The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 15, 1870, Image 2

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    Tirelrell7 - 67
J. WEYAND, Eurrou Awn pueruirron,
Itenver. W'a, Julio
' For Ctmgress
ithjort to District Conferees' rrititi.mtion
Pot* Assembly:
Soltject. to DistriCt Corifcmcs'
For •Proilicotolotry: • •
.101 IN Al.:(1111W
FSir Cbmmtimintier:'
Porto'imfoner: '
" Poi Poor !Throe Dirrrfr: '
.1. If t`lllt[Bl'Y.
/An.' Tri/../;14,
111 W. 11. ('. eItWIII. I ) , W ,
31. DA IMAM!. 1.
:rim death or tlib grtnittEtiglish
l,welist. Charley I)it:ken:4; June
Inth,imw wtts twpinitit4:
IJY Cable telegrii,. op Saturday last.
War Department. lms oent
communication to thcity Council of
Itichmond, offering tai SMl'drriler the
Davis mansion to tiic Ot3 . [!tithoi ,
'Hies on condition that all
rent or dainages shall be relinquish'ed,,
Nor, some tithe
. the iioveruinent has
-been holding thiLproPerty on the
ground that it belonged, tip the
fedemey. purchased by the
eity'of Itielptiond lily In the war,
and preseritiOli the rebel govern
inont for a imbleueo for its ryiAdent.•
Procif of this purchaso and donation
has, however; been lost.
flietindof the dtscliargo of sot.
dieni who, by the causaitles 'or war,
had lost an arM,or a'.14,1h0 Cpiverfi
meat. supplied to each an., artificial
limb; hinee which time no .provision
has been made for them, •and the
liadxi are nintt mostly, worn out of
unserviceable. Tlie Lions() a few day,4
ago, passisla bill gifting such soldiers
every five years an artificial limb, or
the price,thertiof, which is 475,f0r a
leg and t'-'lO for an arm. The. Se , nate
afterwards prised the bill, , b4siruek
out the intoeision giving money in
any ease. The Conference Climmit;
tee of the two Houses pa Tulesday
agreed. upoti the origiimi
which will now become a Intw,.lt Li
it:dim:dud that the law wiWYL4llire
an Appropriation of sloo' ; ( iiiti
live years:
Tim node:able event lit Wosidtek
ton hot wt kwa the grunt! reeelition
given, by the • President to it kleputn ,
lion of Indian:4 Who ;treat preent at
the capital.' Theehieficiftheindians
were - in full eashinie, and had with
them quite n 'number or RillaWS.
members of the cablnet;itheir
wives, laughters, SA:., turd (he foreign
Ministers and their families also hon.
tired the tivent with their pre4itince.
after a time sPent l in hand stinking;
a spleadid supper was indulgerl in by
all prrsent. We fancy R.:was slight:
ly romantic to see Red (lowland
Siletted Tail eating berries and crium
with Mrs. (iranlnhd Mrs. Fish,
while the picture would ho not a lits
tle heightened In witpeAngPresideut
Oran( mid Secretary Cox proMenn
qing hearm with a couple of
well forties! dusky ticipaii.
• A uise.vrett dated Corinne; 'Utah,
Jwte ji,says: Asubtentueous outlet
to, (treat Salt Lake has been folind
opposite Corinne, and bet Ween Fre
'nom and Kimball islands. The
schooner Pioneor,,Captain Hobnail,
sailing in the yieinity last Tuesday,
MIA drawil into the openiti," which
is an fin mense' irtietstrutit or bt open
lions ivitiripool, and the descen;, and
circular motion of the water were so
rapid and' violeut that the Y&o.el was
made to spin around in it with fright
ful velocity, and it was only by it
high wind prevailing at
. the time
that she WILB enabled to sail beyond
the ialluence of the awful chasm.
Captain Hannah reports' that he ham
no doubt whatuvor that this opening
neVer before discovered, is Megrim('
millet of the lake. " ' A party -nor select-:
lIIVII will lektVt! here iminediatelY
011 the steamier Kato Conner to
regale this greatest of modern won
ders. Tile result will probably show
how for ages the accumulation from
thollSallti mountain streams has
disappeared from the earth's surface.
A •HPEMAI, to the X. ifertad,
dafisi 9rowrigville, Texas, :A 1 ,
illibuStering expitlition is
oranizing. against. 31..fAiro. load
ors of the ex pitlitiou are. to he fortorr
',givers in the Ittlitivi Stated:anit COn
rot term arinies:•"lt isstatexl that (ten.
Itoseenitis snkrenici'
. and the iteatiquartigs 14' the
movement urn in New York, with
stiliorilitutte ite'lSartinent4 in Philatlel
. . Clavagn;t4i. I,6tiks :New :(
t ion. 'J. Hank:head Ahigrutier, .etini
tinniileerif the. New Orleansportioii,
is playll4; a prnutittent part; 41 , rainil
liassagn over, the lie titrittnle jilt°
• Mexico Limo two • ,niotiiliii.,heuee.
It is kaid I'llfitEACON4lo, the cout man
der hf the 3hxicatisontl• Ittiieerttits
have conic` tti an
whereby, for a uoiiiiiilerat ion, the for
mer permits the suetts.4lll erct , sing of
tno - tillhitster4. They arko enterthe
inuntry In squads its'enilgranis,"ete.
troops froln , thedwders, to enable the
exiaslltion to eitter,•organize and ail
vancu as military forces. A eolllsion
then takes place. :,Esenbedo •breaks
and retreats in. utter confusion, anti
then aids the libuSters In conquering
the countrS,•establishing, with Rose
enuis or seine One else at the bead a
government which Will ulttmately be
turned over to the 'United State.s au.
thorities. "
RED :15 IC D. and delegation had an
IntervieW with the President on last
TlitirstlaY,, aud,w etrect relieated the
spetzeh of Ttiesilay. Thwytwitlent
replied he had always and still deSir
ed to live alt P6ce NOth the Indian
nations. Sts long a.4.IIIS,biIICIAI
ority existed it would be used, kr, the
protection of Indian's on reservations
Mal against the encroachtnents of
,as well :is for the pfetectien
of whites against red men',: Fort
Fetterman, he explained, was ftir the
prntection'of both whites and Indians
'and might be,used tefa' base'br sup
plies: The aPprepriatiens which
• would be made by Congretis for the
benefit, of the Indians Would be ex
pended' consistentlY. What is rigl4
is to be done. The Secretary of the
Interior had proper, instruetions with
regard to this. The Italians. leaned
forward With eager 'Mention 'while
the interpreter was. explalling to,
them the words of the President. At
its conclusion silent handssbaking
took plaice as ettch,passed from the
• room, and (lie Conned with Wet:rent
Father ended.
. „ .
On the Ist of June, itist.,jt•lt to
gnus' came over the 'Atlantic 0
from Constantinople detain mf
rible massacre of gigot rein' ,
tions, and nrousing the on is itiffir
est to feverish excitement. It no
terrible slaughter ~f
pl )
'Bauman if, a pim•tot o
of t.heVarkbolt.EmPiro.iss4he ..hiou
of: Europe. 'rho -movement wOs
wi iiiiirtAfl)n , ta , i ,,,4,l:
et, signal; "tfijuaids' lot" (Christians
arose and. murdered, .men,. women
and children of the Jews, in their
Winel; l lo' cold , blood; , ' tnid their
cries' for Mereyi , outeagess
were also colitnittletl.fitunl the. AV tirk ,
of slaughter'wta -*lien •
thii ;IV' All% --said
tat'• • , : ysii• suit N fritelirest th es • %nit ivd
great , imlictlyenCun.
Jews; tied . sectrutly,; organized ..
6 1 4 ..5104 J ;'445. ; '*„ . .4'
angtuuted. At stui isorlyi Amur .11u/
houses of nil the JeWkwere
itu'd those'ef the beenpasit4ivhti 'Were ,
uool4P,tsi ciif o t ) o . l i l eFP
cold • blood.-, 'fhe: fleeing isritetites
acerb pursued tjirotigh the town by
the. Mali nitirdered 'when: et,
caught, men; ,Woniei, Mid 'eldldreil.
were ruthlessly slain. : ,,The fury et'
the populace wasintiamod by ,relig
ions*. lilgotiy,'" 'rind • only • exhausted
Itself far 'want of VielitilS.' 'ln all the' .
principal towas,tbe, fearful work of
butchery prevailed, and .thousands
Of men; women and rehlidreh , of the;
repugnmiticlmss iOre;•bdtcherect • lii:
cold blood. Energetic Measures,,
It was said, would be Immediately:
taken: thelifileari to suiliress: the
religiOns butchery inentitlrne, the
• fury of the ;uoi.) centintual uttabittetl;l
• Snell, in short, was the stiltstanm ,
of the sent:Atonal: dispatelt *hie&
startiqj'all clue Of 'sdeteti—thrls;•'
tian,as :well America, 'on;
the morning .of Juuo Congress
was nt once petitioned to interfere in
iitial( of the • perSeetded OW4 of
and the 'Turkish, I'rir
vinees.' , Large sums of money were
subscribed, in most of the American
eitic, fie fdiwarded to the llitrriv-;
ing.of,tha Persecuted race,
*hit% wakipst and proper. l i f t
natty tarns out; On subsequent Hives
tim' thin ? . that nething l ef the kind :WO
transpired In ttouniania. ;:ytteo%ble
thing proves te.have lteea u,. }yicktxl
sensaflonni innutfnetured
by 'stadents flit the :p a rprir of 'ex ,
eitang,tengiopskitiBilveq q. ; `
yore penalty Up' on
the authors of sognalleinus a false,
hood. gvtifP loin confi
dence it/ . ' php; trathfulne lof
graphiadispatehes,, if,they are to be
thus often-deceived: •
SENATOR SCUTS has introduced an
itmendittent to the Bridge hill for the
9 , 1116 tiVer,',providing thatstiairtAtill
be coutinuowi;and ninety rt.:‘ot la the
clear WWl] low water ;:that the clan;.
nel slian 4bailinot be' lees than four
hundred feet, - and' that th 6 bridge
. •
shall cross, in sucita.way ; as I to, have
the piers perpetidicularto the line of
the current for •one thousand feet
above and live hundred below the
bridge. All spans which do not Len
form to the requirement of. the act
are to be increasedotud the govern
meld:isle pay the.eost:ot • the change
provided they, have been constructed
in good futh under the previous
:An amendment also.provides for the
embnnanneut of certain Pittsburgh
coal dealers for thirty Wonsan', dol
lars paid the Baltimore S, tyhtu Itokid
for increasing, the single span of , the
Parkersburg, bridge.t .
—The Pottsville Jouryul say 4 the
dissatisfaction among the miners is
beginnhi,g to develop itself each : day,
ti.'j toe suspension grOWs longer, and
that if the workingmen Were to exer
cise their own Judgment, .Without
being overawed by the leaders,, they
would go to work to-niUrroiv at the
.wages ollertui. At a ,ineetiUg of the
St. Clair Ilkanch of thoW, 13. A., the
German eleinent. openly deidaredi
their desire to go to work, ass(;rting
that they "preferred, working tugo
ing around.begging.7,.
growpr, bleorge
again 131111110 publisher and eini)loydO...s
or tile, stoi;t4 coilee under, ,ohliaptions
for l.trawlierried in proftishAl., , \Viketp
.tipen, all hatills-,the foroui:lne in. the
4 • • ' ' ,•
Wewitrer/, That' ieerge Lehi ir,forl
inarr; h 1113(iral-heartedlltiatioan
fruit-grower; bu tlio iliesr.fitt3w4errie.
and the iiheit iihnpd siapplyof :lily
. 111,1111
WI11) Ilearpr. Atl4 Li
uUlinonttwtirtAy the Ntronago 00 ,1.1 . Le
110 don't sl'tltilp' lb
'his Ilioa.4iiretnntits.2 • •
• • •--•
T [ IVI!":+10.tiVolpo trom to,itient, , 4 I'
the t'ittslitit'l4ll"6miiiiilreint
miller duce of Juiic,4lll;t44l, •
'lite I:xecutivi. selshai ofithei49laLe
to•thi* Inapt about, two LI Kl.o rs, and'
was wholly-oreapied ;.w,it i ti 11.1.6 .tiall'
Domingo 41 uett , ion, - .wjiicli , 6l.iloY , Att-
Yel"Ping bed blond tO a groiter/legxee
_than any other , .istatetor the..last Iwo
:years,' fEheltresitlenticeKtailtlY ought
to be sure thailr ha ;hi ,on.goixt grinintl i
in pushin„g:tlie , thettt3,-.asilumlotx•S liAr,
theseanthils 4..,is mentiug, art/ SUCK US
-tor slitonothe.,eutintry. ,The;:delxite
to-day lois, Mr,litterness aunt oNcite
men t,sueli usifew Senators ever Wilke
witnessed. 'Llie vott: .- on 141.14hig
rielturt's.n.tioilatiton hist 'Alies 4l oYlr:lS
a,tie s nJotteen 3gaittlt, niheteeu * and
the Mile A - Ire:l4We t .);I? VC i I Li. Ca , it i I /g .
. vote in that ninny:a i vv. i ,lie was oyer
ulniet(if).tuslam'ollessiett, soing,tien
aturaboltling.t.itat as tin nt part of.the
atiminit'itettlitn,. it,-wais. net ttri9Kotts' ,
ferdiitu, In atille. the bl v,4 *lgutiq o b y
r vot int; .20...t.:411e Alie „resolution., , it
shook) be rempiabered, however, Unit
' he is coquirol /.4) vote in (Vie of, a tie, '
arsLiiiie4 do so on the.same respnlist
hility Senators exercise. ,Thit Men
tion of names ;may hu.omitted,' but it
is :nropei_enotigh to
.say„ that in the
augry debate this ' eventag three or
four Ssiattprs got, lute a wrangle al
ninst, w i thou t j/r.-cislent in the:last ten, Miring y7ll 01' ti I I Tr' Wati given
Mal taken with'. siia,:ith r.,:0 le ill i•ect -
i l e,,g. ritt.,poli(t'at .I.k9tit is WhrAlier
etl.ti) inquire IMO the chtirgeg of Cbr
rept heel it con Iwo lon with tltt; tretaty.
Atjotirtmitiiit , took platxt:Wlttiont a
. . ,r
decision. ' '
iM k'A it II 1 1 . :V1 1 1/1 I { givo tile ( t ither.
iii 'l4',ile l diit toil' of ii etial-intiltig'dl,,t-*
;trigi'' lit . the jlii.girt • , Of; the .
Mott lupins : iteseentliug to the walk*.
'rif iie:tr itirivi 'wo limit-each the: de-
Atirt'effiitiiise4l . 4 flot'r•t!'ity. - Otero it
few' t:ouiageon's iiieit nt;• order .droe
off the throut- cu ithllrood-bum
titers. twn • ago c then tones Evanston, where there wiliSuutt he fit
trial-inittit% : ioWit, :Math . ' a , few:Yell l ' 4
-more, iron teutylriOttuti coltishmil Is.
The vaitlNein Is tort)* reet in thickness,
the titi,.l . tierttitiSi L fr . t* fii:ktli • sill iih li r,
Miming with littip fLAim and is Itrolia
bly tiro best.itt in thti,world for stimlt
i ing Puriitrsve- , ,te . .tr,:it. 10111 there hi
si. mount:Atilt of I mo Ore,uilx6l:; will t
just : tnesoiM
enough litt4 4 itilikg it!'ilt&
At this 'point, therefore. tie, fond
will lie'ttble to nuliply all Its 'own ma
terial.. Fortunate
. fit vont the Will;
but not °nett Eo st„,-Inilly 'is
,in lieu
tnse of Uto thitou Piteitie ItailMad:
o ihe "envoi iit isti.(autt
..T 4....-- .
.13'w.r ' Citizittoi- ii viviiii
ho vorl s onio fco donee
diieli 113 h conf Ilion MO
4113143 my
A X Liii ivo.
aiti-LletiPly 4 thliarelreuui,
stances under which they hove been
bestowed, and of the corresponding
duties and responsibilities imposed
upon me during the fultlithent of my
term of the Chief Exei3utive Witco in
_tritett-t4overtmteitt- 4 -Notwith.
standing a latarttudinated with pure.
and Upright intentions, teniards the.
welfare of the Commonwealth, and'
with all the, faculties allotted to me
unceasingly devoted' to. its service, 1
feel deeply wuselous that I shteld,in
need of your.ludulgenee, whileithus.
exercise one of the prorogntivim of tle; , ,
',Mitten of address the,
people, when, hi his opinion, .he 14
justified by cireunistancer ntfecting.
their ;volitive. and.,interotts; and. to
exited frour.thein-au:hOuest, , WOW
cud liburaLsupport in .return, , • • • .
• 'With such.,curtuneittuutes•nopi , bes.
fore the peoitle. of:Pennsylvania, I
foettlutt 1 would-he 'recreant •to ply
duty; ungrateful to the generous peo
ple, and untrue to _myself, "f 'should
fail to4axpress to' you my : opinions
upon r. subject of public ixtumn,
which demands from you immediate
attention and prompt, intelligent and
independent action. . ' •
The inviolabilitys?of, 'the , Sinking ,
Fund - by which your debtis to
be reduced and.finally extinguished,
must be. maintained against all at
tanks upon it, whetheropen or secret!
A public debt is not a blessing.butata
' evil not to be tom: must, by.
thatunolint of, the direct ,pecuniary
burden it Impose: 4 •upon, the people,
but by its '.whole elli•etr-the .entire
amount ofall its cen.wqtrenees. These
consequences have been; pointed out
so fully by the fathers of the republic,
and by the most reliabloWriterst upon
political economy ; and a. conviction!
of them, Is so . deeply. impressed on
thed minds of all reflecting men, that,
I' need not 'recapitulate them ; nor
insist eveu.upon their existence.,
. The State debt must be paid—paid
Honestly and to the utmost farthing,
and as soon as it. elm • reasonably he
done—to this doctrine I ana irrevoca
bly pledged in every possible manner
—and the eredit of the-State must be
kept up to its.highest point, murder
that llus important object• may be
most readily accomplished.. No be
lief or -suspicion :of bad faith or of
profligacy; on our:part, should be
permitted bb get abroad .onto derive
the slightest support :or . - cOuateuance
front the'conduct of. our government
iu any of its brunches.. It should bo
understood everywhere that we have
an .incorruptible and faithful judi
ciary ;,a Legislature and an Execu
tive disposett to work together, and
to co• Operate heartily Ininaintaining
the honor of;the Commonwealth,
;The operation of the Sinking Fund
was temporarily interruptedi or rath
ert weakened; by the recent war, but
by the blessing of "leaven upon the
patriotie:-. Wiens of the nation, the
(lake of peace have returned. There
Can mow be no. excuse for . diverting
front that fund any of - the moneys
pledged to it by the Constitution and
the laws, nor ler tampering in any
manner with - its regular administra
tion. -
• But itiis known to you that in told
and daring attempt was made in the
Lwislature during its brit session, to
invade the Treasury and seize the
proceeds of the sale of the public
works of the Staie, deposited there,
In the Sinking Fund, tor, the use of
certain Milli:tied corporations of this
Commonwealth and' that attempt
was defeated only by t lie . intcrpej,i
lionofthel:xceuttve, This was
to me an ungracious and, unpleasant
task, to resist the majority in the
Legislature composed of Senators and
Representatives arisen by you, un
der the regular forms , of the Consti
tution, presumably fur their intelli
tenee and integrity ; and it. -was in
expedient, perhaps as a 'question of
personal interest' and ease, that 1
should incur the hostility of powerful
enemies by the course adoptc.d. But
I saw. belbre me the open path of du
ty, pointed out by the clear words.of
the Constitution and by my oath of
oflhte; and 1 did not hesitate to treat
the subject with the firmness and ae
thin which the urgency of the case
requir d.
• The hill to distribute the securities
in the Sinking Fund alining several
t newly incorporated railroad compan
ies, and - to substitute for them very
inferior,- if not utterly worthless obit
gatiellS. WAS sent to me only on the
day next precteding the final ad
journment of the Legislature, ill
though it had passed both Houses
about two weeks before. .., Borrowing
time from the usual hours of rest, I
was enabled, the .next morning, to
return the, bill with my yhjeetiens to
the "louse in which it originated.
There its. further .consideration
IHAStp011i•do•011d DO 'finAl.judgement
upon it was pronouuced., It, stands
now among theopenquesdens wh tch
may be revived at, a , future session.
it may-again 1)(A introduced rand
passed next winter, or at; ny subse
mould time,.without enibarrassmeut
from any •prior dedision of either
Mouse against it. And if the menu
heirship of both , "louses shall be so
made up, at any time that a two
t bird vote for the measure, eau be oh
ned 'in each, of its enactment into a
law will become , certain, and the
burden• of your taxes will; be int:Vita
lity increased and,prolouged. . ,
Of tut nripeal to:thtt people; .to enable
them to Inns. • upon controverted
questioos involving gravO considera
tions of public4tulicyorsafety. Upon
a. question ofL tilts kind; in which
ovary man, woman and child in the
itbintuonwetiltli as itttert.tetl, this
great. prerugativo .of ..the,Executive,
conferral by tau Constitution, should
belearleady escreised. Is not this
Huth an ouvaiion? Is not the subject
ito:bo•consitli.retl: ,vitally iniportaint.?
-Is it not urgent . that you shoultl
termine it fonyourselves,lii. the se
,leetion of thew to represent you lu the
Logishittire of .1t371.? . •
.I.liistts it inaY, this nuesiion is
irl:fact-submitted ioryour,judgment.
issue upon it Nyas distinctly and
mpunly matte at the last, St_-ssion be
tweet' the Legislature and the.Extieu
.ti co, and that issue. is now', before you
for arbitrament, and pin '!inould im
atruct your •reprwoutat Ives, in each
•und everycounty, iiii accordance with
'your. wishes and tleterniination upon
this imliortant subject.
Should you, 'by your indifference
to the question, or by a' careless and
uncaleulati ng.•choiett of .t he persons
dureprcsont you in the Legislature,
entourage and strengthen list efilllbi
,natiou of men who:desire tad threat- ,
en to invade your treasurY; rest its
, aired that the vaist stun now sacredly
devoted to the payment of the public
debt wi li t he seisixt and caried off. •
The nine and a half trillions of dol.
Atm of securities in , that fund, with
all theiutetxahte accrue thereon, will
:lie vottsl eway (rote the peeple's treat
sury, •the state credit. will be prixdra.
.tad, your tuxes. inereuselloml
your impotent.. to
kelp you. lf, on the Contrary, alive
to your interests and. honer, you sus
- Min li the appeal, sen t yop.from the
gxeentive Chamber, and yoil uow
1,9,0e1ea _our eitpdhkdes ,for
./Leprnientativos you i•ilitiold.ileteint
:inn torpithrim: -With emplut.Sis. the
exaninand-of the Poustitut ion ; tit:4
.$ ll O, part of the said Sinking runt]
~,j,m; lie . 11,44 f or • appli6l
Owl. ti Le oxtitiguislunent of the
public tlebt,". you l sylke,iijU4,
iseveie- and, timely, blow int:corriipt
legislation and. ,pr,oteitt ypiirsol ves
against grevious pecuniary loss.
• The lesdon-will not be lost. Ittsal
uturyeffect will be great and.bniting.
Both:for the: pmentend the.future
will-it.improve:the tone. Of• public
-inttrttls, Iccp(re .the.unblushing. eff
rontery and corruption °lithe lobby;
curtail, the julluetice.of arrotaint eor
poritti*;l and stkni re the' sincere
commentlatimilif ttllguot po.patri
otie Men. ;•
~.5 , , „
The , too, lull utietti' the ,1 1 tOt• wr,y;ln.
million .1;11, though the moat tint . -
i s
'spice°, example, of the the evil I ~
fluent of corporations upon ...
Leg tire, Is not the only one. ' 4
pads pro-eminent Importanui,bd
it 00 tint - stand alone. 'Then fello i f
cit Wits, hej not the time come. f .
deteisniniult-the question of title lo 1 .
sovereign power in tills Common
wealth? Is that power a right and
indefeasible estate or the; pkople, A
does it reside in the Incorporalled
companies created by our laws? Will
youreyes open; voriselo , ..
y surrertder tap , control own, your
own Iteprosentatives, and give your
consent that corporations shall decide
yaitrilitli•s? •`Shatt pint , GaVernnieft
be pure, patriotic a nd just, true to
yourselves and true' to sound ritici
. ples of administration ;•ot shall it. be
the instrument of corPootteambition
I 'and evade°, and an objeet of public
Jest, ridicule and , reproach? Or, in
other words;slatileorporationssuper
cede. the Government anti ,),;econie
masters of the peop la le?
And now, my 'fel* - citizens; with
Ithis warning, 'eave this important
ti i
subject in your' bands,, trusting lot
you will be inspired ,Wltli jlie A t
and the resolution to defend the -
tegrity of your Goyenunent and to
preserve unsullied the credit and the
honor of the (24' nninonwealth.: ;
• "' • - Joitx \V. GE,tit.v
Executive Chamber,! )::• • ' •".
Harrisburg, l'al, ‘. "
June 6, 1870. ) - •
lion. Geo. V. Lawrence has writ
ten thnfollowing letter tn.tho Wash
ington R4porle r which explains itself:
31E. , ,stts. Montauk. Kut.r.v.y—Cien•
Wrincn: Two weeks or more since, a
communication appeared in your pa
per signed by . tifty-nine leading and
protninent ltepublims of a few dis
tricts in the western part of thiseoun
ty, (among them three ex-members
of tile Litgislature) presenting my
name for Congress for reasons briefly
stated therein.
lam exceedingly gratified to know
I have the confidence and esteem of
such men, and am 1.. cured their wish
is the tledre•of four-fifths of trot class
off Melt of 'the party in tile: opunV i
and that I would be presented as the
choice of Aids county by,a very large
majority but I respectfully declinea
Prominent a.nong the re isons
trolling my action is that my late Ill
hay left ine with my strength
too much impaired to eadurti"the fa
tigue.of the uunpaign without incur
ring thedangerof oermanentaffeetion
of thy lungs: Waen I retired at thd
elan o of. my second term in Congrws,
1 left the ltepublican party harmoni
ous—a unit in political action. I re-.
speeted my constituents; and they re;
sputed me. There was no strife, no
denunciation, no distrust. If this sit
uation is changed, 'the hartnony or
success of the party iputin jeopardy,
have no agency, inproducing sdun
necessary a state of again, and should
not be required or expected . to .take
any risk of defeat arising therefrom,
I trust that of iiiiprehen
shin as td the. restd. In the district
may be removed, and
,that wo .baay
yet be able to .unitotho whole, oarty
of the district on some, one wae IS
worthy,. and who Lon insure to us
victory in October.
Monungeshedu City, June 1, 1870.
.21lanicip«1 'Election Great Indian
Mundt, lied Cloud and Bnolted
-Teemurer ,S hinter
saand on finanr•c- , -' Bureau f;fEdn
cation—The General Land Office
Precion.4 Metals%
W.AsiustrroN, D. C., Juno U. “in
Probably never before at a munici
pal election in Witshing,ton has there
over been such an interest manifested
by the people generally rs hi the
lyst which ended on Monday by t 1,22,4
majority in The election of Mathew
Emery, a Republic: n, and known
as t h e wealthy store cutter and the
poor man's friend. His opponent,
SaYles J. Bowen, the pment
bent, originally Dein New York
State, hrs been a great office holder
for the past twenty years,,through a
Whig, Democratic and Itupublican
tahninistration politics, conform ,
ing 4i eath administration in Its turn
respectively, as best suited his pecun
iary interest, Ever—Watchful to his
interests, he has getting
office s of the most iiitluential and
hierative, and of the kreatest patron ,
age; laud constspiently from a very
poor man of limiest mein only
a feW Years ago, he 'lms• grown rich
and .j overhearing.'' I. mention this
maul Boson as a
.fair siocimen of
many other official Arickstei now
holding highly renumerative officers
hero to, the &elusion 'of the more
worthy—This man Bowen, by seven
ty majority was el Aed, two yetis
ago,' mayor of Washington, r reiving
the majuri ty ,
,of the Republican vote
and the support. of,all the Republican
papers. But his administration soon
'became very Unpopular by mason of
the reckless and dishimest Manner of
conducting the municipal affairs of
the city. " nepubl kin and Star"
two of the three leading papers of the
city, were frank and liononthle
enough,.altlibugh agaiiist their
mediate pecuniary policy, to at ()nee
expose his conduct to the people;
and have steadily and manfully
worked until 'they have mt kst de
feated him.
The Great Grand Indian Council,
was held yesterday in the Interior
Department' between the Indian del
egations,Secrelary of the Interior and
the half breed Indian: Comtnissioner
Parker. By order of the Secretary,
no speetntors were admitted to wit
nets the interview, and' consequently
the only wliitcs pr6iiint were the late
-Indian peace Conatnitioner and one
correspondent besides yours. The
'lndians numbering.! upwards of
thirty in till, throng them Red Cloud
Spotter! Tail, Little itear nod four
squaws arrived and took their seats
in the Council Clamber nt I I o'clock.
They were dreSsed In theirbest finery
painted,' :tnd dt..',oratt ditibiently
with different shape badges, wearing
ear • rings of ail sizes, shape and
Weight, smile weighing no 1-ss than
a-half pound. Their oration, tOgetit
;er with the friendly advice to them
by the Secretary midi Commissioner
trill have reached you ere this. /lOnee
there Is no o,..casion for anything fur
The ludiansiler,,il.. IClouti, Spot
ted Tail; rt .id mane gemiq, area rare
sPeelmeliii. of •plip‘sical Derfeetion; ^if
' ltntoffa . 'elai i - bc,auty. r .TUsf ,tllo doing the .agreeittle
in feeding and Showing themtwountl,
bkwrikof inipressingthent with •the
. greatuesS ltesplOdltY, of *their
great father. PdCaittli4ii.they:itie 410
°laser:W.-of altobservers t. hien,. wo-
Men `and ehildren,.black, yellow and
floilr,lireUMl to 'get ilght of the
greitlchief (an'd out Of. the 'tigtitiWi)
who is exciting the • attention of the
, korldvlbyttis war like attitude. Red
Cloud anti his loaves' Will soon; iiniet
IliO'Pro.4detit aud liare'ti talk i We
aeteg. rediblyinformsd that he.intends
to talk "Vattel" and natural Justice,
and to insist that the *Government
shall adjust troublita with all the
.Nvh -, ,it tßbede 41 Stoppresel a
th t ; to to r tho Mwid a s
he tofd ' y Coi, tha ho
ari , , e a and keep that
he 4ke .4. Is you raves
a% - onto the* to rots' earn—
Tho Indian territorial bill for the
civilized Indians is meeting with
ikmitT hT 1 111155 Vf-
tleith blow, I to , ilay in, the House.
With the help of the Weastern Dem
tx=kentkerspf the *hid
144 14 0 , :hart' Bg; _ P
sating' at re it the attempt o the
West and Southwest to re-distribute
the icittlenal bank eurreneydith a
vlei x ia tti o f ,i ctifeir plain
nia . ProPorti to •
1 their population. •
Quite a seniatioa was at once ores
to4 wjaffiett wap rumored, last 14
triaiLgehitor rachtirii: •
session yesterday t proposed l a resolu
tion directitiglilintonunlttee on fore
ign relational° investigate thetruth
fullness ofa rumor in circulation that
improper inflOences had been used in
the San Btratiii; trilatP. But few
,that the Missouri Senator
would dam to suspicion such a thing.
1 -Mtg i t rlPA3C'nte; reflect uPOOtbi.
duct' f s theatheinistrittion, And coin
iNt t Aip9 44 owTi. tiaFtx 1 80 4
another; the P r rcsident and Senator
Schurz are at lomerhellsand this is
only. done to shake the mididence of
the people in General Grant, Butts all.
But to day in, open doors a resolution
was offered tufa adopted, appointing
Committee none of whose membets
belonged to the Cbmmlttm on fore
ign relations, to make a thor
ough' • inVestlgatlon into 'their San
llomingo matter.' This action of thd
Senate will probably defeat the mu
firmat)oniOf the treatyz , '
Treasury Spinner is sound to the
last on the financial question. In his
letter on the National banks and
funding of the debt, Mr. Spinner
briefly shows that the only- question
for Congress to decide Is whether the
Governnient shall kitte Its own not - 4
to the amount of three hundred mill
rang ntatsave tothe people theinter=
(Id, which, at put per cent. wetly)
antottlit4) twelve mllliatv
or allow the banks to have their own
circulating nottm secured by U. S.
deposits, on which the Government
(the people) ispaying s:x, pqr,pent.
frdiai tOe't l 46ht
this Government, can place four per
cent bonds in Enrope'lbr alltbethon
ey she wants, and thereby reduce our
present taxation, at least eighteen
millions of dollars per annum.
review of the work performed
Li'llhreati of Eduktietillitsi
month shown that its duties are
neither light nor unimportant. Un
til recently no record . of correspottd
enceilits been kCpt. 'The ides of the
month just past, shot that twenty
tenet:3 per day on an average, have
been written to the different parts of
the States, aggregating about six hun
dred patpxs. Educational documents
and information has seen received
from every State In the Union except
Oregon: There has heenl,3l3educa
tional documents distributed through
the several Southprtt States, and the
demand for them is stiff - increasing.
All this indi , ....tes that the Northern
School "Manus," as of yore, Will not
be troubled limitithuremployment
in the South..
This Bureau hcsJust received from
our Comsat at Basle, Switzerland,
some clippings , from a Berne paper
giving the Swiss view of the muCh
vexed. lin- stion, whether tallies
should be admitted to Universities
in common with gentlemen,. mikes
nechaly. *bother they 'should twig;
lowed to attend lectures on medicine
and anatomy. It shows that for the
KA six years ladles have been In the
habit of studying medicine at the
University of 'Zurich; that in '67 a
young Russian lady took the degme
of'fir: of medicine, SurgerY;tind
stetrhs; that last winter the attend
ance of ladies at the anatomical and
clinical lectures and experimen's had
never given rise to the least object
ions or disturbance.
The Commissioner of the General
Land Office. hrs Just redeye(' returns
of surveys of townships 13, 14, 15,
and 16, rano? 33 and 34 w 4 of the
Npbraska. north'aud
south I .l>linfel river`; Voti titioukh
these hinds, as well as numerous oth
er streams, along, which are rid, level
bottoms affording flue facilities ibr
cultivation, andabonudilig with lux
orient growtils of ~ . .;niss. Three of
these townships ar6 traversed by the
Union Pacific Hail-road and the rest
are contiguous to it, and are thus
brought into cosy coimnuniettion
with the markets and transportation
from east to west, rendering them
desirable locations for settlement.
Also, showing a disposal during the
print mouth of 25,978 aerYstif.the Pub
lic hinds : Springfield, Missouri,
1:1,492 ; irontown, Missouri,. 6, 177 ;
Marquette, Mieligan, 6,309. Also,
ndeved from the U.. $. Minend
Surveyor- at Helena, Montana, a
cominnpliaitipn i wit4tblv3speeltneru4
of ores.
. No.l being _Tin-steue from Basin
Gulch, in Jefferpmemmty,„twenty
live miles south west from
and indicating that there are exten
,:ive minus of this mineral in that r •
No. 2, quarts containing gold and
locks situated at the head of Tucker
No. is at specimen of gold haw
iug-orei &mit "Tr); Lode" section
82, township 10, north of range al,
west. The vein is about thirty feet
.in wiritp i rpna nearly portl? Mist mid
sOuth west, dipping south port
at an
angto•ofkint, , rctk: ,takell from
the lode without assorting, yealds an
averaple ofV,lO per tom • • • s
Miners, during the past winter,
made good wages by pounding pick
ed spelra rs. eus in, and morta
•1 , 11-' II Chita.
•—Gold wlniug has b een going on•
In rtali for " sometime with 'consider
able FIUCCIISS.Idithertg CoK years past
not only mining but prospecting
thrOugh his•dotnains. Up to about
a year ago the few who went ont on
such errands . did not return, and
have not since. been heard from,or
have been "warned off," whch
means a good deal in Utah. Since
that time placer4llgging has been
going on at Brighton's canon, and
notwithstanding .the, lack of water,
over $150,000 in dust hate been
bought by the two banking houses
in the nelgoborhood, and it is esti
mated that three timer the amount
has been
fitut Francisco for
ilattiy and coinage. Silver mines are
now attractting a great degree of at
A mEdorD aposio. ii
.1' - ;` • - 4 1 .1:,,-, x:
- says, Juin46.—.11 7 bill if BA
fac for sarvilelabort - was -
need. /
,It untended $o s*ly tothi
, hitatur s ation. lb. snaking_ mime
labor oontracht, Chineseeontractors take
ado of- the utter religious
v to 4 4 ir return to
their land ' r alive; These
• . 1 ..; ' ' Agnelli*, 1,4, -agrenneXpilaige
and it coolie dares not vio4te them for
fear—in easeirfiliAleitiii-hil body may
not be returned to his own country.
Thireportied ta long ,enough. teP enable!
bitufigulata to pity therexperseeof Rehr
r a i k
;and not long enroth te m4o
i nPortallon,lis a irystam,W t diWs
of PretlP : TIM 4 114 wri.,lCaPrFed to the
Judiciary Committee. A feint resolu
tion providing tbr an increase of the pay I
of liktillittide '&644' ,minhaft, - WOO
amended and passed; they aro prohibit
ed from Making over eight dollars per
day. 'A bill to repeal all existing laws
autheitfillti ti4l 4 trusisporlitifed gild ex
portation of goods, wares and merchan
dise in bond to Mexico, over land or by
inland Waters.;wari'phosedt ii.' will ,pre
vent smuggling tend add about elx mil
lion dollars to, the public revenue, per
annum. After some further unimpor
tant buslnese the Senate adjourned.
Hoesr..—A Mil was ordered to be re
ported abolishing the tariff on coal. The
Committee on Ways and Means report
s bill to 1 autlmrize tho refunding and
consolidialon of the National debt, and
for other purposes. It authorizes the
harm of $1,000,000,000 of coupon and
registered thirty year bonds, redeema
ble in coin, broing four per cent. coin
interest, the principal and interest to be
I exempt from all Federal, State, mantel
' pal or local taxation / Tho total bonded
debt is not to be increased, but now
bonds are to be exchanget for out
standing 5-20 bonds at par value. i The
fourth section authorizes the Secretary
of the Trnasury to sell all the surplus
gold in the Treasury,/ the proceeds of
which aro to bo used in buying up and
cancelling 5-20 bonds. The subsequent
sections authorize the cancellation and
destruction of bonds how or hereafter
held as sinking-or special funds, a de
tailed mooed thereof to be kept and the
same to bo deduCted from the outstand
lug public debt, and says an amount
equal ,to the interest on all bonds bp.
longinfg to the sinking funds shalt be 41
plied to the payment of the public debt.
They age authorise the Issue of three
per cent. certificates In return for gold
deposited for not less than thirty days
with Treasurers of the United States,
which may be received at par with ac
crued interest in payment • fier bonds
authorized by this act. The Home then
resumed the emsaideration °film bill to
ranee :tamphini frhicit Illspe ,am4ydi
idii issued.' 'lt hibluites the Moeda
Lion of the tariff bill—the free list—and
relieving from teenage duties vessels
engaged In thitcoost trade and *grim.
Tho MOM th - ah tight alp the Posallice
appropriation bill, which was amended
and gamed. • '
SKNATIC, June 7.—A number of bills
were latnxinned., The, hill autherLlifiet
the Secretary of the Interior to change
the bodedaries of hind districts with Out
increasing their , number, was passed,
Tho Indian appropriation bill was thee
discussed until, executive session ; after
centime out of which, the Senate ad
Hoesr--The bill making ; Kamm
City a pert ordollvery, ' passed. - The
Senate amendment authorizing Increas
ed pay to . oonsuslaliers, ts.moa Tlib
currency: bill was debated up` to the
hour of,adjournmeut.
Sicetvit;dlitie B,—Mr. Ferry present
ed a memorial from Mr. Hatch, setting
forth t!tathis rights as an American citizen
had been 'violated in his unjustifiable
arrest, iMprisonment and sentenee• to
death by the Dominican authorities, and
that his release was prevented by the
interposition of General Babcock, an of
ficer of the United States army, who was
acting as Commissioner; for the annexa
tion of San Domingo. On a motion to
reh* l 4 ol illtieeAttlt 8 1 60 41 11 elamatttele, - a
lengthy and somewhat personal di:6a°
arose, but recut I..htbeereforence. The
lidian approp ri then dis
missed,lo.4o.4ittponded'aft& ' .' The ap-
Poitiontniet4 MI wits ' "'pp but
without amton the eesiate - :ed..,
House.—A hill to aillend the Act; of
May 30, 1403, for thesurvey-and gabs Of
public heals, by presidia -,. that money
deposited for semi, shall
• be credited
for part psymontid hinds, was passed ;
A bill to amend the supplementary pen
sion act of July 14 ISM, by providing
that persons whelnive lost - the sight- - of
both eyes: , botb,hands. or both foot in
the slicks, ifilddLabkd as, to require
permaneWt aid. or attendance of other
persons, shim beimid armies of pension
Rom the passe& of tbat act • to the date
Ortheir disability, at the rate of twenty
five dollars per month: Ipmsed. Mr.
Paine introduced a Joint ..reanlution -di
rerting the Secretary of liter cuAransfer
to the National Avian* Abr.:disabled
soldiers. lik idilwaukan,.;sl,v. -"likes of
eendetneficerdlostiasi, Id ate ` placed in
time soldiers' eernetetY• tint& passel
Mr. Negiiir t tronathe tack** Com
ral4oo ois4sl ouPply• or artificial limbs
to disatileers, made a report,
which was agreed to. The currency bill
wag lhen taken up, and it very letigthy
debate occurred on various amendments,
the bill was finally thrown—by a dex-
Woes porthunentary manrcuvre-cia the
Wheat of time list of billa fin' eoimid;int
tiont.which Virtual's , kills it: ,I I
SENATE. June 9.—Divers bills and
reeolutioni Were preerezdad and'refered.
paapportionment bi ll Was considered,
.4.64 Viibutijill446 l :W.iPi . SlE ih r26 6. 4"
her of Representatives from 275• M NO
was agreed to, and the bill laid over.
The bill relative to the franking privi
lege occupied the Senate up to adjourn
ment. +
llocs.n. rz tionue premisquous reuimks
were admitted On the reset - Mien to
bring In a bill to permit the importation
olcoal free of duty. Reports from Com
mittees were ruled in order. The Sen
ate bill relative to currency was report
ed back from committee, - but before
action could be had the morning hour
Ind expirtid. and If wquf over till Tues
day next. The bill to establish a uni
-Ann system , of , naturalization, pea
debated, and tabled. .. reconsideration
w I ts:orti tedi VIW *Age re. 1*44 0 thc ) /rmu'''
Stuart:, June 10. -t- ThW 140Pahtval
brunch of the Union Paeiiie.railroad was
taken up, amendinenti offered, and re
committed. The kill relative to the
Franking privilege Was then taken up
aidt deliateOtilladjeurpsient, 4 , 1
• Monts: -tTlie,Serkdd Sill to bstrulide
credim po lo .. prisioners for good hbehavior
was 1. titer some discussion a
resolution was adopted calling the Ito
porter of the S. l. I'ost to the bar of the
House to show (1411140 why be should not
Ire expelled from a repeater's seat tbr
maligning member's. The naturalizing
bill was recontidered and referred to the
committee. Mr. Smith, the reporter was
bropght to . the bar' of the -House, and
presented I statement that the facts re
ported by him were precisely in accord
ance with au official affidavit, shown tb
him m -confidence. After some debate
the subject was referred to committee,
with power to send for persons and pa
pers, and Mr. Smith discharged. 'rho
Senate amendmenti to the Legislative
impinge:Wien bin, I defin it e fur +meld
oration; but before action, the
House adjourned. _ .....4.
. —At the Repnblican primary election's,
on Saturd'iy, the following gentlemen
were nominated; Congress (subject to
decision, of confereesX lion. Darwin
Phelps; Assembly, Steele; Sheriff, El•
wood ; Aaaociate Judge, Kennard ; Dis
trict Atterney, Barrett; Commissioner,
Todd. Col. 'P. Templeton; EGunllton
KeDY,'esq!,'and John Balaton, esq., are
appointed conferees. ,
u fT
WASlllart • , "air
—lion.; Will 'Ke lusaykeen
appointed adi e r f le ' , orther*Pa
eine 'Unread. Th - ntlAr- a
t.i tt n And tholl4d. of
directors comb . a bus numb, of
eminent, names s6Wwistmt 4 fte
bill lately pried by Congress In refer
ence to this project makes Its sueoess
—On WOdneoday evening - last, John
upper end .PCWlloblegt:94.4o l p *hot by
dna. D'Aionsol in the tailor shop of the
latter, ou ObeidStestio* Pi ball enter
inghis hipa t i Li. king an ugly
= e lf' hat rrpilSatp 1 alo
oto r, It ill A t.
demon : woe paatbag *Shop. ofir,n.loc,_
to on thopyonlpg in i qrstlal z ribmi :the
lattfir - eaftea to film to corm; In, Jig Mu
-1401047 t , :eilsq ( ll'? 3 t l ,° ill4 / 1 1l i t C.! Is . 0 ;
his courage, asking hun if ho thbught.
he was Urals" tr lo i lpoillerooVPinff
in beak:" disoff teklteff teat ho
dial nal ' . hi.- titan, iisliena4oft
D'Alonzo propOundod the query *a • to
whether ke war bold etioughtoatand up .
=Vitt 2 him.
!Z I A
Alonzo with an oath i deelli:l ho would
try I tiligl o . pail , Irwin:olg plekrul stp a
plitbSt - Wihridcsfftie , af-vhir Nato
already mentioned, took effect in Ander
son's hip, making a serious flesh wound.
D'Alonzo has tho character of being *
reckless desperado, and for some time
rast has boon drinking to excess. 'Oh'
Friday evening Anderson appearan be- .
fire Esquire Ilornish and inado infor
mation against him, and ho was arrostitt
and: brought before tho Justice for a
hearing. In default of bail ho was omit
to prison to' await trial at the next terns
of court. •
Since the above was in typo we learn,
that the accused has been released on
—We wore shown the other day
four spoons captured from General Lee
at the time his wagon train was itr.,
yrised and overhauled in front of Rich
mond, during the ) scenes immediately
preceding the close of the war. They
are unquestionably pure! 'silver, and
mei - beers the initiate of the distiagabh
ed rebel's name. They were captured
by a soldier of Company F, tel Pennsyl:
Stant& Cavalry. •Ift. 0: W. L. Johnson,
now a resident of Greene county. This
soldier wade ono of the narrowest
apes on record. In an engagement ip
front of Petersburg, a minie ball struck
him directly on the loft breast. It hap
pened that he had in the inside pocket
of his ?lir fe a small blhip which was
thit fi c liPllfe! The ball
penetrated almost thsonAh the entire
thieknons tikaviidlt. giA
so terrible that he sou knocked entirely
seamless and bled profusely from the
longs tbr soma time afterward. The
book with - itstorii . iiisd . stained pages,
leetifn ho yOleoSof Atte
&mi:was flan= to' 'na l
other rNFP.7; Wa ft ei l i l, r t e ; &Pe •
—Wo are aocry to leign,that the dwel
ling home Of Mr. William Simpson,
near Mt...l4ckion; Wag buttotl to the
ground up pie evening of Wednesday,
the Bth to -tWe'hava 'no further par
ticulars. Ulan .that jhq brut Oilinatad
from a defective line, and have not
leaimett whether theie was any Inaur
ancr lhobulbdjngotnot. t
Kimmel* far an
. OtOlrld/Plt, prop
of wheat, rye and oats Is daily improv
ing ht this fitinfty. ITho. weather dur
ing the past tbko weeks has ben ex
ceedingly favorable for growing cereals.
The grass also
. promises a good crop.
Timothy will yield abundantly. Clover
was frozen out to a certain extent , dur
ing the winter, not sufficient to prevent
it from yielding an average crop. On
the whole the prospect is cheering, and
our fanners have canoe to rejoice and be
.L'On'Wednesdai thole. Inst . ., a elniu
lar and serious accident. happened near
Mt. Jackson. .Boyd Eckman was carry
ing a load otahlngles on his shoulder,
up a ladder to the roof of a barn. Just
as he was stepping from the ladder to
the root, stroke of lightning knocked
pfr, sod he fax seventeen feel to the
ground, breaking both bones In right
fom arm. Dr. 11. F Ziminerman was
atimmonetl, 'and Int.itet thnbielmn
At the.time the lightning. struck Ilium
was not a cloud to be teen above the
barn. Mr. George Myers was within
two . feet of Eckm an, and did not fool
the shtick, while Mr. Nutley. etilhek op
posite side of tho roof; felt the shock
qmikiinalsili. ,
, —Mrs. Biilthe Fos, a, widow who
lived in . Slippery ItoJk tosenship,i died
on Wednesday, June Ist, and etrenn
stances led neighbors to inspect that Thal
pie!' had been resorted to, dr Father that
an abortion had been produced, and they
deManded an Investigation. On Mon
day the 6th inst., an inquest was held by
the Coroner,Dr.liarker,at Centre Church
graveyard, Shanango township, where
the body had been interred. A post rune
tem exantination Way made—testimony
taken, and then the coroner's jury wi
journed to meet nt Dr. Barker's office,
next day. After heaiing testimony and
.opinions of physicians. tho jury render
sal a verdict titaittlanbadkad an.abottiou.
followed-by what is known by physi-
TinneiniiiiirteninhVoiliiiriniiitriTiiiif the
lining menaterpf t)%
deisek. tonattmoat r'd ex
amtnitlast waa bad.,and the s lag c early
proven, yet no evidence that would crim.-;
Mato any ono in this affair was educed,
and the matter must for the present rest,
GrikirsE t;OuliTY
—That unlash up of Hewitt & Myers'
buggy and killing of horse by being run
over the.•Dddge, menticntal last week,
has resulted in the anent of Tom Kirby.
lie was taken before Justice Webb, .Whir
on OISILILUMIOO, committal Lim to jiii
•to similes trial at the next term of court
Ali malicious mischief. Tom is a bad
boy, but who gives him the whisky?
Are they any:l3etter
.LOtie of the most heart-rending af
fairs it has been our duty to chronicle,
occurred near Wayrunhurg last Satur
day. 'All rielartg§iaio itie stile to learn,
Alp recd.'ere as follows t tiverai small
heryieirere4Mthink in 'Ten S Mile Creek,
at a sontowkat fatal locality known as
"the rocks," when Mri. Sarah Phillips,
ilife of Wm. Phillips; a carpenter paid
ti Ii f • ilplosoksip j%vetli !low" :and
llkl but hit. sen,'a lad 'of' aim& i ten
years. Ho aunt; put, and stopped on the
hank to wash, when In some way ho fell
back inkrtito 1 wikttm ', One trt Ma *Mier
boys caught hint as he rose the second
time and was endeavoring to bring him
ashore, and thinks lie would hare sue
6Aleh; but at thli Moment Mrs. Phillips
rushed down and jumped Into the crook,
breaking the boy's bold. llelp was
.called and Win. Frakes tame and
promptly going to their ausistance, suc
ceeded in bringing,out Mrs. Phillips,
after which ho went for a physician, the
cl lid having previously gone down for
is tlimukl4, that had
pershillebeiteriresbnt nhddrstinding the
treatment of the drowned, the mother's
file might have been saved,' hub as 'it
ti as,'aid moo too late. Efforts were im
mediately made for the recovery of
Johnny's body which In a abort time
proved successful.: Mr. - Phillips was
sent for, and came home only to find his
- whole family cold 'and lifeless; terrible,
indeed, moat, have boon his feelings.
The friends have the hearldbit syrnpithy
of every one. it. Sabbath idterpoon the
remains of mother and ion were follow
ed.ko theft., seating; pion jn,Omen
Mount Cemetery by a large number of
persons. '
y, - car
t owEßs rov
? . io.; Piroctu StroorT„Nevr York,
- :- f . r . V!% . Iql 7 l .
;I; 'll
. 1 V,e 1 0 1, 1 35 . 1 , 871: !'
The remutatt Immo, wlttah stbsoded Me"
galeall of 11104.0itail
Ratiolb disnunr , and t.s W 1211111131 Peanut
natLIOAD COSPAXT.StItt Ma imialbuityand ma-
Medd' these Lassa base Matatainedts the uukr 7 '
teem, bot Alf tits (espy spd,Zsanye bass shown
Lisa thejnat 3tortjtse goods ,
and hoposehly managed 11, , sittoade &elk proMpUt
'Seigel/ad and resdlli takehas the most stumble;
sate, and admatagtaide torte of birmit'Agol
tat a Wiciiit-ilbet i al lhooMe than an batedb+ be
derived from Otriternineni Bond:, tat onlibble to
take their place.
4 4 . I P Pr se,'" ll° T s l g / l a‘l.P r
matelot Railroad Lou, we are meeting a prat
pahlk iroakt. and ienderieg, .111 r r alasido serricer
both to the holders of Capital and to those groat
National works of Internal Improvement whose in-,
vitiate in eritand antwondialtharactercntille that
to the Mae of clylgal ud Ose confidence of invest
ors—we' how olkr Wll,ll special rood demo and
satisfaction Me
11 MWdg 11 !Ohlo Boat
, Ike rAtlgisocinte dad Wioprilrondcunticting
the Atiantlecoast and the maguiSce m ot turbos. of
the Chempsntat nit With the Ohio river at a point
of reliable navigation. and thee, with the entire
raitroml system and water transportation of the
great Weat and Southwest, forams slie)s4l4l
- East sad West Musk Lime. so
Imperatively demanded for the accommodation of
the Immense and rapidly growing trampintatlon
between the Atlantic seaboard and Europe on the
one hand, and the great producing regions of the
Ohio and bileelsoppl Valleys on the other.
'The Importance of tht. road ass new outlet from
the Wee t to the as magnifies It Into one 0611ItiOn•
al consequence, add Inmate to It an inks*.
the&ngh tragic from the de/ of Its completion;
while, In the development of': the extensive me
cultural and mineral resources ot, Virgirds mo 4
Went Virginia, It poseesem, along its own line,
the elements of At largo and profitable local buil-
Thtt'a the I;rott Intereata, both general and local,
•itch &amid the ioeip!onkel el! the Ckerapails,
and Ohio Railroad to the Ohio then, agar! the
sunlit guarautee of Its vutcesa and value, and
relater it lA. wolf imporfaal dud ffoloatudiat Rail
road coderpriar non in priigriria in iAiA Coaart:
Its sapulurity as an E. sad West e , and
the promise of an lame and prodtable trade
awaiting its completion, hare drawn to It the al•
tendon and coopecatiou.of prominent Capitallats
and EaLlrusa men of Ws city of sound Indgmcdt
and known integrity. whose connection with It,
together with that of eminent Marcus and busi
ness tri'en of Virginia and %Veit Viret, Wares
an energetic, huhurable, and succeseful manage-
The Road lo completed and In operation from
Richmond to the celebrated White Sulphur Springs
of West Virginia, 227 mild, and there remain but
SOU mile. (now partially cons thictini) to be comple
ted tosorivilt to theproposed terminus on the
tiblo river at, a near the mouth or the Big !goody
river, IR, miles above eincinuatl, and hat miles
Below Attabarht.
Linea are now projected or lu progress through
Ohio and Kentucky to ibis point, which will con
nect the Chesapeake and Ohio with the entire
Railroad syateina or the Went and Soulhwc.t, and
with the Pacific Railroad.
lii valuable trembler, and aupertor advantagm
',Mgt/ace the I#trpeota alisiiituaram
pday among the rtcheat and mot powerful and
trustworthy corporations of thermally; and there
exists a prevent value, In annpletal . road and,
work done, equal to the euttre amonut of the'
The details or the Loan love boenatnuaged with
special referenee to the wanta • ot all claseet of hl•
venom, Ana cotablne the •arione &alums or ooh•
ridenee, aalefr. ens ptotecllthi unhurt - lase - or
tread. '
Ibe Bonds are In denomlustions or
$lOOO, $5OO :nti $lOO
They will di homed iu (Impost Bond*, !hyalite
to hearer, iurd may Da hold In that form ; or
The bond may be reglalaral In the name of the
arra; with the ego poem easnalnlng payable to
bearer mittaebed. thrpriaelpai being -Wow &mar
!Inrabbi mit 'on the boots of the Company. males
reuelzued to bearer ,
The eaalanza mar 1r det.hea and GIIII eel k4l,llir
hood made a 'wit - it:lrma Bryi.mle rev, Rom!. traua
frrra '... allollikelig4!* the Company, and
the et.,,,,ii„......„ 11. ale regletered
owned attorney. attorney. ''.....
The ttuck b ellaalarnft ho law 'n
resp6itirely e.:
del ;.. 4 709siffit
- , 7• ••silloith web+ VisivgfaVolitre. •
end Bonds with . ' •I'%%w dettli
. .
SQ. 4d be s4 lie deslr,nated by earrespaid
- , . .-
.. ir thei'tlsuw of Bowls diWlnkl i . ‘
lit %1 1 ' . '\A:Al um
, 4" arty ygairs to ruu I nVI
al, ' • interest Arta per rear : 411 um
iroirti •re • ' r !,19tH. Prlnelltal earVoteirrst
No le • Itahe city or New +wk 1 ' .. • t .
, 1. ;
lateresil4aishle In May awl ' . 4 . l r oremb4.
1 . .. t lak e OW place of that of thw , ..uarlter -
e l: l• q l , • t: ..* .
iMNIIMMIDI Plait, .: , .• OD . qr .
a .n.... 41 0 ......040. 5 , desire. la maker:
additional istrestruents; ?alright . libult !Murcia re.
utterable a. dhlferrut sessous of the year.
ZTbe than I. can 11 a tuongue upon the
intim Line of Hoed faun Itiettmood to the Ohio
river, Irish the equipment sad all other property
and soputtetutooss couneet,d therewith.
Analog Pund of SIOO,OO pannonnil. p:D•
',Wed for the redetimtton of the Romp, to take
filet one year after the completion of Um Road.
Mitrtgttap is for 411 5 . 00 0.140.01 which tft,Offt.•
'MO will be reierred and helsl to trftet PK the re.
donoptkon of ontetanding Donde of the' riryivid
- 12SfAlf,fttlftwftf - finap
. , •
1111110.00 ft, • PfO rkntaralliini
• d ttle
,fite triad te ; Ver.
and TO t!lii)mrtlyn na'4 ov.
Motiftorms equttaba wlide flitt a plift! fnd
• tram ! :i f i k • =••
The prevent price 1.10 and acertied Interest.
!;•na►lmi d- ID Mae
A Loan an amply . caned, ro airefally guarded.
and no certain heroines le comm•ad a prominent
place among the bens to exiirider In the mark-
Ilderudrund 4VAir.r14 .t. 40 , 4 4 t
onto impispakanil smrlitieieor.
aldilkailleithillY•'.: "..;
, •
• itaakers,
04-Ki lave -issued ;4.4lolileti taltnialning
fail puticalsmststiolicel deull■,tnaps, ete.ot
Till be firnislani to, spoliation.
ArWe 'bsty and all Goreamost Honda, sod
naive Ito sealants of Banks, Bankers. °wooer
tiga,,iindotboso, 'nisei to' aback at sink, and
allow istorostonAstiy balance•
q - = ‘l ol#4Wl4”:
s 'lSCi;4t : Abi‘o 64.9
Beni lbe dpeeffeettlim!L, diestars, Imeo, .te.
• Wiwi S. MollWriviL W., buttons, teak
skYar ap I I EuR BARNES'
nos per ssirsini. for Clrealus t 04.1.
uu LER. NeCCIIDY & Co. It Booth KWh yt , nti.
orPil l s 6 _ Plat 4
Vim NEW futtiK.
,j4 u APur .l a
OF WALE s'r lt E
140 pp r i. tilwalpllltutratd. PneeiLs4;
Ihrws the myiterles of dab end rota
blunt And the abetted of onlattinate specebrd,
end expooes the swindles. Wets end bud. bt,,„:
orators. 'lt tells bow million* are tomb! arid
In • fey; bow shrewd noeu are rained;
erlrotwascle EWA and peattdm; blew
opealate on thestreet. etc'. &Eau wonted w,
pas *freight Wear Send foe terms: J. h.
.t. CO., lI ART,EORD, CONN. oth,
fty acadlag 00 CENTS,
a re, beteg. color of oyes and half. yea r 111,4-
e-lre by return mall, a correct pictore el p r , q. f,.
tare husasal or stlfs L orltrnota add dos 0,,
rine. Addles, W. FOE, ... .
r 1160•111111. N. Y. Yon
' (4reai - JEtWituction 1 n
I rhenium& Meant!** to Chola organy a .,,
Semi for New Pries Lies.
ThetreatianericitaiTea Co.
0.. 0.11(a WM) 31 V esq :Vex Tod
janel;lw •
fly J H. BEADLE. Editee of flat haulage r.,
porter. BEING an REPOSE oelllElit SECRET
BITES, CEREMONIES and Citliikri. With,
fuU roo d authentic birtuyxol'rellirteloy arA
Mormon Sect. from ittrerlittil td the prerout tree.
'Agents am m. eting With unprecedented succesn
one reports 71 enbeeribers In two dam.o4 rav e
fat day. Send krr chenisrs. AndstesliATlON
• They are a sure cure for Sore Throw,
bid, Croup, iliplheria, Chlarrh
Hoarseness; Also, a sucaassfuliksiv.
'y for Kidney I) lct:lties.
Price 2.5 cents per box. Zentaell
price, by J. 4.1 BRUM/. 31 street N
or lr4 Sole Agent for N. T. BY DM I,
ISIS. ' • land;.
Asst . obiography /tended,.,.
Tits whole eallreaua vela. uth-cht,z lacla..•h.
'allof litotes& and wharf. kllly nesistsl sold
the in Ice itionths. People veal' Lay ad. Mot.
withstanding the hahl anus." It h • plea•tat
to •cll 1• • for it is doing mach good, Tie work ..
splendidly booed mad Illaetratod. Addee.. u . c
.1011NSOZI, Nu. G 33 Arch stnxt, P6lladclpLia , h
21sztet;t7 — --
' • ' • ISZI4
I.O3ENTLAr•Vnnted evenwhery far
with Wadi So GIVE< AWAY It '4
pan and world retiocund work of An. ldAll,ll
The best paper and geantket 'engraving to AMT.
ea. Ageou report making $l7 in halt aal
.Sale. easier than books and polar treater.'
Wide awake Agents, Teachers, Clergymen ow
others, male or female, should mud at nese I •
cope or paper and foil particulars 01
new awl wnpreerdenloa combination, la shik_
there is more money ttuin anything boa ode,.
A. U. 111. - DBAUU, Pnbllsher, lOU Chestnat roes
I'hUadetpl ht. 'scats(
Its Twenty-Fire ants you can Ilnry
of your Draggle; or Grocer,a parka,:
of . SEA MOSS FARINA mauls ,
lured from pure Irish Albs!, or (brim
teen, which will malceskeeenivarisof
Blanc Itange, and a ilke . .guantity
Puddings, Custards, Creams, Char.'
toile Busse, Av g d:e. It is by fur the
cheapest, healthiest, and moot dairies,
food in the world.
Plantation Bitte:s
S. T.-1860-X.
This wonderful Vegetable. Re..torn
tire-is 1./seabed-anchor of the feeble an , l .
f4i/ilatqL 43,a nide and (brills,
ftla aged , beici languid, it Am no
equal among stomachics. As a Aw
ay for the Nervous Weekness to wli•A
IVomen are especially sulded, it 14 rn•
per*fing ( erery other stimulant. In
all climates, tropical, temperate or
frigid; it acts as a specific in enrg spe
cies of disorder which un 8 the
bodily strength and bre I:s (barn ill,
animal spirits. for sale all hay'
THE OREAT igocAL iscovEn
Yore than 500,0t10 Mons & II
ear tedInKAT to t gr herr u Wanidetlel 3
Ctuatlee e .
M.,- _ sum stir
its, and Defuse Liquors, doctored, opsoi
and sweeteued to pletoe the taite, called
lea," Appetiser., ...ifestorerp." 111,1.•
the tippler on lo drunkenness tiled ruin, but m
tar medicine, made Dom the' native Dow. 0 ..:
Herb. or Valituruhk,free from all
Nike/MlLangs. They are the IbilltEAT ML D
PUIAIWIEK and Life Giving Priori plr
a perfect Iteaucator and Invigorator ix the
h:11), carrying utf all poisonous matter, eati n.
lug the blood to a healthy etutd:tiun.
can take the. Bitters acsordlag to dirmtmas. 4 ,1
remota long unwell. I
anal will be given for au Incurable
egad.* bowua are out d.trtwed byJ Wit e. cal
044. -or Otl to: r means, sulfhe oegs,, • e Me..
d the . dint at repair{ • • •
Nur In anumiturr If: Chronic Inset , •
matins and Goat. Dyspepsia. or 1110
lletnittent, sod `lo
termitient Fevers; Diseases of Ihr
nieeet,Ll ter, Vileliteps and Illaddero ,-
Mittens have been roost suece.sltil Such DI.:
raises are mused by Vitiated Wood.
la generally produced by the dereageter ant.
Digestive Organs.
eenelde the h mated Blood ahem, r
it. Impurities bursting through the sloe m 1):14
plea, I.ruptiona or &Pee; ciettin.e It alum
It obalnicted'und shigglah In the reins •
abets Ala luukand )440r tyclh,LL. .411.114. 44 Co '`•
Keep thublood pure and the 6ralih of 441.•
will follow,
.PIN, TACK and other WO 11X . S. "..rklag to us
oyetem of no molly thousand., an elicrscalh
istroyed or. removed.
hr IffllWnr, Retnittent and lalercedl , n'
tbcae Ditterr bate nu eq.'. For lull thu , '"'"'
read careful'y the circular mound V4lll
printed In four thognages-Knollsh 1;. rae^,.
French Ind t.panl.h. J. WA L K/ r. itopilti ,
311 Commerce St., N I '
IL U. XeDONAL6 2 CU, Dmrglats and AP
hen Francisco and 14.wroneuto, California, sea
d 34 Couuncrce art. N Y.
nom Comb
Mang in y r.plor , t
=gib WIN hair Or beard to*
• r biutrn. It cuatolna napalm...! Alai
ais re IL Otte sell bp:mita. lAddr...--
PiAtalc COJI6 co., Springtlvld.
trarar.3a, ,
Wig ligi r gelfgrf .
%.4 1 N-trzinr
FUR FAMILY USE —4iatple,
Kan% vrtarralau. A4&1115 WANTED.
of and sample stocklug FREE. Man,. EININ
1711 Broadway, N. Y. "
1\ 107, 106, 160 and 170,
, cond Avenue, Pittsburgh, ra- ,
krc now pripared to furnish Vranom, at
the Lowigar MARKET RATES. Attention
a particularly called to onr