The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 16, 1870, Image 3

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    The Beavei Ars_ s.
Besver;Pa....X•V:lo. - 137,
(mutation Over ;lecke ffiewirect.
- -
Ow. Sw. 11s. OWL 1 . rase
ww-101Wes, 111 00 11 00 000 WU $lOOO
Room. do 500 000 10010 00 11410
1 squat" do SOD .500 • • 011 11 00 10
4 opuwoo. do 'I Oo • 000 40 DO 15 00 WOO
colal miaow so,.... 11 111 • ' 00
45 Wll 00
I 0 OS 15 OD
a )1 1312..... II 00 ia 00 OM SO 00 100 00
adadaletribite and poOtorie Votkee—.4l oo
special notices per tine. tee abate. •
SW' Payments to to. lade goirtertr, cora
trianOlint etheetleemeete. erbla trild . l
In advatetti.
liasei P. punintzi,oirark Row, X. Roth,.
to RL,PIRMINICIRLL t eft at Pak Row,
Now York, ivy tie .a emelt he, Th.' it Reim
Avenel la uutt Wte, u. - imrtra rooeuwa
for 1111101 SOS advortiwwwwte Ow us et our low.
gonnanom Adwalletes w i tht city we re.
to leave their Omni "atm of the
above homes.
State opiate Therseopeeter for the
weak ending Noveinber 12th 1870.
QL 7
Gov. 34 deg.. 55 deg. 60 es,
7 38 deg. 52 deg. 44 deg.
8 30 deg. 65 deg. 53 deg.
' 9 60 deg. 45 deg. 38 deg.
" 10 37 deg. 43 deg. 34 deg.
11 27 deg. 66 deg. 41 deg,
12 33 deg. 50 deg. SOdeg.
, Cleveland & rillttobwrxila Rs—Wales
cola last lasso Raver Station iv aglows: Moe.
sing 9.17; Smogs; Sipmes,ll4;
5.43 p. m.
Trains going Watt leave Bawer Station Adak ,
_ tows: t43RlPrellor D• 1 0.;
commodattoe. 5.43 p. m.
Flit. Fs. W.lilt—Trains going But
leave Rochester Minket (at s a d of bridge) as Sol
lows: .Ikotter Fella Acmes: OAS RM.; Roonaceom:
-7.10 a. in.; New Castle accom. 8.50 a. m.; B. Fab.
wont. 1810 p.
Train. gob! West leave Rochester Stelae. (at
end of bridge ar follows : F.acoom. 10 tn.;
Elan smarm. p. M.; Erie light espies* 5.45 p.
m.: R. F. mann. 7X7 p. m.
Trains gotng Nast leave Rochester (Upper) De.
pot is : expos. 6.03 a. in ; Noon Cc
com. 7.15 a.. - to.• New C.astie mom. 8.40 a. m•
CLlcago esp. fo. B t a. WU Beaver Fall. sworn. 13.11
p. or.; Chicago Mall 1.03 2.10; title esp. 4.10 p.
Chicago esp. 8.03 D. or; Eels mall 1353, .
TrCnii going West. lean Roe-Niter( ) De•
pat se follows: Chicago mall 8.15 a. in.; Nrte exp.
14.51 a. m; Beaver Falls *mom. 9.65 a. m.; Chicago
txp.11.33 a. m.; Chicago 3.lgi p. m; Nese onia t :
le name. 4.310 p. to.: Eats esp. 5.42 p. m; Beam
F.,11. swam. 7.4111.
The attention olthe'publiti iiiiwited
to the Billowing New Advertisements
which appear for the • Drat time 'M
Arians to-day : • ,
'Special Notice—L. & T. L. Oidahne.
Special Notices—Orr & Cooper.
Special Notices-Ladles' Working Soc.
Special iNotices—S. at .1. Snelionburg.
Special Notices—Chas. B. Burst.
end mw-Robert Davis.
Ceel—S. R. Mitchell. i
Itankern 7 -Speyerer t McDonald.
Card—Walter &. Bro.
Anthoy-Cure—Chas. 8, Hurst. •
Carvlage Making—George Meta.
Capt. J. 111.11hialhap, of the Steamer
"Sucker State" has forwarded us a roll
of late western papers, for which we are
much obliged. Mai his boating opera
tions on the western timers prove both
pleasant and profitable.
T. VANAIIER has a beautiful Stock of
Ilats,A bonnets, plumes, 'Rowers, rib
bons, bonnet-411km, ato.. now on hand.
Sept: 21itf
ir Blank Orden son Treasureraf Moot Lots-
Lids, Jot printed had tror ”ls at this (Mee
•• Head *else and Family Quir•
ter Is the ligmt definition for a glass of
whiskey when called for at one of our
modern hotels and saloons. When a
man wishes to "treat" he turns to his
comrade and tells him to "name your
A nratrrirtn, stock, of Hoop.l3ltirts
and Corsets, at 1. Hanauer's • name of
Fashion, Bridgewater, Pa. sept. 21:tf
Or Blank Waoritita to Collectors
MIX neatly pinta, sa for oda at this aloe. '
ItErrrrsn—tilmith's Photograph Gal
lery, Rochester. Will himself is 'now
operating and_snaranteer satisfaction.
lleoan ta k e you a plants small; enough
for a locket or as large as yourself. WAR
PALL Orartitto at L Hanauer's Bazar
of Fashion, Bridgewater, Pa. wept, 2134
Elsewhere in the Arida, the reader
will, find, Mr. George Meta's advertise
ment. We *reassured by personalising
in and near New Brighton that Mr,
Metz'a earriagei, buggies, &c., are the
bent to be found In this vicinity. ,Any
perann lvanting anything in his line, will
iind Mr. M. a pleasant gentleman to deal
with., Call and see him whether you
want a carriage or not.
7..7". Medical Electricity:— Dr; .7. S.
fully prepared to treat all
khnl . i of Macßae, by this method. I can
civn the best references as to its success,
in inanymses at hand. Chronic Disease
all kinds made a speciality.—See essay
nit medical elacirictly by S. E. Adams in
thin wgek's Anatol. Odic° and resl 7
donce, Diamond, ItocheAter, Po. "-nv2;3t
hoards Pir Blank
of School ;r Agrectory, ents be for isle a tween Teacher. and
t this °Mee.
Winter Session mill begin on Monday,
beeember s,th. noe4,2la*
Thanksgiving Day comes on the
24th of the present month. On a visit to
our turkey coop the other day we were
surprised to find it empty. Who will
embrace the opportunity of putting aten
pikund gobler in it between now and the
24th? " Don :t all speak at once.
pet-The"Limilas' Working Et(tclety" of
tho M. E. Church of liteaver,wlll giro an .
Oyster .upper. In tho upper room of the
now church, Friday evening,,Nor'r. 18th.
DON'T believe it! It'a but a shoit dis
tance to El..nt. J. Snellenburg's, Broad
way, Now Brighton; go and satiety.
yourself and see them selling heavy
grey-ribed under-shirts and drawers for
50 Coals or a 'leggin one for 2 cents
cArrksrms !—A good assortment of
';loves, Hosiery, Gents' Underwear, La
dies' Skirts, Flannels, ate., &c., at On &
Cooper's, Quay's Block, Beaver. fi16;21
r-O - fikilicitprs wanted. Two or three
active/ men can make good wages by so
liciting for Insurance, (Life and Fire).-
Apply in person, to glum. B. Thirst,
tiencral l lruturattee Agent, Rochester,Pa.
A wild white man, known only by
the name of " Comanche Bill," and able
.to speak but little English, recently pre-
Ann ted himself toa Justice of the peace In
Leavenworth, Kanas., an company with
a white woman, for the purpose of get
ting married. lie said he had a large
number of squaw wives, but had con.
(laded to be married In our style and go
!mine to Pennsylvania, whence be was
, d!iviod forty years. ago.
75 vents a dozen or four pairs for a
quarter ; that, la, 6k cents a pair for sock;
at S. it J. rineillenburg'it, Broadway, N.
Brighton.: - :
.re - Actlie and reliable agents
lii•itnre wanted, In every town In I
rounty, by Chas. B. Buret, Oitine
miranee Agent, Rocheater, Pa.
The November term of Court
epet.,l in this place * on last loop . •
Hat few persons N ero In attendant* ,
that day ; on Tuesday howevbr the us
rmwd was here. The amount of bus
11(“04 to be brought before the Court 1
large, a synopsis °t will will appear In
Rest week's Amms. • .
Annivm. of Teaa, at Orr et
cooper's, Quay's 'Beek, Beaver. nl6;2t
A Gentlentnn of San Francisco, who
Ilea been- and is identified with the for
warding of, Chinese laborers • to -the
anuthern St:dee:says that the total num
ber of Chinamen sent across the conti
nent, is now about two thousand. They
are engaged in railroad work, and on
Patton and rioa plantations, the wage)
being from $2B to $3O per month, gold,
bearding • themselves, or $lB to $lB, re
ceiving rations.
Sheri ' - ""t . , b u t, gois s i
quite a mateibtiourers In Bair
Veesttendlalf Ilieguilietiff isles -the
'eistinty, Sheriff; The whole list was run
over byAnsatcloneer t rifine par'
Or litid `changing lands:others'id
journed to some future dio • • •
Go and gat a good (Usk of 9gattn* at
,tho M. E. Chunk only 80 rents.
' Is the Weekly itediVeall Report of Dr..
& T. L. (Mame, 188 Grant Street,
,Plttsburgb. Ihtioumber of &bassos treat
ed by them during the week ending Noy.
1 4 14 . 11 0 47 7 .;
The DiCOldsline are didly t- Itt`lnCeik
of tette= of commendation and eipres
miens of ranted, teem patients
One says :
Nov. 11411170:
Das. Lat T. L.. 01,IminUM. the are correct in pier ezmninatfott, of the
urine I lens to you. , The .patirmt is Is
boring under nervonir debility, derange
ments of the Liver, .Lungs, Has% Diz
ziness, Hinging in the Ea rl; and 'Saru
m% -ti mes very much out of order.
Bend t
ossibleh package . of medicine as soon as
Another says :•• - •
oy. 9, 187 14
• Due. L. &. T. L. Orme N nvni—l am
,mach better. My beck Is entirely well.
Bend me anotherpenkageof medleine , !)y
Fag's!". • - .‘—^". 7777'.
• One ' from writeei
o ••-• Oct. 31,1870.
Dna. L. al. T.L. Oz.nentriu—Ny daugh
ter —, has been taklngyour medi
cine and her health Is so much Improved
that I feel encouraged to send to you fbr
ly myself. Send me medicine Immediate
. And so on. •
Now le the time to *Avesta...—
AS winter is ibont to let In,business ofall
kinds 'is apt to grow dull. This can be
remedied to a great extent, by Judi
cious advertising. Advertisers will
therefore bear In mind that the 'circula
tion of the Anona in thiS county, eXcoods
by nearly ono-half the cirenistlen of 4 / 1 ?y
other paper published . within its ,
Its list of subscribers is now huger than
ever before, and constantly lamming.
Vanua Wrens, Gunpowder, Imperial,
Japan and Black. Teas, of the best quali
ty; In fact everything in the - Grocery
lino,' ^win . bejotind 'at. Orr it. Coqpees,
QuaY:e Black,
.14ever, Pa: noirlNZsv
The Lawrence' jourbol, says: An-
Other account been fla t against the
liquor Leila of our city, in tho death of
Thcia. Ward, who was last aeon on Sun
day, in :waste of beastly intoxication,
and on Monday, his body was found
floating in the mast near the tow-patb
bridge. '
XAgenta' Wanted—Agents Wanted
In every uivm In Beayer county to so
licit Insurance either Fire, Life, or bog'.
Apply Immediately to Chas. B. Hurst,
General Insurance Agent, Rochester, Pa.
Tramiel , of Pololle Improve.
mente.—Hon. Thomas A fiooti, first
Vice President Of the Pennsylvania Rall
Road Conipany was lu Erie nearly the
whole of lAA week arranging the papers
for the transfer. of the. Pitsburgh 'and
Erie Canal tothe Pennsylvania R. R. Co.
It is she runsoredthelethe Cleveland and
Pittsburgh Rail Road is about tb pus
Into the handS'of the .
,p6imsylvatila Rail
Reed Cempany on the same terms Mit
that Company am running the Pitts
bergh,-Fori Wayne d Chicago Road. - •
November, cornea to ue with an abund
ance of plassant.and instructive reading
matter and a goodly aupply . of attractive
engravings, makrng it an acceptable
companion especially for the Farmer and
Stock-Breeder. We find In it most sub
jects pertaining to Farming and Stock,
plainly discussed, and any who fail .to
avail themseiveti of its teachings deprive
thernselies of much practical knowledge
on the various subjects connected with
Farming, Stock-Breeding, Dairying,
Wool Growing, Poultry Keeping, tko.
The .foureal la furnished to subscribers
at $l.OO a year. Specimen copies free.
Address N. P. Boyer dc Co., Publishers,
Parkesburg, •Pa.
Dlptherla.—This dangerous malady
is prevailing to a considerable extent in
The northeastern portion of our oounty.
The family of Mr.Josep laPhillis, In par
ticular, has been sorely afflicted with .it
for the past month or two, one of his chil
dren having.diod on the oth inst. We
are glad to hear however, that the in
mining members of the family are now
thought to be out of danger.
•jr•tr. Remember the "Order Supper"
In tho M. E. Church, Beaver, Friday
&mining, N'ovember 11th.
Rev. Andrew Huston, M. E. pas
tor at Georgetown, Pa., was thrown
against a rock in that place, on Monday
of last week, by his horse taking fright
while riding him, and so severely injur
ed that ho died within a few Loin's. Ile
was totally unconscious from the time
of the accident.
NEW arrival of Table and Pocket Cut
ery ; also a good stock of Hardware,
rpentera' Tools, Ropes, Twines, ttc.,
c., at Orr t Cooper's, Quay's Block,
I I aver, Pa. TlovlG;2w
air the People view the Argus.
--A subscriber living in New Brighton,
sends us hls annual subscription, and
„adds: "My family aro always anxious
to have the Alums brought home. While
I'diflered with you In the last campaign,
I am• (roc; to say that, I believe, you
print the best', county newspaper in
A workman engaged at the now
Court House in New Lisbon,_Ohio, :was
severely Injured one day last week, by a
block from a derrick !Idling and striking
him on the head. He remained insensible
for some time. It is a miracle be escap
ed with his life. He was removed to his
home at Beaver Falls, Pa.
Do not fail to attend the "Oyster tsp.
per" given by Ladles of AL E. Church,
Beaver, only fifty mute.
AdmOnistratar's Male. The ad
ministtator of the estate of Mrs. Eliza
Leech, decearoxi, late of the borough of
Beaver, offers for sale on the 17,th of this
month (next Thursday) a lot of furniture
do &c.. The goods to be disposed of Is
In good condition. Sale to take place at
her late residence near the river bank.
See advertisement hi another column.
. A New Baulking Illewee.—The
people of Rocheaterl and vicinity. have
long felt the need of a banking institu
tion in their midst. By referring to our
advertising columns It will be seen that
the Messrs. Speyerer and Capt. John V.
McDonald, have opened a tank Is that
place, and are now prepared to accom
modate the public In that line. They.are
a reliable firm, and will be found accom
modating gentlemen to deal with.
Newigiaper Citapire..-14. M.' Wil
son, esq., of the Beaver 'Valley. Herald,
has die 11040,4 pThis,interest in that paper
to J. Iraya, esq„ who has taken for
mal charge of it. Mr. Wilson le about
to lcaie the county, and offers his house
hold ejecta at private sale. Mr., gay. d
has had dome experienqe in the netrapa- b
per business and promaes to make the tl
Herald a live and reliable paper. We
wialr lilm abundant success. . • a
Elopements in Salem are becoming,
larmingly frequent. The host Is that of
• . Henry Baxter, a beardless youth oT
about twenty summers, and Miss Ella
Jennings, a charming damsel, over
whose head at - least fifteen winters have.
past. As usual, a cruel 'parent opposed
the marriage. They bad been taught
that "where there is a will there is a
way," and having a will,•they took the
cars for Pittsburgh, and there with the
aid of a kind ' elergyniall. were made one,
They returned to the home Of 'he bride
groom wad' were Ntledly re4lved."
Metionewere Igeton the P.-11
W. 13,11.11::;10t . wield" 4;ins'. from
ruisbunittir* 1n New east* relialui
Onewartfilli, Was abewif. getting
bin locomotive remicid;all4l on return-
In s to rlthilmish felt from the baconan•
ATOM the mitailipoeiMd
Otapfl which emit caused hhi death. The
Other from hb= locomotive In the
*Ann" end wm attermird founder - tcnudY, and 114 a 'imposed, injuied nom-.
. Mot nolleein their namei.
Deeiamber Payameat
,err. ;Mid :Deintpber, mania - to
beluida Oli the lib' 'day
of. December, next. Ilerfailbre;_ pky
na. mede MII ereh , Al!mii 3 ePtectl:
er but turner the MOM We of
Congrefil the iitinalonias will restive
their stipends The Penaloti
°Moe is mow ppwiniathe requisites fbr
the nail payment of army - pensioners.
For, that purpose NOMA* -will be flib•
A genius by the same of Jeremiah
Coryiof noldtin, Miseoari, hm recently
taken out a very norol:petwth 'The in
vention coexists to au imonblising 'end
arranging a poultry rocs* with the gates .
of one o r mare beettivesUnit thi peichl
ofthe ponitry upon !pir. roan will
serv s ii to 'idiomatically-01CM UM hives.
The to insure the closing of the
Wei at night, mows to exclude the bee.;
moth, and the opening of the same in the
morning, to - permit:the: passer, of the
Des, in and out during-the day. The
genius of our people is equal to an em
ergeneded. ; -
Am Mae. Captared.—A grey eagle
was *tared one day last Week byJcihn
Hays, , of Waynesburg Greene county,
which is e bird woith looking at. John
discovered it In a field belonging to Ja
cob- Smith, about fair miles ' west of
town on Bate's Fork. It had been com
mitting depredations for some time on
Mr. Smith's goose, baying carried off a
number of them ; but ho had failed to se
curothe thlef,uuUl it was espied by Kays,
"chirgini" not "upon a flock of goeso,"
bilk upon a goose, from which it was
feasting when be shot, slightly wound
ing ; when with the aid of the dogs, it
was captured alive. It measures seven
feet from tip to tip..
Ots t o day last week, Mon. M. C. Trout,
whiledriving frordhls residence to town,
was thrown from his buggy, and quite
severely injured. A lady, his neice, was
in the buggy with him, an 4 u theywe#
near the embankment at the old Straw
bridge bank, the hero° frightened, Jump
ed suddenly around, and upset the bug
gy throwing the occupants out, and in
flicting the injury upon Mr. Trout. The
lady escaped without injury, and by
holding to the lines, the horse was pre,
vented' from running sway. Sharon
tialailiwer Your Tiolablea. —A great
many Men, whatever may have biers
their experience la life, are accustomed
to complain. of:the usage they have re
ceived in the World. They till the ears
OE Ml.* whOluive tlie iiiiifortaaptOia
their friends, with ismentatiens rameot
iag their own troubles. Butther• is no
man Mails not bon; Into a world of
trouble; and no man has ever attained
to anythingdihe the fall stature of mad,
hood, who has not been ground, as it
were, to poirder, bythe hardship* wbkh
he has encountered in fife. This is a
world in which men are made, pot by
velvet, but by stone and iron handling!
Therefore, do not grumble, but conquer
your troubles.
AP. raying known Chan 13. Huila
(who advertises the Asthma remedy In
this issue of our paper) for a number of
years, we can theta:illy, endorse all he
says In reference to It in his own case, and
from its uniform suoecas in giving in
stant relief In every other where it has
been tried, it nuest provea.veryyslestile
and desirable remedy. Several of our
citizens in this and adjoining .towns are
now 'using it, and to each It glires the
mime Instantaneous and complete relief
as on blinself. We do not as' a general
thing endorse: Patent Medicines, but
must In this deviate from our rule and
heartily and conscientiously px:com mend
the remedy' to any one troubled, with
that distressing complaint.
Retleed.--On last ThursdnyWm.Ew
- trig, esq., who has for thdpaat year been
at the head of the County Commission
er's Board; retired, on account of expira
tion of service, and Is succeeded In office
by Mr. Samuel Torrence. Mr. Ewing
has been cue of the boat Commissioners
the county has had for a number of years.
Earnestly devo,tecl to his duties, prompt
to decide ()mall matters brought before
him, and strictly honest In every busi
ness transaction, he leaves theotlles with
hosts of friends and but few enemies.
May higher honors still await him. Ills
successor in office, (Mr. Torrence) will
no doubt fill Mr. Ewing's place with
credit to himself and satisfaction to the
A- Remarkable church trial was
concluded last week at Hookstown, this
county. Rev. W. W. White, a Presby
terian minister of that place, was ar
raigned on a charge of seduction &c.
preferred by Rigs Jennie Scott, of that
vicinity. After an ecclesiastical trial of
four or five days duration, ho was found
guilty of fornication and bastardy, and
also of having procured au abortion on
Uri person of his victim. Wo presume
the matter will ultimately find Its way
into the civil court. Tho feeling against
Mr. White in that neighborhood, is rep
muted as Intense, and a great deal of talk
touching the matter, is Indulged In by
the community.
" Jail Delivery."—On last Sabbath
evening at about 7; o'clock while an as
sistant at the jall'wu in' the act of enter
ing the prisoner's room to lock the pris
oner's up for the nigift, the burglar Scott,
who has been in jail for the past two or
three weeks for blowing up a sale in the
Rail Road office at. New Brighton, was
'secreted near the door, and as soon as it
was opened he threw himself forward,
and assisted by another prisoner named
Howard, the two pulled the door
wide open, and knocked the assistant
down. By this time the Sheriff's wife
came into the hall, when they push
ed her down in so violent a manner as to
injure her quite severely. Making for
tho front door, then, they succeeded In
getting it open,' whereupon they took
their departure for parts unknown.
Sheriff Grwbing was unwell at the time,
and had already retired to bed. The es
caped prisoner, Howard, was in jail, we
believe, on a charge preferred by J. B.
Clark of MIS plane for swindling. This
scott re said ben regular desperado, and
,it is very likely that his recapture, If er
ected at all, will . neither be easy or int- .
Bev. Sheridan Baker, formerly a
. ncipal in the Beaver Female Semina
and Institute, and now in the mercsn
' business at Carrollton, Ohio, bad his
i • ' 41ing entered 'a
few nigp4ago by
cars, and a couple of !watches taken
h from. The burglars got Into the
en ding through one of the windows,
in boring asmall hole through the door
• • • seen the parlor and bed-room, they
voted chlaroform.aufliclent toatupety
r. and Mrs. Baker. This aticompllsh
rxl, they entered the bed-room, took their
!wearing appsirel into the parlor; and
there made their search for booty. Two
watches, we believe, was all they ob.
taineel. The burglars were evidently in
Bauch of the keys to the store and safe.
but as luck wpuld haie it, Mr. Baker's
partner bad them in his custody that.
night. Chloinforniwat libersUy used on
the occasion, as it affected pelsons who
were fkleePitts in the upper rooms of the
building—na evidence of the burglars
having been up stairs were visible.
amities bacchant littattlyisitade taw
amnia a Wl l ,4 l r ,Ziaitan
,darns tisirpasfireek. 'O'er aro blip.
dyed choice sugar and nag: tress bare
.beelicidded in tbnitinknedrffintrillititibi
.em a°4l . l i or out: !clan.... Nest
Wing 00 0 1611 Want fn faint
a hip lot of onunnentat trail Inachci
the agitates, watt atake'Beirree
Jai* /I#9 anew 631111 ” .gia4
time enhance *smile. ofprivate *cop
ed/ . canahletibli: - We art la lbi bore, .
liiotoreoseabe. and rejoice at every ef
fort in that direction.
Bewares MeiraSlNS sox Dammam
The Iwthw field lbr Dectettliar-i•
Ballots'. Magazine,. and an imaminatlea
pfD sheers that it is a inedel,nutither to
*Very respect.' The engraeings are *eV
Conant, the, descrlitions Ingenious and
eloquent, While the stories are ransarka,
ble for their Interest and great orlitinail•
Mrs. Einem finishes bar °optioned
at:OO,MA Hong* Arai, Jr:, cooolodai
Ids 'Shaker Swim' In a salbUltigwy malt:
star; as thejettveaUsi will: leant: Whoa
they read it.' , Miey has firoshed 'a
1 0 1 7. 1 . n lieoutime Teti-
Plum vkii We - "An 'Evening . with a
Catanionat.'! Dieting tells; us 14 'Why
our Wedding:wit 'Poetpated,” In hiti
most aoudad manlier; and then there is
a Christmas story, tall of humanity sad
gooduess;and three or four love Warfel
which will 'bear perusal_ half a down
times,' and "Lost and Found" is a regu
lar Callibinia tali, by iiiew aspirant for
dune in the colainna of Balton. In ad
dition to ibis there` ire many articles
worth reading, In the ahaptof
poetry, eta, etc‘, and all for the sum of
15 cents per copy,•or $1.50 per year. The
December number closes Vol. N. The
Now Year will commence with many
rare novelties, so don't delay in making
up your clubs or purchasing at the pe
riodical depots. Thomas at Talbot,-03
Congress street, Dustim, are the puhilsh;
A Itai.o Document. = Col. T. C.
Boone banded us, yesterday, the original
commission Issued by Sohn Brown, to
Edwin Coppoc, as lieutenant In the
Provisional Army of Virginia. Col. B.
obtained the paper from Henry Black
burn, esq., whilst on a recent visit to
West Virginia. Mr. Blackburn got it
from the tiles of papers used on the trial
of Lieut. - Coppoc, at 'Charleston Vs.
We regret that we cannont transfer the
fac•elstile on paper. The foillowing,
however, Is the exact reading of It:
• „ .
411 ,11 k
••• •
leafed a Lioutokitat of Downy to Me Annoy
established 'ender the PROY/SIONAL CONSTI
NOW TILEHRFORE. 'mama, arm. enp
Clarity witted to U. by ems Coartrrortoo, We
do Amery, dppoild 'cod tballldallo/1 It sold
Latin( COPPOO a Lteeteadaat
Given at the alas of the Secretary of War, tbla
day. Ott. tract.
JOHN BROWN. Cbouesaader-iii•CAlef,
IL Rear, Secretary V War.
The original oontalas the autograph
lignature of John Brown, plainly and
boldly written, though by an apparently
unsteady hand.
Lieutenant Coppoe is buried in • the
Salem Ceinetery, his remains having
-beep brought here soon after Ida exoeu
tion.—Xtifeas. (0.,) Jitepublisaa.
Dulles .r r..-Itespers.—The fol
lowing bead notes of the ease of Houser
vs. Tully, from Adams . county, lately
decided by our Supreme Court =yeas
useful Information as to the duties' and
obligations of Inn-keepers to their
Tally went. to llonser's inn and peg
chased liquor, etc., and gave money the
sate keeping to one in the ker-room, as
to whom thin was evidence that he was;
sipm, Tbs mow watt keg, a MR'
Court properly instructed the jury that,
if Tully Was a guest—and gave his mon
ey to the bar-keeper, or If not intact bar-'
keeper, one acting in a capacity from
which an authority to rewire the money
onthecredit all'. house might be In
hered, he could recover if the money
was let restedto him on the credit of the
inn . ; but If Telly was not a guest, or in
trusted the money on the individual
credit of the inn-keeper—he could not
recover. An inn-keeper extends a gen
eral invitation to travelers and receives a
reward for his hospitality, from which
result corresponding duties, one being
to protect the property of his guests.
An Inn-keeper is bound to take all pox
sable care of the goods, money and bag
gage of his guests deposited In hie house
,or entrusted to his-family or servants,
and is responsible for their acts and the
acts of other guests. Au inn-keeper is
bound to provide honest servants and to'
exercise an exact vigilance ovor all per
sons anteing into his house as guests or
otherwise. An Inu-keeper is bound to
pay for goods stolen in his house from a
guest; unless, stolen by the servant or
companion of the guest. In case ofa loss
at an inn, the Inn-keeper is liable al
though sicker absent. An inn-keeper is
not liable for the loss or embezzlement
of guest's money when ho does not de-'
posit it on the security of the inn, but
entrusts it to another guest, or Inmate In
whom he reposes his confidence.
No. N.
In my isn't critique I ;laid that the char
acter ofaword—that is, the clam to which
it belongs—can only be determin& by
the sense in which It Is used, and the.
function It performs in a sentence; and
I gave a few illustrations of the changes
which words ire made to undergo by the
various connections In which they are
used. I. showed that a noun may be
used as an adjective; a verb as an adjee
tire, an adjective as a verb and adverb,
and that a conjunction may be-changed
to a relative pronoun, a noun and adorn
onstrative adjective. •
/t must be borne in mind that so the
English language has scarcely any in
flections, the force of words and the manse
of every sentence we construct de
pend almost wholly upon the relative
positkma of thewords. In Inflected lan
guages this Is not the case,sa the follow
ing sentence In Latin demonstrates:
I Oce r siir Gallo. vide.
tioUaa Oscar rid/.
Ocular rfeit Walks.
Gatos vial Maar.
Via Guar Gatos.
Vicit QaUoa Ccesar.
These six sentences all mean exactly
the same thing; that Is, that "deur con
queried the Gaols. "- In Latin, and other
inn/sited lapguageS, the relitions exist=
ing between the words in a sentence are
marked by the teratfaationa of theworda;
as as, for example, In the word Gallas,
In the ' abort, sentence, is In the
accusative, or, as we term -It -in
English, In the objective case; but in'otir
language these relidione mein be indke
ted by particles,. or by the positions 'of
the words themselves. For example, In
the ientenee, "'John struck Mary," we
seetughing In the Immo( the wbrds John
and Mary to indicate their relation to
&trail,' 'or 'to each Whirl said we deter
mine the cue of each solely by: its posi
tlonin tho sentence. • If we reverse the
positions of the two nouns,• we. change
the case of each,' and also change the
anise of Um sentence. And if the verb
hurt be changed from 'the actird to the
passive voice then the particle by must
be used to a:prelim the rotation between
the verb and the noon which is its sub-
Ject in the active voice.
This is a andlcient illustration to ex
plain abetment' particles in our language;
and rally refuter the abiurd oplplon held
by some eelollsts in grammar that pre
posltion# can be - modified by adverbs!
finet persons know very llttly of Me or.-
*Maud functions of prepositions, .
In one, quite Popular' tail-hook op
grammar 11111 are told Mat. liiMerreel...
. . ,
tenar; M
• •' ..,.., • . liimiln UM
~ime, Wolk* thiplimaiimm
somiiik "Mirk in i t iti ma nblsolfilli*
istabdtrotafidillabiliddast all notimmi!.:
SIA. IWO* tssilisisitthe alpsiser;
sielrepoiltiobal SAils4ss.• ii
!lOWA - Ira
igtotiePL M ediae. t` Asa* mmic . ;', igo
Plisfil t 'and, tbasisistil lidlitterbi asodW
adairtm k le petit* pidiamoik a g,
remonsbie aid losioskto alas intiose the
sdt'fiski 'tsar* susuPs/OxiS qierkompoid-•
tion imasset•-but thil litimerekti phrase,
'!around the globe:I l l . •
To Illustrate this t More clearly,
let us 'mthetituts Ma filinrsb stogy for
1, , ,u7
Marv, sod the son Sri then read :
4 ES Wild SWintjk, ,.. A* globe."
In this sefitenes the idis is that
fisflaileil; hifilthillitt fiAlowed
bid:au:oMM. - -1,1) *ow hamiliM
anfitimianswm is. 'tliiiilistbit tiosfilslisf":
Ishiret answer; es X havi already said. Is
adverbial in Its Malaita the verb asst
sins ~:ips'm k gbou ems@ thi questim, Hiroo
efid he mil mound' Ail globe?" and oil
anew* is jives in: alei, lids.* Issfitipt
Mom wiskb it seam 1 midair. that Me
pi e ssi width answers Me "quastion
li7Uerif Is Modified G the Wen/ Width'
aotwan the quotas Awl •
Preiositious Verbal the ammo calm
litEsiinsh Urns silsosfiliSslP do in Latin;
Midi kiwis of no Mai Many ineseted
lamlbsim which Mashes that adverbs
modify the fensisatemit of nouns, pro.
6013111 and verb: I - I ' -
to lial our books whkh trees orgrammar
is round aches of words variously term-`
aidemonstrativeadliefivm, demonati*
live widecdve protionse, and pronondiud
adjectivass and In tbMeleas wefirmitha
vocable, Mut and dial. 'mud their ploralt
these and "blues • Tbla 'end the:leers ap
plied to things close=it hand; ' as; this
bcadc, Mesa chairs; Mit that and those
are. applied to thinks at a distance; as,
that bird on the houso4p; Mow mon sab
the otheraldeof the Mre.4. Many Ignor
ant and earoless Penpods, however use
theobjw,elVepluraiefienamial pramies
itid 0,. .the plural of tho demonstra
tive adJeatlve that; sod; far thma books,
wo bear the barbs:km Viesi',l6aks;
which Is just as .13rd and proisir as It
would be to say , : nig inn kiwi/Mks.
or see books, or booka. ' '-a .
One of the most ocimmon errors Its the
use of verbs is, perhapi, In the us of
dons where did should be used. "I,doew
that," "He dose it," "They date it," are
erroneous expree4oas Which one '
at almost every turi ; tad we, bier
any one NW. '" I nd.dlien i!,7 . *v . "...
It," "They written . •" yet Meth
4101111 are Just as cured as the others.
Similar mistake, are made In the use
of see. "I sees Mk," "She seen them,"
and similar berbsilumi ate frequently
beard. It is Just se easy to say I did it,
he did that, I saw, em,fie ',ay them, ma
it is to utter barbarism 11114•DONI
mentioned abo and Walcspeaks'
more for one's taill_'ll - .. hive
any it." for "I Awaesetalt."Jealso ober:
i tiud
bantam of quite vacci netai. 7 •
I aim acquath , with teer4ers who In
conversetkm ly mailer eigu
language in this gainer. ' ' ' -
There is a wordily our blazons which
means Wages or try; and which Is us
ed by wane roll meats to represent
' . . their
-.117 - .., WRIS
held with . Mr. /buts ii.l..eiliolne. a
son of the decoked Vidor Lemoine,
who died in
. itpl,wkie related the
fol tt l A r ill .= that it
had been raluin for several days on
the enclosed gro which forms my
Lanny burryin nd in the Cath
olic cemetery 7 o Stone Street, above I
the. Three-Mlle k. I drove out
there last ev en) to satisfy myself.
and to my In se a stonishment, 1
saw that a c ola of rain was com
ing down witho t wising, which al
though har dly Werfut enough to
lay the dust, w eno ugh to wet the
hands or , any a ele, and at times it
rained very ha . The volume of
rain fell inside the' enclosure and
nowhere els e; o weather was and
has been bright d clear all the time
during the fiveti
ra therein has been
falling on those g raves There are
thirteen of my ily buried in the
lot of ground u n which it has been
raining. My other, brother , and
sisters visited t spot yesterday and
the day before satisfy themselves
about the truth f this matter,. and
they declare t t hey witnessed this
wonderful phen enon. It has also
been seen by ov . two hundred per
sons.. I took a f end with me when
I visited the who also saw the
rein fidling as dinalbed. : Mr.-John
Rosset, the keeler of the cemetery,
told me that the rain hid commenced
&Sing, In homy drew., about five
daysligo. lan willing to take my
oath as•to the tnth of this statement
In relation to lids singular occur
rence." ; . 1
—Though, it ii4dmotit two months
yet before the State Legislature
meets, the Trmbrer question is al
ready • reeelvini '_special attention.
Mackey la to be , ,a candidate • a gai n
and his keep= are laying their p la ns
for his election. lof Wilk* we ler
vently hope w be frustrated. An
irresponsible ad enturer, he Is taken
up to be used by unscrupulous par-.
ties as a att's paw to filch from the
public treasury. Wei hope he and
his backers may be ignominiously
defeated, and that ere }mother Treas
urer is to be elected al constitutional
convention may have removed the
election from the legislature and giv
en it Into the hands ofi the people.—
Bedford Inquirer.
—Under the bead of "Births" the
Paris Kentuckian publishes this ex
traordinary story : "A! negro woman
aged seventy years, formerly a slave
of Silas Parvis, deceased. now a ser
vent of Nicholas TalbOtt, gave birth
a short time since tola child that Is
t i t y n i f well.. The physicians who
to this ease tell ins that medl
est writers give but one oc two other
instances of children having mothers
so aged, at the time of ;their birth, as
this negress. There la no doubt of
her age."
—"The Reformed,Ordtir of Odd
Women" is the title of a socletyje
zently organized in England,
Ohlecia are "the cultiVition friend.
ship, the pleaspre of good company,
and the improvemet of morals," and
It Is provided that ; "every Odd
Woman shall cheerfully subscribe
her wit to enliven the meeting, as
well aster Money to defray the ex
penses of the lodge." 'Again, it is
provided that "any sister swearing;
or singing an improper song, or giv
ing an improper toaster sentiment,
shall be fined three pence:" also,
that "any sister entering the lodge
room in a state of Intoxication shall
be fined one shilling; and every vis
iting slater shall pay two peen ftor
ale, to be drunk with the lodge ale
the same night, and any sister /ern*
ing to do ao abakbe fined one shilling
for use of our own lodge dind, onbe
expelled." These are way itood and
• wholesome • reguhttiow . but it is
*AMP:, reflect that " Owe &Odd .
Bea WM" foe Use".
; rim - men IficititelPe!bamt
; • Irbllstpreparr a MINIM(
Ithoriroal a ia
d:ointr - Coilapeorgripits_ ,
;bank, hear town. by *aonity tniirnan.'
r otor debettve faseiliiMidet
; ina=ruised a prenalsostaxpla..
nit. In the • prate=
of Doobtri' Ana disablintor
•Derhnm righ4 ivre WAS
one Angell of right hand blown' oif.
treetop of right kiee said thee.and
and neck burned to a evil's, Doolan , a,
both hands were torn off, whk:h 'ne•
ouldtated an amputation •of both
arms,: which was perawnsed by Dr.
gays;_aselssed by DrsArwln • and
'N'S Christi. His free and neck
vrers,terriWy mina -
1:; - ':..,1127111;4131IfAMI
`-O 'ossus poriAAF , Awl*. •
3RD.t. k .; .. • Idonnwristov. 7,, I
We out report eoutteg y
reselpts. but with &continued •
lilinand pease are fully
All per bbl for air to goad, and 13.250
X. 60 Ox choice. Megrim& proportion of
the 'arrivals are In good condition and
'holders are stiff, hellos conedent that If
they cannot get their price now, all they
have to do Is to hold—as ghoul,. *ques
tion of time; • • : •
• APPLE BUlTERsides'at4lo437sets,
per gallon, as to quality..
BEANS --In Rmited supply and with
Un improved demand prime are Armee
And higher. We now quote at $2.0002.-
10 per Sunhat, the °Welds figure fbr
prime navy. •
- BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Sales at 54.
, per cwt.
BUTLER--There is no ImPniVement
to note la the demand, and while She
nsistet continuos doll with a supply
*.ennarderableln excess of the demand
theni• is no change to note hi prices.
:hake at, 25@)28 for fair to medium, and
1101432 for prime to chic°. •
CIDER—Is selling from
1041010 per bbl. an to quali all
the way
CRANBERIUM—SaIes at 11L241S per
bbl for common to prime eastern cniti
vated; 13ackett's quoted at 517618.
CIREESEr—Is reported steady. West
ern Reserve, 144‘ 141: Ohio Factory, 18
0151; Ohio Goshen, 11®16; and New
York Ocadien, 1850 17.
FLOUR—The receipt Booms to bo in
creasing but with a fair local demand,
prices are maintained. Sales of spring
wheat at 57.75:18-4645 for choice brands.
of baker's lions.. Winter wheat fieurs
are being sold at 116a8.50 for red . wheet,
and 57 for choice white wheel. ; Bye dour
15.2aa3.50 and dull..
GRAlN—Then:Lis $ continued steady
milling demand for wheat; and prices
are maintained; sales of 215 sacks red at
,20@1,22, and we an report a ale of
white at 81,35; quotations may be fairly
given at 81,1544420 for former, and sl,.*
€111,35 for the latter. There is no change
whatever In Oats, with the exception
perhaps that the demand is hardly as
brick; we continuo to quote at 43@145c.
buying, and 47 ®4Bc, selling, that for
round ota, and 49@500 for small iota In
store. There Is rather more enquiry for
corn; though there is no particular
change in prices; Wes 2 cars new at 55q
Ido at 68„ and I do stalk. Old is quota-
ble at 73@75e. Little or nothing is doing
in Rye, and prices are nominal at 80 buy
ing and 85 selling. The Barley market
continue. dull: nearly all the , brewers
seem to be pretty well supplied, and,' for
the promMatleastowe not disposed to
buy qkillions may be tri von at 80090
for spring,'and 9041 for fall; sales I car.
No 2 Ohio spring at 80c and 500 beak
prime fall at Si.
CROCERIES—The grocery market Is
devoid of anything new or important.
We can report a continued steady 4e
mend for Sugar and Coffees, while In re
gird to prices there are no changes what
PROVISIONS—The stock of old meat,
Is about exhausted, and there Is so little
doing that quotations cannot be given.
We txm report arrivals of some new
green meats,
in the which wilt
won be ready .
to be placed market.
POULTRY—Live chickens quoted at
6065543 per pair, and dressed at 1211140 Vi
!b. Live Turkeys, 81,00a450 ascii; dres
sed at lealflo'lll
SERDS:-Ffaxseed Is in deman d
42.10a2,12 with little or none °Midst,
Nothing doing in clover or
- t
Veal fa
Wboiesabl. A.
GRIM—RAY—On Wedmaday, Nov. 9,
1870, in Beaver Falls, by A. G. Mc-
Mr. Benjamin Grim, to,
Minßay, all of Bawer county. ;
BAKER—Al:oolol—November 3d. by,
, P. I. Cummings at the residence of the
bride's molber, Mr. George H. Baker,,
to Mira -
, by
'O4 of
ABKINBON.—On Sunday. Nov. 6th.
lir. Thome Parkinson of Beaver Falls
In the seventy-fifth year of his age.
PHILLIB,On the 6th of Nov. 1870.,1n
Franklin tp. Beaver county. of Dip.
thee* titer of Joeeph.end Lena
Pblllte, about 20 years.
'etc Advertisements.
THE undersigned admin is trator of Ike «date
of Eliza Lerch, dee'rl, late of the borough of
Beaver, will offer at pribik rale, at her late resi
dence on Pint street,
. On Thursday, November 17th, 1860,
At In o'clock, a. m., a lot of hornehold goods,
In part or bedsteads, bedding. ac., chain!,
tables, brilians, carpets. lamps, kitchen furniture,
oneeriaware, tin-ware, week-stands, chamber lien,
Ac. Terms Cash. ROBE= DAVIS, Admr.
IWALTER BROTHER. Banutsetwers of
U • Wagons, Coaches. Bodgioe. Sprlng-ersdons,
buttons. ie. Blsetemnblug and hossesboeing
dose fa the best manner. Rochester. Pa. uolGty
TIA undersigned Is now engaged In the COAL
BUSINB2.B.and will supply parties with, flint
rate article of Pittsburgh coal at llv, cents per
bushel, and out coal at! cents per bushel. Orden.
left at Joseph Mitchell'a Orr A Coopeetkor at the
banking house of Thomas kileCreery & Co. In
Deaver. wW receive prompt attention.
oarlike S. It. DIMILIELL.
IMO. C. IR[TLDLt. IL J. ormasa.Ctiterr.
Water 52., l'toehesterePa.
FlTloteroot Feld on Mom Deposita. Collor,
Homo promptly Wooded to.
Government Coupons Bought om
Favorable Terms. Cbrrespondence
Solicited. [notrl6;ly
The undersigned takes pleasure Is bsibesulog the
public that be has tweeted a new three siert
-Bridge Stmt, New Brighton,
where he will be happy to aunt Ms o.d Meads •
and do saytking for these
In the Carriage-Mitking Line,
likkh they way desire. 111149 w well supplied
will good material. sad be moo Unskilled
weetwea la lb employ. ill. awes boggles, and
toptantages. are equal to arty wasufaeured la
this teaks or the State. Spring wagons also eau
enacted. and reputing dose at short notice and on
liberal term. 611011131 DIETS
Instant Belief' For
The .A.lllllthral9l6
limbs bees Elated with that terrible - cow.
phdat—mitspiataly =Ma( me lot budgets kw
Wean ala flee—lar lie Lot ...ins rearm, mad at
hat bead a rewards that gins
hudant and Cbmplideßel.icf,
balm ecnetsded to have It
st prepuod foe tale. so
0011,11 agaleted Metre the ben.
&fine, em that,
will do all, and Ouwelhanall prow
bed for il; -
sied., that penwee t nee mitts, will weer be ebb
As snauerous others who hale used it
. _ . .
can 6' 860. • ",
taYLe Yid at Ms Deng atom a( WriLlAlt U.
BUSCRLINti. Rochester, Pa.. or wUI I. seat b
all to any address ea sseelpt et one &Dar, sad
ten cents to pay postage. CHAS. 1113118 T.
novla.IRIV Rochester, Denver county, Pi.
wArerran-A. Gibers' &Mt for Mee
eaali4e gar the thumb= lentos] Ltre
wake° Calaway of New York. Liberal Induce ,
weals to As right sow. Iror team and dnetere.
address eholtl. Hobert, & Holllaishosa, Maw
gee booth-east eau 54h sod Welton. stew*
ocronEn. / 1 970.
& P. .COAT . B'
Besit IX -CORM
ZeT 1.. Y .
Thread put up for the American market
From No, 8 to NO. 1 . 00 inclusive.
For }rand and Machine.
nov2;4w •
gar - smear. Iked Iliattpygnea. Jaatiaea•
kart reaataally Iliad sad tor 'gloat tato
Wine* Deeds tor silo at Ye Laws dim
WAX X , XXX . X.7._ligjani - - SO ON
,TX 0111 .. - *MX WINO
MACHIN!" Hr H. imdmilmitmaser MoNloat
aiatii.4altkomi4lpeli WA WM =
Um lait sad Lamm
a. aaaa. • • J
- Ca. IFINNININ4 4 I; 421frallo. III:
or IN4immr. ~ • t -••- • - ow",
.-.:;•,4 ) ,..”;,T.r.. :- • : • ,
ether poets la the
licintrat. Karns atielliestrtat ec. 'AM;
Limi ts tnie r r "3" ll "Ijii iktirtranyrs. "
44f 4 "by Jorplbmg ley oi
rh' • .
- Widely sway gm etbraOspr.. The
Thor of C MUM* It!r;.t.
tuba tillllllllllll.
Nein TINS 1 4 . r
The wild &drawbar:liked toairekine
of Gia. P. Buzau, known ea the .trig r=l.
oreat (Inset," and lionove Walk CAW: of
100 lodges, from MR to 18.0. A book of Milt_ lag
Interest, 7 'IAN, 7traar. Pre* Spirt/4, Atari
waling. Aga opt llorion. Rithly Mediated.
tinted pryer, elegant binding. Will char= ovary-
Cody everywhere anti tall tuereeed any hook out.
wale-se=ats Apexts rend rawly br illerarstad
power, sample pages and terms. Agents report
ing #3O to glOO per week. A. IL 111:1BrIAIID. Pub
'Libor, 400 (ibeetant at Phila. noViretw
Standard and attend Itkapaplila a stal matting
alba President* lillaortou bozo Wirroagton to
Grant SuperblySwotted on steel. or
and terms, addreot, U. S. l i onsants%
New York. mortar
$l,OOO TO:$2,000.
00K AG MTh of experleoek «a lam OM
mission than Is offered by any otber Publish.
en. Agents aro making kip 10 IWO pa web
ausetesoka tor oar new Molested Books. We
guarantee Agents 'Wary or a lame casalaslo.
*kik a choke aloe new and mobs books •
=desire territory. We ofer awe donee to at
emetic wee or women to bake soliey. B4CII/11
your weary direct trots the publishers.
•J. B. BUBB s CO.. ilardlohl, Coen. . norkew
1.0 reme,krilllYo.ebWDlanWes.
Coughs. Cupids. Hoarseness. *Muni, Dlptbals,
Dr/B di ees
scuss. at tit' anon oe Wenn" and MI Cone.
rierS ' •
?be wootterfal modem dim:emery of Carbolic
ArliS o lestined to become ono of tbr
Wen to taxaktad to ha sparerib= to dleerce
of th e aad Ito great canuive goatlike In all
affections oltbe Cam , £ XD iambs.
• • Dr. Wells' Carbolic Tablets, .
besides the groat 'medial agent Chrbolie Arid
contain other Ingredients a olversallymanninead•
ed, etakh fteantly combine, prododng a Tab.
it name bight, medidnal and better adopted Ito
diseases of tbe tinsel than any preparation ever
benne caned to the public.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets .
; .
SOLD BY DE B, • sartAw
' ~..mar !MORT PAMIR
ti l l lwrits Unmet. :41. $1
I; Mambo miry rerertber
theed sump for Pita Cl,.
4 War_
=Petataher JO_ glpeases. J.
41 eintr
a I r.
oe, Ararvis IMMO kw WUXI L
Cleiibeial Life in the cfra alse.
Weeihietel dleyeleepeeeete sztotig the
Marna( ememettentwied,te.ite. MA=
beet beet to sell ;sigh bat. The %et term to
Oust Forman Tabor. Sag tleurbklpo r =
'liar, Coma Ittkpattes.loeog Nadal
Mar, flow to sax llwartbaut ar Loser, 110 ands:
/WO Passim 50 as; 1100 Ooassoidams,kl awls;
Comet Leos er, SS ets t • Asostear Ilsedskals
Wets; Book of Ny Prat
slOorloss Disekmuss, Mauls;
COO& Speed as, NI MBE flow Ouse. Win, t
.cesto ; Boon sad Wreollsg Inds tam BO w; Tato NarOtte °skis sad Book of Naar; Beets.
Books seat postage paid by ram matt* Address
1I Aster Place. Now Tort, • • clealk4w
Delapierre's Electric Soap.
Warranted better and cheaper than any other.—
For isle to PhUadelp&la.
A . = Dro 1 1 0=7 Boo, J 8 Morgan,
Burns & timucker.ltelff & E Eby A Co.,
Waterman & Young,W L Graver, Bong% Co.,
Thompson & Murtha II Krause, T Barnes
Wainwright & Co.. Roberta & W Kirk
Waterman. non A Co, 8 J liumphry, Boyd A Co.,
Motrisou, Boor A C0..11. 3. tiofter,Peden CV.
Arbuckle A Co., of Pittsburgh, and many others.
Important Improitments.
Patented June llst, and August lid, 1870.
The Eason aa Hamn Organ Co; ban the
Oman orannountbm Impatient heprovemeats
in their Cabinet Organs, for which patents were
granted them in June and Al ges t last. These are
not merely meretriekm attachments, but enhance
the substantial excellence of the inettaments.
They ate also enabled hy increased facilities for
manufacture to make, from this data, a Mbar N.
doetion In prices on severe leading etylee.
flaring completed and added to &in Harmer fp.
ditties elem,
new mannfeetary. tiny hope here
after Cab i ne t all orders pineeptly.
• Th awe menunctured by this Ceem
pany ere of such universal repatatiow. not aali
throughout Mantra. bat MOO bil i =e, that nrw
will need manses of then se y.
They now °lbw TOUR °LTA 11 CABIitZTOIL
OA NS, In quite plain carp. bat equal according
to their rapacity to snythhig•they nuke, Ike
each. Tbs. num DE/ VONA REED. Irak PI it
STOPS, with Knee swell and Tentalast. in ele
gant Mee. with antral of the Nam and Hamlfn
Improvements,SlSS. The same Extra, with new.
Vox Humana, with Automatic Swell. i.e., 11110.—
EN STOPS with =PHONE, a splendid Wen
met t
n . OM.
A ew, libstrated catalogue with toll Warm
Rion. and relliowed pike le now ready, and int be
sent free, with a teetimoalal circular. preeenting
a great sew of aridnece 14 to the etmesimiO of
these Instruments. to anyone sending Ids siding
mat street Beene. Of lifoll4Way. New York,
Wasit.—(sagis aboek)
A l gae Aioniosi loilliortoo Roe.
moo. Aso.. or CT. Loris. Xo. septigm.
New Millinery Establishment
IN itc)ciimaizakia
Would Infant' tho.public of Itochestet
and vicinity that ahe htiajust opcual a
isniGmerciri siTisigwr,
MIL XaN '',Y*
In all its branches. Children' clthing,
slllrtsatc4 node to miler; work, to be re
lkd on. A cell silicate& •
.§* • TEAT'. • •
111.115 teak
- t
tpui A WIL I= mag ellni== . lll .. ,
4,77naprr ' ,4, , 511., /I,4l!liimeSivatitCOL,Alraw
. -- .
.",,, c , c ,,,,,„.. -? r iptides". dbera pr
Winss. Y. am.. La& a* IL. thila.
/ , • • . ,
- ir _ libt.-A
rr G,Jt !,:li•Terywlmenir. to am
mot... flxit s our 9. c.iireVa torbendar,
'alma WNW , - A lbs it* It a adaadiwalta ,
cenrashr. _Lame B. 1.. waoll.L. Boma.
- Fro° to. Book Vzito.
Mutazed I , hasOmme hoot: of esitifer,
Araiirg BOW iii toff ..., A art Pew
of darn. 441.n0s Makes/ rat Nail/ Lio .111-
tlessl i M 3 l7 ) aran W SWAI .
mad swathe s or amples anal lea) tar
la coats that midi tar $ etcort.
M Chatham Sq., Sew Tart. ratlthir •
.SE4Dw i logr e iket t erieWeMilk,
'a intarirkft
1 1 43 / 4 5 11r
•lo Whiter. MAO - will be amelbel Ave la;
ireneera. t Seed earns . u. 4 sadism' te
XeCURDY. Pl. Ilorthr
Q '
• a tl
SEASON OF Is7o-71.
MRS. B. •
A short Illstanreabove Crow' store.
.:" -"":4v
rissaka BITTERS.
p in4uPPMffin
e .
itailli•Colo Ligon% doom& egkild.
..d..«1••.. to plow tie tsar. WWI .Tos.•
kw," "Agradatos,7 `ltationot." as.,, that lid
Ow Unite auto dnalosemo red Ma. bat ars •
ter madlclae. Nods Itaat the save limb sa4
Unto el Cl•Ilfotila, l'ne• Moo t U AJMNIWII•
Iggmellailli:Thug ars t 1•111111141? WNW
. /Mlllllll/M111••• ill•leog Piteittpule.
• whet Ibtooottee sod roMPt•tot,Dt dot to
me. caniiiri of all poiso•ort motter.•••
lag Om Wad to • Waldo. eoltd:tles; Plo gnome
eas tat. th••• !Rum secontlag todlistlso•. sad
sanalit beg worelL • ;
• Me wilt be gkes boas lbairiblet case. prodi
tbr beer ate bog ibistroge4 by missal pct
loam ite otbsie.syslib. bed die •IW arms irbibra
boyebelibm pia ariayak. -. • .
siatiesa Aura Gm* sysirsgsba, it lama.
straisay 11111311ffles t Nesslitiosm. Sad la-
Isivalltlima Woven I Dexpessis et tbe
latoodAtver,glilarry• sod Illadaarohys•
Illgt*are bum bent mat succentai Neill DM
saw ars aimed atleath
L itreerAV orahred Iv !Ha eseasgarist of its
.111Igeselve Ornery.
(Masse Me vitiated Blood whatever you dad It.
bessuitles bunting dumb lire skis la pimples,
empties's, tftllllta, es sena; ckWee It elms you
dad It obstructed sea, elell4iabtboes4K diem
It w►ea It le lbel mad your 6Nbpi will tad yose
wisea: Kelp dm blood pets mad the beids o! the
rotes will Ibibeer,
PIN, TAPS tad Gum WOllllB, heifer It the
system of me mai deeeduttle, ent elletteally
etvoyed ar neeeted.
lu Mks& bualtbst sad Isternbust r.wra,
dump bibers h i. , o awl For hdl tilsobba",
coal curdalb , tbe circular around sea bible,
primula lb bar Maguire— Co ebb, OreasiL
Tread( sad gplabb J. WALLIN,. hoprirtor.
Camerres (IL; N. T.
IL IL Imo NALD a lA, /huger(' =4 Assee k
bui Ihialdree rad sassiado, bora* and b
and it, 00111/1111111 St. N. T.
SiSSI.• scuds
Lit et CurseOw Tllllal .
as Ilinreuabor
PlPaborge Dk of Ceemoss, w Jolla IL
PMl's INottor. vs Hods:stet Xlllll64lllAir Co.
W. IL Wham, vs Cbrietles Settled.
'Faking@ Wash, vs 1. IL Anderson.
James W. Illtebekvs Wltllam Eessedy.
Jacob D. filo, vs P, P. W. a C. Iltsltway Co.
Swollen Cie& vs C. IL Hail IC Co.
Castes Ilestiers, vs Jobs Dthrort.ll.
Jots IL Adorns, Is Deals, Dawson. •
Batts &Webster. ye *Wort S. Amyl.
Jolts Xsten.„ re Sesteel Gibb, et al
Xdware Coyle, ex O. E. Asequate.
Wdllaa Jetsam. mu Lewis Rem.
HaII/adman, vs Witham Asimme.
assUn Oaresteg at as.
June idea vs Cron Dealmat.
Hemp l Illemina vs W Itlrdatt.
Iltalabid vs IIaMM Ilirassar. .
Hamar Dawson m Hmemog 011 (Maims - .
Hears* Whim et al so Germs thartam,.
John HMI ve NeHißas.
Mania Hakim* vs ClaelMag.
naval= Wahrm htbrairm
Rebates Wilder ive Wu idea WOW..
WMU Hintras vs Willam Rigby.
A Heins vs Amu* Grier.
Jells C Dam J X Jots Nelllllak
O B W vs Nagel Mary et W.
Jaeil.7 as vs WWII= Russ.
Joan sharp aL vs 0 D Lmaright. et aI
va Bust Sweareases.
I .l= ll l= Wm 11 ildgm et al.
Setrolleld Whldag vs Jamas Inszier.
Jams P. Naeriam TS Bahl Rum,
Z adult ira ismer Watt
Joh* Stemseaci, et al. vs Wm Habig
Mane ve B Seam et al
tlaae ire MairmW
Bass ve• B NWM.
OetlSte tom CAUGIth. ZWV.
inaller, 111111Me.110161 es& pei;
CUrtilau CleftMgt Warn asibearry
As Regular as the &awns akinge,eo
must re change ow Light Oar-
friextz for
Heavy Garznents.
As the Mechanic and the Laborer go
o their daily labor, and the Profession
and business man to their °dices or plates
of bdainesq• these enlld and chilliniorn.
dogs, the thought enters their mind—
Our Winter Clothing P
To the man who boys his goods ready
made, we would say: Go to
Broadroay, - New Brighton;
CZ-I=o CP MP 1B ,
And Keep Me Bat Assortinend in
• *ewer Cbua4f.. ,
To the man who bee his goods meile to.
order or by Camera, we would ear, Go to
Because tlegy Afros a Cutter,
Aral Tailors arooidtaitorie In Hater Ca
Pied Buis Frei tiek to doled;
The Cheapest Wholesale
y 4 PyllUtoll.
.31cmieiph . H. Borland,
ist Si Weed itireet, •
Dis Wham& &- Ciatandir
• sies h& in
aboTs. on Ott arrassits.
4111• E York, aima esoositfees..
Agri bi PSWilletty mule voile it Nor
itactormir peke'. orals tram caniorpinalre
pooptly aailastlebetiss
vats dal&
lksaig Madein-u.
irsasilly illairisegt liftable°
The Bea, al Hwatira
welo Aare Men oh sae, can gesiffs.
Persons 'bait purchasing a Yiewtog
Machine will do well to call on the Agent'
of the "WEED."--4. Llanenbrhilt; RD.
chester.--and am these machines, salt
will be no chow them, area if
they do sot purr
Apra for Delver Ca, itoehester, Pa.
Alen. Agent for thellolll93HUlTit
SEWING , MACHINX. th e' best Sewing
Machine sold for lea than $O-rhar the
under feed. • , augltddlua
I'M ..):11M:illi4 1 4 1 :1
W..s. parable $O. ildor So as POWs
at ht .'. StAs et Milk
i:sibrwiy!ig all the latest Ift)hmaimts
sad a toms - Pda
tie read' orar64 . liseser
• b• 11111 la ea La aL
The widerslased men ben; albs Sevin lode •
be the hewn of De 111. X Chock; Deevor No.
CRIDI m ber for soma Urn.. tete ' ylemon In
etetheie that, be Oa Bdty or eonpoeyo. , M.
actr. or •oe speed sad bruit se pr
os believe It 10 act my
tol i arts the oretet. • ••,
Mrs. J. P. Dino, No. Mrs. A. M. Aires,
lfirtsaLL.Orteledasser. Yea. M. Delorek
nee Pere. Mee. J. IL Derby.
Mrs. X. PhOr i tee. Mee. X' Dkeirer.
Mies. Peat. X._ . toe. Mrs. Mee. X 7111 so.
Pr_ s. are. J. IL 1..11110r1e56
An. leas. R. R. Lode, Mrs. moor JohaMes.,
Mee. Mov. P. D. Pat, Moe WAIL
Mrs. De. Mereelt, ibera l =
lt o.
&e. t rin bahr, NW lelleso.
Lamer. Mee. Aadtvw
Fri. I Wry a .s.ltaisa,
Ms. Z. Vermin, fly.
OAleo ud Sake Nous t a TWA Ps
tyjediu B. J. ANDI • • '
ringer Sewing Xacbino,
The most miasma atom* alecadaeiltdme Mat
MI isvistal.
Seth of the above wows hese bent
ea ea sena ahM u s rt.
CHM hes VA.
Mee 180.
Ctrcale et n of haw pia seetlea hee eaupplica.
No. to mak save ?ma=
Amt. wasted Ira. illaktv'llisdiloseeety•
where, mad Ste the Sliegsr la %eases Paraeitto
ala resters Olio and Watt Va, whim Sere pr
acme anted, established.
aorStly. did PIS
No osedicipwor treats/sort cam meet tho
powerful eteralke power of • .
. I
White Puhaonic Balsam.
It muss with a rapUlty anemailed mu ether ,
noway reread lur Meat and Lang Cassese. It
is recommended by merl.Oro peaces In Wander. •
too, sod bandied. la letthadal Ina, haltimors. and
other cities and commaltice throneen.t theorem.
try. Mr. Pennington. at Wilmington, Illiootr,
writes that there Is not (with a kw excephoete) a
W y e
pacers dty who irla be wittiest It If poesi,
tole trs It. Inch la Us popularity wherever
It Is known—and tide popularity whew hens Mt
fact that It milanally clues sli who veselt. Tim.
Is soma" oe COUOUS,COLDS, SOMMT11110a1„
NA IT CONSUMPTION. where the systemsot
broken down with the war ante me, ise pn
Seeded medicine, Of isexperiested ad 1.., that
tkL Piskist will not can liceretally
need lased.
lay to Cachets. We garantee It LA we nom
lest It .to ter. and Melte•• trial host the 'moot
entrywhem. Pike MI cents. moll= el" and Pt
ke lame stied bottles. Prepared rely by
No. 797 Market
lodelpkte depot, Jobsooo. iltatewep m cm.
doe, GOP Arth Wesel. ••
Iltaltheore depot, N.l. Dance, XS lleddeope St.
ra eat • by X ealketoe Dodoes geseanp.
TII= th e World is more or leant
.arcked over the opening of the
Saes Canal, the Public, In Beaver and al..
dolly, should not lase sight bf the thettliat
At their old stead la Bower, ryas* still
kiralshitsg to their enatosnarsompythlog
called forin heir line. They always keep
a hill assortment of t.
Row. Few, Wet; 2 baN aticrie
Tobacco and Cigars;
Awl an Was ankles usually baud
• la a Nisi Clan
Pros their longriad intimate norptalat
anal with the ()worry. Floor and feed
business. and, their siliersitket to render
satisiactkon to those who $7 throe area
wilt their patronage, they bop* in tike ON
.tara, as In the past. to natant S nand
!hare of the public ratiweep.
• Give us a Calf
and see if we do not make it 'tryout In.
term* to I:squish'.
• jaw& EL SNIT9IOI aCo.
I To %AmuluY coscisia.—Tho
ors rhaul wade whale's to he 1:= Ir : •
tho Mehra ark of *MO COUllq. IMP
=re. I. he ells, leil
red No. Ink he tweh• shonst.ll2l4ll &awn I.
bow ha** b. hest. Icsotkubi Weft *ow to
all weer to chow owes why add heilhow•
'bosh rot be rooted by the basic
thhehad Ma sweets hod wad WI to AI hillos4
45 4 111 414 e• ash JIM=
osieltiusdroll ISM We"
ad la lissom Belni.Vllo.lllllllft.
ter at a mak Rom Me id nasaar 211.4111•
41,11 Mai dame. Islam iron 0 .144•11sil
secs la pod Nita at adilrialhag pints
a tom 494w0, good bun; earreslost eismi.
aw* NA MU & 11414414.4 • Itsiss boosola
p 144 ma& Inso Ism tokens* sheep biro.
S. is boom sad OW .at balllbsi. 744 -
14444444thas 44 , 1 01. or JULIUSeon Olomi=o
-11..440.. 14. 11A—Isio
AU WkdollAtry Toolotimom to =lry •
et " 0110. . 1 'WC kto 'Moth
loomilp. brim esooty. Pa. Mot bon I 1 mil 04 1
Z d ale so =V : r=iodo toot a l ,
nom ail Mom Woo or domain ,
dr *Moto of mid 7411 mks loi
ommo vtilkost daisy to
• ' !OEM JACIIIION, Moat lartgition„ tr
sxvxme TIIOIIAM JACLIMIN, illooa itp, se.. . • .