The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 24, 1870, Image 4
wassalistarroilooltatiutrormastat .... i -,...5...i.5v0.1 . 1. ,, J. i The .Proseeutonol . lh4ho-7Aseeml. ment qf MA, ftfp-Va'amids—DV• Atitliet olf the Mimi its the Berath semi so l i d " , fn dis Sbutft--.' Labor amp's,/ in aneihnati--Patent , W. j l ed _,,Depieresmvii 'qf Mileatiwt4 The Census Bitreliss+The SSilimi* Ilomestoul.' ~ 1 WASHINGTON, D.b.Atig.:12,187C1.., The prosecutiontigldnitt,ltepreserr tative Putter; erTetinesseei has a i ready bellunand we expect hint, (Oka brought Le Waithingkin In short order under arrest.' 'The lion. R. has' blt few sympath is ing friends here. II s history for the last ten years has bt anything but favorable toward ace ,- Mgt%) in him as a, wise, still ice; atit honest 'Man." We make hint. in:a brief histery , for the past ten pious , a member of TenneaseW; CenfederaWl Legislature In POL. end ' most Wile against the trelon muse. In Iffsl . yr find him in the Confixiersde ern*? a a ,Lieutenant Colonel in a TentieSide. Regiment. Seeing the neemelty of a reoolislrocllon of 1 4Kett'Aer ' 6 l, h.& was amply prepared to accept the-r+ construction measure of Congress and become a Republican candidate for Congress in itifq n and setameded I getting elected; Lid Zidalllialidtt as 1 4 seat io' t 4, Xißtl e t t Py PI, W9s MIT, ous suffrage of t body. • • The action: of the . Republican - nanee Committee assessing 'Depart; ment clerks one per.cent: Is recelvilT the severest ;ensure front the prs. s and the people generally here. lam quitesure,the committeeacted tinder order, and slid, what it,deemed the Most practical. -Your cohnspondent, Individually, opposes prescription in whatevArforui . OhltioOPTlllin is accePted ns,Juii by ' bet - part es when in•poarstrobsalting from e assgined pridetpte that "to the vic tor belongs ,the aPoll," :then a the. r anoit equltableiray,iluelf as was defermie 'ed upon by the Piriesit essamittee, is far-,referable he thinks - 10 any other. The timettailantodin which to rut inelioY from the lieparttutatt for ai l - tying ontw political campaign was simply to iillow each clerk to contrib ute as mublvor as little as be 'chow, understanding -that‘the,clittirs knew generally that ditto& thefettbseribo liberally they were at any...moment see on their deal( •tt ' ; `yelleis Myer," that is a yellow envelope rontaielng ;their illstail s rtal.. Ilte ri sii If 4tailelviityli bisntl'tlfittitlie InWsit - 4 clatmed clerks, although the least niiie to contribute,' fearful of being dePri ved out/ rely ota susteniusee for. itie*', families, 'werd'peritiaileil to make up the bulk of the Departmeattsintrib6- tht, and those whose salaries wee higher and whose pusltions, Utrongh the best of influence, permanent, (lf ten scoffed at thehlea of even Oyler one cent. ' ' I Official infellnathat revived froM the census ninialutia of the South, tends to Illustraie the extreme (14- culty fqund in'eedlecting correct st;- tistleal inforthation In regard to t e schools of that section. ' I neurno-tai: `sal the school officers seem so Ignorant • as not to know the proper way of til ing up theddanks fUrnlshed them iy, the Government • for that purpobe. For histance, one return front Georgia givps"pee-sixt,h" of # female placher.: Many' 1 ) 46 iscioolo tuid gnitin4r : ; ' schools are reported from those Stats, and very few common schools; wit le the sad feet Is well known that very Jew' schools' deserving. ..the namej of "Itlgh,W east diti alijilie_ 7 Bouth rir ,States; and the "grammar school . ," so called, do dot reach the grade o a good New England district school As for the seminaries in the South, If we take the •'salt water school" of Prof. Poindexter of Alabama, as e gir s oil RCP hl circOar,,iits elk 1114.00 y Bon, thy' picture is not at all bright ened: In the circulars, In which he publisho !..1!e ,nap*u . s of Avfenty-four einirretit' Weir is relbiener, , begilg: Lemma, Admiral and endi g with the Right Reverend Bishop Green OCTerinessoe, the flivt great td vantage. 'lolcli, hp urges with all tie force of his elaiitientiityle, is the flit, that it is Me only Ma !muter school of any pretensions to the State. T e first year it matriculated 31 or 32, t e next yearl2 or 43. It is very healt iy, too, and he says, , "that * the , salt in the atmosphere rendors it 'vastly 1 as hurtful. than fresh air I" Systants Instructions is not the enmmoit rich system of sew England, "whic h never edueated, out itever . eduMa for its pupils forget their lessons, two moons have elapsed., The syst is Wrong like all else of puritan bi ,Ice." If any person is anxious learn whit the "system'„of P Poindexter Is, he must timid for of UIP Tixtfessur7a amusiug circuit, and ho will then. know iv; finch think. I may venture to say, a. thq wonderful "salt water syetem'i will do him any good to know. Tim anticipation of the meetin the ! A alxir pongra , t3 in Cincipnnti, next- Mddilay, hi &citing etethi dero intere4t in till; ciiy.ling will bo represented by a numbe delegateS, including several from Pre-emption League formed here ring the vast year.' It hi expec that there will be alargc attendants, they Intend to lay the foundation a permanent political orgOnizati n, I ma credibly itiformcd Unit a nay' : her of the best mindsAn tlii,(l,mlllTY are rtstidi tO identify themsehns with thq movement, the moment' i t lops off its elements of force--Selfishnefa and despotism, - and takes brood huttatni tartan ground, and makes Com Mon sense with all useful labor. Since I the meeting at Philadelphia and the is , suing of their address In this city tint winter, the tendency has beentowlard more liberal views, and it may that such a unity of agrieniturnl, ehanical and common labor into will be secured as to,make this m 4 went a fortnldable element In the tarb polities of the Country. The Patent Offlee is still very in behindin its busihess. The exam emare taking their allotted vacati l . when they can be spared; so as 110 i entirely stop business, and m mOs them ftre'behindWith thbletitamt Hens it will take until late in the for thorn to bring their work The present ecimmiiiiiener Is n► efficient than hiszpredecessor, has done a good deal towards taw the examination's keep paee with application& kr patents. , : Invon are generally a very restless class people, and as long as they 'pay have their work done, it should done , promptly, and officers of Ooterment should besonsured dellnqUencles, purely the remit 'zlness. The, Comnllssloner to away , °Pending the simmer, and ‘ i 'machtne7,llke the other }Depart • al "machines," is cunning limit. The •Derierhaient of education copinietass,t_tha.tuantlay lasue;(ll.* cheater tatitplitet ofn'ln 48 ptgigtat atich Inibrination as has beensmo I st n 41timand;'' . iinit'liaa' kept :.the'efeilial ; three of the, olllce too much .oce,Wed' ealhiiingand copylag to the detri raillif erne regular [Malang Thetli nest 'nuntipr wW beotit thlOweel4' and' Will coataltt valunbitrostathttle? from the census of 1860,(itcwb? com piled,) a register cera: a rgaapmet on sehlwttOotil..dis eusilon: &C. ' • ' • Notw ith' s tanding thepressure upon • k6r,l`he gajaiintendent reteleaslill44 th o , ool %etiii,**Ote.tPTP? Ij refused encouraging, app ointments 'Aker than. the returne , fromtheintni ti*olltiMlliWeitijiloy.- „Inet*Pr i ;Vel . ll; B ,,",'"Mlere are already, pottt . liy&now:at., Worir..and the pros tbnt :ere long thlaiiiinitei y4l, be liwiaoed to am; • ; '; o answer ,t he numerous inqtdrial, enastaittir pruning • Upon the' latest+ lion Of the Commissioner of the deal oral Land 0 Mee, the following infer trui4itts furnhted fe ; spectitirthc l tlet of YftlY gratithig'itdditlinial . rights to soldiers de:41120o enter homesteads on laVetVithin railroad tl~l M a' u lt e o —r 1 att. ahl Uoettir n rt 11S a-hotaAtead., By theauperuhttory v tat any honorably discharged soldier who has Ort,',Ctinot itihety• days in the naVal; inarine, • riillift4.4l . rflilF 43 : l7; C. n4)0111)11; is entitled to enter as a hemesteal 166 acres or $2.50 land Up: ott paymoutolthe Apo,. . usual,! the cash: valueoptholandiallowed tut coMpety - a. satii?tti in the • register and natd "the 49i':04 11 0 WO' 0 1.0 .0 11 4 1, ..:4 Mang 166 instead of 80 °eyes of such. land. The requirements as to per ional.,v3i,deneo4Spon t t- lin ikoventent and , cultiation of. the homestead' e= !peed . : aro varied or altered in any reska—such rwidence,iniproire:•' ment4tadeultluation, being .the fun tinneutal. conditions upon which all. the I)io.visions of the ()riginal tR eati 7 la:WOttid the act lenieiniiitory',. thereof are hosed. . tiu Mb. Mn. EDI:MiI I WOW.) is cursed by intemperaneeq it is theduty of every nioral man to lonajikigh,lan tluisupyrwion of such an evil.. Let us, Wen; with tale :mord, spend all our:time and ta!(lnt t 3 ). vice whltla is inan'ssure death and his eveilasthig damnation. "Be .yo temperate Mull thing,i,"is the voice of unt) l'lglikAig.l lo l 4 .!.. l ”, ithr9 l 4 l , the centuries of .the vast. , And ,arc we? Ah, .we lenient the fact that nut has degraded himself until he tetw stands ona level with the beast. We have seen the drunkard taken 'trent thsgutter, his fitce bleeding, his clothestatteredpndttOrn, awl con- versation that Of an Idiot. We have •fdllowel him to his home, there tp laic the horrid 'pleture4if tleielatlon end despair that has overshade . Wed that once' happy fire-side; brought theacrllyithe, hutslatpttratal father W thei L O44lJelled'll 6110 have scan' the yoUng ntaii=the prom= 'sing youthdragged from the path of virtue and Morality down to de structim and' ruin* by triffirigA spirituous ilquors. Young man, be ware cif *Sittan'S 'gilarel' Ito pills it laid for you 'now; Yt is'a;ovildacrosA yourpath ;. but when yen sc'e it, tarn in the narrow passage OP year right which 1(4114.10w city of t kllfety ; it is etwilys visikie to j these,who wish to had it, 6'i3l:tails always tlieie to guide dd.+ children home. Young maieotyalk yikirself of overyible !means of safety first by' , joining church and biting converOd to God, which you Will Bind to be:the best temperance organizatZon you. can join fur you 'net only have the trisistance of God's people, but you haVe the as sistance 9.1 , let 111 spirit that shapes rs 6 fr tlfrbdg,h 4 life,` and fits us for nn . inhrltance tluit'lanit where tefilpfalions will ho do likere. Again ,We notice the man taking WI 11r9 drink. Ile merely don:3 ,it give him a tittle false couragest4lte 104; , but as ho grows in yew's, the desire for strong dclap; inemoses i alp, untit.tiqtKw4Aintt 1.11 1045 e 141;ter, upright man, tin abandoned profli gate; pbottdmiefl-betratMe for stioiikti`rnklititdeciniZ 'that iZ it it'enaireflited t hind, death would inevitably ensue.' young man, listen to the warning, of n.brotherh tis; en to God as he mill yeti 'to stop and give hind your !mut! slip lint for eon moment tied reflect I, tititflimf the con equornleil fi &kiln IdettUt • ' lo go on, although aithough the road is clear now;tio obAtitern as you_ journey iiloug, the road, will, bnotne narrower, until at last there )s nothing but it marrow pathway winding its crook:Ml cour-,e to hell. ph think of. the Horror, the despair, (that milk ttli-the Ineest of the:drunk aal in his sober. thinking Moments, 'when he realizes• the punishment which shall surely be his ixotion for ever! On the other 'hand, the wrap is narrow in manmeneing the ascent of Zion's hill, but as you travel, the road beeenum wider, • the hill less steep, 'and no .snares to bruise your feet,. and you misguided-onward: by the light which Jo-ms has hung' out, until nt . liv4 you mingle with, that heavenly 'throng wini wait' 14 wel come you to their: midst,/ and loin with you in praises to lied for the victory you have won; j 7 Tampardnee men, to itte:reatunt Let us do away with this evil, that our hearts may be made glad by the melody of areformed world. —The Democratic National Cam paign Committee,. Idling to find any flaw in the course of CoqgreNs or the policy of the Administration tit to las used as a PIM paign document, have reverted to the publitutiory of timed ,nority report of the committer:, ap pointer): 'to Investigate _the charges against General Howard, and are now engaged in circulating broad cast throughout the land this libel upon that Vhristian -soldier And gee tientab.l 'A more disreputable (leen-, rtietallitin• this report Was 'new& 'printer) ;.and the Hemoeratio Nation.: al Execlutive Galantine° by endors in this manner and sending it out to' their ignOnint 'and Illiterate constituents 'ttre only showing the depth of their own mural and politi cal degradation. Foie : floigH 4l tittc'. : 74B - Prussia, and thelluitexl • States have ineremed materially ht wealth and prosperity...during the last twenty years. Capital has flowed steadily and .tVith increasing • volume Into them; new marndactureshavesPrung up ;' txtistlirs Industries 11 . 141,0 . t lncreas ed ; trade has flotirished ; speeulatluii, and enterprise have taken the Ogee of apathy,and'a..want Of:49)111111mte.. All thi s Ws occurred under it'velem,. kir rigid raccoon. • - I TIRE ":191,1Y.4.4142. 1 4kriM 0, , leklr 0, the Army of. the Videontae.-.1 tints takernotshottly niter McCielltutlutd sat down at the siege of Yorktown, and' be:bre that army had received ' that baptism of are, and' bititsVinid had . gained that terrible discipline in the soldier's duty, which the - cam; paignsof thenextthreeyears brought it, that one of Its ihnintry regiments "mutinied: .01course, that regiment was not without its greivance oven` 44e : word of soldiets (and - thesa'were 4no means such) never 'imdertake -to revolt' against discipline and to de fyp enlera without cause for rain plai tit: Theregiment in location,. although hettlititti sI atinUts under antis; and, never yet under tre,Mtd- performed ditkoit and anitiona 'service. ' !loth before Yorktiivenand.eliearhere,t 11040 .men had plitiently and faith fuly done. ' their Part; they had marched :through lout nights over muddy, niails;.irluat. overtook the tr, the-ranks ,whito LAO Phiddedbh,i I :had bivouacked on the.cold ground, Alielteriets and ivithOut fire; and they had unmurmuringly. htid. aside the musket and tolled in- the- trettchet. und'er., • this time they had not rece ived a center Par; and Chatting was scantily'and, ' tardily. furnished them..,,.-...„. Why it.was,lntiVeresactlY learn but three who, were: in the volunteer servlco'cao, reatilly„: understahil tnw: earelesS andlnoompetent officers may. cause such injusticeaa this to . brave and deServing Months 1 theybad submitted to thiserevi neg lect, while' the otherriytimentsi» the brigade had been paid and clad with" comparative promptness, and there spectral .Mpresciatatitars they • had iron] time to time forwarded tothuir regimental commander liad,productst •no result. .:At first loud Mal bitter complaints were heard from Montt : then, as time passetrand,theircondiT, lion was not bettered,: a silence sue- , I. 3 ecsi which the 'MUMS should - have soca was .ombious Of. sideSperate par vase. :That Purpese was. reached' , without the knowledge of an .officer 'or au orderly Sea grant' except ng these it had the assent of every man prent with the re' iment. Mutiny was their determ ination; and the .ringleaders waited a few days for an ,occasion to Make theiraction perfect ly effectual. The, occasion cline; just the one that had been anticipatesl and desired. The regiment Was not at the time on due in the trenches;' its labors had hntftlei it to at reat,miti it had been dniwn back in an open spot some distance fromihe lino or the beef:Ade. It lay in the pre.crilied , roan of in fantry enertipments-,a;Tativas vil lage with Wu staves, each homiest by a row of tents on either side, .and .theliatadeirounil elliectly in, Lout. Dress panicle bad been bald for sever , al - evenings, and on: that preceedin,g the inurimur of the inutlay, the arms were stacked in regimentanine,with a guard over them. This Was proba bly in obedient* to general orders to the whole command, and intended as It precaution to insure recliners in ease .of a sally by the •eneny. After the retreat had sounded that night, the .order was tromiiiiinicated to each . company that the arms were to be taken after revillo the fol lowing morning ; and in the silence of the night other orders were secret ly COMM uuicated by the ring -leaders, end the mutiny was ripe. The night pamed, anti with' the gray of dawn the shriek 'and merle of reveille resounded succerelvely from camps of a hundred-1 reghnents, and the drum cures of this one speedily. aroused it trom slumber: The ottl ! cers, hardly awake, beard the confus lon,.the buzzing and the humming of . themlling - of tlienames !frown, Jones anti Robinson, And the • rest. by. the orderlies, nd then the mingled emit mmd.4 &obi to wthroals: "rake arias!' • - A patfse, a silence followed ; 'then ,cfnkmmill yeheinent emposiulation ; but 1 rattly •'• h such taking arnbrrom .tal lt sws wAitchs 'aufS as fs. The commud vie' •P - ttql and rdtr.m.-. . ted, wiff—lfaure bxpastulatil next the command of each company was visited by the vexeil, scared face of his first SenTemt.' e anti the startling information that the company would not take arms. Some of the officers received this intelligence ,with incre 7 ' dulity; some gave vent to thbir vex ation, and unjustly upbraided the ixxir orderlies; but all finally put on 'theirswords and repaired to the steno 'pi* mutiny, with , Kubshmtially the tame remark, 'We'll see if - they don't lake arias teem me.' , . They did see • and they quiet assured. .themsehw that the Men would trot put fourth n hand in obctii ‘ence to this particular order. • 'Attention !' shouted the ciptain of thellrat company, and each man promptly, to. . . 'Take arms !' not a hand .stir red: ' . 'night facet' Thetsmunand wasint staidly obeyed. . !Front !) The isatipany tame ,back to line with beautiful 'Take anus !' But not- a hand answered the words, though-Captain lI vocirerate.diltem to the full compass of his powerful bass. So in every company. The men obeyed :every order but. this (me; and that not a man , obeyed.. Not a word, not even u defiant look tuzsitn. pardol t heirdlsobtxlienen;.thu sif op ly stood like so many statuis, and moved net a musetttin answer to the , :cuntitand. ..lrhecaptains thre'idenod, begged, amid some swore, lint neither their anger nor their humility haul the least of eCt upon those seven bun dred determined men. Atter Mar an hour of tinfivalling efforts, despidrimr of aretunplishing. anYthifig them selves; the commandants repaired to the Colonel's tent, Mad', astonished him with the news that his regiment was in open mutiny, lie listened with 'angry hap:diem...o.e the partic ulars Ctey gave him, and then hast ened to bucket on his sword. 'Come with me.' he said. `By lusrvens! I don't Mink they'll fail when /give them The order.' l e ie was misiaken, as much so as the captains had been before him.— The line stood motionicrs behind the slack of arms. when he reached the jeunde; and, ordering the officers to take their places, ho took his own In front of the centre. Drawing his .sword,, he shouted in the voice that no ma in the regiment had ever yet disreptded: `Tukq—arias / 1 . And still not a ritan - obeyar, • : ' •. The (Okra was profoundly exci ted; more s‘i than he had teen since herdroPped his plough-handles and mount...4 one of the plough horses to raise his regiment, on hearing of the President's proelimaLlon. Ito begun by asking the ringleaders wisely re unlined in•their play iin the rankl3; but ar half a dimen voices, in which no Individual voice, was diStinguished • cried out : .AI..J. , 'We want pay and clothing, like other regimens.' 'You shall have both,' the • colonel exegerly responded. •OnlYtake arms and return-to your duty, and I !will immediately relinsent your grieValt7. Les at headquarters.' A tumult of answering cries fol lowed his words. uttered in anger, iderislon, and • incredulity. , 'lt's all work and no pay with us. -We're the ragged seare•crows of the brigade. We've heard .that story' before.— Tell that to marines. NO pay, no muskets.' ; ' 'Attention? shouted the' and the regiment instantly (Sine hawk to silence and position: Thereupon the colonel- made an. earnest and impassioned harrangueof ,fifteen minutes, while dozens (deal Timis spectators from t h e n eighboring she nthierial for ads sketch came to t66e writer from a Mend, a nontlernan of tae :anneal del; Who was present at the may aa aseleant Nur avail alone of tberegint tio ems: wad It :stiadoah.ed- It trite: The Other nderrat to is (invent ,WP- Dent tlAttooty„afterward I _r P w b Au ofthe Nixetersth AMU vorp..-110 sr aarp try) as er.rwhit bra nutmeat at Oa weFl., Nne kaawlekeat the miw, t u,sw4 w ig* Ida aistatithe Shaun the** uln ae tido Saddest as per. SeetArepcsanun ears. Inithiltlatoldler..., . . _ VeittliSkf4 l 4oflupiViitlg ,e* 901estl.itteette. - , 0 prom tk‘r lthq Men that he wolifil• irlyelds per- - &Mid , 'attention. - to' their - grlevaneke untittlitly Werirredresteilite - : . reprec , ‘ Bente& to • thole' thaVilleir Mutiny' '.trtnild certainly' be effectual for .0 purpose they sought rand he ... :, them teaftvethe goodrnatue, , e relriment,,fmtn..tlui,! iliagolOtto With, w.slch theirdlobediuncp„threatentsl, It..llartlly 49111)01w thathls address ' wri t ald;plodupe the deSired - "effect; he touelutteil it'tvith'iftepatittoii orthe deilredcriniinaint: ' - •'' • '.• , - ' `Take—arms!' a.' ••::••- -0 i • t• 1 ; • Each and all stoodilko a rock. and •not.triiingieltandmoved toward.. tbu . oltatitto*_krakhecttatifigatterto i -For, inprii:; tan. :auThour ,Ithe • eat regimeut„,llol4l:Stilliontly ~reft4id ~ resume theirarins,.'imid the :pent t sion and•.antliority," asqwell el' the coMfainding officer of . the line had• fallen,,ldltupenstheir,ettrs: . • llioloio, 1 tited- 6 s lol lo iiido' 'Pei , N' Titatt" WA - eh - Was rfulektg i r , blitt;'aitillit 1.- 'lng.for,• 9 . 9,149 p tgcq.:, I .101).0 brigade, twin (platters. - , H ,Ctur bftarlier . had ebtite"frOftt 'Ai, regillitir'earttlerlo*neeept'ithi'tertia /nand in the velatiteers ;qtrift he was. one of - thkr ihesrdisciplinaritarts ttert. Vet Point ever gtiVe• to theurtny: lie was touch, past the middle. age, Vaud lied) sera i amluous . nod .clistina, I .guished service Itt,,lsigicri,,tual . the We5t.....119 was_u _man of. medium . bight, or perhaps something above it, with hair dairieihtith g'ray, sandy I Whiskers end. mustache, a massive 1 furchmtkand i fticp'*ltfi ,ttf'si'li.ritiklos 'of . service;.; and, 1',1441ty, :eyenrOW.S 2 - , . o v94 l akttliiiiit tiPilitr Ali ken, lnel4lVe Oyes. , . Ails uresenee .wastluthitantily stern, somewhat forbicling;' the WM .itual expr . r.sion of. his face :wits one of determination,. :Yet:be taj , ,onetuf the kindest. uf hearts, •suubl lils,,eata. - matabllni,iiriably leitmoti f :before no I,hart done' With the m n thal.their coma I 'hut aod aifery-A - Ns at, ..iI. tirnes-the objecisr.hf.•, sum kitlatiedititude,4alle was Car braver than generals aro apt Jo be; when his :mopes wont into battle he wt $1 F . e line with them, - cnrelcss-e of personal d - rontirtf - reckless of bullets, ittUpequan.aridCodarCreetr, than were‘other'inen, HIS trot:its; of course loved hini-:-Whrnt thev knew hint. ; . . 7 •• .1 • lie listened to the Story. of the (Nit rte' on this mornimr,.•with evident displeasure; which , fond expression in at few words -Which were : more forcible thalalegalit ; bni I venture io say. that, no genbral °Ricer in the I erotic:3'4*W linve • said 'Jess raider .the cireanutiausee. ..„11e,listened at tentively. Aar theodeledis of ihe irinkty as the colonel gnvethent, ; end %Oren the latter had finished, rte-said; 'They won't take arms—shed' 'No:, eiro thelrilctin'tf ••?..toyoorilr they'll obey `but !mei Itht:' - • 'Well sir, aro any of your tinkers ill this businem:" 'Not one', General; nor any of the orderlies,' was tilt, eager reply. ' The (femoral . took ono• turn itiuross Lis tent floor. qtetUrn to yOUr Saili e .'fluiti Redouble your. oillettri front of your tent. I will be there in R•few moments.' - The colonel rode away. not very eaky in tit hal, mi.:wondering what was about to happen., The genera ordered his horse and called !IN Hides. `Get up your itorseS Lininedffitely. Qtptain—, ride Over toCaptain—; give him my compliments, mid tell him to brim a'sectionbrhis artillery to the Min/ of the---th, Ontonagon lel fant ry m mediately ! Lieutenant , hasten to Colonel—and I 'el efiel— (commanding. regiments of the biligade,) anttiell them, with my rompHtmlitts to march their - com mands. under arm's; yon Will 'also atkompany them there.' •, A few moments later the men of the rebellious regiment, gathered in to knots in the company-streets and :thou t t parade; mid t btu fersi ng - in whispers together, saw. the general, followed,by a single orderly, ride; Thor* he eturip back to the Colo: ners tent. Some of thein.saw from a distance that'Jlie,: otHcers were formed in a singletlinOin front Of the tent,: With the field officers on the right, the captains next, and the lieu- • tenants on the left. The general dism ountett,tutil taking; a brief survey of the litetu hereto him, turned 'to the colonel. "du you roruso 'Sir,' ho said sterii ly, to perform duty - • 'No sir !' . was the ernpliittie an- CM He turned to theline, ntyl.pimsing. it down, tiddtess the *ante qtleritio l ld to eAch officer, begining with the lieutenant colonel, and 'ending. with the lust sutraltern. One end all- en , hesilutinglylOW the .saine newer us the colonel. • , .• . • said the generaC to 'the . latter„,',o end 1 hisouf bre9i fa bat. till niaW And then he . nailed this itiiinere4 mark that the officers or the regiment' had made; 'We shall see If they'll, disobey INN.' • The' assembly was sounded. ' The ttiamtaßPies formed•lu. their streets; and were, .their places in a, line behind the stlieks. • The faces of the men were grave cud serious but, generally showed no abatement Of .purpcLso: , alatAnwpase was, it Was'affetward •confesswi, not to suouith e ir artuS.until the paymaster, and the •quart'ermaster should have itetUallY,Visited Own nd evert them: their dues of lay and'-clothing. 'But in many of these there was mOety: as Well as determination visible, and all officers and men, awaited lhe gen eral's proceedings with such recline; as had never before been theirs. They•taid not long to wait. Twii regiments Of the brigade marched upon the ground, and wider the, di-, million of the aides were formed long line; facing - thil,`lnutinetirs, at shouldered arms, perhaps facing set-- enty ' yards distant. Captain —, with two pieces of artillery, came up before the formation was finished, - and by similar. direction one piece was point..ll upon, etteh,,tiank. of the line in such a Milliner ak to enfilade the entire wing of mutineqrs. • Fiir half a minute *after the ow i , nous dispositions there was an awful Silence. It was broken by the voice of the general in the stern command : "Load • The long-line Of muskets went to the ground wit() a ,shoelr,.. and the ringing of rummer's' id 'the barrels, and.the thumpint,• In the Imre u 1 tlu.: isituinli, swat .thrill:tolhe nerves of. those who looked and listened. ‘l.lxttl with grape,' was the COM mand to the artillery. That was fol loweti hY the order. •-' • 'Ready! —Aim r The aspect of the were when • the general rode between the paus ing in the Centre andlachig the mu tineersOM') 1,3110 as might havd car rle iiplit'eledsidu to the -At leakt one thous:tad bright. musket barrels were leveled ready for the word that ' would hurl their deadly contents into the breast before theM, Opo4 either, tank wrs a ticid - piet,c charged - with - Oak; the' gunner standing lanyard in hand, only waiting fur the word 'to belch out destruction upon the' Misguided men. "Let the 'Attars retire behind the brigadeline; tha general command ed. They did so. Men. , of. 'the • - , ---;-reginieht,' • he said in stentorian tones! -'listen to me ! I shall not stiknoWto enquire ;whyyou have disgraced yourselves and the command this morning by, disobedience to your oflicere.—.lshall merely give one order. Ifyou obey, well.; if not you will beim no other chance. In that case...' Ishall move to the rear of the brigade, and then— by the living Goa ' I will ..blow every man of you to destruction lielooked the tkreat as well as ut tered' it; and then In a voice of thou der, 'he gave the command: "hike Auks!' • • It was done in an - instant.' Never did the regiment execute thattorde.r. In better" time; the stacks were broken the muUtieers, fairly fright. Mtge - theire.,figin-fefilik 4 Owd ' witirebattideredartm!--! "" • • !ki` Qba". , .. and the &feral sPoxing• yr ,dllll6llfrom the ' emotklne rti rthe. •niesiieli addressed the mi*l :With kindness es' eromh.."Uers to Lite eyes of many a'1041:101dIer,•=:- He briefly pointed out to thimi 'magnitude of their act as is ttiWtary ffbnee, and made them 'understand that huitiny In an ann.tiwtrjlever; teddit.isanythingbut, WaCrealti.jer. 'Avorne4. to those who undertake It g and ho reminded them that the cause In , whlchall were engaged was moift inlayed by such acts - i3f insabordiniv tlon., Their causes of confidant - WOO, ust, ,he said, and If the officers 'were in fnultthey should bp :punished' for' it. • Puu justice shall 'be' done low,. and Speedily, 'he said'; .1.• • • 'But haluturo, never let: me tient, from you in this way. There are ottw Cr beticr.ways to correct evibf ift — the 'honks . than He loft the ground with tho respect and elfeptlol; of every mlO theret but hlsliffervietv 'with °Peers; WilLeh Immediately followed, Wtte:Or a;',4llXl: ferent character. Addreraing himself to All, but more particularVltithe' colonel, he gave them nu excoriating -Ideture upon their carelessness and gt*3 neglect fir theiritereat , 'of their men. , `I should be glad to think,' het.Chn'' !chided, 'that none of you are iroubled, with incompetency as well as care.! lowness. You small of you to In this matter ; nothing of this kind, ,ever happens unlais the .ofilwrs are In fitult. And I give you to distinctly understand that if any thing of this sort occurs again, I'll Wort martial every' .„ • lie never had occasions - to. execute the threat Theregiment moipitid up and elOthed within a week; and from, tide time forward every manandev'r errofilter of it made it his particular duty tot:dace the stigma cast upodthe giment by this 101'1dr:4-That they haVe..stieceeded, the reeerds •of the' ardebtatitin ;sagas and bloody battles. In 'which it•bore a heroic part, .and Wilft* aro written in the history` Of_ their wontTy, will attest.—Galaxy: RHEUMATISM. . . , This disej ie is: especially liable to occur as pn effect of cold or check of p ersiratiton,:an tin accumulation of uric p or Mille acid d hi the blood, which acts upon the muscular and: nervous systems, producing pally; 'swelling, contractions,&e..... •!, - This vitia:ed shtte et the blood .6 the primary cause of Itheumntian, and the terrible • racking littins and aches are mercylhe secondary con sequences, which - it 6in vain •to'itt tempt to cure by external • applica cations. liniments, tic.. alone; Of all the remedies ler this dis ease, those which remove•the uric acid from the blood, and produce the greatestabundance of • t hese depoSits in the urine, shOuld be' given the preference. In Oct. this is the only - true. and scientific course of treatment fur this ,Painful dAease. • As soon as, the remedy " for that purpose gets up such an: action the patienthegins•to..convalesee and soon gets Well. '' " In old chronic eases, Where con tractions of Joints, thickenings or concretions,' have taken • place, ,their removal wilt take a much longer time, but by a perseverance in this systematic mime, the metteriutt 11mi-- bid will finally yell to the antagon istic moody, as snow melts before the Sufi. We have seen so many permanent enres of long standing eases, that we have implieit confidence iu this sys teinatic mum, and an abiding faith in the 'remedies which we have at our command: • Every part of the System .is liable to an attack al. -Itheutuatisin, but the ' hips, Mins; knew, tinkles, wrists . and shoulders are its more ordinary pref. ereaws...,ltl.l4ftea . shifts: . from one, ddtrt to anotheri. 7ipoclally. when in It he acute stake,...tienm the irrutility of ; glisters or liniments. The cause isle this blood. Remove the muse, and the effect muses. This we prefer to do: by vegetable reme dies.. -11,ofzultir neutralizers of the cause —antidotes to the. poison.. These to.the .rbeinnatic diathesis we always k r p on Imnd. we prepare our oWn crompWuds and have our prescriptions tilled on dereer own sapeTvii4ion. out , of the .r t, quatity•orittetileinvo, without re gard to cost.. • • . Give our system audrmedies a trial, it you are troubled .with , this' painful disease. I,..oLnsittJE, M. 1) ' 132 Grant Street., in Arkansw4 Falher'es Advlep - ; 4) .• hbiSon. • , • Bob; you are nho4 - leaving hothe for. gratlge . 3oll4 . , It'otture, gohig to tow .1/le out 'of:tin:44mo cud go it aloug,_ • .Tlio.odds droagtu you Ito b -- , --rementber that industry .und,.per severance are the winning cards; as they. tire Ihe"btnver9." Book learn 4 Ing, and alrthaf kid of thing,Will do 'to jdrup Ilse small timnps; but you must have the bowers to back them', or they ain't ‘vorth shucks. If luck is agin you pretty strong, don't rave and look !ikon nick chicken on rainy day ,up , but holdyour head and MUIM bblieVe' yott, afe titinh 'Of .truMPS ;. they ,doultidaysoliard agln you. Pve lived mat tramOled around ; some, Bob, and I've found that as soon RS folks thought you held a weak' hand,they'd 01 duck r(iu you stkme: So when yout sort't weak, keep on a bold look but play cautiOun; be satin, fled ,with a. pint, 3tnny!s. the hand I've :t•a_vu .'eat 'euchre , because they. Played for tousi,iwh... • ; - keep your eyes well skinned, .11o1): don't let fig reehlleet ' the/ -game lays a'i 11111th with the head Ms with the, hands. Be tcm.p&ate, er get drunk, fur then nomatter how good your hand is, you won't know how to play it; both bowers and the ace won't save you; for's sartid to be a i'misa diaal," 'or something wrong. .I.lnl another thing Bob, (this was spoken in at low tone) don't .go ton much nn the women ; queens 'is kinder poor cards, the more you have of 'em the worse for you; you night have three and nary trump. I don't Ray discard 'em alt if you get hold of one that is trump, it's all good, and there's satin to be one out of four:, And above all l Bob ' be ton est ; never take a loan s trick what don't belong to you, "nor slip cards or nig," for then you can't look your man in the face, and when that's the , tit e, there's no fun in Oie. game; it's a regular "cut-throat."' So now,Bob, larewell, remember what I tell you. and you'll be sure to win ;land if you don't it marvea you right- if you get skimked." - ' . Agccdoie tHoustoti Old Stun Houston, of Texas, used go make it a . .priint to stop at Cairo, smnetlincs for three or, four days; On hia' way :to a nit: ftm Washington.. He usually' employed his Unto in fishing from the stern guards of.a wharf boat. On oim.occasion of this kind he had-a •set. , to with a thiro youth which. will liear:telling exalt. • The youth like'hiniself Was fish ing.--liouston on thc . Wharf Wet, and the boy on a wOodrhout moored jaat, below. At the :interesting Juncture of a bite at. the boy's bait, Hannon throw out his line, which became hopelessly entangled With that of the boy. Them was a . , pause... Neither seemed. to have it .for- the occasion. At last ilouston broke the 'Sonny, go elsewhere and fish, and then weltaVoldentangllngalliences.' 'Yost blaster:Ng short coat,' retort ed-the bud of Oromige, else Where yourself and .fish.' "I.apprehend that you, are a very, saucy boy,`returned the Senator, for whom there are by no means enough. rodsinplekle.' • • • ilf"" *" ".` • 'Now look Vert., Ad . :Skiezickst crihdthaboi fully . agitattid,, don't want to quarrel with- you, nor any y like you,' :sour Iname is Sam , 1 Thrwson, andlott live in Texas; and llketetvbcidy else, you stole a hag and bad togo l therikAwd. now )ras !teuiting on , _lt Wit' shine 'YPII" 4 44 tier ? and cafilog youthelMith , LBO,. 21. 1 4=tit Yountfantail larch and pulled thehonorablegentionmaY rod Andifi his hada lideithe river. anbeeauently lard .Houton Mil the sot toothd htsAtt itth Watt deoldedij, ',, , itacMcktic.-. Condo& lorthe atmy he said; • have , MO-Wen *Wei iktite berg upon the show ands upon the floor of Warms, fhettActrer watertat completely discomfitedVbe bo had decidedly theibetter . .oriac, from ida heart of hearts ho believed .4Sulidi__ 7 pox is miring Ordngi reeetY.Vlllol44olo., theticiWPAT Greenville, inpno Aunliy.l9f seven ehildren,all died but one. Quite nirinber blather:o6o4s ere reported: II1=!M= Kellogg haalaSt paid SUDO Tor a small "Wm overlooking the' Village Of New ilartfordi she ;Intends to build, Omani:. an elegant ieildenee. ‘i '" ' 1 7Tlit:(Boetin Postgays'i The Kew Ifaven man .whocooled offby fete himself down hifftrell reoabbed adybod, wailed dpwd a wOkii!ii'.! • ;- r -There'Verh.litit3hlrty-twd of relapsing fever In tho Philadelphia City Hospitak• on. WedriftUay, whereas a few weeks ago there were onetundred and sixty-two. • •• Miseillamous. I . for Mlle Ilftdo MOM" 9f. ace. ..._ _ . , . ~_.-, MIXACIrTO IMP NOTlClL—Letteri TWA .1.:4 =ata y. haring been granted to the Mood bar on the estattrotilavid Meerut, deed,Ordo,nr Bridgewater. Beater County, Pa., alt -iona In. &Med to said estate. unberebi,no@W that tee med to pa l yinent le *pared; and, alLpe.nons hart - claims against - the seine will pratent Wan d0: . 1 4 a l u:oll 7 :l7Lted „ jur for A:up se 7m t7 ccom 0.7,17.17.4 it ice ......., .. . ...# 4 ixilkireif.s Carriage's , • f,,, tieary & Singleton!s, 145....1674deral St., .-• • I A ZAEGHENt Splendid AsiOrtinitit 2 and 3 IVAgg Gigs, Auld 4 Wheel Perambulators • OF THE BEST EASTERN MANUFACTURE. peleess Lawns tho LowesL?: °Vic LATIOE STOCK OF r.4A-Dr4 AND P.INCIr Pt NOT EXCELLED IN QUA LITY. OI PRICE .IN THE TWO CITIES., 41,8.0. FULL LINE OF,' FANCY -GOODS. . t• T 0 YS, NOTIONS, &e. • -lIWOLESALE & 1?7:4.17. O'LEARY k curaLirrox, aprAdy] lin Federal' Stailiegheng thy. June Tt changed. nitr. Blank comminileith, roi ,kic at the Anus Foundry it, Repair Shop. Having been Etufavd In the Foundry ftualums for more than tulny 3 eare,—durinz which UM!: I have accumulated a varndr of useful patterns, be. althat canattielltiz Modela and taking on . t . patelsta for Improvement. un . , COOKING - STOVES —nod after haring' thurcouthly tented Moo, lee pforemetatr, I feel romautAl In offerlnc them to the La CO. 1 ,17‘7,61 The GUILIIT ililieiTEUN has no Ks' *viol* for Fob !Locality. i' STOVESI Slayer of Dl:lere II S IV. for Ur:fling sod Cooilk; The Great Republic Cooktui Store 113 i the bat Record of laky Store ear offered to :his nlarkeL CC T,ILEF.:3 LESS FVEL, , LESS ROOM TO DO • MORE WORK BEST BAKER, avicligrr Dina A. SLE ALTOGETHER TUE BEST STOVE USE. In connection Wilk ilie stove I lance gut up a pltent 'EXTENSION TOP, whieb Occupies little 1410111, no 'additional fuel, and is ilOt liable to wear uut, tli4pen see with all pipe, can be put uu in taken tont an's• time, and mule to salt all stow' ornny size ur part ern. „ , VerkOn* I Vito I„tte pf.romm.,, the . • -GREAT: REPUBLIC COOKING . EWE, Most of,whose mirtttsb9tc been poblisli . ! est intlie A Ito vs: are confidently' referral to, to bear u hues, ails superior merits pe ti b eisiking stove. IlarfnY three And. clnm env:ince on hand. of about fifteen hurry power capacity, they straottered to the public at reasoliable rate.. ' WWI TLlOlith (LACY. ntlrto If. ;7 - 111antr of nrarly all the different kinds for sal/ at tha Annus oftloe. JA,Mlin A. 111,300 HAS RECEIVED • , of. new and wall nelented• =I ASSORTMENT (H? DRY -. GOODS, 4131 011W=Mn) QuEt'NswAR.E. AND Aimimr_i&m,m, WHICH HE OFFERS Lac:my voi-ioels.', BM prithearttotes forialifaltie •tm cddie. '1,::130111141Wan '= "tkt ••:,f ;; i i ; • . or, - 0•1 . • ilj ME TO THE , .. ' i t.d ao. 4C7ti4l'l•t $i ,1• " 1:1',11,1",1/.1.,:N ,~:....,,:• ~~~H Norms itul. 'lMilitated, •1 It mmosz.surnsrentoti 'HAVE BREW iPIiCrtIaCTED - E:11?)1 - 111 ( DD? !. , r ME P IWItFY Y4 B 4 -1 .41-Z". OEM 26' B;ute,.` Ile , uteirie trutfrtNe. -12 n. '1 • •.i EMI ME pis are sngising, or Imo suffered from terni of lary dietberlleet whel elfeCt L prOtinad On your . general, bealdo Do you,fralweek, debWittled. eislly tired? Dore nlittle extra exertion PaXinee 'palpitation of the heart? Does you liver or tirl .nariOrgeoll.'or ynertiabeys, - frequendy zit out of brae? le yarn , niiidreasedroes thick, milky or .dOdry s It mpg on settling? Or done a thick ern!, dee 1004,40 p? . Or ls *ern a rediaient at the bottom after It has stood. awhile you . 47E41116f short iireithing or dyipepda? Are joui- birdels ciartinited? Do" you have rite:lea hinting, or rushee of blood to the head ? Is your memory hepairedt Is your 'chid constantly dwel ling upon thls subject",. Do you fad deditlatiota moping, Ured of company, of Wel Do you wish , lobe loft alone, to getaway nom everybody t. Done any Mao thing nuke you start column? le year, eleepbtoken or anklet's? Is the tartly of your eye ss brilliant?' The blocen on your cheek ss bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in soesely as wen? Do'yon panne lair buboes.' with the aims energy?. Do 7 0 0, kel u Wtadt antildenat In yontself? Are y Our rglrita dgll an . tkgraging, given to.tint rucholy? I( so, do not lay It to your liver or 07s geliita Miro' you riatiati . nichts? • Your back werit,'"ohi kitting went; and haw but - Mild appe tite; and yen attribute lhla•to drtilepvis or liver. COLOPI. I I4 r • i • • • • ,/ ,• . . itunlcr,selfehareoeuermltilsemes badly cured:aid sesuel'eicenseihdre all'capehfe of pro. dieing g weaknesa of degenerative organs. The °manse( pmeseiton:wlwatu perfect houtn, make 'the high.. MANUA err: think that thew hold. der dent. nnergchc, popieveTisag. asccerafnl brudoem -men are always thoeowboae gerenetivo organs are In perfect health?' You never hear such mennem platif of being Melancholy, of nervousness, of pal pltatleti of the heart. 'They are never Ansa they cannot succeed In Mistook ; They don't become sad sad. dlacatemsol OLT ate always polite sod pleasant in lamocunpeny, of Wire, and look pm asd them right in the face—none of yoar down, cast looks or tither meanness about them: I do not wrests thnseirho keep the organs Inflated by waning to- eicem. These will not oily ruin their eooelltwiSope, bet:also Mom they do bash am with or for.. Bow many oten, from badly cored . dbeacer. from the effects of self:shwa and excreuv, have broinclit shout Ma kale of weakness In throe or. gond that hail reduced the general nude" so such so to Induce Union evriry other form of dlsenno... tOohn.T. firldfal.• VOW grOCUPOP. suicide aid alumat oyet7 utber form of dyes se ohleCha. malty Is helt to—and the real cause of the Imo ble semeely seer suspected, and have doctored for the right ovie.- ' ' DISEASES OF .TIIESE. ORGANS 1U QUIRE THE EKE OF A OIt:RETIE HELMBOLD'S rf.utt?- Erritmrr.' =IEEE - 1B 1:7 •C) ' 3Er Is the great diuretic, and is a certain cnrc for 'discuses or the Bladder. 'Kidneys, Orarci,'llntpsy, Organic Vlicak- ne2a, Femme - pomplaints. Genend Debility, Antkall giseases of the Urinary Organs whether existing in omit, or female, from whatever came originattng,'and nu mit- ter of Ipow Intig-uttinding. If no, treatment is submitted to, Con sumptiuu of',Tnswtty may i yusue. Out lleali and blood are supported limn these soureva, anti the health anti Lippiniiisiind that or po3terity depends upon Rnmupt use or n reliable remedy IIEL:41801.11VS EXTRAO ICI l lIL , Ea t tabliabeo upward or io years prepared by H. "1"..11E1,311:101..D. DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New York, and . 104 South 10th Street. Philed., Pa. PRICE—SI.2S per bottle, or 0 'bottles for PAO, delivered todny address: Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. None are genuine unless done op in steel eniiiveal wrapper, with Gmalmillo ormy Cheathatl, weichotate, and'sl,644 II: T. 1fF.A.31330X.Ei: auiylEtar. loßassentert Otgemsswio ; 131 0 11 F 1 Naltro", rPilin /;; . f . • lit: it., a i I L 1•vii..41 MEE (....aie t =ll SEM 'OO • ' ' NNW 11.11 ... 1m1142 IMP cjs n 13 1 U i ~ ~ Eil N M II! 3 1 I. HANAIItR'S BAZAR OF fASH:OR, liff_Mi (' ) 4g 4 :: • OLOTRING STORE. „NEW GOODS! sriarisaid Summer wear . . The: u ugeriligneu Lau% plewsure in in. forming bit. friendi nod the and gymer. i dly th at pc( bat jut recnlved and Ilpf ,1 Jl.:Nevr Stock of Good s; OF Via LA.TEsT STYLEs volt SHIN& trad SUMMER Wear. lie keeps the haft of workinui in Id, employ. &kW Nebo confident of Liv otolity to cut and make . 9p gunman, both =I lIMIIEE = FASIIIONAULE ac DURAHLE and iti Weil a manner i„, cantoincri. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS BM 011 and see U 8 before bori,iy Orders I. 7 .Keo•bee, : . iVILLIA3I njuky4;7o:lY • Brq:. r. TUE 131111. E And the Public Schools. wante4 , Jfai and Wwilen et/ Chri4l:ll Tra•lltr.. nu-. au .11. a . pu.aald, act ,„,, ILI/pUrallt book 0 , L. : . Laud of GJd In the All,l - .1. 1 sb, srph Bean 't Uhl work has, • gnat Is readily reorl‘lag the I, rlmpir.,.. ilinClAt Of all alrattp2lll.lll .1.1%.Z. m . ' MP work pimento greater attra4 Walla as 11111.1.4 N lead It their rapport rtur)wh, to It I. 1a.% work for dm flew,. Apply ho d..crlyuto tlt e brand Lerma. State the tetnh•ry Ita NI. ;Jr l'roopectua boo r tart!.!:.,! J. I:. t j)d;Svel Lock Box Ito 11VA ILINT1•11t•i-4 IL12:31.E1)1 Warner's Ili. 16.111111134, bre nes, ,„ (Out c‘. lu UDC Citet) to Cafe rue sery or, gat Allied, Itching of Uleedial; Pact. ' 1 Aur are sklaletod *bawd ituthettutiply call on IL" n::, gin and eLt. W•/1141.1‘ • PILZ atEXclol I: • prre•ly tot the net, laud 14 1101 cure toy ether 41Aa•....1. At Li.. CLirVII 01 IJVcr JU ).11 . • Pta . 141.4/Ig. , YAW e‘trryVilkrte. .1) IC SJI--"IfA'S •- - WaLriurrt. LJ spepALIA Tunic 1. txprek•ely b).O yU, - I U.,— a. luUlitul i • Akt I Lib CA.... It LA ei.41,1., u“11 A 1.1,110 ilk :11/i. I .(1. beultuyls ...1.., rst,(l.. Rolls eltutkld ale b druzgl.lez l'rwe out. I),..atr (.2 ILT II no - - - Wartier 9 •Cough cusug =al elpeLlUtlllli.t.g /Ile (Alf el It pue.t sa• • fu tcuu.u:atet) wally Lurupg. the ILL.-I ~ e nu-le ur C olds, .44..1,, I hrust, Eruuctll4. hid “et.,.. e.A Aellitll.l 111 d ut.etar.l;A. , •:. .- a.. incrudOne. vunsilt In the tom ant c. ritual* In all Ulu c ta.te, ur auy &Mtn. ant •ILunnainla 01 1.4;•.t 14. • daily I [rat t.tnu,; 11, and tuP and at: ro; Inc unt•l In and expecturonSll4 It , •• kloutu, Out ‘lO, ulna), Miura,. roll.l coate out 1.4411.2 I 4 a .1,. 0.1, , ~• to qaeze bottle, Urrte Un, thk•/, 1.11.1 &atilt II )uu cuUgh sad Lta,atu .1/, cure. NV J. N (_) 14' I,IIOE Tbs. (sr., .. Warder's. YU. Vll.Baur Wine ad 1,11, ti As.) issa,soss,”“lsug.s....l; • isl 4 asr stscsos• S•so tr.. .:111.1, II a Lt.( anal tonic. z.1. , 1 .16,• .1.4 ill .4, C,•••,•. 1.., • • a 44u 11, t):11.1.t r tar .t.. :, 1.1 •L osj C.AII take OA! 111.... 1.462. a r. I spn.. I 4, t •.,, 1.1 L.. .L • .. t. , 1 Lo.• 1 111,v 01 it a 4.1,1-.1, • t = / -1.1.11LN,1-Cir 0(4 CU Warrior • Emtiarosagegur i• tlr m. r tlele Unto+ vt to the I% Mier. 1 1 1 "b. ea,/ ea-c 1 •tchere' la the latttilm b , • important rnevllrine la not wanted t o le the greateat hlt/r.lnt; amen °flared you r. 4 ilhandd stately procure It. It 14 for 1.9990 IrreauLnitico, avid may he upon In every mm hart. the tuoi,vo! I.a.n obettvetrd thrort:h mill or illo•t.• drtn:.ttlale. Price Oust Dollar. Or em to receipt of One Dollar and a Quarter .% •• 619 ante kneel. Lltiaago. For wee by 5.42.H.A;iN0:57.1t0the•;.... n , 13110.,Bridgewattritind Dater, l's.; . . CARPETS, ail cloth-, sec. :Wholesale and P.ztail, At. Lowest Prices, M'CALLUM , BROTH'S. :sl I`IIYh .~~•r We Hare Fuel Mies for Stippl)oiz tYr.A. It ul ANY EASTERN JOBBING Iliß.!zE I= HOMES FOR Til E >N!! Hato opp.rnmnre. nrcloov offered fur 11, .'1:1: 11.141, na ,Jr,.. loja 'oat : one-troth or Met, value Ilve yr ry TUE NATIONAL' ESTATIi Allils• 1 bar lur rule real chair of every de., ontl a, ,• ell In the 'Middle and South. m Statev• r aloe& Jfiiilt farm, rice, •vq,.. tom plAnutio,,; 104. and /kb, •a: u t:•• rlLl.yet and hero/ reentlencoo and Lori o •:.' • ntifiv Nal Mai wile dfn orir Wt.-11'1ot Law! St.77lat. • , 10CM°. ithe at:Lt . -to gm, of propvrticv .• to' tot •alc. =3 h. of gemeral claim awl the •twervishati of the well know u T0.k:0.• 14IC or the Ortlnsnee iteptrourtit. t• prartleoi It'll 111 the elllrreut (tow eruneeut Depto,.. •• pecittly Itt five Wier and Nary. Ord num r - PAT OF ( • 1.:. ihtent pa 4 per, tarefolly prepan tottily eXttcute4, mut Itarod.ll,oo,l • • • oex in Olt sAortest Sweisl Attention given to itfr. etISVP for re WY!, (Sir mato', i t 1 . 6 men!. .te. Preliminary examinant". a. to tlv• of an articke made on treellit of aI, f - don of the tame—no model lagez h.; 1:M1 L=2M P 0 ,001?, IN V 1.:N•r() by ArArkturz *bent to prorunnir wards othLsfu g thrir Contldrutisf to our bartl.e.• • Teuton. Term. more reasou.Ahle !luau 01:.• • Clrrolarronialolnc ar.4 at a fret. 11. W. .1 770. National Rtal v , lye. 3. X: an.l 17.1 JVnwn. Arena, ❑ t,l' • ' BISSELL & c 0) ,t2::1 , :5 Liberty Street. Pit tv• i wk. l'ai.. Manuarturenr of all Sizes and Styl,-, vicoprirr. SUMMER FRONTS. FENDERS. COOKING R.INtiES, Gbal and nod Gbokiiig Norr.!, Av, TUE TIUUMI II STUYF. FUR CU•\I .The Jackson &ore fur (buff Anti the Black Cook Stove for Wood ~111 ARE THE BEST STOVEs - : For Baddiragr Coolciu;.r Warmut lltvir Op.:ratioll Nu - vilat FAIL isir3o;tim o r Wank Suutroutis for .ale at the A-1.,..176 ii AkWAYS'ON • Character, PITTSBURG 11, P.! Equal to 1eC.11.11. "IRON