The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, November 02, 1870, Image 3
The Beaver 4rgos. --- Heaver. Pa:. bet. 20,11970. ..... _ Circa/diem Over 2ioelve Hundred. • Rates of Advortishig__ nes. I srr. 6w. :at. 6a3.: 1 year ,qr-1011oes, $- 00 law 'six $7 03 $lOOO .202N2, do' 850 500100 10 00 1501 a elitism., do 500 603 9001100 18 00 4 rqunres. do 600 800 10 50 15 00 Ou u column 800 1100 1501 1000 WOO !, column 1100 15181 WOO MOO 6000 I column el 00 30 03 ES 00 00 00 3181 00 ♦dmlutitrators` and Executors' Notices....poo specie; notices per line; ten cecina. r/En Payments to be made Quarterly. except fur transient advertisements, which most be paid In advance.. GEO. P. ROWELL, 10 Park Row, N. York, s. AND 111, PETTENGILL 1c Co, RI Park Row, New York, are the rots agent. ew Toe Heaves Atoms in that city, and ire aatbartred to/magnet. far inserting advertleeteenta for to at oar low. eat cerh Melt. Artverttsent la that city are te. ,antra to leave their favors with either of the above homes. State of the Thermometer for the week ending October 29th 1870. 7A. M. 2P. X. .9 P. M. ort. -- 23 a thy, 62 dog. 49 deg. \ 42 dog. 66 dog. 54 deg. \45 dog. 70 dog. 58 deg, 20 52 dog. 54 deg- ,49 deg. 42'deg. .72 deg. 66deg. " 43 deg. 57 deg. 45 deg. " 29 40 dog:, 56 dog. 45 deg, R. T. TAYLOR. TIME TABLE. Cleveland & Pittsburgh A. IL — Trains going Enst leave Beaver Station so Moe. Exprom, 617; Evening Express,l.l4; Mall, 5.43 p. m. Trains golno West leave Beaver Station Lica]. lows: 51n11, 13 a. M.; ExPresa.3.6l V. 1114 Ac commodation. 5.43 p. m. Pitt. IM. W. dc C. EL U.—Trains going East leave Imehester Station (at end of bridge) as fol lows: Beaver Felts Ammo. 6.61 a.m.; Boon accom. 7.10 n. m.•' New Castle accom. 8.31 a. tn.; 11. Falls 11,11111. 10.10 p. tn. Trains going West leave Rochester Station, (at end of bridge) as follow,: B. P. accom.'lo a. in.; E.oin secoln. 5.12 V. m 4 Rein night express 5.45 p. m.: 11. F. scram. 7.37 p. m. Trains goingifast leave Um:heater (Upper) De pot as follows; B. F. 'mom. 5.05 a. m ; Loon an n. t. 7.15 a. New Castle acoom. 8.40 a. m; 'thing° exp. 10.52 a. nu Beaver Falls accom. 11.15 p. tn.; Chicago Mall 9.05 p. in; Erie exp. 4.10 p. m; thiengo'cxp. 6.0.1 ta; Brie mail 9.55 p: wt. Trains going West, leave Rochester (Upper), De pot as follows: Chicago null 8.15 a. nt.; Erie exp. k 23 a. nu Beaver Falls mesn. 11.55 a. M.,• Chicago ..op. 11.30 a. m.; Chicago exp. 8.55 p. m; New Ca.. lie amine 4.30 p. In.: Erie exp. 5.49 p. m; Beaver dis eccom. 284. The attention or the public:is directed to the following New Advertisements which appear for the first time in the A Ito 17 3 to-day Pimples.—Thos: Chapman. New Advm—Daueby A Co. New 'Advs—Geo. P. Howell A: Co. speeial Notices—Will Smith A Co. Adaninistrator'a Notice--Robt. Davis. Admitil%trator'm Notico—M. Wilson Cow for Salo—W. W. Irwin. Special Notice—L. it T. L, Oldshne. Special Notice—Schiff & Stet fold. Special Nei & J. Snellenburg. 'Vindication—S. L. Cooper. • Medical Electricity—Dr. J. S. Winans Special Notices—A. C. Hurst. • pissolutlon Nottco—William Sager, .I.W. D. Smith And John Herron. ;FsTMulvanon Limo Kilns Vanport. Best lime at the lowest, price. [ I. llAN2tuiut has a beautiful Stock of Hats, bonnets, plumes, flowers, rib bons, bonnet silks, &a., now on band. Sept. 21:1f . . ;7:17 - New Carpet , ' Mora Bridgewater oets3;3w. Now Fall Goode at Horne'a, Mar ket St root, Pittsburgh, Pa. MI the novelties in lists, Bonnets, and Millinery liooda, Ribbons, Sashes, Vol. irks, Flowers, Feathers and Satins.-- IChele4ale awl Retail wink, nllwool, country Flannel 41 els. a yard; white and black plaid Flannel IS eta. a-yard ; 20. spring•hoop skirts 50 Os.; one act gehts' under Wear for $1.00; morritnac prints 121 ets ; heavy yard wide muslin 121 els. ;• lace collars 15 eta.; 2 boxes gents' paper collars for 25 eta. ; nice plaids from 20 to 70 cts. a yard —a great bargain. Compare theseprices with others, and remember that we will lint be undersold, Will Smith.dc Co. 2t BMW.% tss, Bargains!—Fifteen thou sand dollars worth yet unsold. Positive ly a closing-out sale of clothing for thir ty days. Rare bargains to pureluAers at .1. Snellenburg's, New Brighton. r you de'siro a soft, mellow light to road or sow by get Mr. J. C. Spriggs of 11,3, or to put yoti up ono of his gas ar r.mgements.. They two perfectly safo, nothing ex plosive about them. oct. 'BEAUTIFUL stook or !pray-Skirts ;oral cortaram, :it I. Ilanatter's Bazar of Bridgowator, Pa. sopt 21:tt S t c I: 10 per cent. by buylirg your goods of Will Sin ith fi. Co.,Rochostor, They Nell In pier rrnt. cheaper than any ono this ~ilo. Pitehburgh. Lyn:sr style:i of fall hats.—Ladies e‘oillaild examine for yourselve..l, at A. 111Tirst's, Bridgewater, Pa. J: D. Bernd, Corner Fifth Avenue :eel Market street, up i!tair,i, Pittsburgh, 'lowlier and Jobber of Ribbons, Silks, l'elvetx and Millinery Goods, Ladie.l awl ch:ffilre'x relret, and Felt Hain Wholesalo dealers . will lied ar, this house ono of the most completo 'docks Tula prima ny low am can be found any- where Eri_4t. nti/ •Wemt. r-il - Orders IlTperiptly,attend to. o19;4 SitAwt.s!Awls!! Shawls!!! hi great variety at low ii.r.ieea, at A. C. Iltirat's, Bridgewater, lja. IlEmEaniEtt tho gloat bartrains offered AViialebono Now Brighton. Merino Irove 16 eta., ;11 p,ood bleached and unattebed 4-4 sheet ing 12itaints ; Waterproof per yard $1.00; Canton Flannel icr yard 123 cts.; grey blanliets per' pair $2.50, and all other goods at correspentlingly low prioe.s. N N t.s.barrod anti plain,orthei best ataterial and at Cowen prices, at A. C. I ‘z rsts'et, llridgownter, Pa. How will tido do for Potatoes.— D. M. tionehoo of Heaver, last "print, planted the coed from three po t a., halls, of the Buckeye species, and a fow days iago raised his crop, and on ming them, found ho had thirty-five potatoes. Thestrangost part or tho story I-, that from his - Buckeye seed, ho has now four different kinds of potatoes, Ita,•keyo, Patch Itloty, Garnett Chill and l'im; Eye. If , cuilo gentleman has also handed it, a branch from a raspberry ,bush, Inell fn littorally "alive" with! ripe raspberries (Oct. 30th, 1870. \V t: now offer our entire stock of Cloth- Inc, Gent:ti , Furnishing Goods, hats, tars, cloths, Doeskins, Cass. ate., for 30 I . l )s,preparatory to enlarging our store room. Last opportunity for obtaining c, , ,,1. at it sacrifice trot - 118.a. J. Snellen borg.Broailway, ow Brighton, Pa. , I krioeit PIAT .7,t s—Tholargestand boat a—ortment ever , rought to Rochester. l'riee for gettliiiio fall quill front 60 cents to L 1 . (11 ); and velvet hats for 7.i cents at N% 11l Smith th Co.'s, Rochester. . , n2;2t 'Cir At .10,1,11 ll , ,rne ett.'o, Market riusburgh: liottlevanl Skirts, Fail cy NV , oolei; 'Goadg, Un .1 , •n% eur, 'Aces, and every v.,riety cif Trimmings and small wares.— Orders rec.eiro prompt attention 4 4w Afro Now Carpet Store Bridgewater. oet26ow. Burr= and eggs taken in exchange tbr Dry Goode and Millinery Cicada, at Wlllllmith &Co.'s. Rochester. n 2 2L We see by the Beaver Axone of last week, that our friend Geo. H. Young is still at his old tricks. He took nineteen or twenty premiums on lapsable" it the Beaver county Fair, and then rentent-. bored the editor of the Annual!" a "sub stantial" manner. Mr. Young was for many .years a resident of this county and his *enviable, were always the finest on exhibition at our Mrs.—New Lisbon, (6.,) ihickeye Mate. Mr. J. II Buxom who keeps One of the finest stores In the county. has his rot& now brilliantly lighted with gai• The fixtures &resupplied by Mr. J.C. Spriggs of Beaver. Oct. Mk Extensive Fire at New Eastle.— on last Friday morning at about 2 o'clock a fire broke out in the eitenalve works known as the Croton Glue works of that city,owned bye Ihmsenjr.,burning the entire works with considerable stock which was at the winks, alio burning four dwellings owned by the same party. The lire Is supposed to have caught from the furnaces belonging to the works. The total loss is fifty-five thousand dol lars, covered by in hummer, of thirty 'three thousand dollars. The effect of the fife is to throw over one hundred and f fly men out of employment, and is con sidered a serious loss to the oily. The works will probably be rebuilt immedi ately. otitr-Carpeta in groat variety Bridge water. ect2oow. BUSINESS MEN, who require a rid° light at night, should introduce Mr. J. C, Spriggs gas fixtures into their houses at once. The expense la trifling, and the Light brilliant and safe. 0et.19:3t Enterprising (S)—The Beaver Rad ical, is truly a very enterprising news paper. Up to last Friday it had not dis e3vered that an earthquake had visited this part of the globe! Enterprise of that sort ought not to go unrewarded. t Joseph Horne & Co.„ Importers and Dealer's in Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, 77 , and, 79 Market at., Pattsburgh. Pa. .Largest stock ant ruir prices. Whole filth) and Retail Something ofa Potato. Capt. G. L. Eberhart, of Now Brighton, In addi tion to being an adept at teaching "the young idea, how to shoot," is a "right smart" potato grower. He left a sweet potato at our office a few days ago, of the Jersey Yellow variety, which weighed three pounds and nine ounces ;. length eleven inches; circumference thirteeen inches. WEEKLY MEDICAL REPORT.-Of the number and kind of diseases, treated by Drs. L. dr. T. L. Oldshue, 132 Grant St. Pittsburgh, during the week ending October 29th, 1870. Brain Melanchoty, &c. - 2 ConsumpUon and Lung Diseases 11 Liver Complaint and-Jaundice 28 Kidney-affections and Urinary Organs - , - . 17 Fevers—all the different kinds 5 Nervour Disorders—Spasmodic and Spinal -- - - - 8 Female Compl.Blas—irregular ities, fic - - - - - 15 Scrofula—Hereditary and otherwise 1 Dyspepsia, Stomach Disease, Indi gestion - - - 35 Eczema, Eruptions, Tetter, Itch, dm 1 ?dumps, Swelled Neck and That, 3 Erysipelas, Wild-flre, Shingles dm 1 Neuralgia, Headache, and Dizziness 9 Dropsy of Chest and Abdomen 3 Asthma, Phthisie or shortness of ortl2;4w breath • - - - - Other Diseases not here named The whole number treated during the week • The Mound Valley Lodge, No. 733, I. 0.431'0. T., have changed their evening of meeting, from Monday to Friday eve ning. J. If. Syzvertsox, W. C. T. EMMA A. WALKER, &ey. RerirrED- I Smith'e Photograph Gal lery, Rochester. Will himself is now operating and guarantees satisfaction. Ho can take you a picture small enough for a locket or as large as yourself. n2;4t Adminirtrator's Sale.—The ministrators of the estate of the late Wan. Davidson, sr : , of Bridgewater, will offer a large lot of personal property at public sale on the 9th of November, on the farm near Darlington Pa. Persons In want of cattle; grain, farming imple ments ate., should attend the sale. 5.-.41- Medical Electricity. Dr. J. S. Winans Is fully prepared to treat all kinds of disease, by this method. I can give the best references as to its success, in many cases at band.• Chronic Disease of all kinds made a speciality.—Bee essay on medical electrictiy by S. E. Adams in next week's Annum. Office and resi dence, Diamond, Rochester, Pa. nv2;3l A largo assortment of new goods Jost received, including fancy patterns of fall prints, fancy dry goods, notions, trim mings, lace collars and jewelry, at A. C. Hurst's, Bridgewater, Pa. T e Chandelier In the room of the Yotng Metes Christian Association of this place fell the other night, and the lamps in it were all broken to pieces. Spriggs, the gasoline man, will no doubt now be ca'lod upon to put up his gas fix tures in the room where the accident occurred. He has the best thing out in the way of furnishing light. FALL OPENINO at I. Hnnituer'n Bazar of Fashion, Bridgewater, Pa. sop'. 2131. We regret to learn that our old friend James Young, who resides near Darling ton'[ Beaver county, Pa., recently met with a serious accident. —Mr. • Young, who is seventy-four years of age, fell 1" min tree while engaged In picking apples ! and receiving other injuries. Fitxsoom, Oct. 31, 1870 MIL EDITOR :—Allow Hie to occupy a brief space in your columns to defend tnyself against those who would injure my reputation and business by foulslan der of alleged incompetency and inabili ty to attend to my own business as a Druggist. The instigator of this charge has been making every available exer tion to. impress it on the minds of the people; and he asserts a mistake by me in not giving a C.T1.11112 article called for, but have given something else, to prove my ignorance of the different articles. A few days since, two yemor ladies called at Illy Drug Store and naked for Gum- Arabic,whieh I gave them In a pulverized form. On the day following, one of said young ladies called to return her pur chase, saying it was not Gum Arabic, and she 'could not use It. I informed her that it was the article (Gum Arabic) called for by her; she retorted that it was not Gum Arabic, for Dr. Stewart said it was Arrowroot. I imedistely called on the other)ady who told me the - same story, and that her pnicbase was in the posses sion of the aforesaid Doctor who had pronounced it Arrowroot. I have sent the article which the lady retnrned (which article Dr. Stewart said was not GuntArablp but Arrowroot) to five of the host Druggists of Deaver county, who all prouomice It Gum Arabic of the beat quality. And now I desire the people of this community to know that the mis take le the aforesaid would be Dr. Stew art's and not mine; and having devoted throe years and a half fitting myself for the business, I feel oompetent to attend to it, but if I should need sailatence, I surely would not ask it of a man who who styles • himself Doctor, but deat . knoir the difference betwen Gum Arabic suit Arrowroot. "Persona who live in glair lionise should not dire* stones," .1.. Dooms EN:=ll In continuance 0( 9n Jimmied Mato and national inistoin, and In diming mknotiledgetnent of lumen &panda:mos upon Altnighty . Ihror, I do, ;hereby' ap point Thuriday, the -twetty.fciarth day of November. next; as a day of miners! Thanksgiving and praise, being the swim day, and fir theism. ents and user, set forth by Me Excellency , . the President of the United Eta*ln hie Proclemntion of the twenty-first Instant. reFinteualOa. Wimltr,Pm"4 bl "' singe. should not be sorpisted by any In acknowleging her gratitude to (lad. Let, ti then; (gums of thi Compiop- IFealtb; abstain is far as possible; from * our usual avocations on that day, and assemble at our respective places of worship mi btu" there, and In the he tlyitles of our assembled rani/Has at our cherished banes, Make la the goodness of God, and rendes:thanks to Elm sr. , His loving kindness and His abundant mercy toward us. Let our thankpriving and praise find expression In dedkathig the day to &midi Of benevolence and charity, and administering to, and alle- viating the wants of the poor, themeedy. and the aufferingl so that all may "re. Joke and A* exceetlitg "To do good and to distribute,. forget not; for with such sacrifice God is well plessed.'! Let os invoke Divine favor upon our beloved Stateind nation, and pray that all who are called to administer 'Dude governments- may be actuated - by-the "spirit of wisdom end understanding, the spirit of eounael and !night, the aplr it of knowledge, and the fear e of the Lord." Given under ray band and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty-olghtb day. of October, in the year of our , Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy. and of the Coat monwealth the ninety-fifth, JNO: W. GEARY., By the Govonor • F. JORDAN. . Secretary of Me CbonosonsoeattA. New Brighten leinhner7. — This Institution Is already deservedly pope. lar. The teachers are thorough scholars. The course of study is . Scientific and Clusical with !Judo. al and Normal • Departments: As a boarding-school for girls, none is more pleasant and healthful. It is • Howe, not a prison. The winter session will be gin on Monday, the sth of December next. octl2;4w VS. The Little ebrporal Magazine, for November, la a beautiful, number of a most beautiful.' uvenile—good enough for the most exacting. Since its enlarge ment and improvement, and the addi tion of floe full page and other engrav ings, The Little Oirporai is worthy of a circulation of at least a hundred thous and. The remaining numbers of 1870 are offered free to all who subscribe now for the next year. Don't fail to give yon children this sterling Juvenile magazine. It is published in Chicago, Illinois, by Sewellit. Miller, at one dollar and a lief a year, 15 cents . fora single copy. Beau tiful and generous premiums are given for clubs. . No. Cases. Gen.W.W.lrwln.—We were shown a handsome present for Gen. Irwin, from Samuel Mason & Sons.. It Is a pruning- . knife with flee different shaped Medea and a saw, enclosed in a nest morocco. case, with the General's name on each blade. The knife is to be hereafter call ed "The, Irwin Pruning Knife." The blades are of the finest steel, , and the whole ihing gotten up In good style, and can be seen for a few days at Winter et Bedisoneiewelry store.—Beaver Valley Herald. Gremis P. Rowst.t. & Co. of New York, the well-known and enterprising advertising agents, have purchased the sgencypfJolan Hooper& Co. of the yams oily, an equally well-known and relia ble firm, and by the union of the two will have by far the largest and most flourishing advertising establishment In the country ; and If it, Is as well managed in the future as In the past It cannot fail to become still more gigantic and suc cessful. Messrs. Rowell & Co. pUblish the American newspaper Directory, the most complete volume of the kind ever leaned in this or any other country, and at their New York office they keep on file more . than five thousand periodicals, which are always Open to the free use of their patrons when In New York. Both, the retiring partners of the late firm of J. Hooper & Co., are to remain with Gem P Rowell & Co., for some months, until their own business matters :can be ad: Dusted, after which Mr. Wayre contem plates going, abroad,/ and Mr. John Hooper, who has been elected treasurer of the Colwellit, Shaw and Willard man ufacturing company, of New York, will give his attention to the introduction of the patent tin-lined lead pipe, an article of great merit,extensively manufactured and sold by that company.—Sprinfleid Republican, Oct. 18th, 1870. 11E1 YourigMhesetlLllsiritatlistaAtutoels. 810,1.—The Third Annual Convention of Young Men's Christian Associations of the State of Pennsylvania, will con vene at Scranton Lucerne county, on Tuesday, Noi. Bth, 1870, closing, its abssion on Thursday evening. Delegates are expected from all the Associations In the State, , among whom will be many of our most' prominent ministers and earnest Christhin workers. A moat cor dial invitatloivls extended to ministers and Christian laymen, in town and coun trydistricts where there are, no Associa tions, to come to the Convention. .A moat hearty Christian welcome is assur ed to all who come, and arrangements will be made for their entertainment, as well as for reduced fare on railroads. AU who design intending, are request ed to address Thomas K. Cree, Chairman State Executive Committee, Pittsburgh, that they may avail themselves of these Oa a "Bensier."—The Easton ,Ke press states that Baby Anna, the infant erephant belonging to,Forepaugh's show. for some raison or other, woke up in a pet one morning last week, and when her master kindly asked . her to pack up her trunk, and steer for Bethlehem, she emphatically refused to do so. Her eld er brother Romeo—of Bhakesperian no torieiy—slowly move dalong the mad in dicated to him, in company with his hump-backed coinpanion, but the little brat refused to follow the train. All coaxing_iras in vain, she refused to lis ten to the softest words and the most subtle argument's: • Whether Bethle hem was too dry and puritancal e place fora baby of her lively and frivolous nature, or whether she wanted her "ted dy" before going remains a myatery,but she showed her utter aversion to going to Bethlehem, by turning in every other direction. Finally, Romeo and. the camel, becoming tired . of waiting,. and her master being anxious to reach Beth lehem somenime; commenced to be labor the little baby's hide with clubic. which, after a long lime, had till desired effect; and previlledOn the little Anna to move on, surlily and nwillingiy. Fatal Aireideni„—A lad egad about fifteen - yeari.. eon Of.Saninel ;Milk siding • "near lima?* ran camp ground, in Brooke county, W. Va., was Injure Th Tor*ay df **week. under' the following choetteisli44l: He wee 'driving a calf from the farm of a relative, Ellis Jones, of Independence township, this county, when tin animal turned and tiodesvored, to regain Its old home. Becoming somewhat excited, be urged the horse he was riding to a high rate of speed, and the horse, overtaking the calf, stumbled over it and fell to the ground, at the came. time falling updo the boy, who bad .been unseated and thrown. - The injuries inflicied, were of so setiotui i naafi, kilns. des*** &DJ egki ll 4'ff•' lo a •bright DUI* Wow. sad Ns sudden . dogs. Is dimply sod wilily IsalsWC—Woahtagfois view and Arroisaw, Joyous* . .tvaipiti. he mwmpamilgimiguing;'4B7*. =wrxmo k Ads Amway Gawp Nolo. wrath* f Boots Matron - • ees tonrneb Biddle J R. 11 i4 ca Cowed .; • ;New serkkisi Beetn am - Eves Pella " •• Weir -- 80111alliFalleeldip MIAs B EI ••. • .Rochasts=i Johnston • • Borough Lamed' A P Rochelle' tome* Non As 'North fewlekley town'ir . . N J Waster Jabs - Mapes& taanaddp Shmusat CIL , Nay Gain basaySi Staadialt ADM limner toinaStp tramentaa W Wilma 4 • Slam -taaraahlp Wagner m • Pravda* borough Maas Jobs • - Clamors tooraallp-• StEliaa Midas. , lanod touradllp Wake livarasait to Iloactsad Samar . • latiatranatar berme' Pada Mae • Illawliawkith7Ssillokill lino* Sala ISSbecaia Haim boroash LOA .r Petit Jurors lbw Novae. V-; ewe- immia., ism •.‘ Doemr4 Daniel s'A Deaver Table leintWi Reim Coster , ' ,7 4-ti Bewielder MAW •Boyis Jackson • Jarason. '••• 4riell= l =lP Barns Wm . - Philipetom wont Britain J Z ' , lkaante Pane borough ' (44114 township =e - " • Rochester tmemigh Cats* Robert ; ..poeith Bever township Control Jetu. melee borough • Cunning Chadic New Brighton borafigh Carothus Wm N. Hanover annuli' Cumndas John as Bosomy Thom Pandas borough Waimea , Thightes town** hit lidigenisrese borough Diptioli Tended* ; Sidon borough- Davie George 8 Hopewell h b r mn s i t • • Erwin Joseph J Itodiester • Dilworth , 11WItutop bannetb Otilillarld'A D. Now NW= boom& Gray Robert 'Became torstai* Harting Louie • • • New Pro_iddln=iii MaClay James • b4409.11_01 1 1K18 P McCoy John • • Groove toenuinnk Mitchell Jams . Borough Mune* • Minix 'John . Mina township Ned Thounm • 'Patterson township Powell Win. C • New Brighton torment Ross John -" New Bright= boson& Rime Oarlock: . Natal township Serorright Russel , Hanover townsatp Thames Bennet . Putted township Thotopeore B B New Brighton borough Warms Isaac ' Sumer Piths borough Wray Henry lit. Cbdr bosoogh WildThome Iteriami township ratio ' Now Brighton borough 30000111111M1111 Brighton township Borten J W . Unman Brown W Big firemee t =ip Cr dg John Greene township Doschrine 2401111X11f township rms Greene township -- bs George • • township • , F Dob owler Roodt • • • • N M ew oon Brighton borough , industry township =win Moo J B ' Ohio township . Gamble Ditd • Raccoon township Graham Harlem New Edgerton borough Johoetan Mugu , arilagton towardp Jackson John lralleton borough Kw Jahn 7. - Darlington township Laughlin Robert Georgetown borough Mercer Joseph Greene township Moore Alted . Puleskt township Munk John tit. Clair borough Markee James' . : Phillicarg borough Mellon Jamael ; New haincirler town'p Miaow John Borough township Fitton John ! Brighton township , Robinson Thomas IX Clak Ramsey Davl4 Hanover t= a p cl Block Joel piaßearer borough Seely II W. - Rochester toast p li Situp Joseph . . Big Beau Boots William Hanover township Todd Jame. lit t uorto sa int w a lp romigh Thomas Lori Thompson Robert thg Bearer township Whits Arthur I Mrpmdenos township Week Jacob Rochester borough Wilson Lee . • Ilplercendesor township _.._._ . - ~. nln Whits Ruben Chippewa township Wilms Joseph New Brighton borough Reminiscences of the Past.—The Lawrence Jearstal say*: An old gentle min by the name of William McGatlick, on his way from Centreville., Butler county, Pa., to Alliance, Ohlo, to visit a skier, stopped atjtbe Cochran house, In this city this week.. The old gentle man is eighty years of age, and In good state of preservation. He says he was a musician in the recruting service of the ihtlted States during the Ma of 1812, and played the fif• 'on the streets of New Ilastle Ibr " Uncle Bain," when he was not ao big a boy as he now is. Mr. Mc °ARM then resided/a Dreetsburg, now Darlington, Beaver county. He says John &mole was a recruting °Meer on the corner of North and Beaver streets in this . place, which was a small log hottse. He spoke of being acquainted with a man by the name of John Moore, who was aim a fifer in the war of 11B2; Moore, It seems, was the , fatbecof-.lh - J Moore, of this city, wbo says he has the identical instrument on which'' hie father played at that time,.ln his posses sion, 'which he will exhibit to any one who may wish to see such a relic of Use past.. John Moore was an Inhabitant-Ur Greersburg at the time of the war. The old gentleman talked of the events of those days with great animation. To Ike &loads of Ileeeosodl Soldlenh,—Some time ago Gen. Aiello, Quarter-Master General of thspnited States Arniy, in concert with Geo'. John A. Logan, Commander-hi-chief of the Grind Army of the Republic, Issued an order relative to the graves of deceas asoldient They desired to know where all soldiers and ex-soldiers who died dui , ' ingand since the rebellion, were burled In the respective counties,and asked that this Information be furnished them, through the commanders of the different Pasts of the Grand Army of the Repub lie. To what object this information is to be applied we do not at present know —probably to erect tombstones or exer cise some other care over the graves of the departed: As thereaie but two Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic in this county, the duty imposed upon the undersigned is too onerous to be per formed by them alone : they have there . - fore thought it expedient to ask the co operation of the following named gentle men in the several townships and bor oughs of Deaver county : Big Beaver.—William II Foster, Sam uel Blair. • ' Beaver bor.—John Radon, Hugh An derson.- Borough tp.—J B Harrah, E Barnes. Bridgewater.-8 H Darragh s - Eobert Anderson. • Brighton tp.—D W Scott, Samuel Gib aoif, Bade* bor.—L J Berry, Jas. Moore. Beaver Pa ll s.—Harry Patterson'. Thos. Ramsey. Chippewa tp. , —Willlam Thomas, John 11VCarter. Dar/ington tp.—Dr W C Shurlock,Jas. A Anderson. DlDnitsEernioany .—aunuel Mollstuusy,Geo. . tp .Paiistotr. D 1.1 Crleblow. Dr (lir rard. Franklin tp.—John H Wilson, D Marshall. r. rUoaa oor.—W W Kerr, D E Low- • Greene ep.—B Swearingen, 8 Nelson. Hanover IF. /0.:, Thos. Nicholson, Wm. Rice. Hanover (M. D.) Jas. Wllllhiun, A II Miller. Harauray.—Jonatban Lens 11 Pa tto Hopewell tp. —Arthur Welds. Eaq. n. Robert StarlL*, A Thomson. ' iiedmistry L Knight, Jas. a Cunningham. . . . Marion.-8 Stone: . . • Moon tp.-41 W &broads, .1 8 Calvert. New Brig Mon bor.—David Bhie!cla..l 8 Whop/is. New Onoiektey.—Goorg, Teets, Philip Beekart. North Eleniekley.—James Warnock, Mutter. . • . New QaWee.—P L Grim, J B iolm ston. Ohio tp.—R McKnave, W F, Dawson.. .Parterson C Dickey. - Phillipaborg.—W 0 Taylor, A Frank. Pulaski tp.—D M Dangbarty,E Smith. Raccoon rs-Willtant Ewing, Robert Potter. Rochester hon.-A P brooch, J a Dar ragh. • , Rochester tp.—J .1 Faster. Shea 'Bearer.—Johnston Lawrence,M McCormick. • •. St. Clair ber.jorlatitso Pool. Georgetorns.—Edward Spence, Charles Calhoun the above named geatamen are earn= eatly !equated to and to either of the , attder►littpdi emu eoloPcaY raiment, - pface of burial, and Uwe of deo*. Drama sniffier buried in their re. spectivetcanships or borough. Whirs all thainfiiiminian cannot be obtained, send us such ;acts ooncentlog their mil itary history, as you can get. Of course we rsibr to only those soldiers, who ware in the United Bata tiereloe. priendsof the daid.dstankolc,of. the country,,let is invoke your Immediate satsumas in looking up their graves., ' ' O. K. etiatemenuir, Cbat. Pak la, Arpor zrylog ug : ' • ' WIIYAIIO, Cbll4 AMC 204,"italser, Pa. Badidicd Plans tam, Kinn" b od pi y melee theCiiirl nonfa tal/de Phiee'Oe Nolety MOM conth*4looo . 6l l Arirtnehlt leek A. large number of beehas were • preens, not only hob : oneTee._ crhfp ad joining crounides. '- ereer "shun: der illk.dimaco 1i.11101414 , tountr- 8 91 111 fret But. ofllliagniigh; ant! °Met, lees , Rem et the end,tan Ifflie .14 .=wrirpme.yojekt•noutki:9o evening elocodonesy entertidnume4 to twell ftU ed room Slake Ildeffiewidervigid bete efforts warildikeeleteff by those who beard her.. Oh Friday miming probs. Wlcluitshatu,lhelllaloqapaiinteld ent of Common INtele•rffigisered a lino- tare on Education In the Court Home, which `n highly lairreating. As a &II report the pimeefflptinf the Instllnte will be Pubflehed 1111 q 4 u 'Wit Mew, we atop off horn., . • A FEW SRIRONO/1110TECED. 1233 In my former &diode Isald smoothing in relation to word* whleb •are , used to illedt or . qua li ty tin? meabing °flak: words, and I now Reppione to give some silisti,!itordir keine I:hai 1, and 'sadly dlstlupdaliod from omer parts of sionth. ;. . The classes of wordt which are need to, press quality, doneitifootkos, 40.,t adjectives and iNivertrig Mui oti mod in Om; nehool-boolis-iin -- Glidiniar littat 4 4leethili 11 : 04 • 0 44 tOd-Prationnat- orres =arise in Eoglad tis , tier : ilia is a . worti added to litibitantivota exports Ito qualikr."' authors give idmilai delinitkour, but theists nee:row' plate definitions; for, itlioleui to every. one who knows anything of our language that odjectives not onlyamprourrinallty. but kind and condition also. And when we come to the analysis of sentences we discover that phrases 'and dependent clauses moo= exactly the tome rune glans that the words *ailed "adjectives" and "adverbs" perform. ldthe - phoute "a sour ande,".sour espnweo griality; in the phase, "a silk. W.l silk simply tells what kind of a hat, without any ref erence to the quality; ao, silk hats may be of good, poor,„, fine of worthless qual ity; and, li the phi*, "awick child," al* daft dot dem:ribs either thakind or quality of child, bid only its condition. In the phrase, "el man of honesty and industry," the word ma* is qualified by the prepositlEirud phrase " of honesty and Industry," just as it is qualified by the adjectives honest and Industrious in the phrase"an honestand Industrious man." !Wilke inimer, "a very wicked man" convoys the same Idea that is conveyed by the phrase, " a man of great wicked-, noes," and"an °dallied man" Is "amen of education." In.the sentence; "the Mil who, by his indonfltable energy and splendid amens plishmenti as a brave and skillful sob dier, gained 'an immortality of fame at Winchester In Sept. 1864, has been ap pointed commander-th.chief of the ar my," the subject Is qualified by a do pendent clans% • and the verb, In that clause, is qualified by another clause.— The simple 'isontertme; shorn of all quali fying words, clausesand phrases, is this: "The man has been appointed comman der-In chlef;" but, ,we ask, what max f and we are told,' "the man who gained an immorisdity of , figPo7; and this an swer, we obeiritin, has he inaction of an aellerther. • Aid Nth" question arises, re' has been itipointad commander-In-chief of what? and we suritold, "of the army." 'And now, coming into the class of words called adverbs—those words which de scribe Acne things are done—we may ask how he pined his,honOrtality of fame? and we.are told thathe gained it 4'by his indomitable erteripf4o his splendid ac7' .onniplialthientsipOrave and skillful soldier"- if asked whfie he gained it, we are told that he gained It ''• at Winches, ter"; and, if asked when, the reply Is, In Sept. 1864", all three of which phrases perform the function of an adverb. And sow We eoinego•the dednitkui of an ad verb. An adverb, all the grammarg• tell us, Is a word used - to qualify verbe, adjeo: tires, or other adverbs ; but there are so many kinds of adverbs that, to recog nise ell of them with any tiegreeef cer tainty or inutoOteehis imtkissibie to all younipersons, 'and etven'to many who actually delude themielVes so fur as to think they are grammarians in the full! sense of the term. Adverbs are, indeed, puzsling ; •and, if we Judge from the tes timony of the past, we are safe in assort ing that they always have been difficult to handle, for wo are informed by no less a person than that learned old Roman king, SEnving; who Henri shed 500 B. C. that °mutt parr' oration* qttrindo de si- Sit case quod eat, infgrot in Adverbiam: and this Home Toolce construed thus: "Every word, when a grammarian knows not what to make of It, Mycelia an Adverb." This translation, of course, le only a bit of Tooke's humor; yet it is true, at least in a few Instances, as Ser ving says, that " every part of speech, whoa it ceases to be what' it is, changes to an Adverb." The character of a word can onlyl)4i determined by its function or usage In a sentence; hence, as '3ervius says, every part of speoch, w bon it cessee to be what it is, undergoes n change of function 'and assumes a new character.. In the phrase "a pound of gold," gold is a noun; but, In the phrase "a gold ring," gold is an adjective. In the following sentences, the changes which words sometimes un dergo is clearly illustrated: Bring me a light. • It bas a NAt elude. Light the Mmp. " Hat they made light ur It. and went thelr way In the first sentence, tight is a noun; in the sosondi• an - agllective;;ln the third a verb; andin the fourth, ansadreib. the tbat Do midtha tha t Mat the, ma th n patarse& that tot pained, was not t In this sentence that' mettle six times— twice as a noun twice as a relative pro &nu, once is a coajundlaii eidetic° as a dentottatratlie adjective: - But, toretarn to our itubject,osu rules be framed by which, qualifying terms can be reedllyand certainly distinguish ed? . I reply in the attinnative, and I think I eau fume such rules.' They are ' I. FveryWord,phrsse and clause which will answer the questions, Which one? What kind? What quality? What color? What condition? How "any?. and any question in relation to inaptitude, as— How long? How thick? etc., hi, In its Inaction, an adjective. • 2. Every word,phrase and chase which will answeithe questions, Hirsh" When? wh o m i ; whyr and,-with regard to du ratio/Co/ thee, How long? sada with re to Works lowan' a place, How lar? How high? ate., is, In its ?mnias, an adverb. In colloquial ;sage, adVerbe sie much abused. , It Is no rare thing to Sear ad jectives qualify adjectives. as "remark*: ble cold," " wonderful large,'! etc., In stead of remark/WY cold,. wonderfully large. I know of no two adjectives that are so outrageously treated as wady and citportite. Steady Is not only- mispro uottnced by the illiterate, but In many instances by those ,who should 'know that there Is no stlbh adjective as "study." And what shall I say of that moat barba rous of all barbarisms—that most vulgar of all sr ulgansms—"farariort," for op posite! And main, :we must, In the presence of many persons,:have our ears shocked and our sense of : propriety out raged by such'7,vulgarisma as "hew/add' amPllesicst" for beyond;; and, "yonder" for yonder. • U. IL E. sserierimido. camomile syrup, Used la an air hated of PILLS. BMX sum. tad: TOE OM. de. RtghVarela& Pleassait to take. Maim like It.• Fake 60 ands. Wholeiala. R. Lamat/as WOO.: dt Wood m t n i sa. Pittabunit6 Pa. "PerfLekr(y___ of rte. aililintr rielu. l o • orai sioussaap. • Three roirnalsiot Use nay.olz l!krars. par . logisin WI; ere niiir about-to notles and dose the lakateltes. They blued Iran .Getielits, a; itito BO MONO in barrel Oloyes 44monoail of Vigglaixt • - ' ' ''' Ist 'Button Gerlnn* was born'. in lingland in,,lllfe. , He received a good educed*, alterwideit bilheatne a mer- Chin', t, in whreb. Wiliness he remained hr several Yee* when beeinbarked Ibr Apiaries anerthst axed his residence In South Carolina I Ont. afterwards, remov ed to Georgia where he purchased a tract of land.•. In 177 e beiwan 'sleeted a dale ph-to the Continental Charm, from Georgia, end was there In meson to at. his name Sotto Declaration of lade. Pridenoti, He Wm elevated to the'blghest eat elation in gilt of he State: but In the 00111a104 of party hte helinge were wounded. He aspired , to the once of ItrigestierGeneral s but was defeated. The result was an allenatkur between Colonel Mclntosh. his rival and *wolf. ' And, itirgethl of tbei station be was Oilseed in, be challenges/ Ma adversary 1-•-tbay taat. and Owlm4/01.-May sai • 177 t. 1$ the feirtg;llftli yeir,of Ma *q.t./le leas e no bilis.bliltHigitilad IP= f * l , l t . bY i tidas sense of lionoi,rlie gave way to the maw the of doeUlng; which was too eominon la the Praia of cone* itinere bit Mold #l.lind eshoirlaced a lith whlab propds. "iii 4 gi haw htlahl'adonitteecntistry.,-, ;,-:20,,,_ Lyme" Hall was bombs DAUM. .60t1bi"1:46 - IWitiinplelliii. COUSge • *ilia . - . 1 4 4110 X 1/4',oor",irlidtiat lig'irith. tie . Piiiiilliorsors,;MieMpreted the studicif medicine.. lif r.Hall removed teSouth Car /:main 1772 e. but the rime year took u hid permanent residence in Georgia, end entered at once upon astio oessful practice. He wan among thetret in his colony who boldy denounced the home government, and for a long time stood almost alone in arousing the peo ple to Revolutionary resistance. A large portion of the people manifested oppo sition at first to adopting these extreme measures. -The people of the parish' of St. John resolved to act independently, and Ip 1775 eleCtel Dr. Halt a delegate to the general Congress. Although not an accredited delegate of a Goy, he took his Mat, with the un ' mous vote of Congress, and soon ed among its prominent members. He „Continued most of the time In Con ress until 1783, when he was elected Govenor of his State His death occurred the year following, in the sixtieth year of his meat hisi res idence la Burke county. 3d. George Walton was born in Fred- . wick county, Virginia,l74o: Ho was brought up a mechanic but, -possessing a flue mind; /mod means to Improve it. At fourteen he was apprenticed to a ear = pouter, his master opposed him in his desires after knowledge, and only by the 'left fpine-toreltee in the midnight hour, etaid. he find a time for study. But this anti was well improved, and after finishing his legal studies, was ad- witted to his profession, in the colony of Georgia, and in which ho was emi- I nently successful. Here he secured the confidence of ids confederates, and was placed on several importanteommittees and signed the Declaration. He was ap pointed Colonel of militia and was pres ent at the surrender of Savinnah to • the British. During Its defence he was wounded' and made prisoner, and de tained. 1779. In Octoberl 1779 he was elected Governor, 'and In 1780,elected to Congress. After a few months stay he retarnorlioGeorgia, was again elect ed Its Govenor, and in 1708 Senator to Congress. ,He was a'Judge of the Su perior Courts for fifteen' years until, the tithe of hitdeath 2d of February 1803 in 'his sixtytfourth year. The aggregate ages of these fifty-six -petrifies" ease ausesesta-to three thousand five hundred and sixty-four years, as far as could be obtained. 'Their averaged lives was, say sixty-seven and a fourth years. Three of them lived to be ninety and over ; ten. to be eighty and upwards; ten, to .be seventy and more; fourteen, to be sixty and higher; eleven, to be fif ty and higher; five forty-five to forty-nine. The ages of three could not be ascertained. Nine were born in tit'. gin's, nine in Massachusetts, five in Pennsylvinla and four in each of the fol- lowing states Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut and South Carolina; four in Ireland; England, Soothuiii,.Rhode Is land, Now York and Delaware, two each; Wales, Maine and Long Island, one each; Twenty-two of the signers wore Law yers, five Doctors, four students of Di vinity, ten Merchants, three Farmers, three Mechanics, viz Printer, Shoe maker and Carpenter ; one • Writer, one a lidanufgetnier and seven Politicians. • I sappose, ail mars excepted. Finis. "The {navel olthe Oak and tbtrwillow ehall fade, Be weat.entd around, and togetheibn laid ; And the young and the old. and the low sad the . high. Shall touchier to Cut, mud together shall tie." ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE; I Young Lady's Strange Disappetu mice.— What has .become of Her.'—Sum "'Woos of Foul-pluy Elmore Anonst About four weeks ago a young lady left her home in Zelie nople to attend the death-bed of an uncle, Who bad lately arrived from " Use old country!' and had taken up his abode in one of the small villages in the western part ofOhlo. He was-supposed to be in indigent circumstances; but, after his death—which occurred abOut ten days after the arrival of his niece—it was dis lisvered that he was very wealthy, and had made a will inter favor with a con dition that She should mar i ry a nephew of deceased (but related to the iady); fail ing of which,t his wealth was -bestowed .on some clujitable: institution. Altbo' the young man poseeard st i pleasing ex- , tenor, & presented adaahing appearance, the damsel considered that she was choos ing the' least Of two evil* by becoming benevolent and allowing "The Home• of the Friendleas 4 to appropriate the en tire fortune; which amounted to upwards -of fifty thousand dollars. There must have been some weighty objection, to canoe a young lady of the present day to refuse such a sum of money with only the encumbrance of a handsome young man attending it; but, whatever the rea son, she evidently did object. Either the charms of the lady, or the money, affect ed the young man so deeply that he re resolved to compel the girl to marry him; and resorting to every subterfuge imagi nable, he finally told her that her - respect for the dead should lead her to comply with his wishes. As soon as all business matters were settled the lady started for home—first telling him of the destination of the money. He appeared to take its loss .very cooly, which impressed-the lady more favorably with his character, as she informed her- friends when eonsmuni citing with them. , She arrived at Wells ville week before last, from wheaceno trace of her ran be discovered. Her rel atives expecting her, concluded, as their letters received no &neaten, that some thing had happened her. They quietly sot detectives on . the track, as they had reason to think they had an expert vil lain to deal with. The young lady is small in stature, fair complexion,auburn hair, black eyed, and a decided manner in conversation and action which never falls to attract attention. . From information gleaned from the house-keeper Of the deceased, Welearn•th . at the lady wore a drab trav eling sulk drab hat with white as her uncle had prohibited wearing mourning for him. She is the yungest daughter of Mn. Shut, a 'widow laity, living In Zellenople, Butler county, Pa. A gentleman In coriversatims,with the writer, says he is positive he saw a lady answering to the &bine description at the Wellsville station. She appeared die" tressed. and a handsaws gsatlsinaa was . pia , ..endoSsoring tomoneoleher' s t with poor anaemia, es th e dounselip tly wished leillet rid Alf.hiln• .. . .. ' .• • ''''llisie j Issusidelon of feu play, and we - Wme tha matterwiilliethoroughly slit ed. ' The lady Is young, *Wanted and re; apianble i and her *dbrappeersnoe Is mourned by all who know her. Who am solve this Mystery! - A; FRIEND. - ..., -^••••---- —Street preach I ng 'and lively fights With knives arb.the popular amuse ments of Scranton, Pa., of late, —An oil death- named Cooper, of Itonsevil le, Venangooouaty, has roll ed for between forty and fifty thous-. and dollars. , 4 ,4. grease spot. —The Deliberate of Titusville are trying to make kola of thrguaelves, by proposing to buy Judge Lowry a house. Political Toadies '.are the worst of the species. ' - rarrsuvaun Orris or vas Prrra. Gazirrra. Mostiar, Om. 31, 1870.I . _ BUTTER—Prime to choice batter Is source and may be fairly quoted at SD® ILL sod the demand Ls hlly 4 up to the. supply. There is Hal/Jur so Inquiry for common or even medium:. BEANS—bales of prime small white (new crop) atper bushel. . BROOM COR2.—Is dull but unchang ed; small sales at 647 cents. _ORANBERRIES-Bales of Sackett/1 Ball Berries at $l6, and eastern cultiva ted at $134414 per bbl. ; • CliF —li tanner and higher, and wa •now quote Fac lb. tory at 13;014. and Ohio tkisben - 14140. • OORNMEAL—Is being sold in small Wa r time ri storwat .Ipar busheL DR/E FRUIT-- 956 8t0ck - in this market Si 7 4 V light. and thereto vary little inquiry e for -16 Wet can report small sake anew crop.. Paged= (halvas) at 9 scies—hurket Owed iskebsinpir; Calm at 26 and'rf, Mostly; at IM ' inside quotation. • FLOUR—Coutinteriquikkatt uichan• gad; devoid of a idngle new characterts tid worthy of notice. We quote western dour at Pew; for fair to good, and 5 1,- 75 for choice brands; Bye dour $3.50 and dull. GRAIN—The grain market Is quiet and as already. noted, dealers nearly all reportit unsatisfactory. and that in some matinees Wow who handle it on their own account cannot realise a decent commission. Wheat is still quoted at $1,15 @JAI for rod, Ann 11,3001,35 fdr white—yery little of the latter offering. Oats reported steady and unchanged at 44(845 buytog,and 47048 selling, that is for ear load tom Rye is nominal at ipso 883 buying, and 83@88 polling.. Corn is unsettled, and hard to quote correctly, we are reported a sale of mixed at la/ prime yellow may be quoted at 83085. Barley is dull and nominally unchanged. GROCERIES—The grocery market is steady with a fair volume of bll/1111061 in the aggregate, though there is no quota ble change in prices. Sugars are report ed firm, particularly in the east, though there is, as yet, no advance in this mar ket; we continue to quote crushed, GI 'A coffee, at 131. B, 131. Extra C, 131, Syrups more active, and choke brand. quoted steady at 85th. Coffee is quoted at Malt, for fair to choice Rio. RAY—Is stereo and limit with sales from country wagons at iliSaal per ton. HONEY—Sales at 2.5e30 amts. POTATOES—SaIes of Buckeye at 7013 75 eta per bush, Sweets are atill quoted at 1113,50(04 bbl. 10.N13-13esice,in demgnd and high er, we now quote at 13,50®4 "ft bbl. PROVISIONS—PIain shoulders 14(3, 14*: short ribbed aides 17f clear do Di: sugar cured hams .24 ®241 : breakfast bacon. 2.:C9fa1., Lard, leablf In tcs. and 174a1ti in kegs and bnekets. Dried beef 21122 i. Nees Pork gelfl bbl. POULTRY—Spring chickens are high er with sales at futlo cents %t pair by the coop. Married. It&Z - 17.1 - 41 1 E - R.=th — a — Wiidneaday, October ID, 1870, in Phillipsburg, Pa., 'by Rev. J. B. Wallace, P. Mor a l Kin me, ofNearThiladelphia, Ohio, to Hat tie, daughter of Philip Cooper, req.; of Moon twp., Beaver county, Pa. HIPPEL—BRUFF.—In Beaver Pa. Oct. 18th 1870, by Rev. J. C. Wilson, Mr. William Hippie, of Beaver Fails, and Idles Clara Wulf of New Brighton, Pa. New Advertisements. DISOLUTION. TheTilbeisithoied la Mi ntakne eThtiag hoilreen antlers us ed basins.. la the Bor ough of allatoo, Beaver county Pa., i - mdlorolved on the 95th et October. by the withdrawal 01J. W. 11. Smith Mini raid Arm. All unsettled business will be attended to by William Sager and John Barron. ~ WILLIAM SAGER. -••- . . . , I J. W. 1 ). SMITH. JOHN IIIitHIPUN. The business will be conductsd is the !Enure by Sayer. Herron and bpringer, or whom the patron age of the public Is respectfully solicited. norkflw - .ESLATE LiFbellt.l4.gFn iz t. l ii . ,T.,',R. iiti: ose „.i. titration on the allele of r the airove rr na ..d sr - dent. late of the Borough of nearer. In thee° illy of Bearer deed., bare Bern aren't d to Ho Davis, residing in the city of Pittsburgh; all ems, therefore, haring claims or deniaucis against the estate of the said decedent aro requested to make the same known to the said administrator without delay., ROBERT DAVIS, Adair. P. 0. address do ck sired, Pittsburgh. Pa. . mortals FIE f~TOCK FOIL I oar for sale, at my residence In Pulaski town ship, Beaver county, one young Cow, half Devon blood, dark red, no white Nora; will be two yeses old no the 15th of next Jat nary; Is a good sire for that age; handsome build and good disposition; has a heifer calf • week old. sired by a thorough bred Alderney Bull Price of c6w and calf SIAM. which will be considered low by any owe who Is acquainted 'with the valor of this kind of stock.— • Alderney heifers sold, at a late silo in Phliadel phla, at ironi 1350 to INA/. W. W.IItWLV. norgriir :P IMPLIES: The undersigned will cheerfully mall (free) to all who wiah It. the Recipe anal full directions lac preparing and using a simple and beautiful Vege table Labs. that will immediately remove Tan, Freckles. Pimples, Blotches, and all eruptions and Impurities of the Skin, /earths the same soft, clear. smooth and beautiful. Ile will mien .end (free) Lnytructiont for produv byNerrsintple memo.. a luxuriant egrowth of halr on a bald bead or anrooth lace. The abate can be obtained by n turn mall. by addressing TtIOS. CUAPIIAN, Cbrmiet. novtllnt. HS Broadway New York. ocTo.HEIt, ItS7O. J. 4Sz P. COATS' Hest SIX CORY) IS NOW TILE. CO IV 1-3 Thread put up fur the Anti:rims market Which is SIX CORD ALL NUMBERS, kronii kin, 8 to Nu. la) inclusive. Fort T - land and Machine. •nov2;4w T ._... .....A....A,.......c_. COMPANY. of /o.rtford, Coon. Cub . Assets $ Grants LIFE Gad ENDOWMENT Po!kilts of all ap- proved V. rms. • Ample security, im. nava.. Also, &eines against ACCI DENTS causing death or total disabili ty. Paneled written by the year or month. item paid $7OO per day for six years In beticats to policy-holders. filo vitte PRACIIICSL FARMER.— The .1 leading agrienitnral.Montilly or the Vatted States; containingill quarto pages; la recommend ed to Farmers everywhere as a Moron ghly reliable out well lituatrated Agricultural and Irticultund Journal. It la largely made op of original matter and devoted to Stock Raising, grain growing. the Dairy. Orchard, Vrgetableand Matter. Gardening. Grasing, Read= and Fattening Animals, a Ver. tainary "apartment. dc.. Prior $1.50 per annum, in advance. Sample copies supplied on applica tion. Liberal tmmo to Agents and Canvasser.. with show bill. furnished on application to FAS CUALL NURNlS,Nditorand Proprietor 18 North Thirteenth Street. Philadelphia. hottew HOMES, HEALTH, HAPPINESS. Row TO as °wringer. sea Flee Dollars l Ptaatalloas. Irmo, Villa Wm and Mans Lou. at rim Groat Premium Lima NW, Aiken, C. The .liaratw of rho Bwth," 43 hams from N.Y. The moot dMightfal este la theiwodd. Feta from the rigor, of Ndrthein alatees,hzempt hem thinet disease... Yineyards tad ambit* la fitlibemiag.. For desairve pamphlet, address with *tamp J. C. DERN . Augmta , ti. aortirr wonted s2sl,MrstameAritjamet' w __Al,.. ‘wlik stamp) IL 13 IN Park snow. New aort4w Royal Il[Avant" I...otteiy. Prizes embed slid Inkwaailon Webbed by olio! UPHAM. Proskence. IL I. earkiw . THIS IS NO HUMBUG. BY seeding Xi cu ., with age. height, color or eyes sad W 1 r, you will receive by return mall t MOet plasm of .70111. Mare wife or husband, with Dame sad date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 248slolloaelik. Hostsumuu-tsagreft4 - ii - Utfarrh ttorti years, sad • as eared in alx weeks by a simple remedy. and will wad the receipt, p3elmits km is all Meted. T. J. Meal), Drawer 1111. dr - mem New York. asr A BILTSTENLY SOLVED. FUk rte min t). titre Private Coenerestkon et* Mated Lune, Adde of their number. Sent tree Mr tyro stamps. ea Ilitb. U. MIMOSA, Hammer, P. A. CARD. • . In South America A Clerformare.ohfle readied ae a athalnary.dteemmed • mit and shoots rem edy W the of a:remote Weakness, Emily De : Dhoesoes of the Urinary and Seminal Owens, asd the whole tents at Mandan Domed on try NOW sad vielmer baths. Crest sombre" hae bum eared be this noble remedy.. Pr o mpted a drain to benefit the afitteted and unfortunate 1 erul rend the retiree for preSng and min? this insettelne le a eroded ones to ony ne mho nerds it.Vree acr:. &ear 40;EPI1 T. OMAN. Malmo D, HMO Holm, Nam York city. hoeleehr • • . • GOMM 'New AdeatieOteitte . .. - lUCHA 17 • MAINZ% .DCITP.--tattere ef Maas the ea Me at Riqukra OW hoe. lata ortrihst Buret la Comity of BMW, deed. g ben mated to the endarehmee. raglans' to pile tamed!: all.pefroao Indebted brut agree are reasoned to Yeake lollordhito foriseat. mad ease bariag dew *gala et. tborame Ida pereest tam waboat dela to the andetelated., properly m a , tbeetleetea for settlement. . 11.111ADUICIt 1911!07, Ahern., Marble Work at Cost! lIMMII Wa an paling oar Lane Stool of tile •Fitisdcl York, on hand at Rochester and Bearer Falb, at oast.— Remota wishing to erect to the memory of theft detailed Meads ■ dos head and foot stone, now Li the time to get twain', as we are determined to Sell as We Represent, inn will imamate' uttifaction In "very lastanco actrinaw. W. U. XANSIIALL. Regikter's Notice. Notlee i• baldly given that the following ac counts of Executors, Administrators, Guardlane, Ad, One bees duly poseu . :5 the Flagthner's Of. Ace, nod will be presented to the Orphan' Conn, for continuation end ollo.sncs, on Wednesday the Ilith day of November, um. Account of Andrew 3hether, Guardian of .thnici Shaker, child of Andrew.Sheirer„ Account of Philip Co' ape?. Guardian of Seth Wilson, son of Seth Wilson, dectseed. Thal nthoant of Jame.' Stephenson, Adminis trator ot Thome. Stephenson, deceased. Arrant of Valliant U., en., Executor of the grille( Samuel bloom. deceased. Final account of Miaow!. Cookie, Goon Man of John W. Cookie, son of Michael Cookie. Acamt of Joumph Cunningham. Chu rltau of Mary Clack. (now Amy Coulter), child of Matt' Cluck, deco:med. • ' Account of M. t J. 11.. 14prlorer, Executor, of the will of Daniel Sprinter, deceased. nit and Roof account of J. Leogbllu;Adolln Istnitor cum teotamento aonexo. of Jolla 'Fair, do awed. 1). lIINOLETON, octl9-4W ; llegister. A DMINISTRATORMMOTICIL—ESTATE OP ,gI.WM. DAVIDSON, Sr , deceased. Letters of Administration on the estate of WIL Eim Dusidson, Sr., law of the borough of linage water ra Ike amity of Beaver and tints of Penn eylvania, decease d, having been granted to the subscribers residing In said bonnet, ale 'persons basing claims or demands against said Male are hereby requeeted to make known the same JO We undersigned without delay. . THOMAS J. DAVIDSON, SAMUEL DAVIDSON, Jr.. octleAlw•. Adair*. . P.O. address, Rochester. Beaver Co Pt. NM MASON & uir BRIGHTON CUTLERY WO:: MANUFACTURER OF PEN & POMET CUTLET CARVING KNIVES '& FORKS. And Butcherknivems, TAILORS' SIIPARS, SCISSORS AND RAZORS RETAILED AT THE OFFICE. Cutlery Repaired. g atte w ne h o e n is giz . n . r i the w. I= a n Tel= Ptnow ' and ourselves to be competent to make the very nest. as we employ DODO but experienced workmen, and me the best of steel. Samuel tenon has now been In the business forty years, and his eons are practical workmen . Special sttenuon is called to our dock of 13utvohor lintves, which are made from the best of Steel. The Ran dle Lone solid piece of wood, the taag going through la visited on the end. so that It is imposot ble for It to Mask or come oft All tor work is warranted to be equal If not better than any k or eign or Domestic make Coll and see one orka, no mores required— _Office and Work., In New Brighton, Pa eepkt—tf octl Lelia Orphans' Cot Sale. fract of Land' in Darlington town ihip. By virtue of an owlet of the Orphans' Court of Beaver Co., the understned executrix of the Out will and testament of Samuel Mitchell, decayed, wilt expose to public sate on the madam oo Saturdog, November 11th, I§7o, at 1 O'clock, p. m., the following desailted real estate. late of said decrascal, via : All that certain tract of land. situate In Dullngton township. Bea ter county, Pennsylvania, bounded on th e east by lands ot John Gmtang and Joseph tibarp; north by land of Wm. McCune, and west and south by lands of Ablpth Chartley, James McGeorge, or., and McGeorge. jr., containing EIGHTT.FIVE ACRES tt. FIFTY-SEVEN PER- CURS of land, more or lees, about 40 sues of which are cleared and to a good state of caltivatkm ; the balsam well timbered. Them are on the premis es i two story frame dwelling boom (recently built); a one story cottage home, a log bon and large frame stable. withinnd is tu l le Ilual• 1t1: and in situated half a of the P. Ft. W. & C. By. Station of New Galilee. TERBS,—One-thlad of the purchase money to be paid Inland on the confirmation of sale by the Onstrt; the balance in two equal anneal payments with interest. For further information apply to .Georce M. YWlng'• bq.. New Galilee. P. or the eutecrlber on the premise.. IiENTIILt MITCHELL. octlitSw Executrix. JO ST ARRIVED A LARGE STOCK OF THE LATEST FALL A,;D j OF GENTS' PTILNISHING GOODS, Cbmprising Shirts (White and Cbtored) Under Stdrti & Drawers. Mit Hose. Handketchleb. at:spenders, Neckties Coasts. Le. A JriVEI.ASSORTMNST or To' aAitiro. ("Cam. aulati. -an shrug on bandond far isle at madame rredts, BEAVER PALLS. PLii NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. J. K. CRAWFORD. octitam.) 'CI& UM, MERCHANT TAILOR;- NEW BRIGHTON, PL • • YQ r• •• 4,•• • Wfe and vnlll Wetted stock or Fall and Winter Goods, cooslnlng of BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS CLOTHS, CASSLVEREa' LISH ILELTORS', V.E.STINGS, of lb* latest and moot theldoitabk ogler, orkkb be made to order on the MOST REASORABCE TERMS and se the abortest poesibla bailee antlwarduited to uthfaction. P. B. As I employ none but Int eta workmen and baring considerable experience lo cc Wag. I defyry :i:p s eithliri k 47:r w herti on h i a li Ae s l34a n te. as resel m n itit iado clothing of home mandietafeffeig. Mat log Itesehiriels. IMERN PROGRESS I PERFECTION I THE NEW WEED Family Sewing Machine s:t. tid The Best, as Hantireds Q Peopk, who hat! them in tire; can &flit,. Persona shout parchaslag a . flawtog Machine Will do well to call on the Agent or the " WEED,"—J. Llnne4rtnk. No* cheater,—and see these mschltie4 as II will be no trouble to show them, even If they do not pervious - - . . •J. I.INNENBRINK. Agent for Beater Ca, Rochester. Pa. - - Also. Agent for the HOME BlfireTLE * SEWING MACHINE, the best.Sewlng Mitalna sold for lan • 11100.—has ibo - undoefetrt — • gartlaltn. WILSON MMX PRICE ONLY e4O! Wean now able to offer to the Public A FIRST CLASS SEWING' MACHINE of Hopertor Style of YbUO. Elnbracing all the latest linproremehti found In Europe Rod Arnedeu, at • hiee Quite within thereat.' efevery Hoare. • hold hellbe Lsvid. UZI7h3OLICILT'Un. The undentl,,ned members of the Sewing S.slv ty for the Dement of the M. X. Chervil. Besvrr. mg had the WILSON SIIVITI t S SE Nlfiti MA - entSs In use for pate time, take plomors to stating that, for slmpliclty of COUSLIIICOM, ti urn. belty, ease of operation. speed and beset, of pm romance, we believe It Is not 'lmpulsed by any Machine to the market. Mrs. J. Y. Dario, Fes Miss M.A. Get/ll:Wanner, !Mr,. A. X. Atkin. Mn 3L Dowgoo. Mrs. J. B. Boller. Mni. B. W. Dickey. Mn. Sp. U. WWII. Mn. U. A. Wharton. Mn. Aims Johnston Miss U. M. Lyon. Miss Elects Allison. less Lon. C. Wilson. Mrs. ♦odraw Ykt Pre'r. Yrs. Y. Trot*. Mrs. Prof. lir, T.Taylor, Kn. Rev. J. R. Miller, Kn. Igoe. W. U. Locke, Kra. Rev. F. D. Peet, Mr.. Dr. Me -Nutt, Rm. A. Derder, lire. Wilkins Kramer, Yrs. SeoatorJ. S.Rotku, c n Third St.. &arm lid . ANDERSON. Arent. Often and Sala* Room marattileal Singer Sewing Machle. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, The must perfect and simple machine or the kind" ever invented. 1000 t Or The Morro repot..e toaobloolk be.. boon latelll Improvea until they viand without a rival. Price of the SINGER FAMILY BEWRNO MA. CHINE Crain $4.5.w crowd.. Price of HINKLEY 8 KNITITIS pL Circular and liampks mailed free on applies. Oen. STRAW it MORTON, GENERAL AGENTS. No. 90 Sixth Street, Pittsburgh Ps Agents wanted ror the ilinkloty Machine ewer) , where,. and for the Singer in Western Penn.) Ira• nia Eaetern Ohio and Watt Va., where there are none already established nosily. COUGHS; SORE THROAT, ETC, No medicineor treatment tweezed the powerful-enrollee potter of SINIMS' White Pulmonic - It cure. with a rapidity unequalled by any other remedy offered for Throat and Long dieeseee It Is recommended by over:lA.o In 11111,11111: ton. and hundreds In Philadelphia. Whitmire. and other cities and COMIZIOLII ti tWooghout Ihruillll Pennington, of Wilmington, wri ry tat that there la not (with a kw excepdinto family in that city who • 111 be without it if ps. t. hie to procure It. Such Is its popularity wheret er It Is known—and this popularity' arbiee from the fact thsl It universally cures attack° use It. There Is no rase of COL . GII S. t. 0 LIJS. SOUK Tlllto T. ASTHMA. lIMUNCIIITIS. CROUP,' 01fi0 11. !WITTING, BOA ItIiNNESS. and evens't'l.M O. NA ILY CONSUMPTION. where the system lo broken down with the wear of the disarm.. or pre tended • medicine, or inexperienced adyke, that this Balsam will nor eyrie If carefully used arcont pity to directions. ti e guarantee It all sir friar . gem It to be, and Invites trial from the &fillet. everywhere. Price 50 Imlay, medium glee, and SI for large sized bottles. Prepared only by • J. H. SIMMS, M. D., PRACTICAL ORUANIO No. 707 Market St" IVIL-1111114 TON, 1)d Philadelphia depot, Johnson. 1.10 Oes den;GOJ Arch street. IRaltlmorc drool. H. S. ❑ance, 108 Heil • Hi For sale by-Medicine Deniers generally. inneLMlltiy VEIN' D U ]E., The undersigned administrator:4 of the Estate of Wm. Davidson. sr., late of the borough of Bridgewater, doc'd., will otter •at public sale, upon thu farm of aihl ceased, near the town of Darlington. Bea. ver county, Pa.., OnWednesday Novendfrer 9, 1870, At 9 o'clock, a. in.. 28 Head of Chute, including Good Hileh Ones, ct One Large, Thoroughbred Durham Ruff; . 1 Mowing Machine: 1 Stationary, Thresh. Ing Machine and Tramp• Power, new; t i der.3llll and Frew Corn-Sheller; Cul ti va. tor. Windmilla, Plow, flayrake, and other farming utensils ; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corti, Itye,Buckw I, Potatoes, Grain In the gtound, &c. The above -named farming mensik. having been in use but a short time, aro its good as new. The Mock is all In gutv.l order. Terms made known on the day sale. TIIOS..J. & SAN% DAVIDSO2O Brilgewatcr,lio., Oct. 26, j oct:Nrc aw (1144ical copy. )__ TILVSTEM'''S OFVultatattlo Itual JEsstato V' Vida. of an Order of the Orphans' goon o t Bthe comply of 8.,11. he underslgned. epppointed by wild Coon to inniesak of the Ursil estate. of Atilirsll do s, w ill industry township. in mod county, d.. will expos. to peddle rendue, or mat-try upon the premises, Ors Tuesday .21'orensber, 81h, 1870. at! o'clock, P. es.. all the following described parser or tract 01 land, late the estate of said do. ceased, situate In lachUtry 2brendrip, In toll county of Bearer, State of Pennsylvania, to wit:, Dente:ling at a white ask, Menai south si degrees rattan needs," to • stone; thanes north 105 degrees nut MU percher to a post; thence north PI dames east i 4 PerChal to a Wank theme north 66 degrees east ICAO perches Wit skins; theses south ft derives east Iteperchen%• white oak, the place of beginn , ng; Contaningt 21meg-eight Arne* and 106 Rye Aes: Co which Is *rented a good *dm house Id by In feet, contaVai l etcht moms; a good trans* barn, about Ire apple, peach. plum and cberry trees ; • tweer-bt Nog well near the bone., The rams ts all ander 4enct, and ta a very geed state of cultivation, India admirably adapted Our gard ening porpoises, being situated within fifs mike ot Industry Station on MCC. P. •lIIF W. Ral tread; also convenient to abool-bonael and churches. Thauss.—One-tahrd of Ms money to he told on confirmation of saley the Court: beliftem In two equal annual thatOmeots with Interest frees that:date on deferredoaymesta, to bo second by bond and Inonsim .purchaser to pay' exposes of writing same, oLLoipo de. For further information Inquire of the nodes , signed, residing lo Ohio township truettald, oe by latter to bliek.ilawk P. 0., Better Po. A. JOHN tILJOISZ, Troetee. at. It. IMO (Radical copy 3 'Woes, and aced tdll to this elnec) IN i. WIT.LXD, Seer. MEE