The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 19, 1870, Image 4

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    WI fll ‘lllll,l
;. ..... i ...,. ......„..-
Ito :T Iv ,r7 ,, .: • St.%
• ' k " TrM. ~ •
“D e gi ~ .1 Aiwr .. • ! r, dear
-- ~ ' . t ' I , - ' . - aley, as
she t00k, , .
~:,•; It ' au. mourn
. .
rally ruble* 7 ..- " . think
Ilarveyjba t yliWg , . . eer come
to thls."',*,• „‘
_.• . 4 .•• ,
"Humpliir ' 11 . , meson's
onltternarkl-„ Ind farenderfally
sumaptilfe;earli ey ELsley
Rallies slttlat ' arm
chair, his fret Ina warm water,
and his eyea fixed on a thermometer
thatfputmon Abe wall e garhile
MA 'Width' tiraWn ' gown
at the corners , and three pant el linos
on his forehead Indicated a tempera
ment cooskierattlYhelewtier a zgl u 2
. expressiolmay be Mold
..bppdbi g . -••-. . ~1 ~,,- r tisicls i to
"And you hink you are goin
tiler' Said Aunt Eunice eYinPatlgi. •
mil l' • ''' ' ' I ' tielidslake
" don't belleye can is
In the symptosgs." groaned Mr. Els*
ley. - 1
"Symptooni„. ladeed!" .bruit. in
Mrs. jetneeon--40,,was tultliefilg•-
ie,)°,o widowed sister,Mid virg.W th
him for the double purpotie of trolls
'' I i and centradlethlt hlnatz•-• l he
.leg hi n
,I• ha'n't no more sybeptotlis than other
I folks has.", , r\ .. ~„
"Huvitalioalc his head In ,the di•
. rection of his Aunt E u nice., ; , ,
"Humph!" once again Xclalmed
Mrs. Jameson., _ . . '
' "And now if I - was you," added;
Arita ,Euttlice:A`Vd tr t , :tqfin via
tie. weeos, d,d4. ,cood, ,io ;the'
nerves--and the monis Ii be trery let,
• while Ittatildn'And I arolookial miter
the dltinetV' ~. ~ ~..,,,
my poor shattered constitution."
Mrs JaranloA flounced out of the
' room; litteit Ebnice followed mere
'Aura:l'm astonished- at yowl"
Idre,.. - Jsmtkon , • burnt • out: "W r]
you *h ille
ow; perfertly h irell! It's all hist
• own'reditadtalanotleng:uv 1I ,
" 4' iiiitonilletvat you, tra
: tlidy ; d the eldeciady seren e.
'"I you forgetten the days
w hen yoiforts a gel, Realised to pad
dle ou the,bay." . ,: , • s:
„". . "Noi V haven't" said Mrs. JameltlM
N. won i tpy.'.- "Whit?"
_ ~ . ~?ltilE, you'd ee•
• mot] towitsith . er Us to float
with the tide than a lust It." ,
"Oh I" said Mrs. Jameson, as if she
het half oinaprehended,afteall. But
he is so trying."
"I havere,t adoubto,f 'Veldt] Aunt
•I'lliulcm :-. l oi'm going Se itailli him
home with me." - - • ,
• • "But Adds Eurtire'you dealt kn ow
him he'll worry you to death.'
-.. iti nuesta.not;" add- Aunt •Eolialee
"414 s youlli repenkit, Aunt, see If.
you don't," said Sirs. Jauieson.
. "La, child!" said the spectacled
1 hilotopbreas. "Sickness ain't noth-.
in' but a notion,- half the time.,:Me:
Alclne Sinn's it sometitnee, and some.,
-times .it's something elm. . /'Ve a
• kind of fancy to try my hand at doc
• tolling:" .. - - -''' '
"I'm sure Irvibiho ohjetting,"'fiald
Mrs.,Jatneson-heartliy., • • •
"I deal know aboutgbipg " said
Mr. Harvey Eleley dablousli .wheat
the pine Was beatched to.hipt; ."I'm
.a floor traveler-always, was•=and I
should hate dreadfully to die away
from home." •
"But you won't," said Aunt Eu:
. nice. "Playsdell is an awful whole
:Wale place. and the change of alr'll I
.: - ....lrL u t a.goodidefllClffithien In
,4-",laysdell?' ° '
- o-eTwoor three of "ein.r.i 'Y, Xi.:
And Mr. Eisley allowed himself to
be persuaded. • :• "
. Dear Aunt Eunice! she ' showed
hertatifjo be agem among nurse% So
different; thought the ratiftedi - lac-
vey, from Matilda Jameson,' who
'scoffed at his illments and. Made
light to! Atictgreatls.: s:Vill he' ever
complain of a headache, Aunt Eunice
4 ,-rained camphor and cologne over
him, parboiled his Met in scalding.
water, and ransacked the whole phar
maeopacht, fur prescriptions;' did he
got rheumatic,she plastered him from
head to foot with mashies', tebbage
leaves and hops; was ho threatened
with it,trille oi-intUgestipo„,aina kept
- 4111 ` Tor twenty-four' hi ntaide Gra
ham bread, cold tea and wheaten
grits. in short, she humored him to'
the top of hittinatt. I WI at first liar- I
vey Maley regarded the wiede place
Ma aorta( in earthly paradise. I
But it began tq grow monotonous
after;ah, vhlla Auqt!Eunhniapp too
ready In her aequlestmance,"o' eager
in the application of her remedies.
Harvey began to mist the tonic effect
of Matilda Jameson's -wholeaome
contriulictions. 3 .' • „' , • . ,
"1 don't feel quite so .
well this mor
ning, Aunt Eunice," hesatid imoday.
"I knowed it," said Aunt - Eunice,
with a sympathetic groan. , "Your
pour eyes look as It they was boiled,'
and there's a dreadfl groeulah color
•in your complexion : ' I Dr-••dear- i f
• ~..
you was to die I" . , •
• "But I don't feel as bad as allthst,"
said Mr. Risley, a, littleataided.
"I know," sighed Mrs.- • Elsley.,
"Your heart beats kind o' uneven,
don't' It?. And the paiim of your
hands (eel sweaty? Yet yea, I just
knowed it. That's jest the wet' lie
zekiab Morse was took,and hedidn't
live twenty-four hours." ,
"Mew!" staltitliarvey, but his
' voice was a little tremulous neverthe.
less. "Pm well enough."
..- -. 0 •
"Yon think you, ,be,'AtaL,so did
Hezeklah Monte! , Ab.,dearAlfe ,W.
dreadful onsartin, and we can't none'
• , of, us calculate p" 7 If t'';, . - [
' "I-1 guess Pligo rind titioa little
• Walk," observed the intralitt'q , ' . .
• "I -wouldn't," sald 'Aunt :Eunice,
. sepulchrally. "Hezeklah Monws-- : ' 1
But Harvey mil , too glad,fatesame
from the name of the doomed Here.
With. caught his hat off the table and
bolted out of the risen], leaving his
Aunt'ssentence half spoken.
"Rote's: atom] Hcallittamgag in
. the ,gate," ' add','ASinti Mich* her
spmtaclce a ppo.tring like twin InoonS
at the whideiv. "Ricliell yint'd bet
' ter walk a little ways With my neph.
• ew, If he should drop down, dead
. afore he comes back, It would be
some eonaolation for you to be there
, to bring me the melancholy newa,"„
Rachel, a blooming lkii-ofeightean 4
" er c l h- a c f m yt eds A m t m
tk ,l o"although'
she accepted her mission without re
muhstranos. • , • .1. , , ,
"Are you so' very ill?" she &died .
.• Wistfully: , - .'. i,r. f . , L. - f• ''
• '•N-n-yea, stammered our hero,_
divided between his disgust of Arun
',.• Eunice's houpitable treatment, and a
,'., desire of stilt l'etilalair, thrao•tat of
soiheihopeless alintefit.`"Thinsot so
well tae Veotdd wish, Miss Rachel.
''-' • wdbilitfrnroniirw.y... i i v..) •
1 "Why," cried Rachel, " it's Icively
thie„morning.", - ,
"We're going to luwaralto - -
F "Not a drop," said Rachel cheeXt
ly. She was &bright-Val* brown.
/ dressed girl, with roil lips and a voice
I,,like a lark: And somehow Harvey's
~Ptieye f id_diut inykmatiug infigence
' of her mere'p , fmtlioll;iol she Tripped
alrg at his Oda., -
'I wish...Matilda' was like her," be
said to himself. •
"Don't you thltitt,"koleedilr, Eli;
ley lugubriously, 'At would be pleas
ant in the cemetery?"
"Whet, ap,idea!" , cried Bic liel,
opening widener blise`eqes. Pziaii.
no. Mr. Elsley,; I kpow a much prets
tier wink, down' by a pretty old ru
: i nakll. , •• • '
And' Rachel tools Ifni i nhere, re4l;::'
;lug! ci Jr to , an other another word altaft
•bem r y
. , .1 g 4 li - h - mid ' Ant* Manimom;
c° •
, "yOptre iiiireifidC -- 111 makk
milk toed directly. l 4 •••,-, „ fr .- -7
.• ' nollterlhe milk tok,wr , .,, a i d ho e
ungrateful patent, anlitigig pie mo m .;
• ry odor oft duck and green peas
which arose from the kitchen.
"I won't be Rd on spoon meat any
tffil ia M,the,* dhltittii-.
"Rachel's only a child," said Aunt
Eunice with a cUrlous sound, which ,
lini ht•te either a groan or a laugh.
hildren know logs bY in
t," assorted; , i a l ; Elsley : ;
he.idgW.kilinsr • worm!
e atitatilibbed IVii . .. meson, (
actualVainoW it • 1
~ .:-Ift e r Ai
;Mt am etticrlaottLito '•••
Oa ,t&
Oat was not Ontlfbar t t Yla 1
*ladle to go to add yl
ped , hort ,Vit .. 4 '. wildl y ;
and, as i f
lug . selfa•
- "ii ; it a paisnl4sked unt - i
Mee. "linder',Atar I loft shou I -
®de, or in yont 016ertii‘ :. i
r-V.No t no, cried Ipteye . tx. ."Blit§l4l
orgot it. ',1';.1, , :, ... :,.. ,% 164 4 .
M Forgot whito l ,t,.:_d ed Aviv,
' nice. i s. , ': " •..', •', . - ^"I 1
%:.s.idy chilleAt'etilin d Sil "iuu3 igiV
pil one I ohms tutvirm ' hill 4;
per- onear, ddatWdit Eu
ut there IRO' tei tol 'aft 1
Ige:night." . t, i,- 1 . , - 4 - • i
'l'm afotldilq . '* l r: s El
.ho wel e t e, it UAW
tot, his sup 0 matt ...i: '..- 1
- tint lEGII - ' - .4l . olltAlte
WO lIIP .filau ittitwOtilltaijk id`lf
' . y, afterAtia
.. _ - ...shul
... .. not
▪ : toli t rielf; - $l.. • . he
, . , aglibato." rnindr.
_ - 4 1 11 0 , 4 : -. 1
A montltifter.",jainesori
came to Playsiell. - \ . i
"I didn't hear anything from you;
Aunt Eunice," said she, "and I tel
somehow worried.",. 4. ,
"I'm gladl rnit you ta m . e," said M f rs, t
..•Tis ho.deadr 140 NiliOrk
'log appivelir.tiia iietnii's
"Aldhal,'whictubong back otthe door:
"Ni, but hertfgalng tlibettittled,"
said,,Aunt Efudg e . "Idttig, Rachel
Wolff titi*Ftited Him t'and FtntOshe'S
ruing to marry him, to caliph:to the
.And that . u;its the last ma: 'lath&
son .evor heat'stefLherbrother's al Cr
' ."Bothowdhilioiegbappestp 2 Atmt'
'Eunioal,% 'askeil:Xatildn;APPATO
._._ _ __ •
Itfis.ftrea 2htrold lady,
"It was allartanagetnerit; ir
tied: I groau. l / 4 1 so touch loader that.
be was salved to leave Writ)
fence. If he thought he was wets° I
deetared.. I was' sure he . .svar
And Just whew:M.4mi lieghinlng to,
ha heafrttlx sick' of . sicktrast4" Wollg
ciime Bache! wittiltereobtairlbaslpy-•
ousness and good.huntory and that
WWI the ftntshing.. tone - h.," 1314het,
tell you I should cure Mai hexer
"logdn't think :dr was a - pesEdt?le"
'thing: wild Matilda Jutneson. •
'll . lll4slatjlr.
E; Al Pollard, a lady, elfin has
acquired ti tlberltl shar 6a t ne " rie r Y
daring the last threii:or ;
and.who has latt i k resided this
city, W M 4Tatt ,d OW, placed !in
akasylum for the sane.%lt.will,llo
remembered that
.abont Iwo ~*ears
ago she was.a coniplagate,tiarg:ih.a;
Autewhat traglati seene , in- Balti
snore. The part
Of shooting,. though nut, folly . ; a
lawyer of that cityi- far tensing' to
inform her of the Wheittilietibibfficr
busblind. • Soon after site came 14
Avdshingtoki; atilt non e unced, herself
aS the proprietress of the.Bl.` , Ckott •
Mete!. This establishment Is.on the
corner'of F and Ninth streets:';,lt
owned by -a Mr. Lyons, ot , N. Y
Formerly It was the Heruden House,
and under that name 'wu.s.,tt most
uninviting and dibipidtretticoncerit,
It is the house In whi6h iirrit'Burfatt
and? .Payne , had their Interviews
prior to. the oonsurtuttlonat the' con
spiracy that resultetilitlienniaisina
tion ot t Proildent Lincoln. But the
owner, by it Ittiliclaus outlay of capi
tal; greatly improved appearance.
and transformed . it into a cheerfu l
looking and inviting hotel. He fit
ted it tip without !Unitas to expense,
and installed Mat. Pollard 'ad the
manageress.- IT° altoutwardiappor
,ance idttrAila: the 'Elbe , u&er-
Used -bar own tititne,sitattiglitiftthere
yirgArtroWevnitinlng•for: , the .isiter
•tainuliKor the: VOA ItiV*l l
stmorletiet.gssus iippeant tiat
• Mr:LYons, ant. tint Mrs. , Pollord,
was the th'elicisa;..
mai was the attnietion that was , to
give it Gun° anal PoP4huitV•ARSI for
this service she.was, to receive a per
cenL.of the prate. ;Otte, Was gums
in the ornamental than in the useful
role. Her. preregatlVer,,tratr not to
superintend the.. ,flav o ring ' 'of the
soup; bat to enjoy all the good things
the houseidonied,and to patronize
the. excursions, shouting., And
the Like: The steamer .Lady of the
Lake,. with Captain Joe. ilenty for
B kilVer,' , was:her favorite, and.-this
unfortunate pleferentrabro4ht aboh t
deal of trouble p for it appease' that
ttrialswl the green-eyed trumpter . in .
Sylinf,' tftukii iclskitit'slecurate-
Tly oaf forth Isliatright.bek bad to be
j(stlous of MM. Pollard, inasmuch as,
Mrs. Lyons would cheerfully. Pave
counieled : hitn to avoid any tthtidty . l
on account of the ounductist th .
St.Slend. Nevertheltrahewsejtwl.
Ws, and he laid tntplforDetity,and
DentY ibil Into it•-fiti'the , sthry goes
ght wit
fists, and the,searidal waft }hinted In
a New York paperi,And the lady.
went maul. an tit l3fa.ts the:,entling of
an eventful caraer,...thei: etedag a(
which hihardly . .raore and than the
progrese.,She is - twveiiallitrinfteinp;
ration p tit *est ) and those gentle char.,
itl4 :Viet . WSW& ' commisser s ti7s
may be laitykettiti bet behalf.,',. ""
The litOii ok lA' . ralgiAti,lloinicr:
-XerlY 3 , ettlii - agothe'rep!lived-ou the
banks of „the - 11ralalyWitle,in .the
State of Pennsylvania, au . old 'qua
ker wattleficaf; with probated an old
and faithful:ltervant. Thlit'' serval(
wto',o,hoise, atid'his name vas Char
ley.. .I%Tow, Charley had trpttett be.
fore the hunily-ehaiso lori.many al
lont ir year to the ylillale . pptbtibleer
tot. S tri
Sabbath day aaing, and up
onl'h ,Iribttrof,:trrandar, l Old Char
ley was irier,ruidy tirbe "hitelied,
up."-• Not one trick had ito-allown,
nor had he once pm - mei! Unfaithful,
,itad mei! tle•r igwms rode him,
q svelte
~ hr It; as he
talt h ikt,l44 , 4 . The
river divided the arm, ant it was
Pt, amp.. ;neeceseary4o -Vis44. l je , 10 . 1,
on thenther aide d itheriLlvelltrilieeri
a mile make littlefrom the housti,lart,
th4rii*.wt.W t iikal ford jtlit down by
411c,,,hank.hildi wu.sldwayil When/
the 2 "4 10 -I)l3nh erlll2 in
spring me gntia die to
riClit,iy -It'd titt lir iltll',.'i ‘ 1 ,;`,;',3
ftwl an
a l ti l ltrkeygadd „ .byi r m 6 ted, p thlq set or.
r i
brfdge. •=Yerriving safely.
94 lltq l other, side„;.he,spcut Seine
time in" We,. lianineiti• 'Which had
brought him over, and It was rwly
Itilltilq,Wp %Olen jin ii•ot, f atly brawl
home. LID looked up toiVard the
bridge, arulaahl it was a long throe
tuih, around, and that he believed M,
week' ArY the *ad, Ql d Charleyl
.catriVriMiV he said se 'be. rederdowq
tiandliqnk Of,the atrearu' "and ale,
hut -a short may t•quer.". - -Chartey
'bolted lifluctmitatuti 'alter coashret..
able urging Ink etthrlo atitilltrhilati
lu-wailaruent.havithla stale; ittd4
-bravely for.the uppwilloshore..but In
atiollter !Tenant** 'treat , take (WAR
hotty•ybatt .ancl-filanae.._• • They 1 bV . 1.1:, 1
r oir.:(Mr i cat r 1#4.. eI! - b qd" 1 " - ailk ,
seal; !but as he wa..ol4l74kOlgrkr
thi ati ffrui current, he caught
bltin 4#
tWottlf-wlalw aye
Itee;•art 'Was' telbilltakasnipg
' . I/42 e'
pursued Ins jotuutty . the
14 4., #o4flhiA. l9 99* l W. loll "re mil •
'etet aliPiWeingilit mlseilikr3l4 int
M '
ead; be looked wound s ad ;ns ,It
seeinadliciwbredhbf meter tlinglpft
, tte , the, broach of the tree; lmiraw.
.diii, ail u l withonth:illation, he
linisilyt . kr
rtee'al hqtatith•theo brunet/ •he
1 0 10 / I teti litY..gnlntE
; •fittgt e l eta 'As bat*, _and then,
'•altrant•q .. tia.statluunindoidarted
ontx, for home. The whole i
had beamoldtbeased by the family,
.itiK . ~
• jilit a k VIEW to
al i ' Xi_
s fia lm piclhe,
!mica Itiol,ma W WM.
tbedeseinied diel.sidi' Um nit
*fed Onirrifailtial4.l l Je ;
1 ,
.r.AtrtheiCaISSINI : 4ti.*-InSV - ,
es yona Matt 11*Cle
ent centuryl •IIIP;
Uppisistlidoe Id toads/mit, a i
ltriratekl"Wt'llseittenns which then,
#4.ssfil r Zlis te sti! i r i ne i rdr h iat ;1
is has nem Was pe7,onn Ote „ 1
ii.: op pogo. tkieitavlietild. .1 1 1:09 '' '
cot .. rnad;,tterga at
_•.*.l .. i
'. fonlaetn: 4 Ildliatt'sdaaghter,
s. . ins l 4ll,llfetetititytdothelvNe.;
a ' .4-4 filkAtittamP tbtail.ti,rfti
t , e hear Or the younglirt(W.
; toad This .kam.andd, j 05.1.4,
and imtl crastistrelftulincoid ti
In confidence gave his real nanseyn4d!
. ..tCitct i r bete „..i to at VantsAMAn.-1
-' ' tOfititt a ktVA., !M a t ~ .41 I
'"l nr , feintwgga ll ithaika l lert
he told his wife he must'V 1 0 1 1
;01 . 4 116911 En t r i rditheiners ofl
Altil li r t iy.:lr i rZ ~ land
!PIP • • r 1 A I ': , IV M' °MI*: thd
1 lusbauft oietti ' ,; - . 4111 : 2 1§Orkt v :
:ateekL, , - ..ttd - .:4lapaeol,: 14..., , ' 3 7
milylaige , badger of, tettrma, And.
Ivgetthattie pinstdslogra to Ear?
Aghtl'gfi. fildnd.' , 'Hotoole his de-1
:I "KOVlWitx.isris'Ond'onotmr
us ewswkir ta ,maiga , mn'
havcoutau wie ..., ...*. 1 .1 1. .at
-.herself It mum clear case cd desetSAM 4
41* 'We became. a ;amother•itado.flor
rs t livtitillifirr-hope. , At the
A ' tial,tlMatnißirattfini be l s
YOAt,legeilVAlri . i
4yeuting, ber ,to:ilie 2 1 1 0 ",,N 6t e t .,
-•yorlciLand to.tako,po 1 ilijtumvi
%tithe elothesshe wate,andern#l l 4
lii a hfilft fir fit* /tomb ImEngiatal4.
qp iitstdOghvicew York city
&lad '4,:ahlp„nrottdßy 'fornhed
.wi11mite.g6103940,4 1 . 74r1q
AA iser....conotwa..)49 " , ~
ready toobeykher..evyr .., ;
i t
ship dMy titrivetlan-andeno
tile 1 S Irlittord - 'OW became itltarldtal
t0t:4444a nopertk maithlob, nudist the
*WO a Ar,dthitratfitill'tcy Ilia
aristaniair,PU _Uppier,ollMhZ
..1 oath() decade/ skuiPAR9, Tv?*
yearn ago; ,thestitralleMboY.B l .4cce
nd to ttmlitlei and ivealth:of_has fa t
'el', ' Whir itt 'the'.-hani-etittion 'id I the
,',34:9K40"faV1-11146hettiPt!!''he'; is
nikolosa oralitfitiptie.d ' Mlit'Vol
some oiStruiciird; EdithXiiierld. .."
3.. Wised- the-latn km& Stilingitt Nis
,lted Engleind, IMMO years aineerhe
? Q ti f ti . ' i tim are 'of meeting , Lady
hiledadifififfr.ri:Pd was'
delighted to,ano n er r m an t-'
tions about - lint blii place in Con
necticut,-Nation. -.... Y.l :.7 ~ ,
~:l .. -i I'` At? war. roar a Milifila, .
Ott'Sattniley &eniveg i says.. the'
tleVela n y a Heivid; a niostextraonll-:,
Atitry,l4 tarts Made In•Painesville
'We tiar eS to the titinthict , beingtwo .
taw both iirOliihry Udder thelnflu- ,
ence of liquor, tittdll64ittalsa
chattged bt. 4 3 1 110.1 ,w.lfi c „_or,
true none* e parties ato e-.
Us Miller and. birs,Oriagoryt:"
10- , buittied, Cisegoey.iht notilut het,
intil *lbw Watettildusscoresyiertiit
' The two .10d rhetionlster-"
PI rbethAitsbetbnstated ,
letkottKr t, nblitflOoPoo of
ittos , lk i etheconYersa z
tion, , the•suljeethevittch
108 ta
ken_gpond one prooosed.."-ivliksb one,
4hat- the-eltra•
exchanged rev.
yys, s 1.14 tr; nt';uot
,the •Propailltion
-was -rn e
.parnestOttinla 'taken
up, and an agreement nisidiv!tolsarry .
baptist, tilubsie%seutly..the
watilvssal•detlYellelliltor wh o
went home, and at about two o clack
pm Ountlay morning Gre r gOrY Virtu'
ed liflllerte•Tioilse add IleWaided,
fultildient of the cwitract.
either' hair Uthrtie enbbeysturrepent
ing °flits lsimain„intended to punish
such an rnikinden t'deAltikl, or else be'
L "W b
ich at' c 4
ever was Me t ope°, o thoroughly
loaded a shot-gun, leveled it at Oreg.
oryiti• head; And Abut ..thcough Me.
window at him. No less than elgh
teen largeithilts wettr.ludged square!,
ly in the unsuspecting Gregory's
face,; ejmellirsinStlit Out and
his whole 'ebuntentitedAMehocking:
ly distigured4 .it• le Waugh:, MIA the
wounds mriSt •prove fatal. , Sunday
forenoon 'Miller gave himself up'to
the authorities, and his examination
before ; 111411 . 0410.,
_WOO, ?xppointlilk
for this forenoon. • '
We seldom hear a latter sonnet
on IR .11tirkLlattqlrefatiqng for the
"lablcae. whence no traveler returns , '
than is contained in • the allegory.
- stilikatt =len Alai a t man once Petit
through this world into, the,next.,
LTbere ha diacovefefl Aim; „we rothin
those parts , of -ournelvoti,And now :
ofibi; - , itlitch:,.yir9:jyteve-stssido9u . sly
used hare. :=.l.bariatie wait the spectacle
Pl'Oelltect to , ; ; his.. wondering - .sight;
He ksi.w.liiittaio4.4lll2llgry-looklair,
ears., They were forever- mignon.. t
,itig Itild'hodriting hither and thither. •
He way in formed that otf eartlilhoso
luidlione• the beertngefehurehlausie,
ilia bhaireNterabons; had *titivated ,
the listening faculty, and raithhor
else., so - that they mitre nowearvand
1 nothitig thrge,,',„HOriogeed big tkini-'
'cobs lying a but contentedly. ,under'
TelkWaiV4Vil!V.,ll)ltf. Was' told th a t`
time, wore persona. Wtio.,:hail Weil
I tsed'theitstrottom,k) powers—
who., had' •a ldtieitslt gn4ed ' it
saltionsi and. gormandboed iit4elliati•
*Mits. He became interested in Rona
15f1tlq419118. , ;witth qtrapatootions liko,
oisiort' A 41,44.141, AltitfitgAge ared. to
move their eyelids languidly, and.
siodsitinibit to Auk 1 iflieseltel at*
ed.wero what remained of ladies who'
had cultivated :only, good tailor.'
6 s itutgriog, poptlyf e rteher;
wAtioippltgclfttri, at Jun bf
ears; where a ively.ske e on, wl
gilt u vestige of heart or brain, Was
still geitieulat lug Up preasi vely. UOOlll
making tillsdiscovery the.. wan tiny
mediately telegraphed earthward
,follows:,"lolukthat powers unused
- rle ' bid l'''thitt 4 pigMßnegletited !ai.
away ; that we are allowed only in'
keep so much . of ourselves as we air':
I.6 l , o , ==i . g t ,ybu.oq, p9l, end a 4 rt
K !ay NT ~4r!a?r,s,, or 115 a .
totk:tattbfiriy4.'! -. ... '' A •• '" 1 i .
i -
Nothing Like Grammar.
I‘taliltigtiteetratheniet , Better ',ni
without a cow than go `Without that:
There . are, outoPOtes, . t'profealiaii'w
who go "tramp tramp, petldlitlgli
wettivartieleiby ;which ,!Ist, . twat
Alao.. gi ,_ggar,anteettegoet ;.w.. toga
th .up',,Eitaliii :144
Pliiiire: An ,, poinbootogi
Ttia.oraellollo.-'tobtanl4 ' iced :.with had la iiekC , witti 1
V blettthr- W 1.04t1/90/.11&2f14!1,: O
fo W N,ffiylganVlgt:SW
of. thpitthp sentence, Maly
Aoll la.. : A :.*tKdoit,,obe
arga&:r Woollboed p ureed
filitt6fiel'ethlelt fell tai 130111.....-«-leja
lateirtSwarobtfitur the , folot o illo,
*inn who eOmmeocout-ithua.:_l w,,
L liiiktillo;: q 1 1 14114.4. 1 4 0.4 . '4=1 45
number, third.pmoo• agg or .
1 :=..." 11 0. I )fto i rlittl'l , -aald olfe'
- -1 110 1*or -
make , 4hat , outaf4Ut 1 en;.%
iii Need the &MI6 pupa/ tlei ea*
f.. 1: shitill 'for Mary how eoutd
, iL 1 4 3wervr to lett he,- . mild tOrituiile,.
1 714mettirris 'loeg lir the caner I. •rw,:aia Joage ,iloillklit-likWahatt.
..0 Idly ,set ow n *
1 sitrawtelihApbel, , Vli.,*4 Mk
itigryarttrolotai .. routidAhree
)4494 1 1r,11 1 9 Silai4t.aull..VOnirP k lAA
1 " 31 " "'Pr" OPPOMAlsioNatet
II I* .‘ , .7 Il'4 in :ow:, •,) -.-.: il( : . _,.
I - ; o,4l.youPSlw,withYpii.. rcluChiii
,„..,.;..,,,,, thv.o4lol.oo4, l lsterie -,
"Welt;' elliswerecktherlary toile' '
Preeliful l 4',Oit•li ii ,A=
/weft 0 be so ..tamithitiu
gm maßufactured in .Iskithitgploat
fir itoS;illither codaty , in .411 e
State. ,
• • yr...•
- .llZierli
•it . V l tt n itit il th_Ln i
Mkigni t ...AM.! 4 1 A 4 Itif i r , e 6W 7•4L • 61'
iaMtilfte.,4 41MAPIRSOMSTs
- 20490 C 1 k 4 A124trralit i c 4 4
Wills 4 4 1 41,4PfhW 4
"04414m.4.t W4YAMPIVIAs.titty_
lug* Rig% IA IOPY.4.4O4PIONT.WPI
am Diiriaafakt‘ •I;,1 I.;l •.:“%., .;11! 1
~,L LA-Whilaq/blardleadyit'iolua.fioneaa ;
and idithasi Olklas: warCrerrind. en. le ;
lßatt In thirtetwaral'Tidiantei nilindlyal
reladindi hr - -ilmitilgarmaryo (analog, tits,
inakieraysatitaddierorsetwee eouldlbe 1
lastinadtriennan Wet druirixd.hi -1 , ,,, 4 11 , 4 ')
'' 7 =' It l 'iii4l l 6ltY hinted' Malik wbo
liint i tlit u iWielTrat2kwhirntiti• his' May;
iiBiili aitichtkikant;filli brother:leid-,
'he t 5 'tillliiihini hiuttinitt 4 l l 4i nd
didird'altiiOrtitiros:'• l'liiiniarstetter'-'
4 ' fed iinatiiiiiiitie hickakiriteri (Wis.!
tie pillow took hared therrelinc! and
141:'414441Etirtdidi the , bitair an
lanai ...Nl.'" i .1,,-,..,; :,..i ~.,-;.?)0,i
rAt ripqed 1ii4 4 11/4 4'ittii Ili ;
ms re 40 brii;ii-i
..f.,;).11 p rnE & lq iir
,pl, !VV4liiiiiliArt.:
Flat • Thmla s ja pir"1140111Ck" iiiiii
lioet c l . ,rFinr.tif"!"d 'l ok.'S ' .leli 4l i - 1
.. 041pliii,Fle14iiiiidinittir.i,ytliar', - 04.;
Y!!,r q u i+ E4t: Auxin 6,1'
).Kal m lain:;64j' ta - N;ainle' l
I v * / . 1 01,01i 5 0 ea t i, ) ; ‘ , . ' 4 1 ' ) i t iliil4 .cae
P e .zi'YA. l PPPA iii * t '' scli tt l kICY ,O a. "4 ';
',4r. • - ' ,"'" ' ';-1:. - -`' ' -
L:."4l . 3'iiiii i s e,iiiric; 4tOliailiid, Clime-,
F 6 4 6 "iiPii
TrAi le i eWiiii Ct* i*
. riviffailiTiLtipiliiblgitiiacalide-
Aleii444*ita iunilhfrtaar
inic!axbaiwpia hi! af a ow ti t'66.
liiiOn cval la:ckWili,'tedy:tiii
"_Elie cf&hairtoOkliieaid
beithar "his
ii;Vy‘tirtt"iti6sCiih • aaliiil u iriiiiiiiiiii: ^ Ha
' AraaliiVa"(tain iiui'llilairlitaft / tha iiiiie
''6o 'lll4iiiid6at s . •-':"' -:" a '..: '“•••• 1, 1.1, ;
r—titolla'f:la lair: iii , .Vare'Plittritiiia
! . 4: r ::blig i t ' i.4 : ,:. 1 . 1ii ?*. i 90 aeNetL N' 6 2,!!
.Tcrtrin,l/PuE'.f,k,riliz:i*l'lnatioi liato
4 1 •flig_ ,r,k i '. ! t ,F ll;l l: oo 7# o4
TO i t 4YYPTID,III J r., . ahoy 1 bi4kl
45 tt . 4 oil ly. me4tii:dilf lalill' Yea arid
I liWal l ii•iinT.tiftto 'll "a 'win
,ettlfllll,Ntiiarglilt, r4ll. of he rkkt a
1 1,1 M r. 1491 i. In " 6412ieqibc:074ufl
rsse'.#l 4 l ,ll:::i , _,.. , i .:„ '
.",-; •- "
~ .r-Qit Xl Mr>iday 9r. hug yrtqi.. 114114,qat
ktio.bousa iAltiT,E lll (4 4 lY. lo ,4f*
saw ioafilaaak .15 9 5ia.*!.#44 1 , .99 , 74PY
,Cnook • An -Kat442 titic.iii,.. 014 irYP.°
iaitakmoctrk Ar. 4.44 1 :i1aF1N AO-' O !L. I
.) , Quaast4 l 4 rgaPx. 1110 ..qc00. and ,vr
about.tovaannam*, O t eviAtiptag it, „rhea
4, wok, , f , righieliell ~ PierY,Ye ~ Thß...Pir - ,
mn s - 1104 110.4 4 1 ottk to .stooF. , I g o** *
kola *lot and leftg; baby. wiappcd up, ,
steeping in its Ftit1.0.,., A ; ltttit 041, was ,
. i ahly a short time. to nee shout
ity4 . 4l,liii,todliv,tiejt Ab e OAtined:a4itoor,
WAS, horrill,d to ocri st . titiO I . oid '64; T . ffit 0 -
1 44 . !OA listttiid
, 91:5iyitolie.' the' 'tittle
Aliti 4 watt
,crAii : pit'obta i lir,' in . & in a
ilao ATOTviouitt doubtles s hire' been'
J i k i i l 4 l . l , l4li.O l it 'VS° a "*P 3 bea !' t • '
c)R jAip, OA, ha 4.4 1 van, 'ilia "iltd 'eat'
. 414RaRrd'Atmom/h link ,i'rindOritralad ' tan'
.01. 2 9 0 . JIM 1 3 °9 12 . cf' PittiiWhbpilUmit.-=
•••" 1 : , - 04 rarouton'aii.
leged Attiteriri ag§ 0 044414C FL*.
. . . . ..„
• ass, it Vienna,-
givtitt' extmordlnary
piece of Ctirreiptindertee from Cassels:
*.ThePrnashitv , Governmeut..has
wled theeternett,prohlbitiou waitet
the neelpt at the. teltagniph °Woe, of
a report of ttweircUrtts4We;iiihich
Mon' gu'
i*lfitki.Sourk l t •SP4,or at at-.
tempts ift 4ouLealutebt,.• yiteiday
wiklelre't hat
IshiPOleon had, an
ettiemPt fet , eititide. , The dl lona of
thera&hi ' as° , cominuititetethby 4hd
ottkerenguitni,:areas follows
Vtgeoll. - -for - Wow daysi..puthlbited 'a
strange elevatiottotsplrits,whicti L tip.
hoAtilsa •ItstigoßeteSPOhVia
.4Pacc 4 Y • Ault% ..t1!9,,.
Ltilrom f ~Pa
I isYL AWN se
d yeii n'ttb l
& d ti
illy lu
qinte. • This
Wasebbut live e'elock In the:4wetp•
• Ing:s gliem.orders tied. all
dispatches which larrised aliould 4 be
brought to tolul 114uneAntelY where.
1 everhe"
' Two, Which d ad Just
' wh i te ,fre nt Hastings 'and Brussels (
were accoiiiinglY taken to' him iu
'the park. ',He read them, and grew
visibiy pale. He therwreturned to
the castle, and shnt - hiroself up In
"gm- ' , AftegateX Waimea or beard
.4 3 4%. his
ndiate 44..9140:m14 Do4 , ' to be
tqar_taixL About 'half past 'nine
u' •1 On the' pretext
haVliig eoliiething impertant to
ConibitinliSite; to ask for , adinlsslon
room: Prinewliturat under
took.. the thsk, -but , to dila repeated
*pocks and, mile nu lithSViCr..l44lB re
turned. After half an hour, they
broke upeuftbe.door, end fount Na.
plow IyAng Rothe apht jn a deeKtii L..
'l'Wo physicians were iiiimediate-
Wretched, duZthey. 4ot:deeded . ; after .
tire !awe of liftiringiteNii
leon to' hintiself: 4 .ErerYthing here
'PAIN to hi- attenipPlit• suleide,; to
whielt; Of vourtie r :the.idftlehals will
notngree. , TbaJtiorarnor—uf.4.Anisel
'made his *PPosrauaeotti ts.atAil . later
hour in the Icastio.. L Wbiek ,In 11 '
state ihr , t4eispit.4l'illiti°°-
Marerriordid iteOcityp - ,ij I ni o Nto.a.
I tuulints sent long *:editnt of the
I "nuttier, 'to - the': itt9t itt9t arters:"'The'
'whole populatitin'eftftwel lien% 'out
to-day to - Wllhelmihoehe to Ike- Na-.
Tkileorr: ,- • die, , howeveri; do rouse-:
*peace of severe illness;?.. kept. Ns
~ThiEllresse .evklentlyo, and
appear with Lreaseti,..dtsbe;:
'hives the remarks'
,that s .ipler : &skin t them is _seatedy
agy hewn Whie.h.Couldeffo the - ran-
PeP5 so 89:NerSIY,1
—Thdtielite kind arohnd the globe,,
'fiVe •finndield Jinllest nett), and , Mk)
hundred. noHee south. otthe •equator,.
aneuixboiretreas producing theirum ,
of iladia. rubber... The,y,rau ba iapp• btalatearfor 4WeAIY, f*Pcil,re
ffieatiooa will:0;1qt injury; gnu theer . 'rem
btaltda9.ekope, * tl4o, one niafi
lily a'tlay, each
treeyteldink; on an' ayeinigo, three
hililespoblifufe ''daily.' • - Porty-three•
thboaand :of-thteei trestiohave-bee&
rennet& in'a *time! 'country thirty
ranee I.'byeight wide4...There are
is EAluttand .10arope.taore itban
Pilenlar 0401 4.
,ajni Fetwujffing,,incirellitin eh
110 i mkundslif thirgli peo Yitir; and
tffiT btedneille eniudd4rtotilo be' still
in'ititntlinty. "Batt) Whatever ev
tent itlinay•laarenee, , theiwwilt atilt
berpienty!of-rsbber tweappir the de-.
sasadv• •• • .••
Jae. Amman .2 :bal./gather
weretonAltgag wi.t.W. a : 5•44/f/ ' ttPri/ use
Mtlite Wit lnfrnal,
w .ud.was ftty,lbt_ 'pie);
"bah 4)ohi:iy tot the,
lttt had dtinder li'efotilr , over
lfertrtileh she 'melded Jtelornii
triewnf. /Z)11.1,/,,,.,Ys
qite , tbegondicetibrisitigainsgi ehei
dom. thaboxektner illiterAtici .aaltit
~,;,tl,!outu undo' tairtixito34 ol o. 3 , l lY o6 " ; •
1 1,4, 'liiiat!iil ear iiiikWi. l ?9P), tg*:
a Ztentlitrkiititilifteletiftii lit,
ireY 'find lliW Wein indeiti'elnee it,;
'OM& *nil ab *nut 'ar.iiirlti in the
t i tn *. t ic„ A . : : 1 , , V .....s . itt 411 . I'd ' •.,.}
I . Noti.why, eion't weal Letretcb ottr .
leornierte.% L4ittlet, There areauatly
' tog hodietkundsetbeeris t and
we eYeelnitbe W 91441.. ir be"
AlUtil w 1 4 001 4 14119 ttsol/ 1 4041.01 later. .
h r i a l b4 Y , kckLi l e44 o ‘Y.P 3 l,,,.. -:1 "'"
4:1 i Lt.sitatu , e our
Ki e l: lw ' ~f h II • % Jr.. ft :
"rgillie"ll2. alit -6 - NWlttett, , •titt?
,1 e,
'lttitiiiiirtithipite;ittitirviterrietiti '
l itestitte*edentirobbed otalonatiti h t
ofi ildurilincluding 400 tolo6.pett
in seeks,-itiel.Boo to 400 poundal.
barrels.-: ; .,Thu? thieve*, surettcded , in
de tion beitheit Phuider.',lll4oult
areaWhinsit iihthittlVith:
triAliteoftphyddlans WM,
flibetitoriewt and.qpientille
11111111Phrrormsediabso ,, abtalable-li
4611tseilmcautdA9Ria$ okttast•
5 11 1
421.., it► •,
.. ". ..t.
w.-47 arpubs..r.sito'
- thic, redertl4 bit
afr'itOgranted nth* PP/lieges` by
thalattneleauthority,," and amthers‘
lbritonfike !maitre and equal, before
thelmersio. , ,L, r,t, ,
;slWhenacpatlant appileettlaptlysi-'
hhllllllo4 014{94/ 1 49 o, 4 ll r6tki
APlbelngtt, free man eau the,
tiveneetriya Int;has arfetf to etit-
PIaY,X, er he May RrefOr
i ) 111 v aiet t li tY . tl t k i lat tr • e t T b e ariirttM" . '
With this Underatandiait'alWallt
idttifitionbettig , b6doeuPouAhogla,
Ontoalothaledle , taaatuleat 01 1
which! as al , sule
times 'leek indifferent abattoir toe
am &menden to ; - thcfriNdiee. 441/ . 007
,rst, , ,tafurth,er . removed, elm ar.morp;
ge 4 Veg l 4l l 4 94h 1 PIte
0 9. h,
j4e csiiedlunaii to inveitigide
A nd` t i tbit went' act % ' Shad un d
iticcessfallf trtateii by- , number; of
I pfryifiejseisv or .1 .•• Stl
- di — di ffil ou nfi lj eds dissesse l)e °ltf°:il aris: °l, thaa -°blgeLl ault ra to allit :ltE .
for% treatment by,the Mersa Wadi",
1 1oneis.oLthe.surrtsthding,aatlatrY;
inauy_of whom feel , much gratiffeci at
aVit in relieving their patients
of Opublesomo diseasea find had haf
ted for a long' time.
Let no one, therefore, despair Of
hathg- 0 1 1 11 healtulk tr havetried
, Onus arid o ter2rOniedies
. 1
even after theirinintil phyfi
dc;snalred:' • "
• '
Btit`Yitthei consider ihstn.owhile
Athbre ig life them' is hope.' .:H
itself 'increases :the 'strength of • the
toady and prolongs the lives of many.
-Despair reduces the life
a f the body
and•haatens death , in all.
xran4upe , is our motto.
* stymirut
Weilf stityk-flv;o Mewed viK
ters Millotexpik
. .
—lt.taken twtimilibrt.tones °read
a year it, stipply IPliltarkiphtaer • • I
-4Vllllain Walker, of „Brookville.
hint Mt Natmlossardralfzin at planing
mill last week:
144 Lyanan_Vrtimbldl, n 01111018!
(or Welldent. 16 4 1872. , I
„ Tlisinenthership of the Evan.,
LutheranaYnod of F4st Pennl
sylvaaUt;,nutnd s 11,000. • ''
—The la:rib& of people io attend-
Mien athe Diylestown fair last,week
wall 'estimated at 30,000„ '
• L-Re. nears liodhtif;ti Methodist
'prcit6her, 'one hundred years old;
preach'ed• in Lancaster on Simday.
•L , A Man named Michael McCarthy,
was arrested in Johnstown, theother
'day;•ehnrgediiitlr stealing $1:1) from
James Valentine, near
" ' l -Ovetr;s,tke tons of anthratite and
40;000:Iona olbituminous real are
transporteda over. the-Philadelphia
and.lteadincrailrozd front- lisrrls
burg .ite : l/. Week.- . .
Iron . Works,
whichoonws f i ne since. retlumd .tho
wages of Moir men five per cent.
vo eita luntarkincreised,them to the
SFIP4n.S I :44; •
iirOdneed in
and about . iaukiin hi: S elling at $1
per barrel:a - the well. - The lighter
roll ofeithet pitrtS of thermion rangei
in *lea trim $1.30 to 3.411:
,—Erie, as near as we - eah 'learn
frOm . einitrtliting"the columns• of the
two daily paper published there,' ib
Masted with rowdies; pimps,.h
thieves soul buminers generally..
• —The CI tyCounel I, of Chester, h
appropriated three hnudred - doLlars
for. the estatilhduneut. of drinking
foontailis"man. anikAllusfs',l t
each of tbewardp akthat:pua.t , : :
I—Here' an Alabama
PIM*. phy4iplaus say thew IS
no, reason for being Afraid of yellow
fever in Montgomery—the ASlntic
cholera isjust as aPt•to come." •
. .
Lyons, of Conemaugh tp.;
'lndiana county, raised sixty bushels
of onions, this year, ottbalf an Acre of
find ; worth seventy-live ceateper
bushel. Total worth 845.
*Old ladinained Wilson, froni
geothind, residing at Parker's land =
lug, died very Suddenly one day last
week. It was suspected she had been
-=A boy named Plaits, aged about
ten years. a-resident of Port Matilda;
Centrecounty, while locking u w heel
on a wood wagon, , a few days ago;
wagon passing ever hititi;
breaking his neck. .
—At a centenary meeting held 10
the Uni.Versalist church, at Tldioute,
October atti, p 3,80 - was contributed
ler,eitareh purposes. J; L. Grandiik
gave $1,001) ffir Butchel College, ' itn
PlO forbiller purpuseS. • ' • ' • ,r
A new railroad bridge is being
built,}ttrositfid Shenangoat Shama,
on the site of, the old 'oue, Acnovo 1111
, the Wtstertuan Iron Cowpony's
bridge. • It Is being built by the E.
P..- road for the aasownedatiou of
the iron entußany. •
~ goVlWWOzitlier.fel494li I&a lbiin k
Ls thusreported% •Eariners' Xational
, Ilank•of itendiug, Pa„ lives t,irultlV.
dons- are reportedl.• look out.. for all
Fanners' National Banks, as the
townand Sala tan be wally changed
fmanthemanie %salute-Oen Plat?? •
- - , -Alab/tnenls. brigade Is to be or
ganliediu pony, Nuxuat.who
Wanotstak, his legs in.a4ttbit..-ban?
relied shot gun will be adipitted.-L.
,About,tenjugn lo the, city are now
equallo the test,. and as ninny wore
will soon be able to peas muster.
ettiel • 'eniious peop le- claim to
hike„fivue ;eritone ido in, the t3us
mtelisiiini ivgft• ailisbargh,
which .wes Wxondilpped by, helndl
tosts , tn •1757;••1•1t, Is described its.herir
hdrriblev But how the execttlEne of
'lts' worshlgtivas•tvcertalned does not
' • ,•• • •'" • •
• —Ads:dated thst a Keel 'tient lawr•
yer•ef • Vitiksherre luer uinde se ca
thatelhat tteintnant esperbditure tlt
lentetnenty —the -llesimendie.
iitring'Onikkfor IntiAtiniting tiever,
KM, , tenn i s:4 tfiki• ehernions Amin la,
A53.000,u00 . ,
—The Cleerflekl Jour/ad/says hits .
learned thiamin& of , the bmawheat;
hifihat county * which wna:tdbrenh-
I WI haa.beeu,very WHY Aged by
; the nAns of the ten, nt . twelve
,/aYPs crop
Wit setsusly urea tt ! i,
„Arne crop f: ! rtii 'Forikina
a• •.: ..• •• ••.„ • i
.• •
.• Thttiaderettnedolooltial for m aharani vtotaid .
rasonstfally Won& thirpahlle that he' has pus of
thalbeat %elan:beta aC - 1 "
" . IVALL-PAPtit
, 72,
W a DOW'' s HAD ES:.
.41. , .44: 0 , • 0 •••:•1 • l 4 ,__a•
• IFIL;o0R 0,1.1... n pL0w,t1§;
• , ,—; •
; on din& 'ettantr.“ , llta
" 8011 -;4 1 .a. ! Jal.• .a:t • 4 :
1 10014.,4 1 4*44pagvArieg ,EAixtein!
33sOcCIP Eli, • 4 .
harti9P aro. °F,P d b€l r? ar
„Iperlta l,
. 4 1 grrin;01tY ISEPARTMENVI
`thalibuifteittatitilcitiletatatirated -
, t,aa
afaietliec t is t ivratbase4paelana toot 6.1.2 Ply.
-Miet•do ta act then Wore ourchtelnr.
l= i • a ter. dits.etaiinly let Lrida4fa
14,01 4P1av ;The*
tangif re.peatnea to tta, saris .
etaeriadiai . elealim *sat watt.
~Wei a burbra., „Ilatarataea School
A r Wr i g * Cpt Pat it Pa atillabeea . 4 •
ilbliAn 6110 "00114110144441 ,
ffismo•swpf- no ,
bat, Broadway. New Brighton.
- ICrE'lt
" AISI — & - SIEDLE;
. - Sueitt: iiiinilii': . -
REINS AN,I miiireAo o a sTEDLE;
Na Fifth Aveitte,-PlUsbuigh, Pa.
' . .. And tk;fileiii In ''T. • -•, . '
FINE JEWELRY; . ' : : .
',Alivicy for all the beo,tuakesof -
: Ong rrfiIdIdAEVOLOCKS, '
ittentian Id to the repairing and
• -114.11/11 1 / 1 .
oet.1:10:1 . y. • -
fint SliketaitindeL
- Irate a MUT
Billimore Plan
4- • - Manufactory
' • ifamffactitrerrql -
wail% liquAltil. #I4DI7PHIUUT
TLae Ynstratmemti beve been before the pebt;re
fur ruehly Thirty 14re.aodapm theltexeel knee
*loom attalsbed se lawiereAsamlpr*eassiteseet *tkb
promos= them compelled. nett •
• • TONE: - .
combines great power. sweetnessend toe sines'
quality. es well es rest rally 0 . ; Istortlan. rod
sweethom thze4hout the entire seale. Their
• -
Ig=e l
s *r tk o , avnde L r
to -
s the
. - . • -In Worlapaskrishlp
they are unequalled, twin hone but the very beat,
ILLIMIRD IIIAT/MIAL, - the hole tenths' eatlllerfed
in oar business enabling wit to keep an humanse
stock of 1 mbcrie., on hand.
Or All our Sql/Alln Planar haft oar New i.e.
proved Over hints: nude and the Agrctps Trebk.
rjr - We would rail special attention to oat late
hnprovetouttitle With:NU PIANON and SQUARE
URANUS; PAIMATID Aug. it, Int 4, which bring
the Plano miter terrfectlon than has yet been at
tained. • . . . •
We tide dude arrangements for the Sots
Wan/dead Agency Par the mod Celebrated PAIL
I.olt Oita&lin and IIdLOLCEONS. which we of
ler iN d olesale and Udall, at Lowed Factory Fri-
~,Orphasite. Court Wale.
Valuable Real Emkste ha New. .Prigh
By "Int:not no waters( %h Orphans' Coati or
Dearer Vanity' thendlerelpina adnaltilatnuots of
atto,entato of Orntonto ar. necanaekwill 's
pasm to public woo oo the prottlios. on
.Monday Os Wer 24th,1870,
- at IL O'clock 4.w tba• tanne.' described real
estate, late of said deceased, vis : Two lots of
'grottad'altnate In the battier; It of Now Biusierros,
county of beaver. and Mato of Pennsylvania, be
ing luta Nom MN awl Ina la the general plan cd.
stud borough bounded wd descrTh, se follow..
via: Wagoning at nor comer of Vaud street and
Samara* alley, thence by old alley Vibe feet to
Division alley: thence by division alley oiti ANA
10 lot No. thence by said WAG feel to Water
tarred; thence by Water street ito feet to the place
of beginning; on which to erected.
Two ..Slory Frame Dwelling,
hi 40 !veer ; Contalng 4 moan, 2 latzbens,
and altle—asoi also. a
Uellar tauter Use entire Building.
The lows 4in good repair. and well ca:ealitial
for two !solace. Thera are, also, •
other necessary Outbuildings
on the preadoes,andi neva falling well of water
on porch. nit se lots are planted with good
• trees and Grapevines,
i vo l i t m enixiber et the latter being la good beating.
'Tke.prOperty respect
THR.l4s—Ope third,of the purchere motley to be
be 'paid le hand at the eisofirmattou of the sale by
the Court, and the runaahnier In two equal aleuld
Instalments with hrtereet.
BE WIIISLEIt. I (cu .,.
septlEtAre.) MARY WLII Lktt. f
Allen's Potato Digger
Ctua be Lifted by
Doer,one Hundred Sold Last Season
Only one returnyl. .Sent on receipt of
!Stew: dollars.. W. W. KNOX.
137 I.l',erty street. Pittaburgli, Pa.
Gi.lllAgenerfor the Wria. [auvltt2ni
WHILE the World is more or less ex
ercised over the opcnine of the
Suez - Canal, the' Beaver and vi
cinity, should not hove sight of the fact that
At there old t
%and in Waver, Pa.. are still
Itirnishing tolitvir customers everything
'called fur in their line. They always keep
6 full tissortnient of
J7our, ?ea . ?, affees, nas, Sugvs,
Tobacqo and Cigars;
And all other .articles usually found
in a First Class
From their 'magma] Intimate acquaint.
ance with the Grocery. Flour and Feed
business, and altar disposition to render
satisfaction to those ho may raver them
It 't heir pst tonne, they hope in the in•
Wm, as in the past, to obtain a liberal
elmre of the public patronage.
Give. us a Call
and Sec It ire do not make it to your In
serest to call again.
11 1 11 VVX—INT
An pnepmen to tonal Bandeni or Mum that,
Very DeFk'lilue (blared hiveriar
Roofing •
7 . Slate,
..„-corn their Own noorno . .. focatod In Northampton
ihnsplea air bases& and oansmanhistlons ad
-E-L..GOODWIN, Agent.
I..N . ...iiltattEsereligica, lasi.
WAY. cornet Nlibih nt.,`Pittabargh. Pa.
. - L - 13 - ARGAINS-11
'lied Satchels' selling 8t cents, .100
•-• • tand $1.40
! ?:ti!q received fT ersa mo l u a r itt i rg f e o nt arid
I - •
iffiß4t.,jthitt3iS; . WAßO;i3, WAX
ROTIA Ac. etc.
Ctsll-cind LW:mine:our Goods.
. . ,
Illeary &Singleton ' s;
• " ''
•• , ;1.Pri3:131 (kW kat. eel&
FOR'. SALE: • - 7
- torus Sebooniber odors lksr gale A /lam of
caneband gall and nom stem And
ed In Ilanorer townotdp. Beivetararty,
On 'Vended Id gimir 'nig of cultivating=
of coed prism good fruit; ooreolnt to
,nboels and odllo. Bo Winds ate. Saone boon la•
god repair. Muse ben, Iwo be.. sbeep boon,
oing=tutd ether. out baudivg
tion Odra., or gill elellAppendeow.
, •• • ' . it
C o . .ljaddjagonsuaTU, •
!Unbolting, Heiner o Sept 14. 7s7o.—see
_vAxixoroN -- -
hunk Mpair Shop.
• -
pairln boo *pad la tila Pasatatßakaage
fot Mee dos ISM yorts, vital Use 1
km scounlited • variety sit wad mime, se•
sides eammaiscaot MA* old 01 1 0 1 1 out MO,
Ibr Improvessints . w
—.A after b didesubly Wifor Is
I M 7 wammtall la oaten [Ma b =a :M.
1 21 'Ls C 017751 "
. _
soul** intronam bar as Os
rider Illr:11.661.
Moved of Digoront Mika ive ilonlog and Cooking.
The &eat Reale cooklu MOTO
MN the begt.ltitxed ihr air Burrs ~v c arol Is
*Ms :market.
In connection with the stove I have go ,
up a Pitent
which occupies little room, no additional
fuel, and Is not liable to wear out, dlspen•
sea with all pipe, can be put on of taken
off at any time, and toad° to sultan stoves
of any size or palt.!rn.
Five Hundred Personas
Who tune pitreliased end used the
bloat of whose names have been publish•
ed In the Alums, are confidently referred
to, to bear witness of its superior merits
final cooking stove.
HST 1 / 1 ( three Ilnit dm SWIM, 011 bawl. or
about aftetV time powetespaelty, thiy an ollseed
to the public at remittable Mee.
101lN 1110.10:11.2T.
1.00111111-GLLES & MITRE FRAII2,-
Brighton OM above Plow rotatory.
The krgart mock In Romer county croataatly
on bud. and main at the very lowest prow.
Collar aad Hearse provided at the shortest sodas
Ravin • hate atock Mankind& of furrows •ell
luau, and w hing to make room Oar fall and win
ter work. I have reduced toy prime accordingly.
1 -I VI9 nigil/fig.ll,
Druggist & Apothecary,
Pure Drugs. Chemicals, Medicines.
Pharmaceutical Preparations,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Slap,
IVindoer Cams, &c.
At the Lowest nub Priem.
Agent* for. Falin&oek, Ilaslea &
kerlut I y fare White Lead
Al Mcutqaclitrers' !'ricer
Agents for the Chemical Pointe, one hen
Bred different shades, al I rattly amuse.
re. Physicians' Prescriptions eareffilly
and scientifically compounded at anyllme
day or ;night. tang3l;etid
SPMIIIII6 AN D SElll3lllllll4OOOllle, —llwe
'ed gs leave to inform Ws Mende
and the be
c greening that he km last received
a Dew Mott 011 goods of the bast wise for
Spring and Ihunnave weer which be otters at veil
moderat rates.
Clotbhth made to order ere the 'bones' notice.
Thank's' td the public fur past Wore, I an*
by elope idtestioa to busmen to merit a
thee of the tome.
mar 24:tr
Kay be foetid the beet aimmatteeent of
Mealolxi.e ,
P" - JM,HI
And lirandiem.
faints, 0i 1,,.
in great ...Italy. aU of the best goattly, and said
chaps than eon be Wight at any oler
Drag Stant In the
...porico's Armee nu. 715 arsta per box;
tlimieman's, Mule*:
The lardest Sleek of
Xmas Gang ocualde St the city, at Moore`e Drag
Store s assd Mad tinges then no be bought aity.
at *lee.
Let those who dot& this all mad see. sad the"
hill doubtless loom
lestrlV J. MOORS.
The andertigtiod hiring bought out the Re-
C. ber,ead Osofeettemery estehlbluskest 'J.
Hays, um the Post °lke, la Rochester. IR..
iron tt respect:laity When the goalie this be wilt
widek berearte kater7 sti)o ; she will sapid/
theta by Ike can at tekosibla prkaa. Tice. In
In mast at them should glee Mal an early call.
cab likalacUusery dapartment is well steeltail;
and puttee, wedding'. se, wine alipmikd with
everytklag sealed ea abort wake awl 1. Oa ban
et *Ws. •
Palmlike larairdied with kerb Read mr *lieu as
dialred. • • 416110111116111 wsuusessics.
11 1
. , ,
e ar Wok happqr, Pe ask i!t the Aar*
~ia,uA~l •
]~er'voros .. ~a~~:.'De~#t~ed~
PROTpirzir JPROlfkippiLll
amity d
Pk bottom after It Wm ',tool awhile? Do yes
Mao spine of short breathing , or dyspepsia! Ire
your todents coostipated 1 De you bane spoils of
fainting, or rushes of bloat to the boedl Is your
inewuery Inepalredt Is roar mindeoesuently dorsi:
hag Upon thhesobjeso -• Do' pealhel don. hatlese,
moping. died of easpenr, of Met Doles wish
tole lett slow, !eget sway haw snerrhairl Does
say Utie tide( woks roe slot Or NOV .110 Yost
eieeptwokna we ratter? 2. Molar" °f runny*
brWleart The blown ea your cheek.. bright/
Do yanastiey ramp la annety les went De you
panes roar basiseas with the same merry i. DO
Yoe feel is mach andantes is retreat f dev
you obit's dell and clogging, sires to Its of evel
-1124110171 Nob. do oat lay it to rear Brie or Ow
repels. Hare you reeds, slots, Twat lock
wool". Test loon week. sod lons but little appe
tite. sod ros adribele thle to disks% olive/.
emplistan i
Now. mid er, selSobeee, venereal diserrorrbadly
cared, wad semi ozoo all'oryilblo of pro
!holm a weeltaess alf tbre generatty• orgaan• The
wrens ofwilan to paint Yank sake
lbs man.. !DU yes rear Nast that throe balk do
SM. eaCCOMMII bealifM
lira re slow those whoa, gesenithe omens in
Is yuriett Jeel&t Toe never hew soh ame coo-
Olga of *On/ ereanteeboty. of awreoesaass. of pal
pitation- of the heart.. They as sever afraid Parr
moot a•Opod Is They tool blame
did sal d
rd tbsi
tut lookd
do Rol in
by ran •
Yak. mud
Dm 1,14
now ma
tom the d
beeeibt alit
MIN that hi
hi to hadao
Idiocy. bibu
and almost
malty la It
Ws womb
all bat the'
Is the gr
And all dl
flesh and
that of pi
Chemical witehonse, and signed''
mg18;17• " '."
. ,
. ?
Ji3 ID
I De pus Orel ulsdr, Astialtelod,
J. Doss a Ms sites unties prodass
of the besot Dora yaw Uvcr so art•
, or soar !4 , , tltrys, bequest!, errant of
"yrur also soomethoso thick, soll4y or
la It ropy Oa settling! Or draw a thick
to Ow gip? Or la there a bedlam:at at
teetousoar; try ars alwols pod*/ and
. the aiapeay or Idles, Ltd look yo■
fight lo the taco—ause at 'oar doom
'or •,••7 otbasowaseeto about then. I
Out More who Imp the organs iagatod
• to memo Them will sot slily rata
titatioas. bat also those tatty do heal.
at hr.
oy abas, hoe badly eared dleouee,
reels of eelfnbnee tad exerasee,
net d•t stale of we:snags@ he Yoga
as reduced ina general system so math
• almeoel every oilier form of dl.e•eo--
te7. paralyile, Waal avenues, suicide
every other lona of Meese. lila& ha.
to—rd Oa nal aurae of the We
arer sospectruLand hare doctored fur
right oat.
icr C, MC 'CT
t diuretic, and Is a oertaln tare
of the Bladder, Hithaeyft,
',Dropsy. Organic• Weak
Female Complaints.
Glenima Debility,
or 'tbo Urinary 'Oman*
isung In male or fdpala, from
cams originating. and Do nut-
kot9g. 4tlluding
meat Is zubmittei nn i to, (jinn
or lartulty may value. I3 T,
load are supported hum t
,i 1 the health and lappinanaand
I nterity depunds upon proispi
liable remedy
'vpiitill:ot 10, yam I;ret,tl by
. „
!roadway, New York, and
10* Street. Plioa' . d., Pa.
E--41.25 per bottle.or l bottles
delivtred twiny stklrinii "
• ate Druggists Evenriphere.
irosenulne Dalai cleas mph& steel
wrapper, with,
Nlil" l !Vir - GO - 01:iSt
firlat NMI Skis leer Mau 1
• •
Ulidcrll..reed • bat" plea..iro IPt fb-
Oacodagila Pleads and Um public cel la .
&TUNA. bah. At reothred and blea ix i
- .41 , 1077.N01; of Goods,'
OF, r,A.rEfit STYLES poll'.
BRING and StlbitrlEß Weir.
He keeps the best el workmen in his
ximpleyoted roe% c9r4l4k-nt (4 his ability
to ouT b,th
siscibavcaannur as win Wean,: Li,
4ad-U kaiing your
Orden . Eisetrh.fre
• citay4.;7o;lY 11rOgevaitr,
Warrior's PIM Illeorod", N un
Veit ems #11001:ane) IV Coto UN
VI brad, Whin or II I 4 Yda.. Ty...,
an Lagar Sons to wdl.lu7 “11.4mi110.i.
Wt awl pt Waaiias tut
Prowl, /WM* and is at, remouors4.4k.
citmatiFy ache 4111ant.o. It 1... cling 1..) tor.
sr 111Faulilyware stontwg. knot Ow
Wasame.s. Dispargali. Yule 1. prepsza
*sporty litt Dygprind... add tidos cadent g •tri
YaattW Cosglirdigagg. It L g gugh44 rilgrid.d4 ;
weld and a gykdidid appetsui; It rtrr.;;►eetd tggiugg ikUse Wlp..llta virtu.
Mai*, igsgs, Weak. uer►uas gird dmirptic
pow @Unlit um Warta/es /ryipeptler 14u. y r
ad. y cirau‘tr, Zino Vor
Co) U tirkL,ato
Wanterba•CellaXlitilhallia I . ll
steals and aNyectesmayg. ealraardiu.yµ..
sr at possess%h Ilmaitaistslyrelltbselagasd Mt,
curtair. tin molt irt•UAN. /NOM .11
DOIIII Thhatr;',Semettaa, Wm-as& Cram
Ilearseases, Asthma sal Vemestatittoa
Incredible. Bo pomp. 11 t* nisei and einua u.
circus 1,4 ell the Ow* tyska; corker, offattioll.4 Its
lltreathltd tau*, that thermal et thymus.,
daily peaschastarit, *be YIN itN oh ety that a t.
the mast beshug sad expectoratine lora , no.
kuorna. Uu. sews shay. saurus' Met. anst s
must mom out. batik dear It sere tarsi by dry;
(lots: IM Writ - boitlfs: hits' Oaf thaw. h
year ear Mph' tf rre .tilt wash and turfq.
ilmhum gals arc . • • •
The Octet - in4l/4k4undo
Warier's Visas' 1 , 14,ah0e Vries of Lll.,
I. Woo num au; pulsootpus &cow llotauitkw.
lag PMvenvklew [lmam Wbo rwatint • vtluatlvu •
It la - 1044MM osielliwr awiliiall:4olll.,.
Wag is6the wing fag jpartlyhag the Mood. II
tLa met plemaat eildiwas ankle cll. r
bathe gosilir. Sig superior Wbraody. r. t 44..), . 4 4
: 3 1.241 . re w ous so c ti nner artz. i. :ll4: 4 ll4 , :ge
CIIIIIIMINVara Wu.. 44 Isig. ti 14 1a111..U1 p•-.
server. Mae ■wt.° wallet vlejoy gooll
• tree flaw of lively .pinta, will 01./ aril lOC/411W
WWI of Llte. It le ttidevella flaw ••)
belbee to am. It le sold by'dritatote;
Voyertable PrlcerOse /hew. lu
Wanser's llamiereirmrse ar decay.,.
tkla known to auv Me Winks. (it • in cas o
Try Me* barerW WWI* 4, " it.
Important medicine k boa .muted! tor
k the greatest blemlug ear of erect l ot . .t ).o
aback isumedbitely parch/els It Is aser•rou
fee Vernal< Irangsbalkit, and ury be demurs
moor to eTtly tar mbar Me montlry ricur
been übeirnerrd thermals cold or Maser ha!,
' Price One Donor. Or sera by Loftus
receipt of UNIC Duller-sod n Quart. 4 Ad/ Prlb
fa I 9 Slate street. tittairr:
Par mkt bye. C. bWK UM.lisell ester. BA o.
DUO.. Pirldmmeeter. and II lioU WO E,EN
barter. Pa.: lykly
Oil Cloths, &c.
whcaesaie and. Retail,
At L9w6st Prices,
til. Flitlli Avenue.
We flare 'Facilities A.:. Supplying
IZ TAZL 1)1;:,11_,F: 12 s
Equ':"a in
•prC;ly .
Ran opportnuttlee are now offered for Fenn:
Image la 1111111411., My and rendre/Of CDIII•to
one-tenth Of their value !re ye re /mere.
brio/ eerie en/ pieta of envy dnerlptleo. oo
ed In the Middle and Southern State.• ovrr.vf
atoa.,dralaZandfrolf.dnine; rite. roper oat ra
low plantakmo ; Itearr and mantra/ Leeds: rut
elllogo and rend reeldenora and
..It. and NNW ells. floeforlocae. -
Write for Load /plater containing dryer:Ors
loonfloat.± iffiee propantee ea td.
for Stk.
diee,eveneeted Atlt war heal !state eflart et
hrrel aantecat Vial= and Meat Avati rule
UN imperil/lon et tlie well known Thome 'ln:.
late of the Ordnance Derrtineet. we° I. 1 / 4 0
acientille 1101:i efirthasfa. se well acar ,
tett In the dlffereet Gig erament Departmeto,”
pecially.ln the War and Naas. Ordnance and
hot power eavefelly prepared. Pervi , 4'
tint, divested. tad /Wear gregred ehr &re
paint ae 010firot pogrtb4r time.
*pedal attention given to OVere.i r".”• • •
ram for Meow.,adaulow .
meal. .ke.
Predeleiliary endiersideion to to the pateotability
of as articie Made ole Ittorlpt of • biter erterle.
Non of the uttae—tuk trfing
Timor &oven
POOll I INT v - nnyr onr4
Illeke is proelorln: Pitted* sot stor
Wards atidslug Mete ateat lam
Cosidearta to our bmtaeai 'station. s' ais
Terns noire reiscusbk iiain .. ady other rgabie
etenlarteoulseutarosessear lerrewee.
seta ft**. AddnoNsi.. , W. VLA. S. t. •
Ifs Notioaal Red Estalr.egrore.
and CS tesaa.,,aresse. Washinceou P '
satraliakslaf awl, &lithe Allfereal Lava f ,
a:Lbe Altars Wilco.
11011113 4111380
now and wellneleeted
CoNairs nal« sto `l*
' prioeis•