The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 26, 1870, Image 1
El APVEBII7III}3III6 TL . . Advertisements aro Inserted at the rate 'or MOO per square for ainairsaarue" mi d. for each subbequent hisergetifigAnts. A liberal discount made , qatlaifraittla.: vertisetnenta. , A space equal to ant ended* yr, measures h square. Iltuilnem Notices set under, a head by themselves inunedlately after the local ne ws, will. be charged, ten cents a Hap rer each Insertion.- , . • .. .Idvertisoments • should tpe, handed hi henna) Monday noon to Instite toscirtlcin la that week's . - Bustness"Dtrectory.: • Llll.llVlilr. oIIN Pelln1;, el eau, pure medical Mime And Llrmarr. Ulaw J Limps .a am; Fancy. Gruel.; Male et. ~,,ialeue tunefully, tompontic.l. •., rep:say lico . :lFgair iri r; .Tonfeetinatti. Tel:racer. and Clgull.frrAtl) . r ENientkiirMitt7a e i ciarer , TA - Tenn I 1 !hos. barn awl Gaiters; 31uln Aerultq , ) •UltUrr tiTOlth, lingo Audriesoeu 1) prurul.t ,t• Apothecary, Maio it. Preircrlp: cnrelully compounded. .1 ANDERSON. Dealer In the improved W ll enl Shot brining Slacttine..ftb Ai.. !fed In another column. . 03P"41..1 EACt /NI Mop. U.. Deafer lu 141111ziary tioocui 11 4 Trinuning*cur 1141 at and D ap,43.1z AMES NlOOltE. Clrranry a Roolanraut'• Moles J Conloco. Tobacco itnd Glom: Con t‘,:i.rocry andVegionlile, Main •. sandlnly . It. A NSW. Denier In Tomato, StOrft: k l• ;Infra, Sc. Went end nd ' acpV:lr •1) DEVi:lig: soru Innce agent. Dearer. l'a. 1 • Call and get your property Inpured... 0c.24;1y Pill - x111=.,._ - -_- ,:--- ~,„, 0 . . .... ,, k:,..,, , , , T. .9 ; i von oA N sTE lie . It gbikiii 0 . ::.., tin Market S tuft -Ps. -1 1 , i,it i Irtc.,i ri 1 ill L'' -. : Tr! ~.• en ' ..- k. Pitt•l'4 oni ~ • , - .;';',,rfp... ./li '1 t..t,i/r.,/10/, - . sent L' ~ L.,;,..,.. 'llatiPLt;Y. • I • liii•clifiliSTicCar , ".... r. . - ,. • • 77, pgProg tl . :Tien.. Uff) Liberia!: f • bKW,,f '.ftrpttly f I> RA M A I.E1".1 triti i .#4.lMtaleiritltib At. ft . flail. tnenratarkett i eLlreentofklitpl - 41 i.. A. CISIINTS.t. .- • ~,i . . •Idtaii. t, era, ill Wood St. ' Mau ---• •. .i'lerpltly 1 I fsliiill /1011 N it — CLI,... ;KT ... . et • 'fit Pffeirur,tb-Ipt • L r.n , ' Li, , , 1 tinfulifit.,-Ltualer • ..,T 'lf dt. :••'" . 7 ... ' ... b.‘ , , ,e. DILA MLR UM : t„. , L i,... . . IL en, Confection , , . Ara Ia nu , t ,. ua, IYB, 1:%1 Woo ' tiaburgh, li kilf.4 1 MOURN, 1/ral.• In - choice fee., Colrer. it 4 e Vaulty NeorAirlus. r .Nu go FiCtjt Avenue, MO :. ,;:1.. l'u. .. -I!' - . ' I : . ~'l*, :;.•:.C.Pepli;ly WIN BIN fiEILT /k, SON, Dealer, In We NOW ' a! Wedd PgilliirtieWillg 1 14d40rv.: WiMAllter _ u-nt I, l'lllrbUrgh. Pa. , ~. epl I:1 y 1.1.1 v tdilli'llNtiitik:ted:Wll,74',,'lli Car , I / p,:i.. oil Clutha, fte. - ,Spealnl rale.. to elerry. t., limb A venniayilialintUit. its. - , ~.,_t_EffttutaiLli • 1 I' knicf - I Z .11. M. - liiira.rta, Dftleilii I'd. Watrhe4, Clod:.. Jewelry St Sliver ware, No i . Hid, Attn. , PlLLanirgh... treptl;ty Vi • .k. I.VuNtKlitmm:tolii Slynt Painter writes t • to gad, Show P4rll,l : fur every bw,lne...- is o. 7 Lifih Avenue, Pitt.buryh Ps. tortettity , I , f . FFI.FON, Manufacturer or tunlDenier In • Furniture abut Ltbal se,- Ito.ewood,, Walnut, , ti ,i,“uitny and Oak._ 45 LMlllilifleld at. . [nen% ly _ _ . " _. _. • , •., IVICW 1111IGIITON: ' --,- t , En. F. SI EMMON, link )' ery t Venretlonery, V 1 I: 11. orrti.t. tiperlnl rttleullon given to Iren e', LT , - and bath,. '' • I ("Pitij %.2 A: .1..5 - NT.r.LIN - Dri tif rnl iii - FiVriii;lillar: Cs . Ilrn..thruy, New Itrlgli un. See T foptiay % TL WIllnLEIt, - Den ot. - Drundway, New .:1. Dr.ghlun. . 1. . _. - ter'l.lllly r I is iii. 6 , - - riiotniiiißin•r.: -73 iiq1louu'o Block, 1 • llrnmehray.. Beet 1, otozraphe from re.tonch- Vli Ilegithel4. r•np:4:ly , . AU INTIat ar lIEDISON,rAPeren Tnl.l7lc. I 1 1 ..ronlAnakundway, 2 . . e. Drialnou. , treptl;ly t .It - ilif ItTTEIt. Groot leo. Queertswarelanl I. D01..110111 Goodo. Brreulwny, inepi4:iy _ _. .___ __ ~_.. _ . 1.,' , VAN !TIM. Dralrr 11051111 Pieper, window .14.111indo. boot., StetloutTry k.'Ncntrin.; Woe& tray. Nell llrlghten. Pe. - ' ' • trete:fly k.1...11111/' t., rITEINFELIS.DratIent In Dry (rondo, . j.r.acy th , ooo ,t , bloom; , Dtervb.t T,,u,,r,, ..s: ( . I ,,, thit , r6..istviowlay. ~ „ , ,.._ __ oFpeay UEAVER FALLS. W I l l i r jvel f le i w t ? „a g E TErr: ' 4 6.. . IT:rit h g7VlTve 6 l Kolle.repl4;ly - N I IIS.1 "I :. liiggl,--liii C 10, linenninrare 4n4 .11 Millinery. corner or Main Ind Hiker istreetn, It. it, Fall,sopltly --- _ .. .. -...... _ • • 1:: , 1161.1..ig'71 . 1 , 1:5: RV. Artl,:toiriefcoliartill 1%. rrr, aloo, Iluttse sold tilgtt.l:aluters, In pt., Foil..sf3pll:ly lIRIDOSWATER. I .111:• 4 .1 . 01LTElt, Thaw. Bealer in ,Ttn. Con. el per nod Sbeet-Irma ware, and Iron Cletern et, Tlrldidwnice. (Ft•pll;77 111..171'N'Elt, 3lnnotoetorernott I)enler • Bowe nrocipnee. Iteldgewnter. " • •• • carpete 91.1 Clothe andTrinitning.e. Brid3e.en.tcr„ rU • 91 •BrZiAge BriAgewater., nu rse I ITAN.cUhIt, Tritntaltlize.t NotiTin; .1.• • 'Bridge pt.. Bridgewater. sep_l4; ly . (tekle;ly 11 Its. lientletuen'e etaing cleaned and latawd..Woiter Bt. above ltridge , (4 l l 4 . l ' lS (UN WM - MUFF, Marble Cutter; MoTu• rl Jantitli Ty:riloye.,44ll, d e ,to m i , , ml nrrier. Xt. X at tilirWlLl*4lltettid NIP/ 4Xy t . • c'1;)1_, ef•oe.:' 4.a.71 ...„, N • • tink l ad. 1-4 0! Nato 111 4 11 01 1 2., !!. 11 P41111;; 13rld pr. — APIA. , wee Pep2tqly f*,.,lr A fiesiv7ln • Noomiighein "rue, B. Claric'e, !Seaver, More, in Bridgewater. will be " to.. l'anit on delivery—Lanvin.; 'P''i.ll—Mellottald'm Mint. se{nte;ly notliEslntn ILI. SMITH .t CO., Fancy Dry Outdo, V - .0, and NIIIIIncry. Mad'eon rt., near Dla• lA. It .ri u Pa, ' teepltlY I 1777ctu7% !7 1 4 n1 7 4 . Vac,iry! i 7 • 1 17 9 11 7 1 .7 MO • I :iiikenli4 r, .t. 11,111.1.1er, PA. • (1111111•111 y All AM 11011, Wagon ,17 Carriage Maker, 7 r..ei Voclie•der, I u. toepltly •NMI ei. :Ws ANT lirtg;7l:4. TreocrV. i.rrrfully compounded. Water et., 1t0(77.77711:1y (77.77711:ly 1111 I NAN74,lilerinc.ilPlivelchm; Chronic / made a sporlally. I.7Mce, corner of • .I.caot and Bridge etc., Itocl7,ter. [ , r7711;1y ?lid--7t7D7-tlDe'. ‘ ,..T . c - "NtFit 1.11 .t oIIN4, N holealle ICE - tall Deal r. h 1 Dr) (Itoolo,(trocerie4.llnnr,Feerl.nraln, llutatrucalr.lo .t Hnha, Car. %feta' Jameirsts— FligiikatiUi, bab.r ruin.C9Pc;r ll 9 4 ". Ikt inatoorld,..ltovneste?,.._,4ll4,ly. i,:r VorcLin Doincr)ile I)ry 4.4k01n, No tong, ~nottllL;4 11101 Fancy Goods generally, ter her_ (.epttly If M1;.1.1..1tid; l'ontraciora and Iluildera. •1i • Mr 'lntact Sort,, 1/0111" : bloat tera La Lurolo, Lath Sc. 1101:1114cr. Itt°{4l:lY rr, Bo I.E.t Wll,l.lX)4:4.Sneceopors I , It ira to Sawed and 'Planed Lath shingle. , :ltoclo•rter. i.fretly I.IVEItY Vti 1 i.,•to cot It. It. pration and Oda ?Net. 0e190,y - - It 1. , Il'e • n' 10.r . 0pp..T sod stscnt Iran Ware. !tooling, ~.111 log. Sc.. 0110011.4 In. IC. Yon, k•• T 1:nod accommodations and good .1. rr tin Near It, It. Depot. oetlll . .ly V. 11114 Kg, denier Iloora,,Nltoer, (latter., r. t 4, Mblatnotrli,"glitta,Vll=l.4 IniskiELymiritors..- • . . 1 Oil TflrlllsTLCY:MGnnfprtareral the Qrrn Iternablle rnitklna'S Mkt. and Patentee nt Par • doe extnt.lon top'and !iative Patina!, Pa.'" t I.lJcirr lIT'SSI - ILL.latutieutary llnnufsetnrer. . I I ',lent promptly attended th. Vnurprt. IM. p , •••t 0111 , Tt .% v INIS-Nrmanuatly bested. In the.vill,weyor I I /....lient,pia. Tn.. for the preplan orprnettchpg tl , dicta... I re. Pip ectrally lender my pragersionaJ •a to I h n cllbtn. afraid village nod vicinity. • IP , • hi reohirnM, 0111.1114 Ha,211, .4611.4 u ltere p.lninny, be found._ 001ein. praneelontillY • All rail,. It 111 receive. funnerlgne And 1 attei.tion.. A. V. CV.XXINC)IcAII, N. 1). .1. 1, I.N NE N I),o Iry In - wit topc4l ipitnctAcm, .7“.1 , /4riodicatt antilciationt ry, • " ..• olid cw clt Ayent.. for lb, Flar• solng 1., T.',310C;11,74.10111i.- . \ '1':1'()11.1•1EY AT HAW. "MO tileo w it,tt livantt. , Pelern`e zl . l . T '!! o.Tvr-A'' , - - .‘. . rvq,i* „ fill. I""'^• pAI,I . Prompt ottiMtkin • runertlnno, Al.l,•lll.tititnee AZent , for t.ll reliable Companleo. (=WHO I )R.Jtill.: 4 / C. LEVIS, Surgeon & Irby. oduil (Mee, doring thy day, at Dunlap'. •••,••.. tittiht at me reoldenee •ort etreet IVIII practice Strzery nnd Sled. .pert 111117TVG. Attorney at Attie, ' I Pa. 011lecand nraidener no Thlrfl St. 111.• coorr llocae. All law hosiners comma. vo tall .hall rewire prompt affection. Al4,td,ona haling Beal inhale for safe. and ! !. .".I•hlin: ii. boy town property, Wel or farm r. fd) MIT° time and money by calling at my . • - 31.•NUTT, xi. D., !lasing permanenc e I • lY :oraf.dl In Waver, would respectfully feu. ladhi. prolyrodurml ourr•lcerr tU the Clthr.ellir irr Iterl• ", wrroamdtart country. Special Ailnutiou 41.0 ;411111p:tit Uf female diavuere burzery + 1 0111(11 hued.' (Ink. As third street, f.,r 4,.bri w,t of the Court liontte.' • • e . c•to',"7o:ent 11: 11 .1.1.101 ft.\ MINES, dealer to EhMte. Gatterr, talittro•ra.tte. neat door to 7ln ahoo„.itritime miter?, Bridgewater., !WM ilr le isti . partql In manufacture and Fell •va thne: In hi. Übe at mordtrnittrie Me* . JIAT -1110 roomed hl. titAcr of tnialueata from the tom . r unar the Ilrid.r to hie preo.ut locasOm. • Ida old hi.. 1.11, ultrl patrons to (tine 111111 r3ll Uri y. I N. CAMERON, Attorney at Lttw el Beaver, Pn. • ()MN , in the roan fnr• .vrlY occupied by the tat* Judge Admit... Cpl lectioue. pruuiptiy alletled to. tept9littly. • . ' t 4 - ISM ci • ' 1 MI Vol. 52—No. 43.) Gold & S7lverjratihp..47. T. PART ANT L'Ook at Price Lists. - - 431ERICAN JVATCIIEB., , ~,, ;ore' 3mi oo 14 00 OS 00 Waltham Main Untied Stake, 110 ward....... All the above are In Cola Sliver Fades; and ere go6d and rellablo'lime•keepem. ' ' LADLLS GOLD WATCHES: Delached . ........... 00 Detached lever (Exits) • • Gensvu (Enameled) 00 00 Grimy& (Usst t 00 00 • . Tbase. all tiSY. ooild Gold 4g zi fici t ire kit , -died morements; sod, ash can festifj, are's eplendtd - Vms•pites. •• • .• -•"•• •.• ••+••.i GE37,5 4 ' . 81L VER Ir7o.llMt I:l4lCh.i.Lemer iGefa . 4 Detarbed tree?. (rine)," • •' ' ' Detached Loser (Med .... 41.111 lit:nova Levine:- . tipeelal inducements are offered - in these Wattle. ea, n Mai are pure Silver, and perfectly , re liable for • time. 1 trill 'rend, (t). 0: D.l by Express, •anysit:lo above ‘Voclnui. ("lib Giorgi and Lip, and trOttert parantee.. Ily Ilcallogs are fair and honorable, and will be found ratieraefory tont': &nankin:. year onlere at once.: and eare by the C.O. 1). plan from ttilluntl per cent. Adlinna E. P. ROBERTS, atcceetior to J. M. ItUBERIM, ' • Xo . 16 Fifth' Avenue, Pilliburgh, Pa Ocl:g3m Miscellaneous. 11. ... .._ . . .j. P. KLEIN, Attorney at Lew. _ Meals Ile lilide)'a building. east urPublls Square. tear 41:1y. . . I - .iguAirr, Waichmaher and .31ielea...'m /., . street, Beaver, Pa. (In room •dlutulug .1. C. Wilson', Whet.). tiotd .watelwei . and argil, mmeter repaired and warranted. lia' agraving done to order. Tbo pat:oblige 'of the public hi cinched, and atleructlen guaranteed. Oleo as a trial: 4 . .. (IP( lrek:3M. .. . _pry, ,0-607b7:---- 4%11 "' Bt'itiffe Streeb . • 'BRIDVI:WATER, PA:: JS WEEKLY RECEIVING A FRESH SUPPLY' OrGfuOUS IN EACH OF TIIE FOLLOWING DEPAErMENTS•r• • i31:0 or) . • Steubenville Jen lIP Caralmeres grid garble's, White IVoolten blankets, White ind Colored and „ Barred Flunnebt„ Men ut*, Delaincs, ; • Olngbano; - • . Coliergs, Lawns, •• Water Proofs, • ;ChituLill6. , , • • • Woollen Shawls Brown and Black Mu slims, 7 • Drillingg, TitkingN, • Prints, Canton flannels, Joconets. -, , QOublimanes. 11 . 8:4 .+. e. • ...Urn L.: MIDI res. 414 itirippor . "Ckdoen ana Comm.* Simms, Mackrettirbar rpls and 1:114, Star and Tallow Candles, . ~1! 1221E#MM Hardware .Glass • Door Locks. Door Latches, Hinges, Screws. Table Cutlery, Table ni,d Tea Spoons, Sleigh Dells, tbal Bones, Fire Shovels and Pokers, Nall, and Glam. Spades, hbovele, 2, 3 and 4 Ilne Yorks, Raker, Scythes and Snatbs, Corn and Garden lloes. WOODEN WE. Buckets, Tube, Churns, nutter Pants and loutlea • CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil & White Lead Boots and Shoes LADIES MISSES' AND CIIILDRENS' SHOES In great variety. ' Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powdef and Fuse. Plour Vood & gizeunsware. .11 heavy geode deliver.' free of charge. By. close attention to business, and by keeptng conatautty on baud a well ►suited stork of Cond. of all the di thereat kinds Dangly kept in a country etire, the untlrmigned hopes In the future wain .the peat to merlt and recelSe • liberal share of the public patronage.' rtAsomri. dec2.3 1 : 13 :15.--131,04:;.•%:' • ~~ ..1` .._ tr,.' The Most COmrilete 'B"uSinesi.Col ` . lege - in the School 12!v n ~y,~;_ , Sin re IN Incorporation ; In nearly S xtern Thomuind Slndenta. teprepanlatlves from every State In the Uhlun, hata , attended here. • 'No Tac,Atione: ttact.l. eiteilit ivy thus, and receive privnte In.gructuil tI kititholut..tbo eul Ire count, ,!, • . N. 8.. CI ocular. with toll parikulars and al/ac ceemiry Informal lon, on addrermit tIMITU C COWLKY. Pt - mamma's. Pa Professors Dregss — as • Dam of lie ••sreriesa_ [1 University, are making wow:Urfa] curl of Cumin, Tampon and Ckers by their now discovery. • paUdom Inatome& So knife, no Fluters, No. emetic turning: The most! imir /remark able effect cERS. of tido g treatment rates the ehemkal elements of amorous • frerths, .o that they shrivel. d t4. llLid db. pad wUI t o rotors:. Al ' MO SO rtiet=reall on therrofeikei At Meru, Voirrnltzt or, .11ren% No. 614 Pine Stns MILS, ~ . . . .. . . De]atl try. . nDr. J. tNdurt Kett t , mined that no " • .Drallet the Olate ,do Whit bettertor .4fir• t - cheaper than ct 'A 14Y . offenory. f 0 4it .4 porrasur, Ile uses hr be.t material. manufactunit In the Milted Stale.. ;Gold nod rer filling performed Ina .tyle thar , denem compe. Orion • Sallttictloa grortante.trt WI opertity,,, or the money returned. Glee hlm a trial: fetal: ly Brighton:: ;Paper .Mills • ~ ; -IPVEff FALLS, :PENWA.. • Ittik?fff ROOFING; BAILING; itar4igare . , Glad, istra T . RAG AND CAR-PET" : P:ofk le; • AND SOLD'Ar.': ) itelititbr, Frazier;. lietzgiago . • as • Rats I Wmesdlutage. iMargior 4 ;.; , I ✓'r . f • • I .l lllifitvatia , ..," • . . RAILIMOUIJIM ••` • '• ' • •': 1 1. 1171..1.WAJR7.17a1,..... On andAl34tr 30 1310. p62 VIU vs . tions Ra asfily, .[Traln tenstniff il e a v f :rip s: roved. y.] [Train , , ntultroo - • 011 44. tukki Th• 1/4,• a 10 •3..0 rLarolu pair& Wt.'s. kil.Tll: Plltsbnrgb 11515.. 116 Bra - • 0381113. ,••• Balm WS • IMO irtra. Il ... .. t .1111 i N Sin 1i131394,.+ •11001. Canton . .. —.•..1 7141 1311/.50 SIM Ma551110a........:.14,!411... • 744 . •11141. ; 818 ilfidps ;Wooster ' Me .'•`. '‘‘.ll $l5, •4113 ; &win. .•.1 !1111.10 Age , D 11103 Olilaxf - Bucyrus '• • •1 730 • ••••• 1139 ,1 Upper Sandaelq.•.4 746 Isis Forest Lima TAMA 110,, AM, 1/ Van Wert.. ' . - 141 t 3311 1913 Pon Wayne 1i033 340 :135 Columbia ' 419 113 3 1.91 Warsaw 11 , •,_.t. • ma t. V/Math • Illwmar 6.5 •• alparaiso..., • s. Clamps 334 W 0 lIMI 111 13=t ir,411:103116, , MA 'ijl.4lA,l Valparaiso,' .... Warsaw Columhla y ... . . 1 ,1 " Furl Wayne . ;..ri r ,llls Van Wert: - • .. '. 1 1 4 , purest • ~,i•••• L I PP" Bucyrus CtestUbli italudgm ' 1 1 . 1i6 !' wpolter ~.1 teigt„ Orrvills ' • ' '" Coition. • A &Hem ..• Itocheiter.: ...... Pittsburgh', „. - 5110 eta J. r 1 . 80 It. lir's•• I 1.961 . :1 1100' 10e '- IMO J sae* WV (0 1110 ''' 1153 Yettegetowa. Ile, COMO and Rrle . Kamm. lane. Yoaaistawa al tal p. in; Nitio.Ceade,,- t 11. , p.m: aryl , ea ae Iltraberigh. - 5 : 50 0.. la. • Iteterattte. Imre Inflame:lt Ma.= arr. ot. New . Castle.' tksea. in: Irnomputra, MO. a. MU . . - . .. ..• Youngetawb:. New Castle and Plttstengla 4.1 eommofttlaa tearer ;Yawagstown, WO a. as; , rar, Castigiao I. st; amine at Allegbeny, LIMO a. tn. Malan/. lorwie..llttaburgh, kaO p;A:are rives New Ciagle.6lo 06wr:Younretown *a ,I OweereiWr asii.lictte Ap..a . .... CIIVELAVID a - iiiiiitilfßatatoitir on att . atter lea 1870. traits' wlll , tebri !Rat ,ons tr (thitt pp eseepted) at' followej .1 , " • ' . eon° motel". • —7----'l:' &II ,a3O rz3 " El= G=llll 815410 Mors Huelid Street ' . ttal "141 V --- - - lisrappn..,... ' t,t p , ,LIS - ~1 nw111,..•• •••rP- .! ar A .11 yfrihmilLV .47 ':' 7 4irarmr!Oft , , '-'-` '''',----'*---difiti.7saii,... - TATIONII Esr's We Ilayara ....... m AlHam—. ..... ;MIS Ravenna ' :...194#1111114/13 Ilads u • ktl7 4 lilt' Vierelited• 1156 4 215 En I=:=1 sF 1311tegialtile— .Welf Smttle. Being' Ruche !Kam. Kzea. EM Si Sii Smitte Wellsv n ille Stetaillivllella., filellgix'n • This 1.. ml,Fril tram prers train trinn•WeileNtl S TUCAIL&W • .1 rig-Aiwa solar N. 11111.delubta, Gala. m. • t WNbr and ane~ 8 1.4111 I Us , rd, 943, man, ditscei[arieotia. 1. ' • ' irsoe Oat bilWintiolthrff &- blush mto do Woik n a superior manner.. Teems moderate. Whop on Third street (nem Res. Mil leis liwokstorri, Beaver,. Pa. (live him a call before purchasing elsewhere. ape:Jr:M:ly Di r . B4 " 4l r i t ta Vi ti Y " " le 13"r i e t A f "" Oft 0 N los• 5..... , , voo . • 1 , CI r;;Jorr• 1 •• 7 I oi t 11 rib i ,- ; -„ , ,1 .t,t,.. 6 76 • I r Z i , e I D I . . CIE-sC> •C) CD de. "S' = ft !'r •• . .... wr,;azatickTila .-6 •V•lt . • •' •••%. ... .. 1 la • o'l •. I 1••, off: a ':t: : .., .t -- _.: 'lota)/ '. • .',l i l , 1:.:, ~‘ ': -l i l i ' r. r .'2 CtiC.:l .1.1',.'.11 ::::titAlr:. .4, . • i ~.., r .•:."jr.ol 4, ),,,.. • , got • ,• anon am:. : iffy 4 ,4 co t .7.z Ca .•^,•7 , 1 1 - 7,11,411.1 Oi•r r • ,t EMI . II - • .0o:1w AIN Ist hresdin*. New-gtilAtiP• Ilene? cousty, Pc Tend tab. 01614M17. :11/. re 311 T 'l , 1 .h ',.. ~it.rt.,..tri , r ~, r ~ .7._1 _im .... r. ...1)11. q 4.:..t.t:+•.-:i , ..1 , ,iff : ; . ti 4(l' a. ' .113 I:rlit 'elf 9 .i- «, rt...1c4,-..7rit .', , li - ' tvi: . .) bi -, '.4.,."2 ' --' • iZ...ri A/ ' 4 .. 1 -r . ! `)l' . ' ll trit . i' •:I %LAW if . 1.' " ; L tit, ifo}l, :Ir. , .1t 1 It •in .. -.; . 11 1,1c,x..1; 'if A r i' ~ 'rz . ,, , .'i• cl 4-1 • • , ~,...• I 4 "f ..'..1.4)1.V. V -.1 - . ..4" . ...14 - L , i1144.414V:; j'Aq•al: ~ " • ~ x)whi aye it _ . illa BE l auctous - 119 • • ; ten / / 11;//: / : k:11% , •7 .•: 11.244 " I SliepretS ins: e t v. 11 , 1 l'i/1•4.. • • 11140,3piit lettrineirlfaiiikaliiiiiit- I' ~ Wlt' l ivriAtecit-AIrOCC ble , d , l3ol* I • • I IV 4 1.;.,1./—•;19 rlitlllitol . o4 ,*, - .*J •••: I LOWest CathPiegt' Ti •I oIT • T rTI: TITT• •• " s6ll ••• ' /166 fin • git WU, 1111$ :MONK .., su . XX, 4.18 . is3. o vi As BF9RE'I'IME • la ' • i,: , consisting of ttritibift GisoOries; Pro, SOX. BOOUr • adirtlbilfii, 4tv,y,itleutn.figurtklng.: " • Nan ,otNhIGT, -Pal nts,i -, , in we itu ow Putty; „: TIE .s► lam. 7„„16,9.1 ~1~ Queenswnre, Wli 4 • , 10W-Yaltre.FlOUN. 4ndr•: Bacon, -varie- u. . . • llrr a ot— ser 4,15.,' ty of ri tO•NiUsl i y & spel at_ ins,tawsks, • • ; ATV?. a k iKJigi uli; Mail i.;Cii.4t, • " • liVilLirki.V R. 14 .41 1 Y- -c7 1 4r. :I..ogufs, yrtio,. tAhNot, Car rm. 200 Wa. of the Celebrated Canton Chly ANA ?1EW. ( 1 11 ,F.4K. F4.(44, :Wholemile and '• • ' • Itetitil; •" ' •'• t t: Oct zegi,M6itilit igile;!;',V444':*o• .n• —ad , and ' llnits :' '4, l l v;)y,f l tigiliir g nat . ) : gt ma ; a ; CPC „ItriCV°Pro ft.T!!! iota' ' " . : 111 •Jlllt , I j i. A ic t r ; MIEPNI ' AVIIIA. ISABELLA ;Um), 4R j 14- VT Accoia, TZAR' 111 W • 1111 . 1010 1:. • 0 ,1 i : ColielJfit'ziWiiiis: Acc osi 13E17 and Or nurograczeintiat.2 111 r Sacramental Parixaeco, am highly Re - • :luntellentirk.V. ;1 1 .:eke lAv 41% . 1 r l''•' Thei'aie alsnlAgeninifor the' • I MI .4 1( 4W - Aig 4 140 4 EA# 4t, "knit Pitt •Itit:'ilinv •cco* ‘69019 816 690 ••• •I e; • •. ; . uti, u u . .Uy s tlr ;49Viir, F 'A7.4.f05,:•;t1 .Ail l iltificrti a tg'. *tie; ,A ; " 4. 41411113rA1 1J t i k LV - • v ~,.7of A:111i itp,U-146...11-T---rrr-;—-n-, TT: ANDEINISON, hat - Isbell bold of .* his old Pottnetry , hgaltt. Votteloater. Pa.. will he pleaaed Au meet .hlo old the and friend, alto way manta/44r, the gh , l* STOVt, 'Mating. *Ore, Or ado kiud of thtelluge of boat thtialthtLand a orkraaeohip.: boalarges alit he Cala l ll4fiki tsoN t.-- iomas Allison, - 'ITAVINfi REMOVED IDS STORE • t31114. - V=2; Pa., f9rinerly iiccupied Ly Orr •miper,W4ie lit) nine 1414 and intends keeping ' • • AZeteial - Stock of MERCHANDISE • 114ving received limit the East; within l'etr days ,pot; It fineselection or ' • RY''' . GOODS 01: . . 1 Latest -Spring. Style's' ME CON SISTING , IN 'PART OF "• '' • POPLINS, A t.,1 2 ICA De LAINS. • ," 7 !lECritl! . ILOTITS, rr:Al§•, !) N 1318 ; ultAsii; • • • ; • ; twcyrs w i cy Es ' ',./1941fatr, ece ri*• • 1101 s, addelt : F 'fr:4r,yol.l:l! or., COFFEES, " • • , . 11-1/11411VISHOW N. 611 Ans. • - !MI . 1 , .:.! !I . LIO stSSES, t ME ICI)ItACCO,.-1.. 7,i ...c... ~.. . , .• , • -I 11 It •:: 01 , I „I.IL , •.• 1q )A 1 .1.4 ..'laii, file ai.M. tie, ntliCkijaill loci Saila Itiw kw. 4yipti.: or,excliangoA ifttritatil WAS Pl.' Asto..);r:o4At pa , emu ppi nt; ; ;till ,pt!ick,llntl Prialt , , :- 41111034AlitiA 1 ,404 )3 ..111 " 11 15 21) ''l _,:_ p •ltt.i:_*•li:: , ll... ;6alrincil4llot 'Aittirri - i,, AtttlaWAtiet.; EDT , — T. . & Ede.. 4 7; 6 ' l.l • MM . /4DVX It hate per; v ualila.,„, „ ~ •er t ral c k; Pr • lati!eiel! . i l l;.:RitiOr . . s ,,,,' ' , r to q bepr.7l;4' t a= t' t ‘ 141...* ' ' IL , 4s" li. $: br -ankh Morrow pot k 1.. .i • ..644' 0 , - -14 . i l itk ! V_ ... ,.. i v:htte. l r ~ 4.....:. .. .3 tirtil;•immet t. ed. penal olio lighto MOW tie T.Pfll'VOYAlVlVtitrtlg t gata l i?irt ; tn a ti b e v b i torp g a t i t)in b ell t c 4 n =4:_i n = leeurslag tht ir liability io banana:lpar we., Ile' deed. 00 ono ...bit.ld m ". 00 0 1)0 Wllo l relq I bl o ptyle plate any - l onger man they &u portend fratly get thetn ertehanaed. All braneheanfllea, nary performed lathe beet and nhatt,hatomptial teatie.r. to hinny teeth with gold;'ete.. We chat. fen e rogipethion 110 M ativ.matiPr;allllMin trim hat llMeg hatteeta -whrte : linnets hame elbPd be. trace thirty and forty ,yeare. Among the norrort ilon..lalln Allloon win exhibit Oi li ng' vie 'Meet. trd Vdtni a 5 Year. elto Vitro teeth im pinfeet as the day they were Alled..•Lnegbing Goc.11leo• a new plan, freeln: It froin,all ItAPlelleen ad art.' aerates ertecte,•dialdug the 'exttaction Cl'o teeth a ma rde.of plenum rather illin,of lith'elr,,ml pate • . poem ha low. aa any gond den t . In, dm • Itt:tri. Office h ver lttaiten. libetteMet PE •• • • la ; - 1;•'• ' T.:4l:Allt. A ICI:UW.OLn. ' (1111A114 10•10103111111 titeitrPCibile. Ceti. 'e UM/Myr Md. Inannmee Agent. DINOdO and APtaernente wiiirtmaridactrAmelhigMetentrtakeb, Le.. Ilaviio heeedalYettennisalahodmAgent kls erreral.grat: elsartitsaheranee. Conipeadtm.,reme., ee Ong the Pict, Life,. Accident, and Live Stock Dr MR 1., prepared to bike Melte and write poi es n o the men tlh.eet tenni/. . 'AWL stout for o....Anduar Line".rtt Mate*. Amen Meant. !M. Ticket. Odd $0 add' from all pdrte hi Eng/ ' inetandl thistiabdtfleralanpana Franca. 04 'PIM Witt MVPI ir4pri,a.*,oo.n4fr• ,1*; 4. 6 ? u. vlii-44-....-- - .1-,,,i., ~,--; r M. 7 In md tkitsgt, I \:L il tailr • «Wait 'CC =l: 4 “rt ~„11t sr •0, ill ItmarlEZ, yy " • 0- M. /lea. r.l: 11/1.•• arm Er drag awls ggsalige MO NM ift I , 11, tr. '_'_;'.'',* , :"Ki '‘Alf*.•00 , !!!!!!• , _:,.." ''' ,:v.., ,, , fr,: . • ,--:-.,, ciii ii)v.:, , ,, i*woloivitetoi.,,4i2, . ty , ,id , ktilhaili. rink ' fie. Iltleflloitn.' with, loy, &livid 'Cliri . :3"WiStleteri,' I I %funk tliOlolliffirtir of u lady Ete,elii!Rt.- t ie#.. ~. Y b ,913'., %'I!-. 1 , col.apeo, ~ --/ ••• .. .7 .' •:i :. . , • .`, ... - VryhOtee;, i ni si )0 1 PX 1 ./IlriiO4 - 7 03 10, tio y el titx pl., the pt•t;intrrrien . ' ni li tt i reet el rill t:lii .4'9'13 1 10 ril , (liplo q jt: ; li ' '' - tinckpfteir two,yeurtt, "anti : LI. Oilelty;, 3 , Ilti 1 1 " 14 V9 0 4 1 .Y. ' - 1% . 1 ' tdli n 3 .lelil nusits.u..,Olull Whit : hil:ittnilm.lii ; ' lo*,leyod, , iONV Ili.' :rn coun ;; ninjklir eon friy tiociuthOlit.4l6o46 l 4 ttuktit(l4 whio'w;ttho:;just twinite.' .one, itml I feeelVe and enyikitil ineolne .of £15,010 pet annum . so Iritig-Limit tinlY At e dilitt u ril similintil•rel:fri: Mull . "t f.,uhii dotw . try amtln., ( 4lm.sttull ttgelyn a toy 1 .110thIng—AV I Rp$4 . lstlikt.:lyafthei IiMeaSCP.FIVIIg t.O ' ',Allitililk refit iiirtoo§;YedlaUS gityll 0110.00 reit pereftY. in ttittdph.:„: - - '.'.., ',.. i i s r9nrili# 44 llion.! . , ~.,;. piqe".. part of the s M . Y. ~ .1 ' ." , ." ..",. f, - 4:gooflf !Inn i hie, • : ' ..'old Wy: bfoive wi.4 'nnul ! • • •iiV'Ta bens. - Helen - Out' la 11.1razdt taitalblY it - Man. . whit %RA' lhOught to ,t.Peartv no Hai us, us: Ciasius—a half -: ,nlariloChitlt Englishman,' . hy* . , "' e' Altiarey,' Satltli. . Thl.4 I .'hybr r• ~iiy. said 'tii bait the,totniler of: . • rid; tIM thee oft} babo9n;Mftl.the :,i . :.leklunpf a Jaundlim paitleat."' ; • Matte vette. menee.. with' Wide •Avlien nt hint he iollits.Peali;,oltilli Tided his este, hi . :Iril'i • tleilFlV *indit e ' "bliss Cliot Wy nil into. ill i ; ',the ninli, , k. mutt Mtn:km. l o tl Wed. hIS ugly like tin ItweW ab:. sly, airltd•ln. its . ; lildeorisnils.s: WO )e l 'titietnallt; tit a rVdelifl l , l l/ , O,l*ltti: mitt sh, Is it,, ity,lfoin I I hrinntell'hee , elm+ , ror nialVit 'fill lltkittraid: 'L ., AlVarez , sintlit •' `array'" tlinughtoitt, Jils I'm '?. ' ?Tlifs'lle hnit"'ho iOglel,t, ORO"' ,fliii . tiOtly' foi• (Into, )yors. ' -• ' ' ' " : ' . /ur il l f - . l. ,‘T,Y4 i rii‘i .„11fetitrie'llie' kept iiU 0t;,.. nr,littild iiigtl l , l Whili the olilluttn'iiiii'ilo `ialth'l.Gkolte. hi i4"pi in :mei: vido.l ."with . 'Telt kifew l , edge col'', the Pt tin - a ' iifSi , ' hip.*o S Wit ; rette dif...fnitilei.' p'wpoelilotieJ '.. The y C.ltieeted agatri4Alll4theAtil idillflotrof vet liiiiiwhairs:iliCl W.YhroWe would liiii4,llikeii 'till tilent". net M lia,wesply",e4 tn'tt. Tlig,sault.ittiAnjet. slight th aiihiw;lithinitO-Ellg id among its Pasbe ll gpi . ' Alvt With.'': fk , l n:evor inlet, fic4i9ohi o ,l,tixt J'o ;l4 .o3",w, ll Y.liiiti r'ill 'Oil uukyi . i t ".p. 9 4o.. •,,:nfOu itreilt uuod tu:r. ( l# a 1 4 '0 I ti e ite !!o ' hei'in spi eof herso :1 1 ,_ - . Those ext4,..watel ' !#.0 .) railWity i I.*riliign NI met pex us itlin'got ' rokna, id - I%l l 'll'64We; tiocii.6 - of lietlitistee lane_elosed upon she uquit'abiond . Sh IN; ..- Mid .. Waking, I . . haunted' het: "III) , ... lEill Out *lift" ;triten i r ' he "111110 Wed heieeittt~`lnl he thdlifitt'''pefiis_o3llo; dify tilgy% ' fife* i i Q mltlf;idivfiyik.N Ny.ybrflieet unubr Infpi _Mist ieiteldofit Was gainlm. a torrline:eyet •of his »Levittown like a 1:Insillalles. She ever avilititsj, mentioning this— feeling •to Litli Oswestry, her sister ' but she couldn't help millets:deg it to herself. A few • weeks after her arrival in London, old Wybrowe's lawyt•reom :flunk:nod the following startling in telligence. A person had bought Ai the reversionary interest of her her band's two distant relatiVes in the income that had been left,fier, sub - to _hex I ,remaining unmarried. Wybrowe's kinsmen, tee Pogr• to be; troubled with many FerUples, acid considering t hat it was barely likely a woman wo uld give up fifteen thous and pounds a year when she could keep .it on 1 such easy terms, had greedily necepted the offer that had been made 'them ; had amordingly executed the; nieeiaary legal docu ments;' had received a stipulated sum down, • aptl had — emigrated to Australia. I ; !liM The person who had bought them out mw, Consequently, the person who would claim the heavy forfeit from Helen IWybrowe In the event of her marrying ;again. And -It was hardly tell her That per son's name. She guessed it instinct ively—Alvarez Smith. This, thefi, was her position, :the must either,' at one and twenty, con demn-herself ton life long widow hood, or relinquish a magnificent' in om)) to the tnau ehedetested. True, avourt of haw might, as her lqw'yer told tier. set the will aside, and how could a woman petition suCh a conrt? tier woman7t) dellowy, at nil eveids, rendered.thzt out of the . questiod in her Luse.. :!.Again, there might be men who Would think (and 1110 would MIMIC to think) lightly of morrying'a beggar, and among them there one whom elm could love.. But, her generation, Airs. Wybrowe built no castles in the airtd this sOrt. She accepted thesit nation tette: etalt ; .shut her ! self up no longer; went, among her kind ; enmiinterei her basilisk .with all hopsmble. visage, and .tortured her tormetdor by an ingenioutily ar rtingett consequence hf flittatiottWith piesteitmesteis of the art- .. I'It!NTS GIZIGILN.)IB ‘. - T EDS, CUTTOI , ,ZA 6ES, , FLANNELS P.U)F.S, EMI 5 S llli PS, I knew it in that moment ,Nyhtl otir,eyequet...,,(, knew ihat, yrim ebk4)russlyl,•,wilrld, worn, rase, lou r , tlettittj e poiNiqqurrnitle eynitt of ;p;eyen, and,twenlY;Arti•#,tomso thlg Wur??4,t; that (littlove.he{,lilreadY.'• • ItiktlllT.l,4l,, as. i•:,, !hp 19v sreb hrn i. vl?lrt tr.'" " 1 hecorc,ljs, inulv e rth 41.rnar4,uti ‘ Slots or Of phltt,,a. lilt e Mtn ottil PfirTl)l?,:liut • :"ivi aSdt 111 u; '4lrougef, suh er. aitc*llnit iUr'the' that it wag /t . .)- 41, Ttris. NtrYbkoW(4, as T vi;:lii•r that, (lay. • " • idotenther whatshe',ail I I lAlkvil'ithotit when WevereleftUlnne,' or, h 0);, ,, 194, we sat ‘ uciderpp,,b,ig• tuv;w=ilfc,speke; . .antl thn how and . t ten the great yirtlec,ekes turtle(' slowly, upon me; , shelitts silent. tiF'[(~ • •"Finedlth light , . 'The !wrist of 'wand." • was in4JYsium,atiiiittst tlieeonfti of tine. • A step, soft anti eat-like that neithtkr of u. !want - came down the walk. ,A dry btunth mei - tauter the,iituttoua tread, and then' We "both' looked A :man .iiiitoett pt.. I knew: him Instii.etivelv. The dots Mick ye•ti,',!contraeted fOrt Heir wrath. whiCh tinegnlne in one brie); virolf& tlye glare , ; only *belong to one Tau., , _ • ,That perstnutge with tho reelind;tri, and the ttely. jVhslogenn)Y. 'Oust needs lat the hero gr., c i ltrleit TWl i stlefon's stOrk. the tintititeht tip the arid t nut le Nut nt of TTeleftyybmwe's fate. Alvarez Smith., • .;lje n'ei-Ctltioketi* oilier this' titne t linty at lAN 1 Wondered whether (Tie mates instineVtolti Idm, e%:eu fi le d that I•loveil,iter.,.' • ~ . „ „ :1461. NybrOWit .rtwe,, a little 'pale; tkadark under. her eyes, more =Mil - CI "I el 1!, 1:[:1e ....hit 11' Iri ~3. 1 :.4.1 , rrif , 41 1- 1 /1 OEM MHZ? _f• • 07 --- L•: • ~.~t j iistf a I*A Every time '414V1371g; • .11; • , . 1 . - 4! : : ; ,: r}! '~ l ~: ~ EMU ..„ . plainly, r vialbie, abort. of' haunted look sepwp her (,10' that unldu'eny yistst3 throb angillY• • • • • ••• • • • • , 'l"y , 'lweitt: to • have forgotten ,ine,"; ha Bahl; !Net us go end 'look walk ecl acnng the er•oiluetlaWn 'Or a •Whliesflentlg. - • • - - • . 1 • . Then ehe said; .k - now' that oast Wholpsase;lJust nowl" iTkno w li ,fou L, answered; 34 „4yer.atic litrn before, 'only 'heard'Othlfexigteneetworietresegoi'. flerlyleelieeksillugheil 'painfully. , orPtierryott have•heardllt—,: t.Ltl;ver h y,thing,7 la-answered, Atop fpwlier.pady. y (Investr, 'Antler.' • ' "' "" ' ' "' . M • i Airs i i and • sald -nOthing:snore UII.BIte.WAS: ,safe .underf.4lny• Otiweitry'oon;lng. • Ut i! • • I Tits peastt, .'Wtai - over; 1 ,1:01 1 :14 au Plying fad d tine p'restling,the heat inteletablev - "Howheit I 'abode kill in • the'rtJainustiof Hunan strand • Aunt. Itedear.hilthg 410 ii frilta= l With the•gooaleti, having 'ett to ilketn,we ranilati'l'oply hi keeti ' , 1 • • - • t "1. 431 , • trlie t'lf".: tvas.hrl'ark lane,. lady• .oswestry had ttotp Yet Wade her itiove„ tlealleting.bottryfee fluxten end Li ed enbud ; and I wua Watching the turn , ,qt thesotle. For with Lady Oweitry: Would , Wybrowe. And .Wherei Helen Wybrowe went I went to follow. .1 'had :not spoken yet, though nearly a month had passed ;eiecei*ltat • duy _at Pelham, t•: had. clerked with a white rose. dice bad hardly given. ine a chance. - And yet alit 'knew, who knew tee ea 1.• was; than invest her—had loved her from the,. Very 4nonient %our eyes met fur the. AM'. tithe. And kslaw...wy strange, wilful pasidonate darling-- 01y Helen, who was like no other—l knetetthelbvelLant wltlx.thconeluve oilier dib.....Onlylidween her lovintr Ottilkd tgeolrinulnr Uri • there ;was much. the mask-we ' both wore; before asbefare enters,. una getting to:stilling:to be worn moth longer.- :It fell.frous both. ofesatiast...••i: li.• :. • •. • Ili Itad•been Hitting with her -inlLstm dy Oswestry's morningdreouN under the shelters et .tiat among that slaweelpetnel , day . Rut nearly • au hour.—Mylady Was, Heavenknowe whertt; end we bed' been alone all the tune. • Consmotipiitee•had /ate. , guished and died.:, , There bad.been. a *Renee, •which• thane, heavy adulet eyet- enough, but. which- both or :us knew west be • bro. ken* ' and only in one way.. I l ooked up into her face in its pas sionate pallor; In her tretnbling lips I mid What made we take her ewiftly• I ethts; and :thee the.iLlence was broken by•theaweettottnd ether Own tatine—HUest !". • . • She shivered; as she had shivered in;t4Kit *else, only, this time not with feu. • 'Andther head With its diadem Otomber lutir,:sinic . down upon .my. breast; and 1 bent mine until 'my lips touched liersituat 'clung So them. • had'wOri her! het yet: ' 4 l • • - The •tiettt , inomont - she: lutd freed why. haVeyou done' this?" 'she, sobbed, walleo almost. "WhY Y .- Because I love yon, Helen, nw 10Vei And because ;,yoitiiptd _I know, this Is •c , •• etherrierinundi 'ryes; you iltbe*. a' the lON lilafe the 3ind Is* 416; ---7 1 4 rdiia 4 7 (01 r - know that, too." • 81011fttely,- - 1 Kinsvettord-,-.,,,1.. 1 nag.: "Anil yet you teik me—" I begun, so tar oft my head tt.4 to be going; to argue with her. "Bemuse. this never should have been. Ail between us mustend here and now." "lir Heaven's name, why?". .1 broke in rather mad with this piece of feminine- einelte. "Why - must it?" "Frank," 'kilo 'ttaitl, molly now ; "Fruilk; thl4 is folly: You know my story. IYOU cannot marry a beggar as I sit 1 1 ,1.10" "Noryou, a re du'il parait." "Selfish and cruel !" Eveti at that moment enuhln't but admire that truly feminine retort. She went on "I? Am I thinking of myself? And yet this is my fault. I knew Hat hiis happened must happen. Yes', leis I who have been selfish. I knew it; nod I ought— But—oh! Prank, I knew you loved me; and my loveless life st+tned so bitter—so hitter! And—" • And here the broke down sobbing. My willful, pittsionatedarling. She was trying to Pursuade herself that she was acting nobly and dlsinflerest edly ; and being noways fitted for such self-martyrdom, win ling sig nally.a She ought to haw..lllo'ml this love of 'Mine sharply in the bud, but lacked the trill. And now she was trying to sacrifice it and her 'own love on the shrine of •duty—now when . shelraiftny own; when she had rested her head upon my breast; wliC;ri she had ;zit:en tier lips to mine. I didn't repeat the folly of attempt:. ing to argue With her. Her hand was strong enough against me as - it: was without such Strengthnitig. did't take her in my aims again and stifle her feeble epeehil pleading With kis4es. . . . I let her say her Say. And then, when she had sunk hack into the low, deep fixated% weak and trembling , ' and defenseless again, I knelt beaide her; and, holding fast In pane . the little son, whiteitand !wafer meant to let gd, I told how It must outdo Tarp with me if she had her way. waft' conquering 'what ' knew alt Meng:Was 'triy2tights ;:the words I' Ineked tri bear ialreatly t reie ling; on the full lip that had - krowri !Weak again:iv - lien there Vats a mine eriebiteres'drataitiet ;• and threngli the chin-oscuro of the room, Lady cmii'a§try ban down upon us.. • • 4noleleir-tii4e .t rind liefore I cottid 4tsty her, had ited away Striltly npott her c t,fee tnel fa My Lay - The'irhich I to did ce as 'bOt d I tolght. " Pornwhile Lady Os'westry looked .tutee and inilicial,;• then by de,rrees, fitatiznant,' 'het mtiNly reproachful; WhiatTtirk buy lbave, Items:truing ea between U.S that I should 'cantle to Park lane the next At a'frightftillyunAtie Boar I tiroe there. •A hansom had just pulled up at the deor, - ! the .late occupant way speaking to the groom 'of the chant -1 eN in the ball: I was Just in time' to hear the' functionary s answer 'to the (we :tine - pot to hint. • • • 'ltfy tarlyand Mrs. Wy hrowit left . tbaarjor •the'colitinent last evedine" ' The other swung round on hlii heel With it fierce etirajnand again I stood face to face with' Alliere; 'Smith, the man with thb evil flier. • '• That night, Fume twenty minute, past4dgitt by the clock, my hansoms turning the Burton street corner at et, sharp , trot, was. nearly cut over;hy another r charging I furiously down liondattreet..; • :• • • • The two drivers exeluntged n broad , : side of donble•shoitetl bia.spheniltN, their.himtei , elear of • each of her; sad' ta Viet! hgnht, the inirend big Jehu it Ming.' I watt hot nil to .Chairing Corn, en Thiver, ,r:iris and Linden bad; in' tic- I ntek !,.trip OStreStry atilt I; in omen gutiwe of this delay, only pen-ea the 8; ',pall by about! two 'won:l.h.. An other man,. however. nits It closer stilt. A M'art'inn four line travelhur .. , . .• ; -- S(7 . . :? . •''- - r,,,, ''• 1, f • P.r . 71.1:1'1 . 1 .., i'..,..1.1 T. 1 ' • I ' ' ', 1 '.--,':.'"!...' 1 '.i , i, ...... ~ 1 , :. . t - - ; , ...i , :•• • , 4 'l ~',I • i. 4.4 411 „, ~,,,. ..- -- . • ; --:.. -I.'it.-.:: -,. ...C. •,...• -.• :I -• , 4 ~.."-, -% ' ; I= 1:: I t Peaked, imp pulled own- Ills- eyes.: took 'II through. ticket :to 'Unclothed aniline. taut followed. me 'on, -to the jihilforni, half, tbipm sneers ' • •'• • • l'heard him hurryingmt after me, ,Jtettis the-giatrtiopeued the' door.tof • the.enlldy csrriogis Jig eitegfit me up, and .got , The data :tried, the whlitle: 'A:rioted; 4lnd the I -• had: dropped . Into . one, corner; My .armipanion,rollett himself Ito the °pp:stile oue.. lit a ;so did let; ,wo elkred fAndon;autthail rdl doirn iniles.doWn the iiie.beAire , l cooked ninths sit him I wasdhinking 6at;llelvn's 4°1;111E41 .AlelSniurit ine; i tothether I waseurelet ;Wag 'her, after allonul deeiri hi iipt.'4.4' : Of'tfila sort, •Ittid.nisayek or thought thrrinythhtg.eliat, • •s;:. : • Ikaldes,•..thattalisolothea • trayellaz roho.p.O. that piatketLetip. jhat keq .hlaTaea In , an inspiinthlbid"Aliadlo*, *mild -- hatrat.'putzfell' the,• - eVen If•I bad% luspidim as to Winethei man la: the nwialte 4,•omermen: Anil Intim. - prepatattpparpriktylaiddendeparitme. Xhad forgotten all about WM. Itto that It Wits net 'tilt`hestrire tiff hisleap 'and • teneatdderliiBierapper that iltnew•that Alveret were alone togiither In thatearrlage of the,Daeer null train; and that he was'ithiring at me With nil 'the boas hate he felt for nee In Mir evil I Ittoked at him trammilly,ennagh, I think,.but I ,conldn't help feeling that.the renehatre was by nb means' an Mtrekble 'one; that'th° lixprtle stopped- nowhere, between London and;Dover..and. was prohably as ntAas any 'inate of Hawed,, - • HoWthier, lath Mr Malty fait off herid, - stail as I. eiti,•returnett his ture with. it,traugull-, %Kiwi; aud 'want pa smoking.„, • Whether' he lied expected , drama to produce mord••etreet;•and wits disappolnkairwhether my tut in neat irritated him arrests; I ,doit't • tnpw. Ltrtain us it to that rte arose and came toward me with aii , iptitLi. ' It litrucik mu fereiblk 'that he wait datigeroa4; litidgntiliutily slipped niy ' hand into the Inner breast,„pueketiof. 'my travellngjacket, and gi;flotenal the loop which kept a useful little re vOlverdepaeheateady there; I" " ' There seemed likely to' be disigreeoble.but :imperative /or shooting ;hiatus:l before..we got tis Dover.. And .so happened that I felt In no humor to run any rid; by the exercise •of an unwise fortsimince toward g -- toad brute Ilkgthia, jf it came to tight. . • It appeared, though, that he had something to tstir.befonflie began,for he seated hintseirtiebtly'opposlte to toe and muttered litairsely ",ye; we • are alone at last • you. and L" "Solt seems," I' returned. ; saw that, if'he meant to have-•e roar, lie ' didn't feel quite•up Loth° mark yet; and talk:himself Into :the neq....-Latry (cry lirel tlicr4ght I tuiiiht, venture to iigl4t. AiiotheC cagey t;ich lesisidg ' the .plettir but for ivinninent,-lkitAkeephig ray &wool; my matmte:soliihs.-f:7 t lie actually • , gtuished dile Yellow teeth at me. He looked so. umittera lily hideous, and at the sometime ski intensely ' luidicronsi Millie ha 4its‘, doing , it, thati laughed: ' ' "Taiketarel" 44-sereiuned, • ; •Nirrilitb, . . "No! euhierxpityoailevw Yaw— • "Bah !" you auly poi MY 111.001 f . 0/ ttilipirg oily stab I could give him. "You! You are madder thou I thought you were." "You shall never have her! Madre de Diva! never!" "You're Wranin I shall." I Hestiafled hnstly fashion with his white, dry lips. "No," he said; and if Psis turt l e was calmer,, it was twig as "dangerous" and threw thing now. "No! liahall keep my wadi =be sure of that. I Lis ten I" he Went on, Idler a pause; and with that same forced calmness;— " from the day I saw her first, and each day more and more, I have lov ed her—this woman, who—" —"From that same day, and Welt day more and more, has loathed and hated you," struck in. "Well?" By the light'of the lamp could see his yellow face turn the ashen hue of a dead' man's, ash that cruel taunt of mine hit home. He covered his thee with his hands, and muttered a faint, dull mown, IL4 though he, haul intiml received his death hurt. The crisis was eyidentle approaCh iiig; the madman could "hartliy!tsm tal ir himself much longer: In anoth er minute he might be at my throat; and then distagr42l:abia as it. might be, ['should itieVitably have toshoot Alvarez Smith 'wits by nil menu l the sort of person to stand on melt 'cer emony with when the instincts he inherited. from ;his. Spanish creole., mother'were in the ascendant; and it wa.4 his Iffeni Mine, I•begari to think. I drew teyolYer quiet ly out of my , pocket • and covered him from my knees in anticipation of his rush. , ".Now," he itis,sed," will you•prom ise never to marry this woman?! ' :t.'ou 'in Gehenna fiat.',' • "You will.not?" • "Confound you, no! but-I'll prom [se you this," I added, MS 1 Saw him crouching like stjaugar fora spring at iny•thratt, -" that, • Madman 'or, no madman, ifyoa lay a linger on mo I wilishoot you in your tract* without further warning." , liaising my right hand quickly, I covered isitsp fairly. now. INly•sinisa, site eimpanien dapped back into ids seat witlfsfisideousfipaniSh oath, most; steexpectesily.ballted and beat ";that's right," I said, isaisitlem• bly relieved tic tacit that he was not so mad 11:4 fiat' hi hityti butt nli War for Himself: and portish'sindur the pain ful. stet**4ity,ol,,winging him; ',Of; •course you clidn't,expect me to bc:so well Wile to take 'yore of myself; and I supravo you'vi.only n knife; I don't mach think you'll. kill Inc t,.night, after all ; though we are alone, etc., as you were,gltod enough,. to irdnd me . I • "Oh;" he snarled, "I'sliffll yti yetl't r,,• "I differ with you there; My own WAy Sfeingaitz War.l4eltieved. opinion is that, you will be in Han will, sir Charenton, before It appears now' pretty ;welt Minh 311eanuffille; let me advise you not•ta lisped that the ,eause rif the feller of try thistigain. If yon do, leinciriber. lienegll Steilltue47 -, tha suoderurgin uvn w arne d num_ . , „,, • Sher- n from the tyinunaud of the tint lle flung a cepa at Inc.ns/ turna army . corps, ariLso from a difference away, rolled himself uks iii his elizern of opinion between that Milner and' and nevermoved agalh until the midi lienerui 31olike, upon points of. stnui,-. ran into the Dover Station. Then %Or . . General Steinmetz is said; to 1 he note suddenly, opened the doer hove haul it praiiiictiohlor.lbe anti sprung upon , the, .platferM and net, incteupatihle with a braah-lotr• di. ppeared. . .• • thug age, With twen• atiowomotlon "And so', yin ihn staityliii,ni Me; the hecesnity of rapid, uud;siticistee Hellen?" s •• • '•• • • . ... , st a c cows, hasstyle of worfare, , it, is It Wita tame three or four hours al'. I ( 111111 E 10 by military erilles snuicked tin my orrivaluitt,liind.eniahl. I kid tot:much of the more primitive tau , r"reed the consign's:, carried Lady s t ipethtfot,h4:;iiduti4topeinite.i L i :sra tim u t i lu t at . OsWestry's roads lb the Dwain storstr;litterly diseointliting the gar- It is declared •to have b "en a Most rison by the tuddestmeastind.vittor of , usaurageous feat and as reflecting the I glory, on the men engaged in , ply toskltht., unamitath „that after a.. ' it.. Did the generalship veils:n:4lWe; brief„ hoiseleia strit;mle, it sem. All ti • " t h a d for the MO% aleyl is /pep to.perjetus ttproe4 .aktente'rentniliti. 'thivatYhodinidirei lifeof life, anti %;heieltrfantftt,htiejuenme, r il l: tw ee: ; 87., to mine iorever.• '• • ••,,r4 • h i th e ' slurs, that the formidable pthition (fader Ow twinniler • • might have been tongs I more easily turning the flank of the Fresseii hush uor p. a i f t . 4 417 witz . Ther atthatl4l by ,rrerlisikeil the riviltr and 1 ;mei witie.sig for them t withdraw: room that v ie Im o l a,: tilltgi beyond; at ber.feet, I 111,1 , 0,1. it trascupkes that ( l iettend as I ttved - irst to.4it and %%nett the. w,t :in, the!, veryauLtif f „ . dra, nnla tux', *. Al ly. on up). lug off NO 1 . 03 he filaa• fins nits - lames. wins her hind' in mine again. ""Atill td by those lkdrAllli4l.4 •.:11 . tiblished 818. IMMIL "rdnl;ln. sO, yoo.rapi Jiway, from •Ine..llttlan P•,', I•'Whilt"eisil'eoulirf'llo'.) . I 'was'so Weak' ' With ' - 'you - ,• F'4ink, kit wink' 'againstony tovii; , And forrthr saktr ' , Milt ought tint tr)-he. It Soo I rah away: It was terrible. wurk gh traget Almy . to istort, that , tho 1— Shb'wtiti'horribld to n mighte 1 ' u she fotigt: t' for you. lime I loved - hertviteittsho [•u/eut;,, , ) did so! ::But I wephitgo ; 1 aril so we vt.;: • -41; r7l ..t :I, , • _, l'!Alktl ttWnlYbit thought , youtwere re?" "la - • 'A: —, 1 ' y ' , w ii 4 ' i t i wa3, Am; y,,,, . me s rungtutt ► ''.' r ' "Atd tlitilitsu thin/eyrie woukt he , olitrafpn,yreaek Innar d • „t: , ," •, I Ski.?•lne a tin! i Iftilci NifWiltitti , A. Or,e-ittv.atill then sife it ul : f , u Ilit kw, , rthtin*'yOiiiiiiiiikl' l - t. triu,.hilt dot. salaam. s il•loti•till I ;a mad have hanitit myawart,-, e t knew I At•ntl. doing..rightk' „ rthilk. C I But I thonght, too that I might never tule - ,‘Minguln.' "An/ •tiltin•,'--- li.r fato•tind Me the rest:. • r ill ... +Eufatite 1 :'What, lupdtA,tat to 'do t vfith it, • right.or, wrong,llyou Inlaid • met' You ;were thine- ,I - TIVu vou e Ver . think 1 sitoufdlet' ti gt. Let you gu'whohavegived• a new' faith, now hope, Ms, life—made Ilk Ireetotue bp rese;thow—hocr should :I ? felen, my : Relen t notidagolot take -th from ine,,now. . Yonalthun take, purself,froln the." Fromlny'ra•nis,'whbk;fiNti hull 11 - 4 ettAin sreudtlon Ahe started: , iThere.?" silo whispen•ti, pointing )~ tho (Itplried. x;s4,lr, wajk i ; ,f• there I. Dili younol vice /1 11 41".' . • On her (nee, yet WC( with happytars, tars, quid come 'the littutttetrio6l: a:lmmo/x:1 in her v4(0411113 th•l lade timtr, my arms nod my, love were about her, I knew what hall clew' this; the Sight oftt :ma; whom I 1N'11.4 the:et:Mit to feel someilthik '6f• the lal tutthat Mits.,. .•'r, ••:, *sari t • ”Leatv. fig °Orb:YOU. kflqWl ; Anti if lyare4 kimlth ‘vanbi to du•tou a mist % ffe why on 'earth slmuhl he turn tilt need do ni6loctranatt tit the n,u:si i I ght, threaten !thet With•tlinsgihnry t 3ggers,'n tub (bather& of thing,, U 1 put' nicon i wy guard?", •• - • t• - ' " m 1 saw hi stand titt:re.'" lira ;ItF - : . 4.(linted'agaln straight before her. 1 "Anti here was he drtN1 , •. 4,, . , ".in astiorteloak,itgeomed. I saw inutitmw it back whew heti-hod his dral , ••• -• , tt.r •,.. .•• t lit yot yot P 3 oil then , ilieupinstred—, ~ere?.,. . . "Into the shadowof tlicArtar..4.'.', • TfiAt was perfectly pctidible. Couple of strides would hat; bae'eat of sight, who null 4torkt Crc;Cri fli6 . center of the broad alice: ' ; If Helen hid really seen".4tvartvx ttithehe :night he , hidden :In Ilimt shadow oven now, watching 111.. L.MY blood begun to stiret- this. ' • '; " . I this bun a weti: , when ttenounement brthq ittnq emito out. ' - W6 had gone rip thci rlintr Mem ism , log Ins Thenreoopil !: hail landed Some, 414 4 141 0 11, 14:90-.440. 0 e 1 Aulit i anttstrehedclviy ? ? . be:it:rem along if L, (In; hlLAPC:V3itend'Otheillow tiiid custrytobd !be forrast.i.m:i 0rr.144; 444 1 .01 IF 4400(144 Vag, iettpserhun ,, the_myeriand from Wadi Mita "had dLadOvertYl'a ttlitift"tilie• Wtti doing her 'hiatt- to s lottetiv nder. orgatilml seri Ls. !o f 10terrupthies from me. • Lying there ttl her ,fgvt -watettin"•, her ,eyea, and ill itsft l Ml l"ll. 3ret.idi,sc "idr titiMY ty and lightly that I, o My . ,llead. . • A Ahlitp crack and iti little' putt of white smoke riai lig above a - el um it •01 brwsli wood ,!ex pi:line:l this plienoulo• . . I saw at once %rid it. meant. r was on my fctet, end 141 f Way nerov:' to the cover' whit+ sheltered - my would be • as.atsin in u couple •of bounds. Another bullet whizzed by my ear, and then I had sprung into the ticket; struck by ono lucky Mow s a smoking revolver from theghaking hands, and flown at the throat. of— AlvarrsSmith. ip was well 11uµ1 lust no time; he got no chance to pse his knife. heard Helen scream,ithd then saw her fall lifeless nn the turf where we had been sitting,aud then 1. was wrest ling for dearliie with a madman. had I no seivnee, but he held me like a , fiend. 1 put him oil* his le7s again and again ; but he clung so desperately to me that I couldn't drop him. Each fresh struggle brought Me twerer and nearer the eke of the little crag.. I guessed what hi wanted to dn,and Put nil my remaining strength into .one fierce, desperate etfortlo fling him. This thnuito went down„ ,but foot taut slipped on the,dry,shoxtturf, nod he Managed to pull me ilown upon him.' ' , I felt his arms ekisa aMund: Me in I n grip.tif steel us he twisted awl with- ed r toW:llll,thu edge, 1 hyard Ails yell of diAbokiii triumph to my ears; .1. - neW*Wernest roll over; felt the earth slipawty from mei,felt the mad rush of air by mita,. felt: .a shock that seemed to stun me,, and, then, locked in each other's arms, the rater closed over tl4 like a thjek darkne, # e# „ 4,, , Ile niustt(ni4ithekVi!ainst'soine thiEw itOtlefull,34nd lwve htlrigiehed the "Wa ter. -in a tiOcfmtl , had wryuelted myself free from ,t hat deadly . grip, had risen to the snake. mid' Was 'SUIT:Iag out for the' bank: - IPen'inittratek more and I. was- kneeling beside Helen, sk)wlyteetwdring her tsmscioctiv u under t he syzilptithising Moon,/ keeper's wi ld . The body of Alvarer.. Smith • svai* !deka' up nest day. He hadslismis:. uti himself so well wink! waitingt•his: opiturttmity to :settle tiettient7wltit: me, as to havo_eluded titlettion •by the"Pulizel-Alitt,• but I wa4•lllde •IA swearunliesitatingly to his indentity, oral ,did, With same -partitmulde train. ketinn. - 1.1 , '.; ct.• 110 is belierecllo -have lerlita ..ond toextu:t the ihrltAt kern Helen. Wy bron*Owlien SIW tnarrie* me ;Lund; suppose his txtegain With themigicial: claimants to liavo,beene-lawful one, theta Is no old,yov see,-of ”Wy bruwe's ' TOSE BEAVER= . ./146 4 , 14 . /44 4 0•130 0 i . fie: ofd rgurbidldlnron Third Stmt. 800-, : vmr. Pd.. at. 9 per year in mdmioNg' Cominuodattlosis cm. Killian' - cif lota '- or[ eneVelli t itiiiiitsiii riSVetlitilly"scp- To Inei l n attoopop, thyorti i i sf - tri.'idoll 61,4 Ipirpriltily "be . stcoompii! nir,lr tberturne of the 44 •." I I,o4;4r.field ;,!?Innulnicighlim abostklin id , Int .4.1.1 in 4J.4 ItA 4 :4 Itt;i4fri , 4; Pi IBM --• ns ellivtattllyvatiriwith lerniikileriblet • Lk'.;; ilasongelot-tbrumel v lave ot.• 1..n1 ted on 1144 flank% The mut mven4y Which, 011 this and rimilar oecvslons, rure ,h4lmieren 41enetals.14•Plikei StyPßle l ;..b; l o,4l l l.O , Pm)itV l ,4l•the ? er ,n44utnins, former Oniitininartqn-CllleStit'Poin;n.- ••,'! •- . ; iPitt..DO:f. - 741 .4 .# 101 1.40,Y0Ur400gUet illilti!NMAßlU4tireftdi.tAiwo44.ll44,., or ANAL b#Ptiblmontwo4n,bnpropar.:. workL .: Ji ril 1i.u14 on w.ipu I nlxitit to 4trike. Ouch, orlgtr, Improper act. y iTa;:pr ip% t iM . p,xeitei), thip*a Or" , , • I Ifikt ):1 td pivir rt veli.your. qviiiimnyouitl,lo4 'rico, rip tf? ;1:1, ' oreveir ' ," i v. " ad to hilst , trv*et thoit high , p1140.v. Of, iiishioFl9,4l lel • utlt• F 4;l4 m for It T''' serWyniz h• 69, unB tlb - you' good' pil efernitv; . -'• •. • ••• •,• • • ,:'• • • 'Um' yourvirtue—a aabovo all prier to you in n 414 Imei and plate.. Hold na talour chintetert. for. it is evgr unynut toest.wpatb! ekbrx Ite The ;National Orison Cohgeets cont..' in eiteed fts Sii's ; lon'A Id ClueTN dial ;sl9‘:- ercl:ty. " A Arittrintry 'cirginitatlon-'• . • , . . . . . , wit's elfeetcxt by'. Ppointing . lfon. - A: . " , S. TiOifitirst,'l , 4iiirit'Of the Ointitri ; ' • 'mit I Caudell. Cnutriniut,Who althorn- ..; 'l4l tin; lielegates , /liat'Svw litttnic orw .: ieo c ,-, r to- wltte"i a ruy,ly wAs inAliq 4: 1 ; .. Ir...lir* r 4 c4Vliy, ,if the 11trolt 14iitse',„ of 'Correriirtit, 1 '• "i ' ' '' • • '''' ''' • ' .".• ' , .1, perultsient iiTgliirtitVo %yiti ac I ', Y inakifig••n 31,r;FInYt of'Ohthi'l'resitlette, irturtrketonihiV l .tecl-tir th oil tale by Gob i liaker,Of lip• 1 :t I intlAr Inmi-V.: ( 7 o '/IpilfiAniti,- Pr ! My-. Jersey!- 'Ili? Po i tleleu t tu;Kle ,i 1 ritl, "addrkA.s . 'Vri 'ft.4.4tltl;ing' fhb Lhasa, •In • ' ' whieli'lie spoke In streiittbetwi of !Nei" :objee,t Of meeting nail the gloat-good.. ... • t might beet :waded from itslalaircli. Dr: Wines, of ;Ile...Neicy„ N'ork, licit,' 'on 'Asss,:,.;ilithin, glicre . e:tteniptinine- ; oudy 'a gerieral;" i'ltnr %ir thi; Vititeil ;'' tirittes. 'Hosild4iiitt tberehvere.lor.; t ' t •Y'; 644 % lerSnYi•li4Wnittbr - awodivuo , .. 01 correct ma, atitlpittwo, t i l,itisionl hails in' ti 'etlisii ' jetolirel a larv• ;tittipber,c4 - vntipp, lutests.or. lock-u psi, mitiefly in thestties.and,;liirgiT tciwn.t. There wereanfAh'hVeiag6 ItS.Ohirpris. 1 i Oue:rs Ih . trio State prlkents, 5,000 to 6,- 1 Onilin. the laxises of correction, 40.696 . 'to' 60,000 In -the common ',Jails, and perhaps as many in the lock-ups. Crime had inereased; 'within the last doeinje, but not disproportionately to • the;lnetteisr; in population. • " ''; • Dr. Pierce of the Now York House • of Ri.fuge, read-an elaborate and in teracting paper On the - reforinlitnelo.:- of the 'United States, to Which he te.l". ' cedtheir history. exidbited their pre sent condition, arttl - showed the vast nork• they worcychilnirtiOrtiur. erittir nal..portiondor-tbw*iigil Ilnitnil4lo4l- ' .In the afttippoit,t,wq p9pFra. yiyrr, . 'rend ;Wiiii;lt had been ,einninunteci(iil b 3 threlgtv ealrehieri. ; The first: IIY ' • l'i'dlrttitei;sehatweilor, or I)entirark,':' , I atiO now inspect oralenend til;,Pris• noi in Ma , i'lliiiiir4i..iiiMing 1 1 1 1.. e - , eeetlingly futerc:•stintr, tuLcount, of lb • present shit e Of Prlshn oikri, line there' l'oil;ptfit t ilfit o ir is latialltk.:-; -I f igi a *Lunde* tie tarikhltr•-•tils** 4 * I nientsr 11_, 16 004 111 3/0 . '' • .ti ' • ... '' i , pwsgies .01 t ilitt !. " , P1;14 i 4 ., 101 i xiv,Y„li:?!.?:?,.,L. „,,i1,741 . ~., -. 1 . --- . w;•re patients. This tilt:ight Sans the. his theory of priswx treatment.; Ile ;drew a vivid,. but . y t y 1 . /sl ing.,lN, ! flattering Pietairi; of the notiahlivun- I try 'Just loos oo f 'flrilthitid; ; and - their ' d i,peu-at iota of jti.qt ice.: .7 • .': ! :• ~. A very earneit-TlKoslion followed In which the tintstitni %%•m: whether the highest pectutiary results iu ?rt.— on iintintgeinen were .eetujnttihl with" the highest • result. , , MessN. Breektruy rind Pfisinkry nutintaing thmtittiruttitivoruld (Joe. halter, Dr. :WAtte all .1)1. ! N 1 1 ." • with other The 'Only In the Oventi was by .!r. ittWeicwlty, under thti tte of ''The Ideal or the True Prised'' system for a St/14W' 'r he death Of nr.a. Lte WM give in!. CaYiU4t . Zlt the Sf'flith for a Marked di.. pl:ty of publle - grief. It will be wit:l out signlfl(-anee, may not, p•r• Imps bo vorynpfbroolate; nevertb •- le*sit !Mu tlononsiral ion in n s- ny respects Is, tuu: t be doubted if App other Govi meat thou shut of. the I:+ticediStat,•- would pernilt ; 'Or "Mty' Other 'llefe,ilt than our own would eauntenanee , El - • , open expression of i%gret ;which Witt • be made dyer the loss of lima!) , who, ; had bectatte prominent .in a gre.t.„ etalspirte:i• to destroy the (leveta-' . meat and tilvitle -the: pet/phi. II it ' I not only will tho public owetintrs, the ealcialrmolutions, the public pa -1 ratles in which the Southern people will express their sorrow' be oflIcIaI:t -' ignored, but loyal people will respect their grief. The hest Myna leader of the South, Iwo WAS riot al),40111tely. without hotter anti cycle affection ;Li the North• while hot tears dote ''fo'.. ' him there: it sympathy, nit unallie I ' to oity; - trill he felt thr him /tem. . Time has /latticed to krivolt)th iiart:i . 1 and soutlia better idea of tile person • al char-a•ter of this man. It wiis,iti r dealt' Ihr ti4iii the heat Of the L icat flt vet' to understand' how It was.poitail?. ble 'that n-num'Coulit boa tr.dtoe tit ' 1%4A eipmAry . wid .yeA strictly Ju : nog: o toward his fcllow ;Imo. .It Is still ' stiiiiciliin't; or a' ftlylde.ry•-• : litit - ilon ° Will ielbmetoitthttlt thalW;eitttly+ Gen. I,o4"o:wait tabtAre , ;reprucatt.l Jlf Illmg ii ; gltaltY, 94, 1 1,,vicli.4^d,-, acts, )t,: ettitmit i lw-thatva that Ito kt:gei,sl 14 a wail flue'; vtoil'lt'WeetYlet"ttitsfbi: 1 tune thrteber.Wa4ikflletit or put , pose than by nature genermat mid- yield- ing. llitutpo6ulatrity ,moos Wm.! on 1 tlie attributes; anti uniform sucettt ses to It ts . daensieettperatfena daring the' flest yearsi of tlw war wen lilac such , eontitlenro'of his troops as his repeated Woollens and tilluntt lee his often,' ve easn,Higu.s.could not shalw, , 'Phis eon 11, tenet. rental ned set stomgly With ;dm to the mill of the war. that With br4 fall at .tmannattnx - the I Calm , he had deltsided fell forever. • . - Now that he Is gone, let us codes-. vor to forget Iris folly, and Ids great. crime remembering. only, that .he , itt mimic; tart" rakop 4 .iiitteat • ' i wn + t rlot 4 . :ti .ri p: ( les i h il i t , t i fr itKi 'th a a na n w ili r t ir h h i t h . rt h l is, lir , ruin, ,its. they ~woug- 1 1;+. that: of t hi„ , party,. To for;et isthe greatrt,t v„ar ity We could mow extend 111 tt - . 'yet' lathe histoiy - of his colintryi he/ rnutd• live, not httleed.its.tho ablest •of -Itor sons. %rho rioutrbt.hor,i)vort lirow,,,Opt as in many,- inspects the leti4,tsliotts • and the most'Prominent ; 1 •-ti•1' a Cien'-'' end great only in defetedre-Plettilvti • operations, but there , - nnetptaltd-. Ihrtnigi tout the'wur on oiiiteßAl4 l l4l,r+J 112,A B+4liicr :ILO/Ott - AI Akta gym , point 1 sayethat on Which a Softlter'riholfne s s litaiht he 411Ei bright r eSl;thit'CWili'fliti which - he dretV' Mk Istyard;:attit list) great -and • pat betlautiattuNl 31141, Pe , f1.u 0 5.* , 14 13 4Irilltit eio, tit ear .. try i pardopi,g, limi . ; %Uwe lin. r ManfullY 'altar triodettil.titeter :his' 'otreditrittet hail tut 4lll'lito harried to lan gp.tvoooLid the Itasslimate sotto's! • el-. W 43 1) 0 9.10 that, .o.ltle blot „their lea,ticr,,tnltt , list: .yeafaktfuf silvio..:l3 O. tlie . 4 7 7 , 4:o,:ivtii, hm,itierol"ttrin.--1.11".'' ===3l