The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 25, 1871, Image 3
El ill [I El Beaver. Pa.► ia. *llO4 1824 circulation Over lioeive - Hiasdrcd... Rates of Advortishai • min.. Bw. .6w, Bm. dm. • 1 year I cqr-1011uen. $1 00 $3OO $OOB Irl dlodlOtle equares, no 300 600 900 MOO 15111 , 3 moms, do 600 600 600 111110 18 OD rquomm. do 600 600 10 00 15 111 II 00 .4 column 500 1100 15 00 WOO 35 00 N.oulamn 1 11 CO 1600 10 00 69 00 to 00 00-00 00 is 00 .00 oo too os . _ , • . Adraltilstratanclaad specl'al notices hoe, ten, Notkes....o 00 Or Payments to be mad for tur / alent advertisements, la advance. • gustierly, facept, willed mast be pfd GEO. P. HOW/1LL...0 Nark liow, N. York. AND S. 111. PET r ENOILL a o h ST Park.liow, ' New York, are the lOU avata for Tice ft Ans:lath that city, and are authorised to contract for inserting advertisemenb' for as at oar 1011 , eat Pub num. Advertisers to that city are re• quested to leave their hours with either of the above housed. State of She Theremoinetee for the week ending January 21, 1871. 7 - i.1. -- ran. .15 39 deg. -44 deg. .. 49 deg 11.1 al deg. . 31 deg. '. 29 deg 17 S 7 deg.. 33 deg: 34 deg • is 31 deg. 4 53 tleg. 3 dig 8 19 211 deg. 1 deg. 8 deg " 20 deg. . 40 deg. e. 35 deg 1 35 deg. H 41 T degTA. YLOH 35 deg .. . .. TETE TABLE. • _ Cleveland & Pittsburgh B. 11..:- . Tralue going Pad leave Beaver Station tallow.: Moo. silog ACCORIeII 9.17; Mall 8.47 p. in.;Birtning Ex-• . rr.r. 5.5% Local Freight (etudes paseengers)o;2l • Tminv going West leave Beaver Station u fol low,: Mall. 7;13 a. m.; Local Freight (carrying pa..engem 10115 ci.m.;Accookoodatlon, 5.47 p. tn. Plat. rt. wr. It C. U. 16.—Tralna going Esti leave itochestet Station (arena of bridge) as MI. • low,: Beaver Falls Accom. 0.3111 M.; itnonaccom. 7.10 a. m;' New Culleaccom. 9.30 a. it.: B. Palls accom. 10.10 p. In. : Trains , going Wed Mars Rochester Station, lit end of 'bftp) u pillows: B. P. scone. 10 min.; Noon teethe. 5.111 p. m.; Brie night exprees's,4s p. M.: B. F: IMMO. 727 p. m. Trains going but leave llochesier (Upper) De pot es follows: B. P. seam. 6.05 ; Boon se corn. 7.15 a. in.; New Castle scoom. 8.40 a. or; Chicago exp. Mil a. m; Beaver Falls acmes. 18.15 p. m.; Chicago Mall 11.05 p. fide exp. 4.10 p. in; Chicago exp. COI p. m; Brie mall 9.155 p. ,i Train. going Wed, leave Roebeeter(Upper) De pot vs fellows: Clikago mill 0.15 a. is.; Me exp. in; Beaver Falls secant. 9.05 L m.,_• Chicago e xp: 11.30 in.; Chicago exp. 0.55 p. 03; New Cu- Ile accom. 4.30 p. to.: Erie cep. 5.4 i p. Bearer - The talon 'of tho public le directed to . IVi folloiiitu - 17,fruf 'l9irertledatenta which appear for the lirat time lit the Allure tokihS, Spccall Notice—Dr. Magainnis. - ul ito nt.Not,loct n. —E. IL •Daugheity.. For Sale—John S. Veder. ; Prospectus-711e Paper. , Prospectus—Fireside Friend. lgrlcultittxl College—T. 11. Burrow - a. GeFinan Hiltons—Dr; Hoolland. rocerles—S. Snitger Co. Toys—O'Leary .t Singleton. Pens—Western rublishlng Co. Special Nothsni-431101tinellenburg. or — Amok Warrant. to Collectors or School Tax neatly pnnted, and for eale at 'Ma °dice. •Poor !^—The New Lisbon (0.) Buckeye state is authoiity for tho elato ment t bat ' the heat Indian killed In Co lumbiana ceuntypeoarred near Bough's Mill. on West Fork, of the Llttle ih May, 1799:, rr Blank Older* on Trcaiurer of School Dls met,. Ju.t printed and for aale at this ufAce . TEE Atinas of Ls.:str Fon SALE.—Ten aeroi of good land adJoldlng the borough of Bearer is offered for side, ate mode rato prieo. The' lot, Is enclosed ,with a 11...ard fence. Forparticulars Inqulro at office. JanlB;tf t Ilosue,.—Master'S Mato; J. M. M'Creery of the Navy, and son of Major. Tlst. M'Creory of this place, 'returned linu e, after an abisence of mottle three or . four years, last week, onfeehltxt In health. Ito was an ofllcerof the Mlchigan;a Uni tes] States war.veawel. - A Correelloa...--T4 wagon Biguill farturing establishment destroyed by lire at Radon,• this county, some few *days ago; was not owned . by "Shins t t'e.;" but by Gibson t Co.; neither was the property rally insukid, as wo stated in the last Anous. It was only partly levered. , • inothee Sudden Dietth:—On butt seCtir i day morning the Rev. W. C. P. Hamilton, of the M. E. Church, 101 l his l;me in Bridgewater, to take ihe wars at lioeli ester for En en Val I ey, whore be bad, rbarge . of a circuit. On his arrival at:the iteclickter depot he corn plained of feiling very unwell, and continuing to grow worse, a carriage was obtained, and ho iv:vi taken to Lis home. 'teaching there lie hod already "noodle so ill',es to be unable to leave the carrisge'alone; and un tvlSistanco t ! eing procured, he was curried into the houso where, in a few momenta more, he breathed Lis last.. We werri uulkquainted with Mr. lismil• ten, imt I ~ n that. he was In the illtd yvar ofFs,ago, and In the 3:41 year of his ninhn t ry. He leaves a - wife and eight childvp, and a largo circle of friends to mourn his sudden death. Huneral Remit eesreTe l hold i n the 111. E. Church on TinhnittS.'at 1 P. sr. The deceased had two sons in Rio mipistry: : Fire at Weir , Cnxt[e-A Minn 'I IlliropilLfiend.-011 Inst. Thurnday broke Outfit Itititheill 4 bkilkei's . fOrtit tore manufactory at twelve o'clock, burning thatibuilding, a shoe shop and the Mlle° of Dr. Starker. The fire coin municaied to theihnee-stoiy brick war• room 'ACMES the alley, injuring that building considerably. Total lows fif teen thousand dollars; covered by Moo thousand dollars of lotions:me. While the tiro'WaS raging atimn Minted James Dickson, fell dentbon the aide walk. ins Aeatli Is supposed to have been muffed by heart disease. N01nE1.E..01A,33 EIOLTLE.I.4.—)I{Cad With out (Ail Geer & i.,Mtly's ad ver4aoinent in a:rather eoluidit, and write them at Mar . Lull, Michigan.. • janlltly.. Narrow Escape from Drownlisle. =-Sheriff Gnebing, of this place, came yery nearly losing his Die by throwing, iu itaden, on Tuesday of last week: He had crossed . the river in a skill' and Mlc walking on the ahem ice from the skiff to the landing, he broke through; Ile kid taken the, :precuation to carry one of the oars along; which, hruke.through, caught en the edges of lho ice and here Ms up. This'undoubt 7 ally , aved hint from a watery grave, as the water at that point was ten ortwelve tel doep. .It required 'Vest cora :and mmeolty in reaching shim, and- he re: maliasi in the water banging to the oar ‘Olllll fifteen Minutes before he was nos— em4i 'Won his portions posipin.--.liadi nii. I, :.)lintosls dAy, W. D. Hamilton, jr., of this place, pi,kNl up an old U pound cannon ball in the lot fotmerly owned by Mrs, Work was (now Dr. A, it, Thomson's) on, Seminary Street. Bearer. The ball is clearly a Fort Mlubsia relic, and has; probably lain' where Master Hamilton found it for nearly throe-fourths of a MEE Court extra mrssion or court . A%11.1 tote teemed in Ileaeor on, lent Tue.- Tha becond woolCi Juroti for the Nc retebti.terin worn ordered to appear "tor dlitypon the day referred to. Two ele.em were tried, win: Lieman vs. Mitch ell, rerdirtof M 2,911 for ' P l aintiff" 7•11 . - ellorn re. I .3ohringi; etniirtfor.plaintigi (6 r 1 13 .1,79. Court adjourned on "Vivi ueiduy etening. - •' akoldeu • Sauliamiic..letag.m4me thing now and novel. Be sure and read the wivertisement In our paper beaded "is:mutest invent / km of the Age." We behove the Gokl Fountain Pen Is un marmoset. A good pen to aneceuity to **snp man, woman and child. Agouti' here is a chance to make money In Intro- during a good and minable article. ly. I inprovemeNit eetheolll,ll4 telegram .fiord _Wandtipirtoia to the Pittsburgh Cbmmereiat, brat Satur day, gives the following, touching& mat ter in which ire are deeply Inieristik The report of Col. Milnor Roberta, on the condition of the Ohio river and the best method of mproving the navigation thereof, called.for by Congressman Kerr several days slam, will bo,sent by the Secretary of War to bongress to-morrow ? The report is rod' voluminous, and completely exhausts the subject. It takes the ground that the system hereto foritaidotited .10311 1 Rrox0 • ...Ulie by means of rip-rap stone wing dams, guiding the water Into comparatively confined channels, ,althOngh • beneficial and useful, especially to row seater; niv-• Igatlan, does not meet the requirements . for the radleitlimProvemerit °fifth whole river: Tho present,low water sinew, while not invOlvinglaige•Sipinditure, and doing a certain amount of good, works only the amelioration of the pres ent Vilfliculty. All that this system conffl 01'V5 4 1.,„ 11??Pitlith I ° 4 l o.b° s increase t e ualdlt of water In the parts requiring a few inches. To effect the .necessary improvement of the river will involve a large expenditure. Of the sev- ECM oral plan imppoaad,,, only , ouviecnres the proper depth for navigation at all times without the aid of an artificial sup ply froulreservolm The * plan of locks and dame, ifproperly oenstrueted, would furnish the desired depths at all seasons. All other plans'proposed for the last twenty-five years aro denounced 'as lin= practicable. The great desideratum is said to be constant and reliable naviga- tion, never less than five feet in extreme low water, which could usually ho six feet or more, and which should afford in freshet; sarety. After examining all tither*, the lock aiurdatio system is taken Up.' The locks, and dams proposed are medium. Sized, having draws arrangod, with freshet chutes, such as could bet:easily navigated in • coilbost rise. • The ..praetice of long experience has established seven or eight feet as' a convenient Working lift' tor large docks and draws. This 'would give 'between Pittsburgh and Loulavdle a to tal fall of 306 feet. The numberof locks and dams here required would be thirty eight.with eight feet lift; whfte,wlth six feet lift the number would he fifty-ono. Making the lift higher and diminishing the number of locks and deice reduces the cost. Between Cairo and Louisville, with those lifts there would •be fifteen locks and dams; total required, sixty six. The estimates of costs forsixty-six locks of ;d= feet lilt each for. the whole :9h7 Intloeatuten average length of data' In the upper Ohio at 1;300 fees and the lower Ohre at 2,250 feet, giving 1,500 feet to each dam, is as follows: Between PlUshfirgh and Lonlsyltle, fifty-one locks r sl7;d4o27,or 129,510 'per mile; same estimate forlho whole river, 1/23,- 770,602, 0i,V4;599 per mile. It would re noire two years to make these Improve ments. When completed HAI estimated that the cost of annual repairs and atten dance would be sl'oBB,loo. t The Lady's •FrienFon FEDULT , Any, 187L—Thla la a very handsome number. not fidling.behind that •ofJan. nary in any respect, Indeed we prefer the leading steal-plate, the tbree.earneat faces benthver "The Letter" are so sug gestive. The Fashion Plate la beautiful and Stylish, and the colored pattern for a Tidy will please industrious young la dies. There is a very natural picture of .a Furm-Yard in February, and some at tracttve costumes for walking, akatiug 'and dining. A plate of winter fashions for girls and ono for boys will be Wert. osting to mothers. There are humorous designs for winter garment's, patterns for which aro supplied on application; and the worklablo is very rich:in capti vating fancy work, T . /to stories and po etry, as usual, are unsurpamaed for ex cellence and variety. The admiral serial Camilla" Is continued from last month "A Lawyer's Romance" lu verse,' oda very touchingly bMd.'":."Jacits Dal ton's Catch" is lively, and "Tbe Empty Envelope" and the "Major's Wife" are very good storlea. The poem "Half Read" is a genuine leaf from somebody's heart., Priest-LOG a year (which also in eludes' a large steel engraving; Font. copies 56. Five copies, (and one gratis) $B. - '"rhe Lady's Friend" and "The Daturday,Evening • Post" and one en graving, $4. Published by Deacon and Peterson, Philadelphia. Satriplo copies sent gratis to 'hose Who mean business. , r Elizabeth laylo r rs, of West , Piko Run township, who Is now in the ninety-first year of her ago; lately had her picture taken in llrownsvillo on the same plate with her daughter,grand . -daughter,great grand•daughter, and great great grand daughter, thus including live genera tions in the same group. Persons frequently live to see their great grand ehildren.but it isjriven to very feiv indeed to behold their offspring of the lifth gen eration. Numerous us our photograph ers are, and widely extended as tho busi ness has hocentrilt. rarely : fails tfklihe lot of any ...51'11101'6U taffesuellit 'grail) as io one above mentione<l.-I{ahington Ifrporter, '".•;,- - .\ Serious Alfille.— Monday morning about daylight, 'a man was found lying in an insensible condition on the sidowalk, opposite the old. stone church; lu the First ward. Ills Bead was swolen eMiered bloOd. HO' had Leon*ci the head and his skull was badly broken. A portion of the Mai:Mout oozed out. Ile •was taken in .to, the house in front of which lib was MOM!, and 'plfysielans summonol. Tile skull' was raised, and ills wounds dress edrbut ho has been Insensible nearly-all the limo hinISEI.` Time physiciatis. express no hope of his re.ovcry, though it might -be possible. Vim Inmates of the house WILOV arrested on charge of keeping, a d orderly house, and on being taken be•, fore an alderman, It appeared that the charge way a just one. The inmates, two men and three women who bear-a very bad character, wore committed to jail, fur appearance at court. The injured whoati name is Ituniainiu hulls from - Slippery Rock township, And WILY frequently• seen at this hewn% lie had beet, there on Friday night, and again on Sabbath evening. One of the ;arrested men. Daniel . lartusele, lips con (essed. since his tsilinentent, to having struck Austin on the head with ashovel, causing the above wound.—New Cloak Glazette (mil I)v:wet:tit. College Trottbleit.—The affairs of Westminster college, New Wilmington, Lawrence ettiniii, Ps.,.are not in a com fortable condition. The President disa greed with a part.of the Faculty and re signed; adtieptsai by the Trustees.' In the meantime a meet- Ing i of the Alumni Was called, which rye onitneffdiS3 tlitt'ittiithel to set adrift oth er members of tile' faculty. Another difficulty among its friends Is the mat ter ef loarloss . „Bome i stkaltit yi remain wherUltlii;Vhile r•trulov al. Caunonsburgh, Washington county, Sewickley, and Beaver have all beet nintedlis dettirable lei:Mike& Of eond we are for Beaver, In case a change of site is determined upon, and we have no doubt but that: our , pounnyulty would contribute larjely In the erection of new buittiingo . . for. - college purposes.-. Thu) - . Institution is under the control of the United Presbyterian organization. Penmanship.—Prottiteele, II first opals pennuus, Is teaching his art to, the pupils of the Phillipsburg Soldierr' Or phane School.' One half of his - tints la taken up In that institution, and thy remaining halAin tweigeniiiiiiias of dda goes::Bah/Juddiq bePaett 41 1 117 • good writer, but verxeftleieht in impar ting his knowledge to cabana • ' Minstea 4 0 11b9 ilkilV a lf &Baal Dlreria meaV. Pllppiaaq. V, Va.. • Board mat, on sigt orlitePrisideat, the Milos of Mr. J. Weyand. Members proposal: A Li last;r4AW.Y.Pmisj. F. Brave. M. Weyandand D. McKiney, Jr. The Secretary being absent, D. Mo- Kiney,Jr., was appointed Secretary Pro. rein. • Boveral applitationswerepreeentad for the EN:million of Principal af the Beaver Public Ekhools, hut were withdrirwn, and ,tho= followirqg resolutions unanl-: InoustkidoPted. Rewired, That,at the 'vainest of many _citizens, and In view of theeminentadap tattoo of ladles to the Instruction and government of zooid; we will employ ladies in all the depot impala of the Pub lic 8choo4.11;F thilcouoFig school year.. ResoWed, That the salary of lady principal' be fixed at seventy dollina per - month. ' Resolved, That • the present „lady tmchers be continued In their respective department!, •' ", 4 • • • Resolved, That Schoolle ' rmopeu on Monday, th day of April. On motion the 'following resolutioes wereunsushuostaly adopted t Resateed, - - that our preseit principal, The Rev. Mr. Curtis, has, by his urban ity, talent and well sustained christian character, won our esteem and respect and that he shall always have our best whhea for his success and happiness In. life. On motion, Resolved, • n'tg the itt it meotinilie publtslied: • ' 04 motion • j . D. L. Imams, Prea't D. bleliarrier, Ja., Se y., Pro. Tem. l'Asegregittloual ant last Thursday af ternoon, In accordance with preview; notice given by the Ladles' Working Society, a gOodly number of the mem bers and friends of the M.E. Church of this plies 'diet .st- the Parsonage, and after an hour or two's sewing and social chat, sat' down to a sumptuous supper provided for the occasion. Later Id the evening the yotingei members of the congregation called and enjoyed them selves for a couple of hours in innocent argusemenst.- Previquato the announce. ment of supper, however, a little episode occurred which was not only Interesting to the guests, but which will cause two or three of thi Wars MOM particularly concerned to look back to this congre gational meeting with pleasure many years hence. The members of the Sew = log Society, unknown to Mrs. Locke (wife of the Paster') had, a lbw weeks previously, made an arangemeut to have a portrait of Rev. W. H. Locke painted and framed and the evening hero refer red to. was selected awe proper-Unta In present it to his wife. Acendingly, be fore sußper, Mrs. Locke was . usliftred, into the parlor whore the portraikef heir;l hUsband was preanted to her in a neat address by jltw, J. K. Miller. .wlio in formed her that the •Ladlos' Working Soi.loty or the M. E. Church of Bearer, testi, tine method of conveying to 'her th.Oc.aPPreclailell of. her 'own, and her husband's redigipos !abort,- in the com munity. Mrs. L.,was taken by surprise, and a little bewildered at first, ,but soon found Words -to express her godification at rewiring so One a portrait of 'her hus band, and coming from the Ladles' Sow ing Soelety of Beaver, made the gift doubly deal , to her., The portrait is the work of :firs. Chas. Iluriburt of Beaver and is ono of the finest specimens of Valpang wo have aeon for a long time. Mrs. If. donated her time and skill in executing Oily work of art, to the Society hero referred to;' and front whom she received a hearty vote orthsakA fpr, bor itenee o olloll.. On the Whale, the gathering was a 'roily pleasant ono enough •t*endafoo.e' - The largest pear we ever saw was shown us, a few days ago; at Mi 7 •David Allen's, on Green street. ILW i ti grown in etilifornta; *elite& twd po nda and three ounces, and measured fourteen by seventeen thches. It was a /Owe curios- Repubticail. . Yes! can't you got Mr. Allen to send' it_tiown this way? .We wonid like to see that pear and " feel of it." . We will risk freight on the ipeohnen, at uny rate. Atteption isiadled to the advertised meat in this week's Annus, of the Agri" . cultural College of Vonneylltania, l re ocal; in Cent county. The . College is aSt Institution, and it :mid Win to a yfrj i t flourishingconditlon at the presen ti'l —Young men of limited mea ns, hdl, gird au ellucatfou can Had uo ter ,i portunity anywhere than at th Ins; tion.—From a circular, just r - ad, , clip the following: The College property oousl of 400 acres, of which 100 ha' Mine a Model and Experim ntal and worked separately from the ntalik college farm of 300 acres, thou, under\ the supervision of the Presiden . Pro fessor of Agriculfurp. , t s, in . Harris township, Cen tre county, a 12 miles west of . Bellefonte, and nearly equi-distant from the opposite extremes of ttio State, ,It near the middle, from north to south, of the broad rolling val ley foimed by the Junction of Penn and Nittany valleys, which unite - at the of Nittany mountain, about 3 Milos east' of the College, with:r9smy mountain on the south:and MunCY ;liitintitaln:ini the. north. . The landstepois:ll,9ad, frarlyti antrbeattlienl, - the cif - mate heallbfal, and the surroutigh!g,pop,i4al : i9n o kntnillgent, industrious and moral. The sale of in to:le:ding drinks within three miles of the College is prohibited by law. • Admit fled to the'llar.LGeorge H. Coelunn Esq.; a practising "attorney of the city of Pittsburgh, tyam on Tuesday •of last week, on motion of E. B.',DaUgh erty „Esc/ achnilted to practice the several Courts lir Biaver county. Mr . Cochran Is au old and ostabllstied attor ney, having a large and iheratlve prac tice In his own county and will be hap py to attend to law business Inlhe coun ty of Waver fur personadoslrl,ng hisser, vibes here. His office Is at No. 60 Grant street,. city of Pittsburgh. Lecture by t 11.• H. ftwoope Eau:— This eloquent gcntletnan is to deliver his celebrated lecture Lewyer:a vlew of the the M... - of this place, Wednesday ereifinethe :nth inst., commencing at Ti o'clock. This lathe opening of the Course Wi der the auspices Of the Young Men's Chrbitiati r Aarclati e n t sufd_.'we bespeak for this lecture andltise whole Course the generous patronage of the Community, which will Itself he benefited in return. . • . . ' A surknlon article of Nnung Ilysuu Tea just:received at D. Fast's. Also anew lot of Sugars, and freak Crackers. , r Direet ers onkirti Peiers...-,fini-liireettipfss` Poor for this eoulittliave made the fol lowing appointments for the present year Stegarsl.—Willlarn Sheodes at a sala ry of .555,2? per P.M. Kerr, at.i sala ry O'r $150,00 por annum. Panner.—Winhun Barton at a salary of i=s por month., • , Escaped 'ffeaci week or two days , ago, two of the in mates of -Dismont "seeped from that in stitution. One of them was Itev. Wel ker, formerly of this place. and the other one, a Mr. Calhoun of Allegheny county. Both of them have been recaptured. Mr. Welker at Wellsville; Ohio, and Mr. Ci/boun at Mg Beitickley.creek. *betty, county,' and rettimed to the asy . turn. . . Belied*III", fir.„l l , ll .Ssfitlf, _ Mit. Enron: Ala" lisiough your columns to seknowled the donation of th e floors la Cf the use et o .1 42 *.4* Avi 44 . ' the ap us of oditutloa. For this valuable and ingictious plebs of me chanism we are indebted as well as for many other favors to Our much selesin-... to 1414,4'741*n* FoThririvcd,V4 lbstiumenrctidtalarklie, tar bodies, which by their arrangement, relations and continua exhibit - the at , ranimmenl, relations end motions ofthi. SUP, Mercury, Venus, Earth and the Moon aa so many parts of the solar sys tem. This Instrument represents the Motion of the sun on his axis, 414, tive yeirly Metione Of bfeecury." 7 -velies, ; and the Earth.. Also their relative daily motions, and the motions'iof the moolk around the earth, around the sun mut co her isle: It ishciws the.inclination`ef the earth and Venus; the conjunctions and phases of Mercury and Venus. also; the solar and lunar eclipses. This 46. scripUon Is suMcient to show its value to classes in Astrenomy, •as well as to the general student. Ii T.TATLO , Seminary Heaver, Jan. 23, 1371. The Wards eV thelitate—Where they erhthially —The annual report - of Col. 'McFarland, the State Superintendent of Soldiers' or phans, gives us the fbillniring. atatildics, touching the originaltomes of the Sol! dim' Orphans, who are flow being ado-, cited and cared for by the State: Adinis county. contributes 38; Alle gheny 291; Armstrong, 148; Beaver, 82: Bedford,7B; Barks, 75 ; Blair. fin; Brad ford. 73; Bucks,6o; Butler, 72 ; Ounbris, 81; Carbon, 21; Con tre, 281 ; Chester, 116; Clarion, 119; Clearfield, 52; Clinton , 36; Columbia, 63; Crawford, 81; Cumber land 773 Dauphin. 1583, -Delaware. ; E1k..94 Erie. asOnassit% 1121 !Forest. 7; Franklin. 43 - ; Fulton,l3 ; Greene, 141 Huntingdon. eh Indiana.. ninety-two, Jefferson. 101; Juniata, fifty-four; Len caater,2s2; Lastrence, 73: Lebanop. , ,,37 Lehigh, 75; Lucerne, 121; Lyeaming. 98; Mercer, 97; Mclaen, 11 ,• 31111lin; 78; Monroe, 46;Monbromery, 44:Montour, 44; Northampon. 47 ; Northumberland, 60; Perry, 153 ' ; Philadelphia.. 823; Pike. 3 ; Potter, 43; Schuylkill; Me - Snyder, 39; , Somerset, 16; Sullivan, 12; Susquehan na,.97; Tiogs, 133; Union , 43; Venanit o .. 70; Warren, 25; Washington, 63; Wayne, 2d, Westmoreland, fLO ; Wyo ming, 36; and York, 99-85 counties— Cameron county alone having none. DOWT complain of ball Pita when yon get your clothing mado at S. at - J. Snel lenburg•a, New Brighton.' Their motto to no fit no pay. Bear this in mind, Broadway' New Brighton. , Female . anilinaglets Take Vear age.—Mr. Anderson, one of the Sena tors from Allegheny county, last week, Introduced tho foll Owing bill relative to female school directors: To authorize the choke of female Direc tors of Common Schools. Sr.criott 1.. Be it enacted, dc., That female .tax-payers 'of this Common, wealth, over the ago of twenty-one years, who shall have resided, in any school district for more than one year, shall be eligible therein for election or appoint ment to theollice of Director of Commoh Schools. STOP THAT Cobol'!—lf you wish to remove the cause and cure your cough, use Dr. J. klagintils' Combination Ex poeforant. Wo have tried it and know it lithe speedleatand bait cough remedy nom In use. . janDk2w. _ _ Liberality of a Beaver Cooney Uoy.—Goorgo K. Anderson Esq., :for merly of Beaver county, but now resid ing at Titusville, this county, sent one hundred dollar's, recently to idiffllntown, this State, for the benillt of the sufferers there by a late disastrous fire. , We have received of Messrs, Phelps Ct. Reynolds, Rochester, N. Y., their Beau tiful] Bluatratesi . "Floral Guide and r•• • • • ' — ftrif." — IOO .- tug hell page cuts of Aquilegla, Canary Flower, Pansy, Stook, Gladiol** and Tritoma, besides beautiful cuts of Asters, Balsam, Cobea, Gourds, Double - Rose, Portulaca,.Zionia, Cabba ges, Melons, Squash, &c., giving plain directions for the culture of more thin., 1900 varieties of Flowers & Vegetablts; Sent poet-paid in paper poser, oc. Full Bound, with your name In gilt, 50c. Ad dress Phelps t Reynolds, Rochester, New York. tioilvrticto all should know, where 8. finellenburg's place of business •. Come to . New Brighton and inquire of the first boy you meet and ho will d recf you to the store. . Printing Material to be Sold.— On last Saturday, three persons who had been selected for the, put pear, appraised the value of the printing material of the Liical °dice. In this place. Au action to recover rent dui the owner of the build ing in which the office was kept, necea ■itated,tho appraisement here•referred The property, we prawn& will be of fered at, public aide %vigils - a few (hr.,. `Worst a beau Ovid - keit* . •Epleumpal poogrtgaOon of Beaver held a quarterly meeting on list Sabbath. PibsWiog hider baker .00nductoO, the ;; • WE. • often .be tap lents • made againafready.thadenlittirtbk-inot Ating, and not vriade(well :9Orgoodi!sre made by diat:Maiekiandf!'under tour o ven iii pervielon and every - piece la eau:Omit before pat,en ear attelvea. : , All gDo9s mallet bo as rntoravvated or u 0 call., S. & J. 9nollonbuig , etottilete and'Wetil. • • A Lucky Ile iher:--Sautuit - S. Stew art, o( Luzuruowifob_lp, Xuattiocuqn ts lu g 'caught `tifty-onent'and °tie hfindred slid" forty tiosauma Alice the 24th :if holt 'Nevem her. 'ae.haa-hed rem ark ebb , 'iv . 'lVe on the "coon" and ”poesurn" but we prolunte; If the "4asthentA" have been it all plenty In his nelghhotheod doting the past fall, lie .has - up" a fair'Portion ofabiuti itt How guaurl!olunut - f - A Snow Ililkorw . .preysiteo to thin lo cality ou haat Monday. When the storm ceaseib•srvkad some four or live inches orsztowou the ground.. Pentane fond of aleigthiding took advantage of this state of things, and accordingly brought out their Millets and frisked around gnitelively on Monday right and TA day_foretioon. . . -lige Alen 'felt a distance 0.10.1 feint In a 411 ill shaft near.itiarou, Mercier county, on hot - Monday. Four of them w ere . In stantly killed,,and the remaining one Is Ida critical condition. The rope which suspended the "cage"; in which' they were being lowered broke, hence the blame at present seems to.reo, on guipperaiors, its the - tope lad all the machinery laraa-regard9l as per fectly safe before the 'esumilltibeenried. Tbelame* Demmer*it ineyni ]lr. T. lb Andrews, an :aged citizen of itootstoWn, relates to us the following: In itiP, "(hen Ito,wae tan .yzera o-0, he and"-eue eibenlintains.ll dams wild turkey. e lierj , gave his turkeyship it chase, When ti lnt- a tree, some flirty foot from gib, , ground. Young An drews climbed the tree and approached the tiki. Regardless of his •" Quit!" "Qnlit" he mixed the'' turkey ~ by the leg, when the bird bent down and gave hint a serpreilniackwith but beak, the scar from which Mr. Andrews carries to this day. ilothing,diunted the courage. 01211 boy laeld'im the,bird, -and mimed the other leg with the other hanai, when the disturbed and' enraged bird soared away, taking the !my with him. A tight, of about ?mi.,' yards brought the boy and turkey, to terra bird serving halt pit:achnte, bettioht the boy eatery to the ground.: The turkey was' 'secured, sue "erred up 'for the beectiaof the Gunny. This ecceinrd on - the parte: °thin lingbee. j . • ILlthelw7 4401111 1, 99:74 1 . &es —We bed ibeS o hertehe to he present, on laielreldep " leqrselte- inestingruf I to u t a st , , kisismistid . with' tiot TI7IOeIIIOOII3ISC*P Tbe esendssa eonalated of rieitsticelerellettm, tad vend and hustrennentel nue& The piribtus‘ uncut were quite Inisneding; llar 3 °use ladles IA perOnsliel: selves Credltll l .lrJs iso the bh se of th e exercises Prof. - neuter. ,whii. Is a 14ry . sklUtuliiholsg. - roidjbi follOWing 01111117 Oil MUiilOdlial bare pleasure in publishing. trusting will he 'nod with Interco , by the many , mils ,ninsio in 0111' Mn. e s tt=Pet- Nromtc• on the piano ig° ith iapt atteethitt who wore Bretblll‘ell t S Xol4l6is:i' In introiluteses Inetboven Boasts Ibr Glenna UM*, hyenas to ma_nretegeo to make a bar Introductory remarks as to the form of -a Booata. The Sonata form Is• the most grand .and beautiful of all forms wadi!' writing filth. plan e , All Beethoven's -Bomb* and most of blosart's cenobite!' time and .parr' chief parts-or. better. divisions, usually com mining with a 'Pirated Allsaro move inept. followed by a broad Adagio or a tender Andantorndekaing friths Windt) In Allegretto or Allegro movement. The Sonata that I inteWed to produce foe -you this evening is written in C minor op. and wee called lerßeethoven him self Sonata rathedgue. It is a grass sp. vorite with many muididens. and Inde e d it la ape of the firifist.of the thirty-41x Beethoven' haslrrillem all In the winery:foils except tbeAdagio nhkh major. I have frequently beard young ladies auks remarks like the following: "I don't.. like. Moor pieces," or when some hear a intim strain they will mime their displeasure known without know ing wetter the Aisle. is major opupir minor. Now I wish hi this ;respect, bedal to eti y siod pupil tomy that she daft like minor strains would expose . her intie estimation of • lunsielan at onee-re parson that cannot sprhas the 'mode in music must have very W a ved taste or else such a pawns m ear must be very detractive,. because sonar of the most beautifut plans are written In this mode. The Germans &IBM minor mode the eoltrrand tender, sad :sbe major mode the hard,. By spanonthat the Creator luta endowed with ii,sausiod arganlaa tioa terms will readily be under stood, because the teracisocy of the minor, made is to depress, to soften while that of the major mode is to - harden and close up; so tu,say t This is the reason that the minor models Used in ditpressing aid Mental. • Yotrivrill no doubt ex perience a great, difference in listening to a Sonata of Beethoven's 41.13 d ins modern Salonplece'. by ?bathers or Gottschalk the first an inspiration of •genius and written to expense the grand, the sub limo sod spiritual, :exatudes all exter nal mechanical show, wails the second was written with a view to show exter nal difficulties of meilianhadakill„ and Cu tickle the efie hy aWklnds of external effects. A person wbsu listening to X ehinficar - composition 4hould exclude everythingextarnat,eboaki forgetimme- Mate surroundings, indif you are coat-, pulled to closer your eyes in order to do so, then the beatiUfal strains will. go to the hark !yes, to the vary. soul. The Ached° of this Booms always reminds we of prayer!, ft ut o sno lime than one el more words. It begins softly, .y and at times almost melancholy, Inger& the middle thet,Welody risestigherAlmost exultant, then suddenly a fen anesures full of painful agony bet Seisdnally coming back to a calm and serene motive that continues to the ent• Li a lg e Rondo Is full ardent pees h not as, deep as Use,Preilous 'parte: Uhl inth What utter Inalguilicence do all these modern Efustasias, Values, Gallops, Polkas, rte.: noMPared with these gran d allmCiuft7 COI/1.144g1/1.,:i wish that ell of' you. could hear Theodore Thomas' Orchestraplay Beiftheviet'eenuiPosillou,' Men. yen would- reallik the giant like value and the ...thane of these stratus in their led. Some persons say tams music is too difficult for them-p;: d, now to illustrate better al I. 'mead ,to prove. let me tell a-tittle tneldesit from my owhexpertnon r In n concert of the Melba-Quintal= noticed an old gentleman that. seemed. to be ail latent on tbe.giusle; he seemed to listen with all bk might; near this MA were two yourisitshes somewhere In their teens, (1 could-not guess their , _114 4 4 1 111191111W 4,7 = educated, and I venture to say that the old gentleman geld 'not - bawl a note, probably never had had a mink lesion in his Ilse„ be Malinke. he &retired saes , chant; and merchants gulawally do trot spend much Wits in enplizing amoeba education. The pltogysamie .mounded meetly of classicid,irmalAinterapented with good popular- hinsic.''..l noticed that the young ladles enjoyed the music as long as they-could feet it in their feet, but wean. it came to the claisloal where the feet were not in requisition' these young ladies commencei to talk, and made considerable noise, and this egos ed the old gentleman very lunch, seVerat times he molted daggers at them but without any effect. Now I feetbfree to say the gentleman without a musical pluck' Uou butendowed white Musical urgent . ration and with common sense appredat ed classical muslc,wialle the young ladies with their musical education did not sp. . reciate it. I think this demonstrates laiuly that a person with a real love far ode can appreciateor understand des . :mode to a very greet extent at letat, bout having received a musical edu-, n. In order to be able to understand au appreciate fully .the great tonepic. t of a, Beethoven, Moran, Mendel sh i , Chopin, ha, one must of course . • • i• • stetted musically, only those per m • that are endowed with a true love f. • this divine art are able to • pee and ✓ , all the beauties of these compost . , t , ns. A y 'object in noting down the few &entering thoughts is solely to - Improve . our taste, to creates desire in you . fur she good, for the noble, for the pest lu mode, and I know of no better, method to achieve thig, than in holding up before you tin my poor . ' way), the compositions of Mese great men. lwish that , I had the poSter and brilliancy of seam orour pulpit orators, I would - make use of it in. the muss of tondo. home -of you have Put forth effortaio acquire pendency, nave tried to learn, have not squandered your precious, time; but I aut sorry, to say that there are !tome that have done ver little, • but • to those that have tired' to 'learn I want ni lay • few cheering • words. Keep on ,in i yout endeavors to acquire knowledge, tepee., Witten; be diligent, precUce faithfully and careftally, have your mandiead heart in your womb • and though. It • seems, at Woes at though you wetuld never -readc your ideal, do nut despair, patience, put Severance and time eriadually overman° *ll obsticies.„ijo not flinch until' you have rttedied Beethoven until ft ts'your lot to bb able m underst ated and to - love this greatest of all tonerteta„ ' anal you can exclaim from the , bottom ,of your hearts "Thank God fur such a ,gaultut I" Ono great draw losit in ouratutalcaled utatiottia that pupils as * clatter 'do not rekd 'musical literature. You read ladies' magazines tilled with ,fashions, and friv olous shallow novels, you ' reed' panties( and religious papers, you read magazines of a better class like - the! Atlantic, Her- Pera, Volition* and many others, . but musical papers you do nut read, musical literature is altogether left outafayoung ladles' education, as far as lily exptui epee goes at least. There are some stip• serving Musical moutblYs published ,in this country, the blographses•W nearly all the toasters are poulished In the En glish language, and there are wren good historical novels of musicians published, but I remora to any some Otpuu , batee never read. a single biography of dawn inept masters. It Is not et IA atrauge that under these circellothantr• ere are AO a class eo far lack lit good histo and good judgment in music. . !reel , could you - for apirrodaht the' heed en g : Inal ip uthapoieun otr i Xagton Wyclia never read their , , IL and bow . you espedi to un and app Beethoven or la „ le** ✓ useirs. _ . • ..:t :. Zia,yery, gratifying to suer p see .° y tif our. Mends . preirearthere' to night,-bekause iiihowe marathon usual interest. , l shall at some Moog doso ea• dueler to Interpret Cbopin foie you; the nutatalngulrf and ezoodria ean• posers, and although be le very turd an understand.l shire Yee will - be entertain to tartlet Test, you give your und ed ivided, linticia to ibe '” /lal r e ' . NI . • - Tosjitsaseites Yauese..--Iliese elate .rertieis-who 'deriro a good WU thew wont.* magazine should eadinthei the , prgeibeettis of the above tO, be Ibtind In another eolananof the Altoialt•• ' The "Paper."—Litewatire In the Ashur will, be (hood the prospectus Edam , Paper, it4plisbed at Pittsburgh. Pa. While we darer. with the 'Alpo. we are steverthelost eur strained to soy that it iv ktuait excellent newspaper, and dementia allll4gal. pa. trocutge hour* party frindtrj'"; -' • .• • .• - . GarnauVess, Green Chrly fihaker 'Dried Ckuuttaied !Oak ay 'tad custitteretF.: 14110.-:` P — '' s tsature. , 'lb*epsilon of either' tfothe Ittic lest.; ' ' • '.,'• hirl-Aniong the tradneed ires see, bY 11410d/in. niter.' ding to Beaver county, ,the Act -Spiempi -4t from taxation. A joinkirsi)olution z Crae altered living the Std of hlerch for Anal ,adjourement.' tar tbso transaction of uninteresting lea, (elation. the Lindall-Dechert underbid *legion rase Mine up. Mr. Burithiew. from the /Meet Committee. to examine the petition in the ewe; then anbmitted ii report aided drawing any committee on thesrounds that the averments In the:petition are - rages and :lades:Ate, end noticillicient to predicate COM 'The whole num b er at robe alb gad to be fraudulent, was only 117 d, and not 'euf. Ached to unrest Deeherbraul. more&Jer, uo MUM of the illegal Teto'or she Cis- Inmost the Magri 'voting were . mcited. Bendell moved that the repok, with the aecompmying resolution, be accepted and adopted, which after a lengthy de bati: and numerous *tempts at qualify ing amendments, was adopted by secret party,vote—Mr. • Dethert—the party In Interest voting with the Damocrats. Ad journed., iloniur..--14r. Elliott, Iniqrluccci a be 'elution fur a • cputailitee .of thirteen, to, apportion delicate la the representation Of the thesaniial anti Congressional die. tries, which peered. . • . After receiving numerous petitions, the Benue adjourned, tie itepubliCaui voting for adjournment and the . Denie s:rata *gained it,-the latter alleging this being the last set on contested elections, that the adjournment was of heed to prevent &cawing any oannelt lece. SILWATE, Jan, 17:—Among the bills in troduced was one for the better manage ment of the insane, atrial& divides the Mail Into districts and makes Pittsburg; Harrisburg; Danville and Philadelphia . hospitals, asylums fur the permanently Incurable.. Mr. Allen called up a reso- . lotion recornomandiug Congress to rem a bill giving lan tamer of land to soldiers of the later war. Passed. Mr. Turuor called up a bill for female School Direct ors. bused en its second seeding. -Mr. Bechalew called up his' bill autboriMug the cumulative ardent of voting In the election of School Directors throighout the Commonwealth. • Faisal ou its sec ond reading.. • . Honatt.—A protracted and exciting de bate occurred on the resolution readvcd Mint the Senate for fora Joint convention at a o'clock, to drew committee to try the 'contested election of Judge Lynn, Republican, Philadelphia, which came op for concurrence, and Mr. Smith, Ea publloanomived a reference of the peti ticsahl the case which was lost, and the House in the.resolution. The Joint committee In the' Lynn Judicial. election ease met at three o'clock, Mr.' Wallace Presiding: The convention was about to, draw the committee,: when - Si las W. Paetit, •Esq., counsel for Judge Lynn, pr esented a protest ' against the 'Jorisdict/on of the Legislature in the WNW The plea was overruled by Mr. Wallace.. Louis .1. Hall and Nathan J. Sher:ph:ea appeared for Prim the con testant. The following committee was selected—Senators Allen, Anderson, Helm: utter; psuiihant; and Representa tives Felton; Rayburn, Mann, P.xlger, IdcJuiddn, Hooper, Walker , Relnohl and / titrarpß, Repualeans. sairxiE, la.—Mr. Crisham moved theeljauraniest of the Senate to-mor row till Thursday afternoon. Carried. 111 r. Buckalew called up hie bill au thorizing cumulative voting 'for school directors—the same ageism as now pre vails in 'Bloomsburg, Columbia county. This wee .cipicnod by goers. Brooks. Messrs Buchalter, fßrodbeed,Osterisout, Buten, Alien; Evans, Whits and Hest: my: It was finally laid over' by !Com mon °Omani; and ordered'_ printed for beforinatiodof the:people. • - -. Mr. White moiled to, refer hts salary bill to et select oomnalitee of the Alle gheny members, but was defeated, his delegation voting against . 811NATIII 19.—Mr. Billingfelt, from the Finance Committee, reported a Bill ap propriating *AOOO to the . anliesers by the late tiro in Ififliintown, with an amendment, reducing the amount to p 28,000,.. • • • By• Mr. Buckalew—Providing for are- 1 vision of the Constitution of Pennsylva nia, which provides for a convention on the basis of county representation, gen eral and local delegates to be chosen on the principle of minority representation. By Mr. itutan—Repeaftlig the act of 1870, allowing writs of error la cases of murder and voluntary manslaughter. ,'Mr. Pero= called up the Senate bill making Westmoreland a separate Judi cial District. , Mr. White opposed 4, and Moved 'an amendment for, the election of two addi tional law judges l Armstrong, Indiana and Westmoreland. _ . Messrs. Davis, Ituekilew, and Put. , MDR opposed tho amendment, which brae lost, the DelimerMs voting no, and Purtusues bill was parsed on a' second Ufttling. , A repfirt from Goner:al Kane, Pinot dental the. Board of Pub Lia 'Charities, was read, bitterly opposing the doings of tho Board, and recommending ita im mediate discontinuance aim unnoreasa -17e1Polnle-' AdJotrued'lpl . Tues Say. Mir.. Skinner, tfitredoced tde . 0119i9ng - 114;Hotoul, Tbs& we hearttlytudOrie and appore the reanmuendationa of the Goverack aa made In -the In that general anweet.ibe granted by the Uni ted•illti!teiq R. an *demo ithpikited hi recent anti that In making thte hutitame aiggeatloW,iile 't xeetteriep but eiiiipoe,thi ; Welltiougo, l 4O4 winbel! of tbreatotirthii of WeWet hisses of the legal • Respired, Mud it Is the deliberate Judgment tifthla body thag; in sending armed soldiers to the recent electionth in the North, with the pretense of pieteet= lag the palls Wlthriest: previous rights'. Olen boliag made by the State authorities thb general floveranfeat has Caramitted a grave 4 riar,look looking Inthedlinuthiinf despritla poner. and that ii was tike'duty as well ait the . right. of Um chief, nag bp• trate of thirthate, and frir tbettime being the guardian of our libettles,: to" Point out the &mile . and •Wartt:' tie people agahniVilieihingernia tendenelesofsuch :of' tiautpidthit,'Jind that lbr. his PibuilkelidiesileallaktirM In oar'hehalf hg nierlis mOidie the . nordhd aPPiPbol‘iliot 0; 410,1 404 1 . 10 t7 flthericup• ; • • Strang ;aorta their inehntree to • eontettuye. , : • A general pollircel debate ensued, but F. 14 1 1 : 1 1 111 * 8 4 1 : 114 . 1111 * Ferhigon. ; ;/1 1 0 . . 94§VM4441,.4, 0 1t*;.01 , 1 4 8 00 1 Deolo imta vp;oclikkess.,* sFe s :Y?.o4 . ! l ,lsw 4 af tit raw tits tOPAY oilYieresalsn'&ll,±4o e Niece ecunialtbeietoeststleg of.tbe Al lellbsT "snarl* end that edoseqataty poky "tenet, be seetteed 'of outing ekaltue tbitlitopeittltia; 'bough Bone bet' Wbli:t voystflii 'Wrier. • 7 7 'l3 The lanid or Pirblle Chiritbw; through )r. Worthington, present a manger idatenrent to (lepers' Kane's re port to-day. Hones, Jan 20 hom the Comridttee du Constltntional Iterkirm, re ported a hill'far s constitution' einireit tior providing' for in frdeetion .0 the *l* TO.e.siblY. 4:44! ue-if fur or &giblets einiventien. 1414 piPbpis is the earns titnetrielect deleglteet Yew lien to be held on: the Alit of et Harrisburg; 0,6r-deisigOis Mtge to be chiwon,-eseh rote lair twenty ; one hundred and tonne are * *el b 4o3 4 o An i rellt the - itionato,rial distrlcts; eaoti aingle - illairiCt Jac,: . 'Pie two, in the double .dis- Intl* oftelt elector 1;s to vote . Gtr four, the 11X higitest • candidates. to be declared elected ; the, irinde 1:41iliellail/11 to-con sist or 143 ureonibeire; the Nita be twelve deflower= day F,r two hundred days, and dye dollars for every di) , in extsre. Ordered printed. ' . BILIKAL Arrrivirtons.—The hequebey ig Kidney affections, and Me many com plaints arialurfruas diseases& the Uri.' nary Organs.. give *tneeeloss for moth study and Inteattkolon artho.e dlM. Ws: The old and - tho young. this MO auditio n toe; are all more or lose Nubjeet to Limes troublesome alfeetiossa the illabotes of Intent* to the gout_ and ravel o[ old age, the muds ussis la borer 'et his toll, to the luxuriOur liver at his atm. , • From the very nature ()tour peculiar system of prictlee;we have perhaps had more expeeilence In the treatment of these affections than usually falls to the 'lot of any practitioner In the mud time. And it lain these affections More than any other that an examination of the urine is required, In order to understand the true ' nature of the disease, All [uri nary digicultlas arise. from gravel, nor do all gravelly indications salsa from aG faction of the Kidneys, and It Is by. an examination of the urine alone that I hese Gals orate be verified many times. And It le by the precise distinction be tween the many ill. belonging , to these Organs, which weare enabled_ to make by this examination, that we are as Suc cessful in their cure. The terrible sufferings, the writhing agonleic the painful iliMenities;and the wretched sleeplctoin4 occasinned by affecthins of the liddneys and Urinary Organs, tuake It•nintter of study to the humane, physician, worthy of the imbio' cause he has espouaul. Aud he who would not put forth his utmost power for the relief of those ter rible annoying diseases, whereby so many quietly suffer hi agony becituseicif their delicacy, is not worth lobe treated in the profession. Many detical ladies have• lived a' life of .sM:hiring from 'some of -theist dis eases, who might have had pure of health hid life complaint been under stood by their physician. We believe that wo bavo trollied quire patients laboring under these difficul ties than any other physiciin in Me State of Pennsylvania, west of the Allegheny mountains, and do not hesitate to say that we have cured a greater percentage, by one-fourth;than has been done by any others. These !LA:tat:an bo. verified from our reixwds., We seldom fail to relieve our silents of their suffering in those die eMies at once. From close attention and long and patient investigation, we have learned to know 'the prechie nature of all these affections, and have found out eiactly the kind of medicines to be used In each. Our remedies lu those erendapt ed to each particular case, and will give relief at condo. Try Ment for yourselves and verify the fact. fiend us a vial of morning brine by express with name, age, and P-0. address of the patient, and we ran send thetwessary medicines. Diu. L. ..T. L. OLLIP/LUZ, ITS Grant St., Pittsburgh, Po. illeisegri . Dawns Coal la all awe Instead of PILL/3, lIPSOX V k LTC CAS ?Olt OII« de. • Ifigtkly karate& !Snout to take CLltJtelt 'like it. • thin ISO cents. Wholesale. It E. hollers d Co.„, 113 Wood street. Pittsburgh Pa. Yoe sale it lIUUO AXDBLESSENII Bowe, thug Wore. bIIVOUCEIL—AbooIote Dbrorcer lepally ob• tabled to New VOA. Indians, Dltul.. aid other butes, for rereads from any Meteor coantry,aoo• 'cotton. etc.. votticleut muse; Do publicity. No charge until Orono is obuticed. Attsice free. ' • Addtesr,• 11100NIN.; AlfilhON. Commences at Law, Ou2-10171 Buoacnchr, New Torb City. F - qrpr2 ELLIDI rr 7 . AVENS. I ; OII Doe. '2Bth, 1870, by Rai: P. Spriggs, me. oP ItochOttorft., to atlas Ada . Ja , rots of Alexandria. Vs. , (Ragiati Copy.) PlTTlißtllltal MARKET. OFFICE OF THE PITIE. StZET7E. I • - Ilcutuse, 1871. 11EANS-41 5042 per 1-ushel. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR-31(431 ctn. CHEIt3E-Is dull but unchanged. Western Reserve 140141; Ohio Factory: 15481.1.1, Ohlo (loshen at 13€016; N. N. Goshen loal6S• • CRANUERRIES-4110 - G.lB per bbl. EGGS,-Freish elms in light supply. but the iMulvy continues light; may be quoted at a0( . 43; milts. Pickled dull but unchanged; sales reported at 22(427 cents. FLOUR—There is a continued fair lo cal demand and while the market is firmer there is no change to make in quotations. We continue to quote west ern flours at $5 7566 25 for spring, itti 00 ®6 50 fur red winter wheat, and $0 rs® for white. live flour $5 50. _GROCERIRB—The grocery.' market has been quite active this week, the vol ume of business iu the aggregate having been tumsuallv largo, and ILY stocks are trade ver n w il irl bru connote briskit is fo e r l so n . t t u ed weekst t hat to come. In regard, to prices there are no important changes. PROVISIONS—Tiffin shOldeffs e Ribbed aides 131 am; Plain sides 14} "cte; Sugar cured llama 171®17i eta. Lard, - pritne kettle rendered 12c. in Ics, and 13din New Aiieerthwiients. #411126 4111113611 HAS , RECEIVED , A newsitaal wOll iseli•eted :tSSOIitifENT OF DRY-- GOODS, BEM SAID.SI=IIIIII4, WAR,: IM=ll AND. - I3A4LIZMNSTA.R;4I; 1111 1 ; %mien ID tadviott . . DIVIDEND NOC A2O.' • Niiiirceir,i t. diva as Vairtit 1 , . . Retuntius.Jameary MAL- f tllll,Board itinktors Shb. Mak bary 'day 4keloydAt Dlvldead of 71.• Der t".• U P' OS ow cattitak•V•W RwiA Obir 4 = aI" P" . st. EDOIOII o.' Pei ON all .10^ ra:111,4 County and local—tad ble od de *wow.] paya t $3OO TM NON Aiiimmno• rove ligri a "lr r ar.g pluperist al hoe ad... so. a dr"ihdl.rr r ardlaM t wirr. . a5 .4.1°."7„)=. .4.1°."7„)=. Wag, endurora by 4.4, toad. "'WWI"' aw /M A lrit l M.VVl l it in E s cil CO. Jastllo.l% , • • - Pittodeld. blio. Lalrntalakl'ottatabie a tuba for sae at tbi Ark ova Wilke. Neetratitiverti:genieati. VVAII.II frittlt amid Ina •44 mem" 0 ;4 Do • Imiabag.. ,Aldrev. ► ATTA. 10.00.. Pitt. 8 O'CLOCK. tA:,. _ - - - - etiiiis iftfis • Pr eenellug di/ OENIII with alga. beigitt..-yrt'or It 03 en Lid brie, yea lull receive by math AWL •torrect pletrwe of roar (attire hue. bead or vtfe, with maw and dale of auirriao.— Aildrerr Iy.IDX. P. V. Drawer so. 11. Ytatote jealiblvr , C omb Vil=ge w any . Co pt iciretr - T nim. - ba Meek ur bmscii. It contain. no poison. Anyone cat tile It. One ecnt by well tar one dollar. Ad. Ors. MAGIC CO.llll Mk, Sprinted. 1*.... . _ 17E 46 PE9 lll ' isr.Acm, %nue.: with lb.. Undo 7a dideur. t- litourautrd In snit all lanes. - , t For ode everywhere. And for We, Irbo7omolo. usOy. by lb. (.r of Alkarir .1 Ater*. Tea CO.; I Much tit. New Yard . P. bon 5506. dead AT Thr.w.href !.:irerriere )„„i t ka w BOOK . At3ENTS WANTED. • 77te Land of Sacred ifyatery. ar fhe Bible. Read la the Light of ils:Ozen Seetierg.—Rev'tl. W. L. linge'es new book Is now rosily. Printed on noted paper, tr Gard to beautiful etyle, t rondos 200 roperb &s -prucingr end le one of tba moat valuable Biblical books ever Innen. Is even" (molly enters tbr IW Me he to be found. and there aro wank,. of theta. can Ibis work lw arid. Agrnta tippnet ale MIA. We want runs Oro f ir Prof. ATrWIt'S • . • .814.1f-INTEItYItITING FAMILY BIOLK," th e arstufeet beak eves loosed. beteg his cruet°. oriounced by oralcs the floret rad met complete 11110 extent. null baring a huger ale Mae any effur (Arm Ribteseanbleed. Spleutf• Idle Utast wed—contains a dkttatkery ur ihelltble, with 100 Nngretioge. alio-tor, -reach bout, eie. sad eautki arty reader Worm Ale ma eoeurts... fury an the Seriptur“ as Al atafies (Ana. Auy etteet or per..ou who mode tills. end "the draftee the mnet proAtable and lautsoruhla buffoon, Feud for circular. with full luformseloo. WOUTIIIN TON..1)1114T1 1 Al CU— Hertford. Cann. I Janlthl A stunt. Wuntoti...—(6324 a okoalb) .n.,by the disertetta iieUtte. Madrid.* Lb, 800- Tax. .S T... ST $?. 1.4141., No. htellt;lee. SALESIEN WARTED.- Bosinem boporable. 1 4 to competition, liberal pai given. 8, W. E - 8174110Y. 88. 4tb St., PMI4. Jantl:4Bl Enfrgrlie Farmers IraAfal Yroas it avuzioo can be made during the Idle Mater months. flustneee pleasant and honorable . rar farther 111111111Ct4rs of tble Irperla/chance addrevi at came A.ll. lInIOAUD. Pbtladeiahla. . Jaall4w. AGM S, 1:117.1.1=-A per = - Iliac free. Address Atuerkao nook 31ALE rEtist.t Co , J11:41 THE !NAND Ifl HIE 119BICETEli s LIVE LAISCHAACE COEIVVIIIr awns t 1 number of good Azeuts, also a osiers* csol Arent for Western Pransiirstd& load a good general Arent Fords.. Gerona Cogan. of' Poor Addtres Ilsod In tiara Uelfe 11! Montle 4th Stroset, Ptlodelphts. lon Elsr. S 5 ton' per day andas 111{1 flak. Do it situation salesman. it or sear hoax, to Introduce oar UM stood HAW Dirt Cloilees Lbw, to laa forever. 001011 MIN ibla chance. Sample free. 66artos Mama Rive Hine Worbo 1 Wlo. El. K, York, or 16 Dearborn Huai elocaga. 111. , 1an11:1 Free to liook Aygontai. We wIU send a bandrome Prospectus of oar New Illwara(ed Family /Übe to our Book Arept tree of &sm... Addrcss National Publisklaz Co Phi ladelphia. Pa.' ISSUED JA111.13T,1371. "WI Choice selections, No 3." Cootslu -IU3 lug the best new Chines .for Declamation. Belts Hon. de. Brilliant Oratory. Thrilling bro w:neat awl Sparkling Humor. Tau pagm; Paper 3. oents ; Cloth. 75 ctn. Art your bookseller fur It or rend price to P. Garret d Co. Phila. Po do I‘ 7 ll N o T eektru A tt j rinf l i 2 B o lllTlnA;ll 3fACLIINE Jlas the tudderfttd, ee the to stittol: (alike on bob shim )sod Irthfleeneed The beet and cheapest-Family Sewing Machine In the market. Adirca. JOHNSON. ("LABEE d CO., Boston, Mom: Pittsburgh, Pa.; Chicago, BB Or St. Louhi Mo. Jaallgne A G kf. Pri'D WANT D - a D S FUR TUE LUSTUItIi OF 14' C RC H • Up PON Prof. KNOCK' D. E.= From Adam to the pfe.ent day.' LE;ht bluttneta Pd. ta,:i and Wiles everywheir. fiood Pay. Need for circular. 7.14:61.141 Mcel.litlif. Philadel phia. Pa. Jaull;lor REDUCTION. OF 'PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES, Great Saying to Consumers:- • By Getting Up tqulbii. Virl(end Ror onr new Price LW and a Club rum will accompany it, containing foil ditectioom making a largo oaring to consumers and remotte retire to Cult orgmuilura. GREAT AMERICANTEA CuitYANI. 31 &33 VESEY STILE6 4 I'. NEW YORK. P. O. _ NV1.71-1:41,S co*lc •.. Hoetiewenk eselnon, Aerie. rhalDryness of the throne at ilk ludo Hoe and Catar dimmer. 'MO wonderful' mimic= dlscorru of Carbolic Aoki, lls7lssilited4o - 15ecoaas one of lb, greatest blessings bammtboti In Its appllestlog to or the IOZOOk,?0,/ Its groat corstirs,qualltio• 41, erection' alba CUZIOT AND LCMGB. Dr. Wells' Catholic Tablets, be.wa the great remedial agent Carbone Add contain other ingrediesits maternally rozommeug , ed, which chemically combine. producing a 'llate let more highly medicinal and hatter adapted for diseases of the throat than any prepsration ever before attend to the public. CAUTIONT rso ; Ds Wi s Ca u U n 000 D i -e l PALMED WrIP TOr 11% Tame ITZAD. • FOR COCGIIS AND COLDS Wells' Carbolic Tablet:4 ARE A BURR CMG:. TRY TIMM. • BOLD BY DRUGGIST u.soll;ier Notice. Lai / - 'artitiosit: IN the Orphans' Court of Allegheny Comity. 1.. 1. No. 4, June Term. 1810. In the matter of the Estate or Frederick Wendt, dee'd. Writ °CIs... t its.m. To Dominick O. Cunningham. Joseph LL Culllngwood, Nancy Wendt, James Wendt, Har riet W eudt, now Intermarried with William Hob ertnin Frederick Wendt. p minor, and who kit 110 • Gnordlan; Klein Wendt,. now intermarried **ilk John W. Patterson, who is now deceased; ChrielLm I. Wendt. James I'. Wilton. Mallen F. Witham... aunt. intermarried with Henry &summed; John doom, Mary Ann Jones. widow 3 wiow Intermarried with Wm. ii.Jacobyt Nancy intertnar Heti withJas.V. W items ;Frank W. Suillnui.lleury A. Mildew. John McKee. William K. McKee and Henry Mckee a lunatic, of wham W. C. Anghin• bangn is that...emitter: Tonare her.hy notified that an Inquisition wilt be held In pursuance of the above mentioned writ of Panitkoi or Venation; on the prrudees In the Dornugt of Birmingham. Allegheny county, j'eutt• sylvan - la. al Lot No. One, ln du plan of the Die mingben. Glass Companyln raid writ usenthined. On Pridy. 0.1 lUh day of I4roary, A. at leas o'clock, a. na., to make parution to and among the helm of said 'deed., in each manner and In 'nth perportioss 'as by the lawn or this Commonwealth 4 directed, de., at which time and place you may altendit you think coronet nuuu S. f/LIMINO tiberitTs 0111oe,FlItsburgit. Dec. ri, Lamm., Y. A, kiaKtn.. v. A. TlAnAlca. G. R. BARRER 41k Ana . Bripoloi. IL. 11. G. 6:11411K86 & Bram kWh, its, .13 A. N- H, , • Dealers to Ezehamze, COlll. C 001.01.11. Collett lons made on all accraaildo Palled :gate. and Canada; Anal:mots of Masi. aut.. Muntfacturers.and Individuals, 'ached. - Inter-tat Crowed on time depoallt, llorreapor, demo nlll - retelve prompt attention. Viectl:ly Iter car Ulu Ve.r Itrldtto anderslyeed, Erecatur attic hut •will and testament of lath Workman, deceased. will caws* to public sale et the Court House in Bearer. on Thar. day,ry BIM, 1871, as 10 etc/ark, a. 1112ty Shares of 'Mock ' : th e Com pany fur erecting a lirldye Ott? Big Dearer Creek, al ur near Wolf Lane. lo thon coma?' at Bearer." . - WILitON, Etaiddr , Dearer. Doc. 111. 8659 per Months. The . beslrellirw book eras published.'DENT V whoseN our new work, PLAIN IiONIE TALE AND NIEDiCAL ,ilgo.lll2llolil suraist, • have no cordiWtltlon. There Deter wail a book pubthhed 111 It. Any body can .11 In. .Erery body want, ths,llaug agente are now puking from Vivi" to Ifp per month selllnu tnle %( alder book. Sepases DescrlptiseCircola sent free on ipplieglon. Walnut good Uri AVOW ; men r:hu can fail appreciate the ininits of ,the work, and the fact that N owls iy unleersul Want. Agent* who &Ant to do goal Ili wallas make money Ad IM. ,„ ,bint3.l 4.14 likocediri Street. New Tork. Itegort , o e f r the 'e . oe t t y lltgttlaz i Natlitsmt g ; ti chose pir bastuesa te t the Seth .1. of 1).•c ether, 1!!!!!!MiiiiEfa!Il . . circrilculla - . . 421 GS U. 8: ISOndi to Kale; tirtntatton,. . 1: 7101.00 00 It, ti. Dods sari Secarities MI band:— ii 41.0 W 410 1/rui bop Nrilloamil Baulaa..,. .. ...... ... :7 1 , T r ume thy tiww. ra li al u rrial ..... .. • • . - . 11.774 51 . ....'.'..;:i , LAI ila . Vila .91 40113 3ri6 time 4eludlng 'limps) • 401.1.1 8111. at attlkeis 01111.10mal anko.— . ...... .. ';'• ' 1 ./ 33 " ) Vlllololl,osEreoty I Inc-India, 1ar....) 11 _.•" • ' • • . • - it.r.i. Lon( ratiet. ote. • o.sizrOD oo Ptefeboss.., ....' -. ....... . ... .:...... i, to: so . . .. firr.v* rt. Total . .... .... ... .... ......... LUMIXFIca... .. . 7 . 4 . 1"ack P*lB is.. ..... '. . !'**: .. .. ** 1,1.94: :II Mu rat d.. : .. , .. ; , • r , icia..4ll' 9T D L ' ...... ' . ....... 7i..111 95 , i lr ••= 2 ,1" : .......... ....**.^.* 2,9119 11— 11.9.1 71 . riaral tout circulation. tuirrtatulln. 104.111 CU lOW. • • ' ... MOO larialre• oared ..... Dia 114 Z. 1.111191 b1 . 1; ". ..4 .0 !reliant' Baulta.... —. :: . .... : . tru fat Lao to *Me MO. awl ILruk, •.. 1.1`119a . . • Tow • its:roma qf 1...1ird..11061. 1 / 4 .Ctukier c m o.y 01 fkavt . r. I:" of Um itt lowa but k pewter Voltam% do aulotottly 'antra* that the *hose totem-tut to truq to the boot °troy knout ledge atol belief. • fr.:MY:kill/ 11001, Cawhlcr. , babfetibed uld atllrmett beton, ow Ibis thltd dat orJantuiry. • 31u.roN TwinrfrAD, N. r. torrect—Atte.t: BENJ. WILDE. ta,s. • [kirsch*, (IEO. W. BAIIIIXON. Jaiisary It 3I;Nw. -FUMING., Dealer In 11 1 00 la apt Shoe; of every derertption. at tor pncel, and 1 . .1 a an. perktr noddy., Rain 111, Some Falls, Pc laantly linnamith. New warn. Dr rantwa t material, wade to °ME ?. An watn. Repairing mealy done. Pricer tow. Munn ISt- Rochester. Pa janttly s_ a =I ISM WILSON , SEUTZLE, AVd are auw 40' iles Piddls • A FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE ... Sisperlar 14714 of Embracing all the klairdl • fogad la Harope sad Mani, at a P4C . N 461".WifittgitrIbegt"V".. ; U r.i1441.11L4C; Vr,ll - 4 • , , andenktiorl Bombe's of lbelleW/Or , ty tor tbe nworit albs ltdeargarill•fr o • ten end th e 1111LMAP Pli P 4 14 / 11 J 1, CULYZ lu tow for melee thOo."1,1 re, In Ihronnplieity of :DOWN 'IN torn. brim wrier atotelnolle• Vied Pat boV "PM' fonwtoce. ere believe II 1,.• net mirospo . Idaehlee le the snorbrt,• ,' • • A'. let 2 .oltlkfee. •-• • .1 11 .1,111.11,14rete i..-111+.; , fr - Fret. fv3i rs. . Mut lire 'D-Petlller ••Terer. J. N.- D Itlene er. y. I•.leyloe.. E. Inienew. Mr.. ,Lter. J. 11.4,11110 , . MU. 11. A. Wbortoe,,, • 1,1r1: Rev. W. U.' Lxtl , PAL Johnsen,. Mri. Reg; T. D. Prol,. MD.II. M. .141., Dr. Madly. . Pew Zola Alll..a. Moo, A. Bwoler Pare Loa. e. Xrr.:111111ffl oknows. Mts. Andrew Wb.fte,. ' Kn. Siordat.l:ll.ltatne. Sri. Z. Warm's, Amy. , Office and Sider Haim l n Third_ _Ht. Bearer, Poi reantirSetc • ‘, ANDEWSON. AIPI4 Singer Sewing Ifachine. HINKLEY -KNITTING' MACHINES'.; most perky and dimples ma eor the kW • ern Invented. t abate -popoLar Ik:no bone proved anal they stand vnthoot rhaL I 11 lit 1c at the SINGER FAIILY SEWINO A. CIIMN Obis Way sawnsin • • • . Price, a lIINKLICY , B Krirrtsint , • timitarn mu: annVlrs canted hen on owing tins. • :- STRAW moirrear. OCNILUAL No:11 • Ittt4l 4 treeti ruts berg Avid. 'natal tot llos Ellnkloy Ito:Sloe ererii. whore, thd foe s o kilo per is Wooten% Pew* "hop Uhl &worn OhWand Watt Vs-, whore then" ore need .heady 044 blblied, • • '• • • n or2L - ty . chi $4ll A MlTlFlellds itiLiiriii.'irritscri: • i' Emu- .d. es , 11. J ., ellAXDbliii. hatepiers. . . ..... . 1i ...5.t - t'5....... chested lbe exnleekett / - -:, right of Haver .1111 q .10, - r. to aseDrbteck . o NONA . s. ~ . - by aid& they MI pat - , • i. a e up ynkantte es dtth as ... o . f , , ,tialq Plete r ssithe hers- " . Mal engirded polish •, t sad ea I • t sad elastic as to pettly 'Wept Iteell ! to the mouth; nbehulnkell that Oesetty and bonny eoadltkot, so notch oonsplateed of baniellespland lessenlatt dale ilattlltty to Weak UM per cent. In. desql, no one 01.1114., It would be wlllint to smirch, ' old idyls plate mmy longer than they mold eon rm. kcl, get them exchanged. All twahebneal Den. dens, performed In the tart and mOy I anbeetntlal manner. .1n allint teeth with goad..ele.. we am& lenge chtnialltlon from any nuance, mad can refer to Hying atibjeme whore W. Flood tween thirty and holy nem. Anthill: the hummer Hoe. John /Olson. will =Wax album err laser tad 'owe 35 yean ago I the "ale day they re We filled. thughlng Gas re W. da new phh. bream? Lt front all WM all (arena clear; ruUrAkg the *IMMO., 44 ► mom pteasnre [ether than of horror, and . Pricer/ha how as any geed dentist In the te. Ones atilearer Statkro. Ihecheetar Pa. nett() T. J.. 15 F 43 PHAN laza. Sixty Fire That Prize Ibtaistararti ritTHE, ClitiAT Baltiniore Pim Manufactory WILI.I.iII 1i.1.4111E it co.. - Afaniffarturers of GRAND. SQL. ARE, AND UPRIGIirr• 4011111 e, • BALTIMORE, JLD. ' "flagetirdentiteirintit ye been teltill tat Olt neatly Tbirty yeast end npiia tit*o j keen alma •Usi Deli napitratasadyrn •toriantut wale pronouneetthetn unclutlied. TNLE; I combine. treat poteeretwcatnetitand quality, at arch ini great purity of Inttiat tweetnets throng bt tau entire teal= wd "14:1 0 UIC/11 • plittit and elastic, and entirety. the hinud 1a sci . truiny P 4130.6.. , • • In Workinanhahlp • they are unequalled. min: mune batthelN!! bed •[...ONIEU DLL. the tame noltet ~eyed Is our totrlncer enabling me Is keep at limpeimi atock of lumber. Sc.. on hand. Of AU oar 1 4 41:1 Re 11.1,N. have oar Rew Ina. User Strung Scale en the Arroje Te•hie. We would in 1 medal attention to 0111 . 1116 Imsroorment•lnGßAND PIANOS sea SWAM tillA l• !WWII, Ink Whisk bring Ike INanu senor perfection than bee yet been et. rained. Berry liana Pally Worrell/4 for AN kart. We bate made amegenacent for ,the alois 11 - 4oWato Agexese for the most Celehrided PAR LOR ORGANS sod MELODEONS, which we of fer Whole,ale•and lee4lL Cl Lowest Factory Pri ces. • WILIJAR ICUARVot tea. enektund Baltimare. JAL . . COUGHS, SORE THROAT, ETC. I Nio medicine or treatment can exert the pncerfat et:mitre , pouter •‘- flit. SININIS' White ..Pulfflotiie Bals i It mires w lib ik ragdlty unequ_alied b 7 any other remedy offer...Mr Yitrceit atm Loot dl.edae,. is recommended by amrSiMperson• to Wllodni. 100. and hundreds In Plahlhelplea./hatlittere,ead other cities led comuumllles Ihroughotathe mono try. Mr. Peanharleli of Wihnlndlea, 1111nols, write: that tbrre Is not (with a kmereeptioes) a fetidly In that city who will be without wit plowa ble to oilcan% Ruch 1, Its popelarttPutenver it , Is known—endails pormallate Lr4w tram IM' fact that It mittens'', mare altwhe ma It Theta Is so ease or C011.111e;COLIrla; MORK TITIIOIIT. ASTHMA. ITRUNOLIM*. CROUP, BLOOD— RiTIMIRO. , RUA wad area Maio.' NARY CONSLIAIPTION. where the system la net honks, down oath the wear of the dbeirot Sr we beeded‘ reedkiee. or inetperiereed advice. 'aka( ads Retrain %la not cure If carefully need accord. lee to afterlife.: We ruarantee It all we nrors• sent it to be, sod urviw trial hues lbw entered so erywhere. Prirs 1,0 Mot& medium shoe mut $1 for huge • Iced bottle.. ' Prepared only by 1-1. SI NINIS, 11 1.1 k.. • 111.4 UTICA I. 04161-4 N AC 611117.1051. No. - 707.311sirket 117 t•JK/41"0 SPOA;• Del. P4Padelphlr t l.9l4, tabatoo. Ittallowy I Clow 6111111retrohdys:4 . Danes, 1011 %1114014141: Yur sal 31 ea kb* /hole*. geserally. . I 4cinalgl7 •• • . .„ NIEVRN A. & • SiEttLE.i. , Sue' ors to i• REIN knik: o l," Si 014:; iitt.42Fitth Avenue, Pittliburgh. Pa. I 001.1) •Atin . iirldVErts)ivelis, ,„.. . • Anilth..uh•r* iu• • FINE JEWELRY;..' • •• -; • wATellE4 L iii.l.3ltips,Ast) 8.114E14 A rncr ffir g the hot netk ea elf E It IC •-- • . • • 61.1:11T11011tS CLOCKS.: Special olio lotTi Id to the refih4lrisigand - • . uving or • • FINE WA71:11 . MVP:nal* - per Vs% do. Bowl., Mortgaire...l!ULM. .oronst.Thllypil wind so 4 tot iruMkr .1.1.U1r1.11.34 • 1 4 0 0 / E - : El 1 l atiale ne lockrsignett Bus Acid Clphyed.• x rum ITETR AgSußTMirrrror OIL hie enlay. • C11 , 2;00,3111Z.11111e 11 4 310 A, • i!: Ou the comer .4 0r1.14e ma . Miliket WWI; Bridgewateir, Merctvittilo•BusiriOs, 1114 Miters Warelf nut hi* Seleetioli of Goods And Els Pric es P. ore galieisclo'ry tt? 'lw Paig Genera/ I A , MINK PATNA) . NAOg Op 1.119 OLD rA4 • TRONS, AND ALL OTII . IIOIIA, las ireaspinotthily 0461 101 l teWill • .A;s4. IiIARV F.Y. dati:ff Il ME ~::a `:~ I