The Beaver Argus. d. WiiTAND:llhofTnlt AND Psorntavola Beaver, ra.. Julio REPUBLICAN TICKET. 1870. Poe • II ICII.III WEVAND,• 8 object to District Conferees' ratification Air Assembly: - • • • - 1('ILLIAI C. 611UI1LOCK, subject to District Conferees ratitleation. Fur Prothouptary: 3 OHN.CAUPIILT. ' .hbr alinntimiourr: ' ' ,tmeEL TonitExcE. Jr rkel,,,,,wis.,i,ther: ,JAM WARNOC:Ii. Pm. 111,01. Director. HEED. For ~luditur: • J. IL CIIRLSTY. Poe Of . M. . . TUB editor 1.4 abAeid Pitt.bure, 0(r:elle is in error "when rAfrlVeyand'a. jority at 39 tor eougrep , siontil athat Iu Iteivei!• county. It should have toen t int imporfr. ‘Vt: are 111,1(14nd to the llbn. Thu.. \\lkon fora copy of the etlloglct3;hro•, nounectl by i\lenthers of the P a ir of ho Supremo enurt of the dirtrict of Colttintna on the announcement id' t he death of 1100. E 6tatiton. Sut.l.tBuperlittentierzfof Indian ailltirs Montana, writt..s to I 'Alanviiiioner i'ru•kei•.l'roul Helena, I:ty :nth, tilat the:nicer Crows have very lntily among Unlit . awl :11'e scattering in small parties all over the country. Titer , agent has tried every italueement to havo.the 'r,nrs vaccinatol, but , they ntrentt fill,iy l'efilSt`, saying it %ills bat/ medi cine. I ien. ally hay Ivritton an a-cnt to remove the Crows attar• front the agency ten miles, m1014:111 Ip 1%111 to prevent any intercourierho t ween them and other Indians. The Way:: and 31(:ans Committee "Itho I luu,n of itypresentativN, it i; honeht xvill report lint one Fund in;; 'hul of one, thousand millions 01 . Ilt rotir litT vent. interest; thir iy year.; 10--principal and inter ..l payable in gOld and eXempt fran all hi \ ation except that of incomes. The new bond is to br,11!•44/ its taking lip the live-t wetity lamas, beginning with tin Ise of the earliest !Mlle. Mr. sHienekis holding meetings of his nuwittee every evening ti the detail's of lijs measure, and will probably bring it in u. tioun us the tax and (Writ,' bills are out of tho way. There are signs that he will try to substitute this bond for the four and a half per cent. one In Garlield's cur rency bill. . Tut; War Department on Thurs 'l;ist sent to the Douse reports frolti t ;on. Warren and his assistants relative to.the progress ofsurveys oil the Cpper Mississippi. They think practienhle to extend the etutal through from Sand Lake to tit. Louis liver, thence front slack water navi gation down the tit. naviga blewaters belt tw the rapids; thence coikreting . the navigable waters of the 'piper with Lake tin wrier. Front tiand Lake to the rap ids of the tit.: Louis is about to miles., It is d'l'so thought a wind could he conqructed tircii ineet the large lakes at the source or the Mississippi river Witlithe Red river of the north. It is recommended that the surveys be oaitinued so as. to definitely deter mind the feasibility of these projects, and the tot of waking the 'proposed canals if predicable. I; I:N. NI.:(11:EV, frollls .A 1 l'a., representative in Con- Vieek.ailtninistereil a Ictioi..k , lowa argini tont iu Waiillingll4ll to a ininfiti spec' tinot of Yankee Free Trade, !lamed Col. Cialinan, who is f‘priseitting the British ship owners :toil builders at Washington. The .1 i llieulty grew out of a discussion of r. hytielt's hill for the protection :old promotion of our vonimerce, Mi nim which the British agent insulted Ni gli.y.. hiller, ill perfect good iitmoir'nll the Ivhile, Nlll:wk(*.i him itl die pee, C10 . 111:111 `truck the 4 4.'11 , r it V6llll Cane, which blow ietieral returned with interet,. hisoppiment to the tesselatill of the .\ rlington House, from tchirh liiinselr up and apol- I ion. Negley accepted the apology, and Col. Codnian retired. I Om I lencral (lid not: even I. 1,• • Ltii tilllpT when he knocked down. Ito that as it may, nor thing is eert i aiii, lie is able to lit•- '1.•;111 .\.lllt•Vitalll hi whatever " lIN TilllrSlittY 111.4 tin scheme for Ow I 7 .yerwount bonds was sustainyl lIit• S. I louse of Ibp rvs..ocatlves utl a rising vote by 9010 ntoil was Alvfeated on Wednes day, by I la I ,'l'la• debate lastvd ot.arly au hour, :1111i . %•its at times quilt. sharp. (it'll. Butler %vas ikbotit lie telly advocate en the Republican •isle, t . vltilt. fleck aiel Eldridge sus- utined t i arguiiii.nt on ti n Demo- 'yule burden of the oppu ,/,itiollati 4'll. ' Schenck who Imiae with uoustml vigor :mil denouneing the project as liatrepudialion, to Nvllit•lt Butler put in a vehement Qcuial. 'lhere )vere ItepahliF.oey.vho vilted.Mr Mr. amendment, Benjamin and Dyer, , e; :stk.-4)mi ; itooker, Vir- g1111:1; NVivio'r. , %Vcsi Virginia; But ler, .Mas,,ichil•elts; Cool,;, Moort., Farn , wortli, Hay, Inger,oll, I,og B l l , Wisconsin; c o horn, ()rill, :nal Tyner,. Indiana ; I nwlwry zin . l,l.lola.s, North Carolina . ; Fitch, Neva- .In; llatuilwu, Florida , Hawkins ;Ind' Tvnne.,:ye ; Hays anti I lellon, Alabama iSarg(ait, Califor nia ; Slwlilon, lannAtina ; itinore, Toxas; and \\ * ikon, Ohio. Tho nuly I),,mut•rntdwhn wiled tigitilist it d•crt• St UI kcr, New York iti:enNT a Iviec.; front the • Santi. wieli I,lliiiiis give a hill report 1)1 the opening of parliament by the King, tat itoth: Iti his address to the legislative 'body, the King Kame- IlikillNla \'., mentions the death of hiS father, I:el:ow:wit, who , was l'res 'dent of the Legislature; and was hus hand of Kinapp, the daughter Of Ka- . itieletowlia I. The King ats.serts that ,htring the p:4st two years his people• hare iaereased In prosperity, that tle. unp; haw; been abundant, anti •I he market; ggod. Ilc recomuknidi • • snle.itlies to linty of running among the and nisi) to oei: , -an e Ts. lie , tittes thaLt relat ions w i t h nil foreign governments are ye.' ry Ntti , pfactory, and that the fAan of r oht:tittlitg• intokrutiort front the I'ol - yneiiatt ~hiluh had not proved al, , ollugh.,l to the titian , of lhr Kiuf dum, tool ntwou nii , that the!sidotituT 1"1. I thy WONAN'III NUEFUAGE IS NO ' ' DEAD. • r. ',... 010 A • A lady writer from Washin co The 4.Yetr Ybrk Telbunr, In fil O OW article on ixtlitits and legisi lori gi•tts some sensible,viewS onAlikubJeet'of woman's rights. She lt4att eloquent, chaste amusing and forcible' writer. Ott on 4tsnlieethobliq 9440111T/ I • abbve s fill weli4VO rSem b py.-:-'- - Thenuthorestievewamatum • resident. of ..7! . ,14w, lirighteu ‘ ,Ikuver i"otintyl-linwe tireenwood. We are of the ()pluton (ornate sulfrnse,would ho .Erafequ such halals us hers; nor would the highest °thee in the nation lino its dignity by being entrusted to such hands. We do. not see. that England snlYerS largely front 'hitving its majesty'reposett in a' oman. ' •-t Coder date of May 7.A41, she says: T cannot End that the Botieffi hest :done tutielf reel work during . thu lieu or she Wads - tuff spur tureen pondent's übsenee. They %emu lb have debated. and dallied, and divaddlod—to. havrfroveled end doundered ht rhetoric and tlisPurlcalttica 3 aSivell/o foultltudlunus sea?' Of talk: •• 4 1Yheir tne'tat's unify tits, mita Nrjil iflay " ;0.1..110,11 te nave heard the debate on thu hill tu grant tit We women ol Thu detuatutente equal pa.; tut eqidat wervlcsa.,- I hear grefitful mutton nuide f ,by smote! the ladles mi eroded of Senctur'frumotill na'very generous 1114 noble.. I lmre voce, or hyhec grPOULII. reel 'harshly of this Senator's mantfeatation of party and pereonal nolamsitie. I thitil; bn le a aims flint taLtal,pulithatl the sery Iwrd, and can fdaireely, be earilvtit lcithetit belng severe; or 010 W lutettetty fettluttfbiltartfum.. tut of , tnualt of ltils' manner, d doubt mit, he is quite iineauff.ciuna alai hia{SV that tile lorottg, loot,' vehement ens:vete? to In Private lily: grimed and. awoatgaqg 1 44 taaAeLl„rous n :card Joe ye ulllen Mid tender love tut children . . . On my Mem I was greeted on all plilea by the anal doing's—by 1111 111.113 pany cohvi.yed—lhat the wom.of, W.ts 111,11! tionienn• .tithe Its titdinndy la of to the noil of,cer 'lulu ladles ui the •Uoiltal, who are solPhtilly protesting atain4t the ballot—Mid !OLIO to the absolute pepitration of the Boston limn the Sew York branch of Its advocates. They pap it died muter the operndon—Mpt as,acritirdliiir to the °pollen or !flrgswo.., the 5000tto in 110 WOlll.l give Ili( the glitol, or . gllopt+, should' the tit:lll4;4lnm u ripen separate. thin 1.0,01,31. Stange: 1 alt tended the meet York Voltventioupt the Anil, it an Wouni'd halftime .10isociattou, ulitiollt !Ilse peeling Ilial the aye') proeeetliags,u ere in the na ture Id funeral oneerltili a.' 1 glittet gay that our untim ilt Pr./Adria. the (ter. near) Ward needier, use. uncommon ly Jolly lair no ruiturntal an 00101. Attn. 'I glen Venture to declare that hi ilht. hot (Mi know tat 1110 dooestuo Mlle poor pro/eve-IAM. tier did the corpse. I remember orree•td have read 111 that optrltioll ,torero torecilio, Vann, sJ /.110 f, aomethlog quite strange unitstualing, purporting to be the dater death didadden OLa Vinton soldier who tell at the tarot, Mode of null nun. Ilc paid he Was In the midst frf gilt, tight, or alga, Whoa , happened Ilvit,took lion od hie feet. Ile auppeped Ina map shut right through the heart, but the first' Ming ht, kuoir he Was pc:lolling erect 10010011 km, let:1111g an Nell :di 'lanai, and was lace to face with an 1011 army tolitrilile whom, 'fifteen yeam her lie hod seenin 4texitio. •• &hied Tom i • he exclaimed, e I thought you were ,Iptrif!" "So lath,. wits. the calm reply, end SO Aro And this, lie InfOrtned 1f1,111611,110, ens the anti intanation L. had of Mischance of tanalition --tint he ham, In lad., — ln the epirit Ira nom run bedefltnet without kintielng it. I suppose .1 ('.111,0 may lie; and though our,, 00tln% , dine of the to - raking up of the two New Yorict'on. brented 'doubly olive, perhaps IL were pre,iiiiiptimie In tne to hold out agaitud clerical .oliittairtea and epitaphs 31111 crotener'e quests," any Weyer. I 'really IniVe quarrel With tuts eminently 'respectable ladies w Ito .et on fuel the anti-stittratrir movement hare , They dirt what they thought their, duty to theittaidroi, to society, and to the Opaline. I will throw ItO 110111 do on the pertertinnependeues: and spontatielly of kirk action. 1 win nut toy of any eau of them up the Wel•li tumuli sattl'ol the old woman of lirehtford, ••I spy a great mama baler het miller." 1 will only ray that such of the leaden m Ode reactions ry alert:taunt no I lava liad the tileasart of know ing, are wounm ot unexceptionally lumpy Airtime —that luxurious hours and loving protection,' honer, case and troops of Okada have left them Milo to desire, nu 1:4111.1e for discontent. Idu not ilen ythelr right to ppeak for thennuelvee; for their class, publicly, mot men from the plattorm. 1 pliould like to hear Mein. They 1131, takell n brave en p toward what the Yankee con.eiVative called oil of ionoocs lecture' by bind, liar remit catien..l, and honing newspalter Mani- Mein, -hut I amid pay that a, areal aUll4lttraZe Inovethent, titillated mud tarried 1111 WIIOI by ,rorkirty. morale,: —W31111,11 Wllt, work whit door laude, and their 11011118, anal I WI/ heart, ler their ti honorable support, and rah tioe daily broad or those they lure—by tinfrlended strugglers with leirdshie null poverty, ny lonely toilers our father. le.. ; by niltlOr.pahl le:Where, clerks nod peampiressee, would inoweas me Int pro. Iconicity. `MA e,cu them in title age Of political miracle+ 3101 fiVcrlnrnliwt, 1 should hesitate to be. live the ,N 0111311 louse tend, without hope or fere ' Ile, in W 3-111 110011, it has been epeeelnily itopopitlar lay the loinclicions manage ment, bull taste, and olneetiouable character el Its nth ovate.. friend lon. ellen been worpt uteri. 11. Winker Ins 111041 Ille• ported lierpell. Il.r defiant II 1,V.1311 11 114 S nod neeee ran pint,* of eccentricity live clone their Ifni erl'a here Mete are looluund [anat. 10311 1114 tar 1,313r1,,, ' '1.31 1 i g foe .1 11411 I," echo net cede to attach iltern.eiv4s to him 1131111 I3r ail ustatitiniar ihe:emea*. nut. surely, ft were us unfair ti >l'4, all Ibc 8.1 1,4,i or 311)' cruse by I11: - e, straggling tidlirrente, the,e mph, motley foie, linnet:, as It uuUld he hi judge M. a procea •1111, lay the .miatlp .if loafers. ragged hor, and Lite, malleinly girl., that photo before it, or 111 111011, tiler it on the ..itlewalk. For the sake, If but of the nunclutpuh, of the many nuttily men tool ,3111011 V:ll3,l3 . llt'otly 1,10 olucre In 11 I 11 troth, juptlee and lilliniate i 11133,.. 1100111 It I 0 he trent ell tally, thoughthilly nun courteously. But I pimp°, the Ut0.33,1c., 01 Ally tittpoptllar relortu iiiiiPt lie tried 0 , lire. If there lie trite metal In them, it halt endure mid he all the parer for the tierce te.t. if not—mlt. Whim par pen:1011P 3101 ',solution,. (or and :lenient the ballot, ore dyhiC Owe I, when Greet: meet, Greek, with the battle cm IMlgren and Sherman !" •• Dickenson and Stone!" I shall not wonder !I' yea ate all really to cello the °Mallet of thatprofound plitlo.oplier, the elder IVelier--Wom in IP rum crueler.. ' 7111•: tall: ill , various quarters of Washington City that the • Prt sident has changed his position on the Cu han question is without authority. 1 le stated Wednesday last that he not only had seen no reason for granting further aid to the insurgents, hut that recent events had strengthened his conviction that the insurrection was :1 ....gave mistake. There awesome in dications that Congress and the cOnti try May before long get an official statement as to the views of the ad ministration on the Cuban and other questions of foreignpolicy. it CI,I W 1) and other Sioux chiefs were on last t•taturday taken to the Arsenal and Navy Yard, at the latter place witnessing. ome firing of heayy Parrott guns. They appeared more interested in needle rifles at the Ar senal than in the cannon. They inspected the monitors very careful ly, but declined to participate in Itm ehvon at the residence of Admiral Secretary - Robeson and a regiment of marines roideved the Party at the Navy 'Van]. I'ttt. following is the forcible recap itulat lot. of the reasons thr acquiring Cuba with which Ilenentl :rant con eludes his runt secret .messege t t e the Senate. The acquisition of tit. "Domingo is an adhesense to the Monroe doctrine. It Ls a measure of national protection: it is asserting our Just elai 111 to a controlling influ ence overtime great eonamercial traff ic soon to now from last to West by way of the Isthmus of Darien: it is to build up our merchant marine; it is. to 'runtish new markets for the products of our farms, shop-, and manufaelories; it is to Make slavery insupportable in Cuba and l'orto Rico at once. and ultimately so in Brazil; it is to settle the unhappy condition of Cahannd end an exterminating t anlict ; it is to provide honest means of Paying our honest debts •witintut overtaxing the peolde; it is to furn ish our citizens with the neeesqaries of every-day life. at cheaper rates than ever before, and it is in tine, a rapid 'stride towards that greatness which the intelligence, industry and enterprise of the citizens of the ITni te4l States entitle this country to as dime among nations.' • Via o.t the Monthly Report of the Agricultural Department fur Mardi and April, w' learn that the lassos of sheep by the, wool growers of four hundred and seventeen o undies of the Vnion have been very great. The number of sheep killed by dogs dur ing the past year is reported to be 99,30'; while it is estimated that full returns Would swell this census of slaughter to 500,000, with an actual money loss of sl,non,olll. Now if .these Ovicithil dogs were wolves, eat amounts, or bears, the Govermnents, State or National, or both, would of fer a premium for their heads; but being dear ' ' 'affectionate, delightful, faithful, attached dogs, you know, pray why should'nt they have MI the mutton craved by t heir fastidious a p- petites? It isn't at al l• too soon for the Ways and Means Committee to°l lie considering a dog tax. N. V. I Tribune. • --Tim seventy-fifth annual Connell of the Proteidant Buist•opal hi the Dineesu Of Va., mot Wednes day in St. Matthew's Church, Whee ling. Communion wasadministerrd 1 •y Ifkliop+ Johns mid Whittle. * , PEit , - 14 1 9:10 klqn "g a le ) hs ) . Rs Hu I I nth Q, n on tone. Thii, 1,1 , ilie Fc,n,;...... i .. -•, pi , he lot _w'. n the t e. f I a ... .. ,. r sogy wo.. t conflagrations occurred about one month apart, and on the 14th of Oct. 1866, another fire destroyed seventeen churches and convents, 2,000 houses, and 20,000 persons rendemdlomeksi.,, The suburbs of titiebec are titled with wooden ' houses, and hence the ac t: are so disastrous . ... „. The .... fire swPPAlqfk.Y. 9%)!olAses.:, - ivoin • *kHz sTitrt'titE4BVAlr• rte.:Vault Aetomit and'llow Mae • • • e'y Mansiged It:. •• ' • • Tho'orgons•of the . Treasury • Ring have for dile:past month been - l abor . , big with- unusual , . teal .to bolster tup .the'reputation . off , lllr." Mackey • as 41 great•financier and a perfect pattern of an honest and conseienticauf public officer.. •Thoy take eluvial delight in lauding theA•eleun -record"! of .their pet, to the disParagementof the prew eatineumbent,tietierat frWiti..When the latter took posf/assionoftheTreas« cry on , the first. Umlaut; the •celitral organ of-the Mackey ring:announced. with it , flourish tru inputs: that dar- Mackey , 9 term. •of one year the reprehernaible and illegal••system of loaning the funds of ••the- State to privete individuals for their benefit has bedn aboliShed. The 'vault .ac coiit'which. consisted of due bills of these partim-Lainounted• one year ago to $211,009 ; to-day there• is no such.aceount., The balance on hand is not $1,702,00n, against $BBB,llOO one: year ago, and not Ices than $600,000, in round nunibers, of out' State debt has been paid off." This key-note has been re-echoed by.all the other Organs of: the.. rink, with aft the charges • whiCh political Ingenuity and, hatred of4lien: Irwin could Stlggeiti:atilitrbeuaitly tho Pitts burgh Grzetie Mackey's :Milne. or gam. published the•:reeeipte 'given 'by Irwin, to Mackey , in 1860, and • by•l Mackey to.frwityin 11870, to • prove, that Mr. Mackey had. abolished. the `vault account'ald lalherefore enti tled to the credit of making n "chain treasurr. •• .; .Now, we hove been at some ,pains to examine into the real merits ofthis claim Set up in Mr. Mackey's behalf by his over zealous friend's, and pm.• .pose to show by the !simple logie.of facts - and figures, - which: cannot be sucec..•mfully.disputed, that the retir ing treasurer is entitled.. to no such i credit as his friends claim for him, in abolishin g the *vault account,' and.' that so far from the large -balance -handed oyer•to his successor being to .his credit, it ds.the best .poSsible evi -deuce that he managed the • finatlees of the State for the . profit , of himself and friends who co nstituted the ring which dragged him fromeormorative obscurity and phitedhim in the tram ury us a convenient and willing in !-:! strument to promote their sel fi sh schemes. . • . First, the vault account dur ing Mackey's administration, the ex hibit of which we have copied from .ollicial record, an the second of May, ISA Mackey took posse ion of the Treasury with i a' vault account of ::'211,303 Mt.' At various periods dur ing his administration it stood as fol lows. , ms ) :: ::,::::,:ilo lf.) Di, ( *9.3,0J3 011 May 10 315,5w:41 Ike. 11... ....2a2,010 00 Mar 31 1701,:51109 Jab. 1; .01910 00 Aug. 14 411,119 otl. Jun. 7...1 263,9-10 MI F 0•14. 7 (11,1.100 Jan. 10 ,1,9111 U 1 Nuv...29 115,979 01 Jan. 9; 10.14 ,, U1 Nov. 34........ 911,(190: ' It will to seem that Mr: Mackey's mode of "breaking up the vault ac count," and inaugurating. a "clean treasury" was a peculiar and extra ordinary process, , quite worthy of so distingttished a financier ! Eightdays after he had Possession, this amount had Increased from rl.."..!11,1le:1 99 (the tunount received from (general Irwin) to $1116,5117 911. At the close of his first month it had inCreamsito kt:3:16,- • - iO2 911. It kept on increasing until the 7th of September it had reached thesum of :::171,189 On, censiderably more than double what it was when Ire receipted to his predecessor; and on the:.:)th of November, (the day before the film fixed by law for the Commissioners of the riinking Fund to make an investigation attic books,. and from which the Auditor General derives the data for h is annual report) this vault, account was amore than double what it wits when he took possession, (namely $415,978.) Just then, with the fear of the Commis stoners and the'Anditor General and his annual report, beford hint. 31 r. Mackey seems to: have been seized with his first honest impulse to make "a clthin record" of thevanlt account. Ilence, we find that On that day, No yeinher 111th; this amount was sud denly reduced to $20,075. The books give us a very clear idea how this wonderful feat in tinanciering was so suddenly accomplished. We tied that on that day the following depos its were made: • Anti 3lechnnies Fu i ❑ it t. Bank, Phila.. k;loomiits 010 Allegheny :Valenti] hank.. , 1314,8113 119 First !Valeria Bath:, I kr- ! MEE This, with the :!o,llao in the vault on the day the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund made theitAmmual ex ..lnitiation, made up the :-415,txsi !which had beinrt here the day before. The #.100,0u0 sent to the Farmers and .Mechatnies' Bank was the equivalent 'of cash, being a railroad cheek, and so far as that was eancerned it was a legitimate transaction. The $138,- 1 so:19:1 which was sent to Mhekey's own hank, in Pittsburgh, and the $157,000 deposited in the First Na tional Bank of Harrisburg were a couple of "old soldier's," belonging to Mackey's vault brigade, 'which, after a very short furlough, granted to get then. out Of the way of Inspector (ienentl Hartman; were promptly recalled, as we shall presently see. • Wo find that on the Gth of Ike...m iler, six days after the examination by the Auditor ( teneral and the other Commissioners, the vault account had increased again to $95,94.15, Five stays-later, under the great financier 'mug genius of Mackey - and the Treas ury roosters represented in the 087,- One of •promisesi to pay, ;temporarily deposited in the first National, it had jumped up to $282,0•10, which was made up in this way: in Ninth, I)ev. 6... ...... .. 4 95,8:15 INI (In cl;:q1 lonia FirA Nati0n:0.4147,000 On On the of .ianualry, ls7o the vault account had gone up to $211,010, and we have no means of showing limy much higher it would have gone, had not Mr. Mackey on ,the 7th been soddenly seized with another convic tion of the necessity of going hack :to a "clean record." 'rids omviction was brotight nhout by thu reAolution passed that i dak by the Senate, in structing thel Finance CA' atunittee, of which Mr. Bit lingfelt was Chairman, to make an investigation Into , the management of the 1 nitsury. I The first nianifttstation of . this con vietion WM as peeullarus . tt was Kul -1 den. Altho n gh one of the loudest boast's of Mr. Mackey's friends Is, that he was not elected by the'ald of Denweatie votes, we find that histrst financial ad or preparatpin for Mr. Dillingfelt's Investigation Commit tee, was to take SLIVNIO out of the vault and deposit it with Dougherty Brot hers,a Demoenitichanking house in liarrisbur,, ,, . Of course tho "rec ord" does not shotv the object of a de posit In this direction, but intelligent jailitleiansmill draw their own infer ences. • On the 10th of January, the move ments 'of the In vtmtigation Commit tee began to look serious, and in the eyes of the great tinantier that "old soldier" of $187,000 in the vaultagain hada serious look also. ; Thesl3B,ooo got rid of on the approach of General ilartrand WIN stilt out of the way in Mackey's own hank, but this $187,000 was In dangerous proximity to the "Adamstown Dutchman," and must be . d of. In the meantim • been subwened, hut od fo ..e, and made a bast, trl Pitt. , the object of which • wit ••• lie for future elucidation thu, ht of certain recent) y dlscov. • _ • togas not immediately . netted with this branch of the sub. ject. On the 10th of January, wo find the #187,000 was bl4ll , 4l l Val' Ag follows: . ti DedrlNlFV.Niatailidlu "t On tti ' i wor January, t wo ys later, Get. /rWl9,wits,eWed,Treas urer, to t ttg,Wo4 ternatlph and disgust o he u •tters who had been so largely represented in this vault aceount; and this fact to i'ether with the movements , of the nvestigating Committee,. ,demon strated to them thenecessitv ofbreak ing up the vault account, with a view to creatinza little - political cap- Dal fur the future. operations of the 'Treasury ring.. ' Hence,: we find that on the Stith of Jarbutry, , one- week before Markey.,was. , to eppcitr AS a witness before .. the. Investigating Committee, the account had beau re duced to $10,148, and on the , 31st to $8,440, as subsequently °stated in his testimony before the committee: , . The foregoing is a plain exhibitor how the Treasury - ''vault account" IViIS broken up, gvery intelligent reader can judge fur, Maki( how much credit forthis result is due to Mr. Mackey, and .how much to the ventillatiou of tic Treasury corrup tionists, the ekpcod atlas of the inv tigating Committee, 81141 finally to the defeat of .the "griut financier" 111111411 ff, In another tirtiel!.i , we prol)00 to show that this.”reat fitnimier redeemed over a million , of the publie loan than. had been. redeemed by hispredecessor, by which he was enabled to keep an enormous unex-. ',ended halanee on band for specula tive purposes, whereas If he had adopted Senatiir'l3llllngfelt's •polcy a year ago, a. Vast amount would have been saved to I he:Treasury. IiVAsHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. Adjournment V. Conyrdoi' ,and . Ili e/ feet on the Lobby—Bejection of the Sandwich Aland' 71-ealy Incoine Tax—The 7bnage Bill—lndian Del ,Spotted Milani . : Red Cloud —A Treaty for the Free Navigation of the St. - Lawrence' hirer—The Xute Printing Buriam—Base Ball Sell Noll in Waqhinghm —Patents. -WAHII{M~I'UN,-1).C., dww-:i.-aU. As.tfie tfitidt I ittQti:ifieat: Tor the ad" journment of Congress the excite n Lehi litti 'obi; ilidae'latele4Ml Iti'lltiY °Utile two thou Fatal bills ou..the cal endar lascivious.. , Only, six weeks more for tho' Itectimpllsltmetit at least. six nuinifts, work'., hatch bill has its 4evotees who aro hoping 'and praying that their pet measure may by some hook or crook, out of order orally other way, lie thd next favor ed. It Is well understood that only a small number comparatively can possibly be considered this' scwslon, and probably not this :Congress ; and thotigh witll,fsurdly ii lottery each one of these devotees buoys self in the hopes Altai his respective bill will, be taken up and pi - med.- - Hitt alas! "liope'defeired makes, the heart sick," and a sicker set,of fellows have never loft Washington than the nine.tentlis of these same fellows on their return home, be in six .Weeks from now. • The discussion on the Sandwich Is hind, commercial treaty consumed most of the day in the,Senate yester day, and the treaty WM finally rt. , jected by a vote of 29 to 19, a two third vote being required. The high tariff men considered that the rutin mtion of the treatywould be getting a dangerous precedent. From the debate yesterday in the llouoe on the income tax one would judge that it would be abolished; of course the monied interest is that way, and it is a very easy matter for any Member Who don't wish to vote for its continuance, 1.9 manufacture some plausible .excuse for voting against it. There are, however, ninny prominent members favorable to its continuance in some form or other, and tenscquently, it is thought, by sonic here, that General Schenck will be induced to compromise on a re duction'of 3 per cent tad-all exemp tion up to $:1,000 or $2,500. After six months hard work, the special emnmittee on the deelthe of American commerce, In the ilouSe, has experienced a serious jolt in the defeat of the tonago bill. This bill, you will recollect, provides that all shipbuilders-using American mate rial shall be allowed drawbacks, to be paid out of the Treasury, equal to the duty On imported material. The western Members almost to a man opped It. 187,0011 WI 99 Spotted WI with three of his chiefs has been here for some days. lied Cloud with twenty-seven of his braves arrived yesterday, some of whom have never been at Washington. Spotted Tail was detained over sun day in Chicago, and when he RIM the crowds of people he said it made him sick ; sick with the pm:peels for his people in their life struggle against the whites, who are gradually encom passing them: .After nett Cloud and his warriors are rested, they will all on the President formally, amt there will be some sort of a council for the adjustment of their 'alikirs. But whether the Government will at tempt a general settlement is yet to be seen. The civilized Indians are violently opposed to the proposed Territorial organization: - In view of the excite ment on this subject, these warriors will be the sensation of the season. The most of them are clothed only with their robes, and when they ar rived were tatrefooted. $:282,10.1 00 Last_ night, Spotted Tail and his men held a gratuVeeeption in the parlors of their hotel. Many ladies and gentlemen were introduced, and one lady discoursed music from the piano for fifth' benefit. Music inny ha ye charms to soullio a savage breast, but with these there win no heaving breast or motion of facial muscles, but unmoved they heard the dulcet notes. The polidy of entering Won treaty with the Dominical Ciovernment by which the free navigation of the St. Lawrence river shall be secured to American shipping, was under dis cussion in thd House of Representa tives last week. Jedge Lawrence, of Ohio, made an ablespeech in favor of the bill which he introduced, showieg that the measure was of spetihl ha nortunce to the interests of the great grain producing States' of the Central West, and referriag to the acknowl- Weed fact, that the price which a western farmer realizes for a bushel of wheat depends upon these two cir- Anstances, viz: The pries in the controlling market, and the cost of tralisporteng it there. Ile says, that England buys but a small part of our wheat product, yet she'eonsumes the largest part of our wheat export, and the Liimrpool wheat market controls the. lq o led • Ch •as hop of ou ao. :at II I II an Th street, Inc" th. , e tad 8ta 7 or as es the • deo gold. In Cinein l4 na y tti. Mr. Law. renrs that the preterit .mle 41 "A rt Y/WYSlgVe ll it lf wheat In Llstrpool is $1 in go d, 81 cents goldtthe.reliniinthiE 9 cents bglng deducted as the cost for trans- =w r ttiituat of the St. Lawrence, freights might be reduced one-half, and the western fermi . mureir eat O tr jh red on ► ftta e ' I v Is, by competition la elitt hiktes, the in crease In the number of ships, and by 14 p i . ng,',Avit4rlutritti p earns &kW aldhh New York ) Erig ,mOl -route, imd at Mon Rftiql.f th 6 Rt. litiwrenco route freights can be reduced one half; and every - Ohio farmer will se cure the ultiettoprlv. qf ‘ his wheat much inora , dh — "lnAr."This will bring with it.iif4few yeart4 Puma target/lent of the ;diatom' canal In 01118,14X31001 - .7.1_ - I t • 1 Ills very evident tram this amp 4911toill4k*1 11 : ( 441:01.44*!litfri British Prolichees in coal, fish, salt and lumbagoveithi War*, mutual advantage of both countries; and that the utter denial of reciprocity will drivo. the, - Dominiou.tioveza nieut into new commercial alliances, and make the'exirjemercial interests' of Qinada and tin.) &hash provinces 4190;4..V 1 4. 0 uF•wxii , :f 1 . 11 4:CP,nV' quently Induce the lieop reef Canada to seek annexation to render the ad vantagep Rs:unwept" Durir iciase,4l3ek,'akairt.4xty female employees of the Bureau of Engraving Printing and Treasury department ; have' been dischargeft owning to a • decrease Of work. By the way. thblchief of thisallureau, George 13. 111cCartee, 1.15 q., is one of the hardest 'working .execuile tors . 1 . 11 'the entire Dejiartment.L: Thonnigtilyitmtest antitrustwol ashes been eiefrionatnited on mailer oolookal-f-iinlil of which `Nrtui handed over io the Deiiartment $l7OO bribe—and he is invariably ur bane to everybody, including the humblest of his employees, the , fr - v1.49414111* 8'011416 Bootie* eie recommendation of Secretary Mut well himself„was a just recognition of his eminent fitness for the respon sible position which ho occupies. Be sieged daily by scores of women and Congressmen seeking places for them- , selye# 9F friTads, :Ileetettar, nat)4ll hbTds but' any &Ise hopes, but hi his firm but mode* nud gentelmanly way informs all applieemts truthfully as tO Abe promo& for eel pfoyinentiin his Bureau. The note printing turned out by him is always of the linest quality. The Base Ball season leas. fairly (Toast in .Washington, mid is wel coined by elargoaumber of our most respectable citizens. The rational game has taken every strong hold on the people here,' tilted every match game. is witamett by a large amid enthusiastic concourse of people. Heads of Departiiients and, ,of Bu reaus are frequently seen alien the field to encourage by. their presence (as eVell ns etijoy4lte game) the play ers, who are inlikost enseti,' 'v101(8111 the employment of the Governinent• Here the Theatres close in thespring, base ball takes their place and affords a cheaper, as also, a more -largely at tended place of amusement. , The U. S. Patent Office hag htsued for tl .palt. wee!: 32.3 patents oty; I deir 3r'wort to eltlzais Forty - First Congress. SECOND SESSION. sins/eft, 314 31. , bill was 'uttrd , timed to encourage the building of ships for foreign trade and other purposes. Mr. Sumner, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, upon a petition of Cy rum W. Field for aid in establishing in tor-oceanic uommunicat ion' between America and Asia, reported a hill carry ing out tho idea of the memorialist, in corporating the Pacific Sub Marine Com pany, and to faciliato telegraph com munication between Allierica and Asia- The ,finaltto: then wdnt into FZetlittivt session. At Mu') evening session the only note worthy proceeding was the passage, of the bill for the relief of Itollin :White ore: the President's veto. —The bill to revive the navi gation and commercial interests of the United States woo eonsidered, the pre vious question Mttonilisl and the .main quostion ordered. The discussion %%us then continuedliy Messn.i. Lynch mid Wood. At the close of Mr. 1 - .3iiieles speech, further remarks were made by Messrs. Puter; - ; aud tax, and then the 'louse proreeded to vote on the hill and amendments, and, defeated it; but the vote was reconsidered, and it was final ly bent batik to the Committee. The bill tti reduce internal taxation was conalib. erial during the remainder of the sea• skin. SENATE, Juliet—The bill to change the judicial eircults was disetmed,nmeni ded and passed. It constitutes the cir cuits as 'follows:' Tina, Mtilne, New Ilampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Island ana Connecticut; Second,. Now York ; Tliird, New 'Je'iseyrretitk; sylvania, Delawire, Maryland and Vir ginia; Fourth,. Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Arkanttas ; Fifth, North Caro lina, Georgia, Florida,: Alabama and Tennt%se ; Sixth, Ohio, Michigan, Ken tucky and Went 'V.irgiiht; linoia, Indiana and Wisconsin ;'Eighth, Minmpota, IturryNeliraska,Kausas and, MisCouri 6alfrornia, ret4n' and Nevada. The Smumne . Coure..llo - except the - Chief 'justice, are I;a• (mired to reside in their respective cir cuits, and tlie - Chief Justice is to be know e n as Filler Justice of the Iliuvronlo i Omit of the tutted Ninths. The Senior, then went into fifpcutive fesNcion.; liousE.—The House proceeded to the eunslderution of , the bill to reduce, intea nal mazes. The sixteenth section was amended by allowing a discount of ten per cent. ou proprietary idea& supplied by the L'Aenitiiisaioner of I nhirual ,Afeve nue oil the excess above 1500 purchased at ono dine. lei:the course of the dilcus elon in regard to penalties for washing defaced stamps 4 str. 4crpaelt I stated that it was the intention of the Commit tee of Ways and Means to wipe out the whole system of spies and informers, and allow no more moieties. The sec tion relating to aItAIIIIPS Was untended by striking out that portion of the para graph as to hank checks, leaving it to read: hank cheek, draft or order fur the payment of any SUM of money what soever, drawn upon any bank, banker or trust company, two cents. In' the course of the discussion Mr. Sargent stated that an 4Umato.he had 113i:erred from the Treasury' Department allowed, that under the existing tariff and, reve nue laws there would be received into the Treasury ilex% year from etudonta $ 185 0 )0 .000; tram Internal taxes, $175.- lane° son • 4, , 000 .. I, . .. .... ditur al f -,.1, i , .. , oh iloav , a a . o . 102, . II I y. , . per cent., and ,nternal revenue taxes /I no per cent.,io take off the Income tio d a . "...... rI gel taxe,s. This leittii les . .fW,400,00e 1 per used as alnitincfund i w0,n14 in thirty four years egingnish de liktlonal debt, and' Inv a surplus. Mr. Holman mos*, t 401 4011#1110145 to; 112, rto tiiifflo riirb Mit setitiOrr twturty, ob • ' talug schedule p t ,rFteis llt lA, ,fttloPir• Sections twenty-one and tweedy:two wermilinepeuxs ' / An aflditlqual section was inserted, providing tit In States whore respondents nra allowed to tossalyi UM 'sitntililirlii, ishile tibia' for PdMotill charged with violation or the law. Tho bill was fOrther *bided and amended, and ups uuder Consideration when the lloutorOoLUl l' ) 1 " 4 1 - : SmiATE; Jun 4 2.—Tba Fundinglfill was taken ON b0449.4!-.4°0°q*0614) Was laid over. TheWiariepirropriation bill was taken up..i•lipoodnat werwmado by Messrs; Morrill, of.braineouid Stew art. The Sonatel . at 4:"20 weilV lido execu tive session, and acclimate( leak a recces. At tho evening 'scission ,the Indian ap propriatiOn MR; was, debated, without adtlon, till adjotirnment. ' lloverAAt • the expiration of the morning ktriietito internal tax bill came iip:. . Atuandutents were (inbred by Mr. Judd confining thole+ to invested caps tat and eteluding profits anti,. fiteinucp. fly Mr. ‘ llale, increasing the exemption to t 2,000. , By Mr. Finkelburg; to limit the amount for house rent to' . sloo. By lqr. Whitens, dispensing With the tux of lneotnes from industry and professions, and retaining it en Incomes derived from capital. By Mr. Morgan, levying a tax of five percent. on 1110011101 derived front bonds of A3vitry' description, notes and mortmigekevergl,l,ooo and under $10,000; seven cent. hetween $lO,OOO and trio, 00, and fourper cont. above $30,000. By Mr. Garfield, removing the tax front in comes deilved from 'maims; and con fining it , to busineeta derived from. anti tal).. fly ,Nr. liroodward, substituting fur htoonie tax•the withholding of a - tax cativo pei cent.lon tinged Slates bonds wherever 11014. I illy Mr. Brooks, olAsevi-, nekinaltia)striMj tinm t the vi!, no iring a man ` count (or the incomes of minor childrein. , By Mr. Hood, pro , Minting filo itiblleation Of ineonte re turns. And a 'number of others were proposed; The discussion - On the bill was finally fleeted by Mr.. Schenck, the previous'. question seconded, and dm vote on the sections relative to income tax end amondinente postponed till to morrow Mt., lioek anoVal, gt.inuee-i men( ea the (64y-fourth Sectien,' dixhig the interest on ended States bonds live per cent. The tote on division stood On to al. 'rho yeiie and nays were then de- IlipudetLithd i felidiiiv, the vote the Ilduao, amid touch excitement, adjourned.: ~ Sex.vta, Juno 2.—After the transac tion of some unimportant business, the Intitfift Approprlat ion bit,wes 'Mken 'oil and hob:awl.' , N'arlime amendments wero!preijtoketeli and shed upon.= :.Mr. Willituum Introlluml a Johnt resolution authorizbig tht),Seeretarq of the interior to Increrem tho Icompensation of ASNlN tani Maishal, for taking the census of 18711, rho literea.;e net to exceed fifty per' cent. now •alloWed by law. -It will be conatticred jo-jitorrow., Adjourned. House,. Mi. Winchester offered a resol;utheiT , deideriiig lbSt.7l . views WWI profou n d Vegra imit &Sap prove]. the gross violation of the great Prine l /4 1 10-4414. 1 4qH PASST, PY.. 1 191 1 . 1 ° people of Rountim la lu their persecutions and outragei aiftinst the Israelites,. and expressing the; earnest hope that they will speedily clime , Mr. Schen& wish ed to know whbther there was any au thority for it, except a little paper laid on the desk Of mionibers. On his edition, the 'resolution 'NVIL4 teferred to ilia For- , 1 .. eign.Counalttet .31r. Ijoilair,ros, to re port the t;eorg a bill from the •ROODII• strtut_s . (knet .. uititjr, bp.t.thUiou9rlll- fused to set te4do tgi bill, which was debated, ; ametitloil . and Akho previous quieSion ! e3l,le4 ujoalb file ;bi' passage, but befoitia help Ira* takertdiai house adlourneil. . - i• ; t ', ~,, rte ' . ~ 14r; A TE, :Nadi 4.4-",1301;41,41? 'Teems. minden Lill ! . Ail!.l Il*ty...:StailV•4llrllllol, but, without fertleF:,tidiiiiwilsi . Senate went ilea exeunt trie4eio:i. stia then all. jou rt,l. ' 1 - I. A nous, .titer - Qte It rant(clion of routine 1:11,:iue tho bill yf redyce tam turn Iva.: t:a . ., : ut tip mill debatial pn yea, Como .it or,lur ;114011U/010a, pt eon4d mak loogtil : Li uriali whipta Messrs. Co vude and Wouillvpi had a tilt.‘: Dilatory IllOtiOat , tree, lilliiii d 1 .916101.41 ipti voted . 011-iiil alliotirtll i taiC . . 7 . • 4 - ien - T nine Wase*s agejgb-s. Mar- garet Dabaugh:tifltarriibtiZ 1 W attacked and bitten In. - ..eir her tin- ; gerS by, a ferocbilik dog& - . t . frithiy_ & tit she noticed a manful MI ,ase,ling inlitil finger Oftdttrlft,,- . .. -•-• 'Bat or , day 4 lie ',symptom % • - ~ . • ..- • , la g that at physicituku ' :OR ,_ c,.7 ; , , _Who thakight be .. a . et !-.. •- • -.•, - •• • • • • ••abia. ! —Oii Sunalsor 1414,...,.+: , I'.: ,'— , gla re-spa:tilde •,- ,C711r..7. ' mrectirring • •intervals wer • ata y ulliayeaThy chlo roform. • Mak of the physicienf, of the city Visited her, but all pronoun ced it a case of incurable hydroplei bin. I ler paTystos were a sorrow ful sight..- Th . mention or-sight of a deg "droVe her Into violent spesaMS, auidinNee of 1:,IV-aSe• 4 ( W 2% ST tero3o room. As soon as she saw the ani mal she isvaine furiously agtatetl, and her' feelings Were only-tranquili zed when then o n , ' was renewed. She foarriefiiii&lffiftfieinakith, exhital:••:: eel grelir awrrVibig daiiftUy', - breathbd' with muck dftliculty, and appealed piteously to those about her to keep at a dlstamtv,las if fearful that she might do theft -personal injury. From the commencement of the first snusain until drugs were muniuister ed, she was • fuellned to a rucking chair, °eta:ion:illy springing up and carrying it with • her. Subsequently she was placed - on 'a sofa and secured until her death. She appeared fully conscious of her dangerous disease. The deg which caused her mil death, died of the safile disease shortly after attacking the y oung lady. - - —se,- - - —Them Is A machine at the watch. factory. at El , iin, 111. ,whichwith a work mitaiarriaide. 'train ,'3 ie n ..irire two hundred !screws in twelve min utes, besitlesadriVing them in Ware in the plate of the watch. —Senator r.iautshury, of 'Delaware has been in tlie Senate eleven years, and never introduced a bill until a fewellaYsoig9,Wken. he asked for e•-•44-a OW far infiarafv'earieutia 14 the Delitiard river, and got; it. —ln •the upper part of' Franklin county, Georgia, on Saturday, Mr. John Collins struck Jesse Adams on the head with a illilVy stick, end killed him iniamitly. Collins made , ! his escaipe. I ' —The editor of a Chimp) children's paper received a letter from a lady subscriber, who writes: "Our little Annie died hist week, after reading the last number of your valuable pa , pen" • I . :—The Peniens ' have returned home disgusted, le4ing only their leaders behind them, I 'These are in the hatids of the liTnited States authorities, and to all appearatice are likely to remain there for some time to come. The Government, to. the surprise of-many does not look upon the raid as a joke or holiday excursion, and precut the leader with rigor.-1 Though this may be greatly to the the discomfort ! of the leaders; it is indirectly for the • benefit 'of the Masses of Fenian, who will , thus baye fewer Head Centres and :Treasurem to deceive them in the futhre.—N. Y. Tribune. = Neal . A. W. E No. 178 ALLEGHENY CITY, 10.1.',1111A1 rtutl Won hi respectfully =II the attention of their ettStrlnlfistli 4l tifi l ley have koc jusil NriprielitTris o Dre ' sa oods at Plites tower ti •ii; i/.11 the y h!IN 4 Pc3 Yrr...avf I fi tt i t an esiatitiation Of mit 'Mod, ant? 'always take plCusure in showing our goods: ,(Ns., tower,' 16 iiailZtei,.6 /Wait" cilith4lB3l. i I / BERMES MEE 1114 mg our ucw 80 , 4; Wylayt:. . ; 11( )0 :/"! ( I 100 IVaOgWeIOrLIN3 ,L , ,Jlvc, ti d17"1 VP; lee mules con DEO ro Ns, ALL COLORS, 25 cExis:' 40 PieCes Pure liohairs, 31 CENTS 1 ease WAP4II PO-PLANtO. .sdr~r~6iiit.(:~.t 40 PIECES SEAXITIFIT Black Alpacas, /Oat,: 11 It tt?: 1 i 371 GIC477:V E:1.!1V, ; Willi a lull slovk 1103117.SVrik1 1 40()LIS, :i1~;J At tow Elie I asst A Er b & c l 3. I LL !; 17P4 Vederal St., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA juniily_ OPERA lilltE EMPESt, ALLIANCE, 01110 ..... I EACJI. THE Proprietor of Ihir ant otructure, Mr. ('rein. having nude an orriontenr. the mortgngre arstpre hare con...tied to pm It ap In a CS' I F".l.` 11.:4717.11:11t1 , 4 . 1111 . For the benefit of bin creditors generally. w lio. outside ['Elbe taunt:age holder., would meet with the cotirolow. of t heir c/ains if the building should he nut at forced sale. Thu rents of the Opera ilnure building amount to about slo.non a year, and could beaondlitilo tfay batch . The tianeel of the wan...action Is endowed by E. Teeters Son, and Greiner. Meet 0., flamers, Mistier. Oldet, w hid Arens can be consulted by moor one deoleinx thriller Information. The money fr o m the sale of llckete will he deprwiteil with the :those named Itanliern, at whew counters tit, ticket money will i l arrurutirtt, provided anything ahould occur to fent. Ihe'rlistributhnl. if the tickts are sot roal sooncr.tfie drawing will take place Septet's. bee WM. ISSN. 8 G. McKE.E„G• 31-itk Monty oftio. Agent for Danner County: M. SCHIFF, Jet:into] a Of Bchlar.r. istetulleldt. :New Brighton. . 73A N 7..1" - '!..g THOMAS M'CREERY & CO Tltag. 111 , 11141141;111 (Whirr. J. F. DRAVO .1 H. ANGIEI., J. 11. IFCIMEICY. ' luterert paid on time deporitr; Prompt attention given to colleettons. Ago. fronranee Agento far good and fellable Comportkv. [colyntf ,I•frlllank Mortgagee for rate at the Allotht Itro. Foundry& Itepair Shop • _ 11.1 i Lr thilliolZedhl N .Ollllll ry 1.10.111, n. taio far Utirthwark, -741 , ullicAlimt• I have nixtmnbitelfil Vnrietr of wwfurp?itterlA., c3n:alltettny, modebrini takint: ant patent“ for lownbvernentoon COOKING.- STOVES .-sud after Brio: Agrotarzhty teAtell tiors:e Im provements, I r,..1 muranted in offerlnL: Illern to the .I = ' C:1 0 NAT The (MEAT WE TEAM bk. no Set perlor for lido Locality. STOVES; Snores of Illnerent Sly !PI for 11.111% nod Cool: in:: The Greet Republic Capita Store . ll ' oto the bort Record of any Store over offered to M=M IT TAKE LESS FUEL, , IMO:416o ;m it*. BEST BAKER, llc - Vs' . . , i , 43Vit A. nr-dEI A LTOGE77IEIt TILE 1f EST STOVE IN USI In t01111(Wiloll with Ow Mori• I have got up It Item i.x'ri -, lNsicoN 201". u hien Illtk — room; Inel, aittl hunt wvar - nut,': tlittpen ses with all pipe, can b 4 put on of taken off at any time, and mule to suit all stoves of any size Or pattern. • Five I tundired Porisampt Who have purchastill sod used. the GMT REPUBLIC COOKING STOVE; Most of whose names have been publish. et! in the A mfus, are confidently (eternal to, to bear witness of tts'superlor merits as a cooking stove. flaying Watt Ant class engines on 'hand. of about fifteen bones power apathy. they are offend to the pantie at reasonable rates. lOUN TIIOII24ILXIf. aprhelas ,Banktwi • t cov ISKA HATCH., trete •Ak .Itl' AND DRAT, 15311 GaihkamitUT MITI TIES, kaa, ULU. .3tl . . . . , rt.. ) naaksbl; attenlicd ono be gotLatbart •f the Loam of the CzarrtAl. lailiania Catarina . , ped t.o Werranatricirir Ititiatomn Corratrr, and thy papadmilyand Cred it nb .... lrhithapo Lop i tnereraltst i alted iber mar. hats; botti ' lathht atonAteit&llCtimpo. fairothifor ui Utak We Disc Maltarne Ikeda of.wbotty Mamma.. cod honorably mmagad Rathroads am promptly ros.ozzlimketpl . ton tit,nint , o;c rit i tablio ake,'ait atlrtiutavona hirm'of iuvestnaeitt, ytel - lag a More !Moral Income than can Iterraftel Jarred from GoromiaMni flood,, and available to tgkq ; ; t . t )( 1;1 MIE Assured Red, In thd eekedoe rod neve hation of ruperior Railroad Loam or e ate tweeting a groat public want, and rentierinc' n 'rni , inble re mice— tedh to the hoiden pJ Capital nod to there veil National works of Internal improvemen t whom I. wholc nt erit and entre taidtalcbaracter emtlclo the= to the lee Of Ciptitaltual.dtc coulAftenciot Invert ecs—we now lOter with epeeist confidence and satistactlou the 1119 . 411rGltkE HONDM -644 Cl eve 'll Oltio Railroad Colitirm: Vie 11,saimake cud 0/tio lnKl4, corium:nog the Atlantic cant and the ma:elder:it turbots of the tthenammke Ilay with the Ohio river nt a pont . of reliable navigation, and thug, with the entire railroad eystem and water tthnsportatlon of the great West and Southwest, tonna the tleual East and Wert Trunk Lkir• eo Imperatively demanded (or thell'ecomminlation of the Minton. mid tripidlygrowlmt transportation between the Atlantic seaboard and Eitrupe on the one hand, cud tar gthat produclit reethm/ of the Ohio and Mlselestppl Valleys on the other. The Importance of this road ma new outlet from the Wesel° the sea ma maldes It into one of nation al. coneequeuee, and insures to it an extensive through trate from the day of Its complethiu ; while, In the development of the extensive agri , nit-ear:dam' mineral resources- of Virginia and West Virginia, It pera..eraus, along Its own line, e elements of a large and produltle local Intel- 11111 Thus the treat tutere4u, frith ;1,1 11,14 which demand the completion o the t.'homimeke IMO I=l ourept guarantee or 4.1111/ r. ',der if inportan/ itnri,u4././ia/ road ehfcrpri.. 1.1 profirsA4 L, 16i.4 I ',4,,try Its superiority and We-t num, and the protulAettf an . temllet.e and pewit:Otte trade awaltiug It. , completion, have driovii to it Ili , al tention and co-operation of prnnullellt and ItaHr.(' melt of Cho- city of ammil jud4ment Mid Who, ,‘ WI it together with that of eminent eitizen4 awl hunt I= au ~alcr~rli.lrnioCJl~ ant ellcra4ul 14 a myre The Howl ie complel,l awl Its tem Iron, kb WOW/ 10 t he celebrated Wbm• t t ur tvring of We.t wtlo. umd theta reuutia but ..11) mile* ( num partially calm iu cted I to Lo cumrte lial to carry IL to the . rru tilt. Ohio river at., or nuur the none of the Itez Sandy rave.lrtl ZOUSs above Claciunart. and 330 ntlhr beloo l'ittnhurgh. This tronib'rfeel liget,rble lire of the fe. .1 it um/ fur the Iffil d (111 d bilitllad, it equal (onony xiornarbi,,. • „,.. rig the ,NerrOil4..l . l;' , 1.11 , If 'rimed ai4 ,trtigitq, .i• /it cr..ry ()floe .1 I, , r• , trt • • frigid, it act,. (ix a spovio fri • , ;f bodily ,Flenylli anti fur,,rl. , animal 1%. Pi' • The details of the tan,, have Wen arran4,l Al Unee are IlioW prOjorteti or 1hr0" . 41 01110 and firntacky to Ilk point., A. ilich s‘lll eon- acct the Chtwipeake and Ohio with the Railroad •pdea, or the and Sooilm.--t. also! With the P3eifle ftaltroml. Itn vaintm• IFaaAn.r. n.ffi ..Htatirt will pktce Um , C'es,4 puny unkong lb.• rid at 311.1 iLmerful and trw‘tworttly corporation, of the of tuff Y .f‘d there exists a prescat value, Na comp:etot rot 4.1 anti work• dune, 1,111141 I. the entire amount of the 12=132 special te(crenn• to the rants of: MI c lassea of tu- I= Dr. IIrALIiKIVN CALIFORNIA VINEGAM, BITTERS. More - lhail 500,000 PfISODS F.: :•• i-41()()()• :ma * 3 l ( )( ). - . Renr Ifentl2olsy in their Viololirfnif!„, I Our:1Mo etll,- =I EMI I= They will the Isnued Bonds. Itiparie to ifraret,awl may ho held hi that form: ur The bond umy befeligterld In the mune of the owner, ultliThr - coupon* mmainintr myshte lidarar attgited,the plimapai being , limn than, ferruld , .tuly on th•Lo.d:f et the rump tiny. The coup°. umy d tqa, Itcdnttil oa, I.ltti nuadn ,NftwoitelN tr.,- rerrailld °slim% Inn,k,. nr . ttp. c,nn a nd rho int,root O.T.Ni' to •is, ner or his aqtarnvj The threoittionw . ildnbeldioaisiaspecthrelf a.:* 47 :4 , 14. s'CotdAni BOaskiptyabl, fillkitert fieed.. 6ll, .I.' A.N 1 1 1N K. • :htz ...#. 3 1441Az friM C o upons e btael.., )lad ; , 9pr,APIPly 11.0.1/I,),Prlnd • . nut' •• en," alma to, so delllgnalod Ly coriC, , pluad. and rt.eet,,,,...1 1., pl. as. • a ' Apirultz , "io l l l, OPegirilig th , ci. , ' •o of Mud . 41, • 11,11 2. 1 t 1,,• IWI 110 , awl r.111.1' • • , ided.clus.•ina.l.• tivut alio nalitr • • • • 11,1.- of I an: ~,, u. Ira . .. Cram all Alruhuur Thor lopra *arty year% to ranlnlni Jas linty . !Ulm uln ma. the CI it EAT IILOOP 33, with tater„t at I.ln per rent per onnzni, "Irk" ""-Ing I.rl"P'. ~,, lut4nrhlor • 1.. p0i•ka1..... inalter,t , - • the W. it! Utd. - rsackt.i.ling, ' .LOO atir , 11.40,hk •• 5" sit isa• not. Ileolndeol 1a. , . eons. or otter !mans, and .tlat .a • • •-• b.-swot name of rep sir 1 , ....1.11111111111tIllallOry_d: Chronic 1th. ,. • Inanana and thrtot. 13)*Ist.i.lo t or Ind.. 111111lasilos Keudlhvu, and In u•nultteut 1 5 01er.; „, 1110..IslalVt•rs 'Udine) w mri r ra hat e mall 11.0..1• du. Sill h th% taloorra I/ I • 1..1“1“,1 lay Vitiated Ito L ,zellrahr ;q.t.:ea hi . •• 101:41 . ...111.t. Organ.. want.. Ile. \ stunted Maui • . • =lbe Luta. I,..ccurett by a Inorh.tage .spot the ; 11, ,9"4 1 . II ,.• ustthe I.lne of Itmot front nichuton.t to the Ohio t.hon it I. lonhand o ' liven Iln• imr.• nor • trlll. Ply. PAPA Wloit3l , . ' • .y.tetn us eo mast, tlaiotakdt. sl. ~ ~, • Idro)eal or nom,cd.- lu 111111oUs, Remittent att.! 11'1 , •”:11 . :. a I • these tidier.. Iwr no utplsi lor 1...1 hall rarullillt 14e r,nular :tests , ) prided In lour I,lruZlita....• renuli .1 t\ 11.11. 31 , 1 n AU) a: co . Fun Fr:Ml:aril nod ~.1.7.1111.•0tt5, ..•- & .14 COMILICAII Si.t iU S , lir A Lt. DIU t.5.1,..r. AN(' Pr Elt „,,,, Magic Comb w„, laor hesra 1.. a 1,. lark r It, tan It.e Om. trill to iur :r1.11 • :11{ • t oalt t o, %, • from Forember 1, Pzer./. Pfitielitat and lutere-t payable In Dull In the nty of N. V..: hlkluror. 1 . .01+7 in May awl Na!am 'ter. 1 hat It 811iPakc wp ptie ; otikatorii* eivitr .s!dlot, couttmuutri. .101_ ,1ti.,,ii4T,0q.10:7.4 mad We.. tertiraelle itiaalki,llllMialtle in ot - all' 1611 Jaip. - awl %; ill, 11 iiintldre.74lll:" I . IIIL i nddiuoimi lavrotateal., to barer their intetoa re rearallle at SW:trent 6.{,blin of the tar. river. sslth the elopment nod all other property and ,pprtrlettancm couurcteit then, lib A Mullin:: Fund of . 4=100,00u pet IBS/M0.6 p:e• I Wed for the re.leniption of the n0i.,6, to lake effort one year after the eolophlioo of the The mart:sat:els for e 15,000.1011, t2,011U, "NAIL NECINcti moi hcld to trußt for the re: tictoptlon of outetatolto4 11,101- of the riryinin ( 119 61 46:1 0 ./w/ii. how maNlirct f"iffib" italiiiioll2ll4l4l (3,0106, ..1.10141011 at4t {ha ver - t ry: o mi . n on;hly !quip svlrohi4briirlar_4l and SlCtiVe Wale. 711 e prevent price 14 93 AM) 31:C11331,i15ter....1. A 1.0.4 .0 amply rtured, r2rerl;lly and so certain hereafter to colitlitaml a proMtneill ph7illatntaig tLa taraitte n•wwiltloi hr Ilia ,tu.ick ton, buth of this cluntlirr ;It! I:Cocotte% will be nt once appreciked and uGtorin ,, a; Very respectfully. FISH & HATCH, samkere, I'. S.—Wo have lamed painphleti co . utilUlug mn parileabirojihstiOleal detalls,mmir , ete.,wbieb will be fttrulain* upon application. {, — We boy and yell (lovermet and twelve the seeonntx at Bantu. nallWar. t'Ornalik- Vortr, and others, subject to cheek at at•,!ht, and allow harm{ on dotty balancer. spriltant. New' "Ailletirtlitensent x . •; • -Aima W. .46r • Lost, :.Abroad.' tt. - RoV.:ZBE RLBARNES' Univ." Im o illtudne•• for Evelly. ; kia:Vrtfl, flrrigiMnft: Loans, &c. Tw• , r . ighry J 1311039 Tut BULLS' AND BEARS WALL` Tlt "1:; sap pp,. MAUI, libuarated. Prkellizi; It Shake the mysteries of Mods Ind 4+,14 the tolserlss or uhturronsh, and exposes the swindler, ttlclottnd frabfl...f Wits how without us rd, sw h day; NOW shrewd men zee tannish ha ate wide to grain and ;nodose: rtTioulh.,wm ete. Agll,ll Willted. x. eelzht West. fiend for term J. Is hil t , 411 a COIANTFORD. CON?, I Fivr DI swilling Ott b 7 I s cotes ton ri • cotes by WINO all. a coeteti, pi tarobelgattld tit Wltc, with Ittr.i. awl doer Haze. Addirai,W. MUX. P. U. brJsrr, Holtotoille, N. Y. GI-resit.lteituction i n Nucl.; oF TEAS AN D CO I:FE VS I • CuNFOI:M PRICE: (ir01.1) loom:mod fa'e Intim to Club Prlrkularny Scud for New Price tut. The 'Great, hianerican Tea (p. 0. lint 5611) .ta/V0..1M+.•,. N•• -, loortrio LIFE IN-UTAN MYSTERIES OF MORROW aly .1 11. BEADLE* Editor of do. Slit 1.4, porter. 11.ELN Uau EN. POS f. of111f.:11: sEI '1; LT 117T11 . ..;, CERFIMONIM (nil owl aatliontic history of Pollsamy M.142111/111 Suet. from Its orizlf• 4. U. .%1;e1114 .141.1 mnaioe I• ..oe ropurol Sf pul,....crllmn. In too first day. Send for circular .. Addi,•NAIIO%, AL 11:11LIS111,16 CO., 11.111ado!phh. . 14 WHY DON'T YOU TRY WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS? They are a ' , are rare fur Sore Thr , ,o, 0)1d, Uroap, llipthetia,r fitllirrh. , ‘ lioarzeness; ;11.0.), a eruccepfal Bet,. dy for Aldinij Wire ?Scrota per V.I. S.M.( by eon on reo-.. of price. .1. qKEI.I.O(I, SI Platt strert. York. Sole. A;.f.•:.2 for N. Y. /SOLD BY Ulu GISTS. • BOOK /GENTS WANTED FOR ME .11 . eglobiograp7y:..t ul JOIIN 13. () ITGII The whole roilvcecifv 7.1 r ..r.,,,. ! i L , ! , :n. foil of lour, rc awl 1,..!;,G, I'.ff3 %wt.,: -• • the tut fire raralff, 1'r,.,..t nt iI Imy tl.:• t rilhstandltelr, lile: ll Late: 11l . . - lz ~ 4 ,j,.... ... u 1...:11 it, for ft f• .loir m ,: a, h r..,orf The ft., ~ pleudltlly boon,: nod Ille,lirele el AO., .I/ e j col 5:pu,...; . jip,6:ll .V., p .ts , At t, 11,..‘41,J pi ~ 14 , 4V0W. . .. . .. .A.GENTS,i 'WAAL teal • HENRY WARD BEECHER'S GUEAT PAPER. "Tilt. ,111:1•111\ UMON,.. With I. filch F. (ALIVE,. ANA. , jwtb and world rerufaked work of Art. ALI:8,11W NEIIuLU ENtaltAVINf. ur IV.VI,4I[INC.Irf 'N. bc'et yaprr tint! 4rara1..41 ca. A4.11+ report ta.0.1r1,7 Fl. m b,•: &isles uael,r {lwo boo:- cd pr. ,1•• other, In, le or female. •Linl;.l 20! 1. • cop] of paper aOd fulk floaprv,relehlfi Lv.101,%04. v there I. wore Inewee • .1. IL ilClarAl IJ. Pulii..•:ter. w11.1,.1i.r., • . =1 THE NEW ARTICLE OF FOOb ( 4 - Your nrugYiat or eirofar,akohr : , rj .S'EA 1:1121SE, fitted front pure Iris/i Mos.( or (turn (/ern, ichh.h trill Bloke ekteeners.rt.toi Mane Arrows, am! ('tear d•, Crstto• , lotte &v. It cheape,i, (tied t food ill the world. Plantation Bitters THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY! MINLEYttOiNcLWINt 51' -,4"1/Letki,;(;•ol-••• efts-rms... I I ruhr and cull& otocklt. FI:1:E A t.'r.•• LEY KNITTINti lONE c V . 'mar '0.. 0 . 1:4 14,:arlcs.u.• N. Y. _ VINEGAR WORKS, Ballou &Ad:1,111:" 1117, 16M. 109 uud 170, Second .kreinte, l'iltd,urglu, . Are now prepared to furnit.llel. 0 the Low I.:AT 31.%11KET it 'I Att'"" is particularly eulltal t 9 our EXTRA 3VINE n pr`2o;:tin 1:13=1 $9.11 . 1€3[11).t.1" RAND SEA MOSS FARINE CO IMIMIS S. T.-1800-X. E, 11.1"1:41:Litull