The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 25, 1871, Image 2
IM ! 7 ' _ T ti e, :,o.i.iii'f it, Ogg*. J. WETAND:I!igioi Awo ritahurros. Beaver. Mn. Munctiit, of :Pennaylvarils, has reported* tilt laCei"igresia the nuntbesOf members of RePtvrft ttiOes under the 'nOtt,tetigreadonal app. — srtiera"tM:l'he ratiVif populitkiO to a topmentadive iST,- WO. Tpilki4din 11mo - consists of 243 members, and the proposed ad dition Is, therefore, al. Of these the Western and North-Westerl Staley will gain.l9: , if lids hip be adopted, Pentuolvittili , Will gain taNY''Peca" TILE new Internal Wye nts:donor, , G ene ral ".P . :lensanten -ap peared - before the Way; and Means Committee enCongrals. OD hist-FA-. dilY;'findlx l / 4 T.lrifig h 4ioK,ol*Vhf the Incense :tux. law. , It las since transpired tbathis visit to thoLOnn in I ttee Was guide tWith the knowledge and consent Of PlesiOnt.: It is highly. probable, Ilieterorty.lhat; hei fore the closeicof the present- session or congressi thtg"tai , ; lets lit late been denounced so ,hertmly, will be amopg L 494114 4. that were. Tjtt l'amibardittent of. Purls con-, During the •yast week -t i lto . Germans have ettptUred two Or three of the Forty outside of thetitylitnlti, tWo 'have ii• leaded French armies, add put to rout. -The elty canhold _Mit but a little while longer, as NM beeiniu 7 , Mg , eery *mire°, anCecinsequehtle sells at fabulous tlgures., ; Inside Paris the question orpeaes le usueh talked 9r, and rumor's are current In) 'erne° that neettlations to that end are about to be begun. .Let, uti l ltupe, that this is so. , -", " • VreEiPitiillowiT , OCOLIMX. written 11•• lotter to the Springfield ( Masa.) Rep . y6liciin o denying the* , re; port, that tqi elid, Mr . ilindvieli "t ook ,advantage otihalholldeggoed teelkng to make up their .ioug-stending.dig , erence " Inasmiietynt'ooe Was' Mid , had . been no. difference' to inaire;t* Mr. C,olfa* adds,: opening o 7 term, M? Bontwell was theone above all others whom 1 hoped to , tf oo In the Cabitiet;, and his iidmlnts tnition °title Treasury Department has been so successful that be is to day the last one whom I Weald wish to see leave it." . " • I T 900 MS pretty Well tirderstood that tliat costly huiiance, the Leglslati • ve Record, will hot'be,priitteci this sea: stun rit ilarrisburg.• A large ma ority of the.people of the State, ' and at is tolerably clear that a' inalerity • of their Representatives at tlie are averse to its future puiditm- Hon. We are heartily glad that the matter is in this shape, and the tai.- payenf or the commonwealth, may • thank a few newspiiperis in western Pennsylvania fo bringing. this re about.—That it is a "reform" is quite apparent"W,hen the fact is borne • In mind that the State .. Printer 'will 'publish a Journal containing 'dll the information the people want of the doings. of the Legislature, at itT cast .or abort $7,000- for. bath 1- ' the Legislature, • will, ther e fore, de termine at once , to employ the State printer to publish • proceedings, and thus rid Itself= t only some but a costly (medical. • • • . _ _ .INFORMATION . in given to the countryifrom Washington that a large Majority or the Republican Nem. .hers•of the House whose constituents did, riot think proper to re-elect them to. the next Congress, are already thuMbing the Blue Book, consulting r their 'friend., and 1 boring .the Presi 1/ dont and Cabinet officers, to secure appointments ay soon as their OM , gren4Mnal terms end. me ambition of some of these gentleman is to serve their country shroud, us' Ministent and Consuls ; others aspire to judicial honors; which accounts for the nu• InSrousbilis now pending to create uddltlonal judicial districts. Asses- ship, 'Collector...ll4l9 and PistrickAt t orneyships take the Macy of others. . A feW taive an ambition to increase the'populatlotioffhaTeTrltorloiloiid would like to be Governors, and Sec retariag;:nnd half a dozen hunker el. ter th 4 office) of Clerk;' Sergeant-at arms and poorkeepor of the'llonse, and are willtnyclAi serve .they Itow rub rother 'than 'to go, bo s iolvote Ilk. ' • • . • } •TtrE • Tetni)eranee,. questiop seems to be reviing r atll over. the ,etlntry, In the New Engtand,Siatee, in narti cuter, the ptehilgtiontets are active, ' and sirelapparentlydet - ermlned tocar: • ri, the '!War lute - Africa.'' At ,Wash ingtou'D..C., ttioonany of theprunik tient men of the nation, are taking an intennt in : the temperance ' Mort.' went, who lave ' heretofore , stood aloof from It. The 'CUngrealiniul 'reMperanee Society celebrated .its fourth tinnivemary on last Saturday night 'at the Metropolitan churelt, widelt Was densely eroWded, abolit 2000 persons being present. Sena -1 togs. Pomeroy, Buukinglettn" tcid yilley Were appointed a committee report officers, which resulted as follows: .Pnuident, Henry Wilson, • m o m 1 Vice Prtaidents, J. W. Plana , 'ttit'n,'Te.itts', and John Hill, , N. .1.4 He'eretary, Joao 11, Moore,111.; Treas . urer,Jno.Lyttch. /4.ltecutive coin mit tee: ' S. C, Pomeroy, Xanms; W. A. • y Iluekinghatn, coon.; James Harlan, lawn; .1: Nt. Patterson, ll.' . H.', and B. C,. 03014 . ilk The iiteetlecwas. • 'addressed by SemitomPornenoy i llp. ton and Ilanagitry!repeeventatlVe Crivirelice, Rev Pr •P44frl y liCci,! 3tussachusette., and Oenecal ,rsaeuyi Rev. Mr.' .Jackson. and: Mr. ,lirew. The society agretithto' the 'fellowingf "Eueotiriged by' rekultitdt its . rein*: ' inendathms made last year ,to hold; Semi-annual meetings for the put . lati!e. otpiamotingthWinterestsoftemper. 1191:0 throughout the United' Statett,' the CAlngreasiosial, Tea perimee Seek ty renew that ineouttneodation••at this time, and respectfallyarge :upon their fellow citizetis"bi tilisery the• Oining annivermriortYnattionts' • • birthday In a similar manner. . ;... . • They recommend the people, espe , clallyChristlanmlnisten a!nd OtUrcb • e i , hi : localities where teintwrame . 1 secietles have not yet been termed; ni. take the necessary steps t o organ . fie siteinssociations on the basis at • total abatinetace fromali that Intoxi cates. They aim urgently . request that immediate measures be taken for the eiretdaUou pf,tht, pledge, and thaespecill ()fibrin be made to secure pignaturesofchlldren'and youth. ACCOUNTS were received . urdajr at Washington, giving ; outrage of 'a terrible 1910.' us: outrage at Louisville, Ottorgla,,ou the 14th inst. A partzeofttnaskiui Marauders rode to the- jail, broke it open, and, yok there'll:n color-- centlyoeen ronvit,..” orises an ArerooerviturauNkuir 4 " lBo 'P u hihment.: Theotber (bur werenwait-, ing The - vietimi were tokens short ,distanCe .Ifrelis Wait end' whiPpak . - Pritin;o4t,Veti qt them the ruffians cut of one ear, 'aid from the eighth both were taken, and the 'ninth was lire:light batik into town and there 401; rece4Y4 2 ll WO_ Wouridsoiitet of which: were fatal. The other were 'turned loose.. • So far as heard froth node 'of 'tile' mar aYtOtiii• Tun disabled soldlerkof Abe mein 'try wlll.,reiet,with Plegsu'reAhai g bill panted .the Senate of the' United. States on last Monday increasing *lief r pey',p pet. earth Thia ant idtbet!t alt -petisloueri, uatl West nffeied Ay 'Mr. ',Atlinuuds:of Vermont. •/ it ' , will:. in nll prnbalilllty pant the 11otise'of Ilep iesentatiVes andyeeonte it - • rttids,its fellow's.:: 'Rs it enacteciele., That the pen-. 'ons of Al idlitmot. soldiers, marines. and gallant et the land and naval forc ed gratitial, or hereafter to be granted by/the provisions of the general law. ml also the isune pensions granted by special lan( not. Itt.exestis.of the rate provitled•bythe'rreneral law. for sintitweesol, toe and Aber name are Ate itereby Increased the the 1 000 of !meaty, per.emittimieof,.,to corm. thence on tbe.firstAlay of Matzen 1821. nimnopive lii-*Atov4i* Tl:oof 'the • . Book Ceneeru,. now In seiskin in New York for the biota Dr.-Lusa ban, are having their iiwn trouble the, niett4,, . s4lni o a full.: Itweethistlei• oi : the* . chirgeii against him; .whlle :the .prosecutlon rhrink'frern: the Iniestlght 16%." and are endeaAirinito eorotiremlsetheli dlffereneetr-- • „ " s . The head and,front of 'bailey. Dr's. ofrendlr4, , was, , that in exerninlng the bookAor the . Concertr TM' found dents) of .fraud and trorruptio,n In the managyment, Of,, remit lug In serlinis 'lnitseskto •the Concern. There was ti:comittittee appointed to investigale thesechagres, and In .their first roport.ther admitted that 'lrregularities" resultlsigln low had occurred but not teitufextent ehilrn ed,,afteru'arittliek.deitied tfili,,but a m inert ty;report apfmared Which sup port Dr. Linahan's charges. By some mysterious proceeding— which in thecourse of the trial will probably. be explained 2 .-Dr: Lana han from being • the accuser bocat ' the accused;.' he was suspentled . f m office and charges .preferred' against him. What the result of the trial will be does not yet• appear, but from the Dr.'s refusal to compromise it looks as if.he might be able to re fate every charge; The Bishop are obliged tope pros-, ent at the trial, but they have enter eti.their pretest and refine to be re sponsible foe the action of the com mittee. Viewing the whole course of the agiallutie4mgggiablidallera . -13 it were a crime for ri min to raise his ,voice against corruption in high-. places in the'church and the good name of thct:e who occupy the chief seats in,the synagogue mist not be .calbst in question, even if .the Book Concern is robbed: AIM *. the above wali In' type, wo leant that the ecinunittne have (1041- mined to abandon , the trial of Dr. Lanahan, anil to employ an: impar tialOominimion to examine the af. fatis of the Book C,Sticern, and to a - certain from this examination what frauds have boon committed, their amount and Utak perpetmtoN. This 1 genera* regardeil as u vic tory fOr Dr, feipoan. The. Majori-, ty of this committee evidently came together 'to .ctush him, and 'shield those whose crimes ho had detected. The Methodist Church is tq be con gratulated upon this result. Minima the past week, , quite , - a number of the State Leglitatims htivechosen 01164 States Senators: The Atichikan Legislature has eleet ed T. W. ,Fes;4ii ARep.) In place of litiontni. Thn. ro•ntechni Hon. Henry Wilson ilitCp.) The Delaware Legislature has elect.; ett ElFlSatilslntryi: In `place of his brotttOr; ,o f , hp Is tliO'piesent'Senator: Theillainn,Lsgislature'ints iv-elect ed Roil Lot M. , Morrill (Hop.) - The New Jersey 'Leglstuture has ele4tixt T. T. FlVllngipiyaen , (Rep;) in piaiv of Hr. pfr*tit Sena- 'The 11hksouri, Legislature has elect elf.jen. Frank 'Slate (oeft - 14,M place of (81M - o . 4,ontico(itep,) w—hdiasigu ed Onus waelica ago toz accept o Wash ingtiat Judgishipti• - -• 1 , '-. Phe flfinois 'l:vials:tide elected Ou'n.L4in (Rep.) in place. , of Richard butes, (Rep.) ~ The Nebraska Legisintu re has elect ed p.. 11. Ilitchencli . , (Rep.) in pines of Gen: Thai•er. • • • , ;The Igitatemoto. , Legislature, has elected; lion. William Windom for the mime and lion. 0. P. Stearns' for I the short term In' the' ' it. -sen Ate. MO are Republicans., • Tlt ti recent visit of I Mrs.' retort* Wpodhull, and other ,ladice of New, York e11y,7; Washirigtoti, to vine° .the Judiciary Committee of. Onigreel that women weft' entitled. to the , boilot ultder thence:A amend luent4 to the, F4aral CotWitution; acems.not to. have had the .deelred j effect: - 10: 'Bingham or Ohlo, , who 14,"Chalihnta of ,the ',gothie Judiciary eotanattee. had Prepared a repoit, in beketrof the majority orb is colleagues denying filet Op priglnal emanation oe aas,at,l l / 1 1t,i,bleqiieatairienamentl canters thiefight upon women, Mr. .therefore; .ntey :prepare •filnieelf Afr a finale!** scolding the ! Iwdlije t i !! i * h 4 " :Mer B , : ( , ) Flt; oeuntri, trelt -BSA ; . Eiwax - rAttir . BOuTwpi;l4#l.amell, aiircularatatiogthit, in Ciiiioeittienoe. 'ofthe tinily reeelptorcomutunktationa lotichielaktettera from pemona in the oitirof New Yeik, counterfeit money at nonacid m tet;,, the Tres gurir Ikvartment has pnkse emed watt' or the aperaons Liming snch let:tDos an !alintkin#:ttli . Prac tical efforts tomm*64 the 1 /.4 61 D0Pi• The trealuryclrentardates that lave*. tlgidhins Mrridy, oh* of tho atittuiri . .the,letti 4 or Is 01 - Induce 'PODE4U to trend "About genuine money ror whietCao_retiird whatever will be made. TIME re ' 7 • , 1 —The musk . rearful itim"l:4* tr 1 1: 4 0 1 ., 1, 0 Witness), thissfay, sak young! men idttggie Nvith their Anise*: The conflict is fearful. —The editer.of the Wellsville Lo -ca[ became indignant at a suspicious wrote the c4,ltplisli i hbfr Asp er or I li4o.4lll.Y.P4eleildr ika:,l,)/14 13 size was all that saifted him from get ting kickeddown stairs.' Well, size pis something to do with the kick lag buidaess Occisionalty. —Fourteen hundred and , eighty= tint° marriage licensed were-lamed 16 the District of Columbia daring 1870.Forty-tiircetliverce cora were filed during,. the,' iiatne period,' of which eighteen were granted, five diamimed and the remainder are pending. '-Them Pennsylvania. Supreme Oeurt'llas decided that ita man puts his head or arm through a car win dow, jnd is Injured by coding in contact with something that reached close to the window, he cannot m ower for the injury, the act being considered as negligence on the part of the pacriefigi.r. " . . •, ' I -Thew is iti touch of romanee Mrs„ Belknap's 'history. kihe ,Was, daughter of Dr. Tomlinson, of Her rodsinirg, Ky.,-and alter his death' iemoved to., Keokuk, lowa." Her brother was an oMcer,on Confederate *moral W, Fersrdson's staff and *as, captured near Meridian, 3Ves• In her relforts to securellis relae she made the atcquaintana3. of Gen. Belknap, which readied In their mar. ii . ligabout two ye am ago. .-Another man has been found teu poor to . take a . paper. Ho -lives in Mercer county. Being anxious to get rich, he recently sent to. a New :Stork firm fora lot of"well executed, counterfeit money." Ills brix came in* due . time,. -and , niter' paying *9l charges M , he .rried his•thrtune home in trluinph;tol4nd that it was com posetlofshavinga and sawdust. "On ly, - that and nothing • more." He thinks there is cheating somewhere around the board.• , —ThO Cleveland Plain .fkafersaym attempt of a well-to-do young man.of this city, who IS very mpec tably.connected; to commit suicide. by shooting himself has developed the fact that-.he had'for HOMO time previcitialy lieen.supportiag a woVuan of doubtful Iruot notoriously trod character. His employer refused to pay hiS wages to hlui to squander on his Mistress"and the woman then "went imeic on him," which so work ed up his feelings that he drevila re*- volvey'atid shot himself, not however inflicting a wound that • will' peer() fatal., • The young man is married and has two children. —The body of a man named John 'Wilson was found, Friday morning, near the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, two miles below Greenville.' His head was badly gashed and the skull fractured in one platy. The body was found _with the neck lying across the lower board ota fence, and from appearanct, death was caused by stiungulation while in this posi- another 'non. There are 'suspicions of foul play, but .no evidence has been obtained which - amid ennfiriii _ . them. • The deceased "lived at the Big .Bend, in that county; and leave) a wife and' several Children. .• • William -has tamed the following' proclamation at Versailles, on the occasion of his , assumption . or the Imperial Crown. He says ; "In consequence of the appeal of the Prill4• ces and free towns for us to restore the Germrn Empire after a lapse of sixty years, we consider it our duty to the fatherhind to acceptlbe Impe rial dignity. Henceforth we and our successors will bring to the title of .Emperor of Germany the, hope dila Godlwill.-vouchsafe is blissful future. to the ththerland, and that under our auspices its ancient splendor may be rwtoMd. ,We partake of therlighlty conckrus of our duty tepreSeryo wick 'German 'fidelity the •rights of the 'Empire; and of Its members to main tain peace; to support and strength-' en the Independence of Oeiniaily,. in the hope that German. people will 'map in ,last;ng peace, within our boundaries, the fruits of theirbloody Wittier], and. be safe against. the . re n °Wel ,of Fpurch attacks. f3od . grant that me and our summarise rua3r, pro- ' teettheEmpire, not by warlike cn testa,liut by works pconit!,. freedom aud.civilisation. • , • '. '-The American Quarterly Ito view , contains .letter from .0. W. givilfg it sketch of 'his visit to Marino, a small republic la. Italy, between the Appeniner, the Po, atnithe Adriatic. • The•Terrltary 'of the State is only forty mites in cir cumference, and Its population about -7,900: The republic was founded Moir) than J;looYethr ago, on moral prim iplc~,' industry and equidity, and has preserved itsdiberty and' in, dependence amid nil - the wars and. and 'diseririds whiCh: have raged' around ii, ....Bonaparte resp ected it, and sent an embassy, to expre s. his. sentiments-of friendship and, frater nity. Iffigoverned by a haptain re gent; cluisen every six months by the representatives Of PeoPle (sixty In inunber,) -who are chosen every six tininthSLY the . people.. The tax - 'es areligbt, the fatir(hd*sare thh,fiehli,,welleoltiyated,44 on, 1 4t. sides are seen comfort and itienty-r -ihe happy effect of morality ) lte ity; and frugality. • ' -*' • . —Trial by. Jury,. That failing into disrepute in' this laud, where It Um had Its ~own fair: trial;: has;" 6 the yr:Regis:id prOsPermis Shite oflowit;' been arrested soutewh4,llll downward Career. , ••The Supthmei Courtot thgfittite;ithi add; recently! decided Rinklininin,e ..4rl6lo49lPiii catint.liqUor during thelimelsei..ix engaged sir a . Utak' :wisitiver -tee drantint niayi be, andlluitigh•ne ble effect to wedinird,l,be' verdict tif mill and void,-alp' anktilis*,. aside.; Thhldecisiori , ls. -a steirl'Anipis.sight direkilen,lunt:ptikticalkyi preserlpea aerials qunllhaitiodtf~rat~jaroT; viz Re merit be teiiipetiftoVtiiitte4 iied in posswelopg4 fait i'pmsoning (kcal tlOl. .The bet to 7. pro• ricritiottrat, in tidditiciti;''hti• Mast ,be intelligent: and . , ,alse naturallylalloirs that be all; lit *10)**444 pre!! bili'fitcnittek'nnd Intelllgekso4lo4iirsted ,44 1 4: Itidegi ale a. pone rate In.lyytt, stwiyitiii' , 4l(e,' :which doe; not work both ways. Forty.first Cohgress BID MEMNON. • . - • hentikr u i l , u g r aTzl i ng — adj Th orl e in Se ed ai rti Friday Until Monday.. ROUSE.—Tho43o34lt amendment to the House bill' to illsathre; CatAlthl Lynch to active , eels Captain was concurred In. The remainder of 11161W6trailtnee0tlidtrittafttakltr emtion , MOM ,LegialatiVe; Judicial •and ••Execntive: , appropriation bill the nuestion ficingontus increase-of the subtitle ,of! Judgesi•whlch• were fixed at $OOO for Chief Justice:- and , for AsSociates and -retired Justices, $B,OOO. 'Adionined. ,• • - SENATE, Jan. 18.--. The committee on }troikas reported favorably a bill .tp increase thel pension 'of disabled soldiers and. widowe tifid.childrener deceased soldiers.' ':.There'.was lengthy debate on thetill Cedingju ristliction of a certain district to' the , State of Ohio. MI:- Sherman ~• ex Plained that the hill -Was neceisary. By a recent decision orthe Supreme Court of Ohio; some thirty or forty soldiers in'the asylum , 'near Dayton, underthe laws of the State, and oth- . erwise eligible were disfmnchisedins aeon-residents because_•:they .:ware within'me 'mile of the Square-ceded by Ohio to thegetrerat . government: He Conibiented on the- - decision • re: leered 10 - as a shock to the tielings. of every 'citizen: -Withoutdhmoiting . of the bill the Senate adjourned: . '- lioeSE:-Severtil - bills' Were pro w:del, and' referred; amang ihkh iva.sonetoextend theptoybdoes of the Homestead laws' to • unserveyed lands.' The representatives elect. from Georgia weresworu• In.. ' A ha' relating to . telegraphic .communica tionlvith forin •countriesiwasi pew - SENATE, Jan. l'f.L=Tlie Senates's.: cuffed • In the Jan., of 'the House hill authorisharthelesueof tut ndditidnitl IP100;000,000..of five per tent , Ainixig;the bilk intro duced ivasajoint resohitiotr - propos- Ingan amendment.tb the Constitu tion of the United Stites to makeeti gible to the office of , President all perstnis - who have attained-the an, of thirly4lveyeart, , und have been (oar teerryeara a resident - of the. United Statc4;and - one 'reti3rence •to Life, instnitnee' Companies, `it provides that' no penalty shall be. Imputed upon 'any Life Insurance Company incorporated by any State, onsavount of any action.ofsuchermipany, which LS authorized by the laws of the_ lJni• ted States, norahallany tax or other gendition , doing business; be imposed on any each Company which:ll not by the sans authority :imposed on all Life Insurance CoMpanies. After some debate the billtocede,jurisdie tioti ofeertaln land to the 'State of 'Ohio was passed. "IC is the real es tate occupied by the Soldier's , Asy hith at Dayton: *-The bill refunding. to States the money' advancedto the GoVernment dating the, rebellion. • was taken up; diseuesed:and tuned& edl bert•wititeutthnit action' tits Seni atendjourned, ; -.• HousE. , —A resolution -was olibred and referred authorizing • the Pied ' dent to appoint three Commissioners to examine and report as to the dis-, tribution of aid granted by the Gee.. ernment to the -. Pacific .and other railroad companies, what' persons have deriVed benefit therefrom; to what extent and What manner.. At half past one the House went into committee of the whale, Schofield in. the Chairoma remitted consideration of the Legislative, Executive anti Judicial, appropriation bill, amend ments to whith were discussed tilt the House adjourned. SENATE, Jan. 18.—Mr. Morton asked leave to introduce a resolution which was read for information, pro viding for the appointment of a Se. , lect committee of five Senators :to whom shall be referred the docu-. ments and papers recently laid be-. Southern States, and wilether, there be In these St/net securitObr • person and property, and. that such com mitter: have power to employ a See rotary and stenographer. to send for ;persons and papers, administer oaths and investigate the Matters referred to in the documents and patiers afore said, and the truth or falsity of the crimes and outrages. of apolitical character alleged to have been eons milted in the Southern States Mr. Bayard' objected. • Mr. Morton, in ordertoadcomplisit I the purpose of his resolution. by avoiding objection, then moved to take from 'the table the papers ac companying the President's message, With a view•to their reference to a committee. ~ The motion was agreed to,. when Mr. Morion Moved to refer theta to a special committee oil the sehject. : Mr. easterly moved as an antend went to refer the pis to the Judi ciary Committee., • Mr. Wilsort said the Senate had be fore it•from official seems such a rel , cord of crime- as;no.christltut civilit,- ed , land during the last five yearti could present. What, Congiesa, now. . wantedto tie was • tn_ put. down the Ku Kluix organization in the lloutir; which has all the semblance of the old Southern•code system.. • - Mr. Warner • hoped th Special Committee would be, tippointed, by i whoin some remedy, would be &via." ed for the inieetnity of life and proji- ' erty; and the svhpletrale tienlai of Ofr , rights of the exercise of citizenship. ‘Vithotit reaching ; a vote, the. Se n ate ate oases, after, as executive • session,•adjourned. • • . ,• :Home, Jan.,1,8. -Mr. Julian offer ed a resolution instructing the.C9 l,l- taittee-on ,rubliw Lands .to iquire :tito the expediency .of guard the rights of States tti land greeted them fur educational . pur-• ;meat and prevent their.tuesiopely• Adopted:. • . . •. - isl.r. Stoughton _reported. a hill h . ), enable the honorable discharged diera, and widows.and orphau, chit: dregs of siddient. to acquire home,- steads. Recommitted. • ; Mr;,Negley - offered a rtiolutiar, ha regard to the new. buildiegs.s4, tom liouse i d c.. Pittsburgh, l'a.. . . .The House .promeded ,to . vote on amendments Iti .t he legislative a ppre. priation.bilh; •. , '' • Tho antendmentifor 'paying J. W. Douglass, late. acting .Counhisioner of, internal Revenue, the salary of Counnisioner Tor November and De-, member was agreed to by 91 to 00.: , The amendment increasing the 'peeprintion for the Bureau of ,Edtun thou from $4,500 to $O,OOO was, agreed The amenanient Ira:reusing the Sat : arias .of the Chief Justice and •Assral ate Jtistireit of the Supreme court to $8,600. and $B9OO , respectively, was tWrftsi.h.t. The bin was, then .Pins. „ . Mr. 'Sargent Introduced A. bill : t0 enable the,peopleOf Washington Ter ritory to form a - Constitution nig State Government.: and 03r.,ite ad ,mieskas as *Stste.of thelJnion.. Re. fetter!. i; :,?4i:Dawee from the Committee on 4Ppreptlations c asked zioeVe to ,re.-- Or; ii.joint. resolution .fer, the. op :puildnient by thaPresidenteraCcate l ndesibtter. ou fish acid. fisheries., 91": *ied th. • - • • • = , Tbe tberi went - Into Cont.: mittee_ef the whole on the l'ostonicei uPintitnisithra. bin, Mr. Blair of ldich- Igen In ,the chair: After disltneiniT. o f it, the Committee rows and the Alit • was paseedlek the House... , ;-; The 'louse. adopted a resolution exonerating Mr.: Brooks from the charges made by Mr. Hastings, and diteduirged the .Select- Committee from furtherconsideration of theartb ject.. he , _ I e Houk ut 3:15 adjourned. SENATE, January 19.—Among oth er petitions presented was one by Mr. mien, from •the cinema. of 'owe ying foi.estafillshing to prevent wars. "-• • -11 • .Mr. Sherman, presented a Petition from ".I,li:.M.Curry, ex-Congresenian frontabenuns;loi t e restored to his position and rights. Mr. Sherman fgdfii- --- dist - -.. 7." 7- - • ter the hint - of , tittoneit, had bee . ,Rd r t be inembetlit - House* , hlim• eel nd Vice P ad J. - The n_ . le toar OM untie , . • bustS nets, being Mr. Morton's motion for a special jiz ittee to availing° therINIIII - Ihe s`. Ind* wir; bY - •i. • ' ..:. cdteeletellPkolloorO?.. e e ; . national matifeidlial u re• cent, , - , ilm Vsahltigtelitt eh 'the coed flogalfitithe t . "41. He, saidltb ' .e, . , AV_ %iew erns t , ,10 e It presented. " - ' • The sithit!et was then temporarily laid aside, to permit the Secrete!) , to read wrinen reatarke forwarded him by Mr. Bitiwnlow, , whme phystimi inflirmities prevented him froMprlt'T sonally addressing the Senate, In, itd= vommy of the private, dem .ofArs. _ elle& Ilitrumn, of test *meson , . Thastatereenteet,forth hi adVecitcY, of the claim - the bridge bithMS: OPF• rations in EaskTenneatee liit me eariY Part a Power Ingle Union interest and the ,eireennen of the dab:Mint% on and _husband foralleged m 13 04' ny In the sane! The bill aPpropria 'les $4;694 toqn=nortpge.execli ieditY:-Pdr,-, to the, counsel 'Who defended lin • Won, the . 1411 °‘,_," WWon .0( the, enemy :, w hich dlmo The bill pealed. The motion of Mr. Morton, for - the ari° llol4 l 3 f kaPecial celnmittee o live to investigate the charge of vioienee and resistance : to the laws in 'the Suuth,was then dispesed,orwlth7 , out debnle4: Jo ( . _ - ~ --2. -.- Mr. Cassel. - monotito .nefer r _tee . subjwt to tbe , i lutijoiary_ (km 033140 15 I'm:. rillectefhemeit , **Om t wtoa rising :theaillapatitte.. 1; • ~; • it-, ` Mr.- 's,,lnotlort WO as: , - hawed' n without-division, :. .11 -. -- At /4. lbeSettatck went *exec-- . artiveamton: - ...._ --, .r. ~_• ~• •,. After ; coming 4iit of .iiaNttyp`kle Sion the Senate, at haitimat live, .0., , Jtarged... . !., , ~t , , ~ . , , M. Ven'tioini.4:4m Ahel.coidinii tee en Indian Andre, reported st ;bill,' to provide fer the , ildallon.fif , Indian tribes an,ortgiolm i *gem 'of government itr„letlimt,,territliwY;L 'lt spats and establbbos a templmuy 'government' by the name of thp 'Ter% ' ritOr3f of Ohlitire,;bounitekon' the" north' Wilt thearbottediries• pt' Kunst% west ,y, tlie eastern hottedalT;_, of New 'ldeate:, and' TeXasomalWeY 'the nOrthem' ,htitindaries ;or 'Twig; and, mud by the • - western !monde- Ilea of Arkansas and Missouri.:: ', - • Mr: 'Vita ',ltotit *prtweeded• to ex: plaid and advOtsde the bill: • He Herald' there were bat two policies to be par sued - towards •'UM Indians by the United Stares Goveritteent—tbe pol icy of civilization and thepolicy of - extinction:. He referred to they:or ganization 'of the Cherokee - nation an that the Indians could be clot , IdryAiiimirong made anlirgenient , in support' of the hilt . He said' that 1 the 'propoied : territory - embraced about' 5.070 square mike containing: owe-45,000,00u acres. ThiS countrywas _carpeted _ by a w . mulation of 68;870 Indians: ' Mr. Sargent suggested that the forth of goVernment weed on . by the In'- Mans of that Territory at the recent convention was entirely ' inconsistent with the principles or the bill, and, 'thought consideration of the measure should be postponed until the prco. ceedings Or the Indian Convention 'be laid before Congress. After some further discussion the morning hour expired, and the bill went over until 'Tuesday. • The Hones then, of il:80 P. M., went into Committee of the whole on on the Consular end Diplomatic Ap pmpriation Bill, which appropriates 81,4:18,000. •!, Without • disposing of the question the cdmmittee rose. Ad journed., J" ' BENATX &MUM 20.—The Vice , • Wet borers. tha_fie uate • Lure in raver (lithe Home bill granting penidans Lao. insevtving ebl diers Of the:war ofil812." • : • Mr. - Morton 'preheated the .cortill eate of election of Foster Blodgett as. United Slates Senator from theState' of Georgia,-for six years from the 4th Match next, whia, Mr. Morton's request, was Mid on' the table. Mr. Sumner presented sem:Omani cation from the National Labor Union Conventiest'(oolored) lately. in session in Washington, kw• the passage of what is known as Senator Sumner's bill supplementary to the civil rights act, now pending before the Judicia ry Committee, the object of which is to apply a remedy tar the alleged indignities and proscription to whit* adored people are subjected In, rail road cars. Mr. Stunner asserted that there must be equal rights in railroad ears hotels, schools, and' la every. instita- Bon which had the'sanctio n i,of the ex isting•hms i anti appealed •to Mr. Trumbull, asChairman of the Judie- Wry Constalttee,•not no longer delay the rernedyofdogislation, liousiti: January'', a--The '43etutte bill to provide.* government for the District of Columbia widi . taken up and mid. It proposes a sort of ;ter- Mortal government in the district, with a Governor to be appointed 'by 'the Pretident, with the advice' and consent of-the Senate r atid who .shall hold ollice-four yaws, 'with a Coon:. ell of eleven inembete and • House of Representatives of twenty-t *tomato. bens: with a Secretary , to bs appoint ed by, the President for .four • years, and with a delegate in Congress. The : , bill haying .been. read :through rho Mouse promoted. to consider it by sections.., • . :Ank9ng inahy id the amendmeuhr Proutimtl was on. by Mr. Julian to : amend tho sixth section,- giving , the elective franchise. to all. animas, by. striking out: the wont "male," and 'decitwed Abut• ae utrertal tlie, atuendurient to rod Waken e dealt- I W rota open iklattyma anti baya. .Mr. Cook- opposed thetupenduieni . . He hoped the Houser Weuki ;wit lat, cumber the hill with •the• Issue We , inalesulTnige.- The district ; bad been made themes* of experiments with. every form of government.. and he (lid not ultra it-to be, wade q pr that experiment. i • • A Moto } vas taken by Yeas RR" na.Yat arflike amendment offe,red by Mr. ' Julkis t wasiejeCted, yesisqoays P.. There was much excitemeat and amaiseinelit in the House, as the "learn responded to their names. Sour Cptesi in the affirmative prb yoked much laughter, whilb the par' hive and. decided tone.. with which' others Voted ".no" brought down the . House. • • • • New - Adverthum.tetiAr; BD-T-ÜBS, LOOK' . . . It may not hers nuttlmattipecia terest to the . neuple or -Thatver countylir haat what betrreen•.Klng' .Nnpolcon - !' Blsmaii Truant In Enropu,'lnit:it to a matter 'that effect, then? materially to ktrororilwhere Ic y can hey toe nil cheat) GROCE% At their old mast In Jr inren,PAL: are ati II 'thrashing to.theiritssuatan everything Called. for in their lbw Mae abraTk ;WI! afull asparttnentist GRO cV;littv7.. /Tour, Feed,' Teak:Bugars; ; es, : • ." • TOUL ' oCc..l ; O4l4 ' • tears; And all other utticletyweelly rouse, • . i ' - • lek Vint Ohm . : •• • •.• • . • GROCER.Ir STORE:i 7 Fioui their lorgiuul esainutte icquitint • with the arum,. •Flourd F tS ll btuu at tiess, end th.' disposition to 'reader, ssaisisction to those who may fleor.thees wilf!their pa t mruige, they hopc - lp' t itin, U in , the pest, to obtain'h Tibll4l 17MI:je or thi public patronage. •• 'Give and 'mei if. we do Eta make tt, to your in terest 40 call again. • jen2s. t stru Rib ao.- I t; • ;,f 100 r W l ZervosoK Tteligero*from —Live" • t hosethiving• no ApWiie, To: ttiiiiiliiNarOUlA Colustitittiftif, To Nervous People; To:0101dieh. .Wiwtiog Away,' To 4.4 . DebilittitedAW - • gestive . Orgtins, Or Steering with gni ql ihsfollt:n4W. t i ly er tns, tohierniicalf , pft . ctrs 'llll4 w :inward- ' J., aa a: PjfeeNul Iwo .1 • • 1 or lOW 'tithe ,;• • .-, Head ; Acidity of • ,Ae Otutsetets, Saw:. .!• "tlour r:j. Weida' aft , AW-StUalittlig actations, tiinkiegur ;ft rottaing at Wept& of the Sto• • eemeN!Swatipg of thelles4. - _ El Huuied'anti Difficult :Bresithing, , , , Flutteringiat-this.heart, Choking or , 4 Sufingatinglicoordloog.wAtenlnfts l ;s Yetw itis , Posturer lliVitoftnilishitts cdo 'befefihthii Willits Fever. gad liuli sins Dekie,m, oftreniplral, dna, .TeilDwness of thikiliklalind. „- ,14 , 0, 1) 10 0 / 1 1. 4 44 sAtelt . . , •" reddest, Lim*ste4 Sudden , Ektsiumtialetit, Burn -„.1 „Olt Je the FlO ll . - . : , • 'Pleit4ltlinieSin'..•: r Le&s 9 1 4. 114 4. 4: -1 rit • Wit et . 4Bit :* .1. • 01 , 11191141111 - 11111WENI: LLX 4 • "1 , • ; • ..^ . - 7 - 777:, A .1 Is different front all others. It Is coca pc4ed of the pun: Juicer, or Vital Prin ciple erlinots. Iles belted Barks, Alps as medicinally termed Extracts,) the worthless or Inert portions of the luau. 'silents nut being used. Therefore, Wow* Bottle of these Bitters there Is aintaintid 'hi much nusilcinal virtue as will beitalil In several gallons of ordinary miv fruit Roots, • de., used In this Bitters, Are 'groan In Germany, their vital prlgraples extracted in that country by a 3451. d -tide Chemist, and forwardisi to the in ac. itciry In this Pity, where they arasonn• pounded and bottled. Cindainikr no I spirituous mgr thetas, this Bitter free: (ruin the objections urged against oth ers; no desire for et” lents cittr_be in. dual from their use, trey canna - make drunkards, and cannot under any circum stances, haie any but a tienetieist.ellic , . HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, ME NEI ' Was compounded for'those nr4duclined to extreme' bitters, and is inteutletd for use An cases when some alcoholic staiultuit is ,required in connection with the Tonic properties the Bitters. Each bottle of ,itieVonic contains one bottle of the llit• tens, combined pith pumt3AATA CILUZ RUM, nod flavored in such u manner that the extreme bitterness of the Bitters is overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable and plc:mint to the palate and containing the medicinal virtue of the Bit qtrs. The price of the Tollie is $1.50 pi..r ' Bottle, which many persons think too high. They mina take intoveohleraiion that the stinitecnt used L6'illlitnilllted to be of a pure quality. A poor article could be furnished at it chtuper rice, butts it not better to pay it little m o re anti have a good article? A medicinal preparation should contain none battle best ingretli cots; and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, and bilbenetitted IT at will most certainly be cUated. HOOFLAZiD'S 1-I)ittoia, GERM2TONIC, UM Pla s PODOHY PILL WILL MIRE YOU They anetbe Grentest. BLOOD .1 3 .17121F11131144 Known to the 3adical world, and will eradicate tlibea..qcs Irma impure blood, Debilit3 r4 I .llle Digestive Organs, or Diseased 1.1 in a ritorter time than ■ny other knowit,zeinedies. The Whole &tome Court of Pelln'a. SPEAK FOIrT. DESE REMEDIES. Who would U for more Dignified or Strorper Testimony? Uosi. Glosar. Wlfifooovranajornorly CAii(Jus We of ths $147: me Cowl.: eve 14sonsylrama, a pressed Neu CohgressfrOus Pesinsyleawill writes: " SIIILADLLPUIA. ••arch le. plc. I And " Hood d'ir Uermau Dinen is a good tonic, owifol .1u dhiessee of the dli,ro•llve led of greakkeeellt lu case, of debility rod ward of uerivus In the If mini tru )7r IiEUEi II %%WOODWARD. • lion. Jsuss ?Wan ox, Chlef Judiet ce Ac yo prune Ilwaryfra..a. PulLatra.ruta, I eonsldentrofland'• Getman Macre - a valua ble medicine:3n we of attache t ot o.' .o...gretiou or Dyspepria. Loon certify this from toy eaperleuce Of li. Yours with reqssi, JAMES • • lion. Gin Llll•lessoant, Jost ke the Supreme (Amet ansylraniet: r/lILADELnutA, Bona I. iscr. I havetend by etpe:ienee that ... Maitland', German tan' Is a very good tunic, relieving dylpeprik „ implore. almost directly. • tibtlittlE nItAtISWOOD. ;lon. Win. F. Huger*, Mayor V The City V RIP - to, New- York: bleyora GWce,, Jour W., IWO. Ihit toted - 11outland'e tlertnau Bitters and Tonic!mr family daring the poet year, and can reconenwani than aunt. excellent tonic, Impartltl: tone anevigur to the toluene Their are has teen productive el decidedly nenedriel elrecte. WY. F. MG 'ItS. • Y. tiro id , Ai...No:me VII asport. 1 1 1== a pir . tke• ta.sintruaing ..(tool• lehre Memo toe - toren...who may be* Aided with llyettepele. I had the llyepepola wi' testily it we. luipuralele keel, lie,. food on soy etetnach. and I bemirr vo weak we not to 1., able latir c ii:icsiinfflei, Tyr, bol nee or t i rd i tApi *r11.1."..14 $l.l mEs s r liL.1L1a.1I131•:R THAT . 1100 ELAND'S 'iIER3I BITTERS, AZ:JD 4 „ r .A.N.y r i.,,y,,,..T,,,,,„e„ f wuicu .1 11,,. ”rj i I L gla g .mtai 2 . ' 4 . Or Wasting away of the Body. 1 A.k.1.111731.11.12411. • TIM` . lIOOFLAND'S tiEItMAN itEAIEDIES Ale the ineiliclaix you require to partly the Blood, exilic the torpid Lair to healthy action, and to enable you to peeetialbly through any hard ships ur extant", Dlt. 1100FLANTIO-4. T I MAXVTAM4I64I I Or &Wallin& fo‘7 l *..VercurY Pills. TWO PILLS A DOSE. The Most Powerfylae4lnnocept, reg . dale Odhartio known. - It Ls pot ar-Mary' 'utaks a liMaiha of there pale to=dd e c n e d the w dzel . t .t eZei . rro t h t e h r e li t Oct g ch and &mlt o f Impa z rtlet The Oedipal Ingredient Is Podophylile, or the 4t y hmbolic Xx• sect of Maadrake." which It by' lun times h a ve lagattar mid aramblug th an th e Mandrake !belt Its liar aekkin is span the Liter. dean lag It Illy hum elf bbetracdorat with all the poser of Merton, yet free from the lajadous m eet" attached to the use of that gstialff. , For all diseases. In which the a eof a cathartic • Is molested, these OM wlltgive entire aatistsctitm is every arm. They NEVER FAIL. In eases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia and ox,r olati=sciiarDetsmowittlero Mils. The tonic effect of the Bitter, or Toole m. builds up the eyetem. The Ritter. or Tot:depart ties the Mood, etrengthens the Nenree,neurt.ants , the /JUT. and gives strength. energy and vigor. ' airraso 94vrds attire Viking , Valk VAtette tip' the 'Meat with Hines or Tonic, and 'ho diw owe can li it. hold. or ever anallort. Recollect that It is DR. 1100FLANDIS GER MAN REMRDIES that tor eo noltersally need and highly recommentledy sed do out allow the Dryer let to Induce you tif bike anything else that •be may ray i• Joel as good, bicaude he makes • !Ewe melt on it. These Iletnedied will be sent Wisr oei locality. Ipso m that to he C =L m E att • %VWAN XXXI. • 40 1 11/0 sCiA pitqiirANK 4 'QV These Remedies are or Sidi by Drug gate, Btorekeepers and ifedieims mbers : everywhere.llB j i•auCOflTV BO 'OW ONOUIPA.—T6I6 ••• 6111 • • roe Spring Teras.(llll) • w. • • r(at) 104 to MA. remit Yoe. /6610.4 W 11000 . 2 66 other fonne dm, 'TUOS. suns ,Prut' Mad 1,661.:0; 416. Cam Centre Co.. Tar, Hetas sad Three Lore, of around For flalla.--Tbe noderalgnai cam fila Donee and three arm ot mond, In Beaver, for sale. The house bi on the cent of Finb street dg. In ally It la a two story building and, • airpetso low matt. Thstot le roclotea and on It art tom. troll trees grafted. •Teettiktstharmx.. For forth or paranoia= enquire cot the premises. If the above property le not *Ohl by Mi . Int or ~ 43 Marcb It nit th en be for rent. 11 • 4 tt /0 • I- -,------ ilkadltortiNotlee.—ln the Orphans' Caen 0 CI. }lnter County. le the matter of thepetidoe sUa n DOwnilif trorteetil Iteett) for the appoint meat of an Amitot to make diatrThelloo of the a of pale of the real estate of John Reed. = l d, In the MON of Imse AI. Reed, T10110:0, And now to wit, January th. prtlyer treated, and this Court spoolnt Frank IA ean, asjAndltor to report distribution of proceeds of role avoid real Mate to and mon: the Pardee matted thereto. From tho Rabid Attest JOliN C. ILA wr, Clerk. The Auditor above named will meet the parties to interott, tor the parmwe able appolotmeta, on *TRIDAY the 10th day of rebrniu7. A. D. UM, at ceekwk a. in., &Vibe aka of thee. 3%1:r0e it .I;oete. to the borough of Bearer.' FRANK WASON. Jang:ett. Auditor. IlikoOrPlusteu Court Or nearer Co., In the matter of tterpartlal teal e•tete aecoant ppf MO Dames, adminfOnitor de bouts nos'eurt tiatortosPanrero, of the eagle of Josiah Att. Cavan, dam.ed. b C h Norentberaann. January 17. WI. on Petit of Robert Barnet. Odeffllau of the minor etaldren Of said decedent, the Coast appoint K. B. Daub. WT. nap., an Auditor to Enka thif tribution'oftba :halattee on said account tt -and amen theta le • )1 . latzntlted tber t oi .t yre!ii k . SEAIL • •• . JOIN !Luiz C lgri: . . . Th.Aadltoeappointed In lb above matter 'Meet for the purpose of, lals appointment at :die court Mum, In Bearer. un Thursday, the 9th day of February. A. D. ISTI, at I o'clock p. sp.. at liarhlch time and place parties In Intereet may at lend It they see proper. • ' DAIRiIIEtITY, Auditor. - I=Ell . 1 3 ,I, 3 I2SPEOT US I= FIRESIDE FRIEND • A Monthly Periodical for the llama Circle, de tailed to Masten!, Science, health, Amusement 11nd manful Information. Coutalnlug forty-eight three colutim pages to lba•namber, was Choice Storiesabil !came from the pose of the best writers of Anteriat. Attklai on Sclentille Sabjattar 1191 th -sod he. A dipartnseht fur tbe Children, filled with le - • structlea andwinuaing articles. • A ALttottic department containing information. suluableto Um member* arida Fraternity. A 4 Ftfordwasla d • artmmt la which will -be ad vocated Moan pilmipla patos wildcat , which Merl can be no happy bosses cm models. - . Brilliant scrap* and diemutpla 01 thronght path end from Caarrespendenta and ethyl..., and arrang ed with ewe, making It eminently suited ter die Dome circle of eery family In the land.: •2'isitB-A gway. in Adrrince. I copy ode year Es 1.4 - 3 copies ............. sdi ti /Xi 5 •• -and aces to geticcup of club NOu N 11 dd YU tal ilgrValuaole premium* gives to alt who get up clubs at the ngelar subscription price. bd Pa year. For particulars see Club npucnnan (opts..rittree to any add re.. All lerere relative to the lllelory department must be addrcaiwd to the editor, J. WILLIAM VAN NADEL. All letters relative to huddle,. 0 , moot be addrms ed to the panther, R. LEONIDAS II AMILTON, jangklt Post-oglce box VMS New York City. G . OF THE rrif, 1669: OUR CELEBRATE GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN ReotablosgoLL Ao4tootostoo4lty sit oho bo•• /ma Lt I. be W best Pea otrole or sold lo Oda try! WW mot rocrodo. MAO Ours trolOoo ."...1 ; . 9 .1' 4211 1, 74 7212 ::= rt GOLD ONLY 1M AOENTO. and 41+ [Ma s. VW,..= await* , 4=r,67 . 7....r11: N «mu, tire 111,401 larelve M *1.00.. kildrcoa. WESTERN PUIILISHING CO. 7P'llllm4ictras' Azento,Pitobtaitt, Ptlll i glidtMelatl li n f tr 4 .I,Vrataigar .r, r er ." tag iNema eve your Name. a :•••14/4MnaWlth 11.4125: I r Toys, ToYs TOYS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL $ kindo; chi.; tread (.r. 111 4 Hobby ihyrscs,,Nragons,Vitatii, - • Ilhxes..l% h•sks, Also t enntidete stork of Fancy Goods f., r the friltday trade. friftiYa.mgebetil p pr(cerlar O'Leary 'St:, Singleton Ss yetiernt ALLEGHENY, P.A., apr.l,lyl clegainue sept dr. Jan t Van, INDRIERCE'S Tuna v.:role:lid medicine to whit hit, af,lirtc• . Intuit. 1 th, relief. the sll.rovvr,r h. .• •. ho ho. combine I i /atrium,' coo," or lir • •weaolg t rarative popert lre ••• " 7 • I 'iai i tI lr l Into th, yeartablo ticr.h.m , s " :!, '' . ' l ' l7l-.1 ..- 'll 417 7 e; 11 .T e ! :Tce l' o r rl ' A r l I ' l •Li $ I i 1 t;so chriety or mo.t ob. Dente di. rtt , l whi.h It hit Os-a round to compwr. in •of 'Reiman itlo, llterrtro Cour. lir. Err. irrirstall. of•floasen pipti u, ha i.• 011.1,1 tlu melicil Denby, and relives 1113. I I premanev It the greaten mcd•col tllwove loft',, Tr.. While It core. the cement em u+. it !amnia' M. the oy ilnrt,aad purl lea oh. 'Moo& Dr It. great anl thorough blecdpurth in.: cum all flomors;linm wnr.t Se ro f u ton *contemn DI atch,Pl cu. PIN or Eruption. licrcurni nicr ral Palsolybansl their erect. 10%) madkated. am riga:wits health and a soun d . constitution witab !label' Errol pets.. Salt Shown, Fovea Sores, Wall or Mouph Skin, In ihort W the numenatas diseases mined by bad 'blood. are conquered by thls powerful purifyirg MAI In yiraratinernedicine. 'fawn Awl doll, drowsy, debilitated, have .al low color of shin, or yellowish brown epol. m face or Ilny, rwtitlcal headache or digtine.., bac taste In talk - internal WNW op MIL- allematto with hot !lushes, krwapirils, and gloomy forehand, left, 'mayday appetite, and tongue coated. yct Ore tainting from Torpid, Liver or "Ell. I ousitree.r. In many CAN,. 'of 4,1 Litres Co al plalat Plum* id pf. (helm sysnptonh Are .t 1,1 0 1 M4 • 11. 4111 retied! lbr elogh care, Dr. Place's Go n Medical' biscovery has of awoke. It elects perfect cures, leaving the live .streattlooma aadlicalthy. • Tor the. care c .lashltellat Comirtipation tits bowel, . I .rat woe &USW lusalni and these wan Mn, :neat it Swede wars.. arstotad law praise.. Iftf 'VOX* reward for a me& , vine that will equal it Wale etre of all the. ills saes ale Irak:lilt to nuaataieullat. De l Aharylsl-tr Y. Pi . ele n . h r fVfloin t reprteter.i=ben t.shoritner, tet hewn. street, BMW; N. Y. ••Ificasa (den parephl-t. • THE'::_*). 'APER. iIE , LicitGEST DAILY ,itl YRE-STAA' CONTAINS 'MORE . ' f ginal Reading Matter • TIIANi PAP.EiP. Outside" How -Aori =pity. • • - sir-nms • T - L•4 RUEST • C.lklt RTPOR~LRS OF:ANY. PAPER PUBLISHED. i v t'lTlls lWii. And the only Find-Chum PIIONOGRAPIIIC Short- Hand Writers IN. STATE. Thp, Narket Rbports =EI ~,T # :l - ~zEST { NC 0 VAL I A 111. k: ANY PAPER IN PITTSBURGH. POLITICS. wPants toodiasstly betel sack: MOM • eonand outdid OrCamatances boldly ad. te and learlowly deleud the time htmoced ncipk• of that .urpuiltatatra. Wa believe that - In those principle. as had down and exkontided by the Lithers—Wastltnati",Jertmao, klarshall and dadloon—ttre people oflti. country most al. oblately dud their ;added-. divadou. Oectiond drily and:partisan diticor.insitguraurd b ambit• dons leaders, and kept alive by greedy o.M.a , wok err, have for years past kd the people to extremes, but there are evideucea spoil evail hand treat these agencies torn pent their force, and that rood, and nut prejudice will again regulate the conduct of men In politics es well as. la boblimern. The corruption that la rampant in every branch of our Govermneht, bath:rad, data and local, is the lealumate fruit of that blind nod footled poiLkal pentium:ld which Las prevailed during the last de cade. lithe people would lbw themselves of the connoratiti who laden on their Labor, they must require a higher standard of morality as well we of dalesmanship; nand demand the administra tion of our Janata to the bread and catholic spirit of the early time.; to the strict frugality that mark ed the rule of Waataingioti, and In the plain IMO• plicily that charactedied the administration of Jefferson. 11'1,:11.31.16 DAILY EDIWZON f~ L• ~L fJO Tint rcu urn be mailed kr sub.erlbrn, at $lO per year, or V. for wombs, . )(at 111 bet Sollecr ‘,l by Carnes at . 1.5 cern; per vA,..nic; and sold by !Clews and pew. boy. at ore ceertspet Copy. • • WEEKLY EDITION. AGE! Single Cory. . . .11. 00 per annum hln g lc Copy. Sir. 11uuth0....... I W. lu Ulutio ul illteru 1 50 Thy purouu getiltig up a Club will methre 101 Copy gratis. . I= THE PAPER, No..::) FIFTH AVE, PITTSBURGH. PA jwretr Mho:Llllaneous. THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCAIVERYI I=l=l=l=l VINEGAR BITTERS. flore:than 500,000 Mots 2 .7 Bear tegiihr on) , Inthear W4lkileifulj • Curative effect', - WII AT ARE THE% tc;:-.:1 a2.s :I'l7ll _ • FANY DRINK. fir 4 Made of Poor lium, Iniiisky,Proorapir its, and Refit.. Liquors. doetutml, spkstl. and Meet trued to plane that tub!, tilled "Taus Irv." Appetizers," - Restorers," au., that lead the tippler ore to drunkenness and ralo.-bat ate a true medicine, made from the native Roots and Herbs of California. free froniall Alcoholic Stimulants. 'racy urn the GREAT BLOOD FtrltlPl6ll and Life Glsinierrtaltiple, a perre4 Renovator and Invigorator of the Sys tem, unman/ °trail poisonous milder, and restore lug the to a healthy emation. person can take these ituteis accurditiVotlirer las, and remain long unwell. $lOO will beklvati ("ran roeuratile ed the Ilmes Sr., WI% destroyed. by ineral sous, or other menus. lad the vilel ortmasuhatr.l beyond Merciful of repair -!r * For lansimumory dr Canonic ithrus minima and Gant, Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, Billions, ltemitteni, and in - termittent . revers; Diseases of OM Illood.Liver,Kidneysint Diadderohe.s Bitters here beer res. imeivsoiru o l Snob Dist eases. err Virtu led Blimmir which 44 genetr r r' eervegentent of the Digest Irs- r rise t Cle:anse theihtiated Wood whenever Tont:bid Its Impurities bursting through the skin In pimples, eruptions. Itchlogs, or sores: Ores° It when you And it °Marveled or.. sluggish in the veins; dense It when it is foul, and your fe,lings will tell yob when. Merit the blisul pure and the belth of tbo system u 11l follow. PIN, TAPE nod other P:OItSIS, lorklni in the pitch. o( ws many thousand,, are eltectoalty troyclt or rottored. In Moue, 'tell;Maui and Internal'taut Yearfa there Ilittcp, have nn avast: Eof .. falL dlrectlaue naul protons the circular around each bOttle printed Io War broguaina— Engllalt Gcrrnan rrcuch and Spunich J. WALKER, llopriewc, Si Curnincien . lit, N , T. It. IL AIcDONALDA CO, I)rugghsta and Manta. ban Frinclaco and - acninienta, CaHaarola, and* sod at. N. Y. - 4 , ; [$ ACLU nt 'f . • P. &WIN, Attumciat law. Mk* In 8.24 Kinler• buUUtnK , casi of Public 24qnsre. nun. 31* ly. • • 1.1N1.1S W N Ea) Palace Hovel Phases of Loodoit Life. By n. a. niun•Ax, • the .01.toown journalist. The Teri iarkes;i . i!renisshgelosigi Paid Thia book hi it tanuttiful Octavo 41f 664 Pages.. tmbeiiished with 2to i•ugrAci pigs, and' A flitch extvti , e4lutap London, tie= slguetl hut) elevated Prtarvq. far this w0rk...14y, cut ineht artists. It contains entphie, and truthful statement 4.f th e s tti hts, Si:(1118. m d ,Sentuaiorts fir thu great hietrui t iplit t of life .11)141,.. Iti pie. utter sire from 1 rat Lite, ,and weird mitt tomnulk•.lltri :it hluuss lengro nrie'sl credulity. It displaya in b o w rAlef the , appalling mist ry or tie poor, and the reilieeS TUXUrfor: did Het. The iiiii at saki' ble bock nistiket:Circula rs and ample pager sent free. Address, 111$LICIRIAIP BLIP*. If ' 4 Har(fortl, Cbnot.i ARE THE MID MI rL paSeSW Pabrhole A. o t y y osteal COMMIE. An those Itseether ilweiselves tadoettol to be ate,. Am will Mile their steoesta ba.theist ofirela. tat N. MYor he WM be to to sire the 010. be wWeales. • ritILIOL • at. STEIN VIEW. to the above. noir to animate paiire — ontower onto toot to will terryoo lov elan 'accost. the Dry Goods bes m ets* ai, cal sus& sad, arOne MUM every ase that Mk st" pooch T»i'f. ajw owe to heft Waft, ". . Woos. he. IL helll,ll. Dot sioletotioed will maltose the ilftdr.ll.4 Clothing 504 Mention Tallethe bestows, berauttare keen sederthe Ina of odd' A stela. kid. co hie owl, acarnat : ea". hr the peraw, elektlifir roots for the Spring , (Mode he abr., Wf d, 4 . 1 1". hie entire stack of Clothing cwt. At ow woe Waft be Isla rste the palate tut utter.. yet looted Calor, W. A. Iftsw. boo actin aka,. of the Netetiaot Tailoring It_epittotiot, triww tw happy to sea hie old mead" Jeslta.7lo STItyIIFILiI. .FOR SALE. -7b at bsatber odliMi for sale his we , e 44... C ra ooststst Ist tlas litatmlich Brkigsmome. Barer toasty, ...., One Brick Ilowe Otsdar4oolll at t ratetos attstoul; a good eime. at the Kllchetidmo-. Prase Stable. Wood nesssualsboe-room sodettlekes Homo., uest, ea 10 s Aldo stale of cattnatkoo. with Apple, r. "Pitssad Pest Tryon small holt asel. Imeetes„ Canasta sod Raspberries; a me,er des sod !asset noose with ape sere of , seed woe. °tiros. Ttle above will be sold al a put sod possesslou to on tha Into( amt. tor terms apply to tat soheertem at Naar Medea, se hit:adder L. Darrtmor the wet., mme. STOINB. . jualdt. r J. ANDERSON, taoli takes kat • - f d • Ma oa ronsary nant, : m ot be pinmod to meet Ms old clubmen u 4 Mend. erbo may want either the DEVI COOli-- ING STOVE. Reality Mote, or tar eat, kmd or .ommtotta of beet material mod workout:My: Tfa - boalmm will be conducted by Jett) - J. J. ANDERSON aims& 81111 MASON & So f, NET BRIGHTON CUTLERY TOM, ACANUFACTU#ERS OF SSMC M= 3 ii4MaWY:CAD Tei>in.g?Al Mlll-1"1%313 &c, Am I Bpecial atteatlcvik ui given to the Hardening cf: 21 , mpering r t f lhe P&A., and we Owl sod how owtelves to be Compost to make the very loot. as ere employ hoe Set writhed warts:we, and he tb e , ha of .t 161.10 Ins* el Mahon Ins Dow bees Is n. holism hi) yews. sad Ms hes we all path, wettish. We are ha sasontaansert of POCKET•KSPIES, . PROIERS' ENIVEs PICSCIL Aide from 8. t c:Wfirdlow's Irrdord Steel. mid Nrery mae, Warrakird. Special atteenun li Called to our hock Rarnrs, Pocket Belmar., Ladies' &woes. Bankers' Belswas, Barters' Srixsurs, kr, All order* Rlll be promptly 011.1 and rhlppedu Adalrect. falEr - Ptice Llot flantatted on appnratn.n. =I I= peptl:ly:octllth:decFri. Coaia Coal. HE undersigned Is now enraged In the COAL 1 AII'SISESS.and aril supply parilro .th tint rate snide of Poisltorih coal at IP, renO .t hushel orders KR st,Joreptt Mitchell's. OW Cooper's, or al the Ranking (Inns.. or Thosts• flo Crest) d en In Bett‘ le. aI ll reeshr prompt Woo Hon. inorKtfl a.. It. MITCHELL Winter, Wingert Cold and ley; Clodslug, Clothing! Wan= sodtbeavy A• Regular as the Seasons Cluthge,so mud we change oar Light Gar menla for Heavy Garments As the NeChanie and thc: Labiirrrga to their tinily labor, and the Profeatioral and business man to their ofilets or prsos. of business, these cold end chilly recri, ingi, the thought enters their mind— WHERE SHALL WE BUI Our Winter 'Clothingl) To the tow who buys his goods p-ady made, we would goy.: Go to SAJ.Bnellenburgs Broadway, New Brighton; BECAUSE THEY MAKE THEIR Oil xzre a ico 1:0 si , And Airp the Ikg Amon.lntrol ie :Bearir amaty To the mnn who Diu his gnods.smuvu, .rder, .:rby mensure. WOUld 11,1 y: 00t1, S. & J. SNELLENBIJRG'S, . Because they hare a Cull", Ind Tailors second to none in Beaver C 9. KEEP A CHOICE sTO(KSF Piece Goods Flom Rid to Select; iNH THEM MOTTO IS "NO - FIT, NO PAY. RA VJ J1BEl:, 111). , A )WAY, NEW BEIGIiTON Sepl4t;oo26cll, l i Ke Cheap(3st Wholesale BOOT & SHOE HOUSE IN lITTSOUNGII Joseph' H. 1301-land, 54 *sod Street. Mangfaciturer, Wholesale ' •ion Deakr in BOOTS, SISOES & RILIBISEBS. At New York and Bcopton POOOl. Agrot Ye: Phllmlelphl. city made good,. sl Um broom prices. Order. from country Moles promptly filled rod ratirimoon vermarml. rnrli roods daily. seyll.slo !MIX T. 111 . DONIALD V.J. Tori-TWIN. (Cro. C. STET[ nu, D. .lA's. SPEVEIMEIL k MCDONALD. BANKERg Water St., Rochester, Pa far Intend gold as Titer Depoelts. tios• PrgaiPai allosided Govermnent tampons Bought on ;Favorable nrons.awrespond enee 'ilbStl tat. [novlB;l34