The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 28, 1870, Image 1
. ___ .... . AMMESTINEMILINTS.' . I --. Advertisementaare iftwirtedattherstb 0111,00 Or isquatii flit !kat insertlon,land fir each anbaequent insertion 50 cent*. A liberal dliiicy.ilittwyce, yearly ad., ve rtiscmazaC,_Tli.%4iiti . • l A FlparettipslPG 5051' noes of this type; ineaaurcapa - ..ii.,.....,.7 , 4••' , 7imici, . linabe* , Oaf - lieliiimykiirlead by CV. thetivielarnir - eillately, after the local. c l e ws, All the charged tea cents a line for eaelylniertio. ...• A .i ., , . . Ailverlbien.te6 ' atauldrbe• handed i ri. b l ot before gondial b lot to inan '. insertion , is that sr , ' t t . . i. -; Ihys - 4141 Tireoo-r—y: • . i iIikAVEIRS • ~.• • • 10/IN MIQQAE,..Drand dater In paints, el 011., vosamoonaa indJimn, plume. a..., Lamps andlldustyGoodet. We csrerully Isunpled. setatill U. t• ATIT. Dealer - in (Welles. Flom. aft Jcoull'etlonery, Tobacco and Closes. (sp•dt:;ly 1 i k e . :s i glits l ifit h rlTlttrZga ul ett earl .l ,lB :l - 7 1 ) VEIL DRUG STORK, Lingo Andrlesseth I 1 11,14=1 , 4.5. Apolluseary, Men Peeserlois e- eseelully compounded. • (dePVIIY - 1 - Xl - •:17 . 1SI - N././esge• improved - MT: 7 , • pon Shuttle Sewing Madill:ie. Main at. 80 . .r.I In [mother column. ,seiftly; 13 11.. 'err :a i d nlltmillosned7eptd,ll-y: Ia L L icaltiOltli., Unwary rt. iteatatuant eNibire Colrere,.Tubaceo and.Cigare, Casi- Ictilmwry end Vegetables. Mato at. p48:17 It. ANSIIIITZ. Dealer In Tinware, Mover; 11 1 .1;..t • S W tcnd3d et. PITTIIIIVUGH MOROANSTERN, Dealer In Dilute &Shoes; en ilarkelAt. Pittsburgh, Pa. (eclat!, S PIDLLIPti. tteaTititet. Agents - ,if• ‘_ peelw Pout Oltlest. Publiabent of the e'lleal lt,lster," sent free. Pittsburgh. isenl4;ly . 21.36 Liberty St Plitsburgh. oetritlY U RAMALP.Y'SH AT PARLOR. rl h f/ • vnne, (near Market Bt.) LeepitLy: A. It K 4t. CO.. Hookaellero and Stattaa. ,`1„ cm, 119 Wood 04, Pittsburgh, 1.11. [Seplttr. I ISM% HORNE & CO, 72 & Market 84, l'ooburgh—lniporters and dealers In Notions, Trltritaltigo, Hosiery, Whits (loads, ..te. [spll;ly ) Illt & 012111128; Yreneh and Ame I 4 eau ConfoolonoB4 neatens 41,puts; frail 12'3, 11.'3,141 , ,V00d/41. rittelmugh, , Y 1 - 17111)61111, trieholce . fess; Coffees & 1. Family Groceries. No 20 Filth kvenne, Rita. I.eiel, Pe. USN lIIGUERT S IMEOptAnajii, the NI rl - Wred Enmity •Sewinektitliftef. 'MO Mark t Intoburgh. Pa. • sept a; 1y •ta 'O2 S In • Ca rt pitAilodw.'dtc. Special rates to artist., Meant, l'lttaburch. .• [seplelly Watches,4Motka,Jeweltz yew ware:No Fifth AvenaterPittaborgh. faeptMly• /..I.Yol4,Monsoaro 11 • h ... . order Show (..*llelbr every boalnent S.. 7 Fifth Menne. Plltaboish, Pa. ['eV/1;1y NSW BRIGHTON. . I tIa•.V..II . IEI4NION. Bakery Contetlonery, 11 It. it-olyent., Bipedal attention &rank( well on:.. and Itall.i' t OePltilY BNifti.tiNßEßG,' Merchant:tit - 11am— Broadway, New Brighton. - Sao adv 1.1,41 7 Witinagli Pentirt. Broadway, New 11. Brighton. • `y- retvl4:ly y y MUSS,' PPotenrpiter. • Wllloon 'n 'e osh Runaway. Beetphototraphe from re-touch meatiree. (sept4:l I liilON Jewcler, and — favii• W i c N o T „l h at i s t ,ll l Brighton. toci)14:1, I. 1101171131 r. Gmcorles, Quecnoware an , Hutment,ld rioode. Broadway. larpl4:l VANlel . in Wall Paper, Window Blind., asoks, stationeery & Notion.; broad u ay, Solo Urlghton, Pa. treplll.l7 HEAVER FALLS. AITILLIAM 110BESTSON, Denier In Improved V V irtivre Fx•vtiog 'Machines. Rain St., , Beiver Palls. • •- • sepli;ly / ll ' Alftiv4 i NksTO U r sTu d lO u larr 'a :t e rve ' : d Ilmver Falls. Pcpl4:ll, iiNIntLI=SrMAIV IVEY, Artist. &Fresco htlut.• em,• also, floors and Sign Painters, Main St., 11,..tv0r . • - osepLitly . • - - UIIIDGEW.I7I4II. . PORltle:Tinner. 'pH), &El el perand tikevt•lnm ware, and Iran eloterri. , romp, Bridge DridgewAttf. (eTpltly \ • HLAVI'NEII, ..4rulufacturer an(l - 510er 14 `‘ Shoe. Ilatigg HI., lirldgcwstvr, • scpl.4;ly \ linto. Caps. Yuri; • 4,40 th.. and Trininlinspi.' Bridge lidL.w,tor,.septtly 1 IL fh: z ilE.B.Ty. Dealer In [Snots and S p ot;.. 11 e 1 • .41g4411 . 1n4et, Bridgewater:" ' ...41;41;ly rrlnidnga.l4: Noanns 1 • Bridge ut.;Jtrldrrewnter. lEINN6AN, .11.441.seture - or Boot.. and . I.• ItrolirC,St. 4 Bridgewater. csekatly A I:S._ll.l{liikS.lientletneocinriffirtT•iirenu . P.l ~ 1 1 .lodpreso444l.lcateiNSt.utuwo Bildce: (.1.1.1,1y I 4.11 N 0 0 DittirP .1 81 1 otabotonea alt 41.•serIp4Icera 111:111e . 4,4144 r. Bt. 31arket .41 Water rtrerts. (cool 1;1.r . 110 .' " AriZir* I-11 ‘ . . -I N i TI - ;;% 74 I r • . Oulu, Flour, Peed A; CoUntry Prah u x. 4,141.444 corner. Bridge St. IlrldOwnter. [941;1y Irill. I•croluo Ulivhr Dealer in Aping 0: Voodm .v.•••lap luowd. Water et. [eel od W: Bridge. crater. I' it Bearer, Pa. . 14,eri;Ily 1:.1 MEANOIt, Dealer In 31noollgahela I'Mh. OM., left at J B. Clark•a, In Bearer, 4e4,1 ~.,144444ittic Ltrng Store, lu Brldgewathr, will he, ....led to. C.h on delivery—Lowell! 1.1 0. Point. 1 ' ceirtCly =QUM 0, 5 , 0 4;ty PP,'ldenii‘saiiii - lititf . lloitL In 1 I i ii ' i l l rnl;Ltof nII Brighton , abore Factory. See * • ;fy it)IIN el W.avr rl„ Itueleee•lee, (rept I;ly ICbilnll.lllllUTD, NVAgou k Carrluge:l , lul,...F ; I I: . Itochevter, s, bruggiotr — Preecrlp• carefully comp o unded ., . nut! rl., ,1 t (veple;ly I~lc 1....W1 N.t Nti, l'hypie Inn; Chronic , 1 , •• Inch fl enedally. Office, corn, of ae4 14111,:e wtw., linchooter. tempi-I:1y 1 . 1.11. I t 2 , ll,N,Wholeyale Dral• 1/ry Uu. 4-,Groceriee.Floar, Ir. Nall', - I•o.l , lrifili:. Baker antChiairirner.— kl• Cakee and Ire Cream furni.hud pn Inarnond,liocheater. treptlly • . I `ALE hy Ileadquartero Faro ten & Demeatic Dry Gouda, Notioor, 'n!alan,s mid Fancy Good' generally, Hoch.* • (wept 1: iy \ E IC& CO.. Contrnetoro and litldero. I • 311 nullicturers of, IJoots, Sholtent, L. 4, i,r Lmuhej Laith Sr. Roull.tcr. [et34l;ly 7,II%C'F.LLANEOUS • , ii telly TllORNlLEY.Mantfaltuettrof th Great rl noteddle Cookind Stove, and Patentee or Por• otionpion top and relart, Fannon, Pa. Dlitotairturer. Ortirrakpromptly attended to. Vliliport. r•—t °Mee pildrvo•—lleaver.N. jseptl;l7 '3l - i.c.:rtl . mric. ATTORNEY •AT LAW Third ?rect, Bearer, Pa. .. (Ace below the Court Musa,. Beam, Pa. )ettif THOMAS- UV CREERY & CO - Tubs. ffIiEIIEEKV, EVAler. J. F. bRAYU ........ L. A MIMI, ~. u. u•cx eicY `: AM intrreet paid on time deposit.; l'ronipt attention given to collection. Abo, lururance Agent. Tar good and rol [aide entupardee. [maylittr All. JOHN O. LE Surgeon & PS J. I .1 • olelan —4lllor, daring the any, at Ituniop'm orner; at itigift at nil reeldence on Water .trees, ItrldeutwNcr, Pa. Will practice Snegery Bait Med. trine. ttninerircied JOAN It. ICOUNG, Atli:witty at law, Beaver. 1:a. Vince and residence qt. Ttord St. of the Court loam. All law hueinemerstru.• led to toy Core thou! recite prompt Aileodioo. Alro perrons having Ilea! Estate Jr Sate, and sling to buy town property, coal or farm hind, may 1 , t0.2 time and money by titling alloy S Nerr . ' ll 1 .. e. nr, perm:want. . ly located in heaver, would axoectfully len .l. r In. to thoxlit44o. 011100. r.ltot Furrottuali,,.: Country. Special utteatlots tt eU. attoent Of female Moque*. Surirry •I It 0 ...alitut hand. Oflleo Olt Third edrc.t. 1 , •,. tl, ore 5.0,1441110 Coon floe., J. .kNuEusuN, tot‘tog taben hold or * IPI • Ll..pld lvtantry torolu, -In kochester, to.. • to wear ble old ,coetoutore I•.• Ili I may want...filter • ,Tt)VEottoadto.: More, °ram: sato-r kind of ••h0,.7. of beet Materlnt arofborkmanalbp. Thu, p• ill bu comforted by J. J: diftUts:S. ItAtAltto E.g . ; attattet to Itoote . Ichive, (Miter,. S lipilerb...t C., 11I • Xi dour to '1 no W lI rI ish dg d mnota c trdg .i tv , ater. 'thin,. in hla line at rtateona btu talus 11.41 nett bin plate of baeluees from the earn the Pricti:e to life prevent 1/KatiVll. hi, la. .0.. Inetuts mitt. patrons to glay kflot a Ii IV.ift1;11011i, Attorney at Law )'n. °ince in tilt; moo. fur tkiplod by the 1ute...104u AdAtitt. promptly lilted.' to. •••,to 6+:ly. I '• 1:111N, Attorney at hirtivr. building, east of rehlte tiquare. inur • • I) CUT% ET, - Vatchntikeiand Weyer, Pa. (In tom edjothing. 114.ou'r ojnce4 0,1,1 welettes and chrou :tti tyro rptilt4l 'end thitrittntet' Itakelthig ovlve. The patronne of the Imblic I. .4..” ,tott. nod .ettetnetlutt guareoteed. • Give ito ■ Nor I rriminn. ll' - The - Sulnieritier idlers for sale a lot of growl the A illage of Black Harsh, Rosser co., , !cntaiing Ilse acres' on which Is erected a I.oi inane building COIIIIIIIIIIC rooms. 1 . :1•IV la Who; spring of water on Um . pre.mift'.; nioniter of hint, trees. 417 : 11 • NMr.I 13 .13.ighik laciatticr lLe./ICH. PIP ./‘ teary, Ariodicals and Stuliondy. • . Watches soot .Ice dry repair...A: Agent forlbe "WL:E II" sax lug Machine, Itcv.hener Pa. ..listutly unhand ag oo d a rticle of Lamy and Spit Coal. %loch he will sell at rramionable prima. ' nln r at the hauls, or will deliver to win humeri,— ii, hank is located on McKinley's Run, n fear I rode Roil. the IMIL YL Wayo• d Chicago Railroad, • and but a abort dirtatiee how Beaver station. 1 tare Rao a gdod article of pits Clay, whiCit, Drill th.puse quit reasonable rates.—, tlrders left at my resideneu h. Bridgewater, or at Michael Camp's In Itoebeeter, or at the bank, will Prompt allesUon. J. C. ILOULTEiL IPtintßO-17 , • ..... , T .,,•. . ..,..., e..,.., ~...,,,,,,, ~.... „_,.. ...,,, ....,, ...,..„....., ... } 7.;.'. ...:' ' !... . ESE EMMA V01:52-463 9; ..... ::•;,,..71(iiteii4neatifi,‘ .! THE , SUEZ.:CANALL 111 L E. th'e t Woridlti more or leas ez ereitted,overr the opening •of the Suez Canal, the Public, in „Bmver and ad , dully, oilfield nor lose idglit of the fact that At their old stand in &even Pi.itiris still furnishing td their eastainerd everything ealled,forin their lino. They alara3it Ithep slut! assortment of q-ROCERIES:.: Frittir ; Feed, Coffees,- 21suk.fiegari, 71 1 0.13 - aceoP'ancl . ..Vi&Tp; And all other articles usually_ Uni ' . In . GROCERY STORE"." From i their lonatid tatiniale nectdaint-, '6lm. with the Glueer34:Flour and:reed burzneste.and their-disposition to render „zAtialaction* to those whir linty • Giver thenk with their patronage, they.hopo In ere* ture,. At in the . paid,. to obtain bend aberOf thb putdie patronage. :•,, • • Give us a Call and see if we do not make it to yotir in terest to call again. Jan:). - SNITGE,It & CO. t .dtaittTet L.Xcoutoess Not-tem.—Lettere testa mentary on the last will and testament of Ja-: cob White, deed, late of the borough of Roche, ter, Beaver county, Fa., having been Wawa to the acrsdtiddiallreoV,Her to said estate are ed t paYitatoftwulr thalmsOnspi &amino will (present the same dui autnentlearad for fel, Uement. 011 N WHITE, Ker.. augttfit• BARGAINS !! iiiatcheis. sang 86, ante, SlOO 4 ' • and 11.40;•-••- • --A Just received from oar Important and manufacturers a large stock of • al 9 ile a 1) t el D" FANCY BASKETS, CHINA and BOHEMIAN WARE, HOBBY HOMES, WAGONS, WAN DOLLS, Ac. 0311 and .gramine ouraoods. • O'Leary. & Singleton's, 1414 FedersilliSt.., • - ALLEGHENY, PA., ' rP,,r,!:4 , tfrplook vooa., fpr . ps47 , at . tbrt 41.u.roqice N E W BOOT& SHOE STORE, DIAMOND. ROOD/WEN., PENN'A Ilintivsignell,' having taken the Store Itoom former3y_ net:NAN' by SIPI , INVA/VIP it Itivhes the alit:lith) of The Public Genca:ally .1 ; o :4,.ipsk or EN>i>trai D • Gaiters & Slippers. Custom Nraide' Work KEPT CONSTANTLY ON. HAND. zovvz auba, 1172Mi7 AND OF THE , i'inest and best Qualif,y CALL AND BE CONVINCED that be sells as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. J. I). ntiLLEn. aprEtly Dilintottir, 11.0clittst&r. mooswaptum STOWE, IN BEAVEIC. of • DRUGS,. cfl. 01 xi. ass , c7l-1333 - tErTc4. - 1...5. r!"1. 1 4 P. 'R • W A:NM s And Brandies, Pn inter, 011 In. LEM DY STUF TOILET ' AJtTICLFa, SOAPS 1311.USkIUS. P A 1 , 441x.t1 th D-1 C.IN 1 S In great .Ariety, all of the beat quality, - null sold diralorr titan can In bought at any other , ;., /tray! Store in the • ; , L J 1,01. 1 .0 Female I'lll4, 75 anAts pet Ima Ch,.7el;;;au'4, $1; Ouster, 11. : The arge,,t. IS Of • I 1.A7,11'S .tr LAMP l TIcliCalIN , LANTICIINth sTATI4)NEitIi, wiNhoW MASS 4 I. :TIT.. reed Neel( n' o 71.101 , 14, of Ow tViot - Alt ' l , Drug . 1 Sig, 1.14-41thever liwu !call heibea lit any where. eine. it' . ! doubt Le but e Oa roore ddofit en.ll,upd or, suid , puty . . - .1 l'rUdr , .1. Mtooltg. SLATE ECM ~: ~~•a~ i iivr4nl TVCTIN CITY SLATE COMPANY Avg juveveo tofpraft Wiciers, or ISlAtei, fbeir Very Dark Blur Cbloreli Superior ,T fi i• g-. . Slate . rron their ownonamna located In Northampton !Aunty, Pa.:AT VARRY I'itlC4B. Sarnolra dial lib. neen,' and commonladiniut ad drevied to - . . . E. L. GOODIMIN, Agent. J. N; NUAILLIIIIIMIRRGIKR, Pres% wilec lIREWEWS nuu.niso, Du g UEsNa ~wior, COONS' agAtlt Pitistsultb. rm. sperilm; =I .*• 17i MEE= INIIII Igiseettatieolts. =MI MEM ~. =NM . the , EMMEN • f ' - =:', • CD, 1 I. -- '•,• •t fta tL.F—, • • 4.: •- r ~ i' j l~f , : . me %, ' • • ;, H -• 4 U 2 I n Qr II lL B 1 • CD CL ~1. ~' f 0 ~... ' A sa 1 1 •CD -.. =MI I=l : i•s - • VS I='l=' . cS • me ... 1 1 Sept. 14, 1870-17, REMOVAL. Thomas 'Allison, • HAVING REMOVED HIS STORE TO 13EA.VEit, In the Rooms formerly occupied by Orr & Cooper, where lie now hits and Intends keeping • • • , • Is. General Stock..o. :• ERCJIANDISE Raving received from the Emit, within a few days'past, it fine selection,of • • DRY - GOODS , ,'OF THE • Latest Spring Styles, CONSISTING IN . PAIVT OF ' • POPLINS ALPACA, PRINTS, De LAINS, 1 GINULIAMS, . . CIIECK/S. CAS.MERES TWEEDS LCOTTONADIS CLOTHS. JEANS. DLN IS, FLANNELS, CRASH, . Bourg& 8110E5. • HARDWARE, SHOVELS, • • 13146E8 RAKES, HOES, TUBS,'BUCKETS; QUEESSWA HE, &c. .'TO . the above articles he has added a choice selection of C3-ROOMIZIMS: COFFEES, . • .. TEAS, WHITE t•IIBOWN SUGAUS, SYRUPS MOLASSES, SPICES li:1BACCO All the tittore ilrtides wit! be Sold Inw for cash, "tiLexeltimgi,sl (or, country pro duce. ull and examine his stick and - - prices. TIIOIIAS ALLISON. npr20•10:113 , • • ICE CREAM SALOON AND ko;~~~;ti~~~~,~~~~~~~;,~,r~~~i , r~~;r~~ The undetallined Lasing height oat the Ice Cream Saloon and COO fret too cry estatillehmen t J. C. thy.. near the rest dace. In Rocheeter. wou.d respectfully Inform the public that he wlii Kemp eke NIA lee Census during the Summer, and respectlally once those in want of that article to give him an early WI. 111. Confectionery department' le well docked: and parties, wedding/. she.. will b. aIIPPI ererythlng heeded on sheet Vallee and la: V.with best of style. Families tarnished with fresh bread as Men es desired. IflZOlllgall MULDIIIIIIICKs snartlits • I - Brighton Paper Mills BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. itANNILLA, ROOFING, Ilardware, Glass,fieralr. RAG AND CARPET 3P AL X i 111 , . DEALNiu - E.A.c•rxirtF.DD AND SOLD AT Wholegale fik. Reisil by Frazier, &letsler & Co., 82 Third A • PITTSBURGH. arum. Iften to exclumgs • frek f: t• 111. • ,-- .••:. •.1 • t:o I , DIM .7: ';11 Rattroiidit.' •''l • ' a timsolini!..• • , •••-••• " • •• • -, . thi ' matter lung 12111'1,' ?nun, agie -Watkins dilly,. {Hamby. !exempted) sal .1... grlrri:ln in iersVlttirklita l lAt. 1.,.." 4 0 44 . .:.. A- • • 1.• • .•,:'•• • - • .. - ißa. OMS. Pletatintate • " Canton • Maiallion... Wooster.... Wansneld.v. Gratin. i j Bucyrus Upper Sandusky Forest Urns Van Wert._ Fort Wayne... Colombia., Warsaw nywooth Valtstrolso.,, BIM o=2 Valpariso w lk Colombia Fort Wayne • VanWtt.. Lima Forest • Alma Sandusky.. Canning:VS A 111anstield • Wooster Online Masaillon Ault M, Nog:Mew • - ;Pitts 111 NO GU 11111 esa red -• MI E. MO OA ~..-. ISM MEE lemr=ew • Po. sad tile Itx - prese irnmtls New Cups, /X / 5 pamsaltes Phil ' mi. &SU p. m.. ,Ileturotpg, WIMP Ptitsbarlb 7:10x. ni; arr. at Mew, Ololls. *fax m. Yormastre. I 1 t40: • Yomotows. New Cagle and Parebeigh oopteleares Yormastown, itaa a. sa 11Pw essac,l3o a. rot iuttree a t Allegheny, /PIO 1. m. Reteralog. leaves Pitlibiargh, ox sr. Pres New Cestleala pxmllosaastowllo:o_s P. En. -, P. WI MPS oran:a) .Ruseleger Mad 'Brief Acad. LIIVITaND Sm'nlallttlintAlLßOAD. On and. after May lath 1870, trains will lone Mahout daily Mondays excepted) or follows. I= Clevela_ ad... f 915 An ISIOrs 343rx Zaelld twirea: .1 ! au 1941 336 Madam. 930 163 Cl I $ Xe 4 $ 1100 iii3S ), 106ria Welhnills 00111 a mourn. 'MATIONS. , I MAIL. lCzrl. Acconi . Wellsville..... : Z.l 85.55 x 4501.31 . • Boatd ~!. lea 608 11111seee 1 11111 655' 1251 a airreana....: I :203r1 741 I 815 . I . E!lndian 815 tur: 855 aellsBtreet• I 111 910 Iwe • - Cleveland.,..:..: I . 153 , 1110. 11010 1,180 WT. . ' _y TSAiIO - 1 — • : 1 7 k..5. 4 . --- 1117.ii.. - TAcCiit .. l ......_,_ .---...1 Bellair . 1 ;./515sis ?05u1 8181 1 11 1: 1 aiim Bri ii fas .ins '2lO t 615 14=1 4181 11150 • ' ' 8115 ' 730 • Wellsville 815 Mrx 445. 82 4 1 l 11 : 1 4*???7---11 841, 1 PO- • 508 • . Beaver.. , .. f • Reebeeter. ' • ' ' VlS'"'. .40 : MCI' ' Pletsburets ...... .. ;1035 325 655 : . . :,;.i..—..—....,.......J3....tn22".1 8 . '.- ......... .__ 04 ,:! . aTirOM!, 14.4•14., "parpSepcoi Picea* Pitteboro at sAr; Drips Mlle ~ ~y :.. 1i51ehe51e1........i !Vile , !KO -,jr 0 1 , - I .. lintatTilkinr. - ::... ill? ' 410 n; l 84"; '• , :,. - • Wellivillw •'. • llta.•• -Wll• .. 665 .. • liteubenvi . l.k . . t ,. MO • Cll5 . : .. a : 1054 . ? . r Brlckeport......' 3100 XI . '" IlO• Rll5 .i. . " Belleb)J• • " ' 111(1 120 . 1' ..830 '• Thu 11ym13Mtrntn to Welleirifie silt on tOr porn train from Well.,Ule [o.PiMekrtrek I • "I•• ' 'ATUSCA.II,4W,AN 13RA31. 1 1 1 0-' Leave. r /Wives - N. Pheadelphis. I. to. PAF 110, 11,yard, It:3omM l'hlladeplOk44osore .P. N. NNYERS fiencral Ticket A •Ul.. • .A l 4Bo4o;nclifig.• • ' • BMUS. rainier hi Lfhwifff gryyebandualurr .flenband Woamaile 190 r. • foggifenporginiss in the brudnoss snag . pica hi iiido work to x siiptriof niutinif. Turin, moderate. nhogionTbird streatfacat -Ask Yil l Ices blobicators), • Mimes. Ps. . lilvo Wan, • nll before purchasing ebasiders. ape:MOO:ly o r c rUjank Commitment. for sans at the Antall MI 0 Wi ro• eio• et , el IM!=I ill v.% 01 0 CZ CD 01 .0• SOAPS, &c. - • . • ws co Corner Fa 11 and nroadivii, New Brinbtoo. Nectar county . 1. Tema aop.Watty. ""& , ? nicu, t 7 , seaer,:Pa:W •`i , liridep' 1.9 t Pt. Szi r r 1 1071,, unfit 06y 7m SKI : triii m • ma .: 10 1 10 . SKI ' SS 'OO • ' 4.. 0611 , . 440 00 SKIAN Gstl OK • Ma •• 705 • NS • 737 851 1010 • s tra • 1010 1118 • 1111 i 01110 K 130 10 .- 1 0 10 1 - • ISO .. Will . 421 . 488 EM EtT5 =NI ASO 711 711• 818 80 1080. WOO . El= • ',Vowlawred,st T ine Aireis • • • :L‘ Divehi mama 11Z/ 1769 19881 r 111) 9411 3e3 4111 503 733 brown slut liktelc El :U r a l il lg g !T*4 l * . CaaiAriDim , P.liStnel k/, ahleA)(4.4. Ttrogil ==l lII= N. 1 4 1 fatrit M 111146 I 111 1 25442 , 412 612 s 7 not M 63 lEEM it=l ON list ro ; *s_/.lbP;Vi",*!ir"; A!1 1000 1013 1113 1113 Sine 1334 sot. In IsB' 313 Z , liciftiaaratid Ujinninnt Vela and klho; Stir o a. 149 1 0.1044 4 41, It/ft Bardwark i ZZat b aWit T ir2M Spades, bhirrdlal s, S, oat Scythes ad snob!. con • - WOODEN Buckets, Tuba. Churns, AL CARBON Linseed Oil 6:: LA Din' MISSES' A ND cun.DßEir 11110 M • • to vest nrietP , . Rifle POWder itd'.'iSbot, • N===;l Blasting Powde iittd Fttsei.: Flour Feed do 41 hew gouda &henna/C . l*.v , .;- Ily close enchants to intilhata, and kf eonatantly en hand • well *eased IMMIG or all the different Mode. usual lyhopes kept a 'tore, the tnaderelamed um *a N MP% Wu. to Um, past patrotta lo meet and replyosprakehite tape ne *Logr:. • • . • t-.•'•-• VINCI .i_!!151 7 ; 1 ! : Forst..k. V ortgligas fur solo atthe AttuLd Dr. .1.111(ur. —c. r e . .. Ma w. y u rf o ltr , d ldg k 7 r , .. ~' Atrr . l iiiiii* , Mined that no ...,.. › 4l, ~11entl..t. In the 4,,,,....?.)'''. !yam - '' - uforrt hCgt l rt _I. chewer Than I' f . 0 ,ti t dere It to Ili patroue.— L,: i ! Allr Ile uses the 11 . 44 . ' PIE I be-t : meta:add manufactured In the United States. Gobi sedan eer Cahn?. perlemued Inn style Ittehitelleakcompe• Haan tintlafectlon guaranteed In all noel - alone, or the money totorned. (tire litma lead. :'.'.• felotly ARTIFICIAL urn rEitvEcir. ED 1— T. 11. J. (*ILAN MACS ;:•*,'";1,,,, chimed the es of I right a heaver empty • to uveDr.Steclea;Pateut 1 ;; ; Vr-t - s- 4 7 - • which they:can put raft Volanitedm Ahin al Gold Platt, withrtlieou , Wel enameled polivh .• and wo light and einvtic at to perfectly nilapt itself to the mouth; obviating:tit that clumsy and bulky, notlltion, oo much cocappilned of toteetoforeoind bumming their liability to break 100 percent., In deed, no one mein:. it w until be willing to menthe old style pletrany Wow r dam they could cooveni lently get them exchanged. All branch. Of Pear thitry perforrneillnlhe beet end most eubritantbd manner. to elfin/ Web 'Glib gold. etc., .ore chal lenge competition from qui-quarter, end can rotor to living etthjects whale flifinyor have vtood 'be. tween thirty and forty-eare. Among We numbm. Um. John Allienn mid exhibit. ailing* me Wom bat some 35 yearvngo ; the teeth ns protect ea the day they mob titled. • laughing Ca* PfrPalwd on a er* plan, Itching It. from ad nspleammtend don gerona effec....aktug the extraction of teeth' pongee of . rather than of horror and pain, recoil. tom am anr good dents the. •btxte. Mice at hearer Statlon.lWebester nutharl• J. J .t. IL J CHANDLER. inedicide or treatment eaten:eel the powerful enrollee power qf DR. SINI.NIS', White Balsam. ilt enreenitlia retildltylinednalled by any other, remedy pinged to Thrwt and Lung direamn.. It le ree.otemeatdmi by overllgirreotniip•Wllmlntr. too, and hondreda le PhlLedel Ma, Baltimore , and other (glee mad compseultiedr rongboutlhe noun.' try. Mr. Pennington, a Wilmington, Minot', write.; that there is trot ("I'll . 1 kw , levri haw) 0. nuttily in that dry who will be without II If nogg. ble to pnicure It. Such to bo popebtrity wherever .It In known—and 11.1.• potiu hint, aflees from gad feel that It nnivernrdly enn9nllulio are It There IitIORWO Or COUGIIt,.cOLL3,BOI4I( 'PM MOAT, ASTII)IA. CIIOLP,. BLOOD IMIAItribiNTY.Sii. and mien •PliiodCl- - NA MY CONStixsertos. n here the ayetem It not broken down with WW. , wear of the chipenee„or pre: tended medicine, 'or Inexperience advice, Mutt thliiMaleam will mg true If etrefully trod needn't. 'Jetzt° dift`CWIMP. lige guarantee II all inc repro. imut it to he, and Invite a triat'friim the afflicted ever,twhele. Pelee rid eente. - meilionlelne.'and Er for largo sited holden. Pitiomill 01 4 by• • • • 1 1 . • O ,~ :~ 0 ', a depot; John eon, Voltaire) &Cow. deu v riat Arch. ,„- • ~ • 1. Women do tot. S. S. 'Mote. 10S Otalthrfore St. For Pali by )(rarebit! Photon gedtrally:' The Cheapest.Paper,le:the• World. . 27.730' CENTS 1 • • The Weekly' . :•Pittiet , Foltri .hictirr - cot:um:is of matter. l'olltlal. Literary. Agrtenitrirol, Coe. Pilot NeWP. de.. from the Vint of September WM, molt the Find of January lel. for Cso.te ettizle •obncrlberrt St.bli e1n6.1 of toot P.KltO eliOnt of breitty. sod FRO) to dab& of one blind reel (to oleo &Oilmen). cub lo &drama. Address 11. F. METERS i1t.00..1" . , Edlidre Priteeletorn, alutUktior LO-071i7.HERE. - N El CD e*. M 'k. i . .1' 11, -1 ~1 ' 11EM 233 11221 Croat; 141,11 a. I ", V„,,‘ t: 1 ;:Ln tiths:" . 1i. 4 1 - rBlnivial. (•' 4, I i• , tiass J * l " , end (7[ry 3 . y . igk WU, Cc4l i St • esaptaild Ladles ite Lead. BOofs . 'arLeShoes° I:PearlLtlgsti - sr. COUGHS, SORE THROAT, ETC. PRACTICAL ORG NM' CREMIST, No t 707'911i4a1l WILIINGT9N, her. • ~ti PRIM : AND scum Ell GOODS. —The 17 unilemluted her* leave Si I nfimat bit friends and the public I:Muer:Sly that ho few a new stock et goods of the IMML styles for Sprier. and Stamper wear rahleh' he offers muffs modest rating. I ib4 teCtiVed GEN TLE.IIIiNS NUItXJSLII&G • (IOUIJ3. . CONSTANTLY UNITANIL Clothing made to enter on Ow shortest notice. Thankful to the yofGe for Put favor; I hope by demi attention to bosoms to merit a coalzu anew of the WM. DANIEL MILLEIt;rI . BRIOGH 87 SSIDUENATKA mar 34:tf -" • . • ...••• . • ) ill , Atiivrl MIES • . • •c. • , Mini TIME !•,i1•41-,0 "UV, .mo ----- Wil: 2l- ii;, - ;:jili f tn , i, i:r .seAtbid ty tent Haitittwe'in 'link &taint? Yortibitied fetiO'gc abilltrite inbh_tn *sign Me Die; lanttion Of diebnieindeueO, In the , tlayiloe tholltovOlutlon out 7e, 'whatever it did 'entrain the days Oahe itiebnt rotation: 4t ic t a rsi, I:ciiVenfeklisiettly MarYland,"4his: at aiMiteli: kit ttidirallieritts Sti3 now .. amither, fhlkin cideftates„) ituvolfsated Moe tsileettinfle tildlise`fsrl9,telfee? Atm: In ,northers quotty plop*. The ns , es9.lShasi 3 AO ' 9 o 'l r:3l',( Of tiinaiand Lein), mid Hid saileal ih'44.4•4lekldeslriwhichthisd men Hire' d e part hitveitorig sitiee beeomo' tt matter of hiding; with 41tiiiii almost every lii- - !eldhal la now Moieor ' lets .aequainted. .1. Simnel Chau; Ras bora, Ltt ! hontorsot, ,IldatTlandeApriWlL4l. At - IS • yoars,pf, sgtyte coinmeotod the study . of la?v, at, Anutmelle t. At 211.hei was alnllled to' irnetlpo liiiforo'th t e %1.4 W 's cones, andrat • V,„, l heelime ti l tdentheilfithe'ber. Milo: gii 1 esieee'livaili moat samiisfettl olsee,. "and fol illy ennlifsaled by Ma • label Ur , tbs. omits at frendate.),,l ',At dittoing, aloof 2) :be Wiarittuniettsaluettbst of the rovin-. idel Assembly, aitkin'.l77AfffAMr•Cofill .°9-1114bifc°4", J.: 111 ,4 4 91A, Was el ,- 4;ted„iNe .9,fj,the,, .c. O :401*, ..,,Ith .F, • kiln and Carroll, i to gd ini`tiMissrpn, to eiiiisidiror't6'aftis4.figt eitiv.ting• a *edietirion43iillf tilatlffethied i Atir l ilie , eaten' Of 'bili di' i.:otti tile itanolo:ei , ille' l emitlntiediti Congress ti1e17711. , In linn j .ho its ehaten byt.Hrashliigton - a. Judge of•the SuprentriCourt ,of the ,Vnited .fibites, which °Mop hp held for 15 . years. ,WhlsAruly.grtut and good man dlud Jou° 111th, 1811. , : :, • • tries darioll', of Clirronrl to, ono • of iiii intiq 'ilriiial Ida' ' novo! n thin tii;y 'pa- - iHdts;'-ivitill of Lli'sh.'iiekerit; , and -bforn' iletitember 20, '17:37, ono hundred , and thlity-three agna,-When only 8 years old he Mitered the Rona. College of St. tomer, 'vtlitire . he reinained 'vont Hee. - ' 'Limit ao; ii*War stBiit:to'Hliehits, whim, ho agent itYotii, 'arid to ifri, COfiekio, siriiitits'lo.l44fi, fsetti *bleb bekrad mtbal In 1754. :Iffo was olio el; the nioso intlneettal milotpOilf at Congiwi,,, ,on,tti tudiesitatAttgly„eopeeerated his 10,4 and ;hisluunente Itrrhuul to the cause of. In- , Sondem:v. , lila issits . the...happiness of seeing his country rank animg the first suasion of the Warta. HIS elokuendo was of the smooth, pirate, tattlstaitoily; kind, delhilitliititlt ibitemi4iiehig many. 110. nevor sena* fakigued with his..l9lxlts; TiPF fikizA whit iii! ,, P?seiilPir , Ji l in:4mo angl judgment. IV( . 1011210,00LI/LULIMI µLA at. bra highest efform were as easy Anti na turist as if engaged In ordinary duties. He owned Carroll's Manot , ,i near sEred oriClitdwn ?Aid shout 100 slavetd L • man `one deg4lng Air : . ti elinritti s fh iladOlki, ilt; •vhitro I thelt livid iit,fl ff yrinitblby l horlitili'LLatt4ore, I rolf Ve ''' r o V &it r ! , 11°, _P taTool6o94i 6 ol:lpl; in ' a 410140;y4tiomc i4" , Paslikqua4itutt 4 44 1 . Y. ,bielrsof,hin Ilfe , ill Immtk r isPPY; rq t )r °: ment•netftersatervingievetakyeansoli, PPLT VP 11~~e {i~i ; r 'ii. ,~ l i Dp ! MEE I Irpllt a1d%:: 5 1 4tiro. t fia4, - , k l uiders. Tnis till W(11 . 44;11.4 shore.. _..ts gave it., ..... I dtrilth of tit-. , Itteu indhos, but. tile: wrists did not stop then,, ~..,I,trothertlaua was thrown in. from ;he foot or typer. Twin Is land across the old dhalinel, by Col. qtoberts. Thttehannel will be dredg ed,by order Of Col. Merrill,and• five .iitelatimore water will be. obtained. A W , t heeliug, Island was coterfructed'about ' inithile"of the Siiiihre tteroWthehhitt; which ?abseil :the 'natter Ap w •... t•. 41:1111, from' 111 C Vit'ginastlo're lathe I„.;fialtl',Wilielt ; AtitglirlErCiiScAl n foot falibAtight'n't the .foitu of thel island ; befit wiftbit dredg ed' tokA tro. Wt.; . , At Ash creek a dam had. been Cdininenced by &orders toCkin nedt the Virginia shore With• the .land..; This (lam was c onl !noted 'and gave atitlittinal,2 l .,Seetslepilt wafer: At- Lollies' ,lray, a ‘i , :ilig..thtui was eenstructet.l from tftel Shore, cintinftig, WatCt i flirt a space nfbuh teotivtiieli.produmt:itif rabli tioulAl tiro JIM of; Awater, well as two fAxa at Sfax:As' bar. At Slieets' ltithe a wing, dam Was' constru'eted'that, in tonnuctitni ' With • the one ut her, gmtl two feet .lucre. : , • .• . ~• . At 1 i:ll.ounit the dam oat built up front the Virginia shore, so as to two feet' itiore,water. ' At l'iltskinguni l'Alattel the' island wa+ connected- with the; Virginia shore by a dam, so that boats never think, of tFonble. there. UUNV. TWO feet itio're'tVider g;aineit. - ... lllarniethrbAtet`Ntits fornYerly one of the wors Places in the Ohio fiver, but now-lute head of the island the ,water is shut pir by A. dant. from the Virginia and a senti'circular wing' JAM 1',.•200 'feet' in lengtirlhtts 'bast •ihnstrutfted nt (h-s foot of the •island frofwbltore to shore. Also a nnectipg.the island pith !lie The Tribune's special dosrespond- ( 6 1 ' 1 , 11 1 e e I The result of this en-M -erit; wri.ting from 'Cartsruhe ou the. ) ;4 t r• • 6 - I vcc•butul 111 ifeet StlIJ says:. Tire Strasburt,r,,bieoing. e g - • , araiY is constantiy reinforced: 'll3neir, rhea tre ‘V i er .iva 'a s 7 .;;l:r e ked dl. . tlid i t t .a la il ic h eet e i nunibers arc nearly 79;tlOn'f'•ybrtini . tilt:Ay:der Atp•to the pool at I.'arkers by flit, defenders are desptwate but fa. . n . •Ilatteriti tiro eonaple- urg tout ,1,9t,„ . 111.,1 uIts.MISCOII - Untied oft the sill, for the slue% water ting,and.the heaviest guns ITplaced. „ , doproxx . lot it lento 7 1. 11 1 t. tl tt-' t tttc in the nearest Panallels. Tho;French sharpshooters Inv bllng much MN- ' river _Newbury, , At.towy; .now chief on the Upper Rhine: This rail- , way between liasle and Frierburg .Worse than ill ; fladboats, loat't Id tilt water it: that poititllavo tll been rePe4te!PY CUL at'''Newb rY ft u, which - often Pasifenger trains aye tired on anti pas. , t Seng, : ers wcatialisi; '• • Itiakpilets to remark that "Newbury" • Is tiling Ailat , —"lley may . rail against 'women a.s t, mllutic,llc,Alp „of ,61K1- rumeli 'ns dey Llike,' said' a darkey feet has been moire to time data volt-, lately; "tleyfean't set mititgainstdem.' strtictisl ley lfajurgandei's lutballvnys Iri my..lifelound dein -to- •This 'gives theatidititond foot of Wa be fast iu .lub; first in amarrel, lust ter. , . :. • , ; • In de dance, fast in de lee erpun so- The point ni t att.:_siti loon, and de fust, best and do Inst in * nturilbovp. here, that has been, un-. de Sick rcrion.r What Arnold we -do 'Pitived'Undet'litst year's tiontiat•t; Is wltbout.-,dein lAet , IV; be horn-'as ittutitrigton.:--tol .th is - ditY• tike" worst ,young i aS ugly, as helpiess , place between , hero.und Wheeling.: pleNse,.atal n Imola:quilt am truly ,Here a dam 1,3901t.x.ft.10pg, was IAM-.1 to Ateive us. i She it •ain dot guy US StrUett,ll at the head of.the istaral, )Gills our i friat 'dose of vaster oil, and puts (060 -a wing dam 1,T;00 fret loo".' Tills I clothes on Duo helpless nake d 'limbs, gives titteal tithes' tithlittonal fletitlt! erideutiLers up ourfuots awl news in of wattr,. by t ititerti .yet, ,1"• great loii llannel pet lit:Oats ; and a site, .waste of wail!' t . h.A will L i p . as grew (w t fillS gar dinner increasing the, high tof Ale wow chwt. batilter'Avid doug,hntits arid :mph* as This iniltrovernent Will lid made next- Wetrirt *Jr st-hoolitind ticks us when year' qer kvell. ttatl'etill 'bther,i; for we tneour trOwsers." • whidithiseontracts are. now -art, 1 , -A. droll yaa,asketi by,nh proixorls toilful the ;money old holy to read the newspaper, and Li already approprrated. taking it began 11-4 'follows: "Last Ih4;lnningitt l'itisbUrglA;again; night, yesteniny morning, about nine first point to which COI. 'Merrill" Will o'clOeic in the aftenaeoni befornbrvtk. direct his attention with , the..*•30,600 ,fast; hungry,boy, about. flirty yours appropriateibA the •Jastr,stfsakos of old, „bought al lip custard for a levy, Cungresss will be Brimot, where the teal I threw it through a brick Wall 9 left channel 'Wilt b(*.'eliiiett r. d;ini 'feet thick; and Jumped over it, broke' •frohi the left slibre to the Islfruil I ids riglitanklelithoi•e the left knee, tio‘ve.near the. 'mouth of Clito:hjer•:i t fell ;Into a dry-mill pond and Wai. .ettvii,.too-thinis of tito.o3l: • dro*oul. About four years ttfter on the Island. Tail, will laFfrivfo , : l( nn the , k..atne an old cat had,' tiednly depth of the doontel faikey gobbiets; a wind blew Vankee rain Rowley Foinks t, t t 1)*Ile on it fiying'pon and knocked ter Reg inlintritr;runlfn't.Th, l efise.t the,. reoorto.tilb the (Dutch t;litireit down, and killed— ti sow- And two dead. pigs at Balton,. ri.k.gri' ‘711,.?:<1. wie.44'll deaf ' et" deleb ei" ‘A.:r the ( . )/ PU VI I / 4 7P 1 3 L li7 ; ,' „I ':Atli I C I ` 11‘ ; ' li (L ' ' .Z 411()3 Atilking'Frenrih'lti his own .host'l'e tter wit tats gUIO here . ' tet.r:•.'rite 'dad Italy, taking! 'breath,' elegtheed.......H3u n c ‘' intintudi .and LOAlivilltaft to-, day., ..ngt Clary diary!intl. 'Thom. - dodos la ably discharged, when in 1782 Ito was ap poluted.Goveyntrof Maryhuld. Altera service of I year in this capacity he re tired to private jlife, and died In 1792.1' While in . , ,,,Congrms Mr. l'aca was also pre'vcnted Declal-a-' tiitof Indop ' endlined 'until the' ro merval of the'ttisloti l / 2 al instrriethini-ip• Julie 1776; at whiehltmello °amid its .adoption,tand.pledged. I=4 fon itaartaititaialtios: - It is woolly, ofriolo that the.tierYPAY ll 46"-tY9 thief of approvA lie was again. it tipinta ia4ly re-elected.. „ 111011 . :LS SWIM: was ii 01.1) tit Poinioin Manor, - 111arylaiul, In '1742. - 'tie* a ' good • classical 'c'slircatidir,' and -tilbnu'ilto study of law !for4 few years 'entered 113 practice In 1704.. in Amutpolia. attention Was early directed tattle Amer :mot Cll,lBe, end ultike.;k o- , ltostaof duty consented to. , ill the General Cougras!.3 of 1774-73.. llpuot , ,0n1,3. , signed the i Declaration, but a4cd in framing the articles' of fedemiti on, adopted in I777;aud In talvocating their justice. dlrsS. teas ono of the !Witten tialmen In Congreaa, (and Oneoltal'res filentl;ntitll 1785, when 'ho retired to his beano, Port Tobacco, where ho Mod Oct. Zitill7B7, aged 4.4 j-eara. lie was a law-{ ycrtt ri than oetalent, and' distinftUished polliician; but hO at last left politico and returned to the', bar, where ho-becamo .inoto and 'more distinguished, but he did pot live to enjoy Its fame *long. "Heiler to Jive well than long." -Tito blot:4l44es of "our coutitry's altoa" giyo to 'our youth examples Of srent and good men, worthy the emula tion! of eierY. °tip Interested in' the a.:el farelof otti counlty. ir. ' Z 1 :4 ' 1 of 1 1 1* N 1.111 fK I „ •;, , ;kW 11 - 4 f r i SIAXIOI 4 1 ~/f ! I Fl • o I, '•• • • • 1:1 7 /L't oi-- Is 11 • , d ' 1- .1 ••8 die•N RE ME I WO It - V .ti ,IP ..Y.'l , . Ir.\ . 7c 7. . , ' f: iv vi *). - t• - • ' l , 4 r 1. . ,. .1 7 r,•:.1 1 ACApti..Ged..ll'4l, lIIIIIIMArAi 0,0 4 1:1 - 0 , 1".P r PMWe i t , 0 o.otv Mils. 1 Nays:union; cam' %Iva. inei.#l4. I %.*lttonpatattiliontrlistantosket,i is: : I,dt I,i-04.1;inchltnA tatforvoli jai , l ii , :r . il,q• )Erwilterfhwv , 74,pr J:r , mit prnow• mnplii).:lliL . ii..,o r '4')lit , NW Ovitdfttclti'MeAlraMitv, 'lVAtflylng liitAlleKewOft Barn/lie Eturalny, And ite Nji,t,w ; to bun t , yjintnt!Virtnn rivn inuf4l Wi,": 1 : .nrill rhtnmtin ie erenco td ' t (6 - 1 iiiSilittiettitintstii tnivikatton In t 'n:-Ohinsilvil'thist tail Al rendy:lw3eu-nuult., Shat.nfere tango grev, And Atint.; wear. 494 1 tP,inYlaMta- Culuntl..ltetril, in charge oil the 40- INlitliieait a 111(1 Olif4plti Ver I nliirnve• irients, kras not an bott&F,Ptinp trAdctd UV Wl:re filVOred •WM :itatit4enni= Lions of Captain kiettri9lkoWi4tovileY, ~imiunapalgrod,the. Amer.; , who, is, also Prmillent of the PlTlSmt.4',Assoetir thin at, Plitkbuithiltia anti' of the . Oldest arni inostivompritantl p'llottr oil the river.. IVtt will glvartherwitakoq RR, !!;-' 8 we pm; ner3fitlOr•iianll4nris long; 'lbw rakish (wo'carne.nesratiylug ,pirati eal)- look Mg -eraftik-whieli runs the 'stets fled-stripes Up , her , Jaciuitatr at 'surttt and .Iswess them at sutitloWtt, in tweerdentesvitliarmy Vegthittelris. 'Fp& I's -named. Fdritterly -her' Hamel - tens' "Tlilisithrt," - hat' wlfen'''Colnnel, 114"l'i•I Ir, I tert kw!: ci.iiiimand t thetlepitri- - ,tuchi,,vpe Colonel Minor • nob erisrlfy,ifailthyauhe of the- steamer cliikageil:VA‘;,),449l . ga liars,' out 'of rmpect tueluory,erthe man 'or ha d,n aine anirt i ors' itOiy and who wil.4• tirst• ifiliited•StittM tfralkirluoic.tuaiMprove thArreArlgatlinirifitlitr , oll ittrivcx..,l-1 operatio ittay-that! cad extended train ( 16:4,t0 . ...154.4,;1104, the_extent .Z 4 the. i proveinents madd•by while, they congidered great, are .of little use now f aiid not to be coin vowed with those which lye will here. chronicle. . We rutty unileridand - the 'whole matter; it'will ' Ist •neeekeiry first 'to recinatulate briefly some things that were.dono , The previous Congress hact.approppritfst tite usual inmgre sum for the itnproWinent of the river:and last year Coloni4 YRI cotnmetictil many prrtedts;. sonic lit whit:Wire yekincoinplete, but will no doubt, with two exceptions, coin plehsl hy the time specipedili the/ Conti ." " •1 rat poiht that engaged' theat teudfon tbLitterrill.lwit•hay first betlymy, it isrlio-tirst.,,maiai i .operuied oa neartt _to Ilitiinurgh, awl, we' propose-to Om at'tlielwadatit. come down. tini.-riVer) , iviiii•-Whlte's ltialc, where thtre had already 'a dein, constriuted by.liNir. Sanders. This4klynnw-131unie -roor,ir*Jlig!wr• ;I!lici, the o poin,t.., of flogs. „Bar wa s . dredged off so as to lake the Channel :stilt:ll47er towing,: toy Irfilehityr; • it. , I;iirleer: /An .trutticlikiteatodtcptti- , of,' • liewlitalli.64; , ac I.acty,yw dal, 1 1111111. , Mei erthe l isplenilitl,, kreAstittitinain ittAtljar„to the' 11)41 rot Stettin ll' theSd 'Mrs. if 'foci tiritater,, be". !est ' , r chittiniit„was• ig,litai,k4,9 in. .110 440% taiid Tilftt ttplerfme =I EMI -,' ,',Esta,bli glutlBlB iltif h •Vriaitrevirsy - artiie l tibiiiit it, and the oilier Sittelamicertainlnanu - factoring,so it Wirt I,*(itilied M clov tjeakalustead tili" f i.e•fi ' i llitod.illtittlittil.. Vie con t. •A' or e. - Writie'we belleye, are itaid'thestone iltmrldeit.••• ori ii is, IsiAseverodur recellectitiri•hinetclair ;-*r.illiin, L : out laid., l'Jyt;r4, 43r thelinproveidenl Of, ponds BR ; Weed Illiffingtitta and Pittsburgh. frheilf/50,0o0atimminlated atlhelitst, •tiati•inizol Alongroist. willali. tie ex pest- All .(01.BFA,ingt, and la ilrsaging ~, I ttyAMOVlieSling apill'ittsburgli. It mast not beti pposed, hoWeVer; that rot° Merrill' MA • tie Motley' tti proAu- Xalle••tlett work et otther. tiointir..abe atliPfolorlotion,of last year Is.iitet. all . , At .Nlariiitta jiiiltil'ii'ditiii Is'imiler to'ittiiiit. HOW; which i's tdeXteud fmin the Ohio shore; but 31ariettais deem ed too. important a. plow to lie• abut olffronalhe, river in this waY, so that instead of constreeting thOdain from 'the Ohltistiore;W• believe it, is the, Inidnt ton Of tjel.:AlerrillAp start it. on :the .Virgiula sliere, /rile PcllltrAVtor lychnildnig this daw IA the smite that is so rapidly conStiuctbig the dant at Rising Buit.'.**Fle: li l / 2 - under bonito complete both thanes by. Nov. Ist, but the eintrovemilietwenittJatiboatillen ,who..,,.. !catty tiie.,:irlrginia • itnii9,oliett,_apfirtlie cllizemi 'of Ma - tt/i; whir ibi' riot &site the 'forma - + 41rar‘of A hoe opttositetbst city. f 0 that heuti.could not. lutid there,. is not set _ tied t ,. ! Thu A changing, of thedani (ruin one si4e Qt (Mt river laity - not Make arik'ilitl'eterict ( Bi' the'contractor for, except that, iniltt.s lie inn evade It upon rme technicality, hip ' bond will' be forfeited; - but *mg the contract for. quarrying' the tltd:10 , 111- . Cludial.illou.the.;llo.4'4 , ,liiiili Ole . , ,c)iiiu,,liaul.: of the.river.4l w . l btu a heavy. itililitionitl 'Cxklsit to d eliver • 'iron the•Vitldnia - stile.... Thetis' \itril I be eightan Inchesmiiinawstsriat :Ma rietta Island.:. '.- •i - :•• •• - ; Below, Ciucimutli..there are but three points being improved. ' • At Warsaw, a dam Is already con- Atructed fromAhe Indiana shore over 900,feet out luto the .river, and under tbri ; contract it ,is to cur* down the river 300 feet further.. When coin plated, it will leave a charnel 'space 0f.809 feet. At Rising Sun. 1150 feet of the con tract is completed. The dam will Pqrjeet into tin) rivet,autliciently to leave a chtutnelesice of, 800 feet, and_ tlien Curve down GO .or 70 feet. Cap lain llbtvley "Says this will restore ltising Staa - ; bar to its appixtmnee 'when he was piloting: between Cin cinnati and LopisvillcAn. 1839, anti Captain It. M. Wade was several tink:s - ii' phsgenger With him! He belle'veS that the taking or boulders - frOxilliolLising,liitut is, the..tatusia.:of .tittalirttitglikadirP• l 4•Jilere- • ••• - . At Meilen' uktlani will be' irregii -lar,;in slime limn the ii.entucky si/ore,• Mid tea lc i'V(i stiii - ei!t ellihni el sPae& 'fife' 011ititelbr•roe-thb. cen-- .txrinatimpsof thitldttin is lalower !than. iAtaty..tif .Llloo.l.ler.a . Is:tweet ; hero ; an d_ ,14.misvillq, . , . ~ , . • . 411';jfie, übdy'e.;,i.tiateilliiiirieFcoti tlilicti are In bercompleted tit. Recent; itigrflifori4t•Citlent4 Merrill .hiremoti-- .11tell,suseties: ion' the ilood l is, o‘,,liie oontrisiturs.that.•lie Wlll,Jiold theta. Tialqq._ in at' ,k contrails rite not Perforcheil 'tkV lit; `tliat'• Bit**. •'•' -* vi l fllitlefittki "nditt s ltopritpriation. of emigres.: thelfollowing, pleas will be .11npr0vi.9.....,T0•1xn 4.!01p, Opyan alotte,, ttai jet Mile, and • 31cCulloin's nil e` alai fularg,tvo'rtz. kill!! ht. elOrie at Bufftittait , • • ff-. '-y• Fthtm ‘l-otilta ' be' ineludethi - the - above, but (lencral Weltdel:•Sh Ink s. That 'iltil:t improve tilsmit:3 at tins fulls. when. completed, wilt,nive, three. feet more ,water at 'the Fiat's. Slionlil this theory priii:e irre?ii . reet, however the liiipro%reineht of tire*Flars Nyllllll4o be included in the-next appropriation. .. The people ,of the , Ohio "\lt ,lley. who are the most directly inferested in the wort: in which' Col. Merrill Is engaged, will. be glad to wit the foregoing . evidence. that Cul. Merrill has the dispa.dtion. The ener gy and ,tW engineering ;:kiii,. to so equalize the distribution of utter in the btxll4 . the t Ode, that it may-be mitvigittetl at all seminar_ oZ•Glat ,yen r from Its sonrceto its inoath. fliort• are taco men w) ioin the War Repartiiiiiiil have certalit• iis-i'MtNI *.thi the•right*Work"Lifleneriel - C•witlfrey ‘Veitnel and ti 4.11. 'W.11).•.1..!.: hiecri; I.' And there-is another non' in Oa , right . place --Captain George W. lLuwiey. , . . LABORINOMAN :Never judge a wan by the quality iif his clothes. Ira than I,:ltaidted ;t garb filthy Mu! Ing, , iedi-thitt is one thing t lint'the - simple within' la bor may cover -the.,lx-st , of men. Among the many unfortunate ,mis takes which have been matlk in this .latter ryspist is the follow ink, which happened within my own knowledge and observation . Christopher (;oodliue, ut the al.:v. forty, unt&senil rt fortune. in niercatt tile pprsuits, runie,lunl lost his health. llis iiirysicain, fold liiin tittpt . lerce • the' city gdit'lcls prescut businc,,Qt. "Of worse, you must .have ein ploymeut that. too, of a kind that 'Shall exercise your NA, busi• nest faculties. Now I think; ;lir deur, Goodhue ( l havejutit the thitt. for you. /Nott. have been at Walker's Falls, nil iu b'nuikliu. "Yes." "Well, these' laite inns are for sale—both the - w7sileit mill and the paints itillr, together with a niacin:le shop belonging to them. The former owner, is de:Would his widow yvillit-4 to sell. -Two dollars, &ash, I alit Very sure, will huy the %idiot,. property, You ran •pny that andi:itt have eimagli left to 'make you independent of want or' fora t. Labor While you live. And 11i...if, if yen buy, You Will naturally. littpeoVe two or three excellent ittiter privilege-4 which arenow idle. Think' of i t, dear , A lwaltliy;..altntrions und inyigoratin„. , .Im/out:tin alt ; retired ;fed deligh'fful billion ;, lish and game or till sortgretnik '177 intir , nwl and gun whenever , yotrfeel like relaxation . and •recrention.; and the ,very first stliool in the .tY4lttf•Y • for your children." • Mr. (toAdhiOri( . l4 biken 'With the . ids ti ;* IMO it prudent •nian, he *aid he would Speak with his Wife: said ; ,u.s getout trout the city. 'Q, we'ean be very liappyln' the free, fresh Wel:Mitt riot only you; •tititt our children and myself. -bo better aadstronger,",l • „... .Yu Cl spyaher , wtoeihiie WWI& up IA Walker's Falls,: ka ,the txxiatifill village among the mountains, and tnills,,together with all the loved waterontver, and I withiii'rwo'weeks thereaftei• he 'had , removed thither w art ith h and we l l y matt uttered at. one:. he -ount the work of improvement. "Now. Molly," lie said to us wife, "• ne have come tip here for you t ;healthful vercise; l shall hire men tit alit . driitJgery of close.'Why:work. Wq must ttx.uparuuud,the house. I f oil going to dig and hoe And delve the' garden. so you must 'tit.kti• it pair of blue overalls Antra frock.' I lined dress for the work 1 do." Mrs. llo.Kllnie s uiieal, 6ql till• cheerful tones of her host N'itmrif and rehust; made her heart . , and the girls I work ekeeefully. "mil Merrily up,iii the ; clothing fur the new, laboring , I'tsiple 'were rejo?etsr whi!ri they knew It wealthy Inislneils - litnlt• from the distant city hat Lbutight theinilL4, ileviuse thoilezente mllLs t employing =ZI %Ye,dnerloy f, tialcilisginlttirtillol4l4st ver, a., at it.: per year In advance. Qinnnunkallena on ;4Libjec4a orlecal org", pcs!tintop,:si.,!Lro Trvectiolif en !LOW. TO' filar° IdtbnadtAidfra nr . Wigalralitr r i ta hadrailfi l"Pa- Lattora and nomonunicaliona a ion Id be mid rev , e4 4 . WAIYAN I k nt-arly-two' Itutatsi 'were the lift• of tlie and thuPreal good, and prosperity of other , bitaltiesi de pended in , n plait nit:mite upon their thrift and intrrotsfut managenti•iit. The principle store 'in. Walker's Falls *aft" -kept by' *lrian nanull IGalph Stover'. He bad managed to work into Ihe.balk of trade through the partiality of.lhe COrtlitlr proprie tor of the.raillsi with" itrimin he had sitarist the.higb profits-on goods sold upon osier to.:thit employees of tho , mills. ,110 .ivas btu. 11‘44.10 , 1t. man, as the woritli•goes; • lad, "Avitli 111111 I lonesty and ,L'ulloy; •apti , nothing Inure. (.• ! , '1 t: , Ilt . - ....1 Ebcu Shaeltford kept the other proper Storo —awl ly hen .1 say, 'prop er store" I Mein it regob i ll etslntry store, 'where ' grindi - 'Of"' 1-'iltinds,. it uallt)es and vitriol Ito are: kept; -and where foment mash:4/00e of all sorts of - trausportable produke. • iii/10c ford 'nits 'truly an honest Mall lion6A from the very Inmost instinct of hieheart.' -With him-honest wita not PX) much a priiieipintei-m part .or .hia. aturu. lie had JIM ! , kid up money: ..Ilis trading lvas mostly Cantina ' to tth Ohl' ani Of- rtlstomerz nthhng the helichhoriliki ',farmers, while those! who had inensp to pay for theirgootLl had been monopolized by the more stirring and 'Jebel:Mug . , . Stover. "1 dee.are, sa Stover,,"l must '6O abibilee Mr. fliionhtie: - and 'make 'Solite' anungentent ;for :soeatini,w, ibis enstam and .iiis; milers.. .1.• atirsilete /00 J.{l de Wl( 1 4iAltweel will la worth more han a liai.4anil doilms a ygar i•Vai t o - dflt.' 'lle hi n thave 'iz'ot 'set tleiti own by tills. lime," and ready for business.- -I wish I know what sort of a map lys is.. lint I.. ; gltoss, 1 r;li,11; know bow to J4k i e.. lam. inter r..; , i, .giiiiirai. him - A - 011110 I tut read IthmahMatuiti:pW.4lSrekisily." The trader lvas pt:erraring:to.ltslve whe.o 41.00.horing ; own &nth.e l l) the etore--a man hal)lied In blog y,e nrpll tnid frock and wearing his nn old straw hat': "Mr. Stover, I think?" said the new coiner. • • "That's my name." The laboring man started at the abruptness of the tone. ITe was not 'used to being answered In find way ; nor was he -used to hearlug traders speak so to a customer- '1 want t 9 get a little paint, sir. I 11.111— ' l l4ly boy will attend Wynn. 'Emilbusy, busy,l • ,• • , •..., Isir... your • boy. may be n. ignorante , Of, the einupounds I re quire as I tuff, "I am going td paint nfloor, and 'l•only' know that I want some yellow: (Mire, 'some litharge and—'l • ' • • .„ , tun not a p . driter, " broke in Stover roughly. "Mybov wilt put up whatever you may,Walf." . .trhen yort ettnimb 4VVOmothito• eudtemur,..willi the your knowledge coueuruing the respective (maul itles of varioue . article.; ho may telflifre . for spedlled ifurfmtise . : ° icrthirleilge Isn't: one or thY• tnid- Jog , column? it !I V rind that up.ait the Aoulemy. llore,, John, if tint nuul to , on hl4 hat. and Icltethe'etord, evident- thinking Iluit;his custonier k wibunt In'. had never W:l4 I.tittlV;, tln ifin&..suf man, or a farmer Noin , fife be region; '*ho • 'w6tiltl Ivnitt.tifeptty for his goods it poplar wood or old potatoes. • • to.;t:er ~went to•thpluil)s, • TAU. n...0u1t n nett' from The city saperintetid ing. tittered vo , nitera t ions , • and 1M • pmventents. 13utlfr. Goodhue was not there. Thvy thought likoly• he was st ,his house. 'o to the luat,e nr."Stover wended his t% - a •,' whore he - liusr Informed I , f a laity that if Mr. tioddhuo got traek. from Ulf Or ronti:upon ho had Even out,he trOuld probabaly be found in the gar' ten. Next to the garden, where , our enterprising . trader found a mat' in blue overalls and froek, en end 3n Inukinga flower bed. "le , Mr. Goodhue abcaft herp?" - " t"That b, toy name, , "llut Iluentt the 'Alto who oWns tittvolititVito orrtm • " , kiatditho 1:. tit.vvrlA•l4•l(l tied etistiouvr. to ;Oft iTut , l in,fuctuttly blistort , . ' 311%4 iSortion.,4 Am! .no fold—" • i • . ."If you. liikw -ir," into:MO(4l fatty, but :,ternly, "I will ItUctol to you ntliortrisr, inr thou imprfelottoY "Upon lily :nail, s Mr. Goiallue, I your pardon- I luta no idea It %%111 you. liut—:lf , ytoi will tu6 'vour custom-1 think I nittke 'lt as moth for your Uttered'' , C: hue, with a %%live ig!he hand. "If I wish to trade with yOu; I will call at Our store. I sutler Homan to Inflict his begging for custom upon tuu nt my hunke r Good day, sir." Aml while Mr. Goodhue returned to his work. Ralph Stover had read his man well enough to know that further remark would be worse than usdes; ,o he. turned moodily and unhappily away. :ilr.'o6odhue found Elen 'shack- 'rim! to be an 11011(1 , 4 ' upright;• eon side!' t Mos; tal• areennxiating trades man, and with ho mml4 arrange ments fur the sopply of g,ixids.,for r Mal workmen. Shavitforti throve and Am, grateful andhappy ; the laborersin . tho mills ,obtained tboingoods vastly . cheaper 6.lJan ever beforgo ; while Italph Sto ver, in bi t tenh,4 or elfirit,euries the hour in whip he AVIIA 10(1 to . ttpult a customer Who ehime4l to he habltetl in, the garb of a L A Mali NI; T .11:4k tilt. tirit6' ,f dziy, Sir t") salt! a stronger to Mr. Buffers." "Ity aII ittv.ttLi,,Sir 7 - by, All ktitrans," replied. the iLlutler4. Well, s i r. II?" '•l'pho toy tvOrtl.'l. tlerit'f kno‘r.'' t haw tt.,t ivatchtil ilW'tlttte --ASttfulity#A.hool tmehor,ilvplorlog lie /Kit of utteotlaneu ou Lai mini-- trat ions, appealed to the few prewilt : "What eau said he, "to get the thysari'd girt.; here?" "I know," sui.l ono of tho urchin.. "What 14 it;" "GiveN.lll all live. cents 111)11.W., Barber," raid a tuancr to ,hl4 tonsor, "now wines cheap, vou ought to .have for half prive." r. Jone..=," sahrtTmlnan or ritzori;.. "1 really oindit to charre• • 1111/11`; fur when corn's down formers inaketatch long roves, I,turwa twko. the, ground ill go Wier."' :aid It heg;ar to a lady whii had ju-t given hint a dollar, "if it had not been fhr this, I'd lichen driven• to pottiothin despri't-,4;onte thin' I've long roared I'd tuna() to at "ICliat'3 lhal, pooritnati?" "To work, nonin," responded the tin happy man, with n rnetancholyshako of thu land. - —A Western eonmer's Jury return ed a verdict that the diasaumsl Calllll to his death (non exposure. "What doyou meal' by that ^" asked a Ha tive of' th , r. dead man. "Thereo•were two Inillet holm , in • Ilii4 skull." The 4-oroner repileit: with a wavu of his 1, inatilaterial hand, "J uotso ; died knot ex polare tip lillet," . .. -- "I II ).4,, , I u4ii3t twenty-dye cents," ::alti 'tt Jour pnittor7 - reconttk to his 1 oinployer. '"l'wentytive cents I- how [ &moo do • you want. it, William?" t . .'S ex t, l'u es,lay week." "As eixin as that . ? You can't have it. I've Loh d you so Often that when you are in Want ot imy Lugo Nana of money. you must, give went luietiour wears/ no- Lice." EEM