The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, December 07, 1870, Image 1
DV ElltiflSEM VPri (semen ts aro inserted at the rate car Nquhro for find insertiou, and ,r C:101 subsequent , insertion f i e c o ot s . liberaldiseountWado on yearly ad .rtiseinents. A space equal to tentnes of this typo en.ures a square. I uPd ness Notices slot undor head by ~•nrwlves lin ni atoly niter • tho lout! will be charged ton cents aline insertion. • AdVertiSententS. should be handed In viol,. Monthly noon to insure insertion Ent week's n er: • • BuoWens Dire:ctory. , 1 IILAVIII.L. ... "" 3100111: . 0,,,..n7iat and tlealor fa paln!a, ',nag, trtliv uzeolcal Wines and I.IqUOM ~,"..• ' , OW, /Alll\lol All.: Fancy tknalr; Main rt. VC,- / 1 . 11/[104.1 cattluily cotn;rann.lea. rt,1.1.-•:1y li. PAsT:l),:,ii,r In itnn...rico. Fl.ittf . Feed, J • Unnr'll"r.'lll. Fulmer.. null roans. (...laNty j I. Nit V - AlE111: - Mann'a, Inn, and Ocular in I I flaatt.Sanem and (gala,: Maln wt. .1....r.2':1; t i l.AN't:lf iiiluti !..I . ti it 1,, ' Bryn ".” , i,1,..... , .. If 11,11 , ...,104 tik. A IHltheiarr. Maill NL / . /....VITIp7 ~ - ••.a.lllny I .11.1111 , :C a. __!....1....`,11 . _..-- . . ' ~._. I ANDEIISON. Ilya!, In Itio Impr.ity.llt 11. 7 1 . - al Sbnille :•.:wiat: . .‘lntlilat., 31aInt.t.t. Svc r 1:.11M 11.. Dc4l,i in Mini:llly 0.0 , 1 H i owl 1 ti t tntota, t . it t, tii I t.ti llt E. imyry Item [ ' annuli. Choice . Toi..troo and Con. .%:.;Sin l• c. s!. r \ Inptiralire 111. 1:411 , er. !,;• :11,d }llff proiwrty Errsuu au, It 1 11 t 11:“.A NSTEICC,I). , Ivr I Nt. 2ilarloPt St. 1•iti,1+.:2%. I.l‘t 03, a.:11111 1.1.1 vs. E•mit• op f ,,, it. , P04 01lien. Hni,ll.llen• or the heal 14.21•ter," #.•llt free. randatrg.h. Innpl tay I lIENI,EUSON RHOS.. WhiThienin Dro.4- ,p .Lib..rty cap; tay I It 1t,1.31.11.ErS AT P.M.OIL yin Ay r / • t e. (lOW Market N.) l'itirltrall. isvpiniy A. t Book . reHara and Slattan- L - 1;, cr.., 119 Wool St., Pittsburgh, Ca. (eclat itly i Co, 17 Mttret I . ,ii , litirgh -- linitorterstmil dealers in Notions, • Whi‘e finodo, &o. Lma tip is Pt ER A. BROTHERS. Frnnelx and k t',llonera. Dealeans In auto, fruits, „ Val Wood St. l'illahurgh. —; ;NI t IValei lit clink,. r 1 .19, COI:14'0 (tract:ries. No !lIJ Flllll Avenue, Nit', :!._ 611:11; 11. IN 80,1)..alt•fe In II o Nen . e/ :(en log Aluchluir. 1111 Mornei Pal..l.urgh, 1:ly 1..1: pvulers In var. t l,-. 101 l (lth+. ,tr. Special ralle , +.lo Clergy. I %Tom% Pli. 1.01111; •i • I. 50.,,,•0r to .1. NI, Ito , ‘ 11,, rto hiker ware. NO I • :1 , 11/ AS . OIII, Pli6:1111 . 01, lay k • .1. 1.1 . 0 . N S, hit.'ts Painter; a) • hliow Curd. , for every • ; I ::111'.1vviale, I'lth:burgh, 1.•01;:Y • • I' . I. I I.IOS. Manularturar of Itntl Ile.dvf in • I i.inlltire and Chair...:.-1to•n•aood. Walnut, • inynud Oak. .17r 511110011.14 °ern ly I=l hIEMON, Ilakcry Con relloncry. f it. rt,t, tipectui titteutiOn ttlyttit to wed tol A .1. :, , N1'.1.1.1 . 11 , :111,1161.1, - ..iitmt 'o'. Dromlway, N.;wllrlglika. See udv,l.ol.ll;ly k M. 1401%.1.v.ixy, Nov .1 „141;41am. [•epl lay 1 r NI S. 1 1 1Hangrt*Ink. Will;on'6 Muck, I I Ilroatlway. p mlograillit. from ro,tom.ll - -1 • ,I.up11:1.1r troveriv, een,mirr and rl • lignifebuld 11.).K14. t!vplt;ly 1 1' ; ‘ ItI N n.1 1 .+1111 1 !„ 1 1: 411 ;3 . ell ' I r oi l le " i• 1 4f .v.ay, New Ilrightota, I's. (.1121.1y (1111 , 1 , STEINFELD,DeaIer4 111 Dry Gi.u.k. D.wry r luudr 4 t Not lour ; 3lvraant nilorn e, Itr.clwoy. ortl• BEAAVER r.tiLs i li, ,I . ! ...3 , 1 , ! :,01tERT20:ST, Denier lit Improved Matinee. 3,1,11:1 SI., Beaver 1: - I: - MN;, , - Dry (tei, ueen:mare attj 74 4,lflter or Maui Mid Baker rtrevto, I: r II • 1, \ Paint• lk r•' and Multi St.. I;ly 11111DGEWAT1111 INI PORTER, mi ER, rier. Ih.alvr in TM. Cop. 1 , / La r :014i sneet•lron mare, and Iron C,tern Inniv as, Ileidgewairr, (Reid I:'Y IdATTNIaI, 31siallacturer and Deader In 1.,• 1:oula and INIlueA. lindge tit., lirld;;ewatur, avpll;ly . _ i — lfl - TlN'l'.ily;th;t;il.4llato, Cap, 'Fur+, :. I • ~rpvt.., (111 Mull. , altil . Trilunti:,gr, ltrittg . tt •• , 1:11.1,:ew :der. n..1111;13 . 1171,11iii:It'rinfra 11( - 77is • 11r;dge Brid , ewater. . t.ei.ll;ly ILA N.t 1:E1i. Trlmtaluge...l; Notion' , 1.• - Bridge rt., Bridgewater. oe1,11:1y ' t W , :ilaiddarnirc of Boots and .1 • liridgeontor. (pep' i;ly } Clod:log cleansed antiprob*ed.,Water ni.nb. kip, (01,10 y t N . 31arblo pittur ; Moo 11 . ntents.t Tonthotonea or all description* mole • • CIN , (uary Produce. corner, Bridge SI. Bridgmuter. (ITU!: 1"Eill:It N Nv , or —Pnual.dor I I.i 0 , ilin Ol L I / 4, Brnlr•rw:1g• • IIl $ Good:. nte Wuter et. 10.1. •• whlre , +.l;eavvr, Po. 1 111:AM 11,111..-r .Mouougultela I t tool.ll. in 1, r, Drtu; Store, iil .10,1 to. l'a.ll 0o iltliVery-I.l:A i iiet. Point. ioitils:ty ICOCHESTEIC M T' it CO Fahey Dry Dont:, No. \ .1 1 1 1 1.i 11111111 : y . . MUlpflal el., 111 . 111 . owp11:1Y MailakiLturvr and Dealer in I I unatEri. of aU kinds. Itrighlon wl.. nbove ay 1 . ',I). SO' lIIIVI. (PIO/ /W.; KAI:rill:It, 'kik - yr and (3olif,tionor.— lii E. . (. 11111:1y . , • 1 No.l;.\llA M 1101'1), Wsoll . C'arri igo I. 1: ,'N.,01 •1 , 111 • 1:1. n.s.N:s:EN, I, ir,llllly componntle,h %Voter RI., 1111- t:iy •-- - • j I N ANS.Eloct Heal Physician; Chronic o 1/ITice, vorner 11C Rocla,ler. LIY %.:1:1:1"1:1:1,1t . 1 / 4 `INS, 11Cetall •m lm' I inttt A. N 311.. lb,. Water A: itittb...rbt. : • l'I:EltElt111(., DAL, null ena,ctioner.— : : • ‘‘. titttit, CAI... Crt 3111 Innmond, (...1011:1Y llt t`. k Li; by A. 1 , 11, VERM AN. 111.311,inlrivr4 1 ior Pitrobtit Itottle,tite Pry (loutt,'Nollol,. Attlt., lorry t• • t. I:ltt.ltt•-stcr. 1 . 11. j (-•1•11,1) 7 \11;.1,1:It 0., t'onmulnr. anti Innkklt. 11• Mt unduintnro ntS,h, nomn. Shattrn , din Lotaltt, tS ' t(‘7 • l.1 A 114.Flice,••11• t':l/ 10 St . Wt . .l I mull. r. 1,1111 k Stititt:lt.•, 1 > I )ItW ER'S I.IVF:ItY sTA S cum, It, It. planun m111(111111 nonr. nrl'.o ; o t . I , ti i t:• :. • . r . ttpoitt,tiv„ 1..ttlIt•tolotl to, N. Yoe.. t't,ll";lY Itrit prow lt•tor+ltt lot Coodnreottintoilalltot and goo , l I , :t.s. • Ntor le. 11.•Itotott. o. stair 11 . 1 tr, Shoe', G.tltorP, Jhr. ll,pitlrlng done twatiy mui prompily. tllelnurond, itot Itet.ter, PA. WA ur Etc• lll2()THEß, ololfarlliroro kJ • %Vtl t: 12110, C. 1011.9. /11011, Plac,komtthinz anti Itor,oho OW In Ibe her.t manuer. f lloeliiah r. Pa. t.114Y "11141ELLANCOIQS 1.01 TlTlMNll.EY.Malllitlfillrer thd,Or'llt /7 P , ,,,i11114 . 0101:111g Stall`, 1111 d i t nr. •,,....,‘,,1[1 and Cellite. Pan.tilll. Pa. I It! Stonea aro NranntaOni T. .1, roniptiv attended In. V nylport. Va. t a‘1 p ,11, ,, ,. --beaver, ra. Jrrl,l t;:y \NI rinalicntly.lnctted in the vill:we of tor Iho pima - we 01'pr:wilt-bar I t. -1 ~, ctftilly tender lay pic.lo,l4,nal • • • • -n, that itk0n,..4,..dil illatv• Ina vicinity. 1 1 ~re•ifleor . e, opporite Eagle Ilntrl. yhere °IA :11 in' found, under. prnfr , lnnally All call. v. 11! week, lintneillate !Ind :011 . 111i1111. A. V. CUNNINt;IIAM, M. - • • - --• . 1 . LI NI\II?..NI3IIINK, Ir,•:11,•i• In Wstreliem, C.ltrcicw, .1. Ir. try, It riodirals and Stallmary. W 01E., and Jewel. y reputedAucnt for the 1 , " lag Machine, Itoch . eelcr Pa. if. 1%1 veltrlT:3l.V. Arl'OrtNEY AT, LAW. Third iVrect, Bearer, the Conn House, Ile4ver, it %Nici r i4c.l.imirp 4 l.:. . THOMAS M'CREERY & CO • • ^ TIION. :11 , C111b;Eltr, M , OW. F. I)IC.sVO. ...... 13. AtiGILI 111322111 M Ilnu , dromotr; Prompt ottention Al•o,;;lnturnore AtTnto for ri 113111 e Compult4. I 11/. c. I.Evmmuizeon rizr hut ('ilia, do' .. at Dunlop'. 4 ot.:. id: ht my r,,ldolc, on Water .trert r, Will prat that: , ard,Try and Mcd Itnartilt:cled ntirr .1 ".• perinatieut• • •', .114 , 1 In 11 , 31rVr. Monk! re•reettullir ten; t 1.,. Hoi...tot t t ferske• to the cliluerut rallea• .I.rroulullng country. Special attention 1., .1 It Ile treatment Inrfvttetie tli,eatoop, SurtterY o uh a nand. •Oflice on Third greet, .1„or. a let of the Court Douse. • _ In Boot,' ,` ' tillopera,ite., next door to r'• , '1 In .hop, 'triage t•trict, Itrill;;etveter, t..t . •tl.. n• Le he 1.1.1"1 - 11 to TlkAlillfAClAtt, and cell. In Al ream - amble rittco hip:olllcent ha from the COM 'r n ' In him present location, he in• 11. OW friendr and patrons to give blln r'fitly. • s est .1,111;rosowooti. plum, “Mrey ISMS lout wtol , ll tt1.41.11,0 Inyjulre at this 01)Ice. up9:4w T. Attoitcy_ nt Law Iteaver, Pa. Otllee in the rit - Tint for tn,tti Occupied by the late Judo Adams. Col lectioi ns 4e., promptly linseed to. ttleerttz. 111 ; • ,: • -_ • BM Vol. 52---No. 49. Gold S• Silver Watches.. IM PORTANT TO EVERY ONE! TAf)oh rAl,4t:g. .! IVA N WA I'C'ILES: 11'0000n ... ..... in' 00 1.:1210 ~. • . • .21 1.11 • I'oo,o 1021.• • '2llO lion artl, .... 111 lit/ .111 Uhl above In Coin Silver Caw.i, and. art 1 good :tad titoe.l, ~ .ps ~ ~ LA1)1 ES' t; ()I. I) 1r:11'011RK • Pet:lnked 1..., - e 10 I/Oat - lied I ever t Itht ;a , 2 1 4 00 (tenet.. tEinitule.l .. . ' 'al 00 I.lvuOta t Ite%O o: t. • 'VI 00 glre, all bare Solid t itINI t'a:e.t, and aro toll j.nvelle.l - nuivetoritt.t; awl, ni hantlrerls .111.1.111 y, are a elileit.ll.l t•or.pler... G E.. 1; 71S" ,'IL 113 i) II - ,1 Tel/I&S'i Defaeltetl Lever (Cold (linio), . .47 00 Deatelteli Lever (Fox). 15 0) 12.00(.10.0 Lever (Medium) llt 00 Geneva /.4.llittO . n 00 Sitrali 1111111C4111elliA Or., eqrvleti In i11et..1%V&11d . ..1. I , ‘, Ulll , lllll, 1.%1V(115th er, anti perfectly reliable kir. time, . I will rend, [O.P. 11.7 br ~ 01.0. nn)-at 11)0 above Watcher., whit Gaunt Ell anti /ye!", and written zliwntett.' fily dealings are Inir,and honorable, and mid be tottati rall,fartury to all. Send along yoar t miler, at (Wee. null ~ . tve by the C.O. 0. plan from 20 to:Pi a., tear. Arkin:vs . E. „P. ROBERTS, SticcA,or ta J. SI. Itumrrs, 'No. It; Fifth Arcane, l'iltslarrilli; ra. Misci•lill»eints. KI:ILN, Atim Div nt [Av. ()Oleo NI • L 11 , 1, y'e builtling,v,tot 111 Public MEI 1, - NNI1t11 , 1:1111 1 1 1 . NUTICE.-I,olterA 10100010010. 11.1 i ry nn Uto Letate of John I , ooxle. decd. loth of Pitlool.l too nolttp, Ih•aver enmity, ro ma.. having hoen granted to the inoli•rothied, 011 VC/V.OIIA lll debted to •01.1.,inte nto to.reliy 1101111.1 to tnakt, Immediate ti0y10001: nod thoeo having calicos on raid i,lnto alll veretit theta to 110 sub Amber, Italy mtlhrntlrltvd tar ,elt oct201 1 ;11' 111:N ItY 1'1111,1,15, Rer. y G ood s . 'JO ft • ' `,;01 , , i4l; ‘i 4CA Za. 41: 4A Britlyc Street, • 'BM MiEWA'VEIt, PA. \\'EEiil V ItECEIVING A VitEsll SVITLY UN GOuIiS,IN EACH 01 , 1111: FuI.I.OWIN“ I)IWAILTMENTS: 1411, C) storbolvine Jcaas, • Cassitnere:: and SattinetA,. White Woollen IdanlnThi, IVidte. and Colored and lkirred Plannels„ Delainen, Plaid Lawns, Water ,Proofs, Cloths, • Woollea Shawls. nti,l Mark 7%1‘1•.111,s Tichinc• , , • t Printg, 'Tub Lincn, :Conker Glowts Groceries., CotTer;e7retta. Sat,r, Nitt:a....e.t: \C4du• Sllv.trl)ripa tbattot : nil! ottoman Syrup+. )lackt.rel in har• • rt.',jatal kiln, Star and Tallow 1.:Ittalltall , F4ati. Spicer nud :snot, 'Meat.. Alt tt, SALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, Door hoel.. Door Latetwo, 11 tirrvwl.. !Cable Callery, able and Tta ti mane, Sleigh Dells. Coal Itoxen, Fire Shovel. , and _Pokers, Sails awl tart.. . Spadre, ble ri, .2. and 1 Int. Ita'.ns, Scythes and Shatbs. Cdra and Garden Hoes.- )11E>.,TWA Bucket., Tab rbarng. Ifntler Prim: , and I,nd:es 'CARBON 01L, Linseed Oil White Lead. I3oots and Shoes I.e. DIES' MISsi:S• AND 41111.1)10:Ns' SJIOES In gre:it variety Ride Powder and Shot , Blasting Powde: and Fuse. 10,11. veka <„!tteensw:tre. .II !wavy ziodo delivered free of ebnr:!e. 1111111t1011 to IMO•illir, mid by keepim; roit•taidly nn 1.4i.d nv. ell a,...ft l stork of all 11;e thlll fent kind. t•nally 1:41 ton conntry r.tore, the uipler.itzued IlltiON ut thit rum , no fu UV' pl , `O 1. , merit mid receive 11 of :he pd 1,111: C. 7 ~"~'v~ ~~ The Most Complete ihsiness Co lege in the United Staters, AMtrt:lnz :tett:110m:1 thrtronglt.prto , 11,1 ltt,intt,t rd , uvtlml, ito,..ter :4,1 by no other rounlrt,' o:o9ratildi hi 1,711, nearly Siliann lima-and Sinai-0, 1 vitteptittatisett froni 00tty :41.11.• in In, 121.10 n. 11.1,e :linguini! bur:. No vat:alp:ls. Student,. el/141:d any limp. awl revolve private in, , truetibn tinougliout tire entire N. It.— Circulara with fnU pnrtltulara :mil all nc Cl2,l,try 11110(111:U11111. un :11141r,P1141.7 smrs'n . COWLEY. 1'r1nr1;.31.., Pa. ly 1'i1(7.10r31 iL7CL;iIX.S. I hiklll 4 l, of the A 111.1.111 University,. am making ,kronolerced cures I of etacem, Tumours anilitticers by their new discovery. A palidesi, , treatment, no knife, no pion s, no mastic burning. OThomnat - - - remark = able l frKt ' CANCERS, of t Ills 01 treatment . It, It set. O. rates lie chemical element of cionceroos . E. f gr, , wth., an that they shrive!, din add dis- , ' tliet.7lrn r c:l " l 4 o w n i :lio ' ll - of 7 llirnr , i' llc i llsk i r l ot ." :11:11. ' nr11, nit 4,11. y: or n.l.lroot, No. Z. 14 !Inn Strret, Plilln.ll.. r.,t3:17;1y . ..........., s_. llr. J. Ittur '..""-/' ; ;rny,orllrlilge: ~... ~. _. 9 —IS!. - 9 - ti :net.. 1 „ drier- X.?. ~,.„,. .10,.1. , :•-',- - N,„ . _ trAiltal that no • ..:ftW s. ”. ' ,, -".-v-.-.r. . ' , collat. in the 1 ' State Ann 110 i ~' .1 .- 4 . .. .....' ; .7 , .„.j.. • oteaper 'than , • , ;., . - 70,3"7 - • ... ho liar+ It to . 1. .. . lio his patrons:— 110 v.stal tha ..a . • 1 : ) Ire•t triterialn rnatnifart ;Irn ill in Ito. Until II State, Cold sad .Il ea Imo:: .. alortord in a rqle thatih tic. con 11,0• th don i,sii, , faction'ctuultntetal in all operations, or the mosey ri tarneti, tine him a trial. rehlii: - , Brighton Paper Mills BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. pitivriNG. mARNML4, ROOFING, BAILING, liardwiwc. ram. It AC( AND C . l E =l° 3Wa r.r6 So , AND SOLDAT by .:4azicr, Melia & Ca,, ..412 Third Avenue, _ Prillßolloll. LE'"Eisgs taken In exchange. [scnltthte - Rai troaelx. MEM FT.WAYNE CIIICACIO RAILWAY. Un and aftnr Jane WIN Ind. Item; %idle:me Statlonn 41.14, ttintutnie ..xcepted) Inllnwn.-- [Train Itnzfing Chicago nt fiR. l'• M..!•-•4,1'. dab • iTralti leaving l'lttAlmth nt.2.53 I. lary datly.) MEI= Pitts Na In IS Alllaw,. al ValOm, nre ... 411 torvllle IV 0.4.4 - ' , A 625 Crrntrne D Mir> u n IV4 Upp, Sand ur 714 l'ortet ....... I.lnut Tim Wtfrt_.. Fort Wayne, volutnl.l3.. Warpaw.... Vallorr.f Chlt,tgn WM . Fldernrn, %%flit:alio) Plynonqh. Wareaw... Fort Wayne 115 Van %Vert ...... Lima .1:0 trorert Upper Sandusky.. • r 1.3 613 Cree•tlnte i t Ilar+fleld;; IVormier i h:;1 Urn Me.. plaa Ilion Canton.. It tx,ho Cr. Vllt h • • Youngstown, Nu L'aitle and leitv es Youni,intornnt 2225 p. m: N e 11.a1; arrli vs at l'ittaborgh, rep) p. r legves• I'll mbar:li 715 u. ni; , arr. a 9:51a. in. linun,•Niwni loi hl. n. m. Yuunolown. New Castle' end I . lltehnrigh An, enninwilatlon leaves Yeariown, 0:'Y0 a. ni; No w . Cm:N..1:20 a. in: arrives 5t Allegheny, 11e10 a 4 tn. Returning. leaves l'lnshiargh, or, ri' vs New l'otle.n 20 ii.nnYiningoiliwit. 4:05 p. m, F. it. DIVERS, v General IlisArnyrr end 7lrket Agent. No:evirrsitu i I ItAlLiioAl): I..ta null after May ..: 4 .1t11 MO. trattva will kayo Slat mu, daily (Sunilnys esc,ikte.d) a. iollou a: 110INO STATION', MAIL EXP . S.Ac 4-- 1... EnNid Iltulpon II Is . . Alllll Nlwill.. I F/JI KU, t X I .. 1115 • l‘ ell Oho .. A alai cr._ llnsem . . IWO un . Euclid strt MEM 110131 r .......515Am 1:r111,7•Imr - 5.1 ...... 15'01,11,111e ;i 1515 S Ferry..... 1; S-Ir.l Iloslver Itoc6enterq • frLi Pitt. ..... tr:rp 1,011.111 WC MAIL. 12.2= l'ilt.,burgit CalAy Larlivetti , i in Tl•mver 1 . timlill'A retry ..... 'i Wri Welj.ville 1: 6.11) SiolibuliVille ... .', 930 1:61 port ' , IMO Itollum $,lllO _ _ • 1, nu utr.v.t preen train front %Vetlevllte to l'lttrthirgh. TUC CAILAAVAS Leaves Arrive!, R. 19J:adelpbla, 610 a. in. I nayard, 915, n.m. 11. yard, 11:Tia.m. IN. Philailepliia,itOpm 11. METEILii. General Ticket Alzent. Miseellantatts. J.Moore DRUGGIST, Prrmviptions thrifylly awl Accurate ly thinpounged. ICE* DRANDA UP ASSORTED ATqz; el 1 cl 1. 1i ce, 1 \VINES AND LIQUORS; I' i t C) i 1 5.,. • I)Y,g STUVPS: KNEE DYES OF ALL COLORS; GLASS k PUTTY; Special Attention given to Pecaro the beet qtmlity of I,Anno. And lamp Trimsnliage, lanterne.&c. A Large Assortment of To] LET A irric4Ezi, IZILTS/IBS Sc. P A T EN MEUICINES Main Stri , l, nearer l'a THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED 42,w1a1.2x OROIDE GOLD WATCHES, $l2, $l5, $2O, $25, DURING the pa . d. four or five venni our Watches have been so thoroughly tested, That for alwearince, style of finish, and lleC11111(3' Of tune-heeping, the "Uerard IV:ache - 8" are universally acceded to be the beg. They retain their brilliancy and color until worn out. , Ur If alter purchasing and fairly try ing. any ~I IC 1 . 3 mat fully satisfied, we will tic money. trirllwy are in punting CSIR . S, 1111011011 . $ tied Ladies sizes. Every Watch guaranteed for Una , and war, by ' special certificate. tar A large o. , •sortutent "Improved Otolde" Chains. $2 to $3. Also. Gentle incit'sa inhl;ailics' ewel ry In great variety. Beware of Imitations. Order iii reet fri ni ns or our agcnbc .I:zcras um) otloirs nplitylijg fir circhiars encloke tII Ce cent stamp fir 6 - -6 - Goodi sent to be paid for on delivery. Coodonterlipertnitted to eNIIIIIIIIIIC. what they order (before paying: billy on payment of Ex p rt•ss chargers Ivnli rri . 'Mien SIX Watdu,s are ordered "nee, we -will send an extra Watch same kind) flee. - Purchasers residing at Mule dis t:mm.lll:n Express offices, and desiring to save time and expeuses,tan have the gat 4,4 sent by mail, by re - Milting (with the order) the amount required by r. 0. Money or (let, registered letter, draft, or clack; payable to our order, at our :risk. Ad dress platnly. JANES GERARD & P. O. Box 3,3'31, New York, noV23d3m.) Etri Namut Street Toledo Plump c0. , 14 Patent Flexible Metal-Lined Pumps, Poe well, and Memo. For ode by uovatt • 8. J. CHOBB/6 CO. notheater. RIDING MATER FORONE DOLI;AR! THe Jou - rna - I " A kirgeltaii.lititnely'lll.l.4t fnrllt- IY, c..nlalnijir 112 1...11 lame 1)...1410 limn 11;1.1' \VWt original matter fnm the aldru w ritcih ill (11PC0111/lr)', the varilmsfittble ;t:seclittectt.4l with FARMINg, • =CM :UATi., xr'e MLLI 11X2411 [ . 141 11135 . 10'21 1117141 1.11155 I •, 1215ra ; 251 .14111 air, 11511 'any 1 it) 414 540 4111 C. 5.1 111.4.3 t r n ' L , ZL.:, 'V la 777 I 1151 113 10. i) 101211i . .2 ;11115 11 41).0a ;12:k2Pst • I':J 1511 215 420 414 2.4.1 r4O rES2 EiM MEM • • PG ULTII 17 KEEPING, &c: Bound in lian.hanuely tinted cover. It has Voliprlntsry pg.qptartiniuskt under the charge of one of the ablest Pro lessors in the United State.„ who answers through the Jouteivmaree of charge, all questions relating to Sick, Inlays) or -Dt. Riese,' Horses, Clittle,..ltdieep, 6+ - inc or Poultry. This makes it a very vidnalde work fir reference, and lin alsnost indis pensible companion to all Interested in STOCK•PIIERCIIIin. The low price at which it Is published ($0:10 a year) brings it within the Peach or all, while the ' iS:p/endid !admen:rots offeruito 'lgen& and Premiums to Sabscrtbene :48 i 6.11 !o; 1. 9 9.10 010 419 CA, Nil tl 7.1 T L x - r r. FEB ME 115 tra ImNI IMO 12-?3,us r~xuv 407 111%.9 11M It'lllpm 111. 515 fitirx 111'2 I.ol}Au IMIE Make It to the Interest of every Fanner and St.-at:Breeder to extend Its circulation. Send Manip.forSpecimen Copy, largo Illustrated Moto Bill& Premium List. Get up a Club and obtain ono °Mite many valuable Premiums offered, consisting of Chester White. Berkshire, Suffolk, Magic and Essex Pied,' Short• Horn; - Alderney, Ayrshire and Devon Calves, Southilowy, Cotswold and Merino Sheep, Cashmere Goats, Pore-Bred Poultry; liorwily Oats, Semis, Agricultural Implements Pianos, Watches, Silver Ware, Books, &c. Speeinwn Copies sent free. Ailthess, N. P. BOYER & CO., Publishers, nov2:Mtl Pa:kesburg. Chester Co., Pn. I= 12IJ vos 767 - luo.l 11/1.1 1115 I_4i iCll :4 11 11 117 .1.744 JI I ~~ wsrx t 05.3 :115 ew enAtle. 71:13 Tn. Retnrulnr. • I Ninv Christmas Gifts! ,Christls Gifts! Holiday Goods! MENIBMIEM , • 1911 ; 9)41 , 135 1457 ;PO I '2lll p 529 11(1) '241 G.t.) =EMI Toys, Toys, =3 = I= ERE ITEM 111 ) 1 . ., I , aNti I. MEI EMI I= GEM 7EI x HIS 113111 17,1r11 116 EOM I= ES= Bil ESI CM Ilas just received the btrgest and tics selected stock of goods, suitable (lir Christ nuts Gifts for everybody, old and young ever brought to Beaver zonnty. It com prises &meat everything in the in,cmuwetto -1,,,,, :oArs, [Dec7„,:lOtt. • . . . ... • • . ::.• ' • " . '.. i. : -•' I.'. • . . ': . ~. .. . - - -... . ..! i! : :, :: ::: ' ,'',-. ': .: 'i l . . '-::'-',/".: 0 -: . g .... ...... j —. .., 1 .. . s . ''''' '' ',.: r..: ;.: : :1. ::: s• : ' '' i ' IZ 4 Beavei, Pa. Wednesday,,DOinber 7, 1870. Misiella4eOei s.:: OVITII 400 'PAGES OF t3TocKtl2itEEnfsci, ivo6t, onmviNa, nAlitviNo, Holiday Goods! TON! B. r TOY LINE. is lih the bow h C.A.R.PMTEI, CAIIPET can. CLOTHS, &c., Bridge St, Itri.lgywater imr:10;t1 Igo , El 0 e ot• e D 1. I El •i 0 ; cz ' eD -1 ..• CO . v.+ • LE • P ../ S: l 4 .04 V+ *I Co Ct CD CD 0 Ul .e. 1% , vrt CD Caviar Far" and Itecadintr, pew ThjAtos. Brava county. Pa. Taw .47.14-741/. . .. , 0 . RIGINAL Pr A 1 ~...._ ! . Thalkareralrinoc,' ...'. , AN INDIAN.TIIIIDI 470 V,,., .. . .pr a ruarram . , •''4 i .' 'The nate. redtnau. i elept •liti," - ; ~ I! • Beillwked With pint and quirk', r ~- .. ' Has Mug itucii lauorhedshLi lighajoha,;, ' „. 1 tin Tilllll . relentless ilv,in - Out Whis place Le's hit a taco', , li , . ~. • ' . Who'roproyed theutselvOs mail -.-, , , ' By every year unearthing 0 0 00,fr...-., 1-;;.i i Of poor ••14's" smouldering tom9lo ~,, , And lending dowel. in stocial ~ • ~,, ' Traditions or his race, . _ '.• . And sependitlout won - delta Wndlight. -- .• 7, , . ' ity s'ome mangle gram-- .".• ', ' Borne from the taut and front thtit • ' ..:. From 3clobt's storied 1011::1•,•7'; 4 ,,,,- ' There'S *lntl &legend *rear: . ' .yl,' ,. ' • Uponthe bounding fre! , :Y l ''Vr, • .., 1 6, • Oran Indian gaperstitloorlld,l x ....„ ~. And a ebteftaln Heaven bra, . lytt, ' - And powers be wielded o'er ,tf, • •'p - . When truth bat dimly abatis. ''.. . • Tbe antidotal' tock-gtrt Ittlis.; l 't-i_.', . I/11 the sound. - I. 1 ~ - ' And the Suiquohnitabi tauten,' The shrill.wlnds bear It Ortlin, r ,'- • And alteat'encat It to theirionst: Around the tonally be:oth, P'.. :1 - Anti sigh Gil' Joys the memory •' rk4 Joys known but once On ea i .."' re. he thisameatringe - tei, - Upon the Wailers phdri, ', I , 'l 4 Before the fagots. of the tamp 1 ''• 'As wearily I've lain • --% , ~;,. Where Illack•llawki itoieer I - - ... ; Rocto)tlier'llslogMline. ';'.. , And On 'Hialieraukee's trlthawi Big Thunder's home and p ;. • And where the Winnupagonble4 ' ' %%IS forced CO yield at last; •, -v e.. But not till IteriPertormod the' Thus ocks on the Mask 0: The Lege4d,, II 'Twas when the Ant cold moon;• ' Anti in its waning mood, ' That sullen multethags Mahe • Forrikede the chlof no good:, fl i ',•-' enrchltu:hinautra clamored ion '''- , ' 7 'And !bad full half thetithe- Who neither could be coaxed a a,. Nor tempted with a Mid. - - 4 if. --- - ' tplaoka was & cunning “bravaitfp .1 - • And knew the old chit . welli;4,, - -; , , Ilut ulcers kept a el lenEtringinf ert Nor sought the dorm to 4oellils : •f• - •'; ' Dui• yrinuetiago knew WM, tooo Ana, towering o'er his reachi",4•;,-- 11.10 h -ea to make him Nsi!lipoir And the b.oad altisen teach Then, summoning his warrik In words of-burning power Ito as ked the solrit he adored To apt kim In that hour. - ,Y - ;. lie plead the spirit earl:W* ...?.. N. That he, Qtiatik.a, Brave. ,Nlight ho so changed to whet, As, henceforth, not to =se Except at hia ; Commaud ; ' And that °tie eye might be A 4 to eatable mastk's beck, Tint other compam lug the That he the wholo might r toloka, trembling; bow Beneath his nusette&iinse ' A ud sit the warnura-agl Stood silent in 1211132 T. The old chief paused-till At loot Mau its Will; ' The instinct that he. wish(' But the ''bravo" wits big • Thu chiefs and warfare a In sad and silent Viet: The trataitormittos 01 lb We. 'boost pod: bell!. ' But, Winnebago soin the , llis po'wer noniditic e And all bent the than Beneath Qum:W.o°7e : BurchLnchluauwa, and 0 Alone defied the, chief ' And parted with Boa / , ; - Without olio ti'-' So, now Olt With pre Largo CO , roar ai.Tiliiro - • the --Saw _lloo4—#b grant. Wee t'er the Brads share. • Wiaoka, to his absence, now j , : Assisted by Moka, Herded well the old chiefs tslho', lty x shrewd 110.011CtiVe way. .Itaka; who'd lately joined the tribe. Knew litho of tbelr tricks; lint hail a weak and truckling And was not hard to "nx." A fact in nateml aclenca Is That croes, at mongrel, brutes 1 lotterit treachery from all. • And no good arributes. So with quaoka; ao lime passed Ilb aelfialmess preralledt, 1 ' The pretreat* forwarded the tribe', Ile to blnweir availed. Ile drawl - Intl gambled, .1 cerrd, . , And rut a wontrrour swell; I lint, where themoney mine (rout. now Could either gums or tell, Bid, when the presents.ceaaml to come. The tribedregan to growl; And, as the recta ware oozing oat, The growl became a howl, .' And some deserted front the ranlir Solna joined opposlog bands —1 And others swore of the disgrace. They'd henceforth math their hand'. Motel, unto the chief mat' licit, Or, second in the band To Jance•face, the Ityhren Wave Who had the full command. tin, )iota nos assigned We charge , hi all the precious store; Put be was soon demoral red (I) ' And robbed the tribe the more. lint thieving, gambling rend debauch Win smut the wisest And both Crest, lecherons Indian Ilettees hours lost all manhood's dm; Derided, scoired, rind - booted at, . • Till drove to want's deap.ilr, '(hey nil, the ciliserei at large Their fortunes to repair. At this the 'Winnebago chief, Once honored In bis sphere., Gives way to drink In Wrerhingibm, ' And 'a hwught hum on a bier.. The Hybrid. In telling of this legend strange 'Tweet: well IMMO epee were given ' lb:scribing this unnatural blot. Dlsplsed by earth and heaven: In tom, the semblance of a man; In looks, a fiend incarnate. • Ilea ears are long and as•ish. • . Ills eyes aught etre than omate. • That be - partnltre the amino race 111-c rlage and fawn haply; lint. of what rpncles 'mere almost vain. rat mortal ter descry; • .Ile neither ptrotolyoes a Bull. St. Barons]. Spaniel, Bound; Yet all the VIACSOUPOOa or these Are In him ttt be toned. The ”Black and Tan" im 1 79 101 By snapping at yonr heels ; • More like a Sr/listener goose: • Or, the "Yeller" dog that Ants— Vw. that mast be the tendency— , A dog or able -lung gate, • • That lives by "cribbing from, the taxa- And paut.cring the State; A yeller " dor described by Twain fe As (bad of all Ida ram— A target for each Foe all dogs n'tlirgrace A retaining, enenhltdt, al:eluting ;whelp— :crape-gnat or all his kiwi.— deopised. ablzor'd by nll, Not to 1114 Moaned.. blind. • Hoch was QntsilLs, once • Bove, NOW conk too low to tire; • Ilse niantruld, nushriveo, crimes Iledected In Itla eyes. • —ln Boston a poor man; w 3 utters than a year mm, had only one . suit of clothes, went into the het vspaper business, and now has eight: sults. Seven of them are foe libel. - - —For over thitty years an. old gen. Benton at St. Albans, Vern tont, has made a practice :of getting out of bed every night at 11, 12, 2, and. 4 o'clock, to enjoy a "comfortable sioteke," • —The will of the late Srsual. Bur rows, of Dlystic,i.lomt„ cmpered tiny sheets of foolscap. All the executors having-dmlined to serve in conse quence of, Its length, the court ap pointed an administrator. ;• . —A resident of Bennington was nearly choked to death. so that surg ical aid was necek4nry, by what prov ed a "barley bread" which had bossed Into his throat while drinol. pure ' Mocha coffee. ' • N N MN SIiLECT -1:GOING • 07i Vit I A • "Well. I .doiet know, Squire ',tit ter): - .V.41 be willing- to go and keep house 'for'you a few days," saki the teldow, playing nervously with the gate latch,. :"I know you're in a pit !fat:plight with so many young chit-. deep and no head. 'l'd be williqg to gii fir a feet ilayslii-tieconimoditte' you; but' to tell the .plain truth, 'I i am expt.tinit it canto-night from Mr: Mons, of Melberg, ate!—" '4litlecir oh, I wasn't aware. I lkief.t let 'lntl' detain you another mi ute,'," said Squire Linton, bur r? 4 ly.': t,"l"velltilseu too much .of ~Y 0 __,r .time ainseiy.'!_ . , "Ilo,,judeed,"retariled the widow; ' twistinglier *handkerchief ; "L".was eery 'colt* to say I promised to see Me. licitus• trociat.: but I—that is to 1 Bay;--I,cuit..tell . you, better to-trair . l•rint," • - • . •., . '`: *us , e; no;lt Isioogieitt as favor, I ought Hotta:v-4.4k It won't ask it hire;:. - Whalen," sighed Squire LlP toti,:woudering, secretly what basi n ial w ehould bring the wealthy Mr. M is , of I,falbarge•all the wpylto p -....11ut he was such a meek, scilf-re ' flouncing man that lie never dream ed !of pressing his own claim any hirilier; and hastily drawing up his reins, drove nw eye reproaching him self for -intruding his forlorn neces- , airy, and making a draught upon the ' willow,'s,synipattly. "Poor. dear soul," thought Mrs. Whalen, gazing; after him, half re -1 gretfull,y, - 'lf tin had said another word } should have gone; I couldn't have held out. against his. pleading. litit there, it'sjustics weli,lsuppose. Mr. Moans will be a10n,, ,, soon.' I wonder what he looks like. They say lie - stands • very high ;'but as I never saW tho man, of course I can't make: up iny,inina what io say to 'him yet." . Belem SquirirLinton was half way ,baCk to lds "headless" home with his loaves of. baker's bread and gin ger bread. and lump° of frowsy but- tot', the widow was standing opposite the little square window in her bed room, tying the strings of her new lavender nip. What she had re- Imirkedtti herself was perfectly true; shialid not made up her mind what hiedl fbwold ld y d e o Md Mponw a a g t reat he 'should say to her. "Ahem!" ejaculated lie; as lie en tered the little sitting-room down stairs. "Mrs. Whalen, I suppose? I ain Israel Means, of Maiburg. Hope I see you well, ma'am?'' . 4 'Rather a good-look, now .1 ben sure,", thought the_swiling widow, offering him a chair. "A little countrified, perhaps, but, what of• t h at ?" "Middlin' warm weittler,tun'ain," tukled Mr.•Meens, with an admiring glance at his hostess; whose personal charms rather exceeded his expecta tions. "Just the weather for cheese, and no weather at ell for.butter." ' "So 1 shotild think, sir. lima fait ?" mid Mrs. Whalen, her mouth 'lobking as if butter -would not melt lit It, evert in dog days. ~"Mrs. 'Whalen l" mitt Mr. Means, minding the fan, and With it the right thumb of the sotnewhat em hermits] lady—" Mrs: Whalen I"> . . , The words. were nothing, but the ' , VA& portmitiows.• , The widow libelant kept the fan ; she be feel the n*d uf ,a breath of M i •ti , tools Means ilk toeked up to the ceiling for the rest. of the sentence, and Wing it flush ing out there as in the days of Bel , shaz%ar, bent an appealing . glanm at the widow, who was certainly in no state, to help him out. "Alt 1 Olt!" she faltered, while her comely brunette face showed a fine combination of solferino and Bis mark. "Oh! Alt!" Mr. Means saw the betraying color with his quick gray eyes. • "clang 11,1" said be to himself; "the woman needn't take me up be fore I get the words out of my mouth! Mrs. Wiutleu, I suppose you may be aware, ma'am, that I mlled--aily bodY with a pair of eyes in their) head can see I've ellitxl. No offence, 1 I'hope? I was coming - up this way, tad liOtoeS my p nehew kind o' , put it in my head that , -I'd better drop_in." i' "Yes, sir:' was the faint reply. Was this all he meant, then? And rhere she had been expecting—Olt, ,i Moses Pitcher, the black-eyed piece of mischief! Couldn't he be in a bet •ter business than going round to widow's houses, making believe old' nudes were coming to it che offer them save*? Moses was a pr with large earsand a very large mouth. • He had heard more than his uncle had ever said, and told a great deal ) more than he had heard. And now; deceived by his specious hints, she 'tiled gone and bought lavender. rib. bun and a hemstitched handkerchief. Would she ever hear the last of it from sister Dorms? Before Mr. Means had wiped his face and 'rubbed up another him, the , wary • widow had united her alp-'. strinp. She didn't sea the sense of sinsiking them with prispiratlon for a man that had only dropped In." —"Good weather Go ebeese, as you were remarking, Mr. Menus," in jm tone as still as icing, but with nearly as much* reserved sweetness. "Do you keep n largo dairy, sir ?" --- "Not so very," returned Mr.' Means, somewhat reassured by this allusion to business. •'I have only ''six cows that I milk this summer, and I expected to make beef of one , of them come another spring. I cal -1 culate to dry her up and put her fat -3 hug sometime along late in the fall.. 'l.;tsV.s.see—you have been used to the care of milk?" • '1 The widow tied her eap-strings. "Oh, yev," said she, capably ; ' "I was brought up-on a farm.' "Want to know! Then you under . stand all about the work. How do i you like it ?l' asked Mr. Means,reov log his chair a trifle nearer the (low, overlooking the vegetablewhi gar- -1 den, by ,which Mrs. Whalen sat. "Work is work. I always like anything I have to do," returned•the . widow, curtly. . .• . . - "Ever made any cheese?" 1 Mrs. Whalen laughed at thd weak-'. . ness of the question. • "Cheese israther my strong point," I said she, with dignity. -.. ” - A.h I how is it about. butter ? Geoerally bad pretty good inch with ! that?". continued the catechist, tak ing up his chair and bringing it over by the window. . . Mrs. Whalen made her cap-strings into a double bow.. Doublo -bows bad always been considered ',very be- : coming to her style. "Butter, Mr. Means? I wonder ,how you heanl .as far off as lilaiburg about my taking the prize last fall!" "There! I_. despise myself for mak-. Mg, such a speech;" thought nu; wid ow, the moment the words were out. "If I wasn't so poor and lonely, and If Dorcas wasn't so terribly trying to 'live with !" The steal beads under Mr. Means' eyebrows glittered. "Well, now, Butt's good, that's nice, that's tirs'-ratol" ho cried; heartily. "You ron'tengagedone am. I suppose:" :- Mrs. Whalen blushed like Atmore Borealis. - .. "Not positively," she began. "Squire Linton—" .. - • .- . . • . • S • \. : Nft.' , Oits'ilt'ilifotis spirit .itgitili took molly itizirto; • •'• • • • "It)igoged Hoy where Whnuif•tteep. or the '?" sold he. , . "Nu, lum not engaged anywhere to keep house, returned the widoW, frigidly; "and don't know as I amid ,ties`paredfrom home. •My sister-in law is subject to sick spells and needs liesides,'.' added she, with it look v at the garden, whirls threatened nu elrly•frieit To theltegefahles, ilevoi-diaptich a thing in my life,slr, as t.twork,in anybody's k itelimout side of Jig)! a w n (wily.ttiel friends: I.lntini r ponr man; is fat tvith TUX ellildrel/.1 - liS with was a partieu lur friend of mine and lie did try. to makomme kind bran arrangeuitlit ; but 1 haven't quite deckled yet." '' • 'rife d6uhle low-knot,quivered with outraged dignity. • . Mr. Meaussuddenly had visions of handsome Squirt, Linton stepping in with a plaintive little family anti cut ting him out. Wind was to be done mast bo done quickly. He eleansi ids throat and hawed forwent in the most insinuating manner. . "Mrs. 'Whalen," said he, and again the toneyitsportentous—"Mrs. Wha len, 1. , conAltler that I have tho first claim over, you. Idan't know how young•lntlsor delivered his 'Mes sage; but the truth Is,l've heard yotr so extra - well- Spoken of that-I had a kind of a iilitiOn—" 'Mr. Meaass. tongue watt running away with him. Ife bridled swetlily, and the next Words • were Mandible.* A man with one otthe best river farms in the county might pick up and elioase for a wife; it wasn't best to be In a hurry. had a kind of a notion," added he, as a happy thought struck him, "of • asking you to come down to Malhurg, ma'am, to keep houSe for me a spell, and see how you like it." . "I just nattarked to you, sir—" • "And see how we,ooth like it, you know. • It is always - beet to start fair." "Sly old fox," thought the widow, testily: "Catch me going Jo Mal burg,on trial!" , "My house is a two-story brick," continued Iteynard, softly ; "door yard all around, patent clothes wring er; little fourteen yyar old bound girl, my wife set the world by—spry WS you please, cistern and pump; grown-up son and daughter; ain't afraid of work, I need sotnebtaly7 to• 'oversee. Come, say you'll go." "A. woman over in Mt. Vermin htel'heen recommended to me; but I am 'satisfied I'd a great' deal rather have you." No answer, save a perceptible low ering of the ofty eaii strings. Mrs. Whalen, this time, was having a vls lati herself. Just such a house as she longed for, and was fitted to adorn, Behold a lt. Vernon wonum walk ing into it, and making herself° at home. How cheated the man Was likely to lkt It could hardly be oth.; erwlse if he went to such a "back 'woodsy" place as Mt. Vernon And married by "recommendation." Mr. Minns tow the softening of the widow's fvtures. "Call it three dollars, and won't have much to do but td oversee." "Well, I don't know.. 'lf it wasn't for Squire Linton—" "Call it four dollars, and I'll send my top-buggy for you to-morrow." my all," thought Mrs. Whalen, arguing the paint with her self-re spect, "why not? It's a mere matter of business, Four dollars is a large aunt; I. need the money ;• Squire has nel.wr given over two and haying. -Mt I wot self to stay a day longer, i1......-__ for, in case a time was set, and either one of us was dissatisfied, It would be rather emtrarmssing, you see." Sho spoke with such a womanly Independence nod grace that Mr. Means was on the point of exclaim ing heartily, "Set the times, ma'am, do! Set it for life, and risk it I" But prudence got the betterof him, as usual ; and on _ the whole he left the widow's resence without com mitting himse p lf any farther than a man with the best farm In the coun ty might do with impunity. Fsmire Linton had to content him self with Nancy Grover, a %imp with a faculty, but assured himself meekly that he had no right to be disappointed. "Well, well, Mrs. Whalen, -this is comfortable, now, " said Mr. Means, mining Into, ids kitchen, one rainy morning, dragging a couple of old t harmers after him ; "I always like to be where the folks are," le ow- Booed, setting himself to t work of mending and oiling O . end of the wide stone hearth, whit' t the other end Mrs. Whalen pours a dip per of boiling hot water into the churn she was WaSiliag. "She is smart ! Seehow she steps !" said Mr. Means to himself,watching her from under his palm leaf hat brim, with serene mesfactlon. "What %nt got cooking here? • A soup for dinner, hey . '''' he pursued aloud, lifting the lid of thegreat iron pot on the stove, and letting out a fragrant steaming cloud into the room. "Odista was ft great hand for 'cm. She used to make the best soups With the least meat of nay wo man I ever smv." , • (blister was the late Mrs. Means; and if her husband had praised her in life as he did in death, omenuit 1, have been blessed among . ' "I always like plenty _to tip when I cook," relurfiett the Widow Wha len, whirling the churn handle with energy enough to titian the (}resat Eastern. A shadow rippled over Mr. Means' face. "(Vista cooked as good as any , body, but she was always a very sav ing woman, said he, regretfully. . Then he sprung up so briskly that he overset his skillet of grease. "What! there, there!, that's too bad, now I'd no idea that plaguey skillet handle was turned round in my way? But I Just happened to re member there's quite a good sized pork rind set away on the top shelf of the cheese safe. it has been over looked till it's almOst ready to take hurt. I'll reach it down for you while you're cleaning up the grease. Collate thought there was nothing like pork' for giving flavor." There was a toss of Mrs.-halen's cap strings, W but she said nothing as the philandering old diplomat bro't 1 to light a leathery square of' pork ', rind. "Time to put it in now, :Mrs. , Whalen? L et ' in see—what's o'-' clock?" - • "I'll get the dihner. Mr. Means, If it's all the same to you," sold the widow, waving her dishcloth as It it had been a scepter. . • "Sho, nowt somethings going wrong with her," thought Mr. Means in surprise. "Wonder If Phebe's been aggravating her? If she hits, I won't put up with it. Mrs. Whalen shan't come into my house to Ile ag avele!" g >. 1 . 1 Dinne d r time mine. "You've got aayexcellent soap, Mrs. Whalen, ina'arif 1 don't know as lAilbita ever beat It," said _Mr: means, about% he h ussy friar ments with the ladle. 1% 11> where the ;work I left out for you ase. 1 . don't find it, / "I threw ft into the soup , grease Po wis h the defiant answer; fe Mrs. Whalen, with all her ambit n and all her weakness, was a w mut and wouldn't bear watching ny more thane Irving pot. . Ate:.,:; Established 1818. Young Antos Means looked' up In sirrprise. You didn't say soup grease,, run'ans: l " There was an awkward pause. "Luckily 1 haveiet offered mysiAl yet," thought Mr. ?deans, looking at ads fascinating vis-a-rls With a Nan of reaunciation. "She's a spray rapt hie 111th, but don't undendand sav ing. ' " At the same thne Mrs. Whalen gaz ed ruefully at. the genuitioallVer fork ticuriter plate, and sahl to herself; - The house furniture are Just to my mind, but there, Its of no use, 1 null stand it! all the Men, pre serve nue from a Betty!" The wily host observed that. she frowned into his cup asshe passed it, and forgot to put the sugar in ' • so, with an mgratiatingamilewhiehwas meant to be broad and (imp fluough . t 6 draw all memory of twk ryttis,hh remarked: ' "You do Make prime brood, Mrs. Whalen. I almost wish I hadn't let my ilaughter•go wiling this cam.' t on,. i t would have done here° much good to take lo*dous of you." Mrs. Whalen pawed the sugar with • renewed kwbetnens. • • • • • "But," added Mr. Means, relap-i -ing into frugalltyi ','yon umbel be afraid to set on the small pleceslo me. Pity they should go to the hens." This was a crumb to much. Mrs. Whalen choked. Just as she was clearing her throat fur a 'spirited re ply, the door opened and Moses Pitcher walked in. "Thought you might be wanting your mail," sold he producing a let ter something the_ worse for it splash of mud. "The widow. look it, &need at the superscription with some surprise, blushed, rose from the table, and ati gently mussed her folded napkin, thro' the handle of the teapot. • "Handwriting agitatedlier," exclaimed young Pitcher, us she hur riedly Lett the room and was heard to come up stairs. • "Whose handwriting?" demanded Mr. Means fiercely. 'What do you know about It?" "Postmaster said it 'twas Squire Llntotes," replied Mister I'aul Pry. "Why how nice you look here, M ele Means! I ajways said Mrs. 'Wha len was just the woman.for you." "So she Is !" thought Mr. Means, with an Inward groan. "Mahe Is; and economical enough. I always thought Utlista was a little grain too saving." "But if what I hear is true, you won't keep her long, uncle. 'rho Squire is on your track." " • You hear a great many things; Moses," retorted Uncle Means, snap ithly, "and talk altogether too much for a youngster." Moses retreated looking back long ingly at thegooseberry tart his cousin Amos was Luting with each a preter naturally grave-face. While Mrs. Whalen, seated In thosacred solitude of her own chamber, with the door locked and her back turned upon it, opened her letter. It was very brief —only four.lines—yet Mrs.'. Whalen had not finished reading it in half an hour. . "Dear Mrs. Whalen," it said, "bus- Inas takes me to Maiburg next week on Tuesday; and if not an intrusion, I wish to call upon you. Please drop men line If this will not be agreeable to m you, or you are permanently en gumy Reit week on Tuesday? Why, to day was Tueiday ! The letter was dated a week ego, and had been rnel 'lwlng In somebody's pocket all this So It was too late now to de he call if she had whined to do her laTh7arcr),lltifi ed to arrange with unusual care. ' "Oh, about that cheese !" said Mr. Means, as soqu as she appeared. "Whin enemas you calculating I'd better sell? lam going over to the store, if the ruin holds up, between sundown and dark, and 1 will take it along. Brown spoke to me about furnishing him with sonic. Pick out as likely a one as you can, for it will be a kind of a try cheese, seeing it's the first I have let 'em have since Calista's make." "Yes" replied the relict of the late Peter Whalen, still musing on the motherless young Lintons; "there are six of them, of all ages from two to thirteen." "What? What do you soy ?"' ex claimed the astonished proprietor of the cheese. Mrs. Whalen's face glowed like a maple tree in -October. "What do you sag? I guessl must iptve had my • mind on something else," said she, in manifest confusion. "Why," said Mr. Means, glancing; at het flushed face auspiciously. I was asking you to select a chee3e— one of your best ones—for me to take to the store ass spochnen. And you needn't be particular to scrape it off, if there's any meld or grease,or what ever, on the outside. Callsta never 'did. 'lt will weigh something,' she used to say, and every little helps." Ah, the mold was heavier than he knew. It out:weighed six small children ; though helped in the but anes) a "cistern, pump and wash room down cellar." "I don't believe that letter was from the Squire. Maas is a master hand to conjure up.thlngs," thought the sanguine Mr. Means, though rather uneasily ; but with rare deficit cy refrained from asking any flUtii pons. • "I'll risk ft," auteluded be, as he started for the village alter tea. "She has a smarter lure than Calista, and beats her on the cheese. I intended to marry the woman ; but I've no notion of coming to the point yet. She w 'a hew expecting It for the last six eeks; but anderstand the softer sex; if you let 'em see that you set 1 by 'em there're apt to giyo them ' sAves elm lAA up, Polly )" It may be Mr, Idean's .look of amused condoms/Won would have given place to one of dismay if he luel known who was riding up to hisdoor from the river road. Ise doubt he would have turned baCk, eiay-laid the widow as she was Ferrying her beer down cellar, and proposed on the I spot. But secure hi his ignorance anti self poinplaceney, he rode awdy to quite another fate. At the Fame time Squire Linton, ringing Means door-bell, was. trying to fortify his faint heart, which was not to win fair lady; and above all trying to look es if he - really had not been attacking a sheep front the neighboring meadow.- The widow met him with friendly politeness; but having learned a les son on the uncertainty of mankind. MIS careful to have it appear that she was not expecting him in the taut, and only by the menet acci dent hapuencti to be at home. "1 have been over to the mints ter's," said she, by the way of apolo gy for her silk dress, which she had net %enteral to don till Mr. Means WWI 01. Ofsight (thinking it unrieces :sery to add dud silo had only adled on oho minister's for a cup of tin the early part of the day,w Ith ca lico dress op and an umbndla over her head.) • - - "I thought It mad likely you would take fairer weather for your busiriese to Melberg% Quite a stone to ride In. thud you didn't forget to call and tell me the news from home." This show of indifference was quite uncalled for. Squire Linton had not noticed the w:dow's silk dress, end if he lied he Was not the tuna to take encouragement from trifles. "She didn't understand my !elicit., Is pUWlsbed ever? , Woklar l 4 l 7., io Uss old nil* buntline on MIA titreni,Beie Ter. Pa., at gepar year In advance. • . • Communications on eubleeti of food • Or general Welled. are reiceretzlitT a(l° Ileitod. To loitiro titbit:Mee Omens th:■ kind must inearlably be eccompe-. , Mod by tho nom° or tho author.' Lei tern and eannsunieationssbeald be: , suldrcased la - • . . J. IV RYANf, llesi;(4. Poi • er ellsoshe.dixion maw to. Shithal the woman to meet a man half way," thought he; dejectedly ; tind "may • ' liked her the Niter fords. ' "MniC.; Whalen, • you—you don't • t mean to say you aro permanently en-, gaged?" "No, not at all. I shall have leave • next treck." . "Advil*" said he, clutching st a.. • forlorn hope—"Maivlnttiou didn't write end tell mete cull!" "I ceulan't very well, Mr. Linton.' I never got your letter. all tlMlay. The tiquire's Wilt. 'wart dropped lower yet. But, Janne,l am glad to haveyou tell nut 'Muivinel• It iteultda like • • the good old times when you, and:, , used to go tusingingschool together.' Timd luindsonie tali' llghttxt. ' ' **go you remember those old times; Malvinal. and how you wouldn't let mu be ussettentive 2IS 'tried to I*. •You• knew what my 'Mind wait long • before I spoke u tmedlltut there was always somebody between us." "Y4is ; It was Ann Price," saidthe ,wido*, innocently. ' "You know very Well I mean P 1). • tbr Whalen. 'I had never seteyrm on • Antrthen. 'She lived at the North's Vineyard, and retex was the one OWL ' Introduced us the year yen were mar rled." • - • "Oh yeti, I now remember! Well t JatneA,we hot h did as we were moveu to do; and I Al/1 sure you'had tame- Son to regret anything„ , „ . . "True, very true. Ann Wasn't:loW:- , soul, far too good for me. 1 was a „ ' very fortunate alm, Malvlna." k ' Yee, and she Was a fin/ensile wo man," quoth Mrs: Whalen, with gen erous warmth; .fiir she had scan the, day, when sheenyied Ann, and trio- trusted the decimeter Peter -not very: favorably with James. , r. "I thank you. Aralvina.. troltisn't .• • —that Is to say—if you should refuse me a second tune, it wouldn't. be be. Cab you have anything against me? • There is 801110 musulatton In that." "A second time? 4 No, James; obi Ito!" said the widow, tenderly. "It would be becaule 'only I ncutn brunets ; my poor,. deer little, cad. • dreu." , . "Weil, I don't know about that either, Jame." Mrs. Whalen's eyes were suffused ; but Sqldro Linton darn not look .at her. "Yai, and still more. because you don't feel really inclined toward me, that is what you mean, I suppose?" • "I don'ticnow, James." •• Her words were still lower and tenderer. "Hearts cannot be controlled, Mal vino. You never did feel forme as I for you In the days that are pqst, and it doesn't stand to.roason that you ever can now... I was a foul to think: of such a thing. 1 hope you .will never lay it up against me, but let us be friends the same as ever." • "Friends, certainly, James," said• the widow, Jumping up to seta book. straight upon the centre table." _ "\ns, I know it could bo nothing' more { 31alvina; still leannot say I, am quite prepared for this disapjx)int. . meat. In her last days Ann looked into the future, and grieved for me ; left without tier. 'I know,' said she 'there is one wcinian In the world who could almost 1111 my place for you; though you used not think it pains meto say it, fur nothing could give me moresati faction than to feel sure Malvina Whalen would bring up my children." The widow was weepirig. • "Now have I hurt your feelings, Malvina. I did not intend to allude .to such a painful thing. I hope you won't think for a Moment I had any obJect.". • • • • • • =-• • .. ....f_Anyql!".. sobbed - thewidow • .1 itearti4j!....iva..... - —. " • ~.' 'advantage of your sensibility. . o, you have refused me because you can not love me,and I am the last man--" "Refused you? When?" "Why, just now. But Maivinit„no one could have clone it more delicate. Iy. 'You did ' all you could to soften the blow." '., • ;Them was a ecinvulsive shaking of • the Portly figure before him ; Mrs., Whalen was laughing. "I don't refuse before • I am— asked," sobbed she, hysterleolly. "And, James Linton, If you think you have offered yourself to me this time, any more than you did before, you are very much mlstaken." • The Squire , opened his honest brown eyes. ' 'What—vihat did you say, Malin. ' net?" "You merely foldine you shouldn't ' I do It * and didn't mean to," I "Now, my dear—" . "It was so Just sixteen years ago." said the widow . with a beshrtagletwe . • downward. "lou said you—you— well, you intimated then that - Peter ' was—was in the way. Perhaps• 'I might have refused you James, per. haps not; but dour knows, I never had the chance." . .. "Muivina Turner :" cried Squire Linton: with sudden courage; "you don't mean to say , there waft the Mintier poteibilityl ' . 1' The widow covered her taco with 1 without eampretnlsing Ulu clocmaxli Peter ?" - "Or is now. But, possible or 1w possible, you shall have theehance tit refu... me this time. I offer you my hazel with my wholo heart in It, \ .. Say no, 3luivina." "What If ! don't want to, Jame?" \ murmured the widow. "Oh, Melvin* you .wouldn't trifle \, with me:" , "You expect me to say 'Ne,''don's' ' you, James ?" said she, archly. "It • would 'be such* pity to disappoint you." i her setil 'Ai n tau g utuld' h i.t e n r Yil h i f o i n n wo d w , , c'nl ra 'll' l E d i c tu rsii r cti o ze wi a l jus y l r w t e l r' l ' does sewn to me, Maivina, that you are giving me 4some encduregit meat:" "Isuleed I Aud it does seem toute r James," returned the widow, frattlt7 ly, "that you are rather du)), op y' . o 4 would have seen that I am attach to you: and have been so. for seine time." "Now, Malylna, If you say that from the depths of your soul y' ti wake me the happiest man living." "There, then', James ; don't let's be foolish at our timeof life," in said Malvin, her heart running 'to her face, and setting it aglow with Joy. "Don't let us be foolish I I must over . go now and get wine light wood we need a little fire on the hearth,' All this white Mr. Means was sell. mg chettic, inold and MI. with greet , satisfaction. And while alvlna and "the happle4 man living" were chatting delightfully by the fireside, Mr lifenus was riding hoine by star., . • light., ' • 1 "A el fire in the Parlor! iVI, t's n damp night for this tinao o'yettr. l Anir Mrs. Whalen is very thoughtful or Imy comfort. 1 declare for't, !won't. put it off another day ; I'll offer my. ; self to that woman, and wake her happy ;., she deserves It." ~.. But the sound of voices jarred on the good man's ears, as he approach ed the parlor. • "Company here! I want to know!" - .. "If yotThad spoken sooner,Jame% I nevegohould have come to Mal. burg on trial." "What dui you mean, dear,by mill log on trial?" "Why, the truth IS, Mr. Menus wanted to test my housekeeping And I thought I Would try his bourne." • "You surprise tae, Melville. You can't m ean—" ______ (Ctintintied on /berth Inge.) .: