Advertisements are Inserted at the rate o f st,oo per squire forlizit insertion, and for each subsequent insertion 61:1 oonta.' A•liberal discount made on yearly ad vortisemeuta. A apse° equal to ton lines °[M& typo lIICOUTOS a square. business Notices set under a head 'by themselves . Immediately OW the local norm, will be charged ten cents a line f,,x• each insertion.. - • • • • , Advertisements' should be' handed In hewn Monday noon to Insure Insertion in that s ommil j nom 'eck'ai;ra mmonn ii mmi Business Cards:. ' • JOHN C. LEVIS. torgeou & Why. Velchum.-01Bes, dub* Ore nay. 21:Dunlap's cmr; in Matt stay tembleues Water week u r idgewater, - 14111piactioe Minna mailed.. lelne. Imarikkrool spin JO UN a YOIUNIth dittorwry at law, nearer, Pc Oillat and redolence oa Third bt. rNit of the Court Noose; All law alebague imp. tea to my nue than metre prompt allenUon. Alse among twine Real „Mate for of end Owe alining to boy town property, mai or Yana Linde, MU save dine and money by minus at my °elm aprinly T O 7 It: IV, tt lett PAilllge.ligmagupemnanetlte. der his profesdonal services to the chimes ter and surrounding coun. flpeclal at pmd to the treatment of female di/mem. forgery dote With• *MIMI band. Once on Third street, few doors West of the Court Rouse. spenr'llrem J J. LNDRIUSON• harms taken bold Pa of his old Foundry again, In Rochester, ~ till lee pleased to meet Ids old customers and friend , who may want either the BEST COOK. I Nti STOVE, Resting Stove, or any otter kind of castings of best materbd workmanship. The bolner4 will be conducted by jey:tfj J. J. ANDERSON &SONS. IITILLIANI BARNES, dealer In Boots , hhoes, Batters, Blippersote., nest door to B'arter's Tin shop, Bridge street, Bridgewater, I'a., where ho Is pre to manulieture and sell •ery thing in his 'treasonable rates Uwe , leg removed ids of hotness from the cot* ,4 near the - 11Mo to, Ids present location, be biz hi old Mends 'and patrons to g4re him a “ii. ' • • iz.r.utaiu AtWfvu/AtgW.- umeehildri Klnley b p lug, east Of bllc Bcittare. mar 31:17. T t CA MENION, Attorney at Law 0 Beaver, Pa. , Ottlee in the room for• inerly occupied by the bail Judge Adima. Col lections, ac., promptly atteded to. Jeweler, Sd street, Beaver, M. (In • room adjoining J: r. Wilson's 019ce4 (told watches and chron ometers repaired and warranted. Engraving mine lo order. The patronage of the public ts „niched, and ..atlefactioteguaranteml. Give as a VW_ . sot trikaut. lIINKYASERZ, Dealer In Boots, Shdiv,. slippers and Gaiters. Hoop and shoes made i..order. A long experience in the business ena -111..r hint to do work in a superior manner. Terms bioderate. Shop on Third wee' (near Her. bill- Si's Bookstore), Bearer, N. (Ave him a call b, lore putchaising elsewLere. upr;,istelily H. HUILST, Notary Public, Con veyancer and 'unmet, Agent. Dee ds and Agreements written and acknowledgements taken, de. Having been duly commissioned asAgent foe ,terai gnu class insurance' Companies, repro wilting the Fire, Life, Accident, and Lire Stock Departments, is prepared to take risks and write policies on the most liberal terms. &leo, agent ,r the "Anchor Line" of drat class Ocean Steam. red la . Tickets sold to and from all ports in Eng lan Ireland ScoUand,Germany end France. ace lu Lears brick row, Diamond, Itochester. nprftffei - - 1.11 HAVER SEMINARY AND INSTI- L) TETE wit open Its Spring Session March 31s 1810; 11ev. U..T. Taylor; Prineipal assisted by six able Instructors in the different Departments. Clarissa are being conducted, now, In (Rear., latish PranCh and Oarsman. Thu Principal is a snecesaftsi Lecturer and Eaperimen. ter with his Apparatus, Philosophical and Chemi cal. Music on the Piano and Organ taught by a Professor and vocal music by a succiashil vocalist. The Institution is flourishing, and is no arperl merit ; and it is determined by those having the direction of It that It shall stand in the van of Aca demie* and Seminaries, w It has done confessedly for ten years. Address— REV. U. T. TAYLOR. Deaver, Pa. mar.2.lf WA GON FOR SALE.—The undersigned has a Two Horse Wagon, in good run- Mug order. which he will sell low for cash. or ex change fur a good hors.. Also IL good cultivator for role. J. C. MOULTEIL :matt( Bridgewater, Pa. ARTIFICIAL • TEETH PERFECT. ED I— T. J. ft. 11. J. CHANDLER have par chased the exclusive right of Beaver county . • to use Dr.Stuck's Patent • , , - by which they can put &/A 14 upAul i car t ilte e t i t t h tiln ne eoo' LivS.l•ll• :Val ena n n e iered and so Ight and elastic as to Perfectly adapt Itself to the mouth; obviatin all that clumsy and bulky condition, en much complained of heretofore; and lessening their liability to break 100 percent. In deed, no one seeing it would be willing to wear the old style plate any totter than they could conven iently get them exchanged. All branches of Den tistry performed In the hest and most substantial manner. In filling teeth with gold, etc., we Oil. lenge competition from any quarter, and can refer i to living subjects whale Miners have stood ite tween thirty and forty years. Among the number Hoe. John Allison will exhibit fillings we Inser ted some SS years ago; the teeth no perfect ea the ally they were filled. Laughing Hes prepared on a new plan, !melt:kit frontatt nspleseentand den. gamut effects., staking the sanction of teeth a sourcdof Diesentre ratbee ths4of horror and Inn. Prices so low a. lor-Itood ORMI g . the IMAM. Office at Beaver Station, Rochester J. &H. J CHANDLER. BUYERS, LOOK HERE.! The ondenilcnod, thankful for past favors would rci.iii•cifully Inform tho public that he hoe ono of Ow fluent 'elect lona of WALL PAPER, - WINDOW' SHADES, MOOR OIL CLOTHS, Etc., Etc„ be round in the county. llla twaort School, 1111seellancons and 111:11nlon. complete ; while no palm are spared o o h hut part t.l !Mike hla STATIONERY DEPARTMENT ~,l o ot to the best of City Establbiments. Ile Is du•etclasive agent for the celebrated FNuloy's Gold Volt, for this coUnty. Those seeking a good Gold Pen, would do well to ace them before purchasing. Ile Is the Agent for this county for finder's Photograpa alarrlage Certincato. The attention 111 Cleagymen Is respectfully called to thisois fie (An toll them at the same discount as they would . _ ;;et from 110 Phbllater. Atwater'. School Gov rommit for sal. at enhllober's AISO uo Wild, rOye nod Variety Uoodr, suitable 1..1 . all P 1.11,01.. J. 1 7 . 1.17.1C.1.1, 1.,1u:1y Broadway, New BrigLtoa. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, $30.00. The meet perfect machine yet invented. Will o hien and narrow, turn a heel - or point the toe. it will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stock men, dement, shirt', ne e dm. It to cheap, simple and durable. It sets up its own work, uses but ene needle, and requires no edit:wain whatever. 11 will do the came work that the Lamb machine will do and coots less titan half as much o u t has net the tenth port of the machinery} to my out of Order. Circulart and samples maned fret on Rip petition. Agents wanted. All machines guar anteed. NTRAW, dc MORTON, I=! No. Sj Sixth Street, l'lttsbargh 14 u ,v2lay. N E \V BOOT& SHOE STORE, N 131_,OCIC, 1)1.1)10N IfOCIIESTEIt, PENN'A ['he UndersignetE, Isn't : lng taken the rr Room formerly occupied by !4.1.4.; wA.wr sr, WILSON Invites the attention of The Public Generally To big Stock of S - DOTZ, amouz, C)-aiterS & Slippers. Custom Mao Work liliPT CONSTANTLY ON lIAND. :Ur:DO:2>ZáLL 1W AND OF ;THE best, cALL AND BE CONVINCED that he sells as CIIF.AP AS THE CHEAPEST .1.111. MULLER. aprlO;ly • Diamond, Rochester. . , . - __ ____ I , T/I ... / 4 alt ;/. cil y t /'• i • _II h. `Wik :ITV • A lA'' '.' ''' ICI : I •• - : A iI. _3 4 . LI ,.. ,4. ' ; We ifl . ' lql ; tilt . 1 1 1 .1 . , , W i s ii . :l ; ! ,, ~t , , , L ' '"':. i . 41,4 ... tr?tr . f (..; i'Vy jil 4 .6 4r.4f i ; , , .01 4 ,1., 1 .) ' . ..,../ r . / : I / `;• / I 'T/^/ // /I A r•l' , IP Iti / I . APJ • ..v:..? r.),:... .., -.. .D. ... i , • t i ',, :, , . 4..00 u , 1/%4 ~.., / 4 ,/, I ; ,/,'/. t •• /1 I.: j; . , J; r 4 ; / ; /• j let./ ‹) I 4 Al e t 3 .v 1 ,A - ,1";: - . iv. - ..r: / '" 1 • v d'''• s : '.''/ • 0 .., . r _.-•,i -ii r 44 . /// .':/1/: i•i/.; ,I: •1; •,-,/..,1 iL h iii .., . ... , .. .... ,iii F ... ...., ,- ,,-.l7.psit' 1 W .41. fa .......f• '.. :t:i / I 4/..; • .1' /4 ''; `1: :11 - ./r1 -' 41 11 G , " '''t, " • . ' . . '.. c i . ) P • , 1 ' '''' ;11:' )., .., ..,. i t /: 41/1 'l': ..........., ......-.../...... •''' .fq i. f. '' L f .I r ' • Beaver Ta - !teams r' 111108 7 • 1, _%%.,,;..„., ~ ,I . ."- --- - Miscellaneous. 1 , : I. lt , 94,:::1 ,A , t! . . z o , y • 1 0/91141,M , ,n y , y S a r . ~ , ~. --- .; ', - .; • !•ultitliriblisoilintidrifiT . cct.tior uninia. -IL F i f i KP V 4 I4 * IL. - 11:„ A l t -* - STOVES iki -.. E. ', - •,;'' •.► i. Vol. 4)2•40=113. .Miseel&meows. • THE SUEZ CANAL ! WHILE the World is more or less ex• VV ereised over the opening of the Suez Canal, the In Beaver and vi. deity, should not lose sight of the fact that S. SNITCHER & .Co. At their old stand In Beaver, Pa., are still furnishing to their customers everything called Ibr in their line. They always keep a full assortment of • ' ItOCERIES • Pour, Feed, Cbffees, 2kas, &gars, Spices, Tobacoo and Cigars; And all other 'articles usually found Ina First Class GROCERY STORE. From their long and intimate acquaint. ante, with the Grocery, Flour and Feed business, and their disposition to render satisfaction to those who may favor them with their patronage, they hope in the fa. tura, as in the past, to obtain a liberal share of the public patronage. Give us a Call and ace if wo do not make at to your in- Wrest to call again. juns. S. SNITGFA & CO: New Firm! Ne:kids!! O'Leary 8.1,, Singleton, 14S Federal St., ALLEGHENY, PA., have Just received a large stock and splendid assortment of liuleY and l'ariety'oods, Notions, Children'stbrriages, lbys, Holsky-Ilarse Owls, &e., IVllich they are selling at Reduced Prices To JOBBERS and the RETAIL Trade We übike n Spiel;lly of LADIES' SATCHELS, FANCY BASKETS, AND CHILDRENS' CkItItIAGES O'LEARY dc SINGLETON, aprl3;ly.l 14$ Federal SL,Alleglieny. Pa. BEAVER ' DRUG STORE, 1 -14 , 1 'q 1 4 YkIiPiIkAPPAP Drugytst & Apothecary, JEfkl A.VETEL. PLN N DEALER IN ' URE llaugs,wmasjggsms, PAINTS, OILS,V * AENISIIF.S, DYE- STUFFS, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, 4tc. &e. ello/00 1r 114 GROCERIES, CtUDE AND REFINED OILS LAMPS &' LAMP CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, &C., )f the greate.4 Variety, and at the LOWCS 114AVEt T1,:111111W1/1, rhysicians' l'rowriptions carefully nd scientifically compounded at any lime ay or night. M - Agents for Falinestock, ilaslett and Scliniirtz's Strictly Pure White Lead, the oldest and best brand in the market, at sintuutlicturers' [flea's. The Celebrated Wilson Shuttle Sewing M AC II IlSi STITCH! STITCH!! STITCH!!! Stolz—please, and don't ruin your eyes and con ati [ellen by bending over theelow prosrreei of that needle, but nave the all Imo health, fime and money by procuring a flee t clansrtant Sewing Moe/line, one that molten the celebrated leek stitch, alike on both aides. and does all kinds of work; lineal, dur able and simple Its construction: rune very light: Is easy to operate ; received the drat diploma at the late fair; Is giving the best of initialisation to Its perchasers: warranted for three years!. and price only $4O. Such an OM/ Is 711 e Celebrated Wilton Munk Sewing Machine. For farther particulars call at the °Moe. one door below I. N. Atkins' lint Store, Beaver, Pa., or address., for testimonials, cir culla*. sic.. S. J. AN DRUMM. Agent, markklyl Bearer, Pa. SLATE THE _ TWIN ! 46x.xrNir SLATE COMPANY . Are prepared to faralah Builders or Slater', their Very Dark Blue Moral Superior Roofing-Slate, From their own quarries loaded In Northampton county, Pa.. AT WARM PRICES. Samples may be seen, and communications ad dressed to E. L. GOODWIN, Agero .1. N. IMIALLENIIIIRGIER, Pres% Office: BREWER'S BUILDING, DuquEssz WAY, earner Eighth Hi, Pittsburgh. Ps., Thomas Allison, HAWIII REMOVED HIS STORE TO BEAVARIE• Plll4 In the Rooms formerly occop*l by Ore & Cooper, where he now has and intend. keeping • ~ General Stzick d Having received from the East, within a few days past, a line selection of DRY - GOODS, Or THE L.atest Spring Styles, CONSISTING IN PART OF • " • " POPLINS, ALPACA; Do LAMB, GINORAMS, CHECKS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS. JEANS, COTTONADES, DINIMS, FLANNELS, CRASU, HOSIERY, &c., &c, BOOTS 4; SHOES, HARDWARE, SHOVELS, MEI HOES, TUBS, BUCKETS, QUEENS WARE, &c. To the above articles lie has added a choice selection of C3-B.,OCHITLIMS: COFFEES, WIHTE & BROW*, SUGARS, 'MOLASSES, TOBACCO, All the above uttieles will he seld 19w for cash, otterchtinsed for cottntry. 4 pro• duce. Call and ' , examine his stock and riffs. 'TliolllAS ALLISON. ' r'2o '70.1y w i g hton Paper Mills -BEAVER FALLS, PEtIA. PRINTING, 3LiNNLpLA, ROOFIWC BAILING, Hardware, Clamm, Straw. RAG AND CARPET r" AL 1 2 M RB. , idiANLivAcTir-ruED AND SOLD Art Wholesale * Retail by Frazier, Metzler &Co., Si Third A . PITTEMI7IIcII. 121 Y -liege Uiten In enduing°. Waikr.ort:M4l/ Pa,p; • Tpa, 4414 Wholesale and Retail, Mop Brown, While h Satin Pnpero, NEW AND BEAUTIFUL. Pape'r`ifi)uktw Otatains erery variety GOLD BORDERED SHADES . . OD Cloth Shadee,Flaitt and Figored; BUFF AND WHITE HOLLAND: ALL AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER BE YORE OFFERED. THOS. PAL3LER St CO 01 Wood Se,between 4th & sth Avenue 'Ad door below Diemond Alley, PlMiuet, Ps. taadr3m. 'TY a 34 al za. Ell ra A. 1,1, PAPER. WINDOW SHADES 130()KS, STATIONERY, &c TILE LARGEST, CIIEAPEST AND BEST assortment of these Go.xls that has ever been brought to the city. Call and examine before purchasing, and be con vinced, at F. E. WELLS & CO'S.. .0, 1011, FEDERAL STREET. ILLEGHENY CITY, PENN'A septls;ly.Feb.dClitl Carl Dank Deeds for sale at the Assam °Mee. oa6f/ The Most Complete Business Co lege in the United States, Affording facilities for acquiring ■ thorough,prac- Scat bueinces education, porscescd by no other School In the country. Since its Incorporation In In% Dearly Sizteen Thousand Students, representatives from every State In the Union, have attended here. No vacations. Students enter at any time. and receive private instruction Ihtoughonl the entice course • N. ll—Circulars with fall particulars and all ne cessary information. on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals. Prrrsauson, Pa. „tanltly. Wall Paper. illka 3, 4:llinilSl SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES At the Old Stand, (i , br 25 Years.) No. 59 Smithfield Street, Second Thor from Fourth Avenue, PiTZSBURGII, PA We call the attention of our former pat rons and the public generally that we are now prepared to'supply them with a tre mendous stock of WALL PAPE superior quality and excellence, at low er prices tlum can be had at aoy other Baiablishment East or West CHURCHES, LODGES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Furntshed nt the wry lowest rates. Particular Attention Paid to the 'Wholesale Department, • CALL AND SEE US. aprrAtn] - J. SI I UDLE & SON BRIDGEWATER, PA: • If/ WANLY RECIIMIN 0 A FRESH BOITIT OF 00011$ INMOLL OF TEX FOLLOW NO DRY GOODS. Steubenvillo Jeans, Cualmeres and SaUlnets. White Woollen blankets, White and Oolordd and • . Barred Flannels„ Martre" • Delalnes, • • .'olngbants, " " Cobergs, 1 Lawns, 1 Water Proof/4. . Chinchilla. • Cloths. Woollen filhawli Brown and Black ' Drillings, Tlekings, Prints, Canton Flannels, Joconets, Table Linen, Irish Linen, Critsh,' Counterpanes. Hosiery. Gloves & lilts. PRINTS, TWEEDS, Groceries, SPADES, Coffee, Teae , Sugar, Molasses, White SllserDrips. Golden and Common syrups, Mackerel in bar. refs and kite, Star and Tallow Candles, Soap, Spices and Minna Meat. Also, SALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, TEAS Dar Locks. Door Latettes, Hinges. Berms. Table Cutlery, Table sad Tea Bpoons, Sleigh Bells, Cad Boxes, Fire Sboteb and Pokers. Nails and Glass. Spades, Morels. 5, and 4 Tine Posts. Bass. Scythes and Bombs, Corn and Garden Hoes. SYttUPt3 SPICES WOODENWARE. Buckets, Tab., Churns, Butter Prints and Ladles SO APB, &c. CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil do White Lead. Boots 'and Shoes LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDRESS' SHOES, In great variety. Rifle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Flour Feed dc Queeneware. 11 heavy goads delivered free of charge By close attention to baldness. and by keeping eawbuttlyee baud a well assottedetnek of goods or all the dllibrent kinds usually kept ta • country store. the undersigned hopes to the future se la thepan to trarltand receive • liberal Bute of the public patroness. B. ded3llB:l7.—Jftehad. ICE CREAM SALOON AND The undenbrned having bought ad tn._ Cream Saloon and Confect Weary ntablldlmml J. C. Hays. near the Post omee, In Itocheeter. wed.d respectfully inform the patine-that Keep tie beat quality at Rea Ce. during the Summer, and la want of that Enda to girl i erlt lila coafectlaalaythlpsatmealt-ittireUe wad wedahate. de., will be mpl ai Oar retkanitei dFamilies furnished with fresh build a. desired. GEOlituit &MEDIUM mayllay 3L 33 L. im • tti 11:4 I:4 ›.. ri t..,c MANUFACTURER MtIONITILC M NM S, Head and Poet Stones, Marble and Stone Posts FOR CEMETERY LOTS. AU Goods belicesed ki:ee Chitrge. You can rely on al! : abds being fre.ab, as all our old goods imen, Bold at auction. !MMus from SO to so percent. Lem I SPEVEEER SON!S t nprl3;tc Wo have now on hand the largest selection of Monuments and Head Stones that have ever been offervi for sale in this county ; which we am than they can be had in the cities. or bought front Agents traveling... agents generally misrepresent both as toquality of marble and the sine of work contacted for. • Persons wishing anything in our line will please call and examine oar work snd prices before par ehming elsewhere, and see what they pro buying, and get what they buy. ftradstones always on hand. froarattira. DRUGS DRUGS &I MEDICINES •1"1=1:11:7191133E118 1 W. BITECHLING German Apothecary and Druggist! IN .THE DIAMOND, ROCHESTER, Keeps constantly on hand a well selected i stock of PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMES AND SOAPS, Medical Purposes. Cigars and Tobacco, Crude and Refined ' I Sole agent fur Dr. Betzers Patent Trusses. • I All kinds of Trusses will be delivered on short notice. Physicians prescriptions will be filled at sil hours of day and night. lOWA share (ipaftionvewici.tedii. ft , ip 1 0 , 14 v, ik: . C9PPer i•Y lk i A heet ; 4 •^ • y ; --, , 7 77 .77 r itt;T1. ; -r ireepes entopiegtotlibinietaw.- 1 1 9.. re -irtitxtat,as, GeateSCoo ,04?)VeS ;•.; • 1 . fraftC,..l 2 1:.; . Dope to Order pier ' able '' ParticularAttention•Paidtik lob Work. • • - .-41;1?$ . Shop on the lower'eni!ii Mittll Street, Call and kxamino,pgr ?dock before purchasing elsewhere,, t; - rsuarlOar Reducel4rices! WITH A LARGE AIbEE . GY HOGGS, ?' • " Bought st the' • -t Lowest Cash . Price's, Anil will sell stow Goods AS LOW AS BEFORE- THE WART Censisting of Dry 421einditienveries. Firo - Hanisoury BliaseestJA_Booui and Sheen. Ropiwthinm, Tacking , Tarn, Iron, Nair Pilots, White Lead, OiVlNitty; Queeturwli- 1 loW-w 1 I _ , Grain 4 lirrd'' I 'r 1 At Pittsburg Pricesl 200 Kegs Wheeling Nails; ONE CAR,WIIitE LIME; : Land Hailer, and Akron ans,d ; A Large Stock of . I • White Lead aid Pai~its A very superior quality of St ruint it Wet zera Soakis; and a lot of Carbon Oil Just Arrived and for sale, 'Wholesale and Retail. I ALSO, PURE CATAWBA, ISABELLA :.*1 !Ai PAINTS, OILS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR ITSI2I ALSO On 'tenon Japtwiatiid!...) PRESSED MEM Kept ConstatittrOo,llod Beaver Speyerent Sons Have,just Returned from the East Retail, —and— Concord Wines, Of our own vintage, for 'Medicinal] and Sacramental Purixsuss, are highly Re. commended by li),10 who 'lava used them. , They nn: also Agents hir the KNIFFEN MOWER OW REAPER, And Pitt. Nat. Plow Cq'a. Plows.l Thanking the Public for their pass pat ronage. we hope to merit a liberal share In the future. moonss , Darliatils• . 4 N B y A it , . May be foend the beirsurnetat'ol DRTE 2 e 42. 1 Oiiie '!s 0 i=t.r..llMaq.kLaS, PAR! i.ISU , URSA And I.tranOien,) .1P n. nt, ss,, Oil w, AND •• DYE STUFFtq TOILET AHTICLEts, SOAPS . I Etrt..Uolll4. PATHNT MBDICINkS . I , , , In great ...MV e, all of the beet, quality, an d sold cheaper than eau be bought at any other . Drag Store to the . I meaty. L.:warm). Female ciuttper umrs lg. Thel MUc wi* Lti 3 LANT !BNB, STAT n IONERY. WINDOW t PEPTIT. Ever oefed outride of the elly.ed • Moonea E and mold cheaper than am be booed any. store else. let thole who doubt this all eta eau sad they wilt doubt no more. ; • i1d71117 J. lIMX6II. ===2l •. , Yifeddrr.r4 .U 0 bai sp. • - • Lod bet a belplie Mud, ." - belie abusb bre soul wig!: bum tio ibis awl stead; libliesoblittbos pin tar boldly by, ~:;ChirUag doe tip of twist Itware bolter, maths Ali; to ity thaw moo 0:Oro. A Wks ddert'• To bet speak, • talst tby soul; ' • itibs sit straw, so, bets the watt, • liar bleatbig boort tobads. • Ten bet Ott tbos wilitis • bind: Make listit the bony load, , And (hi bet robe Lo :hi sad . . otY 11x11 isask, tonne's • ' ' sbo ulnae Mon ors what men may say ' Of one they deem too kr, t She suety Y not war than they; BONO on %all made her in; ,-...80me man will luring wotdm beguiled • ' Ike Into all sad alone; Satan man bit lanonnece denied, '. And stole let 'Wants ilim,. • And .he Is left to mourn &lone— L' . To ifiata her Ufa In trait. Ur: drain ornapplam tai flown, not dirk Utirscorkl appears I Astratil !Dinar—arid to die; V 6 1 4.4112 taktotrtnelt plat— • -ller lnudesedipleit lowa to fly Dram God's Atmlighkr wrath. A &Zen abler I img she's Wei Omani where others ellett Her eery wesluhwe semis a sin, Her belpleuseeea crime. What though 'Fhb stns beg sent be died? DM hot tbe tbantstwilow From the hartowce wounded aide 'To mike theta is d snow? Then, ctwistlan, kqa thr tlyealc words of /tope and dair ; . And Amw than wilt he wall repaid. ,- 7f thou drfsi a moan,' er's flu. tell her of thitlore Dlvlnei! Uft the wall nit down And lbrnakb eternity Was A'star upon thy crown. SELECT MISCELLANY. --= - - - PAPA DORLA IPS DSCISION. - "I suppose she will 'marry some time or other, and perhaps after all she will be as well off to marry now as to wait half a dozen years.' Old •Mr. Dorian turned the letter over In his hand and looked at the pretty blonde in the easy chair oppo- site. - It would be hard to give her up, but with either of these two men he felt that she would be happy. Waits Harley wrote: Mu. DORLAN:—Fortnauy months I have felt a deep Interest in your daughter, and am bold enough to hope that my affection Is in a degree returned. .1 am not tirich man, but I havea fair business, and strength, and my wife would have a certaunty of the love and respect of an honest man. With your permission I would be pleased to call upon you. • Respectfully yours. WEST HARLuv." Clarence nillsdale wrote: Meat am deeply and sin. cerely in love with your daughter. 1 propose to make her my wile with your consent. 31y name, position and means are well known to you. I await your reply. Yours, CLARENCE HILLSDALE." ' him ; were little dollarso re,.but, mward were ty great banking house of the Hillsilale Brothers. Everybody knew Clar ence, the younger to be a thorough man of business and a gentleman. He drove his handsome bays with grace and ease, but never with realest- MSS. He gave .a supper now and then, when champagne and Maderia flowed like water; but he went to his chamber with a clear eye and steady hand, without even the faint est breath of tobacco perfuming his clothes. Men found him always at his post, with his fair face flushed with health, and not a truce of disst pation wrinkling a single feature. It was hard to choose between them. Perhaps Ruth could choose. So ho spoke: "Ruthie, come here!" i She come , with her well-bred, graceful step, and leaned over his chair. "Well, papa?" "Read Ouse." He gave her the letters and she read them carefully over. A blush stole up, mantling brow and check when she concluded West Harley's letter, and at the end of Hillsdale sia delighted exclamation escaped her. "You cannot marry both. Which shall it be?" "Papa, I don't know. I used to really love,West, until Clarence canoe; but now—well, Clarence is rich and stylish, and yet West Is— good and true. You shall decide." "And you will abide by my deci sion ?" "With all my heart, papa." - Ruthie went back to her easy chair, and gave the matter up entire ly to papa's superior judgment, and he, with quite us much If not u de gree or so more anxiety than he had felt at his own matrimonial settling, sat back and reflected. Honesty and truth were Jewels sel dom found, but with money and power on the other side of the scale he wad a little afraid they !kould sink into nothingness. "Well, I will wait. Some way shall revolve the truth Of the matte - and know into whose htuids to place the happiness of my little Ruth." "Do you know young Harley?" he asked a neighbor. "Yes. Bless you, who don't? lie is one of our solid young men." "Do you know Hillsdale?" "0 yes. He's another. One of the best fellotvs in the city." So there It was. Both were per fection. Ruth liked both, and so did he. He could not choose between them. These letters arrived on the second of December. On the fourth each gentleman received a brief note from Mr. Dorlall, With a few pleasant but unsatisfactory lines. He would con sider, he said, and give them his answer, if they would! wait with pa tience. On the twenty-fourth there was a fair at the church. It was magnifi cent from its foundation, and its ob. Ject was to decorate with greater splendor the already splendid edifice. Fair young gists, with confection eiy at ten dollars per bite, and dainty useless knick-knacks priced at five times their rind value, besieged every visitor, and he was whard-hearted creature who could resist the touch of the white hands, and pleading glances from soft eyes, and sweet en treaties of "do buy this, you know you need it. Please do?" Mr. Dorian was there, and his little Ruth the proprietor of a table well filled with worsted nonsense silken cushions, bead-work, smoking-caps and slippers, and many a close-fisted fellow laid a bill upon her table and carried away a trinket, as well satis fied as though he had got double his money's worth. Clarence Hillsdale was there, sad so was West Harley, and Papa Dor. lan whispered: [ 1 "Ruthle, you'll never have a bet- tei.°l 4 e ' And Rathinithd led. They did not stay. IlWay a moment longer than atlquette demanded. As boon as the* ccatitllntme an excuse, they'asinteredlthiardlier tablet. - Of cause thegweee uotjestious, for each other's motives wens unknown, and they met as well-bred men do, and idler WO:icing tlwir, , salutations to Bute. fell into an easy eonvesvatism. "Theme are pretty articles,".. said Clarensr,lakitcup a pair. of velvet *tippets., "Did you make them, Miss Osaka?" "Yes. I have but those .two pair left; won't you take .a pair? They must be exactly your sire." ."Yes. I believe they are. What do you expect in return?" ".My price as yeti Heels ten dollars, but in a ease like thb, we trust more to the generosity of the purchaser." She add this with a charming - ensile, and he placed a little roll of bills in her band. "You. will, take the remaining pair, will you not, Mr. Harley?" she asked while doing up a bundle.. "Yes;". and West Harley tendered his offering. , Some one else came up Just then, and they turned away. leaving Ruth for a, moment with her father. "0! rapt!" "Wlutt is It?" "Bee what ageneruus soul Clarence Hillsdale has. Five hundred dollars for a pair of slippers! And Wed -01 how mean !" "How much did ho give you?" "Ten dollars only." • "Well, that waa your price, and a pretty steep one, too, considering the filet that they did not coat more than one-half that sum." "I know, but think how great the contrast between their gifts. Why I'd given more, after what was said, 111 had been Obliged to pawn my boots." r. "West Harley, is more sensible," was papa's shoYt reply. They went away, each bearing a pair oTslippeni wrought by her dear little fingers, and each ,within his heart hope enough to make him hap py, and , Ruth lost her chance to study her two lovers. Long, before the dose of the even ing l'apa Dorian got,. sleepy, and started for home. Ruth was in good hands, and he was too tired to stay there and standthe heavy . demands upon his purse and patience, so he found his overcoat and furs in the anti-room and.primengy was trudg ing along towards . his comfortable mansion. . A little figure passed him ut the block, and under the light from the street lump; he recognized West Hurley. He was In a hurry, and with a little of curiosity Papa Dorian hurried too, and kept quite near. All at once ho disappeared. Papa ►h►rian rubbed his eyes. Where in the world did he go? Ah! There was a grocery store on the corner. Possibly he. might have gone in there. A few steps more, and Pupa Dorian was peering In at the glass door. Y(4, hi...WM there, nod so the cirri osity box outnide watched and wait ed. It was for a long while, for this strange young man was superintend ing the tying up of mysterious pack ages, and finally the rolling out of a barrel of flour. "Whatin the world is the fellow buying groceries for? He don't keep house!" thought the watcher at the door, as West took out his , packet bookruld paid a bill on the counter. • • articles must be delivered to-night," he said as lie opened the door. "All right, sir!" Well, Papa Derhin looked after the tall figure as it sired out of sight, and began to think it a decidedly myste rious affair. "I may get myself into trouble, but, I'm bound to solve this mat ter,' and straightway he walked into the store "These articles are to be delivered to-night." "Yes, sir." "Where?" "At No, :.14 "Could you give me a ride around ehad Z 21 there?" "0 yes." The answer uimo promptly, but the grocer's eyes look ed wonderingly at the linely-drl gentleman. It was a long ride and by no means a plea&utt one, for it ran through narrow streets and alleys, and, ended in a low but clean little court.' "Here you are, sir, at No. 213. lialloo there! Mrs. Martin." The door of No. :.!S swung open, and a woman pate and poorly cla n w "Here's a load of goods for you." "For me? There must be a mis take." "Not a bit of it. Take a parcel or two, and I'll run in with the rest." l'apa Dorian, eager to see the whole, caught up a bundle, and ran up stairs behind the wondering wo man and the grocer. It WWI a poor little room, as seat' as wax, half with freshly yaro ks, and its ppri ress, a pale, meek-fact-4d woman, Ix, tug the marks of poverty upon every linea ment. Two children from their supper of timid and milk, looked at the stranger, and hailed the apples, us the grocer rolled theta into a basket with a shout of delight. "Did you buy these, sir?" said the woman, turning to Papa Dorhtn. "No ma'am. I did not. But I know who did. Do you know West Hurley ?" "Yes, Ileaven - bless him ! I do his washing, sir. Did he send these?" "Yes, ao did." "Is everything here ? barrel of Sour, live pounds of sugar, one of tat, Avti of , coffee, four of butter, a bag of tuft, .two bushels of potatoes, a bushel of apples, crackers, raisins, and a bag of cakes !There all here hi the book. It ins all right ?" "Yes, sir, they are all here." "Come, sir, are you going to ride back with me ?" 'Yes. V/nit a moment.: Here toy good woman, is a little help to you. I must not be behind Harley, God bless him ! way he have a fam ily's washing to pay for before an other Christmas.' And Papa Dor ian hurried out and again mounted the grocer's wagon. It was very late when Bath arriv ed In the carriage of a' frtend, at her father's door, but lute as was the hour, she found her respected parent in the library. "Why, papa! Are you awake?" "Yes, and I have something to. tell you. Do you remember that you promised to abide by my decis ion In chasing between your two ad mirers, Harley and Hillsdale ?" "Yes, , . "Well, I have decided. Marry West Harley." "Why, Papa Dorian." "You know you love him best. If you don't, you will when you hear my story." Ruth folded her handsiover papa's knee and listened while lie related the incident of West's generosity.. When ho concluded she said: "Papa send for him. I gun SUM I love him best." Next day the two gentlemen re ceived their replies. bock tea, Ported w his th a k n a d penned smile illuminating his handsome Clarence Hillsdale coolly twisted his, and lighted his cigar with It and went out for a smoke. IT1'11•7. 0 r V:, Established 1818. Deferred .Artieles. baby, wrapped In a *bawl, was found lying on a heap of sand near the Church Ran bridge, at, Titurville, on last Thursday. —O. It. Thompson of Butler, was se verely bitten by a dogs few lays The dog noised film by the arm and tore It seriously. The boy Ia Improvitn& —A man unread Brock was lodged in jell at New Palladelphla,O., for shooting and wounding a man named Minions. at Chtickviille, Tummies' Co; —Oar Monday morning hat, during the heavy thunderstorm, the covered bridge scram the Mahoning river at Ifahoning town win struck by llghtn log and slight ly damaged. . • ' —On , Sunday night last, during the storm, a German living on the hill aide, near the "narrows," In Union township, Lawrence county, were nearly flooded out by the current of rain dash ing down that:dn. —A man named Burgews madding 1 or 4 miles north of Now Philadelphia, 0., had thirteen sheep killed by lightning on last Saturday - morning, which bad taken refuge from the storm under a chestnut tree. • - —W. W. Eichbautu, member of Bat tery 13. who waa Injured In a staeeintll belonging to himself and brother. at Spartansburg, Ciawford county, about two months ago, is still obliged to carry Ma arm in a tiling and unable to work in thelnill. 1; —The barci of Mr. ifenfin,of Clearfield p., was struck by liklitnlng on Monday set and entirely destroyed,together with ho horses, cattle, dm. This is a severe loss and will fall heavily on Mr. Rocklin. —The hands on the West Pa. Railroad In Butler county, were paid off on last Tuesday, and several fights occurred In consequence of imbibing too frequently of atricbnine and rainwater, called whis key. —The man Reynolds, who was nit Ming from Now Quad°, turned up Thursday morning last. Ho had been sick, and was not in his right mind. lits friends found him hear Portersville, Butler county, un his road home. He could give no account of himself, only that he had been in Butler. —On Thursday but the dwelling of Win. Wilson, of North lteaver town ship, Lawrence county, was burned to the ground—but little of the furniture was saved. The roof of the barn was on lire novena times and was with difficulty that It, together with a straw stack, near it, could be saved. --On Saturday last Catharine, Ciocker, of Neshannock township, Law rence county, was in Now Castle, deal ing at tho store of the Emery Brothers, on,the Diamond. She had gone out and was entering the store again when sho was struck with palsy and fell on the floor. She was taken toiler home whoro she now lies in n dangerous condition. —lime Butler Eagle says the heavy rains that fell in that vicinity on Sunday night of last week, resulted in a general overflowing of the low grounds, injuring bridges, washing out corn and other crops, and in some sections, bail neoom panied tho rain, doing considerable damage. -4)n Tuesday morning last, Nir. Wilkes' Wallington, while oiling ma chinery at the works oftlio New Castle Manufactnring Company, gut his arm caught between a pully and a fly wheel, and severely crushed. A gash was made to the bono on each side of the arm. ex tending almost from elbow to grist. —Sunday morning an Infant non of E. D. Whitlock, Principal of the Lover tiniou school, was Dully scalded. Its mother had brought In some hot water. and set it on the stand for a moment, till she could attend to something that re quired her attention, when the little fellow, not at yedr old, crawled up and °corset the tin cup, spilling the contents over his face and doWn his bosom. When the clothes were removed the skin came off Ids breast and his face is con siderably blistered. —A furious storm, accompanied by rain, wind, thundetj and lightning, pass ed over Mosiortown, Crwford county, on Monday afternoon. Trees were uproi.t ed, fences prostrated, and a horse lie longing bo Nelson Bigelow, was killed by lightning. So far as wocan learn, the storm was general, and resulted in more or less damage to every neighborhood of the county. • —The editor ot the Butler Herald is coming to a realizing sense ot Nitll3. tion, consequently there are hopes for him. We expect lie will MOOR nbaku hose from the Democratic party. Hear him talk : "It Is said there is no rest for an editor thiS side of the grave. True as preaching, but that does not trouble us much. /It is the other side that troubles 1114 most." hi last Monday morning a very severe storm of rain and wind pivesed over Butler, ye. Thu lightning was very sharp. Messrs. Borg et Graham's drug store was struck, but the damage w•as light. The electric fluid passed down along lido the chimney, tearing -tho roof somewhat but doing no other damage. —A very ntalignaut typo of typhoid fever is said to be raging in the vicinity of Meyers Mills, Somerset Co. quite a number of (albinos have been taken down in the vicinity oftho 3111 ht and Salisbury, several having died aml oth ers uot expected to recover. the physi cians of titatvicinity are kept busy day acid night visiting the sick. Those liv ing in that vicinity aro so fearful of the disease that it is almost Impossible to procure the necessary attention for the sick. —A young lady noticing a young man in the seat behind her, in an In di anapol is ch urch, thought she would faint away and let him catch her. She did so, and was curried out into the entry, when she opened her eyes to thank the young man, but found that the sexton, en old colored man, had carried her out. To say that she Was mad would be too mild. —The Livonians show no intention or giving way to the influences and wishes of the Russians party. After the petition of the Lundtag praying for permission to retain the old lan guage and laws of the province had been rejected, the Landraths met in a so-called amvent of Riga, and sub mitted a similar request to the Sm. resolved that teothnetennotbls with a t m t i l 1 ( 1 1 .4, 10 (" th e e?: n m o a ( n o to observe o be ffi y ci ttt d°lOcree.the copmtuvppinrlingshtrrnidt eeclealashod tiro festivals aocordiug to the ritual of the Church, l o ,rreoetes k tnn ery 9 ees tatuh o o n uld (h a ese tten du d tp s e . The Lantag's Marshal, who alone voted against the resolution, declared that he should not submit to it, and consequently took part in the Greek Catholic services of the 16th ult. Re was the only German who attended them.- On the sante evening the Landmths' convent assembled and requested him to resign his post Ile replied that he had been elected by the Landtag, and could not therefore consent to make! his actions depen dent on the pleasure of the Land raths, in spite of this, however, he resigned two days later. TEIE BEAVER ARGESI IS published every Wednesday In Ilse' old Argus bantling ou Third Stied. Bea ver, Pa., iga per year la advance. Communications on wildcats of local or generil Interest are respectfully ss. Belted. To Insure attention favors of tills kind mast luvahnbly ho alvvllnig nled by the name of tho author. IA nein and conununkidlotta should 1. attar...sod to J. WEYAND, Ilettvor,•Pa No Mace Like Muse. It is well to know that every true min of Massachusetts, wherever he may tarry, feels it _to be a duty to shine lie an annual dinner In com memoration of the Landing of tho Pilgrims. Home years ago, the Itev. Dr. Bethune happened to bo•prinent at one of these gatherings in a neigh boring city. Most at he party imperil-we New England men dth l. ority of the New England States to the rest of the Union was the text of Most of the speeches. At length, a hast4as given to which the doctor was railed to respond. lie began by saying that ho had been born, Wel lived, and expected to die In the Middle States. 13e admitted that they might be inferior to the Eastern States; but, for his part, he was con tented to remain where Providence had placed him.' While listening to so much eloquence in praise of Now England, from the lips of gentlemen who had.left it to seek fame or for- tune elsewhere, he had been remind ed of a story, which, with the per mission !of Llano ;invent, he would tell:— • Ainong the recruits sent. to the English army during UM Peninsular war were two-Sootchinen. They had been friends from childhood, had en listed In the sicme regiment, and they slept in the same tent. In the middle of the night Donald was awakened by loud groans from Sandy. Raising himself on his elbow, he called out— " Sandy ! Handy ! What's the matter wi' ye?" "0, Donald ! I'v -had a dream I" was the reply. "And what did ye dream, Handy?" "0, ikmald ! it was an awfu' dream !" "Did ,ye dream that we had a bat tle, Sandy?" "0, it was' waur ,than that, Don ald !" "Why, then, did ye drawn ye wen shot ?'! "Weer (lam that, Donald! Wair than that!" "Then ye maim late dreamed that the dell had- ye!" "Waur than that, Donald! A great deal waur than that !" "Why, Sandy, what eon be waur than that?" "0, lkmald! Donald! I dreamed AVM at !" Didn't Cateh the Train. The mast difficult thing says a cynical old inch,) in the world for a woman to do is to get ready to go anywhere. And there is nothing a woman will resent quicker or more fiercely than an intimation that she may possibly miss the train. Our friend Brayfogle gives us an instane: of this. Mr. Bray was supposksi to take the ten o'clock train on the Bee Line, to visit some relatives in an in terior town. Having suffered on previous OCCaSiOlli from injudicious suggestions, Bray thought that for once he would let things take their natural course. So he sipped his cof- - fee and eat his ego and toast, while madame curled and powdered and danced attendance on the looking glass, and tied hair on the track of her head. ' Then Bray sat by the stove for an hour and read the morning paper, while the nauhune still continued get reedy. At last, just as he had reached the final paragniplynadame tied her bonnet strings under her chin, took one long, lingering, lov ing look at the image reflected In the glass, and announced: "NVell; my den . , I'm ready." "Ready for what?" asked limy.. in well affected astonishmedt. "To go to the pepot, to be sure," said Mrs. Brayfogle, tartly. "Ole said Bray, "I had forgotten. Well, madame," continued he look ing at his watch "that train has been gone thirteen minutes. Just keep on-your things, and you'll be relay for the thin to-morrow . morning." We draw a veil over *bat follow ed.— Wt assured, however; that next morning Mrs. B. wasreatly an hour ahead of time. —A new style of ciirpet-bagging has beendeveloped in New York. A man with a wagon .calls at house; where clouting is in progress, and de claring himself "the Man sent for the carpets to be knit," proceeds to hag these useful articles and depart. • Thu town of Boehm, 3liss:, was somewhat damaged by the storm on Tuesday night of last week. Two churches in the course of erection were blown down, andjso the Ma sonic Lodge, which was lauded away bodily and the side bursted through. —Thu Cleveland Leader of Thurs day says: The headhs trunk of a man Wits found yesterday in the lake um: the pier. It had probahly lain in the water for sonic months, as It was In a state of decomposition, and the flesh in many parts worn off the bones. • —A Westsrn stump-orator, in the course of one of his•speeclies;remar ked: "If the ParsyliX ocean wor an inkstand. gentlemen, and the hull clouded canopy of heaven and the level ground of the earth wor a sheet of paper, I couldn't begin to write my-10% of eontry on it" —"Mary Magdalene had seven dev ils cast out of her. I never heard ofu 1/1(1/1 having seven devils east out of him," growled a eynicateld Irminger, In the course of a discussion on the "woman's+ sulfnwe." "So, they are nut cast out yet, 'I lyelieve,"'was tho quiet response of his fair antagonist. —A lady of the shoddy deieription whose recent ac q of wealth has not added to her intelligence, re cent v Temarki4l In regard to content plated unproveinents in her dwelling, that' she was not sure whether her husband intended to have a French . ' roof or a mortgage put on her house. —A prisoner, when milled upon by the magistrate for his defence, said: "I've ordered a lawyer for to-morrow and I hope your worship will be so good as to put it olf till Ito mines." "Why, what can - your lawyer say about it?" "That's what I want to ' know, your worship," said tlw pris oner. —"That bed is not long enough Mr me," said a very tall, gruff old Eng lishman, upon being ushered into his bed-room by an Irish waiter at one of our hotels. "Faith, an' you'll find itpliady long, sir when you get into it,'s'ivas the reply ; "for then there'll he two feet more added to it." Exit Pat, with a bootletehing up thertmr. —A country donsai Went honie ono evening and cumplainvd to his wife s t t hu ore t , b e e h i l i t a n d ie l f x u ln v. abti o r e l o d r o t z e n n a e t ig th h o . hors., he said, culled him a liar. Her' ow flashed with indignation. "Why didn't you tell hint to prove it ?" she exclaimed. "'That's the very thing— that's the trouble," replied the hus band ;."I told him to prove it—and he did prove it r ." -- " , • • —A speaker at' a meat woman suffrage meeting in San Franasco said: "Two girls from a high school went Into the country fur vacation. An opportunity Was afforded them to awn something during their holi days, the one as an assistant in the family, the other to help a farmer through harvediugAt befog difficult to hire men. At the end or vaattion they compared results. Tho house maid had worked sixteen hours per day, and was paid two dollarsa week while the one In the field, who ehad taken the place oCa man ' had work ed ten hours peiday at two dollars and a half per day. Mark the differ ence between the man ' swork and the man's pay, and woman's work and wontan s