The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 24, 1870, Image 3

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    The Beaver'''Litis.
li t ... v et. Asig.Sl;iloll:
Cireitt iOA OURM rip44ol
notes or- ,. -- r
G Jtuk„
-16 u. • w.
nz ,s l 20 0
Jo 11 5.00 oo woo
du 600 Al 00 UllO
' ,•,16616 ..... 600 111160 15 00
cutunift . .. 00 15'00 110 00
...... 561 OU ao au 36 OU
1.1.10w/elan' 4 titillicaditbtelltoticee.i.4soo
a. notice.. per It pe r tea tented .
; payments 'le be miide t,iatirierlx, except
Ico,oleat s4vertheeteate,;eblets moot be pej4 ,
.voile ofthe Thermo' , eter for the
0,•1: ending Atiguat 55), 187 j).
11 '63 deg. 71 deg. 66 dog.
•15 58 deg. 73 de*. 62 deg;
.16 37 deg. • 73 deg. 65 dog.
1 17 62 deg. 78 dog. 6•2t10g.
63 deg. 82 .leg. 73 deg.
in 73 dog. 82 dog. .74 dog.
.• a 1 6.5 deg. 71 dog. 63(leg.
ft. P. .
leseland & Pittsburgh U. 0.-Trillui
••••••.. leave Beaver Station a ) follows: BON
E x press... 3.27; Brealng E5py:44,1.14; Mall,
it p
• ( •,„ t p. West leave Besver Aatlon
Mall, 7.43 m.; EzPrxxx....= 9. 111 :i Ac .
ttlon, 5.4'1 p. to. •
Intl. NI. W. & C. U. Ins goin
ge) g East
i.echester Station tat end o brill as fol.
;lesser Falls Accom. 8.03 s. .; Euonsccous.
•• .; in.. New Castle scrum. 8.101 0. 104 11. Falls
1C.11.1 p. m.
frAltis golug West, leave flocheitor Stattnn, (at
1.•1 or bridge) as follows: B. F. rcom. 10 a. m.;
E jai neconi. 5.12 p. m.; Erie nigh express 5.45 p.
; . 11. F. ACCOIII. 7.87 p. M.
golng East tests,: er (tipper) Da
g..; oe fOUOIVO: D. F. secoul. .m; Noon IC
r... 1 7.15 a. in.; New Castle accOm. 6.40 a. al;
• •,,,•010 0033. 10.ra a.Oll &aver Fll e ls maim. 11.13
. 1 . 310060 31:119.65 p. m; Erl exp. 4,10 p. In;
exp. 6.02 p. m; Erie mail .55
• 60106 West, least, Ituclseter (Upper ) Du.
• ••• follows : Chicago tusil 8.15 . m.; lade exp.
313: Beaver Falls &acorn. 33.5.50. m. Chicago
I 010. m.; Chicago exp. 3.55!p. m; Now Cas.
.• •••.1,111. 130 p ; 117.1.111 asp. 5. p. as; Bearer
....I , Cillll. 7.60
'l'lll. ottelition of tho pub]
Ow following Now A 4 appear; for, the first
1:., to-day:
r•pyial Notioo.—Mrs. J. 1
vortioeininits.—Dauch.i & Co,
wring fachino.—Linnenbrink.,
Proniinin List.L . -Agricultlfral Society,
Notivo to Toaoliors.—T. l ii. Douglas.
subscriptions to theTilenver Ar
,14,--Ttio following funned portfolio
poid.tho Hums sob oliPosito to . thoir
311104 . onion:6olot' t.# Dui Beaver
11;,iemotinou the dale of ourlamt. publi-
{0 is directft4
time In tho
lames Crooke, Service,
B. French, Beaver,
I. B. Burford, Beaver,
Villiarn 'Bev itigton, Bliley
I. S.. Ratan, Beaver,
Smith's F
miles Thomas!, North Se w !,
:ilium Ramsey, Bridgew:
cilliam'Steolifee'il., X tit
2 00
!cry, 2.00
lekloy tp.,2 00
°aver, 2 00
vn,(W.V.)B 00
il), 200
WILT. Recuovn—J. H
..di and tulllonory °slat! ,
more In Ilia early part of
timel quay's Buildlu
uh a fine now stock 01
lience's dry
lilislunont will
Soptember to
id. Beaver,
• gOodli,
ncry, fuis, ate
rain visited
Several tine mhotver
the latter part of last
.ovking 1,0 keep the g
Miring the past week,
d iriuud. in this vicinity
itip their harvest work,
of their hay was more
tho wet weather before
our agrlcultu
, about finish-
A large guau
r lea damaged
t waNpthered
Tim Hume Shuttle He
inEr machine,
old under $OlO.
be,t sowing machine
I. I.,iineubrink agent. I
The spire on the no . 11f. E. church
.f thiS . l,l:l,(•, WILY COMO, cal on lust Fri
lay and the scaffolding taken down on
'.atinlay. Its height Is 'about. 130 feet
ran the ground, and it is said to be a
- i•fy substantial struetilie• It makes a
....ry handsome appearance.
Ni . ,rtos.—Mrs. J. It atm wishes to
ait , rut the puhlie that shb will offer at
t i
l',U.lic Sale her entire stock of .11ry
.. , ...1.. and Millinery ' ( nods and 'also articles of house f rullure, nt: tier
:. ~, .. "t' liti.iness on Bridge Fa., Bridge.
~,;.r, on .Ntoitilay September 5,1870. It
Fell into it nen (Li last Sabbath,
~,lithl of Mr Philip La 'all of Now tio
.,•y township fell into a well satin
t3...1:y four feet in dopth The water In
IL- w,ll!wiei about four feet droop. The
.•h1,.1 sin llNClied, but r tobilied lopirid.
. Ili.. i'all from which tis thought it
...not ie.:over. . .
\ - I , V BIIIMITON LA EIS' 'llertstAnv.
II- los , shoot year )egins Septein
.oll. Cotirso of ahlrly eompleta. A
nud dapariment to- teaehors.
I• .i.lvatitages for p tpils In instra
a,a;.O !flask,. In its tlutnestie arraymO
lo.JO., this Institution Is a most tlesint—
Itmo ror Iyairdern. In Its natural,
~.tic anti moral mlirrolltulituts,' it is
1 , , .it lovitintr. For elieulura tuldress
Iti:v. N. IL .I()
wH•ro', A. M
t wtnaltlept by Ligll l
storm of lightning
and rain passed
unity last week,
hoar of h01:011%i
bout particulars
ho lam' of Mr,
bownship wita
and consumed.
impleunants, ju
mper were lin m
inutia,' at $6,000•
township, is re-
I led by lightning
r a portion of t h is e
: etle Mier. dusk.' W
~ • miltles but Jiro
o the followhig:
k , littitti of Benham
&reek with lightning
II of \tr. M.'s.farmln
Inding ii mower zind
d op. 1114 fors is ea
young men named
erg of New Sonialo
.rtol to hove been t
lo.Kalllo evening.
If. Hence, third
• in the fall move
Colonn l el Quay's'
t o room; but be
presout! plaeo of
re, line stock of
Feint'Mugs, Se.,'
~LoN,I To Ntovn..l,
1!,,t, litravor, will earl
,• <twk of goods In J
••zalitly fitted up Ato
moving will at his
~ 0 n, 1 4 oiror his toil
~) ;Dods, Millinery, I
4,1 . .11. t. 4 of eo. prie,
• lilt , lianco for those
. ,i ,•lioap.
I . Thbe lean elo
wanting to ,buy
hem at the lowee
• KilltiN Vanport.
price.. 0u tat
rite Bridge oltaikistlon.—A. , corms
ir .okid at ltochesteti who seems - to take
interest in tho C bio river bridge
sends us the ',Mowing :
;;Ilf for narrow ay In bridge etdroca
' • L'ill:,000 bushelsof coal sent out on
t.ltily 30, 1870, Making miles of
' ,, 211t cars, 131 miles of locomotives,
~; Irv, and cabooses hod o total or 100
"•,!.?•. 10=1 ear loads of 10 tons to the
i,014 trains, of 16 cars to the train it
‘ , .01d take one-third of a year to trans
the above, allow ng 10 trains per
Thc above does not include coal
Ut to points above Cincinnati.
• U. IDE brAu.
We sec from She Ml i lowing which wo
" , 'p from , the 'fidiuutelJouraal that Prof.
l' n I, has paid that pima a i visit : _
, patrotig*ill see 111 another column
ti, ',. lvt . rti4nutent of- tho Beaver Semi
- • Fool , Ntosical It stltuto, loeatod at
11., %ex. Pa. We lavo been neimainted
"'' l ' this school for tour° than a year,
.1.1 have Always held it spoken, of in.
I , .ret, of unqualified praise. Wo ilOll
11, pleasure of attttll from Rev. Mr. Tay
-1,, the Principal, an his addrows and
11.ri vt•rsAtilm, • eon tinned tile favorable
' , potion, We had foratixl of the Man and
li, . . 0 1.'01. Ile nisct luta the entiortietnent;
•.f filmy of our most inoniinentiMMons,
'' , ' ,1 4.: whom are alai. M. G. Cashing,
AMist It. Moore, es 4., and Mr. C. iti• The adiantages of this In
•lnetion are superior and pectillarlyin
:t ,en,ittal point of vi w. Great care Li
t.Lk en of mind, morta l and mianners, so
that a pupil Is graduated from there, not
offi y
thou e ducated, but ntticted and pure In
ght and deed.
We notice that mac neighbors Midget
' rilt i rlrentiTtZtriet
this locality. They have gone to work
dOwn thorn and filed up their' main
street, and raised the sidawalk to such a
height as will make It possible for us to
visit thorn next winter without the use
of pontoons.
la :s
Gm I year
- -
$7 00 $lO
HI 00 15 0 00 0
1$ 1:10
13 00 SI 00
01110 01 00
00 au ao
dike. Usraed.—A lbsr days
ago a barn occupied by .Tas. K. Thump=
son, in Ohio township was•. struck by
lightning and together with its contents
consumed.len were two horses in the
barn at the time, both of which perished
Ass; the dames. Mr, Thompson's loss is
estimated tt 11200.
7Uir. Jams Gilkey, of Shenango
township, Mercer county, has propagat.
pd from a fig scion, &fig tree that is now
throe yrarsOld and three feel high, and
is bearing fruit. There are at present
sixty Aga upon the tree, some of- which
are ripe, while others aro much younger
and quite green. This Is certainly a
curiosity for this section of country.
Don't drink those simmering
compounds of liquid Devils, those mix
tures of concentrated Death, called "Dit
iers," compounded as they are, of the
poorest, cheap, poisonous strychnine,
whiskey or rum, spiced and sweetened
to tl o taste; but, if you are weak and de
bilitated, or need,a blood purifier, take
Dr. Pierce's AIL Ext , or Golden Medical
Discovery, a purely vegetable extract,
and the boat tonic or strengthener and
blood' purifier over discovered. As an
anti-billious medicine 14 is unegaulled.
Sold by druggists.
,Thousands who uao Dr. Sagten Catarrh
Remaly aro loud In its praise.
Borough Improsements.—Within
the past week or two a good deal of work
has boon done on the public squares, and
anthe Main street In Beaver The squares
a o now enclosed with a neat post and
rail fence, and in the fall they will be fill
ed with shade trees. The street, from
the Court House east to Orr and Cooper's
store has boon tilled up and smoothed,
and now presents 'a tine appearance.
Those improvements will add no little
to the value of property In heaver, and
wo earnestly hope to two something done
each year to Improve and beautify the
town. The present town council is effi
cient and in full ayenpathy with those
who desire Beaver to move along with
the rest of the world, and their hands
should be strengthened' by every well
wisher of the place. Much credit is duo
Capt. George W. Harnllton—a member
of the council—who has boon unremit
ting in his efforts to-carry forward the
improvements agrped upon by himself
and associates In their official meetings.
Street Commissioner, Turner,. is also do
serving of praise for the dodgy he has
shown in cat rying oti - the work.
Shop Lllllng.—During the week
ending August 13th a:middle aged wo
man was noticed to visit a great Many
dry goods storesln Pittsburgh and 'Alle
gheny. She almost .invariably retired
without purchasing. A clerk in J. IL
Cares store had his attention directed to
her, and finally detected her In trying to.
conceal a piece of silk under her cloth
ing. Ile permitted her to depart, and
with the police followed her to the depot
of the Fort Wayne roai,.where they dis
covered she had left a Skip quantity of
goods of various kinds in charge of the
women in the waiting room. She was
arrested, and nearly elks:4 the goods al
luded to were identiffisetta belonging to
Wm..Semple, of Allegheny city. The
woman gave her name's Mrs. Danills,of
Bridgewater, this county.
On making some inquiry we learn
that a family of that name resides in
Bridgewater, and Mrs. D. has heretofore
kept a small millinery store In that vil
lage. We know flotilla's of the family
except that they have resided there for
sometime past.
V. 00
' 'Teachers take com-
Mate° on teacher's, posananent for Bea
yer county, will meetlff the lxigli School
department of Rocheiter Union Schools
on Saturday the 17th ofSeptember next,
at 9 o'clock a. tn., for the purpose of es.-
hunning tiny and all persons wishing
the permanent maid/Cato this year, as
this will positively be the last meeting
of the present committee alP.should be
'present. By order oflho Committee.
T. 11. rIOUOL A t 4, &c'y.
Perhaps no word irttbe English Lan
'gunge is so frequently improperly used
by most people of the United litotes as
the very common words:migrant. If we
stand at Castle tiaras*, in Now York
city, or at any of our railway stations at
which great numbers of Europeans ar
rive, Ave 'invariably hear all those who
are :111.1i conning into our country desig
nated uy pet p 01124 gonklont ; that is, for
once we hear them called immigrants,
we hear them ton times called emigrants.
Awl the misapplication of this word rm.
igralit is not conlinettlis the countionali
ty, but some of our newspaper reporters
frequently misapply it.- it bas been but
it short Limo since Tread in a report of
the proceedjaigs of the United States Sen
ate that pie discussion of a certain bill
"drew out the sentiments of the dfferent
Senators on the question of Chinese em
igration"; when, in kict, Chinese immi
gration was the questrii upon which the
views of the different Senators were ex
' pressed. no'fpot the very general 11115.
application ~f`tht:4 5.1 emigrant, and
the errors we hear every day in the use
of other words, give some proof that the
study of words 1., to a great extent neg
lected in nearly or quite all the schools
in the land? \%O know that many of our
most pretentious give little or no atten
tion to etymology; while in some it is
wholly neglected, yet, practically speak
ing, it is one of the essentials of a good
English ethuntion: end at the same time
can be made bylgood teacher's, oneof the
most pleasant studies in which pupils
can engage. If a pupil Is taught that
emigrant is derived from the Latin pre
position e, which meantfrom or out of,
and tile Latin verb migro, which means
I go, or I remove, ho will at once be en
able! to coznprolletad its mignititsitton
fully 'and elderly; and will, of course,
never commit the error of calling the
people who twine into our country emi
grants. IVhon he has learned that immi
grant Ls derived front migro, also, and the
Latin preposition in, meaning into, and
for the sake of euphony changml to int,
he will be at no 114,11 to understand that
the thousands o( Irish, Germans, Eng
lish, French and Chiuose thiet are con
tinually landing on our shores—coining
into our country—are not emigrants, but
are most certainly. immigrants.
One of the most commoin errors to be
noticed iu every-day conversation 13 the
,use of the double negatives; and tills er
ror is committed by many who hold
teacher's certificates.
I don't know nothing shout it; I didn't
see nobody; I ain't going no place; I
don't Kw 710 use in it; I don't believe no
such thing; I Can't do nothing for you ;
Atten't Neon nothing of him, aro a few of
tho 4 vory many oxpresahnis containing
two-negatives where only one is requir
ed, that one hears scores of times every
day. And yet how easily can any one
of ordinary understanding avoid such
unjustifiable and inexcusable. blunders;
and generally fewer words are required
teexpresslimo'slideas in good English
than are used by those who are 'contin
ually mangling the language. For ex
ample it is easier to say I know nothing .
about it than it is to put in the redun
dant word don't and thus not only to ex
press oneself very awkwardly, but to say
just the opposite of that which is intend
od ; for. in aU such expresiliertit., stit
tied riegatiViii . herb ctlib. 4 km&
martin* ltd hffi n 1 LL 4iii&zeblii\OWYJ
io ay. ludon't tee
14 fine in ft enal*lltilliiiimyhig.-1- do
,1140 use In it ; Ttheremailm intention hi to
df4l I :gg ril 4 . - t r % tan: t.
1 19 h ft, I
Nen° use Inn, I saw nobody, I am goin
no Owe, I bellairo no such thing, I dm
do nothing for you, I have soon nothing
A very little oarm4 thought even, by
those who have neglected or have bad no
opportunity to give any attention to the
study (WC/rammer, will enable them to
aiolgAuleitypnArehise gum=
who, at least, desire to ti . se their mother
,to.l9*A-4 POr r ° ol7 *- I ' l ' t t t
0. L. X.
• :4 (II i 1 i'
No. 7.—Sea of Note.—William Floyd,
PhWp Llisiermikii, , Pranchi•Lioirts and
Lewis Morris ?yerothe men rypresentlng
the State of Nair York; who signed the
Declaration of American Independence;
all of them deseiving more than a sim
ple referenoe to their services which they
tlod rondrrlthfritim i th• w i nof 44 . •
VoyU'ocoupfiiii a niost - pro ihieu
place among the pure patriots, who coon
kd no ascribe too greakthat they could
make for their country- "Ho was born at
Setauket. Loniclshind, Dee.
fathot Wiit'iline ihO aciet wimiihy far
mers in tho county. In which calling
his son oentinuixi up to 1774, when he
was chosen a dolomite to the first Conti
nental Congress, from which timo for-
Ward ho AVM prominent In public life
Few men suffered greater pecuniary loss
from the Revolution. For nearly scion
years his estate Was in possession of the
English troops, and his family living in
Livingston was born at Albany,J4. Y.
Jan. 15, 1710. He entered Yale College
Bran early age, and with dis
tinguished honors in 1737. His Publie
life may be dated from 1754, He teas a
member o f
, the first Corn,inental Con
gress, Mud &/ 0 of ino NoNniipo appoin
ted to prepare an address tatiss mother
country; and among the most:lran •and
influential patriots- of the Revolution.
Ills death was suddeti; being Trona drop
sy 'id' the heart; and thus kis country
was deprived of , his services. ,At the
time of leaving home for fikotgress, In
1778, he hal taken his final leave of his
family, having a 'preeentiment of ap
proabhing death.'
rtaricis Lewis was born In Standoff,
Wales, in 1713. Alter completing his
education al, Weatminister, he served an
apprenticeship with a London merchant
and upon attaining his majority, emigra
ted to this country, and entered at once
upon commercial life, in which Ito was
very 'successful. His public life dais
front a scat in he lirst,Continental Con
gress, from which time forward ho was
regarded as an able Legislator; and ho
distinguished hinted( with equal malt
in the field during the posandslou ot
bonglsland by the British. He not on- .
ly antlered great poeuniaryloss from the
destruction of his property, but was
made to feel their brutality znore koeely
in antsequongo of the close confinement,
for mouths, of a beloved wife, during
which Uwe she.was denied theordinary
comfort* of life, and subjected to treat
ment which ruined hereeitatitution and
resulted In her premature desitli.'
niOnls was born Io meniesetit,
1,,t„:4, In 17401 He entered Yale Wane
at la years or age, and four years after,
graduated with the usual honors: He
early espoused tbo rights of the colonies
—boldly "denounced the' abuses of the
house government 7 and was, foremost
among the noble band who pledged for
tune and life in the great struggle. Btw
dying the character of Mr: Mortis, we
find it difficult to confine ourselves to
the limits of one: outline sketch, and pass
his name with this brief allusion to the
pure and disinterested patriotism by
which ho was over governed, 'pus,
"By their fruits," these, anti many more
demonstrated their patriotism at that
trying period of American history, and
adhered to their pledge.
Livingston lived to be 02 years ol'aigo,
Lewis Morris to he 72, William Floyd
to be 87, anti Francis Lewis to bo 00, and
they died! So when a few years are
come, then we, too, shall go the way
wheat*, we shall not return. • ,
"Thin) Is winging us away
To our eternal borne;
Life is but a fleeting day—
A Journey to the comp."
N. B.—lt Is said, "It Is not what we
read but what we remeather that makes
u r s wise.", "It is not what we make, but
Adiat,we,save quiVnakes fich.r
!male paly):49ll 4, Mr: Edlk4
we shall tub* oth yin` tleatvilif
1)o you expect we shall be bigger Awls
there than hero? .There must be lovely
lands somewhere starward, for t u ne ov
er return that go thither. J. K. M.
'fur. 1101 no Shuttle sowing machine,
only . Cci. t El on, f he liggpf, 1. Litinen
brink, Itoeliwitor, end soo then'.
Stuurroadt• Cathartic Syrup, Used In
all cases hotead of PILLS, EPSOM SALTS, CAS.
Tull OIL, Sc.. llNltlynavored. Pleasant to take.
Chlldren like It. Price tal cents. Wbolbsale.
Sellerd A Co., 45 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa
To be sweiifed nt the Seventeenth AnnouTiPalr of
the Heaver County AgrlcultUral tioctety, to be
held nt Itenvcr, Pt..
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday,
Sept. 28th, 29th and 30th, 1870.
President —JAMES D A
nee i'realtleetle.,./useplt C. Waouti, tsrt., IND
Itmetat Irvin. Robert Put•ct. reg.
Iterording Secretary-41. It. Moore.
Correopoeultng Secretary--alter tlk /laxity.
Trenenrer —1.4. r N. /Mono.
..11anagers —East Side: Cap!.
tn.' Megan, cog.. Ilmun WM. A. I'. Lavck.3• it
Kndleion. IS eat Side : Martin I.`t'Kulltht, S. B.
lleigge. Y. Mambo°. U. u. C.
11Arrah. B.y. South Side: Wm abruada,ll. Rim
Ter, s in. krcluti. Samuel Ntlcroun, Osall Swear
First day, trotting nutch—couuty—thlle heats,
beet three In arc, gu sr they please; Ulmer more
rattles to Make a race; one dollar entrance tee.—
Find premium. $l5 eceoud. $7; third, $3. Time
of new 2 o'clock p. m.
Peeieg match .-county—mlfe Made, beet three In
five; gu as they please; three or more marital to
make a race; one dollar entraheefee. Pint premi•
am $l5; eecood, $7; ltard, $ll Time of race be.
teem heats or trotting race.. Horace Naming for
above rilZed Cannot compete for the larger preint•
Sseond /Atm. Trotting match county —mile
'heats; beet three in five; gas as they phis,.. to rule.
Time of race I o'cloce. p. m. Fleet premium $6O
setooks23; third, Your entries, end three
to go. $lO entrance fee.
Peeing match—county—mile Melia, beet three to
five ; go as they Ocoee, to role. Time of race be.'
twee. beats of trotting race. First plumb= $4l;
eocond. $55; third, $l3, Your mania to make•A
race. $lO entrance fee.. fortes competleg for
thine mon must have been owned and kept in Ve
comity for thirty days previous ,to the race; and
will not be allowed to compete. fur the smaller
plumbous, . -
, Competition Open lo. W....
Trotting match for Stallions e x cloeivety. Private,
purse, raised by subaciiptlon, and not to be paid
Ftut of the funds of the cloclety. Premium $l3O.
irvt horse, $100; neeoud, $5O; three marka to
make • race, two to go. Ten percent. intranos
foe. Mile heats ; bolt three In Ere • go ae they
plcue, to rule, Thin of, race between htette of pac
ing and trotting, matches shove: • • • -
Third Mo.—Premium, SLSO; competition open
to all horses; Trotting match. . Font premium
$103; second, sso. Three entries to bake some;
two to start: $l3 entrance fee; mile herb', best
three inlve;'go as they please, to rule. time of
race p. to.
Pacing mach—premttun $l3O. Foot predawn
Sulk oodXned,4l3o? -Three eetrlettlo nage a race;
two to start.' $l5 entrance fee; tulle heats, best- -
three Are; you they please. Time of tea:be
tween beati .. uf trotting, match.
CLASS 310 i I—hr nth th Vineyards.
Best cultivated farm of not le,. than fifty acres
strict attention tieing paid to the tape and condi.
ti, o of out houses, terming, skillful management.
gd Imelda •, do do Ma" • de;' 'do' SW
,Bmit cultivattrd vrgetable ganien 8 tiO
Id do do du
Best flower and ornamental garden ...... 3GO
Best li ar
naid or do
pat ins than • {l.O .... W
id do` 1" du du do ~..17
... le3
Judgre.—Ws2.l3hto6ll4, ILIUM Reed, Jae. Dar.
NOTZ. — Competlioni &wiring to enter Clay No.
malt funtleh the Secretary with their names be
fore the 17th day Of September, ISM:
CLASS Nu. 2.— llo na.
[Ds vistoS A.j ' ' Utlt B 1
!Malt blm ded Stallion, 4 years & Over, 1110 Oh 700
••• do do 3do dp 700 aoo
do dodo de, 30t) 1 tat
• ` do • do - I (kr. do Sip yip
Best blooded mare, =Odom her stock,
4 years and . '5
12) 400
Best blooded spring colt 200 A4O
stallion for all pinpoint., 4 Yowl! old
and opnardo 101.0 703
" .do j • 3 yaw 71b. 503
do' do do .d do 300 400
Bast broodroara, must show .tuck, 4 In
old and updard 503 400
Best heavy draught stallion, 4 , years old
.l.ldo •1201505
do do do 2 year! do ado 100
do do do liar do 300.300
eirt -.- - weetaisoitit i oit L-4 I ,
, . . 4_3l.4eitaremor-0,40...*5010a
Blot lore odium SO 403
s l pt ha
v ar . l=•l,.. , i
I.4DITA S l a g Mi il 44 ll l t .*:
6e.,;; a 1410014:14a 14:140,1 1110141,1: y SSC rl
do , /611 i do . • 1.60 LOS
14 adaMoikiatarada ng' ' ' GOO" WC&
d.„ dire , da,trias t1*.•45 •do 51) )1140
do do 4 do
h t t ß4lo, li i i i di rlo.666
. do do 1 do , .do , a 30,
Odd iiallett Snelol6, 04' ;40 , - •. , •
arc= e10w5444=1.1....911.01,10,4.
)14tbetiy •St Sonnilyo, ontric4 yid.; r.: .'' T!
i ; ' mid apii ....,..v..„,..,.,..,,A4.,,..
a ual lif 30,..4:.,0„,;„ _.,._, 11:1 . 123 ,
Bodj u deeltrir,W. , .rl!.%•.:rtet7il ie w ism
511 st spin isolvad yeeroaddk 0rean1....3 CO 160
I ; 341" , vrtii I. - I V. i la WI in i tkii i i .:44%kg_.
Li. UK* ' :11ludeWS.
I•cLissillo . v.ivitik ~.;;: :11 .....
); :i'l , f ' , :l.t !.71 , 1 f••td, IA ar.l4. ..• Fog
gOr t r il l a Y e a r tgia l liete.... 40 , ,• t
frosts - du 8 "
du do 1 year _ ..;
..die 5 3
do the • Al math , du i
• • - S• • - 1
lioit'osthsaierre 113taitradovvi '' e '..' 15 ''' I
.? do w so. *sun do , • it,:i& • - a
add Dalton better,ll•44 Amodio .1 . -; 4
56463.1arhi1n tad wider 1 tear old— ~..1 ;*" 3
BeeLnevuo bull I yearifair eribahltd". la , •'-'5
_do do 1 years do do .. al. •., ,4-.
do do 1 year do _ do •
5 . • 3
du _ .. du, 6 months, do do -,• S 1 1
BeaVDeven de* 3 yes/form* ', '' '' 0" - ' 6
Iltar ,Dflaj!-, i 419. (pars , ..d o.• e f, d I
.. .. Al
. • ,
. a
and3se4u'o 4l erm o yricr` ri, *l-''l" ~1
Dot eiettru or inueieuar Spars or , ordr:•.2l ! 4 - .4*
do do do do *stars i „; do , ..., 1,. : AI
Hon native Of CM* Wilke/ Seals over, I ' . I
Boat native or cedes calf antler A year. 6 .. 1
Ba.a yaw Watt oxen 5 paid or over..:. • 6 '' • 4
adveg dioritieldin 33**4 or Ovel'A.u.,4 ~:!•, a
BOK Oior. c* i.. • • 1 •,•1
BOK dr 'dittle, nut lead titpa' alz• to' ,
ditswome Po lord-4.4 e.':... I* • ' late ". • ' • •
4wanilag Coasseittee.- =Diary : . Idetil. •am ' c trl.
't• Ulm!". Jo•cP4 l 4- ki 4 4,05.--- • --
bit Spenlib bin* • —3 3 - $
. ,
epanwn ewes
" a yearling Spaniel' ewes 4 3
I ftax tlar un o i ny bil e ck w,. " ...3 ,71
" 3 yeaning itareay . cons
• 'Lsotsweid beck
-3 Cetairold :" , •
"t 1 riding CotsWoldWirek ' I
— Waster kick ' 3
3 Leicester ewes'. - .....
• " yeetling Leiciaa...;B
tie et adown tick. ' ' - •••
" .8 Smileless's:ewes' - '
" 3 yearling Southdown ewes a 3
a at wetber• 4t'
tbik 14. 1 11:
abaw, lice. Minesinger.
IstP. 04.
bast 104210 bowl . . .416161. 4OD
beg 46‘voina pips Wiliaikllr
wbho • 400 !W
boot Scunik 2.l26loorbruod sow W ,lll
ass buir , 316.444'40ficr022100 p146 ' 11•64r • • .•
6 Mouths 21 ID I 00
bist Cballprirldki boar,
Adtlo.=-2hogi. itolfol4Win. Jr.. and
John McM4hoo.
. , • I:LASS NU. 4—ArWiry.
beat pal i iniiaeorey ducks dip'. At ' ' $lOO
", mamas " • 1 Asi
Otero dip 1 lal
" •• tarkera dip ...1 131
•• •• 'MIMI dip. a IMI
" 3 bens and auk equal !pedal otebrekeaa
die. a ' - ' - • 1110
" collection of calekeuri dip. ilk 300
Awarding Com.-:dohn Casaba!, au.. Deaver;
Nu. Lindsay, Warm; Om, Dual; Nem ,Brig,b
Wait • • 1 . . .
CLASS NO, 2-1/wery
fern. id
beet lot hooey In glom dip. & jt Uu 1
do do do wood and glow dip. &X CU 11 1.0
as du do wood dip. 1.3 IV lIN
and largest collection of hooey from
, I hive & OD
• Jo:keit—David titinusii, Jo& Wanton and dam-
351 Uoubar.
130114812i048,-bobutidle Yobefacita . 44,' ' ''
bed lb 26.4oballeotb bigid • ' - 1111 00
- do do satioet. du 2 GO
" du do culture do - 11 Lb
" do du 'Ammo' do 10J
" -11 . 4bawb do 3W
" 411 k vesting du 2 (Si
" wade 4rarcoat. 'de. - 4 12.1
" do overcoat du 4 01.1
, •• do ratio or velvet vest dip 2id
do ' pair pantsi
Judges:4as. Allison, Wm. dlir MI
Mont Fraud.
Li \Goolkw,
CLASS NO. *--lionts and lbwers.
Id P. 2./
bolt okandet.......
.. AL CU du
dolls*. t • 1 •••••••• , ' • ' e.. 100 141
Machias d vastottoo 1a 00 00
° 'variety of cot rows du
bamkod Gat dowers - • ' ...4 'co . Aso
.Fra bodied •' ' ' 'MU ,233
roudhand '
" end design dip. * 1 41 50
. verbouds 111 varieties—. ......... ..1 IV 100
. phloxes 5 doI 00 50
room 0 do 1 lad 50
. 'variety of geraniums IOU SU
. cactus ' IOU 50
misty of *MOM . .... . 01.1 bl
.• glum bout. plants, outlaw than ti
r dales 00 t 00
Jot:vs.—MlAs Maggie Ai:Welton. &aver ; Mlles
Cal. Putty, Ip.w.4cster; Ylr thatftr. Ptillppsturz.
4Att. l lo-4/qtry, amid pair Puitittait
but crock butter ... $1 00 $ 00
" roll 603 Om or rut5..........:.tat ..
, print do thi do . ....... 73 ,BO
" theme 5 lb• or more 00
" apple molasses 1 quart 00r A
" rovithum % gallon 011 TS
" cured ham tiD Sit
" dried beet slbd or more 00 /10
" herd soap ....... ........ ...... 10
atoll. .. ' 1/3
crock nitnltteristitlers Min . 3 VIM. --
old, weighing at Irani lbr with
suuntunt limited nWtd irtf •
king. ' ~..3 00 100
topechoen of each variety or bottled
fruit or vegetable. hermetically
rested TS 50
Fie:amen each variety nrigelnee lyre-
Pam' whh vpocia and vinegar.. , yl YS
etwetmen of encl Variety of Melt Vr
venetabl4 bdttew ' " - di
" rpecinien of mach ...let) . of fruit or
vegetable preserves 1 plot 54) 21
... rpeelruen of vaHety of j011y.... 50 9. 9
0 tomato c2trup 4 ' .. 50
° estrum of any kind.... I:. ......... W
O tasserved grotto tratu... 1 1111 -
• rberry bounce 50
° specimen of mach variety of stmt.._ 3
• rprclmrn of each ratiely of dried '
fruit ...
° domestic riae,gar I quart ......... 141 95
J.:49,8.—Mr.. Jos. litruelt, 'Mrs.' Capt. Juba
!thruster. 5161. Antoine Woo.
CLUS NO ll—Dread, Cast, de
Ist P. Ind.
DeM.lnnill,r ;mid . i... 4 4 , ..1 In .50
To' 4,1
do biscuit r (XI 50
dfrponqd p0diej.....4.. •.6 4 • • • 4:1
oponge Cake Su 5
do fruit caw .. . ..„ . ... OJ 1110
• do siorclmen eaib vorivtiverciabliPle 50
do Jelly cake 1 111 50
do delicate cake 10u
do solver cake 10u 50
do marble cake 100 50
do domentic crackers 60
do au•drtment sweet and fancy eaken...lllo 100
do cocoa cake 1 OJ
pert, lee.
Mao. Geo. Nip.
Bawl. bowl quilt
do iamb work quilt.
en quilt. 400 100
dd &Wile quilt 400 00
to quilted Mit 1 W uu
do white quill 4Oi f W
110 counterpane.
11.1 Wiry double coverlet ......... W 00
do quilted comfort 100 W
Jodgis-111•• Swab. L -1111cCialteL Alm 4.
Imbrie. Mr.. Milton Townsend.
CLASS NO. El --Crotched Work, 4.e.
Ist P. *rod
Best dome.' le hearth rug 1 13 1w
do ail/0 0 i cladr tidy /Oa /05
d 0.. . I do human barer 100 ..1130
do do stand do . -CU 100
do do specimen crate cover 113 50
du do specitnew Insertion. 113 50
do do toilet sett 6 Sit 100
do wooledhose or halftime 50 25
do children* wool hose ......... ... ... 50 25
do fancy *tool hoe. 25 50
do do coitou hose 23 50
db do linen he 100 50
do woolen mittens 50 25
do rig mittens.... ......... ... ..... ....1 01 WI
do woolen hum mat.. 50 25
• do ottoman or pumo .tool cover 103 50
Judge, —NW Kula tlibb. Miss Lamina Darragh.
Mrs. E. H. Demos.
CLASS NO. 14—Ornamental Audi. Work.
^ - lit P. 'lnd.'
Wit silk bonne* 300 103
dolMaOedbo net 1103 1W
doknkdie Wirt and 03Wr
do braided infant saque 100 50
do Infant scowl 100 511
do braided child's drew ............1 00 53
do ant neatest inane 00 ICD
do silk or lace cap 100 80
do specimen ornamental needle wort S ill 100
du pin cushion... . ....... ....... SO 95
do ornamental h air work • 100 50
du crystalised work tOO 50
do worked pocket handkerchief Ifu 50
t d ltt Md e etgith; . tfit. ....... ..".."
.1103 • • 50
Jrapes—Mrs. J. H. Union, Miss Maggio Dobbs,
Mrs. Hiram Reed.
CLASS NO. 15—Embroideries.
' •
lot P. Sod.
Dem embroidered ottoman cover IMI 50
do do stand cover _1 tat 50
do do lamp mat , 75 50
do do skirt 100 100
do do CO& ro4 ... .a 00 50
do (rid 1 ce11ar.1.,.... . . ... .. . S 5 ' 13
do • do Wand . d
sleeve/aka° 100
do do infant Dope.—. . .... 100 511
do do infant shawl or skiD....l 03 50
do do ladim ..1 00 100
do - du pillow ........100 50
do do , • alippenk.:.• 03 50
do do - , ol* Sou $3
do fettle; lace edging 1 yard 50 05
Judges--Mars Mary Agnew. Miss Vlanna Maude',
Mrs. M. W. I,llllor. •
CLASS NO. 16—.14wes impiernewle.
Bees:tiro itorsiploW f •""; ......... .: dlp iIS
do one hone plow dip .2. i
do hill ade Plow •• • • • dip g, I
do corn plow dip d 1
I; do grain drill ;lip 43
do reaping machine dlp .110
do mowing machine ' • dips 10
Sarum planter
g o o t=l;:ii b i L FA. 1r..-- . .. ...
do clan, is to . w' ' ' ' -i : • 77 . - . I
do horse ha y rate
do cutting bog
'do machine for gathering clover seed—. • 1
do grain cradle..., ...t..... ........ ...... ' 1
do threshing machlne; ALM 43
• do corn .hu11er....1
do cider mill 3
2 do cider mill 11
do tanning mill 1
do emu cultivator • 1
do horse shoeing 4..., • dl 1 9 3
do NI ladders s
• do tsrm ladder 10 foot long I
do garden ladder 10 foot 10ng............ 1
, do farm toilet .. .
_ Is
111f.r.', 1 ,,ii.041;- ,... --•••••••-••:- - - , 4
do collection agricultural Implements . dip 110
do wool roller , ._ - I
.I.4om—cieorge Mete, John lli.roelt, Sunned ,X.
lmwmare. "
two hone antis,
0114 - 11111
g o loat do .1 AO LAO—. t% , .301
ONbotwidordodoot dtp se
dad.dOrd do f 1 ot,1: • :.•1• , '! 7 . 1 ' • d'Ol•
dOWSMIIISIMEIrdiffe 01.• Set
do si10110111110111olotro.„
do end dost•tlOdtit • " • go
do piolortiblo t„ ti,,
doodad stood..
fl == .1
1: „IQ 44.0.9
" Pcan4l ."""r
d0 * .,:,, , w ti.•, •
i do ter doom tabs j
1 1:= m il !W C ; f I 4:4 1 ,
• P
r d055.1115 !,.C1 dip 40
do t topliptio , : po
doldwouse forks," • • ~., -dip •.. edo
doUttadeo;tl'; •••'*•- `.• " ' -"" •', 1-011
dotard inop. , i ,j ,"•:;.: 1.. , m do csidoer.- ' • r•• • MO Ida 00
do opectommi i 011.4 "• ' t
tiodtlad Otov4 • •r . • 4 1,1 103
)do au! 'two diorr.bp! AlloOltHxdo dap *OD
" do pose w
do owdopiedwodl7 .. „ /
' , • OD
ere • ' .4 100
doirukJo. Piz 401 t' 2; • tir• 100
do (Low wart. , , , t , . • dip a oo
do Ire brick" ' • • - dirt a (gi
do moo= brick dip a pop
ob ." N a dimod, lialrates
- C484
„,.,,_ / ; 1 11 6.0. 41
.4 41
• . . •
- oaf ieadir ' • „
doisdoloodow.;,4-.“. . • ,
I ° o=4 woo" ' •
• do Ades 4 Mallow '
dio skim 4 de!
Ale a* ' list ect,==..
rdo doable tarn limning .
do toto's saddle
do hake' toddle / ' • • "'• •
dot //dud mutiopoi •
dP Mita . 4 r." 1
do kind eight
do ketbortruot y,
dO poiegoini
do pair gest's kip hoot,
do pelt gent'd stop koala '
d We s t's los Wad otogs shoed •
it '.
d 0 'pair I la' shoes
do wit ladles' admen' ",
Judgm—Edinst Than" Strop Ilischamere,
Isajamlo Bath Bradford, . ,
_ • • • . JO . lit
hest lesthei ...or! thus* 4ftoo ' 60
,do Cane baker or Dame ' • • IOD.; . BO
do bask at shell basket . 73 50
do shell frame
do sittileiht &Bit " 1 Oil SO'
go width we 7D b
do braid basket! 50 .15
do pestles Cp. iIS 00 II 01)
do dream plotting " dip. *1 03 1 09
do was 901 ons • Cp. 44 40 000
do was,frult .. dip. al 80.840
do toilectiodpbottigraph4 dip. al 10 100
do dhiplay lhoL7 goods' . t dip. it 3 .011
do specimen penmanship , dip. a 1 011 100
do specimen pww9/1041110 with 1,9
band • - •• dip. to 00 t 0I
Ateprdiv tbasmslia.—MirLu7 McO.mck .
Darer, Mos Mrolkt MALGAZI, Beaver. FDA Smith
CurUs, Seaver. •
CLASS No. 8.-o,4ra dud amts.
Den white or red seed mheid. 1 bushel,... ..... illi
Id do do ; do • do
3 ' 4 seed rre.a 6.bek - I
. aced OIL , 1 busbei ll
.. .
•• seed Wes !Nisbet, . 1
seed cunt h i the est.4.N.ll_ ,hd• 1
" clover or timothy osist, - If bubd. . 1
, .. das•seed , yfi bu sh. 1
seed beans, 5{ bushel. • 1
*. , 16 bushel of eoj specked potdoes. I
. 54 br shed of sweet potatoes 1
. specimen of Chinas inane mum, I
ado at
cmangie warrots artsels,
, . 1
. .
" du tarulp..
do rutaksgat "
do oaken, . •!
" do tends. beets,
" do
do , sweet pumpkins; .
" collection oleos...MK • . .
" do watermelloos.
" do throes or ataskomMons.
peck .f tomhas ,
" peck of core in .en beans,
yS busted bona beep!,'
gallon Lbw •beans,
" do Irish besot
opreimen celery , gal errata
" uc hada Marble Head cabbage,
" cis Buda el Pickle cabbage
Judges.— John Roberts, Befetton tootashqu no
drew Carothers. Chippe • township; 1111ctit Wey
aud. Beaver borough. .
BLISS No. 11.—Ma
_ .. .
Isl. Id
Detl 6 VIA etim fall A wistar appleao.ln l4o . l l 3 I6B u
" and larva t collection of apples 0 I
" 3 variettea 01E111 peen, 8 each. 2 1 Oil
" 4 do winter do ; 3 lOU
of plums, 5 each,
•• collection of plume 2
Boson gainers, I
collect=nholwo ifiwPO 4 . /
• • 1 ICD
I 50
ta un eelial rir 4 . • I
••Voncor4, do - I 5U
" 'Delaware •do .• ' ' 1 60
" lets acedUnsdo -•.• ti . . • 1 60
••therellos , do • - 1 150
" lona do 5 5U
" thimbles , do ,• • ' I 00
" collection holt generally lo oluipersoa, 4 8211
.•• dried peached, owlet. sews or plums, 1
" stapes of any species.' ' _ I 40
.halssa—De. A. ti.MhaDdabaerer noebster; A*-
draw Waiereock. Briglitos laminar, Y. lanraita.
uhirron. .
CLAMS NO.' in- , Diseivelowyr ibiAnakter;
Jam Wilson; NeirltrighOss Johsitou
Bridgewater; WlSlsalSeiss..ltiaxiss Tosrsehlp;
,er• C. Spirnrie. Saelbastgr.J9o,o p...Shogr
Mrs. lowtphlns 'Dareagh, 9berow ; Mrs.. Ell
Redo. New Brighton; Ws. Thomas J. Power.
Hachaster ; Mr.. Mohan Potter, Eamon@ ; Miss
Awns Liston. Uochester.
days No. IS soda will a • &we ill nrfl4e. sot
.numerated on the Premium List Of UN Koclety.
Alcorrect list of the nine with.tostroctiona will be
turnleheti by the Semler, to ea% Committee on
Thuniday at 10 o'cloclua ex . •
Pantos' exhibiting Mewing ?Lachine@ will be no
gaited to turidsh their awn covering or shed.
• -
Soles wad Etegultittoeo for the as.-
eminent of tbi /Mr.
Competitors must become members of
the 'Society, and snow their certificates
of Nlembership to the fiecretery before
any entries can be made.
'2. Numbered cards must be attached
to all articles,. stock, &c., which will be
furnished by the Seeretary—being an
exact copy of his entry.
3. All animals or article' moat be en
the ground before 10 o'clock on Thurs
day, that they may be arranged In readi.;
nese for exatninatien by the awarding
Vommitteeit'or Judges: No entries will
be made after that/ hour: although aril.
Mee may subsequently be exhibited, but
not for a premium:. •
4. The same article will not be permit
ted to compote in more than oneve/ass.
fti Judges must not be interfered with
in any, manner, by any person; eompeti•
Bora will, therefore, not make themselves
known to the Judges, unless it IMCOIIIIII
absolutely necessary to the examination
of machinery, stock, dte.-
No animal, or article entered for a
premium, can be removed until the elan
of the Fair, except by epeeist permission:
All artieles, am, wilt be subject to the
order and direction of the Board of Man
far. 3M.
.04 01.1 • 110
..4 00 300
7. Hay and straw for stock will be fur
nished free, and grain at coat price, and
an abundance of water will be on the
grounds for all purposes.
8. No prenfinin will lie paid until Oc
tober 30, 1870; and all premiums sent for
will he paid only on a written order to
the Treasurer (Isaac N. Atkins), to be
retained by him all a voucher for the
same. In all cases premiums aro to be
receipted for G. the Treasurer.
U. A Committee will direct as to the.
location of any article which may be
placed on exhibition.
the Judges aro requested to report
themselves at the stand at 10 o'clock; a.
tn., Thursday: otherwise vacancies will
beimmedistoly filled by the Board.—
They Will make full gird detailed reports,
and return to the Secretary before. 10
o'clock, a. m. Friday.
2. Judges will not permit exhibitors
to make themselves known to them un
/ma absolutely necessary.
3. Judges must not be competitors in
the same 'class in which he or she may
be comPeting, ovin any way interested.
4. Judges will permit no persons to be
present at their examinations, except as
above directed,
Certificates of Life inetirbership (SW
each) admit all members of the family to
the privileges of the Society, except
males over 2t years of age.
ILk.rtiticatese of 'annual membership
(111.) give ail the privileges for one year,
including the succeeding election. and
admit the heads of a family, and their
children residing at home—except males
bver 21 years of age. Single tickets (25c
nub) will be• goal for one admission,
3. All articles In the Manufacturing
or Mechanical Departments'" must be
made In the county. within a period of
one ,year previous to the present Fair.—
The Board of Managers may award_pre
miums articles of special merit from
other counties or Stales.
4 All persons having hdises to train In
the Bing, are required to show their car-
Mimics of mensbcoshlp.
A Each hortmor colt (except those en
gaged In n ot g articles to 'the Fair,
which shall remain), will be lased
25 cents; a pair of horses—one owner—
'ln harness or otherwise, 40 tents.
, . .
The Board of Managen,which includes
othcens, will be present on the grounds,
and will be pleased to give information
to rortipetitom or others desiring it.
The Secretary of the Society will be
ready to receive entries for two weeks
prey h me t o t h e Fa rt I na would request
all, who ran, to make it a telcsehrti barons
the Fair, as It may r arreeire - •
menu that May be mole forthelr accom
In presenting the foregoingN List of
Premiums," the • Board wish to call at
tention to the. Got that It has Undergone
a thorough revision and correction, and
invite a careful perusal, feeling that In
variety and extent It l not surpassed by
any other, County Society Moor-Stale.
Taking these bets Into consideration we
omits all to competes, hoping that we
may have an eihibltionwhith will prove
alike creditable to our dasoeigion, and
to the agricultural Interests of our °amo
k'''. S. It: MOORE, Sere sr. •
ii,',eduin?,'Oeugir4 4,116 F being hold In
tif',0 3 .44-ft4o , 9M#4,rfinr? Noether
.00 1 50 seLirood;flPf , Wads ,;ada 40'7;
Ins In It pretest an undue munbior of a , t ,
Minium On last tiabbatts. h owever,. ,a.
mambas of people band their. Way
, thithill Many of erlenn took:part In , the
eterdim , ' -- Thefniethtg'isegan, pit fait
yridity and it - aeon in 'it +isn't' from
thafday:. OMnlintaipeire riinittrugfrotn
the river optaialte to 'yquikrt„ .
inm the camp ground.
' 7
+ ;WU siiprined to learn that Mr A—Brul
la. who 'Required quite anotodety in tide
eity,nst long. since. by statUaionsly at
tacking A, member
'mi , of our , lomi prem,
swain *sudden did the resident* of
Rev: lin Carseeln.inlYnloit eownabip;•
ori Friday IMO HU bearship was In WS
usual health up to a very abort time pro.
"lough/ tile decease. Diajeettl re Its I+ 4 +lY
in ressnito the ammo( Maths:also, Ail
that sow.rertiatus to remind his friends'
of his i" Mimi:ailed worth Is his 'shaggy
aost.=;faivresof • •
!rho !beer here 'Offered to Is the Sante
one Ustt pinned blatant Into the idni
'Of Ouinld'4lend'ff, calf.;
sohoriaimpfltiriontoottus ego. WadOil't"
~ , .
lik•Aks sentrehri I)oPiesturs Is busy in
,ripard•to the canasta his derrsisa.l., , That,
looks as If Mao. may have given his old
enemy- a dent of strychnine. Why dirt
they not hold+diforoner's Inquest?
Matv*A' '
Dilworth, Aug.:ink at t he residence'
of the bride's pirirets, Mr. Merles
Burris's° Miss Amelia E. Ambersoe.;
danobler of Dr.'l'.- B. Ambersorrodi of
Beaver . ,
(New Bagels papaws plume copy)
• natant, by Rev. 'fain Brown, of Knob,
..Mr. Thonuta .I.latablll to Mies Mary
, Agnes Morgan. all of Beaver county.
New Advertisements.
Family Sowing IlLatehino
The Best, as Hundreds of People,
who hare them in use, can testify.
. Persons about purchaaing a dewing
Maclaine will do well to call on the Agent
of the :“WEED,"—J. Llnnenbrink,
cheater,--anal see these machines, R 4 it
will be'uo trouble to show them, even if
they do nut inn-phase.
Agent ror Beaver Co., Itoenrster,
Agent for the HOME SHUTTLE
SEWING' MAC H INE, the nest Storing
]Machine acid for le►9 Sum s6s 7 lues the
under feed. uug24;3ln •
Notice in Partition.
!AV!! COUNTY; es.—to the Orphans' Court
10 Woad kr Um othl chanty, before the llosture
bla Judges of tbeesid Court: In the matter of the
Partition of the Rod Estate of Abigail 11clwass
TA* Commeserailit Jintssyfraala, To Thom
as Hoyt (petitioner). Abby Hoyt. Catharine, Inter
married with Entauttel Knight; Mem Intermarri
ed with Abel limiter; Genig• Hoyt, since deed.,
leaving to survive bleu a widoW—llary Jane Hoyt
--and dire children, vlt Thomas Y., John IL, Em
ma Ida, Samuel and Abby IL Hoyt. whose (thud
lan l• Joseph V. Wilson; atm John Hoyt. shiceSe
ceased, leaving to survive him a widow—Leaks,
Iluyt—and two children, vim gletba and Allce,who
reside in Patton county 0-{o, and have no Itherd-
Mai' and ail o th ers interested, Greeting : Toe and
each ofyoo are hereby cited to be and appear be
fore the Ifon. Judges at our said Orphans* Wart, to
be held fur the county of Beaver, on the gat Ifoo•
day of September next to accept or refuse to take
the Heal Estate of decedent at the valuation pinup
on It by an Inquertawartit4 by said Court, and rt.
lisped by the Sheriff to June Tenn. 1175, and
found to contain as follows: Twenty acres, snore
or km, with the appurtenances, and valued stint
per acre. and in case of tuna-scceptance, to show
came with the same should not be sold.
Witness the lion. Alex. W. Acheson President
Court, of our said this .16th day ofJune A. D.
140 JOHN C. HART, ekrit.
A true copy. JOHN UH2EHINO, tittering.
Sheers other, Amt.& ISM. atigiCrgw
Notice in Partition.
BEAVER COUPIMIG .—la the Orphans
Court is and for raid comity. before the Hun.
Judges of raid Coart is the matter of the pull
that of the Meal Fatale of Margaret Xclbbee, de
yyu CommonerafrA orjhrensytrankt ToJantes
Moore and Elizabeth his wife I petitioners), tepid.
log in Beaver couuty.,Pa.; Robert Doak, midi=
1n the State of lona; 'Mom. Hoak. residing In Use
Slate of. Joim Doak. reskling In the Mato
of Ohio; :gamy IfrKibbe's. residlou In the bilge of
Ohio; William Doan'. helm. s Ir. Martha Doak aml
Moons" Doak, minors, residlutt In the State of
ling In Rawer county l'a;
.reetiny,: You and each
hound appear berme the
`rptunis* Court to be held
, On the Ant Monday of
t or refuse to rake the
lbw rainatlon pat open
by sold Court and rte
RIC T., 1870, Atli found
tit: Three acres and one
.the. The whole amount
JOS, and. In case of non. the same should
W Acheson. President
.1 day ofJone, 1870.
INC. HART. Clerk.
1.40HN0, Sheriff.
4pin it Licence at Sep
tember Sessions, 1870.
Braver Falls Pa.
Vow Brighton, Pa.
James Andertun
John Boswell...
Fnunla Mount. .•••••:.lizboa•
ansl7;te 301:N C. llAlte. rkrk.
New Millinery Establishment-
IN 11.C./CIIES'I'1:1-1..
• MRS.' S. T. NEAL
Would Inform the public of Rochester
dud vicinity that site Lae Just opened a
A .- short tlistsuce above Cross' store,
Matt ch RAMS
In all Its brancliol. Children' clothing,
Shirts, .te., made to order; work to be re.
lied on. A cull solicited.
14R$. istEAL
List. oC A.ppralssemontok
rruz ibtkodsur appraborteutr. under the Aet of
Assembly of the lith of April, IfifT, of proper,
ballowed to be retained by tbe widow or child
er a decedent, to the maws of three hundred
dollars. have been tiled la the once of the Clerk
of the Orphans' Court and approved eh& dr
Personal property to tbe mount of $lBO. retain.
ed by widow of liermiel Annetrusc deed., Jane
Arotstruog. miners.
Persottal Inve.riy to the amsiont of *MO. remit.
ed by the 'Now aloha Barclay. deed. Wilma=
Hein wher. • .
Personal property to the amount of PM retain.
Pierson. by tha widow ertiameel Beam, deed. Basil
• Notice le hereby dime to helm legaleas. dis
tributed, and ell othete totereoled, to appear et
We next term Medd Coos. not War than timed
dap—dt Wag the TM day of. September. 18:0-10
Now tattoo It any limy he aralem the deal over
drmetronbetbe SbOrff immmltemeete.
Mat) - 40111124 user. OWL'
• Rattail c •
itri!bizat NOW fbr ado at lbw Mom Gap
•13' unnivaary mitt wa x ;
. E 0 mak Italia and Land
oat the st OXlNglle of thatteatoty,
ot batrer,at la 7 trocbod.liato arta boasauuk,
10 041 C albs Coort ItiOnal to the( bor..
plea of baits& Ay tufa y:Pta: Hatuldq•
rittt abl Ani " _ 1 181. 41Z 4 ".
.I A3l tutirok waa'etifini ot-atioit .
to: t o th* adage/toe doecrikett Popeety att.
h alt
la the.
, Ikraigh o f. Now. jratnota Som.&
comm. Fa.. to In 'Mr Irmo% rod:or west ty,
of Lbt• is and o.boookoof by el& Watt;
oa las sod; by out gawk of goof osttell iff..
. 119 4 4 *
ouoLou 'oath by IOC? , a. IA LP WOOL
by maim:et* au euttab Y et%•••• a bah* duet.'
,b Awes tau mum* hi& 411114 11110114 P 1.4 Root
As 'MU auto. •utl tottaleto i unh a too story
slag autaxaddad on the rad tie teat;'atab. a mast
totem tumuli; NU. •raeloted. 'Abs. *lnfo Halt
title. ;Memel aunt 11•1111 ut dalmatian!. 84 tairti
td • uew eddittouar *two lathe widow' lad
toot taabty. , Watt it tent wider add 11411 wit Wap .
ou lot 44.1,4 of of, for, -Zow,
'Water t'osup•ny booodol •
l or . j=!
Wit - e as t eoda; atoult . Nowa
C 0.., awl wow Di Minot 14trad- • • J
setaa• and taktu uatzteatloa to the wows: tot
'Yawed,' )(UM 'sad lung T. Ittatutos, Oka
plan of It 71t
t d
Zola.* gad o.boto: • : • • .
Atha, • • ass'• .„
. . .
. ailaY42r add VW.. rtdah Lida.
ausquit sod 1. la ul deleUdaul. 4 . 411.1 and to the
ha.low.oir: viten Ur µyeti' of ;pout . stlittla ha lbw
toardowlui woven, wanly of Iliare'
allore:aut. aud hou whit follow/ lu wit :
;Ilkilk 'are White Od4 edam:rut isod ehilwee ay
,doll ansagtaerteebears, teowee .by bud of ffnalt•
.linwrtioauwny dobes. *awn) won' degrees
we.' "ft ;kitties ; Weuee land of 'mew. north
dmi've Vulg. al% wrdlailt - Wanes brand Ida of
,Ouwithaia,ayeus. north eh degree' east u perdwai.
Inewx. ouch 1 degieii meas. It Wawa ; [belled
bona tin degteci may, einitenic tanhaeby land Of
earn, il/soglarrly • &why, Youltki Odd'. ewit.. o 44
wash. ha 110 Oleo
. a.itinalsg: eon:ph:log $4
made end abinpune pentwo, W Incladdi Sum*
tawny, scwrilaug to a •rattio: tasted eaade ay ,
dueeins Hoops. oho also • mail piece fur a madam
way wow tiro Bashi Want Ibg Dames Hide to the
gnat: n.valada uukby add aloops arnt deodbo4 •
be (*lows to wit: bing ilatt at We road on.-hall
Of VW degree wed, two butalreditrid addiff 4llo
led' law the Ihishr. Woos daellhel &draw eget.
43 lan': theme Nunn uoikaalf of LIMP 1 1 84PV.
Vit'feet to the greed road: (Maw along the dams
north el degrees •asot, Cl Mar . • r •
boa* awl taluag eseettliun as the protaaril Yr.
40setda besuu
dt. dch.f. ofd OHM* K.
hayed; at the waited Mood* Whebell. • -
Alto. ; • • ' '; ; NO. ' •
At toe Nam doodad pleat ail tight: es* bleu:
cal aUU CUla Rid ,. 1 1 .! . 1 0 44 In Sad to the IWO*.
roperty to Lbtlfo: Ina d Idoarneny=i
of pea w Dewar /Al., glares wassiy.l
ed and deacrlas4 we follows: "Dona aylho. gISX,
cut by Second Mkt:: west by Third t trod. and ou
ght eolith by lot' au. lay; on waidi awn le 'mead
a Iwo etwrylneoe !Maine tieswe with four mad
*tad two nitzhene, cellar undenseatla., numb ins
each Ode of U.S house; lot each:red. •
At she saute (hue and plasm will ba elpowal to
oak all law rhrbt, Ode, lab:real and dilutor the de.
leYdaut ut,tu mud lo the following property isrsuz
Law No.'lusi lu Pallersou'a plait as Luta of Bearer
floater colony, Pa., being 40 tees trout and
exteasteug back l A wet goon minty; sod bumbled
uulbe nutty by 15.4 10. •Ahl: uu LIM east by Water
1rrc1'13.01.3 'with by lot Nu. rial, n u t tut tho
Vo' by IN eye" Alloy. last saiselased, with sicudi
111111 Imes
bra.' mid Saks u lii eaeoutblu as use property of
Tuba. N. DAVIN al life OWL oi mama McLaugts
1111, also al lee .ult gol Was. Keubesly.
At tae ..ine time and place. all tixbt. title. hx-. -
levet and .I.ena w deiebnant bl. in and to tau LH
lona% pot bfanunsd liuNca!:er Veda. Denver wan,
t. YY.. and Wooled and neve:Rant se : tie
um watts by Ilnlberry infect, ua tbe neat by. kw
ul Ur. bleualeld, tei We Wain and cot b$ bite In
J. IL Iluopv,• all aunty leuce.
beired and Utica la execution a• 14e 4tooerty
of Mumma Vaajba at tile salt adults. IL Nueva.
!ALSO. t NU.O. . • .
At [be mime time and Ow. alt rlYhi, title later•
seat clam of attendant of, lea and to the follow.
log property. to wit: tut No. 3:131a lb. Yalta/sun
plan w iota In Beaver fillip, /testa meaty, Fa..
ououticd and descritind we follows: lin the north
by lot No. dia. on the cut by Front inset, on Ike
milli by lot No. UM, aid nu lbw weal by Yuma
IollnY: eau wblth la enrcuril a two dory Irani°
anunt II by al, contaiunig loom routini anti
canal' anderinniti; out bundlogn an lot. Wad ill en-
!kind aud takep to er.eculloa as the property of
4 Imam Kelly at the mit of J. b. r.illutt..
At the same Uwe and place, wilt be expowal to
MLitt all the right, title. iutercat taint Chun el de
fondant of, hi and to all JIM ces 41e Vreentor parcel
or land intisate in Ileum boornahip.a.catimi.couuly.
uypeelte Vautmart Station on the thou neer;
Douniteu on the north by the Ohio rivet • uu tho
ea.( by laude fermi" ut Nei UMW owned by as
nil Company) coil lion. Lteenter; on the rebut by
ul wears Lechler; uuti um the West by lane.
of Uiwtett and Dr. John Wlleon, containing !thy
MILT. 11101 b ur Irds-21 =ref of which ere /at tug
.11 river 4011004 cleared and under learn, the tad
since well timbered.
• Also,* lot or piece aground, under knee, lying
neer the above dumbed premleewbonuOad Cu
the north by the de/AWL/on tirade /Wed and laud
of dorm Wham; 'um the east by Metall; on the
thretb by laud our of Iffurtoger (formally of Nord,
and au lb. rico. by land cht ahoduttAkormetly of
i.WA wend: dog thferogaerters of en sere.
SEWN et lees, mud tor obkble dreeid a awe fns
badb ‘lffnefal [del ionsia 4111ket ends, with 'tam
barteuteut idol übtuyi suwanisedi lbe whole.
Betted and takes. hi exert** ifs thtrproperty oy
Joint Marian. at %he Mut OUseolti Waft. .
Akellsa mud dine mid plans ad Ain; title, law
set and aunt of cletendststgELn Shit to the follow
ing Uncut:mil property smut. fa therbutiougb of
bearer Volts,' outwit canny. n.,. Wag lot No.
tit, in the hamouty plan of lon In cold herningta;
bounded north by Mt No.'illt;ott the edit by Mani
street: on the !Muth by lot Nu - Itlk sad oat the
west by Minn Miry Lin Lai feet front on Main at .
and extending bock 145 feet to - Mild alley; tau
abkh lino la a teller dimmed trallad,rtimid by
it NM. •
Saud mid taken ri..xrciithitel a I p to (
John A. Palf st the hull of,,t,fitidi Allber.
A.:"..d Iline and pre.; Inter•
en cud edging( defending of, In aud to the foilow•
lug property, to wit: About .Le acres of bud ,it.
wee in New Sewickley township, Bearer county.
buidalt3l and dm:abed as folios the use
rant by Lend of John hum on the went by land
of David awing; on the uorth by Mud of Knurl
bong, on the mints by David atrwart; on which
to erected a /11130 r WO story house with 4 twins;
apyle tnier and other frog on the premised; all ch
armed and taken to executkut cc the property of
Edward Garrett, at the and of Wm. La loiter.
ALSO. Nu. Id.'
At the anhe grew and place wig he ensued -
mile all the right, title. mount and of. IL of the
defending of, to mid to gur Ankrarlug piece or par
cel of Land Mutate in Mocha hrrioallp, limner
untidy 1'.., Wooded and uniembeit as iollaers: Elm
Ohtani at • poet., tsar auelm, thence by Lade
lormeriy at tim begs of Wililmn Ingo, deceased,
south 64% deg's. wort Al perches to a peg; thence
by land hammy of William Llickaststf. north Si
ilegtees west perchn ko • ping; thence eolith
fal s degrees wmallalOth percher los pear; thence'
hunk it% deo... west II perches to lie Olki
riser, Meth: , by slid nest north cot, degrees rag
317.10 th porch..; thence by lauds formerlyouf 74.
COO :! . .4.1.11, south 111 degretm rut al perches to the
plus eg beginning: eighth/tug els semi and Afty
nee perches, wont or Ins. Also. all that certain
piece of laud situate In Moon township, county
.titstats aforesald, and bounded no follows t On
the north by low•waler mars In the Oblo Omni
east by Blur apiiring Hun; south by ordinary high
water magic on th, hint 01 said Toren: WI the west
by Two it de spun whit* aborslatralbed
'inquires I, a tau mousy frame Imuse,lital Aaiun
barb, fruit tree., Ac.; sll enclosed
SeLtell and takes hissccutiou as the ;doped!'
of louse tomb,. audit. A. Jisusho, at the roil of
Jan Moore.
At me r 31134 WOe and plareall right. title, inter.
rot and claim of drfruilaut of, In and to the fol
io* big tlt • ribed bulling and lot of ground of
C. V. Bradley, to wit: A frames direlllog boson
Rod Boni loi na froatiug on Main meld, being two
sCorks high, •11001.• utt lot No. tt , 4: Patti:mate*
phi of Liu Iu Braver Falb , Strayer county 1"..
bouudrd covult by Linthia oiler out by lot No 14ej
youtti by lot No 144. and wad by Mato *treat; the
lot War AS finA ou Maio Wert and extuuillog
back 131 feet In .0141 litt NO LIS. • '
Setard sod taboo fu azecotioa. as the properly of
C. V. iirailley at the atilt to Btllmau it Bruce.
ALSO. No. H.•
All tbo rlrhl, th 'Murat
le, and Claim off/eked
ant of. hi and to the following deselibed building
and WI of ground of Amulet' Bryant, to wit: A
two .tot y frame building by ken. by IS feat no the
ground: lower *tory ten frt.?. upper 'tory Woo feet,
hartrot Oro minder.' and a deutik thee with tfuu•
soot lights in (raul. bald building being; innate
on lot No. tat , In Oro Economy pinu of luta In Inn
borough of Beaver Pall., Ile-toter county Penn a.,
bounded north by Jot No eat: east by Johnston
etreet; *oath by lot No 6.11, and wept by Jobrietou
alto); Ita, log a front on 40ftnrIou street of Cl feet
and exteitelle• back 155 11%4 to Johnston alley.
Seized and Lken In execution as Ibe propetty DI
Ainaelah Bryant at the unit of W. W 1 , ower, aac
of G. C. NA twitch!.
.'.l 5(1 No. 1.1
At the *woe tithe and place, all right, title,. In
ter...a and cinini of defendant of, to and to tan
followlug buil:Paw and lot of gronod of T. W. Au.
Jerson. to wit: A dwelling house. two stories
high, having a front of SS feet and a depth of II
feet, with kitchen and room above attached to
north end, tualing the house L rhape. Situated
on lot No. 4. of Bernard*a addition. of Beaver
Fall.. Bearer Co. N. Seized and taken in erecn.
lion aa the property of T. W. Anderson. at tbe visit
ofJarne• Mitchell. •
Al the ram time and place, all tight. inter.
est sod claim uf the dermas-at of, In and to Me
Wowing property, to vette A certain pelce or
parcel of loud, votive In the lioronch of ridlidon e
Denver On. Pis, Wended and described N &ti
le/WS: On the east, by land of John Covert and
lire., and to. thesouth by land of Jobs
Betty. and on the north by land of Joseph Stoke;
and MI the went by land of James Andrews and
William baker; on which is erected a two story
frame dwelling home, with 4 moms and kitchen;
also stable and teal home, shoo an orchard of
different kind. of fruit, about = grapevine.,
rinpberries„ etrawberries, and a quantity of other
email Craft, el *tinkered being - the moon winkles
""1"4 "
J. Knasrr by todrotare , dated April 15. WIT. and
Mora.' fo the ogles for rewording deeds, In deed
book Ns lik page LA • •
Seised and takia In eseention a. the property
of C. J. Knauer. at the 'Elko( B. Wolf.
ALSO. No. 13
At the same time and place, all the light, title,
Interest and claim of deleadint, of, Its Sad to all
there panwls or lots of ground situate la tbe bor.
uagh of Beater Psdis, Beaver county, Pa.. •Let--
tots Nos. MO In Economy Plan of Boater Pails,
adjoining each other, and together hounded north
by lot No. 12111; east by Bearer Why; south by
I henry 'droll. sod west by Brighton street, each 12
feet front on Brighton st. and extendlngtack 143
feet to Bearer Wet; a frame dry house for drying
brick, haring a hoot of 50 feet on Henry at. and
extend log back 70 feet to Hearse alley , heat one
'atom in height and having an exteinstoo attached
I shoot 12 feet In width and extending to the brodth
of the dry home, 50 fort. with coyote how two
works in height also attached. about Whet la
width on Henry etreet,and extending hick 20 hot.
Also, Lot No. Ink Ewnom7 Plan allots In the
raid borough, Wooded north by lot No MA east
by Beam alley, tooth by lot No 1577, and wort by
Brighton et, hating. hunt of 1111 bet on Ikkrhsoo
err et and ratonding hack 16 feet to Breyer alley.
Also, Lott Na. lib% 1410,1110 and ItIL In the
Economy Plan of Lots In said borcugh.
each other and bounded north by tot No. to;
east by lb Brighton Woe; south by Henry street. *
, west y kinglike allay. lAA No. 'ldld wiww3l*
bunt of 42 Net, and Dios. Ink Seel sod IJIs
front of 43 feet on thightoo nowt eftwewld , ..saa ,
110 RlClPillie leek eta and g. salad alley.
Also, Lola Nos 543. 545 and eac h o ther
plan e l lots In said borongh. atkdo ad _
and bounded nerd. by Matt* ecru
won by Us.
coat or tt
got " hav w" tug '..s4 l S rea b a m e;f 4 s t
t r u e: .
Lincoln street sea esteertlel
"' g° " 0 ' tft ge, " fa ' ute d d " wrlii:t bros . :about
led a roosts therein.
we.. Asia 6.11. Is the Economy Plan
A Loa
of ea becoogb.alpdnlng each etber.and boon&
sd north by kw No. NB, end by Lauda et; month
by flake street, and wait by Lincoln alloy ;'eack
lot taring a frost tw VI feet We Litman sieve, and
extending tack 170 dot to Lincoln elley. oae
• wiWiltiera. ZLA dysitke
jrr eg Vin"=" 4ll,4 4101 'lO
llglag e tirl amee tWOMll 0•1•4101 t
As Up sao at 0 EgiZ
TTa to
1110•101 • ,
teet "• •
tt i LAW photo of fele, tlm4tie:
410 e. Intin ined, Chin of dolkodimided, ones
alm, am tolla W ised la ltu foostly. la
Ilwit: ffen out cattalo
b W All
si notesildp;
Lou i ese as Ma atmlr by Ow WO. of tbe PIA*
er llfittliktie tad CbledgeV R. IN., one
bf Worn eta...mud Jobe. **Alb nem* by
hod on 116111ClunT west byluel of India
Beatty: het skew Seams iimon•of
shout IC Owed. mike few smog fin IC
which totatind in Wahl* leg her%
IS •
LI; 1=110:141121•1P"Ult Mrs*
foot vela ot cool, coo beak open, prooketorto
Sawed, with good ambled tbfroon, Moly Inc
hum,faatlunileons oasru its
ef i 4 l ,:r i
belatd nod hikes In etuenthog nefil4= l
dome D.- Who MK NC
impint mu*. and Mash/ell PTIAIIII.,briIf•
Tne of wilt II Ts. hooted oat of ute wpm' toast
of Mem money, •, .
No. 11 J
IT. •
At I . 1
' theasosi Coe text }You, o MiutilllC ;1014
Utmost si Maar orat4 e lilaat ln Mate the
Elating ivaibol 1,10 Wks' tirrl
fle lateoloy plea loot pd
rev ount% Ps, husband o• bylbt
l i tho oter i tt r iSL
, e• Ink it ere. tod ■ lwtl wary hoillt elk
itOto room la host sad awaiting bock. nada MU
&limbed; collar notlersoidinies home eel DM ,
er oat lldn secloted„ . , ,
1 bau Ited
and late taken In Auentlafds Obi 'proorty
.ffrA• if•flothtled,Atihe salt at J. kooloarl' ,
JORN °Leßow, siketr. '
fiber* 0014 ii. BMW, Pa, Avg IT, /fin- t.
Grand Closing = Out Sulu .
I Sif At, Out(
§ - TIMM : FoiI, STOCK,
hel with an Inimense Alba ttr
This tea so:talkie CLOSING-OUT
BALI:, and prioes I; in all eases,
befriend exactly as re represent them
fee have marked down many op/ our
goods, to prices from ten to tioadyive
per ant: " ( Phan• the very same
goods were sold before the war. ' I
Road Our I,Jrlactia.
Ocal and sea our goods and compare
them milli Mom pf hny . House in this
Cocheco Prints at. ; ; .... —lO amts.
Herrin's:a Prints at ..... 10 cents.
Sprague Prints at 10 cents.
American 'Prints at . ..... • : ...I0 cents.
All our bolt Prints of every nuke 10 MIA
We .Are Welling.
Beaut tful. wiped pacaa, woe h2v amts.
at 1234 ants. . ,
We Are Selling
Thin Grenadines at 12% centa, marked
. down from 25 cents.
For Men Ar. lEtoyas' Wear
Casafmenii at 51 ants,... Worth 15 cents.
Cauunerts at 65 cents. Worth .117% rears.
Cassimeres at 75 cents. Worth $1 141-
White 1 , IK'ss White 1 ,
P. K. at ltt,ti cenN Worth 4 'ecilts.
Y. K. at :XI Worth 31 cents.
P. K. at 205 cent 5.......... ..Worth 37 clatta.
P. K. at :17 cents, Worth DO cents,
Linen Towel; 10 cents, , Won Ails COO.
Linen Towels,l:34 eents,Vortl3.4o cents.
Linen Tow'els,Fients, ' :Worth aThents.
41411:1-11educod rola U4l. ,
At $1 cc* sold tllis misolt at 75 cents
At 12 1
,ti Cents,
•• At IS% Cents.
The Beef Baivainy tit Season.;
•.• • • ,
At one-half of the price of ie month ego.
ft :30, as. 87, -is. Is'o6
A great reducinin in prints.
White Barred Sainsook.
White Hiving (Puna and Barrut.
Victoria Lavine, '
White Islainsook,'
'Light Bummer ei hawk.
Pnoted Custom:re Sluiwla.
Black, White, Checked & Striged Shawta
ESAU. 4.1[
• 9
.124 rd ' lrish Poplin, Dress Palierru
Plain and Barred, at $0 *pattern.
Oral soon, and seetire some of the Mil
bargains that hare [wen (fete< I this
A. W. ERWIN . & CO.'S
No. 178 Federal Street,
oral& sk Deed* for gala at the Amu' °Moe
The Unilersigned, having taktm the
'• Shiro RDOII3 forinerlY occupletl by.
Invites thu 'Mention of
The Public Generally-
hts Stock of
:NAND arilli>Llll3,
iGr l aitA3rs & Slippers.
Custom Made Work
Finest and best Quality
Liutt he 'elk as
Diamond, Buchalter.
NEW ' ,
In Bridgewater, Pa.
'Dunlap's garner, itear the'Bridge,
Add la tenant WI aztlehm muse)' tband to each
eneseMom. 7be atm tam Ms berm nisodeled,
and cinessdestly .emaged, with Isere abets man.
dare,' Re." ldr.Votio 8(11... no' lag known In
this onmensity. wilt wee pentonal salaam.
Tait lid thOrossit segssisteitte
the ' tot eilectlon and purchase of choice
Crso •Inettem the patronage *tall who ertett
iiigoodato the lurked. at tbs beta Mitt
;nice. All kinds of country vases waled.
J. STILES t CO. Ibidgeinire,
N -'l7,eititsperNi, N:i ii ti ut i. ,
arsc a Is mem si
coots of 11,mteiblarnilio
tim.lbakbare liesitdely te illellwitkaWle
uglkw.bild wilt lowwil liw illi
be enallnwitiVii , alkrwimicw Z I MIX
ils• 711 elay 01 bar, VW: '
, ACNISI•er . ,111.•idial s Glalt 21 . 4 0 F:
Viliew.w. deed. , ,_,
r Mai .can or John Aimee: es/witlpir VW.,
.16111 of StimisouAMltamw. wee% ',. , ' , . • • j',.._" l- • '
PIW noweal, .A 4406 Kemal ILLOCILIGIF Of WI, •
4011111=fleilliNeged1".:48* i
Aloe+ ne et Jilin .. iiic h.,
o bella qiihopo, ciii *Mac ,
Mal qineedwil of imolai 7.,11f
°I A " si t 1 : 1 ' 1 ', 1 4 e l . 4lfr 7 „. 7.77.1
• - -- -- • -- -
acceeso et cathfrir t Ari e siA IP
lollao4. ezicaturo of map . 6 C. .e.'
New imam otlitoo. • •41. aPtOsolt 00w.
C (None Dolma, Ad'ot .
Aceboao of*. 11% stsioNtelifter,. •
3f Jam Crook..43KM. .
Aetbonsto Of float* Wracks, gerrilis of Wry
'yid , X , 1 410 T...1 1 0"7 , 0 41 0 11 '11,4 ilarS •
•the Sad fifiate W aaesotatilf sib!. pilos. Arc ita, -
=arm minty. Sec A. ,
• A .1•3 Wane d& emototoraf do lots .•tootb AJnAreffS MOIL - ~ -- •
, •. rlisei octoatitoiNtOOW Wide, soul nor cows
'•• • 1,
I=tlliill (tial&ileiikaototiOf
G. 111.Arelif••••••..41•Acoacto !ThipplCii. :
'Barr.., deed.
AeltdeaVid ltdibo Xi talf•ift INIIIIII• 41 /A 1,11
Ella 14, child gft
I, =kw a ,
.. rteara fteent of rott4elt
EA +AM I. kvariti,voe.g. , „., 014 ,
rum lbeetnillt MUNI. W_ . . • .."'".
will of IWO Iluolltoo., VEY; . r et. f_•.: , j r:t r. - .'
Accooat of William Snit?, Sager. ag Mg 1. ""
of thoonto Osollb, a.CA,.. .., • ..:••,t .::•. , ... .:- '.
—T 4 .- 1 1S! c -1--.--i-a-P• 91244L1 L t1 V11 ia r '--•
V.11.6141i ASO 116 . offill
• • •
geskently "ra.l"n tlia;% Joe7 l
• DOW 14001 , to rook of the,' Wait styies'
Ir9kihet: weir .wilarA Ow parka leg,
Omlithe ;sole Worder 11;1114;r.ts astim.
" Thankful to Ma eMk tar got (afore ' I hope
b 7 date iittalkolairmststeo te asiellt . ealiduk
meet of tits are.
" • 'D iNIEL •
/Lamas az. saiDuswance. ;
.2.4:tr„ , • .
,I : I
Ire ani Dow able 4? agar to td POW,
of Sopa:kw . Style Ylolob,
Embyczelni all the rake . : liniicinuoile,
fonOtt in Zahn.° sod Amnia, at 144;4'
(Wee tbeelmeek eteveti
hold la the I.: al,
TM sederefosed sees bete ell" 8. lig Noe Ja
ttot betwet of the M. E. Cherel, Beaver. her
CHINE lo ase ha game Woe, WM Wrote la
siatitqfhet, for simplicity of coestructloo, dam
help .«a. of operatles, %wed rd beset, of pwr•
foretance. we believe It Is trot enrp.eeed. by say
Machine In the market.
Mrs. J.P. LOMATO. itYik )11‘.444. Attlee. •,•
Mho M.A. tictoludauucr. Rh M. Dsurboa,
• • • nor Atm. liso.Jeß: Ratior: '• •
Mu. M. PbUD.i Tr m. Mrs. P. W. Dickey s
Mr.. Prof. R. T. Taylor. IMIONMI.M. ?Who. •
1)11h. hi A, ahan.
Mr.. Hoc W. IL Lo•Mt, Rh: A .
irdd V i Jaul:wt.
.11h.R•r. r. L. P.m. M 1 %kr'. •
Kn. Dr. McNutt., War Ilkoe,
Mrot'A.l/444kr, , ' • .• Mho Lob. Mribum...•
Mr.. Wlllbuo Kraemer. Mrs. badraw White,
Mot fe s ' • •
;;. ; • .'t " •Urs. W O .RA. !Rep.
, (Ace sod titles Doom n Third tit., Deaver; Po
t0arp..0.4421. .. N. J. ANDIRSIAN. MIL
_ _
Reduced Prices!
Speyerer & Sons
Hare just Retartml from tha.ant
Ihtught st the
,Cash Prices,
And will sell some Goad*
_of :Dry 00041/..Rrocurle*. Pros
visious, Llarl ware. Ifutut ca p , , 131 ?Ris
lint hiwy , hope, Oenbt, Ptinfut•''
• Tarn, Irunt - .stull•KiPahltad
White Lead, Oil, Putty:,
guevitsware, 1Y D•
. , '• • • Peed,
• ,• , • lirain .untl •
Durum, a varle
' tie ii(Printi , ,Nluslinit,
~ .„&ipacuujean..,Diulate;Ceasl3
and linptary.; 'duo. TrAN COirOak
'Sugars, Sy ruptt, Curbon Oil,
200 Mts. 9.1 the Cilebrdlek; Oinfori.aly
Just arrival and for 0:11c. Wholeple in 4
At PittrAburg , Prices.
200 Ilegs Wheehng 2:Taals:
ONE CAR WRITE 1.1315;'
Land •Plhater, and 41176:1 Omen!
A !Arse Stock of
White , :Lead and . Paints.
A very pupvrior quality at Strum & Wet.
zerg Soupt; 111111 IL lot of Cartxm 011
Just Arrinvi and for sale, Wholesale
and Retail.
or our own vinfiler. for bli4ltelnst and
Sacramental Pgrei(!mwarc highly Re.
commended by thane who have
used them.
They Gropleoagetate fur the
And PsU. Nit. Plow Cu'a Plows.
. Thanking thu PahlMem their past pat
ronage, we hope to merit a liberal ahem,
In the luture.
All Goods Delfrend tyre of °kept.
You can rely on al: jr od4 being fresh.
as all our ohl good. were 'sold 111.1113etiM
:srzwEREJIL 14 . 60310 s
)rl3;to • •
GI 004.1. Brown
Windati Pih!ttlef, (lilt Bands, witlt
Work f0t 1 02.3. '• • "
OIL CLOTHS_ Yawl Wide, foe
and 70 once. Photogniph Albums thee pt •
P nr,.buding.ihcat , Ile t per, *094
have It tautn:l ready for hiteglng
without extri ellwrge t • •
F. E. WELL 5 ,45 5 ,4008..
N 6,104 FEDERAr....s.rir4r."' '•iii
*VIM ly.FebNclid: mug Ltch'j