E=2 - A •v i t , ors y- - - ,-- .r , - - 514,1=737------g";.ITY. ... . ) i1141,0*"..i-Oiir I ' ' ln. • . • ;L'" ';',LiT4" . ..' .!:1 7.. 1 e lhoy Wight light ..,4liv recliifitirated - itilkf l t iift'r (*sly runt hilted 141.1o1 . ;,. and by aide sat Lizzie Atintillo ii,d* _fa and con * thiantei. - ;",t hhardithad/tit I d of the late parliwkOnleh, 'drill operas, and other Cotta of a usement and entelhaihutihtNntil the 110 el conver• .: *ice tp flag , ;When Lizzie awed to call tit* a piece of neuilleighlehithe . Vint.inter• est • ' 'C I : : 1.; ; ..,,... •'" • therVYitzieKnit ' c't • you ' heart that Pmiiktfatliisby 16 about to.leftve us?" .sh"•i •••I,lWe r ,Pelii„y..wnS ••••••:v led.froni a -. , h ' ttionottfuritio&l, antra , slight .eat 4. was perceptible In her breathing. She arose and went to the window, Where she lignite itastipport a fallen t r ot o f . 1.1 1 ,,,,4 sh • Ivy—her hands ..trernbling-JitsPi. NiilMlte resumed her seat she was ,outwa ly adman(' collected.' - . •- • :', ~'.' -• • "Doctor Ormsby to . h.lrieys?!.! she mid r . ' I•Ye,4 ;:-belt it does iseem so odd to 0111 hull 'Doctor ''' resumed Lizzie smiling—"An old schoolmate.. play-, fellow.. It's a pity ho couldn't nave more encouragement here. But, then itlisn't to be.wondered at. Ile's' young vet. "'Ana knows more than four-fifths of those old, solemn gray-heads .who •bleed, and. dose us poor children of , tuortalitY," asserted Kate, with em phasis. . "I believe you, Kute; but yet you know what human nature is. Peo ple who aro sick are apt to fancy a pltValelftn of experience." a Aye," cried Kate, bitterly, "they: would': transport their corn in . the time-worn peck-measure which their • grandfathers, nsed,, and' reject the brighlfstrohar,i it.isuild- aritlusliel ,hoeinseleis new.—Xiierialik—Dr. Ornisby-r‘will•leave us?'' I " Ve.s. ill'h it going out West. He ':trays he will seek sonic new , and ritT. , . inf..: itlacotlybprell6.cm see signs of thrill:-aufleaterpriae; And , grow ii . ,:e -wit ifft'au P:•,,,,•":;:-• , . '. 'I - . ‘• And Ipiitise:f.hciAiebnis quite litippk, ihlfirospuet'cif the change?" -. ' -No, ipte—tshouid Bay 'out. Oh the contrary, lib appears to be rather flownlityirted fibout it 1 think lie 1111ds it bard to sever his nfulnections "with tile uhllilace." f 1 • ' Katealelhy! wawa rl ittl v l e t iu lree ; and she wa r.•..ghedttd, iful—na ' beautiftil us VilitiKtut•-atile In glare and klftler, but beautifUl the reflec tion in her handsomei'lace in those . finalities of limirt ,and tioul,• which make ilui true' woman; II& Bailer had been a ehip-master, luwing works ! , his ! ii up tconr, gm kteptry- tle,'hutftluiling thelaSt - yews of his • life he had owned the ship he (Iow an:1100, 4od had gained - a fortune. Kate's ow% mother'died When Kate. 'as '6lO '.llVeyelis oltl,'' anti 'ilftUr that the elilid•WitS taken In charge by a aisterfof Copt. Pelhy, who , ChlitliCell to be a woman of sound sense and Judgnient. . . : .. -•:. : • in time Capt. I'elby retired-I'mm • 'the *XI and martial again. ir6. 11.4 not contemplateri any •such /step its :Ole, lie had thought to niake: 'din a comfortable, cozy mune, with his sweet Kate for companion and house ' keeper; but Him Charity Fozzlw wick entrapped him. To use his (Own • expressions—she sighted , him , before 1w knew ahWarafineargottite • weather-gauge of hint--emeked • ou all sue. and bon. down upon hiny ; •-: fairly ran him BY the boards-and he surreuderod before he had fairly dis covered to What a thing of canvass, -tihdloHiamper he had doused' his flag.. ' 13ut he lived not long to bles lihfrecietauct -wife.'.. -.When. ha knew thuthitvtaidyloglaztot Air Ms at. Wrney,,; and dictated .Ids ,v i dli, Vi e. A iksit everkthlnt , to his daughter ICate, . ainiply providing that his wife ahonift receive one thousand dollar[ a year during her natural life,, from the . prxxieds of certain Turukyrb 64 ' 7' '.. 11 a... 0 ••4 certain in. V 1 .11611 p u .pow. ' .And it), at the age of efg4teen,Kate l'el by was left the mistress of un am . . ply. fortih'l6, , lmf( Misttess! 61 , herself, as well ; though she deferred' to her seep mother,. and always called her 111111111 M. • Mrs. Peter l'elby (the • Captain's name had been Peter, and his . .nadow said she loverilt too _well ' to give'it: up,)' was very wroth when • • Ole learned the nature of the will ; but she did not openly rave. Shen:- colvtli that 'she would mould end t hlltirin" Miss 'Kate after "lier"own will, and 'thus gain control of her • . handretis.. of thousands by gaining control of 'the heiress. Kate was •al Mild, and so`gontle,- and so:lnfliction ate, and; withal, so deliweutial to her • elders that she thought the work, of 111011i(411g411111 lealiiog ,WOMIlil he exsY. ',WI then MrS. I'oter hail iniether • plan in view—a hrilliltittproject. She had a nephew—a youth whom she ' herself had reared and educated. .D . she could lith , about a union be: swoon this neiTliew and Rate, she would he the mistress of the situa tion. And to this and she worked diligently. ' Kate was- now ,twenty, anti Was not. blind to her step-Mother's plans. Friink Ormsby had been born . and • . reared in the town ; lie was three ')Sears older than Kate; and had . ' . kiiewu her when she was a little (Mild ; and had known her mini:ober lather's return from sea ; but during the Years:thut Kate ;had spent with her ;met they had not met. fie lost 'both IllAintrent.4 when a mere . hey, • and had ... ,Aafual f .te, the.,prwent amid ' nitwit ens,' and wilfiehlty. • From an ave./usury's bog . .ho Itad risen to a • mace in a first-class drug store ; and ' -thenee, sviteil tap had saved money (;not4h, he euteeed,a inedlear y school, wheece he had graduated with lion . or. A year spent with a -physician ot extensive practice, and he' return ed to Ifisviative tO,WreAtut Oth:refl his servitiA% &A 'I/nettle . i.Y.Nt.sift.ill9ll Stirgf.•,ry to the sick and i.fie' mai I :- . -witliwiint succia:.;;;%liSillikte.i ~ 4- . anis had sfitliciently told,'„' • ' • ~. • , • • •,,,, it was very uaturai 111.16'A:1W •htelt ) fekr Obit tillt.wiiittlihei.lTli.V4Rl, that Frank ()flashy , 4110U1(1' remind-, tier the bright-eyed • gleesome • girl 'with ,:when he had pkiyml ditrin•• his childhood's happiest Whirs; MO, what' they Met no ry ,hllo.lthdiftwiii hf the fleeting Ydars, wnlit nate Witu ettl'Utan that they filetuld talk hf the • - bygone tinws; Ays—aud whatcoula 113ere,be povitrly inure 'lateral thou that 'Frank'slioultt fall In. Mee ' with the pure hearted, genial and happy-, faced maiden? And; yet' not a whit more,iedaral than, .tinit KateOutik lug bike:Ali the shed/ zed, Alel.fieehig allthe.truth and honor and sterling anatahood - of "the • young •physician, aliouki return his love with Me fond rletiellon:of- her Undivided. heart. • - • But-=d)l perVeralty of fashion' and tntriltio6!"FrAtlk'OrlOgliy WIN VIPOt —llo.lllllst oven riell sornelor Ills hooka ' if he Would, pay,...liis .001411411nd he .dartxl not musk the Wealthy. inaWett to .-.5.4, become his Wife. nesting, ti)r: dirty-, thin upon his high sense Of honor ,11. would sooner have epee _forth and 'begged Min have biMird loPKitif, •Pelby AI hand so pourzuul piirtionlia4. l - -No. lie would go away—he'woeld, 'withdraw front the light ,Of :that blissful presence--ho would place the Width of it• continent betaeett hint- . Reiland thefloved one he-could never Now Kate l'elhy knew . very well 04 &sank Ormsby. hived 'her. • tine •knew• thist , ho , hived therathne t •at bd 'that he 'Wouldetilrer her his tukful he • 41 ared.151`te knew .alt altuut-it. Wetted)* hid her own 10vt. 4 hi:Welter ereeptions . keen and B irY, ha fine • tinik heard froniotheni enough to give No• perfect assurance. And now FrunkNeits going away ! AVlant hill/Uhl she do - r tilie.liad been looking for the time when he aheald etnite and take her away 'front the 'implement Influent% and eoinpiudon sh ia of lieratteng7tnitilledittepzmath. or—When ho. Should take, her- to . home where love and peace had con tent should be the angels of the house= bold: • • • • • . A hociety- had btien organised In 1 1(2Milt4Z;.%iftr i aggW 'r Maw itradeneo Letpuren'musr titiftltd iligr?eterrielbyrh gent,. Great: rlhg to In' •mul-unpegabunrkthi bieen Made Anti ICate Wein', rind give , lt keep liuence. • Whto;4:,4 l Ti c n" 3111 n% t e rgi IP" !item Arat.ec. weaLl t (Jetta ng sHeridep-muther gaveher no peace.: 'IV had come at lengt big h' that Kate teal of tinille..ef and ' of the' 'daing /lttlfle Franlc If. he--1 Tth 41-4 h hit* liddeu yarn m lf °113 011: 4- lug— 100, 'Were Arkb.linti tktetr teats—WV She' enuld • Alktsedlyt. 'What should she do l . : •• • • • - bri the eVening lhat•lday the' 'Seelety 'met"nt "Mrs: 'Peter Pelby's; ::04 . Katqceuld rid s reftise'te' be lirwOnt; ,A2teit' t'deat' Was tiald' 7 lo one rA,wh'lo''she could AV "otitifereo, lied not a• '00? ds gusted her. At length ta l e rudenee, the President, addretiedmeetin,t , Fora time Kate listenedmitit ,meek Indifference to the pleadings of the, speaker ; but, yy and by, she pricked up her ears, and bscameall attention. • "Just look at it?" vociferated the Spinster ppresident. "Behold the state -ofdtkredatioe to.which woman is re; duct -rtihe cannot even tselect her cairn trusiraffitt• taken thing without jedgernent-ormsruse-t-fiketter ;mere blockitigrfibut heart for•lbeilfur-.she niiist refiner' In the eiwner,fand there tiwititthrtlhirf trfereation‘ %Alto' irter* tome" - te select her! 'She 'nifty love with all her heart atilt all' heY"soirf, but She inust,not tell alt. 'lter very fieirt.•:stridgs May belfttstking, but she must make no sign! Who 116 given to Man this, right Of' tyrainix over the infections of ,wornuu ? \\lig should woman be depriVed of tlw right to tell-of her own lovo,.and as sert her claim to st.returning love? I tell you, if woman would assert her . right ih this respect, and dare 10 make 'proffer of her hand where She haft given her heart, there would not 'he an 'many ill-ttavrted marriages, so much misery, nor so much of trial searing cruelty and infidelity. It is, time that the 'women Of 'America' took their dearest interests in their own halals. Let ds assert our rights and 'independence t'an's, having as serted, let us maintain it!" • -Nociferousiapplause..followed .thy Mrs.":•Peter -Pelby clapped her 'flabby hands till they were sore, and all•seemed delighted. • lint upon 'none had the words ; wade a deeper lin pres.slon than upon Kate. , t •.• ; Prudence Lipwelrh d, made, convert! • • •• • .•- : ; Ktit Orm. fore' Wil cow ster , . Frank Oeutsbi. in thetiddst pf his arranging andkpacking. for the long Journey, had attairended his, labors) and taken a seat upon the sofa in his little , °Mee. lie hadcome across a morocco • opened it—and had Mtitid Within n dageurreotypo, likenthis of Kate Pelby---one that she had hind taken on purpose for him when he had first opened his Offleo Beechhaven, that he might, as she playfully "eXprossul have' some thing to 'remind him how the little playmate of the :other -yet= had grown and changed,. Are sat,' with the picture in his •hands, and tears were gathering in ids eyed, when there come a gentle rap upon hisdoor; andhe said— - - "Cdme ', • - And Kate Pelby entered. • "Misa‘ ybl,by I" She saw. how trembled ; she saW, the teary In his eyes; and, more than ell. saw 'the picture that ho held in his hand. 0 Limo lieu men a thoultlit of faltering in her purpose, ! that thritii;rht wa4.banished - noW;' , Eibo , sitw the whole situation at n &nee-- the litaikklhbinstrUitidid-CaSel' the ' phials, and the boxes, scattered ' here bud there, as though . they would not its; packed—like the affections of his heart, that would not be torn away from the,old ;smiles. Mind you, Kate had not crane lin pulsivo upon the present errand. She had spent hours of lion° in self-em quest ere she had ventured upon tho work of putting into pmetiee the pre mitts of 'Miss Prudence Lipewll. "yroik," sheaaid, with the-migh ty strength' of a pure heart *end a ho ly resolve suininoned to her support; -you tnicit'not speak—you must not interrupt mac I have come to tell you something, and I want you to sat down and listen." Tiau young doctor sat 'down and Kate took a seat near him. "My dear Frank—" —What, in the world did she meat? lie In rked the question. • "—I 'MVO betaraie a convert to the doctrine of Woman's Rights; and our Society hail decided that woman has as much right to offer and askfor blessings as utan has. Their tell Inc that youriiie going sway., +Frank— .yolir are goi tig far, faraway, And yet you did; notcom eto see me. You said ffiat my step-mother had forbidden you. She is not my guardian, nor does she own even a place in' that house save such as I give to her. 0, stay, Frank ! Don't go! }hay, and I'll offer you- A1a.41 . for the new convert! Thus feria this, her tir4t essay, and she broke down entirely l l sti.. ti lt .14011 Vet: 4100" b . Waal: Oriiisty - Ifiterh ahtlifittra. , and, like the glory that shone down , upon the newlythashed temple,mune the flood or light and blessing upon him. lie drew the weepitignanden to his loom, and, with her head ;al lowed there, he learned it all. 'el Areal irah theeonsternat kin 'of Kra. Peter Petry - Mien alitclea c entsr that her step-daughter was going to bring 'Fran kstirtirsby Whip Inr4 apdsataster of.herlnkirtatid tiratseitcla rani great was t lie d kappa ninent of the lardi ng. ,ineraliers of this Society. Mrs Peter Irattlell until she discoverd that Knee, was too strongly , intrem;lted in • true WomanlyTtight to he oßercome, and then she went away to her brother's, home; where her favorite nephew re sided, and Where she thanagssi to live very comfortably upon her allowance. As fur Dr. Ormsby, no sooner had he found home and' tvproprietor ship in the Pelby mansion, than per pie began discover and itcknoWl edge what an excellent physician - lie was! And Kate--all! she lilesst the hour iflthl£4llllM &VOW ti cot vett fn The Mt:Wife hrWtitltnTriglit cure to herself love and joy t Ihr she secured both when she ntielitit Fnmk Orinsb.y.frynt his journey,to the West.. —.New York Lett,4er. - •'',2HA'llttle-feltow'in Mercer, Maine, about zixftri year's of age, was left 'alone dire night mreatty.' 'Daring the night. he wps awakened by. a tri*Othi4eflitulattetputiegtoritig the house . . Springing up he crept to the kitelauh lull tialv sqw ph,!!; , tnen en tering one of the windows. The boy seizApd fit. !aikido n ve,kgt, I tout; gtiod aim, and blazed away. The window went down suddildyk mkt!, •udong! The neighbors were amuses and on gettiagx luntqmtlaty Mural drulks of blood On the window sill,. And traced the corpse of the fleeingg housebreak ers to the woods by the marks of itd lath ought , that, tame oK thiowoo4,l,44,.k,4li f aunt 0,,,,041 to the 611Moilia141iksilixtuU.Wwidkl. Alepplirta.MilltleSOttl, I'pst n 641 atm 'Otto d red.noi front/ Ainxinfiltia wa AatlietlAnxiu'alrevi,nights.wo to. lend hle herae g 4 ha' a the Wife Q tridliOYAi l V WA"' • • 4 0.01 1 4. 4 The :Avner otttie replied : 'My horse cost toe $1741 ifisllpn . ,anal may tie tant.ortllled in the, uight.•• -If the woman dies she didn't cost ah7thing. The/horse can't go.'" '' AMA'.,.; The _Nee _of Os role -1,, Their Appesnuice-erlye, pion, sorsa 01 otter.• . 11::,eintiiSienilthif of the Antioch LedV4,l o l Nan OKsonT,Call form#,:up or wlate of Octebet 113th, ."'lstiw in yetir' Paper; 'Some-. timesluee, an ditiele , coacerning the. 'gorilla' which 11 said to tattier been Crowhi Canon, t end _shortly' after [ii •-themonatainsr4of Drestinibm creek. Snetsred 00Ni:idea , of theve ing-any such ‘critterst'ln these Fuel, ,were Ipoti 4.ekter informed 1 should ;ti l !, .100, or else conclude that n 'etie;or ' prospecting. parties d Katie/St hit he wilderness, and_didn't havetiensq,eagegh Nis way, • tiltlyl,itss.um you that ads gorrilla,or wild man, or whatever you choose to call It; is . no myth. II know that It existe, and tiettiolgeAtetet. , lONA SWP of thew; havireseen them both -at once not a yeais age. -:Thelrexlstianee.bas been reported at tintegTor the last Infinity yeius,and have Ihturd It said that,in: eatly days, an ourampoutaug camped fectin'il ship on the southern coast but the ereature . 1 have - Seen is 130 i that tininfar t "tifidif - lt is, ~vHerb"did beset 'Amato? 'lmport her as the web-feet did their wives': • Last fall, I was :hunting :the, 4nountiius dbotit•tweiity miles south of here, and camped five or slx days in one place,. I lia I have . done every seaaou fur the past fifteen years. Several times returned' to my camp after :Llama, and saw that the ashes cud' charred sticks from the fire-place had been stsittered . An old hunter no- Ta r ktWatien gets, e. -efeeee::Although.. , i•-• . ,iindfittlestores. eleiv A tid rbetiv,l - efoß imAiode to know What It was that so revularlyvisited my tamp, forelear ly the half-burnt sticks and cinders could not Rutter themselves about: I . saw no tricks nenetheatmp, as the hard ground covered with dry linvcs would show none. So I started on a circle' around the place, and three hundred yards otf, in damp sand, 1 struck,tite traeic of a man's toot, as I su ppd.:-.ed —pare, and of immense size, Now 1 will curious; sure, timbre -top:. ctrl to lay fur the ! bare-footed visitor, I mfliititingly !took; rf, position on ti hilbstde, about sixty or seventy foci front the tireond securely hid in the brush. I waited and watched. Twd hours and more 1 sat there and won tiered if the owner of the feet would mate agaits; . iind whether he Imagin txl, Whitt' arc interest hehad created id my Inquiring mind, and finally what psya.u.st..+Pd hint to be prowling about there with no shoes on. The fire-place was on mrright,and the spot where I saw the track was on my left, hid by bushes. It way m this direction that my attention was mostly directed, thinking the visitor would„agposr thefe,_ and, besides, it as w.easicttoSit heed fate that: way. Soddenly* ifittl3 startled My..,ti Vtifstle, - soth buy's iirixlnce • with two lingers under their tongue, and turning quickly I ejaculated, "Good God!' as I saw the object, of my solicitude standing before My fire, .ereetand looktugsusplelously around. It way the image of •snan,but it could not have been Mimeo. I was nevtr so beitimitied With astonishment •fore. The creature, whatever it was, stood full five feet high, and „dispro portionatety broad and square at. the shoulders, with arms of great length. :De jrgs mat very short, And, lice body lung. The head WAS squill, compared with the rest 'of the crea ture,and appeared to be set upon his shoulders without a neck. Thu whble was (livered with a dark brown itnd einnamotpadored long on some parts, that, 04164 standing in a shockandetif down to the eyes, like a Digger n ; As :1 looked, he threw his Mead bock; hind . whistled 'again, anti then stooped antlgrasped a stick frout the tire. This he.swung, rotind ;and round:iuntl theilre on the end had gOne out, when he 'repeated the uatoiavre.; I , was dumb, almost, and could only look. Fifteen min utes 1. sat and watched hlmots ho whistled and sytttered myfire about. I, eonld tonally bawl f)put .bullet! through his head, but why , should bill him?. 'Having amused himself, apparently all he desired, with my 'fire, be started to go, and, having gone a short diatoms., he returned, and was joined by another—a female unmistakably—when they both turn ed and walked past me, within 20 yards of where I sat,and disappeared in the brush. 1 could not have had a better opportunity for a serving them, as they were unconscious of my. presence. Their only object in visiting my amp seemed to be to amuse themselves with swinging lighted sticks around. I have told my story many times since then,and it lets often • raised an incredulous smile; but I have met one 'person who has ten the utystimiotio erea-. tures, and a Aimi g ivho .hatir/MClthe acmes theft trimici between here nridAteliiiiel'as%;',;F pologico,l7.odociltiblWn as the . °Tertiary AgtirlAschatilelerlzed in .the warns and equable.elimate, eitcllll - eyed to the - Po;artieMst. Where ittAV - ttre hanks of lalfialtfat'anow, at thuEtittic groW foMatildr,lttgi l iatit vetetatien. captaiiilircelitteVa tlfge party gittheOcrittititetta . ",qf wood, iteor n . and fir-cones fuliAßSltin the limits of the ArCtie Circle. As high as latilaide 711' N., in Greenland,, largo, foYes: lib tirOstratO .and incas ktice. :Ai 'Slaw latatid,:tbeNtch ein _..tee, ,q - Enretteall settlieneal, the strata are full of the trunks, 014043.1,.1eave5, anti. leveu. utxtil ,fidiles.ab. of (I t-t llialint)- .lias. and laurels. Spittsbersen had. .been clothed, with fel rich a vegeta tion. , —A French geologist, in u recent memoir upon the origin of ecraltakes the routs thatil, is derived entirely from marine plants, such as focus or :sat-Weed, which are destitute of woody fibre; and that its ftrst• place yet deposit must-necessarily have been at the depth of the sea, and place different' from that in which these plants had their growth.' Tho.ur gumetits addutvd by him are varied loot it)gettiOtts, and will doubtless be rospondtal to iu due course of time by Xliose'who maintain that the same stitAtuteo Was derived from the grid , nal accumulation of -terrtrial plants. of somewhat, varied forms. —The . inhabitputa of the I'Vrol and Styria, In Anstrla: are .making pre ixtratious: to• celehmto the German triumph, as soon a.; Park; is taken. by immense bonihys,Taunt t ntuun taiii of thetrAlik‘ • The 'sttirdy mountuineers—the suns of tha'' men tbitt fought the FrtklttlirdbilerXd duns Ilofer—syMpAlfliti with the Uermans of the north. —A. Eland:dune ha../aeou r tlisenVered in Clay County, - neaf Brazil Indiana, „that foil NATO', , f or Argn ant klass furnacEs. This quality of stone has not been dizeovered before outsideof Pennsylvania. Itsseareit;,- has , tnailo It valuablc, —A "bottomless hole" has becir found at the northern owl of Blue Hill, Nevada. One explorer tieSeend ed to the depth of two hundred feet VittlOttr-ittnakg 11nreVidente7Orlts ittnfiiiiition:'ThirWaltintbbuildAtitk stalactites :tempting coral. —The Leaveliwortb„Atchison and .NOrftiiti.iir Arial i road • •eoinlitnty claims to have already spent three thousand dollantl'on the levee im provement.. \ property holds is of Osivego, litutettsluivo _determined to , give titoo.imit rot. to.. l ioNt.i. Itlib WM Veit suitabl6 buildings thereon. —Two Seott brothers at Paoli, Incl., attacked Thomti.4-. limxtop ,his store; ha t- Wereliaril ly prepared tube brnten to death by an old gun barrel. Thalia what-he done to theta, though. - - - lAour tundred and fifty copfm - of the hunt rerun of the Indiana State tieologiat have been sent to the Smithsonian 'lnstitute, •to be from there forwarded to all parte of Eu . rope. Michi the' Th4PNI: hoet 1/1103.4*Ua11: lean. hill'PQ .10L•aalk ha welched , volvP ilundre4 , ols *NM as.thew.uaur ; =~Binitil 'relent in 'Saint; Oregon, - Where:one memlOr 'of 'the' Ilegbliatire died of It; anti tWocithers' ore tliMgeroMily • :"n ti• lxiy; Was bitten' % 4 ttle4Pilke bad,tuta thO !soh:Troth: tho';Waund,. fird; he' .recovrell, . ' ' —A bumbinahoemaker,of Oskatoo• en, luWa, recently, made' herself. fa mous by•restoring to speech a man. who had been dumb for eight yeas.' —Naomi the apuoterha Ehoeh;' was not Aaglzkllulli AIN live hundreditnavl yormsrad.' Don't despair, olljak-aoMelopp yot., ' —Mtt ottidrigerc:/near Terre Ran teituu3 Just finished lnattbgMilne !ibr this ticiu*n:' , Ile' has made 10,200 'eations;bst§l,`Peiling. Sour: tens nt Dry. Good/4 ' FALI.OPENING, New Goods New. Prices! I flaw Reeeibed A Nov ' ,Wok lII', ,MILLINERY :GOODS; Comprising nn unnsnally Largo and Be lea Assortment or MI OLownizs, EIiVE'N, p RATH E RS, Plain Ar. Itibloonel Jkc,.., Sze. In onler to make this untiec as atfrae live us possible, we shall exhibit a large number or Eastern trimmed 1241'VW:1111 MtiVU'L 7b:geiher, with mapii pesfrable NOVELTIES llala a) . 14 licginds.Trlgn#Jtc!priler Soliciting Alllll, I y?Uns. Bridge mt.., Itridgerater..s'rt. . Apttor tARG A.T..-.8. A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S At 7:1 Coos. Very *"ini , , ijorinos . AT' ONE DOLLA Extra _Good .Wstterprcbt AT 3 , *j.i cENTs x ra :Bargains in ilitng Nor Pre.Fs Goods LL .1 ND SEE ME* A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S, No. 178 Federal Street, innl•ly—jt.29:jy2D--•2 7 , ,p 2,4 Atiseelioneous. Irib A u N p!Ttt , gti I : ri V r,r,,r mUollitng the slitalt• or Mark Hawk, Bea. er ett., contalolou five artril, on which Is efOrle , l nourrinik , totlldior containing . ' rt*Plf• a never falling ettriug,of pater on the premises, also, a number of frost Ott% .' p e o: .t. 1. _ . DMltiltel I.: OF 2 VS:MAMA:3 LUKENS. deemuted. Letters of Administration upon the 051510 of Charles Lukens. late of thin borough of Itnelte-ter., enmity of Heaver, is., decTased. haein...f been thl 'l.l, Mated. to the 'undersigned. all persona Indebt ed to the said estate are requested to make 145- Mimi, MIA thol.: haring claims against the rants WllLibresetst them to • • '411 0 311.115 Nerearigilasf4.2t. To all whom It may torteeru : Mr. A. Bell 8 Son are entitled to settle all tie lumber AIM of Chariest lukemo, - pluee May, op to Sept. ..nth; lat. uctlttatt Viini swi A rogewooll. plane / caiwiI,M4WISOU, autwely 11CW. wish four sass's. nod flu OrIATQA. Inquire at'shk office. hovlklw HOUSEHOLD . FURNITURE FOR SALE. Ilayhtd! efored Jay I)welilutz Unme on Water street, Rtildalit«?4 , l *Mull my.rostrd odtilt of hon.ehold turtaltutr. at, pilvate rale. MI the ar. Helm arirortite new, hailod h.en In but a abort time. and mutat of parlor ,rt to walnut and rep, Allulud-room set In walnut: nutrltle.toßsiddhoanl: chamber ant*: Ingrain' edrpell; Bret? and hedingq kileten rurnltttro...te.;Se. Partir,, aright= any tbe Munro stadia, will find this a good °porta- Idly to procure them at low agIIMI. I will ho Eitim) At the Lace of the Pittsburgh National Plow enrupdor. • ft fifilPFENa• Li ll Zt4* .'' I. 3iiIODOWS .2.s.lMTleMb.,'Miaitthttritri Owls* 4 rg and !liberated family magaenti LUSUILI: HOURS. At aille'poryen., it la the•elteemt hrlrtnel.lllurtrated monthly publiationli Sold only by enlace pilon. tiend-tVrenta forairtelosel copy and tar .t* J. TRAIN:DR KlNti, lid. Si Prop r, ,Lelanre Hour. Building, Pond. ' nrier.Pv. DISOLU'i'ION: The partner.dilli heretnloteext4theybetweeit the ussrawileued In lhe.lllllhic tmehwoe lu lb', bur ough of Pallaton.lkaver county Pa., woe dissolved tm the Vith of Oetwhet, by the withdrawal ofJ. W. D. Smith (Awn asid dm. All uusettled huelnesa will he Weeded to tcy Nllliam Saiter and 41411 Ittrrott - • ~ . • - WILWAA SAGE,II. • • ..1. W. D. sum: • • . .3011b1 lIEUILON. • • . the bnaltiees'anlltte entidneti d in the lamed by Pam Metal! and E•pringer, nv•ithAm the patron of ihe public la retiteattally aolleitod. • • . LNSTATE OF MRS. SIXLA LESCiti, iliEo Notlee fp herelfrtitien-ttit.letteriblladrith litnithin etc die Miele of the *Loeb named dike dant: tate of the Bitroneh of Bearer. In illomodaW of Bearer deed.. 'bare beea itrann d to llobert reitidltkv In ibeehy• of Patsburalit all pm . bone, therefore, having chiltne or denumdraminet the Palate of the raid deerdaut arttrefinosted make the same known to the sald administrator withoutidelay: .ROBERT bAI7S. Adner.. P. O. sddrmis 40th mimed. l'ittsburgb, , itiorkfm• I Pk P4'lblCl:PUTCA.tfuld. rof•eiirinlesiloy.:Aißoint 16 .1 '.140 t 1 ,1"" - .111 p. Bearer wooly, 1110 ypting Or.. hell evoil bland, dark red, ao white spine: will lie two veers old on thealiloof twat sjoi,mary;.„.l,i A genii pi el. tor Ih. , .enliandentuejilioll mil atioittllsposiltion: hoa a brifrr calla week. old. air ditr. th ~,,, bred Alderney Ball' Poes of rdw nrid calf $lOO, *kirk Mr b canaldered low,hy ouit.who Ie . seguatntedirith the rakes of thlikind atotk...- Iderury heifer. red& eta late wile In Philndnl phis, at wont Vika to food, W. W.IItWI.N. rior2Mw IME PYMPL . I S._ T be, andetalgnad sill dcl.z.rfully mad (frec In •Il who wh.h it, the R.dpe .nd fall doralona for proparlodincl agars ahnole And TwantlficlVrclt..-- nails Balm. that rill Immediately , remove Tan, irreeklap,;L•lianta, , tlllehra:lmd nit crupdanwand tmonditina dr the Skin. leaving themagno fort, eldar_ amnoth and brantlfal.... - . . . . ' Ile old oleo send itnoll lentruedonefor Kotler. tar, by rely simple mean.. A la:edam ovoidal' hair no a bald bead or ' , Moab tam. , . .- ;no sbore eseba obialnaLby ntamtwill,by seldreadag Taos. CHAP/LAN, Cbtaiot. , • aoTtitta. 196 Droidway, New TOOL ' imilo r .4lo(q.dggif:iitOsemesetiß* l., 44 1111 . ,___CW 4 ITettetagt Q UI 'tercet eumerelltetbseroge of 2144.1hOlehitt of .Beaver, Jo Itoleoentrot ileaver, dent, rat beim OWteheo the ondorefgeot ea= botooet.on Whew* ladebtoiMelaK mate! .r requeked to make Immediate perote=thodel laming eiehdelmehtet the adoevral lDesa witho4 •dPIoY to. the .tuoigreheele ,PePhierY frit? ; thehtlea t ‘ tz r enila Ks - wluionczewi...o Marble , . Work 'at CO4I :4 m ario-Stock of ring Pillished fOrki ot hand M. Ituchtlter awl 11,s ver Nalb, nccnnt.-- I'rGnn+ whating to erect to the memory of their leotrleit fririntht n fine•h.ol nod foot Mobe, 110 W to 110114100 to get.bangoteA, too wu WV diALTlllitl.4 to'Sell as We Represent,* 14 I'llN,, I.lLicc, X A.CE4 Pita NIM • 110 d. will cuaranlee. Itatisfaction In ',very intent —oetlitta. • W. 11. MARSHALL. Itegirter':-3 Notie.6. ~•, :saw. Is. botchy- aivot that the Liihntiog not counts of Executors. Adtnlnlstrators. uardfaur, Atc., have born duly roofed In the 11,141stafe Of fice, and wilt Im prescotal to the Orpienui court. for confirmatiou anti allowance, on Wednesday tiro 111th day of Nnvemixr, ISTO. • • • . Account of Andrew Sitalver, Guaollan of JAMCA , Shelver, child of Ahdrew !Mclver. Accounkof Philip Ca/pCr, Guardian pt • Beth Wilson, son of Seth W11.4u, deceased., ?hint ntfOolllt of .Tamer Stephenson, Atintiole , tutor of Thomas Stephenson. dowased. Account of William 11. Tracer, esti., „Executer of the will of Sonnet Moore: decreed. Final account of "hitched Cookie, Geanllan of Sohn W. Cookie. son .1 St”had Conkte: • Account of:Joseph Curntifons. •Mniadion Of Mary (lath. (now Mary. utter), chUd of Mmy Clark,•deceased.- ....... • Account or .11:: 6.J. IL iprineer..Kotitutors .of the will,of Daniel Springet. dm caned. , rhtt and 'Anal ncrount tt. .1. Lungfilin t Admin. Ignitor CUM telgainUtO iltitAti , of Jotui rale, de ceased. SIIIOLETON. ••octiO•Lbr ' " ' ''•": Righter. yi 'DM IIMITHATOttIi . ICE. , --ISTATE OF .CI.WAI. Da VIDSQN, Sr, deceased. „ betters .of Adaduistruthat °lithe ester; arVilt• horn Doorldsent, Se., taw uttilut bornabts artistdge w.wr mum aqua, atykirerand filaSe of, gena• sylvanht, deceased, Mr! • been canted 44 thb ashserfbers residlac loam bOnsuals.td. persbus having chsltop or denuolagalust sold pants: arc hereby 'rebiesited to task !town the same-to the undersigned without dela 1110M4 ,- - ' BAN VE . , . . SAIII MAS N"& SON 'llgiv 'attar . v111'1614:8 ..• .., . -.,,,,,,vu.,„Ac yRER-p.p .. ' PEN &NP CATIVING * 4N , Cp FilS.. A.uo. rtii;.*lloljkii,vfis,. zi.g.ops;' .E.,iiLY;' riir Sel-ISORS ' AND .!lAZO ‘iAIItED'AT T 111: .. • .. - . . - Cutlery w.iiaired. ' 1 , Spertal eitltntton Is et. to the llnnlent n^ and 'i\ t 1 of Oat llnalty, od. WO fret lull klilOW 011/10:1,11. 10 be 4:01&11w4 lit 0 01.1, the Wry 10 . .. t. ;i t ‘s, ej o i,lu none hutsri lent,4l - workniet, null 0..• the list 'of o.teel. • 8 met Ilawn :lins now knit In Ibe s bnputrt-d for Irtnirs. W.I. 111* emu, Are nr.n:tkenl work... n. - Sper:nl nitennnn Is valltto One VtOelt. of— • Itittolter• 11/VON: which ure mist Irnm ail , / of Sturl. 111 e M M Is u- u Imp ,011.1 illiTo 01 01W, Ma tllleg going I 1.: such Is Miit , ni i. 110, ye. to 111.11 11 ii Oni.o-..! Wl' for ft to Inern:: nr re mei nit All MI? work Is warranted In lie equal if If better 111.111 thy tot. e 404 or this ...lc 0..tj.... dell and sic oar Woriete: no 1.:,..,. ~,i n`l•d. OM i and Wnr`. , ., In New Itrp2liton. P:. reidl —lf ~,lll.elnl =II =MI IVo nrr rrlllpq nor DAVID . AO!j,' ll&VIDSON. Jr.. . • dritrirs wer Co P. 0ct19.6r• .d El • t .I.'ilailltsig Mehe.lter, l'a. Wittfield. &, Anderson, MANUFACTijWItS (U' Sash, I.laosot,,lhathli als,Phow , hoattl. , , Ireldhcr-lopnle, • els, a te. • ALSO. DrALEIZS ICINDS OF 1.1211-111:11, 111:11, LATII.SIiNGLES AND 1:1:11,1),INO 1311:Ei1. t.traerurl Intervrt .1 Mr. 0. ner nr ,V• ervnrn I rAnnln Con erret evrtnih nonprnsemniln In Ilan 6. onnellen awl linnlne or ...111 tan hoaril• nna 1•11•4 - tut 1... N. ., Col Awl vita, r vc ore the r.uly per, OW. all thart,rd runty nod t.the onme within the limltdW Reny ronnt). Milks Inlenated ••111 plow* bhr,ri ihk. Cifti,enler;' Cillistit)illy on I ery matzt.i.rut.hny,Rirk nude i.. OrdOt." 1.11111S:3113 11 . AROINS!! ILIA:1 1 0 1 +; bolli4g 214 .• utid fro i e mir. 111)11,314e !wick of VP 4 .4 % , ' 4;.:4 ! •-: I!lst,LT4, ..• : atia wArioNs,•:wAx. DO 1....4; kc. ite. ;' and pantine our Goods. O'Leary &:Siti&leto,r4, 1453 ' •ALLFIGIIVNY, PA., ~ a Pri3:4li ep pN ymu: lept... : • TIM Ild'alt, I El-WI-lA-NT- TAll,Oli, 111t04PV , AY* NE* tnlarrOlt, PA.' n brim ntul auN reJCYtMIrIRI- IVlatdi• •Gootts;.; an.6Unga I. RA 17;345, CIIISOIIILLAN, CLOVIS. CAM! .11 EKES. Exa- IJSII ifECTUIVS,..I7E.yTI:IYC;S, • of thti and jot fachlocabic acyl c a, AV !itch '•I;I be mark to (mire oh the ' • N UST ExASONABLE„ TERMS and on the rhortni pnostbie nnlice and Inurentect , ,to .g ive o.ll4fection, P. A.- A. I employ - none hnflimt el...re/nehmen. and imcing emcelderahM experience 'ln mAtmg, duty Competition anywinien In Cho Male. as In `niake'and At. ' rkerp maw on hint artitll 'tact pt mat y made clothing at boas nuinuftetnes. octittf. • '4414/ itr.VitAik tel/111..E Areinsmank.to - • ; . Rtnilarix,irmEYßw i l a t stED:LE: "±?hit. ili6u'e Pi: c4Q,141),,*141) aLITU B. ITII :; '., 2 :4ogl . derlois In . , FINE'AVVEt4tIr,! " ' - ~, PLANED • WAR& • .Agency fors! the lest makes of • •AWIFIRICA.Sr WATCYEZEtar "* .P • BETII.IIIO74AS CLOftS. Sicelo4l.pl'pllqnp4ld topui ota, adXsgb . gr meg . ; H.; • -4 1 tatllitt MITIIi IVO At* fign. -.! 'TUE aiiitaleri:: ,• .. %,02:1:1-7, ..1111411 •W I MIAMI tILSABB*4110:4") kma l vagermrivrT ...11 , 1:,... ~?+ =I •011A11%1IUMMANDVPIOGIIT tlkaltr 11.211123. - • :BALTIMORE, Ma , •• Memo leatnunenta bars bun before .thn rads; for nearly Thirty loam and upon their exceilcoco alone attained an onperchaindpre etfatneeeeethla ptvooadcoe thorn etnniontleti• The f eoptbinpogreet wren eteeetoem Ina ape Ringing qballty. welt as grott pertly of Intonation. tau Newcomer throtecheaf.tbe. entire scale., Their il i ant. elude. sled antkety,:frott the SU cell found to et. natty Ptmoa. - ' • ' •in "Wtrelicnanaielhit p ' • they are nutrqoallad.:nsirez hone but tho very beat NZASONKIP MATCRIAL the large capliAl emplOYmi In o u r hu.lnme enabling us to keep an burner..l stork oflumber, t rte...oll • L..4f All our , nous no I'Lton. have our New Ito. proved Over strung Scale and the Agra/. Treble. Le" We wbaid rail xpecori attention to our lam Improvement. in MUD. WANDS and Stt [(Air E (WANDS; PATZSTSU Atm. lt. lea:, which bring the Plano nearer perfection than has yet been at tained. • • Ferry Piano' Fully. ilarrantra for lire Years. We have Made arrangement. for the Sole Who:oral,. Agency for the mod Celebrated PAM. I.olloittlANd turd 4IELORSONS, width:ere of fer Wholerateand e tatl, at Lowest Factory Pe cos. .• • • • •I • WILLIAM KIfAUM.II CO. rept...3;qm] „ • ~Ifd.; .. • NEW -- ,- 'GOODS A. IVARIVIN itays French Sloritkoo WhoVV6iid.4. .. , Phwii Wntilipron4 . SPaterjirliors. .C0 . r1.311 P4,plins lialk awl Wool Poplui. lii~li P ~ iliu . New I)3d:fief - eine. Plein Nixed Goeel4,, V rey AT. EXCEEDINGLY, aLOW.PRICEg . . liViaote . ronle and lievtitil Erwirr federal ht., Allegheny tier:ri,te BUYERS, LOOK HERE Thu nudendrord;lloodatul fur [WI favor" would rerp'•dlnlly public nett lie Las owe of Coo fluent velectlonA of - WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES FLOOR