The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 04, 1870, Image 1

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    Advialieinentiare inverted at Magda a
0(11,00 par *pram tar dot insertion, and l
for:each sublequent !martian la water 1
A liberal discount made 'On yearly ad
xortisoments. 0114
A space equal to ten lines of this type . •
measures a square.
Business liotiom set under a head by
themselves imm ed iately after the local • ...,
news, will be charged ten cents aline ' - -..----
for eseh iruserUon." .
Advertisements should be handed in Vol. 52—No. 18. ,
before Monday noon to insure insertion • , - Beaver ,
in th at woo, , .
Business Cards.
,Bliseetianeous. .
Miseelianeous. , . , . ..
' • Railroad& •
, • -
JJ. ANDERSON, baring taken bold of —.__..
tl hie old Foundry again, in Rochester, Pa.,
.111 be pleased to meet his old custom» and fp O.I2IIOIRAGANs
11 % 8, - - Ica BS II Its
friends who may want either the BEST CIX/K- & ts .
ISt; STOYE, Hcatkig Stove, or env other kind of PIM, WT.WAWIIIt ar anceoo RALLW.iT.
Casting" of beet material and workmanship. The SOCCIOISOR TO ,
...__Okaatt dm, -- N VithajliM&Selne V i.
hoelefte will be conducted by
jest ll J. J. ANDERSON &SONS. Bridge Street, ' - ,. , m 'W daft.
SHALLENBERGER BROS. etll.ll,lcnee dal.
g i r l I s t rafea la rlag Mam* 22 sr. saes
virimmums HAMRA, deakir In Boole' BRIDGEWATER, PA. lerNisAlubq
1 v Shoes, Gillen, Slipper& ke., next door to
DEUX& to rums more min.
_ i ____l, i
re/Ices TM shop, bridge street, Bridgewater,
l'a . where he is prepared to manufacture and sell IS WEEKLY RECEIVING A WOMB SUPPLY moan. Erre. Nuts "Airs. tally t .
.•v sty thing In his line at reasonable irate/6 Hay- um . • OF GOODS IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING - --... -
I rig removed his place or business from the corn. Fi ne Family Groceries. DWARTXRNIISI Pl R =ir.. .... .. Maw WU! NOR Mir
a•r near th e Bridge to his present locatkin, he In- • MO NO MI6 XS
Arts his old friends and patrons lotto/ him a ..-. Ssikint. - ~..-. 5011 Marfa 605
call. queensware, Hiirdwire, .- ._
6 &IMO= : SG fills 1211 SOO
tuy-St lb ly. ,
,/ . 41ikhat0n..,..... :. 111111 I. 1316tH 121 i.e
p, xpilla, Attorney at Law , omeein hie.
4 ey's building, east of Yuhllc Square.
1 4. EMI NAILS, WINDOW GLASS, WOOD pule - Gtooros. XINITha.- a . i rs a , 725 •
mar 41:1y. ' AND WILLOW WAHL, BACON, Wooster NEI WI XS KB
AS. CAMERON, Attorney at Law FIST!, FLOUR, SALT, LIME, Steubenville Jeans,
t) Bearer, PIL ' Office in the room for! Casstmeres and Sattinets, Cal / A
o fl oiy occupied by the late Judge MIMIC COI- Duey p romeris White Woollen blankets, -1 - iD - 13113 100 an 4110 102)
Buirros f.lllO RI MO - 1043
Wolves, &c., promptly attcded to , en in Exchaue ♦for Whits and Colored and Upper Sanditsky.'ll2lsMli 710 'HS 11
sepalseptlitibtly. Barred Flannels,. Forest. . LIR 743 1101 , I •
UMW. 11 TOO MO 1115 ,
t„,i,ALISNYIEN.-Wanted, a fret tell/Mike?!
6 V ergolc salcsmet, to soli hy sample standard Merin , " Van Wen. 11166 -1101 S 1011
good. Adams 11,11. RICHARDS & CO. Goods delivered free of charge in all Delaines, sta i =r as It f i l im ps r i ot , s so , .
not 1136 m. 413 Chestnut street, Min., 1-a. Plaids, Wenger rlOlll 141 156 RI ,
• the vinageg. •
LI IG :51CaNYYS. - Made easy with ear Per - atig ippp3. • Gfogharns, 117gatiOh RI 1150 en 11011 ,
LP FAT A itTICLIF, SET. TAG tool STVICILTOOLS. - Cobergs, • ‘sionswo tes 4) 44? -HS-
Ortolan' free. F. W. DORMAN .2 CO. 4- Chien°. lOW 11135 650 RI
ro•ri 3,5) et W. Lombard S t ., Baltimore • ,
i) 311417 NET, Watchmaker arid Jeweler, lld THE SUEZ CANAL I' Water Proofs, MIXT GOINO WT.
A. • ctrOrt. Metter, Pa. (10 mein adjoining J. • Chinchilla. mimes. •li XATT. Urn. BR's. Sze@
' .....,-... —..... -.-...
V. Wilson's office.) Gold watches and citron- Cloths.
°meters repaired and warranted. Engraving BILE the World is more or leas 411. X. Chicago. $741 --"' lla Max 001rit NO=
dots• to order. The patronage of the public Is W erelsed over the opening of the' , li en !am nut , inu .
Brown and Black Muslins, Wwllen Shawl&
Pl:rtif•-• ...... l i Mt Mg SS° 111411
manned, and •atlnfaction guaranteed. Like us a Suez Caned, the Public, in Beaver and vi. - anew '2215 nom 11111 • ED
trial. Drillings, Tickings,
sprirtkilai chitty, should not lose sight of the fact that Columbia. lOW MS 10117 dild
..___ Prints, . Peet Warm .:,... lap 'na _ 1130 WO
Tglilll2ll 11111111 Z, Dealer la Boots, Shoes, S. SNITGER & Co. Canino ,
Van Wert. - 1 1115 rat 258 Man 7111
•• -• slippers and tialtem Boots and shoes made Flannels, Lima
, 125 ,1 RE PO 610
to order. A long experience In the business ma- ,
At their old stand in Beaver, Pal . rare still „ YO[OIO, ...... 1158 - .4111 '. 1411 910
files Into to do work In a superior manner. Terms , , Joconets, 1 aadasky„. 415 WO 305 1006
moderato Shop dr, Third street (near Rev. NU- furnishing to their customers everything Table Linen, , Beep= B 515 fig Off 1016
let'. Book.' lo fo. Brow , P.f. Live him a call called for in their line They always keep Irish Liam'. - & oft . f A i IMO 610 415 1115
before purchasing elsewLere , a full assortment of Crash, m.ikut i D •••• Max CO as mar
apr7,ltltelly , iID too es ass ,
-- . Counterpanes. Wooster Bl5 fir 616 RI
r •11.111, . ROUS, Notary rubllc. Con- GR 0 C ERIES , Orrrnie ~,, ION 852 TO
s-• re fencer and Insurance Agent. Deeds and Hosiery, ltseellkla - WA 1111 258
A gr, emu no written and acknowledgements takan,.„„ Gloves
~,,,, cotton lees i wu . 716 WS
a. Ilailitc Irendoly commissioned aeAgenYlor ph ut, Feed, Cbffees, Teas, Sugars, anuses 1313 WU NO ICO
...rat first class Insurance Companies. repro- Spices, 45 Mils : gd s .. r nu ) ms im s iss
et the Fire, Life, Accidn and Live Stock Rodwiter SEM 11126•• ten
I), ',ailments. is prepared to take risks and write --- • Enthdiungh VD 140 1154 1115
omitted on the most liberal term.. Also, agent Tobacco and Cigars;
for the "Author Line" of Arst class Ocean Steam• And all other articles usually found Yonagstmra, Item Castle and Rife Soirees
.rs Ticket,/ sold to and from all its In &kg- Groceries, *we* immtrtown td WS p. ng New Cuollo%/4
land, Ireland, tirothind,Oermany end France. OF • • In a First Class Don Rohe, at 11112traigh, k5O p. m. Ret=,
tit v In Leers brick row, Diamond, Rochester.
aprki tii
' esrPitts oh T:l5 ii., try arr. 11
GROCERY SToRE. C o t aefde T ne:l4%gmarli;o 3l ll°B l4 4l7lt7M h a i g g i th ve lt r i Dsll4' " 61 ' 144".in' • T °611111 "M bul \ 11 " 1 L "L. at
13A'r.V.N'Tt3 Obtained fir Int enters, by eels and Wu. Star and Tallow Candles,
o..ZlonTail town,
New Castle sad Pittsburgh Ac
t 1/r. D. BREED, Chemist, and late Examiner Front their longand intimate acquaint- Soap. Spice, and Mince Meat. Also, leaves Torii:atom LAI a. In; New
to the Patent Ofllce, oho . has devoted eighteen once With the Grocery, Flour and Feed SALT. Castle,l:lo a nu arrow at Allegheny, 10,10 a.
yeast to the patent business, and will prom ayta. Itetxusdng, kayo Mt:Lobar" FA I ". a& ors
business, an d their disposition to render
actor, papers. drat, Ingo Sc. Terms, $2O to I. rives New Cone.IMIO ponToluiestown. ' l4 l l TIL
Write for circulars. Direct to 313 I , street, oppo. satisfaction to those who may favor them Hardware, Nails, Glass F. EL HYNES, •
site the Patent U nite, IS ma/Woo. D. C. Wilt theii pal ronnge, they hope in the fa- General !Waver agd Mkt sons
Iteler to Sentiturs runnroy and barmier. • tare, as in the pant, to obtain a liberal CLEVELAND & 11111115UNCIII R •
A -- L -- OAD.
A hii. Im .
- - - share of the public patronage. Door Locks, Door Latera l , Binges. Strews. Table On and after Nov. 15th WOO, trains will leer*
Cutlery, Inble ehd Tea Spoons, Sleigh Bells. Coal Widow dally (Sundays exeepted) ae follows.
Give us a Ca ll Boxes, Fire Shovels and Pokers. NAN and Glass. --
Spade'', bbovale, 2, & axl4 line Parke. Hakes OCOTO SOUTO.
111111 see ir witto do not make to your in. &yo ! . an d B.ath, , c orkond Garden Hoes. . sermon. 'T NAIL, XXI.II. , ACTON ,
retest to call again. —. Ord'
Joni. S. SNITOER & CO. WOODENWARE. j [ Ckiteland ll iiillnis War y !— !
Euclid Street. 'IRS
MACHINES( Buckets Tube, Churns. atter Prints and Ladled. '
f' ow la as ,-
Revenue ... %.„.I'loo4 110 513 .
/Whom 3101 RI 000
CARBON OIL, Bayard !1137 'SU
Wellsville ........ 1 105ra 4113
1•10.::Int • •
. 1 1)11.1V1111 NEMINAUT •NIEI
/ T1:•1111 all open Its Spent: tkaa n n 'March
31, 1810; Rev. B. T. Taylor, Principal
assisted by six able Instructors In - the different
Departments., Classes are being I conducted,
now, In Greek, Latin. French end Borman. Tho
Principal is a succesgful Lecturer and Experiment
ter with his Apparatno, Philosophical and Cheml,
cal. Music on the Piano and Organ taught by •
Professor and vocal music by a Successful vocalist.
The Institution is flourishing, end is no expert.
meat; and It is determined by there having the
direction of It that it shall stand In the van'of Aca
demies and Seminaries, as it has done minfessedly
for ten years. Address— •
REV. It. T. TAYLOR. Beaver, Pu.
4 atalnlatratorl• "ler . —Letters of Ad
-11 ministration, &Oohs been granted to the sub.
scriber on the estate of John Weygantlt, deceased,
late of Raccoon.township, Beaver County, Pa. all
persons Indebted to said estate are hen by untitled
that immediate payment is required; all persons
having claims against the ram will present them
duly agthenticated for netUoment.
martAntol MICHAEL BERRY, Atim' r.
I, l xecutorm , Nollee.—tatters Testamentary
having been Issued to the subscriber on the
estate of Robert Temple, deceased, late of Ildpe
well township, Beavercounty, Pa., all permits in
debted to said estate are hi ruby untitled that Ito
mediate payment Is expected; and all those hav
ing claims against the same will present them du
ly authenticated for settlement .
L ingROM • 1 DAVID rArroN, Es's% •
rCOAL FOIL SALE .-- The undersigned has
V constantly on hand a ;mod article of Lump and
Not Coal, which he will sell at reasonable prices,
either at the bank, or will deliver to pitrelwers.—
The bank In loaded on McKinley's firtnl-rt few
rods fron. the Pitt Ft. Wayne & Chicago Railroad.
and lot a short th,tauce from Beaver station, I
have also a good article of Fire Clay, which 1 it 11l
dispose of at reasonable rates.
O rdera left at my residenco In Bridgewater, or at
Michael Camp's in Rochester, or at the bank, will
receive prompt attention. .1. C. MOULrEit.
pp rAlhitt—ly
r. ED S—___J..h 11. J.
• CHAN DLItIt have pur
chased the exclusive
right of Beaver county
norDr.Stuck's Patent
/by which they can put,
up Visionilte ft.-thin so
Gold Plate, with I beamr'
- tiful enameled polish:
and no t auA elastic as to perfectly adapt itself
to the month; obviating all that clumsy and balky
condition, so ranch complained of heretofore; and
lessening their liability to break 100 percent. !Ti
tle no one wint it would ho willing to wear the
dd ogle plate nay longer than they could conven
iently get them exchanged. All branches of Den
'buy performed in the best and most substantial
manner. In tilling teeth with gold, etc., we chat
truce comp-Blinn from any quarter, and can refer
to tieing aultiala whose fillings have stood , be
tween* thirty and forty .years. Among the number
lion. John Allison will exhibit elliurts we Inser
ted seine Sl moll ago ; the teeth as perfect nO the
day they A% etc filled. Laughing Gas prepared on
n lieu phut. freeinyl front all unplenoant and dan• .
g. rune effects, maid 4.! the extraction of teeth a
I.otiree of pleasure ra her that of honor and puiu.
Prices no low on an good dentist in the State.
°dice at Beaver Stu' len. Itocheoter Pa.
tiovaitfl 11..1 CIIANDLEIL.
primer Senalwary.—The next term
1.1 of thio Inontnion will begin on Monday'
April -Ills next'. We have no dlopooltion td
150/11 of what we have done or tan do. The char
!icier of our boarding department we leave to t
reports of our boarders. The thoroUghticoo of
lidtructlnu, and the progreoo of our pupils In cut
ry deportment, we leave to the tent 01 the hoot ex
laminations, aud of the public' exhibition net hi
the lmitt of next June. being willing to abide tb
judgment of those Who are capable of dim inguloh
tug gold from tinsel—thenaselvtai ocholani there,
lore know what constitutes ocholarthlp—mid Ihu
POCCOIO. Of our )111111111Oge we leave to the testimo
ny of our catalogue, counting names or pupils on
ly 0/
Pia, l,,
V, (10 Ilnm, of Pittoborgh, oft long and
favorably known al a molder of the octane.. of tou•
vie, will font Mae In charge of this Department.
Prof. It. Leonhart, now violin borongh. and well
known In this community. will continue In charge
of the coaorem In Ifrawing and In Berman Um.
I.eavituz all five to choooe, IVC W. to
receive, as
lierelorore. a liberal palninage during the neat res.
no D. 11. A. NIet.EAN, Prin.
inoterslar.ed hemu leave to inform Ills frlendo
and Om public generally that he hoe Juot received
n 111 . W stock of goods of the_lateot styles for
Spring and lintonier wear lie offers nt:very
modem( rate,
C 101111111; made to order on the .horterit notice.
Thankful to the pnblic for par./ (Avon., .1 hope
by cli.e ntteution to bortneoll to merit a contILU
ante of the tame.
. DANIEL 3itu,'Emiti
war :MEE
Chiqmt It p4.
No. 41, Pin A vend;
ITI"D;111:10;11, l'a
Jtist opened t,p(ei:tilv for t h e coin
log large awl eic
glint stock of
Fine Tattle Cutlery, French (Inas. Irma.
Mli IC4I Buttes, :hi,. Nardites, Charles
.lacUt's and Frodsham's Watches.
American .11ratches,
mile hp Appleton, Tracy & Co., Amen
eau Watch Co., 'FL- Howard & Co., Et
gin Watch Ca.
or which a large assortment is constant•
ly kept oni hand in our baseinent, and said
whosesale and retail. (clo dec N.
10,000 HOLES NC 0 CENTS.
• • ' (4`
10,000 Eons fit 121-2 Cents.
' Do Zouche Co.,
112 Wood et., corner of Fifth ave.
4. I ir 1 • * ...
_., ~ ,,a t • '
..___. , _ ~.
- .... • , s , „.• • .. ...'
--..—•••••• .. -' --...---••—•- •• • ---......•_.. . —....... .—..-.... . . __ ••••••
.„, ...._•._........,
. , —.....
. c, ~ ' e t ',lli , s
- - IL 1::.1 'i . - ' S . I V . .. 5 - 5 il i l . .,1. )1.1 ~., l ' i . , ~'4 ;„ ~ ''
nl lit " ' - ''• -
T . • .....
• . ~7 ~ .._.... I rria 4fi ,1 - -.1. , '-•• • • ' '
• ..;•,. .. ,:, . . . • r. ,• ~,, . ~,,k , ,ii. ..,.. .il .
s--,',, • i • ,v. et, 14.1r , ..r.t . : . ...: :,• -1 • ~,„ 4 • ;
A I ~, •
.. ","- •- ' - • \ i t''' ~... - ..,, .` ~ - + ",. ~ I • • •,, ..
)1 , ~,..
V sl. W
t : i I ' : 1 : A
yltar It t 1, 871 . , ,
9 4- - 4 i
7 !''• , .' 3 ' - '" ' 4 - ..'"3!.... ,- ,-t: ,1 , ?,:,;,.. ii
If a ' • , ' '''' ' I - - oirrarsA,x, , POETRY. •
_ . .
The roost perfect machine yet invented.
widen and narrow, turn• heel or point the toe.
It will knit plain or ribbed. It will knit stock
him drawer., shirts, rec., &c. It is cheep, n simple
and durable. It sets up Its own work, uses but
one needle, and requires no adjusting ,whatever.
It will do the rams work that the lamb machine
will do and costa lees than half as mach and boa
not the tenth part of the machinery to get out of
order. Circulars and samples mailed free on ap
plication. Agents Wanted. All machines guar
No. 3 Sixth Street, Plttobarib Ps
n0r24 . 1y
The MoSt Complete Business Col--
lege in the United States,
Affording &antra for acquiring a thorongt:,prac•
thud burhuara education, powucd by nu other
&hoot in the country.
._Buo Ito
Ineoppo ;"TY
U e la in n lte ll aron te , iiaMTt g enaed here.
No vacations. Students enter at any time. •nd
reeetye private tnotructlun tin oughnot the entire
N. IL—Circular' with fail particulanaand all no
ceelary information. on addroaaina
HItITII .t. COWLEY. Principal P.
I ' • '— PrrnsaCtuni. Pa.
• knit?: ly
1 4.1 •PQ
Druggist ,f 7 Apothecary,
PUTTY, Sc. Sc.
Choice Vauntly
)1 the greatest Variety, nod at the Lowest
oil za 111, a 1:41 SD
re - Physicians Prescriptions carefully
and scientifically compounded at any time
day tit: night.
rir Agents for Falincinock, linslett and
Sclinartz'n Strictly PureWlilto Lend, the
oldcsl and 111,4 brim% in the minket, nt
inantifitcturene prices. -Via
I'air•bankS Standard
Ci M OE4 ,
Improved Moneys Drawer.
marafisnl Ifl 2nd avenue, Flt I Om
Aro prepared to tarnish Builders or Slaters. Their
• . .
. Very Dark Blue adored Setpalor
llocifing -,Slate,
From their own smarms looted in Northampton
Samples may bo aeon. and wmtmankatians ad
dressed to
E. L. GOODWIN, Agent. •
WAY. Hlshth qty Pittaburpis.
Linseed Oil & White Lead.
Boots and Shoes
In grad variety.
Rifle Powder and Shot,
Blasting Powder and Fuee. ,
FLour Food qtaueensiwairet.
,11 heavy goods delivered tree of charge.
by dose attention to business, and by keeping
constantly on hand a irell mot tad steels of goods
of all the clJdittent kinds usually kept in • country
store, the undersigned hopes to the future as In
the past to merit and receive a liberal share of the
public patronage.
13. S. unav6vors.
riff - Blank Mongages or sale at tha Atom ot.
BEET assortment of these Goods that has
ever been brought to the city. Call and
examine before purchasing, and be con.
vinced, at
Insure Your Life
i '~Y
We want the Merehant.Tbe Fanner and the Mn
titanic to °Ask of and know the benefit to be de
rived from Insuring their limo in the John Ben.
cock Mutual Life Insurance Company of Boston.
3fsss. This company pimento the advantages
offered by other companies, and is oddities this
Company makes art Its Policies sospfelleilable.
after 044 payment. It also pays disidrade lb rash
after one payment—and for reliability is second to
none. We should prefer that parties, desiring in
surance, should apply_ through the agent for the
county. COLE & STROUD, Gael Apts.
°Mee. ISO & IPS South 4th tinvet, Philadelphia.
of the John Hancock Life Insurance Comport of
Boston, Mass. We wish energetic andble
scents for this and the adjoining counties. Ap•
plicatione from men of Jhewn teepee/ability and
Integrity will only be entertained.
febtlim) General Agents, Philadaphia.
11,131315u1k Deeds fur sale at the disausoffice
Wall Vapor,
Ziti rd)Mta
At the Old Stand,
(lbr 21 Years.)
No. 59 Smithfield Street,
Second Door from Fourth Avenue,
We call the attention ofottr former pat.
rons and thepublic generally that we are
now prepared to supply them with n tre
mendous stock of
of superior quality anti excellence. at low
er prices than can Ito had at any other
Lltaldishmoil Eme or Neal
Farmslusl at the very lowest rates.
Prulicular.Atteation Paid to Me
Wltolealttle Department,
0 11 011.10111011 OF TAILMOINIOjr.
.11-1 Tb4t a ssershlp bentonite existing havens
ate. end James Manedebi t ametketiag
the M sty ye mailed "The Industry Balt Com
petty.* wee dissolved, Ipmutaat coneeet, tra the
let day of dor% lost. The baldness at the inn
will he seUkd by Johnston It 11811•11141
JAXAR MAletinltLD.-
limn. Johnsioe • Ewing win baud
ter ecestltate - tbe Ira of "TM Industry Salt C 0...
with J. L. Johnston as bosiecee menstair of the
works. All orders to zekorece to the hosisese
matters of the COlngany Moe* be addseesed to
him. The new arm am esenestly aserviegref
pi him • • ' tronade, and we bametak for them a
• fibnal
s (Alartt4w) O.
Adthalthlstrthltors'. Notloth.—Lth
tars or Atlanta Wraith awing twos sawed to
the sabsaibara oaths estate thlths.l2thalansotE,
dard.,laiss at tie thansahtp ot,Pelaski, Dear Co.
Pthothrheala. threforaaltipthOthe Indebted lomat
estate are hereby notthed to make tasoottlata
mot: sod sin streets MAK clam adunet tea
same will peastot them dulyWE. an th estfeatod for *a
ilment. • NEVIN, Atles'r.
Pulaski, April th Sw• .
• me xoveni.
rrariont; MAIL. INS.'S. ACCOM
.-.....- ---..-...-...--..
Wellsville 111.5.4x1 555rn i
;Bayard 1015 510; ; .
Alliance 1120 521 ,71154.n 1
Ravenna 1103,2'141 'l , 815
Hud50n....... J... ma as 1 saa
sodidenl44 719 IRd
tikrveland ..... .... ME 7121 11010 i
.--- / -
Beßalr I Maxi 795A1
t 15071 Melt
; 553 -815 1
a l
4 10
Ste= . ILO 11055
Wellsville.. 1 815 115tH 455
Baaillea Ferry - ' 840 140 516
Rachesner. 915 210 510 •
Pittsburyth 10011 MB ma
GOING Warr. .
.' . .
seiliels. i I Rail: Sara. Aileen Aeco ii
Pittsburer ;gh 1 012152 155 ex — 11607‘ . 1
7121 255 MI
Bmitb's Fan' 837 813 507
Wellsville MO 415 WO
'Steubenville 950 520 msAii
Ilrieport. 1059 ex; 815
BeUr • 1010 610 " 850
• Ttns la • mixed trata to Wellsville LA an ex
press train from Wellsville to Pittsburgh.
x. laves Antrum
Phibidetelhig, 610 a. m. I Bayard. 1115.
11. yard, ltbria.m. •• •I N. Plilladephlan‘opm
P. R. MEYERS. General T eket A • at.
Dry Goods.
1 . •
P°12 ' 112(all) 1)141EnIC
At Very
Either by the yard, piece or package \
A. W. ERWIN 4t
Skeet. etleaheej
km2eiy: •
. 'al
r u , AN ,
• D4TAii IN
. • .
Tin Co - .
p r .
... ...,,,,,, i p..,•
...,,, . ~,,..%,.,„....
' - fro 'Vat*,
‘. O A . "' •
" •• ;,-.
i.."4 1 , 1 , 111 .0r0 4 (i•t ,
Grates, ,
miwaim 64‘111401;ail 1146.;leaft
Done to Order*exit ott 'Dineen
- - .1-%.-. •
J -
• Se •
P_ Cps
Shop on ' the lor Cad L
• Third kw*
134ia.fIrAer. ! ,
c 4
,11 sad Jot, :before
pbrefuudog et " (tuarlfktf
Willi' A L4411 . 131!0: - Ci[ l ,o GOODS,
air` t Ibe
Lowest ! : Cash, Prices,
And Kell some Goods
eUusisting.4, Goods, Groceries, Pro..
visions, itutlause, Hats, tl aps, Boots
and Gh ()cum ing
Yarn, Nails, Paints,
W . Oil, Putty,
, are, WU
4.7 I,li •
*‘!" and‘ ty,
, ty ofPrinta,MoslT
and 1E4170, Win, Teas, Bees.
ffti , c S VilloppAt ben Oil,
Just arrived and for sale, Wholueale and
AtPithaburg Pricts,
200 Zags eling Nails:
Land Plaster, and Akron Matettf;
A Large Stuck of
White Lead and Paints.
A very superior quality of Struinz .1; Wet
zel's Soaps; and a lot of Carbon Oil
Just Arrived and for sale, Wholesale
alit! Retail
Concord Wines,
of our own vintage, for Medicinal' and
SeenunentalPurposekare highly Re
-eonnuended by those 'who have
used theui. ,
They are alsa Ageros fur the
And Pitt. Nat. Plow Con. Plows.
. ,
'Thanking the Public for their peat pat
ronage. we hope to merit ,a liberal abate
the future.
All Goode Delicert4 Free of (Arr..
You can rely on ~all ,tends being fresh,
as all our old good. were sold at auction.
I 14 B 1.1 A yg,
Mai be found the best utetwettoeat of
M. et dioineMl
L 141.1 ORS. :WINES
-Amid LS ran di e is.
sifir n g
34.VMSAA Sthi1;8
in great ...Ari:. lb. %Ili Valhi, sag MI
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Dreg Mare ter: the
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- ChtsiislWa:Sar Orli%_par'
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• Th. Stock of
lost send ostaido at tie etspr sow. D mi ,
slow. nos oolS dont" *km be booaSS ski.
stem sloe.:
Lot Om lobo dadot Ink sill toot ask Rai aial
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Mato Ive The *direr Awn.)
ottortrottro Olt AN OLD COIN.
Ono mamas day Uwough Sada ImuMwt,
' get loyMdingat's Wade Aare ;
; • My adopt* grad straybar ra y •
s: • .#lllOlllll RI Let um Waling o'er . •
blapp acetify tOpet, mad *Pic *tap,
Mow Has la Maborri Mdlaw Pew
7 5 01, 1 14 00 a. "DI wdl, 'Um rood
al prima, we Ned might
•4s isialist aft of ieumi asks , ,
• Tirtireeid Mgt 011Targsta's sou.
A eliwiliew Me CIA mismir elm
t • •ai 1/01110 111 11 1 16 Mos ohm* Imbed.
Odimigkit many
: 11°P ,, PgaidaiStutt. 1 0 110 * airs nilhed.
fee ea litypenef led • astkolee via
i ..ntratiaakiswkweitro
By stahnut burls was rudely ithiwed, •
• 214,0144 by poOLeinxis law es blow: ,
f Imes, • awl umiak • npalstre chtai,
A ingaila •1•••hlaii ••••••11
BM WOO allb—hro titssoli•— '
, ,Two utirk, &ad tang Axon dFhce&
• .
tlieltoma's elder Pane saw,
- 'TWA Imiteelonma eke Palatine *mai!.
inisie similhe emit stain paled dams!
Mate ere the tamed temple porticoes!
.t:Whate feline itioalsteliell threes
- .Thillaciieeniet wires net cactus dostir.
. Waists iist saw of biodf strilb •
Where thousands dlokto piers proud Reeto,
yet dices et ameba ito better ttuin
geoid' boo beak drawn, sod Leas , meted
.Aed sip% slur tetticertr hope,'
llewe lietheby, prams tempest-tossed.
Vhibir Gallitidene rind reward secured,
...In& is • badill QUOIN - •
Tobin Apar a, Yap ',entity brans •
- tasatoil .
11111*U1 11,404 . •
Asa Adlisalamair Nesuag *An
I.: 7. Mai
"We'yoting toilers of the new con
anti:often like to wear a smart shiny
hat up in. London. Our billy cocks
and wideawakea are good enough
for field and market, but up in the
higeity, we've a fancy to be genteel;
and you "nay be sure .I wanted to
look nice that_particular night4the
Mat of tbe,Cattlephow at Islington'—
tebentl was going up to Uncle Ibe
oi'm t 4 DalsWa, for Cousin ,Kitty is
I Nillipeuteaception the most satirleal
,young lady, lit : Leaden. How She
did Y . ' day I went with
her to the Zoelegical Gardens, when
I'd got a.palentgloves that were a
size too small for me, and WIN all the
'way between'the Angel and the Co
loateto them. um trylag She to force myitwas o . fin nl ger y s
my awkwardma that hindered their
fitting, wouldn'tlet me atop to buy
another pair and, in short, teased my
life oat. And she looks so pretty all
the time ahe's laughing at you that.
you can't' be annoyed - at her. No
wonder that I wanted to look smart.
It was a darkish night with a bit of
a breeze blowing, as I picked my Way
I through those quiet streets that lie
between the Lower Road. Islington
L and Daiston. I think they call that
part De Beauvoir town. Just as I
came to the cornerof a street and was
racking my brain for something to
say to. Ulm Kitty's'first bit of satire,
a strong puff of wind sprang up, took
off my smart and shiny hat as neat
need be, and dropped it into an
area. This was certainly a nuisance,
but not a nuisance witbesta remedy.
I rang at the , area. bell once, twice,
thrice. and gokno answer. 1 sound
ed the ,lion's bead knocker once,
en oo ettiltarttnriii
saw what I had not observed before,
that there was a bill In one of them
announcing "This House to be Let."
It was too dark to read the name of
the agent, and I was Just going to
knock next door and ask them if
they knew who kept the key or
supposin n they didn't know, if they
would o bli ge me with their Turk 'a
haul broo ro fish up my hat with
—I was Just going to do this, fur I
couldn't bear the notion of facing
Kitty without a hat, let alone the
price of it, seventeen and sixpence I
when to my astonishment the door
happened to lean up against moved
slightly inward. I suppose it hadn't
been hasped at all ; at any rate I gave
a gentle push and walked boldly in.
"This is a lucky piece of atrelessnins
on somebody's part," thought I to
1 ,
myself. "1 shall Just step down to
the kitchen, unfasten the bask door,
regain my,hat and slip away without
anybody being the wiser ." I closed
the front door and grouped my way
down' the kitchen stairs. It was
pitch; dark and I wished I . had got
some matches; but as I hadn't got
any, wishing done no good,and more
over I saw a Mint light under the
kitchen door, which showed that
there must be fire in the grate. I
tried the kitchen door; it was locked
and the key was gone ! I felt about
and found the buck door leading to
the area; It was locked and the key
was gone also! Hero was a pretty
.go, as the Cockneys say. The back
door, as I ascertained by feeling the
hinges, opened toward me, so it was
of no use meddling with that ; but I
had a wonderful great mind to kick
In the kitchen door, which was made
to open inward. Settingaside, how
ever, the chance of being .pulled up
for burglary (and what a disgrace
that would be to the Papwerthies,
who have rented the same farm since
Charles ll's time,) What would I do
alter getting the door open? Why I
might unfasten the window, (I had
netked when outside that it was
shuttered up,) climb out Into the
area and recover my hat. But sup
posing that a policeman should mo
Just as my body was half way titre'
—why to u dead certainty he would
book me up on suspicion. That
would never do. 1 , . returned to the'
back door determined to pick the
lock. "I dare say that's burglary as
much as bursting it open," I said,
"but it don't make so much noise.
If I tan only find an old nail or a bit
of wire I'll try it." So I crept up
stairs again and went into the back
parlor. .1 grouped all around the
room, • - Passed my hand along the
mantle pieceand window frame with
out finding so much ass pin's head.
As I cotild get no help there I ven
tured into the front parlor. All of
a sudden u thought struck me; why.
shouldn't I unfasten the shutters and
drop into the area? That sounds ea
sy enough ; but how about getting
tack again? "Its a deep sunken
area," said I to myself, "and there
you'll be awed my law, like a 'bear
in his' den." All' the time I was
thinking about this, why I was feel
ing about the room for a housebreak
ing tool. Presently I stumbled over
something; I put down my hand and
picked up a shoe. "Putting this and,
the kitchen fire together," thinks' I,
"there must be somebody taking
care of the house." The next me-
went I stumbled again. This time
I had run against a wooden stretcher
or headstand. I put out my hand
cautiously and laid it on somebody's
MIK!. The owner of the nose didn't
stir, 83 I took the 'liberty of feeling
the head to learn whether I was in
company with a lady or gentleman.
It was a man's head of hair, very
tough and wiry, and bald on the
"Yon are in an awkward predica
ment, Jack Papworthy," I said to
toyadt; "and you'd better get out of
It as soon as poestMe.," ',sneaked on
taßtoe toward'the AGM::
But my tumble against the bed
stead had disturbed the steeper be
began to grunt and turn out unmet-
Ely. I was j us t abbot tu quit the,
ATI 1 00:11 . 1"lisply aim annexe,
room and venture bareheaded lido
the street. whew hems up in WA (so
I Judgad by the pound. ler the mem
was as dark wo a cellar), and called
out "Kitty !". '
Fora moment the name startled
me; / Sara that there might pthal=
bly be mom than one Kitty in that
wilderness of it city. I stood by the
door. held my breath and made no
answer,"Ki ,tty Katy, I my; you ain't
Come back without him, nave you?"
said the man In a beseeching port of
I stoodperfectly still, hokling my
breath, and oonakiering what I should
do, Better slip obt agile house
Yoko the chance et losing my. hat,
than get tocked,up on a , charge at
felony and be made, the lanitkiltlit
stock bolbre fit the Coeluyeys In their
newspapers, Bedded I needs% lose
my hat, the first policeman I meet la
sure to stop me as a suclous char
acter, for being bee; tell
Mai my story and give him tutif a
crown to get m hat again. But on
thepther hand it's a ticklish job.--
This fellow In bed nuty be a desper
ate character. Tosay the least ho
must be queer, most likely crasy, to
sleep In an empty bowie without a
stick of farolture about Mtn. • Never
mind, I'll chance IL Pll make a
movement for the street deer.
All this cogitation of mine passed
through my head like lightning, tho'"
I've taken so long to ten IL made
a half-hearted step toward the door.
As so as ever I did so the man In bed
(AMA out in an excited yoke: "That
is a man's step! Why Jack 'Capon.
Alt! I see how it is; you Wanted to
surprise me, but you havn't my dear
Jack. I've been awake and
and awake; and the run away=
hits , been uncommon bad . to-night,
(ducats ought Id be *homed of their
boys and send them to bed sooner
for I know It's boys that does it ti
but I've been dreamiag about yowl!
the time. It Is you, sack, ain't it?"
He add these last words in such a
beseeching way thitt 'could nit help
answerfng, though in a ;disguised
voice: "It is."
"Then where's Kjuy -
"1 hopo, to sec her presently—as
satin as I get my hat," I added under
my breath.
"Gone to' the cook shop to get
something nice and hot in honor of
you,lack, eh ?" said the mania bed.
'I wonder what it'll be. Maybe' an
eel pie with baked .tater—ah 1 or a
plate of savory almode beef--ah 1,. or
a nice dish of biled tripe and 'Woes
—a-a-ht" As he enumerated each of
tame, dishes he smacked his lips with
extraordinary relish.
To tell you the truth, gentlemea, I
was getting interested. The women
folks down at the (lulu always say
I'm as curious as one of their own
sex, and I wanted to know the mean
ing of all this. The man evidently
took me for some friend of his own,
of whom he was very fond and very
"You seem to like good 'siting," I
ventured to say.
"Why, Jack, my boy, It's one of
the few pleasures I have left. Thank
God my appetite is always good.—
And when a man's lest the use of his
limbs can't see out of his eyes he hits
to make the best he can out of his
stomach. I'd ask you to light a can
dle, Jack, but I'm ashamed for you
to see what a battered hulk I've be
come. Twelve years ago, when you
emigrated—you understand me, Jack
(he said this in a cautious sly way)-
1 was as handsome and well groomed
a man as you'd wish to see, warn't I
Jack?" •
"flow did it happen?"
"What! you never got Kitty's let
ter, directed post oflimElobart town,
Van Diemen's Land? . No, .1' don't
suppose you ever did, else you'd have
said something about my accident
when you wrote to tell us you were
coming home. But hasn't. Kitty
told ypu coming along in the cab?'
"Not a word."
"Ah! poor soul, she didn't like to
grieve you, Jack. \Veil, this is how
it was. I was working at the grain
ing house at the powder mills at
.Hounslow. The mill blow up, (they
mostly do about once in five years)
and blew me up along with it, blew
mo up ag,ood• looking active shop,
Jack, and let me down a miserable
blind cripple." As he said these last
words his volt? failed him and he
shed tears.
"Aud how d4OUIIIIItUIgO to live?"
I asked.
"Well, Jack, the firm behaved very
handsomely. They allowed me ten
shillings a week, and Kitty takes
care of empty Iwkusei. We contrive
to scratch along, Jack. But mune, I
Jac.:;, you've never olTered your
brother your hind yet: 'Let me shake
your hand, Jack, even if you didn't
sure to light a candle."
.I.stepped forward and gave him
my hand.: •
• 'Hawk, Jack, why your hand's al
most like a gentleman's hand ! It
ain't so soft as a drctss makers or a
barber dashers, it's about equal to a
master binders."
"You seem to know all about
hands," I observed:
• "Ali !" he answered with; a sigh,
"that cOmes of want of eyes When
I had my sight I took no notice of
such things, hut nowl've got a deli
cate touch ; and all set of mike, from
parsons down to charwomen, are
kind enough to come and see use,
and shake hands with tae, why, in
course, 1 get a great dell of practice,
I wish Kitty would come back with
that supper t I hope it's a tripe ;) I'm
getting that hungry, I could cat a
shilling's worth.
I began to feel alarmed.. "1 must
try and recover DIY hat," I thought,
"before Kitty cams% In, or she will,
of course, discover the deception."
"Are you afraid of thieves here?"
I asked.
"Why ?"
"Because I see you lock op your ,
kitchen and back d,oor. Can'you tell
me where the hack door key hangs?"
"It don't hang nowhere," , replied
the cripple, "It's my Pocket.".
"And the kitchen door key?"
"In her pocket. They're all in her
pocket. Dims you, Jack, what with
areasneaks and mlschievous children,
the plain would .be stripped if we
warn't to look everything up after
dark." . •
Here was another disappointment.
If I wanted to get my hat, I umtt
wait till Kitty returned, and face MR
boldly. -1 was interrupted in my
reflections .by my companion, who
said :”Come Jack, strike a light,
and take a look at your poor brother
Bob. You'll find the matches in one
of my shoes, and the candlestick is
under the stretcher."
• . I lighted the candle, and saw • •
man of about forty years of age, ly
ing on a small stretcher bedstead in
the middle of an empty room. Ills
face had evidently been once comely, disfigured by scars. His
cue were closed; so, if there was any
thing republic° about their apPear
ance, I didn't see it. •
"You are able to wear shoes then,
Hob," 'said. . •
"Ay, you may notice they're made
of cloth, and three glees too big • for
le, I had a neat loot once, Jack, and
still wear a shoe when I can. I
don't like to sit like a mummy all
dayk I sit by the kitchen fire."
"How do you get up and down
"Would you believe it, Jack—she
carries dare ray you thought
bees rough one to look at, but she's
Just the woman to salt me. She's
as strong in the back as a brewer's
. ;
horse. It I'd hirdi.the
county Of IdkidieseX, I neekAn nave
married a kinder-hearted Van:
And she: married me for' lo
wasnrter the accident yon wa n:
me, Jack , was brought to
the church in a Bath cheer. Jade
an Indian nabob ; and all the :street
wu at their winders,' tbsee me lifted
out by the elect and sexton. 'Spine
said she married we. fur the sake of
ray pension, but I know better, Jack.
I t t ilo sza out of downright pity; and
eel the good-lookiag chap I
once had been. I !wish 'he'd. conic
in. She must ha' gone adeft , : de
long way atter that tripe. ap
petitee getting outrageous t
about Van Dieman's d, Jack, to
paw the thee away."
hesitated, for I kerns. very little
more about Van Dieman's Land
than I do about the moon. '
'!Ah! lace how it is, Jedic, d 4 said
the cripple; "you're ashame, and I
no wonder.' I like you the better for
It. But you neediVt to mind' now.
You've served out youraeven years,
and as I always said, you was young,
and led . away . by Bill Hawkins.
And Jack," he added &made:Ala/Iy,
"we've always kept up 'the notion , in
the:Unity that it wmlPoaching. It
sounds. more respecteible.that--Yon
know what; andsiraintaided it
was Poaching so; , 'that I've got
to believe it mys elf.'
"I'm glad to ear - you may so," I
refilled gravely..
*But / say,
.1" pumps! - the
cripple, " transports o n Me=
Wag ittereptesen . It has
eel your itQe,• and made cal k
better. and given yon quite a.
,of genti lity, You wits a fah
you biz& when I bade you
bre a lifinbank penitentiary_ Mee reeollcre bow Blll•Hawkins,feered
cause I - gave yotryour mother's Mt*:
clasp-Bible? Yet they've done Only
with transportatke, I
last bat 'm told. You
was in OM of the ches."
Here was a pretty position for a
respectable young firmer to ocixtpy,
whose fluidly had always kept. a
good name for fair dealing and hon l
eat industry sham Charles 11. s gime.
For the sake of recovering a seven
teen-and-sixpenny hat,. I wa s
o meanly
pretending to bp somebody else a re
turned convict; but I couldn't, bear
to tell•this poor helpless fellow that I I
had been playing, a trick on him. I
He had set his heart on seeing fits
prodigal brother, and he would beso
grieved if I undeceived him ; so I
having begun the adventure, 4.
terrained to carry it through. The
difficulty was how to manage it sue
isitsfully ; in other words ; how to
get back my. hat without au unpleas
ant equabble. The • matter stood
thus: Kitty might be expected tore
turn at any moment, accompanied
by her real brother-in-law : she
wouldnatunilly denounce me as an
imposter and instead of recovering
my hat, should probably discover
that her arm was as muscularly de
veloped as her back, not to mention
the help which the returned trans
port would be sure to give hen I
determined to feel my: way by .
greee, and as, luckily, my entertainer
was a simple minded; talkative fel
low, to learn from him exactly how
the land lay.
"What name' d'ye suppose I've
gone udder, Bob !km I've got my ,
freedom?" I sai d.'
"Not - Biadden, Jack," answered
the cripple, anxiously ; "never 81ad
den, I should hope. Though you're
a rich man now, and I'm a poor one,
still recollect, Jack, the name of Sled
den was an honest uanie till you went
and tarnished It."
"No, Bob, Ie shouldn't• dream of
serial'' , i-tnaumelnittutAtself 'Thtirnp
_ "That's right," returned the crip
ple. "Your hand, Jack; and a broth
er I shall always be to you In brother
ly feeling, though' different in name.
And I say, Jack, what did you tell
Kitty? Bemuse she don't know that
you went out under government; she
believes you was a bounty ticket.
What did you say to her?"
"Bob, shall I tell you a little se,
cret?" ,
"What is it?"
"1 haveu't seen Kitty yet."
"Not seen Kitty yet? Why. you
come here with her."
"No I didn't.!'
"how did yoll find your_ way in
"The door was ajar."
"I can't credit it. Kitty'd never
love the front door open."
"She did for mum though; I knock
ed awl rung before I found it out."
"Ay, and I thought it was a runa
way knock and ring. ' But where on
la Kitty? Didn't you see her
aboard the.veaml?"
'Jock, he exclaimed, suddenly seizl
ing my hand, 'are you sure you .are
playing no trick on me? Itemi•rn
her, l'in a poor helpless creatitre.
Where Is Kitty?' •
'On my honor, I don't knoW.' •
'Hush!' ho said, putting his hand
to his ear—•hush ! It's her's; I know
her foot among a hundred; and she's
These last three words made inn
decida.•whateourse• to, adopt. As a
Imavy masculine sounding foot mme
to the front door, I 'overset the andle
stickk as if by accident.
'There,' said I, •my awkardness
has left us in the dark. '
'So much the better, Jack,' re
plied the cripple. 'She's missed you
down at the ship ; we'll give her an
agreeable surprise.' •
Sombody opened the 'street door
with a latchkey, and advanced into
the I coaling I felt rather
uncomfortable; but I stood still, and
said nothing. Presently, a rather
gruff female voice exclaimed; 'Bob,
Bob, are you asleep ?!._ `Asleep ?
Not a bit of it, my dear Kitty,' re
plied the cripple cheerily, 'but wide
awake, and as hungry as a hunter.'
Strike a light, then—you know
where the matches are,' said thelady
who appeared to be untying her
bonnet stringe. 'A pretty dance,
Rob ,k she went on to say, 'you've led
me for nothing. There was no such
name as Eilmiden aboard the ship.'
'fie came over under the rune of
'How do 3 , 0 u know ?'
'Because I've seen him.'
'Here,' said Mr. Siadden, as lie
struck a match, and relighted • the
candle. 'Brother Jack, at your ser
vice. Look at him, Kitty, and tell
Ina what you think of him.' -
It was a trying motnent. - .Mra.
Sisidden was a tall bony, hartlfeatur
ed woman of five and forty. She
took the candle out other husband's
hand, and submittal me to a critical
'Weli,-Kitty, what d'ye think or
him ?' repeated the cripple, with a
I pleased smile upon his face.
'Why, Bob,' answered Mrs: Stud
den, 'you always told me your broth
er Jack was such • rough fellow ; I
think he looks quite the glitieusin.
Welcome to the old EinfDlind, Mr.
Jack,' she said, extending her hand :
'ours is but a poor place, but such as
it is, you're welcome to it.'
felt a miserable humbug, a% my
supposed sister-in-law put her hard,
honest hand into mine; hut what
could I do? I had trodden the down
ward path of deception; I was bound
to follow it to the end. So, atter the
lapse of some minutes, which were
spent in general conversation, I said;
'tan I speak to you alone for a few
minutes Mrs. Sladden ?'
TerMuly, sir,' replied the poor, '
unsuspecting woman, treating me
with immense respect 'Step ' dcrwn
stairs to the kitchen, please; 'tis the
Aki=reril l WaYamaay to thi
old Argue balletio=rd Eltrook Roo.
oar, Pliz,4 atftlale 'advance.
P.infAg. ,44, 14 141‘4100cii low
art owai 46141501 aro ropooltally 110.
.1 1 4004 l'o,#orprcallaaalso livorm of
141 ? 1 O n d Plait *VOW/. ir oc iklP• •
'; i by '
ttie name
I,lthossollial ""
y am ., , IlittWar.
made ehlrt
tart-Witattlat ash olklher
• 'HMO I- Man rats, Mrs.
Sladdeth'i said Leith aswilia, as . she
unlocked tbekitehendoor.
, And what ..wasi in you . * n i c ht b e
wipbax to, sny. lo into hir.C7aek
she iniken. ,
'I Pit 'Wait you unbutten the
bock dootleadlng -to the area. The
bet is, that mY bal•blewelias I was
, coating routidaho garner of i the street,
and has klion down
• 'Oh Is that all, err gad its. Mad
den; laughing as she 'frit 'ln her
pocket for the itey,L.i •
'What shawls It l. of, sne to de.
ceivesuch au andablecquple, thought
I; 'still must recoirer my bat.'
My reputed sister-In-law Was la the
act of Inserting the key Into the key
hole, when the Sound Of situp!' was
heard outside, following by A than
dining rat tat tat at the street door.
!Sion we, who can that be? ei
claimed Mrs. Gladden, as sbet rushed
up stairs with the unused key In her
hand: • I tollowedbitr • with trembl
leg steps: /knew whose apricot That
biock 6cfote ar4.. She opened the
door to a many-coped whose
vehicle stood at the edge the of pave
, went.
That's rl,ot,* shouted • loud
Jovial voiee.from the enh window.
, 'Givers lawistocestic Tat-ten, cabby
I'ma gentiesnan now, every inch of
• 'l 4 llune otsisidiseivr asta the cab
man; addressing my lateststerinlaw.
I waited to hear iso more, but, bare
headed*. I was, daresd,down the,
asteps !Math°. street. A nut-brown
..flet mumited with
yellovr bsard ' was thrust froin the
ob.:Window: and ' lolly voice
exetarned: 'ltollist• Brother Bob
made imiustwe‘ bat tan away
ea tastes_ my legs mild carry me.
When I juidtplaced a good half-mile
beeweeu myself and Mr. Sladden's
abode, I fell t:Ito a walk, and tied my •
handkerchief over my head. I
luckily escaped the notice' of the
police ; and as soon as I reecho' a
cab stand, got Into a twowbeeler and
drove to my hotel. '1 did not ven
ture te visit the Dberies that night ; ,
end as for inquiring after my seven
teen and six-peony. hat, I didn't go
again within a mile of De Beauvoir
Town : but for aught I know, It may
bo lying in that area still.-Cframbers
TUE following curious dog story
Is 'vouched for by a paper In Mon
treal : A gentLenum owns *dog that
has ietnerenetritable Instincts. On
meek days he has all . the passions
and propenailies
tstbez doss, but
on the Sabbath his peculiarities and
sectarian Sentiments come 'out. Ile
is not the mane dog as on ether days.
He Indulges in no pas tithes, encour
ages no company, and.seems to say,
In actions louder than words: "Six
days may we • play and do all our
sports." The family are Ptesbyter
fans; the dog. la: Methodist. •On
Sunday henterede the family to the
rresbYturlanchurch, and then holds
ton'his 'solitary 'end Unbroken way
until •he comes' to - his own thatch,
sehichls alittle farther on. He has
a particular place up. Mabel where he
I aim No te.or madam of fashion,
who sweeps up the aide of to popular
church, and Suds her
pew, can give a more decided express
lon of displeasure than this doglf he
ends any one In his'erat. He seems
to attend to the services, end to give
dogmatical betel to the words spoken.
An example to many, profaning
Christians, he may be seen on his
way to church In foul weather as In
WI" tltiobellittliffehtts
are as wall known am those of any on?
In the city.
Two weeks ago, Mr.• Slovene's, of
Ohio, made a free trade speech upon
the basis of reports of the enormous
profits nuuje .the Pennsylvania
iron companies in 1865 , and instanced
the Lehigh Crane Iron Compcuty,
who, he mid, made fifteen thousand
tons at a test of thirty Sollars per
ton, and sold it for fifty dollars mak
ing one million dollars profit IU one
year. Mr. Hill demanded the au
thority for these figures, and sent to
I the Clerk's desk a letter from the
President of the company in ques
tion, giving Imm the books of that
concern an authentic statement of
their buisnew, where it appears they
only made :N,:boo tons, and sold it at.
Elisabeth; ort at an average of forty
three dollars and fifty cents per ton,
nud on the whole year's business sus
tained a lose of te214,000.
—The Fox and Wisconsin ship Le
na' matter Is now bane Congress; on
a hill to extinguish the title of an old
private company, of which Gov. Sey
moue is the head, and makes the
whole thing a national work. °This
channel, it is held, will ex
tend reliable water communication
from Green Itay„ via the Fox Elver
to Portage, thence down the Wiscon
sin River to Prairie du Utica, on the
Mississippi River; thus connecting
the navigation of the great Western
rivers with the greet Northern lakes,
and byway of the Erie 'f.,ltnal of
which this is a virtted extension,
with the centre of- Americus com
merce. The 1411 now pending makes
I no appropriation this year, but only
to place the Work in shape when it
hereafter may be completed.
—A court martial has been sitting
in New York for several days.
Among the officers who were hied
was First Lieutenant D. F. Ryer, of
the Second United States Artillery,
who has been found guilty of presen
ting a false and fraudulent claim
against the United State., and' who
has been sentenced to forfeit aft the
pay and allowance doe him,to be
cashiered and dismissed from te ser
vice, to be rendered incompetent to.
hold any potdtien of responslibilitr or
trust under the Government, and to
be confined for ,three years in 'Much
penitentiary as the proper authori
ties may direct.
—The organizers of the Big Horn
expedition have coneruded to aug
ment their number fmm five hundred
to one'thousand men, and start (Lilly
armed and provided with 4 months'
rations, Several men are now In Chi
cago recruiting men fur the expedi
tion and soliciting aupplies. Arita
have been appointed in Nework,
Philadelphia and lkaton to forward
those who wish to follow the expedi
tion and settle up the country. The
expedition will lea veCheyeano about
May 10th.
Should the Tariff bill be sum
marily disposed of, a substitute will
be Introduted covering a few leading
naiads and the free list. These
ardente are likely to be tal i nor,
cot Tee, Iron. lumber, salt, coal, bides,
w ool, on which material reduc
tions will be proposed, with pig
Iron fixed at VI per ton. Such a bill
would probably plies by twenty ma
jority.- The present week win en -
questionably see some dkmositioe of
the tariff in the House.
• —Bkeinni's Rock, * damparous ob
struction in the harbor of tiaa Finn
dux), was blown up with twenty
three tons orWder bn ardurday
last. Between - fi po fty and sixty thous
and peoplaWitnemed the explosion,
whit* It was expected would give
the city a lively shaking up.. Singu
lar to my, however, the *Mock was
scarcely )
—lnternal revenue receipts aro
running about half a million a day.
The Income tax Is ter be paid next
month, and for 1869 it is estimated
that It will prodnce.BsAlolooo.