The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 21, 1870, Image 1
ADVERTIMEIMENTIL Advertisements aro Inserted at the rate of sl,oo por square ter first insertkm and for cavil subsequent Insertion 50 °Plat& A liberal discount made on yearly ad vertises. A mr „. o equal to ten lines of this type ~,,,vnires a square. itmdeess Notices set under • head by themselves immediately atter the local n ovs, will be charged ten cents a line for rich insertion. Advertisements should be banded in MOnday noon to Insure Insertion to ti ca week's ' a .:r. Business Directory. BEAVER. i MOOR Droggiit and dealer to paints, n• ode, pure medial Wines and Liquors. ore, Lawns and Fancy Cl*oda: Main et. Pre. options carefully compounded. tiejently iiikr „ confectionery, Tobacco and ingsm. FiN iIV/d/11/Z.alinufiCturer rid Dealer In 11 Maas, Stoma and Gal:e a rs: at. lauplittly 11 Uruc>;Ll ,C Apolhrraey.M lully compunodbn. I ASDERSON.D. , aIer in the Improved WII -on Shuttle sewing Machine, Main at. bee r mkth,4 column. - aepin;ly r E./CO/111ra. E. 11.. Dealer In Millinery (Mods 1) 'l' cor ad t,t and Diamond. elitkly Grocery 4 Itestaurauc C hoice Coffee., Torre., and Cigars, Com Vege.bloi. Men et. acrettly It. SSIIUTZ, Denier In Tinware ' Stoves, j• legate., c. We'd end 3d vi. eniatly ........ f). 5,116 Nurkef St. Pittsburgh, Pa. {senility lit ,FT PHIL - LIPS. Reid Estate Agents, .pi ' ls po•lte Poet 01lice. l'utitishers of the —lima aria free. Jltteburgh. itENHERSON-A BROS., Wholesale Diug• , gluts, Itnii Liberty St. l'iltsburgh. senlCly I 1) ItA %tit PAItLOIL. . vane, (111.111 . 31114ked Si.) Pittsburgh. lactillitiy I % ( %' K otl & SV. ° Firtliu k r7g! r iC. "d uie " , , llll; e , lib lI Paluburgh—lmpo SC rtersandflealers in Notions, Triamilogo, Hosiery, While Oxide, de. fatillily 11:511 Elf 6 111 t0T111311S, Fr,eneh and Anteil• It I :in I'onteetioners. DfilliSlllo it nuts, fruits. 4e lii Wood St. l'ittsborgh, foepitlY 110 - oll,E,•DealeFie choice real, Coneei J. Family itrocerien. No 90 Filth Avenue. Intern I •,r.di. . isept4;ry dIIN BIGGERT A. SON, Dealers itrillo New el Weed Family Sewing Machines. 116 'darnel tsburgh, Pa. •epility [VCR M'CLINtOCK A CO., Dealers 113 Car -1 / taro, Ointloths..te. Special rates to Clergy. :: Fad, Ai enbe.!l•ltieburgh, [sepitly 1.• Saccessir to J. N. 44041'711T11, Dealer ice r.." Watches, C nay, Jewelry Silverware. No 1• , hid, As ole. l'ittsburgh. [senility t I.VONti - . linos au! Slgu Painter; writes II • n, girder Show Carda for every busluess.— N.. lOU A ventlyrylttshurgit, I's. • (veld:lily , Ft' I. Manufacturer of and Dealer In I • 1•11111tIllre 81111 Chaim—lto...wood. Walnut, 11.41i,atly and oak. 4556111h60W st. iontrg 17 NNW BRIGHTC!N d i •Cu MEMON, bakery Courellouery. I 1 II It •inset. Special utlesatlon given to.ued d.,,:- and ball.. it.epl,l;ly .1. MN ELLI:NBEItti, Merchant Talloro,— .1 -. • ❑nudx ay, New Brighton. Sol &dr 1.04;1y k M. WIIISLER, Dentlbt. Itrudid•cay. titsw . itrr;, , ,liton. • ()trial:ly 111,uck, • Itcnt phutognplid (tutu re-tutich• . (sep:tly Al' INTER & lIISDIM./N.,=Jessvirr■ and Tobac• I I conlets. lirowtsay, h. Brighton. isepl•l;ly I - JTIORTTER, Grocerlei.; Queetiowarr and r 1 • 11.otneldd Godo. - Broadway. iseidlay IVAN 1 . 11111. Bealtyr lo Wall raper, Wludow i i !Mods. Boukg,Suktioueery d Notluua; Broad , 1 New Brighton, l'a. • [ • lIIF'F .0 S't'EINFI I.U,l4cuter* lu Dry Dowdo. fairy I iood NO( i 0116 ; M II t TABU'S 11rwiduay.. r tictitt;ly IIMMIMIE!! • 11.1.1 A 1/011E1ertiON, Dealer In Improved 'lig 'Machine. Main NI., hearer replt ly • lz• Goole. glieeninvare said corner of Main :inn Baker atreeta, r 1..”1• repttly I • LS DAL!. &TANN El. Artl.4..tFrepro Palm, Ilou, and Sigt. l'aWien., Maio St.. r rua- Pepli;ly BRIDGEWATER AMP.. POUTER. Miner. Dealer In nu, Cop. rl 1... r end Slovt•lntn win., and Iron Clat •rn Itrolgei.t; Bridgewater. (twill -I.IY I Manigneturer and Dealer to Ro.o. and Shoe, Bridge St.; liridgewa er, itept•ltly • t 4'. it BST,. Illy Coaala, (late,liaVe Faro, ...1• Carpet*, Oil Cloths and Trimmings. 'Bridge ..t.„ Bridges, ;ail, Pa. acid Ely Dealer in, Boon. and S=. r I • Bridge Street, Bridgewater. aeplitly RANA U Nit, Millinery, Trinitiiinge S. Notions • -Bridge et., Bridgewater. sepl.l;ly WEINMAN, Manntacture 'of BUM and Wading tly .tt and prowd. Water Bt, above Bridge. (spli . PAIN WOOMBUFF, Mable Cutter; Moun t I went ttttt Intones of all deecriptlouti outdo • ,suer. 111. Market and Water streets. (sepltly s'l'l LESS CO. Groceries, quetrusware, Wiu• it) • clow lilaaa, Flour, Feed S Country Produce. Bridge St. Bridgewater : [op21;11 1'1'114:11 M AGIN NIS— Solicitor —Proprietor Ind Peraniu Oletue. S. Dealer In Agents' 000d1.1 ‘,lllO stunted. Water et. bet mill., Bridge. .•. r O. tirldrear.,lltrarst•r, l'a. rightly In Monoir•aht•La 1 I I IL CI ]leaver, Drug Storertu Bridgewater, will lie 4. , ...pits ultuntlell to. Cairlt rou delivery—Loweit • t ...• Mel) onald'a Point. Iwo:3+:1y --- • - 1110CIIESTEli 111 1/..104ter. (SepHOY 11. E I 1 1 1 ' r ' <" i" f Curer Brighton' Deal Ik e I r Xl , l l c at. arty. See Want.__ taepttly I IS KARCHER, Baker, and Confectioner. — rI Water rt., Rochester.' Pa. teepll;ly N.,ItAIIAM BOYD, Wagon & Carriage Maker, 1 It dtroall st.. Roche:der:Pa. ' • UII El. C. HA NN EN, Druggist. Presicrlp , iton. carefully compounded. Water et., Ito. (sept4;lY - - - 11l .I.A.WINANS,EIectrIcaI Physician; Chronle 1 I diseases made a specialty. Olnce, corner of. InAdmiot and Bridge rte., Rochester. [sepli;ly P ES ER ER & KIN S. N holesale & Retail Deal n in lire C o o4s,Oroveries:Flour,Ferd.Grain. , 1%.1:1( nliffer j 1 ,11& Nall.. Cur. Water S Jame. sts. • FREDERICK. Baker and Confectioner.— % 11 . • Weddins, Cakes out Ice Cream faruhdted promptly. On Diamond, Itoeliesfer. tsetd4;l3! 1 , 1,11 SALE by A. SILVEItwAs, Ileadlnarters e tor hirsign & DomeAtictbry Goode.NtitiOSlN • Trllllllllllol Entity thAida generally. Water •treet. Rochester. Pa: (septtly 'la and Itollderi . N 1 • Sc. Deal In 'minim, Lath Sr . Rochester. [sep4l:ly Lumber. Lath & shingles. Itochcater• solte.lY oWEIVS LIVERY tITA ISLE. & COAL YARD, 13 Tarn own It. It. Mallon and 'duo river. oclte.ty 6.1411110 PP 111AST:Manufacterer of and dealer 17 lu Tln.Copper and :Ilion Iron Ware. Itoothig, Spouting. Sc„ attended to. 'S. York .t., nettte,ty Ides. Near It. It. Depot. 'octl9 . .ty riNrittErc, dealer T —t Loots, Shoe, Gaiters. s). &c. Repairing done neatly and promptly. Store in the Diamond, Rochester. Pa. octlit;iy WALTER & BROTHER - , Manufacture. of al' Wagon., Cosehes.", Sprlng.wngtina, &c. Blarksmithing anditorseelmeing loneita th Intl 111111111ef. Rochester, Pa. nolfdy 11 INCELLANEOEI.?. 1 t THORNll.l.:Y.Manufacturer of the (Irma PI Republic Cooking Stove, slid Patentee or ror tw.• extenVon top and centre. Falloton. Pa. LtiEirr Itl"SSl:l.f.. Stoneware Slanufacturcr. I,rd..n. promptly Intended to. Vattioirt. Pa. I•o.t wilco add MO.-Moaner, l'a. VIM: Permanently located In the villmre of I 1 boli...toply( Pa.; for the purpose of practicing' Medicine. I rl rpectfully tender my profes•lonat m ic..•10 Ctilf.l . lo raid ,illage and vicinity. In re denee, opporitak:aale where 1 ..U:1;1 141‘ViN• rllllllll.. uulrn proferolonally oeaGl. )01 cult. aIII receive immediate and prompl attention. A. V. CUNNINGHAM. St. D. reim2l.lyl _ ' • .1. I,INN'ENBRINIC,. floater In - Watches, elnelcmi, J:Fringicala Wstri;s mid Jeweh7 repslr.4l: Agenr Tor Ilse W RED" Sosloil Islachlue, Rochester Pa. y 13fim .1. 11. McCIVITF:ItY. XTTORNEY AT LAW. Third Street, Bearer, Pa. ( mire below the Court llootte, Dearer, P. j•r2ltt THOMAS.M'CREERY & CO TllO9l. WCILIBEaIt, CWAler. DILAVO. . .... ....J. B. ANGIEL, WE J. 11. REERY. I ntet cat paid on timetimomts; Prompt attention - Mt en 10 collections. Also, Insurance Ag-ents for ....mai end reliable Companies. [lluaylillf --•—• y 1) 71 . 11 . In ° l l l ll. ih u e - tray, at Dtrol h alla . roroer; at night at toy rrAdonrn on Water street. itildgewater, l'a. Will practice Sorge'' , and Med- Crnarthly:cit' l apfft_ T v, YlenlillTT 111. 11,11aving permanent • ly located in Skiver, would rerpertrully ten d, Id. wore...lona' rots Ices to the CILIZCOIP of Bea. ,er and surrounding country. Special 11.11elati012 paid to the treatment or female disesteem. Surgery dtn,e with • skillful hind. Ogre on Thtrd street, a few.doors send of the Court blouse. ave.4.l..'llkUm • • `• Shire, MI 13A UNEN; dealer to lloota'. • Shore, flatten., Slipprre. he.. mat door to Porter'. 'llll whop, Bridge street. Bridgewater. Pa.. where he la prepared to manufacture and sell ve.) thing to las hoc at rraeonable rate* Illy. I ue removed Mc place of bootlaces' from the, corn. rr near the 'Bridge to htc pment.locatlon...he In his old friends cod patron. to clue hhn, • call. • JorNlSltt.7.. • • • 1;/ llli A torewood, !depo t rued Mehdam, cialrely new, with four snipe and fhb octaves. lumina at Ml* olgroo. novl;4w Al 4. CAM Elgeont , Attorney ut Ltrw J Ueneer, Pa. ()Mee in the room ;for merly oceopled by the late Judge Adam. Col tactful:la, tr., promptly alleged to. arifreetly. =I Vol; 52--No. 51. Vold it Silver IMPORTANT TO EVERY a ONE! ~•. F, Look lloliday,Gree,ting! Grand Display ,'Christmas —Prcsents!!!! Gents' Gold Watches. Ladies' Gold Watches. New Chains and Bracelets. Necklaces and Lockets. • Fine Gold Jewelry. Gold and Stiver-Headed Cants. Gold Spectacles .1z Eye•Gltuwes. Sterling- Silver ... Wltre ; 4.4 r i iil Splendid Mock.] ' l'arl n andi Bronze - niv. I.'"A. - N - 1 , croons. Prices Lower. than Erer ' E. P. ROBERTS, Aro. 16 Fifth Artiaue, Pittsburgh, Pa. All are inciting to call, when la the city. &1111 ex. amlue our Itolldsy Good* without feeling under any obligation to buy. Don't rail to come and see the Drawl Display. • ocis;3nucbdecil Mfscellancoux. El. P. ICU AIN, Attorney at Lew. Wilco in Ac la inter' building, east of Public, Square. _ =EI EAXECUTOICS NUTlCE.—Letters teatamenta li 011 thu Etttate of John Feasts, deed, telt , of lasS I township, Deaver enemy, retina.. having been grouted to the undendgoed, all permute in debted to told estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment; and those baring e alms no said estate will present theta to. the sulatcrtbee, duly authenticated for sett lenient. octift,iltr 111 EN BY Pfill.LlS!Ker: Dry Goods. 8, lADO72IIw • Bridge Street, BRIDGEWATER, PA. IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPDLT OF I/O r ODS IN EACH OF Tim FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: - TYR.I( CI; 001)S. t SteulA•nrille Jeans, and Sattlnels, White IVonllen blankets, While and entnred and Barred Flannels„ • 31er•.n•A, • 9 Delaines, • Plaids, Cobergs, Brown and Black Idttslins. 1l rtlli :Pickings . Canton • • Flannel , .loconctg, . • -r Crash, . • • Counterpanes. II naiery, (Udve,4 Mts. Groceries, Coffee, Trill , . Sugar, linlaaaes, Whlte Slicer Drips Golden and com mon Synd Trupo. aMllowacke Cal in bar rels and. kits, Star arendles, Snap. iiplcre and Mince Meat. Al., • BALI. • Hardware, Nails, Glass, Door Lock*. Door Latcbee, Hinge*, Ncrewo. Table Cutlery, Table at. Tea Spoon... Sleigh hells, Coal Wm or Fire Shovels and Fokera. Nails and Mao, Spade*, bborele, 4, 3. and .4 Tine Forks, Rake*, Scythe* and Ning C bo, orn and Garden Hoer. WOODENWARK Duckett. Tuba. Churns. nutter Prints and Ladle* CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil•it White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADIES` MISSES' AND CHILDREN!? SHOES, In great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Fli.ur Feed Queetteiieure. .II heavy goods delivered free of charge. fly ride attention to infaineno, and by keeping conntantly on band a well 11.10Ited atlockComte. of all the different kind. Tonally kept lu•conntry gore. tbefuodersigned hop.; in the future aa lo thepafft to merit and receive • liberal .bate of Wa public patronage. ' ls. dect,rddly.—lytcligd. The Most Complete Businits Co lege in the United States, AlbinHug facilitle. for acquiring a thorpugh.,pra~ tical bublneas education, potteased by no other School in the country. Since Ito Incorporation to lsit:S. nearly Sixteen Thotiontid Student.. from every State in the Ctilon, have attcntlentete. No vacation.. Stade:Ail enter at any time, nc a t fi r. d receive private Instruction 11.011y:hoot In count N. IL- circulars with full particular and all ua ccesary Information. ou addravolnu ' SMITH & COWLEY. ac Prlnclpala. Prrninou. Pa. Professore gazes A /Viol of the Asserksa tuiversity, aro smiths( wonderful COM 0( acers, Tumours end Moors by *lir tars dscovery. • A painleso trestsoiro b = knife, se planter., w• essidlo .Th• soot rent•rhe ableaffeet of this • treat:nest rates the • ensests of axiom= growths, le that they shrivel, die and die. appear sod will isof return. Alt flume af flicted tax call on the Profaners Buchanan 411 Bows, University: or add.... No. did Pine Street, PhileAs. 1:112M l t l.. S r . Dr: J. Mar. -,,, i , , vs.. ~ ray,orttridge• ..)‘,... __, .._... water,l. deter • mine that no Dentist lu the ... , ,---7-,...........L._''' _ State shall do (1' a „ ... __ .---- fur work better Or I i f lA : I - 4 f!".ritr. 1: 1 1: 4 1,..4•Et 0 Ws patron/J.- 11e nary the be.t reaterkle resouractared In the United Maks. Gold and O ver Alger verfornnd In a ityla that defies compe. thlon gaiJeraellon itoorsotodi to all opendlour, or the motley returned. Glee hint • hill. rebtli Brighton Paper Mills . BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. MANIVILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, mardwisre, Glass, Straw. RAO AND CARPET 8 1=1: s 5 , mANT_TarA.c•ruicl or• AND SOLD AT' iNholesale a: fietall by Prazicr, Motor 1 Co., $2 Third Avenue. - rrnsinntlin. 'armse takes to exchsags. Learpllk'Sktf = i .,.,... ~:. : _. Ita~~ada. RamVioAns. PITIWT.WAYNRII . IICAGO RAILWAY. Ou Deer.4l ISA boa will {Ova Stattowr Waltgituat ce Pli I f e r g '' . (Train laavita ea& at a3S, ITYala leaving Plttobrugh at &GU P. 11., ler, • duly.) STATIONS. ;''s Mgh. .. t .. . —1; :1 42 15a . 111419551. 1 4;1 1 1 0 D as Ails,: Salem. l, 1. Anima) " COO adu'vl:iii '7OO Canton liamillou - Omllle 'i 451 415 • 447e0 . 4CII Womter Yawata.' ' ' 1 . 0i) : 1 ii•i lii Kiri ~„ J A ;! 935 735 500 11100 ' Creitl— ) 14 " •• ! I VXIS I 715 165.4n;1110 SIMMS F ,PP l Bl4.l3.lQ: r 4 tii7 1 . 4441 : * Tit ilialt Pa m "' . " 5--#. ' . ' • 4•l4Crai UM • OW 119 Van Wert. I. , ' Fort Wayne. SW 4134 a• 445 ii) Warsaw, Plyaloulh'..., ..... 11 43 ill . -, ' air* . 991 . 1. i Valparahlo.:: .. '...1 Chicago 1.70 . 0 703 550 Ow .:..• , • ..). WINS 001110 WT. ; STATIOAs. • ; Itzeat. Exes. limit Ox,. Chicago. • :; 900.49 51544 550i9 999 ma Plymouth . 19 • lillo3ra 905 950 ; 19115434 Warsaw Coletublu. Ir;,. ;;;_.. ;_....'- ........' rod Wayne '1 . 2114 I= MOPE aZi Dna. ,; 4011 135 rat 335 540 Poirot • SOS 143 413 797 Upper Sandmlcy .... •••• •.• •••• Dueyrus ...... •••••r•••• ••ii ii t i ;,,.,i , c,..tiina ift ....'i ' '. l sg .1%. coil gm liansfleld 1717 WO MO 11071 Woofter Orrvllle l ' i =I 'al " '945 iiiii C a n to Can ton • • Alliance .... l!lot5 . eir;o ilia taarie Salem. Recheater illiiiiiia 1106 ITs6rn air Pittahurgh 1 155 iitiOrn 1 345 - 440 0 Ell Time ktlitOWll, New Castle - and Erie IS ten es loungstowu at tILI pp m; New Casa p.m; antis.* at Pittsburgh, bag pr. in. Rub leaves Pittidnieth 7:00 a. in; arr. at New 10:44a. in. Youngstwei, 10:10. a. in. • Youugvlowit. New Castle and Plltsbut eonnoodation leaves Youngstown, 6;10 a. ti Castle, 1:10 a. m; arrisel at Allegheny, 1 Iteturtileg, 'mixes Pittsburgh, 2:00 p rives New Castle.X4ll/.111. .t prrninuitmi RAIL! On and after Mar .12th 1870. Inane wl Hut one daily (Wundsys en:mtg.!) fullo wr*riws Cle‘elaml Euclid Street d1R~! Ravi mu Alliance Bayard MEE BE= Wellevige Itayrd Allia i nce ... Its eons. .. Ilutl Euclid Street 210 . 945 .11110 nom; xasi. 13:1=211 Se Brhltreport.. Steubenville Welles - 1115.... oehemer. r.rttobunrb.... ~iinoi~ ,Water Proofs, Chinchilla. Cloths, Woollen Shawls Pliteburgb... korbeeter Beaver Sruith'e Frrry Wellffivllle SSS Steubenville ... lirbizeporL.. ............... Be . Leaves N. rhusdelplat, MO a. m J. MORE DRUGGIST , l'reseriptiims °ireful& and Aerurtile ly Cb»ipoineled. • TIES lIRANDS Or ASSORTED Mee ct IL 3cL a 1 IIIiNES AND LIQUORS; Paints. Oils. 'DYE. STUFFS: HEINE DM OF ALL COLORS; GLASS, SD PUTTY; Special atteutloo given to secare the beet quality of limp. and lamp Trltamlnga Lanterns Sc. A Large AssarlJaent of TOILET AwricLits, OA l'S PATENT MEI)IUINI4.I:4 Vain Street, Kesler Pa t THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED , :aarlltaal 7 . l ) OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, $l2, $l5, $2O, $25. DURING the OVA four or five years our Watches lave lawn so thoroughly tested, that for appearance, style of finish, and accuracy- , id timeleetung, the Gerard Watches' are universally acceded to be the best. They retain their brilliancy and color until worn OUL ar if after purchasing and fairly try ing, ally tone is not fully satisfied, we will heefullyund the money. C.?/- They are all in Ilunting Cases, Gentlemen's and Ladies' sizes. Every Watch guaranteed for tune and wear, by special certillade. A •large assortment "Improved thank" Chains, $2 to $B. Also. Gentle• men's and Ladies Jewelry In great variety. [l5 - Beware of imitations. Ostler di rect from us or our authorized agents. AFents and others applying for eireluars will please enclose three cent stump for postage. [ll - Gtiods sent to be paid for on delivery. Customers permitted to examine what they order (before paying bills,) on pay of Express charfes both ways. ' Cam" When &X Watches are ordered at once, we will send an extra Watch OA same kind) free. mar Purchasers re.siffing at sonic tbr lance from Express offices, and desiring to save time and expenses,ean have the gaols sent by math by remitting (with the order) the amount required by P. 0. Iblonky nn do, registered letter, draft, or check; payable to our order, at our risk. Ad dress.plamly. JADES GERARD ar/CO., P. 0. Box 3,321, New York, n0v23:300 U, IMO EMI sprees I , U 0 Ac. m; IQIO a p. m; se F. R. 31Y Central 'Amender and Tirtel ES. Agra ROAD. 11 Icar I= ME= ECM IYS 1510 155 540 VS GI) :WO 1110 ,I.Ttrx t kr's.i.tecom - 9531 Am sltivai -- 1131.5 neR 1135 ; 715 7!5A it 1343 N 4 3315, 1 . 153 3.14 K 55 a" AC, ;i1 5I SIS 51111rai: llari 010 , 4‘3•1 315 • 535 4411 . MI ita 6LS . lOU OtbINIU W MAIL. I. =I MEM 4:srx 537 1 31On' i 410 1 625*y M 1705 Am I SIS I 81X1 RE BM Nell. Arrives rd. U 45, e.r I= OM Misiwilancous. Mil 133FLUSHF.S & ID ec7. '7OtL A. 4CA111.73, A Clergyman. while residing In South Americi SP a he discovered a safe and emote rem edy for the Cure of Nervous Wester., Early De cay. Diemen of the Urinary god Bemisal Oman., and the whole train of dmorders brought on by baleful and TiCIOI4I habits. Great numbers have been cured by this nobleremedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate I will send the recipe fur preparbig aid 10111 f feedichme, lo a waled envelope. to e arry one who nerds it. frre of Charge. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, ellatiOn GibM Uouse, New YotEdly. - dee7;4W • " . „ . . Beaier, Pa., WeOnesday, Mace OVER 400 PAGES OR FOR .ONE DOW! • T American Stock a Jo urnal, • large Ilantlanmetylllaai rated ly, e,•ntainlug 33 to 4 1 ) large Double Col umn Pagas. ailed ^With rtrimiaria. matter, from the (*bleat ih the eritietryolit the yarloussubjezta ceaneetell wllh PAItHING, STOCK BREEDING, WOOL GROWING. DAIRYING. • POULTRY KEEPING, at., Bonn,' in handsomely tinted «war. It has • A Veterinaer . 13 P 6 Purtilik.out under the charie Mom: of the ablest Pro Lessors In the ulted•States, who antNetil thr • pugh the 'doUttlfAL. free of 'eharde; all 4ineslions relatlngdo Sick, Injured or DI. seam] Horses, Cattle, sheep. 13 ., viiie or Poultry. This makes it a very: valtutble work fur reference, and au alinnit Indis .pcustblo companion to all interested In STOCK•I3ItEEDING. The low priciat which It is published ($l.OO at year) bnngs it *ratio the-teach oral!, WlOlOll3O • Indeuxments offered to Agents Premiums fo WubM•ibers wake Win the Interest nS every faimet .erul StintAteciler to intend its Circulation. Rad Stamp for alpeciasos arpydowse 111ustratedShow - Billit List. Oct up !Lela' and obuiln one of the ninny eldest& Premiums offered, consisting. of Chester*White, iteikshire. Suilolk, Wee arid Essex Pigs, Short-1 lore, Alderuey. Ayrshire:mil Devon Calves, Southdown, Cotswold nod Merino Shalt, 'Caslniaeto Omits, Pure-litted Poultry. IN orwav Oats, Seeds, Agricultural Impletnents, 'Pumas, Watches. Silver Ware, Books, Specimen Copies sent free. Allthess. N. P. BOYER, & CO., Publishers, ==f== Christmas Gifts Christmas Gifts Holiday. Goods! Holiday Goods!c Toys, Toys TOYS!! 11. 7 'ulheim lies Just received the largest and best selected stock of goods, sul elide f..r Christ. tans Gills for. everybody, old anti young, ever brought to Beaver :minty. it cont. }wises :Otto et everything in the 1 - ,In connect' ~,, it h he abort., he keep the Best, Largot anti Chenne•A otark a ia ACEL3P . M r i" Si, pmtrtyr on. ci.(ans, &c., Sc.. &c Bridge it. Bria;;t:water Pa nov:B 0 .4 1 cm toe CD vs .. ' ' Ate, vii .... • 1 V. i C g K 0 , e. i• 0 Z tt 1 , ii 00 .0 .0. V co .4 , nom nal and Throadray. sgar Brighton. Bearer county, lb. Thins mt. lospartoar SEZECT =I Oat of the blrekent Gazed theme** tt Where bad rolled* Ere the coque o An old scerasul of To his general at “Preseht rods ; km Pulsed be MA: , Wehli itod treishilr For Lis blood wt . Out the . gehend it What this (wilt , Where his co Turning to la Ile ;rude answer , 4 Shot adobe' I 44 Meals Ous mnltral Fire poor noutlC Sharp and dare tt But the enemy a •` Then ?elan' to yI Comrade brava, •pardon, General On thi-Cril AO flits mt." Gusoing ft hL "Sorely my pobi Coned to• Ihdi sun .4104 Ow • 7 1 Wifizr re' s ` Witte low Irak , * " l'ardoi;' kedetsto with his t. Tears diesolved ti andhien Morn et ln • qutTRIAQNi . Friends. the Mogi And tho Mtg. are Never:" and the Fn•m WI brou ORIGINAL II V LIM II A TIIANKS(:IV I remember a Italento told a, few afternoon of Thanki do not feel sure that every body as itd I am afraid that it I cannot help think the sort of a trifle with turkey, eeler, It was in the Jur on Thirty-fourth it. It does\notArm 'how I, a stranger, that family party. enjoy the Koriety of it was an net of that permitted me t others. We had e had adjourned to ti parlor. 1 have noth so lusllrat conversatl after dinner. W heti gestion absorbs all nr fot some other t it generally falls out talk ever so brilliant but they will hardl; the first half-hour so it happetosi that ty fell to looking some to turning photograph alhur using the stereo part, I was stat In a dark cornet I mull not hay its purpose If I t. reality I was thin company of my et hundreds of miles tiny; that I could • "What are T She was a rathei ~ :lug, girl of sixteen, hut, as _ ._ wed, very much devoted to her. parents. At this moment she vas running her hand through her f4her's hair,while he was rousing lunstaf from his revery to answer he question. "Thinking of theold Thanksgiv ings, which were s different from anything we have' bre. They were the genuine thing aliese are only counterfeits." - "Come,:tell us Mot them, please." This title it was A:lie Bolcom, the older girl, who spte 2 And we all gathered round tie Judge.. For I notice that when Uvemation does revive, after that 'fled of silence that follows dinnert is very attrac tive to the whole Mpany, and In whatsoever place Weeks out, there is soon a knot of ;crested listen ers. "I don't Just re think of any particular story °New England Thanksgivings thavould interest you," said the Judi • "Tell them abouuldah's mince pie," said Mrs. Bab, as she looked upront a copy of 'Utter she had been reading. I cannot pretendive the story which follows &mein the Judge words,' for it is ti years since I heard it, but as ny as I can re member it was as tws : There was a younwyer by the name of John Harpractising law here in New Yorktnty odd years ago. His father I not very far away front my t. John had graduated With lu, had studied law,,and had the :fortune to en ter immediately It partnership with Nis law peer. Ex-Gov. Blank.. So raged(' he pursued his studies that to years he had not seen his eounlnne. I think One reason why it, not cared to visit it was tha *mother was' drud, and his enter was mar ried and living hem Take the "woman folks" of house and it never seems mac home to a young . man. • But now, as :fsgiving Day drew near he res,to give Idin self a brief releal the bondage i of books. He tointtner Butt he wanted to go limn week. Bel said lie wanted his father and the boys, anti ter, who kvas , coming home at the, but that I he specially wanride old Bob to the brook once nd to milk Cherry again, Jue how it felt to he a former ts "John," said lawyer, "be sure you fix match with' tonne of these coeds; no man Is fit for anvlid he is well married, and yithe able with economy to sill'wife. Mind .vou get one of buntry irisg These paste and 'people here aren't fit fora yarwho wants a woman."i ' , Governor," tmung lower, laying his boots ~v up on top of a pile of law-lif to encour age refleetionthytis hand the advantage atitad of the In clined plane. IC I don't know anything ly girls. I have given myslbooks. But I must have a i!ls literary like myself,--otain under stand Emerson,lec." The old lawyd- - " he answered, "t it istake you can make Is to Cell= just like yourself 4 - 1 uu don't want to m arry p head but her heart." _ John defendeiji, and the Gqvernor oniAll that he would be cured Per or later, and the sooner t The next mot had a let ter from Ids al! of It ran a i o. ; ii n t iu l t d' e tv t o otren w t h at ec'u l t r e: sni : n h e—ni t iu ti fti ei .‘ g vu t t ' o pt g h h r a r i i lt i n n LI know. She tut quotes r t Goethe, and t Emerson. Of course she 'hat I am up to, but you to capit ulate." John did ni miming to piel he did like 0, a = et, 51:1 .., rn 0 WS .". oS . f.... T/1 co • v ...v. m JEN • ~ ' ..i, -;;t• . ; ;, :,:'.` ,- -;:; { ts,:'. j t ',-:',',,,.•,' - `." - -a ,- ;'''..; .. ,4 :AO *1., - ,-ArA '.Vvi::;l:f ......,:!:-.4...•'; ~_ - 'flistabeil2LlB7 . _ ~; _ 1446 Aute t tics„l , - Saisititaknatesods• Ma . ri , ' holed; lif Eu r:reik btu* 164 Main isP, D . ' Jo , hy _ Sad heiNlPC4 l lW9mail a' MM. .IJ, --, inn*** th atmelate be wanted c.....npanhu ..... , 40W-afilut congeidal 'female "WRY tgioluniiithipt.thsta,whatte:heart 'ld ykk4dqtoeo Y?konl ode& Q0;10 leglekienair Padeittiands ills -OWII alas and admliiss his Wisdom. -:llthe old home Iwo.° kaki* ,fur thestsl,7 7 Ths fifiit topes coat-. Eed of the Ihthei, TheeeaMithl w, John* two ,brotbent;. telf WO •Ive-Yeart.tildttnitCllnklati;the litili« JTAPI Ill*AwAlkthe .4 1 1 4 1110 1 e ,aleitlaarornmw,.* , , yea -- ---sn opelearly , . . ' . . . the daumbtifiha .. 'sent thiecantyloubsistenist X tad: l lo4lth, the plater of , I-looked after" the . .,Ot" her briAtter"-In-' ~..- '4t i reet .." ... . abd .tintlk- . PA' ' '' : APO 44. JIY., 0t../E: : 1.. ..- ' 1,404ter. ekpm ..m,.- - 7 4 . ' Inalisli*..nut , ‘ ;.:. ''. ' ,X o e# 4 :4 v-a daßghter hag ~.,t - ,htlll 4 i eat Ms tarkey . ."13fie- Itin. mut tuat brought' her" tit , - ettig then home to receive the paternal -blessings. g Not that Mrs.. Amanda oiiittPitid the paternal hiessin lefititt, view in tier trip. Shell brought with her a very dear friend, 1111 s Janet Dunton, the accomplbdall leacher in'theMt. Parnassus Female Seminary.- Why Mb* Ja net Denton came to the country with her friend, she could hardly have, told. Not a word had Mts. Holmes spoken to her on: the sutiect ,of the _ matrinumial echente.• , She would have resented trkt illusion to Web a project., Sla 3 kould have repelled any,insinuation that had ever dreamed thatemarrlage ,was desirable under any.soiwelvable eirtunstaneek, It is a, way we have of teaching girb to Lie. , NV e educate them to Latch husbands, 'Every su per-added accomplishment is put on with the distinct understanding that its sole use)* to make the goods more mirketabte. . We get up panics, we go to watering-placeame buy dresses, we tarnish our houses,- to • help our girla to a good match: -And thekw k e :leach them to abhor the *wild w • - tdneas of ever confessing the great desire that nature and education have Combined to make the chief longing of thelehearts. We train them to lie to themselves; to be 41if30 with every body on this subject; "no" when they mean" yes ;" to deuy an engagement 1 when they are dying to boast of it. It is one of the refinements of , Chris- Sun civilization which we pray the Women's Missionary Society not to communicate to poor Ignorant heath ens who know no better than to tell the:runt about these things. ~- ` But, before I digressed into that line of remark, 1 was saying that Miss Janet Dunton - wollid have re sented the inewl. remote suggeitlon lof marriage. _ She often ftitred pen ' litnentally, ' andbelt baolup was Saitlthi. kt e =iNga, -7 41. , . ~... ar-1-...., YEN . , ..,, ~.7.1 o, :•*.f, I kff t si:. , P.4;kl , i. , rz ::ti it '~t?:!~I Judge r on the terest ~~ Irjr of na &emu° two It talked Mrs. y you'll find my brother a tear in manners, I fear. I wish he would marry. I hope you won't break his heart, for I know you wouldn't have him. Mkt Dunion.—You know my views on that subject, my dear. I love books and shall marry nobody.. Resides, your brother's great legal and literary attaitunents would frighten such a poor little mouse as I am. And in sayin¢ thane WOrdS they had matatizett to that John liar low was an unsophisticated student, and that they would run him down between them. Mrs. Holmes and her friend had arrived twenty-four hours ahead of John, turd the daughter of the house had already installed herself as tem porary mistress by thoughtlessly up setting, reversing, and turning Inside out all thazood Iltildah's most cher rished arrangements. All the plans for the annual festival that wise and practical fluidal, had entertained were vetoed, without a thought that this young girl had been for a year and a half in actual authority in the house, and might have a feeling •of wrong in, having a guest of a week overturn her plans for the next month. But Mrs. Holmes was not one of the kind to think of that.— fluidal) was hired and paid. and she never dro w ned that hired people Could have any interests in their Work or their home other than their pay or their food. Hut Ifuldak was patient, though she confelsed that she hada feeling that she had been rudely "trampled all over." I sus pect she had a good cry at the end of the first day. I cannot affirm it ex cept from a general knowledge of women. IVhen John drove up in t h e buggy that the boys had taken to the depot for him, his first care was to shake hands with the deacon, who was glad to see him, but could hot forbear ex pressing a hope that ho - would "shave that that -hair off his upper lip." Then John greeted his sister trordially, and, and was presented to Miss Denton. Instead of sitting down, he pushed right on into the kitchen, where Huldah in a calico frock and a clean white apron, was baking biscuit for tea. She had been a schoolmate of his, and he took her hand eordially as she stood there, with the bright western sun half-glorifying her !wetland face. "Why, Huldah, how you've grown !" was his first word of greet- ing. He meant more than he said, for though she was not handsome,she had grown exceedingly comely as she developed into a woman. "Undignified as ever !" said Ama nda, as she returned to the sitting room. "How ?" said John. He looked bewildered. What had he 'done that was undignified? -And Aman da Holmes saw well enough that It would not do to tell him that speak ing to Huldah Manners was not ma sistent with dignity. She saw that her remark had been a mistake, and She got out of it as bed she could by turning the conversation. Several times during the supper John ad dressed his conversation to Huldah, who eat at the table with the family, for In the country in those days it would have been .considered a great Outrage to make a "help" wait for the second table. .John would turn' from the literary conversation to in quire of Huldah about his old play- mates. some of whom- had gone to the West, some of whom had died, and some of whom were settling in to the same fixed adherence to their native rocks that had characterized their ancestors. , The next day the ladies could get no good out of John Hallow. He got up early and milked the cow. Ito cut wood and carried it in for fluidal'. Ho rode Bob to the brook for . water. He did everything that he had been accustomed to do when a boy, finding as much pleasure in forgetting that he was n man, as he had once, found in hoping to be a. nda's as him, but meeting EMIR _ -- - arl -- hi I 'd irditehhea - . _ tso wtfu bare ed the seep and grankl•thei field "'until ho got , bock to the eitst.r fi' , 2 i' ' • •fh: . 10011 1 wee Inienigigi:Ui ielft:tßulf fele/ dame." Mont: aid talk litieht- Itnboutt r idl • the lauthbui Atioetr: le ercepidi and the etilaft,d( her fluency Wasreally,distills* to a man•hot tpl- Hiratedenough'lditiself,to bee host nuipetileliti hetet:Buse was. For alI her learldogileated i n tdp. INotte 'of It had lulbsteseediter own Gbh was, briwmhw cull- of that which tdokbad saluted, bat It hed het bilebihwrporat •W Into' ber awn ZOOM John did hat C h est this, Mid he *as i n wit int Idea .of utturFhigu. wile of such at t tainments. Howw. t 4 . she would donde-his friend •Hoostg w Oovernorl /would Ilite4,to tai ' I- Hivenbe NW. 'ue In ifier menial . . do -14110 ' light , i , • + • . tee dad talk at , , ern , ::4 .. .,::':hi1n Mut In love * it 'I ," .:wnstiti 1 Iwo been In kivewi .- • ofa rarekook. kibtf - 'a to show. Other ,-. ': ban ' have truirrled opt e stretigth'ot 9 'a feeling,' and dined At low John really imagined that be_ rid* love: And during Mit WOVE _ talkel and walked AO rode In tit sleigh with Miss Duttion,"eff+ hint mtuie up hiernlnft that be carry this - brUlbuttetwises to NOW Yost. But, with •firx cur t+ ca tiotwhethought, he would pot:off tile (*Mittel as lohglis paaWnee If his betirt bad been In4dot - tttentlithe the motion would 'bat Aate. l- beeq worth much.. flautkut la JI orttod bresk-water agalnstminltY i Put It Isn't, worth m u ch thgainin user spring. tide of love, as John Harlow soon i found.` For toward the' end , of the week , 1 ' he begun to feel a warmer feellng.for Miss Janet. It, was hot In the• ha. turn of things that John should walk and talk with a pfinsunt girt a week, and not feel something more than his first interested desire to marry a showy' wife. Hl.' heart began to be touched, and be resolved to bring things ton crisis as potatible. He therefore sought an opportunity to propose. But It was hard to find. For thoug h Mrs. Holmes was totem. i bly ingestons, she could not get the boys or the deacon to pay. any regaiti to her ,hints. Boys are totally db. pm%ed on-that question, anyhow. and always manage to stumble- la where any privacy is sought., Add as for the deacon, it really !Refilled as though he had 'somedesign In , ln.' trotting at the critical 'moment. , ' • I do not think that John wasneri; twiny in love with -MitieDonton. If he had beets, be eroukl .have..nd meausof eommun attaga with ber.,, -- Ike with , ,tlysis ling-ro o m, he was giving to slipping out into the old kitchen, where, sit ting on a chair that had no back, and leaning against the chienney-side, he delighted to talk to lluldah. She could not talk much of books, but she could talk most charmingly of every thing that related to the country life, and she could ask John ninny ques tions about the, great city. In fact, John found that Iluldah had comer into possession of such bids and truth as could be reached in her nar row life, but that she had assimilated them, and thought about them, and that was mote refreshing to hear her original and piquant remarks about the topics she was acquainted with, than to listen to the tireless stream of Dunton's uiteutations erudition. And he found more delight in tell ing the earnest and humgry-minded country girl about the great world of men, and the grunt world of books, than in talking to Janet, who was, in the matter of knowledge, n little &ewe, if I may be allowed the ex pmision. And then to Huldith he could talk of his mother, whom he had often watched moving about thut • same kitchen. When he hadspoken to Janet of the associations of the old place with ids mother's eountenance, she answered with a. quotation' from some poet. given in a tone of empty sentimentality. Ile instinctively , shrank front mentioning the subject to her again; but to liuldah It was not so to talkofhismother'sgentleness and sweetuerrs. Iluldah was not un like her in these respects, and then she gave him the sort of syniFithy that dads its utterance in a tender se. LUllee--160 much more tender than any speech can tar. - - lie observed often during the week that Iluldah was depressed. Ile could not exactly artsmut for it, un til he notictsi something in his sister's behavior toward her that awakened his suspicion. As soon as opportuni ty offered he inquired of affecting at the SUMO time to know nothing about it. "I don't want to complain of your sister to you. Mr. liarlow—" "Pshaw ! cull me John, and as for toy sister, I know her faults better than yog do. , on, pre." W "ell, it's only the she told me that Miss Minton velum t used to eat- Mg at the same table with scrranta, and when one of the boys told your :father. he was mad and ulnae to me, and said, 'lluldith, you must eat when the rest do. If you stay. away from him table on account of these city snobs I'll make a fuss on the spot.' So to avoid a rum 1 have kept on going to the table. JOhn was greatly vexed with this. Ito was a chivalrous fellow. and he' knew how much a remark must wound a person who had never marr ed that domestic service had any thing degrading lu it. And the re sult was just the opposite of What his sister had hoped. John paid more attention than ever to Huidah Man ners because she was the victim of oppression. The evening before Thanksgiving Day the ladies were going to make a visit. It was not at all incumbent on John to go, but he wag seeking an opportunity to carry o ff the - brilliant Bliss Duuton, who would, adorn his parlors when be became rich noddle-- tinguished, and who would make so nice a head-plece for his table. And so he determined to go with them, trusting to somefortunate chance fOr his opportunitr. ' Hut, sitting in s the old "best room," In thit dark, while , the ladies were getting ready, mid trying to devises way by which he might get an on portunity tospenk with Miss Denton „alone, alone, it occurred to him that she was at that time in the sitting-room wait ing for his sister. To step -out to where she was, and prment the case in a few words, would not be difficult and It inightlie settled before his ids tercamedown-staira. The Fates were against him, howeVer. For just as he was about to wt on his thought, he heard Aman da Holnie's abundant deems sweeping down the stairway, BiIeEMEI . , •, :.;;11.n. ,, 1.,. 1 ,3 1 , - .4 . : ( -;'-•'..: .0 • 41 1 0 Z.ll•:).E.i!:', ;J:liiy:,l: i 41:4 . ;St:C.:1:;):17ii.'i iif 1.4 t .. Witieeyete=l, ! 1, make t 6,. And II thi. kitchen - open; mut with the in tention Of *Moding Buiddi-mrrrtz: Jon's enetice • itunbiedi The tun int, wilunkrilw aliVi.f 104-ittn hided, Oka I rapidly. If knolf;; edgq Coal ' lire. a , toil& et Itm• ~_.d for the *el/11W • dutifully amk; .:, frsitbmw,.ga r bi.rstioxyli w t acconntwes t? 7 ,:Twat an ' bekottnitivras abaft to give hie !Helm/nisei Jhudotio 7isrea there was • gulf wider7de, wad*. 'between them., go AO . joit7of the best room.* the o il _AWIr Came in,,thmdgir.:thelcitehleaV - Thu neightmiiefaltigrettilt wok tocellifur flieDVlNegrAtheatt Ai : the 1 ilfititAPl! John Alcgged• them t le MUM mul l lie had set h is 'haul op helputigliiii (bib make inince . .pietwas he used•iti• WO - his mother when a••boy., Hie slater:ma in owpair, but sho,didl4. lity• much,. She tobA l lp . hp that, it, km lime he`-wpm getting over.' hfit',queer ,freska.' "And the sleigh dmve off. • . For en hoer lottterwardd ;John mped with hisabiler's rblllirelAelld fold stories to the boys and talkscl to - hie father.. When a man Tice barely masted Ong 'over Vnwti)lee he ;Ow wog like -, to • thin k 'too • much ,ahont i t•• John Ilk' not. - • ,', . •,, !At t the little, childreu 7, :o lo ii lap.- Thenkl ventlesnan grew y. end . Ired. rile boys we ' Into the . tting-nions and wentlw A . ,',. one the lounge and-tool Sat: floor Hs:MA was Justgettille hi a ber plea.. *ha !au hurt t John succeeded In mak bar mOriebeerfid. _Hp sblievlop b =s l and went to rolling, out the .. He thought he harfarver seen 1• sweeter picture than the young Orlin a clean dress and apron, with her sleeves Veiled above her elbows. `There was" statuesque perfection 18 her well-rounded arms. The hear of thetteehad . flash ed ber ib eekl=2 she.wis ;nl menl!3 :awk ms -In:;b- In: Johneghted, heqirdlyknew Why. Az ega pfe-a- Malingers ' itouvited hem and be s-dlusli he hadlesielsed'a jAvenie batteryet Her lasted at HnldaN and 'Bair .8 hat W ei. olBl "JelpresWcm' sosi•l44 4 •llBlthest ' - VoCthe first time Itinceilwed4o: him thid'Huldsh Matinerslast excl. red In'. WI aWhig athousand times deeper thiti ythift 'Ate' had telt toward .Tanbt. who now pawned to be In 'nether Nrodik:'•Pdeotbe - liesis lime lati Meanest , suss elas - , -bum —, • , .: s ~ • ' - " ' '' asa to (a. ...di you lieve it ? ) tryleg to fifty, and In any great struggle a true soul always finds something very like prayer in his heart. • The fpeling of love mayexist with out at thcting the attention elite pee sessor. It had never occurred to John that he could love or marry Huidah.—Thus the passion had "grown all the more powerful for not being observed, and now the unseen tire had at a flash nppenred us an all tronsuming one. Turning back, he stood without the window, in the .shadow, and looked through the glass at the trim __voting girl at work with tier 'tits. In the modest, rtetful face he rend thestory of a heart that had carried great burdens patiently and nobly. Whitt a glorious picture she was of warmth and light, framed in dark ness. To his heart, at that tuoment, alt the light and warmth ofthe world centred in lluidah. All' the world besides was loneliness and darkness and drizzle and .siush. His. fear of his sister and his friends seemed base and cowardly. And the more he 'looked at this vision of night, this revelation ofpeaceand love and light, the more he was determined to pos- SOW it. You will call him precipi tate. But when aIL a man's ability is on one side and all his meanness on the other, why hesitate? Besides, John Harlow had done more think ing In that half-hour than most men 'do in a month. The vison had vanished from the window and he went in and sat down. She had, by this time, put in the last pie, and was sitting with her head on her hand. The candle Hick , ered and went out, and there was on ly the weird and ruddy' firelight. I cannot tell you what words passed between John and the surprised Hui ' daft, who had thought hint already betrothed to Mks bunion. I cannot tell what was said in thotight of that tire; I don't suppose - Harlow could tell that story himself. liuktah asked that he should not say anything about it till his sister was gone. Of course John saw that she asked It for his sake. But his own cowardice was glad of the. shel ter. ,Next day a /traitor of John's (*hom I forgot to mention before) came home from colltsice. Mrs, _llOl - Intsband arrived unexpectedly. Aunt Judith, with her Melly, came over at dinnerAime,so that there was a large and merry party. • •Two hearts at least joined in the deacon's thanksgiving before dinner with much fervor. At the table the dinner was much admired. "Huldah" said Janet Dutton,,l like your pies. - I wish I could hire you to go to Boston: Our cook neve does so well." ' John saw the well-aimed shaft hi - den under this compliment' and all his manhood rallied. As soon as he could be sure of himself he said ! "You cannot have Hu!dab ; she Is alittuly engaged." • . • • How's that?" said Aunt Judith. • "Oh ! -I've secured her servims," said John. "What!" said Mrs Holmes, "en gaged your—your—your help before you engaged a *lre!" "Not at all," said John; engaged my help and my.wile in ono. , I hope that fluidal* Manners will be Hui dab Harlow by chid:stoles." ,„ The Deacon, dropped his knife and fork and dropped - Ms lower Jaw: end stared. "Wayl llowt WhalVdtd you " • • • ...j say Gabe!. that, this . good girl Iluldah is to be my wife." "John!" gasped the old Man, get ! tine to his feet and reitehing across the table, "you,ve got plenty °twos° if you do wears moustache! God 'bless you, my boy; there ain't no better woman here nor In Novi York nor anywhere than Helldal). God blew; you both:' i Was afraid you'd taken different rondo though."' • "Hurrah for Can' Huklah and our I John," said George Harlow, the eel ' lege Do - hand his brothers joined Min. 11 % 4 11.41=ntintaltriii i It Math email gones tiv egai. wings - Mutilffl ruAtt,i4 ', etw thee behlpti ;no my of whe ' effhetln)f s trt 'ria.4.4*Ottrire dlllsil J 1 4, n 0 1 te. ,, .. ~.. l•rit•t• ati.r•l VC. el *Mr. • - t - er - - - r -- ew- or,. • Piro* gift ' 1 mem wii7 1 64 . " 1t • .... fAtuu •to Lays Ailtiparit=rdeltel , -11110 Tour- In ot i o dr.,..: st sist-in 1 ' t .... .r:..t 4)..91 - .1-4%,-......1 Y itt.. A bit nertitaileiblYing 07102: , -.1* ~1 a matt date. dev uu tVAt eistrsinjhe . • I /Ltd . , iittilt Ir'petpetrature; •I : WetWiten torlw iday-oecurresseiat theyneWnl k‘.l leg d!in Of that 70 thefrianget,•:l, *MllPAkin al gig , • P unI V E P•4,I:.I:I .eriPed-UnStO 0. 10 ,1 • e r oneinstance, ie til chtiv,• IN lint Wile-' 11 .K9 lit the **edam'. watt pulithdho,-1,41 • Here Walker:Shale itundOri, ''.,, thg was n Pittsburgher nu u ,P4Mder, whom he Awl, sled n_ o streettofloutsvinei • - i•• • ' 31 :4 " 7 Thesiory o r n em . yilher Va t . V . „ inaielaff,would fill vOlth4 le t HIS , r_,-1 wal ti tragedy ; ithearter tricked J::- . 00, bum& , trwentlyvysetra :an /MOM ).2 •••• ago Here Walker, Oen skrearuftli.t tt I man. bticuutklnVul red Mt -ad agraY `at Bal. Wlrnatme,housN'hi t tlikiwitstilz - %-$ 1 wesilnie t of' the. city kruf Akitleibikt; •• • McOmead In deltrisraltscraemaa in,. ; . as. was alkscetl.: Next he Mr/V 4 iiailittl•t• , ...i ai as oue uf u.petete to arrtt, i sMtlth . vicilabm alibi; iaw , and Urbino' I,t- , .. tog its this capticitiertifibt' And' tilled ,','' John. Nader. a rlvernuut,.ifehhoraet.-.1,1i caned la I&Z,-,on. Jefforsua Agadir:. _ / nen. Preston. The i amo y . tuit.: i ..., and a brlgher haira itt i hear Oallausti or at i4ml . FAlward Shipp wa k la7V one or ' Here's party and 1 1 1 'Wage' wtts ' ' seriously' teminded.. , He sabsequaalb-• • ~ ly mede',Hit Was itt.,. •.. Fa i r t e'r P AT I ZI t e .t r ll ri eel lll42 ' . ' le ' esiphdri to Wier ids boat; maw we i !S ti p- • . .1 Win refused: •o•lreas itrawv.ida'platgl , aid abate, the.elighltl: 3 Ws4. i boot ills gum*. e ere* . taught Here and Woul d'‘ ttajii i te !tmj ,-; hum Vibe eiptithi hadtnifinT • ,I and!rmlleredblareltatwo.i ' mut i• 4 ?. Trended &mutat Lyon Iftignkw. "Thu , , ~ I kat affair tudi k OUP Wilt,Was cbarg e t • on' Hem Cli n a er wad in &dee of 2 .' the Hflrlft ily; lends tkiinty.. 'There was a= between teembertuttfribel.t . Ms,, • Ei Od ap a tiblal"lt ane ret . l . ,i hatlishrl *Piths wittedertof tkelletof-„, ;t ,tpeltlibr...abetywarteillppti_t-ttr 011thu h r tit PIA. htt191,4•Z,V.. 1 esaalki an At At . tlaio 1 1 After . ithrell'etutittett Mite, & and marrieth istliilestaiAtorttettlith. , r About time lose:of Atte.trark lehfsP...bP:iu was VoWinglP4A WI% Vel ,C2Pn - Ir. try, a. band of cut-tbroatS eup ma' I murdered 'hiwi t '.shootintr- oaf lite‘ I tralat• He did mike !trod, yathe tots, r• the twit:. Lf klard.Waikelt $l4 111 MPH q. , .ar biced is. .04 .1 : 04 . . d gl ii tri * . l ' ye * CiiiiiidAtf TC, , - 01 , 5;3 mends: . ; 1 and nett forgot a favor.: . Why Married Persona Live .Lon. teat,, _ hall; in nub of •himoxnullent• "Ilealth Tructs," . givei the renewing. reisun.why murrnige Ls (AVM - able to Micah: Bachelors- are always in n state of unrest; 'they feel unsettled. If 'lndoors after - supper, there. la .. sense of aolitarintne, inducing a sad nem, if not no actual melancholy, with all their 'depressing influenees ; and many, ninny hour, in thecenn;e ,• of the'yettr; am spent to gloomy Mae- • • tivity.; which is adverse .to agcssi digestion and a vigorous and healthy circulation. Ails own chaMbei or ' those being .o Uninviting, the hache lor is inelined to seek - . diversion out. side, in suppers with friends; in clubs, . -which are introductories to intern. perufwe and licentiousness or to those • more unblushing associations, which, • , under the cover of darkness, hull to • speftly ruin of heultis• and morals; and 'when these are gone, the way downwards to an untimely grave Is • rapid and certain. .On the ..other• hand, marriage lengthens a- inan's life, by its making, home inviting ,tl3--- . the softening Influence whiph It hum upon theckaracter and thealft;ctions; by the cultivation of ail the .better., feelings of our natare,, and in that proportion saving us ttotn vim' and crime. Them eans be no healtinnl developement of; the physical fano- lions of our nature without marriage; it is ueet-ssary to the perfect wan for divinity has annonneett that it It "not good for Iliadic; to he ularie." 'Starring° gives a laudable anti hap.. py object in life.; tint provisions for wive; and children, their present comfort and future welfare; the en joylnent In witnessing their happf neSS, and daily and hourly partici- , • pants in affectionate interchange of thought, and sentiment, and sympa thy; these are the considerations which antagonize sorrow, and Ugh ten . the burdens of life; thus, 'strew,lng flowers and mist ing sunshine nil fitting its pathway. N'oltarie mid • "The more married' men you have, the fewer cams there - will be. .Murriage renders a man more virtuous und incite wtse'. An' miniarlied man is but half or ix par. ' feet being, and it requires the other. _ half to ruake•thinvi rigbi s ; and .it, catnnetApit expected • that in this lm perfect state ho can keei) t ttr:tight path of 'rectitude any ' Mciref 'than' a' boat with one oar am keep a straight. Course. In nine case r out of ten, where married men become drunk ards, or where they commit against' the peace ef the (immunity; the finindation of these fits was laid t while in a single state, or-where the wife is, as is sometimes the ruse, an unsuitable •mateh.'i Marriage gives him a centre for his 'thoughts, his afftetions, and his acts. Ilere is a !mum for the entire idan; and' the counsel, the affections, the example, and the interest bf his 'better hair keeps him from tarratie coons's, and 1 Mau falling into a thousand tempta tions to which he wombd otherwise be rtioarrisheruige;miltrthyht?7,lll:ll:enfn..d t he Mend' hs , of' d What ever may peseta of,l'olialln's theology, his statement onthe 'Mar riage 'question • is certainly correct. Stalistfeirprore that a largo majority of ourerina inals,State prison eenVicti. etc., am: unmarrieci. • Think of. tlds young man. and if you %Nish to (*ape • all that, is Ind, try to rennin iffirtnets• ship with a good ''woinan , cuttlwybu • willibe'recure:• , -- • i ••• ; —"There is, but. ouo.good 41te In this knen",", said efergyttutni-in the couitad'of his Bermo ll 'looked expeetantt-:-Yantk, every married ..mart thipka,hcea g54 - ,her,' added-the minister. • —Charies— . "Tell me' ;Lauri, why that =due,. .?why that look acme? 'lliny,hips ~ that took or leatineiithy face wag wont to wear?" Laurti—AtllliTlV:4• 414 we. ta*to dtmembler well , tnyistoo. may wear ,it flown, for Pre loamy largest hairpin,• and my-ehliituote?i coating down." I r i.a~ . :~~--_ A• zl;4l.utf /el 4 Ar.llM3 1.,!al LA 11l r . .1:71 t 1 tildthg fan " 1 44--0-1 * .•"" hrun IM. .9110 fk'`rte CM