ADVERTISEMENTS. .tdvertisementsnro inserted:it the tate sl,oo per square for first Insertion, and lor each subsequent insertion 50 cents. A liberal discount mauls on yearly ad ertiseniants. spec equal to tan lines of ILfa typo nie3AUreti a hqUara. Business Notices set under a head by themselves hnniediately after the local news, trill be • charged ten mints a line for each insertion. Advertisementa• should be blinded In before Monday neon to insure Insertion to that week's • :r. - Business Directory. UICAVEU. 1 WIN 1100ItE. Dr:limier and dealer In palate, el oils, pure piratical V. and Liquors, Dims' Ware Lamps and Nancy Condi ' Main a.. Pre nerlpilons carefully compounded. _ rePUIT . 1 ILEAIT. Dealer lu Droceiien. View, Yetd. Confiictlonery, Tolueco and Can . (replittly TENllVMDltt,MinifiCiurer and — Dealer hi IL Itoola,Shoss and Gaiters: Main at. frarintly Airdricsaen, 11 Druggist M Apotberey, r Maln mt. Preecrlp, llon. carefully compounded. (fiip2r.l7 .1. - ANDDlllioNairiderin Die improved son Khania Deming Machine, Main at. time card fn another column. • • • sepityLy .I.)EADOM Mrs. R. IL. Dealer In Millinery Gomm 1a & Trimmings: for ml at. and Diamond. eptlLly M MOtilthl.-Orocierfa ItestanraeLCEidce 'res.. Dent Coffee.. Tobacco and Clout,' Con -I.l.ilonery and ‘'sirelables: 'Math rt. Ilepftly 1 it, ANSIII'W, Dealer In Tinware, Wore*: _ P Unto', de. 114.44 end 114 it. ra Laurance agiapi,lldiT. I • IWI and iielyouriiruperly hawed. ocaGily .... - - • • inirrpikniulit - . n ' 'rims 6;41 tn n fj . ,. ?: rr o l tetr l Zw6.ll; t 14,4:,..' 4" - I.;pitni (, 1 e ' 1) ! 7 . L. - Pnti l 4, l :l;• . b u ir i o r /;g f1 1 1 . 1, - 51'1, u ,,i ~,... it ' e;tytor 4 7: ertv..rea. 4 .l'inru " rglv.. t . bretl.l;ly I --- lit:S - finTRAi • eiii64i.. - ('viiiiiais; 6rie f) . gloc MN Llbotty St. Vlrt.bnrgh. .ept4;ly f it HAMAI,4II"S ,Al l'AltiAllt. to 111th Av e/ . CHI.% (neat 141.) 1'41.11111X11. trepl•Cly 1...: - • A • V . 1. - ri K g .t 0.,.. iiiinkrellent and Stution• .' '. VN. 11 1, W00441.. - Pillsbanill. Va. [..1.1.1111y 1 Oti Kl'll I tat ifikr.k CO. --- itlt. itt Ittynrkeftit., 1.1 1 Itnitaturglt—lmporter...l.l denier. In Not limo, Tritntulept, Hosiery, W tan Curxti, &c. [rl,l4:ty I A i:l 7 .4Elti BROTIii.R.S, PreackAnut I .Altiert• 1 t con Confectioner.. Denlitare.ta onto,' RION, ..t e. 111; 1:43,1:.3 Wood $l. lilt..lturtlll. 1..014;1y , JVt. :400itE, Itiialir In choice Velo, nap. , k . ratnityOrocecies. No 93 Fifth Avenue. Intl.. burgh, !. I , '',.. . .epliay I Mil" nici•TefrFa.4iiilvT , - -- ; r; in ,•i i., , Vow . r; W,.. 41 Reintilt 15nwhig - .lllnth . 111: Market . Der4 l Sgreet,4•lttobniVi, Pa. , --_ - .. , orplitly. iiL.l . V . E . l ( t if A i Nastier4 . - eg i , i , , I rpl t: .. tr -. ' iit Fill hAvetme. 44 Hlitsbnoth. lc.' Pin ' ' r, I,: - It: Siteee.;oi tril7tit - 711nn - .lti.: healer in I'4. Watelle., Clack... Jewelry ,t Sliver ware. No 111 Fifth Ayr nun. t• f,p14;17 N I - * . - A - 5 -141t,itar..4 1- -Qt :At' triLeF. veil (tie -1 I I • to order rirtler Show Card. for every 1nt.1ne.... • No. 7 Fifth Avenue. Potvbutglf, P*. [.<341:4 'is 4:. VI:I.MS, Manufacturer of and Dealer 4u • Yornltnun and Chaim—lto...wood. Walnut, Mahogany and Oak. 45 Sfillitsllchl.nt. [04:15; ry NEV BRIGIIITON I ) 1 ...1 ( 1 ; N r i ?11 . . &' 13„ 1 1 1 :i1 1 11 " ; /1 " 111i ' rI.SCW ktuotvp.on , to 1.. 11. No -1,10 feltitlY Et). Y. hIEM(*N, Bakery. J: eMilfetiouery, 11 U. It. .1 rent. Special atieuthm given to wed dtm„, nod I, tla. _ . (et•pl i;ly .t J. SN - ELLTEN - BEiiii - ,kerTATailt. . Broadway, New Brlghtou. Soo ndv b.,14;1y k M. WIIISLEIt 1)0111101. Broadway. New .*l.. Brighton. , [mepl " • • - 111 N 4.16 1 4, Photographer. IVilleun's Block, • Broadway. Burt photograph* from redoneh• .d . clegatiet.w. toep:4:ly BEDIAON. Jeweler. awlTatne. canl ti. linuldway,l4. 'trichina. 4.p1.1:1y —. 3:11 - 6TlWRlCflrocariee. queetwa are and 0/ llou.dhold (30011 r. Broadway. parltly 1; ;CAN PUGH M . Dealer la Wall Paper, adan 1 . 111111116, lhallo,Stationeery & Notional' Broad ' New' lylghton. loepahly :I F .ttiTElNFELD.lieatera In - Dry Goode, fancy llood• h Nanette; Merchant Tailors a Ihalqern, lirnadw.y. • • usgmles it/mu. _ I ir k X 9 411 roved v 71 11 1 .' 1 4 se n wn:mxhiu l ti. wan st., Deaver Pe1114:1, ,1I• IF 17 • •• supltly _ . EN UAt.I. ttl'A N N EY. Paint. .•p: alto. Houle end•Sl;;n ~Ms, St.. Ih.gver FsNo. bettl4;ly. , I.: , l :. E ry Nll . :S:4l; ll, lle o a n te: t l i n .w lioo pri t c n e. te , n a d n : h , r a n a , e , ll iterli;)r qnstety, Main tit, Beaver Had, ra. jantenty BRIDGEWATER A Ph, " ate i r i t j h ul i g g u u ndli r inr 1 4 ) a d tires 4 , l ite l l , .leuelry ataid Silver.Ware.Speciacleo, dr. Watch. eloclarand Je•relry rcpalrrd. treblrbil;ly A b N u i t K ex L i 'l er i l L ei L ic E e ll if 17 . 1 * o 1 3 1. :•711 None .111 Shop 'on Pride at.. Ilrldrewater, rd. :fen:4'7l;ly. Allflti4 POItTEIt, Turner. Dealer In Tin. Cop. el per and 'Sheei.lron ware, and Iron Cistern Visor. Bridge Id, Bridgewater. (fienl,oy i L'l"l'. lilt. Mannnicturer.ann Dealer In Downttat Is hoas:; Whir! veo.lll,6llwrwater: -A i • .thy T a;cipsyani; .11. Carpet', 011 Limbs end Trlmmlltgli. i arklglt St., ilrldsowalat, . ~ , e gap 1111;(x andSl,7 : Bridgewater.oepr4; 1 ANA FE It. Millinery. Trimmings 11 I:ridge...L. Bridgewater. • erpNay WEINMAN, Manufacture or Bout* and Id• ' , dun, Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (setel.l;ly ~ 1 pream,l. %Voter SI. above Bridge. (•pli;ly 1...t.111N IVIIUIIIIUFF, Nl.trble Cotter ; Mono r I to..nt . t.t. Tottllndon es or all description. made Nlarket nod Water hireeta. aepl4;ly I PILES & iiroreri.4. queen..are, Win. 11 . • dew • Moo, Floor, Feed & Coontry Produne. 111.aluti. 1,11111.1, Bridge St. Bridgewater. (.141;1y !BNB MEM:alit. 'Wolin. in MutiongaTOila I Until. left ut J It. Clarleg. in Beaver, ..1 stnitlir, Drug Store. lu Bridgewater, n ill be ,mr., attended to. Ca-It on delivery— Lowegt Turd- Nlel)onald'o Point. aentri;ly =:=lo3 A NliNA—DeAl. r 40010, Moor and lial• I I ?err. and nirentm for Singer's Sewing so:whine; New York and It. It. SI, Ireldtly tiltol7.. It too4ollll. New work. or • de be..r roarer's!, mule to order. A ll work Itenntrinff noldly done. Price* LOW. All.llll 11. Itochoder. Jnoln:ly 1 :117:11 . 0 4 " na r y e 1 "" :; i d ‘a:; ItiWaehter, Pa.• j _ kpep 3 , 11:1 EN Ihnoutgeturer m1(1.044,10. let I . I, Funilture .4 all 1.1:Ale. Brighton, it.. above' (.1)11;ly inIN NAltrilE It. ILO., and Confect Inner.-- f 1 Wider limfler. N. • 1.0e1.14;1Y N GICA II ANI I), Wagoii Carriage Maker. I Railroad N., Ituche.ter. Pu. q,.`.lM UFA. l!, lIA N N EN. Druggh.t. Pro.crip• I :nun. t urefnlly compounded. Wuter %1., Ho. , er.(‘upltly • _ - I: . I .S.WlNANA,Elecirlc.lll.ll).lchun Chronic l) made. IL ppeclully. Office, • nr lIF I and lirldm.,4l*., Itothmlter. [pep' t;ly - - SaNS. N hobnob 5; Rotall Deal. lu Dry 1 1 0 7 tz. , 1 , 7 r r,.1 k • FREDERIt'E, Baker and Coureettoner.• - %JP Weddlto! Cakee and lee Cream tornt,lted promptly. On Dlamoinl, Itcrcheater, (rep! lay 1, , 01t SALE hp A. SILVERMAN. Headquarter+ lor Foreign S Domealle Dry Goode. Notlotte, Trpontlogn and Fancy GOOl6 ge111211111Y: Water lioelmeter. Pa. (mentEly A MILLEIt Contractors 41.1 Builder, M.-Mt ouraOttrers of Saab, Doore, Shatters se. W 14 Lundo, Lath Sc. Merit... Arr. 10.• t lily yin% 11111 1 ,E .t WILLIAMS. S octal...lre tot'. Loking A: Co.. Dealer), Sawed nod LooLvr. Lull A Slalogle.. Iforliegter. stela; ly )oW KR'S LIVERY t4l ABLIC ,t COAL YARD. 1,4•11,,n It. IL etallon and illoo river; wig; ly L7l'llllol'l' !tlgtottneturer or and dealer 0 In l'ltt,Coppor god hboet trots WAre. Ittoolln4 mallov,,te., attended to. N. York et., CLARK. proprietors 01 Jot noton llome. Good nermonmdatlong 111Ilt gond eta- I • Near It. IL Depot. oetl9;ly 11/ MILITAL dealer In Boon., Shoe...l:alter*. Ai:, itt•palrlng done neatly and promptly. err 011 . 1110 Diamond, Itoebmter, Pa. ' octl9:ls. I (( A LTKIt & BROTHER. Idanotailmerg oh WAgorte, Coaches. Boggle... Sprlmpoagotto. „L's., Illackeintlbittg and Itoremlttnioirt 11... beat manner. Itneltexter; Pa. noll:gy EAST LIVERPOOL, 0. • 1111. L., Dru:giat, Walnut pt.:near It. It • , I • I•n,criptiOn/ carefully and accurately cunt febt:lr I= 111119 THORNlLEY.llanuftaturer of the Great 11, 1 , 0411 e Cooking Stove, and Patentee or Pur• c‘tenotort top and centre. Fallaton, I'a. I .ltl.liT Itt SSFI.4 Stunetrire .Manufacturer. 0r.1% rp proniptly anew.led to. VAIIIM.rt.I . II. P '^t address—Bearer. ra I I AV INU Permanently Ideated to the village of 14 'nvii ,, Ph% I's., for the warn'se of practicing 4, .11,.n.a, I re.Tectfully tender my profeeahmai to the citizens Weald village and vicinity. re.idence, optualte Hanle Hotel." when , .he found, uulre. profee.lnnally d .1114 will receive hunt,4llate and out,' attention. Ai V. CUNNINGHAM, M. 1. 1 . netidt I .1. LINNENBI{INK. 11 4 . taler In Aynt.eltem. (.7loeks. . /s7l.ltieds am! Slaliodrry: 'Iloilo& Aulint 41 , 1h0 " LEW' Roelio.kor l'a. . 1 . 'I"I'(YRN KY 'AT LAW Third .Slreet,• Bearer, Pa. ..ni4 zi... l'ourt Muse, N It IN 4 N-1110111-41 , :. THOMAS M'CREERY & CO 31,11ritEi1RV1 ra4ler• .1 I' BRAVO. . J.ji. jee n ai t i.:J• ANGIEI., Itietest pint% on time depos.ts; Prompt attention Coen lo collections. Also, Insuntuce Agents for 41..1 re lisble Cowlanles • (ins, Intf s' 0.. MeNUTT, Ilaving permanent. . I) io,t e d in ISrariet. would respeCtfully ten- Mr professional sen Ices to citizens of Iles- Mad rilll7ollnding country'. Special attention paid to the tntstitlettt of fetitsli diseases. • Hunter/ done with a skillful hand. Office un Third street, n few doors west of the Conn (louse. aprek`tittlin TH l4l, V01,.53--No; 9. -k: Miscellaneous. T As. CAMERON, Attorney at Law ,J Ihuver, Pa. Office to the room for merly ocoaplad by the ban Judge Adam.. Col lodion.. ac.„:promptly otleded to. ~ e ptPlksait. • Silly -Fire First Prizelleials Muriel. foImTHE MIRA? • • ' t` . k Piano - • Itahuf w actor3r w I 1.1. 1 cif RNAINE it CO.. Manufactuters of GRAND. SQUAUE, AND UPRIGIIIT .I*llll/0 101%111111. IiAL:I7MORE, MD. Thesej natroments bate beep before the pubhe for me Thirty years, and upon their excelhmee igione attained an stsperotassdpr. -snot awe which pronours them unequalled. Their T()NJ' - cambia great power. 'meet/Ness and tine singing quality. ,,, well se great parity of Intonation, and sweetn throne/out the entire scale. Their ~,, , • "1•015C1/1. I. pliant b ud elude, and entirely free Crum the stiffness found In so many Pianos. ~ • In Worlcmaineilifp they are unequalled, using none hut the very heat MKANONE.I/ lIATIMIAL, ttle large capital employed In our business euubliug no to keep an Immense stock of lumber, stc., on hand. tgr All our SQVAIIE PIANOS hot° Our New lab proved Over Strung Scale and the Agrqjfe Teeige. 4,f - We would ,Cll4l special attention to nor late iniprovementilll (IRAN D PiA ti OS and tidilliNtit GUANDS: YATEXTZU MAO. 14, MCA which bring the Pismo nearer perfection than has yet been at. tallied. . . Refry liaeo Yelly Warrosled for Alm Near.. We have made arrangements for the yob IfAqletale Agency for the most Celebrated PAU LOIt ORGANS aid MELODEONS, which we of for WWI le and Retell, at Lowest Penury Pei ceo. I WILLIAM KNA DE it CO. a , ttkkainj • 2lattOwars, ALL - - - ------- Igisotais Relief Vol. • - rlrlae Asthma. Welt afflicted with that terrible wont. plaint --comletely unfitting me fur Wetness for week. at a t ime—for the hut twelve year., and at lout found a remedy that given Instant and tbmplete have • concluded to hare It ptepared for No Alt °there similarly afflicted au tet4lee the hcn. itrloauling them that Il will do all, and wort:lll(watt prom -1.0 •bred for it; • and. that iteration rum uolog, will ueta► ha with. out it, • :Is numerous others who hare used it can testify. Can be bad at the Drug btore of WILLIAM 11. DU liCllLlNUOinebeNter, Pa.. or will be sent by tuall to auy address oft receipt of one dollar. and C ten cents to pay postage. \ HAS, L. HURST. norl6,llkly] Hue ester, Dearer couuty, Pa. { t T 1 A General Agent kw Bre. . `yet county, for the Guardian Iletnal Life hi. eurance Company of New York. Liberal indnce -1111.1116 to the right man. :or tenne and clnulars, :Waren Smith. Roberts A nollitnhend, Maus. nen, South.reet corner Bth eud Walnut Green, fuoilk,a. • .2, 8 , 1 It ti 111:i Bridge Street, • lIRIDGEWATEIt, PA: IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY ILIP GOODS IN EACH Or THE POLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: _ _ . ritiwy . ooons. Steubenville Jeans, enailillerntl and Sattineni. Willie Woollen blankets, - - White and Colored and Barred Flannels,. alerow.s., lainm, • . - - Cisighants, , Cobergs, Lawns, • Water Proofs, Chinchilla. ' ' Woollen Shawls. BPI/Oland Black Muslii. l)rdling Pickings, lial Cllll 011 FIIIIIII.IS. 1 •11ddc Ulll.ll, Irish Linen, J . . . Cloves & Mits. G roceries, Coffee Tea.. Sugar, Mohnen, White/411,erDrip*, Cohen 1114C0111113011 Syrup.. Mackerel In bar., rel. ilia kite, Star and Tallow Candle., Soap. Spices and Mince Meat. AI.; ' SALT. Hardware , Nails, Glass, Door Lork.. Door 'Alen..., [twig,. Screw.. Table Cutlery. Table abd Tea Spoons, Sleigh Bells. Coal Boxer, Fire Shovels and Poker., Nails and lila.. lipid... Shovel., a. S. and 4 'I Int Fork., hake , Scythe.. and Seattle. Core and Garden Ho.. WOODENWA RE Itnekrts. Butter Print+ and Endres CARBON OIL, Linseed OilAt White Lead: Boots ,and Shoes 111 EH' MISSES' AND CIIIIIIIIIINS' 811068 In great i,rrietl% Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and,use. PI .'Fecal at. s.lucenkiware. 'di heavy goods delivered free of charge Uy close attention to loudness, and by` keeping cont.taittly on baud a well aorta ted stock of good. of all the diffeient klud• untually kept Ina country store, the undersigned bow. an the future as in thepast to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patronage. • n. ti. TIANGIOII. decantnly.—Wlchgd. a~ The Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, Athol/tag lea for argtihiuz a Ihututhth,prac• 4 1ea b l . j l i or , !ri t terl u t: . e.a ul tlan, puret•ared by no other Stare Ite lor ' Aporullou heady hlxteen Thooentol Studebto. 'repreeentailveo from every. State Is, the natal. have attended herr. No serationg. Slutlents enter at any time. and recehe private In.hurtlon 111.04:hoot the entire 001111.1. N. IL—Circular.. with full particular.. and all ne. 'rervary Itiformation. on adarrarine S}111 : 11 Pirranunua. Pa. let ' n 33% MEYRAN ,& SIEI)LE, Siteressors to REINEMAN: 31EYliAN L SIEDLE, N.. 12 Filth venue, Pitt,burgli, G 01.1) N 11) SI LVE)U0111:11 s, .And 1.7.1 N E E ELItY, WATCIIN4, DIAMONDS AND SILVER P &TED WARE Agency I'm. nll the be. I makey;nr AMIMICAN SETH THOMAS CLOCKS. Special attention paid to the repairing and adjusting of • s FINE WATCHES oct:1:10-1y go - Deeds. Bonds, Mortgagee. Justices' Blau kori ouuttantly ou nand and tut sale at this °Mee. Brighton Paper ' Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A, PRINTING. MANNILLA. 'ROOFING, BAILING, hardware, Glass, Straw. RAID Al 3) CARPET AL 31111 FL , MANUFACTURED AND SOLD AT Wholesale & Rebell by Frazier , Mauer & co., 82 Thirdtresue. ROW arltAP nun% in exchange.' reeptiVetir Baltroads. RAILROADS. PITTS_ IFT.WAYNE i CHICAGO RAILWAY. Os and after Deer. 4th, W7O. train. will Imre Stations daily, (Sundays escaped) as tbllowa.-- (Train leaving Chicago at 15.13.1 P. at-Imre. W - V..] [Train 2.0.'i - lowing Plttsbnih at 2. P. WI •-,• daily.] 111lifill aqicke WICK =MIME Pittsburgh. ..... .." 13:14)/035x 5 1' 1 / 03 1 830 3 0 Rochester ' 319 19051•01 Hlll Di . Went • '• • ••• A:Ranee 303 31 . 0 'fi4s I '3IU Canton O Ml" irrr i ltt ........i l 7ll 1 iii, . 133ra 1. 333 • li l La r nstleld ..... .....1 a *iii .8 00 emoi . A :; 933 I T 33 500 1100 D- -, 1001 , 7.1.1 1 431a1i :110: t ne r: d k '' •••. •••• 143,1 1 ; " " Y.* !!ijk r iii • iil • Ililiksti Lima :133eirw 100 900 133 Van Wert Port Wayne.. 1 33i),-; 4.15z1it4.5 liio- Columbia Warsaw 17yrnouth i 4.50 • ' lO7 . • 9953t1 . 093 %sltiaralso Chicano ',‘ t'.lo - .990 333 ~1 111 _ ?MAINS 001110 /CAST. -- i . 1 7 . i i it; ii .. . - - -, F - ii r ei. - Rie'stlirsiii. - .! it - i - ei Chicago. Mimi 51:3;1 Galas! Mrs, Valparaiso.. ...... ..e. •.- 1.. .e.. Plysionth 'l3(tare! 91.6 1 100 1315ait Warsaw Columbla - • 1 ... 1 7 • VtlittZfeaiYtn.e 993 , 1115 iii3o re 330 Lima . 4o3 1 . 133e.ti . 325 .- 731(1 . Forest 500 1 343 413 'WI Bucyrus Cresillne 111 ....-: El 41 I C A .I Igo Matislteld.., ; 717 'WO i3W 005 Wooster • "' °milts , 905 G 54913 1 1155 Massillon- ' Canton .. .... ... ... 30001(w... ....... 1015 810 111 3 0 ' 13iiri lialcm. Rochester ,1253a3 11(0 1.935rai 337 Pittsburgh • 155 ' 1910rw, 513 440 New CUlia and fence Yuungetown st t2O p.yal p.m; nail ee at Plushurgh, SZO V. t hrives PluabuNh 7:00 a. m; arr. al Mita. m. Toungetwa, MO. a. la. Younotown, New Castle and PlUaburgh Ae. comnualatiou leaves Ypangetown, G:111 a. ta; New Castle,l3o a. m; antral at Allegheny. 10:10 a. to. Returning. leave Pittaburgh, 9:00 n. m; ar. rive* New Castle:lAS a.m. _ F. It. MYlttlal, Urneral lisrenger and lidaf Apewf CLEVELAND d PIITADUEDII ItAILUOAD. On and after May 29th Itt7o, trait. Will leave Nal one dolly (Sundays excepted) .ur follows. sTATII;:ir... Al an. km.' DM= =I kuclld Uudrontgls , I[l%l:hug.. ... :WO Alliance ' 11:10 Iloysthl 1:1011 . 3t Wellnville LIS I=lo=3 Exr'.. Accon, 508rx1 !:'• Irx A: v., m 7, . MM 900 An Bayard j, ... Imm Alliance ..... 11: t 5 ....... :WO r x ud • IVA Euclid Strect .. .... .... • Etl2l=l3 IZMIMINCEM MO MEI F . ..1 1.11.6 IV/alertlle.... Smith's Ferry neal , CT... •.. EMI Pitt burgh MiliN ME Pittsburgh_. l .:l723sts Boehester—s-- -- 735 Beaver Smith's Verry Wellsville Stenbenville, Bridgeport 1 1165 Ileibair '7115 1110rx f 410 600 11:10 WI 766 722 i = ME= Leaves N. Philadelphia. 610 11. n. Bayard. t 10 cm. 1 V. U. MICYEIN. • Artie • I Bayard, INS, a. N. Ptitladeph • era' Ticket A Miscellaneous. . WAXTE.D, Male and Female; Men and Women or intritirjene• and energy, to take nnter7for uur brilliant, apart. ling rare work. Third Edition Nov Ileady. LIVING THOUGHTS OF LEADING THINKERS.; A treasure house of brilliant,pungent sod living ihonghts on art, 'Ciente. religion. politics, busi ness Social lire and 'lithe leading questions of the limy. replete also. trith rare Grua of !toll*, to which is appended a dictionary of popular aulAors. with their real and assumed signature.. AN IN. TELLINCTLIAL Ilmgyurr row au. VDU READ AND TDINK. Address for Terms. , .1. It. FOSTER CO., Publishers. febS;ly.] G 1 Fifth Areas,. littsfoirgh, Pte. UTTY.FaZS O 0 ERE. ne Uudersigned Bus Just Opened I= DRY. - GOODS, Hair, Caps, Notlo➢r,{jeeeeemvare. Nall., Lamp Oil, Table Cutlery. GI-ROCMIZIMS: PROVISIONS, Av., On the corner of Bridge and Market htroete Bridgewater, Pa. Mein .9 haul considerable experience in the Mercantile Business, Ite Flatters lllmotti that Alp Selection of Goods And His . Prices 11711 Prove &Laifactory to Nye Public Generally. Tin.: PATRONAGE OF HIS OLD PA-. TIIONS, AND ALL OTHERS, regoopeettially Solicited A. S. HARVEY. MEM is MOORE DRUGGIST, Preseriplions Irefully and Am:irate ly Climpounded. THE um!' BRANDS 01? AssoirrED I%Medlin WINES AND LIQUORS; Fiainto4.- 01114. EIII DYE STUFFS: ANILINE DIES 0r,.11,1. COLORS; GLASS & PUTTY; Special attention Cleen to secant tire bevt quality of Lanniaand Lamp Trim=lns, Literati ike. A .Lange Assortment of TOILET . ARTICLE.3..:4OAJIS, BRUNHES & PATHNT MEDICINNS, Wee. "AL Main Street, ream is . ir Blink ening ad Treasurer of Wool Dia Jut Waled and kw ale at Oda take. ~' ~ ~. 1 A / REMINDER • T o Jtobltitated J • • Persons, . • • To .Dysogitiot, ffe - • To Surerstronal:iverUstiplaint, To those having nadtppetite, TO those with Broken 1.14wn Cop, . . • To Nervous Peopte To eitildren-.Wasting..A.Way 'ro any with Debilitated DigektiS Organs, . . Or Stiffrring•trilliany•4lhefoltoarbv Sbmp Dioordered Liver or Monlnch,. . • • Michas Constipet t ion, Inward ' kiler, Pollan" or bleed-to the need. Acidity of the St omath,Narnow,lleart-... - • i!' - tnernjeliguethee Pood.Fam r: ' • maw. or Weight in the Stomach, Soar Ernetatkene,..tiluking or.Flui• tering atthopit ofthe Stoesteeti.thrhuL t - ming et the need Bunted sad Dltlealt Breathing, Flietiering at the heatt,ltha ing or Fluttering Seremtions when in a tying Poeture, Dlennews Dots ar -Webs 6e•. lon. the Sight, Fever and Dull Paine In the ileau,Delicienry of Perspiration, nes. of the Skin and Mine, Pita in the litde,Baek, Meat. Utah.. dte.; Sat • den Flashes of neat, aura- . • gimillitag b it r e e alf b. lC V t . • tercet Depteselou ; of Splint. 1100FLANie8 (} , ER I BM. !tillers without Aleohot - r-Npirito - of any kind, lIME=I tiZZI la ilillrerent Won all ahem. It Is cont• poses or the pure Juices, or Vltolßria elp ofßocia.!Benda and Burka, (or us nitalkinully termed . Extracts.) thu worthlera or inert portions or the ingots thenta not being used. 'flterefore, l in one pottle of them: Batters there is amtaimal as much medicinal virtues* will be round in several gallons of ordinary iniiturt..4. The limts, Am., uSeti iu this Bitters, ore grown in tienuanY, their vital principles extracted in that country by a scientific Chemist, tool torwanied to the tnanufiirs, tory In this city, where the are com pounded anal Mated. Comatrilisr do spirituous mgr ilium, this Bitters Is free trona the objections urged all nth• ere; no desire tor stimultatts in. duced from their uatt. toey. cannot make drunk:anis, and cannot under any cream statices, have any but it hertedelal effect. • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC-, Was compounded for those not inclined tat extreme bitters, and is intended for Mal to cases when sonic alcOliolle sliming is required in minention with the• Tonic properties of the illtient. Each bottle of tee Tonic contains one bottle al the Rh• term, combined with pure SANTA CRUZ lint, anti dowered in such a manner that the extreme bitterness of the Bitters Is overcome, formiug at preparation highly agreeable and pheasant to the palate and curtaining the medicinal virtue of the Bib tent. Thu price. of the Tonic is SI.LO per Bottle, winch many, perstuut think ton higlt, • take into crinshleration iliat ffie d, lO be oft pure quality. .A poor article could be furnished at a ama- per prioa; but Is it not latter , to pay, a Ettleintwe and haves goat article? A properatioa should contain none but' the best lagn - xli. cuts ; anal they who expect' in Obtain a chiap compound, and be benefitted by at will most certainly be cheated. Erie Express w Caelle, 3:00 Uctimlng, New Castle, na i 510 155 ' 545 135 , VII 3151. tJO MEE tzr'siActZig r=l EIEI MI Effl =1 Eli 70501 German Bitters, PODOP}IYLLIN PILL WILL CURE YOU They aro the Gruitest. BLOOD PUKIFII RS .KIIIIIVII 111 il.! world, anti will erailiotte itisirases arising Than luipure bland, the Digestive Organs, or Diseas,' Liver, in a shorter time than any other known The Whole Supreme Court of Pao. SPEAK FOR THESE REMEDIES. IVho would ask for more Dignified or ,Slronger Testimony f Uou. Mown; W. WoouvrAuujorinerty ChirfJuu• lice of Mt Supreme Cowl of Itlmarryleanui, at preueod Memberof Compere from Prusisylouitio, I and llooflaad'o German Bitters “ good tonic, oven! In dl.aseeaut the dlgo•tlre organ., and 01 great bencat in cages or,dettlllly mud nowt or nervous action In the ryetem. Your. tn. y. (11{01IllIC W. WOODWARD. lion. Janes Tilos r ox, EAlef Jollier or the So. ' peewee tbrirt of thetwayloaola. PiIIIADELPISIA,ApriI IS, MI. I consider Hood:aid'. Akswisu Bitters" 0 rains. ble medicine Is case of stuck* 01 Indigestion or Dypcptia.,. I caw ratify this from my expetleticw of Yuenwith JAM ES pcct, J THOMPSON. ticoacts Suazawoon, Juafier cif 1144 Supreme Court y/ Ilhusiarahia: Pnit.actat.rnia, Jebel. WB. I have brand by experience that "Hennaed'', German Inners " 6a very goal took, relieving dyapeptic vytopturus aline.' directly -6EOIIIIIC 811AltHWOOD. Um. Ws. F. Ito n, Mayor of f*. (.:ify qf DV& 10. Sim• Yur.t ......Mayore Office, Buffalo, woe I" lege. I have , uacd flenuan Inners and Tonic" In my family - daring the peal year, and can recommend them at an excellent tonic, Imparting lone and rigor to the ayetem. Their ure hoe been productive of decidedly bencikefil effect!, WM. F. ROGERS. -•-• lion. Jar. M. Wood, Er• M o tor rt/ Itilamorport, itansairanlo: I take gnat pleasure In reconunendlng land'. Genova Tonic" td any one who may he at; flitted with Dyspepsia. I had the Dyepetoht au badly It watt hoposelble+ to keep say fond on toy stomach, and 1 became 00 weak as not to tai able, to walk half a tulle. Two bottles of Took abated a perfect cure. _ 'JAMES M. WOOD. , llooll..ltiD'S GERMAN BITTERS. AND 1100FLAND'S OEIL3fAN TONIC Will cafe every Ciaia of ILI AI aku a 111 9 Or, Watling away of the Body. 11.111143E1Nf iorknrt ; THAT IIOOPLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES 41 , o'llset mediclnn you require to portly the Blood, excite the •tmptd Liver an healthy mike, and to etutble you tows safely through soy hard ships or exposure, on; noovr...t.xo.s - Towansreraaar„ Or Substitute for Mercury Pills. TWO PILLS A DOSE. The Mosi Powerfut,yellnnocent, Veg etable Cathartic known. , It not necessary to take a haudrel el theeepill• to handset the desired effect: Iwo of them Met naWy and powerfully. chewing the Liver sloe. ach sod Bowels of all Impeditke. T¢e pi.ecipal temedlent l. Podophyllin, or tbs A Mahone of Mandrake, which is by many times qua 16rwortul. seller, &admire/doff than Me Mandrake omit. lt. peculiar salon la opal the Liver, rkt* Icy it speedily from all obrtructionr, wltlt art tin power of Merenry„ yet free from the lejadouo re. runs attached to the use of that mineral. FM all dhitirses, In which the it eof Whittle hsekated, there pill. will dire mate satisfaction to every awe. They NISVXR YAM li maim of Liver Complaint, Lippert:a sad of treme rostlteuer., Dr.ilonitand's Ominan Bitters or Toole Mould be med In oat beetles with the Tbe towic effect or Ike. Ritter. or Tuttle bendy no the syatem The Bitters or Tonto pull, be. Ike Blood.strengthem the Nerresmardiawes the Liver. mid glees ittreerth. energy .. sadMgrs. Beep your Bowels salmi with ibe PIM. and tam up lbery.tem with Batters or Took. and to dlr. use can while its bold. or rem email yew itecollmt that It is iIIOOFLANDB GER: MAN ItlikiklllKS that me re unitirmattf 11 . m MS highly recommended; and de well allow Pt Brugghit to Induce you to tabs anything else tha be may say 4 Jot es good, bemuse ha mike* a Lreet profit on ft. - These it win be milt by yin N titi; lo ony the Cl paw a n ti llAN litt e r eiN It STORE. CM AIMS St., Pills4glplibt vii AS. M. EV A Nti. ProPtletor Fortherty C. M. JACKSOiI Co These flamelike: are ,for 'Sale;l4 'Deng 'gigs. Storekeeper., and Medicine Dialers eterywhere. ' janlB;ly )3eaver, Pa W =MB EN BOOPLAND'S .A ll 411109 ti 000 PIIILADKLPIIIA. Yardl IG. It1.13111:M. 111 at 133r3 Pittioblirgh • CLOCK-•'' .eras . , 44 , • , , 11-49 1 11 elAjitY• . • 5 000 OloOki /Ohl IrearlT. • le ;Ight . Day, .3041iirke Ahtn4 ' 12 Evangel* 4 It sini+l42. , 71013110Ttykl:t aki ll 4 co .iirilatir IntAlib; Bed In Illatlgnrket. ; EMI THE - " Vltitlitti-1FOlt l Af". ti.' lftt, - . •-' - --,':igeth Tb . ' Ili:l'9l4v :, ',.. . - • ether.Ap Neas . . : gifP NrOldi . . g.', TUB: ROI:1G t .:REIADY.!', t r . .... . . ... . • , Every (Mork deneak: :. .. .1 ery, i - Psiteeri tile v' *vent: f:3•.; ', • ; . ' ir - , ` ..:4 -- - 6, 'F." . '— • . Deinetbe oily hnosif 104 , , , , A Ppe c6ltY. aid bailuglheiagrit. . Mil . the ifetrl m t p. eticoaspauliv, I nui; ot . ' ens. t" tempted stock lo' Western Teney! Kikine lOtrust neF prices. Mathes: dchouli; abd ' tihtte B.Udlags supplied. PardenliffsittainkoSitieen to engines." by mall Head for streuisp elufki (*who safely pecked and sent by exp iry! .. -, ; • '" ; - ' B. P. ..11 , 041ERTH, No. 16 Fylk Artvattei 141sburph, Pa, oasawebuedoeue "%) 7- Joionts flitsilliteamponi. Sellers' Imperial te4li Synips, Lindsay's Improved= Searcher, • IllatiallMaglMgm a* - No toedlalse mg airenitiehtt i re be IM cure of Ithemotalloat mad Nalaggligta. igg, L ide Pitt ed mitt a wide roma/ tapattglau as attum &IN'S ItlllttlatiVe COMMA: 'tugboat dealt an involiable agetllelas, lawabils hays bee, ocrived from 'kb and arguidtmliara -0.14t. id; *Mao wag "obtinr. I yakiatta meoga. mad It en lac It It. th , At47l. &Mb 1.14:1114 a4llais 2 .llMaatartall t :4oo, !yrs,. . ;We belt to ea/1 to tba ae t of oar raglans that this veason'of the you, a . aft otheht.le the one la wallah tales em Ilabiat . year-no. mug utak; it, whilst Ike LI J r.... ui cogatant danger of :hat moat gifld fothf of mil dgg” maw,: ender. ' It le. thmelare, ucateadat: y :that ; arm Wally should world.: • punitive Agnotaly,. ow that la ready for hoe at alf tt me*? . 2 . • ; - • ahLLEII.4' COMM SYRUP you will Madam* hug upendy remedy for cambat, - . avid., and all alit- cagey tubing from thetu.v, 7, . Lindsay's 1111 • 4 4 5 ellieber• • m bloodla die vary loMaten or tab; therefore, IS ma wish to rears beaky. A. mad dmtgraf lbe blood, aqd to twee Miad2mod batddi„ punt. Liana/WI BLOOD tildriCNUl IS Ina sated and moot t:ffectnal modidiallOr obtaining this de mised elect, b alway• oak 44 It, Wet delic,to dels use lc gists ever; 'IL. E. lela iil FO 'Tbe la the acrtvegh Ith egos zeull One with Dining rioters at II fluitmlaitr Y um aid • high yl • :winolaChtues. ..17" SHUTTLE We are twat able to offer to the Public A FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE of Suparkrbtyla of nal* 2.lsitoracing the latest Insprovensents Eu..l to li4Npe and America, at a Price Quite witklin‘be reach ofevery Hoene. hold In tin L nd. ulJl4()Licrri2ll). The anderslsied members °Vibe Mewing bode ty for the bematof the M. S Church: Deaver. hay to heti the WUCION IMICTTIN bK. INC MA-" CUINX uSe for some time, bike pleasure in stating that. for simplicity of construction. date billy. case oe operation. speed and. beauty of per fornautoe. vri believe it iv not surpassed by any Machine to the motet. Mni. J. P. lEfiwo, Ago I Ye.. A. M. Atkin,. Mhei M.A. tietslislanner.!Mrs Ustssorr, nes rova Mrs .1 13 Doti, _ Mr.. M. Phillips. Treas. Mrs. E. W. Dickey, Mr.. Prof. R. T.Tsylor. !Br , . EN. It. Ts - Mn.. Bev. J. B. Mi r. um. U. d. Wharton, Dry. Rev. W. U. Lorke,ilirs. Agnes' Johnston, 'Mrs. Rev. F. D. D-14 0 :1. :Doi. Dr. ideßolt. Miss Elena Al'Boo. Iles. A. Border, M 4. Loa. C. Witmon. - Dry. WilUhm Kramer. Mn. Audrew White. Bre. tieoefor.l.E.Rotart. )(Ts. e. WICTAXD, tirey Office end Seim Doom i ti Third St.. Dower. ra utarnlyleSSl S. J. ANDERSON. Acad. Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING -MACHINES, t. 4114iiasso' t perfect and simple trotehine of the kiwi EV.3 litrentatt. Both of the *biro pbreter machine* hare been latetylmprovecuntllLln7_etandwlthuat a deal. CHlNPrnieEf t ohe SlNGEHupward..t FAMILY SEWING MA born STIGKI Pike of HINKLEY'S EN TI fin e Cirenlan, aM nutplenntelled free Hun s NTRAW flk NORTON, • • ORNEUALAGINTS. No. SO litzth Smut. Pittsburgh Ps • pule Wanled ler Illnkl4 Machine every wirerr.• end Ise the Mager In Wenern Pennsylva nia &Were Ohio and Walt Va., where ther e are Done ennuis eetabliabra, noddy AM IRECLI IL . -- TERTIII rinevEcT.; IRD t—T. J. A 11. J. • ' '4 ;El* . ''',, = d ata ' r:t eilu rty . ,, .., .- .4 te e - s. l / 4 : CHANDLER hare pa to eoeDr.titeek'l Patent ett....-4t by whleltthey am pat 1. 1 a a , I 1 1 npVelesultem thin I . Hold te with - 1 . RA too Wei e g oame led po i bes lieh u ; sod so Itf , t sad *UAW a• to perfectly adept Itself to the mooch Vobrito legal! that Murray and Why contiltion, PO Ma emeddalmed ot hendoketee and Merestsg link lisbUlly to break ILH parent. .Itr , !teed, no one melts. It ' , Mid be willing to wear the gimmi ni: a i d e 'sr loupe than they meld maven. ll get them eirkmped AU bra:wined Dm perkerond in the bee I . and moot anbetantlal ger. Is IIIMM teeth with gold, etc.. we Mal. lama competition town anynealter. and can rekr Id Vele" nablects whom Milers have deed lw: Bea. thletyand hxly !elm "nnt the elettwe Hee. John Allison wM ethildt alb we Meer. ' tad weee sh year ego; the teeth as perfect as the day they were filled: UM :hind Gas Minted on a sew plan, fere lel It from all a npleamst end den. meow elkets, laeldort the erten:Wu at teeth a nenite ~f pima., raw than of horror and Into. (wee . t D l e , maen n n n ny o w ß l o d h e e n stter P lnthe nue: .nortetri : , T.. 1. di H. J CHANDLER. riexitiliertz•*. v Elllll I'lB7l I , • ar Cl!&tax ,'llincELl,Alfr . rfm A THOUSAND POUNDWASHA ' • :. • WITS..; : • ; Voratio Wolf Was a bachelAr i aged thirty years' Or thereabouts, add poswseed of a Gate*, whicit yielded antunount at Interest nor only suf ficientiy -large to enable its owner to maintain lilisuelfin curnstatim , wit bout Wgrk, hot - ago al owed Jitiu , to add ;yearly fo the iiripelpal the sum of .‘hundred and twenty, pounds.,, Otis 'he was cciti-,- skierealcitle,hidepeadently,wealthy; and waiskoil-upoit every tiatal 7 solute knd,..e.xcelleet Young' ' man !by ramous :.911IslitIensied!? ipaPas and Inemm*:%!liaja4stialtters..Welre of aboutthe lit aige:ton't6 think Am nag other peculiarities to . which Mr. Holt was attached—or which wenrattached to-him--was the very sirepticeVes that there was not, or over had bcen, such an: lintimbable thing in .existence as love: He be lieved that in matrimony, as well as other matters, all people were outwit, ed by motives of .pelflintere4t ; hence be regarded With suspicion all females who approached him. • "F0r.".... said he,."they are after my, money, 'and don't much care how they, get it. They .wouki like to marry (=found edly , • One day ho was considerably start led by the sudden opening of the door and the unceremonious entrance of the maid of all work, who bore in her hand a letter -which she statist the postman had Just that moment left. "Confonnd.thegiri," said Mr. Holt, when alone, as- he broke the seal. "She might have given alittle warn ing before she intruded upon the en. joyment of my wine andl lame'. I had my feet somewtuttelevated into the upper regions, and Pin: a. Saner If she don't report the imme - to the landlady. However, open "sewtme," and—" - !McMinn Iliougm:--Cibristows will .ore be here, sad we went Joe to come and spend the bond/v(oth M.' R e base Melted emend Moods whom you knew isillays goo* by, sod we shall tare ezealleut nom. TWO a very. beautiful sad ammumnshedyoune lady Mead of were, who fives la the mused or third village beyema you, who will be sore to by here. We are sure you will he plod to onake her rimptalutsuce. y ou YOU will &IP to Mee with her. Jost think of It. a crusty old bads Ilk. you fauns in love! We meet humbly beg you patdou U these lbws offend 30u. hot you must surely come. With Oberlin). your JelluT LNO soraT lerntwarr." P. B.—Tether sends regards. and aye that hank ers bum are plying one per iemit. -higher tuteresit than the bunkers with whom you demon. , lie says you had letter Min; some Money and tamest It leer. Yount none mom. Jenny Minoru).- Mr. linit carefully perused Oils let ter four dititinet times, and then, fold ing It with emit pre-lMion, thought ;nib- .und dellborutelir e Iritierted it in the envelopefund - put Polli in fill] pocket. ' "The imtuartal Horner bath assert ed in his never-dying Iliad that the best, part of a woman's letters 1.410 the ; postscript," said Mr. Milt, httlf aloud, as he resented his cigar and tielentilically blew a clould of smoke into the air. • "The fawns aid fellow is wino riht. It Is certairilttiery true in th is ciao; Let tria: see, if ..L visit my excellent minim and take' With me. a thousand pounds, I' Shall getone per cent. more interest, which is just ten pounds! Quite again I sball,auiely have to pars the holidays With my dearly beloved cousins, ',for whoin,'of course, Ventermin the ut 'etr — lrd imdalfection. Oh,' love 'vi-and the ten pounds too!. heyere, going she, —dy br • :co.; MSS teutilleoft Alen 'Loran°, consulting his watch,, leave in exactly two hours from this time." Now it happened. as a very re markable coincidence, that ayoung lady was also going to the city to spend the holidays, though with thLs difference, that it was friends and not relatives whom she intended to visit. Having thus established a sort of mutual confidence, though not on a very extensive smile, they got along finely, and by the time they arrived within twenty mita:l(4BM.. destinas non were fur front being strangers. "Bless my soul !" cried M. Holt, suddenly, as the train stopped at a small station, "if this is tult the place at which I've got to get out and stay for several hours before I go on to the ci ty." "What!" exclaimed the lady, "are you not going to the city now? surely thought you were. ' "N0,•n0," said Horatio, hurriedly rising front his seat ; "I haven friend here whom I very much' wish to see, and•so I shall have to go. lam very sorry, but I hope I shall see you in the city. If I do not, why, then %Crewel', and if forever then forever fare thee well, even though unfor given'—and so forth.. Adieu!" • And Mr. Holt, seizing his valise, rushed withpreciptous haste out of the carriage Just as the train moved away. It was about half an hour beTore dinner-time that Horatio, tarrying his valise in his hand, walked up the street of The little village, and stop ping before his friend's house, rang the door-bell, and was admitted. lie was shown into the sitting room and left alone a few minutes, until 11W : friend came down from up stairs, which he very soon did, and they hada very sociable time togeth er, smoking cigars, sipping wine, and behaving like the gent lemon of width and independence that they were. " Do you know, my dear yam bond," said Horatio knocking the ashes from his cigar, "That I have n secret .to pour into your ear; hoping it will not go out of your mouth? I. sat in the train today by the side of the loveliest, most divine, fairest an gel that never had wings. I could hardly tear myself away, and should not have done so, only I was afraid my heart would have gone astray if I had stayed any longer, which is a sort of rhyme. By the way, I wish you would keep an eye on my valise, for I don't know much about your servants. There is a thousand pounds In it that f am going to take to the city." "A thousand pounds!" exclaimed his friend. starting up. -"Why did 'von not tell me of this before? Where Is the valise?" "In the hail, I suppose. Anyway, I gave it to the servant when I came In " "You are the most careless fellow I ever knew," said his friend, im patiently; as he hurried out of the room. He soon returned, tiearing the. va lise in his hand. "Is this It?" owe, "You had better unlock it and see If your money Is WV."' Areordinaly Milano took the: key out of his pocket, and' opening the valise, thrust his hand therein. • men • "Bless my soul!".'said Horatio; suddenly withdrawinZhie arms. "What, is the matter?" - "Why; look beret'''. don't believe this valise Is mina." • • • And Horatio drew forth a half completed lace collar,' some embrol.; dery, a pair of white cotton hose,and other garments belonging to the, lb male wanimbe. • . J. Mar nal4ige- deter. . tie 11 du War than gum IMII.— ft. tie medals and ili, Vials, . _ "Tho thousand peunda am gone r' gasped Fforatio, turning pale. "Sold 1" cried hie Mend, springing to lila feet. "Outwitted by thedivine aneetvou met in the train in the menntime4the train contain ing the lady for wboollioratto had ex. perieiteed so violent a am% whirled RGUS onwanl tower& the city.: nt : M1.440(409 half= hear ltikrrlvr Tim v ine eheuvn lbe i n chalice to n'teliman:lind seating herself In the et-hide; teitsrdrlven to the,most wealthy tiortb?lt.of the met ropcillW. and finally drew, up before a stoke !rent ;" on the allver doeivlate to w'htelf WM Inscribed the name •of "Fit ewart.h f • Two- young Wien mated out of the balhatxl affectionately effilmwed t he: young Tally._ . . ' "Mt. Itone 31ellingtom -you can't think !M /id ut wears to see youl" exclaimed , no•rapturoteily. ••• at mg thought , you were not coining;' Maid the other. , "Did yOu bring that embroidery work you wrote. About?' asked the flog, wh o name was .lenuy. "Oh, I. hope • youAlidt. I'm almokt dying to see It!" :' ' theft you most, tvtainly aee lt,'! said Jiiik l46lll ll ll stion- "it'd in the valiseand I wilt go.eNl get It now" Tilit Value , crag planed upon it chair, and thnodlvineangel;" producing ke",•innertqled toppen U. Olt,' gna.lowvine !". MLia tia-ahit peered . intn the value. "What's the otatter?"outAl hur two remote friends. 4 "Whyv this %reline is not aaa i l least., thu mute:its are not. JuSt look here !" And Miss Rose brought to (be sur face two mammoth silk pocket-hand kerchiefs, a - pair of men s coarse stoc kings, a z neciie, live collars, and two shirts. "Why, girls, I don't understand it at all," said Rose. "I must have taken some one e se's I know ! It belanga to- your cousin- Horatto." And as the-true state or the raw burst upon Jier, Miss Mellington threw ',mei( upon• a chair, and' inugboil lodg, and heartily. Belpftip, to cousin Horatio !" echoed Jenny. "Why, nose, what do you mean Y" . • "Your cousin Horatio came into the train, and took a seat by nie," said - Role, repressing her mirth. "I knew him instantly Dom thedeserip tion you .wrote, and such a flirtation as we' earned on exceeds belief. • I suppose he took nay valise, and took• his. The mistake was natural, for they are Just alike, the key to one fitting the other. . - "But where la' Horatio now:"' ask ed rtophy. "I am sure I dA't know," said ROW, laughing'again. "He got out at the second station from thecity. "Well, we tun soon tell. if this be longs to . liorutip; fur if. it does, his twine w,lt hK •onapmeof the clothes," said Solthy; extmilning the shirt bo som. • "%o4 here it Is—Horatio Holt. Oh, any and the three girls burst into* chorus of laughter that rang flitrrily through the house. I wonder If ho brought any mon ey to put hr the bank,' said Sophy, as Wan 33 their merriment had sub -14414X- 1 Mean to see," said Jenny, -Jumping up, mil , piong- Ing her itand into the valise. 'Why, here something. Just look here girls ?" Site brotight forth a not very large compact package,' -and, undoing it, fund it to contain twenty-pound notes. '• December Mk Ift— "A thousand ands!" exclaimed Jenny, with eyes wideopen. "Why, what a monstrous sum, and now care. leis he is. Now, girls, if you will ou t- as I say, we ll have lot' of fun. know. who you were, Rose?"' atetgank be did, 1 did .not lute!: Km:med.". 'elk that Is good. Let us put the things back jnst. as we found them, and when he comm, Rose, vint must keep out of his sight for the iirst few minute!. lie will be here Just as soon as he can after discovering his loss." "Why,. here lie comes now !" ex claimed isophy, who sat by the win dow and had been looking out. A vehicle drew up before the gate as she spoke, and sure enough out got Mr. Iloratio Holt, valise in hand, and, running furiously up the steps, he rang a violent tied nt the front do3r bell. "Now, !toss go into the next mom, and fake the valise along with you," snid Jenny excitedly. "Diin"t come until we cull you. Why, cousin Horatio, how do you do?" she ad ded, opening the dour and extending her hand to Mr. Itolt with an ap pennon.° of great cur Minty. !" said Horatio, as he strode nervously into the hall. "I don't do. I'm Mr. lion, elevating bis "arm, "I solemnly promise and alljun that I will have nothing to do With Christ mas holidays—that I will never again look at a pretty girl—that love and affection are great humbugs, and than the world Is as selfish RS a hog!" "Why, Cousin Horatio. you apr' pear to be excited,"- said Jenny. "Pray, what is the mailer?" • "Matter!" erhal Mr. Holt, depw-. Wog his valise in the hall. "I've lost a thousand pounds just by taking a fancy to—, I exchanged valises with somebody, that's what's the matter." "Why, cousin, how• you do talk !" exclaimed bisfair companions. "Is It is Bible? Rut surely you are not going away?" "Yes, I am," said I loratio, mow ing towards the door, "I'm going to find the chief of police ( and see If I can get my money bark." " Stay, consin,r cried Jenny. "You ought to offer a reward for its rceovery." - Mr. !hilt, with Ilk hand on the door. / "I'll give a hundred pounds," maid bell. " Witness that,Sophy," said Jen ny. "Come back, Horatio, and Sit dowp. are good detmtivei, and will see what we mu do for you." • .Accordingly Mr. Holt, with much wonderment, complied, and mechan ically came back into the room. "Now, Rase," cried Jenny, "mine in. You need not bring ,atiythln,g with you I" , "Mr. Holt, Miss Mellington," said Bo' pity. `Bless my soul !" cried Horatio, In astonishment, ash,ls "divine angel" of the train stoofrbefore him. • "Oh; dear me! exclaimed Rose, in well-counterfeited surprise. • • "What is the matter?" asked Mr. Holt's cousins, apparently • amazed, and looking from one to the other. "This—this is the.lady whom I supposed tool: my valise,"said Hora tio, aghast. "And' this i s the gentleman whom, I saw in the train," cried Rose. "Here is your baggage, Horatio," said Jenny, bringing in the valise. "BOOR' y our money is safe!" "It is, " tiled Mr. bit, Joyously, as•ho examined it. "Here is your hundred." . "No. uo! We dou't want; an exclaimed the twaigirla,botia together,,"Give It toMone!" "(live it to .Be?"oi maid Horatio, looking at her thoughtfully. "Well, .I. will—and I'll apeak to her ,salao. If you two girls will leave the rattan." They left swainlingly. " Now Mist sad Horatio, whenthey were alone, "1 did you the !Wasik* to supporta that you L.apturcd my property you forglveute?" . 4 yea, yea. Mr.. Holt t" • .•.4zut that tha miataketuay never oceuraigadu 1 heretaiva ry rismiful ly invite y y ou hi change ou name to Holt," maid Horatio', with r, an air of greet importance. • "So very sudden; Mr. Holt, that really I—" • iii Established 1818 „ . She **Wiled, blushed very be•• Urltehlii3;l3r; add hxdted nve' lovely than O'er.' • • " this very sudden,” said Handle, elasplugi her lir his arms, and steeling a klai. "Now reply in the aMrtnatlve." • • • • -• "Good S • Thee thousand 'poundio shall be your bridal laviamt„suul Pin blessed. If there ain't something to love, after All." ' HTALuicirrovesc A iiefroloO of itoososogo -, osi Cho Stage, . ~ The globe Theater- of Mimic° huts had u ray et real romance died upon it. The Manager is a happy wen, bemuse he possmses b genuine child of the stage—a A-radar° of impulse drifted by. her own lutiginga and-the impetus . of romantic circumstances Into the broad ;lea of dramatlcism. -311 m Pititlineis'a hely ofsee. enteen summeelt, etcetera; of man nee tivatieg, fume of faulthus Byrn: etry, and eyes that are thtuip!:-, uus to all men who have not reached the .wititry sea.son of life:' There are many young ladies! in - Dbleago . .to whom this general outline of witch ery might upply, betties fair Pauline eloeto Detroit—the fair city of Miehiganders—and has had the'roses fanned into glorious blots:map by thd far-Lamed Quechee zephytev: lm Detroit Pauline first opened her sweet eyts upon the world, and was nurtured In luxury—the petted child of a wealthy and honored house. - In her childhood she was not notice/hie fora singularity of timelier whiela proclaimed the embryo uctrtot ; and when sheought to have been train ing her - unripened brain in the rudi ments of early feminine lore, the glowing pages of die "Hard of Avon" —taken slyly from her father's librae ry—used to be fondly perused and committed to memory. Atthe early age offourteen her dramatic incline ' tions would manifest themselves in emverting the family drawing-room ' into au impremptu theatre, mid she would there portray theagouized ten derness of Desdesnona or the grief distraught fancies of the fair Ophelia. At last the parental mind Isamu to take alarm, and Pauline was forbid ! den to Indulge her stage Passion fur ther. This begot rebellion and the beautiful child declared firmly thht she must and should and would be u ecssind Siddints. ' Fluidly: the strong arms of natured authority in a mets ure confinensl Pauline's obstinacy, and tranquility reigned in the home circle for a brief period. As. time wore -on, • the Lotharios who moved in the upper ranks orDe trolt society began to pay the -usual almoner of attention—meaning and unmeaning—to the rich man's heir shia. But the young lady had no heart for thelia assiduous beaus. She pre ferred to revel in secret over the gm of her • worshipped Shak and no-Romeo, however pcite — Thrs incipient mustache, or destructive his nedimental- "mutton chops," could make!' the slightest' imprecision ou the stageeedelded Mutest the Intelleeto- SI Juliet. • - Matters, however, were Just .lisr stoning a turn that, was to bring a crisis in the life of this girl. There acme a stiltor, young, rich, and us men go, good looking. The tender eat feelings of this adorer had been conveyed to his Idol in poems, which are doomed never more to see the light—they were scorched In the 1 scornful glancesof hard-hearted Pau line. The suitor, failing to stone the citadel of the fair one's affections, by means which had been tried by thou*. reivehokaantidar • thezirl's parents. That worthy gen tleman, her father, who saw in, the young man all he could wish for a son-in-law, grew wroth, and ordered Pauline before him.. She mine walking in txauty—and the stern sire demanded why this was thus. Tearfully, she answered that her heart was not for mean to wing-it was consecrated to Art, and was cold to love. She was then allowed three 44ys to wake up her ' d .en the matrimonial suldwt. The oitotted time passed away. Again she stood before the author of her being, and then and there stout ly refused to becomes wife. Her fa ther storm's' and fumed, as fathers generally do in such straits, and com manded her, , on pain of being' disin herited, to prepare for' the merriage forthwith. This was two weeks ago 'last Friday, and on the Monday sue tootling ~he was to have. been earn- Heed. Thrown Upon her own 'resourm to escape the dilemma In which she was platoci, she chanced to have among her outside friends one who was ac quainted with the manager of the Ukase. That gentleman consented to motive the young lady into his troupe, not having been made aware of the peculiar circumstances sur rounding her. Amortingly, upon the day proceeding that which was to have sealed her• fate, Pauline, feign ing illness, confined herself to her chamber. This intervalsheemplciyed in pack ing up 'her things ready for flight. Ih the dead time olthe.night she had her trunks conveyed to a stable, and; having secured of a groom managed to take the early emir for Chicago. She readied Chicago in due' time, and was met at the depot by the manager of the Globe. Wiled the latter, however, bemine aware of the true state of affairs, he did all that he could to dissuiti e the young lady front further pursuing the rash course she had taken. But Pauline's resolution was immovable, and she immediately entered upon her engagement. - Meanwhile the fair fugitive's fm ily, having been informed of her whereabouts, have tried by every art of persuasion, to get her back to their household again. Pauline has so far remained obdurate, and is determin ed to tread the boards —mayhap a tragedy queen—rather than ignomin iously surrender herself into the arms of a suitor for whom she entertains nothingstave contempt. The Manager takes the matter quite philotiophical ly.• "louse Weddimpo What scene on earth is fairer than a wedding in the house?. There are no weddings like hem weddings. The church is no place for those who cannel do better. But to a child, no oithedral can •be like that chief and fonmwst _church of the heart, the father's house I This Is the church within the church. There, where the daughter was 'reared, and taught In all womanly gmee, and equipped with housewifely habits, ouglitstio to be tuarriod. Around her all the ten , der wouchttlehs of childhood, of love and happinew gather. Her now life shiouldtiatefrom the nest inwhich her old life was boat. Whenats in Europe, marriage is regarded a sacrament, and as requiring, at, least in a moral point of view, the special grace t f which the priest Li held to be the di vine depository, to make It sacred and safe, we can understand Why the ,voung applicants for 'demonic life happinowshould repair to the chu reit. And when,. for centuries, generation , after genenition have been married in the village church, we can understand how a thougand ussoclations would surround thechanned spot, and Wake it sacred to love as it is to.devotion. , But in America there are no such MMUS ' for resorting to the ehnrelt. And if,there is an net in one's whole life that belongs .to have, it is mar riage, if one has no !some, there is good reason why, next to that, She TIRE IS V M. . itubliotp otrqr VlPte„ AY i lT i t o t 41.1 .I:reas ittlloicutt lit !Areal, v6r, p A „, 41, g; t ;yrkr,l - • enni inunkstivlsP:un mutt/win .0 ! . I* 1 "r Vanors4lattoiMie tit* nyMoutiP/ 41 , PP' Ileited• tix \ trusais attention favor's 4, leht4 inimettiviattably , .bo w,pm 1 1 4: tibia by Um mutts of,the 14°Ir• 41,ettora .:ositotn nteatioto. storm lis ow aildro , ./.1.1 to r • !. r ,• •„ . I ..IVV.V.iIZiA Blifftri -PAW should repair tot.a.xiturizh.,.llo. never could uuders. , l fiat feeling that leatla u eldia,jeaderly kit nxl' fit smainple titanalou, surrounded hv en. deured,ohjeets, to leave the rut& un der which life ham been spent; And it. Mir fei the marriage nervleele that moat atita4tutelike atthtutis.. It la true t I att.;ibtvugtyature,.thy asactelatidos etatuceteLd with a esturrh are_inaify and ii_outt. theyare hat domentle.•Tlatyttre Coleirrh;ainty front outimuni life. alintscti4hirantitto • eats of that itx:inl-nnd nuallilthil at numpltero to.whielt Ora het**. ripen luta toarrrger;,,. , I • ..,;; ; i t , WithoutunCharitaideVi,fiuni be feurist that inn ninth mrattl ttv the shitir,-the I int* premien made, upon the-stinaking' /fso the.4 l4 " B l.* l 4:rld'PCt of 'life Is bribed e by vaulfy, to serve fir Ili mongrel servlce.• flat • thoaft num" are not trr apply to the Itottaniciti creatural that: in snarrisige . .sceit ;a boatel, nor, to llama of hik.lantrha pod south letwavt,, who have liwtti at frien(l4 wlttiwayugiuiti)teetylvt!t 'enrf; nor, to short, to tiny wlskte Marts do not hound at the thonit of twine, us the Acurest and intsmaarred , plueihon tart!). Happy are they , who Ammar, rkxi untkr•ttumutt where. they wore born, and . who, when In their oaii house; Calf lie 6 the suanke' frMn their Atther's house, the tonne ofehlathentt • the paradise of nansatry! • A Trith - Illstotr : or_ Lincoln's tdpereh at Gellittiebarg.. •• • The Gettysburg Seim. ond 14131tinel after cm/Inge paragraph lately cur rent in the newspapers" etioactitlr4l the Jailer)* of Mr. lialtsoolu's" -a eel! at the Gettysburg dedication, soya: It is a pity to NAM a emiantic ides ry, but statement," of. this kind an. contradicted pickTrito current histu. ry as neeepted facts. • About the only graida truth itr tide , story la the gateman in regard to," Tad's" sick. pesei t and the President's pittlety in regcrd te . hlui while at Gettysburg. Mr. blincoln's dedluitery remarks were prepared after hb.eurrival in Gettysburg, at thereshieuce of lks.vid Wills, ES4I., whose guest lie was during the visit to this place. The Soldiers' National cemetry nesticia• tits]: had not been organised at that date. The ground had beau peseta:w ed by the state of Pennsylvania and the removal of ticitlead bodies 'front Variou4 ji e rts isf the -battle-fieldshad been commenced. Mr. Willa; acting as the -agent of Gov. Curtin, in the purchase of the grounds, renusval of the eltald,tic., made arrangements fur a formal &Ali:dies' nn the' Inth of November. Edwani Everett accept ed the Invitation totleliver the uni fied, President Lincoln agreeing. to make the 'dedicatory tuldresa.. The President left IVashingtontnt r. thvo teruoou of Wednesday the .Mint t ar riving at Gettysburg aboUt 7 Woo* In the evening, and at on repaired to the residence of Mr. - Gur: lag the evening he was nereanded, and appeumd on ,the steps. of tics doorway, *lora he 'Wok Introduced 'to'e large concourse' of I people, ant t . made a few remarks. • •• . Later in. the evening. Vs. wriu- , went to the • Pripi4eat's, ro c s u e tusi found him sitting by the Stove, Xi a rocking-chair, writing with a *ad pencil sin the back ore: large sized envelope. Mr. Lincoln remarked that he was writing down a few thoughts for his speech next day. Ile inquired about. the order ofexerelses, and said that Mr. Everett's would ho the speech, and be would make his remarks very. brief. During the night Mr. Lincoln transcribed the dediot tory address on several loose sheets of large-sized letter paper ho had hiamEwilkjilizt, With the otlkial._ each sheet. In used by biin foritlelivo - y, next day, with Interlineations and ernsurea made prior to going out to the grounds. These »re the facts of the, tteie. Mr. Lincoln left Gettysburg' for Washington in a riwehd Unlit ou the evening of the 19th. During the day he received •everal telegrams In, regard to "'lad's" condition, who, was, the paragraph' states, ill at Washington. llwrrtirl or Muer. There is a provisiim of the -mar riage aide of outs-State which we• hold Iu profound regard, and insist that it shall neither be iiverthrown by legislation nor undermined and nullified by judicial Construction. 11 Is that which virtually and decisively says to every Man, "If you See ilt LI) COliatilL With a • woman whom you ',resod to -others as your wife, you strdl thenceforth respect and treat her as such—the law taking you at your wcird, and holding you to it." Laws are made not, fur the wave :donee and advantage yf certain likli viduals, but for the protection of So ciety. We mean that this is the iree ognized theory, often overborne iu pnwtiee ; but no judge may pre sume, in the absence or express proof that any law was 'Melilla.' to promote other ends than the highest. And, however it may be elsewhere, our gregarious habits, meatus social or ganization, and unlimited trust in appearances, compel us to Insist on the rule above indicated with respect to assumptions of the dignity and sanctlims of marnage.l Every one meets every one at the springs, the seaside, at charity bulls, fairs, &e., &c. Each brings thither his ,wife and daughters, in implicit tnAt that others will conform to the unwritten yet imperative law A., thus attended, neets 8., with whom he he has a slight businets or political acquaintanw, and who says, "Let Pio intrtslueeMy wife." A. am do no less than 'to Introduce his wife and daughters to the lady thus vouched for, and they—surrounded by people to whom their name Ls known, but whom they do • not: know--speed much of the evening in each other's society, and ride out together next morning. If, now we allow 11. to proclaim next winter, "That was not my ,wife with whom I cisited. Long Branch and Saratoga hod Bum mer, but one with whom I had fuatle a temporary arrangement to give her that title by brevet," Society is thrown into elms. and the free dam of American social intercourse must give place to a rigorous and pleasure-killing - etiquette w,hereof distrust and suspicion are the Main springs, and whereby every woman Ls quarantlnal who does not entente tPhitruh'elesilgill'irattuurualTlirdlyeeVrtierint ed. It may he inconvenient for some prawns to conform to tholes, in goes [loll, but the fault is wholly their own. No • man over had a moral right to inflame a woman on tho, so ciety even of his boarding-housa With the 'moored and honoring title of wife, and afterward deny her Mai ti tle: No mutter twit) heryirtue:ffebis either, lie must fulfill his virtual pledge to hociety.-11:Wie York Ti+ bunt. Ino I.Kw vo You:v(1 WomEX woo WANT lip4ll.l.NDll.—Anvong the young 111011 in the matrimonial Jun rkel only 0 rmalt number met tell, and, in ,t merica, such iarely•make good husienuis. But the number of those who are just hegkuptagln. life, who are tided with • andtithat, what lutvo no fortune, IsVerylame., Thos . ) are worth having. But with will nor, dare not, ask you to joln"them, while they Nov you tot idle, silly, and gor geously attired. Let them age that han aro industrious, economies!, with bits that imire health and strength; that your IlDu is earnest wad real; that you would be willing to begin at the beginning in life with the men you would consent to,marry. • . .;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers