The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 01, 1871, Image 1

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    . . .
Advertisemealta Inserteilit tlie rate
of 51,00 per square for ant Insertion, mild
for am& sulbsequent, Insertion 50 =da l
A liberal discount made on yearly ad:
vertiseinenta. •
A space. equal to ten lines of this type
measures a square.
Business Notices set under a head. by
themselves immediately *fief the local
news, will be charged ten ands a line
(or each insertion.
Advertisements should be banded In
before Monday noon to Incur® Insertion
In that week's
Business DieectOry.
CAIN and dealer In paints,.
I) oils, plum medical Wine* and Liquors, (liam
wan, Lamps and Fancy Goods; MM. at. h**
scriptiona carefully compounded. sep4•l:ly
I 111.71i7113T. Drairr ni Groceries. Flour, Food,
• Confectionery. Tobacco and Cigars. (eel - rattly
J. podia. alto. and Maio Isop2itly
DickyßH UltUti STOith.„ Auartemen,
/./ Dragster t Apotlsocary, lialu at. PreirCrip•
lions carefully compounded.
b. 3 7 ANDKJCSON. Vanier In the Improved VAT
• Mn Shuttle Sewing Machine, Main st.dee
EACoM Mr. E. 11.. Dealer!. Millinery Moons
& Trimmings; tor lid et. and DiaMood. sp2ll,ly
lAli:a MOURN. Grocery a Itestaarant Choice
'frac MA Coder., Tohnm and Clogs, Coo
fn,alun ery and Vocalist,lea. Ilan at.' aoplttly
{).ll2 Bl Z 7 tion i s= r 3TX ""; sl l 4g4
111, --- Inaurenee agent, Beater. laa
1 our .ro. rtflurured. .c%ly
T MOH ANSTERN. Dealer In lldota &Shoes:
No Sit Market IR. Pittsburgh, Pa. laapitt?
littiFT ttmti EatateAgegio, op.
porAle root °Moo. rubllsberc of the .1W:11 Ka
ole ltegleter,l' sent free. Pittsburgh. • Iceptitty .
. gist., 200 Liberty p. Pittsburgh. settliAy
D ItaTt LEY'S • AT PARLOR. IS Fifth Av.
r) • mane, (near Market St.) sr lily
L.! CILA illiki - LIT. - . - Boohaellets and Mutton.
CL. ere. 11.1 Wood Rt., Pittsburgh. Ps. lomplillY
79 gerket ht.,
ci Ptiteburgh—importera and dealers in Notions,
Trimmings, foolery, White tloode, Sc. [epiltly
can Confectioners. Drainers la nuts, Dolts,
Sc. IJ4 14.4.1111 Wood ht. rittelturgb, [septilly
u . Donny tirocerl . ea. No 20 I , lllh Avenue. Pitt.
bore., Pa. acid It IY
1 O'IN ISIGUEICP t SON, Dealers In the Nev
el Weird Family Sewing Machines. 110 Memel
Street. Pittsburgh. Ps. sunnily
11.1Vi111 - 2PC1. ,-
4.. / pets. Oil (ft 'Clergy.
23 Fifth Avenue.
, s pil jr
y - ,: - icnuiFesiii enlee In
.1'../. Watches, CI Ire. No
10 Fifth Avenue. Lipltly
i V '
A. LYONS • aortae and Sign Fainter; writes
At i .r .ll. to order Show Carib , for every bn.ineee.-
7 FirtlhAvanne. Plthiburgh, [vetollily
writ. of end
• Furniture and,Ctialra:—Rosewood. Walnut.
Mahogany and Oak. 45 SllllllOlO.l nt. toctrAly
USIVNI)GROTZ. thanomith.' New work, or
1. - 1 the heat material. made to order. All work•
will ranted. Repairing neatly done. Pricer Low.
Aaam St.; Rochester. ha lanlS;ly
EO. F. SIENION, Bakery S tonfetlouery,
K. Ile almal. Special atleullon giveolo
and hallo. ' (aepl4:ly
6 J. hN ELLEN BERG. Merchant 'Piilore,-
0: Broadway, New Brlghton.Bee *dr topttlY
N. WHISLEIt. Bennet.. Broadway. Sieve
11. Brighton. • trepli:ty
Photographer. Willron'a Block.
11. Broad*, ay.. Beet photographs (addl.*, tou Ch.
ed ilegutives.
• , 7 J
1v icolgg..t. Ifri w alst ' o r' n. iaerlhlY
tirocerler. queenrmare a id
rllourehold Good.. Broadway. ireplddy
IVAN Plltilf:Lealer In Wall Paper. Window
r• Booka.Statloneery Nutiona; Broad.
way. New Brighton. Pa. :pool:fly
4,2 C, & STRINFELD.DeaIerp In Dry (rood.,
Faticy (roods & Notion; I.D.rcluult S.
Bnuidway. Im112;ly
TT Howe Sewing Machine, , Main SI., Heaver
1 corner of Main and Baker ntreefir.
Millinery, ... •
I F. ,
T N , !) . A .
, L o. L
s N , .A rt .V.Preeco PAlnt
-I,4wr Sign rdiuturo, Main St.,
k FLEMING,. Dealer In Booty and Shoe. of
.11..'every dwicriptlon, at low pricer, and i l a an
perlor quality, Main 84 Dearer FAIN Pa. Jan18;11
- TAMES POlt11:11, Tiniter. Denier In Tin. Cop•
tl per and .nlield•lron ware, and Iron Clidern
I•ninpr. Bridge PI. Bridgewater. (nel;fli)Y
BLATTNICIL Ilanufociarer ind Mailer In
• Boots and Shoo+, Bridge Bt., Bridgewater,
A C. HURST, Lily (tooth, Hats, Caps, Furs,
/ l• Carpets, Oil Cinthti and Trimmings. Bridge
fiffitellTY L- De aler in Bourn iMrtiggr.
f • Etrid • Street, Brik•ewster.,
I'TUC - A 'ER, Millinery, Tr, mminge a Notions
* —Bridge rt., Bridgewater. p 14:1y
r-irTWEINMAN. Manufacture of Boom and
Shmo.. Bridge St.. Bridgewater. (sepl4; ty
ififffi Getalemen'a eleaueed
11. and pretwed. Water St. atoweßridge. (spl4;ly
011 S WOODRUFF, 31arble Cutter; Moun
t), menta &Tombstones ~r all descriptions made
to order. Bt. ..Market and Water attests. faeptitly
5T11.V.4 S Cl). Grucerlea, queensware, Win•
Cl • dos glees. Flour; Fec4.l S Country Produce.
Dunlap's, corner, Bridge St. Bridgewater. I . smiltly
I RAM MP.ANOR, Dealer in Mu tt
Cool. Orders left at J 11. Clark's, In Bea, er,
and at Smiths Drug Store, in Bridgewater. will be
poontdle attended to. Caen on delivery—LOWePt
rive. icard—McDonald'a Point. sepes:ly
IV ILI. SMITH .t CO:, Fancy Dry Goode, NO
-11 0:00 4101 MilliKry. N 1144.11.111 et., 'fiver Dia
:n.ol4. Itac;terter. Pa. (eei.ll;ly
liN u
t, L r
e tt r !t i e ulrr In
How Factory. Son adv't: trotlt:ty
11 . 01 I N KARCHER. Baker ond.Confectloner.
CP Water st., Rochester, Pd. (sepl4;ty
I . . , ittita:llA)l BOYD, Wagon S Carriage Maker,
Roche.ter, Pa (PePitlY
4AMITEL C. 11ANNF:N, Itrum.d.t. Prescrip
tions carefully compounded. Water mt., Ito ,
rlo,ter. inepttly
I )11 1 .1 • .111' . 1N I it , lig c l:n; , , , i r li „ r e i ;tile r
Diamond And Bridge etc. Ilocherter. frepitly
C.! IiEVERFiIt & SONS 1% hdh•adc & Retail I)rel•
rr In Dry rhootp,Grocerle.o.Plour,Froot.Ortllu,
Root .tolty.lron NMI,. Coy Water Jamey rim.
FREDERICK. Baker 'reel Confortioner.—
V.I• Wroldin, Cokyy mei lee Cried° fnrul•hed
promptly. On Illomoml, Dorlivrtyr. tory' P.ty
• -
1.•Olt SAI.K by A. e•ILVEIVIIAN. Ilendqoarlurs
l' for Foreign & Domertle Ihy Good., Nigiol.s, Goods gentrally. Water
aM I"..LE It l'O. Coe:Doctors and Builders.
1 1 • M: nufauturers of Sash,Doon+. Shutters
Deal in Lumher lath .te Rochester. is:•ptlay
COTT. BOY LE& t‘ . ILLIA 5t.M 44 . 0,
1.10.. t Co.. Dealers In Sawed and Planed
Lumber, Lois .t Shingled, Rochester. 'opts:ly
between It. It. station and tang ruse. oc111:1)
iZijilltiWPlAS.:"Manurnetnrer anedirrilee
Ll In Tin,ro VI
pper and Sheet Iron Ware. Roting.
Spouting. etc., attended to. N.york pt.. nctitedy
CITEFPLEIt S CLARK;proprletors - ol . Johnston
House. Coodrsccommodatlons and good to.
Ides. • Near It. It. Depot. °et litly
Iterialring done neatly and promptly.
Store °tithe Diamond, Rochester, Pa. ortMly
JI ,WALTER BROTHER, Mannfarturero of
• Wagons, Coarhes. Buggies. Spring-wagons.
Sc. Blackomithing and Itorseshm•lng
done In the toot manner. Rochester. Pa.• nol6:y
tilt :1 TllORNlLEY.Manufaetorer of the fires
fl Iteputtlic Cooking Stove, and l'atottee of Poe
table rxtetipron lop and citttlet, FalhOon. Po.
_ .
LIIERT RUSSELL Stoneware Menufortnni.
'II Orden. promptly attended ir. Vonport. Po.
P... 1 talky addrep-11eAver. P. tnepll:lY
11 AV ING Pernianently i0(111C11 the
1 'Lellenople. Pt., to the porpoim of practicing
Medicine. 1 roineettally tender my ptoreeeloual
erylcon to Mead:mut of cold etllege and vicinity.
Mee. tit reeldenee, appellate F.ogle Hotel. where
] atoll tan ore. be toiled. tulle., pror,...donmi,
mtoge.l. All calk will receive Immediate arth
prompt attention. A. V. CUNNUStiIIAM. M. D.
J. N B N K-,
punier In Watcher. Clock";
J.rary, PoriogUeda and Stationery.
Walrhe. and Jeweby rrpolrvit. Agent for it,
“WEED"lferrlng Machine, Itocticner
Thlnl STreet, Bearer, Pa.
Orate below the Or Mom Beaver, ra.
Tuoi:ircussav, Ctish .
J. F. DRAVoN , ... .J. It. ANGIEL,
Interest paid on time denoritm Prompt attention
gist% to collection. Alma, Ina aranee Agents for
noo.l and reliable Companies. LmaylStr
• • .
JOll,l C. LEVll.4,Surgren
a .(elan —Mee, during the day. at Dunlap*
emio.r. at tight at my realdenee on Water atm].
. Itridgewaier, Pa. Will praclitt , Shrgery end grd ,
trine. [raarttly:eted spit?
j 310111UTT, 111.. D., Haring permanent
der . lo l s i p . t ' eft i rr e4 pi j otalse v r7lCen ' ile rv elilte l n r : l o l i r
Sc, and ormolu:Wing country. Special &ligation
tat& to the treatment or female disrupt*. Rumery
done uttts a sktilfal hand. 01}1Pe on Third street,
a (pa doors west of the Court House.
spr.Ux'7l4lha • , ,
T AS. CAM EIIION, Attorney at Law
Ileavor, Pa. Ofllee in the room for•
op•riy occupied Ty Ma late Judd° Ad ims.
timir,dkc., promptly atteded to.
arptirarity. •
nAinEs i dealer Booto•
V tiltoes.ter,. Slippers. 2c. next door to
Porter). Wi t M% Badge otrrei, Bridgewater.
l'a.. where he la pfttilttli to manufactory mind ern
et et y thing In his line Hreseouahie rate. Ilse.
lug remotredide place or hogneee from the torn.
et near the Bridge to We present location, he' in
vites Ida old frieoda nod patrons to giro bin, a
Vol. 53—No. 5.
Gold & Silver IPatches.
Holiday Greeting!
Grand Display
Christmas - Presents !! ! !
Gents' Gold Watchim.
Ladies' Gold Watches.
New Chains and Bracelets.
Necklaces and Lockets.
Fine Gold Jeweir.V.__ ,
Gold and 811ver- Hea ded Canes.
Gold Spectacles& Eye•Glaases, :
Sterling - NVa'rel
[A Spleuglld Spa.]
• Parkin and Bronze- Ware.
Prices Lower than'Erer
• E. P: ROBERTS, •
No. 16 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.
All are Invited to call. when I a the city. and es.
endue our Holiday 'Goode without reeling under
any ohlitratlon to buy. Don't fell to come and twe
the Grand Divider. . octStamichdeal
- Miscellaateous.
Ximmtuut Ite For
The JN.lstlam.Et.
• ,
Ibtelneheen afflicted with that terrNe com
plaint—completely nl:fitting me for btfiTnera for
weeke at a tlme—tor the Sant twelve )eard, and at
lant rotted
. 4s:remedy that glvita •
Instant add (Wilyfele Relief,
hive concluded to have It prepared for !ale. SO
that others •Imllarly adllcted mu receive the ben
efit:an, assuring them that
1 will do all, and more thanall prom
ised fur it;
end. that puivoos rice uplog, will never be with.
out It,
4a satimerouB otheis who hare - tared it
can testify.
Can be bad at the I/11:g Store of WILLIAM 11.
BUECIILING, Hoehester. Pt.. or will be sent by
nuill to any addrer. on receipt or one dense, and
led tent. to pay portage. CHAS. B. IIUIIST.
novl6,7o:ly] Itoeheater, Beaver county, Pa.
111[TA.NTIE:IVI--A General Agent for Nea
-1 V ver county, for the Guardian Mutual Life
euranoo Company of New 'York. Liberal induce
month to the right man. For terms and circulars,
address Smith, Roberta 4 Ilolling.head. Mana
ger., South-east corner lath - and Walnut streets.
Phihrde!phis. [novtruf.
Bridge Street,
Cassinteres and Sattinets,
White Woollen blanket 34,
White and Colored and
Barred Flannels„
Slenti , ,n, •
- • -
. •
Water Prnan
Cloths, .
• '
Woollen Slutwla
liruw•n alai Black -
Drillings, Tiekings,
Tatble Linen,
- Irish Linen,
C rash,
' Glares
E Mits.
G rbceries,
Coffee. Tess, Sugar, Molaesea. White SllverDrlps
Golden and Common Syraint, Mackerel lo bar.
Ms and kits. Star and Talton Candlm,
Seam Spices and Mince Meat.
Hardware, Nails, Glass,
Door Locks. Door Latchee, Hinge+. Scree• Table,
Cutlery, lable nt.d Tea Spoone, Steleh Belle. Coal
Boxes, Fire Shove and Bokere. Mile and (Base.
Sundae; ShOele. 2. 3 nnd 4 1 In rorke, Raker,
Scythes and Swabe. Corn and Garden noes.
nueLets, Tulip. chum, Ratter Print. loud Ladle.
Linked Oil tt White Lead
Boots and Shoes
Rifle 'Powder and Shot,
Blastins Powde and Fuse. •
I'lo tub I•'ocd & Queetiowtva re.
.II heavy good, Ilellvered free orcharg.
Ity clove attentfou to tomtit., and by. I..ta.t.lng
con.tantly Mlll/111114 well 11-mated stock of good..
of all the dineretat kind. utually kept Inn country
'tore, the undendenett hotwe the future as In
the pato. to !petit and +rely,. n %Went: altare . of the
public patrOunge.
dec2YGB:ly.--blettal. .
O f iriV.6(l
The Most Complete Business Col
lege in the United Statks,
Affording facilit Ire for acquiring a thoronb,pree•
tiral hoeineoa trituration, porredeed by no other
Seiko., In the emuttry
fiance Its Incorporation to ISrb, nearly Sixteen
Thousand Sindento, ripre*entailves from every
State In the Union. have attended here.
No vacation.. Studenta enter at any time. and
receive private Instructlnn lin ougbout the entire
N._ll. Circulars with full particulars rind all oa
ccacary Information, on addre**no:
• SMITH S COWLEY. Principal*,
1 UW9I7.
Don. - tisstr3r.
t ..,4,..
Dr. J. Mums
—,- ' ray,ofltridge.!
'l-. X.:401W mined that no
Deoll.tin the
~_,-.._, State shall do
41't -r.7 - rr „. . .- .. work bettetor
.; 1 Alit 8 - '0? - the '7,..` to
. 1 ; til i te s o ,11:".1.7,.*: . b. -
. be. t mnterial,
manufactured Id the United Stales. Gold and all.
veer tilling, performed In R style that deltas eompe.
dikes Sailefection guaranteed In all operations,
or the money returned. thee him a trial.
Brighton Paper . . Mih -1
Hard ware, Glass, Straw.
.EL 301 113 ,
Wholesale Befall by
Frazier, Metzler, &Co g .
Tided Avenue,
WELD ta k octumpt. beep Mllittf
• • A.
urns., PiNrAladlt CUICAOO RAILWAY.
• -On and Etta Deer. diti, WM hone win bus
Stations daily, (Sundaya excepwd_ ) _
[Trin Waving Memo It 5-35, P. S.. NM'S dal ,
17 let -.2 .1 : Moan leaving Plitabtulth at 1.66 P. IL.
.111•INI 601110
FriTIONACS. 3 ‘ ,41 .1
Pittsburgh - li 135Awilatitiaii loan. 1:9
Rochester n sgt 'Lloqr
goaem tl ... ..... ..
Alliance . • ! ISM .
800 ! 1145 718:1
MassUlort. ..... ... i •••• ••• •, •,,
On ; wille " • 1154 . 413 - mars 89 1
Welt*? . - '459144 . 1053 ,
147.-47'i '[ I
9(t7 'lf ass ' 745. 800 1100
°We l 1) "" • !loos . 745 05.5a9,1110
Lipper Bamiusky. • • ... ....
Forest ....... ....11127 . -1 1191 TM ima'
Lima 1328r11f 1010 M 0 1111
Van Wort. .
........ !,, L.. - - -
Fort Wayne. ! .2"1 1 1 . Maw 1145 390 ,
Warsaw "
P I i • • O
•• • •• - •-•' '66o ii
.lyziontli M 851 Marx
.I' • . •
Chicago - '1:790 700 • MB . MA .
eiraiimti"" - . • , . IFieTi.Miiii. -- "11 iii.. - 1871 7 .74
Valparaiso Chicago .• II Was 515 ral asaut awry
Plymouth. 11--'I I-- ' ...
550 a
. 1.v37 . as
' a arrow
Columbia• . .
Fort Wayne irgitit 11 : 45 *rat iii
Van Wert-- ... .. iiii iii ,.
us 540
Forest • i tag 114.8 . 41.7 791
Upper fiandusky..:l.... , , ..,. ~,. •,•••
yeti. .. • •
Cre ' lli " 1 D :••' 11 ! 65n 4. 4 e0 al' aioAx stis 63 ,'
Mansfield '' 717b0a z 540 11005 -
Wooster il .;.` ;. ' I ...
0rrrti1e...•. , .........!1 905 ~. 854 9i5,..- 1155
Canton,. ," gi..... 1 iii
A111ance........ —,1013- 850 11in . , ihri,
flocheder ijiidau jun latiris
Pittalmigh , 155 ' 1110ra 1183 . 440 -
Younpdown, New Cutle and Edo Express
Ift% es 10nagetnwu *l2lO p. m; New Cast"), 11:00
p.m; cirri, ee at illtiburgh,o.= p. m. KetaratlM
leaves I.ll.tabardh 1:00 a. nu an. al New Caudle,
10:11a. m. Yuan:roam, 10:10. a. m.
Youngstown, New CasUe and Plttatnugh .
eanurofttlon lestres Youngstown, G:10 a. tip Nrtw
Castle, "otAl a. to; arrives at Allegheny. IUIO a.
to. Returning. leases Inttsbuigh, rktal p. In; ar
rives New 1),III.
• •
General praelsger and Ticket Agral.
Oil mid after May 29111 Inn. tralna Hill learn
that oats dolly {Sundays excepted) ar follows.
STATION. M • 111. kat' •. Ammo
Cleveland.— t14.14.10113rX &Orli
Eaclid &rect. ! ....
llas mon . !OW I
plan?) 01131 . XIS I KM! '
Well.‘ Ille
s TATION 11. . M AIL, Exes. , AMON
Fellsville ~.. ...... - !Wax" riti pis ! ,
Bayard ' 3042 1 res ,
Alliance.... ..... ' 11.2, . 715 Max
Itavenua i;tl2llrail tail ! 815 I
Itudeon 0253 254 1 835
Euclid Street
Cleveland ,
_..1 iii, 185 i ..1010
noisia LAST. -- •
-- .0.1108.. I,iIVIOIS !MA lIL. 1 Ear'a, An u 1
Segall. i : Stlax 1 1 110Orm limn.
Htidgetsart I , ass - 1.... 210. I" au ..
Steubenville I: hal 4.... - 215 035.
Wellavlle • I 815 15522 440
lloctiester. .. ..... l o i .125 •
555 I . 540 •
Pi ttsburgh .. ... ~.,;11215 100 615 '
coma WSS A r
STATIOS S. ; II; lira — . gii' S. I di r ol. - 02 itO r COSI
Pittsburgh 1 2351 as 3107 I 425P2 4
Rochtuder ' 755 ' 410 ' 537
.. .... t. . i
inith'a Ferry 1 ,,.,i 640
~, . • .„.. ,
Steubenville ... I 955 Uhl , =Au
8ridgep0rt.......... 111105 7 101 . 8115 •
Denali . 1 1115 . .755 - . 870
N.lnd.:loll.i, WO a. m.
Itayard, 210 a.m. • • I
J. 11100R,E
l'remriptions °irefully and Accurate
ly. Cbmpounded.
PaLiiit .oiier.
Dikr!.: STUFFS:
Special attention given to "rano tbelbeat qunlLtl
of lonnot anti lamp TfiolMillig, Lanterns tte. • '
':lLarge Assprlment of
.zwatzlar t o
$l2, $l5, $2O, s2s'.'
DURING the past four or five years our
Watches have been so thoroughly tested,
that for appearance, style of finish, and
accuracy of timekeeping, the "Gerard
NValtelles" are nniversally acceded to be
the best. They retain their brilliancy and
color until Worn out.
tar If after purchasing and fairly try
ing, any one is not fully satisfied, we will
heefully refund the money.
• CV" They are all in Hunting Cases,
Gentlemen s and Ladies sizes. Every
Watch guaranteed for tune and wear, by
special certificate.
la' A large assortment Imptuved
0 oaths", Chains, $1 to sB.Also. Gentle
men's and Ladies' Jewelry in greatyariety.
Car Beware (ODIUM:Iona Order di
rect from am or our authorized agents.
Agents and others applying for circlutuns
will pleuie enelose . three rent stamp for
al - Bonds sent to be paid for on
delivery. Customers permitted
to examine what they order
(before paying WIN) on payment
of Express charges both ways. • • "
.ff` When 81X Watches arc ordered at
once, we will send an extra Watcb Hof
same kind) free.
air Purchasers residing at some des
lance from Express offices, and desiring to
save time and expenses can have the goods
sent by mall, by remitting (with the order)
ilic•amounkrequired by P. P.O. "Money or
clei, registered letter, draft, or check,'
payable to our order, at our risk. Ad
dress plainly.
P. O. Box 3,891, New York,
• n0v23:3n1-) 85 Nassau Street
The Ifederolgoed rRi cheerful/yang! (tree) to
all who wish It. the Recipe and fell (Merriam for
preparing and using r Pimple and beautiful Veme
Table Balm. that will immediately remove Tan.
Freckles. Pimples. Blotches. and all eruptions end
impurities of the Skin. leaving the same IPOrty clear
.moolh and beautiful.
lie will Alpo acedlfree) lostlmedrido frir Prodflo'
log. by very pimple means. a luxuriant growth of
hair on a bald head or smooth face. - •
The above can be obtained byireturn mall. by
tddrmsing . ' nws. crtermAx. Clumbt.
nattan. . 196 Roadway, New TOrk.
The American Steck:Wheal, ' •
A largo Renditionly 11lustratell Mot is.
ly, containing 83 In 40 large" Double Col
umn Pages. filled with origniata ,rolater.
froni the eldest writersln i thecnuntry., on
the variousiubjints mum-vied with
FARMING... - •
' 'DARWIN& • .
Bound in Maulsontely tinted covet ' It luta
A. Veterinary .IDeglavtersenp
under the charge of one or the ablest Pro:
lesion in the United State 4, who auricle
through the JOURNAL, free of dear" all
questions relating to Sick, Injured or DI-•
seated Horses, Cattle,. Sheep. Svine or
Poultry. This makes it a yery valuable
work for referents; and an almost,lndie•
possible oomprinion to all. interested, it
rroca-intatinso. The low prim a& which.
it la public et! ($l.OO a year) bring.
within the r ch of all, while the -
Spinulidln ercit ioN AIMPOP.
and Premiums' to
make It to the duterest.of every Fanner
and Stockll retvierto extern' its circulate
Send Storroli for Specimen Cbpy, large
Illusfrate4 Show Bill& ?rani= i,.e.
Get up a Club end obtain one Ortlui many
valuae Preiniund offered," tatists'ing
Chester/White; Berkshire, Suffolic;Magle
and. Dries Pigs, "Shirt-ilorn; 'Alde'rney,'
Ayrshire Ind Devon Calves, Southdown;
Cotswold and Menne) Sheep,. Courbriiere
Origami, Pa reDred Poultry, tinrway , Oats:
Seals,•Agrictiltural -Implements, Pumas,
Watches, Silver -Ware, Books. 'age., Acc,
Specimen Copies sent free. Adthars. .• '•
N. P.-BOY Ett A CO., Publishers./
n0v2.3d1) Pa:kathurg. Chester Co.. Pa. li
A. W. ERIN st,
°onto sown!!
lad epb
eket A
Baj a
N. Phi
• end Ti
A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S;
178 Federal St., AlSmartly.
W gitriltr.—Thegree
Oral% by ''' l zha ---- 4 I D I
°49 1" 67. 0.6: 14.
.g m eh r. m : . . 43
wpm •
Jan2s: I v
(Dec 7, 'ROM
-.- ,•-- -- - - • --- ..........-L...i..... •-•- -:- --••-•:" ..---., ..- --••
..: 44 •4: ,, . , v5. ,. . -- : - =^ - A.Ac=r-ir. ,- .....:J.-......43.-.0icr0atmt 7 ::.7.,w,.., ..A.c...vca-zv:4 , vua 2 "114 1,
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.... ....,...f:, (7., .: !:• y.., , •., . ....
.. '• ..
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-...C. ,' •• ':....'".
Beavigr : Pa., Wednes
French Meritox
~Vn d Plaids.
Poplin Pio
Black IVaterpromfa.
Brown Wnterproolls.
Couto! Poplins
~Sdk and Wool Poplins.
lrieh Poplin&
New Dgerk Delain,.
Plain Mixed Goody
Grey Poplin&
'Wholesale and '
. cc ,"
41-• 10
P Mgt' . zzz{z 7TR. 06}
11.1eagrellt. A•krowlellip4lConititeliaTe
It la *a ta• beat Pea miser am batsman*.
1 tart Wlll sea mare**Statt• Ibmannas .
••• Pmetatal K
aki Mt= danan sh.
lIIIILVONLY S P AT VW. sad Ira f 1
mar say imar ..... l ear m ar ,
t i rr e •
=Pm. 10 saatal two= r Z
;ea =.... *Met twelve bomb c,4
MasufaCMere Agates, IPittsbursh, Pa.
Toyp, Toys,
Tin, Lead and China Toys,
Box Toys, all kinds,
China and Patent Head Doll!,
Wax Crying DAM.
Hobby Horses, Wagons, Chairs,
Work Ilona, Writing Desks, &c.
Also a complete stock of Fancy Goods
suitable fur the Holiday trade.
OWN° marked up priceriis
O'Leary & Singleton,
148 Vederal St.,
Ratty) eh'gdjane, scar., iter4sa.
Rua opportunities are now offered for wearing
beats Ina atltd Asollayand congenial climate foe
one•tenth of th eir .ante Ave Jean henna
banter sale real estate of entry description, load.
ed in the Riddle and SaMbern States **rand
stoat', graisZatoVroll Sums; rice, sugar and cof
fee plantations; limber and mistral lands; city,
riUdtge and rend residence and business stands;
mills and WU iritea,factorka,ee.
Write for Land Register cuntalalng description,
location. pries and terms of properties we bars
for sale.
Also, connected with one Real Estate office, wei'
have • general Claim and /Weal Ageoeir audit
the sapervhdow of the well known Mos= Tyler
late of the Ordnance Dmvittment, wbo I. bah •
reindifleann prafiast mactande, and well •Irste•
hod la the different Gov ernmest Departmenta, eir•
pithily In the War end Nary, Ordnance and
' Atka/ papers carefully mepared. • Prowlers,
leanly executed, and
mewed for Immo&
ors in shorkot possibts rims.
Special attention given to, rdeded eater, also
caw tow imi, extension, Interference ,abazoloo
oust, .lEa. • •
Pftliadm.lf ciamixotion as to the patentability
of an arttem matte on .recelpf of a brief deacrita
don of the wanari—oo model being required.
Favor shown
• y assistuig 'lto= prooopetente snit *flee:.
• tilizing. their torenikauk.
Contideotiel to our boohoo* relstitios with 1..
Tema* more reatounhle than any other reliable
agency. Clrentarcontaintaerolaable Worination
sent frre. Alidnea : B. W. eLn RICK
7Se fiaWateal Rea Estate Aokiew. •
W 77 'aul 4W /Mao; Aerm. Ichahos.. D.
. :
rY 1871.
. .
1 ' 4 ) 1 1 1 .2 4. 1 L " 1•1 1 1
' -Tit) TIM ITOttgliii kat - .
wadi to tont& in
mini arialio. tie . 11 ' dm Qt . =
si g ma
tore tososoli: , • Till la* •
plo Timor et -olt•ii , tofu • , .
ta - e r s i r ei Zr II
OW blleillilm VE
TiM Ay
aid i=" "r a ej All ", amnia Um
b Jovial* ~ Med silks • •To
weir on sot will C .11rUl Mid CI ito
ikomie bonito • Valliontostom •
„ m oo . • , •to oolommotwort '
*PM isl a ol ` o Zithoiro Mo.
~,,4 „ 4 _ 0 4, 4 Alts 4 Wet footty vers.
more TWIG mot ?mollified . ' Roo
ow 'if
. lisofiutt pitlitAaicrillable orodoott.!
!ttrole • - N.AlusaafAviront: us, •
_lsbltivi - : .
Wad* Wished IRMO. f a r
oft mmatbo, Saboallg fibt
@dire* “VAT 400011; York - =. • •
MILL 1 4
Writ* 9*
rempideita• t
Or 41.0.
" ti.
& ~ORtairkow,
ErinG4l/S' .1311.0 9 113 .
Illustrated and ptive Candogini
(4, Rower eek,
' I .I,os. ; . 4 , 1. .
Win reads for ma by the ladle Wilma&
ry,watiattousdiatt WS of
eocravlapjtc...l9 , trOMISTO
Prit uk e .
znetregi! • .c. 16 " 4 .
And two lately* tutored' ptstrwsweds
mew Wall atialUckinssigtoentlif parsafires tba
past twasosttram et dada. tbs
ft le wait; awd endame o ltatadar to say other
Catalogs* or . e Floral " sabot. The Cala
i lt h melg i cgsist sea = iwa l i s, *ad as soon as p
from :by Mall tad swittlatxu4l as
leior cents ate copy s
aid IM WWI
mine or the eolotid; rims& I Ws same our
friends That the Isdieais . , cdre to
eta of Halo, ss to=sollaizlsat or=
Discounts aid Rea u d , aararpsasod. Pomo
send *Warsaw lAttaktietss wiliest daisy.
Our ' Colored.tlkrunkrfor 1871,
s Will he mutt to send Mt fa January. The Ciro
sto will repressor YoMptios VatitMes of Wow,
and nnpulag Flowees eitaral Woad coke. Wtt
Laden to make It the Wit Plate or Wilsey* row
Lased. rue mu* 11.
ileum mow would
boat least Two Donsloters Wwersealw•
WM It to alswesers taller copy, sad Wier It
atlo s Premium epos Was doWa...Sea Cato.
,lows was's wt. ' • IPUIWIS /1201U1141.
Now Twit.
I Vim diar,
Ts ' 1194/10DI.
. ink
Limg.“ m u.
Omit, Enos.
.• • •
ha old doodard
B 000: •
a) PHAWS . .I)IIPISTOET Pima= se
.eves Sopeollowldbok to See othoefas,*llA.
out Wary to the ' : Ain't by Wall Du WA.
. TlOdtat ' Aidallod tiara
ItellWei mot el:deo 1
parOxYdoSbefiet ottartee,
sod draft ti /weedy dn..
.FMOIIIII wall. -
Color. the ;added, Sad hair • beiuddid • nom
or saidro.4 U awl of oaf/ be
33 coots hy f=4 St. II lIMM.
Id Jo) ne „Sneer. lade 'Fs. Meilen,
dot free. S44,id by ~. . . LOrtildw
$5 to Ea ta — Pl t
holliE l lt i 1 11 . 1 g .. -24 4L. 1 =
buy now teem h
tdl wa te
dayOn their wo a l tileL Felliaiz
1011. " Tbow to wed at
penwatew„ 1 M; T ok. !amid oddly.* at
owe. W
e. O. It ICU.. Vodka; Ye.
s3o2ggnr r* ""Vitr a n il
coverlet. Aodode r SWEET I VU., n ita i rdeed, ,
W i ddli, .1_"2:2. -... •'• . rebl.lo
L 'ArtlilOtiiktl'Ll 7-7--.
v.v , Wil pw treddlit odeSummhor &hoer • lewd
tam lad to sell otieseet and dooderfal laves
dom. Attdrome Y. IiTedIES. al co. Elobliall.
With; cm
•__ li i ;o i a ; 4 4 - , . 1 - &kW
OTNIThho SNS Fiivolowst
E Imp*
nen sod Is at rinnuna.
SO pages* oloth.t • ' to i v
power owadminos or st -bow to
wade. be
loatitio, II ' ,of
eared. SI. MS . 1 IMIAL , -Ali7 , WOMB Vilo alli
as swot will. roam *woods copy or. ' welt
free. As ad capital le togstnet; - Jill &Weep ad
rested employment eWoW stud for We book, ea.
dosing ten seats for pottage, to T W. EVANS S
CO., o f booth Ott St., Pldladelpttla. W.
cunious. How wrassans
TAe Lmiee Private Co' swamies ewe-
Ulu the detlred inewmatioa. Beet Wee tar twe
vamps. Address In. IL IIIiTZGER, Wearer,
Pe. Seta 3w
Wartl2 5iD3.33)
AT intAkr
Genuine rd Carat Gold Minting Cased Watches
Menumind ladles' dizio),reoulaied and warranted
for time and wear (j 0 half the multi oleo), only
Orld olt.
The Erb% Pint Qi!alify, IS Coat Gold, Engine
Tamed, Mini Lased, Full Jewelled Lever
Moveinente, perfectly !diode ( ' to aU elithatilr OOP
'dated), and each aarraraid by special collficate,
of rear VD ear&
The .Seeee, of Finer lad higher ,grade; with
CArostomder Dotage,' at lEXS races. .
The Samd 13.0 Lad, WIIII FINIG NICOL= Waage,
and Strisigindlog cad &Mow Attila -Anson!. rmir
koc no key, , wouud and set by the Vow, mar **l
" Vika ab,re FratrAes are per atliarf price, and
awl warranted for time and wear.,._
grira Fine, Pun Mires; Hunting Cased Went/
and Ledtesl, at only *IS tads.
Beal Quality Coln Meer, Hunting Cased, Full
Jewelled Lever. al EIS cY.A.
A . zira 31 . 4 goalie. Peru LAWNS*, cad Ow.
!wat * tle'. Movements. Ruby Jewelled, at gall 110
u, .; •
Or' OurliValebm alllnurataed. end If not
perfect wit; be taken beet and money returned.
Or ire require no rnosteLadrahve, but vend
all goads by Itzmetv. pay' on delivery. IMP
F7Jlll.llOt TO 0510 AND NN MINTONS polo
ron. by paying Hspnwe charge', and If ma
factory. returned.; returned. Fleece when no Expres• rune,
goods will b y rent by V6l. is registered package,
by vending cub In advance.
PERSONS onkring Six fraiche, at a time, will
reerire as Infra Irak* of sew eateefere.
Alan. GOLD . CHARM tOente;,at $l3 to 12
Ladles` at 11111 to Its etch. The finest Gold
Plated and Orolde gold Cleans at 111, 4. 6 to tee
stem de/10614km and price of Watch required,
and oidered4 mall direct frOM •
jantgen] Ise PriZ7ONSTßi6r.Seie York,
Dry Goods.
A, W. BRIM 86 CO3
Al 75 Cents, OnCcispof
Very Fine Morfilo es.
Extra Good Vritierprof.
i., . , ri , •
Exirop?od 'iC'able'T.l•issen
Bargains in Many Hew DretirGoods
No: 178 Federal greet,
—oft /Mat wanted In ever, moldy In the
United Watts to selllddletee a Pocket COM.
Sheller. sittented Into. t s all sism edema,'
and bustle need by any I hells
one. •Wlll last fee years:
Betel/ Deice SO ends. -Wholesale to /Wade. IS
rests; Veneers pus. 21TDDLITON
nuir. Pa. ' •• beelOW
511ranaligeds ror Pal Oft olke:
: g "l'ititlifol{tismit,-;444Atar SYr:--
A11,411a. Oct liciei,AX.o4*gh 6 E 6 14:
*not merited, was pleMed to pass
iakolution to.MMllsb My address. yet
If s'yrME bid' riot' . persoically solicited'
Miter:the crinniertript:.l - Intended to
liCdd ti until It 'WOldd 1 .).Y thb
'fiedirdicre.An the baste • of writiog
at thei -hist uccunet*- and .with •no
MoUghts of publication s the Menu
edript Will; . perhnpe tro uble the am
:xenon ; but at your.request, I Owe
'kid your disposal, • vith 'plemure.
Yours truly,
:rue mission or Tivie
:Atkfreis i f Our retiring President, Dr.
Jar.bon,' ddivered, before the
Ikaver aounly DiecticcslaSbalely, Jan.
121 A; -1871, . ,
Ibilow4fesabersoftheDearat (beat
tat ultedioalSocisiy:—ln retiring from
'the position which your khainesssia-.
signed meow year ago. I feel it Jta be
my find duty-to express my gnat (hide
i toevery meudxwofthe Society fur the
Uniform lenity and ferbeamtace which
'you have , all exercised towards me,
while" Imperfectly .discluirging :the
dnties , my office. And.
'hope tluttyou will sustain any .wor,
tby tammor, with the same aid and
I;ooUrtesy.; And.thiseannual occasion
also rem ads me that another nied lea I
year with all its varied incidents has
run its course with noiseless trial,
and is now buried' with the ages that
'are past. , During this period, time
.has folded his wings over tho graves
lot loved ones, many, bra within .the
sphere of our owe atxpudatance, and
who commenced the. year with us,
buoyant with hope and prospect of
long life, and• perhaps, many well
arranged plans for the future. 'Vie
dispeneations of Providence are
doubtless intended as unerring lei
sons of wisdom to us all, and mow-
Fuently.always a profitable subject
or meditation; and especially so to
the physician, fo ever admonish hint
that while he cures others, lie also is
only mortal and must, iivetatually go
down the dark side of the dial of hu.
ma life,and uwet disease and death.
And INA was nut inconsistent with
the arrangement we have .made on
this theme WO would love to dwell
longer; for sunk! thean nl tipl led cares
and remonsibilities of the profesiion,
weaseled too apt to forgot the adano.
nition. 4, But as my time is limited, I
will hasten therefore to a brief dis
cussion of the subject prßosed, viz
The mission qf.the Physicscui. Some
of you may feel discouraged and
think this a copious theme for an oc
casion like this. But I will relieve
you,by saying that I will be brief.
determined that any. address shall
have at bast ono merit.
We shall first speak of some of the
duties of the 'physician and by this
we do not mean the spec:(fle duties, in
cident to his ministrations Mahe bed
side of bhp patient—this would nut
snit our limited time, but, of those
nobler labors, that fit -and qualify
him forth° inore spec ilk duties of his
Profiselou. And In the language
of a Very eminent professor, 'the
should be a student." Ile
will always find enough to study, for
however bright the endowments of
nature, and rare-the genius, he will
ever find ample scope for thn most
gigantic mind. Every year is adding
to the groat amount of learning eon-,
neeted with the prrifeildtin. And at
edifs; or lin acqealutance with the
writings of those who have been dis
tinguished In tho various , depart-,
meats of the .prefeedoni 'never has'
been, or eVer will be-attained by In
tuition. rier can it be the work of
a.month, or a year, it is, the labor of
a life. The serepref no art of medi
lice -has never been •mastered, and
the genius, who studios it thorough,
and bears off the palm, will doubtless
be burn some day when the world
gets older and wiser. I can notsure,
however, that the present age is the
most faVerable for the close applica
tion of the studious mind, for you
I will all no doubt, readily agree with
met that there is to be seen every
whisre a spirit of rash 'innovation—
a desire to go fast—the' evident pos.
seethe' of wild and bewildering ideui
on almost every subject—a seeming
.discontents -a disposition to hasten all
events out of time; and finally a re
luctance to submit to the ordinary
course of things, that is unfavorable
to close appikution and profound
study. There is flows universal sen
timent prevailing' in the public mind
to do everything with characteristic
haste, and if possible by •machinery,
and s his spirit of , the age .might yet
recoil to theWetriment of its found
ers, if some shrwil genius should in
vent Home day a contrivance to make
doctors by steam, and it might be
possible, for we areatready done with
perpetual niotkm—and the world
might well Island in dread of the
prospect, if diey ever become more
plentiful—beskies an old an eccentric
physician of soy early acquaintance,
used to sey,that "feur doctors always
killed the patient." System is the life
and soul of besiness. The eel Is arising
from the want of systematic. study
and the constant desire to hasten in
vestigation no where appear more
clearly. than In their tendency to pre
vent rigid mental discipline. Hence
Is created in every profession a pant
, disc for pretenders and quacks. A
great deal of the world.seems too
busy to think clearly andsteadily, or
to'investigate thoroughly and fully.
To the credit of the however, it
may be said, more A6erttl views.are
about Wing entertained in regard to
medical education and thorough
qualification for professional respec
tability and usefelness, than were
formerly cherished. It is news com
mon sentimentamongthe intelligent
everywhere, that whiter great pains
are taken to secure the services of
men of talents and learning in the
ministry, and those of the ablest,
most experienced and skillful in the
legalprofession it is unwise to in
trust life and hea lthl to the guardian
ship of ignorant pretenders.. Some,
however, still enter the proMmion of
medicine with very limited views in
regard to the magnitude of , the inis
sion—ivithout making any estimate
of the life-long task they.have under
taken; its fnentfold turdeonstant du,
tits, Its responsibilities-which am
never bo estimated,; ehile life with
all its JoYs;' and :death ivith its la
rnentatiOns, hangs on the skillet' the
physidatt. Those of you who 'have
been preceplors,know that it requires
your constant care to.detaln theover
zealous student in his course, until he
acquires thut 'competent knowledge
of each department that will be 'use
fill to him and thoroughly prepare
him for the specific duties of his pro
fession. The useclutnic, too, has this
same difficulty in his dewrtment .for
the anxiety and curiosity of the ap
prattles hurries him on, andat a few
months he wants. to be at the nicest
touches of the art. The shoemaker
has often lost a good boy beelose he
was not working un at the
end of the first quarter,' while his
master did the cobbling. Some of
you are comparatively young and Just
accepting the miteirm of the physi
cian ; and you will find many other
duties fo perbirm besides• those of ,
study and retlection ; andthese are so
many and so various, that they could
not be embraced in. the narrow com
pass of a valedictory. You muster
pect that-olotids yet unseen, will rho
and obscure Much of the sunshine
• •
•• hi
whldiliar hitherto ' bit ghtentst the
hotiiorrofyotirlwipesi:' 'Yon have be.'
fore' youtiol only t twdlhary
of life but superadded totJusse,auch as
are peculiar tattle profession of tnedi.
epoch'• Iris a tailing eh lehinvel ves a
gresitamount of sillf-dealal tand thole
Is °newt 10 rep** PrTither...body or
mind, and. there eim be no regularity
in attending to (he nidinaryduties of
life; 'The medlititl'aran ruts; ttsY thne
that Isstvietly his own--not - emu the
Sabbath. ',.7•11e Is isnithutally sacrific
ing the onlinaryguinfortsuf life, and
is exposed to every inclemency of
weather and 'maim P: When epi
demic dimmers, .or even , peatileniss
cones, though all others itep. he must
stand fast." Sueh sacrilicialoo, very
often, are Made ter the betiefit of those
who •.reeeive them as • they do the
vonimon blessing:lollk. without, thp
nitustfliatant expectation of making
any adiamate• lvinpeniiiitlon: We
have often thought-that the' very
strongest .. , evideticen of ingratitude, us,. from . persons
mion whom the • atat most
fitithfUt favors have been tinitlitred;
anti in whose easesservietahava
rendered (or whkhito monegeespgy.
; The. unwearied fidelity of the.. true
and faithful; physician caimptalways
ibe coMpeasatett by dollars and' cents
alone: When. pecUnlary. renutriem•
Hon therefore, is withheld as: It fro.
. (men t ly, is, or grudgingly given, and
addition no gratitude manifested,
It will prove a trial to the physician,
which can' be home only when', sus
tained by the pleasing - cut iousntsi
:that ho has Performed his taii.ot;
The physician in all his intercourse
'with • men, and espodolly' with the
profession should observe .courtesy
And a kind regard for the feelings of
others. . When mated in time capacity
ofeousulting physician;Aboutd avoid
that lowlithislineisi which sometimes
prompts to an exhibition of opinions
to Onipatient and attendants from
sinister motives; remembering that
if the attendiiig-physician Ls - worthy
'Of the contidenee of his employers,
the business of the consultation 1-4,
and shouts' be entirely private. Tu
fulfil the ciilflMon of the physiciau and
fully maintain its integrity, heshould
be a than of the strictest confidence,
fur Isis honor is pledged to inviolable
seerecy, on all subjects with which
lits Is made acquainted, either from
tlfe necessities; of the relation which
Ise bears to his emplfiyers, or from
the friendship and confidence which
I may grow out of- that relation, his
U s>i should ever be herinetlesilly seal
ed. That man Is a disgrace to' his
profession and guilty of the highest
treason, who am betray his trust in
this particular. The mission of the
physician is to heal. ills main ob
ject In the pursuit of hit profession
should be to cure the ills oldie body
—to preserve life and restore health
where disease has rested. Ile has
therefore, nu time to idle. Heshonld
not be expected, however, to look to
all the municitsil interests of the
anumunity in which he liens, or 90;
pe4l' the often repeated blunderistpf a
corporation, 'neither can 'he spend
lunch professional than; like other:
men, in the pleasant of Use
chase at a time like theprenent when
mediad literature is expanding with
every' revolution' of the press; nor
yet safely partleipatoin.annual
patigtns—running ,aspiring
spirits In the Lwlitltacl Atom. (Shine
of youwilL doubtiLwa think this not
very bona jfdeeounsel, comium from
a merit mature, who basjusieump
slighllg weitedeas (rem amid i the
clashing horns of a eindliet,--and ev
- ~Jlke,altjavabAi to • e
\ When I wrote down lle - tap
illy subject, namely: The mission
of the Physician, the 'first idea that
time to my mind was a quaint, but
a very suggestiveremtak made to me
not long since by a very eminent and,
esteemed niedlear friend. The con'
vemtion atthe 'time was In regard
to the perplexities:labor, and retimn
sibillties of the profession; and that
in view of the ingmtitullo often re
turned for the most'bilthful and vat
uable services; it ought to be charac
terized with more Independence. He
remarked in the course of the convex
nation.lluit the whole aim and objeast
of the practice of inedielrieshould
to "du good and make nioney." Now '
phstraetly considered this is true,And
its kvitimate3purposii . might be nar
rowed down to tins principle. Twen
ty years, howeeerofeanstant service
in the unerring school of experience ;•,
convinces me that the preen:mire:fil
lies emne,ted with the mission of
the physiciamennuot betlispisuslef in
this definite and suit:luau manner.
gut that the profession should be
more reserved and independent; is a
avoAushutlo.whieh we think you
will all readily give assent. Time ppy
small is too apt to give his services
indiscriminately, urged on by an im
pulse of duty. he never stops to con
sider whether ho Ls welaimed or sip
preciatisi by all—whether he is serv
ing a /111111 er a mouse. The attorney
has the advantage here, he has time
to look at the surroundings, and may
negotiate for halftliejes simple, and
arrange his efforts accordingly. Be
sides Mewls a prevailing opinion,
and espeCially In rural districts, that
the physician is legally bound under
all circumstances to obey every call,
and so he is, Justus much as the mil
let Is bound to curry Meal,' or the
merchant brolideloth, around , to the
destitute. of the community. The
honest physician bound by moral
will never withdraw his
' • rvices from eases of true charity be
atuse therels no hope of reward or
compensation ; but It only requires a
few years' experience to convince
any one that a little snore dist:dint- •
nation 13 necessary even here biprt.:-
vent that imposition for which he
gets' but very little credit. Some- •
times the doctor, under the strong
appeal and Impulse of a christian du
ty, reduces his bill, or; perhaps for
gives it altogether, only to give , the
fur store another customer. or to
it aftbrwards develop as stock in a
family organ, while perhrip.4 the only
music which the. doctor's house can
aflbrd is a small cheap instrument
Just cutting - its stomach teeth: ..NoW
we never expect to get the world
en; but it 4S high time that the hiltY
knew that 't h e duties are not all mn
one side—that the obligations be
tween the physician!. and his. patient
arereciprocal lit their character—that
While We strive to keep then' altve,
they ought to trYiinil keep' es: But
as all these .reinarks firm. made here
incidentally,, • wfri Will hastily. turn
over all ungratcful delinquents to the
softer mercies of ,tho merchant and
the milliner, and proceed with the
subject under. discussion.. •We hold
that, Medicine E 4 au Intelligence and
not , 'trade 'although • the whole
frame-work of the science ill built up
of otsternitiett. 'yet she levies her
contributltualtu every branch of
knowledge. makes the whole
universe • glier,labmtory; 'drawing
alike venoVating principle!' from the
sponge at, the oman's•betl; tbo. weed
by the way-aide; the 'insectlu
sunbeam ;end the mineral deep hid
den in the bowels of the rth; Med ,
Mine has co M
contributed se much` es any
other proftmion to the wondrous de
velopments of-modern science, and
through her members aided in., the
practical application of these to the
general-benefit of . human society.
The mission of the profeadon itself
Is noble. not only bucauke it is fuund
etion, and promotive of the puerest
and moat exalted science, but hmause
Its end islhe.good nf Mankind. The
pitlass olds tne hbers in ns of
pestilence—made so anifor sermo mly and
unonteutatiou'ili-7-though laborious
•.. . •
RiktbliElhed. 1818.
gal perilous; , are What -entirely vol,
u t r e lii ir eati idislatareated- ThlrOg
t n ail
of sevem. trial in=u-
InUn phjoriclana labor, , - s
and :even. retUh-;oritheut. reward,
exptiebition of reavied,-;Tbehlirelle.
atonal ,servicare time atietatiaa'
ate, freely. bestow.(4,upott' p?veftY.
penury,aud,holpiss orphatrayps.' 'in
fulfiling the inissltni tilthe PhysieLlin
properly 11}14. no'doubt,: the doily of
every member to
_strive to- elevate
the prolpseipn of medicine to Its true
position atuong.the poiltiveselenees:.
And, as we Intimated before, he Who
faithfully Minoan the iequlretnents
of.the mission will .find enough fur
phi his,euergiess;- he will,andit, a life
of labor and study, and Slow progress.
The hill of inetilmikitmeels a hill of
difficulty.. Then, Is no railroad cum
munksUhro to its summit by which
passengers mu be delivered at the
other end of the. track. at so Much a
head. it, cManolt be reached by the
ald,erthesteaciptwitistle, or said the
mar l 3 3- 'lank of natitliterY.- Nei
ther cast the lightning curry the rich
producpf these bright geldi to the
v3dei bele ta w,uput:pinigiteth;.wirm.. A
tarift.ef prehibition ,hems Iti,richeis
in, ft Ls eiall by theslair Phasaisfof
days and -uightsid talit::-by,ardenui
and 'outdated laberr;tiiitt ;the cad
ciuf.beittithied. 4.lothuich theatutly
of the - Peofessitin la 'a, tud,ll is true;
yetotruund thehtipeftil Undix.irseVer
log stadia:C. ten thousand Joys are
clustered. And, at every resting
plate hr. his Journey,, he observtis the
aeldPiared- shone:mats of thidtt hi
the profession who have gone before
ha.' Here are the noble triuttipTE4
of Gross, Wood, Flint, Clarke, tar
pouter and Candle, uwoug the living
of our own country; and 3lott, Dan
glinson, 31eigs Mitb „Bedford, among
theßlu.strious and laincuted dead. At
eatry istep he ri nds the trees and
shrubs : still blooming, that they have
planted; and the rich fruits of their
labors hang melting to the taste.. Up
on the very thorns that pierce his
feet rusit taw:11;11nd plants shoot out
with every hue of beauty: '" The
sluggard, who remains. In the arms
of nature's soft nurse until the night
is chased away; and•who, like the'
immortal Panza, never desires it sec
ond sleep bemuse the first lasts from
night till morning; cannot tell what
Musa visions are." And, with hab
its of study should also be cultivated
a habit of careful investigation of dis
ease, ever hewing In mind that there
is no subject, In all the wide range of
humati knowledge, the invedigution
of which regal rm more care and skill
than ;medicine. The amitilsltlon of
knowledge may . be leaden continual
source of plunsunt; and that which,
has already been staptlred must be
kept up and increased by apptiwtlou
and study. Anti laboring thus In the
cause Of benevolence, and assuaging
it utuan suffering, the 'physieldu
will always be sustained by the wise,
and receive the Inatrifelt gratitude of
all the truly just and good of every
community. But the question Is of
asked,.!•Why Lien this industry
application neetesa..
ry; fur some hava.eneceeded In the i
profcestun with very limited aCquire
ments, and with minds, toe, very lit
tle trained le habits of study':" This
is true, and the 'rmison is obvious:
Because, in a con titry constituted like
ours, success Itt life is not:based alone
on skill and merit; these have never
been hilly rewarded, - nor will they
ever be while the profestiltin has to
encounter, in its practical operations,
such variety.'ef. wind: And this
strange ha trite paradox will consti
tutc,one of the many trials of the dd.
ivntand competputphysielan.".. Cbn
st.s..,,,a,,t. idol await r smerosir
understands thb;•and, while the com
petent and . skillful man is ecticent
and grave laidandekehantber-7-inen7
tally,tolling for rational .conclusions
that may benefit hhi'patient,—the
Other isretulling tosomeanzlotes old
matron astoundingeurm serer made,
andtwoodrousns never per
formed, .whLle=s the, phre
nologistover the head of her last boy,
and always sure to assign him it fu
•ture destiny far out of sight on the
"11111 of :Aimee," (a very, dangerous
country for young children). bikillt
in medicine, however,' will always
have the Joys of its triumphs- and
everywhere,.. with • rho; intelligctnt,
command respect ; but to succeed lit
business thecontideneeof our employ
ers is a necessary element, and tape
rleumhas made d history that„whil6
some, destitute of any claim to the
fernier, lusty .excel poesessiug the
latter. .
. „
And just here ,I suppose that the
students of medicine present,Aexpect
me to give an ()Pinball as to hilUt this
confideuce can best be secured. This
would require us to diVerge too fat at
this stage of our address, besides you
will have to study it for yourselva_s,
and arrange your prefessional tle
pertinent accordingly. All that we
could Au would be to give you advice,"
and this your own perceptitnes will
do for you at the proper time. Study
the profe'ssilin first, both its twienee
and its art, and study it well, and al
ways let success In life be an after
consideration •, but strive to love and
honor your calling, for without this
you need scarcely , hope for success,
and this prineiple holds good in ev
ery avocation. A man to succeed in
life must love his business, od lathe'
there are a great many doctors, and
the profession seems quite. full, this
need not discourage you, for in the
course of human events and laws of
emigration, .there always be
more people. - No matter. how nu-'
merous the profession, there will al
ways be room and seems for the
honest, faithful and competeut jaby
.sician. And this idea just now brings
to any mind an anecdote which I have
read somewhere 'of that great and
,eminent jurist, Daniel Webster,
which I will relate as it is to the
point. 4. young man who was think,
ing of studying law, said 'to hlin;
"fir. Webster,l understand the pro
futon of law is quite full, and that
there are more lawyers than areneed
ed. 'Jo you think'there is any chance
for mei' "There , is strays Poem
stairs," was 'the iltraint reply, and us
true as it was ingenious; for there
are only a few persons in every pro
fession that reach the high places and
these are always -in demand. An
so,wo, would counsel and encourage
the diligent, and hopeful student of
medicine. Never dispair, - thtitigh
fortune trowns-'and"--" fHerids desert
you; press on with vigor and delight,.
baud lilL.Yottr energies.anal trim your
crane froth time to time fertile work;
and if yell' honor the profession," it
will honbr you', and should you get
crowded below, you will always and
arterupty seat up Mahe: •
But invondusion, (for tm doubt we
have wearied your patience alnody).
to up his mission, , The physician
should be a goocl nian"-not only
strictly moral la his life, walk . and
conversation ; but, a'sp, retaining
and accepting in h is heart the pre
cepts of Dlylue truth. And here no
doubt we all feel our unfitness fur
the.mission; add if 'ls perhaps well
that we do,' for there is no hope for
the presunaing - pharisee. Ile should
be a man with a heart at all times
full opayaiapatily fur su ff ering hu
manity,: and with a decisidn of mind'
ready to direct in any_emeagency,an
a hand steady and competent in per
form the various operations of the
art; and while ittiving with the Ills
that' riot in the frail tenement of
man's body,.tan recognize it In the
light of revelation, as but the outer
fem pie or casket of an 'lmperishable
soul. For of all things emit forbidding
in the sick man's chianiber 'wetild he
the gold and heartless viktge: of the
! L p 111,14 •Iror7 Widamft *hi
niCgllih iniTiatri Wank Bad-
I nge, . Pa.. at Sipe year In admen. '
Ounininnicatknis btg antaggida ' Mogul.
ImOgg,Linforibe tv o r WrIT L I
Heald: TO M10Z0 . 11414181 wrong
Wig kind qua% Invariably
le '• '
salad bribe IMAMS go' Moan
Letters and ao nununbuttana er ilboiski •
addtegaged to— •
• • • WE YAND,Daanar, "-
'Mac eon, NS •
lug - in nit ,wide lunge A/Unrested
I Intelligence, dgntlued to Live Forever.
Lenity, 13Uoyllu'e shield •
off the 'darts 'et the evil one,'
pod alfortior tho.rummeetort In 'Avery.
Ware, azure paatport tottwerviely
tho t uninent, Aua t tuul Bed&
athfr , should be Olt f great'
btreitiese of lifd, tot hi it Ileentened;
eillnureanihtblietraite et :character, ,
which (devil to and dignitg - i tbokrace 91:
mull. livery unittidieuld hove awns
of inelltetke; atidlliete loose ea..
lett: ulwaye trattly-.4biri seal, wry
ting. to coin& Alt „rad nY)44,
doubtleti agree
tains tne boat *code Of ethreCitelbsilf
ever appellant' t any :^hir: •
"Whateuever ye isvuttid tbet Anne •
idtH do to Yo4'lN Y.o. !TM,
the lo w, 'eotny ;
nitionastao i re= AvPa
he written' Myst hundred '
the breed Teitan• preitirtr theetilasi
found edam dowerbig,plinidw. •
expending biatutiestiunug•4ll=,
tudos of , time. weutior k Mod . sekS
point with Unerrin'g eertu a il2
$11) rthrit churl; and u "met ttet
woury,nnit bentetied t Velar-wadi
19 Um thits.,winsthwitiol
the moo who taxes it fur CoPftWi
rthe guide eLhie life , will iilJ(t'
7vtillYmiroind 214 will eli.oateleiY
ewd.htut tlettldigher, Dobler, purer.
isPhere wher& iotii,pl yours lis Milli
retirement. dow..' • '• •
cosexamixo saAVING.
„ ,
A CurSaha Lecli4re,to Ars. Maik
:' , Oh ; go to /deep, you old fool!"..
Twain , am aurprlsed.atel
grieved to—"
"Don't Interrupt me, woman! 'I
tell yoti it's absurd—you learn to
skate! You'll be wanting to play ,
fairy in the Crook next., I tell
you skating is .tie atomniillithinent
suiWd only to yodtti arid' coatellbeta
of face end symmetry of- figure.
IS.lothing is so charming as .to see a
beautiful girl, In the toquettlata.
ILIUM of the rinks with cheeks
. rusy
with exertion and eyes beamilig with
excitement, skimming the ice like a
bird, and ewooptng down Upon. a+
group of gentlemen, and uretendlog
she ain't stop herself, and landing In
the arms of the very young man her
father don't allow her to know—rand •
darting awaytiu cud falling, ell her.
head and exposing herself--exposing
herself to reanarks about her Wretch*:
Hots, madam—hold your•tptigires-1
and always take care del` fall. when •
that young man is clam • by. to pick
her up. It is charming I They look
pretty and Interesting, too. when
they are just learning—when' they
standstill for a Jong time in one Place r :
turd then step inte.foot gingerly watt
it wakes break: fur the other side of.
the pond uud heaves the latiancof
the girl sprawling on thissidel Ent look Tat and awkward.and
dkanul enough any time; and, when
you are,uti skates you waddle off as
adult's and stupid and uumilnly Oa a'
buzzard that's 'had half a horse tbr
dinner: liv on't have It •Izaadant..
And you get under a litUe precut:lOW;
headway and then'pat your feet to.,
gether and drift along stooping your
head and shoulders una holding your
urns out like•you'expected a Church
was going to fall •ort Imo; It aggra
vates the life out ofme. And ••Titell:
day ,when I was fool enough to get.
on skates nayself,and kicked the Irish
Giant's eye outthe first dash, and Ht•
on my head and, crooked ths•lcee:so
that it looked,like the sun ,withall nal
rays had dropped out w,hertt I struck, ,
and lintA aluet
the world because saw •
and what was it butyou,ln awkwards
tug, retelling• over: me with your ;
"filers" on I" You've got to - diseArd
those things. I can't !stand the, pew
rent. aftd'l won't,'', • • :
"Mr. TWain, I ant sure—"
"fluid your clatter. 1 tell you you' .
shan't bring odium upon - the family
by yetis . disgraceful attempts •to
skatp, sprawling around with your
big feet, like a cow plowing her way
donor in slip pery weather.. May
be you wouldn't be so handy' about
displaying those feet of yours if you
knew what occurred when I took
your stales down to get mended."
"What was its, Tell me what it
was—tell me what it was this minute.
I fist know It's one of your iles." , • •
RAI; don't mind; it tarn of any
eensequeuee—gola sleep." .
"But It is of consequence. • You've
got to - tell me; you shan't aggravate
me In this way; I won't gO to sleep
until you tell me what it aim"
"Oh, It wasn't anything."
"Mr. Twain, I know better.';
YoU' doing this to drive me to
distraction. 'What did that shoeihh- '
ker say about my shoes? What - did
he do? Quick 1 '
Well, if you must know, he—he •
—he—however, it Is of no etinse
"Mr. Twain."
W took it and gazed up
on it along time in silence, and put
111.4 handkerchief to his eyes and burst
Into tears."
"Why, you born fooll 'Twain, up
on my word you are going stark,star
ing crazy ?"
lie just stood there and wept as
ifhls heart would break, poor devil!
The* now, let's go to sleep."
"Sleep,• you lunatic! I'll Dever
close my eyes till I know what that
idiot sue crying about4and .you
w'on't either, I. can tell you that—
"Oh, It don't matter." '
"Mr. Twain, if you soy that again,
I say,
,I'll make you Horsy for it;
what was„that numbskull crying
about ?"
"Welt, he—hc--" ' •
"Well—he. Out with it! Do you
want we to—to Twain? I'll snatch
them pet fringes off till the side of
your. head is as bald of it."
"Web he—poor fellovi—he said he :
doted en his grandmOther—fairly do
ted MI her. tihe had nursed
know, because his nxdher wasfoWe. •
Well, Weston to this country fifteen
years Skro, and first ho set up in the
vegetiffiTe line, and got along pretty.
well;•tunf Was about to send to Dm
land• for the old lady, when hard
tittles-came and be got broke. .lie
went then into fruit and after that
Into inilk-4tito all sorts of, things,
you know, but he got disapPointed
every time till his present business
fetched him out at hag all right. and
he Seed diffit off for the old wtanan.
film. landed 'here four weeks tun %bat
died the very same nigltt: It was'
hard, tolling.for fifteen years, to iret
her.overhere at last, and have her ,
die ou his hands. lle—ho- 7. watf,. h o
was disgusted. However holaid het .
out, and he and his friends - sat tip
I with her, and by andbythiilnemory •
of her virtues softened his bitternear •
and turned . it to a tender .grief—s...
settled melancholy that hung AbOut
his spirit like a pall tot Many ' days.
I However:. by patiently striving to
keep sad thoughts out .of •hlse mind-, i
ho was finally beginning to f ogain
:niat i r l i ‘ n i i i i i t u l t en l i e ly ° ) o .r o r i u l h r Li is s o poo h l oo d ' r t.e sai lui tn n e l ted n eli ded ve rp r i h r i u l lm il l. :
mother's coffin- 9 . ' : ; -.•
wrake that, you brutaritul Iflou
dare to come back bete I'll kick you
out again You ' degraded 'PM
ruffian:" •
—A Chkago . woman asks for a
dlvoree,on the ground that her hos.
band has never In all Ibelr.aeven Sours
'of•ruarri&l Ilfe, klmedher owe. Some
raga are an forgetful. • • .