The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, October 05, 1870, Image 3

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    The Beaver ArgusL
;leaver. Pa.. Or S. 11570.
arculatkon Over nolo Himittied.
r E 137 2
sw. tw. sis. yaw
mr-101Ineis, $lOO IR* $B7 - 00
, q uarei, do 880 800 100 13 CO 13 43
3 nquarm do 800 000 11 OD 12 00 11 OD
4 Knots. do 11 1:4 8.00 10 BO 111 CO 21 CV
coluoin , N) 11 00 15 00 10 40 111
cu10aw,.... 11 00 •Mi 0 0 10 CO II 4 / 1 40 5
column.-- 112* SO 00 119 CC 10 IX/ 100
administrators' and Kincators' Notless....Bll‘o
ilwelsi notions per has, teacart.
ritr Payments' to ins hinds gums% enema
tur transient advertisements, width Rust las pat.
In slimes.
State or the Thermometer for the
week ending October Ist 1870.
7A. m. 2 v.. N. li v. it
tiela. 25 • 65 dog. 79 dog. 68 deg.
t.N; 60 deg. 7.4 deg. 63deg.
27 57 dog. 75 deg. 66 dog.
29 55 deg. 70 deg. 67 deg.
•.!9 6.5 deg. 67 deg. 60 deg.
30 60 dog. 65 deg. 63 deg.
kt 1 63 deg. 68 dog. 63deg,
Cleveland & Pittsburgh IL IL—Tram
geieg Eut leave Heaves Station aa follow.: Use
non; Express, 8.17; Keening Express, 614; Nall,
5.43 p. tn.
• Train., going West leitve heaver Btatlow as Ibl.
lone: Mall, 7.43 a. m.t. Express, &El p. m 4 Ac
commodation. 6.43 p. m.
Pitt. Wit. W. & C. MR.—Trains going B.H.
le,ve lincbeeter Mallon (at end or Isidro as 101.
Ione: Buyer Falls Auom. Cal a.m.; Enon ocean.
7.10 a. in.; New Castle scum. (La) a. ex.; 16 Yalta
WIWI. 18.10 p. M.
Tralne gales - West leave Rochester SWAIN (at
end of bridge) as follows: B. F. accom. 10 a. ea.;
Edon accent. 5.12 p. n.' Erie night express 6.45 p.
tn.: lt. F. accent. 7.37 - . •
'}stns g „jn, Emt I v u ]{abater (Upper) De
pot es follow.: ./L.F. •cout. 6.05 a. m ; /MOM ac
,on. 7.15 a. i_tt,L, ,, e Cutle moors. 8.40 a. m;
4 ,,,,:e! h e i ) ,. /:
.4.o :lle..a m v ; elir i s c l e ls access.
. 30 12.15
...two ezp.11.03 a. m; trie mall 2.1Vp 4 . m. p. 24
1 m o o going West, leave Rochester(Upper) De
pot es follow.: CWOIOOIIII 8.18 a. ma Male exp.:
s 2.1 a. to; Deaver Fella ace0m.11.65 a. in.,• Memo
can. 11.1) a. tn.; Chleagwexp. 3.55 p. a; New Care
Ile eecom. 420 p. WI.: Xlia exp. 64X p. mm. Beaver
le..llraccum. 7.00 .
Nu bnerlptlons to the Heaver Air.
seg.—The following naznod , persons
have paid the moms set opposite to their
namas on aubacr(ptlun to tho '•Beaver
ARGUN, since tho data Of.ottr last publl
salon. '
Jas. C. Ferguson, Richland, (0.) r.. 00
John fiwlck, North Bewickly, 2.00
c. Steiner, Beaver, 1.00
Vin. P. McConnell, Elder's Mlll, 2.00
Robert Wilson, Elder's Dllll, 2,00
James-Aiken , New Brighton, 200
11. M. Campbell, M'Cleary, 2.00
:•C M. Moody, Hookstown, 200
John Hartahorn, East Palestine, 4.00
Juixob Diem, New Brighton, 2.00
W. J.' Hoyt, Industry,2.oo
J. Gtehring, Now Sewickley, tp., 4.00
Ceorge Wilson, Blaekhawk, 2.00
James Porter Bridgewater, 2.00
.1: Paul, Freedom 2.00
W. C. Dobbs, Boavor, 1.90
T. J. Powell, Wurteruburg, 200
S. Swearongon, Poe, 2.00
JOS. A. Wray, Allen Station (Mo.) 10.00
Jollies L. Hood, Ilookstown / - 2.00
Thomas Jackson, Water Cure, 1.00
Dire. Phiills, Industry, 1.00
S. Mason a Sons. New Brighton, 200
Jamos Patterson, New Galilee, 1.10
The attonUou of the public is directed
to the following Now • Advertisements
which appear for the first time in the
Amami to-dry :
Important—E. P. Roberti.
Card C. Felton. •
Executor.' Notice—Hobert Jackaos.
Advertisements—Hindu • Co.
SberitTn Pales—John Greeting
Notice in Divorce—,John Oraebhlg.
Advertisementa—Rowell. •
Special Notice—John Thornily.
:verbal Notice—Todd d Dawson.
Special Nonce—S. d J. Mullet:them.'
noccioiNotice—Jams Alcorn.
:..t.ecitti Notice—H. Bell.
:until Notice—Hobert Marsha.
Ned.' Notice—l. banether.
Noticee—Schiff d kitelafeld.
A d tisement—ldeyren $ Media.
Public Sale—R. L Chamberlin.
Agricultural Notice—Lt. It. Moore. Seep.
The Manatre're o the Ilea*er County
• Agrlckiltural Sciclety will meet at the
Court Houeo on Wednesday, Oct, 12th,
Ikt 10 o'clock a. in. By order,
H. It. * L oons, Sets.'y.
lIIHAUTIFUL StOCk of Ifoop-Skirts
and i Corsets, at I. lianauer's Bazar of
Fashion Bridgewater, Pa. „ aept. 2.l:tf
.7.4 r Mulvanon Lime Kline, Vomport.
llos lime at tho lowest price. Lie= tf
Woman's Vis. Itights.—lf women 'have
not the right to vote they have the right
to shy that the Improved Wilson Shuttle
s wing Machine is the best In the mar.
Let, 11, I hundred,' aro saying to day.
Special Agent, Beaver. Pa.
sae advertisement in another colnmn.•
llANArnit has a beautiful Stook of
Il:a•+, bonnets, pinnies, flowers, rib-
Jzo., now on hand..
V tn. RI no Ns.—Tho largest asit6t.
tnent, and the cheapest, aro at Banco's,
Ikaver. aep2•:3t
It i• rim ! Carpets, Oil Cloths and Wall
Paper in great variety and at greatly ro
du.•eil prices, at, 13. Mulbism's,. Bridge
Mt., tridgowater' sept2B;2w
FALL OPENING at I -Bansuer's Bazar
or Fashion, Bridgewater, Pa. Nowt. 21:tt
1 7- SehilT & Stelae% 18 the onl) firm
in Beaver Co., who is selling Muslim ag
Pituburgli prlCes. ;
'AV Shawls, Shawle, mingle and
double, of, beautiful, entirely new pat
torus Just received from the East, at
prices to suit everybody, at J. H. Itenee's
Braver. sept2B:3t
A ortAtrtnin oneortment in Flannels,
tit Sohn!' Jr Snout.),ld New Brighton.
"AND still they * come," new arrivali
every day.-8. & J. SneLimburg. mer.
chant Milers and,clothiers. shall contin
uo to supply tho wants of the most fu-
Lldlow' In dress. If 'ou want a fashion
able •sult well made. call on the above
arm, Broadway. Now Brighton.
CARPETS! Carpet', Oil Cloths and Wall
Paper In groat variety and at greatly re
duced prloos, at B. Mniblem a, Bridge
pt., Bridgewater. sopa:N.2w
The Fulr.--iAt ours time of going to
press it is impossible to give any extend.
ed Outlet, of the l County Fair. We can
only say that it was much the largest and
4111)g successful in every respect ever held
here, In point of attendance, exhibition,
and receipts it was a surprising gala.
rint is an Established ha that
~chill S Steinreld has received
ifiii . Fall •tho best AsOrtosept
Foreign and ponmstie Dress Goods in
Beaver Co.
Wentersi Vineyards, Frill' farms
311.1 Nurseries: Send ten cents for our
do•oriptivo catalogue and guldo to the
flower, garden and fruit culture. Every
fanner and fruit grower ahould have It.
Address WESTERN FRUIT Campany;
Nvw (liistLe,Pa., East Palestine, Ohio, or
Bloomington, Uncials. • - (aep2S;tf
:31 - 1)11.1 you see those new patterns of
Shawls and• Knitted Hoods at Schiff &
Bats and Bonnets In every variety
:it' Itencds Millinery Ed' tablishment
Beaver. • sept...l3:t
Nuw NfILLINIMT, fall assortment, not
mny the first of the season, but the
r.t stock ever offered In Beaver, at Mrs..
E. 11. Beacom's. • • ■ept2B;3t.
Goorm, Now goods, at Ilenotea,
PINK fall shawls, an elegant and so
lectllet, embracing the latest styles worn
in the eastern cities, at Mrs. E. 11. Bee
conea. aep93:3t
.74 - Artificial Flowers. Although the
freer and Prussian war has Interfered
with the Importation of French flowers
thu l'atrensof J. 11. Benoo's Favorite
N4111[1(30 and Dry Good Eatabllshtnont
will Ilnd as unusual largo stock of tho
article, at remarkably low prices: go
sce add Judge for yourself. aopt2B:2ll.
Lace Collars, paper etas, kid gloats,
direct from the manufacturers, and at
the 'away' priCen at Mrs. E. U. Basoom's.
- -
:lee-Drees Goods; new styles rely
Cheap at Bence?' Beaver. • 0rce98.41
are tr
quested to state that nesting of the
Republbsineac Berm borough will be
held Id the Court House on next' Sitar
day evening at 7 p. m., to nominate s
borough ticket to to supported it - the
election on the IbUowing Tuesday .
FLowass. pinion and Itibbecis, all of
the newest seiectlons and of the latest
patterns et Mrs. E. H. Bascom% sep24lt
Paving Stoass.—Mr. David filmma
ker, a citisen.q. this borough, has
.. em,
ploycd hinuteit the Priiint summer' In
t a ki ng paving stones room Beaver and
vicinity. to Pittsburgh. He has had. his
data towed up by stoniest His Wei
have reached the snug sum of WOO:
WII.AT for you go to 810 Shops when
you Can get the moat elegant . Garments
at such low prices at &Mir& Eltelnfeld'a .
Win. Davidson. Sr.. of Bridge-
water, tiled on Monday morning 3d inst.
We funeral will take plane on Wednes
day, (to-day) Mit Inst.; at 2p. •
. Township Tiekets. Tickets for
local officers will hive to be voted on
the same day on which the general else
lion la held. In orderito facilitate the
business on election day and prevent
confusion, these township ana lb„.Lugh
tickets should be printed. On the ay.'
that nominations aro made a collection
can be had to: pay for printing tickets,
We will print them at Tam 'ilitsvEit
Anous office at a reasonable price. Let
our friends in the several districts at
tend to this in time.
Among tho splendid animals on ex
hibition at the late fair was a family
horse, by James Aloorn. of Ohio tp.
The horse was perfectly built, 16 hands
high, seven years old, and looked bean-
Uful as a picture—a living ornament to
the fair. : •
The best looking and largest show of
cattle at the ihir waaexhibited by Messrs.
Todd &Mormon, of Ohio tp. Their show
comprised 18 head of pure burhams, sod'
(or lovers of fine stock was worth trav
eling • distance to see. No men in the
county have done more to improve the
brood ofcattl s than these gentlemen, and
their succestwas made manifest by the
,many expressions of 'approval which
the spectators uttered on Inspection Of
their animals. Those wishing to pur,
chime fine cattle hereabouts will know
wheM to go.l
John TheraHey, the celebrated
stove manufacturer of Piketon, was 'at
the fair with his "Great Republic"
cooking stoye with the new improve.
menu he has introduced and patented.
He has got ups centre piece on the top
of the stove which cannot bedd by any
amount of heating. Ho has also a pat
ent coffee browner which stirs the coffee
at a groat rate and browns it beautifully
without ono-fourth the usual time or
trouble. •
Ladies! Ladle!!! I Ladles!!! Doubt
less many of you had your hats, bonnets
and millinery geode soiled by the inclem
ent weather while attending the Beaver
county fair. Ito:icon 'at L Hanauer's
Basar of Fashion and replace them.
The Fairfield (Iowa) Union Traveler
of September:22, has the following which
we are requested to copy :
The unexpected death of Mr. Henry
Ashbeutgb is a sad bereavement for his
widow. Among strangers with her de
ceased husband and child she feels
keenly her . hun. They - have been In
our town but a few month s, yet during
that tlmothey have gained the esteem of
all with whom they became acquainted.
Tho remains of Mr. Ashbaugh, were
started to Freeport, Penn.,last night nn-'
der charge of Mrs. A.
Y. N. C. At—We wish to remind
such of our readers as rece ye our paper
Tuesday, of theecting in the interests
of this very wort y enterprise In the M.
E. Church,Tuetal y evening at 7,ti o'clock.
tl i
Several brief addresses may be- expected
and appropriate spging. Le t the youth
of our coMmunltith attend in large num
bers. Let Church members and friends
lend their countenance by being present
on the occasion.
Tile very) latest styles in fancy Casi•
tneres and 1 7cstings .at Schiff & Stein
In pluming through the fair grounds
wo were attracted by the magnificent
display of H. Brill, the enterprising and
well known druggist of Allegheny city.
lie is exhibiting his famous Pain Eradi
cator and Worm Confections which have
given such entire satisfaction through
this section, and have elicited the most
flattering praises from our best citizens
best physicians. Ills flavoring extracts
are very fine, and every housekeeper
should give them atrial; fact, the
whole display was an ornament to the
Fair and a eirlit to the proprietor.
Flax Jewataty.—We would respect
fully call the attention of our readers to
the advertisement of Meyran h Siodle of
4t. Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh, which ap
pears in to-day's paper—Measnv Mr 4*. E.
are dealers in Jewelry, Watches, Dia
monds, etc., of which they have a large
and elegant stock, sod aro sold in one of
the' ilnest store-rooms In Pittsburgh.
The stock of watches consists of all
grades of European and Ameriam man
ufacture. Those of our readers going to
Pittsburgh should visit this store and
examine the stock to be ibund there. •
Tornado Chace.—This la the title
given to a patent churn, which attracted
• very considerable share of public atten
lion at the late Fair in the county. Rob
ert Harsh*, of Harshaville, is the agent
for Bawer county. The churn works
on the old dasher principle, with a pow
er attached which is said to bo—and
which from inspection ls—the muet COM
ilete, durable and easily operated of any
hitherto offered to the public. It is com
pact, strong and durable-41dpi° in con
struction and conveniently arranged. It
has a peculiar double motion—atelllst
lng and reciprocating—which makes the
dasher act with great force upon the
milk, breaking it quickly and gathering
the butter at .the same time. All old
butter-makers concur In the opinion
that, the old time-honored dasher is the
best principle for making butter—ren
dering the article harder, more compact,
and susceptible of retaining its sweet
ness for a longer period than' that nada
in any other machine. The concussion
produced on the °surface of the cream,
where air is freely admitted to unite
with the broken globule., cause a better
separation, and increases the quality of
butter from the amount of ,cream. This
churn seemed to be one of the chief at
tractions of the Fair. It'sells rapidly ; in
fact, it seemed to be "ill the go" among
farmers end dairymen. It merits sale,
and is finding a ready market.
AL Dlallognialted Penanglama
an.—We clip the following notice from
the New Orleans Republican. Tho Gen.
McCleary, whom it so justly eulogises,
is a native of New Brighton, Beaver Co.,
PS. When ho wait yet quite young his
father, Mr. 7. W. MeClassy, removed to
Warren, Ohfo, from which State the Gen
eral volunteered in the recent war. When
the rebellion was suppressed he nettled
at Shreveport, Lonisiana, where he now
resides and is held in such esteem that
he has been nominated for, and will be
triumphantly elected to Congress by a
Republican constituency. • •
OZNERAL JAM= x'aracsar.
The Fourth District has honored Itself
In nominating General James'McCleary
(or Congress. He Is one of the ablest
men in northwestern Louishina,and will
be a tower of strength in the coming
campaign. He Is one of the drat schol
ars of the country. He graduated with
high honors in 's7j and entered upon the
profession of the law. During the late
war he Nerved with distinction In the
Federal army, losing an arm at Shiloh,
and receiving a dangerous wound- thro'
the leg at Stone river. He is a sound
large m üblican.
ty. and iwUl be elected by a
WM. -
• lim"ltemeit; I have ,Isenied
roortre,# 0 : 1 00; 11114 Dr. alkorirck * l6 l.
duebriously al work be - loony motion. of
Beaver county. 10,0411,1D09 my Meade
that be Mood by me IhrtNi netnitunhin
by:tpi.>!tapithHoeo petty : ftn`itteirkteni;
sum k/rkrinper,' re Maga" i tinna car
GDP I . ol;aoliithis could eiainisiiit
milliekast 'fintober ociriatidir'to ,tvgtriat 1i
- ibooliaatioa 'OD &DO dam,. E.
dos this for thet:vine of inducing my
Mende to support blot at the coming
elecaloo. wish to put my bliod right
regarito, his mike in thanenatter.
'Ws Iron; As Myatt" 4004444 W Of
Beaver eounty,eNber Dom their person
al merle* lois •ledieldnittly,sozi HMS
local pride In hiving The Mhos of State
Treasurer secured , to . s pair
orritiarotY4tirOoPOOltd . • Sr
iired My election to 4603exisc
of lho, Ptote. fOirlil*; I inil4;*:
thankful for their friendship and !dad
regards in that behalf. ; lliesmetiHntan
and flituriode, well aware of tbeatelfeaf
feeling Indicated above In rillereticetei
this subject, Soluntirily . biwains-Butex- .
penients of those sentiments of the& edis.t
anemic'', andassured
ty and Vigorous suppOrt ;Sir, ~qrPr.
State Trenstuar, at the
or the Leglehltore, : beliaist their tk
nest end Meows in their professions of
friendship and support. I hada° *oar-
sloe', at that time; to doubt-but that tbei
'would !tithe:My represent the *labia of
their conatituantrard give me that siiio
port they so * trimly, piotteript; fiittioii
had been warned by : Mani thendi; that
l4liet faith riould mot be repmed 2 in
their protestations of support. it'isty ;
Well posted politicians or this county,
assured' me that, in soon ae their .troteit
were needed for Mackey, they
. anntht
drop me; because it Wes bellerredthatil.
Quay, bad Instructed them so in de.
Menu% Ratan mid Briorlork,notOlili .
augured me by letter'uf their intention to,
give me their hierty , aid toe. the &Bac! Or
State Treesirer, but thi night previous
to their depsrtura the Harrisburg they
came to my residenesend spent she night
with me for the express purposi of per
sonally saeuring me of their support.—
Those protestations of hiendihipled me
to believe the warnings of my; astute
neighbors premature' and unrifled for.
At Harrisburg, prior tektite convening
of the Legislature, Dr. Sherlock weed a
Lige portion otitis lime in myroom—in
tut, made it hie headvtarters: until w
late hegira the wight4Wrid ;kindly en
tertained my Diem& la my atieitee;and
frequently voluotarilr moritredine that
se )rower sAoald. basrt Irish to eatscsikiffist
On TUNKIar tor frilpg. *dee the ecinveit;,
leg of dre Legialsthre„ It becmielthown
to the "Cameron-Mackey ring" that the
Organization of both Houses—that is, the
Speaker and efficient elected—was In my
favor. Tiuit "ring" held aeonsultation
and determined not to giveup the Treas
ury. • The 'engineer of the "demeron-
Mackey ring notorionsli incien
Qnsy—tram( bound to fill hie , otettect;,
Scat, by securing thres,.meratent„for .
Mackey from the Washington and Be..'
verttistrie4'and secondly. by supplying'
his quetaef the 'Money nicamary to be
used In 'bribing a melded Minder of
votes to secure MaAcera'nenthintkin.-U
He procured the money by , 0114 le
collateral security five bundial. altesi .
of Union City Passenger liallwaY
of Philadelphia, his Pennsylvania Rail
wad Stock, his Bald Eagle Valley Rail
road Stock and has Beaver County Bank
Stock; and, with the money thni.ollaiil4
ed, the nomination of Mickey in the Re:
publican dances was secured: But he
was defeated in the joint convention of
the Legislature, and those stocks and
securities haveheen hawkedebout Rein
bank to bank,"unredeemed, ever dice..
Atter the question or finance had thus'
been settled, the engineer of the "Came-.
ron-Mackey ring" oommenced election
eering for Mackey vote for his nomina
tion aa candidate for State Treasurer
the approaching Republican canons;
and, to fully comply with his part of the
contract entered into with the Cameron-
Mackey conclave, he proceeded to per.
suede the three members from Washing
ton and Beaver that their votes were ne
cessary to defeat my nomination:) For
getting all their promises and protesta
tions of support—overlooking entirely
the warm and earnest wishes of their
constituents—Messrs. Ratan and Shur
lock proceeded to the Locluel Hotel in
Harrisburg, on the Timidly evening 'of
the organization of the Legislature. and
signed M. S. Quay'i "date," "or
agreeing to support the nomination of
the political Gambler, Mackey. "Call
you that backing your friends?" . Bub
sequeet to that time, neither of' them
showed the light of their friendly coun
tenances in my room, but studiously
avoided me end assisted Mr. Quay all
they could in procuring votes for Mack
ey's nomination until the meeting of the
caucus on the following Thursday. At
Its meeting It was ascertained that twen
ty-nine of my friends utterly refused to
go into that body becausetthadtmen do
-toriciunly. public that britery had been
freely resorted to in packing its mem
bers. Under this state of the caseMesars.
Rutan and Sherlock could afford to vote
for me, as In the absence of so many of
my supporters there was no show for
my nomination.' They 'did so; 'and ash;'
der this filuaity mauls they attempt to
make it appear to the citizens of Beaver
county that they supported me as long
as there was any hope the my nomina
tion. I had six friends in the caucus ex
clusive of Rutan and Sherlock—twenty
nine absent. Of those in anus, my
own county members wens the first to
drop from my supports Of course, this
had its weight upon edmirs Who, seeing
'me abandoned briiry4own thembers,
left me for the one Telmi'appeared to be
"the strew eanAlldeStiOe "the winning
• -,As.
The above are all facts , semeeptible of
proof o f competent and substantial tea
timonsq and from them my frlendslan
judge bow (erliegen. Sherlock and /tu
tee's protects Mons of hiendstilpandeup
port in electing Me State Treaeurer,
wore sincere. Nothing In the foregoing
statement can be denied by eitlOer of
those gentlemen, if they have any regard
for the tr uth.
Dix, Buten endeavors to cover Is Leg
islative ithert-comings with anathemas
against the PeansYlvanla Waillitel Com
pany, notwithstanding to coquetted the
GenerstAgent of that inewporation, be
fore 1 Itneing.llarvisburgial :ike - close of
the last section of the Leg aLure,
." to
put him down for anything theOranied
next winter."
M. S. Quayalso aboaeathe Pommyleaf
iiin ad
Ma Rail Company in the oolnams,of
the May r 'Radical; blithe hailionieez:
mum fur nch action, inasmuch as the
Agent of th at incorporation,
s same two
years decline!' his further serer*"
as an au tent lobbyist in the Pa. Login
Mr. Quay, In the last Radical,
alas bla charge that I had proposed to
give D. A. Nagle 12,000 to detest twci Its
publican candidates for The Legislature
In Philadelphia. I pronounied the mit
similon false In every particular, in the
last 41.1101.78. I repeat. it is basely tales.
It now becomes a question of veneeitx
botween Quay and 1 07seff..
think mine will not suffer materially lii
the teat In this community.
W. W. Lima.
FAIRTIZW, Sept. Mk 1870.
Ma. Emma Although the present
Congromionst molest is taiussally qui
et, yet theßePubllciuM of Ohkrtownship
did not Del disposed to let to pen with;
out letting Democracy knoir that they
still lived sod win ready to:004W the
prinelpies of the party, and on the *reef
111 0 16 0tOntiV.IfliAkir!71**Ms
laiirtitin Mil /1;i/iota! thilor Inn din
aiiidoqienkiddrimn or Ittottatinn Mglio
tint thild**o l'o ; t
Inir oat national' asadllos ma lir
-1;0140104144014.4haid LW , Lit
niantad 7R -rabbets"; ligntedli•
imitisjdoi et ms boboodouldi
bit rug,* Immo °woo* be:l4l
adred,lindly sotiolnititatitid a,tty
PoPpligo9 o 4 sklAAMVlNtiniitfh*f
Ulaildtlall For-ial! et opt* tbi nano of
MIS Atikr70 0 0,P4 6 ,4 1 1 le 4*AM by
ailoyareetlibsetr. , Qttilta aeon ot Ida
simothll.4 . vhraimelb. respOiieliowei
or Demerserp',b• Veva • than,lle 'fbr
Jams "t 4 y. (1 iteanoontito 'candidate
lOUs inedietaant's 'welt
I "!
'M i d 14 8 1 0 1 01.4 0 1 1 34 mil
the Dlllf.9t fileilltg kentkid oat tba part
"thitlo- 1 41 10 kii haird )[r•
Cunningham may thotthare was inuslo
,In politica I think haat 44
Its ntimakrt voles. And in*lbeloslon,
ret. taA yy, spat 'be oWesictiii ideal.:
plea of the patty, nod snettlited hhnionit
-tbd atenzient 1n a main . riblaii rt.•
fleets math credit to. blotteltand honor
tb"tie patty, whose tainclptaa bas,
and tall able to deend.
Reemrs: geserresiee and Tenoble
• • • tif
Enrroit Axons.— • • .• •-•
T. 3.; 044 0 10 1 !. Atlik .' 400 0 3 01 e 1 0: 0 4 1. •
;01111160 Meths is s oihdidate lbr the Leg
'objection I =Opel be let us alonewben
we were i
not n soy way interfering with
•esi would never have noticed,hlin.
lie hire wantonly assailed us without the
least mere for - doing so. In effort to.
:make it appear that' he was cheated out
of the itembeathin lie sari "There were,
item nine to fifteen colored rem, Voters'
thatilisiired to vote
bar Ine r tia& were deterred or Advised not
to come to the polls," Ac. (See T. J.
C. in Aisne isf 7th Bent.) ' Ilideten lie
eami to want up his fifteen colcired votes,
they dwindled down Main. (See Argus
of 14th Sept.) His six oolored voters, in
the Radio:dot 23d Sept., very,unkindly
dilatory the 'acquaintance: That disa
vowal brings T. J. Chandler Into Greene
township; we presume, to hunt up these
men that were so very anxious to vote
'for him. He spent • day end night
` We
4,11! rcatitar, falta m
with an *Mesita crud Wm. Penny rais
ing a question of veracity with, those six
"coloredeltixene" and a Matentrint of T.
J. Chandler attempting to 'trunnion hie
Madsen man ; bat Chandler has so ma
ryoauxistions of veraellyto settle in this
nominating business, that itheromes a
question as to.. whether Chandler. Is a
good' witness: Six colored men %mime
onecoloredinan =dune impeed
,nese, Heves the. weight or 'mildews
against Chandler. The insinuation made
by Chandler that any'of the &Manta were
unreliable when they. made their stillbi
rths, is • nthebood, as Esquire Boyd Ms,
tines. ' The statiunent that we used our
influeneeto prevent any person, colored
or otherwise, from voting on shat day, is
a base hbrication; and we have the au
thority of a colored man for saying that
the certificate purporting to be sir byy
six colored citizen, was got up T. .-,
Chandler, In Rochester, mete up to snit
the ease he wanted to make 'out against
Dr. Sherlock, and a two dollar note in
duced metered man to secure the names
that wee needed: •Tbis we believe to be
• The'assertiod • that the . .! Citizens of
Rootstown sustain Chandler's view of
the masteris untrue. Re was here a
sold night. Could not Pis two in terest eel
friends got ,one certificate at least to sus
tain bleat Redid attempt to get men to
give him certificates, but they refused.
Testimony that nee on the Veracity of
a man whole@ bad bis veracity goes=
tioned so' Often as.Chindier. Ina, within
the last month. should understand that
he is not a reliable witness.' We fear be
left our town "with Idea in his ear."—
It Is clear that hectors not expect to get
the votes of the " sixl colored citizens,"
or he would not have slandered , them by
charging them with being drunk When
they made their affidavits, and unable to
write then' names froth that mdse. Now
the fact that the T.J. Chandler certificate
purports to be signed by-the certifiers in
their own band, is evidence clear to'our
minds—if such evidence-was wanting—
that there was something wrong. At
least three of the certifiers cumotorrile.
Now, why am not the witnesses procur
ed? Penny Is made to swear that there
were witnesses. ' Who, and where are
the ?
Mi. Trimble made no such acknowl
edgement as Chandler reform to, in con
vention. Chandler started out id prove
that his nomination was silliest ed by im
proper means being used to deprive him
of votes, and names Greene township as
one of the distrietet and that a question,
as to who were entitled tosote, was rais
ed to his disadvantage. , The question as
hesitates It is this; Musts man be saressed
and pay a tax to qualify him to vote f
Can there be any question as to holm that
must be answered? But we have anoth
er question; one that was mooted on the
day of the primary meeting; and was, as
we understand It, a disp uted question ;
but not withanycolo man, or in their
presence. " Deed the Vth Amendment
of the Constitution to the United States,
give the colored man thi o =l=
independent of all other
It must be answered neptively. Now,
this Is the matter that Chandler is mak
ing an this noise about. Outsiders would
suppose there had been a nem fight in
Greene township at this primary meeting.
There was no such thing. One of WI was
on the election ground bet once on that
day, and then only long enough to vote,
and did not speak to a colored' man on
that dry; the other had no controversy
in the presence of, or with. any colored
man. The election was quiet; every man
left to the ireedontof his own will. We
have no knowledge of any effort to defeat.
Chandler; and it was 'not necessary, so
few were. voting for him. We aro not
surprised at his attempt to show that his
friends were afraid to oome °eh his small'
vote showed clearly that they were en- c
soe,other business thin vot
frra rn Thesoolored men here say he voted
for Bell and Everett, and against. Fre
mont, and they will repudiate him for
that-If nothing else.'
We have seen one of the citizens
ferred to In Chandler's last, communica
tion who Melina he told Chandler that
he wasi Alt wrong in his attack on es;
that howls one of the parties that hod
alleged coutroveray with us, and that it
had nothing to do with preventing col
ored eitizens 'front voting on that day;.
that he/ Minted Chandler the mei his
name In any way, and - the reform:me to
unauthoreed. Such are the mls
erableabifte this man is resorting to, to
sustain's bed muse... Please publish the
atecoorpsmYing eartineates.
M. Lawn-exec, .
Before the subscriber, 'a
Justice of the
Pease, awn M. Lawrence, who being
duly sworn, smith t That George Penny,
Stephen Cisco, Thus. Di: Palmer,-Joseph
Erans, W. H. IL Evans and James Jack,
son were. duly sober when they made
their respective certificates es published
la the amnia! of the 23d Sept.; sad that
their - algnituree to said certificates were
all made by their own hand, and are their
proper signatures ; that they all made
their statements before that': affidavits
were written, and that said affidavits
were rend to them after they were writ.
tensuid had their unqualified assent; two
of the gallants - declaring- their named to
be a forgery. M. Lawiunics.
Sworn and subscribed tiept. 28, 1870.
. •
limey =Coturrr es. •
. Before th e su bscriber came James
Boyd,. who Ammo- end says t That, on
the 19th of September; 1570, eleorge Pen
ny. Stepbep pew; Thomas M. Palmer i ,
11. U. Evans, Joseph Bums and-4m the
20th—James Jackson, made affidavits
before me as to certain feats in which T.•
J. Chandler Was concerned; that meld am-.
antswere not drunk but sober and In
their right Mind. when they msdessid
affidavits; that the *east' understood
tat importer said affidavits, end all de.
Glared, emplattically, that obey were
strictly true. And I farther declare, op
ma, that the names to asid affidavits are
the pruner signatures. of the &Manta—
thretsof them, not • being able to write
their name", made their marks, stating
sit i lha Bite that they could not write.—
The Imagism sad betAng of these men
showed clearly that they believed that
they had been imposed upon and.mide
cottlf,Y to things that were not trne.two
of them Melo& pointedly. that their
names were ••yerpar. Jame Born:_
sworn and subscribed before me *Wants
day of September, 1870.. •
M. Lamps . mcat. A. J.,
Di. Z J. Cliaarder Sespeieia.
;edge -tairrenee intik Mr. Trimble
bays mime to the rescue of the 0 00 1414
came of the "ring" Who bays been pimp.
Mg We genie of "rele or tuira.".,lii Abe
Republican party of Deaver county for
! 11. 1 4.8 „ .14111 1 t,
Ware' nail be
tbboiit la abort , the Innen otama,
a Wipe fif Faded sastbina as ban,
eatiartskants 4 bni dr. Air
1 01 1 1 1 altbs ;Absent of this
IPWArs aitlosiettigAie
lags to Market ttionr. basun, be. is
. 1 0 1 d , n
ine ara testintalsillaw issans—bow
gniti flibt4imied ib e i r l t tii to.&) 1.0 . '114
b0' 4116 kortinS of Pi Judidha trisol 4 o
btinii lan andel sbannai to ben lathe
binit*Otrifollitsiet of pcolideat paw
tin, asd'besolialDS WWI with their p a t,
0 944 11 :*" inth l , 4 o, B l . dAtniotb. rg?gi
that bisarastsswbin abolabtiwaia
bit* bi 10
* 1 40.1 btaitier little
wbstbsr,:wtiew be' ass 4$ lbo *tat
Obalinui doltotbe "innius: ati Pall hi
able le dlver , s timi Sainsositiss
unatalind oat aednwatitis' nation
tenders him Itable to tar cbtaysti wWr
psrtialliii'aodlM midis should be,
lamt Ilasar'swilbr-tarsid sinplaiaa."
Babsanswitai totinioni,aaanatual
alum alma.* 4t *rtoabla lb detail,
I wish to make a-lbw 'Esworal remarks
upon fba sitastioo ; 'sod to (Wag sly, 1
nail be ar brief as partible. •
' a outdidate betties . 'the
towpath* the adios of l itasetablynan. by
my..criat:aseklag; •Ai ealjority of the
Republican voters at the pdatery meet
logs in May last. aseremed their wished
tbecingh ibe balled-texe, that I 'ehould
beibeir eandklais brutal Mica • The
04140 1 0 i of thlac Yeleis War stilled and
annoseed)- by those! belooging to a
.!eing" - Widcb, ismaYerli, sold oat Arthur
Shleide,•loutidatelbe Sheriff, a Repair"
lbssiandai brain a neither= seer =red
0,1/ .th, field of hattleral wail o r . fi r e
. between the enemas of his mu s ky. an d
the cipilet oftlie."b*a-40,-tae Dear
• toasters the stertion of. Dr. Shw
a*: vrai anathenid ; Sherlock do--
.clared renominated; and,wntriuyrball
preached. the wore *dad off, looked
• =that° hey retained by a person
what're* More right to their posses
elon *nth° humblest member of the
Republican party.; and this person abso
lutely,,refuses treat the election mere
of the pritnary meetings be seen by reP
rasontaßyes of what lecialined, as a ma
jority of the Republican party, or to give
copies of birch ones as I were , designated
wenjd reveal • the tamer of fraudulent
voters. , . ; I
Immediately after* convention met
was discovered that fraud had
bike Comtnitted in =viral election pre-'
einate,.and they were isointedoot. The
•greet,Jormich.of the. Republican party,
who voted, for me at the primary meet
fair -41iniugh some oft its leading meo
—celled upon meter efina. my position
as their eandidenraililie one wbo had
roc:deed * legal mejorityef their yam
Shurlock44hrough thepolitiCal knaverY
of the."d4g-masters" . in the Converition
—had , been declared the nominee; for
p& claim could not be
established clearly, without boom to re
oasis. and doceimenta , which were la
posseadoti of • theOring." Every at
tempt. In that direction was foiled- by
those. hiving them in Large.
Under this state of Menge; some of my
Mendabortifiedthey hisjoroted for me
in Flower Yids, who were noel accredit
ed with hivaittiontlia. This esertiticate
:wag pablithed. Inalantly, es If by pre
(magined arrategemenixpateplus promi
nent member of the "rinie'.,with half a
'dose anhaelia maim lass. to prove
that sousing' thews did tat sign the paper
thonseiveir; although they. authorised
It to be done) and aunt to say he did not
sign it, when it bed been Weather who
tied signed; and onepereon whose name
lad been :snistaked'hji the compositor,
was enisclo6 call Mirth heertificate from
*person Who Was ninjeclalmed to have
siguarit.: Thus, niatificibi - eras piled
upon eirtitleeter4ilt4 o O d e: dts—and
all forrthearpma _se - . "finder,
oonfrake wereeintiferuidid," and
destroy this effect of my certificate. Now,
the plain feet is the perions wane names
were published did sign the' certificate,
and there is not the slightest doubt they
voted &alley earthiest they did.
When the County 'basun:Mee met, on
Sept 3d.,lart, an application was made to
have the Calms of my. friends—that I
was the cinder nominee of the Repub. •
tic= party for Assembly-investigated.
Mr. Sherlock had a , misled& of the
members of that Committee present. If
they had been disposed to deal fairly ;
and, full of the consciousness of the hon
esty of his claim to brie been the lean
mate nominees of the party; how easily
could they have settled all controversy
by exceeding to the request, and order
ed an InVestigation T Such a course
would hare bean in accordanise with the
usages of the party, and would have set
tled all controversy. put, knowing that
the name. of the Derhobnitio voters of
Rhilllpaborg would rise up in damning
evidence against the claim of. Dr. Shur
lock's right to be considered the nomi
nee of the party. and other precincts
where the same, or some other fraud had
been committed, would be made maul
fiat, they. chose rather to. refuse such in
vestigation. We say. in the taw of such
ke have the right to charge
and claim the nomination as le
gitimately belonging te'us.
At my 'solicitation, I afterwards, my
friends offered to withdraw my name as
a candidate, providing the friends of Dr.
Shurlock,would do the • same for. him;
for the purses= of giving the Republican
party an opportunity to settle upon some
candidate for Assembly open whom they
contd"herimonize, and unite the entire
strength pr the party. nod , this; too, in
=Meant time f o r the County Committee
to act in the pitmans. :But this proposi
tion met with no favor front the "ring of
eorraptionista" So that, I suppose I
May now be considered—if the expres
sion plexuses Dr.,Lallifeaoo and Mr. Trim
ble—"e candidate in aarnost,"' of that
portion of the Republican, party in Bea
ver county who are determined to crush
out Withal chicanery and dishonest
dictation, hereafter; 'in 'this matter of
nominations. ' -
Now,the action of the Convention, in
refuldng : sin handbill:ion. and In stir
Wng the calms of Mr. Sherlock, is not
peraosa4 speller to It Is of little:
consequence lathe great, Republican par
ty whether Mr. Shuriocin or myself, or
either of as, be sumsaftit. In this can
vass. • The aetion of that Convention—
surd ofthe "ring of coreciptionista",—was
as hush to Ltd entire party and to each
individual member of It; and any one
who rasa to sustain ;Its action at the
polls .nest" week, the result will be
a diernMion of the Republican party.
If, on the contrary they rebuke, and re
palate that action, they vote to barmen-
La and save the petty in the future. I
am now occupying a po sition as the ex
penent of tiduce. ry vote cast
for me, still. primary election, will sag
be coupe ; son but for thepolitical status
of the elector who deposits the
for the salvation of his party and the re
buke of the political gamblers: .
The alight allusion; so delicately in
troduced by Mem" Lawrence and
Trimble, In their cornmninniestion of
to-day; I n : owel to my veracity, was no
doubt done for the purposnof engender
ing a state of feeling which ought not to
be manifested by one who sustains the
position which I now occupy before the
public; I pass R by, therefore, with the
simple .remark, that it will probably
beer comparison with that.. 'of either of
those gentlemen.
. The names of the colored'persons that
iware - publdahed as hating hewn "deter
red" honi-vothog at the primary election
in May last;10 Orme towurhlp, were
obtained -to. the Pseer. be 'a friend of
mars.•ea Sent to' me. a swears' the
paper was siguel by the persona whore
names are thereunto attached, -with the'
exoeptions he specifies in his ,affidavit.
As to the natter of. their having • been
drunk when the were solicited by the
"Trak &Manta; —Trimble& lawmen;
can sitn4 state /eras eo taferwred.
I; m a y be :WM not.. In tact, I aim
bound to ~ bel eve they were not, away
the Judge,and his amiable Mend, Es
quire Boyd swore they wens net. What
other itilionsa operated cP OI ,1' them
when they were, lately "peen; I can
not. oconpreland perhaps snout the
same= lag resorted to by that
bratherhood w olottletans. The public
are at liberty to Infer., As to the colored
Man bkilli i . ".
4... ltnni gollidlil 'hi
aihi et the primary rosining by reason
rbag UW7 and Kr:Trimble odd.
/ =iissi'llata: Tar that Pah :'. news
was in Moohnase and Beaver
boron -leiltAfe., Ores dame Veer-the
primarreseeting t sis actoritsise woe the
not. Tlawrwalliathiellan Irrant rallallitr.
bar. that *4* wa do. not wish 'U.' itri
pegs thalcituratity s we are hie to aes
thunthiwestemosswave thee %we to "de
ter" is man. from any dodge. - It was not
::eneary that, the lodge. abetuld pet.
eoly , - request' the colored men:te Mr
stain from gulag to Um.polla. It was
simply emilleient4 they . kW. sillmr
from histeratinat eons= or from
hearing Matted and broth
sr.; that Me helot of the (brat 'Wes of
opinion they bad no,right to veto lit the
PrWary elect on, to muse them , to eh
ste4frout golng to. the polhi. It arUl lie
seen that Messrs. Triable It Sowrenes
admit having en arguniusren the quo—
don of the belored man's right to vote
under the XVilt Ameoduteut, Thht Is
merei•reotilidstry. merely
•'a cover to
haul off under • ' but it Is sufncieut to
atedisisthe 1141 that tint'eoloted tain's
right to.iont was brought in :potion on
that occasion. They states "The ques
tion. an he 40:audios]. pats it, is this:
"Must. a man be asiessed and pays tax
to qualify itini to vote?" I never ques
tioned nor denied that p~roposakin when
it referred to a legal.eiertlou. Mere la
the question: "Kuataa man be assessed
ten days before a primary meeting and
pay • tax or be excluded from voting at
each meeting, who would becomes !opt
roter at the coming it election?' This
was the point. This was the matter un
der discussion at Grum township on
the day of the primary meeting there
and this was Mcgriestion that Mr. Trim
ble responded in the adrenal:re, to at
the County,Oonamidee moothlit on the
lid of September hot. his, denial In the
commit:to:doe:of to-day; stoitrithstuid
ing. The untruthful and "ungenerous.
fling that I,voted for Dell. susd Everett,
mmea with rather a bad grace from croe
who has flown the track of . Republican
ism, three or Ibur thisee,as is notori
ous—end *tied MI Ms leflaernce. to 'elect
a Democrat over honest John ,AlUsal„;
as good a man as , ever , represented this
district. , Near, in consideration of the
foregoing ficti, all who wish "a ring of
rorruptionista sualained—willorcouren,
vote for Dr: Shurlocir. ,Those who de
sire to purge the party or this scum, this
excrasenoo upon the body politic, this
canoer upoti the vitals of the Republican
party: aud,' restore it to hirslth and vigor
will vote Tor - T. .1. CEILNELEB.
Shurlook, Convicted. Bat QUAY
Withilioldis tile Retard.
EDITOR Aeons :—A abort time since I
observed In the Beaver Radical • prop
osition that one hundred dollars would
be nald by the proprietor of that estab-
Ilshmpnt to and one making oath that
Sherlock bad innermost him to vote for
Orrebing for Stseriff lest fall. Recollect,
log with diPlactness that Dr. Sherlock
had. a little, while before the election,
given men ticket, containing the names
(dell the Republican nominees except
that of Shields, instead of whose name
Gnebines had bean inserted, and that
In a conversation then Sherlock had
spoken in the highest terms of commen
dation of Grsobing, and rather disparag
ingly of Shields, I at onto concluded to
test the consistency of Dr. Sherlock, or
the parties making the above proposi
tion. Accordingly I made affidavit: to
the facts set'forth In the affidavit hereto
appended, and idgood byJobn Id. Cook,
Esq„ as Notary Public. This affidavit
Sppesred to me to cover the ground with,
Sufficient clearness to test what 'whiles:4
via: the•ideoerity and Integrity of the
parties whoinlo the above offer. There
fore on the 30th on. I conveyed it to
Col. Quay, !who examined It and re
quested tho privilege of retaining it till
six o'cloCk le the evening; at which time
he requested me to return and meet Dr.
Sherlock and usubmit, to a ones (mambo
atiom To this I assented, and at the
time fixed returned to the Radical Wiles
and somethee thensafter was admitted
Into the presence of Quay, Sherlock .t
Co., who instead of complying with that
part of their 'agreement relative to as ex
annelidan produced Sherlock's counter
.affidavit denying the contents of mine,
at the suite time raising the quibble that
my affidaviktild not atiOw that my vote
Mid been 'Mt for Ors/Kpg._ It _is .but
just to say that I felt friendly to Shur , '
lock, and believed, until convinced to
the contrary frOM his own mouth, that
the Radical, to championing his rights,
was doing him injustice by attempting
to create the public impression that, he
had not contributed to the election of
Sheriff Grasbing in various ways.
I had not been prepared to believe that
Shuriock; after advocating (inchlbg One
year ago ~for the purpose of obtaining
votes, would now sneak behind the ear•
lain of denial lost the truth might work
against him. The counter affidavit is
not a general denial of the general charge
that Sherlock aided in Cinching's elec
tion or distributed Grrebing tickets, but
a special denial of giving me that kind
of ticket. I suppose it 1s but fair that
the public should take It as admitted
that he pleads guilty to the general
charge, but does not recollect that I was
one of the perilous influenced. In re
spect to recollection I have the advan
tage of the Doctor. because his language
is, "I do not recollect," ace., mine le
distinctly recollect."
anticipate that it may be said by these
promise violators that I have au interest
in making this affidavit ; If this be said
to weaken its force, then let me ask
whether Sherlock, too, has not a much
greeter interest? I only refer to this be
cause the Radical has lu Its propo sition
by the use of such language as stout
swearer," ate', intimated that the party
who would thus swear would be prompt.
cod by gain. But If this small matter of a
hundred dollars would disqddify me,
how much more Is Sherlock disqualifi
ed when.he has the same interest la this
hundred dollars and his whole political
reputasion at stake besides? Ile lea pro
minent candidate for Mlles, to which if
he is not elected he Is politically ruined.
I have nothing approximating the inter
ested motives .he has, to disqualify me
from taking an oath in this - matter be
tween' us. But unmoved by any in
terest whatever, save a desire to promote
honesty in pi:attics, I have made an af
fidavit which you will please publish
herewith, and by which it will be appa
rent that truth would have warranted
me in going tuudifurther in my • first,
but as I said harem I did not think that
high life and harrisburg corruption
couldratallyi obliterate. the land marks
of recollection: I would not intention
ally do Dr. Sherlock injustice. it there
fore is proper that t should state that at
our interview before the election, when
the ticket aboie referred to was banded
me, he first offered Me &straight Rettub
item ticket, saying as he handed it to
me, "1,4/oppose that will sell:lose To
this my reply .was that my .ednd was
not fully made' up, and then came the
mixed ticket,: introduced with a high
recommendation of (inching and rather
unfriendly allusions to Shields. lam
not individually diesaddied with Dr.
Sherlock for distributing mixed tickets,
rain only anaplainidg because he de
nies it. Had be the firmness and Inde
pendence to avow it like a man and a
Midler I would still be his • political
friend, whatever might be the opinion of
others, but I cannot vote for any candi
date who will work behind a cloud to
further his own interests, and then when
the mist is cleared away exposing to.
public view what has been done deny
that it is his work.
William B. Setherlsenl. of the town of teat
Liverpool, County
defy= Colombia= intd Mate of
Ohio. beMI Int ore according to law de
,seth salth Inst. Immediately briar to the
October election Of Mk he wee a =Leon of Bea
. Ter cconty, State of Pennsylvania; that W. V.
Sherlock, Men a Dindidant for State Amembir. •
nowt lime before =ld electios gave him. the said
Willis:etclattorlaod, lkket to vote at said
election. Said ticket wee beaded •Repeblican
Sheriff; the name of Jails Grand= was on
it fo sed the said *infant U. lintberiaad
further deponent and saint that at thongse the sold
W. V. Sherlock handed him said ticket he
ed him to vote noisome. W. If. tiCTIIERLAN
S worn to benne! en
s. rod subscribed In my ores
tam, this Illth day of lieptember,. D. Ink
.}OLIN COOK,N A otary Palate.
Bear= Cornmr:les. r
W. U. Satherlaad bang duly swam =Coal=
to law. mith, MALLS short time DriOrto the eke
don one= W. C. SW& ck thee, and now, }M
eows= candidate fat Aseembly. gave him Muth
kintint a ticket containing the names del the re
publican Cladldates except that of Artist Shields
—the thee ortmlote for Sherig--for whose name on
said. ticket the name of Johtif Ga s h ¢g, Demo.
cane DOO3lllOO for Sheriff,had I been substituted;
that al:said time deponent told skid Sherlock his
'mind sag not Mlle Op ILO to whom be =mild vote
for; whereupon Sherlock loads a =imparts= be.
tween said candidates to the 44=ra/tax° of said
Shields, impressing said leponent (be baring on
acquaintance with sillier of said nominees) with
lbs_peeullar Storms of saki Gmbh= and nntlineie
of Shields Lispooeut fortber swears, that at said
election he voted said ticket =Mahn= the name
of said Omegas ...being lammed thereto by sald
convonation with,W. C. Sherlock.
Sworn and sebkribed before me this tot day of
October, imp. ' ROBICUT TALLON. 1. P.
11;inseiniaA*Calkargile Ityraiy, Vast la
ell pees tensed et MIS. MON SALTS. OAS
TOR OM Le. Highly Illavorel..Pleseeet totate.
Mabee Mee 50 erste. Wlteireele. U.
R. Seam it Co-,: US Wood street, l'Uteeefet ,
NM • ;
ra+nCI;.%N4T!OXi Ns: i.
!! SO waoicie sus onscanavy,
Maui I .Who is tads seseinwed
ex-Preaklent that with A °inmate Potil9
dates the wlikef the Rept:Ukiah (NMI/.
Coannittee, =nodding . with sturplaioni
bmacity, the :Tally papers 'of tlie hits
grimes* eleetknia of Bearer condty to
his posemelons, thottili his iniecereor In
itildoe has ltemm 'declared the propel; one.
indbiti Of all ituthileenusents? The per,
teaarlty Stith' wbkil this .Royal Ex. de
alined all Proffered awdatance in tbe the
oharge of the Wittig duties of the Jet*
County Untveation; struck many minds
as inuattlibly singular.' i That gni*
hod recort
• was detained for hours, with sob,
fug dry btil,'ht solemn silence , to eon
tem ate the Magisterial pomp of Prod
dint el rcutoloonllon and 'insgilidnent
P hi the somewhat tedloos but
au Olathe euunBstion"4/lErgodur,"s
Bev nil attempts were made by (Jr pia
wan body to furnish help, but a* .often
per= Unify declined,. It seems that than ,
mystic papers were not to be oubliette&
to ttni rude gage of profane ayes—none
but the elect or , :thoes whom lloyal•pre-,
rogailves might select were to aean their
secret ledgerdenudo. •
And now the Imperial Edict has' been
Issued. "those papers," have passed into
the Royal are of the inexoratilu'Ex-
President. Vain are all the resolullone
and decrees of 'such plebeian bodies as
County Committees, or the demands . of
defrauded candidates. The Decree lute
gone ibrth-;•the dual Act in this I dris:tie
Is oonaurnmated;doue,sigued tutdsealud,
this 19th day, of September, A. D. $7O,
at the /*paint Residnes • ; ..,•
- t
well, fellow-Republican; I ,1 40
men of honorsble opinion, ye; sons' Of
plebeian birth, what do you think of that
for high? True, one of your candidate'',
a respectablo eithten, an upright • map, a .
thorough Republican, la impressed I by
the leatimbny of his fallow-citizens and
by many corroborating el:vomit/Owls
that ho hal been wronged out of a nomi
nation arhich,in this . Republican govern
merit, is alike open loath that either by
mistake In count, fradulent return , or..
Illegal voting he has been unfairly dealt
with, seeks to correct this wrong, if
wrong it tie—and therefore naturally and
rightfully reqdesta the privilegeofexam-:
hiations of Riese original records. The
Co. Coat: comeato hiai help and orders
"tAesepaperef. Into tar custodianship of
the "'noon:Lug" Presldentlhat they may
be used for legitimate puipmen, in . de
fense of the truth or In ceirdemnaton of
wrong, but In &dilute. et all former pre
cedent and the expressed will of 'the
highest and otily competent authority—
"these papers"—these original records
are ratathed and supproued, to the detri
ment of rho muse and the Injury of a fel
low-citizen, and yet we are called upon to
give sanction . to this abuse of privilege I
The pompons Sat of one man who, with
childish facination, clings to thepreroga-
Lives of an othee in which he has been
superseded by the voice of the people,
transcending the power even of the office
itself, is to deprive the wronged of the
'means of self-Jaatidcation and defense,to
the manifest detriment of the party at
large. Republicans will not tamely sub:
wit to any such outrage—to no such ex;
ercise of "one-man-power"—to no such
"ono-sided" investigation. Pomp and
Show will not answer for Fair 'Play.—
Imperial dirtily cannot parry the do
demands of Justice. Parties may rush
into the newspapers„ with blustering
communications and sworn declarations
—piling column upon column—the one
simple damning fact, that the original
record of certain election precincts ten=
not be seen, not even a "copy" obtained;
off-sets all ; and leaves, &stoned on the
minds of candid men, the inevitable con
ylctiott.that "there is someththg rotten
In Deart" - Fellow=fteptitercema; me
time has Mine when a love for fair play,
—a regard for Justice—respect for decen
cy, and attachments to the party, all de
mend that such political unfaithfulness
should be rebuked. lioarrwooe.
ber 27th 1870, at the housonf the bride's
parent. in Chippewa, by J. S. Gorton,
mi., Mr. Joseph Grove, of Brighton
Tp., and Mary Elisabeth MeGalliek of
Chippewa, all otßeaver County.
MARTIN—CARTER.--On Sept- 15th
By Rev. John Davis of Vanport, at the
realdence'of the same, Mr. Martin, of
New Brighton, and Min Carter of
Bridgewater, all of Beaver Co.
WILSON—BULLOCK.—On Slept.-20th,
by the same at the house of Ingram
Sobreing in Vanport, M. Alex 'Wil
son, and Mtn Emma Bullock, both of
East Liverpool Columbiana Co. 0.
MOORE—At Roches ter,Pa.,on Saturday
evening, Oct. lat., Sophia A., daughter
of Samuel and Hannah Moore.
LUKENS.—At his residence in Roches
ter, Beaver county, Pa., on the 27th of
September, 1870, Chula* Luken)), Esq.,
In the seventy-fifth year of his ago.
FEAZEIAt the residence of hie son
in-law, Richard Hall, in Freedom, Pa.,
Sept. 30th, 1870, John Feautl, aged fiff
JONES—On Wednesday, Sept. 72.1., Mr.
Jacob Jones of Rochester, aged about
06 years.
.N . f)lV Advertisenients.
W befalls, Letters Testamemtary to the Bathe
of Jona Jtsou, deed., lota at North Sewickley
township, Beaver eouoty, Pa., have been mated
to the eabeerthers, all persons Indebted to the
said estate are requested to make immediate pap
neat; and throe hiving claims or demands stalest
the estate of said decedent wUt oaks knolls the
same without delay to
BORSHT JACKSON. North Sew kkloY.
- -
•ialtreue BALL—I will ogler at public. sale, ow
A TVIDDAY, the 18th day of October, IBA on.
the premises known so the 11092 Y toal Miner
situated to Darlington township, Beaver county,
Pl.. the ibliowlng property. Till:
Thirteen head, good mules. These males are it
well broke and several of them are eery desirab
tot hum work. Eiststy•thrtte pit can. Almost Al- ,
ty toes of good hay I 0 tetra and stack. One DI.
solving sales and Sadder collar. news 43eVall
vets pit harness.. A 1.4 of old Imo. ie.
Aix 'moths credit will be given. Bala tomlnt-
Emmas at
tl l o'clock, A.D. Tenni made know%Aa
da Sterling Rua Coal )Hero. Otte.
TlMAA T CClllET'elfritge
COMPANY. of Hartford.
Assets $1,500.000. Grants LIVE mkt
ENDOWMENT Polkies of all ip-.
pnwed b rms. Ample serstrity. tow
• Mrs. Alao. makes sicsinst ACCI
DENTS musing death or total !Rubin'.
' ty. Policies written . by the year or
month. Um paid $lOO per day WPM
years In benefits to policy-holders.
's (d dfiAte
RI Cents to $5 perEyenn, at Hole!
We en prepared to tarnish profitable employ
ment to Nen and %oaten at their homes. One
person In each locality thronabout the United
Stara. can engage In Urfa business at pea wove.
We mid. roar. roil particulars ands valuable
sample, which will do to eummenat work on. Any
person seeing Ws notice, who. wants tameable,
permanent work, should send us tads iddreas,
without delay. Z. C. ALLEN Ai CO.,
octStive_ 5 Augusta, Maim. •
• -•-- -
SleA Day for An. &cacti Tad Dimples
malled free. A. J. Pru-aw, 645 Broadway
Now York. • 0c15:4-1;
A VOID QVACKIL-4 victim of early tapir-
L' cream, ebbing carom debility. procedure
decay, Ae., baring tried la vela every advertised
remedy, bee a simple beaus at selt.eare. wlikb be
will mud hoe to kb teikrrpretaners. Adams J.
8. TUTTLIC, is Nassau st„ New Y. rt. loamy
NTOTICE.— IThermie. My MIN Megdatena Blom
dembergat baelmylott my bed sad tbosedtos.
to Marlon %amiably,: Wfteer county. thin ts to no
ttly all Immo MAI rill nay em debts coatnietol
0•1.11.1871.—Me -
ilionifachrrers of Pal & Pocket Cut—
lery, °lrving ices ond :Forks,
and 'hitcher Knioa.
Specie attar tion ss given to Mollsrdessing aod
of UM Sadao and MO and i sow
ot 7 =o be competed to make the eery so n t a ,
so we amens nom bat ameriesserd
um the best at steal. Noose Nemo has now
heel Mao business fats mass. and kis moos ass
practice oodcwo.
our emit
Spode attemion is
ddeetser ifastered
sriskik are made Dos Um best or AW .L
The Hom
es • Is am solid piece at wood. the tang going
gssongh is dead on tar e end. so that It Is topsoil
Die for it to break or come ed. AU smooth Is
',smutted to be epee It not better dons!! Yee
ego Or Mantle make. C4ll and OW 0111WOrti:
no plums required. Oaks and Works, is New
Brighton, Pe. sesdi—tt
New Goods
New Plices!
1 Throe Reeeked A New kiosk qj
Comprising as uowusp]3.►rgs and 8..
. • - lea Anortuieut a • .
HATE, , . .
.•- .
Plain& Fancy liibboaais,
• •
In order td snake this . nolloe as aline.
/lire es possifiks, we shalt exhibit a huge
ntunber of Eastern trimmed
,Epalrramm mw_wiN
7bilether with =my Desirable
Hats and Bonnets Trimmal to Order.
Soliciting call, I stra,
- .licapeetßally yours.
Bridged, Bridgewater, Pa. sp2S;if
At 75 Cads. One ease of 2
Very Vine Thforinois.
Extra, Grocod Wnterprolf:
• - ' AT 373; CENTS
Ezra Good Table Linen,
WANTBD—AOXIITeI. (20 per Jar) le ma
.11LCIONli Has tie seitireleed, sabre the lea ,
(alike ou both Odes istid %MY iteme ,l
The best Dud dampest ?sell; geobw hisehtwe
the motet. Adams .1011. SON, CLARKS &
CO- Bootee, Me m; Pittsburgh, Pa.; chiesgo 111 ;
ee tit. Loels Xe. . fonetiron
• • •
Bargains in Many Neso Dress Goods
- Federal Street._
junlay—J(.29;jo)---21, sp:M
French Alerinne
Wool Plaids.
Poplin Maki*.
Black Waterproota.
Brown Waterproof&
Corded Poplins.
Salk and Wool Poplin'.
Irish Popilas.
New Dark Detains
Plain 3liiel Goods.
Grey Poplin&
Wholesale and Retail,
A. W. ERWIN & CO.'S,
178 Federal N., Allegheny.
s e :
The Cheapest Wholesale
, Joseph H. Borland,
5S di as W i oed Street,
Hant(jadurer, Wholesale & Cbnwtir
riot Dealer its
• At Nlfff Tact sad Baton Mrs.
Apt gm Philadelphia city mode tootle at Yon
oloctaras pima. (*dors from country dookto
promptly lilted and satlatitetton warranted. rush
mxtdo dally. (mpltlon
SIrItAY C 0 .21— Came to Use premises of the
subscriber ha ()hippo's touraeWp, Hoses Co.,
Pa., on the 2d of September. A. A. 340. a Brladk
Cow with white vote, her horns having bees bor
ed. Said sow M about Orem years old. The
owner Is requeitedto Provo trn.....b_W
sad take her away. USN axons:WM
soppier •
(10AL VOIR SAUL—The nadersigned his
‘,J coastaaUy cm hand a geod article ot Lamp awl
Nat Cal, wit .14 be will seU at remonable pekes.
at.the dies will urchaser.—
Th• beak is lo on McKinl e y's Rm. . tew
rods ham the Pita Ft. Wapiti• Chicago itallrosd.
and but • short dlataace from Beam station.
!amulets a good article or Fite Clay. which I will
th at moveable rates.
=e l es least my resides*, Is Blder..
Michael:Simple la Rochester. or 1_ft!....11.1 ra wm
receive prompt Ilt/Pai.loll.. J.
usamesms swim bees lamed Is Mr matee
scriber as tas state of Wilds. Davt.lsoa ra di.. da
mmed. lam of LIM Moult at IllaaVer bea
m coaaty, PL. Beti* a may giVall to al pa
ss ladeided » sad estate Wu limed=
Sheaf is ropmead. Alt Mos heiriagelaima
NW mow mill west tams sal N.
fur settamamar. WIL DAVI.DW2f. dr. Adam.
IntartATA OF 6110 HOS FriOUDIAIV. Detrll.
Me —Letters otaluiesasry to tits &etas of Clomp
herlla ared.. *cot
basoso of Desna
Fails, harbW Woe (ranted to the liWidsigued, sal
parr Wihoed to tab estate bra mama to
pernest: and those wt
Oasts I =sill estate sad heond Oa mos
wittiest delay be mniesssat to Os unders.hood.
or to Ulm, Whoa Ilsom hls ths
b=llof Bestir. (MOM' MODULI T. Mr.
-1.2 ry *Lao Zetera of harsh Dose, dsell. isto
Miklos towneldp. Hester county PA. Wins
the undereignsd. sit
_perseas li.
W ra b li4 e said rote are hereby matlisd to make
Inunedbits Meant: sad IN.. bob* midges es
Amid state win present this to the subscriber.
duly esthestlot led foe estdrinest.
P2Witt pita ogootoi= foomalo. to
1 ow aoitooloetottaz • a Itesa,—
SuitiorgaLtod. Addrom rottp , Oko..lloc ,
idirill: st — it - .:To -- Cio1" ii, — . o4, to Ifitioro,
"admit Um,. _ and /V watt foe s cSreo•
lot;to P.SAUF, . • ' " '
tooloAor] Cototwoll, esestelseet.
"kill" tiiiii - ifirok Ago
ir. .i a I loostlowno ho t Zo 016.. NM
iliglottrotal totoito Millf. loan live
arthart : Masons Halloo al Maw G. Mil-
sl224.yz . rp .
. rally wee by . so verybody. con%
god esaimise. oe *melee , eeut (poebbdork)
au oeste Met 'elan esietti ter IL L. own%
ISt Lludahast 544 . No. York. oetkler
AU K.WfbtrAßYZnrbV -
1100. W.U. IPWA HWY 0 Luso Taos aiv Ilasaco,
. • /Weaves,* and Sigla4apilas IR•
" Our Sinter Itepublle."
ireet dewy emit. mho,'" ulaaustuL Read
kw elecogre to notesibrob gook Co. Ileettone. LI.
BEAM MERI I 141-1114 WI
so Weskit 110 A •
sad bow karma rod dialt*lßs Can 0116 m.ka
$lOO raft
Is Minter. 10$00 copies, al ill b. imaged No Soi
Passers. Read name ad addro• 11,441.60Lifi
sile..3lllDY, rkitadelpisla. Pa. • OaktAw
- - - - - -
it ..1.1C311r or the 'Wd."11.L.74. •
e.. tat Yleetwonea Deshel.." aatit
Ikea of the A pante*. EesaztllA. VOW*.
Weddtidge'e ..111deesect Cle o ed*" Lao
Wry of the Jew. by Joseph's; 0 , of NI
echelons Denceninetknoo." veldt coed LO
rolotiog to teems connected wilt SDI* }/.
containing =Any Ise eugrarthire.. ;no nrot
lonsift •enehplete Dauer, of MIAOW krOwP
edge,. W. FLINT. Ws IL SMIAA Af. P I WIL COltatt
Agent's ,W anted For -
by De J o ustS. Irma& Ittagatodoes medalloao
Red startbag dteetemirest blho vb.* sat4on. Mat
bare sod las hideous:m.4 altered to 111111011111 ex.
wrath's,. Mints is fArf isfer•ofsqf L'lrltisofteu.
Cartels... Ur. dad Addle Afvesfify. 'lkea kw et,.
attar. Lid Knott. U. X. Matilde( co., X.
Cincinnati tlecer sad 8x Leale WAS!
Fuld ) • • • • - •• • • - "
Nun Yeah
?be *lid adventures add marvelous expellees •
of P. !immix, knows a. atello ,
Graaf Hush'," sad famous MAW CAW," of
100 lodges, from MI to 18:0. A book at 711rUt,•
Interest, 7rutaibt, Arsse ,Prate._ ttparsisd F. •
*alley. Peet. sof friction. Eke- ty IlbUtamtild
tinted payer, sloksat binding, Will cbarta es.: -
body everywhere acid sell to exceed Mt; book ,
Lies. widevurots dose mad early for Illostrat
poster,. simple mutes sod tams.
lox ASO to Cud per week. A. U. IXUB/ArtXD,
11Mer. 400 Chestnut st. Plats- !•
Al antalllsg remrdurcar all lkoacidallifilleultlas.
Bon Ttuoat and .ftlda.
oleo patify the blood. seglet elmtlelloisod street
Oecey, acting directly as the Beau; liliceihrso•
they should be prfu t enZgaltreclieta es
= 4"ji It° cite alatlott of the Walla ttai lft
Tardodall tend=t7 tocoldandyoaedllDcohW
Wells . COrbolie: Tablet :4
are • paver falllsk nrasoly. -VOX. Y. BMA.
BY DllVll4Oltall.
Fonts WebilteedelB22s a
s uwniti)
A by sasAi 0
the America. A - wilting
a. I ..
Tex, Mum., or HT. Loco. Yo.
A 4G.MniTtil Wonted To ';o1L
t.:11A31.13.U.1111.1N • S .
LAW 13001 g.
deer O. MOM", 4i CO., Elastlbed,Oono.
An unlallhig remedy tar Nentagla Plants, of.
tee electing a perfect tore In a Angle day. No
form orNerecopt Dlseue falls to yield to IP woo.
derhd r ower. Nem to the amere eases of chronic
Nei ,I; affecting tlisentlra system. Its nee for
• few ye atoms the most aelotaLdslng 'edema
rarely Mlle to produce a coat/dote and pet mantes
cue. It cantatas no material. In the elightem
gree Imitations. It has the anguallged approval of
the beet phydelarre. Thomas& Is every pen of.
Mem:mato , gratefully acknowledge he power to
sootb Mg tortured nun's", sad restotin f the falling
Sent byanalt au receipt of price and ynntage•
ODE package 81.03 Puelaga... fi cents.
packagre do .. rests.
It le sold by .11 dealers In dome and I.wdlcinr..
and by TVICsICI: m CO. Sok Propri,tor, 120
Tremont Street. Itoehm. Naas. Oingaltneoe.
Tim Ma Comb will change any colorol hair
or beast lo a p• Mauellt
black or b b. It contains no pole°, Aey,e,e
can use It. One scut by mall for eve dollar. A
dm. *SOW COMII CO.. Spa:wield. Man,
In the Orphstusi Coon Is. owl Cs:
C: --) mid county:
In the matter of 11 , r•omo '
of IWlltlon Cohlwel!, .! so.
5.. 1 1, in ritiminn, N 0.3, Decombt f it.' 111.
And now. August 20„ 1570, ti,.• logul
sition of t h e Sherilrs Jury, pn...0.,1
open Court and confirmed Nial, !rule
on the heirs and legal represent aitra''of
wild timed:int to come lab. open C.iart
SATURDAY, October '22nd, al I.s
o'clock, a. nt., and accept or it Um
real estate at the appraised value. oi ,•h..w
cause why the same should. not la• sold. ,
BY THE t' t.:Vr,
(Itroiu the Record.)
ITUGII S. FLEldlNG.ttheilli,
Pittsburgh Sept. 2, 11570—acp21.11w
PtiatTATids - riiicurArmtn:- Nwier . 14
hereby etren Staten application silt he nude
LL the next to-sin Of the Court Of Cosmos Pinar.
Its sad Ss the county of Bearer, State of Pettrtyt.
units by the Trusters of the Presbyterian ennui.
'of (Worry. Is laid musty sad Slats Mr a charter
of liscorporatioo. Sy order of the Board,
te. Ur) t/EO. L WILSON' dtec:t._
New Millinery Establishment
IN rt c)CIIEST.I.:i I .
ivarinr l r naoutic . of ltmlrl :uvieintlt g oai optzio
NEW rinamaty mon
A short distance above Cross nto • .
In nil its branchen. 6hilitrene clothing,
Shirts, &a, made to omit% work to b e re .
lied on. A call solicited.
Point Planing Mlllovie
Water Sired, Boehi ' ster, Pa.
Whitfield & AnderSOn.
&uh, Doars,Mou • .. Floor-leands,
Weather-boards, , Brook-.
eta, &e., &c. • •
inucwod us territorial Wenn at xi.
I. C. Andersen,' owner of tbe Sevl Patters mile
seed ontals • Ihrartionsests Is lbri combating
and joists( of westrierboords sad !Wag forbear/ •
re sad other bubdbigs. we are tbe only
intkoriaid to make and nil lb* neve all=
Huns of Berm nasty. Penns latenran sal
plena observe lats.
451771ggeMe atpplies Onstangit cw
livery instuver of 'bop work ends to orimmonier•