The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 07, 1870, Image 3

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    The Beaver Argus.
'leaver, ra..
ebvidalion Over Twelve ggs4 v i,
!talcs of Advert •
TI IF. i 34r. 6w. 80. L I year
~.1.-1011ore,1 1 t 2 3
80 500 $5 00 $5 05 'IFT 00 $lO 00
.111,41, do 00 00 10 aloo
du I, 500 6on 9 00, 00 1 0 00
do 600 800 10 501 15 00 21 Ou
0 0 Il 00 15 00 , SOW 64 co
1, CO111111 1( A) OP 10 001, W ..61t00n ;96 CO X) 00 $0 Ou 100 00
o,oo.tneurs' and Btrentim• Notloot.
ner zees per line, ten cent►.
,{r" Pirmente to be tondo Quarterly,
t ,; r !ro.lent edvertl.entente which roust
tit is I c of thel'heriasometer for tho
k ,nding Bk3ptembor 3rd Is7O.
7. A. N. 2 r.
1:,•t71) deg. 53 dog. 70;deg.
711 deg. 75 dog. 71 deg.
30 112. deg. 171 deg. (13 cl og.
•• 4,0 deg. 7.i dog. 6ddog.
Sno t. 1 • 59 log. 79 dog 70 ON.
60 deg. 80 dog. 74,der.
. ; 04 leg. 70 deg. 63deg.
It. T. TA Y
let eland & Plttolbgargh U. U.—Trains
F.s.t leave Beaver Smile:. 54 Oollearii:al.f
,, 9.17; Evening Exprexii,l 11; all.
5.1;p n, I rolluz Wept leave Beaver Station Li lel;
I•iii • 143 a. as.; Exprear, 353 p. in.` AC
ca.amaeeitlim. 5 43 p. in.
l'ltg. Fg. W. /lc C. R. U.—Trains Calm: Fast
oetwaier Stallou tat end or lirldgel a
Beaier Falba Accom. 6.03 ri.rd.; Eniiii aerom.
•, 0 rat • New Cagle accum. 0.:X1 a. os ;B.
ae 12:10 p. rat.
7 rains 0011.0 Wert leave lineh•••ter (at
4.f bridge) ar. Pieows: B. F. necom. 10 m.;
••11 necom. n.ll p. m ; Erie night rxPrel'il 5 4S p.
rat . it. F. scram. 7 Ti p. m.
Trains going Ennl leave Rochester (thr4Do.-
pn ;,• B. F. scant. 6.03 11. ac
1,1,, 7.15 a. m.; New Caelle aerx,m. 8.40
1 , 11)..10 re; Beaver Fella serum. ,2.15
p. : eMeaan Mall aO5 p. tri; Eric exp. 410 p. m:
6.1 d D. TIV. Erie mall 0.55 p. m.
La , ,aing Nest, leave Irocheiiter (Upprr Be.
ra!!..wa Chlragomill 51.16 a. Erlevxp.
• •.:5 a Beaver Falls. mom. 9.55 a. Chteeze
rep it 30 re.; lihle il te exp 11.53 p. m;
'exam 430 p. pi.: Erie exp. [Lt.: p. m; Waver
F ~.nn 7.,a3
The-attention of the public is directed
t” following Now Advertisements
,dooh appear for the first time in the
it.,r, to-clap
: • I
S.ov Adm.—Timidly a 4 Co.
Sew Ads.—Geo. P. Rowell Lt. Co.
Fumy Goods—O'Leary and SinglJon
Pm-Salo—N. J. McCormick.
special Notice—T. 0. Morgan. ' .
special Sliotices 7 -B.A J. Snelloranirg,
Special Nolte—Spayerer S Sons.
Special Notice—lnter-Mato Fair. t
\•dues—,Zi. T. Taylor.
11. It. NI
Agricultural Notice—. :Dore.
Dramatic Exhibition —Commlttee. l
Soteterl Winn% 'o the !leaver Ar- .
cos.—Thu following named porn us
t% 0 paid the t o ns cot opposite to their
toto.s on subscription . to the Ilmivor
since the date of our last
IVm. Lapp, Roehemter,
R,,bert Ramsey, Kendall,
Mr. McCullough, Beaver, '
ill1111:1S :)leEltittfT, Brighton tp.,
1...7: Berry, Baden,
.1.1111 B. Potter, Water Cure.
S. Siono, NeW 'Brighton, ' :
John Rising, i l lnduntry,
Jones Caldwell, North Sewickley,
I'. & T. J. Bradshaw, Darlington,
ol Reid, Soventy-Six,
lt,:v. S. C. Reid, Irishtown, Pa., 100
Mr, A. Iron., Portersville, Pa., ? 100
ll'e calhit tendon to the advertisem nt
of the New York Observer in nnot ler
c:thonn. It is Sent free on trial to all p
phoanta ono month.
jut: Homo Shuttle machi
nu.: .117. Call on tho agont,
ItoChestor, and Iwo thorn.
Tun flume Shuttle sowing machine.
thr , lie•it sewing machine sold under file,
J. Ibinenbrink agent. Rochester. 13w
7. it- Mulvanon Lime Kilns, Vanport.
lime at the loctait price. [1.321tf
i'enn and see I. Ifanauer'a beautiful
sash tilibon nt only $l.OO and 51.2 per
S. in nringowittor7lll. - augliOw
Dry Goods'.
piolexate buyere—'Vi' lihro
iir-t6re a very large and well assorifid
.o,,ek of Dry Goode which we have jtrt
kto4lit for cash In the Eastern cities and
to whieh we Invite your attiintion. •
(.10. stork of Dresti Good 4 wipoci9l
I, r. ry complete
N. B. We will via any of our gorsls
yo nny desired lengths at the •plti
Munritv .t Co.,
.71 Mark of street, between
• 4th Avenues,
.1;lin Pilli.hurgh, Pa.
Tut: ❑inct fa.4lilonabla Clothing E
plinin in the county, S. J . Suotio t
!TrL7; Broadway, Now Brighton.
1,, MovE.—J. H. Bence, third
will early In the fall move
omooils into Colonel Qua
•.: , .:antly fitted up store room, but bp
inoving will at e nti r e resent pilule 'of
offer hi
stock of
, ;oods, Millinery, Trimmings, ,h F:,
:.•,:ar,lless of cost prices. Th 64 is an °le
ge,' chance for those „wanting to bUy
rhea p.
All persons having orders or claims ' 1
~ 1 1 the Bulling Committee of the M. E.
'larch of thin place are requested Ito
!In Fent the same Saturday of this week,
the Treasurer, It. T.IAYLOIIit
The next snoetingofthe He ver Cotin
'y Agricultural Society will be held l'at
the Sheriff's office oh Saturday, Septt
ber 17th IS7O, at I o'clock p. w.
11, It..MOORE, &e y.
b. - 0 barrel Canton City and Newereek
Hour, a large lot of Nails and .Timetbsy
Seed, received and fair sale, wholesale
and retail; at Spoyorer it, Sons, Redick -
tor, Pa.
. iht the Nltusele.—lly grapo
v.' hear of a battle having boon
bni~ht In Ilooksbiwn a tow days ago.
wounded have boon oaroti for._ :s l o ,
lii roportrol. Nara roi i .mv i i i
Now Rneber PC•op.-7tlr. Jol
Wilnalliq, who k known nv
hest barbers In VIII vicliiit
ho ,, •poncd a now barber Sthhp on Wat r
, trert Ilridgowater,wliertilie will be fin
py have his old friends call ands o
and before leaving try nno orlds
N . w."Prusslan—Franco—turco" shay .
In I. l mbo.—Two lads of this pla
s, 11.c1 been raiding on Mr. Win. Ta
. I' , • .' inoyarti a day or two before, we
te,t ',a last Thursday. morning, at
before Justice Lobrio, and in d s
lola of bail, were sent to Sheriff Gra ,
Ismisling house. - Boys, it do lb.
steal, ,
Wm. Towansend, Esq., who with
r.unily has been visiting In Euro e
LI the past two years, returned to Ls,in this plate ono day last week.
, 1
T::,. c ,, rnet Baud, (Charles Winter, tern -
~,, played strains orgreeting a his ro -
:d.,:w e en Saturday evening last. —nem
" . ll ' i loy Ifrrald.
Serious Accident.-,-A few days a.,
Mr, Jainan Eaten, of *on town. •
Mar digging in a bank, when it caved i
Lim, breaking his collar bone, besiiletn
cannitig severe internal Injuries.
McNutt, of thin place, Wl:Mama for, VI •
the fracture. The patient tin'
. oriensly-hurt in In a fair way for recor-
s. T. 0. MotcciaN, Bridgewater, hay.
in..; obtained limns° to sell Liquor[,
'Slues, &J.., by the quart or upward, is
now selling it his store in Bridgewater,
kale new and a very superior article 6f
w atm oreland county old Rye Whiak I eS .
Pilyilelnne who mayuae it In their pt
tidy for couvalespeutador In low ty
Of fever, can rely en getting an araiele oh
whkii they can depend, both for pnriti
sad strength - of proof. •
.. .
A MelhaseltolrEsesl..—Our- reed
.ere wili:43e distressed to (tern. that Mrs.
M:Cluro, wife of Mon, A. K. M'clure,
was taken to Kirkbrltheis Insane Asp
lum, FiSadelphia, on Monday, the 22d
init., In. it deplorable condition of Insani
ty. - For some months past she manifest
ed •alarining. indications . of. disordered:
intelligence. Indeed, six years isgo she
gave ?mai unmistakeable evidences of
mental derangement, that a consultation
'of medldal and other friends wits held,
as to ti4roprloty of placing her ..under
This and event' will bring sorrow to
our community, whore Mrs. M'C. is
highly esteemed for hel many social and
personal virtues. She was endowed
with high natural powers of intellect,
which she cultivated eit?efaliy ; was al
foremost in promo°certitude
fur the general good, was liable to a
proverb, and benevolent an noaclent
makes her to cher
ished by the Indigent whorovor she has
resided. • , .
It is thought th at Judicious manage
ment of her case, which she is sure to
receive from the very eminent physician
in whom() care she is placed, will restore
liar to perfect sanity and hisil th.—Chum
&Taber° Repository. ' '
WILL Ilegovu.—J. 11. Boneo'a dry
goods and milioneu ostablishmoid will
remove in the early 'parkpt September to
Colonel Quay's thalldiug, Brd et . Beaver,
with a tino'now eke' of dry goods, mil
linery, Muni, .he. ' auglia
ern Amar and bent Clothing House 1n
the county, S. & J. Snollenburg, Broad
way, Now Brighton.
II will be seen from the following lo
cals, clipped from the Pittsburgh Daily
amantercial end Evening Chronicle - that
the IlvvEtt-Sr.vrE FAIR at Pittsburgh,
commencing Sept. 12th, and continuing
live days, promises to be ono of unusual
interest and immense success. It should
he visited by all persons who can possi
bly spare the the tiuie.
"INTER -STATE FAIR.—The importance
of this Industrial and Agrieultural Fair
is jail beginning to bo fully understood.
It has already reached a mammoth
growth, and promises to excel any form
er enterprise of the kind over located in
Western PounsylViinia. It is not the or
dinary County Fair, nor oven a State
Fair, but reaching far, beyond both in
the scopo of its indnenee, It has become,
as its mune well imports, n Fair between
State.. not only inviting but receiving
exhibitors front the far East and West..
Entries are being mule from New York
city, Philadelphia, Wheeling, - Columbus,
Salem. St. Louis,, Chicago, and front va
rious localities iu many sections of this
As u preliminary, to the location of this
Fair, the citizonset Pittsburgh, princi
pally merchants, manufacturers and bu
siness mon, contributed about $3,000.
The greater portion, if nut all of this
fund, will be expended in the prepare.
Lion of the grounds. A floral department,
a cruciform .structure, is now • nearly
completed, being 1:10 feet by :10 feet in
each line of the cross. Tli, Art Reposi
tory b, 130 feet by ;0 witio• Other shading
'to the extent ofabout an footle length is
being renovated and refitted with tables,
and beside all these there are numerous
stalls for horses and cattle and pens for
sheep and swine. With all these accent
modatifins for exhibitors the managers
are fearful that they will be required to
erect more shedding.
The citizens, who made this largo local
subscription, are being agreeably sur
prised by the unexpected generosity , of
the Managers, who have determined to
present each contrlbutor,who subscribed
$lO or upwards, with a family ticket.
The price of these tickets are $5. They
are good for all days of the Fair, and will
admit the holder. his family and carriage
at all times. Persons visiting the fair,
with their families, would do well to
purellay3 one of • these tickets. They
would het then be subjected to the an
noyance of a jostling crowd at the gates
in We frequent struggles to be first serv
ed. They can be had at 4ho Secretary's
oilier, No. 10 Sixth street, also, season
tickets admitting one person can be had
for $2.50.
F. D, Sower, Eq., tho Superintendent
in charge of the grounds arrived yester
day, and will be found at the grounds
ready and willing to assign spaco to ex
hibitors, es soon :Ls their ontries aro made
at the Secretary's office.
.It la proposed to inaugurate the fair on
_Tuasiky.the-13th 1401,, Cfpv, Geau
most likidY be r, .'rreet.. - • Tre - ftiforTme . the
Secretary that he will dose If he Possibly
ran, and his reply as to a certainty will
he given in a few days. An invitationis
extended to Gov. Hoffman of New York,
Gov. Hays of Ohio, and Gov. Stevenson
of Rest Virginia, to be present and par
ticipate in the inauguration cermonios,
All the ORtcons of the Courts, the 'city
Governments of Pittsburgh and Alio
giteny, the Military, Order of Red Men,
the Fire Departineuts, Masonic Fraterni
ty, the Odd Fellows, and other orders
will have a complimentary admittance
extended to them to participate in the in
The Beaver County Agricultural society
has al rt tidy entered the list as exhibitors in
elass 15, forno•il especiatly for collection.
by county agricultural societies. The Al
legheny county society will also compete
with this class. The Lawrence. County
Horticultural society, the Washington
Comity and Experimental Farm are all
making inquiries, and considering the
propriety of becoming exhibitors. .The
Eastern Experimental Farni - informs the
Seer, fury that it will, exhibit about forty
speeitnens wiwit and other specimens
of seeds ill cln,t Id. Class 15 esp e cially
invites colleetionsof agricultural products
bv sitimn•ing live specimens of the same
kind—The growth ot fire different farmers.
A reW Or this character, etubrm
cing wheat, rVe, i ts, corn, potatoes and
fruits, by two or hhtet• dificrent counties,
Will cmtainly create mmost commendable
and bite resting exhibition of agricultural
products.. The formation of this clitss is a
new feature, and dem revs the eminent
success it is 111dy to receive. '
li•nrentn and Glunrtilionia will bear
in mind that the Beaver Seminary and
Institute opens its Fall Session on TlM
day of next week, Sept. 13th, and that It
is desirable that they be prepared to en
ter their children or wards as promptly
nv missible. This Is a vigorous, Ou
oughfy organized, well established in,
stitution, and haying been under one
management for many years it has °stab=
trblished for itself an enviable roputa
thai. lltrtiot fail to eall upon or newton
Prof. Tayitir fur information.
The Soldiers• Orphou Se
The orphans dill return to their resins',
ti cc schools, Thursday, Septeintler first.
The Phillipsburg school u ill open with
-an increased litunber of orphans, and
Homo new teachers. Mr. ThompSon,
who 11:14 had charge of the school room,
retires; and an another competent and
experienced teticher takes his place. The
examination of this school, at the close
of the year, by the State officers, showed
the Most encouraging progress in edu
cation, industry and deportment. We
visited this school and iliund Um
fu rut Lure and all the appurtenances
equal to our first class boarding schools.
Iu working up these schools to their
present condition, on the limited appro
priation Or 4 . ..zwit child, made by tho
State, the'Superintentlent and the Prin
cipals deserve great creait. Professor
W. O. Taylor is a man of large means,
and spares neither money, labor nor
Into in making ibis school seeoud to
le in the Slate; it is Ids life work.
to physical condition of die children
Ch 6131 Is most remarkable. The
On :WWI bocomo healthy after re
, and they have never had A serl
•ident or sickness and alma single
in four and a half years, out of
hundred and tiny children.
in LI
dea ,
r t will richly repay a visit to go and
examine Mc buildings, and eat with
tho children. Professor Taylor is cheer
ful in receiving visitors and showing
them all round, and 'giving them all in
formation and most cordial lu asking
you to eat. Persons need to see lu order
to nppieeiato this groat work.—Pilla
tsrgh Commercial.
Pk I lomat hieClrcic.—Thc Fhilo
manic Circle, assisted by L. Irvine Mc-
Caffrey, planoisf of Allegheny city, Will
given grand dramatic and musical enter
tainment, at Power; Hall, Ilnclicster, on
Thursday evening, Sept. 15, for the hellc
at of SS. Peter's and Paul's Church. The
programme will &insist of Gems from the
Operas; Heeitations; a Scene from' the
"Irish Linn;' and the beautiful romontic
drama entitled "The Miser."
tie did War Weal.—
- A • paso.nger Perri' & Wu.
coach, writes from. Corinne, Utah to the
Ratans neratd, inideedite Of August
Otht The Lieutenant Hamilton hem re•
(erred to is a son of Capt. G. NV: Hamil
ton of Beaver. 1 •Ile belongs to the 2d 11.
8. Cavalry, rationed at Port Ellis, And
siu on his way home on a leaVe of ab.
settee when the robbery referred to took
place. The writer says; *teaching
PloosantValley about 9 p. in., Thurs
day, I saw Indications. of nom° anxiety
on the part of the driver and guaril, both
of whom were armed with shotgun's:l4
revolvers. We pawed 'the first 'station
south of Pleasant Valley itafeli*, but it
was between this and the. next that we
exptctod the fun. Lieutenant Hamil
ton, of Fort Ellis. was with me, and the
three Chinamen. I only had one weap
on of defence. We were all now watch
ful; and as the coach ascended from the
bed of Dry crook—this is what caught
our ears : Crick, dick, click, Halt, and
'no an apparition the Hand Agents
sprang from the rocks, a few feet front
the coach. One drew his Henry ritle,on
the leaders, the next on the driver, and
the third paid his compliments to the
Lieutenant and myself, by placing the
muzzle of his medic gun in rather claw
proximity to our cars, and as the driver
pithily remarked, *tie muzzles of them*
rifles appeared as largo as it nine inch
stuye pipes" I Instantly Blazed my 'as
vr—but a touch of caution from-Handl
ten advised patience. Not knowing
what rho issue or tie' affair might be, I
concealed my money in the cushion of
My seat, cutting a hole in the loather;
my companion had previously placed
his in the baud of his dritwers. The
Chinamen had by this time awoke and
began their gibberish. I silenced them
and then rioted the ,progress of • '
outside. The dilver put on the
the moment they challenged
asked what they wanted.
"The treasure boxes," said they.
;All right," said the driver, "here thy
are," and threw out the light one, ( f ro :ln
'Virginia City, I believe.)
"You havettnother of these ILO?" Bald
the loader.
"Ytss," was the reply.
"Throw It out," was the command.
This was floud, and stepping aside he
picked up an axe and: o:l lan choppOg
the light. ono open. It him full flt•
teen minutes, and harailierk at that.-ile
euiptiod its contents.
.There's nothing in that box," said ho
evidently much ettraged.
Ito next attacked the lielensifteltvilltlo
contained about six thousand ' rs;;
believe: lle remarked to the , :tlins ,
lug the progre.s of ()pecan .
that ho was sorry to de so '-
but ft could not be hel ; that •
things would occur tit the bust regu
families !"
"Aro thiire any pasmengern aboard?"
ho said, when ho gut through with the
"10,,•" maid the driver, "three China
men and two white men."
"ttet out John," in a voice that ; could
not be mistaken. We told the boyr
get out. They were very unWilli
go, but they finally . turned ou
leader held hia rifle to their
demanded their money. -
protestations of poverty they • d they
had none—one said "two dollars, hap al
lee, no more." They would hot be sat
isfied, but with fearfullinprocations they
told them they would shoot them where
they stood if they did not disgorge., One
by ono hestripped elf their tunics and
boots and took what they_had. The third
and last, who had the largest Ansonia of
money ($3,700), strung around his neck
or in a belt, he handled very roughly.
lle took Ins knife, about twelve Inches
long, and ripped shirt, veal and coat
from top 'to bottom, and thli gold fell out
with a heavy thud to the ground. Hav
ing finished they ordered them Into the
coach anti told the,drivorto,g‘ou. lunch
War tenet, indeed, for I fully expected.
that w 8 would be next—we cannot oz.-
' •
plain their partiality in our favor, but
'think that they were afraid to attempt to
force ue out.
I could have easily killed twoof them,
but It wintlil have been at the expense of
the life of oueof the men on the box, an
issue that I did not like to force. The
hind curtains being down none of them
could observe our movements—hence I
had the "drop" on any one of them ex
cept the man whci;'*overad the driver,
who was a little IllSo fat. Thus ended my
experience with the Road Agents of Mon
tana, of whom . l. have heard and road so
much." •
Warefin, 0., August 29, 1870
A certithato of incorporation has been
filed In the office of the Secretary of State
of Ohio for the Baltimore, Pittsburgh
and Chicago Railway Company. Tho
incorporators residein the citiosof Can
ton, Wooster and THUD, and the towns
of Ashland, Plymouth, Napoleon and
Bryau. The proposed route commences
at nictitate line, between Ohlo and Penn
sylvania, in Middleton townshiP, Co
louiblana county, and rues across the
State to the Indiana line in Willie:OA
county, Making • Canton anti Wogiter
points. Its capital stock is threci l tall
lions-of dollars. Books are ordered to
be opened on the whole line on the 30th
day of September, 1870. A company to
continue that road Is being organized in
the State of Indiana, to cross that State,
passing through Lagrange, Goshen and
Laporte to Chicago.
Louncuivizi.k. 0., SepteMber 1,1870.
The' Board of Directors of the Balti-
More, Pittsburgh and Continental Ra
way met hero this evening., and comple
ted the permanent organization by elect
ing L. L. Itunt, of Kenton, President,
and F. S. Bell, of Bollevillo, Secretary
and Treasurer. The proposed route is
from l'ittsburgli to the Eitato line of
Ohio, thence by way of .New Lisbon
dowifthe lino of the Sandy and Beaver
canal to Itanoverton, through tho.oonn
tim`of Toscarawas, Carroll, Wayne and
Holmes; thmugh Loudonville, UN.
villa. Mt. (thew], Marion, kenton
Ctana. The Chicago connection of the
Baltimore, Pittsburgh and Chicago Road
touches the following points: Bluffton,
Ihintington, Rochester, Knox, and Val—
paraiso, Ind. The organization is corn-'
plete along the .entire line, and a great
deal of feeling is manifested, all working
We clip the above dispatches from the
Pittsburgh Cbmmercial of last Friday.
If the writer Is correct as to the rout°
through Ohio, we risk little, we think,
in saying that the Baltimore, Pittsburgh.
and Chicago road will pass down the
South side of the Ohio, cross at Beaver,
antrthence to the State lino rin of the
Brady's run, or Two mile 'run route.
With either of thoso two routes through
our county we will be satisfied.. 'Now
rot the people of our county . take bold of
the movement with a will,' and neither
be churlish about the right of way,' nor
slow in taking stoc(c when aolleited _to
TILE Iron City College is doubtless the
leading Corninerelal School In this coon
trY; and such is the peculiar excellence
of its course of study and business train
big, that it Is patronized by studenta
froth ail parts of the Uniou.—Preabyte
rilan Bonner'.
_rarPimples on the face, Eruptions,
Blotches, Scrofulous divasee, and all
sores arising from impure blood are
cured by Dr. Pierre's All. Ext. or Golden
Medical Discovery. For Bronchitis,
Laryngitis and all severe and lingering
coughs nothing Neale 11.. It cleanses,
purifies and strengthens the system. As
an inti-billkma or liver medicine and to
relieve palpitation or, irregular action of
the heart itworks wonders. Sold by sU
Governors, Judges and Senators use
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
Etazninctiti toortte-Mse
question Is often* lAA 'For what dla
eases 11 1 Electricity adaptedt In reply
we godldalp for all dintesei, no, matter
of what tunnel Or - nature.. Reliever the
method,Of treating by electricity la more
especially adapted to the treatment 'of
chronic, dismiss, 'and diseases peculiar
to females, as Lenoorrtuna, Dysmentor
rhees, Ovaria n Enlargemen Ottioreali,
(or suppressall menses) of every grade,
gone tinny, de:* The following gen
erat are readily cured by this
Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, cis'
Unlit* diseases of the ear and eye"Cf
ovary kind. Alsoevery variety of par
alysis. lit.. Vitus Douce, Hydrant!, Pilot
and private diseases. I would respect
fully solicit • call from the 'afflicted. .I
will also administer the electric' treat-'
moot on prescriptions of other Physi
cians. Giving reference to any wishing
it to persona near who have boon treated
by me. Dr. J. 8. WINANS,
Corner Diamond and Bridge street, Ro
chester, Pa. .(sept7t3t.
Lawrence County Items.
—We know of a poor family In this
city, oanskUng of a mother and several
children; (the father beitigabmint; which
was sold out of house and borne, this
week, on what Is vulgarly known as a
"shirt tall note." This may bo Just but
it seems pretty rough on a helpless fate•
ilyl The neighbors manifested Meted's
apProval by groans and Mmes.
5 2 1 the old story, a traveler hot week
at Wampum station, this county, tried
to got eg . the cars while In motion.
feet cafiht on a trunk which was stand
ing on the platform, throwing hlm be
tween the train and platlbrm. A. hole
under the front edge of the platform al
lowed him to roll under, and his life was
thus spared. ~We note the above as a
warning.—Lawreace Journal.
Democrats of this county held
their nominating oonvention on Monday .
last. The following ticket WAS placed to
the Bold.
Congreas , --Win. McClelland, of North
Beaver. .•
Assembly—Geo. Gibbon, of Shenango.
Sherd—Jae.A. Flaming , of Wayne.
/Dilater Rocorder—G. W. kierahl
'mer, of Slipperyrock.
Commissioner—Wm. Glue, of Scott.
. Coroner—Dr. 11. E. Zimmerman, of
North Ib3aver.
Andium —W. D. Dyers and Dawson
Newell, of Pulaski.
Jury Commissioner—A. B. Allen, of
Now Cull..
I - it Is a singular ticket., and looks like
throwing up the sponge ln tato Congress
fight. If they had any hope of electing
McClellan, as eomo of them havo pro,
, nded, they would certainly have nom
: . a ticket with some strength to it
• elp him along. We pkall have more
sayabout IL—Cburant. .
, -lip% John Moore, a highly respected
oved citizen of New Castle, died
ath morning last. He had been
1 me time, and for throe weeks
able to be out. Tho physicians in
t noo held a post morten examine-
Ho hich revealed the fact that his
death was tho result of a cancer In 'his
stomach. It was supposed be had the
consumption. His remains were burled
with Masonic honors. ;
—The Beaver Baptist Association met
in this city on Thursday last, and COW.
tinned In session till Banirday. The as
sod sod tion was well attended throughout,
an ho proceedings pleasant and Inter
est g. On account of .being crowded
fo space we cannot publish them. On
Sit bath the pulpits of the different
.churches of the city were filled by the
Baptist brothren.—Gazette it Dcaocrat.
A Tory large, number of the friends
and neighbors of Win. Davidson, Jr., of
Beaver Falls, eon of Wm. Davidson, eeq.,.
of Bridgewater, attended his remains to
the cemetery in Beaver ou last Sabbath.
. longed to the ord.& of Odd Follows, a
large number of whom participated In
'the funeral ceremonies. Mr. D. wait an
active bu.inosiMan, and was highly es
tocmcd for his many good qualities.
S. tJ. Snellenburg keep tho best cut
ter, and will give you a neater tit than
any other merchant tailor'. Call and see
them. Broadway: New Brighton.
No. O—A distinglisked Printer,
Philosopher and Patriot.—We had
Lp distinguished men, some farmers,
Some mechanics, artists, and of the learn
ed professions, who signed the declara
tion of 'DS, but many who had not that
privilege deserved and received distin
guishing honors of their country, and
their record is immortal. '
.. . . . . . .
Nit4'persons from this State affixed
their signatures to that document, among
whom was , the founder of the fourth
n . per established In this country ;
b ly to think that there aro now over
5, papers in the United • Static, and
that there are persons still living who
have seen Benjamin Franklin. And
every boy in our laud who can fly a kite
ought to know all about him, and thlay
will Lind a full history of him, his max
ims, hie way to - wealth, his electrical dis
coveries, and his political career, in a
new and revised edition of Chambers in
formation for the people; a popular En
cyclopedia, vol 'ld-pp.:423-39. Although
he has been styled the lightning tamer,
that animal, er element has broke loose
it would seem, according to recent mel
ancholy freaks, and we much need at
this time another Philosopher to give the
people information upon the subject of
Electricity, of which 'so little is yet
known. • ._
Benjamin Franklin was bornln Bos
ton, Massachusetts, on the 17th ,of Jan
uary, 1700. After spending ato years
in a public school in that town ho was
bound to his elder brother, who was a
printer and publisher of a newspaper.
Ho soon became more distinguished than
his master, when he was only about 17
years old. At this ago his mind was
wonderfully, mature, for 'many pieces
written by bins were attributed to the
first men of the period. In order to int
provehissool f he road every book of mer
it he could procure, and particularly
translations of the classics, from which
he derived • much instruction. After
leaving his brother ho journeyed to New
York, and from thence to Philadelphia,
where ho became acquainted with sever
al literary and scientific gedtlemen, par
ticularly the Governor or Pennsylvania,
by whose opinions and offers of assist..
ance he was induced to sail for England.
In the latter place ho worked sometime
as a printer, but not receiving the prom
ised assistance he returned to Philadel
phia In 1732; where he Issued his first
publication, "Poor,Bichard's Almanac,"
which became very popular, and shortly
after added to his labors a newspaper.
In MO he was appointed clerk of the
Assembly , of Pennsylvania. and the next
year postmaster, by means of which he
acquired a fund of statistical informa
tion, which was of Inestimable value to
Wm in the discharge of the high duties
to which he was afterward called. :The
Indians on the frontier becoming dan
gerous Franklin succeeded, though it
WAS a difficult task, in persuading the
cinema of Pennsylvania to arm and
uipline a military force for self defences,:
In 1741 he commenced a popular mag
azine, which, though well supported,
was given up, as it Interfered with his
other duties. At this time, through his
Influence, an insurance office and a phi
losophical society wore establiahod, He appointed agent for the Colo
nies in England, where ha continued as
long as he had the slightest prospect of
being useful. In 1775 he returned to his
native land,ised was sent as a delegate
to the Continental Congress, when his
counsels were ofgreat service In that par.
Monk period. He was In Congress In
1778, and affixed his name to the Beds•
ration of Independence, shortly ^lsfter
wbrch tim
jola IA
In thin coup
:Wine thittlarlltaiiisprto
*ln d .
' Ito wa l i n Pliar . ll. " both
the Stored anti the nr;hieliond aeon at:
fixed' his name to serer ohillunaw *lSt
Fnustae; andLafterwarda to liattleoiif
friendship and ournmetee with' &her
poweiful nations of Eurrlio. In '1785 he
returned toPhiladelphhcand Want-ilea
anised a gelierel redoleing. , "His only
wish now was for retirement, but this
be was not plermitted enjoy. for he'
waianeeted President of Ponurrylarta‘a,
anal oantinued In °tam for. 3 years. On
the 17th of April. WO. irankliti'died, In j
the glib ye ir.of Ida aga
On his death Congress' ordered si oner „
al tuounal ng throughout the United'
Staters, anal he Perla orations were deliv
ered In honor' of thedepartod patriot and
philosopher. . • ' 1 '
"A felted foe various ttut be
Not on., bat all weaklad's eplioas,.•l
J. It St.
Ana you to be married t Call /4„
J.- Suellenburg and have them; maim
your %residing cult,' Broadway, New
Urighton. I '
i . 1
N P.
Miscalling o names of very common
objects is ofVery' frequent occurrence;
and indicate s carelessness which can
not be too severely &menaced.. 'There
can be no poSsible excuse for such en
emir in the use of words.- • 1
What possible 03100/13 - can any one of
fer for calling 'a murk melon, al musk
melon f Cr a watermidoe, a watgrmu.
sun! Teachers eel 'Variants are Much
to blame for such barbarisms as r 4lOllO.
Children, through a lack of attention to
t i
spoken worthro II
, are apt to catch
only *a imperfect imp -Ts-ion I f the
pronunciation of many common ruts;
and it Is, therefore, the duty al both
parents and teachers to exercise care in
giving children the - correct pronuncia
tion of avery,itew terra that is brought
to their notkie. First impressions aro
generolly the Strongest; hen's.* it Iseemeil
times the work of years to correct an'
error In the are of Isuguago which' may
have been impressed upon the young
mind by a single utterance from the lips
of ',soother,. father er teacher, '
The ' very little but frequently !used
verb rid lea vocable which but (ow per
sons over properly name.; It is entirely
robbed °lite character by transforming
it into the adjective red. At almost evo
ry turn we- hear people say. ' I would
like to get red of It; red off the Mblo;
hand moths sjeddiv comb. ls it not as
easy to give the poor little monosyllabic
and convenient verb itseight name and
call It rid? Certainly it is; and by doing
so many a chance of Ignorance may be
.The verb envelop and the noun {enve
lope are frOquently confounded both in
spelling and pronunciation. The I verb
Is accented properly by every one,;, that
is ou thossecoud syllable; but it is fre
quently mispelled by addinge to Ilia last
syllable, which changes (flute the :noun
envelope; which is accented on the last
syllable with the long sound giveti to o.
Curiosity is 'sometimes prououneed as
if spoiled eurosity. This pronunciation
reminds me of air anecdote of two 1 men
who were criticizing :the language of •
friend. , "lie murders English terribly;
doesn't he?" said one to the other. "Oh
no," was the reply, "he only kuoc aan
(i) out of it. 1 .
The adjective mountains. often CORMS
in for its share of,abtunk b luid is heard in
the form of 'inountaise-yar. 8%1 too,
the word tremendous is often prombunc
ed as If spelled rremealtia, and some
time. rre-ntend.yus. Thi proper 1 pro
nunciation is ire-men-due, the o in the
last syllable being silent. , 1 .
Isolate anti simultaneous ,do! not
often receive respectful treatment, even
from those who ehoulehnow eXactly
how to pronoun the, redly. i The
accent bat to ettesett44 given to ill? the
Prat syllable of these trqsiords, and to
the sound of ain lint first Word. Icslone,
i has the long', In „the lot/usr the ithort
soutsd; „but singular.* it may appear,
the long sound which.dould be given to
i in simultaneous, is given to 1 la isolate
whore it should ba short. And a id is
so-late mast hive the sound of a; if wo
wish to prociorince It properly. ~ I
The noun bolt lea vrord'which, I think,
would be perfectly jpaUfiable in inflict
ing the-sore which h represents, 14 its
most angry sa i l painful form upon eery ono tdilo luta so little regard fur taste and
is so ignorant as to pronounce it bile.
This word Wit weS tied in the Bible,
Job II 7, whoro we ire told that Satan
emote Job with sorepoili froni thi) , ;ii . sola
of his foot unto Ids crowns: bat' If ob
star's diction** hadlieee be existence,
when King James had the: Bible Mims
latel, the mftaing Or 'original I Ho
brew could have bee* dared mach
more clear and perspies u s by substi
tuting Webster's de • ' of a boll In
the place-Of the word i f, which defi
nition is this il Boit —*circumscribed
subcutaneous intlammatian characteriz
ed by a postalar tumor sappuriting
.with a central °ore; .04 , to make the
thing clear, the Marna/dots could have
rendered the passing° In s tils way : 1 Sa
tan smote Job with sore circumscribed
pustular sterner, suppurating
wish central cores from ape sole of his
foot unto his crown.:That,is clear.
ry ono can hilly oasiirothend it. We
commend Ibis to all Wheadvauste 'a re
vision of the Bible! , .1: o. ILL 5.
I----4.,.__ ,- ~., . -,.. , i ----':
EDITOtt AROllB.=,-Wklit I. went to Bea
ver on the 31st ;da y of May,: 1870, to at
tend the meeting of the COunty Conven
tion to nominates Hackie,' the Repub
lican party fori the tiesefit iyear, I met
several persons from .Darlington town
ship, who hada eartiliesktsigned by ton
Republican voters who'had voted, for
me, and fissured mo that there Were a
number of °tits .wherind voted fOr me,
and would sig a certificate to Redefines;
and I had but ulna votes returned.l,oth
er irregularities werealso asserted au&
Repacking the 'Board tot; .Elections with
Dr. tiliurWcit's;brothfieend cousin, by
the Doctor's request,• as will be seen by
the certificate of Samuel:RAW. seil., and
also of four Dottie icratic tient cast ibr Dr.
Shurlock, fte. I A..; .r. ~ .! lig
There were ., - arreguhwities
from Gree , n i e s o i r kir ' :be Preetalied
to theism lotion, but
this dreaded In ' . cqt short
bylibe foliewing primal. n, whetheri it was.
an intentional politickEtrlck or not the
"heti themselves wili* id explaiii. Af
te7 all the ret u rns * vi . ' off the see
rotaries retired 'to I' .. 11 P the damns.
Samuel SI airaii , s foodl up' wail Shur-
lock 1153; Chandler 94 s A.X....' W. [Korea I
footing up wash fib* Vka i Chandler
841, making a difference 0(100 votes. Al
fred McCreery,' ~ Iboted tip Ilierr'S
tally, and both he ind--dsagaw lannifed
him ho was mistaldin 110 Votes. An re
turning to repaint teitheronventimtKerr
acted as spolosintatt,attlidagedlharenas
a alight discrepancy in Ste figural of the
socretaidei, but aeit diet not change the
result they colichstiN TO rePort an to
rattier than detain' duo convention, but
did not state whittesinditriatethe discrep.
ancy applied*, 4 :-betleed .off his dirn
footing, making Staid 'll Milikliity 112
votes. Thou the t hat were reedy
to contest consist decided that ILI
votes were more then alleged Irmo&
would overeat:Acclaim:lM a_. ll investigation
would not likelyelentp Jne result, they
let it go by default; , s'ahne lb+ teniaatillia*
lion was smetiviredilielltprewentedat the
proper time and plant:. . A l a in the
Irregularities In tofira Alai Iwo t °
the certificates puttlidild. rdeawhare.'
The above pets,/- 1 0000 !?,.. 1 " 1 ft° th e
County Committeisi,ll4Adallmf.. =Peet
log that they Wouldsdenr investi
gating committee, heffr .w4 l tat_, i l I could
give the &Italie.' Timer.° endlialteahow
that I had itO these dbehdets, tHeaver
Falkland Darllngeni_taldva.- Ilepubll
an Wades more thaskfitildirtatitned . to
:• earedll.. Nitw votot,km,ine. lit the,*
twelve votes R is itt#PAltY-lii to
say; but it is not tenti At,' sap
pose that by ntistalt they
might bitietioied riiirvit,..ictrinik:
hywrenxili - [hi - iiie - ' ilaiiib
would make imminency 'of Si *air, •
wall or. Thiluibur Denwswesie votes
In Gar ingtoe district, anct lane sight or
ten in. • .1111paburgwhichwere au* Ihr
Dr. 8h . dock, which. should have been
Nieto* so Illegal acaordhle to the rules
.attopted by the fkmidy Cominittee, and
et t ni
,in ,fac t wereoplyed by that , same board
la ref )4 a DemOoratla vote when it
wits wit Unit he MN going tO'votefor
M,: there were from nine to lit
teen Oolared voters In Greene township
that desired to vote for me that were de.
tem* i)r &rimed not Won't° loth . * Polls,
by , a dischtlon from what they supposed
jo be high legal authority that the/
would hot be permitted, on the
ground that they had not been assessed
ion dal a before the primary meeting,
Now from these facia (which Icon Web.
Itch) It Is plain that my inSjorlty iu these
maws Iltl/6 would have 1111108 my major
ity fro forty to fifty.
The 'Support I got is very gratifying In
view of the few that my ( opponeet had
'the old and strong 'Claim of party ussid
for reuutnination, and had the united
support of all the political rings and
'thence and active .political tricksters.
with all their patronage Mat spoils of of
fice. Ili tam, like his Majesty of old.
they 'otuld take their dupes up to the
pinnacle eLtheir temple and print out
and promise a reward Pr their services
of all th e &tedious bathe govertiment,
when .they had none to gtve. While .1
had to ire!: alone on the free will offer
ings arum honest, intelligent and mora l
element of the county for my support,
and filr i such au endorsement, and from
a sourer, lam proud and content, and
dottrel° retire from the doll Never
theless 11 will not resist the strong lin
portunitles 'of my kind friends, and If
they4h t l i nk my name is necessary ter ma
ven e cause of the great Republican
partykli will not be withheld.
Our very honorable Senator, J. a. Ilu
tan, makes a vain attempt at evasion lu
his aullj i vindimlory article in this week's
Am:lust but evasion is not now the or
tier of (bailey, our can the people be sat
isfied with the very irrelevantarguments
r.-. thinks “honrst men will
regard as cenclualve: siuswers to De
carzutesiatory." •
I wil d nut allow Air. li. to dodge the
point at issue by May sort of equivdtti-
Sou ut rtvattiou, and I will uuw toil him
that no' hard usage which he may by
pinned Ito apply to Me, nor the charge
that 1 atn "blowing *pup" bemuse 1
failed tot get a place at liarrisberg, will
beim an weight with the good Repub
licans o this county in making up their
verdict in relation to hia guilt In mmuee
'lon with the defeat of Arthur Shields.
Mr. Ridan's article is indeed, in itsel4
o therm ) ) , and legal curiosity; and if any
one ever had any doubt in regard to his
legal ability, the article in question can
not fail io convince them that ho has cer
tainly inistaken his calling-that ho was
never "cut out" fora lawyer. Lot us
examine his argumen La tnumen t.
• lie denies that there was an appoint
ment bit moot Sheriff Graebing ow that
evening; and goes to the trouble of get
ting tosuatain his denial. I
never made the charge that there was an
appointineet to meet on any evening, I
simply and empuatically charge, that
there was a meeting, and that Mr. Ratan
does not &apt. but does douy what is not alleged. is Snot that legal learning
for You
Agiduhe says that If be had intended
making y arningement with Graebing
never he ver wuuld have taken a babbling
rrenclitruin along with him. hero is
another very remarkable example of le
gal lons end acquaintance with the law of
testimony. do one has charged Mr.
with making any arrangement with
Graebing, although bisections were such
as wcitild Justify almost any Actaess man
in strongly stsipectiv thaOut-nerraape, ,wlt
Thirdly, he tells us that, if he bad per
mitted himself to be betrayed into drink
ing success to Rraebing and giving him
names of Republicans to visit, ha would
have pUrchaaed my silence by evils:
me s place iu Replacing which was all
I asked! An, *tea honesty for you
With a vengeance! Ile would, good .
honest seal, havepnrchaeed, my silence,
oh! and 44 X asked as the price for my
silence was a place (I suppose he mesas
au offikee)i at liarrlaburg. Oh, isn't he
honest—bsn't Mr. Ratan just the sort of
man to represent the good honest peo
ple of Beaver amity In the !Rate Senate?
And is it at all probable that they will
over again find a Representative so hon
est as to acknowledge that he is willing
tope/video siknee in regard to "aricutge
meats" with our political bnerales bg a
distribution of the patronage under 'Us
control/ • !) thou 'pink of perfection,
bow I do l admire thee ! •
But! have never wide the charge that,
Mr. 11. was betrayed Ink) drinking sus:-
ma to Climbing. There was no betrayal
about it.l It appeared to me to be per
fectly free and spontaneous, that SIMON
drinking; yet it may possibly be that,
Mr, Gracobing's wlue had a fedi/elite In
fluence to whirls Mr. R. was not accus
tomed, and was no; therefore, prepared
to resist it; and as wine is said to be one
of man's most insatiate foes, and Dem
*ratio wine in particular, I am willing
to admit that Mr. R. may have been be
trayed by it on the saLts:,#on referred to.
It will 130 noticed by the careful and
Intelligent reader of Mr. It'srdefence that
his ttree l pe,ints are . only one; and that
he is in each denying charges' which I
lie not made against hint, with the ex
's:option of the 814CCE441 drinking business
at the meeting in New Galilee last fall;
and as that is simply a question of ve
racity between him Mid mo and Mr.
Johnston and as Mr. Johnston's memo
ry appears to besomewhat treacherous,[
here give! letter which, ',rill be seen
by the date. was written nearer the time
of the than the one which Mr.
R. produces, and which I think "honest
men will regard as conclusive" In more
than one. ,
New GALILEE, Jan. 19,1870.
Mu; C. A. DintattnC, Deur Sir; I in
tend to wrote you in regard to the Buten
macs but put, your letter In my drawer
and forgot it till Willie told me you wan
ted rats to answer yours in answer I
would Just say to you to give your Self
nd Bother about the matter at all. I
think Butan onely wants to Scare you,
111 was 11 ;o your place I would not Bother
myself• ut the. muter unless Rutan
*moon ou,toeclosethen I would Show
him how to give Bother ho Ratan knows
Better than to make much fuse about the
matter I think for 'he Shurely.knows he
Drank health to Greabing for sheriff.
Now my advice to you is to not Bother
your Washout it in any way unless J.
S. Buten pushed you thou Defend your
self to Busiest point for my part I dont
want any , Bother lu regard to the matter
if I cau help It. perhaps I will see you
Before long then I can tell von my opin
ion in regard to the matter Better than I
can write it. yours Truly
To the "bore letter, I have nothing to
add. It is Its own full and complete
oommentary and Interpreter. I.
Before dropping the drink question,
however, I wish to state that on the eve
ning reforredto there weresercrai bott,lelo
of went sued and Mr. Ratan will remem
ber that lathe morning our host brought
Out his private bottle and gave us oar
wkiikey "Batik&, before we left. The
whiskey eras not of .doneetie manugio.
ture." ' •
In relation to the letters from Trimble
and Frasier, which hir. Eaten publishes
I have otdy buy that they have not the
tart bearing upon the point st issue;
and I &in surprised to know that a man
who pret e nds to be! lawyer would be
weak siongh to adduce any testimony of
en little value—in bat adduce that which
la not testhemsy at all.
Neitheviof tbegentlenum named• ware
at theunatitiiin New Gullies; and they
ti.sfii r la not kw" whet was said or
done et it Itr; Tiimbionlys Arr. Gress
bldg never MUM cm hh:n, or asked him
to vote for; ; buisaknowi
sdira*.that what, tis did for Ur; Grabbing
was of big own hoard, His candor Is
ossinseadsbisi. . - .
: Webers dad= what was never chug-
I never sal4 Mr.O• called on him or
*Awl 611%00/support% blue ' What I did
say mid do still my Is filly given In my
furl r' attnisnonleatiout mid I deem It a
wasteaf,'tlmo Witepetat If here. • •
Ibe leave to ask Mr. Mutan t Why It
way that ho »Unwed, on mare onasaloni
than one , NJ mums whidraduss fur Mr.
draohism if he had no desire to see him
elemedf Anal why was it; that Ist a
'Acta width he made_nn the south aide
of the Ohio, bempoke of both osudklates
es- sued wets. sod added that be would
leave them —his hearers-to choose he
tweeu them? Was this urging them to
support the whole ticket f
If he felt uo interest in Mr. Oraehluies
success. why did he, a shunt Woo before
the elomlon, hi • store In Waver say so
much in praise of Mr. G., as to NW 0 61101.14
04e Itepuldlean present as to auks him
vote against him—that is, against J. S.
Aimee, If tur felt no 'special interest In
Mr Untablag'a anemia, why dill he
make an arrangement to !Ave a supply
of tickets prinuid ut the Radical office
with his arid Gre..rbina's name on, pup
and this too at a time when the Dornocrata
had a printing office in this county?
How did it happen that such tlckerewere
circulated over the county? and itthane
tickets were printed at a professedly Re
publican aurae without au arrangement
between . Mr. R. and Mr. G., upon what
and by whose authority were they prin
ted ?
And further; it Mr. Itritar&ever made
any arraugmarett with Mr. Oraebing ea
the you-tickle-me, and I'il-thikle-you
plan, how did it happen that Mr. Redact
at the pulls In Beaver In October last,
gave two tickets to a Republican, one of
which had his and Ontoblug's name on
it f The man to whom Mr. R. gave those
two tickets was In 11/WO to take the cur.;
voted one ticket, and upon examining
the other ticket, after he left town, dis
covered that J. S. Rawl and John Ursa-
Wag were candidateu for office on the
name ticket! Hew is clod? Does that\
seem much like' "urging ovary one to
support not only myself but the whole
ticket?" •
Again: The Sheriff of the county
charges' eighteen dollars fur taking each
°envie', to the pealteniary. If he takes
up [cur at a time ho charges /bar Uwe*
eigistees dollars for the seavics. The
county tamamissioners have sought fur
a couple of years past to have this duty
performed at a less cast to the 'tax-pay
ers,. and got Mr. Rutan to agree to have
a bill passed by the Legislature last win
ter reducing the price and Axing a spe
cific sum fur doing the work. Mr, Grae
bing heard of the oontemplated law,
wrote to Mx. Ratan In reran:llj to it,
and lis saul to have received an answer
telling him* he (Graebiogi "niied not,
be uneasy, as long as Dr. Shurlock and I
are here yimr Interests will be taken
care of." The law was never passed
Now why was this thus? If Maser '
itutan and Graehiug had nut helped at
other at the October election, why was
the tisane quick to appeal Maud the oth
er so:ably to respond favorably when.
the county Coll2llll*Siollolll were laboring
to (urea a much needed reform?
J use how true the reports may be which
Mem ipmetimus imply, I can teal s and do
not pretend to but such' reports are
current, and mom to be remarkably well
authenticated: and that. Mr, R. May have
an opportunity of vindicating hrtriself
before the publiti, I have tho ught, it ad
visable to put the above questions in
prig t.
Mr. Rutin. Is a public oMcer, and of
course I, and all other of his constituents,
hiih i t not only to criticise his po. 1
uct and call him to account
for ittio political irregularities of
.wjticis he-may be gully. but it Is the
duty, I think, of all his constituents to - 1
apprise • him of all unfavorable rump
In relation tohls political course in order
test he may have a fair chance to exalt- 4
pute himself when ho Is unjustly dial
dared. No other motive has governed
me in this controversy, and if Mr. Ra
tan can succeed in clearing himself hour
the very derogatory reporteconowning
his action In the late politilisillftraso
which are so generally cireniiiped so
firmly believed by a very bugtwedimber
of the voters of Beaver co will
add much to his own repo Pol
itician, and do good service party.
I will lay, however, that the interests
of the party are far above the •ambition
of any one Individual; and, while I de
sire to injure the reputation of no one, I
will not sacrifice the gnomes of my party
to save the reputation of any political
aspirant living. C. A. Diresasta.
MR. Eorroa :—Your candid and intre
pid exposition in the last- number of the
Aeolis of the wily manhinations ofcertaln
unscrupulous end devouring politician'
entitles you to the thanks, (ahem, and
confidence, of all high.minded, honorable
men. It Is neediest for me to apprise you
of the fact that there was a time in the
history of both State and Federal govern:
meets when the odic° sought the 'man i
not the man the Wilco. It Is also a fact,
which even. the most listless or casual
obierver will not attempt to gainsay, that
men in these latter Jays, have become so
steeped in political venality that their ca.
Famous maw for psif must be sailed al
even it it should require a complete im
molation of every principle of- decency,
dignity, and honor—not to say a wanton
and cuutemptuchis disregard of the law
regulating our action as a political organ
ization. 'Lave we become so tame and
submissive as at party that our very
thoughts must be crushed In their incep
tion through, fear of a few lialtfledged
aggrandizing politicize ? Is our outspo
ken condemnation of outrageous political
conduct to be hashedand silenced forever
by the same criminal - timidity ? No sir,
we should ever be on the alert to fearlessly
expose and vigorously repel every inno
vation. by whomsoever made, upon the
law which maintains the purity and vi=
taliecs and preserves the unity of our par.
ty. We should keep in view the fact
couched in the expressive language of a
statesman prcemtneutiy distinguished for
his iiWire.ingorous conainotteente, "the
cunning of the fox is as murderous as the .
violence of the wolf," and arraign before
the bar of public opinion all who are sus•
pixtel of Asaieofides , or hsve,in any way
resorted to frathlulmt practiceS . to accom.
Wish u end desired — a n l ib
This 13 Mt antidote, which I apprehend,
will e entitally prove salutary and of a
high r medial nature. - You will, there
fore, reams° to congratulate you upon
' being political doctor of sufficient nerve
to aft lca
the blister ; and four ndidate
for- 'stature, William C.Shurlock;wha
is himself a votary at the shine of &Ace
!aphis finds his akin by this time some•
what excoriated his own proffenional
- knowledge should immediately suggest
the balsam which would mast effectually
cicatrix° the wound if not of an incurable
niture. We are inclined somewhat after
• feeling the public pulse to the latter opin
ion and think that the learned legislator
will find on the morning succeeding the
second Tuesday of October that the blister
has been wonderfUlly efficacious In Pro'
clueing at last - live hundred pustules
(sometimes called votes) wlitch will way
to bite thus tar but thou gone, but no
farther. If the evidence sustains the al
legation that you, Doctor, received more
votaieat Beaver Falls than you were le
gally and honestly entitled to, then, do
not be Chagrined it your certain defeat,
but, console yourself by laying the flatter
'ing unction to yoqr soul—"theta is many
a slip between the cap sal thelip." Your
plight at els ldneture 'nf idralrs 'is truly
& wee/111 oar. for I have been credibly In.
formedjhak you have been in the habit
of indulging yourself Its tAli kind of brag
gadocio tis your Mimic, vi:: that you
iiiv n ti tc . would stop until you reached the
Stop, why cettainlY not ! The
charity of encouragement In good works
is always rife in every comusunity and
would never suffer such bright and pleas•
ing dreams of figure greatness to 'dings.
pear unrealtzul notwithstanding the
bleclitlind swelling cloud• of indignation
at yuur Auplicity and Chandler's surrep
titious detest is constantly is:100110g up like
lianques ghost to haunt the mind and
leave It bereft of ever cheering hope
Never mind, dear doctor . three are scene'
lissome time and yens are
••lieltrestog early to the voice or tamp •
The groats. ale great, lausortal ittow."
And now please bend the madman neck
and intmn au anxious and inquiring pito
pie why It was thaeDr. Chandler recelvul
at Bawer Falls but nineteen votes when
according to the !gateau:lll3ot the electors
tiaecuselvta wasentiNedtotwentytbreer
If this is the case and it has trot been dis
puted, to It not os clear as mallow/o.loa
truth that there is something rotten in
Denmark?" Dorn you think sot By
what hocus-pocus - did two of your rela
tives happen to con/dune a part of the
Board at the primary meeting? If you
bare to heed these matters now
you 11l have abundant time at
home ier to reflect upon the of
fed of our ballots. itszonmcmr.
Baiter Va 11 9 ,, being ober 9,1870.
Whlb tbsibove article Is well written.
it would hare been better, we think, to
hive refrained from thus addressing Dr.
Bhurlock.—(id. Argus.)
The Society of the 100th P. V. V. will
hold their fifth mina/ meeting at Pitts
burgh on Wodnendey, Sept. 14th, WO.
It is earnestly desidid that all the mem
bore of the Society and every member of
tie Regiment wiU attend. The rennin
;brume of the marches and the many . bat
tle fields upon which thensglinenttough
during the dark,days of the Rebellion Ii
mill fresh in link memory of each one,
and it Is just arid right that all should
become members alba wiciety, and meet
together annually, and thus together
have a good and plosions time for one
day of each year, In the enjoyment of
CUM pram for which we fought.
J. W. Moualsox, Cor. de& 7.
LAD 11112? SAICELILIJI, tionoxa, de.-4
Bead the advertisement of O'Leary and
Singleton of 148 Federal street, Ailegba•
uy,. Pa, which will be found in another
Thi l s brut hex Just received
front the east very large and well as
sorted stock oc Ladies' Satchels, Fancy
Baskets, China and Bohemian ware, ho
llows, do., which will ho sold at lowest
possible rates! Those of our readers
Blooding anything In the variety liner
inbuld give this house a call and stem.
•• • the prime and goods.
aerosol's Collura. Syrupy Mal to
ease, Intend ogflLLb, EPSOM SALTS, CAS.
TOR OIL, ie. Ilighlydavortd. Plussent to tan.
Children LIU It. Rice 50 ante. WholeinKlL
Z. fielkss it Co., CI Wood anat. Pittsburgh. Ps
fiewing Machines.
Family Sewing lifnooliine
TM Bast, as Ha/fere& qj People,
who Aar then fn u, ca 4 testify.
Persons about purchasing • Sewing
Mich(no will do Wall to call ay the Agent
01' the " WEED,"—J. Llnuenbrink, Ro
',.- r,—end moo these taschines, as It
ill be no trouble to ghost them, even If
limy do not purchase
Agent for Beaver Co., Rochester, IN6
Lim Agent for tho HOME SHUTTLE
SEWING MACHINE, the best Sewing
Machine sold for leis than $65--has the
under feed. aug?Agitn
.0 ! ,
We u* now ibis to biter to to. Mlle
of 'Supertor Style of FlaYe,
Embracing all the latest Improormerds
baud la Earn* sad Amurleo. at a Mao
Quit* arnala tie resets *Calvary B.oea•
bald Ilia Ike LcialL
sa ladi ltated members of the Besslag Bode
ths albs M. L Ma
l il M i sr, bey.
CAIN' la sap Aie tro llo:Ts UTTI
U. tabs plralpus
statist that, Ix sietplitlty csalstraettoa„ - dars•
!linty. ease of operstloa. .peed sad begat, of parbrasses,
hi we belles* It Is not sarpissad by asy
the 11111FUL
Mrs . J r. Duro, Pres.
Miss X.A. Getsiedasacr. ,
Mrs. X. Phillips. 71vaa.
Mrs. Pref. R. T. Taylor,
Mrs: Rev. J. A. Miller, I
Mn. Rat. W. IL Locke,'
Yes. Rev. F. D. Vast,
Mrs. Dr. McNutt,
Mr.. A. Border_ ,
Mrs. WillissaMrstarr.
Mrs. SeastorJ. &Ratan,
r. A. M. MAWS.
4lrs M. Duo
Mrs. J. B. Biller,
Mrs. Z. W. Dickey.
Mrs. Eq. IL Tahoe.
Mrs. U. A. Murton,
Mrs. Avers Johnston.
Miss D. Al. L)0 1 2,
Miss Elects Allison.
Miss Lou. C. Wilma.
Mrs. Andrew Inns.
et Z. wit ArD.ameir•
I a Third St..
.ofiles and Bake Item
mu1k134.4121 8. J.
In Bridoimiater, Pa.
STILIWti4 & (JO.,
Dunlap's avrner, vicar as Brit*.
Ai=metsl stlindeles moony Mad la s een The storm nema hes hese
sail sea mew& win ergs stme
sows, re ° . V. Jobs Man so be la
comnsalty. eld glee peneW standee.
MeV eseleleaso. theentah eatedanses le ft
the Man to de seisetlos sad pardon ot dram
mods, sae hetes disesteems of all els
the beet cootle te the eartscal lannot awl
pan. All Mode ot sewn praises meted.
J. ST UM Js qa. delessestee. es.
' -• Miseeil:reous.
Grand Closing Out Sale
7bgelher wish au Immense Stock etl
"7h4 is a bonalkla CLOSING -OUT
SALE. and prime will, in all cam,
Wound =idly as we repealing ell Mem.
lire hare marked down many our
goads to prises info fen to twenlyfire
per rent. lower than the very sawn
roods wen sold adore l& mar.
Head Our Prioeis.
Grit out me our goods mod compare
theta roll; thaw of my Souse (a this
Cncheen Printa of ..10 amts.
Merrimac Pribis at ..... 10 ruffle.
Sprague Print. 3t ...10 cents.
American Prima at _lO culla.
All nur best Priribt of crrry make 10 mum
Wa, '
Beautiful !antral AlLewes, worth 23 cents,
Wo Are Selling
Thin Granadinta at IN neut.", amid
dawn from 23 Ozzie.
if'or Menac.l3loya• Wear s
Casemees at 51 ocntg...Worth 75 cenlc
Csauwercs •rss cents. War% 87 rasa
Cassimetts a 75 oada Warth,Sl 00.
White Pit's§ White P
P. K. at 123 y Ceuta,......... Worts 113oesita
P. K. at 20 maw,— :....Worth Ei cents.
P. K. at 23 0emp,..........W0rth 27 cent*.
P. K. at 117 coots, ..... Worth GO emits.
• e•
Linen Towels, 10 tents, Worth 15 ant i
Linen Towels, INa:chi. Worth 20 aorta
Linen Towels, 20 coots, Worth cents
At SlM—Reduced Smut SIM.
. At SI mots, add ibis 10154113 at 73 cen•••
At r i.
Al I Cada.
The Best . Bargain qf Me &won.
At one-half of the price of !ii, month ago.
At 30, .35, 37, 45, 60e.
A great redaciion in prices.
White Barred Naloseele.
White Swiss (Patio aid Barred).
Victoria Law oa,
White Nainmek,
Light Sommer Shawls.
Printed Cashmere Shawl&
Black, White, Checked & Striped Blot yht.
A. i 3 A. 11.43
Real frielt itplia Dives Rattans
Plain and Barred. at $9 a Pattern-
—st 'Ox
meiWeer ,whTeta lac am it ma
May. mast to =dor on tae abortoot oetlaa
tbooktal to thevatic OM pro d1140111%1=11 .
by doe ot Ow ottootioa
rumio Samoan to oats a
mar 24:tf
Redufed Prices!
'Speyerer & Bons
Havojmt notained ham the Emit
Bought at the
Lowest Cash Prices,
And will sell some Ooods
Consisting or Doy Goods, Groceries. Prd•
visions, Hardware, Hats, Cm*, Boni
and Shoos, Role. Oaten, Packing
Yarn, Iron, Sid* Paints,
White IAIIII, Oil, Putty,
Grain and
• Bacon, a sari,.
ty of Printsdifttsll4
pama./isinq,Dtntms, Crash
and llowery ; also, Teas, Coeds,
Sugars, Syrups, Holman, Carbon Oil,
20 Wt. tI the Osletrated °Aka aty
Jost arrival raid for ago. Wboterale sad
200 Zags Wheeling
Land Bola., and Akron-au me I;
A Large Btock,of
White Lead ad Paints.
A rely superior quality St rtimz& Wet
zel's Soaps; and • tot of Carboy 011
lust Arrieed and
Ret forai sale. Who/mals
and l. -
Concord Wines,
Of oar own vintage. for Medicinal and
eleetamenled Purpose; aro highly Ito.
commended by three who have
wed them .
nil We Alm Agents tor We
And Pit& Nat. Pkwer CA. Plows.
Theo Meg the Public fir their poet pat
ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share
to the futera
All Goods Deliotowd This of Came.
You can rely on all groin being hell.
as ell oar old gond' 'lran: sold et soaker.
seamless & BONS,
.1. esodred