The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 20, 1870, Image 2

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    the Beaver Argus.
B e arer. p a ., April, 20.11879.
- The Mends of Cuban independence
have received letters stating the. In.
borers on the sugar plantations near
Colon were obliged to abandon their
work on account of the . advarice of a
large body of Insurgents, and that
the Spanish troops retreated; also,
that the column of Spanish troops,
under Goyneche, has been twice de
listed and driven back to Puerto
Principe, and that General Jordan
is still In command of the patriots.
THE political waters are begining
to boil In Allegheny county. A.lerge
number of prospectiveamdidates are
already looking up their friends, and
we suspect that a very lively contest
for nominations will occur there alu
ring the spring.( Quite a' number of
prominent men are spoken of for the
Prothnhotaryship, among whom we
miry mention the triune of Capt. Wm.
B. Cook, a gallant soldier of the late
war, and a promising young lawyer
of PlUsbuigh. He will go into the
canvass with a host of warm' person !
al friends to back him.
Washington and Bearr - i multi. hare no further
IMO our Mr. Bafflogton.—iit taborgh Gaulle.
We apprehend the Gazelle Is labor
ing under a mistake as to the estima
tion in which Mr. Iluffington Is held
in Washington and Beaver counties.
We cannot speak from personal
knowledge of his political standing
in Washington, but we do know that
both of the Republican papers of that
county have spoken in the highest
terms of him us it man IWO of his
course ILI a legislator. In this county,
our judgment, is, that , he has more
friends to 7 day than he ever had In
his. life ; and if lie Is a candidate for
re-election, we have no doubt but/
that he will not only .poll our full
Republicen vote, but will receive
the support of quite a number ; of
honest Democrats in addition.
IiATIIEK startling rumor has
crept out, in Washington city, indi
cating some imminent prospect of
difficulty with Mexico. It is known
that the subject has been a theme of
eonsidemble discussion in the Cabinet,
and it is supposed it relateiin part,
at least, to the persistent violatiori:of
the United Stab% revenue laws.
Strong representations in regard to
the matter have been made to the
Mexican government but without
'avail. ' The loss to the Treasury by
these frauds is reported to have been
something enormous. The present
rumor seems td Imply that the War
bepartment will next take a hand
in the solution of the question which
lies thUs far eluded diplotthwy.
A CASE liar just been decided by
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
Justice Sharswood delivering the
opinion, establishing the Loa that
there is no prescribed from in which
the benefit of exemption of goods
from execution under theact of April
9, 1849, need be claimed, It being
held to be suffiCient if the defendant
state it in such a way that the officer
cannot or ought not to misunder
stand it. In case of doubt whether
tiie claim has been so made, the ques
tion is for the jury, and referring to
'the matter; Justice Shorewood held
that the settled oonstruction of the
net of Assembly of April 9,1849, un
doubtedly is, that when a defendant
claims the benefit of the exemption
provided by that law, he must elect
to retaln.sifeh articles us ho desires,
and such' - election must he .notitied to
the officer at the time.
EthATELY after Gen. Arvi n's
election us State Trlnsurer, the organs
of the Treasury ring were very free
in making the charge that' in return
. for the Demoen‘tie support given to
Gen. Irwin, his Republican friends
In the Legislature were to twist !the
opposite party in defeating the Me
tropolitan Pollee Bill, and also to help
to lay Watt (Rep.) out, and put Dia
mond (Dew.) 'Motifs seat in the Sen
' ate. All this was to take place sure,
actording to their predictions; .but
the reiallt shows that they were the
very itoortt of propheli;. The Me
tropolitan Police Bill was not defeat
ed by Irwin's friends in the
Logislattire , and it true the political
friends of that gentleman who gave
. the contested molt in the Senate to
Int/Pond not to Diamond, as the
treasury 'cormorants alleged would
be done.' Witen will we have wept'.
teWs frona - tht;se sharp sighted, kecn
pawning fellows again?.
• THE more ultra Demoo-sts, here
fled II etv, throughout the country,
feel dimibso fo lek against the en
forcement ,bf the Fifteenth Amend
ment. At the lot Fehvtion held in'
llreleville, Ohio, enuple of weeks
ago, it a•as found th, t in pursuance
of an arrangement made the evening
before, all the I ientoeratleelection
terry had resigned, and irrexponsiblei
persons NO- been selected in their
stead to twelve the ballots. Then,
when the colored. voters made their
appearance at the polls their votes
were refused, and ,no . redress could
then or since be hod.' 'rinse officers
alleging Dint a.. State law prohibited
colored persons from voting, and they
had-not yet been advised officially, of
the ratification of the new amend
ment, although the Pn...Sident's
lapwtion had been published some
days betbie. About (111 N hundredand
fifty colored-votes were excluded in
this way, thus enabling the Demo
crats, as usual, to carry their ticket.
Dames °Nutt kind won'talwayswin.
Tits Hon. Henry Wilson, in a
Irate addiess, said : spite of nitwit
that Is discouraging, and an inermse
of drinking in some circlet, on the
whole there Is great progress. There
was live times es much drinking in
'ongrtss when heentered tho Senate,
!porton years ago, as there is now.
And those that.'now come into Con
grills front the South have nut
brought so much wltli them. Liquor
Amps are now banished from the
National Capital This is a new thing,
and a great improvement. There,
are also six thousand pledged tem
perance men in l'itshington. Two
thinks of the drain shops have also
been eloaed. And lie thanked God
that we have ntia% a Preddent of the
United States who dims not drink a
drop, and a Vice President who does
not drink; and a Secretary of the
Treasury who is a temperanm man,
and who Is not in league with the
whiskey ring. We already see some.
thing of theeffmt of this in the im
proved,conditlon, of the revenue and
the Treasury."
Ix conversation with a corttspond
eta, and in reply to the :question
whether he intended to hew - an
amnesty proclamation, or send
message to Outgrow reetantnending
the removal of disabilliks imposed
by the Fourteenth 'Amendment, the
'resident is. repor ted to (lave S ets 4
; thitPt t hitineto issue tut
amnesty proclamation at all; my
predecessor, President Johnson, ex
hausted that' pretty thoroughly.".
Smiling—" But quite true, \that I did
some time ago contemplate sending
to Congresi a special message necotti
mending the removal of all disabili-
tiesand I thought that a fitting mew.
sion fora messageof that kind Viotti!'
he the restoration of Texas and the,
other States to the Union, believing
It would have the effect to promote .
general good feeling end harmony
throughout 'the South; but since
then there have iieen so many com
plaints made about outrages In the
South, and requests for military in
terposition In some of the States,like
Tennessee and North Qtrolinaethat I
have reconsidered my resolution. I
have acme to the conclusion that so
long as the State of society in these
districts is such as shall cull for
turyaid and to preserve order,i t would
be useless to recommend to Congress
the removal of the dlsabilitica.,
the present, therefore, I cannot'
that message to Congress." .14144;
asked If it was true that' he
message of the kind proposed reitair
to send to CongreSs, and replied,
sir," and went on, to state that
he doeuinent had been all ready,,but
its presentation was abandoned for
reasons already stated. The message
was, brief, urging Congress to remove
by a proper enactment, alidisability
imposed by the Fourteenth Amend
ment, under one simple condition, to
wit: the appearance of all appileants
in oleo court and the announearnent
of such desire. It Will be seen that
the disorderly class& in the • South,
who have given rise to much anise
of complaint, have a great deal to
answer for. It is probably, however
that the day is not far distant when
the President will be able. with Im
punity, to gratify this noble impulse.
TILE 110 N. JAMES KERR of the
Butler district, was one of the few
Republican Senators who dared to
bolt the nomination of Mackey . aod
support Gen. Irwin for State Treasu
rer. Since then, the "ring," of which
Mackey. Quay & Co. are the central
figures, have sought to do. Mr. Kerr
all the political injury ramible.
About the time, or sincelheadimirn
n fent of the Legistature the paid claq
uers of that ring "setup" and start
ed a story on him lo the effect that
while the 'Watt-Moment! senatorial
questien was undergoing investiga
tion, the Democrats offered him 312,-
000 to vote to give the seat to Die
mond. On the Republican Senators
dscertainlng, that such an offer had
been made him, they proposed to
give him the same anaotlnt* if, he
would support Watt's claim to the
contested seat, a proposition which
it is alleged he accepted with the un
derstanding that the money was to
be put in an envelope and depositbd
with a Harrisburg banker, subject to
Mr. Kerr's order. It is further stated
that when Senator Kerr caune into
passession of the envelope and open
ed It, he found no money—nothing
hut blank paper Inside of it!
We have not a particle of lhith in
the truth of this story. • First, because
Mr. Kerr's'soeial and political stand
ing during a long and active life dis
proves it; and secolul, Mr. Kerr was
pue of i eommittee.of seven (live Re
publicans and two Democrats) select
ed to inquire into the facts touching
the Watt-Diamond case, and if he
had accepted the $12;000 from the
Ilemocrat-4'mill voted to give the seat
to Diamond, the rtmult would have
been unchanged, as In that event the
connidttee would have stood jour for
Watt, and three for Diamond. The
Republicans, aware of this, would
hardly in turn, have contracted to
give Kerr $12,000 for his support when
it Was t}ot necessary to have it In or-
dertogiveWattthesent. Kerr's vote
could have been used in no conceiv-
able way tsigive Diamond a term in
the &cadet and the idea therefore,
that'lt was the
of tfhtle, and
that $12,01N1 had been offered for it
first by the Democrats and then by
the Republicans, is simply ridiculous
and will be seriously entertained by
no one. It-is simply a "set up" job
and put afloat by Irresponsible par-
ties, to injure a faithful, honest man,
and we hale no 'doubt but that this
fact will become'apparent to every
body iu clue ammo of time.
Messrs. FMK' at HATCII have in
troduced upon the market the Loan
of the CusfiA PAK E AND 01110 RAIL
ROAD COMPANY, Nvhiell has been
waited for with considerahlelntereat,
worm of the most important finan
cial undertakings connected with the
current new railroad enterprises.
The object of the mad, in . opening a
new route-from the West le . the
Atlantle—which promised to come In
forteidablei cempetition with the
grad trunk roads of the Atlantic
coust—muses this Loan to rank fore
most among the many now before
the public. The scheme is backed
by the mud prominent and success
ful railroad capitalists in the country
and the negotiation of the loan is
undertaken by bankers who have
marketed the largest; railway loans
of late years—including the Central
Pacific and the Western Pacific—and
whose reputation for (nation, honor,
and conscientious probity is such as
to command confidence in any recur-
ities they may offer. The Intrinsic
merit of the Bonds may be asmrtiiin
ed 'from lit kosiwyttui in another
cote . They are lamed in denom
inations Of $lllO, WO, and $l,OOO, and
are either i coupon or registered mak
ing them in peculiarly popular loan.
The Bonds run :SO years, endure tiaya.
We, principal and Interest, in gold,
In the City of New York'. They
amstituten First Mortgage Lien on
the entireprirperty and franchises of
n Sinking Fund of . $lOO,OOO per
annum. Of the entire Loan of 'sls,-
000,000, only 813,000,000 Is to be
bowed, the balance 0f52,000,000 being
herd In trust. The Bonds are offered
at 90 and accrual interest.•.
TlEREt:Canadians. to wit: Amer-
Ices T. Wilson, Louis Montague, and
Charim S. Donaldson, have Issued an
adds, to the people of the ,United,
states, calling upon them and the
Canadians to meet in Convention at
- Niagara Falls on the 4th of July
1870,, to discuss the propriety of tan
nexing Canada to the United States.
One delegate 114 to be selected from
each congressional district in the V:
8. and one delegate tkr packl00;000
inhabitants in cana:da.i. l sts strikiiic
giostratlon of trit purpar w o e
dissrumtled, with Gulwarks stove in,
despoiled of its ornaments and gild
ing, and making a complete wreck—
Will be sent overithe Falls, to be
dashed to plerewot the eternal reeks
of librrty beneath, . •
San Donau& Trvaty 7 -Internal Rae
; nue Deeisiths 77 lute Rani seed—cel
=.ll4e X Vils Ainenantent7'
of .pateids4-,The Halyard invesffga
tion—rhe 'census Bureau Neu ,
Postage SV.amposThe Pundikalßli
—Georgia compromise. .
WARUINGTON, C., Apr 11,14,1870.,
-' it is , reported-that a motion was
made yesterday in executive Session
to expose to the public,' all the' 4,
cussions and the ocean:limping docu
ments concerning the San Domingo
treaty, and that . the friends of the
treaty opposed it strongly, and suc
ceeded 111w:eying an adjournment
before the-vote couki be taken.
The, Commissioner of loternal
Revenue, has In answer to , many
otters bearing on the subject, dec.!,
dedthat farmers and gardners who
,sell only their own prodeets• from
*liens along the streets, not
.4• 4 0,y particular business stand
• - theit' customers may expect to
1101 them, require no license.
{;General Capron, the Commissioner
of Agriculture, has imported to this
country from 9dcutta, some seed of
the Jute plant, which is now being
distributed mob* lilanters in Flori
da' and Texits; Mr trial ,Is a
nbruus.plaut, and of taw culture and
its yield in India where it is raised
is enormous, estimated at 300,000
tons, and is manuthctured into cloth,
Cordage, mats, and 'carpets. ,Fute
factories, it seems, havebeen erected
in Great Britain, France, and in
some of our Northern States, where
Its manufilctUre4 are steadily Increas
ing—This plant resembles flax.
Great preparations has been made
in this city for the celebration' of the
adoption of the fifteenthamendment
Ito-morrow.. Quite a farce was play
!ed in the House on Monday upon
subject. A resolution passed'
theHonse, allowing the colored peo
ple the use of the Hall of:Represen , ,
tatives upon the occasion of the cele
bration, out later hi_ the day, tho
;boys in blue, an almost exclusively
colored organization, ascertaining
that Mayor Bowen, and his clique
had procured the adoption of the res
olution, and that the day did not
agree with the day which they bad
selected; appeared before the House
Committee and succeeded In having
the resolution refeinded. This is
considered another defeat of the
Mayor by the reformers. The May
or and his friends will now be coin
'pelted to Join in with the reformers,
`or be considered bolters anal still fur-
ther loose taste with the colored peo
It is rather a : startling,
,faet that
here are now pending before the two
Houses of Congress,., bills proposing
o give away to Railroads 700,000,000
acres of the public domain. This
amount will eomprisean arch of more
than -the original Itkitteen Statei.
The amount.whish has been granted
to the four Pacific' roads -as. appears
by the records of t L is and 'office,
127,000,000. 'Jay kc. 4. Ce., have
advertised. the bonds of Ottheso
roads witlia statement frmn the en
gineer, that the land grants were
more than sufficient to huild the en
tire road. From this it appears that
congress is building the roads while
private individuals—capitalists--are
reaping the benefit.
As almost daily inquiry is being
made by inventors in different sec
tions of the country, with reference
osthelnternal Revenue Reense for
the Sale of patent rights and, patent
property,l enclose for information,'
structions which have iecently been
given to an a 'contiguous
district; by the Couinidasiouer of in
ternal Revenue, as follows:
Sir :—Alexander & Mason of this
city, enclose a letter addres , ied,,to
them by R. W. 'Crouse, of Westtnin-
ster, Upon the subject othis•liability
to . special tax as patent right•- dealer
by reason of the sale of patent rights
of his own Invention. They have .
-been referred to you for information
and you are accordingly advised that
under the provisions of par-24, see 7D
of the act of Juno 30. 1884, as amend,
'ed, "every person, whose business it
is to sell or oiler for sale patent rights
shall be regarded as a patent 'right
dealer," and shall pay a special tax
of ten dollars as such. If, therefore,
the inventor, his agent, or any other
person engages in the sale of patent
rightri, or the right and privilege to
' nose, snake or enjoy the exclusive use
of the Invention, wonted with re
spect to certain territory or personal
rights•aS a business, such persons
thus selling, shall be required to pay
the special tax•of patent right dealers
as provided in the fbregoing extract
from the law. There Is, however, a
distlnctlonAo be made between the
sale of the principle patented and the
sailor the article to which the Kind.
pie or invention is applidd,for which
as in the sale of any other article or
articles, - the person selling would be
liable as a dealer, peddleroroornmer
cial broker, as the eine may be, - but
not in -the former ease, unleas his
annual sales exceed one ' thousand
dollars.per annum.
The investigatiost of the charge.;
preferred against General O. 0. How-
and by Feinando• Wood of N. Y..
Condhenced to day. ily requ&t of
Mr. Wood) Joseph 11. Bradley EN.
of this city; has been retained to mai
duct the prosecution. It will be re
membered that Mr. B. Is the gentle.:
man: was dismissed from prac
ticing in the District Courts by order
of the 11 di Supreme Court, for hale.
cent language used toward Judge
Fisher, during the John Sunlit trial.
People weie struck with. surprise
to know that such a man as Fernando.
Wood, should be tho one to prefer
charges against General Howard.' . If
the boot were put on the other foot,
nothing would have been thought
about it. So ono who knows . Gen.'
Howard, is at nil exercised abotit
there being . anything developed lad
the • investigation that will Impair
his reputation as an honestand faith
ful public Servant. , if he has ever
reached the bounds prescribed. by
law in the disbursements of monieh
it wilt be,forind that he took upon
imself the' responsibility of using
his discretion, in favor qf Waiving
humanity, atul - not for his own .pe•
amatory benefit.
But ft* realise the amount °two*
to be parlermedin the Census Buremi
at WaS:hington, for the* nest ;three
Yel General Walker , its SuperinE
te t„ wall force, hell
been actively engaged 'during the
past two months arranging and put-
Mg in ordet, sending plit 'toOjse U.
S. Marshals in the eilVerai Start* .
prelinduary instructions preparatory
to a oom mencement Of the census talc
lug on the first of June. Allowing
that It may only require this, year,
as itisiliffissted by Be6,:(*, OosaTe
number that were 1800,
which was 4,417, with-the 4 probable
estimated population of the Vatted
st*4 and • territories at , the present
time to be 40,000,000, it will be. Klee
that the average number of persona
to'be entered by each numerator will'
b0p,55,1, or nearly One-toartii,. - greater'
than in 1860. :With the qtnmat care
both in 1850 and '6O An so -subdivid,
ing the Marshal districts; with a view'
to an equalisation Of the labor and
compensation • among Abe numera
tors, it was found after all, very
inequitable; and:whatever the law
might be, and . with any division
they might Make, It seems after a
thorough investigation of thesuldect,
that there would still exist the same
difficulty. In a country like ours it
is impossible to' ary thesubdivislens.
in extent of surface .and population
to suit all the other conditions of a
thorough enumeration;' and a just
distribution to the compensation
among; all: the assistants under the
existing law, allowing the assistants
tyro cents per - capitti for'eacly name
enrolle4,..ten: deut4 for tischl, fitrei
clamed, and.ten cents for everyiale
traveled In the pdrformance of their
,labor: And ibr that reason the Secre
tary has suggested a bill which' Is
now before Congress that liroyides
additional appropriation of fifty per
cent foitaking the census, to be used
to equalize the compensation of the
Specimens' of :the now postage
storm', Which will be issued as soon
as all of the present stamps are dis
posed of, cFin now be seen at the office
of the third assistant ` l'oshoaster
General. The stamps are of uniform
size, nod are about the dimensions
of these used' prior to the ones, In
present use.. The idea of profile
busts, is tarried out through the
entire series and the various denom
inations are described as follows:
Otto cent, Franklin; krrotile bust,
after Rubricht, imperial ultramarine
blue. Two cents, Jackson ; profile
bust, after Powers velvetbrown.
Three cents, Washington
blurt, affer Houdon—ruilori gmar.
Six cents, Lincoln ; profile bust, after
Volk—cochineal red. Ten cents.
Jefferson; profile bust, Afters' statue
chocolate. Twelrecents,Clay ;profile
bust, after Heart—neutral tint (pur
ple.)-Fifteen cents, Webster; profile
bust,aftereleiiengtta orange. Twenty
four cents, Scott; profile bust, after
Coffee—pure , purple. Thirty milts,
Hamilton; profile bustafteeCerrachi'
—black. Ninteen cents, CoMmodore
G. H. Perry ; profile bust, after
•Wolcott's statue—carmine.
The funding bill . pained the
Senate, Is now before the Ileum
Committee and subject to tlio .ftilicst
discussion. It does . net meet the
views of a majority, and it can be
safely predicted that it will undergo
several changes beforo it Is reported
to the House. To reduce the' hunt-
Bon ofthenational banks With a vlew
to encourage them to bank on a
lower tate .of interest, would be as
much loss in revenue to the .Govern
went as the Governuient wonid save
by the low rate of interest. '
'A compromise lue; been. agretid
upon,in the Georgia matter, to the
effect that in hew of the Bingham
amendment a substitute be offered.
for the consideration of Congress for
an election tQ be hold in September,
for an election of a new Legislature,
and subsequently the State may
apply for rePresenlation in Congress.
This Intvtitutti will be strongly op
posed by the .Dsmocnits and the
Bingham &Atom • • CLUEL
THE Washington correspondent of
the PittsbUrgh Gaulle, writing un
der date of the Eith inst. says: ,
: "There hi a torchlight procession to
night,in celebration of the ratifica
tion of the Fifteenth. Amendment
and .in favor of .the proposed
change of government for the .Dis
triet of Columbia. About fifteen
thousand persons ere . in, line. ' A
number of reddetosts of prominent
citizens are illuminated, 4191 s also the
house of Vice Preddent Colfax..
President Grant was .seren aded, -
and in reply to remarks. by Judge
Fisher•said t could not say any-
thing to these. Who., are Ateelabled
here this evening to, convince them
any, further than.l have done of toy
earnest desire to see the Fifteenth
Amendment become a part of the
Constitution. I will only add, that
I hope those enfr o nchised by it will
preve.themselves worthy of its bene
fits to them and to those who have
the frtitiehise withoutit, that all may
be mutually benelltted by it. I feel
confident that this Will be the result.
If I had hot thought so I should not
haVe been so anxious for its ratifica
The prwession then ,ptoceeded to
the eastern ,portim) of the Capitol,
where dpeeebes. wero delivered ,by
several members of Coogreso. , ,
LeatJ, op th* Rail—A ,Man's "Head
Serq:;ed iron! la 4 I!t?d,y
&horrible affair occurred an . . the
Allegheny Valley Hallemul, near
Logansport, Thunichty- night. ' The
expretk,; train Was gditig:lmpt the
city when the engineer . observed
something fying on the track ahead
Which appeared like n
_ human body.
Whistling and ringing the bell failed
to attract the attention °lithe sup
posed individual, and the train was
stopped. It Was • then discovered
that the object Was the body of tt Man
—headless, that_ portion of Mtn being
found lying on the track about two
hundred yards away. One iarm'aild
a part of •tt leg Was Mao Min' dif and
the body so mutilated that recogni
tion was lints:stale. Upon examin
ing the body . tt pawn ticket :was
-found in one pocket numbered 83,'
and' bearing the nameS James MC-
Vickers and 0. P. Williams.
A short time before h crude oil'
I train had passed Logansport, The
conductor says an unknown man got
on Want some distance from the city
and attempted to steal a ride. He
was put off once or twice. but always
turned up again on sorhe other tort:
Front the dmeriptioni it was evident
the victim sniuthis man.. It is Mt*
posed he fell - off at Logansport be
tween the cars. He told the conduc,;
for he had come down to the elty on
a raft, but tad pot'-received ,any
money From his ensployeri.amAran
ted to ride back home.- No Anther
knowedge' of Mm could be ascertain
ed. The body was taken to Kittanl.
ping, whereit received 'Accent bur
'al, after ajOry had been sworn and
the Inquest adjourned until Monday
for want of witnesses.—Pilts. Gazelle.
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proveaeoto, I nal asuallad In of Mao to
the pabllt.., 4 ' 1 ,7
• -•
rn.; . e:**N r. fil! •
Tie 'GREAT *mini(
tedorais Ras'
Oto s Yes a Different Eltillealbi 5 2 1 1 1 10 g an 4 li c°°lo4llr"
ne Great Millie Cana bre
Um. the best Recusiell3ny NOM elle eakelfd Is
Ude nuke!. •
The following named pats ons—baring pruchasell
and rased the Great EOntillc Cooking Stove kw
some length of thzi9-41ife 1:01116dY rearm' to
to testify toils entswisit metihi as a d o
11 a e L e gi i rin John ,
3 Stiles Mrs. Jobs ,-'
3 Smith Gana ~'.
4 O'Leary Mrs. , :TT
5 French George:. •
6 Grim Frank ` l •f
; U Aughlnbaugh -.•
13 Andrews Mrs 19,46,
14 Acheson Dcmt,Tl .t
' 13 Allen Wllitals.3"
' 16 Anderson JAM" ..
17 Allison James
'lB Armtead Mn; 'i
19 Buchanan W -
31 Baldwin Marq
. 31 Beacom Thomas'
U Bradshaw no ,
it Bradshaw MIM T ; •
.01 Bradshaw 1141131,4
•Es Eradshaw Thusly 1..
31 Braden John '. 7-
.67 Bentle Arbor
V Bonn James
it Benin ton Copt,;„.
30 1117 on Mrs Ann'
.31 Baker Beery
33 Bickerataft W - mt4a,;J,
31 Beal David "1
31 Burgett Boston Gl‘
35 Bradford Henry. 1
31 BlackmoreJosolgtis
37 Ik/roughs D. Sr. ,
31 Boroughs D Jr
39 Burden Henry .
' 40 Barr Henry •
41 Beard Chas
4:1 Duran James Ire'
di Brower Philip, ~
44 lloyl David ,
. 4
45 Bensinger Licari y
46 Beatty Milton, , '
47 lklggs Spom.
43 Bear. Falls Brairirg
,411 Burns Patrick •S
• GO Budge. —.. al ;
51 Boyle John C kt,
52 Bates Joseati •-,. -
53 Banks George- 'T. ,
54 Blualey,lohn -4 '_ ,
55 Bryon Ilenry est ;.
56 Bryon Elikabeth
57 Boswell Wlillamis '
LS Ilesbont West ~ .'.
511 Baker James A. , ,
GO Brown Mrs '-- . .
.61 Bu kn cker% John
63 lett John ,
GS Beta Joseph 4,..
'64 Cass Edward' . .L.
GS Caldwell Jametif -
66 Claws Joseph.
1 , ..,
67 Couch James P. • ..
67 Crawford Jakem,,,s, t -
SD Chlllb William
70 Cairns Judge r• ,;.
71 Cantons' David ,
TS Cunningham W.
TS Man Edward • ' ,
•74 Carr David , :
75 Custard Wm
75 Cherry • "•
77 Cornelius .1 M ' - '
78 Clark Samuel A- • -
:11 Cm/omi John •
00 Coc kle James "-
81 Cunningham Jahn
191 Carson James Mkt ,
.161 crepts
81 CrOwell Ho% W.
95 Cool W ... -.F..
fll Caldwell Mrs
87 Coleman VllllllOll
tel Coleman Georg;
69 Coruna Daniel •
110 Colvin Stephen':
91 Chandler Dr TJ , ,
91 Chafe, James ,e,".
93 Damon Joseph' l l , "
1/1 Duncan Jobs M i - .1
93 Darla Milton '.
96 Danlap John 1 ,
97 Davidson Wm •
ini Id id;llp_i3aMiTed it. t. E A 'Kara e i w
49 Dunn Witham ~.,,, , e ... Do
Re Ustattlet-•-- 1 411r_ sisie ifio...-
ISt Dunn
-811 Patnarama
RH Davin us.
Tam R • ,pet ( erson
1113 Doctor t , mi, Parks OW .
1111 Duling Joseph ..,
1: 1 11)11 : 14 94 10 71
ID D DlUD ir La u l habu lL y p r"Bl .l % .V l l f'
j rn i Widow ~..",
a553 ,, T11 :r6 11 1 2" :„ wmi l liwed it ": ""j oe sie cith X D /11 7 :11 ; k1. : : :: .
111 Dowling W 11 _ 19119 lit Riehereou Jeson
111 / 100 mil David TA Robertson Walt
113 Darling Free
.339 Ross Mn
114 Dawson Ro, o . lien 303 Roney Clot James
113 Dawson . 6l . • SO Reed Witham
116 Dower° Wfa , 363 Reno Ku
111 Derringer M R • 363 Riddle Samuel
118 Dilworth Mrs Her 3e4 Robb Win
119 Ernie. Gen. 065;11nnilio Mtuthent
110 Humbrie Robert SD Rankin Mother..
lit Engle Washington' mw R oo d J oe l
'LIS Elliott Dr J S 368 Robertson W W
WI Elverson Thome 351 lama
191 Evans Rose B 373 Haden Jame.
113 Erwin Chan 371 Mambo James 31
126 Ewing Wm 373 Ho e d
11l Embaugh John 371 Roo, Capt
lel Evans Roden 374 Tilley MB+
IST Elliott Oliver • 313 Itnneellgamin
139 ktielbuto F 44 __ gm vi,,,,,,,, e ,J 0 t,
ISO Eckler Daniel 1ri,0 0 ,,,,,, w,,,, it
1 91 ER 1611 • 1104 k 41 I - 978 -Reed Hiram
151 Edgu Robert II 449 it.,,
11t4 Er."' thimarl 34) Russell Thomas
235 rllll/ " eila, •WI lined Blume ' .
aw „ F ra nk l i n Zen , 341
Ew er i teo
147 Fronk Solomon • Set Smith John W D
Mt Fiddler Jacob 441 Smits II •
12.1 Fiddler OCO SIS Stowe Hiram
149 Funkhonser 4 W wo Shively Gee
I 1 41 enter 11 . 1 7 •'
triT Raley Richard
141 Walton Km Ilex ma ati v noa
143 French Vapt :921 Shoals Hugh
/ 44 9.9197109 John itiu Smith Andrew
145 Frannie Robert . ail Sankey N o ) E
146 Frasier John A• • I lls Eg o n,. A,,,,,,,,
147 Fnnkhouvor Joneifftlaha e,,,,, w v William
148 recta Freres • • *394 Sager We,
149 Ferguson Jolla !115 111w1011 Iter
150 Fleming Wm ` :kid Sittiburet Henry
151 FrinkhooserJonara en lwewnrt Janie.
151 Inwl l 11 euniu : 1:04 stein Dania
133 Fronde II J •3:41 titrock Wm
11l Gad.' Henry :: :400 Sterling 314 John
WI Gurley 1401 Shaer
13d Gray° Doetou , :401 Stiles Mrs Samuel
'137 thrive John
,4iol (k•urge
•138 Grove William - • 4111 Slillth Ilrejoeepla'
139 Gibson Jam ti . 1403 Breton. Alm II
ICA Glean Wood.ria_ ,406 hers' Geo
161 Gilleeple Cam li: I , .
•197 Spencer Jus • eph
141 (Witham Robs '4114 Smith Robert,'
161 (Sabato Chen AM./Moyer lieu
ICI Gillet Samuel, 410 Smith liplim ho
165 Gob'e k Co ' ,
''. II Stott UMW It.
166 Gobi° .2 Co ~ • , 1 119.Shoorralter Joseph •
10167 Goble .t. Co ~ 1 1111 Sterrert.larnes It
161 Goble g Co • 114 Sheet*
149 Olboon '4ll. Bunn Mn Peter
ITO GUM Jobe . 418 Taylor Samuel
171 Gill John ;411 Taylor Joseph
171 Grey Si Clair 411 Thompsent /limes
lii Gormley Samuel 1 :419 Thomas Mrs Ira
1,1 tilloon George , •42.1 Thomas James
175 Holitip Miss :411 Thouippou E II
119 Hamilton lieu W •41.1 Tuttle Dr C H
177 Mutt —, 4M Tltcnnirson
116 Hunter Than . '414 Tonehill Mrs
179 Hunter— . 148 Taylor Wm
let Room Win. 418 Todd Beni aro
181 Holstein John 441 Todd simnel
181 Holstein CM Townsend Chen
ha Bohlen -- kW Tea Richard
181 Ranter Koller 1 . 410 Townsend gran P
183 Uirgins Rich dL. 1431 Townsend Howard
180 11111 ...VS Bloats .1 V •
157 Runk' 41 Lenz 411 Weynnd Mrs V A
IBS lioneton Robert 431 We and Mn A
IN He d Lenz •CZ Wilson Frank .WI
11/9 lionlkd Vance. • 1410 Wilms George .
191 Ilounetuilder.Mss, 1412 .. emegjeasne
191 Unrrett KO:m.lm • 111 Wallace -- 1
101 HamillOn tieo ' '' 419 White Jame,
MI Rutter Win . BO Wallace Robt
193 Uoll Rola S 411 Wade hire Mai ,
md meth,: '• 441 Weapon John
1117 Harting John ~ 449 Webb 11
RS Ibirvey Albert ' 454 WagnerTer l
199 Ilendereon Wm Ii 443 Wray --
Wu Uartman John .• 441 White Alex
201 Umiltsworth -• „441 Woods John P
201 Ingrain John W '449 Williams Win
10.1 Dianna Mattlansi '1449 Wharton 0 P
WI Jecknon John. ~ 450 Workman Mrs .
103 JohnstanCapt Jas 431 Wham Her :-...
SS Jackson Dr Jan II • 4.21 Winans Dr Banc
201 Jackson Andrew W Winans Cape Ift .
311 Jackson Jame* . Waddle Than
Ski .18hrotuu Thoth a' wan cries
210 Johnston gum* - 456 Minna Vent
111 Jones William 1 457 Walton Richard
211 Jackson Andrew 492 Wohrot Jonathan
SW Jackeoa Orval • • i
438 Wise Allyard
114 Johnston RerW Wallace
913 Johnmon 4 8 461 +Chide David
216 JII/091, Wm Mt Watson Jane
$l7 Karma* James 481 Wright Thomas
218 Enterer Fred /64 Wright John
219 Koffman Fred 481 WhiatkrJohn H
2:19 Kirk Adam sr 4611 Wall George • '
, 911 Kirk Adam). . , • 467 Wright Andean
131 Ensued: Katt T ” Whltehilliamer
223 Kronen Samuel ' 463 Wilson Mannadisko
Eli Knight Richard 410 Warnock Jame*
*l3 Kennedy Samuel 471 WymerJobra
126 Kuhn 12 P Req. 414 Wymer Adam
217 Kline 8 C • •473 Toting John Neon
431 Elias 11 111 474 Ta. er kind ,
319 Kstarar :inset. 415 Vanklrt Wm,
Sr Kelley Alton Ann 4•91 Blackman Time
S3I Ernst' 111. 477 Darldrian Wis lit
=2l Whiny John 471 Raney Jahn ,
tll Loagnecker Jacob 479 Hays Chas
1114 Lleod Datid *1 Renew R S
BO Lowery Jobe WI lane, Haw D P.
WA Learteek David 'Mt Lauda* labootam •
1127 Lyon Win 481 lirtlisrelnam
1118 Lang Yes lag IML'Cremilas
514 Loud dohs 1143 Nixon . •
949 Londe, Mrs llargi 4111 Nesbit Rev Wm
' 211 Indite JOlll sop ' *I Melee*. Wm' •
211 Late Joseph 453 Reill.Mis ---
243 Loki= (lurks .4 Prolllt Henry .
944 Loomodliyhimas imi .ravoger Jacob
lel Idna David. 491 To= John
146 Lfti *ley Thomas 49:1 W Joseph
147 Leonard Maki ' 11911 Free Col
2114 Lerner Jahn
__ 04. Crlichloir• Haw IC
249 Middleton Mn nos KA llenderson RSV .
lIETIV . IretI Ant clat e•lighler fill 91499 •• 4
about horsepower pirelt.r.thet &reamed
to the pate° at eemosmallar rate.. , •
,C O F P "_ i
• '••••1 3• _
' Ma: p Nissarlraszr, NeiXamik,— ,
• • '
. • ~
February 13, 1810.
mew which attinir ne-
UothiGnie af the Icons of the Cimensa)icime
HALLOO/MI Comewity twirl Le 7iFtrrifll PACMC
~Hsil awn Coarmti.end the popularity and cred
it Which thbarifaxins bare maintained ha the mar
beta, both in thlicounh, and ;mope; haviishderis
that the /list , Manama Bonds Of whist,. located
and honorably managed Rallrekals are promptly
rocog: tined and nnidlly taken ait the Moot suitable,
safe, sad adman:eons Sum of Investment, yield-.
Inn a more liberal Income than can hereafter be
derived from Government Bonds, and available to
take their place.
hunted that, hr theieketion and negotiation of
sup:aloe lialkoad L01D1,11.0 are meeting a great
pablik . want, and rendering a valuable gentee—
l* th to the holders of Capital and to thomigrest
Billows: 'Works of !Menial heron went whose ha-
Mimic merit and sobstantialighancter entitle them
to the use of capital and the. oSiaildeme of invest
ore—ire now odor with speehil contidenccand
satisfection the
Medan Jas 11
I Morns , Win
333 Merton Abner •
104 . rig
133 Wier •
.• Mier --
i It 11 lel
Xenia Miii Joseph
.i • Moron Thor •
Morrow Andrew
- ,•
Miller Milo N
• • Mitchell Dayvi
lle! Masser David
' .. MarksJotut Y
i 36 MoOn Dad
Maxwell Me
Mlddieunt Wm
313 Meta Geo •
313 Manson Jncob
all MoilltJaines
7.. trz Kt
. 217 . Moore Mee Panel'
173 %liner Frank
SW Morrlsopdllesse
BB Morrow John
VI May her. Widow
... 'Mingle John
;•,. McCeoses•A 0,
~.,.. McCleary Wm,'
• . Meerdedy Agnew
M'Culknegh John II
t.. 111Tnilpuiti hobert
M'Creary Dr J D
23:1 Wereery Win
391 3CCreery a Co
31M.MeDermitt Joseph
• Bei McDonald Pat
TIM McDonald Mrs N
MI MeDeradtt Jamie
thri McDonald Capt Ab.
127 McDonald Capt A
McDonald Win •
813 McDonald
Illid Wren= S 8
301 Mcirerran. Joseph
301 McGehee' James
3)3 McGowan Belot 8
3u4 Mcilvaine
' MO Xelffillea .--
WI McNeish, Josulum
207 McKee James -
308:31cGlatighlin John
BB Mclnageilln Thos
310XeMUlen Dr A
311.3SPCiakey Mobs .
MI Ileteary James
McPhellmy Mn'
311 =1: litotes'
~..lifilral l tionnur _
11 . 111*Coy Alexander
310 X•CelJoagh John
311 - M'Danald•Mrs Col J
333 Brikenald Andrew
VI a.'ets
nJ Mrs Widow
8 7 :1 1 / gaite - le4n I,
ri rimpoil lki Sig;
WlSTardr. , ---
earAltrert -
1 -Piave Austin
Sal Pierce John
131 Powell Peter ••% n
333 Porter Win.
. XII PrositatJeVa
1380 Patter Beni.
Phials Theo ;
MUG Mrs Miry '
PitWia I X
- Peusand Woe
Clok" TIII
Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company.
rirr . CAreaPtake and OAkr Railroad, connecting
the IttUntie west and the magnificent harbors of
the diessfieldrg Bay with the Ohio river at a point
of tellable moll..waft, and thee, with the: entire,
railroad *puma and d water transportation of the
great West and dorttliweat, term. the midi:
theist East attilliVeet TrunieLtne, eo
imperatively demanded for the accommodation of
VW immense and rapidly growing transportation
bit Ween the Atlautle seaboard and Barofie on the
ono hand, and the great producing regions of the
Ohio and Misalsimpi Valley* cm the other. •
he importance of this road asa new outlet from
tba West to the lea =guides it Into one of nation
al conicquence, an insure* to It an extensive
through trade f ran the day of Ito completion;
while, In the deVelopment of the extensive agri
enthral and miueral resource* of Virginia and
West Virginia, it possesses, along it. own line,
the elements of a large and prof:UM:Mr local bust-
Thu. the gnat lnierents, both general and local,
which demand the completion of the Chesapeake
Gadlo Railroad . to the Milo river, afford the
surest guarantee ut lu lIIIICCOSS and value, and
rroder3ll4linost idsportaa ancfaubshhif ial
rtindataiptprirs nom in progress in Oda Country.
Jts superiority as an East and West route, and
the promln of an immetwe and prodtable trade
awaiting in Completion, bare drawn to It the at•
Union and - co-operation of prominent Capitalist.
'and Willman man of lids city of mound Judgment
and known Integrity, who.* connection with it,
together with ibat ofeninent manna and basi
lica. Inca of Virginia and Wen Virginia, insures
an energetic, honorable, and succwwful managn-
" , The Road is coMpleted and In operation from
ailitimond to the celebrated White Sulphur Springs
otWnt Virginia, tulles, and there remain but
100 miles (now partially constructed) to be wimple
tad to awry It to lb. proposed terminus on the
Oldo Wier at, or near the mouth of the Big Sandy
Ito ogles - Alia" ,ciiietioatt, mot noo macs
below Tittsburgh:'' •
Lbws anknow proJected ur Inprw., 7l ,thr—gb,
dhlogicitcwidck, fo theo punt, witieh Will con
nect the Chesapcohe and Ohio with the .entire
IWltoad asatema M the {Veal and nolithlregt, and
With the Pacific Itailrhat
relasble ireachlres nu 4 tuierlor slcsule;pht
Will place the Qr./dyer/4 IdE (Ohio Railroad Coe,
tintueg the richeit:suut ut.t powerful and
ttr'orthy corpora Elam, or thecuon try ; and there
exlets a prevent vAht,r, In courAlted 'road and
Irtirk done, equal io the entire amount of the
The details of the Loan bIINC been smsnged with
special MEAL* to ibi 'mutts of ik II ilaiue; of In+
?odors, and combine the eariouslestnias of con
e,enienee, safety, sod protection against 10.1 or
Ihe Bonds are lu denondnitions ofs
81000, 8500luid•8100.
• They will Inr InueA aitiapoiAlm*, Ririe*
io nearer, and troy be hell to that form or
The bond may reviAt•rea In the name of tho
ocher, with the coupon. , ronaining payable to
brar, attached, the primcipoi being thou tram
(arrabb ou the bawl:a oh tio;Cautpany, unto*
to.tewigned to tkwrer ; or
The cuatkona may be detached nod caueelled,the
bundjahole a perm anentßetti•ltteril Bond, trans
ferral only on book ,. ..r the Company, and
the I root payahte only to .he regiatered
owner, or ht. attorney.
fTne three clusedwi II be known respectively no
Ist. "(lonian Iloads payable to Bearer.'
Skr".fiegisterni BOW* with ro . opolle attached
“Rivlelered -!fonds WWI rompoiis Ildarh
and shoalil tw so desly,uoted by cormspood
'tubs in specifying inn elms of Hands dashed. •
They has, thirty years to rim yorta January
15, 15711,,a1th intereAt at six per cent per annum
from lovemh•t 1,160. Principal and Interest
iinyntile In lel In dw city of :4,, To. k
The Intetedt la payable hi Hay and Not undnzr,
that It inai take . the thaCof the learliei he.
aned of Ftve•'l'wentlee, addnult the convenience
of our Wendt, who already hit.d ,Ceninil and Wed-
tern Pacific Bends, with Intempt payable lu Jane
in and July. and xlm may ilelore, In tusking
)oldolounl luvoitmente. to love their Intereot re
.cehable at dl&ropt et:awns of thu 3 ear
The Loan la Necured by • morhpage upon the
Ir:utile Line of Hoed from Ittehmood to the Ohio
Hem% with tho equipment and all other property
pad appurtertauces connected therewith
A Slaking Fund 0 1 slum() l'er senora is pro
vided fur kbe redeapptioavg the notate,to take
! tee : 014 . r e i 'l * t et g n Ot th " of 41°144db!
The toolgive le fur $15,000,000, of which ite.,000,•
(DJ will be rreerred and held to trout for the re•
detninion of outstanthng Bonds of the' l'irginla
:Central I Railroad Conipaoy, now tueryml In the
C.4eapente d Ohio.
Of the tetantolug $113.101.11(1U, a Pan
Will be .old to complete the wad to the Ohio ricer.
perfect and Improve the portion Dovrin operation.
end thoronlhli equip the whole for a large and
The pteaent price la 90 and accrued Interest
A Lawn so amply ecurett, no carefully guarded,
and en certain hereafter to command a prominent
place among the taverna wrinkles to the mark.
:eta, both of thia country and Europe, will be at
once appreciated sad quickly absorbed
Very respectfully,
P. S.--We have leaned pamphlets containing
fah partieulamstatistleal "talia,maps, eteorbleh
,rill be furnished upon application.
, 111 — We buy and acil Goveniment Bonds, and
'receive the account of Banks, Beakers. Corpora.
bone, and others, subject to cheek at sight, and
allow interest on dilly balances.
, ;
lent amount
, r.r.11. ,
' 4" Z;Vti;`4 ,,, ' '•* ''
' .
r.. .;:ri •
47 allials':- Aaktillik;
-4-4 , , t •
SPRIN9 }, ..01,:f5iNfn sTyLw
a a _
At St and
/be 5 . Years.)
Smithfield Street,
from FaittliEvennie:
— Vo call the attention or our former pat.
'Tons and the piddle generally that we arc
now prepared to supply them with a tre
mendous stock of
WALL PA1953.11
of superior quality and excellence, at low
er prices than can be had at any other
ilttablishment East or West
Fornwhcal at the very lowest rates.
Partictilar Attention Paid lb the
Wholesale Department,
COAL 808 SALE.—The undersigned has
constantly on hand a good article of Lump and
Not Coal, which he will .11 at reasonable prices,
either at the bank, or will deliver to ',turban..
The bank Is located on McKinley's nun, a few
rods fron. the JIM Ft. Wayne& Chicago Railroad,
and but a short &stance from Beaver Callon.
have also a good article of Fite Clay, which I will
dispose of at mum:able rates. -
girders left a: my residence In Bridgewater, or at
Michael Camp's In Iloch,:siter, or at the hank. will
receive prompt attention. J.C. 310 UL VEIL,
Treasurei-'s Sale.
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of au Act
of Assembly of this Commonwealth. pawed the 13th
day of Merck 1513, entliksi "An Act to amend an
Act directing the mode of selling unmated hinds
for taxes," te... sad the several subsequent Acts
supplemental thereto, and the several Acts in con
fortuity therewith, requiring and directing the sale
of unrmted lauds for County. State. Borough.
School and lipid taxes: and the diet section of the
Act of April Bites, hill, authorising and directin„o
the return and sale of all real estate ad unsealed
lands are now sold, In satisfaction of tales due and
unpaid by the owner or owners thereof: Also,
the Acts authorising the sale of molested lots in
the boroagbd of Bridgewater, Faliston, New
Brighton and Rochester. fur borough taxes, the
following lota, pieces and tracts of unseated lands, -
Jtc., in the county of Beaver. or so mach thereof
as will pay the arrearsge ad the taxes accrued
thereon for the ream IStig and and an much
back' taxes of previous yenta as remain unpaid
will be exposed to public sale at the Court ilouoe
In the borough of Beaver, on
Monday the 18th day of Jwte, Next,
aid be continued by adjournment If
ALLISO N. neces.oiry.
tgll 13, 1370. Treat, &acts . Co.
orr Persons deabiwie of paying the taxes doe
upon any lot or tract In the following list, are no
titled to do so before the day of rale. so upon that
day it will be impossible to attend to such retelpts
—mid no property will be withheld from mile on a
mem promise of payment.
Nam—All property marked with a.tas (..) Is
returned under the UM section of the Act of the
kith of April. 1041. •
sale Mat for lb* Taxes of 1861 & 1868._
Fordbed James. MO acres of land
Hobert.' Wylie heirs, 3 lots
•Edwanls flenry J, how.. ■od north cud of
lot No 80,
31/wits Inne, o. r.. t lot. No. 101
Young l'otrr, 4 of lot .....
Conrwl'e Joseph hefty, 4 lote—Noo. 40.11, 43
. and 43 3 GM
•Logan Elisabeth, 1 lot at Vault. rt, Nu.l3 . V
Morton Jacob, house In vanport, 4:11
.11'Klune7 Catherine, house and lot So 11,
In Vsuport,4 04
DuutOun'o Bt•leeotee beim out lots Nw. 98
100, 101 and 106,-10 . . 7 40
Yolrnon'• heir.. 141 &cr. 01 1and..... 04
M'Cresdy DAvid.B% mere. land, 41l
14 0101 John, lot No. ttl, 1 11
. • 1111.11.0LWAIgni. lloll.orull.
Dither Matilda, n. r., 4 lota and tart of oat
lot No. 15,
' , Daubsln'. Sylv.ter hero, boon and lut No
O. and t lots Noe. 10 and 11
Rao - don Freeman, 2 lota, No, 11 and 13..
Vera,Mary, lota, Verea plan. Noo. 53. 51, A:
and part of lot . :2.
Limes James he:11141 lot. No. tIIJ
Alinin William. n. r., 35 acres of land... ... 10 R)
Einktiek, Katie Js Co., tSi acres of land, .... Y 73
Hardy C. A., n. r..: acres of .... 13 10
Hardy A. A., n r., 1 acre of land, 31
Lyon 4 , 4 aCITIN of land a 2 17
Marko Jacob S. Co Oil Refinery and 2ii
acres of land.... .... . . 51
Smith Park A Co., n. 0.. 000e-+ of (and,.. Ni
I . IIIOFI Company. 2 aeon of hold
Waugh U. D., 2 al, of tan d 2 47
1/MINTON not.ou.ll f'
Grant William. . ......
Hap' AINW, I lot. .
31.1.0 n Itttribeth. hou.r and i nrrw of land
and n Nono 11. 21. In. 17, too and 51, 1.1
Ileau"r }IZA., I lot ettioitkluz Jn- Iluwrll, .
Ithtnlooo llant-e)'l , Oslo. I no,
WlliLanto loonor, hon.,. and loot No. 1,.. J 111.
Mo'clltt Nancy, 1.5y11i..t.51 504
110PEIrirr. Tr.
• Ilaruy Leonard, 10 a. land taar I.ngatowlz
• Vallkirk W. V!, Tta In 1•111.71440.11.. .....
11111TOriTITT Tr.
Dart-lhavid.tioti. in industry, Nos 57
Mend Goodwin, Montgumery ...
31.11,N Sr.
ml'. Wm. Loin., I MI .I.loluing Thor.
Herr, No. J. 15
NLw 3811/11TON110110.
Asdtcwe Joseph. o. r..
acre. or land . 15 09
Fitzpatrick' Edward. I lot In Middle Went, 4 55
Honeywell Robert, 1 lot In N'Comb'e plan, Ni
Lnnz 6 Rosen, of lot No. Ni. !A/
*Smith W. 11., n. r.,lsere lend In northward 3 10
:7011.771 SCRIM= 77.
' Haien . Be:du/W.97 ammo of land adjoining
13/34 of Rummel Eva. 3 77
Unwa f ry' Prrld. Ju lamas Ramsey r.. 5 imlo• a laud adjoin.
- hs Mod, af rkl
Wehli ihnity.aCt.. fractal 'of land
01110 TT.
Cloud David, 6 aver. land near Jive° Smith, 443
Roga, S. P: 4 acres of laud In lilavgow buro ti 15
.11liAon Jamee, !male and lot I 21
Ilandar •tams, 3 1 / a cres of land. 7 JO
Kehler Elizabeth, 2 acre. woodland..... 53
Fetterman N. P.. n. r.. 37 ter!, of and. 8t
Jaezron t Knight. 3 serer of land, . . - 75
J.icknou Thomas. 4 acre.. run" 1 tit
11IaJor. Jeremiah. 'Macre* of Land, in
Sharma Jacoh,2s acre,. of land. id :V)
Towneend Mrs. LewiN 5 acres of laud :o)
[1.71:34 Mite
Doneltion Polly. boa., stable nod .0t 5 Is
11.igge .1010101, 3 lots, Porter'• plan, 91
Darragh Jame., Slots. fteno's plan, Nos. 11%
In and 143, 3 141
Idson Wm., I lot No 13, Pinney's plan, 31
Dickson Joseph 11. 1 lot adjoining. .1 Arm
strong. 45
Dunbacker J.. 2 lute. let euls.dtvielon, Nos.
UN and ........ ....... 55
Eaton Win.. 3 lots iu Ist rub.tilvision. N.o.
111.113 and 141.. .... ... . ...... . „ 92
Eaton Wm., Llot adloinint; John Eaton '-
Erb Aug.tine, 1 lot No. 141, Gould'e plan, 35
Prasier Mrs. 11.K..2. undivided half lote.Nae..
& Gll, Plunvy's plan. .... Pd
Pasch' Ilenry,l tale, NO, 1.1 and 21,
plan, 3 10
Fataller Christian. 1 lot, No. Sat. . 110
File Adam, l lot No. 197. Gonlifs plan,. .• I :at
•Ilunter.W. II.; noose lot No. 1 240
11.rhring Christian. Hats, Itentioplan ....
italor J. J.. n. r.. I lot, N 0.76. Guald's plan 30
Kelly Loomis. Y lots, Reno. plan .Y 22
Metz Peter, n. r.. 1 lot, No 145 Gould's plan 37
31Clihenom Conner.l lot Nu. Ittl Ist loth dm. 40
!.:Setth Emits, I lot., No. In, (loultre plan, .. 2 2,0
l'inner David, Ido No 128, du do tl7
Shubert Adam.,! 00 No 210, do do 150
Shaffer C. W. Ido No. 71. do do .... 37.
Sollivan'• lilrnael helr 1 lot tour ice bonen 11
Useieltnn Clark., 1 lot, No 11.3(11ub-ill vision 2 90
.titictirsrxe TOWN,IIII..
Casers Jane heirs, 3 lots, thuntoon'a plait, 1 20
1:Doti: John, bonito and lot 110
Pell Jacob, l lot, Hemiti plan.
14. cluing Christian. 3 am. of land 1 2.11
Iladeu George. 12 acres land, coal privilege, 1 95
Hays Thomas. 1 lot on McKeniefa
Ifilibunth John. tjacre land. (stone tinarrvl 1:1
Noes Ineob.3 lots, l'ark's lain 7 33
Parris 6mtly, 1 lot above Dr. MANIA,' t 41
Porter Wm, 10 acres land on 11•Kinley'n run 1 GO
l'orter Jas. Sr., 73 WTI. laud, adjoining Alex.
1/Ivldeon. .... ... . ..... 9 S 5
Gamey A M., 1 lot, Itamsey's plan 37
aprl3.:4w • •
New Firm! New, Goods!!
O'Leary & Singleton,
14* federal St.,
Hare ju•it received a large stock and
splendid assortment of
Finney and Variety (loads,
.Notions, Chiblreit's (Itrriages,
7bys, Ilaby-llorses,
Oa*, Wagons, &c., it-e., &r.,
Which they ere selling la Italuctll I'rkc
To JOBB (S ERS and the RETAIL Truth
We make ti Spell:Illy of
hprl3dy.l 148 Federal St.Alleglieny, Pa.
New Advertisements.
IIIeNOTTOII. Y.. Bee*: Perwetwet
i ty located In Beaver, weel4 terpeefully tan.
der Me prokesional serrltea kr tbe chiseme of Bap
sir sad surrounding conntry. bwederetieurien
phi to the treatment of female dbews. Bnr4rry
dolls with a ritillfal hand. Mice we Third .{tree.
a nrw doors WOW of the Coen Honer.
INO, 11l Noun N: Y. Anybody ous reit
MM. Cbeep. Self bat. Pay handeotoely. Red.
for new dreolsz. • reprCirr
STS to to $2OO per month! Wet want
to employ a rood agent to every County
In the rolled Slates. on comudeolmt or
eatery, to Introduce our World Arnow's.
ed II Ails Wire Mara Moil; will last •
hundred year.. If you want pnnltaltre
and plea s a n t employment, addmve It. S.
* 101411. b. Co. Itanaracturer..l.s 1111/larre
drrert.'m York, or 10 Dearborn Stred, Chicago.
fly J. BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake (*porter.
BEING an: Xl'OSliof their ET
—With a fall and authentic blatory of Folygra.
my and the Mormon Sect, from its origin to O.
kreaent tithe.
U/AUTI 11 Old and Inferior works'on the Mon.
19 , 11 Mons are being circulated. See that
mach boo contains 33 gine engravings, and Sin
ogee, AGENTS WANTED. Send escripti for rim-Wart
and see our terms snit a ll don of the
l'a. • aprik
After remit study and nektonic iniesti.ration as
to the remedial qualities or Ca tinoue Arno, Ur.
Waits has dlsturered by proper combinAtion si hit
other articles In the norm of a Tablet, a ste,citic tor
all pelmonary dincaso, THESE TABLETS are a
SURE CUBE for all dine... of the ItESIIIIATO
UIf:THEMA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or lioratrc•
Irmo; alai', a auceoratal remedy for Kitheey
rallies. Paha Y 5 CENT% per hex. Sent by mall
upon receipt of Imo-, by JOHN K. KELLOtiti,
trt Cllet street, Now York, Sole Atzeut tor the l'nt•
ted State. apre4Sw
I was cm42‘t Or Ire ,fner4 and Catarrh by a rlmple
remedy and nut rend the rerelpe free.
Mits. I. C. LEC:GE'I'I', 111,1>oken. N.. 1
For Twenty-Fire Cods yciu can buy
of your Druggist or Grocer,apackage
of I S'EA MOSS PARINI:, 'lading-ay
lured from pure Irish Moss or Carra
genii, which will makesixteciiquirris cf
Blanc Mange, and a like quantity of
Puddings, Ctoilards, Creams, Char
lotte Razor, &r. It is by fur the
cheapest, healthiest. chid niost delicious
food in the world.
Plar, 1
Plantation Bitters
S. T.-1860-X
This wonderful Vegetable Restora
tire is theshrel-anchor of the feeble and
debilitated. As a Tonic and Cordial
or the 'ailed and languid, it has no
equal among stoinaellics. As a reme
dy for the Xerrous .Weekness to which
Women are especially subject , it is su
perscexling every other stimulant. In
all climate's, tropical, temperate or
frigid, it acts as a vecifie in ercry spe
cies qfdi.wnvb r ieh irk meet-ern i no? Me
tall& strength and breaks dare, Mr
wlimud erpirit.. Fen. side: by all uq
giststr. eleat:3o:6tee
FARKERS Their -mt., and tabor., can make
meuey rapell) ...11tug the NEW ILL
USTRATED FAHMEIL , ' JIANt. 1., wilted . ey
Cr° E. W•UI... Jr„ Practical Farmer awl Author,
and late Agricultural Lai:tine, al N. V. l'
Park. tic beet book fur Farmer. ewer Wiled- 7 .1/1
newt It heron plauting. It Ll a e rated, labor
money making book. Thou and. lain bought it,
nod thoulkand. more 0 ant it. 13th cold.° wade.
Live Agent., Wanted: 1 . 1,11te Lange. A 11. 11
BAUD, UV elicauat dr. l'ittl.s•tl. ho .
711 re•
$ll 07
. 6 19
-e t More than 500,000
Persons 'rill
c- ',car tevi Irmo. . tothelr Wonderful
Curative effect, 7,1
4 • WHAT ARE THElifj.C. , t;
t ic!:77l;
4.r.g...F.. - kN CY 1 )IZ/ NK. 'T . Ft I
Made of Poor Ruin, ndiy, Proof Piplr -
ita, and Before Liquony doctored, apt red,
and nweetenett to please the. taste. rutted Tou
leo, -11e,torero. - .tr„ that lead
the tippler Ins to drunteptieen suit ruin. but are a
true medicine. made :nun the !lathe Itootn and
Herbs of California. free from Alcoholic
Silos nianni. They are thets EAT IILOOD
PURIFIER and Lire Giving Principle,
• perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Nytt.
tem, carrying oil alt Vl6OllO. Matter, and restor
ing the bloat to a healthy cowl:don. No ',cream
tau tale these Bitters according to directions, and
remain lung unwell.
$lOO Will he given for an Inenotble talfe o lliti, bl
ed the bones ore not destroyed by mineral pot
ion,. or other mean., and Ibo vital organ. e pled
beyond the pojEl, of repair
For IntiaMnatory A. - Chronic
mailman and Gout, 11.1)apepida, or IBC.
de.tion, Billion., 'lmmanent, and In
termittent Fevers; Digest..s of the
Biond,Llver,Kidney BlailderolleAc
llitiera tare&nt mood ouccoo nut Nisch Dial
comets ore cdto.ed Blood, o
uenerally prodtteed by the denote,. ant of Gee
Indefttli - `Orszait..
t tellll- , the X Ithltel literal o th.n0..1 you Sind
Ito Impuritlett Ilorottn, through the ohm Ili Pdto
ph, Kl'l4llol. or Sloe.; dealt., It o IWO arta
it oltotructed ottozLfoh to the cello.: Ch.. 1111.., at
tt ht. It le lotthals.l,.., leeltog. w tll tell you open.
Kevil the blood poi, 1,11,1 tloe health of the .)stem
tt ill follote.
tya•u . m ul 1•0111.111 y thou•au,t
bleu) t•J ur relnovell.
/11 - 1/1//11111P. MAIIIIIOII 111111 int..rmittila
13111oro hate no ulnal. I For lull dir.rttntnt
and ratrlullr the tare L,r .nniunl ...nL Innce,
prlnleAl In lour tnrtuun.
"'rent* Ind Sinn3-11 .1. ‘V.11.1:1,1:. l'rnprionr,
•, N. V.
It. NIcI/U.5.11.13 , D1114:4,1..4.01 .I:run,,
San Franureu nod rUer.nnenzo, C,lnornis. and 31
31 Connnerve Nt. N V.
SoLD BY ALL prtruAasTs Asi) Ill.:A I
1118.10. iii
It Includes the Ihalorlm and :secret
doing. of Wall Slriicf, Life rz.itches of It. Mn.c
flic lapecill.uhin. In Gold, .l,e L., dn . ...A1 ctn..°
hiroculalor., and all that Is great, viocerlul..;.icii •
did, til) Oil , rii.ting, kit. a-M.l4llLn
Se.. 11 thelo,u. 0. Ppt,.11:1111.111 Poe
rrali. of Vain:real?. Ihcac, 1r . and
many other.; Illlr.l%ing. id noted talc awl
berries, Sc. I ahrtutlik/ Maxi, Fr,. Scott for
Circulars to Wol,lllMtiri,.. Draw:
Indir., I tri.lsylion iillord. Conn It
IC:onotimpt Ives, Provoientially
toy olnuL!lto, a,d too 1.3 abo.le
menus. U 1 ,41 Tlooo panto be
no•ot tn. , It. rut, E. Ilt - n+Loon . , studdon ntreet,
lirtn;:l3 to. Lon,: 1.:anol. Insan4r lxv
The hieEte Comb tbatnze nuy colurcol
UM hair ur henrrl ion prrntnuent
book r wunta. It auntoott. uu pvbson. Auy One
eau ot-o• l until our
.rmlinq rrni..
ac , •, hehrht, ruh of e),.. and halt, ) tut o
by return matt, ts ornset lot to, td sour int ote
huolialut or Mile, with Ina . anal date of WM' ringe.
Addr...., IV, FOX! , It Draw or N 0.1.1. Foiton
ville. N. Y. twat:ll;lw
. • -- - _
FoI: FAMILY USE --i,Fin.ptr, I 'atop, Itili,tht,-
K%IT4 ariitxnlluu. M.4.NTS II ANTED clr
cular and turuplustuctrltLq FILES. -Vide,. EINE
176 Broadway, N. Y. tutar:ardm
GOOD BUGGY 1 1 011 SALE. - Fur tut
11. A
ther Informatunz can un 11. 11. LAKIN.
miara..3t.Dealt,. I'd
. • _
.10.000 Rolls at 12 14 Cents.
Do Zoudhe & Co.,
112 Wood ad., cornet of Fifth, ave.
A. 11.1 I
SPRING - 0 001)8
They have win:ll3.o , A hi ti,.. L
do low, panic prletw• J,..."
Domestic & Foreign
IVII - Dar4z
Vhich they are olicring 11,11
lit,t - ttre the NVitr.
rhey c cpsv
Good comfort ca. 11,,,
Splendid tlresicnliio.,
lhe very lo
plitter&.) .... . .. .
Swing t•tyki ol ,1.,,.:,. 4 .
A. :C. , . 1 b1e:t..1....1 alp. ~,,..,1, ~:„ i
4-4th mil.liti.,. .. ..
ISLwic tind it '014.1,41 A time..
2. per rent.
loloaciii 41 Lid; 1;
All otlwr
Their Stock of Clothing,
THEIN( )\\- \ NI \NI
I. \4)IV e( NIPLI.TI
(thew,' I, I 0„,
Merchant Tailoring
I+i•arrii•d lin by !111, Firm in a
Of EvoT one who Xn Patronized 11,,,6
Only fine rim, iv their Motto;
.I.OW Prices, their:fim—
1)r•slin„ their prai to e :;
• I'
El ,
9, Et
g 2-..i 5
i ..9
C Eil
THEY .tlzi:
15 numb+ in Ilaim Deparintenl
tni ru, lilt
lXI(C1L II010 , 1:It , PIO 011.11.1
Goodst at a Bargain
Slionl.l fail to
Schiff & Steirrfeld's,
r3o.3zu I
A Safe and Speady Cure for Coughs,Coln,
Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Croup,
Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient,
Consumption, and all Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect
severe Cough, or throw away money cc 3
irort.tdess medicine.
P . reyar;d by REWARD, BENTLEY.
• CW,NBY, Drugglits, Buffalo, N.Y. SA
by all Druggist&
For. Dyspcpda, Feie! :t..1 Aci
dity of the St
I. , ••
Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaandi,:e, and .111
diseases arising from a disordered state
of the Stoniach, Liver or Into Gain.
& CHF:NET. Druggist., Buffalo, N.Y. E . .. 4 .1
by all DnlggiAll.
PIIING AND ! I fIMI it Goo 104
underaighed he, to doerte
and the publier , etterall) that he I t• 1.... n •
a neer •teek 01 'good. 01 111 t. talc ,
Sprint: and ti ntutner %ear hlch nd ,
naudertit rate,
elothlnd mode to ord, on Ow Ohl,
Thankful to the public for par: ..r..
by elope attention to hth011of• •'' • '
ante of the rate.
1:1:!1)61; sT
nvir 21:11
AA atmlnhstrnt..rre
ton or Ailudelainatlon oat Ind n- - ""•
the snlapetibero on the e•tate of Mn El ‘,.t
deed., late of the WA rohlp of h 11.1.50. I;.
Penheylvanta, thareh.o . U per...
Wale ore hereby not iticd to t0.d..• inino in
tent; and all .per Poop ha• Wier •t
Arne till Preaent them duly tinthtirei ..l
Ceram'. ‘V3I. N en E% IN,
Pulaski, April 1.1,--4tv•
NEW 111:1i,11 PO: