The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 04, 1871, Image 1

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, . • -
'orsl,oo per squareltir firat.lntdirdon;gul
6,r e'en sulmequeut A
lnaertiopbo, cents.'
liberal discount made on 'yilaYl3 , ` ad
vertisi.nienti: - ' •
spticti 'O4lllll to tint lines eifibfa4pe
SqUaro+ .
BIIIIIICSS Notices betti attend' by .
tlionsotyea immediately after the local
nova, charged ten'eenta a lino
for inieh lUSOttibn. :t r j.
AdverClkunents should-be-handed In
twfore Monday noon to Insure Insertion
in that Creek's paper. ,
. • • nravEn.
otIN.MOORE, Prultiia eta ddalielln.p. l " l "t
f ode, pure met:lent Irtnee..mel
. 14,tuare,
ware, Lampe dud ' , dory Goods; 31,1qu at. Pre
e criptlorlm CnlvriAlly
I - I).T.TOI'. Denier in,liracerle;.7Vldur, Feed,
Cuateedunery, Tubtoto eleilgyere•_(!!Ptt 3o 7
. In
L ltdotis,t4bovo *ad Gallery, A11naL,......p 18 . 1 3 ,
)• Dengtzl.d. ApottiCCIUT. AMU pt.. Arn+Trlp•
:lentrefUlly compounded. •L
1 rii:ICSON. I hd, In the improved %VII.
C`• Sbultle Sewing Nfaehlne, at. See
column. 1F:3;1y
F:A(1.01 Alm' E. ILen
. 1/ler lo Al illingry flood,
11 A Trfouningaieln:.?l cula /)lamowl. up'l3,ll.
•,1: 11pOltE. l;roeery Itest.turant choice
Iteez Coder, Vit.:leen atilt ClroirK-I:tni
nod Va.:emblm. Hain rt.. oernlnay
itTA S9l, t ar / .
r • t;rute...te, Wear end ad et. • netrlS;ly
DEVEItI;, Ifisuruneu agent, lleuver; Pa.
t • fall and uetrunr nu erty Insured. oclfuly
MtiItRANSTEII3 : 3I I II..r ltaots ShneA,
ei , No mi. Market S. Pit trlntrp.h. Pa.
p~Mitlo (bat Ottler. Pnblleberit of the -Heal Es.
Dent free. Pittatiargli.
rl . 2AkilillwrttSt.°Pittiiburgh.: sepi.l:l7 ,
I) It A.MALErS t AT PA IMO& t 2. Fifth A 1..-
r I mine, (near Market St.) Pllt!litir:Pt.'Vevpily
I ,'‘.'„l.:,i'S ( t ' . ° l l l!t i Xt k trg " lr Pa " . 1 10 8 ; 3 1 1 47;•
it, hi ^7R 19 MarkA P l•
Pi Pltipbtligli—lmpwets and itiptiono,
I,..llAphirs..W Ito, flood", ac,. ‘ h , pl,l:lo(
1:1111.111,t 11ROTlititt11. trreuGh Anirl,-,
emi Ountectlwitm. Deoleare 1.1 1111 . 1 i, I'm (I.
116, 11;1.13031DM St. iltubdrah,l
S. MOOnE. Dealer In eholrc COO. Coffee*
0. nullity tirocerlee. No sormh Avenue. Pittn-
. . . . ,
.r. 212. /..y . ! . repltly .
i.17 , i 111(.1GEIIT A.,' SON. Den!twin the:A.
• / NV, ,d Family Sewing Mach Wes., 111 Market
, ~...i l'lttAorgb ra. rOpltly
)I.l . y , El4Ar c (a i n --- .W.:r5 Co.. lientere
FirrCi resna. I ; n c. in. rule*
In C lergy.
P. Snece.Pnr 1)..1er In
II J. Wow Lev. Vlotini, Jewelry 5. Sll,er Avon, No
Ftfth Avenue,. Ptit.l,nr;4ll. Inenll4i
will hallo. • , (s'epi fly
. Itrtmcit,ey, Nem Brighton, See tidy ..b.ple;ly
Dentlt. linusdhieny. Nuts'
1 1
NUNS, ilint1;1!1111,11, , r.
11. Brotidway. 110,4 plultograillp4l-I.olllr.tcniclt
e tiv
g.,th . (eeptl:ly
il)Ist)N; -.lent .40.11 t t
covle,tp. Broadwityi2l...lirighton.... LM jtli:ly
i J. ritrirrrr - '7ff --7 i., ;ro,ertep. ttletenWetre• 1.11,1
r) • llnureltuld.flnertle: Itrottdway. torpl4;ly
Paper, Whitlow
I'? BMW!, Books, klatioucers Nullunr,.Emact•
I 1.1 1.1.1*E I NITLIKIq t i;:4
14ctity (Mali Aleotlutbi; .11yrelicitit
Broadway:: •
~•u.I.IAM HOPEETSuv . DI I I, nov~e•~I
llY\\'\f 'ewts .yLl'llilll'M. ]ILIu 'SI., ~\'U\'Cr
"o 44 tsre;o
bout. , Jecw. wl
l i liiltlo l 'o. l . N r t t!rt . 7! ) .r r o 3 fll.. aln and Iltakt•t• I. I mob..
I' 11 . .% 111;ki'AN - N RS . A rIlL.t; Li Preoco
\ r-; Iltbrw. und•Slgn Painter•, ➢lulu St_
PORTER, .11,tnler In'l7u. Cup•
r 1 per and tihrOp•lron wure; and Iron Undone.
i• .
rd,llrldgewnli.r. (peplt'Y
4 and:l 11valer to
I • Inwan And PLOrA. , ArMGo Bridgennter,'
• • to:p11:ly
•i . 11.4171./iy flair. Capp, MO,
• I' apetp, 011 rlntln , nod Trltinnloga. lirhlgii
, Iluolgvwxter, PO.
I 1171i011E1E11(713liZote and Shik - i.
pl. Iv:1149 Street. 111111.•stistur. en.3.1.1;1y
'IIA.NA Trlnnninge
! • • Brldgewan.r. ponltly
1 V. WE1.N..10,N, 'Mann farlinv 'of Iloon4 nnd
•1 A• Flinn, .11f141V Sr.. Ilrld;;lnkiter. (.111;ly
\ tlnirritKlentiemm'n
. .11 land_kri•,.. I. Water St. Above Llrldg, 1.1111:1)
rjwonbltlCPP, ' , Marble Colter• 3toun
gmiy.a-Totnbrtunet of all deseript4gui made.
•• %Vilder(Pepltly
CO. i r o,,,n,p, , _
'r) • dn, rtn.r. Flour, Ford I.:outary ProMA . LI
,nlan't , corner, It. kW., SI. I.lrldgewater. 1P141;1)'
I I 111I:It M;IN NIS -Notlrdi , r
• .:Y1011..111 0:0/.1% • V /11q1/I . l . iii vi.ntr I;ontlp
toollllfrli. Water ,l. Ind Milli; ...
. , .0 Sodllt'4 Druz Store. In lirldamrnter. will Int
:111,t10 nt tended In. nil delivery—lune...l
I'ard.-114,11onald'. Point. p.epts:ly
11' MI. 11111 & ell, l'a.i.y my t:oilil,, No.
noirt mill Millinery. Illinlirotn rt., itenr 1113-
I ''1;1 I. I'l`,M.ilinforilirer nn Dr.ilor in
i I I.' oi.iliir.• 'or lill ht I. Ilrighion,o., rilinve
..i i 0 inry; lieP Illilei• .. 001114117
1 , 01% 10. VCIII.It, 11,00 r Courvetlon..r.
r llneEt.ter. Pu s .kPepl4;ly
111 A NI BOA• I),
I I: ••• 141 .t..
11ANNEN. I)rri•.ci.t., Pre.erlp.
,I.• I%'.itior .1., It.,
not 'fridge. pt...
I: I:I: A" SONS. il
I Gootl..Grocrt
•1 , .. It•o: Nnll., Cur. 11" M, Jame. -1"..
1:,11,er 1.1 Confertiot er. -
l• :11.41 l'rvam 1%111110,1
.-I. , n . l)lauritd. Itodigttvr.
•rt %LE by .1 SIINEUMAN, IleteltittarlerA
' It•r litnetoieneck. Notion,'.
I tunivit... untl 1:ntle) lewd. gent rally. NV LI, r
1 NI Il.1.1:1I S;, atl.l 11wLL n.
• Mt nut. ..Wren. of Stl-11. Dettno, rt. A.e.
Deal Ili Ittelte-ter.
•'1 ill% .›.1.1; W11.1J.%%15 - c•lt,ttr-trt•'.
i l loth ti , .vico . S:111 . 1 . .1 :11111 latk.t Itot.lte-ter.
sra stu: coAl. Y.\lt It.
beleven 11. It. ta.Mltim 41111111110 nn.r. •oelltly
91.•titlfeeteri r
lu Tltt.lloppyr tlllll Smut Irate Wore. Ittettite:.‘
ttlirmlotl in. N. Yort. . 1w115;15
,V'I.AI4IC vriterletor, el .Ittleettott
111111 k, Good 11C10111110111.0111, .11 g.nnl t•Ila•
_Neiti• It. It. Depot. etrll9:ly
own, in the Dlnntntl.RockeT•ler. ,tetit.tAy
WALTEII k 111:01'111•11, Nltettilaelttreto of
• WAirell.t. t:otirtirn, 11114.•.0••; - .
VI:wk.:111113W? end Ithr-eoleetitte
tlet• the In.•••r. :entliter. y
111 TllMlNllXY.:ll.toultettsrerpf the Grent
r I Cookin4titove. owl Potent, of For.
e‘tetl.l,ol top add centre., l'otlrtoo.
k I 01:11:1' I:I Stone, M4mtfact:,
t PH. rt'• atteookil I. ' \ zi1.1,141.
II \lSt, P runtneui ty Iv:01.A In Il! %III:I.:e'er
IL 7 , lnno , ple. Pa...fer Ihe porpo..ol pmelirlqg
\ Inlit .1.•• I r..J,”,11:1 , 1v ft•nd, nr prbros.ionnl
-'t.,11.. I lII,IIP 0/.3111 .11111_, • Mitt ,ielnity..
ill ri . ,1 .. ., .11,100. i, E.:g . 11 ,, 1. %%h.. ,
41 ,1 ,lint- I , WWI. ' nil , .. I.r.if••••+l4lnally
1.1114 1,1,4%1' LnuuLllno• :mil
10,14 , 14 'A. V. I•VN‘`,:iNI:IIAM. M. M.
u,,.10r..11t Wal agltaw. Clc!.oa4l.
:/rwrirtr; /I.tior(lo4/* h.,1 flonory.' ,
and .letvel.y up.tirtel. Aveot Tor the
••• I: rtt" he•tthi4 Noel/Int% Itoehrtoer
toho , _ ,
• -...sit•, o { c,ity.
"Third Sired, Bearer, Pa.
the Court Hot .% 11,aver, ;.11.
ItANKING-IIUP• 41, : „ '
'1310%. ITl , Cllll{l{llli, Ynsl ire.
t DI; AVU. 11. ANI:111.:1%
r. imi,l r.n Prompt ittlebtlon
%..1, to collectloto. Mao, Ingurtmce Atrestto for
• .1 ,m 1 te11.11.1.• [ma) Itqf
I 111. Sin rayon r. '
r .11 dark.: , /theedark.: the [lay. at 0111113 h it
.tt 1... r; at 11144 at Ja) le.lthalCe on. Iv. ter
I ,Irr. b. M Ili practice Pluivlv and
' • yr
d(mmt:lv:TVl aprl:
,11., perm:moil.
• !leaven ttottilt reopectrully ten•
r to to Ole Chit... tp . f Ites•
..101 PU1, 1 11111.11114 cutntrv. Special Intention
• 1.1 1..11141 t.r. ennent of fenntlT (11,..Tr.•,... Surgery
.•114 . ntan •killtal 1131.1. toinc,,tu 1111111 Wee!.
1,,* lot,. Wert at the Court Hutu,
BARNES, dealer In 114%ntn•
tolih•ro, Slipper*, ileVt Malta
,Irert, Bridge
. r. Lr ir pttpared to miumf•Cluro And
Iltn. at nvinonabla run. tiny
.1 L fr. I.liice loo•Ito..e. (Wm the rort.
In bin Vtleocnt location, he ill
•,••• frieullo nqd rttlrolut 10 (I.e him
I )
C !).;
I •
- A rooetvotl.
Nlett•aem t . alittreb . be% it', Anil . ..Will.
'"' fi" . 1 / 1 ... Inquire at thin office. tiovit:tw
I AS. CA 311i11.41N, Atk.ritey it Law
•,• oflic, in the
welly twcuplett by tine late Jotter Art.ams.
lectlatte, an.. promptly 'netted to. '
-~ Cv~:+Z1'.::......
i.::1 „if
Vol. 53—T•N0.1.
Gold ,e.gitvee:2lEtiklilit:-:.
Holiday clreeting!
.Cl-rand Displuy
Christmas -.Presents.!!!!
Gents' Gold Watch& .
Ladies' Gold Watehes. • .
New Chains and Bracelets.
Necklaces and Lockets:. -, •
• Mlle Gold Jewelry: "
• Gold and Silver-Headed Canes.
Gold Spectacles & Eye Glassed.
gterlin. , - 4ilvei - Ware . ;
7 Splendid Stork.] "
o e,6•101 41 . -Bronzt- Rice:
Prie . e.4 Lower than Erer
roit Aremte, Pittsburgh, Pa
u uviten 10 call, n hen I t the ray. nnd e
nuddo nor Holiday -tiuudn wittiobil feeling under
nuy 0144300 u to buy. Duti# tilt in come and
lho firand DlnulnSr. . rkl.l.lnucluirn`2l
111 iseet,laileott N.
11111 r 31:1y.
1 4 3 XECUTOICS iegtamenta-
A-ty on the E•litit, 14101111144111 e. dee'd..late ul
l'ltlnst• i tom nvltip ettitufy, Poona.. having
beet. wratiteol to tite untlerKienctl, nll perpont In•
tlehted to .chl e.tate ate la.relty profiled to make
'tome,Slate paent: 11111 i tlimm Int‘lng e alms on.
efllltft Wiii ym
prevent them IV the ',Ow:niter,
duly :tothentleated fat eeulrmeut.
Dry (ThodH.
42: ata Sk 4t 44.
.lirillge 'Street, •
lilelthenville .1 ea!*,
(73),:ittiert.:: and Sathlets,
White Woollen blankets,
White :mil Colored fold
Ilarre , l Flannels„
M ,
Plaids• _
µ•pl7 ly
lirmvn nu l Flack
F 1.11111,1.,
f 31,1• Ling) ; '
linsl4l3- ?, - - - ..--._.
— 6loVen ' /7 • 1.;
. . .
• .
& Mits
Groderles, '
'c o if, n., sffi,kr, •5t.,13..r., Whin. Slierrlirlps,,
Golden and 1'...1,.., 111 Syrup-. M.kurel In bar.
rule :lad kito, Star and Taro, c.11,11e...,
- Soo,. Spicer. and Mime Meat 'AI, a,
Hardware, Nails, Glass,
Dnor Loci:F.l)mm Latches. Illnges, Screw, Table
Cutlery, 1 able ni.d Tea Slinn,,, Sleldh Coal
Dozes, Fire. Shovels :Ind Pokers. Sails and thus,
Spudvd. • Shovels. Y,:l. and 1 I tue Forks, /lakes,
Scythes and - Snlnhx,'Ontn red Garden Hoes.
Duckids, 71tbe, Chnrns, Batter Prime and Ladles.
CAat BON ()1 L,
Linseed Oil & - White Lend
loots n nil Shoes
DI pent- vanity.
,Powdei and Shot,
Hlastina , Powde. and Fuse.
Finny (2neetz.ware.
11 liolvy, tfon, , t. , delivered free ore:Hove.
It.; th
.• anltifon to bneint4w, mid 1,1
e .,16) un Laud a well led stork or e.. 0 4-
of all the ditlerent kit.ds usually kap( 101 l country
store. tile utnltlvlginnl liO tea to the Mint-o,ns 131
the 1,1 merit 01111 receive a Ilbeta: shore of th,
11. I.S. It ANC; V.:11.
The Most CoMplete Business Col
lege in the United Stlles,
Alton.llnu hodMier. rrir nequirlug n thrmiugl%Prdc
tlem lrn.lne 4 ednruilun, ir.,, , nernol by nu other
5e1104.1 In in,. conotry.
. ,
Since in- incort oration In 107,7 n nearly Sixteen
114414a:id Starlenta; ronreNentailve, from over;
Stole In the Union, lingo 'Mended here.
No laranotot, 5111114.1161 enter at any time. and
eh .
r 161.41110 nm IlionVilnlit the elatirt!
C 011...
N. It.: with fill! parlic Wann and aline
caaancy addrapoila:
:011.1'11 x CuWI.V.V. Prim.!pall!.
Ilirraar null'. Pal
.. __. , _ .._ _ • „.. _.
Professors DIAMANAN k Bowe of the American
, University; Cr. making , wonderful cares
1 of Cancers, Tumours and Ulcers by their
new discovery. A painless treatment, to
knifo. no plasters. no renstio • Earning.
.., Thomerst romark
r., ablcieffeet amicras. of this
ad treatment is, It sense •
12 rates the chemical elements of cancerous
E. l • F rown., so that they 'hard, dio and dia.
- aspear and will not return. AU those of- .
rieted ran call on thorn - dealers Buchanan A Down,
I inivensi , r t or suldrews, So. ill line Street, rhilud.s.
- - - -- •
3. mtLtitr'sr.
, tkatur. Is rleter•
..... mined that Ito
Ils;n114 In the
saii:milt,.. Flute ,hall do
7i plwi.rl; better
.1... 0v
- ' ' cheaper then
he otTers It to •
hl• patroos.—
, 11.. tea the
—..........- -._ be•t tnatertnls
mmnnfactonst In th e l'nitistl Stale,. Cold null sil•
s v r fint,,,! isslornasl In s sl , ih: d t l defies contile
thni lisll‘farllon rtantrs 1
niyl l 2lll opvrstbitte,
or ilie money trtsinn . ,l. t; tte bm n irle.
If '
_ '
Brighton Paper Mills,
' Illairdwaxg; Sinew.
•• .3 144 'CT c•rilit-Nro
Wbolemale de: itettlill by
Frazier, Metzger & Co.,
$2 Third Avenue.
Or Ravi taken In exchange• ,
. -
••• t; •
R sws°'
tin awl' atter Doer. 4th,. MO. tram* Will lens
e t ig
Stations, dilly, Sundays except's!) as talberl.--
(Trftiri laving o at LS% P. X.: leaves' dd.
1 1.1 iTraly I lute P i t ts b u r g h ' St .2.1h1 P. W,
les*. • daily.] ' ' '
. -,.. .
1 . I ts GOING witri• •
NTATIOXS, it iiXl***
Salem •
Wooster I.
Mansfield •!
crestline .1 A r iris
Deryrus . •
FormeSandusk7..ll ..
Can Wert
Fort Wayne.
Columbia •
Illymotith e ' l l
Chicago, '
Port Wayne
Van Wert .....
Lima ' • ; 400
romit. '
oper hamturky..
Bacyrna .... •,"
.1 '
Madelllon 0 ••••
, Cant0n............!..
11 1
Itoehmoter istia,o l
I'll tag 155
lurapturu, New Culls and Erie Express
feat r I eungstown at *2O p. m; New Castle, .II:00
p.m; Luther , at Pittsburgh; 6;80 p. m. Returning,
leaves Pittsburgh a. mt•arr. at New Castle.
Mita. m. ironngstint, 10:90. a. ca. •
• Youtivtown, New Castle, and Plttobargh Ae.
•epnueodatlon leave* Yonnzetown, 6;30 a. m; New
()tette, Irin a. in; anima at Allegheny. 1P:10 ,a.
in. Itetumleg. leaves Plitabiargh. &OP p.m; at ,
rivet. New Calt:e.4:4l p.m.
On and alter May thins will leave
Sint on. daily itiundayrreetrrited),ea lbbows.
Euclid Street
eTATIONri. MAIL Hares.
klfint.ce .
114,CnnA, .
Had on. .
Knclld Stn. I
Beilair - ..4: . - - ,
6454 X;
liritivreport r 55 : ....
Steubenville "' TM , -;,.:-..
Weibtville - ii .815 - , 166p1ei'441
'tenni... . : .....
Itocbesier. 1125 iM . _ 640
l'ittuburub '.10:11 466 645
Water Prook,
• Woollvti tihan•la
lie Ferry '.--
Steubenville nls t;WI
sa 7ll4Alr
1105 '
'lll5 , 795
N. rheadelpllla. GUI p. m.
IL.Sart!, In cm.
1. It. 11113.Yk4iS,
Jo -
Prescriptions tbrefully . und At:curate
ly Compounded.
AT (al d.l 132 al.
ain st , Oil N.
tipecia! attention chew to necaro ILe twit quality
of I.nrapn :ma 1111111 p Trll/1111111g0, lilrlietlls
.1 Large Assort»rent of
1' A T.E N T ME DI - C INE S,
$l2, $l5, $2O, $25.
DURING the past four or live years our
Watches have lawn thoroughly tested.
that for opl/101011110 . , Slyly or tinidi, and
eceil racy td time-keeping, the Gerard
Watclws" are universally acceded to be
the best. They retain their brilliancy and
color until worn oat. • • .1
n` If after purchasing anti fairly try -t.
ing, nay one is nut fully satisfied, we will
110 crulty , reftmet the money.
Tfiev are all in Hunting Cases,
Gentlenieds and Ladies' sizes. Every
11 n;ch guarinteed for time and. wear, by
special certificate.
• C' A large assortment 'lmproved
Oroide" Chains, $2 to Stt. Also. Gentle.
men'sand Ladies' Jewelry In great variety.
C,..'7•4' lieu are •of linientions. Order di.
reel from us or our authorized agent&
Agents and others implying for circivars
will pieties enclose three cent stamp for
' postage.
C"-F" Goods sent to be pnld for . on
delivery. Customerspertattled
to examine what they order
(before ,pn)•ttsa bills,) no payment
of Es presi charges both ways,
' Ur' When SiX Watches are ordered at
once, we will send an extra Watch ,
Sante kind) free.
s tir - Purchasers residing at some 'die.
tancef(om Express offices. and desiring to
'save ilia's:anti expenses,cnn have the pasts
pert by miiti,by remitting (with the order)
the amount required by P. 0. Money or.
registerck N letter, draft, or cheek,
payable in-our, order, at`unr.• risk. Ad
dress 'dank. \
P. 0. Box 3,391, New York,
itorML3ni.) „ 83 *refit Street
A CA.11:113.
A ,Cknt) man, lane residing In South merles
as a missionary discovered a rate and shoployeta
edy for the Cure of Nervone Weakness, itavlrDe.
cay, Diseases of the - Urinary and Semleal Ontaile s. ,
and the whole train of dun:inter@ brought on by
bslefol and victor, habits. Great nombrts base
M ep_ cured by this noble madly. Prompted by
a dears! to benefit the afflicted and nnfottonatel
will rend tborcelpo for preparing and twiny this
medicine, In a sealed envelope. to any
_one who
nerds It. free of chortle. Address JOSE! ,
',ANNAN. Station Blb.e Some, New T ort
'I Mar
..4 7.1
1254 a
061 -
= 4 5
?77?777 rrklb
%t.ii_ Exy.. 2RoI
:155 115 ran
,•070 155 I 510 •
1150 2.35, 011 ;
.1509 .0 . 11.31
155 4a)
. sou%
- cc
:ttrx I
. I
titi • -
715 Mau'
all j lils
f iie (116
- AW•74 - 1
com a'xse t.. -
• • 735 410 ; 044
lllayard, W. 5, SOIL
N. 1 hilatlephla..3o4.tpm
oral TKltot, A2unt.
yu - -VILE
12 M
1311.1 J S ILES Sz-
I Dec:. ';OU.
• •
- r • ; `.• •
!",.• :
- , ,rj
4 i L!.
"IteiVerja - Vednestiar' loon it - 1871 •
• ••! 1 . 4 1 -
OM. 400 01 1 ani:Or •
, . ..
THe .Amirt . • ' iStickiJoirisili = r: . . -
4: large Band . li,llliisliatiiitMesitbh;
Iy, cuntalning a t:i, llarge.l.Waiblei lierj
mew Pages, Aged WitrisPriiiiimig *liiißik'
Irani the ablest writers tie' the Malan ow
the enriouSsublnts cenneeteil witbzil , ,
PAII4INIi,, . . , '., •
Bound in handsomelytinbad corer. It inia
VretWiliwirt.r . Illtropargeneratit
under the charged one of theatrical. Pr&
tenorsin the United Bistro. who answers.
'through the Jouttnatares Charlie.
questions relating twaklt i Injured or DV
wised Horses,..Cattle t Bovine or
Poultry. This nudtoll,.n.yery valuable
work fur reference, -end on almost. beak
.pourable companion hr all 'interested - in
IrtOCIE43IIZEDINV The lOW vice at - which .
pribilthed 01.00 4 year) ' brings
within the reackof all,'while the • •
SSOndid Indsicentente'enclAgenief
attd Pretahani
make it to the Interest of Over,' I Mei
and Stnekßreeder to extend its circulation.
Send Main fungi:redoes Cbpjr; large
Illuilrated aurßill& Freedom I 4
Get up a Cinband obtain one entre mili4
valuable Premiums ollered, consistittir ul
Chester White, Berkshire, tinikrik. Magi*
'and Essex•Pige;. , Shortaorti, rildentey,
Ayrshliv and Duvws Calves, tkruthikrwo,
Cotswold and .Menon 131M9 p,. Cashman)
Gorda, Purti•Ortal.Poultqr lillgwatogis•
Seeds, .Agricultural:lmpiementa, Pianos,
Watches, Sliver Wrirni
Specimen enptin sent fine, i Addicts,.
• ; N. P..BOYER 4 CO., Publisheri: '
- n0v28311 Pitikettliurg. Chester. Co.. Pi.
Christmas Gifts!
Christmas Gifts!
Holiday Goods!
Holiday Goods!
Toys, Toys,
B. M ulheim
Has just - received ti eltrgetd - and•best
selected stock ot:goods, gni table for Christ,-
mak Gills for every laxly,' old und:yoting;
ever bmngbtln Beaver rotinty., Diem.
prises nhuest everything in the '
trithmt. Lahti:
CARPET OIL CLOTHS. ate., &c., &c.
Iridge St. Bridgewater Pa. notillektf
0 i
two 1
5 '
eirner ralla, and Broadway. New
eleiTel amity, Ps. 'renew, a 4. ' sop.1410:11
0111011 • 44 i
{ - Fordo Alierm
3 , 37 UMW SALA Gi41110..,
raid. PsWelsig *4 , 10 "Uses
of .
. . A lernwerielr desfit':i" •
Ai we vie* tiatureineol,
relatiods and forms we Wyniet, for
momenti , doubt , the ististance o r
ait u p ref eel Being.who
4sistmxi,tintalned Mid '9ll4„ilriti
thingtia heaven: eboge, ri g on the
etith:beneath. , •• - We.daneetbelp but
See a nice deslgnershilliktrivei at
the bead itatto A r Ip!ittrate
and inanbuiltet:.W.. averse
to ream I=l'lo' 711Litel_to
Ana wisetratter;7wWit OrrifiWritiess
Wwritteirei eeeriP4ol*lflcive -
Meet of which iestraningwei of Me'
saiistencel .Even fli
ex o e-tteiirrO*liteallwet
the food 1113 eat% IttenoygiguiwoWne f f
&Abe .wisdoai-aetk4irhWi* a
DiYlne Bei*. who bobithi hie hand
theerhole entireties. • • • •
,If I -wIU take upAgsitimen
iseirt-rthri Centre of Ili bail*
the; Mechanism ofalutWhttarpports
*id Wettatus •I kik Oise
very Poit Preereqt" 7I NVft •
in the central parCor , 11017
low nuescle:contateinOwirai fibers
ra nitig,itt both' direr:llK , the lay ,
ere Craasing cue
some animals they aPP*.4 l " l _ ichui.
lar, rather than• _
piece of structure ttixtditl, wisdom
pOSSeStiel thepowerOf ottani
relaxation. The of these
strings muses the sq g together
of the muienier cavltiseat order That 1 1
they may eject the Helfrich they
contain,and by rembelik the same
they are again Lopetted isleceive the
fluid. We find..the trutilotof the ar
leries and veins placed :41Rtkin these
hollow places. Their 'tides Is to ee
ry from and return the' blood to the
heart. At each' polarities of this or
gan .the maw of blown" changed;
which amount is estlguitertto
a full-grown human bout an
ounce, 'or two to ii. s By
thequick succaelotroftheee changes
they are able to fiePPi4 I large cir
culation throughout 'the entire sys
tem: It is computed that each ven
tricle will contain opeopyre of blood.
The heart !antic! to Con • - four tirou
asnd times an hour; •in which It
follows that there , 'through the
heart every hour tor • . nd oun
ces, or three hundred of Masi.
Now.the.wholo q. , Y. Wed in
an Wallas estimated ' • twenty
!bre to thirty ' Ind Is tilled
With Whxdshbustii • '"it considers
,Whit autueo.Unt* • bcoashuit*:
Just reflect with . `, 'Ainpetuatty
the blood gushes f ..• of the
whale! How
contrivaneel. Aiken: Whew
ibrown oat of the itt istroke, -
: with gut Tilts:nett s, • , thiveghtt
, x .
wive nd v kilkoioit • pod tif I
thernime; .
air, or 'mica - Wu pan ea. - rugs sr,
effected by .a process lo.thelungs.--,
Every thnewebreatia; we take in two
kinds of air , rpure and impure—the
pure we retail, and the foul wed's.
miss every time werespire. The lungs
of all animalsconsbst of air and blood
vessels closely united ; wherever you
find the one Set, you evidently find
the other. The constitution of the
heart needs tour cavities: two ventri
cles which lend out the blood, ,and
two auricles which receive It. These
cavities closely communicate with
each other.
Next, we notice the firing of valves
In the heart. These consist of a thin
membrane closely utfached to the
vessel, giving free access to the Jim.*
sage of blood au long as It retains its
proper course, but checks it-when it
attempbi to flow in a contrary - direc
tion; a Valve is placed between each
auricle and its ventricle, so that when
the ventriele contracts no part of the
blood gets back Into the auricle, but
immediately enters the artery.—
Valves are also placed at the mouth
of the great arteries which convey
the blood from the heart; offering no
obstruction until an attempt Is made
to low back Instead of forward.- -
4stly, we see that this organ for. its
ptmervation is - defended by a case
srdliciently moistened to keep it in
safe and healthy state. When we
j consider this in connection with all
the, rest, and then think how it con
stantly keeps beating for a succession
of many long years, never • becoming
fatigued, is not the mind ready to
exclaim—lost in wonder and amaze
ment—"Oh,whatmecluenisna I What
a great and Supreme design at the
head of these things."
Secondly, we ,will - take into con
sideration the structure of the I
eye. What a .4%implirated piece of
mechanism . What design 611114-
ited in it. Who alter the com
prehending of this organ of vision
will attempt to deny the epstence of
One all powerfal, who has so neatly
designed and arranged its different
functions? The,eye is placed in a
firm deep socket, formed by the
coalition of seven different bones
hollowed out at their 'edges, It
is also, buried ItiA bed of fat within
this socket and protected by the eye-
bones, the use of;whlch is to prevent
the sweat from' ;calming down into
this very tender organ. Again we
find it better defended by the lids,
whose office Is I 4 char and close the
eye in sleep. In order that the eye
may be kept in a purified and mois
tened conditicmi , a substance .Is-in
wardly applied by a secretion Tor
this intent, and the unnecessary wash
is conducted to the nose through an
aperture In the , bone as large as a
1(003q quill ; *life It has'Otered the
Inside of the nostrils, It is evaporated
by the effects pf warm, air, :which
every time we rewire is paned over
It. We also hail It necessary that all
Imrqpn be placed at the buttoni of t lie
eye. How ineiplicable I But what
ever effects the Aeameni of the pic
ture e ff ec ts the clearness of vision;
hence we conchide froni this that all
images must apemen* be funned
at the bottom of this organ, then
can we properly consider upon the
smallness yet correctness of the im
age. Then also take into 'consident
,- A •
. fo.
V ,
1 do
tton the wide range of,visliMittirlbu
ted organ. Next
,the eye of
ldtdssioatdine :ssareaseaatnembrimp
"celfe: d'ihe iiii,ctatiney. which .swe eps
the: 44.Ib,eativey to It a hurnour and
defend Itoie find It neatly "folded op
In the corner of the eye, Joined by a
tendon"ilth n muscle In the back
yak ibf the eye though elastic, yet se
fine that It dam not.obstruet tho
sight when passinglover ik Cariany
one bpsoaveme as sound ration as
not )166 alleir the examination of
this Wiwi! organ as All-wise design
ing hand ?
Thirdly, we will examine the, itr
riiiigerilad of the ear. We know from
its complex . ki i im that it la an instru
merit adapted to sours* aware that
actunds toeidat la pulae of the air,
'ind:tingiMpreisdutuf Made by these
polleisrOilchig the tar are carried to
the haiku. .Thls imp.? to composed of
an'exlernsl, andinterual ear, the of.
&lei/ the'extertlal Is that of an ter
tratiiiiet,. _to _catch and collect the
vl.brattiga . tif Then. we . have
the'outinird Omega of the ear
ln"g'toihib,tympanun or drum, and
these *Meeting with four little
benes,.wiltee office it is to form a
pmmisnicatka with the bruin.
Thesejittle bone; are so Joined with
one another; that at the vibration of
themembiline of the drum.,the
whole four act and work, the base of
the last 'one tipOn en aperture' whkb
opens'iiito the canals, leading to the
brain. This Last bone is culled the
Stapes; of Its oisb.lll to repeat the
vibration atter ths drum has received
the impreSsion, and lastly we notice
another cavity or tube, situated be
hind the drum, called theeustachlan
tube, extending from the cavity of
the drum to the back of the month,
thiliugh small yet'"affording a suffi
cient passage of air through the same;
if this cavity had been left vacant,
the membrane would have bursted
frciet:the pressure of atmosphere, If
with any other secretion Its
freesetten Would become obstructed ;
hence, we see that this tube serves to
open the'cavlty of the drum for the
Williston of Qtr. What design!
Whit a pinverini Hand has fashioned
out an this machinery!
Fourthly, the human teeth present
a very good prooftla designing mind,
altmlse and powerful. The teeth are
first formed within the gums, and
then OMBI3, for ire . plainly see that
their forther • progress would be
unnecessary and incrouvenient"to
natare. We can- see design set
forth -la the suit smooth state 'of
thelotant's mouth for obtaining its
noartiniteet . ; but when the child
has istileett eta payer age the teeth
are there -anCreely to fulfil their
.missiertii however, at- first we find
them ftest.whUe lodged in the gums,
ind :detained in'thesockets, as far as
fatthei growth wohld interfere with
the present office of-t he mouth. Nur
tut* lawiee, she Okays looks ahead,
it uses
igt atietiO ttOmer
101 InirdPbelichother:
iletirgli better ex.;
hibited man "":""'—'!".- VA the
Inquiry might arise, why they ini
perfixt when the other parts of the
mouth are perfect at birth? The an
swer would be, that all the other
parts of the mouth were necessary to
the completion of the human being,
and would evidently be Called into
action at the very dawn of human
existence. But how inconvenient if
we were to find the teeth arranged in
the mouth in infancy. Nature is too
wise to err in these respects. Now in
the worm of the beetle we find the
teeth first perfected, because they are
first needed, showing again the wise
design and contrivance of the Infi
Lastly, we notice In the teeth the
series of crops, there is a second tier
formed beneath the first, which do
not make their appearance for sev
eral years. The expansion of the
Jaw we will notice tends to separate
the teeth of the first set, however
compact which would lie detrimen
tal to proper mastication, hence when
the Jaw has attained a certain alio, a
new set closely arranged, present
themselves, pushing out the old ones,
and allowing for the remaining
growth. Now I think, after all these
strong proofs, no one will dare deny
the existence of a Supreme Being,
who rules high and infinite. Ills
goodness is inscribed upon all na
ture, and she speaks to man In and
able tones: •There is a God who rules
above, sitting °kills majestic throne
in the heavens ! Obey Him ► ye mor
tals of the dust The oath and sea
are filled with His wonders. The
lordly tree of the, forest, and the
small pebble on the sea-shore speak
of ins goodness. If any man doubts
the existence of a Deity, then let bite
doubt his own existence; for, should
he but look at his frame he would be
led to exclatu► : "Man, thou Ell t fear
fully and wonderfully made!"
—Brother Noyes' family at Oneida,
N. Y., are getting into difficulty, and
atter practicing,tmmplex marriage for
twenty years, are at last, subjected to
the opposition of journals In the negh
borhood of their home. The awe
provoking the hostility is that of Mrs.
Boyce, who was divorced from her
husband at the instance of her brother,
it is alleged, for the purpose of be
coming a member of the community.
This is denied, and It is asserted by
those in authority among thccom
munists, that Mrs. Race willliof be
admitted, and Indeed that the com
munity's doors have been closed to
applicants for membership since De.
cember 1861. According the
practice•o , f the, Oneida f a m il y
woman is the wife of every man in
the community, anti each man is the
husband of elmy woinan ; otherwise
they are a• hartnim sad pious flock,
nutting implicit faith in Noyes„, the
• . of the family. They have
threatened to site ono of'the neigh
boring newspapers for libel, for eriti
cisingtheir wombs; which has incited
the people of Madison county to take
measures for the suppression of their
—A young lady at a ball was asked
by lover of serious poetry Whether
she had seen Crabbe's Tales. "Why
no," she answered, "I didn't know
that crates had tails." "I beg your
pardon, Miss," paid be, "I • mean
have read ; . Cralsbe's Tales?"
"And y ou
aware you, •alr„ I did not
know that red crabs, or any other
kind of crabs, had tails:
. .
, •
Letter Trete 0. - Platddle MIIf z.
De.tu Attune :--MeGesler awoke
next mornin', when the aforesaid
rooter with reposed on the wiggly
peech-tree begin to c u m.. As fur me,
odumber'S log-einsin still bound me,
and I dretunpt orients, and the days
M the mit, I felt like iyhe thar an'
drew/sin' about things in gineral fur
a week or two; but etch things could
n't be did. That was the day of the
weddin' T -the day when a galhfin
man and a eharmin' woman was a
gob& Willie hands, and agree to walk
together deown the stumpy hill-side
of life—an' it hhnoved me and Me.
Gaoler to up and a gittla', If we in
tended to pile in the festivities and
Magi flattions of the day. 7
The "ker-plump" of the, Alight be
frore, from the "heights of Abe double-
Myrch hadn't hurt me much.
armtette ketie watupassed,
and my Ouse still bore oltthe pec/, It
had retvivest; yet, notwlthstaraute
this, was as happy as n walla' on s
c ett bank, in the merry month of
'he sweet yoke Itrlthe anzelie lee
tie gal, ". with . tha‘ftrits a Ilyin" In
wild disruption around her emblem
ntkal forehead, aroused me front my
slumbers and my dreams of Jane.—
Bea hieGozier:
"Wall, heow dew yeou dew?"
"0.K.," nes 1.
NVe went eout and sot , deown to
break Gist ; and Jane, she sot deown
few. TV breakfast was highfalutin
ly tip-top, and Mcfloiler was right'
when he pronounced those gals equal
to hls aunt Betsy Scruggins in gettlo'
L up a squar meal. But 1 couldn'temt.
Somehow a fetter alters loses his heart
and his appetite at the same lime,
which to me.seetna a queer phenoto.
mous • in the anchltectuanf nat'ral
filosofy. It watio with me. 1 maid
n't eat while - Jeuut was slttin"long
side of . me. If she'd a been in the
wilds of Halifax I don't doubt but I
could have "ersaled-ln" beautifully.
Arter breakfiut was over, midi of
the bewitchin' gals played lively
things on the planer, sick as "'Mew
Phil," and "Not for Joe;" and then
we talked, and. talked on ; and the
clock it clocked, and docked on ; and
tempus filyiled swiftly. It waapurty
hard for 3lcCiozler and me to' break
loose from the horse with thedouble
gacered porch. At last I took a tear
ful leave of Jane, and MeGorier took,
a tearful leave of Sally, - and weaned
'away, drivin' vociferously on asorrel
boss, whose Christian name is Jerry.
Abeout 12 oclock we arriv' at the
place where the gal was to be hitch'd
onto the bondsof matrimony. • Then
we got our dinner, and my eatatite
was powerful on account of Jane not
twin present.
The people had all got arcound the
house and Into the parler, and were
watin' fur the event to transpire, bat
it wouldn't transpire fur the fallerin'
reason: the preacher didn't cum. In
the forenoon of that day, as he was • 1
eavortin' overi t t r cu
Ile of old dplinter'd
shingles, he u Ipt and m deown
ker-whack. e was sorter atun'd,
and he didn't intirely rekiver .ontil
abeout the time fur ,tyin! the knot
matrimonial.: He then got on his
boots and his marryin' of s e a
he bot at Biumpkin'd store—and trot- .
'led off tolls place of marryin'.
1 31 e and Mt ter, we got tired of
watin' fur the preacher, and we took
another tip-top feller with us, and
-went eout and spread ourselye under
the shade of a .t.ajestlck apple-tree;
and thew we staid spread and talked
and talked politicks ant the 'Ware '
prospected of the rialte ; glnersitlou.' '
The Job of gittin' the gal and - feller
Vmais rrieq ui rs tr abeout thqtAne It at
roligimiteollected manner. In- ,
ferin' on accoutit 'OT gat r'd
Isteusat. nile in the forenoon. —r-
Arter the matt of congratulations
had somewhat subsided, supper was
announced, and people sot down un
der heaven's high canister, and "the
blue dome above us," and stet', and
went into the lurkey and the other
excellent chawables In lively style.
Yeou see the table was sot in the
sweet, smilin' orchard wick stooditst
behind the n6use. .
When the preacher fell to, and was
a struglin' to git Ida:self outside of the
piece of turkey given to him, a lively
gal cum a hoppitt' up to him. holdhi'
In her hand a turkey-leg;andser.she:
"Mr. 'Hobbs, I present yeou a tar:-
key-leg, which will doubtless enable
yeou to tutu up to time when the
next weddin' rums off."
Of course, this made a flaunted larf
all 'round, and I eenemoet choked
myself on a piece of turkey which I
, was tryin' to swatter semi-crosswise.
At night titer was' a grand party
and a high falutin Jolifleation. See
eraUnore gals and fellers cum In, and
they seemed inclined to dance, and
so they fell to and tripped the light
gymnastic toe, so to speak. Neow,
the gal who presented the turkey-leg
to the preacher, also presented
an angelic gal who lived abeout thur
sumwhere ; and I took a big netten
of said gal alenad instantaneously. I
axed her to dance and she was willin
so, we fell Wand 'threded the mazes'
in beautiful Style.
I eeuemost forgot Jane; I felt ijulte
comfortable. If it hadn't beeu.that
' the leetle "peeled spot" onto my nose
cast an occasonal shade of dness
over my spirits, I should ha ve been
abeout as happy 10 1 folks &entity
wits ro be. Arter I had talked to my
gal awhile I couldskursley keep from
coin' at to deliver my lecturon "Gun
town." But I didn't - lectur—Me
(luster was oppased to it. I told my
, fair pardner that perhaps I would
Item deown that way, sumtime, and
' show up Jonathan Flydercraft in his
true colors. I would also represent
Gumbleehunks, the wimmin' 1 right
er, and the irrepressible and nee-in
trolablo tinkles, Member of Congress
from the 10th District. ,
I might add that I tsparkt the afort
mentioned gal that night, and south
er gal that slept in the next room
flung shoes at the door.
If McOozler sail his gal should git
hitched into the silken tie of matri
mony ; and if they should ax me to
the weddin', I will give yeou a start
lln' account of It. I continer tew re
main your limber,„ yet lively friend,
Manager One-Hoseley Sho.
A Western Fraud.
Toledo is biting the nail of repent
ance over the financial vagaries of a
company of fertile MlMlliatom—Al
bert Christy, James Kelley and Wil
liam Kelley. Christy, the guiding
genius ofthistrinmvimte a few years
ago bought a vast numbe ' gtif acres in
North-western Ohio, and endowed
them—on paper—with all the miner
al resources of Pennsylvania and
Missouri. He • Ibrmed a company,
the "Globe Mineral 'Company," and
In a brief time, by judialously
wrought fictions and kindred ingen
ious devices, roped to two hundred
thousand dollars or month= a num
ber of gullible Investors. The stock
holders lived for a time on the lux
uries. of . Imagination. Presently,
however, the dividends not cowing
forth, legal blvestlgation was pro
ceeded to and the._,Cllobe -Mineral"
was found a blue-thced fraud.. The
land ki valueless, the money invest
by sharehoklers not to be amount:l e
for, and Christy and his nssocliteed
imperturable and one _ The
fifty . thousand dollars ahead
trial just ended displays the nowt
waning:lied villainy and bare-faced
swindling on the pert of the obe"
and an equal and ahnost in-
Ignorance and gullibility on
the part of the moneyed public,
'Established 1818.
'The Went • Warship qf a deny Oki
iksehelor —The Girefi thierPeeded
Offer—Throsoisig pot,. $lOO,OOO
Against a facVe hand.
A Loehr'lle conespondent of the
San Fnmcisect abuttals writes.
There lived oa--street, In an unpre
lug establishment' surrounded
by trees and Steens, a young lady
who was celebrated for her hawk"
anu accomplehments.l She was a
blonde, with blue eye4-whita teeth
and 'a eavenly smile; had thto - Pret
tiest hand and foot thateverwaseeeet
and was tall, lithe, and elegant. Her
wit was delicate, tamed and spark
ling, and ber aged as superior as bee
perms was lovely. The town was
at herpet, and her suitors were as
importunate, If hot as many, as Pena.
lope's; like Atheist she was amain.'
wily wooed and yet semisweet. In
the midst of her successes came the
War and the end of which found her
family impoverished, and she herself
reduced to want for the peceptartes of
life. , '
But she was still the same proud
imperloszs mistreat of hearts as be:
tore, and she refined in quick SUCCes
tiOn thektnany Mitre of marriage that
were now made to her. She had
not thought of "matrimony as a re
boot*, but had other and different
prospects in view: She proposed, In
tact, to teach a school.
A fellow townsman, a gentleman
of Wealth and position, and a bache
had tong been a silent worship-I
per at her shrine. He had houses
and lands--states in the country
and lots in the .city-stocks interests,
and I n vestmentSw herever theywould
pay ; and his private establishment
on-,street was simply palatial.
Seeing how the eick• stood with her
whom be loved• With his whole soul,
1 he resolved; after many self-commun.
Inge and much refiwtion to ask her
to be his wife. -
"Sir," she said in answer to his
proposal, "I do not love you, and I
cannot marry yod."
"Think the matter over, mydear,"
said he, "and In one week from to
day give me your answer."
Upon his return, on the day, set,
she saki to him. C
"Sir, you have wealth, and I am
poor; you live in a palace, and I, as
you ee, in a cottage; you are desi
rous of having my hand, wad I would
like very much to be rich. I will
throw the dice with you--my hand
against , hundred thousand dollars!
Is it a bargain ?"
"It Is," 'said he. And thereupon(
they pledged to each other their
Words to bide the tumuli. -
It'was arranged that but three per
eons should be let into thesecret; that
each should select a friend ; and that
the two selected friends were to choose
the third, Miss-.--mumed the Hon.
?Mr.—. a promiuent member of the
;bar, as her friend; Mr. 7 --choose the
Bev. Mr.--- . -, pastor, of the fashkroar
bie church on---street. as his; and
these two made choice of Dr. , an
eminent profs:rim 10 the medical
college, as the frientiof 'both parties.
.By these gentienien the pfair1310111•
ries . were arranged, and. the pro
gramme Was this:
The doctor was to give a party at
his house on a certain specified Fri
day evening, at which were to be
present all the best people in Louis
ville; the Hon. Mr.—was to have
a license in blank,. fly to he filled
eta moment's warning, and was to
held : .Mr.—'s check for $100,000;
and the ItiV. Mr.—was to be in
waitideta - per marriage
-..-tratliSlaisintpilo. _
Mr.—'s study, when party ildeses.
were top roceed to the w here,
were they were to celebrate
out T eniagr and If she wen, th 7
At precisely nine o'crocet Wit l L.
eventful evening, the players and
their freinds met In the Hon.
Mr.—'s study. By agreement of
the parties themselves, they were to
throw poker dice, and to cut cards
for the first throw. The gentleman
cut a queen and the lady eject, and
now came the tug of war. He was
cool, calm, and pale• ' she was state
eique.- imperious and collected. His
lips were compressed; hers were
formed into an extended are, span
ning the whole mouth and complet
ing the bow. The twain sat on op
posite sided of a small table, and the
umpires stood overlooking them.
The dice box being sot before him,
Mr. placed his fingers over the
top, 'and. with the thumb clasping
the side, he gave it a shake and
threw two fours and two deuces. Put
ting aside the fours, he threw anoth
er.four. Then, throwing the two re
maining dice, he threw two fires.
He had thrown', therefore, a • full
three fount and two fives.
1 And now came Bilas-----'s turn. It
was a thrilling moment, and the rue- 1
[ tie' of her silk dress in the stillness of
that room sounded like the tree tops
in the wind. She twirl: 11y drawing
off her right glove, ex age hand
of exquisite beauty an dellwcy, on
the forefinger. of which sparkled a
diamond. Then, taking up the box
quickly, she gave it a long shake in
the air, '
and turning it down upon
the tab le, she threw-nothing! A
cloud the reupon passed over her face,
and the arc of her lips assumed a still
more bow-like curvature.
But, nothing daunted, she at once
retook the box and threw again
this time turning up four deuces, and
the fifth dice cocked. Terrible mis
chance! Miserable luck ! Again she
threw, and threw three deuces and
two trays. Putting all the dice back
intodhe box, she had left but one
other and last throw, upon which
now rested heronly chance. For the
first time since she sat down she
spoke, asking for a glass of water.
Having drank a tumblerfah she sat
:or a moment pressing toether her
' eyebrows between her thumb and
forefinger and then, all of a sudden,
she snatched up the dice box and
shook it vehemently, and threw
three fours and twcrsixes, and won.
And did She take the money? you
ask me. I answer most emphatic
ally-she did.. _
Mr. Bergk's Dream.
Mr. Henry Bergh, PresldenWr the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals, lectured on hbkikverite
subject, recently; in Brooklyn. The
feature of his address was the recital
of a dream which had come to him
altera_ wearisome day of labor and
disappointment. Rethought be had
died and went to another world. He
stopped *Vast:et of a half.wayatatioe
which befound to ben sort of purgs
tory_ fur • •
• \Vhen" he knocked at the gate his
summons Vies answered - by a mule,
upon. whole,rdovolved clutku of
the doorkeep er anti for"' suPeria
teudent of luodrs.
34M uid sra tu n ped t I;ere . T"
replied the spirit of Mr. Bergh. I
enter your purgatory,"
slitru)d like to hold sweet COMMUIII
- with the disembodied souls of
such broad; blots, Mt and reptiles as
have autßed from the Inhumanity of
man on terth, and are preparing to
I receive their deserts in mansions be
yond the reach of cruelty and °privet
"parne le," said the mule, alter a
close scrutiny of the visitor's person,.
"You do not seem to be one of us,
rut you have no tall,and you are nelL
ther bothered nor furred, nor have
you horns or boob% but lisp in and I
will Introduce you to the atm,"
old Arm baildllagThded,StrfigMlas:,
.tier;. Pa.; ailglyatiyaar la admiral. •
ibommuniesuous op seillooes aloud
or amoral labwomb ari
To-laaux• ideatio n .h °f • •
thjii kind aunt
Wad by tba MON a Übe author.
LAW" aadaeauaaaladbautibeibl bow -
" WELILXD, Ilamr.:1 1 0. •
The Major Was a besuUrid whit e
horse that bad spent snakiest Uwe' '
.la thespirit-world to teams et psii...--.
fectspeehnen. He had soine•disibie
teto Ati4
respecting Mr. Burgb'a lint
purpose, but having*
he received the great tairopist, •
cordially. and . ktal_.lisi boa _
pitaiiiies a his m 9 17 'mule. Be .ll
i-e committhge binned' to the latter ,
l ick howiiver, hie the various
*wheat' within 4dliviek. to hi
iit ldr.Burgb,in order to settle the '
filet that In the flesh he had nothing
to do with 'the Corturing of their
The fist inspector was a delaplda
ted horse, then on -probation. No
gave Mr. Bergh a Wog Mitten of -
his troubles on earth. and 1.4 eta
sideration of the patieneurith Which .
be bad been listened tb" furdisbed
him with a certificate ofiood chime
ter. Thenaneaturtle,s Newfourall-• ,
landflog, a heifer, an ox, and a Brook
lyn row, each of whom
i ir in t p so
minutes repeating to the mow! •
Wail and tribulafiour of his at bur •.
life anion men on earth. The heifer .
lost ber temper while recallivg the
enormities practiced upon • her when
subject to man's dominion, and
sought to do violence' to the person
of her visitor, but the 'Mayor had her
!talked up!
T y grimily bear and put
on short ions for twentyfour
hours. turtle abed tears as be
stood up on his hind legs and related)
the sad story or. his wrongs ; 1 as ( •
he wiped his eyes with Ids lonian! '
fins and steadied himself with hit
lath ho • displayed an extensive
knowledge of geography, and evinced
a cum:spending want of faith In the '
humanity of the World at large: The
other animals told their stories unW
the dreamer awoke and committed .
to paper the queer experience of his •
keying hours.
The “Wlekedeet Wimiteas.7
John Allen, the "wirkadefit 01 1 r." •
In New York, Is outdone by'the .
"wickedest woman" In 'New' leoek; "
who has felt the sin of her wags and '
changed them. Annie Rdssei, keep
er of the most disorderly phiee Is the .
miserable Fourth ward, having
pentad, has.aussed all the fare iture
of her Water streetngaki to be lit
erally "broken no "with axes, and
it is now to be used as a. place oe wor
ship. This conversion results bum
attendance at the "Home for Wo
men," at John Allen's old phiee,
whew noon-day prayer meetings
have been held ovary day since its
establishment. A bit of instruction
is contained In her statement that, la
1866, she had left Water street, as
she confide:4U) , believed, never to nr
tura, and had moved to a quiet - •
Galley up-town. Here for some
months she lived In quiet and wont
first treated kindly bylaw -
She linnished her loom
_ L ad
all the past seemed to be
Bat Tqm Norton,
the rent thehouse on Water
=lsyst of emise... Beatty - he trollTh'
ug bar hack to In:r t
ob' and
oompatiosi. He talked. with the be;
esters of the bar-rooms in the
did others until her former
history was known by all ben new-
Ibund friends. She did not bear of
his actions for some time,but notkul
that she was shunned, and .she her
came so salsetable thatshe sought her
old abode oa Water street to drown
her agony. She says it was a cruel
alternat i ve, bet she felt compelled to •
choose t. All who have seen. sad .
talked with her at this thne.are
couraged .to believe in the sincerity
of her conversion. She says shelve'
paid the rent upon the house
thejetely occupied up to Jaya,- --
auu s very fervently' ior
room. I.BbetSinaY bre w sham in
heW th rmia e l E ft n sand t tBhereet entl tliS• rel it : "l"""e t l .:W illaalleglieett 7tb e
missionary of the H
to devote the rest of her Ilk to saving
fallen women. The hest asserance
of her sincerity is the utter hatred
which she has forthe property and
money acquired by this means. Oa
entering the House she cost off a
massive gold ring, saying that It was
the wages of sin, and she never want
ed to see It again."
A Novel Core.,
Alexandre Dumas pubiGibed some
time ago, In a daily Patli piper, a
novel, in which the heroine prosper
ous and happy is assailed by con
sumption. All the slow and, grads'.
al symptoms were most naturally and
touchingly described. and the great
est interest was felt for the heroine.
One day the Marquis Dalornieu
called on him.
"Dumas" mid he. "have you com
posed the end of the story DOW being
published In the--r
"Of course."
"Does the heroine die at the end?' •
"Of course, dies of consumption.
After such symptoms as I have dec
scribed how could she liver
"You must make her live. You
must change the catastrophe."
"I cannot."
"Yes you must; foe on your hero
ine's life depends my daughter's."
"Your daughter's?"
"Yeilehe has all the varioussymp
toms oftronsuroption which you have
described, and watches mournfully
for every nutliber of your novel,
reading her own fate in your hero
ine's. Now, If you make your hero
ine live, my daughter, whose Imagi
nation has been deeply impressed.
Will live too,"
"Oot t pe a life to save . Is a tempta
tion— '
"Not to tie resisted."
Dumas changed his last chapter .
Ills heroine recovered sad was kaio
About five years attecwarlaDrunas
met the Marquis at a party.
"Ah, Drums 't" be exclaimed. "let
me introduce you to my daughter . ;
she owes her lite to you. There the
i t o
"That fine, handsome woman. who
looks like Joanne d'Arc.
"Yes. She Is married, and has
four children."
"And my novel fbur editkaw,"
said Dumas "so we are quits."
lialtatios seNature.
Thousands of diseasesld bo cur
ed if doctors gave close Uwe
nature, t i nm hemo: h .en ose ien w ts iszt and and indbeness
laws are sure to can"' its safely
thugh unless cootravened by our
I own w il d lesonaeness or folly—Mit.
KNVIEII,I4 LUNG (1.711 E has bans pre.
Dared with the full purpose lo ~lase
in heal the lungs, removeotetnictions
purify the blood and cure all those
diseases of the lungs which ultimate
ly lead to coaumptlon. It cured 000
of the Conner editors of tido paper of
a corigh in one dare. It la a Wonder
ful medicine, and Is without enamel
even in 'Mecum of bonsurnptke In
its early stays.. SIAS , per bottle. If
your druggist does not keep it. scud
Jive dollars to Dr. Keyser, and he will
send Gm bottles securely boxed. by
express, with full directions how to
use It. 1117 Liberty Street, nob.
—Marsh*ll & lit. Lotria, wbo
were estatdiebsd in 1863, are now
Wilding a new foundry, Bixloo feet.
with tiro cupolas and one alr furnace
and propose to employ from 40 to 50
tops of Blbsouri pig iron deity. Their
maahlite. shop is 200x40 feet. We.
stork • pry use a steam engine
qt r oettklo- Ir. Anqacturep an hone
Pk,' "