The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 24, 1870, Image 1

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    . ADVERTE4tRIWMI.,,.-,.
Auverthrentents Ire innertnnat militate
of ¢I,OO per equate fir find insertion, and
for each subsequent Innettlon ISO omit;;
A liberal ditoount Dude 'an' yditty,',Nl:
vortlaotuont.s. ._ • t - • I '
A apse° equal to ten Una" of thin typo
400 ‘
nicamlros a square., • . : ... _
litninosa- Ns!tleen. 144 imid0c,i4.40144-Aty.
neWr ,S . 'NOV
_,,.; '411 . 4 t 4 ' , Age
for each intertrati-, . '-'-'',--,
Advortlacenciun itheilld,' bit lihilicAlfie t '
before Monday - noon - to inim.rdltdtctlnfl
ljiiat.Arixdic,....- , '
BtlBitiflifi C i etOttii. •
Third Miret,lßecfrer, Ztt.•
Ottico bail! Ow dm: 11011/10, Bearakri.
frau.. • • •'•
1)1 1 a1 1114 .,-O t arct l iati le ri l w r Yt & I ntl;
(*onkel.; at night at iar_te4aeaco ou l a
liridgewater, Winpracticatiargery , and
Hite. [ranrialrcti d nal?
1 ti/IN "KO UNG, .Attiiiisoy , !sit law s
,tJ Dearer, 11: Odlciaend midente on Third lit.
east of UR:Court Iluuse..)Alllaw boulneaa uterus
led to .my urn shall reeelve prompt altentiou.
Al,l, pernimet ILION; Rod Aitate jor:tlate, and
thus. wishing to buy tuwp prOyerly, Calgtir
inay suvolirue and mogul , by,calliut_it
utnca Amway A
S. iII.c.NUTT, M. D.,
. located in Bellew. iwoukl respealtdti tot,
4.1,1 . his prufessioual services to tbe thiamin( Bei.
ot.r and surrounding country. tipecial attelattpri
10.11 to the treatment of fentalu dlsasses. 4- •
t hut with a skillful band.l °Neu on ThlitllVl.7,
0 fate doors west of thu Ctlurt Hoube. -
J; ANDEILSONstaken hold of
~dikla old Foundry again, In Rochester 'Fa.,
be pleased to meet old customer. and
friends who may nant ell ter the BEST Vooni-
ST6VE, Heating StoVe, or one otter kind of
Castings of best material mid workmanship. The
busito,s will be conducted by
.letetti J. J. ANDERSON 4 SONS. '
VShure, a d c eal p e e r n n t d. lloo r Boots'
Porter's Tin shop, Itriugu street, Unclip:water,
whero he le pnpared to ntanufacturo and sell
ever, thing 10 ids bloc at reasonablo rates Mitr
ing removed his place of business front the corn
, r near the llridgo to his phosent location,
Ida old friends and ulcona to give him a
e ho in
S. CAMERON, Attorney ut La%‘.
0 Heaver, L'n. 0111 tie in Ulu, rooln tnr
w. ly utedpltfit 'by the lute Judge All two. Cul.
11011 M, sc., promptly alluded le.
•.P. K IJIJK, Attorney Lrt,r, ()Rice lu 310-
IC4 y'. Imllding , Anu I. of 1 Sipme.
Y - Watchmaker and Joieler, ad
street, Beaver,' Pa. (lii room .00.1(.11011g 'J.
t . Colt) watches and. thrum
..met s repaired nail wareented.l Engraving
mne to order. The patronage or Ole lolblic to
p.adted, and allstacilon gasininteeth nave us a
c •--
lEts. HEILST, :Notary Public, Con
s-! iepincer and Ilieurtine Agent. :Deeds and
Ai:None:lW written and ackiiow I , ..dgnments taken,
A.... lilts ing I:unduly cointrils.ioned asAgent rot
oral ling Claes Insurinite Compatit, repro
,oto.; the hire, Lite, Accident, and Se Stott
I)..p.ii (nods, IA prepared tJ take ilsk.4 and write
plucks on the must liberal terms. - Also, agent
1.,r the "Aliela.r Line'' of Oil dais (keen
Tickets sold to and trom nil porta to Eng.
land, Ireland, lacolland,Cierinany and France. 111.
ht ill 1.1:111 . a brick row, Diamond, Ruch...der.
__ _
IAT ..1
a G m l rig
0 0 h o S A
ra .11.. t ik..- , ;1 0 11 ,3 0 , t i i i fLe... o e r o el g n
Ilk: unler, ishich lio 011 l •II low fur cash, or ex.
change for,
a good home , 100 a good cultlyttor
lur role.
-.I I J. C. muuvriat
?pr2lltr Bridge , - •e, 1.,
nelllo. Caotap t ,
' leiNtry; 1 4, 141.010WOINtahOnei'y. •
!Ite , kitt444l4cy, rciut , o.
g ply • • Mt Jtetir 1+
bintam• t ~. • J
101 l SALE.—The undersigned b.
%../ roman tly on band a go xi article of Lunn, and
Nut Coal, wh ich he will sell at toasonahle prices,
miller at the bank, or trill deliver to purchasers.
Tliu bank la located on MCKlnley's Bon, a few
nabs from the Pith Ft, Wayne& Chicago Itaflrciad,
and burn short dh.tance naltn Beaver station. I
lime also a good article of Elie Clay, which I will
nap°se of at reasonable rates.
orders left at my terldencd In Bridgewater, °int
Mn had Camp'. In iloclieatet, or at the hank, will
reecho prompt attention. IJ. C. mouLrEn.
apreitia7U—lY ,
XeCtl Wert Pi.Oeu.-I.l,lters 14.,F14-
I• nteutary flu the last mall A nd It:shunt:la of Jo.
White, dec'd . , into of th borough of Roche--
h... Denver counts, Pa., heel .s been Issued to the
.111,( rlber, all persons Indebted to bald estate are
hi rely notified that hmucillato pmynacut Is requit
ed . nod all persons hustle. claims against the same
trillpresent the same dale authenticated for set
el, :sen .?. t
011 N WHITE,
alt:;11;111 6
ALL1.4.710E, I
C ..... ...$BO.OOO J TICKETS.... f•JJ
'En F'..l'reprletor of this 11114rtrnit ure, Crevr.
Inning made an nealgnment, the mortgagee 1
hotl4l,J, have collet:Med to pot It up In n
tr; 1."1-
For th • 1, ,, n0tt of his creditors generally: who,
Ner,ide of the mortgage-holders, souk' meet watt
;he eon, loot of their Malmo If the hut Ming; eltuuld
1.. , put nt furred rule. The irenta of the! Opera
Ileum building muonnt to About SIO,OUO 5 year.
,Ind could be made to pay Lefler. The honest of
the triunactlon Ls endo'sed by E. Teeters
Jeget i a l =4#6,4lntan tlrt Cau'' my one deslrini
further Information. the m ney from the sale of
urkete will 'be deposited with the above named
Entice, ut whore counters th, ticket money will
Iv refunded, tavelded anything should occur to
I.n.yrut the dietribtillon. If the tickets are not
lm drawing will take place tseptem.
her 10th, 1870. It. 0.11.1r6E5. Oral .10.
Alliance. Stark County Ohio,
A.nlit far tem er County: I M. SCUFF,
j Of said - 1 titeindeldt, New Brighton.
'- •
Codereigued, having pada arrangements
I 11 County 11 urtionehr. Oolong,* to bold
?kr, Salo, to ht. yard, Mimi el lila dwelling,
o 'Hind Street, In the borough•of IkaveN for the
or N,lling al AO lie Out. erry.
OM,lltimee,or any article of Merchandise,
e 1;1 1,•• 'lid for otherpartici wishing Me same.—
of -ale—Friday of each week, at the hour of
p. nt. Persons wishing tohare articles
Id 1,111 he required it, glee three Jaye rontoa of
lie lath*, they wish to offer for rale. - 4'nhlte' no.
1... will be Oven throe day preview , to:tleya of
[Juana.] - JOHN 1101WHIL •
Dr. J. Mara
I ruyofitridge.
Willer, 1.4 deter
. Milled that no
Dentlat in the
State Phan do
work better or
cheaper than
he °trete It to
Ms patrone.—
Ile ti me :he
be.t materials
rinheartureiMiT the Unitedilateo. (fold and all-
I IT 11111111: performed In n sty 0 that detlea compe•
liti..ti rlatieraellon glialrlMh thl in all operathluo,
.1 iho money returned. line • hint a trial. '
fold:ly .
ED r--. T. J. .S, II .J .
, r;'. • CHANDLER low - emir.
/ r 4-0..., ~,-,.., Viand i l t . % ,.. 7e c iz n iv iy .
~... i,,,--; Vlleellr,Stuck'x Patent
rit - o - •: - ,• - •• li which they sun put
, • tit Vulenulte ns ittlit DR
(;old lints, well) n beau./
libel enninekni 'p t
and on lig it and elendle run 0 perfectly adapt
to the month; obviating:ill that chancy nod !way
condition, no moth complained Of btolore; nod
erecting their liability to id - unk 11a1 ew percent. tu
lle... Lon OHO scent: it would be wllling , t owear the
old style plate any louvr than they Cl / 11ili COll, VII.
!VIII!). get Own. exchnitgerl.l All bninclini of Den•
Hutu perturbed In the beat nod nultt cuhrtantlal
manner. In tilling teeth with gulf!, etc..we chal
lenge Competition from 111101 Mater. no can refer
to Holing AubJect• waneil itiza have stood In ,
toe. thirty and forty years, Miming the 1111111 NT
lion. John AlliAon will exh hit fllllngs we Inner-
I !
1.41 come ;13 yearn ago ;the teeth an perfect no the
day they were filled. Unit: Mug Gee prepared on
a tom plan, freelnu lbfrom nil unplettennt And dan•
gortnite , effects, maktig the extraction of I crib a
'wen, ofpleasnre rather tha 1 of horror end pron.
l'rireA no her nA'nny amid enlist In the Stnie.
t trace nit hearth' Station, Its !tester Po.
i t
Dins:l:al 7 T. J. Jr, If. J CHAN DLEIL
Singer Sewing Marlin.
. , . :,..
llie must perfect *MI alinplSmnehlate of the kind
c,, , , Invented. I
lint It of the above powder machlnen have been
latrlv improcrect until they stand without a rival.
cl II NII from *ISM nlward4 " •
Price of HINKLEY S KNITTERS f•:al. ,
, circulars and Somplei malted free on applica.
No. Ziliixth Tyret, Pittsburgh Ps.
• • -
ALT.olts wanted r.:6 the 111 kley Mechlina every.
olwre, and for the Slogor it Western Pennsylvs.
loa Es.tern Ohlo and WestiVa., where there are
o• .11e already establAihed
The undervltrned, =for par.t favoile would
rrnectfhlly Inform the public that be boo one of
Ow tined el:Iv:lion. of
Etc., ?te„
o n band to be found In the omit,. Ills' assort.
mint or
School, Mincellaneonff and Rc lißtoru
eno pains spared on Ins part
o mater
final to the belt of City EatabiLohments., . Ile I
the k xelunive agent for the tttlebrated
. .
Veldt.zee God Pen.
for hi, Cobb.ny Tliome see Inge good Gold Pen,
anu Id do well to eee them before purchasing.
ile le the Agent for this county for !Crider's
Photegrapa Marriage Peril ate. The attantion
0 cleagymen Is reopeetftill called to this, all be
call Pell them at the same d eeotint as they would
ert from the Pbbllstier. Atwater's School Guy.
eminent. for gala at Publisher's priers.
Alto on hand, Topeand Vanity Goods. a u l lable
for ail seasons. I
el. . PR ICE.
J110,1970:1: Broadway, Pew lkighlon. .
. . .
'1.1 , 1 '• i! , 111:171:,.• 7.4:: • ~ ...1, 1 ., 1 :if i !Ii 0 ,1 /1- . 'pal"• 1
.-111 , '1.:; , ,, :')f: :II ,ii i , 1 -:;; Olt ri., i .. , p !).Q7 Vitt zip
`IJi•• •;, '`.. I; ~f t . ,:i t: Jgc !-11;,1.;',..) . , 4, t.;,,, - ~:i,r
;i, .. :I - , • . ,:f .• ;;', 4i p%trt..! .4 ef 7 hfii 1
!fat .: -.1- - 4, - . 4
:,s;, - 1-. , .: • 4 , :, „,, , ,i; 0 0 / r ~• •.! • ~ .; ~;',
LEL U ir 7 NO
; •
the.wood is mono :oriels ex
. vv,-, 1 ,0,40 over- the: .9tontog:ol:44,
~Eittio4Comp,it tWPßldio,irt.umvpfttpd_tri,
cluity,:all99lo nothito ?ighini 6,1,44 . 40
tS,S .N-T-TEI r E4 r I4CD P l 6.
At Aci.:9l4.Binn4,s4.o,:stier• 1.1
famishing ,to theit,e,
(tidied fur tu th'eirlinF,„Trhex ttlyrap !rpm
a f 9. l !aa a . c ittarat °r; •
;out, '11.V4 , C 070 0 2, 1, 213ataktyars r. i .
Tobacco and Cigars;
Ahd nireafeetiftleieTnamrribtiT4
rhsi bias 's`•)l -,
- •
Frntri their intimate mtiiintnt
ince with the Gmcery, Flour and Feed '
bus; utots: Bud. their disposition tirfelldfr
satisfaction to those who may fav o r them
Iv patronage; they hope in VIC fill
Cure, as to • the past, 'to olitarn TibefaT
share of the public patronage t
• • Give
and sec it' we do not make tt, to your in.
terest to call again. .• • .
juns. • - . :‘sNlTpti u t & CO.
No medicine or trealamiat can excel the
powerful curative power of
• • • ' ''•'
• DR. — $.llllMS' - ', • ""
White Pulmbilic Balsam.
It cores with a rapidity nnegnalled by ailymther
remedy otfersti for Throat and Lung disease.. It
is rarrumcnited by over2,oCo penmen InPNliming
ton, nod hundreds in Philadelphia Baltimore. nod'
other cities and communities throughout the mime
try.: Mr. Peohitigtott, of WillitinKtott.
writes that there is not (with a few, exception.) a
family in that city wits will be without it if possi
ble to procure it. Such hilts popularity wherever
It Li known—and thin popularity glee. from the
fact that It oulversally cures all who use It: 'Mere
SPITTING, 110/tItSKICMS. and even FMK?.
NA KY CONSUMPTION. where the system fa not'
broken down with the wear of thellsette, or pre
tended medicine, or inexperienced advice, that
this Relearn will not cure if earefallf toted accord
ing Id directions. We' guarantee, it all we repre
tomtit is be, 'and Invite n trial from the attuned
everywhere. Print fO cents, medium ghee, and
• fur (urge tired bottles. Prepared only hy •• ,
H. SINIMS, M. 1).,
0/tO.ll/U GIISStIVT,
No. 707' NC,
IrIL t 3LING TON; Del.
Philadelphia demi, ?olctbmia, Ito Homey S Pow.
deo, COI Arch either.
Itlttmore It, B. Mine. 108 Baltimore St.
b or aalo by Xeli Mile Dealers scnerally.
J - Wq9
Druggist & Apothecary,
. .
PUTTY, 4k.c. &e.
CkoiOe Vault
(21 - MOCEt.B.)IMS,
Of the greatest Variety, and at Hai Lowest
ri - r Physicians' Prescriptions carefully'
and scientifically compounded at anytime
Clay or night.
k„1 to,
C::" - -Igents fur Palliieitock,Atasleif Anti
Scll%l am's Stnetly Pure Wtirto Letut, the
oldest a n d hest brand itt / ( ho market, at.
inanufactarers p rieff . — Cd3 [ortit. Iv.
7A/ 0011.101 ,
I° N I
May he . Nana the best aaaottment n 1
Fria - RE
, A.ncl .13ra.nclier4,
paints, 011 s,
, . •••,_
PA 'V EN 'V 51E1,! (:I N 'l4) 8
In weal , tarlety; all of the best quality, and 'uld
cheat., ti.II all lie 1101Ight at tiny other
Drag blioru In the , ' .
'Male 1411 s. 75 cent. PUT Ima .
Checteativis, $1; eLark'o, $l. -
, .
The mpet tRoCk
Ever offered ouhdde of the city. et Moore'• Drug
Store. and cold cheaper than con be bought any.
where r6e.
Let those who doubt tub. roll und rev, pod tin
will doubt no more.
i .
11 1 11 .W.T.M . CITY
Are prepared to Walsh Builders or Slaters, their
Very Dark Blue•Cbloi•ed Superior:
Roofing 7 Slate,
From their own quarrses located In Northamptim
county. pa.. Al' QUARRY PRICES.
drer Sang% may lie seen, and communications ad
.E. L. GOODWINv'Agent-
mace: Bleswaws npumma. Rtig.NEON
AY, corner 'steak SL , PILMMITOL-114
14411111 bit
'lO 1' '.1•••:;., 11;4
MiBCl*(itieOlithi' ~1
I.l4*,l4ii t yp ra4l oi rersch •
t :
- ::- 4 i154...4r,94•WW:f
Aro mi odu i and e
. 1101114$%';i7;Al ISOX
In ' theAtqains:
'& Cnoper :whocu lia boveinsis nikt) intends ,
keeping. :ti ftp - c • • Vii :
A - General:Star
is rut i
Y .N 11:) ,
" : • 4 :•! •
Latest ,Zprifpg
. .
Aftpti - 0 i t.,t ,• : : : ::./:::..:i e.roghtsb,.
• ii,.l:
ilejr.Atiig : .' ..- ;' - '• ' .-. '''' -.. * :4. " ° '
~ i . ,
~.., ,. , , , i , ,i , • , , ,,; , ..., , , , , , 40 .**, ,
i .
~.. . a: ...). 1 ,0
..0 00 . *4 1
• _ , 10,.1 1 1:t irw E.E k
JE A N , -. .7
h . 1 7 ,. I. r.kla: ;
T tirroAtm
pmEgs 7;:i Cl • th9l,%•' v
1 .1 : 1i.!.::•n . . 1.14.1: -,4IGANNEriB,I
CRASH, . ~ ,i !, : f.,1- 1c.4.! ~- --r.,!1 ~., .'
~..., • ..;. ._. -:-. llol3lElif '
• & e.,4t•
ROOTS& 8110k.Zi: • :1 , i. ; • ,;i- • -- • •: I
. ,
i.. 40 iY.A.R
1, -
' J, -, -,1 ..i ..1 - 1 . • • ,-- :, ',, -liP . .ilib l i '
Rni;p:•,. -,,, I
• ;- i , . .
•,• 1 , 1 : i , • .•••.,•,• i i cjm.
• ; to tild-tairiy6 n akin . Lo tins itdttOd a
.;! ...':• cbcitcOaelection of ; •:- ,;'. '
:C4 . -Xiti).'Cpt - s
*RITE &13116wN.SUGARS,
- SOAPS, &e.
ill Ow. oboru. articles will ba sold low
for n.qh„.nricschanged for country prom
duty. -Cull snit examine Ids stock fwd.
rltipc4. ;1110.111 . A ALLISON !
'AND ••
eitietalimed haring bought out Ai hie
Cream Saloon and Contealonery emabllahmest at
C. gays, near the Peet oma.7s Itoctwateaßa..
yron.d respectfully Inform the pnette that he 'FIlt
Steep the beat, quSiti:cir,tee
dodo: the 'Summer, and rearlectrally nrikea:Mcioe'
In want or that article Mere hha an early ealt. ,
111. Confectionery department is well Mocked:.
and partied!, 'weddings; ate., wit/ bee applied whtr
ermythlug needed ott abort notlco midi - Witte bona
of *We. • •, •
Families l'hinlrtied . With' heih bAd ' iri then an
doelsid, G601111i6 WIiZEIBRICIL I
• ••,:t; j-:;, :i•• r'l.ll.l=L4.
_Up.. Most ~ComstWo_ettsioest:iii, : ,
•-• ; :'oor.o ~0 Te 11 n 0 . Li , Was .
L. •
• /:-
.t t len a l i ti tacli tl es uet r lit i =s a lt7ll, 34• E;'
Nchaol 4i them/wary. .• • /f
SIIMO tie kwortnitation t» 1835; noarly althorn.
Tbontand Stodenio, twprtwentadvey (rum eyery
State in the Union, hare attended ;lere., •
No sicitiono! ' Hindeniwenta,nt any time, anti
moire priralw tostructiou ihtongboiitlho'
.N. 13.--GI molars with tolYpaitletilus paiall no:,
• •
• Brittile 'Street, •
vi;EßELl(JtAckworti A surAvr
O 000115 IN'EACII Or VtlE vor.towm9
! , • qapmantitivrt4: ,
D rt‘ r Cr' P 9 '.11S1:: ' '' '
Bit:Mx:ollie- Jeans,' .:.
• Clawdineth and Sattlneks , . .„.! ~; ..,
• Whitt Weiillentkinketi. ' l l ' I. :, r ,
' 1 :Wltifis and Colored and ' i '" t " ','
I' ;TharriA Irhinuels„ ''
• I; s' ' ; ' llTerinie,, ,, '• ' "-. .-
:'-' • .
• :- , ; thilainiis, -
l'ilnglinine, •'• • ' •; .• ."
Cobergx, • - ' - . 1.
. • ' Limns, ,' 1.. ;,1 i :
Water Prohlk•• ‘ ,.
„ .. Cloth , -,
, •-• "'
' ' "' '' . ' ' l ' ‘ '. LWoolloti s s..
Brawn and Black 51 I
iislins,, . -..
Drillings, Tlckinp,
- Print', ..• • • •
' Clinton •
gado titielk, •-", •---,
. . , • • -. . ... Ir. Mits.
, ..
Gkoce,riesi , -,..-.:,.
Coffee, Teas, Stiz i a r goNMAlMl t tgD ~ ....„'
Golden and Co
Mr and kits, Star and Tallow Candle., tz
Soap, Spices and Nine, Neat. Ale*. '
. .
Hardware, N ; 7) * *4 " Gla ss,
Door Locks. Door bitches, :1,...t , Screws. Table
Cutlery la bia
"d Tea
.-. '' ''.lr : I I's Hell,, Coal
Spade Sb, -1.. , --1 . 'f , : -. 11,• , ,, , 10. Rake,:
Scythes and *la, COM an , e. . ...,
1 00DriNlii9tRE •
DuCkets, Ta Churns, Miner Fen* and. Ladle
• '1 6ABIVIDN ; OIL,
L -'
. inse d Oil, a.. W., !ilia% a .
- 1
B c;ts.and Billies
UtpirellussEw AND ci.m.mitgrit.vmu .
.1.44 , a{ variety . t
ItiilC'Poirde, - t - 4n11_ , , 1 - S t,
Blast C.' ' . -• e r and .
.. _
Flour E'cod. b''. -• • . .. ro.
1 4d a 1 heavy s d •'y
close to • ~, -, ~ ' barge.
D y keeping
i oli netanti - ,..,. ,..,. ait . , - of goods
of all the , "--* , , small, '..,... country
odour, the noderstandd - ~ , in t , e , re as In
the peat to metittltid ,cce Ye a liberat'shareof tkog
public nation/we: ~" t , , • , t•t t , N , . 1
t, e X
IS I.S. ifeA'ANIC - Jfklite
• ' "i - f'', I`'. -' . ' 'l,.) Mi l ls,Brighlon Paper Mil
M =!
GIROS, Straw.
AND SoLpAty,
Wholeititle do BOWIE b:
, , - , „ •,•.1 . 1 :I.: • t; ••• ; •
Frazier, Nutt "Co.,
• , slug ii i=n
, ..
.a 5...„ ,
~,..,„ ~,, ~.i.„.4f.,
~.:::ft .y . :i, 441. Itti:ly I .121
r,i,f ,'.e.1.ff , 1 75t• L'lllt II:
Lit) ' • 0: 1 ., 14 ,- '51" , 1 ' l'l
U' '17.,
I/ 4 $l, A ll e . >t WV! (Wit l'..ii 1 , ) - Ire 7" )
1 7 , I: , 8 tilt IA I —44440 bru: ;Awl tai'
Vis....lW E PRI a ; ' : .444Moilki
8 ftnaiTylAV l t e :".. •. *, 4 .1
V (Train letntst r. cam /ISM . tame .141.1
1 ~ 11 " 4 „I fl ifi n f.e.blifb,M!ViCk . - ) .4
4erOA dl iY * /14
1 , JI:t1 0 ; ' suolSiess :&stsfs4 , .ll :ue.A(lip.
! LOWittifill:l•S - 164dEp ' t4t - iffirs •
Roam Plu 4 / 1 114,..
'' n .f ' ,MIR . eg 4,111 ..
-m„,....u..,-4 4 .4:1 to. Terri' viosr f .) 41Tipse
glift!4. ,y-titt [ 11 , lb.- .), 1211kms
.. 4 . 11 1 ..M. ri too' iR u ' ritii iti In
* Ta
i • ' 431/'
; ouch) tgs.t. gip - -
tklele . air' . -40 i - ISS;
a # Alt ' 3,eir 1111111 411:111'
. himoi l ti f, 5 R,: i iii,elii i llauf :re.
.4 1 Nrodurl fi g i 3 ; . ro t a usl ,
• - emr • 1 t!:• 1 ,6n( ntAl ii lit
V Wiertmtv.:, J:4,. , ..2 %le.:. ! Rain
F0ct;41494.--.,..M1 ' Tag.
Colvibli..,- • . 1 4 4 , - 1 . 1. 1
airwatrit, ...., , '8034 , Vil.
fttg, j..? . ..4:1 4 .....1.4.ertia5er ri
.c , G , F rylr•„ti rii p t J ar , 11l ,i q
Mratt cni1177.41,77. 1
I„.„_. p ts h :l4
.1 ?,..,11!:•.,01.1'rffil
•ri: •
irjulyrallf i • •Ntil'itit ;
:=0"-IWINI7 7
kErrS . allailldirJOYS! ;
1. •
- o ,, r , n tirrl•thiir); 4ls o 1,, 4 3 ; •., I •- 0 . J 1
Ixammiii;:lfll.:4i9aii, awl • ; pp> •
.Canton I.lch , `; i
* 4. '" -irafi. • oia asn :t star..snl7. i iiiiiiiiii . Ars 1, ills 1 rana
t: i Gt 7 r ir1114 1 ,11/1
Yp tar.%; . "t 4 4T:i :tit - 4V;
rteat*di YOliagetawn te1 . t.1541. nr: Haw Chatle; Biis+
kr; lath= loth 5:1301.1am: IththihthiG
cave% „Pkgahgalb,,7:,ls, arr.. al • Neyr,• a.
IR* tn. Tdunthitint, .0:411 , m'.• • , • " •
Tottagidoint.L Nalt_Camata
azioanvoaataa leaves ,Yaaingateaa, 0:10,t, as; hr/V
Castl4 IVM h ! I ',rive. at Allegtray. o:10
IFeatturitaKietles , litfaharthiLlallo
rlpsl NT* Cards.o2o p.xallovatetoirac'lats
• -4-31 Ihistisritr•mltl 4 - ricbt Ajp US ;d.
[la l4l i - ChlarkllVANltinalEftoilir
. ata2l. after . 1/14 th 7850. tratna win Nara
, htat.una hallylBs9 ya}aa fultuvre, _
attau apanr,
• /1 .-Ns? M'•, c 0 • 11 L
,Clevatand:: • ... 711 htia.m.l.tlhalle • zorn
Eachd 134:1..,L.,-, L . +hal L . • 11.11,.
.Iludson .... . . trY) ' ' 113 '
.Rarinthar.:. 3 .:. , &..V.q%!•lo( 105. • atl
, • hill •op
BaYard ... ,
, ..!!' 1 1 : 1 1Par 411 110
• i,t
85 - ItUPS
Well vine
AI " •• -
Euclid Street 11
Clefalarld ..... I
,Steabenvllle ' ;1.
Wellrvllle 1,
Smith's rem
Piltabuigh"- (V.
lipeboter i z........,
Beatiet ' • ,
'Fell bWe..:.u..i.4
Eltr , l q z
,E l l ''
: . :-: '''''
: •
p.7ard,"ll:iouit. :ups; •
. PAL. MS ••• tion • T
14r-c=97 l l4:Vizi - Ws.,
7 •
liarbiti. aiia. .'Stone'::
r--. . ~ ,ON (MORT NOTICE, •
t 1 ird Ciafriefo do th ellest Work in
'IV .
ekti6irn Penzaoiyll . vrinin.
'rall,thE 4.1:5T, MONEY,
li /id 41141. i to ilo u . s . we Represent.
1 ; IlerSiiiis Wishing work in'iiiir line are
anviteil In call and 6:inruine our work nnir
prices beiriire purelinKing eL:ewhere, ns we
will gearauteesniistnetlon in every ease.
We Wive, ONO,' ii'very finir.splection •hf
. .... .
' .htell ne'di
ir price,
!ALL. - -
As; Shoe's.
Wes Mule
anp,sor manner. Terme
modende. Shop on Th ird effeet (nev lice. Mil
len' Iheokstocalf Stdati.irni n cud
before purchasing elsewLere. .
PP4.. !r j .q 7 I
irX= l - I :rtei - EiS ;7 1
..•-: •
Gemara Apcypepary and ;Drilg&litet
• „ „„
lIV i• 4 .! •
11.41 1
, •tu, p,.
Keeps anisgantlyoat nd a nveU.oloeted
stuck or • , -
....~ ` .l 1.... .. ..L~.
.--:3icatzl-PurposeEp. , i
Antes/04d tor
• I
71 Alflklifift ; tit • nines VA]. be dellver/4
flit rinnti Pbbleune ie rtntipg6 , l
• ,poiry:cruess4pctpcmin
jyMl . " " '
... ][s
~ . -....,......: ~ .., 1 Insfsl.
s 17-111 li9l I✓ '', IN/ ~y
r4 , i.! : f.; 1.;Ilf
1 f. a ftfi !11 , 1 'ire 7
,17.. -6 ...4 .
1 i' 0)". .1ri,.. , 4 - '
. n 4 4 - ?; 16 -4t .
31%;916 . ,;44
li *!
Sl i r;
Itti '
8* ~ I
4EB '
n um
544 s
UV p. 4
I ---11
1, 40
2 •
I 7/6 I'
s - ist v rrti
61s , •
I• " •
int an,ei:
...A 1,14
• , t.
PERFLTDIES - AITD130A11. 3 8;: •
' t VAINTS,•OILS, ,, 7'
.4:;.1 •.,
1 4.9. 1 :9. 118 :D:Ht
fox ,
madd - na
je73 l '
• i n7 vuu
, A
l't t ie)
i tp4ufts . ;l
lAN 1.1
• OF d
37 - 7 - 311
` 416.,,.,
I pit;
iins, as
Okgr l ll4 l . ll Witi
~ t he
bi _. , nada pros,
,Isxtimer rdlirlYtitloasepd,
1 0044 . 0 .! . I gpri#, yi
:POPeK ..smeri At eng, ir
cas six Ma lathe tilivnidlith and '
nrlberanirhta.,ofirim Indian , .tralisi'
• i i neariy.twelliZiblars 4 t.• law :mull*. ,
1 ,11 0140M -Wt 1 01i 11 4 . 1!inist:ti
',Dna air wh e entranro of the
Tronrl% la" it litiffion"orthite:' l
• :Ilia land t to Alto lake , *as 1
.heavdSt:tim csod .J 0 had :hem I
'preferred hythi ers far the beach t,
of the Otte that it - nar upoti it, Which, I
when' Mince:llW shiligieic Served la
the eurrenerciftit he country.; dand ,
supplied:ma% eittileied of luxury and
i:0114 fort as : lltstr„, pa*,
..1 , 1,- , , vi c ,stad . ,
dried appliv.
. Among the' i lhitiiii"` kjfitei ll yin4ii
tlerman, fainahlrli . lithotYaltik , Llscw 1
tain.lfertmanat Jae:was a; lanu.tif.
Immense elatilt PAr4erfilliY. PIIII4
with a
.huge a oppeat of Muscle.
;When he moo Inako'hiS Boma in
the Weifern'ttikdic h 6 bud Just ttr.'
rived from Gerniany with his wife
anti.ehlid. , Lio d,heesi: a sea-going
man, and earri
.ou,his,.ginat hands
and letvy arn Bose nautical. orna
mentationi a'r'id 'id Ills craft, done
in India•ink. !, '..ii , I . • , i : . •
• His first Nahu_ s • when ho ;found
iduniel( in this 4ata , l ,of, brand acres,.
was to hunt ups, laud .pfilre... secure,
Mtwara govOient,titlO to a (pair.
;ter ketion ,•auci build n cabin
.to -shelter his Wife anti boy. in' a
short time ha irasJoined by bin! Wit-.
.er - /a - la‘Yi au sged
,' •J:it
/ --,..
n lit
42. i .
• riv,‘,. tbeits, the rtuldf dame
Bhaveif 'lMO'ttia
Wedge like -shape, the old mint piled
light , Wood upon the tire,and smoked,
hls pipe itt,pfluSf. •).• .• ; •
• The d.sith•of, the" sister, utster tile
'PCsuliat' circtulfstancesf.witi a • severe
trial. to the 'family; but close upon
th fs' atirietithi therelolloWcillitrother.
Very suthiorliy•tiiii'old -, msuirdied,;-'
•so -.suddenly, i that Brow1111 , :liorfr.
tiatun!i, ItL.44gcS neighbor, had not
heard thai - be. waS 'Which ',Was
atrlMgc, : fo'iliroiva tilts exceedingly
prompt • in • px+wassinw hitnAdi of •sk
•knowledgefuf. lib neighbors' affairs.
E 'llls WefiterP.P;tfigp tire yer' ready
hi tentLfriug syatity,in tunca Of
disttt.44 ntp
, Mspired piirq
by - tt" *did t of • neigh horly • iMlttess
'nod partly•by curiosity, milde' Inistl3
• to Investigate and a, fitter condolence.
The sight of the Old itinir deed was
suggestive :
• WliVitAdia fib•die? l'"" "`•
• Yesterday.'
...It was a sudden illtaivs' . that they
could 'sot:in:count for.'
• Did the, a doctor'7 '' • '
\o; there was not time.. •
Brrnvn iixianiacil the - face or•lte
Was Pinch], and there wits •ttotiv'
ing'in the appearance of the .txxty, to
excite suspicion ; bet the reticence of
Herrmann and hiS wife was a nutria
to him. • The body' rested 'upon It
wide fraMe, and Brown Unablelo
restrain 'himself peered I .beileath
AnU he saw something too:: Upon
. the 11°ov:beneath the . dead man's
MAW i.WAS d pool of Wish,: • •
The husband and wife seemed to be
aware' of Brown's discovery, but not
a word was uttered by any - oho "con
cerning it. •
weird they bury their llith•
. .• . •„,
er ?
ThM very °
".' ' ' •
And' they did.'' Ina :a • Clump, of
dwarfed pines bard by the settlement,
they diliKnited the brxly, prinran;ter 7;
tibly as ,his suspicions were; areas 1., l i
.I:)erfbrining the neighborly act of
.at Abe burial; ,'but he-could
nokrai.rp tnitit' lie imparted W . :others
theroundiNirk,of 104 ; (MtftrSt-t he'
sudden death and hatit*the reserve
of the luishan'd and' Ore, the *
upen,the belleveo H-,err:
inarin ‘yaSguilly murder;,, but. lika .
haul noditie..aesti In Indueharg i oierS 'to
Wink tlionry - The Wad al:
'Apaytteenduetedirlinkalf rordrocrida.-.
I MY. tray etelljttp,'lrls
tgetl iii t i fOrli•n 6
motive tor,ll.bnat,: ey , :tWe'ep`
athe : ltustritird Vifttfortbe
.Brnwih 1144.9 010 'proilethl4kl
dents iaf ht, senses , iinA , !i A r no utter
'dernanit94;that. the bedt 'should:l*
disinterred Pr esairthuttnsn... "' a • .
I * ; The itody,Wal'orthunied, and
1:IA 1 34;4:4 1 s raeranaptitririted • hi a;inalfe:
he l lnvsstigation. 9116 °L O CI:4 1 1)1% 1 A
an AtherWau....the other a it.eeittly
hirriVerl ixlndlnttviart, end asniattlier,
tout & under4tand the IsfiguSge of tt?e
othO'it,A•os agrecsi thst. It should; be
• doncti%tp; In. laitiu. . , pas - mama:
(lint ' i i P T 3llPg ist a te sll4c"°u6l`l6
:viewQ A tli)Pr9Pr twilitpraitopti
rcho#ll.64.the;slptY Pp‘Vo, and
at,riptlita 4er'rnuttin wasitFoOtately
taken into eustad , yy.:
• • • • -
. v Tt is. was: the; litshe 13/410 1 4 dirist
-1P44in01,09 0 ;wqs to he b!grd
foliquifigruerning.., . • '
„Ntthe incintii, of the
. river "here,
.Was ritciErAr,' hi thit . uppet%jiart
this*Orerviiil (Slifka, tut:re...narks a
1 4rgeTpt",alid"
for the Mine+ fiP a Pii!r4i.llo l ,hrdt:' of
JOtitki '• i • .
At I(irsAr};a 6poliite.l ;00 ' 7.
'dateapprinaed,', Welded with voftv,
Sl w
the , , For the
atg, Oplsttlet At rueyoildea,
J. 1) ? ? I t iA 0 . 1 •l e g 1 1 101e ! 4 • , trAetvgot;,
.' -• ' 111-;m - ,'..i - ,f4t 4s.t A Awtt.p.:4lt ,
1 - 5 , ii;,,z.r - ni; dl l- 4d 4•Ii! iir
, - - , •
~...... lOti U . :211119,1i(
~,,I. k filleilq . 41.
V . lILI
H no 7
..:,11,1 0 , 1 tsti tit) I.
-11 . ' • it . „..tittvrp . ifigii-.'-
; E•••hiT I') ' , I 1.41 1. irg):so(
( ' 4.111) .11.; ,13 IA 1
L IU WM') ffiejild(4‘l.4l • $1144-ttrAlltiar ' afk li r? .ir.) 7'; I t r. ! . 0 4,, ;I
E 3
sjta Illtticletdra.; ore* modern
iYaujilio l 9 4l 44•AK.Eo9l:
.11 4s p a r "t ista'
aw en ysleat
a Janda ages* mita .. ikon oUteutbici
rSWltttapil,; WAN itt. o I tiNisl/4
:7 ri3 . 'p d hatit , ' r' J was4 rvi ° iNittlkatkitkintiinekled. ll 9l l ;
Bectivb„ wag the tab wanthsi testl;.l
.1 4t)44 e 4 a 41 x4ipP6:497, 4NWttAart.4.:%tccit 1 1tli (4 ,t1
,tlirtliattaild Hi)VWHhead lr
of thodititl vidiversabed
111 4 mCktlllAVO„_ . 4l!rist ;WWI
int i Mini lY 4g 4
knotlieribaOisov au serionir.rwouhdd
i14ta1x1441011.13441fen1 Sort Viiihsi
= &dog allit'linikiti•ka;
I•mor 16 olcui!denem.
•301 4,:
ii.o . P. , Vi •-1 flitil L i .
t1.11,,,; , ' ,i; ';,I4K
11 44 1 tiNk7 l ,
a"11 1 4 ; 47 0.t Iff.
tag' 4 itie
; Arinkrofeieh
4,p,P I'
AO pli
0 x
III•J‘111 I. ;I 191
1 4 , 4144.*L
te I
18t4 raa,
/.1 1 *.W Y.
11 119 lei it 1) 0
t ml:ttirSjukl4lo.
I {1 ell
iti4l3o, Awn pf raets4lo44l,lll`l
irlyvi9 ;T i ff iSPl, nu.
rnnti x , t o oil. tliretoner
r ttlat ;•biit's4l good itn'cijfiiortu dity
for 4 riffieeehiwlts not to bottkiti therol.•
. fore;belsp.ctcn,ittdelnitertlittbittterto
- eicipkdit . w. • I,4lnuluq, ,I
plettiring_the erfitie firwhi'• WitS
:twitted •ffi . POP
,titir &At lime: ttio:primOner
strokt , ietuotion,r.iunii.tet.,lte•lhttened,
hofo r
rif i nigiettuntiegi ttin S! rrible ;
'dentine tepori f, went
3tOitttil t Wee thhtittii,epi
,untit•libt gloht.etitturaned gave - out,.
itinkAllV.o ha. biggad, !him to !Any,-
A'hh,wAt t s infOrnial;btit they; not
stiend"uptib • &lemony ' - out
. Av ed; 4,l7; f.: ;1..
The htivyor who - really/had a. grunt
regard for Herretatin, yi
:3 , 10,40w-14 ,•§llence I reigned. the
,abed' and WI) *ender wit4wintt t4'tw
,t4lsli theliettriet in' the tlidtha, •
Cariosity WaiggoOtl relieved. lferr.l
'Mane toek,, Ids, lawyer apart-. 010
'Conversed wit lilia a taw_ iniT-04t1
ipriyately. Ivrwa the confereWee-fie
tweed the pksoher lin•dlits counsel W 99
91501i41, ! t1ie der said t • • • •
please-the (burl, .1: (twice.
to state 0ppn1y.,w4.4 the,prisuncr r tuis
commumeated to untie private. „tie
fleet:trot that' he is intincent.Ttitnt lag
futher-in-law urns Icilled:+hylte *tech
dent, and hedisks the courl4 °Mtws .
sand,speptators to
the scent; of the Oceurrettee,Where he
svi d'dinedstratte•his lifikavriCe,' and
aatisfaettailk expleinnit appeoninces
'or enyttety!„ , !:.,i •
inililkOatei7 the ,4•14 n rt odjuu recd.!
nnti,efileers und.,auilleuce
this •roniarkable '
•ThercOndis terri• !hit -cif 'snisti' Upon'
thttgrinintt4imal•• Herinutants. st hin
'Wut.threa ndleg distant:ltunt-thateet7
ttelpepL ViliClltuall the,
ellearlog, he po an t a Teri, Pine
Ateti'that had ilk Cut - down
ancheointnencell his natation, *bleb
,WFut3nlittlistance.tutfidimvs4,:, •.•,• • .
" !li9 , l44 , 4ltllfatriliOfilv:lvere);qui
choppinga at n i t rec. When
. was dy agreet '
lluit they tild *if
td topticelh4t - 411rmitimisooLlestrimam
betOgyeuriftalid , aCtriVes ScOn}plowd,
'himself etn safe distance, lipt i ttle,old
dthili; its 'der=
its4llCift.C. h ..„___ eek 9 cr • h :V 'the: smaller
underausli, 1 1 41 beneath,
ward; tlie back part othisiAlil the
I;in,„ta • for, • upon 'which the Twin ,
stump of a .stuallAirith protruded.
At. t a, same. , moment thc,,sinaller
trees g ave wpy_bcricali the
of the 'pine, one of the 'Sprading
.Imutches of uhich Wining la volitnet
ivithAto oto, watvo,hcad PreMed
90 !lord upon the ' lorthatlite jointed
proleetien ' entered' the" . fixic
cau.Sedthelatal injury: 'And then,
in corroboration of thin story,Was the
indentat,lon.q the,body,in the onto*,
and , the hair And bleed ,opon the .
protruding snag. The' doctors exam=
Imo thb •atid . the '
the! stow; 110 ti :both • 01§1991411 1, thit
the( pot,ition of the body, Vould• have
brouglit. the hod upyn the log, and
that th 6 klibity point NVouttl have
fitted the wound.
• Ile% described -'.leinutely, how* he!
cleared the rubbish from - the body of
the prostrate; 'eau, • and horn it, all
bloody. end :to Ws- ',cabin, and
laid .11 down before • his wife and
child.; and is: explained-to the Coo rl,
-sitting °roe/ailing uptoldslutees in
thennow, itithegrtst fureat on- that
dark winktr's_day—whyt hey did not
frankly. tell- the story. of "the.accident.
insteed of uoucediug it.*.; the myste- - .
rims manner that- .excited Brown's
suspicions and caused the faiilt ori
Ms neighbors to fafter. They had so
,Much bad news- to- seml home to
Germany.; the Astern ihonnity;;Aittsi
,Ihe Kul circumstances of her. disease,
and now W write/that the, father. had.
meta. premature. - dent he:- woo more
than they couhlmerve their hearts to.
do.- So,. affix weight of weeping and
watchlug,.thay tontelialed they. would
just nay he had..d led: suddenly,; for,.
mtid; !Herrmann; 'we thought Upd.
,would forgive the lieouttl it wouldn't ,
.thake much. difference to„the ;people.
Wh itit.way; they.. k • o-.•
it' trot I , of blood, the wri
ter hereof pursued-his way.atluite
the. rude, rout fort less :home ut . Dave.
unfortunate settlerso It was built of
Ipgs, eWsked.with mud,- atal.wila . in
.noseects -, -n most contracted and.
Arbidding editkro. .Moved by ;relit
unity; to ;nee the; interior. we raised
-the,•wooden • latch . entertal,.. .1;
was-deserted.. When the law's arbi-'
,ton4y mecenger had taken thefut her,
-(he.aunther.nuti child.had fled ;.; end
at. this 'polecat the, hitherto: arm-.
:Ppm:liable proprietor Nal virsllea-.
,tjng,hhnself against a' charge of lour,
derln . the. prenencesA • the-. perambat
lilting court. , And. even . here, ,wervi
.tlimevidepeftetiunecence.: ;Upon a
:slnallpiuetable; that had:qo
Nacre to that. tratlitiOnal , beaux!, ,t hnt
'has never; ceamed tp groan witittempat
lag fatal, -was a.Christreate tree,: -and
fur itsornamentation themother had
devised .4.xdtes;; in rude. imitation of
;wen and beasts, anti birds; and ut its
-base was the.emblem °faint suffer
ags of.iiim•-whose birth :they cele
brated, . It exts.the Duly; ;visible olr,
JectlhatwassuggeStiveofriviliration; !
.71 was prepared'after their neturn.!
from the funeral of thefather and•the
oneopertator of theorem' would hpve
acquitted Hemnann In .the facet of
all the testimony of all the Brown's.
4tid this was the result at last;:'for
when,the.court retuned to Its -place
-of sitting the District Attorney enter;
pdproacqui -nod , thus upon his
covmeyideure,l4•PrbiOnet we/3-411s
. _Mire oethia.nrcinrence
thergialvelVen gOlit
inane !became. a prosperous 'farmer.
added to Ids Ituoin, 7 .ereded a cottage
So Iktie lq and :barns for:lds ,croptl.-
ithsequonkly.,:to bought.; a ,large
,schooner for.the lake-trade.. agreeing
tq f( i t but-he
oplY-,1? -P ,, fltrh, Months, and. his
'death, enteUetlmpen his.wiao the care
'At:: tlyq yeacel,- and .the mossaity
.lneeting. 0 4er .hustiand7s.,obligation.
.1 0 11c r eatirstv,mwereen as she was,' sho
PP2eliked'iAtleA. M4PWthibi li ty. took
Enteane ef i tep onetettl,,swiletl , It In
111 V194130;43., /pile of haling
mirts anti discourse)*pirewnotan--
, H :..itilo- • ni- ''' ~ ' Pr 15, " Vti-1nr.7114 atNh .ed Iln
i 'itia ' ' IP . Mll 4 l Ir •
, V.;: . .111' - I 1 'AM. ..telii tiat,/ ,•,,Ith , „fm.ri : ja
i 11-111 . -
I l'.i' !riiMii [di: iirtru f f i - 'M 0 VALHI ,:r t .:; . .d.nii L.
. i,,,,1 . -0/... ii. I` I%"i -i - t..: :• It I . ••••.401-‘1 tiat.3 at, ..-:.
. I .iicc.2 , Ali i • t -.. L. , r OtIT ~:t!' lf.. Lit • tril ,ffill.. trl• - •ttliv:•-. •,,, .: 1 ;
• ' ~,, 11, d.. R.,. ' i. , -11. 1.7 . • ~1 1. !, !1, 00? .seilii7/ :4•117 , 1v,i'l ••;rf 1
•- - , - ....- ..N ( I .0'9,, •,e , i91./i 't ~f I '3-1•o'i .:: V'r.,!..)_•-1111
4- 1. 1 ';' '' '.7.0 P .1 .., :-Cl i
111:1 6 011ta
l iop
y it , F il
.f,t,,, A t . I , , Adr! $4 4 1 . )01 1 4 4 :,
,:t‘,l I. 'ITIP .. 4 1u4 , :., 1- , - 1•41,/, ~I
i 1 i. .wilvi i virasi s ej.: I 1...t;11,,tit.,
a i Wt; gout Inue,ou r select lons ,beurbik
bb'the kreittLiyar*i'mhig btitkitbre
Prance and TriMh 1 " Wetalto feldni ,
.0 4 ) Lerndon Timm lilt° fultoUtinglic-•
t ore or ~,- '(:+c 'i -r 110.?:1U,1;`) .: 13
,i: TileinDllikaratlNG4 , l Irlf.:11
q 'l4 4.(4l .l lVath ;7 lVgjiiiiiij 411 / *ited
'ha 14 'LAI l i fili6lo4 l oro qthet.
inpribrilis' • itirtrid totteli keine
Ag .,,, h ,v,i. v.voii, li t ia.egayeo a fi ld;•
t`Ttititid tuißltilphind•bilibiNsilbl;•'
"Itl4 , ll4 , Veuvili• Prifiar but Um ,
tritiYipkvuhiallu.iteul,Mtd the ctb4ela 1
tut fileit*Mbhcli.illweNtilu" OM" irjek
i d em .11.4fiuSsi. Vu.:ltt.o r.. rallroUds; 'fur l
I pp iffAllp3.l.:l * SU dbutber MO or r)
i wet Wplrith;ltliket *trittte-d Iht#
stir* DM I , :r t r hi plain KOOK*
tott gri ism oritoix
[omit wig* Lf.toitithls clf'aiONl ;
N lati
JO th e rullkeay-sfialthwAtit 'of
i these *ire decorations LI
I _,-_-_,“ ,TIIRFAI#I.IIO2IIeO
' li+tlitTalisTsi;ll7;.);:titTifiTkletilYi'frettt
,favcrth .end, kusiterr7turreti I niostly of
r ~Intoutplive ail,unwttrdsoleventi in
' he well.tamlo r *ettratoises ur better :
lassetter art : l.arjH eavaleteles
• of huraesplu i better. spirits were Jed
eh 1 1 1 .1 - ottetallilaPsOule
,flehtehinents of traslts.went
all day. dewo.thoUqui,tl2l4t.lwalkoual
Iwo ,e'rel tto 1i1 3, 1 1 1g,' (I rove
thwugh thir station Lin
Russian dresky, d was' received
:with uuetwenediteadrkattd,a. /xi W 414
sort AA sit parW'
every : i Oat.
talq. , lwiluetl:itinstrietest
soldier tuultr-..* real tonsci culdiva 'of
010 days when kings •led soittleets
battlei.AY hat aline old head awl fr,ont
It ittir alio stamp of I pe.raturrls there ,
hirmaly,and it would nut surprise one
very.tnuch to learn that in an .hour or
tams that old luau, with his piercing
. blub eye and opeurtiroot; in*fine , liP
'en r.Xisir oder hAuiluslva.wilite ,
'fitehe: would cut the fiordhat knot o f
;ft iXtuistitution, -with •.a swift, • sure
sWortl...Certstitdy he is nut the sort
f nanoue would like to worry
'Pepsi° in a „watgringplace. : .. 1„tal
• then he he se faith; '! ne bell ives,rr and
he is sure that Ile An whew lie, be
Meets has placed las owse btvot4 the
reach of human harm. .r
It• bit observed: neverthelem, that
he Ring Is not in his natal Joyous
ileapenks with .devou tr con
ildenmanti trusts In Oh:Justice of his
quarrel; but,his, Majeity
The Crown Pritioeirtoo4 Seeinsoit is
said La feel tbn 4'4l;mm:a Of the „Ire
'miions events nvhieh arty impend
lug, and surely lf.the design* of $r s:..
tr t ti were- wariticarthe:ltoyal
gannet, have. rded :theta AiriAh•
Vet or. have:par nthe degre.,
'fdr.areentika. cam* ! them r 410
dtluds anxkit3r 4 aithough theyrdo, wit
pnaharaity apptehensiona as 4tx AN;
-oltistiate.lresult..: •
Coideolirridr , or • - •iretv -Now*
•, • • ; mum - ix ; ;
• .-rettirgitril4,slitio'opiiii
wee: the
• strengticof the ' '
tn Peace.
, Inettiti;
•I. Field firm.; • • ~ 287 1 441 441,8
2..RetteTveltveupt: . • ) 11•1::,67,2
Ir aitiasiLawrirOpii.u43,esit
„ -
; 300,187 VT4,586
.. f ;nu se•ttre' inereik the 'privates and
riont.ecitnttllssion&l ttlic&s. , To these
drendllt to-be added 112,693 oltivers in
pqace 15,000 in wurps7zou's , ... , --
Armes and 1,7 3_cadets la,the,mitiht
i,,leytiTini ir i s .01e
t, Ati§ iriti . o the
LandtOeht ofxhe CL e¢" 11rm
three'y*.otrie service under the - Li ft .,
.fourin• the rE46-Hi. and 'Aim' hi the
Landwehr. of LandViehr
crrolh 'theol. • to - the ;:t7th yellr)
I, only I 'ell
th is; '''hiveviits, the. -Wm.'
strength is not extutusted,.tbr 100,100
I incnureadded melt. yetrrteo
tbeie Cdtllito.•Sys , 2oolllloo4neti• . antr:
eti4tAttectimmand'or thes9tatt# Mier
lieosplrstlon!of I hiiUtitylee.qfpritril.'
Thus' filet the ' , NtlithCFErn tab
Cenfgdenitrtnirettilt , i•ontreas rnore
than I Pt . );Or men.;---71Vdtatateditoin
the Gazette. • o ' , " -
The Lte;tiltia...Si*cial,Or . ot.July 30
makes some statements which IHIRiC,-
Sei uttuttai iutereit now., They were
of a very prophetic ehuraetet :
' l'hree-fintrths of theik:oit the 14th
tieticefal citizens; seattered mkt. coun
tries many times the size of England,
hove flung down their tools, stepped
silently to it:oats marked out for
them fin- years, 'and on railways
turbbd of an hour's' notice into It
brunelt of the trauspat itervice of the
State, leave', - been earried as 'fully
an organized 'soldiers to
points seleded fpr their rendez.vous'
by 'lava' 'Von ',Nfidtke nearly four
yi:lrs ago. Through grt , nt provinetn.
which but yesterday were independ
entatioldst"tribes' diriffedorltaitile
for eenturietalving k,nwetntneritA
Whase;Aintnifestocsi otramst Prassht
me fiddly dry itS..trUsted 'lnsfru-,
• Has worked us st ti )oth ly,
er .us ;some .titagnilicannt machine.
The stor,n*s of t i l.tut organization,
which toff ictadvaftt for desertion or
disobedience, is not. itt*:lo,- for all
per ;..but the:ACr:int:is makes
! melt prompt} oddffinin: kttii • (Tiv
t 1%01;11)1)1re,, front disaffected
.k'rankfort • ¢l3 from (*Attired Harlin,
froml,lresdeit !as •frtutti ltusseitiort.
ai from•Pm Saxon Duch,
10-'tile accounts are Ittyva)."l thettmo
—the announcement-Of war arrives
Azt noon . . at eight mines the summons
alUeurialvil next day.
rhe . deierted.streetssliew that all the
,youth; rca yua yeleriiiii and asskill•
o ' . 4:4 I '4 !I . 1 *!%4" , (MN . Pltos.T.
. . . .
The. -front,.- us wo intimated last
4i-eeir. faces that:moments tioisdnuim
led by .N.orotx.t.i3r •iti ;the .northenst•
corner !of,. Vrance, in Use triangle
• formed by a lino drawn front Aim ,
to Strasbourg.. 11ii army wiltielt we
estimate at four hundred ; and • fifty:
thousand men or one hundred thous
and moo -than...tbat of , Frsince, has
gathered,.. _beyond.-, duttbruekan,
Stretching back to TreVes , and .2day
ence, and the PrusSian • chiefs have,
tis we pedieted..last week, announced
'that their policy is one of .
mAuravictxr AvbAcrrY
• ,
• GernianyWilluid Wilt, to bb , {
e o, nt 164 stie:twObed l e.nce, to
a policy wider' his WO TriendA
England, but Which; had ft
adopted, would havejustilled, Inattr: ,
icetiod, abandoti llre' faithful people
or the Rhineland to.the most exacting
.or invaderd. - SaMmoning 'ITO Ito*
srana Witold clown Poland - the tu
fierhil guard Is already on the frontier
of Poeen— sendinctroerat
.4 titt e ,ood in t i • th eri ll ' ;6 4.6 4 1 :teri 71l)o d.l a ir ti n d ". . e .th tl e r
net , to ,
awry hp the °tinge' of the 800
tddeard. 4 Bre.o4l,.w,hence should the
cre t te b o ltio'm won, they can, enter,
•Prutiei.'l6-utiOro'keti strength': Boron
Von Moltke Urges his pato
:k° 11 W,44 1 4/,_ , ,
If hp wins.. the , Empire--we , do ',not
arty Franc* will be overthrown, and. , '
1 . '
, . .
'heeattaliskrolfliniardininee Jelambi -,
• •to the next IleitiftikbOti UN , Jaulc't
.110,012 retrelplq4 l Wi • . • li.k
'the • I filisfi,' t ere. O li k. m i te • 4 ft
t'thetiakay;'Whlleiiitikatil Mit*: ' 1
111140111iibl AA thello , • dirk 4srmlng
1101)._ si Use Maur, etunes,upagoldly, r
11- 1 ,201 •••-•;•e! -, , t.. fib/till' ./111,1
i i A NMlNfitig* . 9 c t hfi l Pi e W , Yri Ali
I Vb?icr in . radii.
kune.df ' "
Teti "fi t
.“•*11!! . iaAijk
~ ; .. , ,,,, i iti l ifLE3 , . • ~.: ~ . ...-::•:,:r,
;1 now fer - Brellyst dint! Amu
181 , 5;Thireiii I"iiiiit'fify • for"thtillHst
411.1 thiehentusyvbegins . .to.lbel•thie
r•vieightinfrWailieskieretogisro,the,lnW i
situ of war 1 NI. 1 I P_ ifil OttldgficY A A KlKeilt.
pt.61i1e..•, The peassitita wows make
ley , tileriftbli iditiciethelf Wild" frtitif
jeer milibley'rdeirtrillensf erthilust
'adder oristeaSan., familieto have' ii,”ed.
id r• 4114!'°1 1 ,Pig40 .04,1, m otai st ,.
Order to :mums, ant or 14,
nidisn i keiliiiilad'hYPtirelot46 axis ti-'
Aural DuringiLr tail' Criatlairilaiskr
4whenibbstitutto etssik,tamous. gold)
go .Ithißgusit*Alls itillifi
„sso l lMs r, n, . w, and left,' use
lithonioittakti etif t betide
M'Adliffitlibt ' ldrilitkr. ti'away , tte
Wait Is tgerytuttiko4lolldalgolmia
',. • • 611 4.11!
'tio ~.,, igo ;• est) ts
filteits: l ß tlt ill, liftribt, , htivyfrn4;'
Must gp:. Thou, lohu. buying Al with
gtitute.,, In the middle
;ruibliig massy a finidly.' .•41t Lion, i4L
,youngitirber, Married thitici l isiontlis; '
asidmh o %adjust 'Opened a 'shop; .10-
14) w.hielt .he hail put alt hie ;stud his
' ',Wife:s, ; menu s . I.y.i,ii, btu) .ohligt.xl %tit
alsindoe all and,esureli to the frontret..
A yotingl'inatig - irr•biter 'tipbried a
fencing - rook' last 'October; ' all his
'savings went 40 furnish antlit it up;
he has lx.b.e erthsred, to 101( ;
tisq rooms are elitsed; peici. - lleteher
everything It Croisialiis Will •he maid te
;iratisfy rent. A young Limier i-khow
7,4' twe n ty-fou r a nd'a hatfyeus oldi lie
has been. iSsirilettiVtvo arlotalli..4; he,
too, has been sent us- the frontier.
Vuw.howlll pttrhitsrent fur hie farm
l, n .49.wrwA , h4ldsold every plight sad let
one, a.y (fie had
eighreen;)' he tdstsetr•entir Or - cent:On
all of them, and 'hats beenlobliged to
hire a man 'servant to attend. to the
Gulp during his absence,. ,/ti Tlitme,
day,_ night the perfermance sit , tile
Thafte ' he 31entorniazeis . Wag
brought Wait abrupteldsohy then();
pectraneo of gendartreise who rause to
tell theacructors they 11141'Po'linje• to
tae, but must „ instantly ,jein .their
*corps; they were • ..,
,imardess mobile.
The people are reitive:iferl . irritable
tinder all these.' loconvenieneis: 1
hear on every tilde of we tint& thowsle
01t.•°9.t 1 9•14. icHtig.... , .71i :I I: ::' , /1 Ysi
Tin; rit1.784.8.11 NA Luk..titv, i tr,rx/y.F„ ;
•• The miir,lxitween Fritua and '1,140 : :,
sea will render the follinvingde4crile: ,
tion of a nilliary• retie* •bY"lfie
King • of Prnmis,l a recently ;'helil 'at. -.
Berlin.of cepa:laid nteretaL to our read.
1 ere.,• it show', the kind oktrocipo.ll9-
, Ftetch•liiive t to deal with'. • This rur
-viewWaSi it:chaser 'Of' the 'Bushel's:le
sot Basile, while meat' Artiste to - the
King,of Berlins.. •/.• I, r '.' .-.. ' .• F
'' Tillitrogixf•PFAXßPtPumbend ' OPOUL
enty thou4sted, and the exc,rtrises'
tdoleplace nixin thblslitingiiMreist4 7 '
afg; a short Miistatice• from ' Berlin.
.The day Wes hemitifutil and "had •It ,
hen..' WergrO, tor Om wixdou could
mit lut:i ,bee n N.,gy. way. , Irtcc:
lidn - lot: ~ As
li ttle &Beady I this.
msftitig, wh 'laid this' ddst; . 'add'
** • • •the'troo • lirrivid . ylipon'• air
• • WWI iaaPNrtslld.nbgrt •
and, the seelilsone,pur f ,Ism it heallt .
fully. The, nien strins,the Isonies, mud
all the emsltenenti Were in 'splendid'
tionditlomrand it seemed SS If every
(mound everythingeir
The' tiring - of the artillery ••!
id and all the move
wmitielluiril' 1 • dial branch
-tsite(fle-nlidiiirdesidt?rfltigthttliPe.ral- Tall
14 "ris.. " u t t. ! :
'meats °of ii. Li.' 0194 IL ''''' el l xecuted.
San and the eoulpment'iiiiiir - horses
of the service
were ILlCAStinaguilieent., As the ,bun
wr tr . ,• 1111 1 1 Y.t' - .. i ....:-
Shane upon the. bright .helmet s ; Awl.
fireastPlates of Bismarck legion
in the distalice, itseetned like a mass
of sillier Moving around. Following
were regiments: ; of lancers,. b esnare,
itddrit! l 4/4 1 1/. 01. ittkrrYr.; 'PleilWeial
,"pad in, fee 'a 1, the nieveisients,
wer librftlrilied "Wills" the - Mao:it .
praises'. • Alter Sonar title-Slieht In'
'various ; exbreisat ; then troops ' mere
divided nedra . sham tight was- ;tad,-
and sum o the whole field was .envel
opedln snalke•froin the firing or sir.
til letY iind'intantry.' Yet as the wind
curried •it away • you' could see the
movements of the difftent legions
Its they , apparently attaekW . each
other, and ulnae's coup be seen rid
ing.rivlth breakneck'speed' conveying
' the orders of the corn mandet• to , %ter
toes d i visions;,regi flaunts, find• , etc..,-
I have ,
f ever witnessed , anything
that A;ll.lmare •ittlinihtbik' deed; or
any•speetaele liner; . The. "Rille.-Ar
tillery" performed wonders . isvi he
quiclmess ef..their, ensytapents, the
heed ling of thelrtvits,.and rapli My
of tiring - theta . ' he infaistrs; %Va..; all
their , King.eciald 'sit, and lhr 'may
• well be proud of . them.,
• .•" -• I •.
The platoon, firlug was as though,,
one dun had beets disehaegtil, met
their movements mad OnnisreU or
rassltion were so' well' and qutekly
nettle that you would think they were
wade by' magic.. , • . ' • - . .
• The action closed be a grand charge,
of the cavalry; it was a weederful
sight to Aye about - nine thousand
-horses' rush sterms the plain.--the. in
' ..11intry and artillery mat both stiles sup
porting them.. ,A gust was, hart how
headquarters ; the action instantly
ettised; and alt thb troops iinmtslinfe•• •
ly re-formed and theft plistsell befen•
their King, Ids royal great and their
varieusisitaffs, some of the regiment
al bands performing the national air
of lassie, while others playssl - ' their
own great faveri te-I am a Prassiair
do you know my colors . " , , , ,I•
An Ainerlean n Chinese
An event of Cleit, religious i inpor
tuned' to' the • :10d,Ono.Otai of fib
has just, obedrred. The Eniporiw litec
1 4 sogd 00 edict, elevating the %A met—
lean General, Ward, winkse
Jexplejts hi subduing the great. rebel
lio; sotilit-iVienty years eta,' ' '
miliaritymeet (Amy' readetil, OP the
rank: a.."Joss,!' hereafter to •ho
I dally yen l ttitas.l by ull ort he*); -
taunen, especially when they are in
'hi redittstnneeitiftlanger,anduretillie
aid ef the trtivett end stroitteSt "f the
30,00 U; gods gf,Athtrt :highly favored
country. .
It elis seventeyean4 .after General
' ,WitrtEifiketiiiser bekthi' the slowly ,
'working m ind o f the Chinesoadvane•
eel so Gir us to disinter
from the place of his tiddh, to be
buriled hi the niaiisolein §f the Chi
nese Emperers,n sort of Westininig,:cr
Soon after
oven a hither plaeit'in 'their 4 tegartl
-than --he could find' in his grave;
wherever it might be located. They
therefore aceordtal him the bailor ef,
a deity, and littidevout Chinese are
now worshiping oar filibustering;
Yankee as the "latest thing - out" in'
.religion,lAipe Pio Zion° being : no
where,in comparison with Lord lit.
Joss. Ward front America. This tut-
portant event will givci4he pigtails a
new interest atelermfidenee in .Amer
ien.. All.the Test of -their gods were
native. We, alone, have furuisitel
:them will) first-class . .one,, to, .bn
wortihiPet Only inferior to h&ven
and 'Earth.. l ;Tillit Will be worth Mold'
Slam many.treutiet itneeoipend.. the
„ 4 1= 11 4
ler, Pigmatrtiltkrbitin 17, - 1
” Ciimptiotagcitts
di iteliegn4Vretl Aftli .74.MAM
Ilc)tai. To r
kh si!yrimstflirtttillnt
idliiimetlatimittium p DlP
rated by the name or the author.
I lAltare suttl oarinaustemtkolut 'timid be
ad/ins:red tal 1,"! 1,11• , 1V
It . ...... I t.F. FINAND., WNW.
- .. --
!;onfldetri36 . .il e t,',s),i s.i n irm i e ra ;
o T iq
.they . filir.l •;liiree- 0 ,1"J ~t ,
Whence tug hitter i ' -- -ific lie ':
knuwlckul - Joietlf.",r "", more
, ever, a new lief& fitu' . Mon of
t ont tilibuskett:- . 3M, 41'ik Avareat
itpprowit •to"leittattd Itsltt 'lO. ' fl a re
%Witch mutt '
With a Pallkartik4rXtlan con
7 6.1pmi is toZg i r 44 5r ;VMonee
,nitnteu In tsspeAnit it t Ma of killed
nod wounded, •n'Q-bfiuthey have
armies to comiibnitlliebdi rebels to
conquer bi , thiearterid_ east): uriat Ile.
voted to tHef hliehtilfehtnieditak in
'The next. ,1“).'.;;:14 . 1
_1 U.
li .alloft virally/1. by /..siNaidpis. 3 AU
A licrOi.F. 1 0!f4Ifhil4 ilaillfrlV.Tl ,
eg di.
, ! ,i , .-4111e , ,•,•, 1ai,..:.a.. , :,',.1 MP Epp:haling
, li .: 1 F.7,1 11 141 4 / 4 4 (444 1 1 .4541• V 11 . 14 *i kill i
':l, 4 L . ll% .' l: l6TQ H: rie r okl , :-t0 41 440 1 4 4 14'1
tierptint was the Wittig/4i o
iiiimwa.4 . riiliy . Oral VW* nbiitirlibe'"
irrliNtial bdoeldisitinhaVibledwebitt , .. I
vung , imencesnatnt.kaAtielinsifaesits,i;
' 1044 tbe..foirwer-urna A , awl. f
alai Within TerriiiinutdilMlier' ,
int! purtleulars efittst terrible afftityr'''
, ar fo
ri all Ist,
:1m tr., r r a ii 1 ItLY,;mai V"It
Bat • , • i
Mirldawitlitdiiiriemillleautiotthillittltigto• , i
the neitX lo oollllo. httilddith hrleadilyt•
. aaient4 ' W? s ticiPifx4 - ffb9Y;Ag'.l. is
cloa . A.m.,,,aistt near (ley Min dt,4,'s
'oncitied 'oh' let nill • ifi'tfil: '9nram p 'of ".
'lletretreelt) Itlnst [Merl iiUttritie thit'' '
decp,bayitts oflite *VI ittlittineal,usf: ,
t-lia 1. 411( 1 6vior !infi lakMl4-4rti.Wu.. , ,
priicebikki ain 06{{... 06{{...w.y, lirvivili, ~.
rho ik.yilcitiidl l anieEkl bfhidift) tl,Venes
'hi thodifeetibirOribtodoino; drltll 4 ive • ''
cantle to u small spactof firm ground. ,
tvitieli' , WittP 3 t4frefeil /with' 7: :0 lett'
growth of oak. hut/Abs..' 'I hire 10).1141r- I . :
(. 41 114::: a .14MAnW141. AO 31.044011 foe the ~:
1: 4 *•:., ? f....:[1 , 1.!;1 . 11 , 1,,,, , ,, '...:.! - 13 , : •,
\ *ii,ltiti'lorel,y7 Tatrlet.l.. whpri, Nti , • ;
were; 4 ' rilctl by it Icitnb.ittniiige,,rat-', '
tling Sound,. fettling 'frfittl' betiefithh''
Met, thickr.batsti., withki A fewl'Atini Of; • •
Us,: Thitugh !li /Ask PIMIer• hqurd, that.. i ,
pectliiarrnoisehepso, .1. kuqwhodhat,, ..
deck)! that It Wiliit gittlrenuite,ol i
laming' hit& "111 ''tirrtirt` ittriarleing,''''
'Grayner, kit atil&p.te'bere‘" ,, i': ''' ri i'
"What 1 ; .5.,-•-•,-;-•,!!• said lib, -Shire- il
,yotiafraid'.' •.. . ~ i, ~ - i• •, ', - . ,
. "Yes," .
maid - I,' "Zia ifiald.". - .
. "Well,. ii ---0--,'! hecttolly:remarit-
na, "I'm gon g to, kill thet ,it
• ''
AiiTc3 halt pity to' leaVe Atli. i a nit
•fellew lay here:. 1 140 - here - Ocs"::• '.*
• : While 0 raptor •Was , R•fleeking,•,..l'•
caught a glir et.the san li,
ke,whie,, ~
as uattly us cuulii * JudTeappeared
to be about e gilt feet . Ili ength; mid, . •
thretfittehestr his hitgeS ' 'part—lN.' '
was lying coda! , up In pertbet ebrles,' 1 •
tel th.h ts
: haul drawn . back inn, tent- .• ,
lily graceful curve, his ountib i ttlitsiti ~
'oyes sparklln., ,, , 'llls slender 'fild:44 i
:toppl le darting swiftly' 'back ''lMtl
fourth;and his . brown. • neck' Sweneit "
; with : , Agial.i wrath., while' et=
anon he twirled the Warnlng.• , .
- fit the air, with a kiviy bkied:eutii-
Jana sound. . • . • . . ..
'or tlial'a sake,' letili' i'a“`eni'd'l;- ,
, ouniderintt ht . the - territilb Sight. '
' 'llon't get srateed;" 'bald' •he ;'",ltitit' ' '
t ellittba tree and he .wen 3. bite you. :•;
- it diet everydal. that a fellow mein:: ~,,
.with such q Ilse. snake til 'k titl N.
ittul it wotiftliet i din lose him. ; . ~
Ifa hail , plekeil 'fiti'n IglnUir . stiek . '
'about *yamd long,. unttlaidle ..sPeak-'
, Itig,,„wns tintOng. back, flici,.husinaii .•
from abet/elite snake tiom• i to gl4, 4L . .
alert "der 'llitil3 4. llePthretY TiL§ foot' '
amend:over thelkohtteknd traMple, I "
t he.,
hemitiowil lA. vh. a ,tr
.. uinaer; that
~?',. ~ fittja
fore' e had aim M. trir. s t aki : ' 'ir "
Made a andden'spri rig a rhiriv•hint. -1--:- facu,i, - ; :,•`, ' l'' ',iintikrtn. loot; ADA Witli:, bi- . ...
.f:: i . yit .loll . h:ohliekl:i:indtti•cklut:l7)lt.lll;:tvis:7tloit7wt:rlipitr,l,ifittettliniturf:t4:l:omilltilt!V;:::'
ly, lulu l'-' , l !wand ,Writhiegin huge'
folds inOtin rpo , itritii4:' • All :of a '
Malden, in frame tl , ......mintablemino. •
-s .the snake. fwd. hi- t iva dumt ,
- jutea,tts Itgt h tning plunged M. ; disitt.
ly . fling.4 into G.'s. rlglitclieel: ; wilt.,
liroliptne'ol the 'gtotind,' be glth. i •
a few pacclund'agaln roiled .Illtitself •
lip, fillePliag 1115 head ereiit and! rink-.
ing • his" .fearful t rottlea, G, turueo , •
deadly i Ad ilite, pa real; a pumice; sent
, i ,,,
Abell • leer ' itra
- de - stick; 'ittlyitiih:.; •
fuer/Int-111M an:dec.—As IM'illif eh; the •''
iilUll(4lllilideril . SPringll3 him; •huu 4 . 1.. i'• ,
'lltratit;,lsim ;with his stieti, awl
ell roan Istek. . .
~, b . 0 r
- ' .lits...ond Hine ilje stritiC''
hint, :Sett •he . again 'l:necked It elf'
wltlt'llis stiel.," but ( *foto ..het bathe' "'
Strike u,, third ;blow !the , shako. had • .
nude another sp!ing.,nnt),.lntlicied, i
:mother wound in (Intynor'S arm,
•Tb'et t Imo Grilybor nein ' managed
to Reim the minket.' by the nevi:: ' •
and dropping the stick, hedreWlerih, ; •
his J i m ite with, one Itautl,. opened, it ,:. ,
with 111 S teeth, and'ilien delllatnitply . ,
cut. • the snake's hear 'Olt - Illtind
spirted front the- trunk; mnd rtirtey-'
;nor, add gra.sping.Lla... snakmetviione: ~
huge folds ilsPlKl4,i44.Yfiqvi4 X -
Mien, tuiiNl towartl • we, staggeg,
jilt I fell. F rushed tit hint; and ;elk& '
hint, ,, "Wltitt in the IlithliS 6f Clod, can' '
'1 au for you." , :,., ~...• •. ' , - .•
1 "Nothing," said. ho col nay., ".I. am • ;
dyilik._Too.iiviii geoli—r-"00,111.1
features' lieittrne frigtiffullYeenterted,, ',
his eyes rolled ever '
as if darting
Prom their ;sockets, . anti his black . , .'
swollen tongue protrtuted ;from his
I.mouth.—'llloll he tixed his mil, will, _
staring . e5;t 1 .4 'upon 'me, and heavy\ I a 1
,lisp erving groan'. it shiver ptowill
"over hti frame, and then nil was still.
I was alone wills the dead— ... ., ' !
; . 3liirking th ce
up,aaswellint Leonid
I Id-items! 10 it IniiiSe we bad passed '
on rite rood; some half tf• Mile distant
rriiii,..• the fatal••trattetty. ,o Itatinere
Hero sent through the tudghbOrhoud,
and in the course v i r two Loans time
twenty ..1 lite neig then; luid gather
ed. ' , Wit' pree&ded •to the pltaki
kthielt I found:no tliffk.ully In. paint; '
lugout., ;....•1,...1 ,. ....-• ~' , ...- ~ -, ,• .... :
•': (food, Ile:lvens!. NiAtat a sight met .
our View.. The face . and body had
kunied to 11 'deeplturple, and were
111volliiit ttt 'thrtie' tittlesl - 'the natant! '
' "v4 , 4;r. pnnunting., the moat.: horrible •
api... , u , ; 1 . had over witnessed..
1 lie snake lay where he..lunt b 4 -1
thrOrtii, anti sus still Writhille.
,ATifteehtboughs'teitil hastily con.
i 4ruuted,r and with heavy Marts we.
took ourvikv to, the residenee.of his,
intents. I will nut attivapt,to de-
scrifie' the heart rending scene when , .
thev:.,Sittc . llM'hotlY: Grief ilke dude; "
. .
eannot be pertnlY4A.
This way my first encounter with
A ra ilk, snake. and I pray 'stay 1
r he my, la4t. .• .i . 7 "rii, 1 " " -
eL orTox, ,ILI., ,1).
V i‘olirk l tin
bumf. Bardinal Antorieltl: Attme-
Ilut sittings she told him she was' ,
it inabon, having bona a member ; ci&
some Scotch lodge, to, Iv high !Kph,.
plied. "A h, yonr ni.kohle Odors 'aro
innocent :natters fn Ainerien, they
are •clatritablu soclathrs, not. , •secret , ..
ones. enuspiring ngahast, ,ortlet land
public itt.ree."
-~~ :.. ~=
—The Prussiansordered the 41eitio--
Mion of tho Muntiful villas, 00..t.b0.
lthino,-this has no reference to ewer,
Weir's "Villa 'iinthe • Ithlhe," Which
Avi 11 tid meted "Jr ,
exchangortliiiiks Aluric w 41.4.
bas readied the aethOof human
havinglind a • trtitting • horse untried .1
for Min; and having also Jibli 4vd a•
rich father-in-law.
, • Y..
• —The.etor ehieken4 tit' '
lima, is 414'0(1.40.1v enorntotui this ~
luau,wlto- wwit alerting .„
t 1 edifier' day, was gone but eight.
'hours and killed 1:1•2 of these blrds''' •