The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 15, 1871, Image 2

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    'The Bedver, Argus
w I:VAN U. Roornyn Avon Puny'pronto
Beaver. Pa., Feb. 151 h, 1871.
'filEffit are rumors that in case
Mr. Murphy carried out his. inten
ion of resigning ay (killector of, the
pfirt of New York Cien.P. l Sikhs
will he, requested to *eturn . from
Spain and take charge of the Custom
It is thought his energy
and power of
,organization• will be
most useful In the coming cumpidge
• for the next Presidency, while hie
:freedom,' (min. any embarrassing
eotzaplimtions In the recent fends
, among prominent politicians Seem
especially to designate him for this
delicate and difficult duty. The time
• upptuis propitious for such a trans
• fer, as Gen. Sickles has Just commie
.. ted the arrangement of a joint, con.,
coition with Spain for the settb.
went of all outstanding claims be
tween the two Goiremments.
NEW Youx Tiuwza asks,
that as everybody who ever Contrib
uted anything to the.succees of the
loyal cause during the whole mortis
or the Rebellion is now applying to
Congress fur compensation .•--And
getting it, too—", Why should net
the Republican newspapers whielt
supported the Administration
the dark days of . ' the • war have
their share of the ' public cake?
Why should not Gen. Butler claim
few thousands for his important
discovery that the negro was a eon-
Unhand ; Washburn a million ter
saving the edictal head of Gen.
Grant; and some wise patriot, to us
Miktiown, about five hundred mill
' ions for finding out t a t stupendow3
mass of military bra , Gen. John.
A. MeCternand, Add if the award
of 85,000 to Miss parrot' for giving
good military advice to theeecretary
of War is to be adopted as a prece
dent, what a run upon the Treasury'
there will be by the amateur strate
gists who nearly drove us crazy with
plans ofcainpaign from 1861 to 196;i'f"
Timer. was feverish Oxelumen,
In Washingilin, on last Wednesday;
on account of a report that a telegram
had been received from New York,
that the Tribune'S Bulletin Board
announced the loos Of.. the U. S.
Stemmer Tenneasee--Which took out
the Commissioners to San Doniingo
—with air on hoard. The. members
of both fiCIUSes were so much excited
that they gathered In knots and dis
cussed the !matter In un excited man
ner, very few Paying any attention
to the business going on in the body.
One Member of the House said that
the President told him that news
shouht have Wen received in about
.11 days after the departure of the
Commission, as he had directed that
uispatehea be sent to the nearest ea
blestation immediately on arrive!.
Others shook their heads ominously,
and remarked that the Tenneassee
had never been to sea before, and
that, as she had inter t he complica
ted Isherwood machinery, probably
something had broken: Another
memberoaid that the 'engineers did
not like the vessel, and that he had
obtained excuses for two who had
been assigned to her. The report
was finally traced to the anxious In
qulrle4 of a gentleman In 'New York
who had a relative on board, and
much relief was felt. Though It can
not lie denied that the .Tennessee
should have seen heard from some
days ago, there 1.1 /31111 no cause for
alarm, and will not be if news Is not
nvelv:l4l in,a,week yet. •
In the account of the Court Recep
tion of the Czar• of Russia un last
Nqw Yeser's day at St. Petersburg,
we l notiee very special attention, was
paid, both by the Emperor and Em
press, to the American Minister—
e x•U ov. Curtain. The account says
Marked attention • was paid to the
British and Turkish Embaseaulors
and to the Prussian anti Amerium
Ministers. Time Austrian Minister
was received somewhat cobly, but
the Marquis de Gabriac. the French
Charge, &Minims, had several mo
ments of convenadion with their
Majesties. To the American Minis
ter the Emperor exprekeed 'his greet
Satisfaction at the, pleasant relations
existing between the two countries,
emu hoped that they would draw
still closer to each other. He added
that the Grand Duke Alexis was
looking forward to his visit to the
thilteil States next June with great
pleasure, The Empress, who was'
exeeedingly cordial and shook hands
_twice with Mr. Curtin, mentioned
her great desire that' peace should
rebel come to. Europe, and that :id
war should wine to trouble it still
further. It may be added,with regard
to the visit of the Grand Ddke Alexis'
hb America, that he, will.leave St.
Petershnig toward the end of May
in the frigate Svieteana, and as that
s.leip can cart); coal but for five orslx
days, he will sail and notediann over.
The Grand I►uke will expect to re
turn tot. Petersburg by the end of
eseptember. lie 'ls delighted with
the proposed trite, and is now dili
gently reading up me the United
Jitales and their Institutions with Mr.
Mecieln, his former English tutor.
THERE are mill echoes of the re-'
.ports—la Washington circles —which
prevailed last week, that the Pres!.
dent is about to make u revolution
In his Cabinet, and every prominent
man who has recently spent a week
at the. White Route has been at once
placed by rumor at the head of one
of the I)epartments. It is proper to
say that early •in the season Gen.
, (Inuit sent invitations to six of his
friends, including ex-Govs. Jewell
and Morgan, to spend a week each at
the Executive Mauston during the
;erica, and that these visits, which
perplexed the reporters 80 much were
only the result of a desire on the part
of the President to reciprocate for the
many acts of hospitality which he
lots received at the'hands of some of
his intimate friends. .This Informa
tion' may serve 'to explain titbits
reports. As to the retirement of Mr.'
Bout Well, it is known that, though
he dlitagrees with the President on
';several Important matters, there Is a
`perfect understanding between theni.
The President Is not in favor of ant
filming the ine2ene tit:Cher hoarding
gold, but will not supersede Mr.
Ikattwell because the latter Ablate
differently un this and other sul4ects.
Mr. Akeiman wallas) probably re.
whin in the Cabinet for the present,
though the recommendations in his
late report are not of a popular nature.
The 'President remarked; recently,
that he thOught himself kirtunate in
securing so Bond an officer from the
Siattlt, en catmint of the fact that
minty nil the meu of - markettability
In that section went into the.lietittil.
lon, and that it is dinieult to find the
right kind of men to . make Gibinet
Ministers of:
Tzm:nl in no meant change in mili
. nurtters around Pads.. The
Germans have, fixed upon the 16th (to
morrow) AS th e time of their entering
Paris. It is reported that the amis.
lice has been extended to the 28th of
this month. The delivery of nuns to
the Germans by the French at Paris
IS completed, and the former have
destroyed alto( them Nave such as
tber looked upon as equal to their
own arms. Au Informal meeting of
the new French Assembly wag held
on Monday, but nothing of any im
portance done.
StiItETARY R08E0024 has winks
a letter to Representative Sargent,
in which he alleges ;there is no.eause
for alarm yet cancerning the Tennes
see—the vowel whk took out the
Ban Domingo Commissioners. Re
says she was a sea-worthy vmsel,and
If anyacddent had befallen her, there
were vealebs so near her all the time
that the news of the disaster would
!lave been known ore this.
Timex has been a good deal said
and written, of late, in regard to the
detention of General Schenck from
his mission to the Court of Si. James
to which he was appointed in place of
Minister Motley, re-called, for the
purpose of a speedy adjustment of the
Alabama challis, and a settlement of .
the Fishery dlßleultien between Great
Maim and the United States. It
was suggested that the Ammer power
,would prefer the settlement of those
questions at Washington City, since
the failures which have followed up
on the negotiations heretofore bad IR
tlio Court of St. James; and that a
plenipotentiary would be spat to
Washington for that; purpose im
Thseceuipileations in Europe are
likely to involve Great c ßritain In
war. Prussia is stormy In her di-,
pia:Palette Intercourse with England,
since the establishment Of the Ger
man Empire and her French victo
ries ;"and other powers are beginning
to look upon the British as a second
rate friction. This makes England
the More desirous tosettle all difficul
ties, at us early a date as possible
with the; United States; knowing
fullwell that in the event of war be
tween herself and any other power,
her example—in fitting out ships for
the Southern Confedracy to pray
upon our commerce during ourrecent
"little unplesnantneer" with the
South—would be followed with inter
est in reference to /her yuprotected
commerce. We are, therefore, dot
surprised that laaccOrdaime with the
announcement Made in January last,
by . Her Malesty's minister at Wash-,
ington, that matters could be better
adjusted by commissioners from both
powers to meet in that city, has re
sulted in the appointment of such a
commission. The President sent In
to the Senate, on the 9th Inst. the
names of Secretary Fish, General
Schenck, Senator Williams, of Ore
gon; Justke Nelson,of U. 13. Supreme
Court and E. lt. Roar, of Massachu-•
setts us Commissioners on the part of
the United States. -
- The British mem hers of the Cdui
mission- are Sir'
,Edward Thornton,
Prof. Montagu: Barruird*, - . FAA De
Gray, Sir John McDonald end Sir
John Rose, trona Llunida.
The following seem to be the most
probable terms of settlement :
land will be liberal on all the ques
tions involved. In the questions of
the fisheries, it is possible that unless
a reciprocity treaty can be arranged,
the plan will bitter the United States
to acquire the right to fish every
where and anywhere for a fixed pa
cuniary idemnity, to be manual or in
gross. The free navigation of the St.
Lawrence may be arranged in pay
ment of the name. Tolls are levied j
upon Onuidians in order to keep up
the eunals. Thu claims of the Ababn
mu will very likely be admitted and
paid. Those of -the other cruisers
Englund will 'probably agree to refer
to arbitratioe. As for the San Juan
boundary, it is a natural subject' for
arbitratim4 'or a pecuniary , satisfise
tion to the party Jiving up the is
lane Thelaixpectallon of public meta
to-day is, that everything : lN going to
beiettled, and every Laxly apparent
ly Is gratified at the prospect of a so.
lotion of the question.
The Senate of the United States on
A tli loth hurt., in ExeCutive Scanlon,
promptly confirmed the nominations
of Commissioners sent in by the
President ; mod agreed not to adjourn
until after the Col 1111 l issioners of the
two powers had closed their seeker.
It is not expected that this body will
nettle the matters in controversy, but
only agree upon the basis of, au
'artrogemeut. All speculations as to
the result nreof course premature.
Ara/141Eu fearful railroad disaster
occurred on Tuesday of last week.
Near New Hamburg, on the 'led
son 4. J., New York, was the scene
of the 1089 of life. Au oil train was
bound south, anct,when peasingNew
.Ihunhurg an axle of the oil car was
broken, and dragged along the
ground till• it reached • the draw
bridge, when striking the Umbers it
threw tin y car off Its track and upon
the Union Pacific track, in the fate
of the second Pacific .express. An
attempt was made to stop the ex=
press which was then approaching,
but there was not time enough.
It struck, and fragments of the oil
cur were scattered in every dirtrtion,
and at once ignited, envelooing the
entire expiets train in thanes. The
express train tilts composed ofalocce
motive, oue baggage cur, one express
car, and avow. six sleepingcars. The
locomotive was at once hurled into
the river, and , the engineer
the baggage and express taus were
piled °atop of the mine at these=
time. The death list foots up fifteen
pavement, and five rallisuad em
ployees. Among the former was 0.
S. Benedict, eq., editor /Atha Cleve
land (0.) Herald. a gentleman lon g ,
connected with that Journal, and
highly esteemed wherever known.
me:ly of this county, but latterly re
siding in Allegheny comity, and 800
of General W.. W. Irwin, has been
appointed Mimilor of Bank taxes'in
Allegheny.oxinty ; MsJ. Irwin will.
make an obliging, courteous otUcer,
end we have no doubt but that the
bankers of Allegheny county will be
well satialled with Goveni►r Geary's
—Thu New York ,glebe urgently
Insists; that wilen tieeiatora take the
customary oath on being sworn in,
they ahould aim be required totlign
the pledge.
—A story la told in Oregon about
a young man who propcoled In a Sun
day school that's committee of_young
ladies and gentlemen txpappolnted
to raise children for the Sabbath
—lt lasaid that VictOria Woodhull
intends to mal4another demand on
congress' km wordan _suffrage. This
time elle is going to try the pathetic,
and la case her simple request Is ro.
hied she will flood the senate cham
ber with tears. - 7
--General Grant Ass a dairy fawn
near Bt. Louts, with o Mae stock of
coca 'A choice lot of Alderney and
Holstein cattle, or vast milking ca
pacities; together with a @eke- nuns=
her of Ayrshire Mks, are also cur
the wayto the Presidenthd hinn. and
be will soon have the finest dairy, in
the country. •
—A %don grocer, who excited the
Ire of one of his Condo:nen by pro
longing at his house his bill forgoods
renderel, was waited upon soon of
by a daughter (lithe debtor, who
said : "1 wish you" wouldn't come
with that bill when father's home—
it makes him nervous to bedunned."
1 The grocer apologised. — •
—The Coogreadonai Library cow-
Prises about 197,668 bound volumes
and abont 80,000 pamphlets. Of this
aggregate, 27,170 volumes belong to
the law department. The new law
which requires a deposit of all pub
lications claiming a oupyright In the
library Is rapidly Increasing the ex
tent of tie collection.
—Scum Clncinatti ladies• thought
to increase their beauty When wear
lag low-necked drew*, by painting
blue veins on the exposed skin, but
were disgusted at the remark of a
physician who hioked at them too
closely, t hat they luidn't got those
veins painted within four inches of
whore they should be naturally.
—Some enthusiast writing to "the
Louisville (boric Journal states that
if, Henry Ward Beecher and tin:cler
gyman who starvedl,to death In New
York City are to meet in Heaven "It
will be worth goingall the way there
to see." It would not be worth his
going, for he never could get admit
tance after all his trouble.
—A youngster, while perusing a
chaplet. In Genesis, tartans to his
mother, Inquired if the people In
those days used to do sums on the
ground? It wits discovered-that he
had been reading the Islamise, "Anil
.the sons of men multiplied upon the
face of the earth."
—A negro convicted of petty lar
ceny recently, in New Kent county
Va., elected to be whipped. The
Sheriff gave him " thirty-nine, pretty
well laid on, after which the negro
was released. Rubbing his leek and
turning around with a broad grin at
the Sheriff, he said: "Golly, Mars
Royater, dat reminds me ob de good
i!de times."
dear friend," iauld a gentle
man to a bankrupt the other day,
"I'M sorry to hear of your misfor
tune. Your family yNow warmest
ympathies." -. "Oh, don't trouble
yourself about my family. I looked
out for them, you bet! Just save
irourayinpathial for the Amities of
my creditors."
—An old bachefor editor thus, In
his spite, confluents on a recent
Moonlight Incident: "We left our'
sanctum at midnight last night, end
on our way home we saw a young
lady and gentlemen holding a gate
on its hinges. They were - evidently
indignant at being out so -late, and
we saw them bite out other several
—Dr. F. was the President of a
Seethe:as college, who profaned tobe
yery grameastind in the use of lihs,
/language, and therefore expected his
pupils to be-likewise; Playing cards
was strictly forbidden on the school
premises ; but, us Is always the case;
this taw was often • violated by the
students without being detected., A
number of fireshmen collected total?"
- er in one of their number's room and
were enjoying a good game of euchre
wheu a knock was heard at the door . .
"Who's theie?" "MB!" was the
laconic reply. "Who's me?" "Pro-,
tensor P." "You he: ha, ha, ha Pro.
falser F. wouldn't my :no he'd my,
It is I, air." The old Profaner
tented his back and went off, know
ing that they had him there.
—We certainly glik It up.. In' tact
we, have got to g ilic so blunted In feel-
Jog on this particular question that
we do not care a copper whether Mc-
Farland is In an Insane asylum or not.
There is just where we had him a
tew weeks ago, but he was not there
at all. Lately his attorney withdrew
emotion in the cow of McFarland
vs. McFarland on the ground that
Daniel was In an Insane asylum. We
thought therefore, this was conclusive
and we once more put him in an In-
sane asylum. To our horror, en the
wine day he appeared to a large
audience lecturing on "Woman's
Rights and • Woman's Wrongs. "
From this time Nib we are done
with him, and don't intend to troub
le outsell about the state of his -mind
—The following story of Signor
Blitz is told by the Springfield Re
publican as having happened in
train some years ago: As the cam
stopped, an apple boy misled In, and
Blitz, alter patronizing hinti.ciatopen
an apple and took a sliver half-dollar
out of it; greatly - to the boy's astou-
Ishment. "If that is the kind 'of
fruit you sell, I'll take anothei," said
Blitz, which he did, and lo I there
was another half•dollar Inside
BUM, assuming gnat excitement,
then asked the boy what he would
take for the c irhole basket of apples,
laying it would be * Itrand specu
lation. Bet the lad refuted to sell
even at five mots ugh:ma w /Loa key
log the station, Blitz saw seatid
by the wall, cutting open Ms unsold
dapples, In vain search for silver half
—Au Indiana girl when **teepee.
cited Greek poetry, but when awake
Is utterly Ignorant of that language.
Mk Ls au Indiana euphonban fir
saying she snorer.
—A man stopping his paper wrote
to the editor: "I think kik* otter*
to spend thOr Juunny fur payPerr, ini
daddy didn't andjeverybady , sod be
was ' the intelligent:mg man in the
country; and had themiarteet Gamily
of hots that ever (hgged taters."
STATE, rararrisre.
lloth 110n.w3 of the Legislature - aro
in 4t fair way to come to a wise asi
elusion on the subject ofpubilopyint
int They have adled for larvae-
Sou as a basis whereon to Inaugurate
Intelligent action. Two 'lsolations
were adopted, one in the Senate and
the other in the Valois, *taint the
Auditor General to inform the iam••
islattue how Mick money has been
paid out daring years 1868,1868;
and 1870, for . tint, and how much
for paper. is baxmatlon is duly
set forth to the Auditor Genesaits
annual reports for the' respective
years,. but it is prow to heyeobbiln;
et in canyenkmt form directly from
the :Ole?. • From thee reports we
gather tho following as thy amounts
fled •
d b. ltorli, UoiroliM ir • •
is.4,ara74o dorth. moue
81. 4 .1 7 ; do do do di mm, 4dAlladl owmess
Lisa herga rt. Woes( /Word
.... 19111 SUMAS , •
Ha wow
474q._ Orli" do do Ili 9~
T. T. edielder. ;Mire doosototo PA— IN9O
I r s . :;1 6 00. 1. •
do do SOL
- MO
isliciateall of pda do dag UM" $1.010.011_ W,
do 1101K1
do - do WIS. ' : MIS
- Wan
e. oma Nut for *roe yaws—.
During these tame years there was
paid for mailing; folding, and wrap
ping the Les/Wailes Record and otlr
er documents the addition er burn of
$108,554. This does not Include the
bills, for Purdue's Digest, Ziegler's
Manual, and other printed works an
nually purchased for, the use of the
members. Neither doers it include
the amount paid for *lndexing" the
Journals, Records,de:k It is not our
purpose to transfer to these 'columns
all the valuable InforMatiols found In
tho Auditor General's report, butfutly
enough to show that the sum of MO,-
000 is paidout every year for Lmia
leave documents; less than one4lfth
of Which is defined and regulated by
any definite act of Assembly. What
is paid to the State Printer for work
done is only about one-fourth of the
whole amount, and only a small part
of what he does is settled for at con
tract prices. There is no stfilleft in
the State that more imperatively de
mands the immediate attention of
the Legislature. The law under
which ostensibly this money is ex
pended should be thoroughly revised,
radically changed ' and made compre.
hensive, definite, plain, and binding.
Now that the suldect is fairly brought
to public attention, the Legislature
act promptly and earnestly,
otherwise we must have Mom yeans
more of the same loose, reckless, and 1
expensive groping in the dark. -
Harrieburg Sate Journal.
Perabithbe et the thalted Mates
The complete returns of the census
of 1870, received at the Census Mice
in Washington, as published in the
Tribune Almanac, foot up as follows:
A.labama. - 990,175
Arkansas - • • 478,174
California - - • 549,808
Connecticut - - • 537,417
Delaware - 121,015
- ' - - 189,995
- - • 1,171,832
Illinois - - 2;529;410
Indiana, - • -- 1,055,075
Kansas - ' - - 370,497
Kentucky - - - 1,3'20,407
ttlslana - - . •734,4 t)
Maine - • - 628,719
Maryland • - - 790,09.5
Massachusetts - - - 1,457,351
sffishelpid -. • 842,058
INlLterurl • -
- • 1,691,4198
Nebraska - 11,888
Nevada - -
New'Hampshtre • • , 317,719
New Jersey • - • MOM
New York - • • 4.21110,846
North Carolina - • - 1.016,954
Ohio • - - 2,632,102
Oregon . . • - - UU.878
Penpaylvanht - - 3.511.513
Rhode Island • - s. • 217,356
South Carolina - r" - - • 705,789
Tennessee • - - 1A13.937
Texts - • - 790,500
Vermont - - 380,582
- 4211,442
West Virginia - - - 411,091
Wisconsin - • - 1,055,501
Total - • 87,892,760
Dlst.Columbla - - - 131,706
Arlzona - - - 9,6.i8
Colorado - - 28, 88 1
Dakota - 14,181
Idaho ; ', ' - - • 14,8 8 2
ktontanat4• - - 31 . 58 4_
New Mexico - - - 88,/zz
- - 70,000
- - 23,923
- - - 9,118
Total • - - - ♦19,867
Total of the United Mahn 38,312,654
The population o(. Pennsylvania 6
given ws Wows
Counties: 1870.
Adams - • - 710,915
- 106,739
• 38,051,
- 53,109
• 61,007
• 36,485
• , 36,572
- 4,273
- 28,t918
• 34,M/4
• 77,821
• :11542
• 23,213
• 28,765
- 63,8'27
• 43,885 1
• 60,737,
- 39.511
• 65,977
• 43,2311
• 4,1E31
- 45,388 1
• 9 • 301 1
• 25,893
- 31,252
• 36,123
• 21,661
. • 17,491
• 121,426
• 27,298
• .31,117
- 56,792
• 166,951'
• 47,01
• 8,826
- 49,981
• 17,509
• 18,389
• . • 81;612
• 15,334
. • 41,410
- • , 25.486
- 673,726
• 8,414
. • 160,325
• otr9,
(Umbria -
(Automat 0.
Qtrbon -
Clarion •
Clearflehl -
Columbia -
Cumberland -
Dauphin • -
Delaware -
Franklin -
linntingdon -
Jefferson. =
Lancaster -
Northampton -
PeriT. *-
Phibalelphia -
Pike ••
filnyd ft •
Venango. " •
Warren -
Washingbm •
Wayne .
Total— 3,511,511
' A cones-ponder:" t of the Pittsburgh
Oamarreial, at Feb.- 1 th . says :
The Senate coupled theentire time
yesterday In dieeneslng the bill req
uesting the State printing. Thet
test was betweeet Senators Beekelew
and Wallets. Senator Waihmibeck
ed up by his party except Mr. Budi
ender to to pee a bill i, g the
State printing to a Phibulel fire
without inviting. eoinPutl • '' ' 2
tbe billsood:epractlad ter no
here InVened 'tee that heNifould g 0 ,
$50,000 - lbr the' contract . _
_. : . '''
Buckalew, who, although aDelMa r al
Is an honest man. saw thfoue
sehetne; and, otingigt#lll4, , '
t•;•; defeated the iltanred -
the hill has been referred to ft special
comieltioe, Who; ft 'is hole, will
draft mbillthat will &ash the eb.
lie printing to the lowest bidder 7
M r ! A t i t iPk et PO D•tetr4. fe.Mo.
resented bithecoriesimitidentildt the
Plitalawghtuvers, gm acting against,
his own patty, aid:With the WeiliKe
Delitocrutedu,triluit te Pet Seed'
through. " •
Forty-First Conigiss.
SECOND 118111110 Ne
• ,• • .r
SENATE, Fel?. 4.—A resolution
authorizing the President to skidoo
at the Porfof New York one or more
national vessels . to mover
stuffs, and a p plies contributed bY
the people of the United States lathe
suffering of France, after smite dis
cusdon, was adopted. , The bill to
revise, consolidate and amend the
Statutes relating to the Post oMce
Department, was taken up and dis
cussed at mat length,. but without
definite act,W"ine lunge adjourned.
llottar.—A substitute for the bill
to Pay Theo. MAWS $112,748, in full
of all claims, under his contract With
the government for the construction .
of thirty-eight mortar boats aid
eight steam tugs ; was agreed to ato:
the bill 'Famed. After the transac
tion of coutilderable bushlike of a pri
vate and locitinapre, the ne.= non
concurred in llieSmate amendtnents
to the bill granting , *miens to the
surviving Soldirits of the war of 1812,
antiulcer, fora committee of confer
ence. Adjourned.
SENATE, Feb. 6.—The House: bill
for the protection of food fishers on
the coasts of the United States was
pawd. The bill to Incorporate the
Japan Shinn Navigation Ct. was ta
ken up and dkcuseed at greet length,
after. • It , wee recommitted.
Saturday nextwaa fixed for theme'.
sideration of the . Pension bill. After
a short executive session, the Sedate
a t e rittar.—Ttie mornhig hour was
spent in tfie reception of bills
reforenceeng by Use Detno•
crats to prevent the consideration of
the Washington and New York Air
Line Railroad bill. An unsuccessful
Wort was made to get the Senatoblll
relating to the Union Puente 'Rail
road taken from the Committee and
restored to the Speaker's table. A
bill was pained, riroviding 'that a
government vessel should be sup
plied to each of the ports of New
York, RoMersen Philadelphia; to
transport proviskins to the suffering
French people. After considerable
discussion and some filibustering, the
Isolate bin appropriating $lO,OOO for
the expenses of the committee tci in
vestigate mho me In the South Was
amended by increasing the ruimunt
to 820,000 and passed. Aoki . urned.
SENATE, Feb. 7 .
SENATE, ntsco
lution repealing the joint resolution
approved July 16, 1870, authorising
the payment of the Chorpenaing
claim, came from the Committee on
Postottices, and . after debate was
adopted. A message from the Pies' ,
dent, vetoing the Senate bill for the
rel ief of cabin mond contractors,' was
received and read. The veto Is upon
the ground 'hot the claim of the eon.
tractors was Its cottsegmime of: the
rise its,. the prises of: , and mate
rials after • the mutate. was made,
which would not have ,arisen IC .due
diligence hadtieen ailed In the mem
cution of the Work. • The memige
was. referred to the
,Coriunittee on
Naval Allkka,,and ordered printed.
shernsalls fralskibe Committed
on Finance, •reposied adversely on
Mr. t uc ti
s ier'ibill to terminate the
Ilitalestioo • otheited.Statek r urites
and • .turretogy. strengthen
the reeervesef natkinal beaks, And
promote the return to specie pay
ment. The Senate at five* o'nerk
house.—Mach time was occupied
in personal explanations. A mes
sage was received from the. President.
recommending that the. /uteri& of
the. Minister end Secretary of Lega
tion at Berns be increased to the
sumo as allowed to similar cancers in'
London and' Aids. The bill to es
tablish a system of. natioual education
was taken up and (Recessed at great
length, but was passed over until tr.
morrow.—Tbe deficiency bill, was
reported and made the special order
for Tuesday nem. Anicierned
SENATE, Feb. B.—A _resolution
from the House to take testimony
for use of departments poised, with
an amendment. Several reports
from committees were submitted.
The bill to pay Mrs. Shelby for cot
ton taken for use of the• United States
forces, was potanoued and on motion
of .Yr... Patterson Chairman of the •
Connuitue setae District of Colum
bia, stday maigeed to the considera
tion of business reported from that
ComMittee. A number of 'District,
bilk of no general interest were then
disposed of. The bill to regulate the
organnatiou' and • eouduct of public
schools In the Disk*, of Colutribia,
was then taken up, and gave rise to
a long discussion upon the VXIArli-
MT and propriety, of establishing
mixed Ischuels iu the District i after
which the Senate went into Reece
' hoe session without takiug a vote,
and at 5 o'4:kick adjourned.
tlousg.—A resolution authariziug
the Courrainee on Approprintiou to '
send for persons and papers. and ex
amine nritueraes in • referee pa. to the
cancilltituf tile contract of Demp
11 , • ha stamps and enye•
lopes, it lime; Postentister-Genend.
Adopted. -.Considerable discussion
ensued on thu bill for the removal of
the Breoklyn Navy Yard; it was
amended and laid over till tomor
row. . it was add the yanlwas a
nuisance and prevented the. grOwth
of the city; that the load could be
sold fur from r 20,000,000 to 2 30 , 000 , -
000, and with this amount of money
the government aright well afford to
part withibe property and re-estab
lish the. Navy Yard out of the city
on a- more eligible cite. The House
then proceeded .to the consideration
of a bill to organise the chin= of
Tezei.fir defence of the Texan .fron
tier. The • bill was stream:44lY oP
limed by Mr. filocum,.who sad that
if the billiareed, the youngest mem
ber of •theiHouse would . got live to
seethe end of the deltas misleg out
of it and by Hr./Again, who saw in
the With* looming Wait Was with
Mexico. I-
Feb..'• Szsuerv,' F o.—Thu Military
Committee reported a getstibie for
the bill authorizing the construction
of a horse railroad across Hoek Island,
Juid .the United States brklgea
connecting the cities of Davenport,
asa Bock island,
therewith;: The .Substitute was
adopladi• swop conditions for
the waitrouid tor wider the
supervkion of Recretirry of War.
Paleadk tinders resolution recently
adopted, Mum. Stewart mid Blair
were appointed by • the Vice Presi-'
deti4 sidditkmal.members qf the Do
vestigatlug Committee, on Southern
outrages. ~14 . Stewart. at his ow n
request mos' from service •on
the Comiriltkei and the Chair was
authorized to t the.vmetwy. There
was no &tikesonar y
. veil-lled publks. interest.. AO
Hotlar..—Mre Whiteley, from the
2d, District. of Georgia, permuted
himself and toolethe with as Me C.
froo that, State. A resolution was
adopted to limit debate,-on the gm
erar,•odander to. one • minute. The
Vtia and nays were celled, on a mo
tion togointoCommitteeof ill whole
on the question of. the ot the,
Income tax, and It watitconsideret pi 1
test question_ It resulted In neg
ative. 7diedenth Sost...lahn Co. '
yule wis aunotinced. Atit, Judie'
Kolb'. of Phrlatlelphia proneta:na
- 43.885
- 86.133
- 37410
-36,11 t
- • 47,5. M
- Ati39r
- P- 48,481
- 33,210
- 58,009
- 14,585
- 78,217
SawATStrFeb. Ur—Bills for right
subeldlew occupied the
lgenllortur the loarnifig.• The House
ill to anoints:4ton mi nx of the uct
Ofinieli , to piavltlCllomesteads
for o soltps, Sad sailors of
. • lato . washipowted litfarajjy.
It allows en additional seen of
land. Eulogies were pronounced on
• The
otws selltfue.Mal=
=Mien bill was \
sadiaidadsia:. Askjoarltwe
• ilousx.—Afhw •Me „Mmusetion of
loaf busbaeas, a bill to lb Wm.
111 w r
W r
ti si t,l7-
gave rise to a lengthy teoffice but
was finally pawed. The naval up.
end paa=nallt
some amments. The
committee ea the bills
dons to soldiers of the r =rlS.
madam report. whkli ha explained,
and Wacky's. small to, this DIU as
passed provides ibrptasious to Sur
vioaken and enlisted sad draft
ed men, , lneinding militia and" vol.
unttrrs,, who served sixty days in
the *my or navy laths Itemlutiott
we.w w ar ni obtyh e d war or M
a l nd n
the surviving wido ws to
and drafted and enlisted men. Pas
sions are to be at the vale of eight
dollars per month. Adjourned.
A plot has just been developed 4 - o
carry over Philadelphia and Penn
sylvania to tha s benrocratic party,
which. Is creating Otero excitement
amongst Republican polittchum A
combination has been forted among
the Democratic leaders, representing
the worst elements 'of ,their party,
and some prominent Republicans, to
take the control of the municipal of—
fairs of this city from the Republican
party by legislation, which wilt prob.
sly be presented next week at Har
risburg. COUMWORefiI ,are to be
traded grasping the police, the Met
wayand the water departments, and
the assessment and carnation of prop
eily, with the appointment (gall the
load revenue °Meets. The Oommbe
skaters will be named in the reapeo•
live laws, and authorised to flit all
vacancies among themselves. Seven
thousand appointers will be wrested
troth the Republican party awl placed
In the bands of the conspirators, to.
gather with the absolute control of
all the material interests of the city.
One hundred thousand dollars has
been raised kw the subornation of
Republican members, and Is at the
dice' of a leading Democratic
m bee of the House. The
origl fed with Tammany, and is
daskted` to " extend itts`juriadietion
over Philadelphia. Mr. Tweed has
visited this city several times recent
ly, In preparation of the details.
Liquor Trate la Obto.--Tho deal
ers In the "ardent" In Ohio, MOM to be
getting Into trouble all along the line.
In that State liquor dealers are respoeri
ble for all damages can by others
In ommoquence of their acts. Rae Is
the way the law works there: lost
week Mrs Pomeroy, of Akron, recover
ed three hundred dollars damages from
John Donbonser, owner of the building,
John Dowers, Icauwe, and Poterman
Martin, saloon keepers, fur "idling In
toxlcating liquors to her husband, who
has toerean habitual drunkard for sev
eral years. The trial was before Justice
Cunningham, and lasted six days and
minded much exeltemeut.
The Common Pleas Court of Guernsey
county, on the 4th hut., returned a ver
dict of $2,000 and costs-4700—(m the
plaintiff-1u the cue of Fanny Watt vs.
Sam. lloyd, Lr belling liquor to her hus7
iwhopla been an katilMal fifopk
livid for tieiverld yearsi. l 'Thei trial *id be
fore julMoe Cunningtoun, and lasted sir
days and crested n.
A rc k si rl id v ere *P l i el ik_a___
Joingots ihamatilftoui.
Sellers'• Imperial Cough-Syrups.
Lindsay's Impixtred Blood Searcher.
• - •
il•beassaUaila and!
. .
Diu isedkJue ever uffrred to the habil: fur the
.earetirltbeiusetiro anal heasalgte. fee, Ms gala.
act each a vitae epreail repanuluu u o .1 Ott..`iaii:ll6
COMPOL th it is vntbaus doubt
Y favalastde tut:Mcrae. Tiaituauaishi tiara beta
received from rich maul your icarned awl eacura
af, china. and *WI., w tlk, phyrichuir ream.
aced It entr'see it th their practice.
tam E.tabllllied Isl 4.
Sellers , looperial Cough Syrup.
We beg to call to the Inhofe of our reedeve that
tile ***eon of grapier, Owe all other*, lathe one
Is. which they ate Imbue to coyish*, Couto, ISSIX
MIA, it. , willed thiravrvu: oar+ are til , toriatitat
Yeager of that moist Warming aridtelaf of riU dho
voice, chub*. -
it is ; tbereloos, seuosary that every fatally
visual provide • positive isui*dy. use that le
ready for use AU aters,
Ohla.gati' L'ILICUU ItUf• you will lied b wait
mad apecily remedy fort segh*, cold*, net all dlir
mars atlelbi; hula nom.
Lista'',lhs Moog saareker.
The Blued b the eery lloontale orlon; therelute,
If de wish to restore., health, we mint *iv panty
the !good, wad to forum continued heath, Jeep it
pare. tottamtr's Pcoutt SLAIiA:IIII64I id Um wes t
cud meet etrixonal uunliciens for obtalulue thin de
sired cleat. Is away. elite, and ltus mat delicate
ow in. IL
These stwdielaes are sold by all Drug
gists everywhere. Prepared only
K. E. SELLEItS" d:
Irhotetale brieggists,
Gsbil lil
4 Wood suit, Pittsburgh Pa.
noniver Atutadomajr.—The Opting Liu&
ILL of Oar limUtuwm will opetk ust iLet ILL of
Aar,* itott, to cuutlauc .1$ 'mkt. Far term". ie.
aZy to C. C. Ma.
1)U LILAC k0.,11.14.--Tbe euborribet
wlll offer at pabbc vele, or aka piraUtima. till
&tardily, March 4th, Ib7l.
the Mooing boa-e and tut au Giacomo. of Fourth,
atm% and attraSera. lu to hatuagb of Bev-
WI. 'loose too rtue tea with faurgouom, ball and
kitchen AISICIsed, and cellar audermeath; gaud !De
hoese..lable owl ad other rectstary uothurgibigo;
bolt tr-er, apple, , plums. rector, etc.. on the lots
Terms' tar). D AM r/. ItEInINUEIt,
tetaktfJ Art hi Isst Ilra. mussel Duolap.'
JF.O N N 01.41.
F' Co - cr .1120 3R. ^sr
And Maohine Works.
Anderson & Freyvogle,
giiceessori tog. S. ',Wier,
Ira r 01111161% ant sill MAN;
Grist, Saw.Mlll and White Lead Ma
chinery ; French Burr, Coettlico and
Lltoptalitill Stones, (L)u Four,* Cu,);
German - Anchor- llnnula. -Ik)lting
Cloths; Water Wheels,. Smut Ma
chines, polling .Mill anu other ma
chinery; Pulleya, 'Ringers and Shaft
ing. •
febl43iiii • Pittsburgh, Pra.
Anakasummt ttl i l b r recelve=becra lt
raaf 144 Vllliry i."" S r 7o =at. awl
• 1411 I wnt: . • Per ',- • .
um, ~CV liit l / 4 1 I/Vectors.
• liiragiat warrassio ODNorton et *boo
TB , lelM7 PrMed, and 1.,r sale Kilda *Ma.
Virriteln.-411 pommy loillobted to the Iltto
J.N 01 peult, BOOR i WIIIWni. are requeot•C tb
1/.1110 Ur raise tonoodlateiy at llwit o ffice to Ha .
Amster, whore may be forma LL P. :Icon. tat Axle
h es. amtborised to Weeks sad foonlpt kw •
Ikelooltt, Pa., rob. 4, WTI. . lkaaat
11113..11011U1 C. &ZVI% swum" r•
larodellas.-0/10. daring Ur day. et Iltaasel.
Careen la al/ft at my terleasee ea War rut.
rlaireanaar. Pa. prattle Morn aad Med.
• arelkir.aaed spar:
1. $3OO PIZ .11:ONTE1
AU panne" Ilia cAamiln
pkwasat Al f he h a
•-• dad Dollars iocalk;_eboakt 1441 e.• Im•
G A CADY, Ws Ihutalctiar-
X 1 . 0 . maiii•U, Maims. Natty '
ricrricie woo ittizz.nEttel.
sales le ate tattled mill the HWY of
a for the ereetknt of a Cher* Solid.
Wit the of Freakier Sorters, Ps. Rase
low to be shows by either of the
JOHN J. TYI S A/10,,t Beta UAL
• -1101 BY cowax. •
Abe m 414 promo& treated gime day. Ibr
tete needier oleo - I lo lbe muse
to be chows
' 6. - 0. 4tOOLWALL.
.1 0 1112.111cCULLOU411,tirru4, um.
bbl*w. • ' • •
r. gOll/1 Jtuaregym WWI ta ite•
al. Mato's , elsl 0470de liquira.
New 4
Extract Catawba
csolipostot Arta—Jiiriii /Wiwi RArim+ died
Istrisstatioisbo firopOjoitt,..
hr Lists assisialois....oo,44Fir..lilliout Ape.
IM Act or Arrow mossaisie. aNISITOWS4I,
ar. IMO ONilleit, coalabsiag sa !Frew%
llimirdo or Deleterbra Lows. --
Them failure the most dellghthil pleas
=live, 'opens:Ong castor oil, salts,
etc. They are composed of ther
flues fagrediasta. After a few days tile
of tfrem, such an Invigoration of Gwent/re
systeas s takes place as to appear mirocul
mut to the weak and caervatal, whether
analog hose lutpvdee or dlaesie. If.
T. ildmbol ■ .pcstiod Fluid Extract
Catawba ot* Pill/ am not sugar-coated.
from the fact th at angsr-coated Pills do not
dissolve. but pap through the stomach
wi t tmu t "WOW , consequently do not
produce the dedred:effeect. THE CA
TAWBA GRAPE PILLS, being *scud
to Meta and odor, do not Immediate tbe4:
limag sugarcoated. FIFTY . CENTS
E •
LI M N lilt T. 1i.101.311130 IMPS
Mazur coucinrrafrrap ctuovitxti
Ily exterminate from the ays•
tem Smn Syphilis, Fever Sores, Cl
oars,Sore Eyes, sore Legs, Sore Mouth,
Sore Wad, Bronchitis, Skin Dimwit,
Salt Rheum, Cankers, Kennings from the
Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous
Affection Nodes, Nekets, Glandular
Swellings, Night Sweats, Ralik, Truer,
Humors of ail kinds, Chronic !Dianna
tism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have
heen estaulished in the system for years.
Being prepared expressly for the above
Complaints, its blood.puri fy lug properties
are gratter than any other prep:melon of
sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a
clear and healthy color and natures the
wue., to a' state of h lth and parity.
For purifying the LI , removing all
chronic constitutional d arising front
an Impure ststeof the , arid the only
reliable and effectual own remedy for
the cure of pains ands - lug entre ixinck
ulcerations of the th and legs,blotchei,
pimples on the tme, erysipelas. and all
Nagy. eruptions of the skin, and beautify.
OTTLE.g the complexion. PRICE $1 lin PER
4919:4:4i if ;T:Thi 4:1. 1 14: 111
lots cured every cane of Diabetes la width
it bas,berst given, Irritation 1 f the Neck
of thi Blroider and Inttamatiou of the
Kidneys, Bic: ration of the Kidneys and
Bladder, Retention id Brine. Dummy of
the Postage Oland, Stone la the Bladder,
Calculus, tinsel, Brickritura Depealt, and
Mucous or Milky Discharges. and for en
feebled and dalimle constitutions of both
sexes, attended with the following spu
tum: 'transposition to Exertion, Loss of
Power. I.lllli of Memory, Difficult/ of
Breathing, Weak Newt s , 'Trembling,Mor
ror of Dtvease, WeakluinesP. Dimness of
Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot 112 11 4
Flushing of the Body, Drvoats of the Skin.
Et apnea ou the Face,Pal lid Counteuanee.
Cuitreril Larialtude of the Muscular Spt•
tem, etc.
Used by person , ' from the age or eigh
teen to twenty-five, anti from thirty-five to
fifty-tive or in the decline or change or
life : after confinement or labor pains:land- .
wetting In children.
ileleuladd's Extract !ruche is Diuretic
and Blood•Purifyiog, and cures all distaises
arising from Debits of Dissipation, and
exotraseaand imprudences in lire, Impuri•
tieror the Blood, ete.,Supersetling Copaiba
in Affections for which it is used, nod
Syphilitic Affectiona—in these diseases
used in coilllNClloll with Heitubold's Bose
Wash._ , •
In many affections, peculiar to
thelarael Bodin is unequal/el by nos
other remedy—ns In Chlororli or Reten
tion, Irregularity, Painfulaeu or Suppres
sion of customary Evan:winos, lleenued
or &Lima state of the Uterus, Leumn
rho.* or Whites, Sterility, and (oral! com
plaints liwident to tho sex, Whether aris•
log from indiscrete..? or /faiths of Mad.
whin. It is prwcriliFil extensively h.
the twist eminent 'physicians & midwives
for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, 'itf
both ACIAII and all ages (attended with any
at the above tliscoAes or sYmplouv , L)
in at their stripes, at little expense, little
ur au change in diet, nu inetniverehmee,
and Ito exposure. It cauatita ireljUelst
Mll, and elves stiength in Urinate, there.
by re iug iiirstrie • a, Preventing
and Curing atric•ures of the Vre.bra,,
ing Pain and lidianiation, so rrispient
in ibis chats ta disetisio, and expelling all
PubriniOus matter.
Thousands who have been the vietim4
of imantipetent persons, and who have
paid heavy fees to be wired in a short time,
have found they have been deceived, and
Mkt the Poison'," has,hy Disuse of "pow
urfal astringents." been dried up In the
spleui, to break out in a mole aggravate d
Ione; sad perlisp4 aner Marriage. "
CHU for an atirxii"na anti Diwasea ora t e
Urinary Organs, wlietber exciting ln,Mate
or Female, Irma whatever cause iinginat•
and DU Miter or how bong litaudipz
lq uiiwi&lhl
tsMioth burimweil as . w FACE WA . SII,
mot will be teuwil the cab specific ream.
Ily hit:Wry species 4itCtilipiecits Atitxtiou.
It speedily enclksttes
beam I)ryntw., Indurifecus or the Cutnnc•
nun Sietubrane, etc., dispels ltodowss and
Incipient Indatnati 1111 l Hives Rash, Moth
Patches, Drymais of bitalp or Skim Pro's,.
Bites, and Of purposed for which Salver
or, Ointments are wall; •restares the skin
to a slate of purity and softness, and in.
sures continued Inailthy action tattle, tissue
of its veswls, on which depends tide agree
ableclearnesiS and vivacity or complexion
no touch :ought and atbutreil. But how
ever valuable an a remedy for exitting de
tech: of the skin, H. T. ileinbold'i Huse
wash has... sustained its principle
claim to enhouPd patronage, by, possess
ing qualities whim rtnder 0 a toile! ty
pe:aye of the Mom Superlative and Con
venial character, combining In an elegant'
foranuln thwc prominent requisites asfety
and eißmek—the. iavariablu acrminpani,-.
Menu. DIMS • use—as a.' Preservative and
Rkfrollser.of the Complexion. lt Is en
excellent Lotion for discuses ors Syphilit
ic Reline, and as all injection for ilistaince
of the Urinary Organs, arising trim hati
is id di:wipe:inn, need in connection with
PILLS, in tacit diseases OA recommended,
outwit be surpassoL PRICE ONE I)OL
LAIt PER ilorrLE.
•) D. , •
ifull.andettplicit directions accompany
the Piedkincs
Evidence of the most . tespidisible and
reliable Alutracto furnished on applies
cation, .wits: hundreds of thousands of
hying witticisms, and upward of g,IOO un
solicited certiticites and recommendatory
letters, many of which gre from the high
est sources. Inc i l:fiug eminent Physicians,
Clergymen, 8 staen, etc. I The pro
prietor has never resorted to their pubis-
Mauls In the suliwspapers; be does not do
this front the fact his' articles .rank as
idandard Preparations, and du not need to
tie propped up by certilkaCts.
Memel T. Illehisholdos Gamine Pre.
Delivered to any addrevau. - titx.irre front
obieriation. e
TY,YEARS. Bold by Druggists every—
where. Atklreis letters for fulmination, In
eontidettee to HENRY - T. HELISOLD,
Druggist and Chemist.
Only Detroit: iL T, lIELRBOW.4
Drug and Chemical Warehouse, NIL atm
Rroadway,-New York, or to 11. T. HELM IIOLD'S Rolled Depot, 101 South Tenth
Street, Phlttaleipltla
itzwaak or . cocisTRUIPRITP4 Ask for
Hamm T. Hzusactiaa: Taxa Omit en.
• utayleilklii cid feta s'
II lon all SOX Penou
a Rea teethsooi to dint Woodertal E
cutup,* eget. . se m
4*JIAT ARS TOBY fifitt,
Ride oaring Minh WY Win Plremf Sple
ens amid Sew Llignieste s doctored. spiced,
and sweeteeed to please the tile. elated **Too
ke." ..Ipprtlien," "Restaren,” Le., that lead
the Amines to antiskeneros and ruin, bat are a
true indictee, made from the native Roots and
Herbs of telliontia, inerrant all Akotaellet
leineleataa nay ate the is RM IT BLOOD
POSIVIEN and WO Giving Ihriregpk„
a perfect•Renontor aud Invigorator of the eye
tem, ourylni oda polsonona matter, end restor
ing the Wood to a healthy coed lion. lto person
coo take these Bitters atmordlng ur directions, and
remota beg nnwetL
XlOO will begins Reim Incurable case.provii
ed the boon an sot destroyed by mineral W I.
sonit,Oe other mane. and the vital.oegans wasted
Wynn the point of repair.
/or Islantasater7 k rims** lib**.
matisir aWI Gent. Dingatplan, or kW.
ganallen, RUltate, auni
aneaktent revery; Olneare; of tke
IlilinetAltrer, Moil en, awl Blesrieritbre
111frienw Ire been taw snicessfat (emelt Ras
seessin nano tv Viola WI .bkb
anieelly pot`.. • •Te eased's:sent u( the
gligenrier Orr,
Clone the vitiated aloud oh/sieves yoe dad its
Irapnritice berating through the akin la pimples,
eruptions. bangs, or wren einute It what pm
dad It obstructed an. noggin to the veins; desert
It whin k Is fuel, and your fEllay,s will Mein.
lOW% Neap the blood pure and the kith of tha
system will follow.
PIN, Td.Pli and other WORMS, Inside; la the
system of so many thousands, are efketaally de
strayed or rumored.
In Billions, Iteadttitat and Intermittent Withers
these Bitters bare no - equal. Fur fit , directions.
read carefully the ei n tter iroassi each bottle,
petaked to fuer ;Cll Eng Us, (knout
Preach and Spada 3. W ALKKft; Proprktot.
al Commerce St ' , N. Y.
kl. McDONALD i ilevErnigglres and damns,
lean "random and - seraniesto, California, sad 21
and 31, thommeree St. N. Y.
ENS. - octitly
New Advertisements.
4VMM= V 4) `SIM
At. llowsonittble Prices,
At 148 Federal fitf Allegheny City.
Ladlea' Satohels and inugketa
Mao n fine 14(41 (4 (ients-Vnle44N,
lies.* and ThreeAleres,.."( Ground
Ver Male.—The toolerrizted ulfils In
lomat sad three scree of ground. la parer, 1,4
..)r. The bostae I. on the two, a rink Ithel
arid Spring alley. It I. • two atory bulidlor and
cootalos eight r00m... • spring of water It tle
ha... Surat. The lot I. enclosed tidos It ars pm
fruit trees . grafted. Terms moderate. For lute
er particular. chquire as the premises..
JUIIN 11.1'EDlilf
P. ti. It the altose pruperti I. as sold by ths
Funey was. I tint of Marsh it will then be for Rat
hur . X... J n. V.
liruelu s,
L tulavlla*,
WiAgowq Toys, AC.
ierylaree and fine assortment of
Chlldrea's Curriager,
To arrive this month.
F. A. Cr
~ucc,...or bI
O'Leary & Singleton
14P4 federal St.,
aprL3;lyJcligdfau.•. •cpl.. dec. jau. kA
1 4 ,
- 4' • .
I' DIICIMISZ it.. 1469.
. ,
'4 ma Aritek"it.
g. r a j.
al , • Wt. I .141 MR.
• WnrEitlf Posusamo Co.
Mandsetaxere Arms. Pinabingh. P.
c ; CA_____ 2 ._,,........ ev
e • 11571 z.. ......M.
mula: 1 .
aouir Y. Wooxain J. '
11.1. ttttttt
Ii eer SY., Roche4ler,
jgr luterrrt paid ou Time Deposita. Vollar
Mow promptly attendellio.
(lacer:anent (Imposts Bought on
/Womble 'Arms. arrrespondenee
,Solicited. [norl
arattratakka D
iratemen a
3tWitiZn 1 4. Mr 31,
&c., &c.,
Olpraal ittteuttoo to gloom to the
ilatiknbwil• nmpering of the Bieukt,
sad we Sri jted tame earielree to be competent
to make the very beet, es we employ none but es•
=Lwariness, cad i.e the hoot of Merl
A /Wagon hoe now been la the
busbies* forty year.. and hie Sons are all practical
' , million. We ore abo tuandecturent of
Yak host S. e. Wardlovie Wiped Kligllsh NW" Nadi Warn:Mo.,.
Spoclal &Nestling Li adkal 4u our sleek of—
Razo rs, Post Scissors,
Laclks' htnittorso • •
Bankers' Scissors,
Barbers' Scissors, &e.
AU ot4erle wlltbsprumptly tiled and stripped a
advised. .•
or • Fria, foraleheal application.
peptilyiattlkirofieeteli •
Real Estate.
Tract 'L O and in llopewell 21n hip.
Court of Common Pleas of Ramer toototy. Do.
poderdgned Committee of die pow* and ono
of Afensdor T. Ritchie, will export tto potpi e
in the pftwileee. cm
Thursday, Hareh 2d, IS7I,
eckia p. an a Intl or piste of laud, the m.
tate of the hold A. T. Wield., eltaate lallopreott
township. In the county of Rearm end Mate of
Pennalivenle, twanged and described as roik.i.
Tip; nt ., a i a put. theme by leadollk.
Doper meth 4 degree. sod El Women wed Id
MVto a poet, domes by land of D
et. north TS &grows. tat MD pottbh to
a white oak north 47 degree, wesr, it poet,.
to a Mack oak dump: south It &grow wed mu
pe to • pod: thrum by land. of twinge, arid
New o , south 47 degrom rot lit prrchow to dr
place of Melon:tt I containing M aeon led do
perches. strict nossure. about 45 Ivo of whidi
am clewed and PIUICI Alit", the balance we La o
hared. And on which ere errand . * kg dwelling
home. log stale, lad
Wash shooter home;
TERMIL-4.10e-thirl rchase atom in
be paid in hand so the toptimcion at ihe sale by
the Coact sad the reeidee ba three toed maul
lostalments from that base. with Wood on mob
lustalmem from the da.y of coatrmatioss.
fobtat.j MILTON BROWN, Massesilloo.
weal we Of two good Ag
c epevery.drudy to letrodliceft entirely ant
snide. Llberst wauypald. This la no Malloy.
hat • legitimate shier, midoesed by oar most
prominent Mos. Addrae, with stantp--
Fe. Enteral's:l 4 oars for sals a
Fourth deal sad Uvula tithe
e. alley. la a. tsfrough of
Beaver. Lot R.Sollgik%ol: honer two stoics with 4
room.. ball and polo: good
Ice house, and oecemory outbuildings:
trait toes,•re. plutn, op the tot.
feblttj he Mrs. Munson
`4lssasollm Eamon tan I.lalrinetwohltio
eras of Schiff t Kteinteld hoodoos Ms ;
solved bun tho day by bated memod A:I
those knowing ittkosalves Indebted to the story
arm will settle their acconate by the lot of litho
Maury with M. Schiff or be will be arch e. :Ise
the bills fur collo:thou . M. *CHIVY.
Yeaslletult gr. M. MUM ELD.
fnektdm to the above. I big to naneeme tone
Puha 01 boxer amply that I will tarry ce,
stry owitionnunt o the Dry Goods badness um,
old atm.& sad. coo *MUM .117 ant thi• rtu
be (Al piece to itetbeigansto so hereunto. le 1m
Goode, 'Monologs. Nodose, At. M. wiiirr.
*its, -
The uperailleedLl modem the itrady•llme
Clothing and Mesebaat talheisi border.,
beretokom kept ander tke Ism of acted r t Meta•
kid. on We more moonlit ; sad, be the pupate of
audring room for Me liming Good. be tter., kr
dzsideps, IL math. stuck of Omits. , at ears At
the game time be Intones the mink that dm es.
pertenced Cotter. W. A. lan, h.. st.ts darer
of the Merriman Talkie 5.% Department, .beta
Os kappy to me big use Idends.
Juslttlla k.wrItINTILD.
no subscriber offers har its his Ists amasser.
to the borough of Bridgewater. Beam cent',
Pa. Correlating of
One Ticci-Srory_, Brick House
with Dtalug.rours and [lithe. .award: a V. 4
L at the Kitchen thaw: Prams rmeble. rood
stberirsout sadeldetes Houma arras
st • gb MIS thcalthredue. with
intim and Pear Trees, small Croft. each as G 0,.,.
!terrier. Currants sod liarpberrky. ► Ylveer (.ar
deo sad Beaton Louse with ow sere of raw
roars as ker. The above will ha sold a
sad possessionD/tiffOD Bre ant or
. a,,
oesl fuld• aPIAr to the subecribrr
Brthhtob, or bca4der 11. Dun near the arrui
ZAN fa ore
2. ANDMIESS6III, berms take' bA
• his old Foamdry sod. la Sedate,
will be yliseed to meet Ids old clubmen ig
Mead. elms may what ettber the SINT MIL
LNG STOVE. Heating Store. or env otter Sod ol
Outings of beet material sad wartsmodly
baldness will be conisclid by
}akin J. J. ANDEWION a Suss
'Tetra VOILItCI t Ataarsey at law,
e./ Dotter. Pa. Otace and nrs Wince et, Wit st
east of the Court House. All law Moist.. maw
ted to my mire shall reeelve prompt 1113<tdib.
Also penmen hating Peat Fatal, foe Ane. not
1110 es rifting to buy torn property. nal ,e he.
land., may sere time mot money by ditty a! my
Wee!. per: fy
BARNES, Veal r
v Shoes, Gaiter., Slippers, Le.. next door 1..
Porter. Tie chop. Valdie etrort.
Pa., whets he I. prepared to madam:a tad wit
everythlag to hie It. at reemottahle ratee
lug removed 1.1. place of IMAM,. (ow the rota
er Near the unite to W. present lump... be a
WWII Ills old trteuds and patron. to ere blo .
The sodeirehreed taker plea.... la 'Wert:liar de
While that be has erected a am Um etuey
Sag an
Dldge Strert, Near Brighton,
olare he will be ►mpp; to mat ibia o.d (demi.
and do oskyiblog far
. In the Carriage-Making Line r
airy may dale 116 ,bop sell
with good outtecialke bops MM. btil 4 , 44
workmen In kb to Gym boggle, 14
tol.auTialho. an ova/ to any oastotarozo o
this section elide Mate. Sprtog spots efw nor
otrutted, and irepidit4 dose at 'bad nolkenbd o
liberal terms. ; IJILORGE METZ
OTICK 1. hereby given that Ow Court d tr
veal* bar the several boronglat and hoesSia
o f n e arer toasty. s . lll behold by tha °mar' 0.0
o n.laistrs. at the times sad places de Ica,:
A, Ike yrar 1511. to wit:
p.m.:away tp, lies.. C Hinny., Fob. fhb
Freedom sod St. C/alr bones.. Mceohl
tcor. store. , Feh. With, forenoon.
ludo* bolo., J. Y. Marlt• store.
afternoon. is
Rochester %aro and tp.. Doncaster's es,
March lst.
rulitski its!, Robert Wallace's, March at
New Sewickley tp.. Unionville. Marsh 1.1.
New Brighino ban., Keystone hotel, hark 01
North tiewlkitley tp- 'Nathan the.,... Merril :It
Franklin t L A utramith's store. Nara ,th
Marlon t_t.., (leave Ilartzete. Sarre hi
Omura Falls and rattereal. Nacres: hull.
March Roth.
RI: Delver and Galilee. Jobs
arcb 11th..
Inullortua bore. and tp.,• Anderson's
March 11th.
South Bawer Ip., Job* Maris March 15tli
Asermh lamas: Much 16th
Mantua lona- Saone, Zdghts. Mach 17th
Mel hiss tp., D. W. State. April Ad.
Ohio tp., Reed i Aber'. store : April 4th
Georgetown bor... Celtics. • store. Alii o
°Lancia buns.. Jews Smith's, April Ilk. Me'
ludisstry tp.. Aber's atom, Ai rills.
Uridgenster low.. J. M. Reed*, Apuln ,
Dome. to. SllO Dearer fora.. Curnisasks,
Oleo. April sib.
Mani tp.. Unary Bolves, April loth „
Hopewell tp., ration suel Calvert?. Apni
ludepeodsuce tp.. Alex 7 Insoluon
Ractain It ..Vbrlsty's star, April la
Phlllpstarttborn. F. lA. lioollou'r suite. Al.'
141 b.
Hookas...* hum. and tinvue tp. •••• ,aria 4. • - •,, •
hotel. A pelt tith.
Frantfort two. and Initsuier tp., bomc VIOL.
ma's. A prl
JtriiK 101 l lIIIITTAI I assmio.a.. , • .
public Salo of Moore owl
Wan ruder ter.—The oudeldu
for 'of l ll i t i rd will and testament of John Shoe•
deresoed, will expose 'update We 00 the
set, un Monday; Monk IL 1.421. 114 1 o'clock p
1.,t ot sououd •Ituato ha the bonsagh Yf 11.. U.,
raw. Seam roost,. Fa • Wad ha No. ht
lawouzb, brosoded ue. the oath by lot to y
east by Water st reel south!" lot No. ti
by Walnut alley. on which is erected •
base distill's: house., and also a twosioey
la g eu [table MOLT for • dwelling, or store
TIMMS—Teo pet cool. of t h e porcine... ....Li
'to be paid is baud, awl the balance on It
day of April Ital.
, SAM R. WILSON:Execs,
It nosy not be a matter of
terest to the iseople of Bearer Orlinly
know what Is transpiring klarso ' o 9=
William. NaPoleon 111, ltualark ant
roeltu in Enrupe, but it Is 3 MAUI OA
Herne them materially to t•slow alter'
they eau hay line and cheap
At theirr old stand in /3..essrer, Ta..tslc"'"
furnishing . fu ifs& customers ever)this;
called for us 'tick line. They alsrayg, tru•
a full mom rt mast of
Roue, Fred, Ctfees, ?Fete., &J o ,
Tobacco and Cigars:
,tha all other articles usually llama
In is Fiat Clam •
GROCERY s . r()RE.
• Front their tong and intimate acitu 3l4 '
mice with the flowery, Flour and Frei
busillesS, and their ItintoMttioll to rende r
satisfaction to thou: who way favor thoi
wi*.h their patronage, they hope in the fu .
turn, as in the past, tikebtain a liter , :
share of the public patronage.
Give us a ,
and see it we not wane it to your
teeer.t to call spin.
invl2s. N. NSaTt: Eli A: et'
Joseph H. 13c)rininc l,
di fit dai Wood . 11iIrreg..
Manfacturer, Wholesale & °ows
slon Dealer in
BOOTS, SW OES k 1111.1110101. ,
At New York sad Hoe*
Arent tut PhlledetAie city mete reuA. et.
efactutere pr Order. Awe
MOWN Mel sea withatatttan
goods dolly. (WON