The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 15, 1870, Image 3
lifi i P . 1 aArcry l' l"' J '( rc~~lal~on Oc 'ttnil EIM of Adv Mil Itacttll-. 83 00 $3 00 $7 (1) 500 700 10 00 800 000 19 00 8 00 10 00 13 00 11 CO 15 09 00 111 013 90 00 0000 WOO 5800 lOW ampa • loir-101Ines,• $9OO . 4quares, do 3 50 3 .4111 VII, do 5 00 4 POWS, do G 001 column, , •; ; MI column 11. 00 cola= SS IM Adrelniantiots' end Itsceutors' Notleee, 'peels! notices per fttie; teiti ewe:: • " or payments to be mule Quit/My, except, for transleet etteertlieicodis; which toddle paid' ni advinee. MAniin S. I.ron Is authorized toaoll iabactiptlona.aral idrerilaomontai for L., paper, and to collect, for thOisaino. state of the Thermometer for the week ending Jtinei ii, 181 V. 2 - 1". M. Ell2l tine 5 - 70 deg. 10 dog. • 66deg. 6 71) deg. 77 deg. IR deg. "7 06 deg. 82 dog. COdeg. ~ 8 70 dog . dog. 71 dog. 62 deg. 68 dog. 61 dog. 10 57 deg. -70 deg. 57deg. 11 58 deg. ik2 dog. 68tteg. It. T. TAYLOR. TIME TABLE. Cleveland & Pittsburgh W. n.—Tuilt.. gl)log' East leave Beaver /gallon in follows: Mor ning F- 8 1 1 tr,.. LIT; 541 p. in.. ;.• I' • • , , Train. going West kayo Deaver Stilton 10 fol. taro , : 'Mall, 743 a. Express, 9.5. i p. to.; Ac. rommodation. 5.4.1 p. to. • • • Pitt. Ft. W. & C. K. W.—Trains going East I,..tve Rochester Manua tat end of hrldget na 101' .1.”V 4 : Deaver Falb Accom.ll.3 ant: Elton accom. ; It. in.: New Carle accoin. 8.31 a. ni.; D. Falls 14 . ( . 4.111. 14.10 p. to. Trains going West leave ittwinalcr Station, (at roil of bridge) 44 follow.: D. F. accont. 10 a. m.; 1.•81.1 cone : aecont...37 it. tn. l'ralus going East leave Rochester (Upper) De pot 44 follows: D. Y. seam. 0.5 a. m ; Enon ac ~tm. 7.15 a: m.; New Castle scam. 8.40 p. ; unicago exp. 10.59 a. intlitaver. Falls &cont. 19.15 1.. Chlcago'Nlll 9.05" p. In; Erie exit, 410 p. m; thicago exp. 6.01 p. m; Eels mall 0.550 p. to, Trams going West, leave Rochester (Upper) De. pet 41 follows. Chicago Min 8.15 a. m.; brie exp. tit) 0, in: Deaver Falls steam. 9.55 a. m.,_• Chicago xp.11.00 rfLr Chicago Op. &45 p. New rat, 11. awns: WWI". In.t. a. 5up.&491.94' Mf.• Be** 1' till deems). 3.56 The attention of the public Is directed 1,, the following Now. Advertisements which appear for the first time In tlio Imes to-day: Advertisements, Geo. P. Howell & Co. coughs t wore throat special Notice, Spoyerer & Son. special Notice, Stevens & Whittish. special Notices, A. Hanauer. 'special Notions„ „. J. Linnenbrink. Special Notice, Mulhohn. „Special Notice, lingo Andriessen. *pedal Notice, Mr. Frederick. Esecutor's Notice, James P. Hart. r -- A - •,--- id ir L moviiiilM. lotheet , ivrer aux.—The following named persons have paid the nuns set opposite to their iuutim on subse4on to r t f l e .ho r oc Antlystiattiertibt of o hub a li cation.' ) '' ) ' . .. I/1 k. ' Woolen Mills—..."ew Brighton, 6•2 00 James Harpur, Seventy Six, 2 00 'I). Pritchard, Freedom, 1 00 E. Thomas, New Brighton, , , 300 Jam. R. Hill, Pll.h4burgb • 200 Robert 'Wilson, Service, 2 00 Mrs. Toy, Vanport, 50 S. It. Mitchell, Beaver, 200 W. W. Anderson, Beaver, ' . 200 Addison Cunningham ' N. Sowickly 700 Harrison Reed, Ohlovillo, 6 00 William Hood, Smiths Ferry, . 200 John Johnston, Ifookstown, 2 00 1.. jlarpri,Bl)mtert t t :.1 1 , , pif t .Jantesl owlet', lilackhawk, • Mrs. Jane Mitchell, Blackhawk, SainuelTorrence, Harshville, 2 00 S.-L. Ewing, Industry, . , 150 _Aex Ewing, Industry, 200 IL D. White ' lndustry, ' 200 41. 1). Marsh all, Zelleuople, , 260 lua'ld Fassbenner, 74110110p'; 2 00. Abram Krop a Froedo .., , , 2(1 00 11, 51, rape, eF , 4 l. 2! SAM/LlM—The omit popular *trade in the market _All eleaniing. To be hail at the Ileavey •Ml3g Store. , Filhltanauer's Bazar of Fashion keeps the boat stock of trimmed and untrim med hats anti bonnets in Beavercounty. vivo him a call, cornor Bridge and Mar ket streets, lirhigemstor FL Jels;tf 1 . P.% Rill:A intending to purchase sEiew lug Machine should not fall to call at the geney of the Weed Sewing Machine, Rochester. •;,,;)•, , • ritjri #••••••4«—:. SEL LIN (1 elf ,w,all.paper, ,greatly re duced prime. °RC paper at fifty cents per hot, and others in proportion, at B. Mulholm'e Bridgewater Pa. larr Busit.—Our friend Mr. Fred erick, of Ice cream :and codfeJtionery WHO, has been kept on the rush fur the, pipit week, supplying festival and pie-. ie orders. Mr. Frederick cannot be ex veiled in the making of leo cream, and WO aro glad to coo merit appreciated by ..ur eitizonx. ETEIMM. vigilance is the price •of health as well as of liberty. Do not be cheated by Bode Water drawn from cop-. per and load plpea, and flavored with ar tideial, _poisonous extract*. Try.: the pare, sparkling, ice cold article, ,favored with the pure fruit Juices and syrups, only t cents a drink, at lingo Andrics= . sera's Beaver Drug Store. All kinds 'of fruit Jars at the Deaver Drug Store. Bea'ter Atlntd‘. • Idea'sidif prospefon* ;iglu ,wilp,op, closed, on Friday, the loth lost., l an examination of the pepik, to the Koonce of such of the Trustees and patrons of the School, and of the friends of education generally, %5 may lind it c invenient to attend. EK• l'reitiV2s will commence aT D 7 . 0 A.; M.; and he continued at 2, P. M. .iv Ilvatdec'n, hewa In Is. 1 Jels;tf A WILSON ShIIILIO Sowing that. lOW her * ,but a t 0101: t iara ift ,U004.1111j Im bait chent;:l;;•!aptlying nt tho ikgency "I the Weoll Sowing Nl:tektite, Rochester. SEA Moss FAILINE.—TIIC 111134 itdicious I:reparanon tor, ittal4ng Ptithlings, ries. Sze- oupply, of the -11iltver I)rug Store. tlitnattor'm, hats '.O cents. Jels;tf J - vice; ot thnlocturo•roorn of the now M. Churelt of this place, will occur next Sabbath. Rov. C. A. • lfolmes, D. D., will preach at ll o'clock in the morning. A Sunday School meeting in tho after noon at o'clock. Ito'. S. 11. Nesbit, It., editor of the Pittsb6ryk Advocate, will it ipliukewpnigg. the c6iiirreos6l! with them in Tose 'lnterpjsl.ol; Aqua:cat., NVoed Hewing Machine' is war ranted for three years. .1 Linnenbrink, I:.A.heier, Agent for Beaver county. AT Ilannttoell, hatt9 get' ',Jong irstisied.—Mr. Sllevi Haley, of Nlonon- galiOn city, has Placed us under huitlng ..migatibns tpr a beautiftd,cluto sent us a few days .ugb.:The,*rdiyii and ‘‘:!I I not be 4,liscussed at the pros-, cot time. It is e uouith to Kay that MC. Haley is a clothier by,occupation, a gentleman, and trithal,.the . keen jukorin Wo.9l,lngc.oticoullty. ,?Long may he wae." 16 4. 4T - T.OO 145;tf r9tarP ll, 4o • l 4 l r r. ha)l. or gowlli4litodifirornis t int to planted some astir to potetroos on tho sukof Apra and on tho Ilth of Juuo ho f ,, und'young potatoes in the , hills luny. hie .i7AI of a 'walnut. !Sixty throe ' , Jays rnsii the time of planting until ono can e•.nt on potatoes is getting along quite well. I.adles Hose, 10 eentm. 1 ` . 1 3 403d5:tr Wr: would respectfully erdl the atten tion.of our readers to the , oar& Straw : Morton, agents for the Singer Mowing Machine and tho wouder'ful • Ilinkley flitting Machine. The agency for these maelrinuw at Pittsburgh Is thq oldest In the Vn ited td by Mr. Straw nearly ,twenty years ago The firm is entirely reliable and anything comi9g, frpm, tank, rtatiptpliMP% "lent may bii • tegaidedrioi l th# beg: A groat, adyautago in purchasing from this house Is, that. they are flnply established and repairs and parts: of machines 0511 always ho had. Sl7 - Hats and bonnets trimmed to or. dor at Hanauer'a, corner of Bridge sad "Market streets, Bridgewater. Jels:tf r" - * s. palitmlisig. 7 .The house of Mr. Robert °ova's); WU&baster, was struck by lightning, on last Wednesday I n n ig l j airlitagiri I ta l it i lfetr ts. Jordon, who was in the house at tho time, causing temporary blindness. 10 010 00 1 15 CO I 1&00 ) DI Oil I alOO / tO OD / 100 OD ICE Cold Sparkling Soda Water, fresh from the fountains and flavored with ° dri .10 j ; 7/44 , 0 °4 LINEN, silkreotton and paper Fans, a Mrs. Mrs. Beaconestr J015,4w Deeldlh' ; t64 - 47;4114, ) We neglected htv week to make a note of .the sudden death of John.„Barele t y, egg., one of our oldest and best citizens. Mr. MatelAY, up.wniil tite,CoSeeeen. of his fatal illness was In his usual health; and attending, aawaabla custom, to his mercantile, duties. Ilia husiness on that day lug to the store ho was seized with pare alyals, and catching hold of a post ho hold hilaelf lin hi Ailsittetti and ho was cenveyed.Anto the bongo. This dekiiii4situd)enetikesans.on Friflay June 9d, and from that time until his death, whiAlit succeeding Sabbath at abou t L . m.; n‘oierrickek Jai w ut n years of ago, and for fifty yoarsll44,hogalp litudncso In this borougk, ;IP Nre si4d, Ar(owii throughout the' county, as a quiet, In ofltgqssl gintleman, and hie' defelrfuro'frbfn'afuhnft us is keenly re : Fretted by all wlio ... kn;w; t ilin 1.1 ) Making nu eirninliunlion.— VOy;ia potengot hold of a gun a fine. Says fig anA Aocking it blow down the muzzle to %co if it was kouled.... Jle didn't , state the result of 14!;.suiiiiihail614%bilt the by-slanders, who•saw his head tly offieildliFjdoillAkliffbriliaithat the Piece wris' 'gorged whOit itcanie into his hands, 7.7.-.7tntyu,r.T Man SEA MOSS FARINE and flavoring Ex tracts and Easeuees at the Beaver Drug Store. jels;2w A. Nici and fresh assortment of mil linery, hats, bonnets Bowers, ribbons, itm g just received at Mrs. E. U. Bascom's, BetwOr. , loWest 'poisible pries t jelSktst A Heavy Fleece or Wool.—The Washington..F.l ,ii raer of I s t werk re ports a heavy fleece of wool. "The well known Spanish ram "spool ,''' owned by 11. C. Slushor .t eq.. of Amwell, wag shorn a few days sinith, and his fleece 'lghed Thirty pounds. It wanted thir teen days of one year since the ram was shorn before....' This is un extraordinary yield, and if any of our Beaver county furthers can equal or beat It we will take pleasure in advertising thorn gratuitous ly,if they report to us. A SPECIALITY made of puro Imps id lac collars, by Mrs. Beacom. jo15;lw —hiSgiseic with 4Aghtssitag.--Klii ;last Thursday aftcrniitUt terrific 'thunder storm paused over Pittsburgh aud vicin ity, the lightning struck' variolis points In theleity. A Mr. Ilartje, brother-in law to John Graebing, • °sq., sheriff of this county, was instantly killed by an electrical discharge rear the Pittsburgh etclosf I,lropsetanics atrfet,t9iFe, ( l4l was'ariVliig a liatk at did bine, In wh four persons were seated. The lightning struck the off side horse, killing him, it then passed to the driver's seat, ald a. aifeadi.taied: tjillbd tar. 4iirtio. , Tits ,passengers inside were terrible shocked, but otherwise nuinjuredi The msui h t " 'Psc'e4. PI ttb6sghtind t tbedulit ywest not been visited with so much electrical violence, as this spring. A VARIETY of culls, collars and neck ties, at Mrs. B. 11. Beacom's, Beaver. 4 . . Dtatitignholtiel Vbiltora. , -On last. /friday ovening.blovernoe, Oottp",, MePailand l (atabiSuporintondentof he soldiers Orphan Behpalt) and ington, at*p6d4OkAlit-f4olatels Or phan School at•Phillipsburg and remain ed over night with tbo principal and his family.—They are at the present time on u tourer inspection—visitingthe various benevolent institutions of the State. Ilia GoVirrilar 'anti 'party - lett in 'the - ellitly morning train for Fillaburgh, intending 'to spend the reidainder oith6'day HI the city, visiting us many of tho charitable instilneons there 'at Abair thno h1.061t1 admit of. We learn incidentally that the ti.ziWernosPent au, tiourAir , tor Very pledsitriffir-in . it .and i expressed 11111111 f w t yl ple e wsef , tho4:4naluntlinagnt; 00 e pupils nethat : ' . ci d Lo i pi is_ Linen. Fitir . aptl cullars,, pug pi,( f .,/ I.xWeifrays: otj )1242 . 4 ,11., td riii non .A. ' .. „ - d15;411 Admitted •tofike Barl—kAipt. L. Median of Now Brighton, was on Mluiday hat ildinitteillo , rdn'etito law in the several courts of this county. Capt. E. in an active, intelligent gentleman, and will no doubt soon take high rank at the bar. - - - LEM ucLEdiur of thloi "pkoki, informs OH that ono of his hens hatched a chicken, recently, with but ono leg— not even a stump nor a sign of a second leg. The chicken' Mid its nnather "aril doinjyt ,wetl trs could ho expected." Tian Iler (blitche;) had a but which hatched two chickens from one egg. They are perfoetly firmed; hot w•e did nuta►wderateraF4l ivere.eortneelett- a ligalnvp . 4llll* . prt . tni:b4lCN the Hinnilnie Twins. The chickens ore dead. The old ben Nortives. ,33.tese. with the uhlek.en recently noticesnii - tho eottikty as having been lytteht.d.wltlx 4 form nn intekirtiitilsoda in hill,t9l ry of Aiaturo' pirturo front hit form laws: , .7 List 'of lettors rein:Lining in - 'louver l'oit office, Juno let 1870: Mr. donirA Boyd; Henry Guppy, Hiram BOIL., req. BArrr • plc( prtyloie4 pie, 911 agundani. htirkast wsts.'Weiet• 'lnefd Vat: tering ha, 44. 1.49.1Wi T 411.1 , „101r0P proiniSidatitlaitesual yielkitstirlieottire, even en,the cernmonis, is very,luxurir ant!"iftidaVili 'l(crtntiidtate' ‘Vielhlo is not quite so heavy as last year, but If nothing bails it, a good crop will still ho gathered; rye !Wks well; oats finite rank; corn doing well; potatoes thrifty, and' fruitinT litinds plen tlllll and grow lug, quite rapidly. , Pio; VSIP have ktiithit. ukth :!,fsiro hie prospect before us fur a year of plenty. . §rg,vvigruzi 4 Wcrriett, /teal t histsto, Agetibi at heaver Paths, Wive for * Wale over 209,000 acres- of choice \ and mineral land, in Middle Tennessee, in tracts of 5,900 semi, at (Ital . Tier ado, easy 'payments. There has beau no bet ter utfaite'C' l / 4 6r d Iri;et . uflaficni !siter4l l to the married mei!, ot this , region for a tiao than this one. sTltiee railroads 'Will soon; trortprso this tract. For pirtleq tars address the agents as above. They have 'also about $300,000 worth of Beaver and Lawrence eounty real property for „d o . : • . E rr!' tiNn fln 31uplir t is B P see a statement In regard to my sheep which you will please permit mo to cor rect In regard to the iambi,. Single' Willi* (not Ottkeitwitillbkitriplete) Itt Za weeks old, weighed 51 and 61 pounds re spectively, Kunitor. relegates contract for fencing • tine of the public squares in Beaver, has peen awarded to Mr. Thomas Schley, who I.)einudi the work last :wet*. AO. tipill9 looped that nothing will interfere to prevent the early, completion of .11*' job.! • When neatly fenced and planted in shade and ornamental Ernes it hill procint •it very attractive appearance, ' !, GNOME sll~9 o "."liettrY Lob will Immo thill ix:matey" on a vleltto tleimany, about the sth of .July. Ho will 100 00mp444 lo'Lls My friend, Mop that terrible cou i gh if you b ldr u vraultelt r ze.. a AU. EM. or Golden Medical Discovery. For curing all throat, bronchial and lung diseases it has never been equaled. For palpitation. or Irregular action of the c d l r .l ?IV f you s ei tom ' in r the hoed," or Catarrh, Use Dr. Sago's; Catarrh Rem edy. It: • cures when everything else falls. t =1 ri;cl' Wa are Informed that Smite Wu= Poz.nonte Bataan acts promptly and quickly In toting all Chronic diseases Erecting lbe Cunitt, breast and Maga, u W bronchial aGections, acre threat,cbrart ic or receht cough., croup, uthma, bronchitis. whoopinsicp Nth, p 094 itarap i f==of blood, koredessbtthe brcist; hoarseness, coughs, Ac. And dud It is ri powerful Expectorant. trite& look alteratives and dlproalra properties, and studs unexcelled If rarely equal led, in curing all diseases of the throat and lungs .cured.Utlitas• et lair yearrituallagi croup it to sald to be a perfect sporcide, and that it acts as is chemical f. od, - and will build up we:k -eno/I apd r 934titutiops. 1 '71,150ir la and V. '-ge6 Ativatisoiticiii."• • • • . nALLOU'eI MONTHLY MAUAZINE..— The July iftiniliernillallOngi 'Monthly Magazine is the commencement of the thirty-sawand volume. Its popularity is now so great that no .magazine In the country standstilgher in the en/imago* Grillo istolcidnifijsul4o link46sr /14 ,excellence. liac Itnumber contains 10./ pages ofreading matter—storles, poems, liistorlini events, wit and humor, khOliphWel l ig I flypartAliph rad from sfxteesqi twenty iliustidflbris of noted scenes and places. All this can ho ob tained ftir lit.LO per year, or fifteen cents single copy and club tams aro even che et iler.! Thomas a Talbot,. 3f r a intittubli ?I I t ti 1 L 'leaver! County i Mbst Assoclation.-Semi- I Con vention. • Tho *suit)). County B. S. Association hold its .11riit semi-annual convention for WO, in tho .Nt,hyptyroh; 4t, Rochester on the Bth and oth trials. 'Rev. 1). P. Lowary; of Beaver, President, and Roc. S. P. Crowther, of Now Brighton, Score ;f.l ItZl,'";./ First day's session opened at le a. in. One, hou r was spent in earnest devotional • exereise ‘44drie L r Irariatariti . Reports from schools were called for. Perhap4 fiftecen to twenty delegates re sponded. Schools generally in good con dition, though not ,tunny conversions. The uniform ;asset: i system generally iuloptederaursatistickl4 Ididsed with prayer at 12 in.. The afternoon session opened at 2 ce cloqk. I Fifteciiminutes spent in deiro- Sknk . 2:lii tfuniiigtleni "fiOW Attu we make this convention most profita ble?" Ivas taken up, Rev. Locke making tho opening address. The points made were:, ,Rafteist9ess poi n.% 404 4Ly, ex periesraVillej .14:44wkstya *ale by several ethers to the saute effect. Rev'6. Lowary, Locke and Shields, were elected a committee to prepare the nuttistit.s of the Sabbath Schools of the covil=ro Fr,lr Messrs. O. It. Coo, B. R. Bradford, S. CroWther and J. F.'Dravo. wore elec ted dolekatgs to the State S. S. conven tigiil4 .4 - Lot At a it. in. the question: "slow shall we best secure uniformity of instruction in the Sabbath School?" was taken up. Iter. Crowther making tho opening ad dress. Thu following are sotno of the leadini l thoughts prosenttxl: . object, isle bring souls to Christ. 'rho vicuna we use, aro ideas. The ideas .must be correct, in order to make correct impressions. Uniformity is desirable, beetusei we want only proper ideas and hut; Cloupoi doetrineatatigtit tho ',suffer; inity truth as it Is in Jesus. Uniformlty secures system, oilier, pre vents L.-Mansion, secures harmony, co operation, construction and SUCCeSSa. In order t& secure , , uniformity of instruc tion, let thqrle school hayo the sour l#4llo titolißtio if 47(4 444 f teaching it. Argo° upon tho leading i dem, especially the doctrines taught. In .or der to this the Suporiteudent and teach ers shOuld meet, and 'studY the loSson together. A good :exam book , may be used. The Superintondent should brief -1 reriMe doctrinal lessens. Tito school should be graded, uniformly, from the Ake. deftrtineutt and We same trutlit: docirtnal, et i ktitsil and experimental, should be taught in tho Sabbath School; and in the pulpit. I'astors and teachers should be co-work ers in Christ tever:ll persons added thoughts; Con siderable interest. question Box was opened at 4 o'clock, and the following drawn out: Ist. What preparation Should teachers make? •1 Answer by Prof. It. T. Taylor : ;et Met:leaning of the 1E40,011 and the manner of presenting it. Come to school fullmf 15. ::nd. What tire tho clone: or lou t 1 `;ber)PY,W,,llStita rat ti„„. rd. Who shall teach the Infant class? Answer: Hest teneher—most 1,1005, untlllatient. ttenerally mother, suit best. the S. S. with special lectures by the Pastor or Superintendent did:Arabic end :ith. Is the blailboaid beneficial! Answer: Alllrnitatively „Evening session opened with fifteen minutes devotions. (in motion it was orakil Ifi I ode - nest oeittention‘'sball meet in tho Presbyterian Chin-chat Bea ver, at the call of the nieentive Commit- Morgan Lawrence, ego John ~,,, cuj.. . Mr. B. F. Reed. MetiarrieK, P. M. tee: 811. 'Co try to teach temperance In Sabbath Schools? was briefly discusaed. Some doubted wliether the pledge should be Used, others had no doulit of IN pro : prioty, but It /,It(cal,l I.O(lene 'prudently, (To ho resumed.) History of Sabbath Sibnot effort,. What it Is, was taken up, Rev. J. M. Shields tasking OR opening address. , Ile said it is an carnet work—n*l.'l3lldt ted—eVer characterised by prayer—hence successful. Sabbath School- instruction produces intelligent christians. God's blessing gives the success. The address 1 % 7 4 rifibol art Ito maiput .vrilfeStitik 14 , &volFai • • , A new song, prepared for the Stoto Convention, to sit at Harrisburg, enti- Hel "Beautiful Vale,i' Wile:liango Ad journed. Benedietiod by Bev. Grant. F:C . O N D DA Y. opettedialtlii in.; usual devo tions. The audience being small, the order For the hour was waived, and the (location Box opened . Question—lion : iatai' singing ShOnld bo~~ont kA iicliesida, and what ive sing? It was thougfit there should be considerable singing, - but It should be of the right kind, high: 4o4 4 pure, earnest, elevating. lb if tri.,ktkit importance and prOper DNS of maps in Sabbath Schools was ken up. Opening address by Rev. A G. Wallace. Important to the study or the historical 'arts of tho Bible, which anti he better understood by having a knowledge of the geography and of AleismirlegendAlsppe yrA history ctribe Biligoddibit - tt4Al t l te tiktkjitato the School. Brief lessons should be given-Soy the Superintendent. AtUral the, question,. What truths should Sabbath School children be taught? was introduced by Dr. Brecken ridge.' tilk4 shbuld be taught fundamental truths about God. Christ, salvation. The doctrines and precepts INDUSTRY, Juno 4, WO 4th. Are uxtra monthly unectlititt' sontations, 4111MAIRANY !Lunged.— Jaius octal* IC V )4 eibtattre= tl6 l2f and cleaTt g . Saki and keep the attention of all? was taken up. •In the absence of Rev. Wlbon, W. W. Mir introduced by giving lalway ; otkers followed—not much difference. Summed up In istissingarayer, encour aging words, he " ' The reporter Secretary for New Brigh ton, diatrict was read, accepted and flied. 10=o= TIM tributions„ Arc. e (Wit 414 mkr#Al4art owl* In the usual form. Orncers in place; athinattitid . for Mer smirprilig rid approved. 2:30 the questfOit,'Wlio shall teach ? NM opened, :by GAO, , who said these • who teach in Sabbath Schools shoUld have a deep abiding interest in the work—personal piety, punctuality. These aro Important. High standard of 1.111064kre hit nisi* itemity4 though the more Intelligent the truer. There was general agreement as to what kind of teachers wo N ought to have, but nearly all admit thdifficulty of getting -theget no manY•wba might :andAshould teaeh,being unwilling to do so. At 350, w. W. Mair road the following essay on "The Relation of the Sabbath School to tho Church," which the Con vention requested for publication: The lielallon ?lithe liandarlielsoobs to =d2= In' order to understand rally the natant of thhs relation, we tenet consider. In the lint Once, tie character of the Church's great mission to Otis world. The purpose of the coming of Christ to our lab Inn race, is to bring all men to repentance; and, In the prosecution of this great end, it la a part of the divine economy 114 there,;shOeld be order aildaYstein In the arrangement of hid Plan prd4 aphOh Of MMus need to brlag men M . * trieteedge 'aflthe flospll, the 'Chniffli bilda hieffnit placed and lbr titiPiiiittil f y tar ati.ed of tik ttie thlniW'of 'god 'atinWftk itienittuto - ta, and symbolising :the' great "doe' Owns 'o' the, atonement 'end 'tozenetatton,* pita-tea In oli thadletne Mai adminiShip' the sacraments; and of Codriaali Other 'aid' nisei havlng for their end the peaainlgitilen fe e d' Mid the salvation of Irma; meat be proseent; id in cOujunction whit old In euberdinatlon to the plan which licibieti 'tidied by infinite dom. °Merrill:lm eobviug theGoopet with IN tai straining, refining and cleating, Influences In coniact with tbd Admit and minds of mrec wo men and children of all grade, tram the lowest Meld:hest: '' ' ' " llr,e Want lament,' seltdenilug men and women, who will bring the maasei' togettrt,'and leach theni in plain and simple bingWe the Miry of the eines, Mad their duty to thentsetver,i• their neighbors dud 'to 'OM:" Stich IS Osaka work ape Chareh ; und'eneh the special dad of latter °tithe Sabbath Moot, going • faith In the greatness Of the strength' of the' Chtlielee'grent Mad, ander bee direction, and supported and sp• held by her material aid, her eyeepatitlis and her prayeer. . These remarks are nude to privent the lutitive;: shot thainiayeittain la hie inituiS Of some, I.lMi we,iegard thoSalibmhlichool as Of_ orgauirattleit: ' • Fiona its rapid growth and great once s, ind the ;wonderful Interest cluatening aroaid It; the t'savaellie 'of ecavinutlonli NA . their Imukiati 'at tendance, esketally in the atter:whit the glowing accounts of the Streelgth and• piograw of theheetitution, some of the most staid and rerective Members of the Church may Possibly iiiicitide that we regard thitiabbataSchoof as a tree of our oln p . , and that ' e are boldly tiesinuilnk the in:nation and rank. and thei ins Of duties, tti t tmlopz to the church dine, Let ad. hppieiiton be realties tiaaeh-a; end MY the'co-operstleibetween the Ciherch *and' BAIA be so sweetly full, that as enceser'lna di4intiter. they may go on to cum and certain victory. In order that the union may he 'perk . et, let ;the work of theseticiel ever Ontinne leittemaa.. The study of the School Is the Bible; the par tent to only ist Christ ; the teachers should be Ills followers; their preparation to be made on their knees ; their effort In'the spirit of the enthosium• of the Great Teacher; their confidence perfect, booed on ills promises. lot the exerciser of the School be cheerfully solemn: let not worship prove a talk: let their song,s be the songs Of Zion. and let not the school room be a strange land but let the spirit of gentleness be there, and the atmosphere he love; let the savior's blessed in fitience be felt from every teacher: let every, word, end look, and thought, be kind: anal the nue great aim be the conversion of the sod to , Jtatal; and then its, heavenly, benedletlett rest upon the enterprise, sod the Church milli ly 11,11 lien School as her most powerful adleuet In evangell‘ing a fallen world. The tahndard of religions education tom now livcouie so much Improved In the schools, nod the applications so pointed and direct, that the Clutich ft; 'orpldly; re:6l.ring feria:icon:ea* of Intelligent chrietkcs, both willing and able to give a reason for the kith that in In them, aud matey of them Oiled tvkh an earnest burning de:: mire to do what they can to HMO the perhailug twills around them. la there a pastor here totitty who does not look largely to his Sabbath School Teachers and Bible classes for material and sod titian fo oithir4 r rt4u6i 95tirchttt? I topi4 faithfully to l p yes m , knit tiler of grsco? When spectal services are needed for epeeist purposes, who moat promptly respond, here am I, send ? Modestly, but prominently among the tried ones, stands the faithful Sabbath School labdrer or scholar, ready always to perform tilt rows of obedience to the mil of his Savior. So Is the Church Offing, up with willing laborers trout the Sabtistfi'Stbool, Obedient s td her discip line, ever ready to obey the command to disciple all nations, giving their moms, thew time, their talents, ihenuelces a free will offering upon her sinus. True, befoul the inauguration of Sabbath Schools, the Church had many faithful member. ready to do and die as thousands of them did; but how is the grand army of Christ's faithful soldiers'itlirse** iktr9pedthr mut her& ; with what readiness of mporwe and apostolic enthusiasm does the . Church now receivo the cry of the perishing millions of earth, "come over and help nil:" and If the times should return when men must seal their faith with their blood, me! they , t•py, think you thecialallan heroism of the children of formWdayi'lectulff 'pat to sffamo the Sabbath School hoynand girls of our own day ? Goal forbid! Time, to 1 ttor, Adak of the, Siddiath School to idd daily to tho Church wieh an ghat' be saved, mud se the winks of the ‘nlorotig grow thin through the ravages of the great destroyer, sod the sohiiria fill, wearied rind borne down by the heat and burden of the clay. it h. furnishing us with thousands of young and active rcerulte—baptized for the dead—gladly willing to glee battle: nod, strong In the Lord of Hoge, are Able to drive the enemy before them. Through this isgergry lb. Church la entangling bar lionflang gathering lathe poor, the maimed, the halt, the Mind; add proving herWilf Warily the abeam' of Hun wbo - went about doing good. The nitzied &Magid Great Brill'ln, - and the htit.tlon and Orphan Settool of America, glorify the Church with their tidlnita humanity, emYylm: the very spirit of Jeans Into the hearts a td homes of the utterly destitute and forsaken. con any follower of the Barlow, here todar, w ind.' from a paha of thankagiving that the thumb, mot her powerful ally the Sabbath School. are thus pthiCd in the holy wedlock of a ithrlitlan Mias— mic in motive, one in eruct -together idling up the Woriald God! Truly Is the Church refreshed, and angels look Do reloklugly to see the ranks of geoid meti armed by Coolant actessions of the test talent in the world, coming up to the help of thS . Lord against the mighty, from the Sabbath 'School. of the Land. As one, may the Church and School ever continue la their Itheris dime ;'and. a. one shall they rejoice; and together. leun'og upon the arm of thck Beloved, than they come op trout the wilderness to a high and glorious reward. Seeing theth:my Chile Man iftworm, itri tow*. cy of the relation existing between the Church and the Sabbath School, elbow ma to uk the practical question of each or you: What to your personal duty with referencuto the school and its interest.? Are you Justified to standing idly by. and seeing l , thqt frtVev*4l.o°!l”sl"Pf of t he e , l et " In education of the young? The psramonut only of the Church is to extend to all nations, to curry ~,,,fserralimodiplomv- m aqhe Gospel of Christ Whoa heriiedriiritiirtlilim with au earnest desire that his children may be partaker. of the rich pro. riotous of this grace? Sham Peter; as the repro. tentative of the,perdot believer, ean 7. Lord, modnilkmilitaArrceilliettiaad. , W6 6 the direction of his Sartori "Feed my lambs." -The duty of the Church is to care for the lambs of the flock ; and you and I, m4' brethren, have no' obi 4 ih Ma 0tet.110?464 leachers, bat in some practical way, we can oil make common cause of this work. If we cannot give our lime, we can give our money, and we can playlet the Mini bkosingtotollow IL can bear this blessed cause of Sabbath school in struction Olt Off bieglttSbllbilentle lebleuesiGriee; earnestly beseeching the Grad Lover of Soule to make these little ones Ills own; Wog them-for usefhtiMaid this liftreidiltethortel glary le tiro ether. brethren, do we do it? Do we do ad we can, and the We we an, in this matter? Wilt the ntrafirui - temeardid* . this re.peet. - 'be rendered with Joy? Ohl it saddens mo to see so nitickoritidiMent lank inietieebia 'lvrtlebt of tee. Church so Balms to this imperative demand upon . m. My Christi:Wl Molds', let ns mat be satisfied Idar t yL p V:rit i Roti't 1141elpdy so con cam and'ease and del egate the performance of this c'l important tlgty Inesthen or.linti44 l o4o44l ll 4sl l lft Ith 3 cue Tot would cot be meowed fellatio Side tonna ,OH/01/,‘" irtomPir) st 4 Iif4tICRPt. I O I I4I 9I I 9 4 ° )IPVIAIh.R. kmourhoWllNiglitigooloo.4f Plkil"*"l"ir+ 1 0 1 4 ,410-16 / 61 f looldir l V N4oll WIC! Wad, Igo cde that the ffetelOther loteklifthetlM Lehthemtemseed seal if the Mientli l 4l.446, PaTirellan_.,_l64!"9.ooB,4o .wl4l hibmi.rorl! off_ ep, •,:m. brinier vhillllniineleJeu Jein i rommoim, lsoirer taf ri„ WOW, iitoaria l Q u i the Itatiwtsaga Olt/ Ilat% ` l ' • 'WO toOnleeto, -let la Mulder taylusd mom; Wt. thom: Ms tatp:lth . anom.ommakia them, to" melee Sat tattr assiiiinee *its& suit Om Mem hoes tali bi e je HOP" toOlfeentlx evadenleleticivedaY mum* et .11b:wood. i`taaf, that be hashes Aimi 'M s itos,tla hettltaliet* ar . ati sad (hit two !luny to tighlanumaii is 1 4!" 411 ! f01.1.‘, J. , .4t j 4) questlOW:drairar, Op•Oad‘ isto u . we' induci.ehadyee VATouldil edo. !iv vonnnote4. *no c ,0 4 ,101a.- it, 'WU' unani mously naolied...that.,lve. advise all' at the trebbath School, to °Menne Nlsods of Hope," In their Schools. ltWas - also edviserl e ttattho children set he wftiont O r , t h ew m onis *fore O italpg;',ltia Ple(10 1.; . Te O y .A.E.A6 tit h elF4l , t l ; funxivi tr, Aviv 271% g f =w or V j so. absti•ii= the ,promedinga An the county papers: . The lionetary ewes, le responsible tor - what halt aTpcired. The usual resolutions ot Were paakbd to the Trust* of the Chinch; to organist„ and tliti:lptseplot for en =oh wee Oilfired Or the Biireterilo.proserve Ins magma the 4:l l=riaihis were laid over until the next cation. ' - SiP motion, adjourned, atter payer by Rey, yy:4l. Taylor, and lxmedietion a doi , A 7 I • . S. T. emu-rues; Secretary. (Radical please copy.) • fl° ll l vict ( ot ruvaii-na June 181,187 U. . Timehers' Eiassilostiolus. 4111TifiElr,,q11117 . Phill psburg, at Rochester School Howie. JubrAt Ailifurgi o DrAdg ravatcr.iirauport stAl alatinsll Seirra!lakkittitritpe:l July 1.81.11, Freodura and St. Clair, at FM4dili6cislotilaott t • July tiOth, Darlington bow. and twp., Big Beaver and New Galilee, at Darling. Lou aria)°, "louse. 4ttly 22a, I.Wett ttaLl, 4eopyttly, at Haan Okla Masi% übst lea, Moan, Hopewell ttad Logs- town, at New §ilyilleld house.' August,*,fftWeitla t ittriliaal euce "t August 3d. Rumour), at I.ln:en , " Widen tisk ,I:#j i 4 Illapo}err r i at Sc August WI, Iluokstowa, Greene and Georgetuwu,gt lloOtstown. August B,ti . l.tubliuuritak,' view. 4.4F• 1 4 9 4b. Squ;li Beaver und,Chippe -1/41:-Ifallaielhestsehool House. August 18th, Industry and Neal's, at In dustry.- :4 .4 4• • . , . - . • August 111th, Brighton, at Eakins tichout ' - - • . ugust 2241, Nortb Seu•ieklry, at LSIU rel d'dint School !louse. August 2.:k1, Frauklin,at Philliy Schix)l Iltatme..• g gg „t; August 24th, 3larion and New Sewick• ley, at 'l'eer's ,Sehoui House. September Ist, Beaver Falls and Patter• s.m, at itewver ' 4 '4 . September 2tl, School „ Special E - Sepal' ber 24t e tin' I 'Hooks No e exardipxl at, these lirEct.ii.V..x. AMISIA tics except at the 0171)(00 record 01 1)i EOM „Poivtiely prit•,ttu-,ex . minutions. i, lludglierty'a stions. 7ton : Septetil- Whitt' 4th, ut Applicants will phatie - therm with fuolsalp Toper,. pen and ink, and stamped envelope with address. Ex eras's' Wftlamitytienai ppinfitly sit nine o'clock, a. m. r ardor. F.zettiolsest M.—OrgaulzadosAda l Ott hoFraphy, Gstrutusikilcograploy, and PempanShip. P. 31.—Itclittpo r ywocal and Mental Arithmetic, kral*Mdfr-of Teach ing,__ which •in nge of op!ti ions - mid friends of education, the prac workings of the school system, and!the b st means of advancing the cause of education thni Ode Ed/hteirseltools: ' • • I tors.--One hundred and ninety questions will he asked on the &bore topics, to wit: 'Pi. tathog. mashy;,SC. Geography: 10. Heading; A emetic.: Atitnnictiel 5, Menta l Arithetctic; 10, Pommy,. ship; lA, Ithitory; and seem Theory of Teaching-. VII to PO per cent. of the questions answered cor rectly. gradu.l ;-70 to tal grade 3;—.30 to IV gelds 3. No certificate Issued whose grade 44'r below .we cent. esertoro bolt.ixtr, profoosolustal crittlicatow dotted prior to June lot. mat, will ' , least, (anoint thorn to tug for rg4gwal. prokooloruil cortlAr.ates tbAt Itott dOt Wed periodafiyeaneadrivin be rcheweif. Announcements, ete. Corxeit IxemetTE.—The annual Conn. lustitute•will be held in Beaver, coin. utencing 3londuy, Oct. Ath, and continue in session flie•days. Itsheuld lii remene bered that the School law inake:s'itimper ativc.on the part of the County SUperile teudeut to bold thew; Institutes; and it is expected that teachers will feel themselves under. obligation Outten& ~130atals of Di. rectonishotekthaveanundersieturtbstWith teachers at the time of their engagement as to their 6i/old:tan :Ode CothitY. I astii. tutu, and the conditions of their attendance inserted in thu Articles' of Agreement. The Executive Committee appointed at the isselostitute will pleao44 meet at' my office, Saturday, Ott. Ist, for the purpose of arranging progroinne; etc. , 4 Smoot, Lnws.—Copies of the school law • will be distribined to school officer; during my examinations. Scuanal i E:c.tutTAva),:i4.-14, or:Mr / that the...411k, Unity he •uunu oMdiehlf the children, for whose benefit', the school sys tem was established, be inure benelitted, used the system itself be inure practically administered • the I . olloWlllg, stlaTslions are respectfully„ but earnestly submitted: tat , Each teacher employed by Board of Directors should stipulate lb bold a public exutaivat ffi n at or prat' the close of the school terns. Patrons and Directors could then estimate the value of the servi ces rendered by the teacher; and have some knowledge of the prop* of the school ; and at the 'same tame the teacher hituself would have an opportunity of ma king Iffiown his professional iiiccess. This stipulation should be inserted in the Ara ' e gq, 3 l:Aignietoddt. It • .:f 4 - ; tttl. Teacher; should forward' monthly to the Secretary of the several Damns a watten report of the actual condition of their schools. This, for the most part; would be a duplicate of the Monthly Re port book. Au hour will be set apart at each examination for the discussion of this suggestion. Directors nod °Riots uricre quested to be present: I altatnairras+Tlic School Dopiriasent spectfully requests that Boards of Direct ors forward to the County Superintendents their Annual District Reports and Four M or o i , . cr i,ig es to on of .beirt; Ille•15th last(' 51:411•40 - . 0):nr ,of Alto r %lenity will con vi a favor by being 1)/0;10 to this inall,er. • Secretary's blanks to County, Superin tsnuleut w.ULhe.d.istribtliathialig-MY—ta aminations. It will wave much ;trouble if the rpscrelitriA w i lll3 l , llreler c ire: Po,,,Tir PIM ruivavEScnow...—Directuratunuot le- ILA ffs44 sc V woo house for private ali ~ d selects sc lonia 'mime built. tcuchete ikrgitu D 1 440° 11 " 11 legal certificate:" Iris to be ho that in all ordinary wan the regular, , teachers will have the preference in this respect. In orsler, haweyee to mei all e i iiiergeopim of this kind, the: following appidntfnents are made: Examination at ,flarlillfilun. Ala . * lffil ; Nev_ 4eliiitori, April 4th; Hooks tow April 'MI; New Sheffield; April 10111 fluids, Alarion Tp., APr l l,, l2 th Fairvibe, April 14th. Ndeerlinouw‘wil , be granted id thme....examinations fora longei Period Mali four Mee tlitT ' - • Doccuszrra.—Teschert? Monthly ,Ite port-Boollao and &Mini Lew. ain , SilweYs be procured at the Clerk of the Court's of fice, Deaver, or at lay odloo at.Fnllkdom, • Cosicummx.—ln issuing this annual circuit's; I desire te .eXpreseintY,Preleund thanks and gratitude to pusny Directors, enfiftilentki ofallitlNUgkr out the County for their nelfortu kindness and hosplialitvLextended to moduriug the past year. I trust that In the coming year PIP. 7 bepill beimecdinstioemgenVist accomplishing much :; 00 d in the great cause of POPULAR EDUCATION. ' . • Geo. 31. Primo, • • • County Sup'li e tasa arc.. ono 2d, wo RdloWttitiiddrEss . , dolly wr• for. D. J. Ddipiphey of ado Ow*, Oh 1 1603911fesiTtaIMIE:Aiivii — inttittiih4ins rlil i eftliurboldtere,/ bull td. Mat lay fr 1/144sW. rafiltthegelegriarlaillatn 'Timm the whole filXitsiniii•Witirt.t anew Ow, Wrookalwowisax utisa4 Tbdistais gyar. 441=u h il l iZItiole v N4/2 Mesa elVilltisernmentla Rah try rrerwa. Cl VW F line taltOtal, mum' wit* of thio prindpirifor todnuole; wilet:klikt Of a go/crustal& bent We a rttha .coadmin•Leon l ustappeeseet , Take the ttocaan swap:pm the pate,late It lb Ware, and *W. 'alum mum tests at .lAroy. Mb: Oat *Very put S o ho) and. illiaLielf *SW !AVM% lindtheraniXel derirwS cussi t =intA e lr e = B l . l t = tilt the , , tho Pona,tha banshee lad the prey. New thiunparleFFqq egad lataporMace, stiebare swot' stmt., .11OW h Get toot. tat as tfuyildrig In thitsre,. tetrebt' toi yeloctios. bow mat PriliaPb/ lato talenfactlifti, sad what is Lttellsol of gettstaseut event swot approval ? Why,' a nth compacr'whete ell' to peas bare arise rights ; • isesuochkry-.4 swathe surd hi no pans seam, hot pro tt Ms brood meantug—huff theta rights cosh.% nut bine the mil anapset, ton Yam Gol wheaten., the men. Goa& bust plaised whoa the Mate With sthic4 ry undowN MALL me bow; whit 'caused ate war s : bane ay It was ton perwhers. You Macao Lay will warts's) ter lkst as psi the stoma, yea tbe wit day iwy Mat Wu brought oh the terrible war; tedium& is the loctossiatency oy attar. iliac It always casstradlcos WWI. The preachers dsd zee thing on Ws war, Ibdugh wu,leeXt lot, ear belfaia, Placding tdn right:• hfone, It le kW; that 'Lavery toudght au the lowa bins, also, Is tacorrect, the ainse leis further tt.elg. ,4 hes Own sold Mat. stay call cumpeet Codtalui the eletneu:s of ite'dearattion widow thollf Meth' thou of 1114 ansawaod, rib wee the s• Irish soar Vstsdrusion ,It would hare twa a good Wog. If o our Gahm, Wont the limo lotion cloned, had Lustheredup traut7 tad aletodret, aad scut him back to Malawi , leen* was Ws loarale tat the Ilud, cud to soppfirilta ansittcraef. there must ttu plulteune.--lo Moho= there were Oilman*, (itarto)ado titre this *would , t wast We had aptotrate in the North Ate'. to pletwaar, MOO who amid be oppressal. now towhees., to the howl., warted nod supported Was art...t aste who wolkt nos work scut pre roes areas!. Work was thew was 4tadrate, how they thought Dud a white case tam Would waif was eu; butler ibsu •Idavu.sent ecenntly at good; 1 went 1 bad thaitYPllf brad, 1:Would Imre 13.0.rtt rust old those nom I. hay Ito wed, and res.A to tbrns .11.2 th at -win slot warn; Sleet nut eat. nod I Weald Icau compelled Ulna to war. or carve, awl If they bad stoned, We world would Isere heed the hater fur It: - • l Mee been a good while Witte. Iteneraucy sad 11101, brews circulatiug mailees - In ties World. WKS 1 traveled a charge that /mated over lute Yarylaud. 'We had four or five appoindueets bat gamut tilem 1 amid fled bat owe place where 1 was et home. TIM man bud tux .levee. 1 used to see Wree, young "ladles" gulUg to Church. They Wide on an old tomb. •The noddle belouged to a +sore that, ittobeldie was Wade •DOFIt•teU yeare that. and the cid horse had coma tutu hells about ten ye,.rs WWI either. They Wee tau awe USIA to say.: Tut ts..ouwwuald ride thwaThiit.r cit ;501itic1.111.;,1:.4,14411.,.5id,ne 000101* lor inti horse hover went any Whine theo they wingated,Mui, awlpray e slopped nitr o they let gtrls UOO4 me tOl4l ant lay Wine Mid euriy Milken.' I lost tr et with Went iunrser—amsiceieta,•Thia vritsalm 01041 gest brought on the wer. , • • There till deer feelcogitnitlietf.tere aristle- Mee cud deems:racy, Vann the time itte.louneas bull geteleutclit pat hat hia& Wow ems beep a struggling tuWard a better ri.: tpeg bare tweu Itatoruffnaind g Owl= mute twerwit hi:olmb tu, ccasivoages.. abet Weide Oat been slay:glut& so rrlrg l i W i f iOt r e P tlilree 'r tuTW ' r " i L7 gelti v" l ll o '' grth " tfu white 1: staid Mid illg 410011 through 11 11.11 WNW to What 1404114 1 / 1 141 1111 110 primitive rock, Through km- periods - of time. Oh, how' Mug ! worked Loom,: the Mum Ricker. his wt rt of bMidleg up Was muted by penoda ,and every petted refolutuus, ,iu it ever has been tit govertutients. When me atisturracy of the Sietth Arad us burnt , ter, wry prticati . pte talati4 , ezy old erummel Acid t:tanspe gave his s.lupathles ithiboutlikiet if ever they pray—a dd innl ktidws they ought to prowtheromyed earnestly the the sesames dt the hue every buuedt in4l Uf Wdcserg When prayed - WV...40y for the awiass of die !Otto. . - rllei • !Mem • Idea Uf putr l uterin wore toustal. up mid 351 w taiiiere,, hustisuiwo. sone mud brothers !dining to the ri.ecue. The people loved the denio• tentle idea of most, rights.' hen our army was MINA aud drtieet it slay the best: limt Mal beer alum We world wee, tight:rig to tli2gnolleal e• 111,• Me which men ken fought and i. soy were 111111111 who sympe,htzed not will. them, rlntesl 000 u , tug , guilt Ife, 10.10 1 Wien W wield IWO fte. - 11 141.11 .11 tulle treated them to hemp trieugli to luisc taken them out art the ,wild •or a snort. time. • The citiva.ry," rave th , Mark, elite tar d...Tlartll4 1 1 1.11 . 101 A, 01 weir fIICO C•1110,W100 gee 11401 . 111 j .. 000 hays" gorse them 'I mater being they ended them 'Vt.:mike.' 01111 they - Were Juunkvs. ' • -Itwaa maul by a great tabu 01 the close of the or Waterloo That - the wink 01 lil.en3 hW gum, back one buedile years, Wet we Lome 0 1114 CoaiWtt.ttlif esiumbi lawman rights skald hose gums bagV; heat UM hundred 3 ears. thtilaught me question clear through the storm out haw die tight, and the slur old nag mid heck ."%uto vb. rooks , The world I. murun Werard =Whir forms of govermneut respect for labor has got down smuts and we have gut ^Juntiy • at wore ho mint wetter /IMO now, bat he witwork rather than starve. • We area working people and if any. nation has anything they can't do let them 00010 00a and hire the Yinikeee, for a Yankee's ability to du is only bounded by illlyonaltdlitte4 Let us always rer!rect the wan that works. ' • sue cause SU which we ihughttaa good. Than let us strew powers on this graves of those who fen, and if ',hero is among no a man who does not approve the act tt thme is 0 troVeristnentanywher• that will take him let es ship him tu them. kviglandoseis proud of itfureccu iehtengale.— lier name should have beets Changed, she dtwerved a road Itaitradi few she was then - lend of man. We bad tionamela at wormer' Arno went Path to cheer, end strengthen, And tenderly care for the •atirrind sold'er - : let them coma with the dowers on every recurring 3101 of Ma,inut cast theta tar the dravca of those who dlr. la the alrlin. May God ever rare fur Our country. Dry Goods, ,•A splendid note' stock just• opened a Dentc'a store in 11eaver ell Monday, con slatitigin part of: • The lsze4 Detains spring and summer style 15 cents per ytt'd. - te::tod shaded•poplins now, style. at 15 coot* Per PACO 4 . Extra heavy, gloms grain silk for sack ing4oo per yard. '''rittitys white :ind iiicolorod stripes at Iw ceetS par yard. lk:autifnl grenadine's fur dresses, In now patterns. ' Poplins of every shade and color very CPcaP., Very good' yard wide bleached or un bleached 31Uslin,d21 per yard. - Double width mohair lustre Alpacca all colors 30 cents. A vary good assortment of Lawn ii,new patterns very , cheap. Geed shirt fronts at 121 cents. Plain, and Bibbed hose 10 cents. A good pure linen Handkerchief 8 car. Extra wide all linen table linen :71 oenbi per yard. • taco cititains, 'eounterpanN and other good.' (oonittnereits to inen don here, just. recuilvtl (min the east. All. those wan ting real bargains can save ) Money by calling - early at J., 11. 11ENC E's, JI iliiu • ery and Dry Good„Htore, .T.ltirti street; Heaver. • • jeS;4w SEW style lattA. if. tee antl gimp. nt Mrs..l.. E. Koykeii‘f, jutf•!t , ISft Bwitr.ii.l4 Canton' City and New Creek flour, a lot of white Lithe, Linseed oil, and Mackerel In kits, received and fur sale wholesale and Retail at Speyerer t moth' Rocbester, Pa. Temperance Meeting. Proceedings of • temperance meeting held In the cOurt house, on the evening of June Pith, ' • 'Prof. Taylor ealledt lit; meeting to or , der song by • On motion. -Hon: Daniel Agnew was called to the (Jhair. -and W. C. tinnier, Secretary. •., The • Chair stated the object of the meeting. Rev. CreAtltcr of ,New RrigL ton, addressor lite meettog, , • song by Moir: t COmmittienu'RKdtitines reprinted the tenoning, whielt were received, (Hammed and adopted; • , Witmer:As, Intemperan c e is great evil, destrbellytetolhe Individual, and therefore a curse to the family and tektite. State; and • WitEnnAs; It is of vital importance to Religion, to publie virtue and to good order, that the people of this county should he 'awakened to tho evils which grow out of Intemperance, and that the whole community should be united in rdifstlng its progress, therefore, •‘ • leceolved„l. • That we do now Organ ttothaßettYar County Temperance • As sociation; the oltieet ,whielt shall be to desseminate information, and arouse public Kontiment,.by,means of temper ance publications end temperance lec tures. Rexolved,!2. ' That thoofficers of this wieuelathin shall consist of n Pregident nud, a, SeerettliT. • There shall also be chosentitree p retools, who together with the Pieeldent and the Secretary,' shall ecataUtuto the klateuUve Catuntittee. The ..ecutl,ve. teannitteo Mall have aaperyl.slo met the worker Teniperanco RefornithrOughout the county ; and co- . operate wit & local' orgardiallens whets: eve/4166y way . be formed.. .: • Iteseteal, l 3.• iThalt we recommend the =erganne4= of otudilacy soda. every, brips4 atoll, township the 'county or yer,.. , • 'ltere/Cq, etu4licartOodifotso ilia action of , the 'late Ctimity Sabbath' School Convention Inrecommending the fornuillon of our,Ffluldily Scheel Schol ars in 'each distinct Sunday School, into JuVehile..Toutpenusee. Societies.; :and sinirely hope that the wisdom of such a lief Will be'seen In its' universal ad Lion/ ..•- . • . . • The ,following ticreons were e!ectal !leers of tits association: , . Pres Taylor. . Eteerefttcy—W. If. Locke. • ' Xreeatire Oisetnittee.- • '• • • '1• •' • • ReY, 0' Wllsen, t • 1:- -John F. Dravo,•Frig., t;). Henry Mao; Nag., Oa motion it was rewind that ;la promo:lmp of this meeting be published in the county papers. e nom* Omni etteittigiVtiH6iai, l l 4 Aal Wit/ 'met of mmioury rbd dvy geed' we have gait," a ',how. Thereof bassets sad latta,eutd Ilinoisyea 11• tad Asa dry goecti eu varkitio.' they% am Waver, Mti iimitiboiinetilitWei.atettituffbits Tait oveiihe Wood 41.4 at evitestygete With Letitia norm sedltlibatitire %AWN That tlaileatire bOnsietlooka really aplead . We fliee bit. of 'lei*, bee and Marina ;` I hope these few linen will be nn And new, nay dear' friends. i bye yeti will ha?, And Vino kW retch lid All my ryn:- "We'll inane It yogi Intemulo ;It. 1 14 a all, birbslnsef, .ebe and alf ♦tl. Dased's Dry Goat/midMier, 7t.1.A• luDivit.ll,lo..oet, [Maya . P.c • Osktw =CIE . Sunman Stt.i.wws,÷A seountliot of those beautiful nhawis , have just..bren opened at liencrfa Wore In Beaver. ; theselsdlei who ware dlsapoinled in not getting any of the nest lot,- can now. be ..'.Cuanr.itr." the agent.for tho.hook on Mointonbitn, by Bootle, is now can vassing this county .for subscriptions It will no doubt he a • work 'of thrilling interUAt, and thosewho aro aisposod td know sunroof tho Institution of polyga niy iii this country,Shouhl procumainpy of thls work.. . . . . filo ausvassing for, a Poliglot faultily llsbie witn_illustzations and ex planations. This is a superb work. and should bo in usury family in thoootinty. • • „ • , Anayllatnow Clamp' fani hi ill I.llora, nt Mn.k Ku Ructestdr. ' ' jt 2t FINR French Anycerd, 'at link. IL E. Knoken'4„ ytowliemmt.' jutket Tile lleaver.Cuunty Agricultural So ciety, will hold lug next Annual Fair in Heaver, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Kepi. 23th, 29th and 30th 1870. • apr2o3mOs.j . . ' 11; B. Mow; &ley. Iluvuustureu The Soda Water at Moore's Drug Store. Ile has a now 'bun• tain act up and a full lows.l of stotram on.' "Go drink when you fool dry, boys, fur eartain you:ought." Oftwurso ladles era no ‘ t excluded, this Is a rofroihing, lusi.lthful and 'bad drink.. JuS;:r NEIGilliOnllOOD IM=MIE —On lastl'hursday -evening. while re turning home from lintler, Jacob Rel bar; br Middlesex Wivnaliip, wpa thrown from his horse, and seriously Injured. Ills head mu* phcMiciers ; were severely bruised, his arm broken, and otherwise bajurok , :lfe is now, vie • learn', , douse,- ..• • • ". ' , 2-4,513,4*i04 4 .44; trip; 4;ooii i l4oro is a yellow frame house the nelghtur hued of which seems to be fatal to boys. thiitisin.yeara ago a boy named Camp bell was killed by the klek or a !aurae there: 000 year later a boy named Itubitiled there .front a wound received from a scythe. Wedneadry 1,4 muted tituckwast was 'leading a salt to water; there, by is rope,, which ho had tied up his wiist, when We animal ran oildraggiog the boy until he gut mirallst a •ituud bole. Mr. blutekuust who Ilk . ea In the yellow house, aforesaid, eut Itia ;sail loose, Lilt-fie died In a few inintstes.. COUNTY —The Chalice Shut, is tliu union of a new oil well, on land of Julio Mu - a1 uurth uf %Vs:Minium str opt, Lawrenco burg. It cuunneucuil pumping first on Friday of lani , week, producing about three barrels. On liatunliy, it pumped eight or ten barrels; on Sunday three or four. On Monday at '7 u'aluek a m., while the sucker rods were being drawn, and when about half of them had' boon taken out, It commenced to flow, and it is claimed that up to 2 o'clock in the af ternoon, it had produced from sixty-Ilve to severity'barrels of oil. This well is owned brit. A. Clark, of Beaver coun ty, and others. —Thu Kittanning Free l'ress says: very serious accident occurred on Sun day morning Imt, near the mouth of the Mahoning, by the running away of a Want attached to a spring wagon. The occupants orthe wagon were .3lrs. Jas. Steele, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. P.mldol, Miss Ilingatnan, and the driver. In descend ing a hill the horses bevnrno frightened and started off at a fearful ride, upsetting the wagon and throwing them all out.— They were all more or less Injured, Mrs. Steele having lair collar bone bro ken, and. receiving borne severe cuts about the Paco and head. Kurtz had her cheek bone broken, her scalp very much torn, and the herb of one foot cut through and crushed. tier in juries are.serious, and her recovery is doubtful. Mrs. Bechtel had her collar bone broken. MiVi Dingman had her collar bone and two or three ribs. broken. New Advertisemeida. Newspaper Advertisin • A nook of La closely printed psecs. lately hon ed. am his a lint of tiro best American Adscrtia It' lilePonts. clvirtg the names, circa lathers.. and full wartlenlars coucernieg the leadlog Daily aad •••I,v:ly Political and mate' Newspa er with all Ulu, Laving large. deco intuits, pole— Pehell to the interest of Ire Igloo. Aviculture. Lit erature. Every advertiser. and every person V.bircuutemptafro Wreathe,: ouch. will tind thIS laud: of ;teat velor. frew Winos utt- Srr..onteeeiptofllfterama. IGEOI4OIK P. 110WILLL Ae CO., Publishvs, Nu. 40 Part; Row, New lota. The Pittsburgh tP.1.1 fond,. In Its icone of Mae Balt - "The duo WC. P. ..moral s co., *Writ i.saver this Merest:it; and valuable book. Is the Largest and best Advernsint! A4c.tcy hrthe Lad red:hates. end we can ch.-flirty recommend ft to the utteurlen of - those who desire to advertise theitlhaatem.s arleatinleally sad systeanati. rally In ouch n way ; that is, so to secure the largest amount of publicity for the least expendi ture of tram liclEult SUMWanted ma pay mg bililOess:2l. Figs:min. 413 ettertuut..t.. l _tulTe : _ty • Tatturiteas., Inventor. whir wich to take not Lenard ktent are sdirtved to cogoved with Sill & CU., eilitork of The Scielitigr 4meriran who bats promoted claim* before the 'Patent tillice for over Twenty Yearn.. Thew American and European Patent Agency la thu moot extensive in Ww, world. Chu lerii than any other reliable agency. A pamph let reinstate.. to Iniarnettotic to Inventory to sent knits, MUNN L r.:0..31 Park Row. New ',Cork. YES ! IT. IS TRUE ! That the Bra .Volrerr—the Led Ihroppers—the 11,0 Mr-Bolen to be found In the world are the Original and Rellablo Double - Notion .Etna Matiblooft made by dre -ETNA 31ANUFAC- Trttr.c; 00.. of Salem. Ohlo. tend for pamph• lot a. ntalning parliculars. Liabet:44rr , 13t1 11V31.11.N Book. UM e Zor .tutop, TARRANT • innels:ivr 4 j0r16.31-I ail& 141.111 Fe - MO - axll coraa.rilibouf pain; price 13c. sold at drug and oboe storm Samples mailed no toad it of take, and trade supplied by VIE JAVAE.:-SE CORN FILE Co_ SiFloe street. 'fork. _ COUGHS,SORE THRCAT,j ETC. . . • No Tedicine or 1 reAment oan excel the powerful rural ire porrernf DR. SININIS' White Pulmonic Balsam. It =midi!' a rapidity unequalled - b; any other retumly offered for Throat and Lang diseases. It it recommended by overtbeti persona' la Wilming ton, and hundreds In Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other elites and emnmunitles Won:hoot the coun try. Mr. Peruatngton, or %%Wagtail, Illinois, writes that there is not (with *few execptiono family In that city who will be without It If pow& ble to immure It. Such is itspopularity wherever 15 h. known—and this popolaav arises horn the rctMbat It unbrenally cures all who use it. le Parise of COCCUS, COLDS, SORB Tluttt37. ASTHMA, • tittUNCUMS, CROUP, BLOOD- SffITTLNIO,IIOAIatigIiESS. and even PUL3Its• NARY COlsl3l7,lUTlOskishere the system b sot 'broken down With the *dr of the distaste. or pre. tended taiudlciae, •or isexperiansed Advice. lima • this yialmun will pot emb tf carefully used accord ing to directions: We guarantee It all we rave mat It an be and invite alrbal dots tbs./kW egerywbere, PA** 50 cents. oredmetals said fl riF largo Axed balks. Prepared, J. H. SIMMS, - PRACTICAL ORGANIC CIIILILLSrp No. 701 ** Si., • li7ILMINGTON, Del. ileilideptda depot. JOkowns,noway s Co.. den, OS Arch burst. _ Baltore depot, B. B. Hance, US Baltimore St. Yodel * by /Nelda* Dealers veseraur. , . _ lusiltVarAT • ri xiritinTioN : • , 0.3 • --- . I • , t In ::~+i ~I::'' ME =IS N . o. 91 Eeaeral Stree- 'MRS. 8. Ilas the Largest, Best Selected and Olean Flowers, Ladles' Underwear, Ladles' and Ifindkarehters,lewelry, and Hair (toads, wqii'Vemst or the Ladles .voilting'the city should hose this intriitreet, before purchasing. • . .•• Please compare prices below 311.wri lints,Trimmtiol Litlies! Hair, .Trimine hi, Black Lm c, 4ico Collani for riletA,*orth P6rticular Atter*tioh npr2l4liii ANNA Dxclussos, the celebrated female lecturer, was badly picked up in one of the Ohio towns a few nights ago: During her lecture, and while uttering "words that breathe and thoughts that burn," She cried out "why was I born." Pausing a mo ment she repeated the inquiry, when a horrid boy in the gri lery sung out, "I give it up." 4 , - Stairroatils Cathartic Syrup, Used la all carol Inetead or PILLS, EPSOM SALTS, CAS. TOR OIL, &c Melly Savored. Mom& to oda:. Children like U. Pries .10 cents. Whoientle. R. R. Sellars & Co.. *Wood slant, Pinebsugh, JeS;ty . Marr led. BUSiI—ELLIOTT.—At the residence of Uoorgo Elliott esq., on Thursday, June 9th ivat. iy the Bev. James M. Shields, Mr. I. B. Rush, of Columbia city, Indiana, end Miss Nannio of Heaver, Pa. MALL—TeCIiEIt.-4mithe 9th of June 1870, by Itev. Jas. M. Smith, Mr. J. Q. lieu! and Miss M. E. Tucker, all of Deaver Co, Pa. WILSON—DAWSON In Bearer on June 9th, MO, by Itcy.l). L. Dempsey, Mr. William Wilson, to Miss iNaucy Dawson, llutti of Wellsville Ohio. MESS. Ou 'l"nunelay 9th, lust. i at the residence of the bride's parents n Zellenopie, by Rev. Mr. 'lint; Mr. Charles Orohring to Mins 'Henrietta (Hess. Died. YOUTES—At Darlington, June Mit, Dal: of mnsutnntlon, %Valiant It. Youtes aged about b years. On Tuesday, Sth iwiL, Darlingteu Lodge, I. U. of ti. T., of which the de ceased was an exemplary member, and also the entire delegation of flood Teinp lars attending the District Convention, then in . session in Darlington, turned out In a body and the remains were in terred with the usual ceremonies of the Order. , At a meeting of Darlington Lodge,'No 755, L 0. 0(0. T., the following proem ble and revolutions wore adopted : Wherati, The Hupreme Ruler of the Universe has removed from our millst, our worthy and esteemed young brother, William li. Youtes, and while wo la ment the loam of one endeared to us by his goodness of heart and honorable, up right is:induct wo mourn not as those who have no h ope; for we have reason to believe that though the body has re turned to Its kindred dust, the humortal part "Shalt inherit the kingdom of heaven." Therefore, Resolved, That we how with unmur muring resignation to that Provident.° who death all things welt, and that we remember the injunction, "lie ye also ready." Resolved, That we cherish a lively re membrance of the matey virtues of our deceased brother, and that we emulate those good qualities that endeared hint to us as a friend and brother. Revolved, That wo tender our heart felt sympathy to the relatives of out Be. parted brother, and • in token of our respect that the Lodge and Regalia be clothed in mourning for thirty days. Iteltotred, That these resolutions bo entered at largo on the minutes of the Lodge, and that a copy of the same he forwarded to the family of the deceased. and also to t h e county papers fur pub lication. In Faith, Hope and Charity. . Samuel W. Reed, Cone, Cont. Ilmina Burton, If ART.—(In the 16th of May, 1870, at his re•tidenve, in North Sewickley town ship, Mr. Wuhan:nal hart, egad shunt 57 years. Neu , Adrertiseneents. NCVIrtI'IL. Letter. Teats moo t 7 hasim been {treated to the Mob. ocriber on ale ...state of Ilkliniond Ilart • deed., lain nr North Sorkkly township. Beaver County. Pa., all persons indebted to Mid estate. are hereby notified that Intrnediatc payment Is required; and, all nelsons haste:: doh.. azainst the want, will preaent them duly authenticated for settlement. New Itrizlitnn. P. 0 . jet.l;rds DiSitOLIITION Or PARTNERSIIIP. The partnerabtp_beruttibire exist lug bemi tFela William Gamble and3l. C. Maim, bonder*, under the arm oT tlacolde,t Harlon. wee illettolved by mutual cutipent un um, I.ltrat. All brut am uutifti will be rolled ',flit.. Garphle. WIhLIAM ILIARSIDE. M. C. MARTON. MEE 11 °Idit:111! .% 3 D L O ? It its k o gil dto L a i n — lo T tL ' Iloweturin. South Dearer Unnothlp. m IW. coun ty. The lot contalto about 151 erre , of laud, reitc ed In, with good garden and font tow. Tho Foote la Ili gory Mut, with four roomased coati cellar underneath. Altogether It Id a &tired° tpropertrAnd will he told low. For further par lealani Ingots, al the suideralened on the ornol- JOLIN GARVIN. Jr.. or to Mei Garvin. et Rottener. {online Wall Paper,.Wall Paper! PAPER t wA.u..PAPER • Carpets, Carpets, Carpets Carpets, Carpets, Carpet*: Oil Cloth. Oil Cloth! OIL CLOTH! CIL CLOTH! ilia:Jou, Shades! Mallow Shwkw!! WINDOW SHADES? WINDOW SUAII44!! B. IRTLHEIM, In the Store formerly ocenroml ht A. S. HARVEY. on Bridge Street, . • 13ridgewsJiter, . ie itibt receiving Doe of the Largest end Itest Selectiti Stocks or . WALL .PAPER Carpet-'4,011 Stationery; Tr.tveling Ihnrs, Satchels, - Basket", Tninks, Toys, Guitars, PMBnti Mits. Ac corileonsiall kilo!. of 3111- Mc Strings. i:ocrit 'NG Gti.A.smr:P.A. (all Awl), Picture Frzwiww , Bird Cages, Inks, Blank Boeka, Sterosenpesnail Sten,. reoptc Views, and e verything desirable in las line that luta ever been hrought to this. county. His Stock ' CAREFULLY SELECTED, Purchased 'Wm first hands, and 'will be Sold al Greatly Reduced Film: , Call and Examine for Yourselves. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS Will be unusually large for the present smolt, and a room for the keeping and sale of Carpets will adjoin the titore. ma r..V:3ml - . Madinat copy.) 11 1 . NillittUy) e 11 0 1 .,1 IRABI/E 600D8 t. C. ROBB eat Stock of &mutts, Mac Children» Aprun', bvee (bode. Iliwiery, of any Retail Store 31tEtiaritisailriza. n mind. and lx• sure to mu at No. 91 Peil with those of other Houses: Hum. EEO laulie , : l iundl a rc6 iet, Sun ILL% linrPrmpw, Maldr.g and frame rbr pad(' ordei•ed Work. Misce thsiacoum. BOUNTY. $lOO Mindy collected for all soldiers who cutlet ed for tbreAt 7rant between Yluy .ltdagl July 22.111931, who went dlschar-ed for disability lichee sentlt-t two ye/lIV, and w ho bate heretofore melted fll. botiot,a. Thq. endtufgatal Is prepuce' To Collett theme Claims at over, K modepte MM. mo &Hovel by Government. Ab. Per for ;Where, Ifothrra, . ALL SOLDIE/LS DISCHA MI RD FOIL II HIM I A , „ Are Entitled to Full Term Bounty, and also to Arsions. Call on or ortuttar:Aree to the linden. AND iont (A 4 WILL RLCIIIVI: Pfti.:4l7 ATTP...4110,C. • I 13. V. 1.311.0W.N. U. S. Clann Agent, GALErry, Bui - Cntner Gib Av. Luc:tint tiu itLtietd Strtrt PIITSBUIHIIf, I'A.., apr27;"lll NEW• GROCERY STORE Yi Bridgewater, 1-'n: STILES CO, Paidap's ante r, iwar thr Bridyn. HAVE OPENED AN ENTIRELY FRESH s7O •K OF FAMILY GROCERIES, :siAILS. \SIN/11M' GI.ASS. FLoilt, PEED AND • COUNTIZY PRODITF;. And In 66a trial all articn. not kllr room) nr .nrk notanectlon. The -tore r,.no ha. I. rennwtclett. and rouvenl.ntly arranl:cd, dnwi, tr. Mr. JAlin !Ittle.. 1,0 Ion: nu:11.0 In lid. community, will c ice hid personal dtiestfon. largo nsperionce, al4 Itn)rungh acqualutonce with the Trade. to Ilan .election nod purctta.c of cltolco ;...00ds. and Invite* the patronage of all Mho vlrlt Ow lost goody lu the curtest. at chi lowcat cavil price. All land. of country .roduce wanted. & Moidzewater, ra. }attain. CLOTHING STORE. .t' NEW GOODS! Firing and !hammer Wear. unilerguoit4l takel itlmulre I.t lii• (Atining his friend.: and the pithiir gener• all) that lir has jtuit and ;pewit A New Stock of Goods, TITE LATEST STYLES i•t1I: SRING and SUMMER Wear. ne keep., IIIN 4 of lvnriiiiien in; Ilk employ, :toil freL4 conlirletit of hit ability to cut and inaku up ganuenta both • rAsmos.taix& DURABLE. null in swell a manner as will please Ids I=l GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ALWAYS (IN HAND Gtrlt rtml 'Lsee us before letteing gum. OrrliTs Bbterrlorre 11V11.1.1AYI - may-1;70;1y Briagt:watur. New Millinery Establishment lii -n.c)(2nEs'ruir. MRS. S. T. 3-1:1.11, Would infnrui public:. of it.whestcr and vicinity that - OW in . ts 1114 ' , pencil a NEW EirbERY STORE UILI(ill'l'ON s•rßln r. A •6urt.lirtanix alm)vu dare Roc EsTE tt. PA Dlfinn - Ltlllo ME .ILLINERY Di all Ili brant•lie4. eltildretri clothing, Shirt 4. A:c.. made to order; work to lie r..- 11(.(1 no. A mil sollotetl. , P4RS. }§• T. :NEM- my2lAntl JAVIn 11AS RECEIVED A u(•'.%• I \yell r+4•1I•(•/c41 ssoirrm ENT nl•'t DRY - GOODS, VS1:01.V;a1'11:11 - :a14 0 4./ T INSWATI 14; lEEE P DW&I, WHICII,IIE OFFERS Low rirloeis- MAy 131. =3 MEM MEM :10 mutt Ell=l