one remelts .that Ethel - Rower was* wile: ' awe was nag lasted; but MOO did toot color .he wt . fit Ilia home empty, he would go on rending, or comfort htm.ielf vents a new Lowe: or a new planet. No mist to wonder how he Would. takelt." And alma thou vise bed watched at the window guiltily a d miserably for the valentine, So sure she thought to Colllv. At last she 'saw a figure owning foil towards the house, mut the blood flew to beg cheeks aml her heart beat , fast ; but It was nut the - podia/en; only a neiabber with btanehed face and • frightened4yet, that told bud news before he uttered It. albs Went , out to inian him, and they stood there looking et eaeh other fur a moment. Over the hills u little eruwd waseomlngslowly,something in its midst. "bunt be too frightened. Mrs. Ro mer," gasped the luaniit last. "it may not be as Leal as they think. The horse shied just before the pust ollice, and the doctor was_ thrown. lie hasn't come to 'yet. Oh, no, no." For sin. had thrown herself upon'her knees and tried out that hewasdead. "Not deed, notodrad yet. Mrs. Ho liner!? I But the wretched woman knew, Ilia death was very near, and the Hood of agony that owelit across het heart told her that she had not me ed to love her quiet husband. They brought him in.. and trout -that moment for many lung days and nights she kept watch beside his bed, thinking of no other 'thing- on earth praying only that be might be sPared to her. -She suffered agonies of re morse.. Every false thought pursued her with a revengeful stab. negro overedat hanging •on the wall, which she had thought yid mant4sh mud like him us he rode away, tletillietl to taunt her with the thought that it Would never be worn again. She could not bear the sight ut it longer, and so one day she, took it softly in her. hand to hang It in a certain cloiet. As she lifted Some thing fell from one of the pockets —a -letter ore paper. Shestouped to' re tower it, and saw-a fanciful envelope %ciao bright seal, and her name up on it. Such were the' valentines that came to her. This was surely one of them. What euuld it mean had her husband discovered the writer? had there been twine muse fur the accident of which she know nothing? She L looked lathe: . envelope again. It haul never been postid. - Ethel begun to tremble from head to foot. She sank down on her knees, clasping the valentine be tween both nunds, told held it thus for awhile. Could it be? could it be? oh, could It be? She opened it. The same glowing veni% though !ud der and more hopeless, telling of love uureturned. The same-measure in the same feigned hand, yet not at - all -unknown. Had she never before seen.that littio,Aottrish, that windier formation of-a letter? "01r, heaven, 'nutka rue sure 1" sob bed Ethel; and Wad her way totnne how to her huaband'a dealt and open ed It. : • Within lay euvelupes like those upon the valentine, a little' tux of such gay meals:and fragments of verse --the proof that .the writer of passionate poems, of these wild thew pro. gestations of love .was no other that Ralph Rouser. • • • Site erePt battle Ida . bedside and *lased his fare , and delirious eyes. Site prayed ter. be Greyest with sense of rem°, rse and me • mach as I she . :night have lilt had she been more wicked, and heavonlistened to her. The erbalt passed with safety, • and - Ralph Bower ' s"pro m thelllielVeM upon ft facepallid with grief and worn with watching, but hematite! With her love and constan. ey. When one day her 'heed upon bowie, she t old tau , all, he also had his tale to te11.., , ant old and gray, you • see and sneh lure only 'seems to. belo ng to youth, I could not speak It, bat .1. . ,felt It. andl lad my thenghts IrioUllaketait a man Mist Merge • I • • laseallsofradiether la • the, boo; , lireasiaitlitou, tie whether awe i OM* body; I minket tett; tied know ettst) Moth a o .Might up to the I Mal heevea:" • beet!. _requested *by team , poet*" to ghtelo the. 'pablie +a say coast eir-ef Nery -igagular tuentypee hes Arenepigeo th em e boundo,Or lay; r e ;y0 natmee... ~<Xl = eec.a shitete volotrAtol t' -1110 Old/ nal *N4lll'llle - paellas la ;hat will ',pally bow On the scams. Joseph N. Perish - - Limit, began 'a seri. - or . meetV . Welke on the •Weet Railroad, where the Methodists ve a email. unfinished church and a ve ry feeble society.,The few compos tes the church were disheartened and seemed reluctant to cooperate with the pastor at .the beginning of tbe niceties. However. as the work be gan to take on more hopeful features they entered upon It with • ftrft. of cordiality. While these meetings were In prognas in the then*, a company of UolversalLsts met each evening in a house near by. for the purpose of discussing their doctrines of belief. They indulged freely in ridiculing Methodist doctrines and also orthodoxy In general, and ws their ndt to divert the minds of tbriparpkrhern the sehtect of perished . *intim. The pastor . was Onie certain et thew to erase hem nsd tbe by. church records ; the names of some of their young who had joined the elearch. P irtite wine time threatening their children with *fishmeal should they-solo thealturapsuyor. Lkaring theeemodaebbeth event • of the meeting the oppJumped eoltion breathe verrvlcileet, anti woes° discounsging thatth e tike pasnw hod shoot araciaded toelase the meetings. A was.,pieochod, however, and trots 'limited forward, when ' a y ledy;MeNmetine Taylor, a dater of Mr.' Johnoung qul Taylor. of I White a station; a y lady - et and amiable dhpoeitton, of came *ft ward kir prarer.... • " .Witlx. the of her mother OW./. 11 M 1 0014 ... 41 *.abarl! ker I Universalist Murcia or strongly in sympathy with their doctrines. One of her brothers took a very leading part lu their public discussions. • She remained at the 'altar for quite a length of time, appearing to lamina in mind, and yet earnestly and de voutly looking for the mercy of God. Abet nine o'clock, her prayerseent ed to have been answered. Her face wore an expression of unusual bright ',naafi she looking upward. repeated amend tines With distinct emphasis, " 0 that beautiful place over then!' She because entirety unconscious and was carried to a house near by, It be nts thought•unadvisable to remove her to her father's house, which was about three mile, &latent. In this condition she remained_ for seven days. in the mean time taking no nourish mentor . v &lever. On Tuesth . she began to atic In a low tone voice and for half mi hourAuld f the scenes of another wor er whkh she remained si ent for several hours. She spoke of baying been okiductal to the Nam of hat souls had heard their wettings i of despair, and was then. conducted I to the gales of heaven. Her deacrip tioia of what she saw and heard, was so vivid and transporting, - that the large company present wept She spoke of those whom stet had known, who had died„aud who were recognised in glory, clad I n shining raiment with unknown names on their foreheads.; She tailed them name, one alter another,. ie. eluding the names of all the afikinett she had known who had died, with all those tokens of • surprise and - de light, that attend an ached gredfng of long absent friends. The first of whom she spoke, were two ministers, ope was the Rev. A. H. Thomas of the'Pittsburgh Confer ence, the other was the Rev. Mr. White of the Presbyterian Much, once the pastor of the church atSalts burg, but for some years before had resigned his charge for another In Ohio. He was not known to any present as deceased, but upon Inqui ry it was found that , e had died, a few days before. Of this event, nei ther Miss Taylor, nor any member of her father's family had . heard. Persons were recognized there whom she did- not expect to,see while others for When she Inquired she was informed were not among that cumber. Many Other things concerning another world, were writ- 1 ten dowa - and are lying before me, 1 1 - expressed in language most beautiful aud appropriate, bet which If given would trespass upon the columns of your paper. Many expedients Were Used tote atom her to conichiusnetss, - moil; which were singing and animated re ligions services, but all .without. the desired effect..Ou VitithlY her friends hemline very Muck alar med, owing to the Opinions expressed by,ther i t siclans that having been anion out food ahe would never be instated. The effort was made to give,her, some nostrishment, bat In whs. She' was asked if she wouktever be able, 'to rise? when she replieqql7 011 1 bfor has not yet told me. "At .dillbr u ! eist times she had Woken of her s e' lor an present , with her as her Ouhle i and - Instructor. - Shortly , after this, she told them ' Otat her Sevier hod Just informed her that ode might re-i turn to earth on Sabbath evening at a nou rekseir.v This statement , Wow' i sl surprise tuber maxims (d e o', 7, he Sather sahlthat should, It thus clime to pass he would believe all she Wonid,taty Concerning the.l4l-1 tare grits.. - , On Sabbath. evening a large astuj .paus of Um iseigidsors Wei gathered( learn the sequel. There was n clod( in her room, nor any way 'ln' which she, could mark , the Wight of thew hours, for her eyes had remaisseri closed from the Hat. 3,t three min utes before mine are Weal her rigdfd hand aiul-waved I , as If giving' fare well to persons *imbibing in the dia. I Wee, and then tod. Mr ligt, 1, 4 4 .in like sterner . and at, ppeckely. dein* she opened heroes, Nolte Eli oliabilsitloreassipasy. us: 0 1 4 440 1 4 ,1 4 ft 4.7kbotare Pew aiiirim!Par ia - shalmw : I , 4l Vekelliser .es - °Cloud simplottally . *IOW illmommt Zardltaitr i the ab irmtl_._.= -iiismenewposmapalpf • . • . . —)48.14- 0 •Ir en/ Wes a buYI he mkt% la W . ises; CC • bran 'WIN, Ilyelltnieliceidatf and. he walt the pi** tarn-banter Is a that • try /Wand About big lOW, bit tecto owe eanyi: wiritheetasatpins the txmt seol wait g, by bit eanapeakaa a*ioolts • WA spas 80• one &py as )to wee drestaing aver Itie *el &FY fe theeefieNsleit the _ fbat mane deterednei bokl spirit, which has pushed tuna on in may burp and successful Waimea enter itres la hie mature years, was as in liaci Li tele Jim as IS br In the IlfarAm, and he struck out for the earrest ' with his lilde bundle cif persons' In his hand out once even looking beck upon the *ernes of his ebliribeorl. The old house, the meadows, the corn fields, where he had been the ylefor In a thousand coulee* the Woe hilts that slumbered sereaely In ' Ilse 'distant' landscape the convert lons of his boyhood; his father,moth er, &listen and brothers and alt that was dear to him, were left behind Ethan cos tearer sigh of regret. • was too much absorbed la the hi-, reiarers of his life to think of inch things In the sentimental mood of a Poet Many ligis elapsed beim be struck mkt ( ta he heeded ble hq*e _ like the "Wander- Sew," through Maly a ray and , ahtll be Rimed himself In a small town itiOido. ••- •.t. Sere batons& Llinnisleabahmee of of about it cern ap, by the name millirem Jones, who was aim on a tramp. The two putsrbat little Birth they - had together, purebaied a s2flrLWriU wee and formed • co ipin the pen peddling bur Res, undue the firm tame ot Hoop ek Zones. " Their pin • hi operadoes was soon arrafted,end• they. struck out = from boars to howls peddling Sold Palo •1to ~ therat=4 . • • ' 1i AM! the firm of 130ogertionek They did not ail; because they both bed too much marry seri enterprise; nor were they _burned out, as they had permanen no - business locatioor nor was the reuse of their mbdortons to ,be attributed to the abecoading of either of the I artners. No, It wee some ter more depktable. They , were arrested for doing William with out a license, and thrown Into jell I This was hart on t he parteeis,atill did not dauttien theirarder one whit. ,After remade*, in duntnee vile for several days, they were taken (*tend tried nw,thelr offense and fine* It . took every red cent, and their *Mire ,stock of gold • pens to "liquidate the ,tine. They were now in ir bed 51.4 two jail birds; deed Nuke and harpy, J aime hi the world, the 'Wray :hem hponome, t among as peop who looked. uhem two the Ibuage le s criteter. a Tide stew °rafted,' rou was mating to them, and they concluded trellniall the town, which they did 'without. farther ceremony. This Wee . the result of Jas. E. Boores first businera venture, from which he slays he learned I world of knowledge, which be has plat to good use In his later year Twenty. years or toed sines that time. Hiram mons Jo bet els nes saws, amities become the bestidard gaper lotendeet of the Michigan Division of the Mietrime Southern and North era Indianeltaliroed, while his part ner, Jas. 4. &Kw. bur become one of the howled Wholesale arid retail merchants In the Northirest. During all the lesiva their taw ups and down in the world= tie, they have never met , each other since they parted company ita Wes early days of diticouregrnienf lad badness prostration. Tbeother day, however. Mr. loner walked into Mr. Mc ment In th city, and Inquired far Mr. Jas. E: Drum, One of the clerks informed tdrif that be Ins in the &Ike, near the rear soda store. Mr. Jones esterol the elks itsifoussd Jim was . and In a.very 1 (4! 111 !1 in( . Mr: Jonas was filleted' to a seat. After a lbw knout remarks Jim told a story, which was kdowol by smother. front Hi, in WhW h hart-- cited, aubatantially, the , feels above id yen. Be*e the story Mfinihed, Jim was gibwlnedeeplehttereshed In the narration which was so *Wu to the une In which be had played a prominent Dart; thathe chewed his Jumpedear wept to his feet,; tist as Jones Was sxm2 of his pa rt ner the gold :bc and exclaimed: "If toy. memory has sot .eatirely guoe easy. I am that portlier I' Jame, who woi *ware, of this nil the while, also sprung' to hla het, nod they shook hands until tbeerock my on the shelves rattled. . Jame, who had got Iholougool of Jim's barking peg while they were In JO together: hard alWayi 'keM and as soon as be etiuld yet his Into his pocket, totalled kind and asked Jim if he reosialned the.little i s ormisesst, with which he 1104,w0n glorkius, vleturles' hie " 4earutn" days, when hearses a hay lat. Intik= t • The.ens was readily rimigaMed. but nothing would induce Jonas Surrender It. He said It was one of his molt cherished' ritintrentot.. 'lt always reminded' hho err 7>soar in termits, chapter Its. his lI awl the would, MA. part .with, Itander. itey circunusttnces.. 'Mr. Jonas itinallned here 'a Wit I d Stu ays, 'Mr." then nted to ld, house n. Mithispus, Ma tt visit to his MU plowed .partsm to Mi oohoos. —,Siossz ;lora . - The Indianapolis , Jbassool. Nye: • I'Wenowibeilmmkt:Abo *Mae of ily. e Some do /ms sto ' tent 0 14 Y ou oiined b'y , ' the edlturof Iseietiolowth =tine soafteders• hho Ha wastage/ Me torolhot seasoo." MI 4. ,• • 4, "...../.. ...............„,.,,n 01 ; tops 'poi*. 'Moak ithome His ilwo ;d It: ie Irma kild two . 4 ana WOW , (I,llully is• hod l r iVE 411.01 6 sod A*. Va lzivig Whet of VCSIBIDUMHy. P r! -41) MOS riisl a rt aseettlig 11:= = 1'..."'1'