The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 28, 1870, Image 2
The Beaver J. WILYAND.Staros • hwi,Neos. Hauer, Pa., Bert. 28.1147.., PUBLICAN TICKET. 18181 Fur Cbisgreas JOSEIIU 11. DONLEY, of as For Assembly: THOMAS J. CHANDLER, DEMAS M. LETIIERMAN, WILLIAM A. MICKEY. JOHN C Por.Pro • =l7 - .. • For Cboosimiamer: SAMUEL TORRENCE. Apr /wry annottarioner: JAMES WARNOCK. • Itkr Ibor House Director: HIRAM REED. Por Auditor : J. IL CHRISTY. For Trustees of Academy: REV. B. C. catenLow, Y. DARRAGH. , DaJOHNMURRAY. ' • Tuz friends of Dr. Shurlock are statingithat on tlio vote on the 3rd inst. to appoint a special committee to investigate the alleged frauds in the Chandler-Bhurlock case, there were only fire members In favor of the proposed investigation. We fiave the authority of seveml membint of the ComMittee for stating that no law than fifteen were in favor of in quiring into all thiie charges, and, so voted on General Power's motion for the appointment of a special commit tee. EIBEWIIEBE in this paper we give the particulars of a William - Torrence "ticket sticker," distributed by Mr. M. 8. Quay. We presume this same individual has. distributed stickers with the •narne of Ifenry Reed on them, for Poor House Three-, tor; and still others, with the name of John B. Christy on them for Aud itor. Republicans! In every town ship and borough of the county let us urge it upon you that wherever you find any of these bogus ticket stickers gather them up and'dmtroy, or send thorn In to this office. A WMTEII, in the last Radkxdieils the readers of that paper that the An ova has lost considerable of the party printing. Nobody disputes this but the fact itself needs a little explana tion: • Last year the brodThr of.the editor' of this paper was chairman of the County Committee, and he di vided the paity printing equally be tween the Atious and the Radical. This year Dr. Stanton is chairman of the County Committee, and instead of dividing the party printing as was done last year, we have from some Mine or other, not been permitted to get even a penny's worth of party', printing since he came into office. EVERY kind of political trading possible to be devised, will be resort ed to this Fall, by tho "Ring," to get votes for Dr. Shurlock. At present it is "set up". that Donley Is .to be traded off GI the supporteri of Me- Clellant4 for Congress; the McClel land men_agreeing hi return to vote for Bhurlock. Itutan was absent last week, and was most probably on a visit to Washington county arrang ing this trade. The " Ring'! here does not care a cent for Donley,vildie ps very me depends upon mem:acme Shuriock. Without Shuriock in the House Rutan's game in the Sen ate hiicornpletely blocked. lie will theiefono spend time and money wit/Mat/ stint to• secure votes for Alturlock, at the expense of Donley, or any other candidstaon the Repub lican ticket. RgrunLlCAris I give us your at tention for a moment. A few weeks ago the Radical informed.the public "that it was not sure tnit that it would be better for our county If I be Democrats had a reprEsentatfve in the CoOtmissoners', Poor House and Auditors' boards." . Subsequently its editors alleged that they did not mean what they said but that their remarks referred to the cumulative system of voting. Now let us show you,, from the recent acts of one of them, just what they did mean : Last week information was convey ed to us that a "Torrence ticket sticker" was being circulated by Mr. M. S. Quay. We took the trail and soon chased a batch of them up. A ticket sticker Is a particular can didate's Nano printed in small type, with guru 'Arable on the reverse side. The Idea Ist° paste th is name over the opposing candidate's nanle for the same office. In the instance now referred to, the name "William Torrence" is neatly printed,so that it may be pasted over "Christian Huller" .in the Democratic ticket. - One would think from this that M. S. Q. was intent on rushing Torrence through,. but wait a moment. There is no such person as "William Tor rondo" a candidate for county com 'almoner,. and Quay's purpose is to fool such Democrats as wish to vote , for Sanuset Torrence, Into throwing their votes away. Ofcourse a vote for William Torrence, would not be counted as a veto fOr amsuel Tor rence. It will not do for Mr. Quay to say that this was printed through a mistake, for he keeps &zmuel 76r ressoe's name • at the head of his paper, and is. familliar with it, and more thau this : we venture the opinion that ho 'Myer had any au thority from Samuel Torrence for printing any "ticket stickers" for him of any kind. How long must this base treachery continue? Ite publksu3s lathe Amos doing wrong In contending with these traitors? Answer with your ballots on the second Tuesday of October. Tux Itcpublican Convention for determining the returns of the pri mary meetings was held in May last. That Conventton declared that Dr. Shuriock was the nominee of the party by 112 majority. Innnediately after the Convention adjourned, we were waited upon and requested to postpone the publication of the tableof returns, embracing the figures given for each candidate: We had the table already prepared, and were about ready to publish It in our next lame. But we had not yet added up the figural to find 'out what the real majority of each candidate was. After we had added up the figures, we saw the }eke. And we now know the point of it consisted in the Idea that the Joker, who rtaMested us to postpone declaring the result for a week, wanted it to go abroad that Dr..l3hurlock really had 112 Lumlorlty when his apparent majority was but 12. And we know further that Rutan \ hurried off a 'dispatch, to the east, that Shurlock had 112 majority when be knew the dims made It only 12. T 1 ; Wve mar a frostddint ats jort4it If it had bikini annouseed to the Convention that LIM Markle* had only twelve of a Majority/at Mat time, such ninjority, weak, have been contested,as Dr.l3htniocir well known and he would have lest it. There were more than twelve .Dernocretic votes known to members of that Convention as having been oast for Dr. Shuriodr. and with thew Wick' en off, Candler would have bees de clared the nominee. We know this. Dr. Sherlock knows it; Quay knows it, and so dome Buten. Dr. Eihurkick therefore was not fairly nominated ; in ant, he , was not nominated at all. The reason, then, why , we were 'ask ed not to publish the table of returns tor a week was that the nomination of t3huriock might be thought to be a settled thing—with the one hun dred added, by the report of one of Clerks to the Convention, to his sip• parent majority. A week Would go a long way toward the propogatkma of such a falsehood, and, the figures would scarcely be looked into Lite! that time. ' . E2l But, we were not caught in that trap. We published the figures at ors* ' and Dr. Bhurlock could show but 12 apparent majority, and facto developed shim that time show be had not oven that number, but that Dr. Chandler wasfairly nomhuited. The* are facts known to all the per soos connected with the counting of the votes of that primary election ; and we now ask Messrs. Quay, nu tan and !Muria*. if May did not send the messenger, above referred to, to us, for the purpose named shovel— Yee or no from either of them will suit us. . WE are requested t state that if the Radical has its $lOO.OO to give yet to anybody that was Influenced by Dr. Shurlock to vote for John arrebing, a Republicab voter . Is at hand wisi will swear that Dr. Shur lock gave him a ticket last fall with John Gnebing'a name on it for Elites iff and told him to vote' IL Let the Radical now place the $lOO.OO in the hands of, William Orr, esq., and said voter will put in an. appearance at once. ' • Jr Mr. Patterson desires,for hid own protection, to keep the original list of voters at the primary meeting in Phillipsburg last May; why not' per mit Dr., Chandler, ourselves, or the public to have a Copy of it! The granting of that favor could do neith er Mr. Patterson nor Dr. Shuriock harm, yet the former -says "I will submit to uo further examination of them nor permit them 'Oho Phillips burg papers) to pan from my hands." Tax Hat of voters at the primary meeting In Phillipsburg' last May still continues loafed up and the "elect" themselvmwe believe are not permitted to have even a glimpse of it. Why is this thus? If the list Is an honest one, why should It be kept from anybody's sight?.lt would ben scandal to the Republicans of the county, if they should discover from an inspeCtion of that list of voter", that they were asked to support a candidate for the Legislature nomin ated for them by Democratic votes, in the borough of Phillipsburg. MESSRS QuAY,Rutanand Sherlock having no military records them selves seem determined to defied ev ery ex-soldier for office who carries a near upon , his person or dangles en empty sleeeve at his side. Last fall they defeated Arthur Shield/Ns woun ded soldier for Sheriff; this fall,one of them at least is distributing a spurious ticket, having, as an objective point, the defeat of our one-armed soldier candidate for county commissioner. Soldiers! of Beaver county ! is this the treatment you merit at the hands of these men? No. Then show them that you fully comprehend their perfidy by voting solid against that one of their number who desires a seat in the Legislature. "Tom" MABBUALL of Pittsburgh, who usually comes down to Beaver to make speeches when ho is wanted, and a gentleman, who generally draws a crowd, used the following language in a speech in Allegheny city a few night's ago : "pint I nay an I have always said, don't vatefor a ma* you don't believe is • ran V integrity. 7bke up your giant and took at every name, and Un . m , ma a was therein lotions you *o* make ewe . Kay If pow can Ant a better wan On say haft scrota as bad WWI old aad pod Oa good one on. I always vild th at to you at livery okietkai and I any no pow.' Republicans of Beaver county, if not disposed to follow our advice on the 2ntrruesday of October, follow "Toni" • Marshall's. If you have confidenee in Dr. Shurlock's po• litical fritegrity vote for him; If on the other hand, you believe him to be an unsafe man to send to Har. risburg as your repreeentative,scratch • his name from the ticket and sub stitute Dr. Chandler's. The Radical, being alarmed at the Satiation of Dr. Sherlock, tries to fig me up that , if he is, not elected there will be a Democratic majority In the next Legislature. To do so, It sets down Allegheny, Lancaster, Arm strong and Philadelphia counties as Densocratic.. This involves a change of about 18,000 votes from Republi can to Democratic In those counties alone. Such a change Is not at all probable. The Radical might as well set down Bradford, Tinge and Law retro counties in its list as probably Democratic thbs fall, and the State as Democratic by about 100,000 majori ty. No doubt it would like to make the people believe this result would follow if Sherlock is not elected. But the humbug is too transparent. Sher lock will not be misted, In the Led islature. except by the "ring," and It is In this behalf that the Radical adds: "If any one tells you we do.not need Bhurlock'e vote at - Huraistaug, ic this winter, tell biro it Is a Democrat lie." We do not doubt that the " ring " needs Bhuriodes'vote at Harrisburg this winter. That "ring" is strain ing all its powers and violating all truth toseeure that vote. And when the Radicals ays "we neectilhowloak's 'vote," it states the fact literally. It means that the "ring" does need it. The people do not need it, however. The interests of the Republican par ty in Pennsylvania are entirely safe—much infer than they would be,with It—for it will be voted altogether at the bkkilng of the'rine and the rottenness of ,the sing," if not checked, will destroy the Repub lican party. It lathe duty of the Re publiums of Beaver couuty to cheek it as far'as they'are able in the defeat of Shurlock and the sues of of Chan dler—the legitimate mandate of the Party. • LIMIT OUSAIIII9 ON• US FUOMI stizaarinunad*-Tais DIUSOC TS VOTSUiTaZUS -LUT Oft NUN. DILITICS-LOON AT TUE NV. sosnir. OW kaAtillb IN THAT raguircr. Mr. Patterson, of Beaver Fells, chairman of the county convention on the IRA of May, having written a letter =reek, In which be peremp• torily to permit the list of vo ters at Phillipsburg Ile be seen, we went over. to that borough on last Friday to gather up some litchi touch ing the primary meeting held there on the 28th of May. .0f course no mord °title meeting could be found there. We ascertained, however, that Mr. Robert Routh was the Judge, and Augustus Frank and Jas. A. Inuit were the clerks. tor. Irons is absent, having been away from borne for some weeks, and we also Aided to see Mr. Routh. Mr. Frank told ..e at once that a number of Phillipsburg Democrats took part in the primary meeting, against his pro test, but how miny voted, be could not now tell. lie told us that Mr. Aaron Snodgrs®, an active Xtepubli can of that s borough,. also protested against the Democrats voting there at that lime, and Mr) Frank went with ,rss to see Mr. 8., who gave us the following statement: .1 west to the primer, mei Use Most dub and wee Wormed that the Demands had hem *ltem ell id TOL 1 prowled 'Pisa thin ad seated Is the pronto of** Board thee !venlig armed ihe toasty Coareslios os 01111 art ?use p, at sett that body to Me oat the Desotntle solos tarn hem Yr. Willem Blum also gewlmeed. promise/I me Maths wail sand Ms Cmarestkis Isißmnsr.inmend Imo the weseviedlled. Whoa Tardy , ems I amid sot Mem Wain ma I eke. mar horsed that Mr. Dame did see Bet over to the Carovetitkm either. 17 stederleesdlad es the time wee that aim Dersoeretclad Tete& area Ism was Mese has Ware the polls elseed." Mr. Snodgrass' statement was cor roborated, as far se hls recollection went, by Mr. Frank, one et the clerks. Both of these gentlemen are quite Intelligent, and we had no has. Ration in-helleilng every word they uttered on the subject. From the knoirn procltvfthis of those who Invited the Phillipsburr Democrats to the ylepublicen prima ry meeting, there is seareely a doubt but that almost every one of them voted for Dr. Shurtoek. After reed ing Mr. Snodgrass' statement, corro borated as It is by Mr. Frank, will anybody continue to wonder why the Phillipsburg list of voters wit sent away from . the county goat, or dered under lock and key. and an examination of it per emptorily refused?' We think not. That 'branch of the present political Imbroglio Is no longer obscure. DURING the two week's of court held in Beaver this month, there was a regular organization of persons here whose business It was to talk to every Juror, litigant, and witness, lu Dr. Shurlock's favor, and in this way to create public sentiment in his behalf. The success of the organiza tion, in thisPartlctdar, was boasted of after court Aoamed. The Brune persons are to renew their efforts this week on. the Fair Grounds, hence our country friends may expect to be badgerett no little on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, on the sub ject of giving Dr. Bhurlock a "good vote , ' in their respective dtatzicto. "Mr. tltivkek Isirodscol aWI Iscorporettag the Booth:Ads Mahood Coropry. the calipars• tom ere J. IL Iderish, D. L. latheia. D. hirlianey, Quay, Thos. A. liOott r hod J. D. Con o. The role to me him flttebat by the hal bask of the Ohio, to Deaver. Mr. ideate ob. jested to the coodderstion. sad Ar. Domphreye supported the M. Laid over." • The above appeared in the Legis lative proceedings of last winter, and was copied into the Awes at that time. It was evident to everybody, not only here but at Harrisburg, that 1 there was a "snake" in this bill, and it was only-public indignation, find , leg vent through the newspapers, 1 that killed the measure that session. It was known early last tall, that the Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Chicago railroad Company, intended laying their track down on the left lank of the Ohio river to Beaver, and the Quay-S.huriock bill watfonly intended to give the above named corporatore a prior title to theground known to be wanted by the Baltimore, Pitts burgh and Chicago company. That Messrs. Scott, Cameron, quay 8. Co., ever intended building a road there is simply preposterous, and this will be apparent to every one who knows that Thos. A Scott is vice President of the Penna. Oentral IL R., and the company owning that road are the lessees of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne andChicage road. Of course being the lessees of the road on the right bank of this Ohio from Pittsburgh to Bea ver, they would neither build ono themselves nor want any other com pany to build a road from Pittsburgh to Beaver on the left bank of that stream. Hence, Usti purpose of the bill offered by Mr. Sherlock was to prevent thebuilding of the road on the left bank of the river entirely, or to oblige the Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Chicago Railroad, tp pay the commuters in his bill, sag seventy five or one hundred thousand do. tars (or their title to the route wanted by the Baltimore, & Chicago organi sation. The latter looked upon this movement in our Legislature as an attempt to head them off, and not to permit them to pass through our county with their read, unless they would submit to a species of black- Mailing such as they had not met with anywhere along theline of their proposed -route from east to west. They, therefore' turned aside at Pittsburgh and began to make sur veys thro'Butler andLawrenoercoun ties, with a view of giving us the "go by" entirely, if a practicable mete through these counties, could be found. We do not know what their success in that direction was but we have beard It alleged recently that they preferred coming through this county, thence by way of New Lbs bon, west, providedthe right of way mull be had without submitting to extedion from private landholders or public committees. We all know that the building of this road will en hance the value of real estate in Bea ver county from 25 to CIO per cent. and yet we-end Dr. Sherlock, the immediate representative of our in terests at Harrisburg lad winter, offering a bill, which would virtually turn this improvement away from us or oblige three who desired to make it to pay his- friends a heavy sum- of money for their charter be. fore they could movetheir work. Dr. Sherioek=as de feated fiat winter, but what guaran tee have we that it will not be brought up again next winter, provided he is returned to the Legislature. People of Beaver county—voters of the "left butk oftheOhlo," °flies:vet boroUgh; Brighton, Chippewa, South Beaver mid Ohio townships In particular— ihow by your votes on the bid Taw day of October that you comprehend your own material interests, and when' you know a public ollicer has billed to do his duty that you have the moral courage to refuse tele:hi ighlereelection. Give your ballot to Chandler for the 'Legbdature—• man [who will have 'no personal friends to reward at the expepse of the groat body of his constituents. „ I Tina auuress of the chairman' of the county committee will be foupd in the Annus of today. It lan neatly written document, and with the ex cel:thin of that part of it relating to Mein ,Itutan and Bhuriock, and to the Chandler—Shurlock imbroglio, we can give it a cordial, approval, He mis-states tho case. *mover, when he says that the "opposition to him (Dr. Shurlock) hp had its origin In matters of a personal char acter." nor Is he nigher the true condition of things when he alleges that the evidence of fraud in Dr. Shuriock's nomination I* "unworthy of further consideration." That may poosibly be Dr. Stanton's belief, ,but It is not the Judgment of *great many men In Beaver County who ate enebably as little Mated on this whole subject as is the chairman of the county committee himself. As to the opposition to Dr. Shuriock being, a personal matter, we have only to 'sty again that no ouch mo live has influenced us in withhold ing our support from him. In an swer, throuse Pitts. Ctonunercial, to an 'articl e. the &mete of the earn* place, last week, a correspon dent from Beaver comes so near giving our reasons for not supporting Dr. Shurlock that we adopt them here: /War—Because he is the "pet" of a corrupt ring of political hucksters. Ekeortd—Buse he is not the reg ular nominee of the Bepubliam par ty In Beaver county. Third—Because, to secure his nom ination, he and his friends resorted to unfair means—by intimidating honest voters and thus preventing them from voting at the primary. meeting—and allowing Democrats to vote—ln addition to making fraudu lent returns. IburiA-13seause the County Com mittee refused to investigate these charges of fraud when requested so to do. • Fehr—Because Dr. Shurlock was identified with ths 'South Side Rail road Company' bill attempted to be at the lag seeslon of the e` = d e. Ma—Bemuse be was in sympathy and co-operating relation with the Mends of the "Sandbar" bill of last session, which the Gazette au abund antly denounced and so goaded Its author that be abandoned 11. Ahventh—Becanse he and his friends were privy to secret arrangements, which defeated a portion of the Re publican ticket in Deaver aimity last fall. These &reborn° of the many reasons why the Republicans of the county will not support Dr. Sherlock, but will vote for Dr. Chandler. Repub. licans of Beaver county, joining hands with Republicans of A llegheny coun ty, have made up their minds to war against rings and "ringleaders," and , :x) no amount of ' iding on tho part of the wheezy Id "organ!' can deter them from th r unalterable purpose. INITIAL (lolls were made, last winter, in the State Legislature to pass a bill ta Indemnify citizens- of the border (mantles of Pennsylvania, for losses sustained in consequence of the destructit of property by the rebel troops d u ring their Invasion of the State. These clalnis were con tracted to be ongineered'through the Legislature at 20 per cent. by a ring of lobby members. That per cordage on claims reaching three million dol lars in the aggregate, would give the nice little sum of six hundred thous and dollars. It was defeated last winter, because the election of Gen. Irwin as State Treasurer, deprived those having the matter in charge from the use of the funds of the Trea sury In buying its passage. It is on the programme for action in the en suing winter; and It is currently re yortedit east of the mountains, that Mr. Quay Is largely interested in the passageof the bill. Is It any wonder therefore, that he is very anxious for thesuceess of Dr. Sherlock ? It It will be remembered, Mr. Quay advocated the bill, In the Radical last winter. This is but one of the methods by which the Treasury is proposed to be robbed. A vote for Sherlock is a vote to de plete the State Treasury of three mil lions of dollars! The Radical, and its correspond ents, have been Intimating from time to time, that our course, in regard to Dr. Sherlock, MIA owing to disap pointment because our brother was not nominated for Congress. This Is simply false, as we have heretofore characterized It. Instead of disap pointment, we rejoice. as does every true friend that ho has in the county, that he is not now the nominee—for he would have been leaded of. Just as Arthur Shields was traded Aura Just as Mr. Donley will be traded oil in return for votes for Sherlock. We have shut our eyes too often within the past two years, to fraudulent and corrupt - transactions on the part of would-be-leaders in this county.— Had we thrown overboard a candid ate last year, whose nomination was procured disreputably, and who, by recent develdpeaneute, has been prov en guilty of the basest treachery to oue of his colleagues, the party to day would be Ina far healthier con dition. We awaited anxiously the action of the County Committee. We expected as a matter of course that it would take cognizance of the alleged frauds attending the nomination of pr.Sheriock. Our issues() would have been precisely the same under simi lar circumstances. no matter who had beea; nominated for Congress.' Dr. Sherlock was doomed to defeat, In any event, unless a very large por tion of thi.Democratlc vote could have been got for him.. Hundreds of Republiem votes would have been withheld from him on account of his supposed connection with the Shields treachery, and the presentation of his "South side Railroad Scheme." But, even If this was the motive that actuated us, how easily Dr.Shur toe* and his friends could have swept away our entire stock in trade, by coming forward squarely end man fully In demanding an inveisßgatlon. Had that investigation been accorded by the Committee, and the charges disproved, not even the slightest preo text would have been left us for re sisting his election. Has this been done? On the coptrary, every Impediment has been the way of a fair and hnpattbd investi ption. Nothine;thereforOosbean left us but either to remain silent, as heretofore, when disrepublhle poUtix ad traneadiolis ware going on,or take the course we have Iblf•compelltd front a senaeofduty toadopt. -Wets we aiming at the defeat of Mr. Don ley, as is basely char we. should baul down his name from tab hes& of our paper. When we -oppose 0- candidate we do it openly not *WM ay, nor in the dark, like a midnight "assassin. Their insinuatiaas sib only • we out to cover up the tracks of • men;and to bidethe treachery they meditate against Mr. Donley. We hive hicts in our posaadon that leave not a particle of doubt In our mind that amoutemenhs balm alreadY been noub3,"ly which Mr. Donley, Mr. Torrence, and other candidates on the ticket, ary to he sold out for Pernocratiejp• otea for Dr, ciboria& Tim. reader cannot tato have been struck waif the mniarldsble language In the card of Mr. James Patterson, bat week, petemWally refusing Dr. Chandler even a capy of the list of voters of IPhilllpsburg borough at the piimargmeeting on the 28th of May: "These papersare now all in a mixed confirsedinass eines their last exami- nation, and it would take much time to put themin such order as would enable me to And any certain one of them." There ought to be but 28 Ms of voters In this !iconfused mare." They could be recognized from the rest of the kapeas at a glance, and sep arated' In not over ten minutes. Copying Neal/air Ins:nee would not require more than ten minutes more —ln all twenty minutes! Mr. M. T. Kennedy, Mr. Agnew Duff, and Mr. J. C. Boyle have had full access to them. How many others, friends of Dr. Bhurlock, have had the same Privilege. we know not. But Dr. Chandler, tho person most deeply in-* &treated, and who has the strongeit grounds EVe believing himself most fdully wronged, cannot even get a oopy of a paper containing but 2/3, names; (mark! hedid not ask for the original). dad this 1 absolute refusal, too, coming from a gen tleman who has no more right to the custody of those papers than any oth er member of the late county conven tion, for it is needless to my that his Ihnctionsaschairman oeuSed with the adjournment of that b - dy. Is it strange, then, that the Beliublican mind of the county is agitated and kverish over this and kindred trans actions, on the part of those who as sume to be our leaders—and that ev ery Ildr dealing man is forced to the condlaikon, that there is someiffing waken)/ wrongf •' ORS" FRAUDS 1 QVA-Y!! "MORE TRICKERY!!! On last 3iondaytmorning We re ceived a private letter from a distant part of the State, in which we were notified that M. S. Quay was having the tickets Ibr our election, in Octo ber, printed at Philadelphia. The Writer went on to say that there was some "infernal rascality udder this," and suggested that the Republicans of the county. had better be on the lookout for it. Our informant's well posted, and trustworthy, and we have no doubt but hb note of warning is well itdended. '.That Mll4l4llby.lsengaged in a trick in getting tickets - •prittteditt delphia, for this colunty; is apparent —fur such a thing was never done here before. He, more than likely, Intends toflood the county with tick, ets properly printed for Dr. Shurlock, and those for Chandler and Jackson improperly printed. For instance, if John E. Jackson, and Ilitliceu J. Chandler, were on tickets and voted instead of James E. Jackson and Thomas J. Chandler, they would be cast aside and not counted for the men they were intended to benefit at all. By shrowing a large number of. votes away In this manner, hedoubt less, thinks a plurality can bo _given to Dr.iShurlock at the October elm non. ;Voters of the county, be on your guard. '-`••• PLUNDERING SCHEMES. Jllbr the ArtrUll Enirou futons :—I am glad to know that Dr. T. J. Chandler,not withstanding his having been amely swindled out of the nomination fur Assembly at the convention of 28th May last, did at the late County Com mittee meeting on 'the 3d instant. generously authorize his friends to withdraw his name, if Dr. Sherlock would do likewise; and let the com mittee decide upon some good lean who could cornmeal(' a united party vote. Mr. Shurloek's friends refused. Surely, if defeat results from their action, the re ponslbility must rest with them. Now, the public' may reasonably inquire what object could possibly induce any faction to cling to a man with so much tenacity,when they admit that defeit 'post follow in the event of a split in the Repub lican party. It is very evident that there must be some gigantic specula tion In the future to Iseauximplislied, and they must , have tried, and reliable men to do their work. Perhaps some light may be obtained from a glance at the following facts: It will be remembered ,_that last winter a certain facticiu, which pretends to great hostility to Railroad compani gut up a uSouthside Railroad Swill= die;r and, Thos. Scott, the great Pa. Railroad King, was one of the char ter members, which was a sure glum iftitthat it never would be: built, but Was only Intended to prevent other railroad companies from ob taining a charter who would ,build,• or compel them to pay an enormous boner for the speculator's charter. II will also be rewilected that there was an effort made to get au act pass ed last winter to enlarge our• 'canal, and that our members of the House and Senate wrote, and came; home personally, and represented that it was a monstrous swindle, and to manufacture public sentiment tojus tify their Opposition to this enter prise, this same James Patterson, who so fiercely attacks Dr. Chandler, wrote a lung silly letter for publica tion in the Radical, denouncing the project of enlarging the canal. It will also be reusembenal that it was openly proclaimed that Vander bilt and his agents, with other New York capitalists, were at Harrisburg with large sums of money to defeat the passage of the enlargement bill, and thus dry up our canal, and pre vent the completion of this great water communication between the Northern Lakes and the Ohio River; thereby securing to New - York the entire monopoly of the water car riage of this grail Lake trade. Last winter a _very strong effort wait made in the Legislature dr our State, by the ',ring managere," to ob tain the passage of a bill to pay some three million dollars to citizens of the Border counties for damageasustain ed In consequence of the invasion of the rebels into our State. Theseclai mants were to pay the "ring" twenty par cent. to procure the passage of the bill through the Legislature. This would have placed six hundred thou sand dollars at their disposal. Arlie) little sum to electioneer for the emit trol of the State Oleo! Itmay bo odd ourtnembers--Mtan - and Sher lock—would oppose Lthe pimp of Mich a MIL— This is not r vely likely, especially when it •Is I remembered they are the daily companions and bosom triends of the 1 putiest who have taken , the contract to engineer the bill through the Legislature. AU thet n ir ie n i, :re t :ted the passage of this awl' bat winter, - was the change In the 8 Treasurer. I This preven ted them from obtaining money from the public Treasury ih v erewith to bribe members. No w der thehend engineer of the bill, sw so bitterly a few days prior to the holding of the primary 'meeting in *ay last,',that 'lf Dr. Chandler was nominated, he would 'burst up' the whole. d—d Republican party!" Re well knew he couhi never use Dr.P. to, accom plish this favorite base swindle of the ring, and betrayal of the interests of the ppeeoopple and the party In the next re,. It Is the purpose of the "!ring" to bring up this bill during the approaching winter, providing they succeed in electing aState Trea surer who will favor !the prudect by loaning sutlicient public hinds to se cure the passage of the bill, and reim burse the Treasury from the per cot tage - N the claim. As On next. your privilege jute your duty to exercise the ..right of franchise, aright Which through the instrumentality of the Republican party, bat hat gruaranteed to. every loyal citizen of the United States. All elections are important to' the welfare of the people, and no one shouldieel that he heal a right to neglect a duty so sacredd The approaching election, 'Owing to the measures ofgreat later est which will and may come before the next sessions of Congress and Legislature, will .peer a peculiar Importance. ••• _ The next session of the Legislature will make the new congressional, senatorial and representative ap 'portionments, and it is therefore of thegrfttest importance to each dis trict that it should be ,repreentei by republlcens.,, _ At the last se s sion of the Legisla ture, a swindle of the greatest .'reag nitucle would have been Perpetrated, but fbr the timely seta of our noble Governor. Our Representative Is already on the record on this scheme, and we have thanked him for. his vote in opposition to it. The cor- ' porations defeated thereby, are mak ing an effort to overthrow all who voted against the MIL This should be a sufficient evidence! that their •reelection will be for the public good. Our opponents . have great hope+ that, by the restoration to power of their friends in the South, they will have a majority in the next Congress. It must not be. We must maintain our majority there, in order that we may sustain the adininistrationlin the wise and judicious policy it haft thus far pursued ; that It may fulfill the pledges made by the party In 1868, namely: To "have - ice ;" - Pena" ;" To guarantee equal = and po- Mimi rights to all citizens ; To secure the payment) of the na tiohal debt; To prohibit our country' from ever assuming the payment of the debt; To equalize and reduce taxation ; To promptly and honestly collect the revonui's • . To pay the pensions to those maimed in our country's defense; To administer • the government with Justice, efficiency and eamorny'. ."In a word, it will be our duty, by our votes,to maintain the:Declaration of Independence, which! Covets all these principles, nnd• is the founds tion'of our republic. In view of the existing conflicts and tottering dynasties of the old world, and•of the• rapidly growing desire for republican !brims of:gov meat, ours, the great. example of self government, must not fail The perpetuity of our InstitUtiOns must not be Imperiled by pertaitting the reins of power to fall into the hands of those: who so recently well nigh enrnifed us. • If - we would maintain! our finan cial credit abroad, if we would hate foreign Lid to fund our debt at four nor cent., if we would encourage the masses In the old world, in "their struggle for freedom, we: must con tinue in power the party !which, by its lifelong opposition to situ:city, and its legitimate fruits, disloyaltY and degradation of labor, andlby Its hav ing 8111,4241 the nation's life in its re cent hour of peril, has shwa to the world Its ability !to apiCreciate the Ropes and necessities of an industri ous. peace loving, loyal and free peo-: The candidates chosen forour sup port, are men who, In private arid public life, have proven themselves worthy of confidence. Almost:all of them ha' e, on the battle ,field, 'ln a manner not to be gainsakl, proven their devotion to our cherished prin. ciples,,and their claim taithesupport of a loyal people. Our candidates! for Congret and Legislature bring is valuable experi ence in their duties, and with our candidate for Commissioner (a one armed soldier) they !unreal record of past services which will ;be an ow ned of their efficiency and fidelity In the future. As it would have been unwise to have recalled these soldiers from the army Just as they had liarned their martial; duties, so now would It be, to permit' their places to be filled by those inexperi enced in mirliathentary duties. As they have, at all times, bism consis tent In their devotion to the princi pita for which therwere !willing to offer their lives, let us -continue to them that support which our party gave them when in the field. To their' comnulie in! arms, we need make no such appeal. They can well remember whit were their friendi and 'who their enemies in the late conflict, and they will not now stultify the record of their bravery by voting with the twitity whose every sympathy was against them, who denied them the. riglit of frun chiso.auti would have refused . - them their pay and subsistence. Our opponents are irming their hopes of suecess.. on dissension s in our party. Shall their hopes be re alized? There is no disalfeetion in our ranks, save that twitting (men the efforts on the. part of ahtw, to de feat our candidate fur AUsembly.— The opposition to him hg's had its origin in mutters of* periorell char acter. The allegations that he was not property nominated were sustain ed by evidence so feble, and met by counter eVidence so convincing, both before the committee, and through the press, as to render them, to unbiased minds, unworthy of fur ther consideration. Let us, looking only to our coun try's good, cast aside our party dif ferenetNt and sacrifire our personal feelings, for the SUCC'eM of our princi ples.: Let our majorities he such as to show our enemies the folly of their hopes, such us to giVe no en-' couragement to those who, to gratify personal feeking, jeopardize the sue we of our: party and its measures, Such as to strengthen and, ustain our ret4vsentatives in the faithful 'and fearless discharge of their public du ties. By order of County ! Commit tee, D. STANTON, Clialr4tan. "This is George the Fourth," said an exhibitor of wax work, pointing to a slim figure. 't.l thought he was a very stout tarr,l' said the other. "Very likely '; but if you had been , without victuals' half so long as he has, you'd -be' twice as thin." •=A stranger in a printing office flake; the youngest .apprentice what his rule of punctuation mitt- "I set up as lung as I can hold my breath, then I put in a commn; when I gape I insert a semicolon ; and when I want at chew 8f tobacco, r 1 make a paragraph." ' • - corst:siimposeek resat fi gesesases. The Trifistrus coreeepondent tele. graphs from Berlhi the Aslioedrile letter from Mumma on the mean* and conditlenshfpaesseidatatiMeauX. September let „- . Your excellency familiar with the circular which M. 'Jules Page has addressed to the foreign repro j3entativea' of France, in the name of the Men for the present holding power In Parls..who. eall-themasives "Le Government de la. Defence Na tional." '1 havilS_learned simultan eously that M.- Thiers has entered upon a confidential mission to the foreign Courts, and I nsay presume j that he will endeavor on the ono side to create the belief in the love of peace of the present Parisian Gov ernment, and on the other side re quest the intervention of neutral powers in favor of a peace which will deprive Germany of her victories and make the wet attack of France on Germany more difficult. We cannot believe in the sincerity of the desire of the pint Govern. ment to make peace, so long as it continues by Its language and Its acts at home to excite the passions of the people and to Increase the hatred j and bitterns:Blllra population stung I by the sufferingeof war to repudia in advance every basis acceptable to Germany and unacceptable to Fmnce. By such a course It becomes Lim a bie to make s so, for which the people should ss, prepared by calm words and in terms correspondi* with the gravity and retraction. If we are to teller) tint negotiations for Knee with ware honestly intend ed, the dernancithst we should :con= dude an armistice without any guarantees for our conditions of pesee could be meant seriously only on the suppositioo that we lack mil itary and politirsil judgment, or are indifferent to the interests of Ger many. When' the French nation becomes convlueel that they,having wanknity conjured up the war,alone, and Germany having had to fight it out, alone, they must also settle their amounts with Germany, alone, they 'will soon out and end to their resis tance, now surely unavailing. It would be au at of cruelty to the French people by neutral powers to permit the Prussian Government to nourish among the people hopes of intervention that cannot, be realized, and thereby strengthen the contest. We are far from 'any inclination to mix in the !Menial affairs of France. It is immaterial to us what kind of government the French people shall finally establbakeer themselves. The government of the Emperor Napol eon has hitherto been the only one recognized by us. Our conditions of peace, with whatever government we may:have to7isegotate, are whet !y independent of the question how or by whom the French nation is governed. They aro prescribed to us by , the nature of things and by the law of self defence against a violent and handle neighbor. The unanimous vines of the German Government and people demand that Germany shall be protected by better boundaries than we have had hitherto against the dangers and violence we have experienced from all French Governments for ten turicw. As long as France remains in powsw sion of Strasburg and Metz, so long is Its offensive strategically stronger thasi our defensive, so far all South Germany and North Germany on the left bank of the Rhino aro con cerned. Strasburg in the possession of France is a gate always wide open for attack on South Germany. • In the hands of Germany Strasburg and Metz obtained a defensive character. In more than twenty wars we have never been aggressors on France and we demand of -the latter nothing else than our safety and our land so :titan threatened by it. France on the other hand will regard any peace that may be made now as an armis tice only, and in order to avenge the present defeat will 'attack us in the same quarrel in some other -manner as this year, as soon as it feels strong enough for its own resources, or from foreign alliances. In rendering it difficult for France,. from whose ini tiative alone hitherto the distur bances of Europe have resulted, to resume the offensive, we at the same time act in the interest of Europe, which is that of pecue. Fruiu Ger many no disturbance of European piece is to be feared. . After having had this war forced upon us, Yibich • for four years, by our eau and by re /training the feelingi . of our mite:mat self respect, so inces s antly outraged sy France, we had prevented we meant - now for our future safety to dehsand the price of our mighty efforts. _ We shall demand only that which we must have for our defence. Nobody will be able to acme us of wantef mcxteration if we inlist on this Just demand. Your excellency will make these views your own and advocate them in discussions. . ' (Signed:l RISMARCK. The above is a circular to the North German representatives abroad. Tbtirts, September 23.—The Ger mans have tossed Orleans on their way to Blois. It is apprehended that their intention Is to follow the lino of the Loire and occupy. this city. If so the Provisional _Govern ment here, which is isolated from' communication with Paris, will re— move further southward. Limoges may be selected as the next abiding place 'for the Government. Prepa rations have been made for remov ing the valuable stores from this city for safety, and some have been taken away already. Torres, September 21 .— Newspaper flies - and letters arrive here spasmod ically fryn, Paris. General Cluseret has been recalled from the south as he is thought to encourage dissatisfaction and diserder among the people. There are im mense supplies of cartriges at Lyons. .Dispatches ' from the .ctry announce the arrival there,of great numbers of Freneh-prisoneni, who escaped while en route to Germany, under a guard of French solders. Many more humagrad to reach Toul. The captive balloons at Paris are still in active use, enabling the mili tary authorities- to keep a sharp Watch on the movements of the Frus- . shins. Another balloon from Marshal Bazaine's headquarters at Metz has fallen within the territory controlled by the French. The balloon con tained one hundred and thirty letters. From these it appears that butchers' meat IS very dear at: 'Meta, and the army and citazens are must-gently eating, horse- flesh. Provisions oth er than meet are plenty. • —Limy LYONS, who has heretofore acted as the intermediary between France and Prussia, has migned the task In fa4beof Menge, the - Spanish Minister. BISAV Jilt COUNTY. • .--11) Me Lioaorab4., Mkt .!!.dyes of Wm Meal of Quarter Sumas of said lx pursuance of a custom outside of any legal enclosed's andmithont any Wm expense to the county, the Grand Inquest m and foe mid county, now In !session, have Malted the Poor Farm and House of Employment for the indigent and Mara -dilates* of said gettnly. The atdoct in so= - bas been prompted from certain mempkith against the extensiot audexpeLW of the enlarge. mono( 'the Wilding designed tin UR accummu dead': led Monfort of those who anyhow lieeta•• soy be placed in that inettrutlon ; and rood care ful Inquiry and reliable Importation, we dad teat the enterprise_ la a hiltdaltie one, la necessary, and could not ho oterlooked Mr dispensed with, the old buildings having become too small and too much crooked: liep dud; Men, that by the ens:- lion of. thise additional buildings, and their per fect adulation to the purposes intended, that in stead of radtd,4 the conatrinto nupecessazy cx. pence, it will lu tbo cud are a source of great ate. lug. great meditated great advanage to the mule. All demented and partially imam pkiesoris who are now, and would have to be, kept at Dlsmont, will be kept—and at one-third the expeoeu Incur. red r.atrirmont illaspited.. The whole thing, when completed, will be an honor to oar county; aid should bk leoked upon with pride by every Mil . We found eielythforg pertaining to the Inetitu• lieu to the moat pdamorder, and that, too. with. oat any previous lachegmn. ti We ilOy thla for the .tearen• tLt thtseflierrMr Marta there are tionstbnes charged with making anuccemery pre parations for the. acconanadatloo' of gum le la or der to hors &puff In the at:terminal, We cum. crate them from any each charge, and were they guilty this loqueet Is useuttwoasly opposed to sly such put but at the lame gait we Would doles. t ice to Mom cwaternsd. The btawardora, Wm. ithroads, I. pert:ups to. lady beat adapted to the poeltlon, that coalk,he found. anyw WM. Owe r w ie accept of the poka. The I s m , UM ata sea emanated w ith h om er guiles I. UM she liat ,_l s••tsrrd aoICI aistabseue 111:4 1 74111 et ON capseity, tbe gnaw, Sal Mr entaaesa eeeillee_ reetlas. Pula Wawa tbe Masud ie. me =rail las Mb to reek ler blamitsaa lbil liar Vara roe st ag Nam kaow Na by Ms meta sad es Ow libell Ii us et as wages, Wm @bola' 'Ways be nnranfall : bet, la this ma we would 1101pbstically preseel. Owl the alba et las Bleward le sot reasassalve ; is sot Imam sad is sot suelcieat ior Llie dabs p - Iris/ . would earewey teamsesa Mal es blame Oil rant as waft as It me named. shoal/ de. The Jerisims kalweralat la as bemaa me kaadrestealMV"asza M . seekt mil madam let ia li vfagesoo ti a la heset belt ths Haag a the Ilenralea' ty. la Mar le sea -Oat to mord. my as. maset aslant carat r lallicated saws. We shwa meow awl blot area that walla Gala fy ibe met earepekies but we tarbeer.— This will tall epee all Wes alap. - la eabadalaelbla we est the emit la alma Ow chaise Me mom a the mum sad bars it amt. M ease la the two awe ty_ pegeekle Sinew. JOHN A. l'ILMOIN„ roma Orbs of as Coal. JOON O. HAUT. Cask. FOR SALE. Mt doboatber offs; Ibr nolo • Warm et T laaadred sad Ales serer. olifoO of la Mower towookipt io r r tor comity. comovior• top Cl.ono boo tllo of flasorrr. doom tpgro mos clew* Wham, tlistood; ad Ild• der him sad to good .tau of ealitntioc e = of good oodato, good trait; costrealltel la sad BolidLOP an • bode Imaa la repair, bias ban. too bubo stoop Itooota. Woe. sod Woo sot bolOtloos. tho r lfea'dor oAmEnMUMe . arehatrUle, Seaver Co.l 14. Nrll.-11 .0 'f WllOlll IT NAY OONCERIL—Tbe seder. tfts'E. barley apytlutlon to the Dueo- dnpl unlinks ot Stook. the original No.l2l.dated July H, idnXlbr twenty alarm. baring leen lost. Nude* is limb, given to all penman to oboes mime r by said eenticate ebeeki not be granted by the bank. J. 11. Nceldltikillf. Septl4.llo (MAL 6. 11111111Z14 Notary Public, veyancer and Insurance Amt. Deeds and Agreements written and acknowkdirementatakee, Ac. Meter been duly emendedoeed anAgeat for several Bret clam Immune@ Companies. replo mating the Fire, Life, Accident, and Lire stool[ oat=la. le prepared to take deka ad write the most liberal terms. AIM. admit MrWe "Anchor Line" of &Maw Ocean Wm ere. llama sold to sad tom all pia In L``• land. Ireland, kootlaed,Genuae7 and France. lee Is Leers brick row, Diamond. Itochestet. avesrips Reduced Prices! Speyerer & Sons Have Jost Returned from the:East WITH A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Bought al flea Lowest Cash Prices, And will sell some Goods AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR! reonsisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Pro visions, Hardware, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rope, Oeuns, Packing Yarn, Iron, Nails, Painta, White Lead, Oil, Putty, Queensware, Wil• km•stare,Flonr, Feed, Grain and • - Bacon, a varie ty of Prints,Muslins, Ticking,Delsinackeeink . • Al p4eas,..leans,DinliniCrush , and flowery ; also. Teas'? f:olfeta. Sugars, Syrups, 310Issaw, Carbon Oil, 1,611. ti the CHebreed Clinton Usty AND - NEW. CREEK FLOUR. Just arrived and for cnlc, Wholmale and Ite4lll, - •At Pittsburg -Prices. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAR WHITE LIME; Land Piaster, and Akron (kmerd ; A Large Slack of White Lead and Paints A ir:ry superior qualitrol Strumz Wel i Fa Soaps; and a lot of Carbon Oil Just Arrived and for sale, Wholesale and Rdail. Al.BO. PURE CATAWDA. ISABELLA —and— • Concord Wines , Oriunr. own vintage, for 31eilleinal and Sa ramental Purposes. are highly lie o umended Lv those who have used them. They are aLso Agents fur the KNIFFEN MOWER AND REIPth And PM. Nat. Plow Co's./Plowa. Thanking the Public for their past pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share in the future. All Goode Delivered Free of Charge. You can rely on all goods being fresh, as all our old goods were sold at suction. SPOYERER Jk. SONS, aprl3;tc • A.LIA4'I^ CO N Foundry do Repair Shop. awing been Engaged In the Paandry Bustnem tor more Mat thirty puirs,--dnring which time I bare accumulated • earkdy of Deihl pattern.. be aides canatnictnig models mid taking oat patents toelmprorementa -COOKING - - :STOVES —and atter Want; thontwnh7 Watrd Uwe. provementa, 1 reel warranted n veering them to the peddle. PI C)1217 Tim GREAT WllinTecux has no So wrier for filo Locality. STOVES' Stares of OM anna Style. Coo Hosing and Cooking,. The Great Republic Cooktili Store Use the beta Record or any More ever oared la thl. market. IT TAKES LESS FUEL LESS ROOM TO DO MORE WORK. BEST BAKER, DURABLE ALTOGETHER T,tE,IIEBT STOVEIN, CsE_ ciniiicition with the trove I hoe got up a Irsteta EYTENFJION TOP. which occupies little room, no additional fuel, and is not liable to won out, dispeU- S9t with all pipe, can be put on or taken lie 'at . any time, and made to suit all store* of any size or pattern. Vivo Hundred Persons Who haze purchases! •nd used the BRA? . REPUBLIC COOKIE non, Most of ■hose names have born publish• ed in the Amoco. are confidently referred to, tolesr witness olds superior merits as a cooking Move. • Hallos Mos fret dor illeirble• Go &wt. of oboist =ova bores power copeck,. Ilkoy oilbrod of Um public at taatoaabit raw, suer THORNII.IIIr. aarKtlL Sewing Machines PROGRESS! PERFECTION! THE NEW WEED Vonal!y Sowing 31atehtn, The Bag, as Hundred, Who have them in tue, run tueizy. Persons about nurens.u,,, Machine will do writ t.. I,li on 16 A r ,.: of the " I.lnn.•nbrinl. ehester.—and see (bow will be no tinulde to slimy *la, ma if 'MT do not loirelbaw. I . II iNENP.IIINK . Agent fur lkavtr Co, 1t.4 Also. Agent 11031 t: till urn! SEWING MACIIINK ier; Machine sold tur kvs ilLan 44.1-1,21 A undsr real- surt4.34 Iral liMizt:ttiong PRICE ONLY We are nor ■bk to offer to the Itch ,e A FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHIh of haperlor Sty le of I.lnletteing ullflu lakei Ineprorrme4 found In Ktrope sad Ai:work • ft•;; glithe Wlthl■ the reach of every Ilse. hold to the !amt. ILTINSOLICAITEI) andettl,ned asemburs of the Ses.c: hr. ty for the betient of the M. IL Cbursh. Est,. tux had the WILSON SHUTTLE SE J. IN,/ if. CHINE In nee for some lime. take ;' , 1.2. 0 4 stating tbaL fur simplicity of cubstrbr., tel id:lty, cue of operation. .peed sod formance. we bedevil it Is nut rurpulet4 Machine In the market. Mr.. J. F. D.uvo. Fred iMra. A. 31 Mime M.A. lietsiodanocr. Ilro M. N...n • . • Vies Neel li Mn. J. r. Mrs. X. Phillips, TINNY. n IRAs INA Mrs. Prof. It. T. Talk,r. ,Mrs. Dios. Mn. DA, J. U. 'Mr, H. A. What...a 8 0 .. W. LL Los_kr..l.Mrs..k.russ .Isloura Mrs. Rev. V. U Vast. L. Lula Mrs. Dr. Meintt. !IWIs• Elects .inws Xn. A. BUllitt. NI.. Lou. C Klsot Xrc Willism Knobs, Ur. Allter, Mrs. Somata/ J. Mr. %VIA' 100 laid Saks Room U TUI jusszklyjeril AN DERSI.4. Atm _ Singer Sewing Machine. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE The most perfect and simph, madoLe or it. IL ye/ Invented. Both of the above popular machine: toe es tel Improved mall they .Ind tritUettron Pelee of the SINMEII FAMILY ',VAIN., It MINX from Mth.OUMtearde. Moe of HEY Kunrs KNITTER" 1.0 SaMiZ;IMM STRAW & MORTON, GENERAL AiiINTS. No."JO Stith bust. Agents wanted rtir the llibtley Nitehle.eee here, and br the Singer in Wept, ru tilt Eastern ()hid and W.,t V. 1., •t. re tt•te cone already established. novitlg. Miscellaneous. BUYERS, LOOK HERE The onderefsreed, thankful ler past Lyre. vroae rsepectibby lotorm the put,ltc tte has 0. 4 the lnestrelectfooa of WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES. FLOOR OIL cLoTHs. Etc., Etc„ on band to be found In Mc county meat of • School. "Meenankeens and .13 CP CD) ErS. S Is compete; while Do polio sre to sake las STATIONERY DEPARTMENT equal title, beat el City Es tabtehinsuts. 11..1 lb. email:rive smut for the cslsbrstrd VcklositiG CP id Pr 11. • foe tads county. 71sare reeking a good t;ol4rn. mould do well in set them te•lon• purchstine Ile IR tbe Agent for the. vninty fo Knatt Photorr, spa Marrlaer Certideste. The Clerat of Cleseymen Y reppectfune relied to thie, , to WI nett them et Ihe_satee diet - omit ne'theoy r.e.t gel front the Publisher. Atnalet'• School to ernuteut for sale at Publisher's vireo. Also on hand, Toys and Yanct, Goods, stun , for all .01sons. Or. F. VIVICE. Bro Nnl. 1.10:!7 SAXON GREEN. 1* linghter, will not Fade, Co.t. L.. tho Other Weanae it will paint Mt, as Osaih OAK. 134a1d 13estlers In - PAINI I S. J. H. HUB & CO.. Maufactirin -pt.) 122 North 4th i•lrret.ytil.e.4l• 1 , 1„ A .deeay, dc., bath.: tiled In ~in remedy, km a Mamie menu are.•h•a 7 .111 .rod tree to kin lielloer.suff,rce , Mu": 11. TUTTLE, 78 Names M., New I. rig lISITCHOMANCV,OII SOUL .roodllrfol book; It shoe , . teseieste any one they wink. Indanth and this power.) it teatime km" my, Beeeerlea, Incantation.. Deep .1101 , q , Mesmerism, Spiritualirm, thoommt wooden. Mallrd for T. WILLIAM A CO., Pubil.hem Sout.S7thor' Philadelphia. Pa. PRICE REDUCER' Thu bent in thy Country NEW YORK OBSERVER, MU AN N 31 ONEMONTH FR EE TRIAL SIDNEY E. MORSE, JIC. i.Co , ST Park !tow. New York .01.0 WANTED—Lands In renroorlynadt. TT for rash and goat! obt.kar Ito BROS., 131 tkonb Ibird :o lialltalelphis I. - CHANCE 6EOOI YIKED! I oar an Interest In our of Me 0 twal soil," Slow. of A the dal. clereloploc, it, itoo tivorgv wo Co, o, - trout ..44tar7 jun 01 11. undoubted %aloatte ••firret •st to , toreotioetit arid 2 paying one. ilet w given. I doh to tea/ one.haaul it air, rhogy mai. Addrors my Att'yo. TOWNSEND bine,. 04 Sooth Third illreet. rbllrdrlplrla. , d sloo)oiftyNa:lit .11°aNulolireiSII:DICI "101::Irr. tat butanes*. A. hatnabasetal of 11Z will roan . tkar prat of 1.115. For Particular. rad orsr, done tha NORTH, AMEItIi:AN Frill SI Co • Nu. Ili Narrou Wool, New Tuck. 4. •ADVlCurisisu. New Hour ut ISS pars.Yrkv So t.) ms s AMERICAN NEWS CU., Ness York. DMIhiATOWIIi 1 , 40T1( 11.. tent oil mlniet Owl hat g bra. gnkulni the itubecri ron t h e (while of ' S'llll..Ftn .... decrwed, late or Crewe township. It at er 11,11 0,. Pa.. all perwour Indebted to wid barb, notified that Immediate pa) wilt n g rind: u' persona haring claims against the raw will to - Pant lb. duly authenticated for wiCerneoi IiAIIUEL it?. •allg3llleri .t.fortntetneler rilsemplat titan. -Tbr Copartnership het 1/ tarry* resting between Me underrired. der the Arm name of -.11. hr go! day been die:wired by satual coosint-T. Awn Peodleton retirinc• perurou:wg.knu.wilioigmliatwww. L b: p. ln:l .r. rbted .t oeherwlse their semirigid will he put I n thittalo o of " Plikrt for rolket SOO. X. M I LLEIL W. IIIoLMV. (I. AVICRILL I'ILNDLETt IN Tbe biwlesso will he coutharod siodgr awe 3L Ws wawa. by M. N. SILL/ well int. W. DOLBY. la nilrlag from the above 'Arm I would gm , brearldy recommend for the remaining the µwasp of all my hind. awl the publi.., 64102:511r1 T. AVYMILL YOW' '