The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 02, 1870, Image 4
SELECTIaRCIELA 4 y 7 . maxim WITH BLOOM,. BY CAPTAIN HOWARD. In !Peewit* of 1850 I enteral the - detective tame. I will not here give the whye and whereforee for so doing. but leave the reader to conjecture. It is said that when a man becomes a deflective—a man hunter —he is des perate.- The saying was applicable .to my step. • But why did you de it, Captain? asks an inquisitive reader. PerhaPefl my dear friend, I had been jilted ,• perhaps a great commercial crash had left me penniless, or doubt . leas I found the years of bachelorhood •gathering about me, and I, with "no visible means of supolo." The leg conjecture Ls most probable, don't you think so? - But to the story=tu the leaf I philik from the tree of a detective's iitb. I wad seated one morning on the steps of the W--Bouw, awaiting for breakfast, when little Dick, the ,errand boy of headquarters, win ti! and whispered In my ear: "C4tain, the chief wants_you.s— -"Is his business urgent. Dick V 2. 1: - asked,.for I did not relish a Walk with an empty stomach. "No ; you can eat your breakfitst;" amlthe boy bounded away. • After partaking of my morning's meal consisting of cotibe, ham and eggs 4a dish I relish—l sauntered awayltoWard headquarters. As I en tered Eighth street I saw several groups of men talking extitedly,and, I knew that something important had taken piece, with which my summons to headquarters was' con nected, I quickened my steps, and not long afterwards stepped into the. office. • "Take a chair, Howard," sai& Matsell. I seated myself, and he continued ; "A murder was committed last night. Some person or persons as assinat.4 musdom, Ow - bker, bet esker,' in his chamber." • • . "They did 1" I exclaimed. 1 "Yes; you will have to work out the case as the rest of the force are engma A reward of five thousand dollars is offered for the arrest of the murderer." "I will do what I am to bring him to Justice," I answered, i "and will proceed at once to the scene Of the midnight murder.", I went direct to the banker's man sion, and was shown to the room where the body still lay as it had been found. An examination of it and the chamber gave me a clue by which lhoped to secure the villains, for I knew that two persons Were concerned in the tragedy. I went to work, with success in the distance, and in a month, felt the rogues- al most with my grasp But on. the threshold of accomplishment I was thwarted. _ One night, as-I was standing by a lamppost—my head bowed upon My breast, meditatingly, a hand, touched my.arm add looking up I confrontisi a richly clad female. Her face wus covered by a veil; through which, I caught a gleam of her eyes—fiery eyes—like the 'flashes of lightning from an inky sky. "Ah t I have found you at last, have I?" shesaid. • • '"lt seems so," I repeated. "What . want with me?' "Do ou ever listen' to death-bed confess ons ?" • , "Very often:" "I have a friend who is nearing the portals of that'undiscovered country. He has a secret—one that he has car ried in his heart these many years— which he wishes to confide to you." "Why to me?" I asked. "There are'mlnisters who will hear it, and sooth his dying moments with com fortable thoughts." "HO will confess to you alone, as his confession is about a case you worked in once. Will you go?" I hesitated. The woman might be sincere, or she might be a decoy to lead me into a net, act by thieves and murderers, who wished to rid the world of me. But that ease I had worked on, I started. Perhaps ho knew about the great Martin mys tery, upon which I was engaged for two years. Without answering the woman's question, I asked one: " Where is your friend ?" "I will not tell .youtsir. It you will go, say as much, as he will die with the secret untold." ''What is his name, then ?" "Alt t you doupt my sincerity. • L will go." And she stepped away. - I reflected a moment, and resolved to accompany her, let good or evil he the result, I sprang forward and touched her arm. "I will accompany you." "Thanks," she said, turning. "Al; low me to bandage your eyes." And she produced a kerchief. Ilprotestal against such a proceed ing but finding her inexorable, I suf fered myself to be blindfolded. On, we went. I tried to enter In to a conversation with my myster ious guide, but was unsuccessful. I gained no information save that the man to whom I was being conducted lay . dying In a basement. After walking some distance, a,,mile or two, I should judge, we stopped. My guide knocked at a door, which was opened. Down a flight of steps I was led tlllaneither door was reach ed, which opened. I was pushed forward, the woman saying: "lie is here."' I heard the door shut, the key turned, and stets ascend the stairs. I tore the bandage from my eyes, and looked around. I wits in a small somn, evidently a miler, in a poor portion of the city, for the apartment was very 141111111. A lamp 'burned upon a rude table, upon which• lay writing materials. Mt- what at •trncted my attention most was two masked neon, a few. feet from we, directing two pistols at thy breast. I had been deceived and drawn into a murderer's net. quick us thought my hand moved to my revolver, but the' ominous, click, click, checked me. "Twn can play at that game, Tom Hogird." said one of the masks. • 'ou know me, then ?" " f course we do, find take pleas ure of Informing you that your life if.; In our hands." "And you intend - to deprivti me of it? , I ventured to say.", ' ."Well—no—yes. If you sign a certain in. 'of writing, you liVv—if notyou die." "I would likc to ktiow in whose presence I stand," said I, Atepoing, forward. "The murderers of John Royston the banker,mlepliod the masks. , I recognized one of the voices in stantly as belonging to a toil dark faced fellow, who for some months had followed like a sleuth hound.' "Ha !" I cried, rttisyou wy covey Two days More, And your :comer I/ crime Would have " •• - • "You must catch a man, before you hang him, my dear Howard,!' was the taunting rejoinder. "We'll see, sir." said onetruce to this badinage," said one of the men, stepping up to the table, while his companion. kept a pistol at my breast, "you must sign this paper if yoU value your life." I went to the table, and read the following oath, written in an uneven : but legible chiregragihy : "I? Thomas Howard, a detective, do suletrinly swear that I will desist Them We pursuit of the murderers of John Boynton, banker, for the period of one year, so l help me God;' "Signed with my own blood, this, the 12th day Of July; I turned to the men after reading, and "What does 'signed with my own blood' mean?" "Exactly what la said," was the one-elucidating reply." "Then I'refuse to Sign." -"You are rash, Tom Howard. The bond Is good for one,year only. Sign it, and live." ' There was something so significant in this het sentence, that I changed my resolution. Ittakt ;,"but at the mil of the year - mentioned' in my bond, I . will hunt•you down, and bring you,before outraged justice.",- "No boasting, sir ; make ready 'to have some blood spilled;" and one pf the mantrs laid aside , and produced a lancet. I bared my arm to the elbow; but he laughed saying: "Not your ann. Howard; the blood must mine neartat-ape heart., Bare your bosom. , ' • . "Is this another Shylock affair I" "No sir; we want uo flealt—merely blood." I bared my breast; he made an in , clsion direetlyover my heart,; caught the blood in a apoon.llipped a pen In Wit, and placed It tri my' hand. 1 bent foretard and signed. the bond. The bandage WWI then replacedover my °y ea, the • ';womiut ' who' had brought me, then appeared, and con ducted me- thrtiugh - :auveral streets, when she Suddenly left me. I re moved the-kerchief, went to head quarters, and announded my Inten tion of sticking to my , oath. The Royston case was put into the hands of Dick Clay, while I, was detailed to work up a burglary... . Time passed, when one morning I was summoned to the'city prison, to hear the confession of•a woman who attemptedauicide. She was dying, but a faint smile appeared on her hectic cheeks an I entered the cell. "Mr. • KoWard," she said '1 bars laid violent !lands upon my lith, and am, dying. I sent !be you. :Let me see, this is the—:--." • "Eleventh of July." I answered, seeing her hesitate. "One year- ago come to-morrow night, you signed a bond to desist from pursuing the murderers of John Royston." • , • "I did." "The bond is null and void to-mor row night, and you are at liberty to pursue them," "Which I intend doing." _ (114.1. m. than., ta).-my coulbselorw Last January, two men entered John Borden's house and murdered him. I assisted them. We escaped detec tion until you got on our tracks. We intended to leave the city, but you remember how you foiled us. You were weaving your web around us, and there was left but one (nurse by which we might . escape. I decoyed you lute that cellar, - where you gave a bond not to follow, us. "The men left the city, but I m mained, as I did not fear Dick Clay. It was I who sent him on a false trail AVM whence he returned discomfittett and 1 was arrested, but succeeded I clearing myself. The real murders are in Paris at this time." , • • "How will I find them in the great city ? Quo you give me no clue? "They; purchased a flower store with the money taken from Roys ton's safe. There is a letter under my pillow. I received ik from them a month ago.. its contents may throw some light upon their exact whereabouts. The names are—bend nearer—are— "What?" I cried. • • • "Ilan—Ban—. I am gone !" -find she fell back dead. I got the letter she had spoken of, but it helped me not at all. It was dated at .htrls, and had two • Y's in the place of a signature. I went to Paris in the next vessel, and arriving there, Searched two weeks, but in Vain. I was on the point of giving up, when . I eitcoun tered un Ariterican—a jeweler—who had resided In Paris some years. I inquired of him if he 'knew of any flower store kept by Americans. Yes helneiv tor .but one, Rue Beppo. He believed it, was owned by "Itanlin & Bro." That was the place I was hunting Ibi, the nettles that the dying womau tried to pronounce ; began thus! "Ran"—the remainder was "liu." • .But.the Rue Beppo was..the last place' on earth that I would have looked for a flower store. When I reached my hotel I set to work and removed the, heavy beard and moustache, which adorned my face, and repa ired totthe Rue Beppo. I entered the flower store, and a clerk awaited my pleasure. I desired to see the proprietors. They appeared and I introduced myself us Geo. Hall, of Calvestlon. They did not recog nize rile. • I amid hardly restrain myself when In the peons of the firm I recognized the murderers of the banker. "Gentlemen," saidl, aßer talking a while with them, "were you ever in-New Nork ?" - "Oh, yes," said one, there several years." "Did yod know one Annie Gm's= resitting there ?" . Their lips grew ashy, and they rose to their fiat. "What of her ?" "She is dead." "Well ?" "Anittefore she died she confess ed." They stepped forward shoutiug "Who are you !" "Tom Howard, at, your service." And at the same time I drew a brace of revolvers and leveled them at their heads. "Gentleman the bond having expired, I have done What I said I would do that night.. I have trucked you, and now you are my prisoners. Crime with me." Weak us lambs, they followed, speaking not a word. At the door we were met by a squad of French slice, whom I stationed near us re-. nforcements in ease of necessity. The villains were locked - up till a vessel sailed for the ..United States add I had the pleasure of being their companion during the voyage. When the ship reached New York 1 delivered my prismltres over to the ' authorities, who tried them, found them guilty, and the* expiaeed their crimes on the sefttold.. The people were surprised when they learned of the detection of the Royston mur derers Wier such a lapse of time.— They did not know that I was under Omni for oneyenr. Geo. Lee wed Mex. risterax. The New Yoik animereial Acker- Wier • toys:- Tito great Confederate leader, Just dead, winces remarkable for his social at for his military qual ities. Ills handsome person, twists). crutic hewing and polished manner nand 1 ' especially. the Idol of the fair sex wherever he went. The se verity that marked his deport melt in einip and Etude totally deserted him when. the responsibilities which they imposed were withdrawn, and in pri-' vine life liewas one of the most geu .ial and humorous of men. We mull an a nectinte of this fundovingeleinent . Of his character: The incident occur red a .few years befnre ..the war. Among the most filament visitors at 11* mansion on Arlington Heights were: the Falrfaxes . of - Alexandria. Mrs. Fairfax was orient the General's' particular Ale:wiles, and the Mime. Mons of' her society were nut least interne' other indueemods which tempted him so often from Arlington to Alexandria. One cold December Morning, while riding! through the streets of t h at most delectable settle :neat; he espied Mrs. P. approaching from the direction in which he was going. A few moments later ho had dismounted and engaged her In con versation. The lady had aimed her self against: the inclemency of the weather by carrying a white muff, with which she relieved the tendency of her nose to assume a too brilliant pink, by pressing it every few mo ments to that frost-beleaguered or gan. :In doing thib many onhe hairs come off on her vell,a fact which the General noticed, but did not refer to it until he saw a friend 'turning an wijasent corner and coining that way who was somewhat notorious as a quiz. Speaking hurriedly Inan al tered tone of voice, and With au WI- Pried air of - trepidation, he turned to Mrs. Fairfax and said : "My dear Madam, here comes Judge—! Do permit me to remove those hairs from your. veil—they're the same odor as my beard . • -0n 'rsday Teat a severe hurri cane visited Key West, and six vee. eels were wrecked in the harbor. List of Appllaittefor Litanies It • - November-5.1870. tJ. I;..ilado—Eatiog 1i0tt004514 Beano ioirsoblß. o Morelli •do do • 14ow Mottos boeo beadle • • .2 OUN o.llART.'Clork. finamizippims BALES. Virtue of suldry writs of Wood Mod Expo• in ass, Fkai Itheise. and Loud radar. Issued out of the Coast of. Common num of the manly of Seaver, audio me directed; there will be ex .poeed to public sale. ,at the Coast Busse in the boromah or Gamer. Gomm county. Pa.. oa HAT. CROAT. NOV lINGEtt ftth. I• 10, at ten o'clock. a. ma.: thokollowing property. Ma: All the right. tido Interest and elaIM of delne• eat, of In and to the following property. situate In Bestraltalle. Neaverthemty and Mate of Pesmsyl• rails. bounded and detailed ae follows, to wit: being lot No. Idiot tbe Economy plan uflote in the borough abroad& bounded on the teeth by lot No. '11•1 of the maw plan. on the tart by Grant at.. no the south by lot No. Ma of mune phut: and on the west by Grant alley. on which Is erected a one story frame dwelling boaso. with • frost Or ill et deiced and taken In . exeeattou as thel of Paul Breltenstels,at the ingot Geary SUWON& ALSO. ' N 0.9. At the one thee and place, all the 404 tltls Interest and clam of toe defendant, of In sad to Mb renewing mope.% to ettr Let 110.IM In the liconoasy plan of HOLM palls, Bauer county, Usnaed a follows: on the north by SCODO . my streak out the south by 14 of h 1 r. Thosapeon, ow the mot ll&Thesstas street, on the west by MP' met be; mold& Is armful a two story dwelling cootalala du rooms, cellar olidemeath. all err clued, with out buildings. Seized sod taken la execatlem as the %._perMertt Ephraim Oallielost the salt ofJotta At the same time sad place, all right,:dtle, Irate . at and aloha of defendant of, In sod to,tha follow ing property. to wit: lots No. OM In the ScOnin my plea of lots of limper Falls. Bearer county. Pa.. bounded sad deli bed an follows- Os the north by lot No. SDI. on the east by Johnston street, on the south by lot No. 011iand oathe west by Johnston alley; she aka 411:113 feet, on which Is envied a two story frame dwelling houses cellar ttederamth and alt endued: . Seized gad taken Is execatlon as the p of Predendr Brownian, at the salt of J. S.Elenoti ALSO. /UAW ame time d o place, all right, till., In terest and claim of defendant of, In and to,the lowing lot of ground Innate In Barer Palls, Ba rer County; Pa., being lot N 0.153 of the Economy plan of lots of Bearer Fella, Pa., bounded on the north by lot No. 156 of same plan, ou the eat, by 13eaveralley, an the south by lot Na 151 of iald plan and on toe wee tby Brighton street, and ex tending back therefrom 145 feet to Bearer alley, en which , is erected a mystery llama dwelling house, with a front Miasma ker reertath dePta. Seized and taken in execution ea the property Military Hennas, mid Thomas tae cult of P. ALSO. • . At the same time and place, all the tight, title, Interest and dales of dehrodant of. In and to. the killowtog describettproperty, situate In the bor. °ugh of Freedoui. Beater county and State of Pennsylvania., being Lot No. 11l la the plan of lota of the borough of Freedom. bounded and dmodb• ed as follows, beginning at the west corner of Jot number 51, thence GO feet along Main street to the corner of lot number FM; thence 100 fret along the line of said lot to the coiner of lot number 10;—• thence 80 teat along the line of said lot to the cur. tier of lot number Wn thence 103 feet along the line of add lot St to Main street, the place of beginulng —on which u erected a frame dwelling boas., cel lar andernesith, fre r. s stable and other out.hulld. loge. Lot enclosed and planted with fruit trees. Seised and taken to exemitiou as the property of Charles Grim, at the cult of J. a B. U. 111cCaikey Co. ALSO. No. G. At the satin thaw and place, all the rigid, title, interest and claim of deleudant of, In and to. the undivided sixteenth In all that certain piece or laud, situate to Ohio township. Beaver county. Pennsylvania. known as Lot No. OE of the sub-di vision of the lands of. 's homes Dawson Ming on bland - Run. containing one acre, be the same more 'or less, with all the appurtenances and improve menu thereinto belonalng; on which there is • derrick and prodpcing oil well. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John NrNeuny, at the snit of Thomas Dawson. AISO, N 0.7. At the same time and place, all the right, title. Interest and claim of defenda nt of„ in sad to. the following property. situate in Ohio towwibip, flea , err county, Pentwylvania, described as follow.. to wit: being the middle part of Lot numbered three in the plan of tote laid out by J. O. Willard for the heirs of Nicholas Dawson, late of Ohio township. Bearer wool/. deceased; Beginelog at a stake 9 percheslsom the south-owl corner of lot N 0.9, thence by the 'eastern bouudery of said lot No 9, north 9 perches toe poarthenc3 by the north pail of said lot No. 3. east 5 perches to a stake pre c6e line of lot No. e; thence south with :he line or said kit No. 4, 9 pembes to a= thence by the south part of said lot No. a, west 5 perches to the place or beginnin containing 44 nerchee with reserva tion of wood g; and coal to'Browne & Co. and the Hewlett! Oil M., they being entitled to the same one former tea= It being the same piece or land conveyed by Laughlin, llillott & White to. .0. Coo - - . Seized and taken to eleektlbo al the property of Wm. 0. Cook, at the suit of Thos. Thiamin. ALSO. No. C. At the mime thee and piece, all right, title, in- Imaged claim of defendant of, to nod to,the fol lowing place or parcel of land situate in Moon township, Iletteer county and butte of Pennsylsw. nil, bounded and described as- follow.; • Begin ning' ate post near an elm; thence by lands for. of the heirs cf William Irvine, deceased, south 64% degrees west, 24 perches to • poet; thence by land formerly of William Illckerstaff, north 32 degreee went, 14 perches to a poet; thence soon 041 degrees west.ll3-10 perches to a peat; thence north 914 degree. west,2l perches to the Ohio River; thence by said river north 361.4 degrees wt. 34 7-10 perches; thence by lands formerly 01 Jamb Nose,-"onth 94 degrees east, .10 perches to the place of beginning., containing 6 ace. and 33 perches more or less; also all that certain piece of lend In Moon township, county and State afore paid, and bounded as follows: Vol the north by low water mark In the Ohio River, east by Black Spring Roo, south by ordinary high water mark on the bank of wild ricer, on the west by Two Milo Ran, sport which shove deocrlhed premises Is a two story frame house and frame bare, fret tree. and all enclosed. • Slesed and taken in execution as the property orM, A., Mary and Jonas Mambo, at the suit of John Moore, signal the unit ofAlbertlineettil, for nun of Tborass MeCreere. ALSO, NO. 9. • At the time time and place, all the right, title. Interest and Mahn of defendant of, in and to, the followlng property, to wit: being part of Lots 81 and Et 2, Wald. In the borough of Beaver, Beaver county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: on the north by Third street, on theeast by lot of A. Wrno. on M. moth by Corporation alley, cud west by lot of Frank Wilson; on which Is erected a two story frame house containing shoot eight room., cellar undernealh: also. frame wagoeutulP sad frame stable. -Lot enclosed and pis tied with Bolt tree.. "we lived Seized end tales to execution as the property of H. C. MS. at the suit 01 Bops & Ogden. DM .o. 10. , At the same time an d place. all the right. title, Inter/hot and claim of defendant of. In and to, the following described lot of ground and building thereon t.f Samuel Lescallett, to wit: Lot N 0.7 In Bernard's extension of the -borough of Beaver Fall% Beaver county, Penusylvanta,bounded no follow.: on the north by lot No. q same plan; on the east by Cedar ally south by Adams` But Ct. , and on the west by Beaver street; havinga front on said Beaver street of 40 feet and running back to Cedar alley aforesaid 143 feet. The building being a two story frame IS by 10 feet fronting. on Beaver street, and having a door with transom light.. and km windows In front and two windows on the side 'apposite Adams' East sheer, standing back from Beaver street twelve feet and from the corner of Adams' East street sixteen feet. _ . Setzeo and taken to eseentlon aa the property of Ranted Lesallett, al the eutt or nehodeld At V. hit• Inn. EDO . - At the Mlle time and place, all the right. tide, intereva and claim of defendant of, la and to. the following pima or parcel of land situate In New Brighton borough. Bearer county. Pa., being past of Lots Noe. %I, 91 and 93. described as follows: beginning st the intemection of Market street and Clover a`ley, thence by said alley 140 feet to But berry alley; thence by uld alley 81 feet; thence by a line at'vlght angles to the last coarse 199 feet to Market street, akoreaald ; thence tit.feet to' the place of beginning ; on which them is erected a frame wagon shop one story hick, about 4U by 23 feet: all enclosed; lot planted with fruit trees. Seized told fatten In exv cotton as the property of J. P. Alio:Dan, at the snit of Wm. Brown. •. • ALSO. • Nye 12. • At the same time and place. all the right, title, 'lnterest and Mahn of defendant of, to and to. a lot or piece of groand In the bOtough of heaver VaUs.• Bearer copnty, Pa., bring lot No.- 1010 In the Economy plan of lots in said borough, bounded north by lot No. 1015. on the out by Tank street, op the south by lot No. 1017 and on the west by Tank alley, being 45 feet wide and 1113 feet deep, and on which Is erected a one story brick house twenty-three feet ten Inches by sheen feet nine Inches, contains two rooma.aud pastry with cellar underneath. • . • . • Netted and taken In execntlo&ai the prdperty of John 11. Kelly. at the null Jacob Housricl and Jonathan Lcutt..Trustees. , • • ALSO. , At the Prime time and place. all the tight Otto. !alma and Mahn qt defendant of, In and tn. all that certain lot oy_plece of grand situate lu the rats - mm:l of flecver Falls, Beaver county and State of PetlllOylvadats, being lot No. ul.l' In Nconomy plan In told borough and hounded ow the north by Int on the cart by Thomas atreannuth by lot nod on the meet by Thom, alley. behig 4.1 feota Ide du mile Thotort ebeet, and extending bark 14% fort to said Tho6llll alloy. • . • Seized and taken In execution at tho property, of Thomas Hyde. at the salt Ohm!, Ileuriciand . Jonathan Lenz. Toulon, as. • ALSO. No. 14. At the come limo and place, all the right, title. Interest and claim of defendant of, in and to, all that certain lot or piece of ground Oblate to the borough of Bearer Palls. Bearer manly, Pa.; be Mg lot No Ski In the Economy plan In said bor.. nogg, and &winded on the Moth by Int Nn. 437„, oft the mat by Lincoln alley, an the wroth by lot No. 1139, and on the west by Johnston street; being 43 feet wide on Johnston street. and extending hack 130 Tam to, Lincoln alley, 'afdressld: oh which le erected • two story frame dwelling boom 34 feet by II reet ris roona., with a one Rory brume kitchen attached, 151 L by 13 14 fest, with 'three mono and hal nn drat door, and two rooms tor 4.4 loom with cellar underneath: oven, nod other ont•balldlegs on the prensimm all enclosed. - Stewed and token In execution as the pmperty of Wm. it. Aukcrman • at the 'nit of Jacob lien- MI and Jonathan Lama, Trustees, Re. ' ALSO, •• N 0.13. Al the same time anliTictie rlgbt, title, Nermt add claim of defendant ot In and to, all thin certain lot or puree of grourel 'dame to the borough of Beaver Fans, Beaver musty, Pa.. be. log lot No. If 4 in Empomy plan of old botollell. ,boon tied north by lot No. e3l. of Went by John.. son alley, oo the south br lot No. 633, and weal by Giant duvet; being forty-three feet wed-. Oa. said Grant street. on extending back one bond :red and 'arty:are *it ha auburn alley atoreraM; and ou which is erected a two story frame dwel.. Bog bone 31.1% feet by .2f% Met. with two mono. hall rid pantry ort ant door, and four rainos and ball on tecood floor, with cellar nudemeath ; a flame stable. bake oven and other oat .buildings cm said premises. Lot enclosed. Also, Lot No. RI inTetterson planotiens to rid borough, boandeeMorth by lot N 0.17, Same plea; east by Oak ally, south by lot No. 93, same plan and west by Lincoln street; being forty feet wide on said Lincoln arret and extending back 113 ice to Oak ally, • aforesaid,' sod •on which erected a two story Dime dwelling house 1$ 1.16 'andel MO feet, containing Ora roomy cm lot door three rooms on 'wood !kW; cellar under-. nenth. lot encloseA on three shies. Said twolots seized and taken In execution is theproperty or Wm. illeCowan at the snit of JD eob Henries and Jonathan Lem Trastees, de. ALSO. • ?to. 10:' • At the anon time and place. all the right, title, hamar' and claim or dedant of, to and to, all that certain tot or niece or ground situate In the borough or Beaver Tall& Bearer Count!, Pc. be. lug lot No. nla In (be gamosorpiset of Mb In said borough, bounded north by lot Mr. 181, east - by Grant ads), south by lot lio.ligland west by tiler; man street; a NM on said Shama* attest, and lhaek all gest to Omni, atle7 alorasahl; and on Is encand two 'WRY taw dwarkielisilse ill to am* iWas* Wtympana' list act. sue two mem e r t or t arrea stkin s of LW* 2C-Gmlooket Mt iroo ► - BsSkl and Joastliaa UNA Trading. ae6 • :At Seismal tlaiiiad_ bias; the tied. tblik tamed and dabs •of deist of. Is sad le. NI that metals lot or View of stosud•altaate la the borouzb of Seaver falls, coaaty of Barns mat State of Peesayhents Wu**la the' &wow piss et tots la eabLbolovil.• bonded. nosh by to. Ito. SW east by Mesas' alley. .by lot Its SIC sad vest by MONIS OM* -10X114W9 Stet la orlaldt an odd Thom swag exteadlag b sue budged sad forlyelve leas to *berms allay albraaddtriamt ea hides erected a Imam &moat hoireMald aMX idol ti height St tit NA toed bet side, esitala lajomourpur lsolM LAMM Elk; win, war Mead atd taken la execation si the i t is trt* Rats gatiesel, at the mot et Jacob sot Jonathan t ens, Tnaatees, Se. „ ,-• • , • ALSO. ' No. 13: At doe sew dale 'sad *mks!' the tight. lit jetterint aud claim et delWitat ot, lased to. lat that certain lot or place ofitound s glotN ituate Is the Awn). ot Ilearerrallalletver oo,ra.tbetoo. MO la the Nosootay planar Weis sal4blatfrbma ded earth by_ jot No. 11311. east by .1 °boson alle. „- eoettrW kit No. 1111,.a mat 110 , thiM snitehaddl fed,.aWo op arid likaut eLiet end ntiadlaoSelt 113 bit to Johnson alley adoessid: Ce or-supd a twit , nimbi direlUag• loose with kliettetrattscbsd, au. soatandag Star fOnesil, hail sad pasW LA dour, sad three room sad hall ea semod doer wad cellar saderaoult. . • .• asked sad oaten la execution as de olOpelly of James Lockhart 'MIN Ms at Jacohilesild aid .Janatlisa 1.044 Plitima , - ALSO, .. M. Al the Same' time and Place. ell the' tight. tWe interest and claim of dander of, la and to all that certain lot or pier Vf, glatiod Naar In the borough of Beaver galls; Banat county. Pa.. be, Inglot No. el Ala . the Betmory • plea ed lots la said 1)01'9444 handed north by lot No. 1133, sad by Merman's allep.eouth by lot No Ma. sad west by Ttautos drat,being,tomy - three feet-161° on said Thomas street and extending beck 1111 feet to Sherman enema:weird; and est which Is erect. ed • frame dwelling boar one end a half storks ppu~b. containiug h. thre rooms and pantry, war ceS Seised and , taken in examtion r the or Alesandor McDonald st the suit olJsco%Va del and Jonathan Lena, Truster, de. - • - A At tbe mime them and,place all the right, title: Interest and claim of defenda nt of,' in and. to, all that cattalo lot or piece of pound abatis la the borough of Bearer Falls, Beam County, Pa.. be ing' lot No: NCO tn'the Bosomplan of lots In mkt borougb; bounded , north bJ Baker street. east by Tank alley, month by lot No: MI. and west by Alain stiee4 being 43 Set wide on said Nab mem, and estandlog back 1111 feet to Task alley :aforesaid; all fenced, and on which be erected a one moo frame dwelling - house, containing titres mem pantry and porN.W.; with a cellar tr demean' tea whole boom: Betted and taken m B ull the mope Ml.• of °some blaspoot Ma snit of Jacob liontid and Jonathan Lenc.Trustema • . ALSO. • No. At the same date and place. all the rigid, title. tutereet and clalm of defendant of, la and to, all that certain tots pleee of ground nano In the borough of Beaver Vella, Bearer county and State of Permspivanta bets g lot No. no la the Enna my planet lota In said homage. bounded soak by lac No. Itri, east by Cedar alley. south by tot N 0.1214. and west by Bawer Moon A te. Win whist on laid Bearer street and ex= back from It) ketto Cedar alley Selma and taken In eauscutkot the_property of John N. Speicher, at the lull of Jacob Bendel and Jonathan Len.Trnatees;&c. " , CPU ALSO, • No. St' At the same time and place, aU the riot, title, Interest and claim or defendant of. Ina nd to, all that certain lot or piece of ground, situate to the borough ofEcaver Fal4, Beaver Mianty. Penn's, being lot No 111:11 In the Economy plan calms in said borougb,^bounded on the north by lot No. 1203. on the rut by Cedar street. on the south by lot No. 1103, and on the wort by Cedar alley; titt e l a feet wide on nail Cedar at„and est 143 feet to Cedar alley, aforeeaki; antot h Mch Is erected a two story frame dwelling house mg feet by 15% feet, containing , one room on Ent door, and on 'nom on second door: with kitchen at tached one awry high ; also. pantry and portico ; cellar underneath Also, a frame carpentershop one story high on the rear end of the lot, about 14 feet lone by Ifl hot widet lot ander fence.. ...Seized and taken In execution as the property of Arthur ii. Evans. at the snit of Jacob Bendel and Jonathan Leos, Teutons, &CI. ALSO. NO. It • - - • At the sante Ilea and placer. alltap rlgh-c title, Interest and claim of defendant or In and W. the following property. to wit:, Lot No. 711:111 the Pastenao plan of lota of Bearer Malls, Baum Co. 'and State of Pennsylra east Main etneenta l7 boanded on'the soak M lir lot No. . w street,- on the south be lot No. 01, and on he west by lot No. 9a being 40 feel front by 140 feet back. on which is erected a two entry brick dwelling 93 fret front by 19 feet deep, containing four looms and one Mon room lot ender fence. • Seized and tattoo Id esecotion ae the Property of John i Cook, at the stilt of 11. Childs a Co. • ALSO he . No. SI. ;At t mune tfrosond place. all the right, title; Interest sod Galas of decadent of, In, all those two pieces of land situate to the borough of Georgetown, county of Beaver and State of Pena. sylraula, being !oh Noe. SS and WI In the borough of Georgetown, aforesaid, bounded and described as follow.: Go the north by First street, on the nut by lot No. T. on the south by Bearer alley, and on the west by boring alley: each of sold Sots being 60 feet in width by ISO feet In length; on which Is erected a frame dwelling bowie and sta. We; all enclosed. • , . seized and taken la execution as the property of Aaroh Moore,at the suit of William Sumner it Co. EEO .At the same time and plape. the right title. Interest and Glenn of detendlint of. In and to, all those pieces of late of ground situate In Rochester borough. Besets county and State of Penneylra ni:, Denuded and described a*lollows: use lot bounded north by lot owned bf John Stiles, east by street or Pittsburgh road, south by other of of V. a. Fortune. and west by the Pittsburgh: Fort Kra, end Chicago Hail Hoed Compeer brag twenty feet wide and one hundred and sixty feet long, more or less, on which there la erected • brick rote room. 2nd. The other lot being boonded by the shove described lot do the north, en the east by • street or Pittsburgh toed. on the south by lot aline Ca. nal Comma,' or State lot, and tweet by ' the Pius: burgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago 11.11 Way Cur. pony; It being treaty feet wide and one hundred and sLity feet frog, on which there Is erected a hams dwelling honed. being the same lot of ground, which the said Dankl B. Macrum with his wife, by deed bearing date herewith, conveyed to Caroline C. Hayes. one of the prevent mortgagee.. , Seized and taken In execution as the property of J. C. Reyes and'tHroline C. flares, at the mull of Daniel S. MaCmm, for use of Morgarodern & CAS. ALSO. Ild. At the same time and piece, all the right. title, fairest and claim of del:aslant of, In and to. all that certain parcel or lot of ground situate In the village of Industry, In the township of Industry, meaty. of thorn and stater Fennaylrenia, houn ded add descri bed I. follow", Beginning ate post, ()tribe public road leading iltoutiteaver to tlutillCa Ferry ; thence by lands of Clark User. ton, northward!, ninety fat, more or tea, to • poet; thew* by ante westwardly lily tree feet, more or less, to Hots ally; thence by said ally southwardly fifty dye feet, more or lee.. to lot of 3. Rosa ; thence -by rid lot eastwardl, twenty feet, more or less, to • post; thgoce by the same lot thlrtyrve feet, more or lees, to the public road •fonsald; thence by said load thirlyiree bet, more or ler, to the plaice of beginning ; le:meting out of the earn', a small piece ofground cooveyed by 3. Robert Each, midwife. to Mary Ann Wok. by deed dated March 4.1101) on which ts erected a good two story frame dwelling house, and other out buildings ; cellar underneath •, all Incloved. Seised and taken in execution as the property of J. Robert Erb, at the suit of Samuel li, Executor; of the last will and testament of Jobs Shirrs; deceased. ALSO. Mo. At the same time and ylace, all the estate, right, title. interest and claim of defendant of. In and to, all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Brighton. county of Beaver and ittate of Penneytreats:bounded end described as follows, Beginning at • post; thence by lends of Reel Wray and lemma Elliott. north HI ilegrearioniet. ISt perches to a nui; thence down the same by its pieanderlngs and land of John lintal I, north Ils e ,` degrees east, A 13.10 perch. to • beech, north 13 % degrees wait. 18 640 perches, north It degrees .0.14 perches to a red oar. north tl degrees cast. 13 140 perches la a w. walnut, north 4 degrees weet, lit perches to a cucumber, north 8 deg.. east, 13640 perches to aret, south At degree* mut, Of 3411 perch. to a pay by Jesse Williams% Meucci by land formerly of re. Dick • ey, north 314 degrees east; 9 perches to a post, south hi degrees mud, IRS 340 perches to • a post; then., by lands of Meisel Horgan and duel Wray, south It degree, west, 01 340 perches to a pose, tbenceby Mad 01 Lodi Wray, north W} de. ogees west, 33 perches to a poet. north 1 degree west, 11 840 perclidelo the piece of beginning; containing lid acres of land, mono or le.. The woe being underlild with* 3 feet vein of 'Auntie coal which le opened and supplied with all the fixteree netailrary fa: the delivery of mi, and also with a vein at lest class mineral pilot opened and In working order; fifty acres of the land being; and the residue woodland, and all me. closed. There are on the - prattlees eh excellent orchard containing at least one hundred trees in' good bearing conilltio_ ,tr a ono And A half story (revue dwelling hoe. taming four room.. kitchen sad tang: a goad hook bare 40 by IX, feet, cora crib. hog pen, bate oven; a goon well of wale, et e door of the dwelling: a el tern at the torn, dc.. dm. Thep reside. an. within a mile of Rea. errand half mile:of EINE! A fro, All that eintato piece or knot laud 'boats in the borough of Burner. comity of &aver. and state of Pecupylvania,baing hit numbered St in the gen. end plan of Ibis of, akireraid borough ; bounded on the mirth by Third street; cart bit rot lict hft. south by corporattno ailey ; sod arerthr lot Nu. tom . baring a bout ral 181 feet cro 'rhird Mixt and en. wading back therefrom MO fret to corporation alley; whereon tare cleated' a goad two army I brick dwelling ihome, week home. stable *a. The lot continua (rut* trete of various kind.. This 141 tine of the mud desirable' pritabareeldences tat Jtwrrr.. . . . , neixed and taken in execution 'nadir pro;auti of Joba ft. Mentz. at the wait of Joeepi Audersoo, for the use of runner 6. kW. . . OEM At the name time and piece. all the right, title, intenvt and claim ut defradant of, in and to. the fyllowiqg,plecdur. . parcel, of land situate. bathe borough of Heaver Valli: Beaver county, Pb. • buoutlctlon thee. rth by Mulberry plaret; on the wan by Male went; and vault' by lot No. Irk on which la erected • two story frame dwelling home. ultlic 2 roomy and kJ:then. cellar underneath, wail at the dour, Alai, a [rape ounceabout 11l by 74 fret • " • ' Also,* piece or parcel pt land situate In Dearer Falls, nearer touuty, ta„ and bouoded sod de scribed as follows: Beginning at the Big Dearer Hirer. and running althea by *di of Braden : north eighty•two degrees west;thirty-two perches-' thence by Dude at the devisees of Dr. SlUntlei Adams. used., south fiti degree* west 187 percit no thence by Lids or dames Patterson, north fel degrees east, .136 pees,* Big Dowse deer; thence melba math, north tS degree* west MS percheer north 1U deereeimeet. lB Iseretthe 'to the place of, begioning, earialalagninery scree ISOM or leis. 117."41,117141,lkd="411ittabts4 1 ;:th.if and Bi,—on Which le ethet r eit al Moth house. , • Abo, a lot situated In Delmer Falls, lancer Pa, bounded on the north. soak met and west be- lauds of Jacob Bendel and Jonsithan Lena, trwiters, belig DU feet by 100 feet, more or !cm, and known as the old Paper-mill betted end-taken in execution so the perty of Archibald Doberthen, al the snit of Murphy • ALdu. No. 99. At the same time and piece, all the right, title. interest and Nairn of deAiudant of in and to. lot numbered Mtn retterron's plea of the borough of dosser Valk. Hearer conuty,f a.. bounded on the fiords by k5t:N0..145 (same Was) about 115 leek ou the seat by grant alley abaut Oh kelt. on the south by Locust street about 10 feet, lad on the onset fby dewed saran 'and Tank street; on which there tolerated • three Eery brick betel, will. stocerroums ou Snot door, lobbed essesselle, and 11214 feet la front on Tank street, 21 Sul iss trued on beeped street; mad eighty feet to tenth on Loma etreet, colluding trine &coed street at the uorthonut.conter, seventy fret to a line pargikl with Locust str eet. to a earner; Woo, a banes dwelling house two stories high with usinertuatk. . U . . . aa ' gelsedlad taken In execution the = afJeenta Fraziem. et the atilt at J. 11, • lex. two of D. Magician -JOHN ORMIHNO, tlhelt Ithectes Mime beim; .Oct. 1114.100-11 w MEI 1, , s •IfeitGoods:!.:: Nevrences • flook 4ifth" MILLINERY - GOODS; P#Po4l 7 ais -.lces 4ao#leept , of ; • ! - -iwwzßa, =IId Plsin Orr lErgaucki:nlbblui; ••• 4 00 .4 • L r ,'. . is make this nook* as sttrac• titp aa possible. we Ain liana Liilr g e number of Eastern trimmed .; • meoravatii =wig, neiqur. rim many ITcrinia I I Itlr , Ha atielßonneta 2Waarnallo-Orrkr BoilaUng •call, I sin, • _ !impact/WI) , yours, Rridge sL, Brl, B'A - R GAI r< S A. W. BRIVIN' CO Very Flaae .*erinois. Extra Good .Waterprof: Ezra Good Table Linen. Bargains Gt Many,Neiti Dress Gfoods. CALL AND BL:E . THEM. • Etl3 A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S, No. 178 Federal Street, - ALLEGHENY 0171:‘ junlay—Je29arXl-27, sp2B NEW - GOODS . Wholesale and Retell, . .. 1 •- . 41::. : W.. EFL,'.2;:i &• CO.'S,. 117 ti Federal NI illteah coy. • Sep:lB,te t Fi iratitirD ITCWT - 6# kinIND vouNALK, .Cl..—The eatieetiear oiffrejlar sale a loteggroand adjoining the ripare at -BOW &wit., Amer Co,. Pi., manacle" ere IV irklet in ended a new tome build? coat 4 rooms.: T.:ere . le • sever falling ng or &ter cs th e premier,' tha, a amber h a ft tromp. • - - sesl73ll -, -. . ....,, tXl..'.l.llleCONlftilL IN THE OHM NeC / OURT OF BEAltga .coux . r.Y.—biume matt "Cede , . of err. deceami. Now, to.wlt, October 11, oo prlttioe of .drew- CAW sod Mary Apra. Ado la jow two t. the Letart apyolat Via" eft'', Esq.. att Attalla, to tame dletelbettoirot. helm* le the howls. of James A. Kerr aim P-11. bell% 11. toloistrators of the gists . or WA decedeot. Foos the Nam& L -L • RE! . . JOLLA C. HART. Clerk. The' Andlair; 'stare named; alit load. for !Da pear:seal ha appolutseut 4 the Court Hose" hi Deaver. ou Mitsui. 3d day of Nurauher, A. D. DIM, at I o'ck,ek.". AL at wtridVdme. NM O P ' . patios In interim au attauill Urayerit payer. octi3:3l. E. D. VA.C9HRILTT. Auditor. 2111ATIONAL saxes lIIIIPOUT. Reran di the .cuadttlen of the Mathaual ILE& ot Beaver coaaty, - Ntrie Bristtcht. ;at the R hit thiblikeehost the 84 AO el Ueloher, M=igi 11.11.1kricts to memo dratlation,- .. '.. /JOAO W 'tr. It. Bondi and tkaullSee oa hand.— ' 31400 OD :hia lane Satioad.Boako ._., _.ll/1 SO Banking House • , /4474 64 Forahore sad tamer • ' " ' laM at Conant ospepaaa " . • r,.t+l as Taxes 'pad 14 ltkoli Uoibadadadtag .amps) .• '•,v. •• 'l, 4sl tat lai Bab of ether National Saguia • ' . WSW Fraellocareurreacy Oecladielt Waite) 1179! Spode—Oda, • ams BO Legal Ttli4Cr Nol . o %a:1 w ---- . .. ' • - _ . • . . . . 5401,100 IS Capital Stock paid 5.000 Saints@..... 441 • • l.aa .. 1; ... a . Sti 11 • °11 " Discount,. . iStefao e. ' • I.IIXI It Isnesest.. as as tisikstal tank eltealatbn, Dliteads ........ ; .. %Oa 1.111714 Depotite to Natiossil Books 7 ' 41 . 31/11. Due Dos - to Stale Basks sod Baotou, m Mats stf wwvigoda, Zdlacps, Ossatise. soarer gerete.' f ••• ot Bs Balkiest Book of L'oostf, do soknosly lam *at ibis abase state flat is tam w tbe bed arm keow= r sod . belief. BDWAftp DOOPD. • flatoceiteid sad iinesa lrfor4i iii dill nab day al October, tett• • • • 11.11.1111kuset.d. P. • , • WU. %LD • U. as Dream. OW. W. TOlt, ' • °OA'S 11!11=11 -Itzurrs, " . F . V.TilFplc„ Mal 81L118, =FA Likets . , PALIKEB. =EI L• HANAUER. ult. Pa. • $O9O ALIS Cents. One ease of AT ONE DOLLAR AT EIM CENTS ERWIN &Mg French 3terinon Wool Plalalg. Poplin Plaiils Black Waterproofs Brown iVaterprook • Corded Poplins.' Silk and Wool Poplins. Irish Pop!init. New Dark Delskjar Inaln Wird Goutl,4, grey Pop!ma. EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES EEO XIVXINCINgIi szaz mv.ypaix„.&,:sitt•' x.E . , , , , . . 811iftlMODI ID '' '•' 1 ' '::::, A l ginq i 4l;:t firYl l4 / 4 1 : tit, !lIED. /3 LtraA3 pitivAvagie. Plitobta res . :, Ps.. ~ GOLD, 4.1c.r0 stLyAßsurrit •i:A.nd dealers 10" ?lilt JEinUtirr. '‘.- '. "'1 ' - l'arlllo3s. DIAmiA P 1 1 ' Ail) '' ' Ager4.T . 4 all the bedtaii*Of 3- ; 4HomAio,943Ks. Spedal a!tenThemgoald , • WATCHII,2I.-, ilitrElnfintflintelakiwarit • • ' ''''. - - . 4 al * (UAW.'" - IWO 41- . manmfacuri ßaifilui ",„ ---.. -, n . - •?,Nrii.oropig Ksiviiii. 4* - . c0.', , . •.•.. i 11.-i;4lliiitt i fathervie f ie% :.• .• • , ,C; ; ;;14,01.11111. . -0D'XIIIIGHT .; Eta 0 11111111. ~ BALTIMW4S,, 11117/6 . . 1 , ` :. nese Litieisiate Oars lieslisktiorptui OMNI • Ichr nosu Thljeus. spikupos Oak maniac, skive * iyWood lti es supo4- off,pri. proomme then unequaled. That . ; • • ' outdoes Snappy/tr. mweetneer tad Itaitotagteg "quality, to well or greateflatoestios. awl ~moo throsallbost the empire Kiev ?t it , • -"MOTIC,111_ • te rn meW *k. awl imunila free new Ike *mud In so Islay Minos. • • ' - ith - lifrthrkthantnahlp ' : - they Sia insegathlrid, min none bit the ray best 111141011113) LITIMIAL. the laws capital ethployed in oar badness enabling ea br keep an lamenee stock of bather, dig. on had. • or Au oar Squats PIANO/ hare othr Ifew To. proved Over Strang Scale and the Aryls Treble. pr We Weald call ;pedal attention to our late rovetoenteln °BAWD PIANOS and SQUAES OkAtIDS; tunas= Ace. KM& which being the Piano alert perfection than has yet bent at. tattled. , Beery' Barth . 144 WarraaUd Jar JPIJ;& Years. . we have ikette ettuniiseieito fet the Ms WAolesale apmey br tee most Ceteheetal PAR , Wk (MOANS end MELODEONS. WWI we of km Wbeket& and Retell, at Loner lettogyPti; eep., WILLIAM & • ullettkerW ADNISISTRATOWS NOM !STAYS OP CHARLES LUKIIIOI. deceased. . letters ofAilednietrstios upon the. estate ad Chides Laketek - hue of the barwegt, of Rochester. roosts of Iderenr: Ps.. deosesed. having Wen du ly gusted tit ttN pima. Ja•Seta• ed to the said estate are mutated to make pop meat; MI than basing CUING 11813NIt !bit WNW VII pram* Melia to . . THOMAS O r WADDLE. New MOO% Pa. - Adair. To 411 Emote guy cowers: • Er. A. Dell A Eno are entitled -to ,settlb ail the timber bills of Cheeks Lukens, also Rai. Mat. WIN WEL • octltat FPO-WNW( IT NAT CONCUR/ —l%o under. 1 eta ad, hating made apolkinkm to Me Dhoti. on of the National Hank of Beans County, Or depth:ate reelltleaus of stock, the Menai earn!. estes..No. VIA kr eight shares, datedJnlY 5, Ur* sod No. kw twelve charm dated Jemmy a. Mk, hating hem lost. Notice is bend=to all peewee to show muse why said should not be granted by the bank. • Geuther, 1. • 0. .13. ADAMS. ===X=il BUYERS ,- LOOK:-HERE1. The a kw pas divots ',wild geopecthdly Warm the-OMM that am has one of ill""?olkosife Ilane 4 4 • • ' WALL - PAPER, . . . WINDOW: SHA D ES FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. '! Etc.. oa hand to be faced to the eioqaty. 111 .assort• meat of ,• nekool. Iffliteellatroans' and Illitllalona • Et ,C7l! *C, 12C. ' Is complete; while DOOM! are spared sin his part to make his ' ' STATIONERY' 411EPARTZ.IENT owl to the root 01. City Itirtabllsluaeon., , Be la thee:Wash* Wet far the celebrated • .rolaarn 134344 rr'ort. foe this COMM., floor makings good Gold Pan, weak; do well On see hem before portioning. ' Re is the agent for this county for Seder's Photogrima amino Certificate. The Mastics of Magmata la respectfal called to this, as he can MU Meta at the now Aliment as they would get from the 'Publlrher. Atwater's School Gov eentneat for sale at Pobll.beis pricer. Also on liano„Toys and yariety Goods, suitable ibr all masons. .7. F. PRICE. Jauf,lB7o:l; : Gioadway, New Brighton. THE SUEZ CANAL! TEr lIILE the World Is more or less ez- Vlk , excised' ovei'alte openini of the Suez Canal, the Public, in-Beaver and vi cinity, should not lose sight oi the fact that S. SN'lrl'aV4R & At their old stand In &liver, pa., are still tbratehla t , to their customers everything called for nt their line. They alwi keep a full assortment Of • ' GROCERIES Flour, Feed, civrees, nets, Sugars, 4.tear, Tobacco and Cigars; And all kiln-articles gauntly found In a First Class • GROCERY. STORE. From thole longand Intimate acquaint ance with the Grocery, Flour and Feed busmen. add their disposition to renter Sailshictiort n thek 'who miry favor theta with Their pittmnsge, they hope in the tb. taro, as-to ,the past, to obtain a liberal share of t h e pubhc.patnntage. Gi;ire'ua a Call and see If we do not make it to your In-, !crest to call again. Janes • • t tl. BNITGER be CO. ‘• •, 1 1 1 .1110 .1 1"17071\T •Cir/ITIZ" SLATE' COMPANY Are DirrYirritfbrniab Itylltb4s of Staten. tbatri Very,Darif ./fthio Cblawa Sewitif ...iltoofing- Slate • Phis ibeir•Awricirismes tliested In Itrortharaptoe cou4i7, Pa.: AT QUARRY PitICES. ' tlamplei my by area. and communications ad-. &abed trf GOODWIN,-Ageht,... J. N. 11911.LIsilitilBEggcRgIgs liores`t. (Mee: BREWS IVA numamo,,DUQUENNIC WAY, owner Eighth Pt., Pittsburgh. Pa. • ' ' sprthin: ',BARGAINS t'l WWI Satchels selling 85 Wnts $l 6O .• •—• kand X 1.70 " 'Just freOsThred-,frnin: r - 1111'p:whirs and numnfadturerinlaixo stock 'of FANCY BASKETS, ' ' 9RiNAciticrBqBEN:IANIVAITt . HOBEtYX6o2O,:. WAX. , , - :-"DRPl#. 4 cote• -;- ata4,A 4 "aMiPe. prig. (coda. O'Leary; :& Singleton. s,. 1413 • t'edartal , at.,• ALLEGHENY:4)4.s— apeltlyj." • • • ;S'ALE. - . • WHIG Hotaarriber Wirt toe Pale A Hari* of • I. two hood re& anidillareo army o grow ad la Hancrivr tram**. hatarreatony. corquar• tor or a mile from the ethic, Of Hanover. &mon wave ones cleaved, tolanetroolltbrabeeet all law re harm wig tiv goad gata or antiunion; planer el good whom good trait; ottorealent awn. whom& aud talno; Itabinge• anr • nuns home ler toed rep* * gram bant, two trona alapep ir. ttoonsa, a* Woman, 4 other oat Dor uglio Seam or e i rt i = l„ . QUM • • Ihribregis, Wiwi Ca, apt 14, ME=M EMS • - k-AtAr. - Acrobt ' • nwidry :;'ft ' air , shop: 7 r I== t te• Ulm bayspammakistaltMONet pelOni6l* .160=1 rotg.oet ~:COOKING- _ - ; ITOVES rql=43., "Id" , ,t • . • " 1017 191'. use wiiressmi Lis so Ss • . ' -140"101! SLID. lossUrr.. IS TO V E ,e„ /#t‘tacitlifniitiklisetatiblab , isaa Oreattenliefoollitagye' yr TAIT' LESS Mr 4 LESS Roox 1 7 ,0 . DO,. MORE BEST,!BAKER, MCits^rDvre.A.BLE • • 4 4LrCy1.6:771ER • THE'S'ES' ST-OVEIN.IISE. Iu counecllou with the stove I have got, up a Patent. EXTENSION TOP, which occupies little room, no additional Net; in to d& liable to weirout, diapen 'lea with all pile; can be put qn or taken of at any time, add tnadetiruitall,atoves of and aim or - pattern. v" • Viva-lbandred Per,icing* 4 Who.hnra purelazul snd used the lISNIREPUBLIC COOLING STOVE; Molt or whroelvantes have been pu ta • ed lathe *aorta; are coalLiently -reteireil to. to bear. witseas.of tts .superior *a* cooking stove.. . ' Itailog thtbi lira! don rosioei • tol hand. of 'book Mom bons powerespoettmliey are oared to itto public at resoosable ratio. !OLIN 111011CILEY. • soillOtf.. ' HENRY `DEALER LN ALL KINDS k IP LAPP, •.' FURNITT3' • ' • Loonia-ow& PEN FRAII; OF ALL RUES FIDLNISLIED,TO ORDER. . .811thfilialliiik.aboy Pl o w l Pottery; nocHE.YTER, PENN' A. . • Thitargem mock In Beaver county constantly on hand. and selling .at .lb. very lowest prices. Calms and Hearin crtortdad at the shortest notice • Riming a large moo* of all kind.-or lanai:re on' how. and wlablng to make room for fait and win. ter work. I hare reduced my mica ' accordingly. • ramhlo. BEAVER BRI. STORE, INA 9 Yrk.IQIUPPAII Druggist & Apothecary, BEAVER. PENN Pure Drugs. Chemicals, Medicines AND ALL THE OFFICINAL Pharmaceutical Preparations, AL,WAYS ON HAND Painia, Oil,. Varnishes, Dye-574(4, . , Window Grass, So. Al the Lowest Cash Prices. Agents for lizhnestock, flatten it Schwartz's • Strictly Pure White Loud At Alfaneffaciurers' Prices. Agents for the Chemical Plaints, one lion drat different shades, all ready for use. tar Physicians' Pre eriptiona caretiffly and &dent Ideally compounded at coy time day or night . , [augg „„.A,,Q,Qg .HERE. - QPIIIINO AND NOINIMENt GOOIND —Tbr toldetalgt.el. begs leave to Inform his friends mid the public generally that be bas Jost received • new iteely , ot roods of the . West styles for Spring amyl Boomer wear .whleh be otters at very moderat rates. . ORNTEILVIINS' FURNISHING! GOODS. CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Clothing made to older no the 'hottest notice. Thankful du ibepabetc for past favors, 1 hope by doer attention to been:mos to merit a tootlco. sate of the same.' • • DANIEL MILLER,P- 1 DRID G OSST. BRIPKIrATER. m)r 24:11" M OOUIEUP !DURO RTOUE, 11 E-A V E !la) be found the heist assortment, al -3 1311 - Uer§, Me (1 . 1 cr G=SZ3bS2O~iTI~. t WINES And lirandieß, n t , c)'IN„ STUFFS: TQILET ' A It'lleLlts," SOAPS fRUbtIES., PA 'IIEDIC S lo creel =der,, all or the Lest quality, sad told • choosier thee caa be toned et say other Dreg 8 true le the ♦ ..sionaea Ye.male 1411 s. 75 cultspcc Lou - $ I; Oast% it. tee LuTert Stack o f LAMPS LAMP TRISCRINGS; LAINTICILVL STA,TIONIS1111„ WINDOW GLASS I IMTIT. Seer Mitred 'ottakle 4)1 the city, at Loot' a Drag . Suva, Gad said dieaper Goa 6- be booed any where Nee.. • - , . Lea 010013 idle &babe rtiri calf cud "ice,` wd ma .ID doubt no mond King . ) IJt MOURN. - 14 . 0biti "The libeinbiebeer Usti, boarbt bat he lbw lowor_eaoll Calelketlebary, einebilebbeest •bt C. Haye, seer tbe Pott bake, Hoebistrii - Pa., weld ireopeetrilly brains Ate public test be wilt • • Nekep the be ilataidtty eelltysteew • .whit* hetterete la every etyle aloe will ottplldY theta by the eau at reasonabt• OM. Thaw In la wastoetiral should We on warty . ; aq tid.iaaeo depot pealt• la well otoelt ea aod piutia‘ weedily". ae. • will be • uvipllrd with evveyallseteleelled as Mean *eke sad Is the beer • Ike;ebbed with trails booed ae eithm as dioes& •.• 111111411111aU • WIBILSMISCX. a mg• v g7. lank jlluJaoiep !b" . Ade at q• poi ' .A] :)DRESS Nervous and Debilitated; 'o*stipprirrigs HAVE BEEN PROTRACTED • FROM RIDDEN. . . OAUBES, AND AVIIONE PROMPT TREATKENT. Bender .Kri;lenoe dairade. If you are suffering, or hare sacred from invol untary discharges, what egret is produced on your general health? Do put feel weak, debilitated, easily tired! Dees • little extra trent:et produce palpitetton of the beset? Does your Herr or uri inuyorgaes,oryour kidneys, frequently get out of order?., Is your aloe sometime* thick, milky or Array. or Is it ropy on settling! Or does a thick scum rile to the top! Or is there a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of shoot breathing or dirpepsia? Ars your btiviele constipated! Do you bur, spats of fahttlageor rushee of bloodlo she head? Is your memory Impaired! Is your mind constantly tiwel• .ling upon this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moellig, tired of company, of life? Do you wish lobe left steno, to get away fromeverybody ? 'Does Stay little thing make Yon start or pimp? ,Is Your sleepbroken or restless? - 4 the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek so bright! Do you enjoy yourself to society's well? Do yoii Patv ,l l 39 0 :;% 4 lallic!!?•4Itil:" 0,0 quer 111 ? Do 'you feel's much coagdence in yourself? Are 'youraphits !Jutland gagging, given to tits of mel-r anctiolyf • If so, do not lay It to your liver or ay.. perils. 'Have yew restless nights!. Tour bock weak, your knees weak, and have bat little appe tite, and you attribute this to dyne-psis or liver. eomplalnt ?.. , ' Prow, reader, selfubnee, ieneten/ dlecages badly carat and sexual *acmes, are all capable of pro. due-Ing a weaknesi of the generative organs. Thu organs of genersibm when In perfect heeii A, make the man. Did you ewer think that these bold, 4e malretki Persevering, anceinnful busty.. Incn are always (hone whose gentrati4e organs are Perfect . health? Ton never bearsuch than com plain Of being melancholy, of nen : ounces, of pal pitation of the heart. They are never afraid they, cannot succeed to hosiness ; They don't become sad and discouraged; they ate alwiya Polite ■od , pleasant In the company of ladles, and look you, and theta tight In the face—none of year down cart looki or a^y other meanness about Them. I do not mean those who keep the organs lodated by Fanning to azcosa. • These will not only ruin their constitutions, but also truss tk.ey do busi ness; with or for. now many men, from badly cured disease.. rem the effects Of edltablise antivircesses, here brought about that state of weakness In those or• cane thus has reduced The general system so morn is to Induce almost every other.ftinn of diet.., - idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, eulcid,- and almost every other former di/neve-which hu manity la heir to—end the real cause of Inc trou ble scarcely ever inspected, and have doctored fur all bet the right one. • . DISEASES OF THESE ORGANS RE QUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC HELMBOLD'S Is the great diureticonil is a cerhtiii cure for digembes of thi• 11latlaer, Kidneys,, And alttlirwes or the Urinary Onvini whether eiiiatog ia 'nolo or female, from whatever -- 5 , nut' nu mat ter of ho': long standing. • I If nu treAtinent iv vtibinittuti. to, Con ttunpliou 11u4 tnily intly eneue flesh and blood are r.upporteil from Ithebe sourcei, and the henlth!and happineis and MEI that al poshirity tlepenila upon prompt 113 C /1 a reliable remedy lIELIIBotITS EXTRAS: BL - C 111.7, Es ", tablisbedupvcard of VI years prepared by = 104 South 10th Street: Phila'd., Pa. PHICE—#I.2S per bottle, or 6 bottles 14,11450, tiellrerell to any add rem. hi~ld by rill Dru:ggista .keryirhere none are genuine uultiut dune up in steel erigravvi wrapperorith fne:simille of tuy Chemlad wate4onse, and" signed • • Ii maylllity TOTER CASES .11E0TiftE FLUID -EXTRACT B 1:7 CD H 10" Gravel, propsy, ()rpmic 15 eik ucts, Fvut!ile Complain t. General Debility, MEI x.'l T. liI:LIiI3OLD, DRUGGIST, I • 594 Broadway, New York, and , OLOTH/NG STORE.-- NEW. GO OD Si • lim a tuts! Ilimont•r 11 enf. • • . - The undersigned I , lkt - A id, ; rr Conning his friends sit I Li,: putoli t g , ,01 5 that he has Just rec •iv, a a ,l A New Stock of Goods ; OF THE LATEsT sTy LEs SRING :!nd SUMITIER Wear litt keep* the tt.t CMPIOY, to cut end Wake up g , trin , :lit., r&suioNi&uLE& ntatinia:, and in such a ninnntr a wl3 I , i , • etu,tonm-rs. • . . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ALIYSIr ON 11.1 Nb Oill.and see' tr 4 &Jure learihy y our Qrderz 12Andere • . W 11.11.1,1.11 111 :1011. Jr. • :niny4;7o;ly .I;il.l4,skikter, h _ _ jr._;ll 1.11 la) 1. • Wartier , e Pile I.l4:ined (out estu In One Carl to clue the UI .Llburl, ur Dm, hin,r alto aUlleloU .n4.:11n.t4,1 h t it .41.4111. 4 CA.y. gist sad get %YAWL.. P FILL lutwt . I t a., tortisig lurk: rt.... W4l i• hut fr. .care any other dirt..., It h,. burnt till ) UI over Ysi, y 4 Ct. 141,4 1'144, OPP 14P:.,• talc cr er) 1.) Y S 1 'II:VS.IA. Warner , . D) Tonic I. ebytmaly. tut JJ) Mose 1.111 , 1,4 1.:0•1.11teu..... It la a .Ig4ll •1152,41. - • tuida and d splcudid aypeturr tt.ttk144,1.1. 4 atOttlaCh alltt ri...ture• the tif4cattrr bridtily Wale. h,lts algt WWI •buidd axe Iyarnrr ity , "..ta ciao by druggists. rrox• Übe UV U no illt)ttE Willxneris Conalla /Sabana 00444411/ OXIKUlata/seg. 'lees t 161 1 ,41../.,..., 111,..00menn ■ 111 11.1119.11/Ita ly TC11 ,. % r., wally Chflllf. the WOO, UhetlhAle a.r • q.l 1.:0111... Cute fhtual. bruhrtats, lute, a L Iluarecuree. Ashaus and Culielihiet...o hicrettoble. 151, pfolept Le the 11.11,1 C 't ravel* W all I Ws Lbu% a Cites, Ur W) ars. zat throat and luuv, that thou...nee daily I,reetritesql It, 11110 we 111.111+11,3 1-aL the herst orahtg W d eltperletalltig ass htlOWll. 0110 114131 aIM I. 'alit! ,y!, 1111,.1 Ce•CT taw Witte tun.. a tutr...,•old gad*, hs large Whirs. Yin., tom Dolt.t your unit 1-utt it Cullikh aL , I rua.± 1../11.¢1 wit, galtr. 'NV I-N Toe Great Likxl Portlier awl Vraruer%s i'lussua Vita, ur Iwo ad 1,11, 1. /roe 'non auy In 114•014000 I.IIIIXIIOI . 1/Ell/10...., Mg prepared .ur day. 111001110.40111114 •01........ it is a apieudtd upp.tis..r tad , th.of. in .110 , 1 / 1 tiriu. jut purti3lUg , tun moot jaleo/00110.1.1(• 40111,1050 t • 101/10,1,0131.01C.11Ar 0111/1.1 . 1101 . 11.11.0,11.1).1.s... 6 ~ bilge b l 1.4 . 11/1, 011.0, 111111.10. 11,, . *51.11 4.1.0111.0 . 1. 1.10111 Lola 10140 11 - 10 1111.1,1. t 144 e. It 1, lit 1•6 . 11401.0 mho 111.1110 eb;ey a !(10 110 w te.LiNtsy aptrba, Nn, ill. tu • S% lilt AA It le tidl,rent It Ult/ .1.1 belch 11l Use. 11-l• .010 b 1 nepet.lable ealuuue. VIA,. 1.11, Lulus. „.. . 1131.31.1.;NAG0G ElJllLlArillagozUr 1.• tide . Lilo,. II 10 tLie 110 - 11mn. , i every cupe 'Win re is tt••• 13,11, Ili x!, • , impurtunt thedit the 13 ItUl ‘S,lalcli • If I. the gr,.(rnt tbir"ilvZ fr , l 0101114 pit t t.t• !I , • fur FroaCe. Irregtil I. is %yr, tx,ri ntetzlaCtral Ilicaugh t ., •: I • slrtt,;;inif. hive lin. ;1...1, recd ph ad 01,0 /14•11.1 - 019 Sime tire.% ..leis. 11ASsot , : 10. Bi:u.. RA,l4evrattcr.llltl itl k.O N Iscarcr, Pa.; , CAR P.ll; -TS, Oil Cloth, Wholesale and Retail, At Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. I" itch Aveute. PITTSBURGIZ, PI We llave Fac :n RETAILE A F:yr.kl 1 ANY EAsTERN IiceALLI'M IME HOMES FOR THE - M 11.1, 14 !! Rare opportnnltle• art now off•-r. .1 for homes Ina miff!. AroW.Y and : onedeanh or their valor flee r. THE NATIONAL 111,4 L E.TA rl. ham forlale real e9tafe of e.ory .1,..e:1; , •:!.....• - ed In the Middle and Southern ;tar.... ..• • aloe!. goalie:and/ma farm.; !on plantaliona: limber sod hli ra: village and rural ft...Wen:vs soil bre •,r, pl e s sallls and WV slier, Write (or Land L'rgiaer contalo location. Moe and terms of properl• • "• for.oale. :floc...inflected with nnr Real F.Any • ha‘a • general eldias and intent the la ion of the well known Tll.nn t•'" lAN of Deo mnent, t. ' iclAtific ann prtktical rnar/tan ie. and we'la; 104 In llt.• tlnTvratie (Inv eminent Darnall, •• pe .i lar.y In the War and Nary. Ordnance ..;.a 'rill - 2'i 'l' ()IPi i(•i•:. poptri carefully prep...a 13.4:h [,Muted. and ilieetdr °r• IL floe shortest poa.iW. attention u. 5.." CA.I.• fur rtissur, .7 9 •• , (")• Molt. 41.0. Preliminary (jYttn 'LON , rt• In 11, • r an nuker made on r."• 1 ,r ,d a lotlt4 tion 01 it, ..10,-1.0 1110 dvl qu.n.! Favor shown - • POOR. IN vit.:NT() iv: n4eloting Ihrrrln prururinz ward. uthl•lng their Cohildential hi our 1 .- .runforr;--...etrusohubla than ur 4,1 h, r. ejralllar CI111(11111We I alwald• • sentirtr. Addn44: R. V CL.r l!kr 77, Nnflrmal &al Matr 5 t,... r. 77 aa<l 47J Anna. A ro.ur, BEM " lATIEF.4I Z2,411..ii)if HAS HECEINTI, A. lIONV 1111(11. NVVII AssoET:IENT DRY' - GOODS. f. , 1 1,1J 11111:1V S -WA'? E EMI I3gRDW 9-P LIE OFFERS Lip - 4M Prioeß' • mayilar oae oftlar. !!!!=i