The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 27, 1870, Image 1

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    Advertbm=vicri n g i vto
of $l,OO Pet
ter au% subsequent Insertion 60 cents.
A liberal illsooupt trut* plt perky, ad
A space equal to ten lines of this type
measures a square.
t pd alt a
themel a
for each Insertion. •
Advortlsemenla should be handed ill
borer° MondaT nm, to two°
In that week'aditaNe.i. ivirr
Beuliness Cards.
JOll2l LEVI.IOI . lc Roby.
jJ clan . —olllco , daring tbe at Duthie.
conic:, at night at my tablet:Da on Water street.
Bridgewater, Ft. Wllipmellee !tumefy and Xed•
h goes • .(mutaymb'd apr27
oIIN IL YOUNG, Attorney. at law,
U 'Starer 11. Office and auldenco on Thud It.
ewt or the Lunt Howe. Alltaw business entrus
ted to my care shall receive prompt attention.
Moo pawns having ,Real Estate fur Sak, and
those wishing to buy town property, coal ot SUM
lwd,, nay save Limo and money by culling at my
office. !Pill
N. NteNUrr, 11. D., Uarlug permanent.
oly loaded in Bearer, would respectfully ten
th r • probsowlututt services to the casette otßas.
%er and aurroundlug country. Special attention
paid to the treatment orientate disease,. Hui ere
usns ith a skillful baud. °Mason Third West
hAr doors west of the Court 110tuw.
_silt:M*7oM . .
1.1. ANDES/10N, harnig takes old
• Me old Yodneiry Spun, In Rochester. Pa.,
wall ho pleased to meet Ma old customers
Itieutla olio may want either tho BEST COO&
isu MVP., llatiag btoed, or an? other kind of
Calitiugs of best, material and workmanship. The
business will be conducted by
_jemtfl J . J. lmnisos so Ms.
sheet, Ushers, billipers, dn., neat door to
feeler'. „Tin shop, bridge suet, ilrldgewater,
%hero he I prepared to manulacture and sell
ei r.y thing In his hue at =eons ble rates limi
leg meowed his place of business front the corn
er hue, the ltridite to Us preoeut tocialott, ha in.
hi. old friends and patrons to glee him a
TAti..CAPIERON, Attorney at Law
d Beaver, Pa. Office in the rotnn for
wal7 occupied by the late Judge Actinic Col-
Iccuous, ite., promptly 'MOW w.
bootrott ly.
P. KUIIN, Attorney at Gm. 00leo In Me,
U/ Kluley's building, east of Public Square.
slur 31:Iy.
• - - - - •
JEVlESlT{Ufsictusaker mid:StriVelerf rid
6 rimer, ifeavcr, Pa. (in room adjoining .1.
1. Wilson's orrice., Gold ,watches, and chron
ometers repaired and warranted. Engraving
done to order. The patronage of the public id
and ..athsta l ion guaranteed. Weems!
tr.. -1
1 WIRY EIEIIZ, Dealer In Boots, Shoes,
sa• :Gwen and (loiters. Boots and shoes made
to order. A long experience lu the business ena
bler him to do work to a superior manner. Terms
tu.lerate. Ohop on Third street (near Rev. MB
iet'r .11ooksture), Beaver, Pa. Give him a call
before purchasing elsewhere.
sprhizsiL: ly
(AKAN, IL 111/lINT. Notary Public, Cote
veyeuteraud'lustmitiet? Agent. Deeds and
gruemt ots writteuakskecknewbullgtrocutetakuo,'
se. Devine 'hoed dilly commissioned asAgeut tot
ee,erul lint class Insurance Companies, repro.
eentmg the Firc, Life, Accident, and Lire Block
IDeoartnients, is'prepared to take deka and write
lenitive ou the tuust liberal terms. Also. agent
ior the "Anchor Line" or dud dins@ Ocean Steam
er,. Ticket. sold to and from all porta in Bug.
hld, Ireland, Scotland,Oermany and France. OF
nee tu Leafs brick tow, Diamond, Rochester.
WAGON FOB NAVEL—The undersigned
has a Two Horse Wagon, hi good run.'
Wog toner, which he will sell low for cosh, or el:
change fur a good horse. Also • good cultivator
for J. C. MOULTEU.
sprint( Bridgewater, Pa.
Dealer In Watches, Clooks,
Jeordiy, Rrioditato and Stationery.
Wittelte's n Jewelry tepitired. Agent for the
"WEED . ' Sewing itnctilue, Rix:heater l'n.
C OAL FOR SALE, Taw undersigned has
constantly on hand a good article of Lamp and
Nut Coal, which he will sail t ressonatdo ydgis•
either at the bank, or will deliver to purchase
The bank is located on McKinley's lion. • tow
rods from thu Phi Ft. Wayne& Chicago Railroad,
rust but a short dlitanee rroni Beaver station. I
Irate also a good article of File Clay, which Iwlll .
depose of ai reasonable rates.
triter, left at my re.fdencv iti Bridgewater, or at
Michael Camp's in Rochiliter, or al the bank, will
reevlse promptattention. ' J. C. luotazlim
npr.'.o.ll,llF--13' •
sabot:Mier offers for pale his house and lot. In
Rua rotten, South Beaver township, tu Hill coun
t. The lot contains about 114 acres of laud. falC.
rti In, with good,garden and fruit tires. The
bonffie in Itt, story high, with four MASI and good
cellar underneath. Altogether It is a desirable
ipruperty,and will be sold low. For further per
mutant 111qUIre. of the undersigned on the premi
ses., JOHN UARViii,
or to litigh (iambi, at itocheeter. loot die
' ,I 3ILECUTOII. I I.I NOTlCE.—Letters Test*
1 1 ./ meotary, having been panted to the Saber:iris
tier on the estate ofJames (I. 'Calvin, dec'd., late
Or south Ileaverlownsidp,ficaver County, Pa., all
liorsona lude4ted to sold estate, are hereby notill
sal that immediate payment le rednlred ; and, ad
ii,a,in, , liavlnz claims against the same tvlU pre7
sod tliviti duly authenticated the setilemetiL
JAMMI /tAYL. Jete'r..
1 at Smith's Ferry. .with all the tools and ma,
chicory complete. are for sale at II low price. Par
chasers will address G, LCDEWIG, at Pittsburgh
(No. lia7 Liberty striet), for price and berms.
I:lexitiast - r3r.
• Dr. J. Mar-
Al'4o4 ranofUridgis
c ,......,,.......• water, I. deters
: t.....
A: 1 .40 . V e r i l .t tb i tt
t i t a i :
~, . . .>'.. , i-:; : :: • State 'ball do
41 4. ....',--t•qtP . work better or
4:1 ' VI ----ji.';- cheaper Ithat:
Ms Obero n ; -
tits% re lie uses be
best nuterLsle
manufactured In the Untied Stales. Gold and ells
avr filling performed In A style that defies compm
titian Satisfaction nuaranteed In all operations,
pr 11, money returned. lit!, him a trial.
LAI: ly I,
.. _ .
. .
t_frhiank Cuuustablo•n dales for sale et the An
et, tallee.
ED ! J. J.
CHANDLER bare pur
chased the exclusive
- 41111111.. right of Beaver county
to use Dr.Stucles Patent
• '77 .1 ,0 1 ....trif by which they can put
I It •
up% ulcanite as thin as
111 , 11. it 4 moi . d O% with n ban
-1 enameled polish;
and so light and elastic as to perfectly adapt Itself
1,, the mouth; obviatingall that clumsy and balky
condition, in much complained of heretofore; and
I,soenlng their liability to break 100 per cent. In
deed, no one scrine U wonid be willing to welt the
old atyle plate any longer than they could con, en-
I•btly get them exchanged. All branch°. of Deta
l-try performed in the beat and must substantial
manner.. In filling teeth with gold, ete., we that.
100 'e compdtltion from any quarter, and can refer
to living subjects whose fillings hare stood be.
Breen thirty and forty year.. Among the number
lion. John Allison will exhibit alling,..we inser
ted some :15 yearn ago ; the teeth as perfect as the
day they were filled. Laughing One prepared on
n new plan, freelni It from all unpleasant and dan
gerous effects, making the extraction of teeth a
source of pleasure rather thane! horror and pam.
Pricea as tow as any good dentist V the Mao.
Office at Dearer Station, Rochester Da:
nor3:ll] T. J. b it. J CHANDLER.
Singer Sewing Machine.
The most perfect and simple nachlne of the kind
OW invented.
Both of the above popular machines have been
lately improved ontil thee stand withont a rival.
CHINE from 145.00 upwards.
Price of HINKLEY 8 KEPI - FENS /d3O.
t'irculars And Sampled malledEfree on sididlcar
No. 20 Sweet, Pittsburgh Ph.
A cent wanted for the lllnkk Machine every.
and for the Sin••er In Wtitern Pennrylra
titt Ka.dern Ohio and Watt Va.;:veltere there are
none already eatahllahed.
The ilnderlitaned, thankful for past favors would
respectfully Inform the public that. he has one of
the ducat selectlona of ,
Etc., Etc„
n o nand to be found In tha county. , Ilb wort
mot of
sehool. libeellitneons• avid Belles
33 C) 33.
f.complow; while so pains are oparod unhuWry
to make hie .
(VIII to the test of City Establishments. lie Is
the ext lustre agent for the celebrated •
Foley's Gle:sist rens
for thin county. Moue reeking& good Gold Pee.
would do well to are them before Nachman&
Ile I. the Agent for this county for NrWeell
l'holograpa Marriage Certidcate. The attention
of eimgymen to respectfully called to this, u be
ran sell them at the same discount as they woul4
get from the Publisher. Atwater's School Gov
ernment ft,r gale at Pubibibees
Alto on hand, Toys old' VsneVroods, 'Mashie
for all scamona. •
J. F. A*lll.C3rs.
Broadway, New Brighton.
VINEGAR wooK§.,.
'13a11ou& dams
167, 168, 169 68# 170,
!Second Avenne,.Pittsburgb, Pa.,
Are now prepared to furnish Vtarzeait at
the Lowior 3tasuurr Ran& AttenUott
is particularly.called to our
,31M A.
F.;!..7.".> • yr
,„hr A
voxs' ''G'.;i.:
'" I l t" 414
Tit RILE the 'World is More or lest
VT erclaed over the opening of tie
Suez' Canal, the Public; in Beater and
should not lose sight of the Iketthat
At theft old . stand In &aver. Pagan sijU
Itirnishing to their customers everything
called for in their line. They always keep
,a fell assortmeet of
Rour,' Feed, Weil, /Ina; &spars,
kirikes. .
Tobacco•.aud Cigars;
• AncteJl other articles usually !bond ,
. •
• " • In a First Clam
From their long and intimate acquaint
span wI tb the Grocery Flour and Feed
business, and their disposition to render
satisfaction to those who may favor them
with their patronage, they hope in the fn.
tam as in' the past, to obtain a liberal
share of the public patronage.
Give us a Call
and Bee if we do,not make it to your In
terest to call again. ,
Jan& 8 . fiNITGEW& CO.
No medicine or treatment can item , : the
powerful curative xp . cnocr•of::^ • _.
• -
0-4 4 .
White ' •
•-• • , •
remedy o tor Maid gad Unit goatees. It
le - recom tiey twerl.ol.llpennine la Wihtdag.
ton. aud hundreds)* Pht4delphla,Bllll/ioOre. and
other cities and cabusunlilt. Woegboatthepsen ,
try. Mr. Pentangles, of Wilmington, , 'haute,
.writas that there Is Ea (with a I,* exceptions). a
amity in that city who will he without It it real.
Die to procure 11. Bush is its po ulasity wherever
It II known—end tills popuunty arises kom the
act that It ethereally ma all who nes It. Them
1 4 nooses of COUGHS COWS, 80111 t THROAT,
LWARtiliNatti. and eves PULMO
NA RY CONSUMPTION, where the eyeless le not
broken down with the wear of the diseses.or pre
tended medicine, cc Inexperienced advise. that
Ws Salaam will not care If carefully seed secant
lag to directions. gun Lt all we awe.
seat RIO be, and in vite • • trial from the fielded
everywhere. Price 50 cents, medium glee, and it
Mr large sized bottles. Pawed only toy".
• .„
J. H. fSI.MMS,%M..D:, •
NO4 707 Market St.,
wmatavoTON, Deb
Philadelphia depot, Johnson. Italia ',sr a Cow.
den. BB Arch biretta '
Baltimore depot. B. S. Hance, 108Balthnbre Bt.
For sale by 800 Mine Dealers generally.
Druggist 40 Apothecary,
STUFF" •yt,79)?1 , !: 9,A1E18„ ,
'i3 4 l 4 ll:dce.:l , 12 •
Choice Family
01 the greatest Variety, and at the Lowest
CM - Physicians' Prmcriptions carefially
mi scientifically compounded at any time
day or night.
riY - Agents forFahneiiiock r liaslett and
&lye art z's Strictly Pan White Lend, the
oldest and hest brand, in Ithe market, at
nienufacturcre pricce. - 6111 Local -Y.
May be toned the best wartime of
Mac.i,e es
0 - 11:113110E04:113.
L I Q,U o!tf3,
And Eirundieso.
I" a : 1 n4707;-151
DY E 131 . +U MP 8:
_ :• j
In great -.eitety. all of thefold
cheaper than Can be bokhltrto4 l
Dris Store
• A county. ,
~...iponco4 . . Female ' I ee • t:
Cheesemanle,. _
LAMPOh LAM Th P e Igr aT htt .
Ever oared outside of the 14IW,at Moore's. Drug
Wave, sad told ebespet Wan ow b boagbt en,y
where ,
Let those wtoU ' doubt • thle tell endows. end 0 1 4
will doubt no sore.
tulylW: J. MOORE.
t, oil ••a;,.4 •
tLATE' tteitry_ :
Are prepared to MO& Bedlam, oridarers, mar
Very Dank Bf a Cbloriaxi,
Roofing - Slate,
Frost tbetz own quarried. located In liortlenepeos
coonty, Pa.. AT VAUNT PUICI2I.
gazabite_ele7 be seem, aid tommilleatiosi sit•
deemed to • •
'E. L. spOODWIL. Agent
3. K. immumprazatiassi,
oas: suwars BmLISENG,' WORM
WAY. coma With et., ligibeadt.
t.l .
_ff ,
~ r ~,_
~.: ; .:,
t.l ;
t;ilr, 11;
-107 , 11 Cr rt. •. tr• ",
Leo• ' ki . . C O.
, Asattqauuty a- C O.
. . . Tues. wasicileir, 'caw.
.14. IMAM J. a. AN0111.;
J. n. WCRIgitT. -
• ••••• , ..s.c re t•5tr......—.-3;.5..p..•. 616 . 6 6.6
i t tett e le t r a MM l Zirrtestlas
Wooand Wiser' Oiripeardr. !• . !,, a lai &
it to 110119117111 •
tr • f a • re e 41 e st I si bera pint.
all perso:l=o " 6:l4 4 Zi a g r a rArg,____ Wras ef
to rat lorrilirlurirtrasurk ~..La i e
calor SCOW rho NEN itoproral
tbrraa= the
' .......• ) , , - JAIMII! 0. Ada"rx.
Thomas Allison,
• .11AVIN 131 .REMOVED MS STOREIE4S' tipAlritEt;
In the poqipLuil by Our
it Cooper , ITberebo,ni.!vibas ; Intend.
1444 - received' from the East, within
a few days rust, a Mr selection:4g
Latest spring Style I
BOOTS 8110 ES,
To 1103 sixivit articles be ;lag added a
CLoicc selection of
MOLASSES', . •,[ ,
All Ike above .araclo, . will be sold low
for cub, ovvxclutuged for country pro.
'duce. Call and ,examine Ids •ttwk sod
• x90'70;1
americium' ErfilllgilENt .
The dadealgued having bought ma the
Cream aelersoand,Conthaloaeryeatabliabromat of
J. C. Ham near the Poet office, In Rochester. Pa.;
erased rappettleity 'lnform the matte that be well
• Keep, Os' best quality ad' leer Cream
during any Summer, sad reepecthilly atm those
want of that artic le to give himan early call.
the Confectionery department I. well stocked;
and parties. weddings, at. will be supplied with
everything needs& en .kar t and In the beet
Families (.robbed with trestitaead a often as
17 a 2) Ha re &IP MIL
BEST assortment of these Goals that has
ever been brought to the city. Call and
eriainine before purchasing. and be con.
likbed, at .
1 4 . E. WELLS & CO'S.ts,
The Most Complete Business Co
lege in the United Sates,
Affording tedlittee'lbt inquiring t tborough,tese-
Mal bludiese edsoities,posseemeal by 'so olb
School In the country.
Slate Ile Ineorporatton In 1865, swirly Sixteen
Thousand Students, permeated's** Alreta ant?
Wilt* In th e. Unkta have attended here.
No vueaticiee. ' Students enter at say thus: and
twelve private lattnacticea tin withal; the 'enthn
course. , , • . . .
X. Cllsts srlthrult gesticulate end all ig
teaseu7 trtfortlott. un'sektreestht
SMITH a I.lOWl=, Mitigate, •
. • Prrnestmost. ra.
- „
Bridge,' tariff,
18 *WNW 11ECEIVING FRI:811 811 PAT
r -DRY 4:400.135: '
taulienillio . Jeans, .
Cassinueres and tiattineti; • ,
WhileWoollen hlatike,ts„
Whit, and Colorgd.and '
Barred Flanti'elg„
- Mer!nog, ,
• Delaines,' , " "
1 ! •
Water Proofs,
frown and Black Musliar, - •
Drithr Tieldiars-
r ic;iitings, ..
• Jeconets, '
Irish Linen,
Hosiery; •
Olontls' -
& Mita
CAZesTeas. Sam WOMMINII, Whits StlverThltit
and Comtoop 9 1 11 41. 11403 " 1 la bal.
1.., mit and . ASA Stu. sad • tits Candles.
Sap. Spice' tad. Mises Xest. Alto,
Hardware, • Glass,
Mids. Serena, Table
,__Tstds ma Ina and
Medal Bab, OW
Basso. Ms Morale and ad Maw.
grades. 990 , M.k $, I, Ind 4 Ils• has, Rao,
,9eldslal sad Cass tad Garden Hoes.
Tabs. amnia. Batter Pgatesad ladles
..uAitator; bri„ •
Litoed Oil & White-Lead.
.BOots and . Sluties
Rifle Powder and Shot,
Blasting Ppwder and Fuse.
Flour V041:04i Queonoworo.
• heavy goods &Meted bee attune. • :'
By Sore attenUon to tallinall, did by hews
ecostantly cm hand a well aim ted stack Stood,
or all the illereat Mato atially Itst ta a sem
stem the vadenegued Wei in the titan se in
of the
the "sato omit est noels a 'MeV atom Pgfrilie•
teha t . S. 11A2COMII.
I . •
•.0* gad titer Jose Mb. ISKI.
['ha, datr..43=344,2,m.
gr a
:locv • daily:r •, * • • 1 , .1 ,
• . .slynickflonweyirr
1112 - 7 —" 7 "- bergti
ARloneo 315
Gatos :55
Nasal= 4ar
I A .• 6W , •
Crestlie . n
Bemu pall
ppertiniaaky..l l
Urns '
Van Wert. • 1 • '
blaWane. it'tam Cohosa
Watilaw •
.Oldraao' • • INSOrn
,Valparalart • $
180 rx
Warsaw ...•
Fort Warn T: 314
Van Wert/
lonia .1
Upper Sandualry..'
Crintllne 4 . •
Wooster I
Alliance . ...
Salem. •
Ymetrittown, New Csetle sod. Erie Uproot
bases YeeekstOwn A 12,15 p. is; New Castle, &la
Pas; arthes at Plteibetsb, &50 p. m. lieteretert,
ara Plitsbantb 1116 a. , m; aa. si New Castle.
lidas. m. Ifeentatten, Ire^ a. is.
Tre, New Castle ' sod .Plttibursh Ac
leaves Youngstown, 6:40 a. so; Kr`W
arrives atAlletbell!,7_, Ukul a.
to. P.stareleg, MOTH Pttisesteb, p. m;
lieu New PadlitA.lo p.m:Youngstown NR
.1:08 pte
. .
Gown!! Ritunger cusd 7ktel Agent.
On. and ages May 19th ISM tralua will leave
&imam daily Mondays anAplall)aa
HOSIERY, az, &c.
Ettiild BMW.
A om
so I'm
'B ld~~ t ee r ppnnrt '1
liesidee Ferry ;
pisz ui.
- .
ritt*burgh ..... Mar
Rothe.ter • 733
Ilekr!ir _
ItlCalieity . • •••; 1 817
WellBvllle. 888
Steubenville ' VW
Brlkeport.... .....
• ml. tlll.llll.efl than ti
prig• train from Weltrodllo
N. rheadolobla
It t . CAD a. sa.
13.7 Ihtelf L EßS, Or,i
NEW 1126113 LE WORM.
tl 4
It 4
Head and Iroot Stones, .
garble and Stoner Work
We- etaing to do Use Pest Mirk in
Western 'Pennsylvania,
.And Mean to do' as tee Represent
AT .1102111 OR ABROAD.
Persons wishing work in our line - are
invited to call and examine our work and"
prices before pnrchaiing elsewhere, as we
will guarantee satisfaction in every case.
We have, also, a very tine selection of
work at the Rochester Works, which can
not bobcat, fo'r workmanship or price,
anywhere: , H. MARSHALL.
11111 AVIS ACADII7IY.—The text Term
.130 ,Wili CO nee on Monday. Amulet 201
1870. For el lar apply to the underaltrnea, or
during mall (July and Augnat,l,to the Her. 1).
P. Lowery: Presldent. or Rev. J. X. Bmlth, mem
ber of the Dowd' or.Tntatees, BOITtf, Pa.
je.o;4m] Rev. J. W. scow, D. D_ Principal.
~,,,,, ~;
P 4 A V e .
less, dal.
n+vioso . . f7XEirJ
'lle* 1030)4
tail barn
:066 ItO
SOL t .
/1110 r
f. 57
e . 9i19
i 9:9
:J~~ ° d
Ult - aZAk.f
, 815434 1130rx, 145rx
.1136 1211 3511
.MO . 185 431
:OW WJS • :40
1100 544 ell
110 • 810 !
.1110 11011711
1155A31 I 4311 iii
11115 G l%grx 110
WV I 131 . 2
I j 141 an
135 " I Mall
• ._ I
HAIL ;Acco~l
E 11133
201111 GIIIPX
110 , 615
316 , 730
633 1
auuo •
TAT/0 - 11.. /1 An:
9Or st aturx
330 . I 11;Q,
a) I at 4
h Wellsville and an ex
-3 to Pittsburgh.
is II
invezie t t tries
• era! Ticket Agent-
We 'DlCivantlmoture
German Apothecary and Druggist !
Keeps conitatitly on band a well selected
stock of
PAlrga, QUA, „
liiedfeal • Purposes.
Opts add I'o=o Crude and fleOucd
' •
ArAgo • •
Bole ent. for Dr. &tsars PatgintTrusaes.
AU fatale of Tenure will tie • dellvered
on abort notice: Pliyalcianipreeeriptions
will be filled at all hour!, °Nay and nigh!.
iiirA Aoki 4.t.kti(*i9e
•; i , t, ,4,, ;••• , r tl , r.;';:. i': I ~
; i -_ . , 1 :
: '•
' r :
i ! S ' '; ::
:' ~ , ,
. . ...
t 1 '.l. ..,' ,•,:, ' '''
1 I i i -',* -:'. :1 ~, ,:. , .
' •,,, , ,',,,,,*.. - - ' • , I
Wednesday July
.11'117.Si it
'9-4 16 1 I PT`:: 11 4 , TIM
________ -_..._.,........._..-.
(Written for the Soiree Argun.
... , G ,
.__DEcogg&TIOX, I>AIG- 1 :; .-.:
:.Thr.4l4.thi - iii. te..,h,
i, And spray, or bloMmeM blight, -
..4 PAL. firt ri t ig . ,'
,‘. , And pLyltlyt cemebßl utlf,tb(-;, :: , .' -., .
'''t dedicate to tome wt.) . idnovi ' '''. ' ' • 'Y'''' "
i .
.. •
,In unknown Ittuten IN% ',/:
'; Dui Stirtkattagli. aiii.o lbgia,,, - - , i
...v Aa m tbedins mw.. i!), , •;.‘ ..; „: i•.
Some, an AntlelMirelthifolr 110141-J:; , .... i ,
Sew. 04 Cb 1 4 14 41 1 15 11, X,' .il".. 1 • I
As__,.d no!"?.lit"II * I II IIM I A of nTI4r4II4 1 !II;Z.
=ow down tholr linden rain. ,„..
t idltiin snattyd td,4n., b r ,„.iy,;; ' . ,
Til t'nOtin. so l iiken; ' : 17 ' I'..
'`), kayo irarthi.littl4l t teetunlti;:'
.. / non sat* 'tab IOW!' " - i , ,! •:- , • .... ,
/Until a indlliainnidet,no ' . .•' • ,-, I ,
, flat semi • iolli titli„do; • ~ i - .',
' That winks wttb *Owning bea4s,i' , . . ;
' ' Think warm the ILlCtlaltigh,,. , . , i .;:
I thIPISfr '?"ha.wF*. , '4% 1 .. ; .; , ,
.• , 110 prison pens, gild t1nne...,: .. ; ~ , .
• , .Th 011,06.14; oift."-p4; tadit4ut Word.*
• ; .
heard at thn kittk , 't topic f, • ' ' ' .
' And.,lyhi4;tho stie p1141!!4.1111
l at
In peaA. for 'et ; , ' .' ' •
, Whoswettly Ink .
..riungoa t ,t .k. cp ,,
.. . Within thaw Arm* , , • ~ ..
I comfort mo thoLGOArIII Ill*,
Tharo.`intselog 01411" . '
nlway; ,, , '"
• .14 nd we Phall keep thAtr . .Mentotfor green
.. By Denotation Dirf,',
M a
Frau the I,4ll;dl4;DAy mum
.-Richard Weaver, the ex.eoalheati
ar. and ex-prize figlder, is at the-tires
eat time one of themestnoted public
speakers ingneaud. Ten years ago
h,e, was au ignorant and Intemperate
man—famous onif, for his . . skill mid
plackits a prize tighter., He mould(
whip any man of his stieight.and was
not(finitidlons In tt tight with an op-.
Vmiltmuch' lieatiler, than;; hlMself,
e could alio do his" Aare or drink
hig at the bar as well as lie "could Flo
his fighting in'thetring.
A change ciuttei!byier the man. I
than aiot "attt.mmtlia rgitiertvilistory of
that even—suffice' t rases , ho gave
up his cups, andAtt once made an ef
fort to change ths sentiments of his
companions. Hetecame a lecturer
and preacher. :
'Give me -some money, if you
please r,tiald lie to. a philanthropist
whom,humet in the street., I '
'Whit do you went ;matey for?!
•#.l. wan! to hire a horse and cart
and go to the rams.' .„ •
'O, Dick, that will never do. You
will gd on it sprewthere, and get into
the track of the had habits you have
just, abaudonod
' , No I won't, I want M to the
*ai...ns and break up the gumbling and
drinking rings there.' •
- 'Why, Dick, you will ne assaulted,
your life wilt in jpopanly, you laul
better not expose yourself to the ati
ger of the London roughs.'
'1 pm not afraid of them; I want to
totrimade thbm to tarh 'over a new
' leaf - and lead an , honest life,' said
Dick, with earnest emphasis.
The money was • finally given to
him. Rehired a home and wagon
ntid drove doWn to the mee•grourid;
among the booths and tents, Where
the piclaTocketil,ixtdablers, prize
fighters, and.otheckeywkadatiyes at
low life in to. .cottgregatedr
Re unhitched, • y Q
:hinvharit, .7 • - -- ' - .." -, 2
tho wagon mid .. otio. of his
ring songs. He'' handsonie a man,
.of compact bulk], and a capital ex
tempore singercl speaker,
,with a.
clear ringing •oice, which can be
beartl at a o derable distance.
Socuts'as he began to sing, a crowd of
persons began to tolled about him.
They came from tie tents, and stands
and booths, auq litened .with won
der and adminitim. After singing
he ventured to tell a story, cud
branched off MU a regular speech,
holding his audites and increasing
their number, for Such w a length of
time, that those who kept the several
places of enterttinment became
alarmed, and th i l ) put their heads
together and had le*. arrested for
'preaching' with t a 'license. He
was hurried into i cell, but 'before
the cell door wry fairly closed, he
commenced singirr one of his thril
ling songs, and ht voices rang out
like the tones of alrumpet upon the
air. A vast numer of curious lis
teners othered abut his prison door
and were charmedvith hissonga and
By and by thb itilor' came along,
and ordered hint t stop speaking and
singing. •
1 will not,' bait. Dick, defiantly.
'You can shut up sy body, but you
can not shut up in mouth.'
The crowd I:lensed, and the pris
oner continued to mtertain It. The
authorities next neatened. to put
lilno into a dungon it he did not
stop. . , , , .
'You dare not d it,' said Dick, 'I
have cOmmitted n crime, and you
have no right to tee me i ntoi a dun
. „
He continued L aing and exhort,
and finally the otters of the law, If
nut ofjustlee,offera him his freedom,
if he would leave Se Jail.
'No,' said 'Dick,' will not leave,
if I do, you inayarrest me in the
Morning for brating Jail; this is a
comfortable place. I have had worse
lodgings indeed; laid expect to sleep
under my wage on the grass to
night.' -
About thiS tint' some gentlemen
rode up in a car:4e and inquired if 1
the authoritiesid adept bait for
Mr. Weaver. ' ' ' '
`Yes, we have men tryinF to get
rid of him, wetegl be del ghted to
part with firm tansy terms, Was the
rey. 1 •
-31. r. Weaver % tv kindly cared for
by his friends, ithe ]text day he
t o.
returned to his am, the wagon,
and remained tl the until he succeed
ed in breaking tiphe gambling and
drinking establishients about .him:
The following it will show the
self-poise and tarot Mr. Weaver.
He was advertised) speak in one of
the theatres - of Delon. The scum
of London societ!filled the' house
front pit to domeJt • was an ugly
audience of sholer hitters and
roughs, convened try the mettle
of their former chi and companion.
Weaver was advil by !his friends
not to enter the tiding, they did
not think his life A) lean& a mob.
It ams k plala that S roughs intended.
to raise a row,ancio break. up the
meetine lu a, wellaneous fight.
Weaver said In ray, that he had
whippeda:.gcxxl my of those fel
lows, and that hens, net afraid of
them. . ' • • ' 'l'
The meeting wapened with silk
lug and prayer, d Weaver then
prcceded.with hipeeeh; when the
!micr et the , rout a well known
prize fighter; • no bythesobriquet
of 'Jim; lea up the stage and
took a posit in T int of Weaver,
and Began 4 queou. him , 1n the,
following na n or. -. •
'You are ver, are you?' said.
• with a wind a sneer. .
'I 'think I ye get with a change
Of purpose,' plieWeaver.
'You hay t Onevt heart, have
you?' 1 . „
.I. think y e ajly nude up my
'mind to be t, ail I. are:sorry that
I. have not n a letter man.' ,
'You can - veyourenernlei, tau
. 'Yes.'
.. .'Take tin
In Weaver'
,A Shedd
ence. Eve
beg' said Tim spitting
over, the 'mull
.. y present
170 . .1 !i
041 ;. , ot
:4187 • ;It 04: /*. ILI.: 'I. ~
...i ,
had ins opt IY.etivcr, 194
Out his Iteeltat dkerattior,,,wmod .
hlsetteek, Mtd-t tep,Wcil: _. , '
_ . 1 1 , ~
Ilan t ymi knew ricie when I was in
the,haint of prinking ; gantbllng„tual
lighting, indlin,y6w, ; ~
'Ytv A ,IIF said 31ini,," . ."
". -liu l , limited vie at maittlMe.
'1 Shoal haveloptx:ked you Adwn tol,
I did % 4c' ? whilve 4 ,l s'O',VI;Ve.
ing.', ~ ~ , 1 • ,
, 'I bel Ord yOu WOuld;saTel JIM. ,
'Well yott see I elan return, godd'
for evitnow. i 1 forgivu you , not Oply
but I wllicdo, MI 1 can tb,Pertinade
you to glve hp year had habilis ' and
your 4 , 1 coinpanVt, ' '
JIM turned pato' and iiti to
rtrernble t nna l th e u`'astied'WOu e; :td
forgiVe him.
w 'lt was, not myself that:yeti st
'upon,' Bahl Weaver, 'lt Wag,tuy MI -
ter arid his armee.' , , ,
•1 Jim wits brbken dOwn,htimlitateil,
and he Is now' a changed loan, and
,ono of the b,, friends Weaver, has;
Ilnifed, be acceeOdlapadses this eloquent
Apostle Of rerdnli Iltiu plate; tO place,
nod 'ls an ;efficient' worker. In the
.causO tar genuine re,formation. ' .
The, following homely 'illustration
will show'-hew Weaver turas the
ecarintonest ev ent to goOd aecount :-:-`
He had an appointment to Blank at
Manchester, but Ito had no money to
pay his faro to that city,; but he had
faith, if ho had not feuds, so he has
tened down to the ticket °film and
informed the agent that lie wanted
to go to 3latichter.,
'Well, you can tut e a ticket for so
much,' stating the sum, said the
!I. havn't got an money,' said
`Well; yeti can't haVen •
' very Sorry,' aid(' Weaver, ''L
kiVe engaged to ayeak in '
ter; this evening.: ,:
.; „
.cab't help agent, "'you
catettraVel Without Money. •
'Weaver turned , and was
aboist to !en the Office, when be
ineta,friend \vlto exclaimed' ,
-'(loon Morning, 31r. ' WeaVer.
where are you bound Y' ' .
'1 was,going to lSlatichtter. but 1
lutviet got It ticket, and they , won't
let me go without'a ticket.'
`Why don't y6o.,tiuy a '
haviet got anyttionev.' ' •
here to money, buy a first,
clag; ticket. „
,',lrwttiit, a '4lektt; said Wetivei ? to
the agent, balding nit the itiotlo.
• 'Third clus.4?' ml}l the amtnt,
dr, first class;
',lle presented Ids ticket at their:O.
*Third saltlithe man at the
.gale; leoltlng at Weitei"s tuirse'
• '.No,
• He prt.sented the ticket to the eiiii
duetor. >•• •I •-•.
'fbi rt I cla*?' !told the conductor
•tiO, sir, tint claw.,
When the passongent
lie presenterl his ticket, , •
'Third alai?' said the new con
ductor. . , .
'No, sir, first class.' • _
• `Now.! said • Weaver, •1... started
with a first class ticket, and I.t.lattlt•si
first eilllSS.lleket t fuel 1- had a nat
elitss our Ull.the way to Manchester.
So it Istwith those who •start right.
They intvei only to keep on the right
track and they will have a first class
Ocket through 1110. • t
Weaver was. speaking with great
fere*, itndhiseletttieeiaquenoo..had
=dire(' his auditors to-teani
R . .--i4taLidutitarthelmoindsi - th.
nouifeed4 a " us
desirabto see Win: . • fel I t theft said
Wearer, '1 will see her by and by.'
'At the dole of the servitr; he
found a pair girl, thinly clad, with
an infant in her arms, sitting upon
the hall steps. She was -. about.
twelve years of age. A tattered
shawl and a torh calico dress wets
proofs of_ her poverty, and her sad
face gave evidence of sorrow. better
fitted for strong men than for .chil
dren. When she saw Mr. Weaver,
who had preached in her hearing a
few evenings before, she said,
Mr. Weaver, you said something
about some one 'mighty to save to
the uttermost.' I want him to come
to my house right away and suvemy
father. He Is crazy drunk, and he
has ahntrit killed my poor mother.'
Mr. Weaver followed the child
through the streets end lanes, and
then up two or three flights of creak
ing stairs to wretched apartments,
where he found a woolen lying upon
the floor, her head I.xonul up. with a
handkerchief, alai bleeding, and a
savage . lookhig man, whose eye.;
glared front an uushorn face like
those of a lyni from 'a thicket. Ile
held a knife in his hand and his look
and manner seemed to s 4 'What
are you here for, stranger; how dare
you come to my house uninvited?'
Weaver knew this Irian at aglance.
He approached him Pleasantly and
with confidence, and begun to talk to
him about the evils of inteMperaticti,
when he felt some one pulling at his
coat sleeve., It was the little girl,
and when he turned to look. at her,
she said: 'O, Mr. Weaver, it is or
nb use to talk to him in that way;
mother has talked to ltiin in than
way a great many time. Let him
know how Ito can be saved.'
Mr. Weaver took' the hint and
changed his tactics.. Tao ordered
bread and mutt, and other
tints for the use of the family. After
preaching the gospel of bread and
meat, of physical salvation—by ar
ranging loaves of bruut arid slides of
meat upon the table—lie found a
chance to urea's};' 31 higher 'gO3Pel;
and the fruit of that' effect ;resulted;
in making that ;family -one of the .
happiest ; in ; ‘Merrie' • England:—
Here is ono of ; his illustrations: • • A
very poor family , In -London lived.
front hand to mouth le consequence
of intemperance of the• head
of the family. At last, . when
the poor wife and children were suf
fering on the - borders of starvation,
several good, church metribers.made
up their minds to visit the family
and,hold prayer meeting lathe poor
hovel in which they lived. During
the prayer meeting, "at young man
drove up to the door and Inquired
for Deacon Jones. - Ho was informed
that, the. deacon was engage(' In a
prayer meeting. - •
'Well, tell him to come , and see ,
me.' .'But hots busy In a prayer
meeting." Well, tell him that /am
part of the meeting: • •
When the deacon appeared, the
young man, who had his hat, • and
comforter; and . overcoat on, was
Standing at the deor,Arldp- in. 'hand.
'Father ecinldn't tome,' - said he,.
¶but he sent his prayers In a m 1.0.0 .
'Prujers in a cartl. what do you
'Why.he has sent solme. flora, And
meat, aml potatoes; :that's' thel way;
he Drays for people who are ;hunts.;
Sari When theyate fed, heipirayathe
'Other.' wayon his knees. ; Ho is going
'tado that at home to-night; -becituso
ho Is hid busy-to come here now.' •
Weaver does a good ded of kinty
log with thepoor, carrying his Tiray 7
grs in a basket as weltas In his hUtrt . .
Wherever this wOnderful man
goes the crowd is site to follow, and
he iscontinualliaddresaing immense
nudiencesin halls, theatres, -end
churches, In the principal eltlea. of
his native hind. ', .
—Wises It stated In the Cinciniuttl .
Chronicle that, the Hon. George A.
rendkton of repudiation .fame,
be ,a candidats for Gongrees in the .
First District of Ohio., , If
If th b people
of that State haVe no forgotten the
Surrender platform ,upon; which the
honorable gentlenitn ran . for Vice
President In IStil w he wlll bedefeated.
~ 11 , 11 e. •,;
7 . , ,.1 , ,f1
, • if l'
..sss :es L'isiss ..t: .
.... .
u ...," f , ~ l„ . . -.! •1 , ; ;. :• 'b, 1. /. :t 111" kt) el)1:11
. _
ti • lit ".
• s.i
- - -
•tht• I •
, When I yrs. deed, toy m' to
'" T 0144111; 1ad44 1 1 34Q
the wir my Teed*
" Prove hetet &mama 1)1.7 inimbei,di.. ll ".' • -1
I, " : Tag 'Ameiatitio allpi•tplaniaad pert;
*lFsudtp .OokrjaaM d.aad t4illaaebad
ocrothltoslotedotmet: -•,, • 4:
'"' ' •
t•4la oni;i• , r..itho•r,i4.• we .had ‘o • '
skim •fratinekva • '
" ; !And mambas atiki bed *MIN teem"(
• 1 • utr the titni ag • •
" We will ocklera,tbr o rmliparat ";
• ialc, epe:,,"',ltiieiretricshell be like ; ,
1 ' 'P.71 1 1 1 4,1
4 To.roorrOti." sold tbey, sinew With 1 1,11 0 1 .
And, dealt upon the plesient ray; • •-
'Tice they, one Bud ell,
'ere lye stood mg; et bkeetel ;lope:
, 11, duty I.par sed • •
• -roitiontiiiittlit tedey,•ll they i4led ; 1 , •
' ••• ' Wlll bT ),erertty.
ohlreted erste:rpm,. ine cart
. . Nf! 0411 epee* the tattle•ckett ;
L ill fergetieN sed
, amy sad y,r4, go part bow loathe!
trim Ili; smuts, room, - •
1 frail ikon laralkad pawed ram , .
• • Liko Ito, r‘'•ummbraoca orakunt., •
' • ghat tarrlrlh bat a dad.
I run a peaceful man, and so , is my
Wife, although she is of the female
persuasion. `Let us have pcuce,' and
red white and blue pictures of den
end (:rant hang togetlitirOu the wall'
over My mantel mem; lint I cut be
stirred up, and so cuff my wife, when
we consider that iinr tights are inciad-,
ell or, Our tramplcil upon.
IV4 arm American itltiz,eisi and under
stand what 14,erty fucitils, and :en
detivpr to c arry , out yur understand-.
trig . in. all tintigs; Ilene.; my wife
washis the parcliient, like 'a, good
American . citli r en up she is, three
Ilmis every day, Sund,ayii excepted.
got nothing toil° with the
story, further,, than it, tarries us to
the place when, the commencement
of ft imminence+.
Thike ier.tinine is A ruthushr bob
I'6lll her 'fbusyont of uffebtionj was
NitShing Abe pave:nem . 21$ is her
bleivsil , owttona yeiterility. morning,
while I etiottlid thebreakfisit. When
Just about turning' the •iiiakkert•l for
the last lime, I heard her Well known
voice say: • •
Yeti, sir, , you couldn't
hive taken many sensisi, or else the
'fienliesc you did lake were as wenk us
Wider, ur you'd never planktil your
blg - feet, en tilat.,whlte ,, asarble”ntep,
just theninfileitt 11vvgnilit wlptsl oft?
'fire man said something mitorr
couldn't untlerstanci, but I could hear
Th usy, and from the tone oilier voice
I knew she was riled. I'm well ne
'painted with her.
.'fort are going into the house, are
you?' •
The man said he wfuh'iMfl befiwe I
could take Inyapron oW; 'he was hi
• thwkitcheff. • '" • „
' ' itir,''said Thney, you
litre here; Mid svant'senses:s'poselyon ,
protieed and get 'em." Ydu needn't
.hook ut ehe 'eunthiuedi 'go on
with your business and getout;' and
she rested her brxnn on hersmi and
sat down, loo!cingt the man in 'the
t‘ We get,' said tha man; 'we get ao
ietaßtOTlltd ;hi going-nbout' among.
peopk N thaVour conduct looloin little
iniPtifient ; I but siinihno.lassare yam
linkt nothing:n(oo*W intendede
And the riian OA out; a little book
and 'tt lead peneil, l '- •
•'Thusy ktokedneirie as much as to
say. 'l'ilgive him enough;' and then
he coat mowed asking questions.
• you married ?' he asked.
; ,, Thusy's eyes shot fire, and t ex
pected a rumpiis. She looked at me
anti says:
*Blusher, go up stairs and get him
our marriage certiticate.'
'Oh, never mind that,' said the
man.. 'Just be kind enough _to ah
swer'iny questions.'
"that's may husband,' said Thusy,
nodding at me. I had sat down, and
the mackerel was getting cold.
'How many children haveyou got?'
'Three,' said Thusy.
'What are they ?'
`Human beings,' said Thusy,sharp
'I mean how many are males and
how many are females?' wild the
man politely.
'Phree girls, all females,' reinarked
'Livirig?' said the man.
'Dead,' said dant
these ten years.'
'Why didn ' t you say 140 at first?'
said the man, a little
. 'Cause you didn't ask,' said Thusy,
(listing a triumphant glance at me.
'What is your business nt present?'•
asked the man, look in' at me.
'Cookin',' snapped Thusy, before I
could say it word.
'What is your trade, sir?' said the
man, pointin' at the with n pencil.
'Pm a printer.' •
'What is your income?' '
. 'Don't have nun' said l'husy. - 'l'ts
all gone before it t'ome's in: ' •' •
'Your salary?'
'you must he a fool, acid Thusy,
juidping up ; ‘it's out of season.'
'Abut:tine, you don't appear to un
derstand me. What amount of mon
ey do you receive a week for your
rtold 1111 m; and he put It tiourn.
'llavo yOU a trade, huukune?' ho
Asked of
'A ddzen of '
'llrennnnker or inantunmnker.'
'Yes,' mid' TWIT".
ihe 1111111
'Anything else?'
`Sleweritt', cookin'; washln',mend-
In', makin', and washin'
When she said the last she looked
at me again. 1 understood, and could
take my oath to the eorreetnem of
the last busluetu mentioned. • •
''How many hone ri have you?'
'One,' said Thusy.
'What's he worth 1'
'He was worth about ten• dollars.
but I don't suppose he'd , fetch more
than a dollar and a half now.' .
'What•color tat ?' •
• 'Red, white mid blue.' .
'Ridiculous' mid the man puttias
the pMicllbsilipti eec..
he continued, this won.fda. I r you
have a home, what kind of a ono .is
• 1 thought Thusy Would burst. 'She
was infernal mad,. for it. looked as If
the mauVo:4)lqubtiniehetvioid;
, wobtlen rocking horse t'
The mtin roseand id did Thusjr. I
thenglit - there,Would is) a tight befet i e
the thing elided ;',Vuethe nian - talked
a while; and'.reatl a paper about pen.;
alties, and:then went on,
' 'Any cows?' •
,'No cows,' said Thusy. '
'Any watches:"
''Yes, but you'd better go across tho
street, if you want to find, out any
thing about them.' .
'Gold or slitter?'
'Orbmss the brassim4' 'and then
she went on to tell how the likNobba
stood peeping out of the tftralovis all
'I don't want kn ow anything,
about neighbors, interrupted the
man.. want to know how many
and What kind . or watches Yea have.'
'•Qh told Thusy, kind of set back
nlittle. 'I thought you meant the
people that 'watch us all the time.
We ain't got no other kind.' •
• The man saw that ho had the ad
~~~iJ nli~U.i
TIRE cEsiscus-T,lmErt.
1 1 -1-
!. 1;1/ tls{3
i Lt
vaShige Tit! , ••,Tn,q l ,l_
in thlg fiance?'
'l!in'a decent and - relipeetable''WoL;
man.' said! Thusy;; aaati t "thought;
tttYs botAllk yk 9dcel.l+ l 44tg.the•
'man was going to my IF) m OW else" (
nttp thing' the bitton 'dtiteti ;du the
lloorVend stitil,lpetntlng aVrtie: ll 'lf
that man was worth scent ba'd smack
~yyyt mouth s L'ye u notion,.,
to do It, myself.' ,Audahe dashed up
lathe CensUs-takei';' and TM got be
hind ti ehalr and eXplaned the tnatter.
Ito referred to ;how ;many , . hoanlera;
we had. This WIN it Ull.fdl Sight,
and x ie naan.went on :
*What aim of shOes do 'you - Woe: 4
'Tlfreee,' shl&Thusy. Note lok ew
sho had made a mistake, an ;said ;1,
, .„. , ;
0,5; I , ,
hut mid I shut. ,
•Wtiere were you bunt?' asked the
'At home,' said Thusy, •whemdld
you suppose:"
. .
'But I mulet - whereabouts?,
'Second iitory faint,' said Thusy.
'ln Ireland; England,:or Scotland,
or where' said the than. ' " • ;
• ' I'm a Native American,' screamed
Thusy, raising.hcr broom.
'Very good,' mid the new, and ho
Put that down. . '
TWhete were'yoto beim?lt said the
Man to me: • ;
told hlin.' ,
'Hew much,Ls your mother worth?'
asked the man; turning to Thusy.
intsm have you any false teeth; if
so, what are they nettle of, what are
they set on, and how much are they
worth. I f you have any hollow, teeth,
what are they stuffed with, and how
trimly arcistuffed With silver or other
metal Y' •
• During tho time the ceases-taker,
waS asking these questions I thought
Thusy would burst, Ifer fingers
worked nervously' around the brotml,
and bar azure wig looked like liquid
fire. Her , bosom .swelled • like the
angry billows :of, the timm, and, as
she handed my head u ,chair ,n
thws belbre, when - liloked „lust:
the same Wily, 1 natuceily supposed
that something would happen. lint
the ways of women are insigutible
us a general thing, and do a thing,
only turn her face, the' picture of
seen to men, and ask hiM if there
wasn't anything else he could ask.
• 'The awn said he bad his duty.: to
perform, and therefore he would ask:
• 'De you wear•a chignon ?'
1 This Is a tender spot for Thusy,
cause she don't weir any, and has got
lots of hair of her own—natund.
1 'lf so, is it all your own? Is it.
made of real hair, or wool or silk ?
how much is it worth?'
'Mister.' mid Thusyrising, 'I guess
pat had better get some rensessms.e,
.where else. There is u time, \vhen
.pittienee as.-es to be a ; that
time has come Mid by the sg teat
United Btatts4,as'l've heard my father
say I'll split your lased open wills
this here broom.'
~Undone, have you a gloss eye, i f
'file census...taker said no mere in
our house. , • . „
• 'You infernal scoundrel, yytt
impose on me, with your. trying, to
.take seIISFS here.' Autiby- that she
made a dusts At Nth withethe brdottly
knocking the cold mackerel off the
table, accompanied by the coffee pot
and gugar bowl, as shat passed ; and
theveasus-taker made trucks for the
ml.or, with Thusy at his heels, asking
hint if he had enough eyes to find his
way to the next place where they
could give him some seance., „ •
;body that t au:cans,
, , 4boo[foi
Keglntel iitkellrfees.
A correspondenPattie fNOw 'York
World, wrltidtftbiti Pciitfillintoth;
South 'Affirm - glifeb a' lengthy deal
cription Of the nefirly discWered dia
mond reglotr.' Ile tkistelhe dimttund
country in Smith' Are& is about six
hundred and fifty Miles to n north
easterly dlrectkin•froM Cape Town,
and the fields cover over one thou
sand square miles, extending from
longitude twenty-four deg. to twenty.
eight deg. east, and from latitudd
twenty seven deg. to thirty deg.
south. The writer says:
"The diamond field on the banks
of the Vaal are at length turning out
to be a most decided and entire sew
ems. We now kern •from authentic
sources that a regularly organized
community of diggers has lass: form
ed near the Vaal, at a short distance
'from the mbsslon station of Pnlel,
and on the opposite bank of the
river. No leas than one hundred
white men are at the present me
went actively engaged in these dig-
Wags. • A set of relculatlons have
been carefully drawn up, and are
strictly enforced by .the Vigilance
Committee elected by the whole
white - community there located.—
Sonic eighty persons have hound
themselves together hy signing these
regulations. The oath or soil is not
generally washed on the spot where
it is dug out, but is removed in tarts
and wagons to the hulk of the Vaal,
there to be washed and carefully
'sifted or screened. By this means
many large and valuable gems have
been discovered.
"Diamonds are fotind on both shies
of the VW, and are picked up at 'n
consider:lWe distance from the spot
where the present diggings have
been commeneed=which, we nay
add,: are situated in what is known
as the Campbell Grounds.' If is con
fidently anticipated that within
twelve months at .least one. thousand
men will be actively engaged on the
South African diamond , fields, and if
so,ln all probtebllitylhese men 'will
lan law upto themselves,' and will
not deem it necessary to ask for any
protection from the natives .beyond
that of their own right arm. These
diamond fields are but two . days on
horseback from Bloomfontein, or
perhaps a s little! over 000 hundred
Among-the Mimes of the sucec.sful
diggers we hear of King William's
Town party, under Mr Mclntosh.
Mr. Cumming, son of Mr. Cumming
of Iliiton, Is one of this , party.—
Messrs. (Mode, King and Ikroysen,
experienced diggers of California and
other lands, are likewise actively and
successfully engaged In - the tlearcti..
A Mr. Smith, formerly a laborer on
a farm in this neighborhood, has
likewise done exceedingly well 'ln
diamond seeking. A Mr.. Waldeck
and Mr. Coetzee are likewise men
tioned as being among the successful
seekers or purchasers. A diamond
worth .£l,a)o was disinterred from
Ia hole only Ici ' kliort distance from
.: where our informant was temputt ri
listaying, and this was dispoied , of
by h Column), the lucky finder, for a
'wagon and oxen, worth about .tlal,
or, at ILltt9t, :£140: Other' diamonds;
worth .£330 t 01609, have been picked
up, and many worth ..f.60 to £ls).
The most active diggers are , merely
dlstas4ing of their small diamonds to
pay for the necessaries of life, and
'hoanling up the mere valuable ones.
A few beautiful rubies have also been
dbwoVered, undone tuiquose—a piece
of which we have seen it having,
.unibrtunately - c been smashed by the
finder In order to see what the inside
looked like—has been 'unearthed.
Most of the landldirs and bmdied
raggersj and Idlers In general, from
all directions, are assembling, at the
diamond fields, and depend upon it,
all In South Attlee who are out of
employment VIII - not be long in
raending their WaY•thither. Our in
formant says that even now it affords
so curjous and busy a scene of peo
ple trito have. been •long, in this
'• •
AP' - t.rtf''tiiii
~0 4A ntutzvilionegro,r . .
von Pa, 114 PPS , Y." au Mg* * "
P4llll2llUllCitiOPitt aft
Igoners! interne are reoronkinnY
cit " 7M4 m/ r l 3
ibis kind mart invar=tleplf3
DIM by the name et thmaatthatat
i f ottorn and
Addromell id, 1, 'I • ;o!, 'ILi 1 1 . 1 la." f
wxywrip Ds. Or. lg.
-••- --- •
srei?ferbiallY4llW4.htg!iillattl;lll l hr • ,
•itirtli gutty; ildiddied , rnifek ;
mesa. Two elßoetwiel , the. Second
Dattalion,.TwehtlliltitAtegldietd i are • ,
'diem,' and • anntlicart -.LlttilenturS .
'Beecher, Joel tart •
froth Natal, is en-route thither-Abe
,fiat is, if lea *0 Mir/ MAW. these ,
Woe diamond ileitis trilkvervittfak-
reculutiOnizelblaraftwile•Ufl booth
"Mai. .
. : I • '
During the, eruptiena.ot Yeturyitia, •
Which destroyed thu:surcienti city of •
Peutpuii, thew who_dela.,:tal too oug
• maltitig t i entAitt i te . 4l . vietlrue, t ~ •
Mr the ,uititit t 44, ,to, perniCleUs
cl,feet.goranki tali:and tditainfejiditiedc'• •
and Welt rapidly covered by itreilibow sit itr/ .
era uflineduat itialbwing•Mvouo 4 sl;4o
iCliieliegoultilollytopriP4ONG.trA •
leetwuuldsofthv,gliisjlPyl,i al,
who so miseratily perialuter,_
which admirubletatalaar, , • ' on " ;/.
ing their hams, featbrea l p
• and "attitude, when U •
death. ,IttMl beginnlngoir '• • - i •
vatitwei: little
Mose mance% moulds; VW tw,OilYn
lug been uist and pruieryed, e meet
retnarkable'ef ellifelf 4 tVertthediftif •'"
h usband ; vet re, 'and child Mho uaband
ut • 1110.'4110count .ufitlilitath • priyaltig ,
tightly to his Pre 9 ol,4l4 l 9tcco Adectm„
et gold and twil.-unti pito* of paver
'Which were Itaii trlixed to blit '
the wife had let fall at roadie linen
ver, in which were mend louritieu
bmeelcts, gold ,rimes, ear riii;,,qt, and
jewels of lusl impurmucti.
It tees only, inovevervin 1:43, that
M. had 'the happy hint of
titling those indent! moulds with a •
peiamur suititieu uf.pluster, by which
prueths the victims ugare.prouutitl to
their integrity. , • •
Drat, group reitrialugetl twss
composed ttc 11.11111 U, a WULI/1111, LOW
yuutig girls, who had remained tvitW
in tloura until too lute; whist they tit- •
tempted to oirapo by the windows of • .
the terrnee, they, were,staddettly,,tis- ,
Phixiattal, itiat.,tuvertal by tliciltib.kt
which faithfully preserved ineeusituur
et their tempi. ' "
.111 Hins, it hotly 'thus! reprixtured • "
was that of a/Inill •.110 li*l fallen hate .
downward, whose, tuffittetfallev, Wofi •
the very 1111110: of th.t.tair and Petrel - - I •.
ing—his tightened 'teetli ilea etiqutct'
11.uals ehaineittlyekprefeing the tirgo4
by he had : ••.
Next iu illleAblt. u Oaf. lot'ut 14.„
woman it he bled (alien on her
Waste. right halal Waits fittonthOViirtit '
,Iter left ramt0.1,174 if trying:lo%omila •
tfaitgvr. 'l'd ant • her sine .teal
l'itboiM her vestment,. - tier berm is
11141tiliti tleglllll, Iter thUnifahly tirehlti
1 el/1.11:4.14 iu 231.0.41 g nvnug
,liieurite, SUltilt - L :,tta.fx . in
t to one of her lingers Is a siivi.r ring,
white near' her were (mind gold ear •
'nags, t Hirer mirror, anti uu. amber .t.
statue reitry...-,euting• t:uptd.,'.4er , C'
(lie Irunt tutu a dace J'y'W4,4ot ring
lets, and Mils, pitutc•d, itVer' her "
fu the knumser of the Vernilre perra—
qaq, e' •
rcisturlittiole grotto of.t Lace per- ,
sous has hveu aduttralay, exist ,
is, in the 13141a:se degree •' '
num 61' tail ittaturd and pokveriul "
L t vc rotk v.. ti bu y: u fn el trk ok ed l yttirtvirt m,•;,;.tprutumu,n -• •
and thoustncheos thoptiffe*ti fiAte,.
he held in his nand the ear r et
the two youilk;
tutu the Key of•lib lloubo,.'and • • •
looks the•brau titan of au. old /lowan ~ • ;
letlionarY d t ••OYetF hqu4l , Ito .440,
thrown tneltiruer of his oupi4fe, .• -
pxottiutitin The: isliitiOW ' 1 "' II
pr o . Wit add •
• tit.
T • "1"!•lif" 4 "*• - - .
enfrodution. . , „
• . 3:htre souleitilnklOtts4tielfs
nLiontsclogof, the„two sley,yo` . al
halved their inthei.,lsi teeproesso . ,
rude tupportiiiic aide'
other, breathl Ug' the ontssolsolison tun" r
eat wined nit en uther'u arum/ • Both ..;.„; .
u 4 the. ligurus ure.of ltiYtuulul tames
stud proportions. • :
There 'is .tinsething
and In the of this group,trieuil
tied by'uature its the sysony Detwetna
life stud , death, us they vainly ut
tempted to tteutte truss rho downed
city. .
. .
With the mtiois now lit the tli.svuenl
of M. Elureitt, lieyrlit he alas to term
a tuustuat repteseuting the rats,
eustuutes and uuluippy fate
of the an Itabitan 1:4 or l'oinpett %Odell
wtll henceforth beet inestintable val
ue co students at art and histuty.
- . u • •
Swallowed up lu a Quicksand.
A correspondent of the Riuisos
Jehirnai sup : The citizens of Silver
Lake wereshocketi by the intelligence
that a man by the name of Price
Roberts was partially buried MO well
out on Big Soldier. In 4:0 wpm)*
with Br. Word and several others of
this place, I repaired to the st..eno of
disaster. The circuinstansis are as
follows: Mr. Elmore Randall mu-.
'played Mr. Roberts to dig 'limey/ell.
When he luid'sunk it to the depth of
twenty'.fiNio 'or thirty feet, he
imam( curbing with rinher frail ma
terial, using grapevine:4 torural by
boards. ,\'. hen at the depth of forty
feet, having dug Aye feet below. his
curbing, he was ur&d by Mr. Randall
and his friends to come out; but hay-.
Ing, struck water, he was anxious to
secure the prize. Shortly afterwards
Mr. Randall was startled with the cry
for help. 'Seizing the 'windlass, they
dragged him up - about fifteen feet;
when the treacherous curbing env() .•
'way, fbreiog him to one side and tin,,
der the bank breoking his hold and
entangling h legs in:the curbing.
Buried unto Ls chirkand lvitirtlea
prospetiof anatheralidoevery minute
'3lr. Randall,. with. heroic .fortitude, ,
th-scendell. the well and commenced
diggilig Mai out. I)euth was around . '
him above hlm- , --on ahlea: Yet
he worked until he got the land away
to his waist, Weak and exhausted,
lic,.Was pulled out. lie mounted his
horse and rude after help. When we
reached the spot, We found Mr Rob
erts.still alive, and giving directions
to , troxie *lane how to ()Tomei'. W°
Lutist meted a curbing twelve ieetiong
and' let it down, but, owing to the
curbing beton., we could not get it to
the .bottom within 'three feet. , Mo
ments were eternities to the poor fel
low: Tito first. to descend the curbing
was young , HOW by the,
.name of
Johnston, who pulled the sand away
from his thee, came up,•and Mr. Ran
dull went . down with a hoe: Mr.
dultP rllobe i tB ;wl llPPt th i e l ires, "Saponseve
ble youth worked until, falnting , rind
siltdhaevilt:hiMrtuysit'otti.udt'ilhfcnse3riiraillotli°ruvebetrdtTiPlls nto
nip- • •
exhausted, be was pulled up and play- • •
red on a bpd r atil restoratives&iveu,
him; Au exper encial Well • gger
was the tett to go ddivri:" He Work
ed faithfully, but gavetip all hope or"
getting him out. The sun had; eels
and deep down int,9 the darkness of. h .
that, "chamber of 'death", Mr. Roberts '
still .• continued' to give directions: "
Pr. Ward went down wlthslantern..:
A bottomiees box was lowered, which a
the doctor, placed 9ve,r.114 head (o
protect him from the'inroads'id the
quicksands.. Wowere fulfilling other
orders of thedoctor, whtnheexclaim-:
ed; "Ile is gone!" Another .slide
completely covored him, and almost,
fastened the doctor In. Every effort
was put Meth to sate i him, but to ".
vain. We returned I home with read
reflections .that we had seen a fellow
being burled tills e.„
Pennsylvardtc farther 6tatt4
that Ito , cured Ils•daughter of • tho
tirocian bend hy.pottrlug .water
her and holding lier.out in the sun
until she warped bat again; •