The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 04, 1871, Image 4

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. .
isaue re ! te;ists.o.tax7.7
/crew monthsat 1 women:limited
for Governor months
hattreat State of
New York, to run airthai Steward L.
Woodford and John T. 114)111btani, on
an independent„tieked, 110111bah ow
felt that I had ode promineut advan
tage over
e ttruttemenotipl that
Was . good Wc; -It wage:sy to
see by the tiekvapapers that if they
had knowik what, It was to bear n
good mine, that t i me bait gone by.
It was plain thatln these latter ream
they. had become ,kgr ptth tlt
malther of sibantelttLtaimisi;' But at
the very momenti was exalting my
advantage and,loying in Win secret,
there walla Muddy under-current of
discomfort I !riling" the depths of my
'happiness : 44lnd that was, the haring
to hear rity.naine bandied about in
fain filar connection with . such people;
I grow more distutheu. Finally I I
wrote to my grandmot her about it.
Her answer came quickand sharp.
She said;
'You have never done one - single
thing in all your life to be ashamed of
—not one.' Look at the newspapers
—look nt them and comprehend what
sort of characters Woodford, and
Hoffman are, and then see If you are
willing to lower yourself to a level
and enterafitibliceauvass with them.
It was m,y very thought ! I did not
sleep a single moment that night.
But after All mild not recede. I
was fully committed and• must go on
with the tight. Its I was looking
list fully over the papers at breelaust
I came acroas this paragraph, and I
may truly say I was, never so con
founded before: •
PERJURY.—Perhaps now that Mark
Twain is before the people as a can
didate for.Govcrnor, he will. conde
tent/ to tefplain how •he came to be
convicted oT perjury by thirty-four
witnesses, in Allukawak, Cochin tAti
na, la 1863, the intent of whieh pur
ajury was to rob a poor nittivesvidow
nd her helpiesslarrilly of a meager
plantain 'patch, their onlyistay and.
support in their bereavement and
their desolation. Mr. Twat n owesit to
himself, well as to the great peo
pie whose suffurage , he asks, to clear
the matter up. Will he do it?
. I thought I should burst with
amazement ! ' Such a cruel, heartless
charge-1 never had seen Cochin
China! I never had heard of Wak
weld I didn't know a plantain
patch from a 'kangaroo ! ' I did not
knoW•what to do.• I was enured and
helpless,l let the day slip away with
out doing anything at rill. Thenext
morning the same paper had' this—
nothing more:
SIGN IFICANT.—Mr. Twain, it will
by observed, is.suggestively silent
about the Cochin China perjury.
(Mess.—During the rest of the
campaign this paper 'never referred
to me in any other way than"the
infamous perjurer, Twain.")
Next come the gazelle, with this
" WANTED TO , 'l:Now.—Will the
new candidate foegovernor design
to explain to certain' of his fellow
citizens (who are suffered to vote for
him the little circumstances of his
cabin-mutes in Montana losing small
VA Ituibl6s from time to time, until at
lest things having been invariably
found on Mr. Twain's person or in
his ;trunk, (newspaper ho rolled his
traps In,) they felt compelled to give
him a friendly,. admonition for his
own ipiod and so tarred and'feuther
ed him and rode him on a rail, aft*
then advised hint to leave a
neat racaum in the place he usually
oteupial in .the camp. this
'do?' -
.thmore Gould anything he deliberate
ly malicious than that? For I never
wad In Montana in my life.
, After this, this 'journal customer
, ily spoke of mo as "Twain, the Mon,
taint thief.' ,
I got to picking up papers appre
henalvely—miteli as I would liftado
sired blanket which I had some Idea
, might have. a -rattleenake under it.
tine day this met my eye: • '
"The lie Nalledl—lly the sworn
anltlavit of Michal O'Flanagan,
ef the Five Polo ~ t irid Mr. hit
Bums and Mr. John Allen, of Wa
ter Street, it is established that Murk
'l'wnln's vile statement that 'the la
mented gr.:Rif:Aber of our noble
standard bearer, John .1;,. Ho ff man,
was hanged for high Way robbery is'at
brutal and gratutiouS lie without a
Ingle shadow or foundation in fact.
It is disheartening to virtuous 'melt
to see such shameful means restored
to, to aelfieVe political success ay the
attacking of the dtsul iff,their gravce
and defiling their honored' names
with slander. When wo think of
the anguish thls inlierayo
'limit mum the Innocent iehitivesand
friends of the deceased, we are al
most driven to incite an outraged
I insulted public to summary and
unlawful vengenee upon the tradu
cer. ItuL no— let us leave him to t h e
agony of a lacerating conscience—
though if passion should get the bet
ter of the public and in its blind fury
they shuald do the traducer bodily
injury, it is but too obvious that no
jury could convict and no court pun
i'th the perpetrators of the deed.)"
The ingenious closing sentence had
the effort of moving me out of bed
' with dispatch that night, and out of
the - back dram also, while the "out
regtml and insulted public".surged in
the front 'way, breaking furniture
and windows in their righteous in
. dignation as they came, -and taking
Notlsuch property as they could awry
when they Went. And yet. I can lay
my hand, upon the Book put say
that I never slandered' Governor
Holfman's grandmother. More---4
never even heard of him or. men-
tionedblin up to that date.
II will state In
. passing, that the
JournaLabtive.quoted always referral
to me afterwant as "Twain, the body
. The:newspaper article that attract
ed my 'attention was the following,
•" A' S‘ir.ENT CANDIDATE.—Bitirk
Twain who was to make such a
' blighting speceh titotheinass meeting
of the independents last night didn't
tstme'tutintel A telegram from his
physician' stated that he had' been
knocked down by a runaway teem
Wand had his leg broken hi two places
—suffering, lying in great agen,r. and
• $0 forth, and a let more bosh of the
same sort. And the independents
tried had to swallow the wretched
subterfuge and pretend that they did
not know what %moth(' real reason•
of the altsenn! of the abandoned crea
ture whom they denominated as their
standard bearer. A certain man was
seen to reel into Mr. Twaln's hotel
last night; in a state of beastly intoxi
cation. It is the imperative duty of
the independents to prove that this
imlsotted brute was not Mark Twain
himself. We have them at last.: This
is a ease lhat, admits of no shirking.
The volts) Of the people 'demands- in
thunder tunes: ' Who was that
It Wits Incredible, absolutely in
credible, for a moment, that it was
really my name that was collided
with this disiiraceful
Three long years had . -passed over my
head tsinoe f had tasted 'ale, beer,
wine, or liquor of any kind. •
•I It shows what effect • the times
were having on me when I say that
1 trawmayself dubbed, "Mr. Delirium
Tremens Twain" in the next issue of
that Journal withodi a 'wing—not
withstanding I knew that with mon
otonous fidelity the paper would go
on calling mo so to the end.]
sly thitS time anonymous -letters
were getting. to be an important part
of my mail matter. - This form was
co 1111 l ion.
kicke"Row alx)ut tbe old woman you
off your preMesis which was
begin, '' Pity."
Aral this: , •
'"I"locre Is things 'which you haye
slime which Is unbeknowns to any.
body but inc. You better trot out a
few dollars to yours truly, or you'll
hoar through the papers rem.
ii.txre ANnv."• •
That is about the bleu. I could
continue then) until time ender. was
surfeited. ••
,the principle Republicom
Journal convicted me of wholesale
bribery, and the leading Democratic
I. A
paper . .nalkat dan ' aggravating Mi e
of blackmailing tome:: - • ,
way I acquired two addi
tional 'mimes • ' 4 "l 4 wain thelilthj cur
ruptkutist, and "Twain the ,loths
sonde embracer."' • ' '
By this time there had grown *to
Winn% a clamor for an' "anima to
air the-droadAri amen thut wete
laid,ta me, that the editors and len/1-
mi of - my party. said It would b e . po
tither-ruin for roe to ternidn - silent
an'y , longer. Alit to itikkitt their ap
pal the more imperalkee, the fol
io-Wing appeared In one o/ the papers
the next day: •
• globoid the Man I —Mb Independ
dent caadklain midatitining Ad:
term because , ;he .dare,,not. speak.
Fivery accuse ion against' him has
been am h yen, and they have
been en and retrodomW,by his
'ohm el .. omit idiom, till it'll* 447
he ate fdieVer convicted. Lo ok
upon yoUr ,candidate, independents I
Look .upon 'the" influnoitit ftluricr
The Montana Thief The .Body
Snatcher! Contemplate Incarnate de
lirium Tremens! Your Piny Corrnp-
Zionist ! 'Gaze upon, hiM--ponder hint
well—und.theit say if you' oaf give
your - honest vote to a creature who
has earned this dismal array of titles
by his hideoits crimes and dares no;
ripen his mouth in denial of any one
of them , ' - , •1,
There was no,pcwible way of get
ting out of it. and ifo, In deepluinill
ation. I set about preparing to "an. ,
ewer" a masa of baseless &algal and
mean wicked falsehoods.
But I never finished the task, for
the very next morning aper came
out with a new horor, a fresh malig
nit34 and seriously charged me with
burping a lunatic asylum with all Its
Intfttes•pecause It obstructed the
view from my heftier. ' Thisthrew me
into a ;sort of panic. Then came the
charge of poisoning my uncle to get
'his property,-withan imperative de;
mand that the grave shoutd be open
ed. This drove me to the verge of
distraction: - On thd top of tidal was
accused, of employing toothless and
incompetent old relatives to prepare
the food for the • foundling hospital
when I was warden. I was wavering
—wavering. And at last as a due
fitting climax to the shameless pees&
cation that party rancor .had inflicted
upon me, nine little children of all
shades of color and degrees ofragged
ness, were taught to rush on to the
platform at a public meeting and
clasp me around the legs and call
I gave it up. I hauled, down my
colors surrendered..l was not
equal to the requirements of a guber
natorial campaign In the State of
New York, and so I sent in my with
drawal from the 'Candidacy, and in
bitterness of spirit signed it.
!Truly yours, once a decent man,
now Murk Twain, I. P., M. T., B.
S., D. T4-T. C. and L. E."
The awe Mr.. Tintby r ti• Vas Port,
Bearer. (bunt,y-44. ROOM to. Re
turn Until Married to Mr:! nrsby—
111, kronor )the Mayor Effects, a
Rev/natation by Uniting them bs
IVedlock a Second Time.
We have frequently alluded to the
Timby cape, namely, the diasappear,
ance . from Van Port, Beaver county,
about a" month - or more since, of Mrs.
Mary Matilda Timby. under circuni
stanew which' led the husband to
suppose her insane. We. have also
referred to the' search Anstituted for
her discovery, and how, alter it had
been abandoned, the whereabouts of
Mrs. Timby-was discovered on Tufts:,
day and word sent to her husband.
Yesterday the gentleman arrived
from Van Por,4 and his, presence . in
the eity gave rise to .a singular cir
cumstance. He atihriltiponbia Wife
for the avowed purpose of taking her
home. but she positively refused to
go'with him; until she was legally
inarled.,.. the greed;
corner of Chatham and Wylie etteetit,
in whcse house Hrs. Timby has been
stopping. for the past week, untied-at
the Bfayerls`ofilee,in coMpatty • sidth
Mr. Timby, 'and stated that when
Mrs. Timby clime there three Weeks
ago, she-red a story to the effect
that she had escaped from a man who
wanted to compel her to live with
him without • being married. lie
sympathized, yea, even pitied her on
account of her delt...cted and forlorn
appearance, and.tieterrniried So; shel
ter her until More could be ascertain.
ed concerning her relatives. lie cor
roborated 'Mr./ 1 Timby's - statement
about the refusal of the wife to go
back until she was married, where
upon His Honor told Mr. Fleming to
go and bring her doWn to the 'office.
Be did so, and the Mayor, after con -
versing for about twenty' minutes
with the Woman; concluded that there
.was no alternative left but to marry
' them. Mr.- Timby stated that he had
spent nearly nil the money lie pos
sessed in hunting up his wife, and as
there Were five little children alone
at their home at Van 'Port, it was
necessary that something be immedi
ately done to effect a reconciliation.
Ile stated that they had been married
by a Presbyterian minister in Butler
county, twelve Years since, and had
lived in perfect happineris until with
in three months. At that time Mrs.
Tidiby became converted, and she'
'immediately afterward conceived the
idea that she was not legally married
to :,Tindiv; she believed there had
been a job put up on her, and this
thought so preyed upon her mind u s
to eventually cause her to refuse to
cohabit •with Timby. He endeavor
ed to dissuade her from so acting, but
the hallucination got such a hold
upon her ns to prevent a change of
action. For. two months she contin
ued to refuse, 'rind on the night on
which mho escaped Timby forced the
door of n mom which she had barred
and she Jumped from the window to
free herself of him.
MN. Timby 118 we have stated, ap•
paired perfectly : rational,•and on au•
thority of Ills Honor, the Mayor, we
may state that be (ailed to discover
any triers of insanity In her conduct
while in his presence. She main
'tained that she had-never been mar
ried. to May; and asserted ber.posi
tree' determination .mt to return *to.
Van Port until properly married to
Discovering that reasoning - was
tiseleris, the illaydr, at the Instigation
of Mr. Timby,' who saw that he must
get back' to Van Port before night, in
order that the little- children might
not he left alone during the night,
prepared to marry them, and, in his
,usual bland -and 'dignified manner,
pronounced them man and wife.
She gave her maiden name as Mary
Matilda Riggs, and' had it inserted
as such in ties certificate which Clec,k
Patterson immediately handed her.
She rolled it up and took posscsislon
of the same, remarking that she
would hold it us long as 'the lived.
She congratulated herself In being in
Desse4cion of the documentary evi
tlence to hereafter disarm all suspi
cions 'of her belng.the lawful wife of
Tlinky. Indeed; she remarked that
' she csiluld now tell everybody that
she' trals reelly'rrimbrs wife. She
iippiared -to be in her happiest mood,
and nt no time did she appear more
tatioakillhan when she left the office
to go to the trills soon to start for Van
Port, 'which • the couple did very
shOrtly'after the ceremony was per
formed. Thus ends for the present,
a case fraught with very singular
Mr: Tlinby Is a man of about fifty
four years of age, and Mrs. Timby is
a little over thirty-three. The hus
band, as stated, resides at, Von Port,
Beaver county, and It.appears can
and does makes good living for his
fittnily by inanufitethring and.selling_
a 'certain kind of liniment. Their'
family- relations have all been of a
most affectionate nature, and mina
she wits seized with the hallucination
tint they were not married, not a
ripple occurred to Mar their happi
It is to - be hoped thermure,
(list Tim b y, who is now*Cer
taittly nutrried to, Titnby, will be
come_reconeited told thus restore to
Timby the (Dace of mind he .once
Clrenniereial Dec. I.
coot( !IF sgairreptv
j in ni:deg Into. the Witgon_ affair In •
er, we rattled over ifleVe„ to the
psetureisqqe cottageof LC, CO, eiu
bewared mid lofty hills and girded
by the
_pkwilaratersi of the Amens
•Kentucky. e BIM ' had ',just 'hid,
'his face in ' west 'and' the light
shadows wetrekgroWing ape*, aiding'
a long arms ovAithe vasjt and aeroes
the water, when we - alighted at the
door of our cordial-host, whoseehtibs.
by face and adipose limbs betokened
that life dealt lightly with him. Such
a • race, too, characteristic of humor i
and Jollity, broad as the town clock,
and his abdomen measuring, "81X
toot one way, live .foot Vother,".and,
a prepetustl smile lurking o n - his
. .
'Well, we. had • determined , on ,
programme for the night that would
•have put spirits Into a'good member'
of Good Template; and eased a yell
of delight from' a F Digger Indian—
less than a coon hunt, with 1
Laub, Fifer, Bello and 'Prince ring
ing music out of the woods striking
terror to, the, souls of the wild "var
mints." Who that has the spirit of
*Kentuckian In him but has felt his
blood warm, and his nerves vibrate
In reading the' story of the coon
chase, the "tally he!" the• trail, the
striking of the grizzly brindled ani
mals, the pursuit, the cutting of the
tree, the crush, the leaping of. the
dogs into the bush, the. tight, the,
yells, the growls and scratching, the
final death cry of the game little an
imal; and the boast of the boys how
Loub "grabbled him," how Belle
"had him by the throat," he*
Prince "made him yell."
All these we had in anticipation se
we,;calledi the dogs: around us after
a hearty supper, and prepared for the
hunt.: There was Loub, a large dun
colored hound, with sharp nose ,and
clean #mbs, a quick, crisp, voice and
- Isere Kent that was certain to keep _
the tridl,:and very 'reliable.. When
LoUb spoke, - something was about.
iShe never spoke In jest. By herside
Vas Fifer, a hound with black coat
yellow limbs, a voice that was round
and full as the notes of a base drum,
and made sweeter music than theeall
of the bugle. He , was not sure, had , 1
a habit of chasing opossums, rabbits, 1
and foxes, but in the "coon fight" he
Was always there. To complete the
quarto were Prince and Belle, two I
nimble terriers with sharp teeth and
desperate courage,pot much on the
trall,but famous for having vanquish•
ed in fidr battle the biggest coon ever
seen in "Shaft:till's neck o' woods."
Three contrabands of mature age and
experienced in all the details and mi
nutia of woodcraft—one especially no
ted for never refusing to ascend the
tallest tree—were added to the party,
and, with a lantern,' a pair of tele
graph climbers and matches, we
were • equipped for the start, The
moon hung low in the wed, with its
crescent gleaming .on the hills and
failing to penetrate the deepshadbws
of the hollows.
Arrived on the huuthiggrciund we
turned, sharply up a Jagged,. rough
hollow, through the base of which•
rippled the Richardson's Branch.
The dogs were held torthe front and
gickly disappeared in the darkness . .
Stumbling over rocks and logs, thro'
bushes and brakes, we wade slow
headway for hallo mile or.usure, ere
the first sound of the chase broke Up
on the night air. Then, round and
full, fur upon the cliff to the left,
sounded Fifer's deep voice.
• "111, boy ; hunV)lm felloW!" yell
ed our adipose comrade.
Then we waited to hear the;sharp
responses of Loub. Several minutes
passed In profound silence. Then
again broke out the bass yell of Fifer.
"Dat dog fooling' us. He Is after.
nuffen but a buck rabbit" ejaculated
a coutriband whom • we shall will
Dat's n; old Loutiain't Spoke yet.
She knows ain't nuffen' der mouth
catehin" said a (turkey noted as Tel=
low Sam.
7 -
As - Loub kept eilence, we conclu
ded that the chaser was not yet ripe.
Most 'likely Fifer was nosing u rab
bit or developing a 'Ladd fox trail.
&Naming progreag, we traveled en
other halt mile without having a
warning try from the dogs,. telling
that the lautu3 had broke giver and
was making Sor a safe retreat. The
ground was growing rougher, more
wild, and the sombre hills lifted their
shaggy tops high on eltherside. We
sat down on the bank of a little
stream and concluded to give the
dogs time to scour the vicinity. The
hooting of an owl on a' dead brunch
of a neighboring' tree companioned
well the loneliness of the spot and
the •darkness that clung over' it
pierced only bY , the dors above, an
the tliekerlng.ruys of the lantern a
"Dar now! Hear dat! suddenly
exclaimed one of the darkies.
The sharp bark of the dog could be
faintly detected, though;as it seemed,
at a great distance, almost out of
"Don't ye hear ole Loub ? She's
treed a coon; shuie, 'fee can trust
dat dog all de time, an'. he'll neber
tote yo u a lie," %,yelahned the en
thusiastic contraband.
-The distance was so great and the
yelp of the dog so obstructed by the
Mit that some trouble was experi
enc. at first in locating the direction
from which the sound came. Leap
ing to our feet and straining every
faculty of hearing, we were finally
convinced It was up the ravine to the
front. Then began the scramble over
rocks, bushes, b.iars, into gullies,
over narrow ledges, up steep banks
and through pools of water in flees
citing chase. Onward we went at a
rapid pace, every moment hearing
the quick yelps of. Lout, growing
nearer and louder and more musical
at ever step. The blood coursed Olio'
the veins swiftly, the pulse beat fast
er, and we cheered with louder vole-
es us it became more and m-re evi
dent from tho round notes of Loub
that she had treed some "varmint"
of the - four-footed species. Then
mule the vigorous yelps of Filer, us
he Joined his mate and sent up his
echoing cry. Turning a sharp point,
bursting through a clump of grape
'vines and saplings, and climbing the
sharp side of a hill, we come upon
tho half frantic dogs at the foot of a
tall, but rather slender ash tree. The
bark had been half stripped from the
roots by the teeth of the hounds that
seemed to thus vent their rage tow
ard their nimble enemy whose sharp
claws had 'coneyed him out of their
resyh. The vicinity was strong with
undergrowth of hickory sapling's,
grapevines and oak bushes. What
ever animal might be in the tree
above was concealed by the bushy
top : the shadows of which were only
here arid there pierced by the star
Without hesitation, the climbing
Oeorgeattiteked the tree and went
up like a squirrel. The dogs hushed
their yelps and stood eagerly gazing
upward. We .stationed' out elves
around the tree at different poi nts,'
ready to pursue the chase when the I
animal should leap out. Up and up
went, the climber, until he seemed
really small and almost hid. The
top of the tree' began to sway with
the new and unusual weight.
"Da he is! I see him ! 0, yer gray
I headed old coon I kttow !ler! In,
ya, ye! Why up in de top, like yer
spec as we couldn't find yer. Bress
yer heart, honey, we 'done come la
ter yer. De y wailln , for yer below
dar." With such cis.atiations, the
contraband, who had discovered the
coon-in the top branches, .began to
shake him Wow
"Look- out' down der! He runs'
loose somethin' drag .d'rectly, and
den akeedadie. 0, yer an old pisen
critter; dean dogs taken '"yer picture
for to earryi home! Da he come."
A Idack spot suddenly , darkened
the airi'a whizzing rush; then a thud.
on the ground; and, with wild yells,
mingled with the yelps of the dogs,.
we made for the place where the coon
had fallen. He had gathered hitnSelf
up and made off through the bushes,'
with the dogs ID hot pursuit. Back
and forth for a few moments the
chase led, when finding that he was
bie - 0611411111i Vilest
Ina tall oak.' up agaln went hls tittr=
tutor 16 the top, where heibundidni
the. brioches: 'Again he
shpok - him out: -Hardly had hls coon
ship loathed the earth when ;Laub
was upon him, grasping him by the
lack. The other dogs rushed In, and
I then the fight! . • .
it b e' busbellidpoinstlphiU,,
ovir %befogs amithmugh the Weeds,
in, the, fence
. . , ornettt_ and , onlagain
fought MEI 'growled' seftitehed
yelled the most' kind nit?
we made , the airvotillvitli-words of
encouragement and. wildestiternent. ,
the coon-was truegrit, a fifteen poun
der and tough as leather. -.; -• •
him Loeb! Shake
gal 1" shouted the delighbxl:darkey
- josh.._ 2 .
"(kitch him .by. theears, Fifer.
Make him into Bulged meet !.. yelled
Yellow Sam: • - _
• 'gloomy 115 - it's it;datteriter know
what'he's about: hear him tar
de ribs," said the third contraband. •
"Walk into him,•boys Talk to
him. Look at the m terriers; ain't
they on . a coon fight 11'. fairly
screamed my adipose. companion,
whose globular bod y was ,bouncing,
like a gum ball all around the ring.
We of course, merely looked on.
We did't say anything oh no ! •
• For full ten' minutes the tearing
fight - went on. The coon hid the
odds agitinst him; but he was • game
to the end. The yells, the howls,
the confusion, the frantio.stregeo
and the smashing •of bushes and
briars' 'were - await,. but finally en.
tenacity and Courage gave away, and
that ole coon was laid out.. The hunt
was over and victory perched on our
New Use tbrilallooss.
. .
• Mr. Ferguson; of Front street. goes
home drunk for the fortieth time, and
his wife holds up her hands with vex
ation and indignation. •
'Don' Beier word, 'Llga (hic)-,dote
Steer word! I'm goin'lo buy a bal
loon (hicyb'hxm."..
"What on earth are' you going to
buy a balloon for; Mr : Ferguson:"" •
"I'll tell you (hie, Y'see
they've gmeomany (hie,) got s'many
rum shops 'long Mon'gomery street,
a feller can't get home without get
tin' 'drunk. I can get 'way • with , a.
balloon (hie) you know. You .can
come to the store an' blow it up, an'
(hie),-.-an' then you won't ..have .to
blow ine up." .
—Mr. Joel Walker and Mrs. Mary
Walker, of Colerain township, Del
mont county, celebrated the pitied,
anniversary .of their marriage on
Monday; the 12th Inst. They have
eight children liVlfig and all married
but one; also nineteen grand Children.
May they live to celebrate their Dia
mond wedding.
New Advertlaements.
Through struggle Ind ruilkiting, at th• rolt of
multiform Wales. bereavelneltia. devastations,
the American Idea embodied in the preamble to
our Inhere Declaration •of ludependeoes ap
proached its templets realisations The noble, In.
sng Manikin that ••all men are created eqtraL"
'nom:dtrwed' by their Creator whit Inalienable.
to Me. liberty. and the pursuit of isappineas,
Is no longer a Flittering generality, a poet a fancy,
a philo opber 'peculation, bat' the ineoraixed
base of oar potiticsi fabric., The benign Heroin
lion, which dates item the Boston Eastman, at
IV% finds Its lostkaLcompletien, just one century
later, In the Yillt Amendment, which gives to
the equal political and civil' right* of beery man
born or naturalized to our Republic the shield and
defense of the Federal, COastlutilqu. : The hi Win,
of Caste and Privile•se., may roar cud rage around
that rock, and may traxechnilly 'emu on the point
of washlngit awns bat Ito tut/edentate are deep.
laid and needful, and the breakers of Reaction
and Slavery are burled againstandda.h their their
spray overt In We.
We do cot underrate the fortes of Prejudice and
Aristocracy. We do co t forget that • very lama
minority of the American People Oil hold In
their inmost !warts that Blacks have no dab&
which Whites are bound to respect. We fully sp.
predate the desperation wherewith El the waning
elements of hatred to Republica schist emeut
will be combined and boned- igalnst the battle
ment. of Republican ascendency In the - Presiden.
tit! Election of UM. We do not doubt that local
IMCOftgef, facilitated by Republican feuds and di..
anidload. will impire the than:big boat with a
allagairta hal a 04. wham!, such is nerved It to put
Nib Its utmost strength' In the .Fuller etagsa of
the contest of 11161 and l&id. Tel our bitch h
clear and strong that the American People atilt
blot that, on the red battle-deli. of ourlate
Chi! War, the Unica woe upheld and Macre den.
Innen, and will never consciously decide that the
precloos blood thereon paired oot wee In vain.
Tn. Tainusx believer In the prosecution of the
grut struggle by legmate means to beneficent
z.od a t . ire nista s ee .e t
It opposes Indissol
uble National Integrity ; Jo tilavery fur Blacks,
Liberty for All; to Proscription. Enfranerge.
meat - to Popular Ignorance. Universal Educa
tion; to intensity and eternity of wrathful (late,
=drewl and invincible Good Will. It would
fain do Ha utmost to &men the• glad day when
the South shall vie with Int t,Siorth in exultation
and gratitude over the disappearance of the last
trace or taint of that spirit which Impelled Man
to exult in the ownership and ehattelnood of Ida
fehow Van. •
Profboodly do We realise that the contest is nut
yet ended—that litilliona mourn, more of less pub-
Hely, the downfatt of the' elaveholdera• Confeder
any, and mar their children to hate those by wbush
valor and conatancy 114 overthrow was' achieved.
If we ever seem to differ essentially from other
Itepubtlama, our conviction that magnanimity is
never weakness, that vengeance is never politic.
and that devets are not cast out by 13oeinabub,
mustserre to explain allegel ecceetracities whose
perfect vindication we leave to Time and Reflec
tion. •
• •
Tar TRlaraft. ha, tw.o4, Li, sod roast be, a zeal
ous advocate of Protection to Homo Industry.
Hegel lug habitual Idleness no the greatest Wen,
human progress, the bane of human happluese,
we seek to win oat countrymen inyniantei front
the ensuring lures of n o eculation, of Tram c, and
of always over-crowded Professions, to the Iran.
pail paths of Productive Industry. We would
gladly deplete our overcrowded edict. where
thousands vainly Jostle end crowd mu misguided
quest of •-eloinetiling to LIN" to cover prairies cud
plains with colonies absorbed in Agriculture. Me
dunk" sod blenefacturee, and constantly project.
lug Into the blank, void wilderness the homes nod
the works of civilized Man. holding the Prefer.
lion of Home Indmitsy hy discriminatiag donee
on imported Wares on k *brie& essential to 1110
heurflclent diffusion of Production fn alt
its phases sad depeoznente, and so to the instruc
tion of our people in all the gainful arta of Peace,
we urge our countrymen to adhere to and uphold
that policy, in undoubting frith that the true In
terest, nut of a class or a section, but of each sec
lion and every useful chew, to thereby entweived
and promoted.
Ton Tunica; alms to •-be preeminently a News
piper Its correepoadents traverse every P:ate.
are present on every battledleld, are early ad
vised of every notable Cabinet deeloion, observe
the proceeding., of Congress, of Legtelenires, and
of Conventions, and report to tot by tel graph all
that seems of general interest- K e have pall br
one day's momentous advice: from Europa by
Cable tar more than our entire more for -the
lane in which those advice, reached our reader'.
if lavish outlay. Utudeeping rigilerice, and un
bounded faith In the liberality and dLicermneetui
the reading public, will enable as to make a Jour
nal which his no superior In the accorsey. varie
ty, and freohnees or its content,, The- Tribes.
shall be ouch a loarnal.
To Agricultural and the enbeervient art., we
hare devoted, and shall pent latently devote.more
means and space than any of out rival.. We aim to
make Tits Weekto Tribune such a paper se do
farmer can afford to do without, however widely
his politics may differ from oars. Oar report.. of
Cm Cattle, HOW: Produce. led' Cent:rat Atirkels,
' are so full and accurate, our essays to elucidation
of the fatuter's calling, and our regale: reports of
the Porme re Club and kindred gathenttga. arena
Interestieg. that the- poorest farmer will dud
therein a tube of luirgestion and comae!. of
bleb he mood remain Ignorant without positive
sad serious lose. We sell The Weekly to Clubs
for lee, then lie value Indwell:totter wasic•paperl
and, though Its subscription is Arcady very large
we Micro that a Half Million more farmers will
lake it whenever it shall Jiff commended to their
attention. We ask our friend" everywhere to lid
us In so commending. it
DAILY Tamarix, MaliStrbscnberalllo pet annum.
liter-Wtsavra Talavera, Mall nubecribers, $4 per
annum. Fire copies or over, each ;an en•
tea copy will be went for every club of ten sent
for at one tnne; or, if preened, a copy of
ltecolleeteona of a limy Life, by Mr. Greeley,
runts or Tile wirEELr Taoism=
To Nitioutb.crtber.
ow Copy. ime yo 63 issues—
Five Cuples,npe Woes.
To Oat Annan*, Tb thabeeriben.
all at one Yon-Once.: ail at ono Vow belle*.
ID Copley-- VI Wench. 10 e0p10.... SI.GO oat
ID Copies.. I.l3torb. I.slleacb.
60 Ccitalts.,- IMP each. PO C0p10.... Lint:sett.
And One Extra Copy to And One Extra Copy to
each Club. each Club.
Perwooreconkd to an extra copy can, 11 prekr
red, bare either of the following Woke, panne
titled : Volition Economy, tr, Boric* titveley;
latiture for .Prolt, by V. T. Quinn; The Elt,
toe cti Agricnlttuo, by Geo. E. Waring.
. :Advertising Bates:
DAILY Trunnict.3oc.,4oc..soe.lic.,andit per line.
lianz•Wastur Tannins IS and nu cane per line.,
Waw.y Tamar,. 12, gs. and its per line. •
According to petition lathe paper:
To anboaltwars wishing to•proorre time.
ley • essays on, 6 . What Know Parntiap."and
who toy the tall price. i.e slOrce DAILY. .4 for
tionAtt ataxy, Or $ for , WitILLT Tatannn, we
will rend the book, gpooatt.pald, if: mess: be wade
at the Ibirif
zoom reaa.q.r. ♦S Tile illitll7 . lllcS °MCC
. .
711.• 'hibuno .AlliarirrA. Price Mioierifil•
Mims* dranturac Reprfrd. /US to MULL
rblo. Half bound,gin.
&collodion, aft:pills. By Horace iheeley.
Various arks of binder.- Cloth. NM. 'Lit"'
U. Molt Morocco. id. Uall Cloth,
Morocco Antique. gr.
RolUleal Zemolay. By Horace Quell. II U.
Artemis Bydramlko nod Mrshaahra,, hint:nth Urge norton. • Cloth, s 3 .'"
le Aar Crihrrefor Ave!.
Ekments of Agriadfloy. Wariug New Edi
tion. Cloth. et. • . .
DraiAbegfor prailA cod Prqdr. Wooing. Cloth
$1 00.
bent free on receipt at ;aloe.
• In waking Tessin:atm aiwitya pmenresgratt ou
Nair York. or a' Ilial-fhlicv Sassy Order. if, towel.
\Timor slither of divine= he ginaeoren.sand
the money, but always is a registered letter. Ti e
regiatroli n fee baa been reduced. reAllseu ewsts,
and the otrant regtatration spawn buy bee-a
famed by the polite authorities to be alriatally au .
itimolute proteetioo values Mese, by mall— NT
IbraMtaters ' , re obliged to register letters whet
reqnested to do to.
• •
Term, rarb In adrauee.
Addres• Tins Trust - we, New York.
, ~,.*,, ,
/ivit f ,
&diked Nes!
Spoymr Sons
3vlrri; or 0901:08;
4 130aght at tbe '•
Lowest Cash Prices/
Cettudstiog of Dry Goods, Grocorks,"Pro.
visions. Hardware, Hata, Caps, Boons
and Mines; Ropo, Ocala, Packing
Yarn, Iron, Nails, Paints,
White Lead, 1011, ['WAY. . •
queensware; Wil
low.wore,Fkotr. . '- •
• - • Bacon, a satin-.
• ty oftrints,Muslins..
. Yl i p,Delslns,C becks,
' eans.Dlouns,Crsab
and eatery ; also. Teas, Coffees: • "
Sugass.BYrops, Molasses, Carbon 011,
209 WS: of the Celebtxttcd atntort sty
Just arrived and far sale, Wholeitaintuid
Pittsburg Prices.
200 Segs Wheeling. Nails:
Lund .Plaster, and Akron tbneng;
A Large Stock of
White Eead and - Paints.
A vetropelior quelity of etrumz & Wet
zel &Seem and a lot of Carbon Ol}
.I!,ql . Arrived and l a , • sale. Wholesale
Concord Wines,
or our own vintage, for Medicinal and
Sacramental Purposes, are highly Re
commended by those who have
. used them
They are also Agenta fier.tha
iLnd Piit. Nat , PI9W e() . 1:" ?IOW&
. • ,
Thanking tho Public for Alicir P. 4-
moult% 'WC ilOpC to tucrit libcxur s hare
1n.1.1u3,4uturp... , “ .
All Goods , Delivered Awe of Marge:
You can rely on nil goods being fresb„
as all our old goods were sold et auction.
New Goods.!
New Trites !
_ffare 11e4;41 . ,ed A . Neto.SVosk of
MILLII4 - 6 1 - GOODS;
Coinp . riaing an unusually Larie and 8e
Tect Assortment of - • '
Plain Sr, Fancy I.2.lbbonni,
&c., Jice. . •
In order In make this notice as rat=
live us pa.sible, w•e shall exhibita large
number of Eanurn trimmed
Tal..r2vit= maulah
7bgeth'er with many DelfralMe
Hats hurl Bonnets Trimmedto Order
Solicsill a cull, I am,
lespectfully yours.,
Bridge st., Bridgewater, Pa
The undendened, thankful for peel Gnome would
reepettfully Inform the public lhat he Lae one of
the fuer t eelect hale' of •
Etc., Etc„
on hand In he hand la the magi. 11le Aron
went of . ,
,nebool. Bliacallaneone and Religions
X 3 C) C) 33C. JEi
le complete; while no pens Ale eilirml on Om pert
to make
egerid to the boreal City Establishments. Ile Is
the ezeluslye agent for the celebrated
Foley's Gold Poo.
for ibis county. Those seeking■ good Gold Pen.
would do well to sea them before purchaslug.
Ile Is the Areal for this county far Krider's
Pholograps Marriage Certificate. 'The attention
of respectfully called to thla, as he
eau sell them at the same dlaeount as they would
get hens tbe,Pnblisher. Aftwater's School Gov
ernment for sale at Publisher's prices.
Mee on hand, Toys and Vanety Goods. suitable
for au moots.
• Jr. F. PIIICE,e
hint. l 8 Thly - Illebethray. New Brighton.
NATll;Z:ii;;Elrlff;fill Cd &krt.; I
' New itatowrow Dee.. ll k f
The stockholders of the National pink of Bea
ver County are hereby notified that the annul
meeting kw the election of new (I) Medal foe
tbseortselng yow will be held at tie Banking-
Noose; In New Brighton, OD the second Tuesday.
—loth day-.of January next 110:1). between the
hours of 11 o'clock and I o'clock of the aald day.
• • Aly order of the Board. '. • •
'deate : EDWARD noon. andre.
111. MVOS!, Notary - Public. Coo
soyoncor and Ilintrandi olarpot. Deedi ands
Agreements wittnen mid acknowledgements takm,
ie. Basins been duly commloriaeod saps! is
/enrol ant class lasansce Companies, repre
senting this Fire, We, Accident, and Uwe lltock.
Departments. In prepared to Saks "Wm sad tits
policies on dm most liberal terms. Moo. sweat
for the . Anebne Lane" of lest class Deem Steam
ers. Tickets sold to nod Jim all perm 111.Ent
land. Ireland, seodend,Gernsasur and Franca. jUL
doe In Leafs Mick row, Diamond, Itolfml
nom. FOR **LB.-The odendpeed Mow has
oo hand • goodarttels lad
Ned d obi.* be win sell at reaeonahle prim:
etcher at the balk. °ion] delleue to parchsione.—
The beak located on Menet.. *es Ran.
il • ter
rod. h.. the Pin. Ft Wove Ramad.
and hot a stoat dation:, front Hearn 'tattoo. I
Oats ilso a good ankle of FL. chl, which I wilt
dispose teat reasonable Mee.
olden tell at my eveldesie it. Reidgeerater. or at
X. had Cneep In Rochester, or at the beak. will
ca.:gateau:nape attennos, - .1. C. SOUL
• PoliNdo Pump co..A.
Patent Flexible Metal-Lined Pumps,
For Weill. sad Oltenia. For oak bj
twister $. LICROSS i CO. Balmier.
O'CLOCK. - 'di
100.4 71 , q ,
101$14cear . niisAi ndlig l bale. "se sin Mg . f ir 4
= . 1 „ 31t111 4 et &tote
.6 7 f .sc ::
,Adisess .. " ,No.
villa ' N T deeNtOr
wows/bat developments iagitZ Ow sikioc*.
Ttatdatt isSibeb' Ate, aa. TnteNINL
Oat boallacseilL Walt best tams to
Atitentil area 01M. Addams .Y. Soak Cep.'
Nam= St. New York. • - dedtlw
criaTti%)l 3 ,._____eetwcli-"ufttfeirl4 6 4 4
D0dr1det0.ft......... 01 Clotobedtet"
of tbe Jews," by latepbmic .11btory of sr=
gloms DencenlnaUcna; wills treatise and tables
Mating to Weems canneeted with Bible Illetom
contelatag mese doe engravings. pm wbolaconn-
Mg_a complete Tgasury of Odense Knowledge.
W. 'LINZ'S Swath Seventh St. Elul& dactte
4.3tuttlure Up' Clubs.
, Grentleving,to Consumers. "
Partici engin* how to gut up &lOW. Oar in.
ilia* mewl Or Pries LIR Sod a Cab form will er.-
PmPilli tt,wlth fun •Pectlolls.—making a Wire
to 'couullaietu, sod ireasunaradvalo Club
orgaelray. Tie :.
GREAT: ANBRIcAN TgA au vault mow Nsw
YORK. P.O. 8cx.5643. aeO43.
Tllladflatililt OF POETRY AND SONG,
the handsomest and cheeped omit Want. gibes
something *in it of the beet for every one—sued
become untymOly pavans. ZlOepdeg tbe
Bible. • this will hither book most loved 40e the
most Dequeotly Merrell bolo theMually t SIM
pece has, wow node/ the allied see or tbe gnat
Ram chance kw beet Agents. The only book of
Its kind ever sold by settle:osm. tend at once
, 1.0, NAOLIC&N' Publisher,
dee MIS"' "tlaßtmeom St:: Philadelphia, Pa'
TAILED( by a simple remedy and will send the re
cipe Ore. M..C. LEGCNTT, Jersey City,
New Jermi.' dectaw
56,3 A WEEK paid agents. .to or reroak, to
a new ntaunnocturiog business at home.--
o capital required.' A ddreu iforaity Yb., Kam.
Maim , deu7;4w
Barlame honorable. .N 6 competitkin. liberal pay
riven: B. W. KENNEDY. Bs. 0.11 BL, Phila.
0 WElyeeded
mer 3 50Dats.
eiem3e •itement n
and examine. oneemPlee wmt rut Wid) toe
611 emit that tariff easily for 151 .R. '1 otcorr.
181 Chatham lg., New York. decl;lw co Agents Wanted Foe
HOW, wow CAlt )(AKA Bur
And ciberimat books In the market.
YcKtxxxr & Mlitllll. lme Mernut •L
Sexual Scienc
includlnz Manhood. Wtromusbood. and their mu
tual Inferrergaoler: Love; Its Arr., vulva , ac. by
Prof. (k. S. loader. Send fur circulars and speci
men pageft. Address NAMIONAL, P11111.1801Nt)
CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. • dectid
i tt d a% Yr d ic s j a 'e nrl k ;r m yrk" B'xTli
Vein= in the aut h or's =plat style, sun ear.
paean: his tamer works, which Aare sold by the
MOM Wl.b original Steel Eyr, sans" trove de.
am by oat Artist who ha. spent three years In
Bible lands. Vast:lay sod the New ate load
In Its prase. Attests are waking money rapidly,
&B. Treat tlt, Co. Pates. GM Broseirsy. N.Y. tin
Farmer's 161.elper.-.,
Shows how to double the paints of the FARM,
and bow Armen and their sons OM each make
Cimat milt be mailed tree in
Farmer*. Pend mum and addreliato ZIEGLEIt
Jt 31eCUADY, Ptifladehililt Pt' • denTilir
by Dr. Joux D. hum tiimiendons revelations
and startling (Uninsured,. Abe whole subject Lid
bare and It. blacousuers exposed to universal en.
ecration. It in Me ixatensh of eirllierition.
.I.7tristlanlty. and Public Morality. . Send for cir
cular* and terms. P. S. Publishing Company. 411
troome street, N. V. • declnw
Money Quieldy Made
By nitre men and women entweriplinne
for tae great religions and lltersry weekly Tar
CArtsßan Caton." edited by
Henry Ward Beecher. •
in Its Corps of Contributors the ablest tai.
era 01 the land. A charming aerial gull by O.
orid.fantons authoress of • Tom's CAJUN,.
Just begun. Sleety subscriber for IITI rocull••• tbe
paper for elgAl vrevts, awl the people's favorite.
B•litrillaLL • .VAAtitmorwt,(alone worth $5) Fans.
This new and unequalled combination is fakisg
likt wild•itre. All are doing well, many making
from $lO to VIO• day. Now Is the Agreed fuse.
act arioely and quietly. There is pealtivelyioth.
log that will pay you so iral. Copy of the 'per.
chapter of alory and rare terms Puma. 'Adniess—
A. 11. IIUBBABD, 40) Chestnut 81.. Phila. [d: 1w
NVA NTISI (IENTS —To sell oni.'llln. tinted
Book of Travels
By Col. Thar. W: Kook. A Coroprebeselve and
aluabie I,j position of thu countrtet of Alaska,
Bitter's, Cana and It to tot tbey are to-day.—
Matching our Itlebardoonia "Beyond Ste ILlsatit
plppl," and Bark Twalu's blow:vat' Abroad,"
In Style, ete. Send for circular* and Pee our ex
rntc ES
For Sale Everywhere.
And for 'me Wutemle only by the
Cirat Atlantic & 'IM Cbmp'y
P 0. 140 X fR n. 8 CliCitell Bt. N. Y.
&nd for Thea-Nectar Circular. 1 1W
An middling remedy for all Bronchial Diflietiltier,
Vaughn, Cold,. Iloareenett, Aetbma, Limber's
Itryttere of the throat or Rlade Pipe and al: emu
- .
. The wonderful modern dlocovery of Carbolic
Acid. Is destined to become one of the :rudest
blessings to manhlkd iu Its application to disease.
of the throat and Ito amat Curative qualltleo to 111
affections of the Unser aisn
<sp2B,i I'
Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets,
belittles the great remedial Berne Carbolle .4rld
contain other Inurediente univervallyre.mmturnel•
ed. which chemically. combine. Twodnelne• a Tab
let more Mehl,' medicinal an& bolter adapted for
01 the throat than any preparation ever
beton', ntierod to the public.
00005 rauven ore as Toy IN Tame'
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
ARE A Stria CUltle. TRY TURN!.
• 1401.0 . 11 Y I/RO6OIST (tjen7;int
Xi 10 1 / I :kriiN'il - POIIIIR r — c - o Ei:Lr.
I , —Ono Agent 14 skated In ever? , county In the
Called Slay. In veil Middleton s Pocket Corn.
patebted 18711. It lobelia 10111.12 es aeon;
and can be need by any tine. Will tact for years.
Retell price 0.16de. Wholeeale to Agent.. 23
cents. Territory rtes. MIDDLETON CO .-
ILardsburg. 1 4 s. r not MU
Two liousses4 Lind Lots
• 3PCor
T il Undersigned offer Iwo Mures and lota In
Deaver, flo. sale. They are located on Founb
Street. Cho:it:wing on the corner of Fourth and
Drench Dank alley, and the other adjoining on the
east. The corner Lot is 65 by 150 feet. aid the
boars on It la a two story frame. 26 feet lung by
15 het, wide, with kitchen attached. Also.
'floe other la a two-rfory Dame. 16 feet long. 16
feet wide. • hall through the oligni, cellar tinder
tooth. Some few fruit trees on each lot For
further information enquire of
14cCREE1tli ff. CO.
Deaver. Pa.
Having received • large and lien selected stock
Fall and Winter .Goads,
of tbm,hdeed end most fashionable ityler, which
old be made to order on the
Iliad tut the abuttert potoubla notice and watrauted .
to_ gla•e_ostl:fa e ctlon.
r usi A n: I texit . l , . o 7 l :e het Aryl elate arotinsteu
patience in er Hang I
defy toometitiou anywhere lu the State, ail . to
make led St • I keep aim on band a fall etoelf of
reaaf made clothing of home manalketufe. -
octliktf. -
ty y
Al - 7§:Q'l7S WAZI7%DSOIt
4 ' >
; 7 4
o ;
2: 0 1... 3
'MO,. MAU%
Harthiare, ito
'etio Asian Oa
rtoo t or
tifttogiO lads
bsoloialleatiail stito4o ldall
Mos cementing wad! oat alma
for lispeoria . tato t. •
1 46.1 after ball& diorioattay. Wad Ober Le.
PraTemilts. A. wwsidKuiswerftts sum to
Uk• public.
, VV .
iprilor for Of? Lorality.. •,' ';
!Rots at Differeit Bi7M, for Mating sad am* ing,
Tie Gnat Republic Cookie! EN
gas Use best Record at any Stove ever oared to
this *market.
In connection with the stove I have got
up it Patent
which occupies little wx>ni, no additional,
fuel, and is not Hat& to wear out, dispen
si.w with all pipe, can he put on in Men
oir at any time, and made to sultan stoves
of any size or pattern.
Vivo Iliandred PoirMons
Who have purchased. and used the
3lost or arbme names leave been 'publish.
ed in the A tutus, are confidently relerrod
in, to bear nitres; of its superior merits
us a cooking stave.
Milne; three itrit class 'entities on band. of
about fifteen bosun power capacity, they are s catered
to the public at reasonable rates.
I I :11 I I ,": '
OF Al.!. sizzs mousiflLD TO iptwit.
Brighton St. obove Plow raetory
The trigert'itociern Deaver inunty constantly
on hand. and selling at the vety lowest prices.
Cotner rad ilearee paiwittded at the stratiert notice
Haring a brge mock 0 iii kind.. of furniture on
Keno. red wiehing to make worn for tall and win.
ter work. I have reduced try prices accordingly.
1 4. V . q9
Druggist & Apothecary,
Pure Drugs. Chemicals, Medicines
Phannaoeutioal Preparations
Pato[lt, 00; Vornighes, Dye-Slop
Window Cilcuor,,te.
At the Lowest lush Priem.
Agents for Fithneirfoek, tt?
0711trIt•tly• 'Pura, 'Matto 11.eatl
At Hanicfarturers' l'ricz,e.
Agents ror the l'uliar, one bun
shades, all ready rot lime.
:."' - Phy'sielanc* Prescriptitons csrrllilly
ronipnwpfell at ony tima
.1.. y W . night.
”ndered, T r.ed hero, leave to Inform his friends
and the public Ketterall,. that he has Jost received
a new ViOtki CM C:Otplit of the Latest styles fur
Spring and Summer wear .which he offers at vary
nroderat rates.
Clothing. made to order on the mhortoat [toile
Thankful to the public for past favore, I hop
by close attention to bummer trf merit a median
twee of the damn.
E 171111)0 K ATER.
mac 24:1
The ondenstgned having bought eat the he
keiry and COnfectionery entabllAment of
C. Hays. near the nnt.ottlce, in Itenhc.t....
.du s d reaPectfdllY Inform the public that he ern
Keep the beet quality Of Or.tero
which heyer.c• In every, style; shin will •opply
Item by the can at brawonable prices. flaw In
In want of them should give'him an. early call.
Ilk Confectionery department is well Mocked;
aturpartles. Se., will be supuilid with
everything needed on short notice imiLin the be.,
of .tyle.
Families furnkhed with Inch bread ar , often no
IIE Subscriber offers for sale A Farm of
.1. one hundred and Ilarete werewt *Mull
ed In Ilartover township. Besrereoopty, Caleinlif•
ter of a mile from the village of Hanover. Hover
ty-lee acre. cleared, Waner well timbered; all un
der fence and In good aorta of colilrattont Plenty
of good springs, good fruit; mulatto:At° church,
*Chorale and mills. Ilolwing. art n frame hot:sato
good repair, frame barn, two forme sheep bons.,
bra CT house, and other oat brilldlnsw. For Ittr.
laser Information address, or cell
AMES thepremises.
llarrharMe, nearer Co. Pt 14, 18111.—.1ms
IN r ■ t4w and Elegantly Illustrated Work.
dr Cu!.. ALBUM t 3. Ev*Xa. ILTTLiFfinD.
P3liglat,tifoolnsg end Atlvo 'Aura
. 1D tbs. Land of the Aztecs; with Charming
oilfezleaa LUC. Character and Seeuery, sad start
ling and romandellistorical Mentlekenoe• of this
Land of Comanes. Wonder and Mystery.
to a bright and racy work. written in a bill.
Pant and attractive style, ritbout dell page In It,
and clarinet tall to be popular with all ennui"—
Began RAI.
..its page + sparkle with wit , and an Instinct
with ever vaniug pktunte of Mexican Life in all
iti phases.. -The Illustrations are eXcellent, and
we shall be mistaken u it does not command a
very extensive sale. Every dually should put this
boon . ..lnto the bands of thinchildont."—L'Ateego
"Many stories of adventure are as lively as they
are fresh. The amusing Ineklents of True/ to the
Interior and the vile of the Mies are delightfully
piquant and ertlrtidntag. The book has again-
Elle end substantial mdae."—UAristian Deka.
No emapeittkm, and sells to air classes. Agents
are meeting with remarkable success. For circu
lars and terms address the Publisher', COLON-
IllA BOOK CO., liartford, Conn. ' dertiter
Oar. braws,llll ha Dahma iv a
ClllCl.seini.Cluena. al
...--,....—..... \
i t
ILCl.ans asap . ing
••0•0 Of .It Id, ity rik a lV b
bib at arils el ttLillio=.
aidliolibleiliam a
nel sal Moo 21 ... MI Zia.
lillimlatllion Is 0 VII Ifterdea.
a vii . : 6 l , ls,,.fitij . st • 0 0
tras. piWormit • lii .•
~....• Ilk sem
losimpla Ihr Am /Mil ea Is W
u 7 ~,!
• :‘l , l ••
TO Trnt'.,
, .
.. • - ,
*AM 131411:4N08 HAVE BEEN
If you ate sultrier, minuend:Dared from Invol
untary discharged, what effect Is produced on sour
general health ? Do yaw foal smith, debilitated,
easily tiled ? Dees a little extrarethon produce
palpitation et the brut? Does your liver marl•
naryorgans, or yourkLineys, frequentlyzet out of
order l Is your urine. sometimes thick, milky or
dock:, or Is it ropy on settline Or don a thick
Kum eiret to the top ? Or !slime • oedlment at
the bottom alter It has bald Sorhile?,,Do you
hare spells oS . short breathing or dyspepsta? Are
your bowels constipated? Do you bareUpeds of
tabtting, or rushes of blood to the bead ?I Is your
memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwel•
hag opon this subject? Do you fool dull, listless,
moping, tired of leopipang, of life? Do you *lab
to be let alone, to getaway Dom everybody? Does
any UQle thin; make you start orJamp? Is your
steep Waken or midlevel le the lustre of your eye
aa brilliant? The bloom ou your dwelt Pe bright?
Do you enjoy yourself in society as 'well? Do you
puene your business with the same tufty ? Do
you feel as mad? confidence In yoursell? Are
your spirits dull sod Sagging, Oven to OW of mei
auChely? ilso,Clo not toy it ;to your liver or dye.
papal. /lam you restless 'nights? Your back
weak, your knee, weak, and but. but Mile apps.
and you attrifiute the to dyrpepsla . or flyer
,Now, leader, self- abuse. Venereal dtsea.eF badly
cited, and !emu! extremes. are all capable of pro
ducing a weaknese of the generative organs. The
organs of generation. when In perfect health, make
the man. Didion ever think that these bold. de
fiant* energetic. Perseveving, stiecessfAl burdens
men am always thom whale generative tttgans are
In perfect health! You never hear such men col.
phdo of twang melancholy, of nervousnent, of pat
vitalism of the heart. They are never afiatd they
=mud succeed In basiness ; They d&eh become
sad and discouraged; they are &Pray. polite and
pleasant In the company of ladles, and look you
and them right lo lbew face—none of your down
cast look. or a-y other 111C.11113ces about them. I
do not mean those who keep the organ. Inflated
by running toy rativs. hese it ill not only ruin
their C013E11411=4 but also those they do bawl.
neon with or for.
How many men, from badly cord dlseaser,
rom the effects of leltiabuse and eicesser, Lave
brottuhr about that state of 'tvenknerd: to Mose or•
gam that boo reduced the general system so nd:eb
em to Induce almost every other form of diseaeo—
idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, s Weide
and ihnost every other form of disease which i.e
malty Is heir tb—end the real cause of u,c tro I.
ble scarcely ever inepected, and have'doctored f..r
all hot the right one.
Is (lie great diuretic, wail is a cvrtaiu cure
fir diseamm of Un. "{holder, Kidueys,
Drupsy; Organic . Winik'
um;, Female Complaint.,
General Debility,
And all disclioe's of flit, Urinary Organ.;
whether exitung lu smile or feihale, Irma
whatever cause originating; and no lust
to of how wig standing.
IC no, treatment isiatnnittell' to Con
isumption Insinity misue. Our
flesh and blood are fammated from these
wpm* and the health and happiness anti
that or po4i;rity depends upon .prmnp
tble of n reliable remedy
Lab Halted Upward of It) •ears prepanal by
14.• T.
594 Broa4way, New York, and
104 South 10th Street. Phila'd., Pa:
PRICE--$1.25 per tittle, or 6 Lollies
!or #11.50, cleliveretl loopy address.
i%ld by all .orvggista Ereiywitere
Nonelt p•nitine nit in %it•tl
engreirtil ikrni;in;r. /truly
C4esnic,l wnieltu .se; nu..lNigned
• ."11 - ING STOEUi
rho ua d ee k pied takes pleaiurc t 4.
forming his f and ublir r aw .
al!! Ma bo bi jurt received and 01.1*1
A New Stock of Goods,
• Winter Wear.
He keeps the 1n..14 nl wurkiniu l in Lli
employ, and recta undident al !al
to cut and make up gratrinilv 1.411
and in Duch n !limner nA win-ptcat, In,
o w and See tit before karihy your
Orders Elsewhere
WELE:IAM ILI:fell. Jr,
may4:7o;lY n l / 4 1.Ca1. r,
PLLJIti.I%I.EI) y.
wintery* Ylle liemeds htt. ut,,, t
(nut even In nee !tire} to turf. the ;cry %tun ta,,,•
01 nnud,, inching be Illettltug .1,,
WV &Skied rheum tutu. tu.lit./y Ull uh lu s u:u;
&LAWS get W•USitt • I'ILS HLSKUs, It 14.1
orevely fur the Phu., skit 1. nut relmtnuultelut ty
am any other alrt-ow. It bee tareu caw uao
of o'er 30 VWr rt. udlus. Yrlce Out
sale everywhere.
Warner,. Dyspepsia Tonle Is prepares
'sprawly lot Dispepues stel tilos< I..tva.r., .1w
hissistai Custlvelk se. It 6 a elightly .11.6.4614
lODIC alld upimdld spitelL"; n , Isslt4thrtts
stomach sad resitore the digouar or w. w awl!
bLalikt *We. Weak, serum, mid i).peptiC
VMS 11/10U/d Use names's p rq,.paa i,rr. Sur
Sale b druggists. Price Ore It.siss
CC.)Ukiril. no :.%lUktE
larmallerliaCratagh Salaams It 10 - alui4,
ening and erpectorstmg. ISr eXtflortlittat) vow
Cr It porisestns lit 11:1/Wrillattl7 rein, mg... 4 trt•
sally curing. the most obstinate cases of
Colds, /wry [Must, bronchlts,lndurnm,
Iluerseuess. Asthma sod Consumpt,n
incredible. Su prompt Is the relief Rod rertalt, u.
fffer.A• lo all the shove cnan , ur and nYtittioutr:
throat and lungs, that thousands phybkl2l.4 u.
daily prescribing It, and one and ail sty out
the 100.1 itc41111.4 ALA expecturating Drettivlrre r
known, (hell arse always Mlurns nlu i, trytl
Must case: one bunk edema a cure. butt b,
gists, In large bottles. Price 0511 Don:, :C.
your nun unit If y try el ill tough and culls.. I.
Balsam *rib cum.
Mrl Ulu' LAVE.
The threat Maud Purifier Mid Veneto..
Warner's %lanai Vliar ur'Wlne 011.11,,
Ire tree from soy pOlllO/10114 at ULtIl tat
log preper.d for those who require • attal....“,
It is a •plruduicioputtzer and tomlt WO
thlug In :be worla for porif}iug .
the moil piesslot scui delicsom
to Um ',oldie; tar so petiur to hnna.l.).
. bitter., ur auy other article. It 4 mon
lapd cheaper. iiotti male sad feu.als. um..,
an lake the 11 the ut Lile. It i,, a i•
sent,. Thme'wliu at.hW cajun ~,,, io
a lice Cow t Itkely *pints, tc W I;l1
at Life. It to fillit•rel.l frt.e, auj tit i t
Is me. It Is sold by altu 4 • ••••
it - takalVtatole .4055110. t 1 Kt: that Du, aa,a,
Warikein Ensmennzogur
title known Io cure the Whitt, nI 11::1
terry der.) %Vlore I. thy tnm q ,
Importutt trlntlur l• but WILt r. 'L.
It Ihr gfratrst ble.p g , rve,
*boob( Onre.don.l7 rattrp• It. Jr 1v...-,
for k ;
upon lu..rrY u herr rt.. nn6 , rl , Li•
torn oiminavrd through rd..
druggl.i.x. PO, ••r t: In,!
M'.l of (inn 11.11, and n g:nt!. r
Ulll wirro.l,
Nole by HANNON ! I NNE , .
rll/11..11rikeuab.r bbit !I! no i
Oil Cloth &e.
Wholesale and Retail,
At Lowest Prim,
CSI L'lfl h Avenut
We ll,•are Fueilities for Supplypg.
R 1 L. 1) 1.1 A_ 1,11112, s
Equal 0.
Rare opportunities are uow iiiTervo
homer. In a ea it 1, Aral ay and tor,gen!at
nee-tenth of their valor, It ya ra v.
has for sale real eclair at every
rd In the Middle mid Sovilsern Mat,:
stork, grail. andfrolt Wm.; ..d
ton plantations; timbre end /Marna :
tillage end rural rasidenors end •
sailis and ,Wit silrs, fat torirs.
Write lar Lam! 12.yleter conk In In::
location. price and tetal. aT pout...a.- L...
lot. talc.
4tro, connected with our Real I:rinie
hate a genera: Claim anti its!. nt •
the iinperrl•lon or the well known Time t. 1
ilia if the (Initialler Jeep .rtnieriti a i
scientific and pedaled! en.chunie, tint u, ,• •
led In the diftereut t:or rrnmeut U. per •• -
peclally In the War and Nrod. Ordain 1,..1
li'A.'l7.l -4 .11\1"1" CI I.' VI
litter pipes daretnily 'prepared
tastily eleented, and JLbnfe unwed Joy
cr. in the shortest porrlble Fiore.
Special attention riven Cl.''.
au re
aura for iune, extension, Ink
anent, J.c.
l`relinsiaary extuninaik.a as to the tal•lit..1• 110 i:
of an articie made ou receipt of 1,1 (irk( de- , 'III
thin of the came—no nindel toeing required.
Faroe shown
I , OIOIC IN A'11.17,41'1.'01C!-:•
by then, la procating Nonni.. and nit , r
card. 'bele Invenilonr.
Confidential in our batilneina relation. with it
tyttattoahtble then 11[ rellAhl
•gr (WY. CI rt. ti 1(1, emitalitlikz fa:Tut/AP infortnetth,
sent !Niel Addr•g*: it W. Mt Hick a, (7(1
The .Vattonat Neal lalitte ;Now
.171 and 419 it 'lna. Arendt, ll'arhington,
;o — Blank. a warty Iho Altllireat kind.
.lAst We A guavi
A. new and wa.ll "seleveed
ASSaltlll ENT in•
Lowy' I=PricseW.-
-161"4.7-,iV6ihitibleiii.for•Aof al the Au
411.11.911 W.