The Beaver Argus; ileaver, Ps., June 1111.11070. Circith4tion Over Mahe Hundred — . ' - - lbws — kilr Advents! • --- ! _ T im'. aw. Gw. Am. Om 1 yeor —.. 1 wir-10 1 hwi, 10,00 pa. 00.10 it 00 111 1 10 00 .1 moan, do II 50 6 -- 7 go O6 mx , 3 .411111 MI, do 000 600 000 111 OD 18 00 1 Norm do 600 8G0105016 CO 81 611 I ); C . 111= 1 ,....... 1 800 11, 00 2 2 '4 2 'S 4 ,- col. ..... I s go ID 00 AM 00 SO GO loop adetinisualeri' and 7Liocastace• Notices....s3 Oa rpecial 'lurk= par PAW, terramtri. rr' Payments to be made Quarterly, except tir transient advertisements, arbleb meet be peld in ethane.. Slate or the Thermometer for the souk ending Jitne 25, 1870. j• 7 A. are 2 Juno 19 -75 des. , 70deg. .• 29 70 deg. 81 deg. 68 deg. 21 65 deg. 72 dog. 87 deg. 22 00 deg. 73 deg. et deg. ..• 23 Gtl deg. 80 deg. 63 deg. •• 24 9ri deg. 84 deg. 74 deg. 25 71 dog.BB deg. 72 deg. R. T. TAYLOR. FñI4JJ 4 fl Cleveland Ac Elusion* ili.llL—Trslas pay Erat lane Berra tltatloo so follows: doe. ;a n ,: aq,ren, 9.11; Snaking Express, 9.14; Mad, n ti p. Trains 'role: West leave Bearer Statical aa inns: Mall, 7.13 m.; Repress, 5.55 p. m; Ace ommodatlort. 5.113 p. m. Nit. Ft. W. a 111. i 3. S.—Trains going Nast I are Rochester Station (at nail of bridge) as fol. Isor: Bearer raUs Joann. 8.11 Been accom. 7.10 1. m 4 New (Male seam. a. m.; Falls accunl. 1110 p. m. Trains going West Imre Rochester litatiop, (at end of bridge) as folkrwn: B. P. imam. 10 a. m.; Rem accom.s.lty. m.: New Culls amen. 5 . 5 0 p. le 11. F. littotn. 7.37 p. m. Trains going East Mare Rochester (Upper) Do. pot as follows; B. F. aecom. 6.091. ni ; Bohn gin new. US a. m: Yew Culls accost. 4.10 a. In; Chicano exp. 1055 a. m; Bearer Falls man. p. m.; Chicago Mall 1.05 p,rxx Isle oap. 4.10 p. ml Chicago rip. 5.05 P. to: Me men 0.55 p. en. Trains going West. leirw Rochester (Upper) De pot as follows; a. in.; Erie rip' In a. m; Beaver Falls mom. 9.55 a. m.; Chicago 11.35 a. m.; Chicago exp. 11.55 p. m; New Cu. d. snwm. LSO p. m.: Rite exp. 6.41 p. m; Bearer Falb aWcOnl. LOW The attention of the public is directed to the following Now Advertisements which appear for the first time in the Aug+Vs to:-day R. T. Walton err as Cooper John Border Clerk it Co John U. Robb siwelal Notice, A action Sale, Homes for the Mei); *options' Court Salo, ithboieriptions to the Beaver Ar- VI/I.—The following narnod persons 113 re paid the sums Not opposito to their sans% on subscription to the Deaver A mitts, since the date or our last) S. C. Duff, East Palestine, • $2 00 (409. Douglass, Now Brighton, 2 00 Mrs. Mary Hunter, Industry, 2 00 11ev. A.ll. Bradford, ).Inon, 3 50 Estate of William Elliott-LNow Shef field, 2 33 John f 3. Feder, Beaver, • 5 00 John A. (Gbh, 2 00 Samuel Crinkle, Georgetown, 4 00 Illackhawk, 2 00 Tug plaeo to got Cedar clowns I 4 at IL H. ILanger'N, Ilridgowator. jo2`..';3w STEVE HON at WITTINII, Real .Estate Agents at Deaver Falls, have for sale over 200,000 acres .of. choice — fasm and mineral land, in Middle Tea'neasoo, in trails of 5,000 acres, at 31.25 per fere, in ctisy payments. There has boon no bet ter chance for a speculation offered to the married men of this.region for a long time than this one. Three raiirmula will s.toli traverse this tract. For particu lars adtinsts the, agents as ahoy.). They }MVP also about $300,000 worth of Beaver and Lawrence county real property for juls:4t. AT' lianumer's, hats 131.00. • Jels;tl "CuAittme," the agent for the book On Mormonism, by Beadle, ix now' inn. %Assiut% this, county for subscriptions IC will no doubt be ii work of . thrilling interest, and those who are disposed to know more of the inatitutton of Isslyam., my in this eountry,should procure a copy ofthis work. Ile is airs° canvassing for a Polyglot family Bible with illustrations and ex planations.- This is a superb work and should be In ovary family in theeounty. insyliamos• Li S ns, silk, cotton anti paper Vans, at Mrs. Ilescont's. J015,4w Dry Good's. A splendid neiv stock jumf opened 31, ,Itticev More in Reaver on Monday, eon enntlng in part of: Tfie bent Delahis Espying and at l 11l ner style 15 cents per yaid. .1:ood slitulod poplmo now Ktyto At. I 1..4.11114 por yard. ' Extra hoavy gloss grain silk for sack iiigs2.o4) per yard. . Pikays white And in ooloroil stripes a Is rents por yard. peantiful grenadine:4 for dresses, ill . 110 W patterns. -Poplins of evory shade and polo r corn Very good yard wide blenched or tin bleached .111uslin, 121 per yard. Double width mohair luidre 'Alpavei colorm et-Inm. A very good assortment of Law ns,new patterns very cheap. 9:ocid shirt fronts at VI cents. Plain and Ribbed hose 10 cents. A good pure linen Handkerchief 8 els. Extra wide all linen table linen 371 vitt% per yard. curtains, counterpanes and other v.sals too numerous to men don here, just revived from the east. All those wan ting real bargains can save money by early at .1. ii. lIENCE'S, Nillin• Pry and Dry Gcxxl Store, Third street, beaver. • jeS;4w A SI.E . CIALITV made of pure lat•e% and NCO collars, Lq Mrs. Ilearotn. jel:l;4w - 7 - - • ,• Hanauer's, hats ,75 eents: jels nigh onion cuffs and collars. and f°"rY ribbons al ways (In hand at Nirs. lleacones. • J01:44w ,:ellettm and bonito:4x trintmod to or dur at I fitouneem, corner of Bridge and Market mtroots, Bridgewater. • • jel3;tf .t 1• Hanauer's. Ladies Huse, 10 vents. jel.rOf Beaver County Agricultural will hold its next Annual Fair in haver, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept.:Nth, 29th and •30th 1870. al.r•'.A,•3mds.l B. Mount:, Seey. • kir.llanauer's Hamra Fashion keeps the hest stock of trimmed and untrian iced liats.ana bonneti•in Beaver county. ;ire him a call, corner Bridge and Mar ket streets, Bridgewater Pa. Jolrntf A VARIETY. of cuffs, collars and neck ti,,, at Mrs. E. 11. Beacon's, Boavor. 4 AI Hanauer's, late f2ii cents. jel:Of ici: i Sparkling Soda Water. fresh the fountains and flavored with Avlieious fruit juices, at Hugo Andries- N , ll • s,,lt'eavor Drug Storo. joDiftw Itaratea tilts day at B. M. Itai)geF's, 4 . )ile ton pure white lead. Je22;3w II racy black rep milk for ladles Racks; al., a let of dross goods suitable for the . .0.0.4011 at H. H. Rangodi. jeB2;3w A Nara and fresh assortment of mil arry, hats, bonnets, flowers, ribbons, k."..Just received at Ain . . E.ll. Ileatom's, Iteavc.r. This stock will be sold at the lowest polisiblo prim. jels;4w Itcesiven at B. S. Ratters another lot of flaxseed oil : also one hundred and fifty kegs asserted Wheeling nails. 3t baSkoutand children's school baskets at Ranger's. 1.324 w - - AT Ilausuer's, lu4M 50 ("antis. }e/53( Sumunn Suawca A aeoond lot of those beautiful Hhawls have Just been opened at Bence•s otoro In Beaver. Alt those ladies who wore dlaapolnted in not getting any of the Brat lot, ran now be fed. Tire fielded "season' is isPotriet. Satur day and Sunday last fairly dolled with beat. The thermometer went up to the tiOu in the shade, and in the sun it boiled over. We may expect to see numerous accounts of death by coup de solid. Thla. It 13.84(1,1, nut! $ prevrted by plaiting In the 'crown of the hat a small sponge saturated with, water. Another simple preventive is a dampened cloth laid on the head. 'SUB another may be fbnnd in placing a Om green 'leaves, in the crown of the hat.. The Peet of all is shade, and a dlah of Mrs. John Border'. excellent Ice Cream. Her establishment is a popular phme of. resort during the heated mason: Try the remedy. Young man. don't marry diMplei, nor afiklos, nor eyes, nor• mouths, nor necks, nor chins, nor teeth, nor simpers, nor other things. Those bits and scraps efltenininity are mighty. }mar things to tie to: Marry the pure,' true thing.— Look allce:congeniality, kindred sym pathies, disposition, education, and 'if these beJotned With social disposition, or even filthy. lucre, why don't let them stand in your way. Get a woman—not one of those parlor lay figures—not one ottani) parlor autimutotta that sit down Just so, thump a piano and dote on • whisker. Living stature are poor thing*: to , call Into consultation. The poor little miss that can scarcely Whom the depth of a dram trimming, can't boa helpmate of any account. Don't throw away your time upon such a trifilng .i • 1 Mans, shoulders and sides of the best brands at D. S. Bangor's, Dridgen - ater. 3 , liana rienic.—..t. social picnic will be held on the fourth of July in R. Wal telex grove, near his residence. Refrosb monis will be had on tho ground by L. Loose; all are cordially inylied. "Como one come all I" Good muaic will be furnished. Managers R. T. Walton and .1: J. Russell. . The lightning train on thePittaburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad, made a recent trip from Bucyrus to Chicago, a distance of two hundred and sixty-coven miles, in four hours and forty-three minutes; being almost a mile a minute. Suamt cured ILIUM and sugar cured beef at B. S. Ranger's, Bridgewater. 3t —• • • -- 111 9 Cnkeigeon vv. Drs. Marquis k Bare low. This was an action to recover damage. , tried at our Court of Common Pleas, teat week.— The plaintiff, in April 1%6, fell from a enfolding upon which he was esgsgriat work, !waiving se . •era Muriel. Dr: Marquis eras mmedlatelynum. moue& to Ida old and audio:, upon examination. that the plaintiffs Wades consigned in a diatom• don of the ankle and Dictum of the !mailer bones of the leg, requested that another phyalcian he seut fore Whereupon Dr. Barlow, the other defendant teas sent fur and became the operating surgeon— Marlinle performing the °Mee, eireply, of admin istering chloroform. Upon the recovery of the patient, It was aster talud that the surgical operation bad not been oucc.oful -and in course of time bl'eutcheon re- In bring this action layingids damage- , nt five thousand duller., Before the suawes brought Barlow became a non.resident and consequently the suit could only be maintained against Dr. Mar. qui', whose aateloo was that he, bad absolved himself from all responsibility by sensing to per form the operallato and requesting the plaintiff to sarure the services of another surgeon, avail ing himself, however, of all the advantages trivial him by the law, it was attempted to etrenitthen the defense by showing that the dislo cation had been properly redmoed and tiat the present deformity of the limb resulted from a want of prottc:r care on the part of the patient- The jury, after hearing all the facts, returned a verdict In favor of the plaintiff for one thonsand dollars. To nor the vitt:Bet redacts neither, wisdom • nor Justice. for If there woe anyJegul liability ou the doctor's part, he was certainly liable for a much larger -ems We eau rou•eh e of no point of .. view from whist. the defendant would be liable for almut one-fourth of the damages the plaintiff' has at orally nustelned either at his own halals to somebody eise'n, except the mere fort of Dr. blitrquie standing at dd patienee braise).- per. forming a kindly office. If Dr. ?Unites none re sponsibie, be seer sedately responsible for Ott damages, but If Irrespenellile, then the rennet Is erreneeolle. , cTMulvanon Limo Hilne , Vanport. Rest lime at tho lowest price. i Je'22tr. Atteffialon G. A. IK.—There will be a meeting of Post 204, G. A. It., at their . Hall, hi, Beaver, on Friday evening, July 1, Is7o. As business of importance will be tramumded, all the members aro urgently requested to bo proserit at Ilia' time, J. WEYAN D, Pre3't. Com Celebrating the Fourth. Our old neighbors In North Beaver township, Lawrence county, intend celebrating the 4th of July, at Moravia, in regular old fashioned style. We venture the opin ion that they will have a good time. No celebrations this year iu Beaver county that we aro aware of. Why is this thus? Who can tell? At Work on the Shenlm.—We no tice that the 4:overnmont has rea eil work on the river N110:11S opposite to Beaver. The dam is assuming fair pro portions. When completed, wo antici pate good fishing territory below it. . License.— Hotels. Harrison As nts, Beaver Falls Borough, granted. David Johnson, Homewood, rejected. Joseph M. Reed, Bridgewater, grant ed. Done aster, Rochester, rejected. David Magaw, 'New Brighton, : grant ed. Eafiny Hottlien.—JllllloB Conkle, Bea ver Falls, rejected. Lou is J. Wagner, Beaver Falls, grant ed. Wm. Barnes, Beaver Falls, grunted. Henry Boyles, Chippewa township refused. Wm. B . oswell, New Brighton, refrmed. Quart Ifou.ver.—Mary Alexander, chestor, refused. T. 40. Morgan, Bridgewater, confirm . Fatal Accident la a Coal Boak. —on Wednesday, the 224 Inst., while Mr. William 11. Roe and John S. ROC father and Kon—wero engaged in mining awl in the bank of Mr. William David son, in Beaver Falls, a large atone fell from the roof of the bank, and killed both of them almost Instantly. The father was about 110 years of age, and the eon about 14. A coroner's Inquest was held by the coroner, D: B. Corbus, over the bodies of the deceased, and a verdict in accordance with the above facts nm dered. TIIf SIWAY or 111111 HIMINEXT. By WIWI= II Locke,A. Y., Choplalo. IJppencoth a Co. Cloth too. ON pp: The author inscribes his work "to the living of the Old Pennsylvania Elev sinth; imtil . to the :memory :lot its many gallant dead." We have read this vol ume with profound interest; At deacriff tire and narrative writing, our author can scarcely be excelled. To' the sur vivors of the Pennsylvania Eleventh; this book will be an Invaluable treasure, and, to those of the brigades to which at different times the regiment was attach ed, it can scarcely be less so. It is re plete with interest from the organization of the regiment—throughout its battles, marches, b!ivonacs, camps, hospital scenes, discharge, reenlistment—until its final discharge at the close of the war. To tho general reader this book is very interesting, because It atforils an outline °title operations of "the Army of the Potomac from the inception to the closes of . tho war of the Rebellion: Camp-life, marches, battle scenes, ac., are so mi nutely delineated, as to be readily recog nized as life-like pictures by every old campaigner, whether of the army of the Potomac , or of the Middle ♦nd Unif States. If every regiment Could belie had as able an historian, our history of the war would now be as near perfect as human ability could render Wo can not • permit the opportunity to • pass without a compliment to the publishers fir the beautiful litter-press print and superior paper exiiibitel In this vol- Ulju•. • k 7" Tbo 11;ThAfri;VitoOts boa been neat lei dl loans and Mynas on tide Couttentat,ip tletTiD STAY/010M &Wolof uen, T wo thottaand notp4. of ten deign; each. hem No. fla.- batmor. 11,0. liabmoo 9 .. both We ft stolen use : the Mammary. No $lO notes of a num: her Win than 113.11114,400. bare been hatted. t•Pktaati look out Pot the stolen notes. . A Metal reward will be paid to any person through whose Instrumentality the thief may be detected. Ifold parties preseating the shin notes, intspleknia stick to them), and in any raw of preantatica natty O. X. Slimy, i'ems. U. IA Waahla&m June 14.1170. A MuguLir Port oounly lotvlng novol merino acrimony took place before the Mayor of that,to7n, on TuaidaY, Juno ' • •*. • !gkikins_you er witaess,l agree to take Cathrine stooll, who I bold by the right band, and who intelligently, fell ooa. and'aphitually love, to be my oom pardon through hie, and to her I accord. equal rights socially, reUglotudy and p a' lltically with myself. "W. Pierce." "Before you-as witness, I agree 'to take Walter Pierce, who I now hold by the hand, and who I intelligently, re ligiously inolaptrituallylove,to be my conapaniod through 1111, ind•Vilgree to not usurp over or transcend him in any particular. "Cathritte "By this voluntary and premeditated act, in your presence, we declare our selves religiously, philasophi ly and scientifically married. - "Warman Pt ICS, CATIIIRINIC "These presents being duly ed, his nonoraompleted the contract as en tered into by pronouncing th parties husband and wife. CAJIIII PAID FOR WOOL.—Messrs, OIT & Cooper will pay cash for Wool deliver ed at their store in tho berciugh of Bee vei. At'ednesdag and Saluiday are set apart for tho reception of Wool. Je29,3t 141.10114 RD aro they who seek relief from "Liver Complaint," "thilionsnces," se vere lingering Coughs and 8i0n4 4, 1 a, by using Dr. Pierce's Alt. Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery; for they shad be happy in knowing that the cn ticorn= pieta. 01,000 reward is otr . 'by the ori proprietor for medicine that will equal it in the cure of all thedisesaes for which it is recommended. For constipation of the bowels and as a blood purifier it can not be equalled by anything over offered by the medical thenity. Sold by drug gists. Dr. Sago'tieutanh Remedy euroit tho wont, cases. WE have received a cop . ) , of the News .. Lr Directory published by George P. I • ell d. Co., of New York, conhilning & complete and accurate list of all the dallies and weeklies published in the United. States and British Provinces.— Bound up with this volume is a Rate- Book, giving the cost of advertising In most of the principal newspapers of the United States. There is also some agreeable reading in the shape of biogra phies or well known advertisers. The whole forms a large octavo volume of nearly nine hundred pages, and IN sold for live dollars. Improving the Obi. Riser.—We noticed that the River and Harbor Ap propriation hill appropriates $50,000 for tiro improvement of the Oldo river.— Sundt favors thankfully received, eke. Ngw BRIOWTON SPLYINARY—CLOYING Exanessm.—The present term will close this week. Classes will be examined on Wednesday at 9 o'clock. The closing exercises will be given at Concert Hall, on Thursday evening, 30th lust. 'They will consist of essays and declamations. interspersed with music, vocal and in strumental ; the whole to bo followed by tha singing of the now and boautifu Gosischs, the Songs of the Months, in which most of the young ladies of the school will ho engaged. Tickets, cents; to be bad at the book stores. Late Southern Paperm.—We are 'indebted to Mr. Shallenhorger ct Co., for a bundle of late Sosithern pa pers. From their tone, we judge that there Is vary nearly as, much bitterness in the southern States toward the Gov ernment as at any time during the war. The whiphing they received was not se vere enough. ' Fine Musie.—We are indebted to the Now Brighton brass band, under the direction of Mr. Charles Winter, for a musical serenade, On last Thursday evening. The music diScoursed on the occasion was first class, and elicited words of commendation from all who wore fortunate enough to hear it. Como again. In addition to the visit to the A1LU1.714. office, the Memininaries of this place were also visited and sweet strains lent forth. Olive Ltigisi'm New Book.—We have been favored by Messrs. Parmelee co.. Publishers, with advance sheets of a new aud popular work of intense interest, by the noted and talented Re formed Actress, Olive Logan. It is evi dently her master piece, and is at ones a chaste, moral, high-toned nod truthful picture of the subject indicutel by the title, "before the footlights and behind the scenes The work is a seething on *laugh on the immoralities of the play house and kindred temptations, by one who has bean brought up from ti . child amid the scenes so vividly desert bed. The work takes in the whole range of what is technically known as the "Show Business ;" which embraces the Opera, Theatre, Museum, Concert, Circus, Me nagerie, Caravan, Lecture, Street Shows, and everything which has an admission fee. No ono could be more competent to reveal practical workhigs of the Show World, than Olive Logan. rho ix to the manor born. Her father was an Actor, her sisters live of them we believe, and her brothers as well as herself, were reared in the atmosphere of the them Room. How hard to tear asunder such life.feng associations! The Actress who has the courage to break through pro fessional etiquette, and turn her back upon her old pursuit, has rare nerve. Determination or pluck in any form, is always admired ; but especially in a wo man struggling towards the right. Wo believe Mss Logan, has taken a long step in the right direction. Her book is bound to sell immensely paha' better class iSliconiinnnity sympathize with her, and will encourage and sustain her in every step she takes to purify the Drama. She is ono of the brilliant writers In the land. The N. Y. Citizen says she never wrote a dull line in her life, and could not write one if she tried; which is prob ably_ true, as the specimen before us can hardly he excelled. The closing para graph of her first chapter says: "Wiudover faults these pages may ex hibit, ono virtue I am determined they :than possass,—the virtue of truthful-- ness. For the truth is the one thing in the world of • Mandate which is the rarest. Of critically excellent books, of entertaining books, of books which' . do credit to tho intellectual powers of their producers, the world has no lack ; but of books which toll the- straightforward truth, there have never-been enough, I take it, for the world's good." While we may not endorse all she may say, we believe that the work if awned out as indicated in the advanced sheets, will do great *anvils, to Morality, and abed light on asubject, now imperfectly understood. The work is beautifully gotten up on tinted paper, and in the. best style of typography, proftuudy Illustrated with over 30 full page spirited engravings, besides a steel plate of theauthor, which, by the by, is no of the best specimens of steel engraving wo ever saw. It re quires no foresight to see that the work will meet a very rapid and immense sale. —On the 16th rust., Stephen Taylor, a resident or C6lnton township, Wayne county, was found dead, sitting in an up right and perfectly natural position, in a fence corner near his residence. fished been for several years afflicted with heart disease,. and has had a presenti ment that his death would bo sudden.— Ile was sixty years of age. We have'lecideed- Dethly of the Pit. kwntle Annus' Palaloatto of be 441cers and Studetakoi 'Bittelcillestititutfeethesessions of 1860- '7O, 'muted ' by Mithenial A' I s ab el a ; pitestargb, Pa. . It Is the Deftest; and. most tastefully &mulled' eibtlognit we ever tow !II Beaver. Me. Ildarthens' is a: geed.prlnter, as this pamphlet hears wit: , ewe:. 'was an siprontke the Pitt* taltlo 'Pkocacit,egee. when_the resent foreman Of the Aloes was Its formai.' :iadelogue eihlblts 'an uerivalled Faculty. awl' large number of Students:, Thu Inatheilun Ir one of 'the uunCjmint• Ise ilia floutlshinie of any of Its e,Uts to the Western: eenntry—we might say in the' Vatted &ides. ES irmrsavissa apsuutiwospasos. Prrranviati, Juiscqo. /8 70 lklitor•lkaver Argue:! I pig:pate to give ycot a hau4y sketch of matters and things transpiring isaod about thls "dear dlatcantlagt town," 'at present. MIME lam well iware that very many of yoeir readers, especially in the country Mated!. tare sot I k e ... ildVa P tlig°l of a dallk Paper, and, Mecum, many things are dlt4Y- 00,111 ThIll uldeh Is utterly impossible to apprise them of through the medium of a weekly paper. I do not Intend to "do up" the Inner life of Pittsburgh at this time, but will lirietij speak of a Law things connected frith certain movements 11pW In progress in thn'Republlaua pirty of Allegheny county, and which should beef great In. tercet to the party in Beaver county. There is a movement now progressing here, looking toward‘ the' punting and purif al l lion of our party., It is 'evident - to every carehrl olnierver, that there Is a deep and wide spread dis content with the action of certain per dens of the Itepublicanparly in this and othaecotintles In ' the Shale; nit - with the party as a party, but with certain quasi members of it. Yes, air, we say it with deep , regret, that our great prty—that *V which wan. ersded for purposes of which carried the.nati on through a fierce and bloody struggle Elbe its . life princi ples—which sustained, nay, which was the government—that party, we any, is lust now in danger of being wrecked by its professed friends. And how? There are some mon who value a ;total:t ram; horse only as a machine for making money—forgetting the noble qualities— the almost human instinct and reason of the animal. there arenion who value a party, only so far as it affords opportunity for self-agrandizetnont.— They may be seen attaching themielvos to every party that comes into power; first, a democrat, then a whig, then a know-nothing, then a republican; "swinging high their ready caps in alr," and always hurrahing in the largest crowd.. These are the political iiampyres' that fasten upon,. and suck the life blood from any party. And we hare them here; you hare them in Beaver county. Their baneful Influence can be felt in various degrees; from the petty street contractor who grade; and paves one of our public streets] up to the highest rounds in the political ladder. The street con:_kitiet . or defrauds the citi zens out of thairViSey by slighting his contract, whiabda.7l;lnked at and ap proved by th4illtteet Commissioner, whet; pat iiiimdkiltpkin by a - member of tke Council; saldmatiber belongs to a ;" said "ring" shares in the prcifita of this, and Many other similar fruMis. This, is no fumy sketch: we have several veritable instances in our mind at present writing. The License Commissioner, who should-stand between the , people and the dinlionoiable rum seller,„ sees only in his office a moans adding to his In come by , "extras," "bribes,'" and such like; leaving the people who elected him to suffer all the cells of the accursed traffic. I . We go a seep higher :and look at the lioneeltmen shudder at the :unite, ffir It is assaciisted with noth ing honorable and everything dishonor able. Such a conglomeration of Mill representatives of the. people is seldom aeon outside - of our State Legislature.— lingo and daring frauds aro,perpetrated upon our citizens at almost every meet. lug, and the few really honest men In that body are powerless to prevent it. And the people Mitre hitherto looked ntuphlly on—looking on as though some horrid night-mare possessed them: looking on while their hands have teen tied and they Lust into hopeless insol vency by these raids of the "ring' upon the public money. But the comatose stage has panned and a healthy reaction is •setting in. The people are shaking off the lethean lethar gy and then—stand from under! We also have an officer—City Treas urer—initiating the glorious example of State Treasurers, by pocketing the hand some sum of fifteen or twenty thousand dollarspor annum over and above the salary pertaining to the office ; said sum being the interest on the "unexpended balance" in the city Treasury. Of course the city is clear of all debt and don't need it—tbn't know, what to do with it —ntuat let Home body have It—no use at all to any one except the Treasurer. The courts have the mayor: under considera tion knit now, and for the present here It rests. Wo might go through all of the vario city offices in this way, and stir up such a filthy, reeking stench as would cause all honest men to hold their noses in alarm, but we forbear at present for want of time and hpii,M. Let us take a passing glance at enrStateLegislators of a few years back. Not designedly dis honest when first elected, but once with in the charmed elide at the State Capi tal, perfect gluttons; for Lrgislative cor ruption like vice is "A monster of such dreadful mien, That to be hated, needs but to be seen, But seen too oft, familiar with her face We that endure, thenpity,then embrace." Here is both pOetry and . truth. How many men could we in Allegheny, or you in Beaver county, point to and say truthfully, "(hero is an honest ;" man who went; did his duty—and mine back as poor as ho went,—accepting nothing but his meager salary? Row many? We fear they are few, But what aro thelacta we behold Wo Mend men who, to ail appearance would not defraud a living being of a penny; whose pecuniary circumstances crompel thorn to borrow money to make a decent appearance at the State Capital. We co them on a salary of about a thousand dollars, coming back alter a term ot two worth immense emus; owning valuable stock; buying vat:tablet real estate; build ing tino houses; wearing lino apparel; enjoying all the comforts of money; all brought about by "rigid oconomy." "Only this and nothing more." And then too wo trod sonut whose nominations for the office, 41:ftia them and their friends many times the amount of tho salary connected with the position. What means this? • Is the empty honor worth so much? Is the wish to serve the "dear people" so powerful that they cannot help it, Oven at such an Immense pecuniary sacrifices. Certainly itla,who 1 1 dare dispute it? ut we will not pursue this auiject farth at present. As I Bald in an other place, the people are getting tired ofithis state of affairs, and mean to rebuke it. - • Already a movement is afoot to purge our party of this kkil blot upon, its fair fame. We do net advocate forming a new party, it. is ' enough, but we l i ood do advocate thro , lug overboard very many JOnsha when. fuither continuance in our craft will surely muse it to !bun er and sink. It trill be done in Alle gheny county, the "Oldest Daily" to the ontrar y notwithstanding. S. R. it. forty 7 fir#,...pi - gress. fa:COWS i.. 10N.... • , iltaxAvt, tone So.— 1 / 01 , • rissoluthin granting condemned' non tin' a mon lat ument to Gas. Nath:' init,'of . l,fo4` wash pared. Beveral,reaol ens wire.affer-' ed ; anions tberdiae ng" rint •ip for illationas innieniri 41 1,4 'l4 U. 8. ivoisury nn SeOinnt oPirePO4, siesed; condemned and conflaMied in Yireinis._ by virinoof an Ante( Pongee's; :panned. The Mouse amendment to the bin t o Au .. thorize the setilisnemt ciftleeotints of of -I,loers of the Army and itavi were cow 'eurred In. ' The Posted:Oppropriation haus; then . considered. "audit named mom areo a uipniv hi MOW tho frank big privilege slug oolbe abolished un ui after the first of October next. -in tho avenlng the bill was Inithee.oonsidered, "but without definite tietion the senate Hotnen.--Itllla were ; Irodneed 'as IV!; lows: To' authOrizejibit President to open negotiations with:the BritisbNo . rih AnierlomPrininontrpr,Otel'i'dirilimion: an Stelae erica. Urilop; latannex-DOutini -04 Supplement to the Stt:ftit tboLrellei of Wid ow . sa d Orphan'i:or•sedmen-ail marines of the IT: S. Minima, r Oneida ; to promote the eultivatio4kof public lands, offering annual proinintits for hest home. steads; to repeal all IaWS vastly° to spirit meths; granting lands to Preston, Sali ne and Uenver Rail ltd, ; die. Several reeolutione were Miami. The kortillesi- Pon bill, aPPialiriallol • 1 1 , 2114 , 750 . , WAS taken up and paned. {Pro army aPPro prlalion of $29,977,3071,Wa5t discussed and passed. An approptiatio n was made of $20,000 oar ornamental** end shrubs in Northern eenteterieMl A bill to re quire National Banks, going' . into liqui dation to. retire their airenisaing noes, was, passed. A bill extending the 'pro visions of the act In relation to furnish . .. lug suilliclailinlbs to ! ailieera acid ;liken of the . nayy and marlin , corps', which passed. AdJourned T L SENATB, June 21.--A Joint resolution. to determine the construction or the in ternal revenue set so is to exempt hi dietrihntablo some added to contingent funds of Insurance 'companies, W:l4 pisSed. , . The I.o4tofflee bill we. di.cussed, amended and passed. The ileum+ Tux and Tariff bill made special order un mediately after the Conajalar appropria tion:bill wax disposed of. Amendments to the'eonsular and diplomatic appropri ation. bill providing for a Consultl calor. al at Siberia; raising :Viuister to Japan to an Envoy kr.traord!nary" and Itlittis ter Plenipotentiary, and increasing the appropriation for contingent expenstw of fOreign lutercounici Mid for mimienx abroad, from $50,000 to 81110,001), were adopted. The bill was then reported to the Senate. At sp. m., the bill waylaid aside, and the Tax. and Tariff bill taken up; but without action, the Senate ad journed. llousx.—A joint resolution donating four condemned mitten to the 'Wil loughby, Ohio, Soldiers' Monument As sociation, was passed.: An net to pay loyal citizens in the States lately - in re bellion for services In taking the eighth census, was passed. tinder a call of the previous question a 'resolution reciting the action of the Comnalitee on Military Affairsund the HoMe in reporting a resolution declaring" ,Mr. Whittemore, by selling military midnavaleadetshlps, as unimorthy a seat taflihe Ilouse, recit ing MI election and the presentation of his credentials, and resolving that the 11011%0 deeline 1$ allow said Whittemore to ho swine In as a RePrasentative in the' j • Forty-tlrst CongretuOtiel dirtetitm credentials to be refartied to ' him, was passed. The avii - eitcruses bill was thon_eonsidered up tit; rho hour of ad- Jonrrnntmt. SENATE, Juno •"The bill to reduce littered taxes, ite.„'wse called up and the antetithuouts of theldleapto Contmittee ou Finance wore read. :Tfui proposition of the Committee to strike out the find thirty-four sections imposing epochsl taxes was agreed to. 'rho next three sections of the bill inserted by the Coin mitten In lieu of the. part stricken out, were road. They provide for the repeal after May Ist, 1871, of all special taxes: except thosb upon brewers anti distilled spirits and tobacco.. Also that thestwer al taxes on sales he repealed, except such AM now by law are paid by stamps; also repealing the taxes on sales of leaf and manufauSlared tobacco, snuff, cigars, foreign and domestic distilled spirits; also repealing the tail oti articles sched ule A and tho special tax on boats, bar ges and fiats; legacies and successions on passports, and on gross receipts. 'Me three sections Were agreed to. Re pealing., after Octets:U.lst, 1870, the ',tamp tax imposed in schedule promisso ry notbs for a less film than ono hun dred dollars ; on receipts for any snot of money, or in payment of any debt ; tool also the stamp tax imposed in scluxiiiie C. on (mimed and preserved fish ; and further that no stain', shall be required upon tho transfer Or assignment of a mortgage, except when made upon asale thereof, or when transferred as collateral security. Also that COMUlbl'ilolll4 shall ho allowed in the pUrchase of proprieta ry• stamps. it also! allow 4 the removal o c C lucifer or friction matches, sogar light 4 and wax, tapers froM:the place of manu facture, for foreign exportation, without payment of tax or +fixing stamps, sub ject to the regulations of the'Commis sioner of internal Revenue. A new se:- Ron, which (when amended) was adopt tstextends the time within which stamps may be Infixed to instruments of writing requiring stamps Ind executed in the late rebellions Stateit' until June 13, 1872, making the ponaltY; double the amount of the tax. and In no mse leis than five dollars. . The income tax sections wero then , dfscussed, and tho bill laid over.— The remainder of tliti day was devoted to the diseutudon of the El !'assn Railroad land grant. Moves.—The bill'iluthoriiing the con struction of a bridge acrosa the Missouri river at Omaha and‘Council Bluffs was painted, with an amendment requiring that the construction spans h throe hundred feet In width. l'he'e iten OIL Ways and Means, reported a bill to organize the department of interim! rev enue and to regulate the collection of taxes. The bill changes the . Bureau. of Internal Revenue into departments, the Commissioner to be the bead, at eight thousand dollars per . aniturn ; also, nn Asaiitant CommMalimer, with n salary of $1,800; three - leads of divisions, with salaries of$:21,600; ninety-live wale and fifty (auntie elerktl, twonty-live super- visots, with salarleS of ti 3,000, and assis tant supervisors ncit,exceetling twenty five at nor-over elgbt dollars per day. The bill also provides for revenue gau gersi,assessors and collectors. Tito num ber of tutslstant assessors employed shall be permanently reffiteed by the disci' ergo of all officers aisigned specially to the assessment of any' taxes which have been abolished by law, and the Co is 'loner Is further required to reduce the number of assistant assessors in pro portion to any reduction of the service of assessments which has been made or may hereafter be Made by the repeal of any portion of the internal taxes. The bill reduces the employees about one third, and repudiates entirely the 'sys tem of informers spies, moieties, dcc. it was mado the special order for Wodroxi. day. In the diseunsion of the vote or the bill for the renewal:of the patent of Rol lin While for improvement in pistols, Messrs. Farnsworth and Butler engaged in a very bitter piaaenat debate. The vote was then taken' on the passage of the bill over tho Piesident's ',veto, and it was rejected, yeas, L: neys,•l 6 B.. Adj. SENATE, Jane I.*: ---The COmmittee on Foreign R e l a ti on * reported; resolutions as a substitute forth° ono adopted in the House relative to . fultan and Spanish hostilities. 'They, declare the people of ; the United Stales .caunot bear with 1 differs:woo the , repo - rta tiartrariti94 practiced In the island , of . .Citba... Tins . 1 Untied States prone!r against these, baritiethy both parties, .and •denounces. • thaw ns. contrary to the laws cst civilized ' warfare,land moloronly ireloda• they he stopped, it' once... Vise peoPle'''hf the United 'ate* are rattled 'to hear that pretansicinain . properly In man are: still :..014144 mine of patlei n and humanity .thi ef' . .y . overnment . deMande slavery to ho shellattod. In all the . dtiminlona of Spain on, this conti nent ' Thellnited titraist 'having .'once been; mimics; themselves, believe Ole day of Enrtipean 'slavery on this 'conti-' neat at an end, and regrettho :efforts of liipaleito maintain her hold on Cuha againtit. the wishes of the Colson.. The . people of the tinited.States hympathizo with the people of Cube In. their efforts to secure independence, and at. the Mille time ernpathire with the liberal party in Spain who are endeaVorlitg to secure hoe government ibr that country.- The President is directed to 'ecnntnenleate theie resolutions to the government ilf Spain and people of Cube. They were ordered to be printed. 'rho lax pll was . consideioa • rot' home time r hut gave place to a railroad bill which was din eussedttil adjournment- ; , • llotisa.—The apportionment bill was disecused and referred to the - Judicituy Committee; whieb, it la thought,' -will kill the bill, airthey Will not bo able to report this aesarion. The 'admission of Georgia occupied the nttention . of the Ilona e until - the hour of adjournment, witliont dot:Julie action. figtva'rn, June ell. —Mlle were passed declaring the bridge hetween.lltasdal phis and thauden a peat route; authoriz ing the 510,000 nppropriatod lion for the survey of the Isthmui. of Darien to ,be expended under the 'direction lit' the ,! War or Navy Departtuent, at the dimere- I lion of the' President: designating 'De cember 2:it' it, January Ist, July 4th, and Thanksgiving Day, us legal holidays fu the district of Columbia. The Cuba res olutiona were discusw.i and laid over.— The tariff bill was taken up and Hu , see- Umis continue the income tar stricken oat, Time loss or revenue from thin Millie , will haven, hotuatle • up by the restoration of other taxes ; its further consfilei ode!. was pustpolled. After some other mat tern olio general intortAt - were e..n31 , 1- ered the Senate adjourned. ilo es L.- —The (7onmaittee on Con inunce reported an amendment to au act au thorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to license pleasure yachts, which , was passed. The Georgia bill, was arneodesi and pissed. It is as follows : "Snerlott 1. Be it enactcst de., 'flint the State of Georgia, having complied with the rooostruction acts, and Four tenith and Fifteenth Articles of amend meets to the Constitutiou of the United States luiving.lieen candled in good faith by a legal legislature of said State, it is heroiv declared that the Slaw of Goorgi'a is entitled to representation in the Con gress of the United State , , but nothing in this act contained shall be construed to deprive the people of Georgia of the right of at. Oleelioli for members of the General Assembly of said State, as. pro vided for in the Constitution or fetid State. • __ . . "SE.. S. That so much of thu act en titled - no act turacin= appropriagow , for the atippert of the twiny for the yiar ending June tO, lti44, and for other Tur poleg," approved March 2, IBe7, as pro hibila the organization of the artily or calling into sereiee of the militia foreeli rot' the Ntaten of th.orgia, Texas and Virginia ho and the same is hereby repealed." Butler and Sandal lord a war of u•LaZtils. .afier which the Ilona° adjourned. Iff!2E!!!llff= WASHINGTON COVNT , —O ntn Friday last while Mr. Si bun Wilson, of Franklin township, was as cending to the upper part of his wale!' shed, the steps gave way precipitating him violently to the ground, a distance of some twelve feet, breaking his coUar binie and otherwise injuring him. —A heavy hail storut visited Mon en ,gahela City on Saturday noon last. We have not heretofore known a hail storm of such duration, and when, after nearly an hour's fait, the clouds cleared away, rtearly the whole surface of the ground was white. All the streets were „filled, and in odd content heaps of the tee balk accumulated and remained melting for forty-eight hours. The committee Making lea cream fur the Methodist Fes tival, gathered enough to make all the frozen custard needed. —ltev..S. J. M. Eatou, 3). D., of Frank lin, Venaugo county, Pa., has accepted an invitation to deliver the address be fore the Christian Association of ''.Wash ington College, at the Coalluenamacutt, on the 4th of August. —Samuel II:million, aged about eigh teen years. UM of Levi Hamilton, while returning front a pie-nie held near Point Lookout, in Franklin township, on Saturday evening, was thrtiwn from his horse and severely inJtired. lie felt under the animal, the hind feet of which struck him on the head, making a wound between threefind four inches in length. Both sides of his flee were also injured. lie was rendered insensi ble, mid eontinued so fur several hours. We are glad to learn, however, that he is gradually mending. —On : , ..fonday, 13th ilia., a little child of David Fulton, of Hanover township . while playing about the house, fell into a barrel of ruin water, and before It was discovere , l was dead. '(he bereaved and heart-broken parents have the sympa thy of the whole community. ncENI: COUNTY —The sitwinill of Philip Shough, iu Gilmore township, wan burned on last Monday evening week. At the same time, a horse in Mr, Shough's stable was maltreated and several things disturbed, going to prove that the mill was sot on tire. Nothing but the iron work was saved. The loss la about $l,OOOl Incen diaries are becoming a little tee tvennmit in this county, and u low severe punish'• monis should be made. Mr. Slough is a good man, and cm unoffentling citizen. —The forepart of last week this 150 tion was visited by heavy rains. Now it has cleared up and "old sol" is having . geuenal "house warming." LANYRENvE COUNTY —. man in Mahoning,town has tho nimo so badly that ho Ims 4 to sloop with a corncob in his month to hoop Ills tooth from shaking ont. —Messrs. Ira D. Sankey and James L. Carothers are, as delegates from New Castle Y. M. C. A., attending the Inter national Convetition, at: Indianapolis, this week. —On the :nth inst., Messrs. Frank Sharploss, Mifflin Sharpies., H. 8. od. bort, and Z. W. Helms, C playeaq on the E . W & P. R. IL, were ar led at the depot at New Castle, on a rant Issued by Esquire Wallace, of Mal !zing town ship, roundest on au information mado by Wm. Holiday, charging defendants with assault and battery, and potting him off the airs of the Youngstown train. The defendants entered bail be fore Esquire Dickson to appear at court. —On last Friday nght a party was charged with wearing a watch which had been "lost," and he undertook to con vince the party making the charge, by chastising him, that ho had not- stolen time. A. few "passes" wore made, and the pugilistic aspirants "stopped for wind." They conluded not to light it out on that lino, and appointed a meet ing on Sunday, when some , "Ithoulder striking" must be done; but both par ties had become thoroughly, afraid by this time, and neither mado his appear ance. They were very fortunate in .not getting into the hands of the law. I= --At Um mixing of a frame barn for Mr Jacob Hoover,about ono mllo tram VU ca; on Wednesday last, Ms son Mr J. M. Hoover, a young man NMI Ab°" twen ty. and residing in Mlllereek this ---.---- - nounti, had his 101 l thigh broken in three plural and badly crashed, his leg arm badly:llo444 and other wise lejnied by the Wilt* of a bent. Air. • Thomp -24Hi.'-'1114•0 was also injured by ballot from a Moving beet down through the Umbers, but was able to get home. —hfr. Campbell hteWilibuas had • 'horse, buggy snit harness stolen from bin - preinises in Fitalloy township on Sabbath night.. The horse was in pas tura caught and'eric by the • thieves and liihrbod' to tl t, ct 'buggy, viltivlv had 'been drawtai-ty bind sane distance from the housO. Thu horse tea line, taiga; light hay Gansu. with a white tnait in the face, atid•rt good read:ger. Roc. • L.' I. Ctawford, 'of Fairview, Guernsey vOnty, Ohio, and eon Of IL D. Crawford, of Mercer, has received a will from the Unltcd'Preribyterlan Con gregation of vtia, Valuate CO, and hauqy, and Sandy LIAO, ;Menlo county. —Mr. Jamas Carson of Oreenville wax kicked I l ya horse and Seriously injured on Tuesday moralng of last- week. lie was leading the horse by the foretop, when he stiddenly pulled loose, whirled anti kicked, striking Mr. C., on the left aide of the heed, tearint off a portion of the oar stud fracturing the skup so badly sa to leave but littlti hope for his recovery. Ile coot:fleeced to rally, however after about twenty-four hours, and it is now thought that ho will get well.—LispateA. 01110 NEWN. student at. Berea Uollege was drowned a few, evenings pine° while hapiing. —There:ire now 1,030 prisoners at tho Ohio Panttentlary , t 195 won and 35 wo men. +A man in Columbus ate hhi -supper a few +minims since, and Mopped to the pimp to get a drink. Suddenly ho mo delled far help and PSI. lie died while being carried into the holise,uf. homer rinige of the hind+. —The following resolution was before the Methodist preachers' meeting at Cincinnati and was laid over fur discus sion 'Mutt It is the sense of the preachers' meeting of the Methodist 14MAimial Church of Ciniannati, that it is not only inexpedient. but unseriptur al to license an ordained Wintuut to preach die gospel." ' • —.l Condon Moe Just dissevered an immense quarry of glass gravel dif quarrying his sandstone, :mar Trum bull. It is I cry white, and said to bo much purer than that found at Akron.— A largo proportion of the rock is outnpus ed of lino pebbles, almost transparent. —The Dayton Herald furnishes this infurcuiduns ounoarning t h e tobacco crop in, the Miami valley : The favorable weather for putting out plants, and the increased number of acres devoted 'lathe weed this season, give sesuraneeis of an abundant Mop if no misfortune happen!' it. About four fifths oflast yeer'S crop has been sold at fair prices—ranglug from ti to 15 ceutm—and whet remains untold is held at smelt high tiguersi that purchaser+ decline operating. —lto not be above your business ; he that turns up his nose at his work, quarrels with las bread and butter. Ile is a poor smith who quarrels with his own sparks ; there's nu shame) about amyl nonust sidling : don't be afraid of soiling your hands, there's plenty of soap to be had. All trades are good to traders. Yousannot get honey If you'aire frightened at bees ; nor plant warn if you are afraid of gating mud onyour booth. When you can dig fields with toothpicks, alt w-ships along with fans, and grow plutueakes in dowerpots,lnen it will be a due time for I lundles.—Dispatch. - Tea! Advertisements. AUCTION SALES. r i .: » l i;l l ,":lTu l ,ft uc4 .• I Savlug L"" nr uma ir e ntl Arietion Mk* to his ysril, in rear hfs dwelling on Third Street, In the borough of Beaver, for the pinnies of Lk/Begat Nth.: brut-('r tows. Cows, Boma,B or any ankle or erthandise, _will be sold fur other parties wirhiag the setae.— Day of salmi of ouch week, at the hour of , r 2 u cloth y. to. Firms's wishing to hare artktes alit be reitturrd to give th to dsyr Bolles of I the article they wish to oder fur male. Public ut, It. a will be :rivet. there days previous to days of sale, Drir.rtf 1 . JOHN 11011D/Sit. HOMES FOR THE MILLION!! Kan opporttualtles are now offerea for isecuring .1.01331-1.1 Ina mild. Ala!My and rtas9,-”tat climate for anatentta of their value Ise year. hence. THE NATIONAL. !MAL ESTATK AGS3ICY had ter .ale real eetata of every d Yvlpllon, loaf. ad In the /fiddle and Southern Mate.: improned stack grain, andirtal fares: rice, erwr and caf tan piantatkona; amber and atierrof U;ndal • CUP. rl:Lapr and rvral graldesura and taming.* stanch ; eaYL and will silts, factories, dc. Write for Lamdlogister aantalnicke deserlpidaa, location. price and wane of properties we have lot laic Afro, cows:4W with our Heal Estate onto& we rinirn sad !tarn( Avt - y under the supervialau of t h e \Vela laursto Thomas Taylor. late ol the Oninance Dep..rtrucut, who to both a as teat itic and practical usedi wile, and well aciptala led la the di:Reran& liov ennuis,. Departments, es pecially in the War and Navy, Urdpubco and I?A_T_INT OFFICE. Pzltra papers carefully prepared- DruDripye tastlly executed, sod Ithoets ihnext ore ix the shortest paaeilge haw. hpodal attention given to rejeefol rases, also moss fur reissue. exttraime, itsterferente.abaxaton traul...i.C. • I . ,fifidnitry rt.:lunation a 4 to the patentability au artleto mad./ ou receipt of a brief ete•crip• non or the ealllc—Slo 111041e1 requireti. 0211=1 P 00.11,, INVII:NT0111.4 aaelatin; 11:ercturaining pay uts arid after nants ntitt.luz inventlonn. Confidential m oar litts:traa relations Whit In Ventura. Tenn. ruwre re.......u0tb:e last any) other reliable A1q.:.•11. - y. Circular cont.:AO:l2 Te:brunte 1./Draa:on ...pi /rd., : 11. W. .t CO . net Suii.4,2l Rea: Lamle .Ivtory, 11:) .1r.:..... Wash:tog/on, b e. Jett! Notice to Bridge Contractors, Omrz, Bra, LA Jane 1, 191) propossie will be treolred at this °Mee. by the Musa of County Ootomissicuers. until Frt. day Um magi day of July. 142. et 2 o'clock p. for the masonry and superstructuu of au Iron bridge 0111 Mash Win. in South Bearer town ship. where the State road moue. the same, near the residence of AL Cusick- bald bridge will be about 13 or 10 fret ipso sod IS ket road way. Sruposabi must be accompanied with a state mint glurg: the -total wel.tht of the cast and wrought hoe. the ;Joann: working strength, and the ultimate or breaking strength per linear took u well se the greeted Wad load the bridge will manta. Plan and specifications tbr U rcennery of mid brhlgo may be ..on o. Ms oak,' milli July M, 1870. The Conamisehmem memo the tight tofu Jett any or all bid,. Ily order of County Commis :OHS YeGOVN, Cert. jeStnar kmlieni copy. NI °OREN , DREG STORE, INA V , )4. ) , M round nosurtnient 01 DRUGS, M 0 et i a 133.0:3 , CHEMICALS, pits, And I.SrandioN, 1" a. i n t () i 1 OM STUFFS: TOILET AILTICL SUM'S PATENT MEDICINES In great •nuie l y. all of the heat quality. man pole elnxilwr than can be bought at lug other • Drug Store In the inounle. Impnnesio FroaiSi . 'TIM, 13 ( m ' h°l CheeresAtio.lll; $.• The Lured Nock or LAMPS a Lase Vilbolluvos, ziorruties, STATIONERY. WINDOW GLASS PUTTY. XIS, wawa! owtolde tbe clty,st Runner Druz Swww.aad sold clutofer Om eau be twatubt any where doe. Let Rote wbo doubt Ibis (4#41 ore, sad Ibry will Snob* tun mom ,r J. 3110.1111 K Market: rimmftvitsiso Dui aitimir: °maul. TIM Nrra. OAZZTTE. MONDAY, 1870. rwun—is wady with. &blocs: deemed but ustheaged, Andes lee so mew me. holder, a m e nladiessent abort welter (beau". Mt a setter if mere. they sr. endow to Newly their camoseere at quotatinoe • We tonnage to genie wesletts doer, I. slums, at s436distrd fatten onithilebed brsenterelther ter.o spring. /tam/ breeds OWL Rmillistr.en GRAIN—The amines ailed with a good laid deemed. and 941. 8 1 01 1 1 1111 1 to shipment, lie saute M ani wen sea. tithed t we tin neart a te to ruse at SLIM and thoia, of width there is bet tittle orbiter. woeld heft nt.litatin There le ao impened doomed fret Coes, sad the useeket Is Omer ender the der dote otardas free Ilk (1 pile. and pricey are bight,. We oth leald ash* orphaned at 110 etc, use oe mus, and we ate cog andt this 11Mre teeing bete MON dm more tensed. GAM Irma. noiwiamtmlidhU ll "" it el Yet DO hepromment le the dewed, bet. den genatully are cadlidest et better otter Nook and may Mlles, ate unwilling to sell at poses& 4e:tattoos ; we mettine to smote at 61631 tt to n, us inert and tretit—eale cat at di. Itypi also roomer. etessimad by edam mat gh• tal e . and pikes ate Mobbed lip; we cm report male ot csra to go east, Os perste teems. understood to be above Se et e . no momment to BMWS. °wenn-or—mato vat and math r bet the 10 to be medal at this meson of the mit. IS oat toustrt Medias always tight Muter the letter out or June. and froth that until Meer berme. Sugars and Coates are weak inth a droving tee. deney, in • sympathy sift the donee is ged, thong% th em I. no imatede Osage to make le emotatices here new Weer inotheses quiet but Sm. Symms den. Vadusri Syrup, Owl Is in ears Wird of MLA, SPf/OX sums, CAS TOR OIL, ie._ 2100 Itgeoetel. Moment to take. Cllll4res like It. Ales SS amts. 1111selesele, It. IL Mien a Co.. 45 Wood street, Plttettergli:Te ,teetly --------- - Married._ ENTLF.--BRATTY.—OR Jima nat. IVO, et the residence of the bride' father, by the Roy. tiemire IL WM; assisted by Rey. J, L Bromou, D. D.. Mr. John V. Beetle. of Freedom. to Slim Miry Beatty, of Washlngkm, Yeas Adeertiseaseists. _ - Miwr taur.. ist dna. of no x_o Order of tbatripbota• (sort or Dome yowl tf the naatersl ... : 'zoo yt ot ortte t . our t ponniso, oil Me 1 elf d a, el% t c o logr ti l i A an t to teat : canoe, All that repot let at parcel of mood ciliated to the borough of If ook ttoorn. county Ithieeethl, booodot by the Pittabsegh rood and Lands itflotot goody sod John Maribor, JOHN U. 110111 t, jrl9;:al Ado,. gf .Ikryar4 Roth, dec d -- J. 11. MoCaILEMII.V. ATTORNEY AT LAW Third ?reel, Bearer, Pa. Jona GRAND CONCERT' 0? VOCE, AND funitavrit MUSIC BY TAE PUPILS OF TBE Bearer Seminar! &Meal InstittU. lu the Audis= Room of The New M.*E. Church • bEAVER. p00r,%., Uri I'Vedneaday Evening, June tUI, '7O W cants. Omar, W cosameace at $ o'clock. Witte. • 114a1; Notes foe mile at the Aim:2 ore. r‘xiscribats NOTlClL—Lotters Tests- Lilteeatae ir l. Imming born fruited to Ws Itis► scriber on Wa iadsp of Itioinicad Usrl, Ned, late of ?toot likorlchtp, Roarer County, Pa, all parsons ladobnd So said estate. set notified that !mondial. payment is requirod i r all persona haring claims against the soon will pratent them duly authenticated for onslonieni. JAREN P. PART. Xi,. Nor Brighton. P. O. DII The plittoershlp_herelthereellstlag hetweeu IgmeldeandX. C. Marton, Widen. under the dna of Varslde R Marton, was dlepoired by mutual comma ou June 1. tare. All Ina gammas will be suliksl Say Mr. (iarslde. I ' GAIMIDE, Jefhlic) M. C. MARTON. TOUEAnaieWs & M W e O lKh oSAL—Th Itowetown. Mouth Seater lateoehlp. 151 this coun ty. The lot eoutalog•hostlc4,,sorm Mhuul.frOC• 4 In, with good •eudeu .(cult hum. The house Is I% storl dr. loth guar mamma and good cellar underneath. ItoAter r I; , ts • aeslgebr . re c ar ' s ert i V eholre " Cd' il tre " usd 1 . 00dWI the "gall. JUL . calivai. it., or to Hugh Gamin. at iteebeeter. hod am• EXECS:MOWS TICITICIL—Lettam 'festa l:l4oml, Tesk: been panted to the Uptincel lete otbilis estate of G. Calvin, deed.. tale ides' Juni Deaver tornotep, Sneer Courts. Y►.. 0 1 perbono Indebted to bald estate, aro bereliy ttndh ed that numedtato payment if, required: mud, ell persona having dainty against the same win pie. seta them duly authenticated for eettlentenat. feit-taw. JAMBI.; ItAYL. 8899919 LADIBLIP 911M191.9.1911i.—Th0 °meditation M Mamas In tide bagitation vtll commence at 9 a. r. e.a Wedaiendsy 191 k Meant. The closing exercises, coolletiag of • Grant Compact of Vocal and IMUmmestal Moak. and Grad nattn Exercleas of the Ilandor Chloe. oil take place au Tharala_y avasba..9 l W knatlin the U. P. Ciaucts.. - DooreEi t % coca. me Coseat will be tickler the auto( Plat V. do DAM . and I can pt the public &And clam entertainment. AI Invited—nee to nil or. der-karing citizens. D. 11. A. Pap% }eatte FIRE BRICK WORKS FOR SALE. ryas rifaanx PTIIS Bard( WORM, stetted at Batth•s Parrs, with all Par tools sad ma chinery ecnaptete, an, for sale at a low prior. Par chasers will address G. LUDIVRIO. at Plurbargh (so. art Liberty street), 'tor Price sad temp. je=aw Reduced Prices Speyerer & Sons Unveil: 4 Iteturtud from the East. WITII A LAME STOCK OF Coops, Bought tt tlat Lowest Cash Prices, kill Sell ',Mlle (100119 AS LOW AS BEFORE THE WAR! Con4hting of Ory Goods, Ornerie=. Pro lardwetre, CanA, anal Slam, Oeunt, Parting Yarn- Iron, Nails, Paints, White Lead, Oil, Putty, quaensware, \Pil• lowiritre/iour. Feed. Grain awl Bacon, a variu tv at Prials,lilusliaß. Tietings,Delains,CheckA, .I.lpauts,Jeaus,Dlanam,rniali and Uoswry also. Thu. Collmi, Sugary, Sy rupa,llalatutai, Carbon Oil, 9ali Mts. tithe Oietwated Omion City AND NEW CREEK FLOUR; Just urrirol and for talc, Whokiale and Itettil, At Pittsburg Priees. 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails: ONE CAR WHITE LIME Land Pla.•lrr, (ma Akron !Hiner!; A Large block of White Lead and Paints. A eery superior quality of Strums & Wet ups Soaps; and a lot of Carixm Oil Just Arrive 4 and for sale, ll'holesulc and Retail. ALSO, PLIU CATAWBA. ISABELLA -awl Concord Wines, Of our own vintage, for 41 " / Sacramental li'arpiniev, are highly It.. emninenifed by there who have used them. They aro itlrin Agents fur the ENIOPEN Nowa AND REAPER, And Pitt. Nat. Co'a. Plows Thanking the Publle for their mg pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share In the Inture. All Gonda I.Wirered Ave of Charge. Yon can rely on all goolfs being fresh, as all our old goodmi rem wad at auction. NIPEIVERER 8 MOM, iivrukte Miscellaneous. 11 ED GROCERY g r rOltE In .Bridgewater, wrttar.iii dir, Duidap'* Owner. otter the Bridge, HAVE' OPENED AN :ENTIRELY FRESH STOCK .o.e, FAMILY GROCERIES, GIVEENSWARE, NADA, WINIMY GLASS, FLOUR, FEED AND ,CQUNTRY PRODUCE. AY is peers) all bibles nasally band is etwit connection. The bore rocs eab bees retoudehrd, sad coovenissely errata rd. with Perm, Now wt. dorm, Lo. Xr. Jobs Mike. so bag knows to lido community, will give ble peroonal altastlea. unr. enaisam, sad thorough acquaintance with tbe Tra.&, to Ms selection sod potable of New* Ctasd Issitegtite paltasais of all wha t goo& la the loallral.- at !be lowest caeh price. MI kind. egcoontry produce wasted. J. aTILES & Bridgewrer. Pa. - • _ _ CLOTHING STORE. NEW GOODS! firing mod Suruser Wear Tle• ain.lerognol takes pkawn• in in forming his itietala :111Ni tin üblic gvro•r• ally that li. 1133 ju4 nail lipeni”l A New Stock of Goods, OF TIIE LATEST STYLES YOU BRING and SUMMER Wear. He keeps the bun of workmen In hi. employ. and fr.!ls confident :of Ids ability to cot and maku up garments both PASUIONAHLE& DIMAIULE and in Hard I 'pauper will* IZMM3 DEMO'S HOMING GOODS ALWAYS nN HAND OW and .let rift &lore fearing ywrt Orders .Mseirhere ItEICII. Jr. mny 1;70.1y 111.1.1)(eWil4f, 1.3 New Millinery Establishment IN 11.1(..)C1111:114TE it.. MRS. K. T. NEAL Wnuld inform the public of itocluvter and vicinity I lutt low . 04 opened e NEW 21:111XMAY STORE 1311.IaIITCIN 14 T In.: knr, , iltort .Ibove %law, ROCHESTER. I'A. 911133 MD liILLINERY In all it. branches. Children,' cl.gliligy tzliirt.g. Sze.. , o , lvr, work to IN. r. 114 A t,k3 MR$. p. T. PEAL. inytnlimit Newspa'per Advertising. A iktok of iii dopey piloted pager; lately lam ed, coniainn a ilst of the twat American Advent. la E Medina,. giving the name, cireniatione, anti concerning the loading Daily and tecel73= i cal and l'imlbr Newspapers, togrth. or with all thine laming large cirestiittues. pub lished In the legareatof Meligkwt, Agrumitare, Llt. emus, ice, 4 Kier) Advertiser, and every poison who coot emplanes becoming such, will And this book of groat value. *stied the to any ad. dress no receipt of fifteen cent.. 1311101L06 P. IROWILLL At CO. rciblidenn. No. 10 Pah Raw. New York. The Pittsburgh (Pi) Lseries 4‘. icn SP, ..Tbe.inst of U. P. ID Co, whir Lana of Mal lanes *tie interarUng and uablo hook, le the =mad ben Advertising Agency in the ta. twi, and we can cAenially recatamwent it to the attention of these who desire to adverts.. theilhosiness relestUSeally and layolleinaa/. sally to ouch • way ; is. no to aware the Lined Illabetlllt pu.dicity fur the idiot ezpendi. tan of looney:* iketk tot . S 71 M Kitu a lrgar. l ll l rerVfot st. i . uselB,ll. - Inventors ',Alt with are sdeleed to mower with "" `"-• adltioe of 72e SrientOV Amerietua, who lam bet aerrtr claim bekow the Patent Ogee toe c"'" TrteWr Yew, Theo American and Xurete.."W I`lt ht Adeoey la the meet extensive In the world. •;_.." cm lose th an any Miter reliable irzericy. A pa, "; 1.-tomtit:dog fall hutreellone to 12.114 X, Leah:. final X CNN CO-. ST Cask Row. New York . June:2;ew YES ! IT IS TRUE ! That tie &at Moors—the Jk Droppro—the 11.0 Sr(pßaers to to (mod lo the world are the Original and Reliable- Double Rotten 'Etna litnelalabror made by the .ETNA MARCY/W. TV NINO CO., of galena flight. Mend for pamplt• lot Toothed= particulars. lionelletw pup HUNAN SILICIIIINE-:Now Mak. lan Tree for elan*. TARRANT & CO., N. Y. tonollelw 11 JAPAN BEE COHN VILE remora lE Ponto wldauat man; price 25e. sold at drat and oboe atom. Sample. malted no receipt of price. and trade sapped by THE JAPAN 4K POKY FILE (NI.. $1 Pine ewer, New York. . glrßlank Coastabitre bales for oak at the Au e office. Ja err tiJstr 37 . Dr. J. Dr r 4 a water. I. deter. r.- 1‘.1.11111110111b, mined that Dentist In the - - -State .hall do • work belt, or • ehealser than .. ... he offers it to sy 11: Pd i5et 3 71 . 1.... best 13/11COAMI 111111.1116Ciarlid I. Trailed Males. Geld and .11. ter •)wrlllMllllool la a atykr _that dray . cuenite• ticket natialletion truarlinteed In all operation., or the looser returned. tine lam • trial IlehtLY STOVES & TINWARE. 0. R. ANAUTZ, I►EALER IN Tin, Copper & Sheet- Iron . Ware. ALLASICI O bt Complete:A....trtrittlit of Fire -N-roixtsg, Grates,Cooking-Stoves do O. do O: Stooling. Gutted's& mid Swim Thou Done lo tinier promptly and on Denson able Terms. Particular Attention Paid to Job Work. .lappancvl nnil PRESSED WARE Kept Constantly on Hand Shop on the lower end of Thin! Street, Bon. 'vet% Pa. Call and 1? .amino our Stock her ore !mirth:l,4,lg rlerwh.•rr. [multi ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers