The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 30, 1870, Image 3

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    Thee Beaver-Argus,
Reaves*. PL. Mire4.llo.'
Oretilatioh i 45;er
2VxA`i -111M,;tt,.
g. • hl. am. `C t. 1 #4r
, ,
..,Ir-10 Hoe. . 1 00 a , soi ve oo i;To
do 350 SOD 100 10 00 15 00
j oquaroo, do 78 t !CM 1118 1800
4 ..parn, do 600 60010 00 113 111 00
coltinm 800 11 00 1500 1100 33 131
11 00 1100 10 131 ,11800 33 100
colnam..',.. 00 'IS 00 116110 W NO 00
Adntintstnton • NOtleell.•••11 3 00
DOLlcall partyse;ten opts: . i .
te" Payments' to to made' Quarterly., exeept
ior tranelent advertisement.. which Inititt3 o
In advance.
tits!te orate Tfteresomieter ibr the
week ending Match 'ZONAL
7A. IL 3P. tt. v 9 P. X.
Mar. 20 dog. .48 deg. i
43 deg.
21 41eg. • 444415.- 41. deg.
22 :1.3 deg. 43 deg. •1 35 deg.
2 deg. 3Z deg. 30 dm,
••, 24 :11 deg. 41 dog .. $$ 44.
•25 32 deg. 51 deg. 45 deg.
- :26 41 deg. 47 deg. 143 dog.
The attention of the pu b lic la directed
tO the following Now Advertisements
which appear for the first time' HAM)
A ItliUS to-day :
Special Notices: A. C. Hurst
i •
iegifit&s Cured .
Mrs. M. C. Leggett..
The new article of Food, PIM:Ohio:I HIS-
tern: 1.i.3 Park Place N. Y. ;
Farmers: A. lltAbbarti. .
The Great Medical Discovery: I.J. Wal-
Pen Year's in Wall . Street: Worthing-
ton, Co.
.1, Consumptives: Esubon E. Huns
jow. 40
Magic Comb: Magic Comb Co'.
N I lumbug: Fultomilic
Knitting Machino: Ilinkloy ;Knitting
Niaeltitto Co. •
Wanted: J. J. do 'Li, Power. •
ereliant Tailor : George Braun.
spring Goods: at, Bteinfeld.
S.•alv.: • Morwe 06. 10 !•?: .1
:ye: ha Notices.: Btult4 ct: Co;
Notices: J. 11. BOnCe. r
Spoyoror 4 Bono.. .
Adinitilstrator's Notice: Mid:lel Ber
ry, Atli's'''. .
Executors'. Nol toe Pavld
Erato Frouts, Bosse' Co.
S hmerfplloso Spike Bosiver
144.—The following named persons
haro paid the sums sot opposite to their
II:11110X on subseriptlon to the Beaver
A in IVA, shtoo the date of our belt
.•atiou. , •
Win. lteed,tBoventy $2 00
Henry Smith, Georgetown, 2 66
Ilinekbautk, • 2 00
I'. S. Laughlin, lioohutowil, j 200
Itoutel)onk, Georgetown,
1)r. Lawrence, floolodown
Ed. Brown, Baden,
Janos Sala, Baden,
Joseph titough,•lladoti, ! I 00
!teary Reeder, Freedom, i 2 00
Nicholas Geyer, Columbia, Pa. 2 00
David Anderson, Frankfort,. , 2 00
Jag. Smart, East Palestina. 2 00
Thonuts rithart, Ewa. Palmitin.; • 200
t:eorgo Dilworth. Ihtott, 1 ;5
.!:011c4 A. IrnnM, Water (uro, 400
. ,
tpunly Committee Meeting.—
Tliti inemberti of the Republican Coun
ty Com iii itteo are !Invoked to 'moot ut
the Court Honor, on Saturday April Oth
1 , 70, puneluaity, if posniblo, at 1 p. in.
A full attendance In earnestly desired..
The following named pernons,ktonstitute
the Committee:
1 1 0 hearer tp.—J. F. cunnitigham, F.
t:raliatil. ,
!Waver borough—M. Woyaro, M. S
Borough llarrali.
Bridgewater borough—J. Murray, M
Darlington tp.—John Smart, S. 'W
Brighten tp.—W. A. Laird.
Baden borough—James Moore. •
Economy tp.—W. Davis.
'hippesra tp,—John
Pranklin tp.—Smith W. Ibsen.
Fallxiom borough.—llavid Critchlow.
k'reedom borough—W. W. Kerr.
reole fp. Smith Curtis, John An
I/ignorer fp.—MeGuiro Disirlct —Jas.
Frank-fort District— Jrques
cCutcheon, S. IL Leepor.
Hopewell Ip.—W. M. Reed, IC. John
.lino !t
hob:Airy tp.—John Wilson. •
independence tp.—T. Standish.
Moon tp.—chorioo Q. linker, Daniel
Marion tp.—G. H. Coleman,
Nee. Brighton borough—North Ward—
Nill! , 11W, C. I. Wendt; Middle
‘Vard—J. SfPrlce, Agnew Duff; South
W;ml-11011. Wilde, David Stanton..
Nru• Newicktry tp.—C. Black, George
.forth Meld:ley Sp.—J. M.Witherow
.Veii Go Wee borough—Thos.llliant.
tp.—W. 11. Dawson, T. G. Lloyd
Philipsburg borough—Robert Ruth.
Paterson tp.—James Patterson, Mar
fin Metzgar.
Pulaski Sp. Levi S. Thomas.'
Rochester borough—.R F. Mcllvalne,
Rochester Sp.—Abner P. Lac l ock. ,
Raccoon Sp.—jobs' U. Craig, J. II
South Brauer Sp.—Samuel S
Caughey. -
Alt. Clair borough.—J. Paul.
P.uticof copy.] M. WEYA , Cll'
Wrinted.—Sevoral good Pdph; Mak
,ra At. St.hiff a; Stelaekn.', New Bright
on, - _ • mar2;tr.
Plano for Nit good' Piano is
offered for sale or rent. Inquire at this
"then. inari6;3t.
RAND dosing out sale of Dry Gisxls
for two weeksonly, at Fortune's, Dia
' mond, DocliestOr, call and see. 2.1;2t
A Sad Dearth.—A man named Jos.
I , tinkhouser, Jr., was found dead ono
morning last week in New l Brighton.
A Jury wnv enipaneled by Coroner Boc
hum, whieh rendered a Verdict that the
deeeasotteame to his death hi consequence
of stailbLition, by falling on 1 ,111:4 face in
the nind,i while in n state of helpless in
lox kat
.V .t, of goods selling' at 'lRA
loirgli prices, at Fortune's, Diamond,
sllut.o Foov.—Will Smith Co,
he beat In prices, the Shire is well
" Tho Cheap Store. 7 Mago
wet near Diamond, Rochester, Pa., is
the place.
A largo ntoek.of new goad!, at A. C
IlnrNes, Bridgewater.
NDsom t: Window Curt:lllo4,llnd tix
dnres- of till kinds, nt Evan Pdgit's, New.
Brighton, Pa.
Now Brighton Ladles' Semina
ry.--A first class Boarding Schaal ror
ymilig ladies. Day acholani admitted.
effiirso of study. 'English, Scientific,
.a,wd, and Ornamental. The Spring
S.N.%ion will opon on Monday, April 4th.
,:,'t-New Dress Goode In great variety
Own') at Renee's now: store room,
" litaitA3t
M Et; and Boys hats spring itylNchcaP
at Fortune's, Diamond, Rochester. :2;2t
La nisi; Reap litts.—The undersigned
i•lies to inform his many friends and
.....toniers that Ito has just returned from
the ...agora cities, where ho has bought
a large 'docket fresh Dry Gocids in healt
hful patterns, which are now oPened
at his new and minciallona• store room,
hppo,ite his former place ofpustneas ou
street Bearer. We wsntAverybody to
;;it e us a tall at our now storeroorn,feel
ing satisfied of the beauty, cheapness,
and variety of the new stock,' consisting
of Dry Goods,. Millinery GoOds, Trim
wings, Notions .tc. (hive pa an early
ettll, it will amply repay you—we 'con
sider It no trouble to show IOW".
titarmiiw.l J . 11 . BILN6B.
Tyr:only place in Beaver county, to
get Merimack Prints at 121 di% per yard
IN nt Jai, A. ,Fortnnell, Diamond, Bo•
cliester„ 2„1.t.
A Limon asecortmv t k of WiiV a
Evan Pngh'irlfdii`Sightiat iti :
ie. - 4,
?Mailing& Comallbwro aitti•
4 1 .4.' 4 k): Ow** 41,1 1 / 2 • isciF- . 01044,
which convened at Jeleigkern on last
Wodnoaday, adJourneditietWeadaY of
this wook. The aPpointments for Vile
vicinity are as follows: Beaver, W. IV
Locke; Bridgewater, Jos. Holhngsh
rjactol4l#4..colips ; * iv .
tlanite'fiati. &v. Janes - alibi .
who has preached In this place for the,
last two years, pee hence to Mansfield,
All.. county. •
„per-Hats and /formats altered and
done over chui p 4 4)/jr .
Tux Cilkar it Co's,
Pla4olu l 9. " 9'
4;:,3Vtar;:imend to selird
'lttaboreliprices, and cannot be miderr.
sold In Beaver county, slime ask Is an
examination, .Isa„,A, Fortune's, Dln•
“Libel.—lt remembered that
a couple of law suing were commenced
Against ns hut December—one fordami
ges and the other for 'libel.' The first
one was entered 'by Mr. M. S. Quay,
personally, and the 'altos by his 'friend,'
Cook Hall. During the past week the
Hall casii . vras biting* befbrathe Drand
Jury of this county which was then In
session, end the pill ignored. Thus ends
one of t ie culttss oreught ;Wiltd the edi
tor of this paper for thepurposeof 'crush
ing him out.'
,c.heaper, cinema Dry Goods
in Beaver pounty,•are at Fortune's, Dia-
Merlons Aenfillest.—On last Thnno
day morning a horse driven by Mr.
Lemuel Edgar, a ono armed ex-soldier
of thhi place; beeathe unmanigable, and
running away, broke the wagon to pieces
and injured Mr., Edgar very severely.
1118 thigh bone was not only broken but
sisodialowned at the hip.. In,bla groat
misfortinly skulliathvand
shOuld receive the kind attentions of the
whole community.
A Srt.Ernmn stock of chiltiren's Car
riages and Perambulators atEvan Pugh'is
bootitood virtliti store, BrOadwa*:Niktr
Brighton, 'Pa. 23 2rn
tho clualng out attic:ear
lac•. weeks only, at Fortune's, Diamond,
Itocliester, don't forget to call. 23;2t
it only costs three cents to write to
Mellor do Hoene, Pittsburgh, and, get
complete circulars and prices of the cele
brated Pianos and Organs for which they
are the sole ;ideate. Thia hot* ban been
establ lilted for 4d yeats,and is the leading
music house in lids part of the country,
and can and does give great advantages
to buyers. Those persons who contem
plate buying' a piano or organ, will find
It to their interest to write to Mend!. dt
Lloene,Pittsburgh,tuid get their catalogue
before buying anywhere else. Instru•
melds will be sold on credit if desired,
and arrangements made to reduce the
cost of freight.
l'doloTos'a, gold jpetd.; bellt l in the
market at. FleanPaglea ICow nrigliton,
l'a. =l;2m
o:vn ear Cleveland white lime, water
fine end plaster for land, received and
for sale.wholosale and retail, at speyerer
& Sons, Itoeheiter, Pa,
JUST Jim Elvin), cheap Wall Paper at
Evan Pughla New Brighton, Pa. '1 .B.Pin
JUST AnaivED—Now Goods, New
Styles at new prices ntthb "cheap Store"
near Diamond, Rochester, Pa.
March 30th 2t..]
The Lett prem.—The last of the aeries
of lectures announced for the winter in
Beaver,was delivered in the Court House
on last Tuesday evening by tho Ref. S.
J. Wilson, D. D., an eloquent Presbyte
rian minister of Pittsburgh. His sub-
Joet—"The Science ,of Religion"—was
well considered, neatly presented and
the lecturer was attentively listened to
by his audience.
We have not heard the precise amount
realized from the six lectures delivered
here during the winter but learn inci
dentally that it will reach about 5100 after
all expenses have boon liquidated.
drampart gold and gllt - paper at Evan
Pugh'slcaw Brighton, Pa: • 1.1;2m
DON'T VAIL to go to "the cheap Store".
and see the new styles. No trouble to
show goods, always glad to nee 'our
friends whether they wish to purchase
or not
March;3o;2t) WILL. SMITH.
,7.-YYtie to Ileneo,s and see tho latest
styles in Brits and Bonnets.
Grand opening this day,
Addreee 'R. V. Flame, , US. halo
Street, buffalo, N. lc., and get Dr. Sago's pamph
let cm Catarrh, free. or mend sixty cents aid gut
Dr. Sage ', ealant Remedy. $5OO reward is offer
ed by the proprietor for a use of catarrh which he
cannot cure. -Sold by duggiste. Cat thi• out as
you may never see It again. Dr. Pierce,. Alt. Ext.
or Golden Medical Discovery cure severe coughs.
Journal is the highest authority in all
that pertains to Horses, Cattle, Sheep,
Swine and Poultry. And for variety of
information relating to live stock of
every kind, it has no superior anywhere.
We wish all our subscribers to send fbr
a specimen. Address N. P. Boyer& Co.,
Publishers, Parkesburg, Pa.
Local Laws.—The following bills
have been read In the Senate, which are
or local interest :
An Ad Relative to Bearer and Mercer
%Vita:nuts, The original width of the Beaver and
Mercer State road, In the comity of Beaver, was
laid out at a width of one _hundred feet,
Aso WiraRLAM. That portion of the same Mao'
the borough of New Brighton has been, from time
to time, encroached upon and reduced too warts
t. e o meth Of front IS to an fa•r Therefore,
• . . • -
tint I. 1k it enacted, ate., Thu all that portion
or wild road rimulug through the borough or New
Brighton, lathe county of - Beaver. be and le here.
by doclarou a public highway or street, at a width
or not leer than NI /get. Profiled, Aowever, , That
the low n council of raid borough titian determine
that dfiy foot in width is sufficient for public ac
commodation and conveniences
. .
Sr.e.l.. That the regulation sad conol of said
road, as • public street within the borough Omit*,
at the width of pit less than ally feet, shall here
after devolve upon the town council of the borough
of New Brighton, and they are hereby empowered
to determine the legal location of the same for •
public at:eel through said borough, make and pre
scribe the extent of the public right, at a proper
width of not leas than fifty feet, as a final limita
tion of and MI private encroachments upcn
the same; and. having so !Lets:Wood to Oen the
An Act to ',recent the mai of cider in luta
quantities than flee gallon.' in the bstrotityla
of Beaver, Beaver county:
see. I. Be El enacted. dc., That the isle DIM.
er in less quantities than are gallons within the
limits of the borough of Beaver, Beaver county,
hereby prohibited. •
sac. t Any person or person. ,{plating the
provisions or the fore= vection shall ou con•
victi thereof before an* notice of the peace in
said borough, be sent to pay a fine not ex.•
cresting twenty-five dollars, or to undergo an lin•
prieonnteut in the common fall of the county for a
period not exceeding ten days, or both or either
at the discretion of the Justice.
We clip the folloWing items fromtbe
Wellsville Uniun'of last week.
Wm. Tindell, a resident of Shipping
port, l'a., was arrested by officer Gave,
on Friday evening and placed in the Blue
Eagle. 'rho Mayor fined him one dollar
and costs. .William did not have the
needful, but succeeded in raising it in
East Liverpool, to which place the Mar
shal accompanied him for that purpose.
Accident.—A young man from
• Hooketown. etn his way, to Ulla Pismo on
'Monday, to work in the machine Shop of
A.. 1. Boyce & Co., was thrown front the
rear end of the car where bewail sitting,
by i sudden Movement of the train, by
which he was so badly injured that he
had to be taken back to his home.
Desigruttlee.—The Pittsburgh, Ft.
Wayne .t Chicago Railway Company
have supplied Its passenger oonduetAirs,
brakenien and baggage masters 'with
badges to be worn on ihe bat or cap.
~zardo to Benee's favorite store fir
Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, Trim
mings &c. mar.seA,
New Good; at A. C. liurst'a.
1 1 . : Argi$4,irgiArsiN
Inner nsln opened in ibbt PIN" PA gc
rividt Are Where. tit peere'sne* don
hi** Alizi±r...Pbume '44*
Beaver. nukrAln
itriSpring 81miwy at ponce's.
. • .
' tc..."....;1 • • ossokest.
Largo Mock of csaahnertiffor inenand
boyayfosa ~ ,tl.4C,Lifurst's.l' r,;.•
• 4—:4 t. v
Theltev. E. 111. Loss of Thiladel
phikbettins' known Met' Oblldtsn'a
Preelsec." will resume his aeries of
11 -1
1 4i :thePresbyterian
Church of BridgewaterVba Saturday
*vetting Pests .6.1 1 rU. 2 d feel9cks.;
Mr. Long Preaches to the eye as Wall
as tatlities . kt• Viiitrhedica,- by 'metes
cerlh's/eildigatel "n"
Ao_ 414ustroto thetruttio contained ; in his
texts. Mlay earnest Pastors give -wil
ling teithnony, to the =MOSS •of .dtese
seroonsfn their churches, The youth
and children of the Public, Schools and
Sabbath &Mod& of the &unusually and
the public la general. es ,ITlood to at
tend. JAYKII M, flsixxiss,
Beaver, Pa. Mar % 28, 1870.
AD -large Week of Medias, Wiwi
&0.. at Ben 'a, very cheap. n. „ma r;30;24
New EleOds atltgist prices at Burst's.
Court Adjostrament.—Court con
vened-In this place on .Mcnday, March
21, all the 'Judges being present. On
Tuesday morning, however, information
reached judge Acheson that his son, Dr.
A. W. Acheson, of Brooklyn,N. Y., hid
suddenly disappeared from his home,
and no knowledge of his whereabouts;
could be obtained. The Judge, feeling
It to be his duty to leave for home at once,
amigo frouitherato Newloik.sirilered
the (Inlaid Jury to finish up their busi
ness, and the 'traverse jurors 'for that
week to return to, their homes. These
latter will not return again, but those
selected for the amend week are required
to be in attendant* at the Court House
in Beaver on the ad Monday In April, at
which time as many of the cases on the
civil.ftstra'citt be, will batried.;;
Thisidiatitl "jury icitlilcitied sisiiion
until Wednesday afternoon, at which
time, having concluded their labors, they
adjourned and the March term of our
oeu.rteameto a close.
- Death of Bishop E. Thompson.
Bhshop }Award Thompson, one of the
ablest and•most•dlstlngiiiihed ministers
of the Dlethodist Episcopal Church, died
at the Want House In Wheeling on last
Tuesday, a week ago. - • •
Tho liegister of that city, in Its issue of
Weihtes4l4utorulnii t thtuaspeall? of the
ticakiioait s and death
Thompson, or the Methodist Episcopal
Charm, died at the grant Ileum, in hats
city, 'yesterday •of typhoid plientnonia.
Bishop Thompson was taken sick on his
arrival in this city arteradjournment
of Confereum, over whidf he presided,
at Charlestown, and the disease which
terminated his life, It hi thought, was
caused by exposure on .the trip and at
the new capital.; He was a man of great
acquirements, sod one of the mast pleas
ant and gentiebutuly we have over met.
Ho was turnu3rly President of the Ohio
Wesleysei College, at Delaware, Ohio,
and the news of - his death will till many
heunAllt Central Ohio with madness. lie
was a native of Englund; wo believe, and
about sixty years old at the time of his
death. His wile was telegraphed to at
Evanston, 111., where the Bishop. hold
the position President of the College
there, and where his badly resided, but
the nevris of his sickness fai l
to reach
Dim. Thompson in athlete have her with
him before no died. His departure was
peaceful; and he died with words of hope
and cheer upon his lips. All that loving
hands and skillfal pnysletans -could do
was done for him, by ourl citizens, and
especially by the member,_ of his own
ALL tho latest styled of spring skirts at
A. C. Hurst's, st Pittsburgh prism.
few dry goods, new trimmings, new
skirts, new style bats, at the lowest mar
ket prices at. litursVa. -1 Dinar3o:2w-
Ciresit-amigallonataisir Hr
has boon caused by the tremendous low
prices at which Schiff a Steinfeld have
marked out their new rpring goods.—
They made really a hicky hit in going
East so early thie . season, as It enables
them to underselltheir oompeUtors from
10 to 25 per cent, of which every one will
be convinced by calling at their popular
cheap store. There was, last week, a
regular -:panie in the eastern market.
Every wholesale house was striving to
dispose of goods at any price, as they
labored under the impression that Gold
would come down to par at once, and as
Schiff k Steinfeld were just iii the mar
ket they took advantageof this harnmer
log down of goods, and bought a good
atoek at figures as low as before the war.
Read-their new advertisement in this
paper and glee Them an early call before
their assortment is broken.
A largo and good assortment ac bow
ribbons at A. C. linrat'a.
Literary & Illusleal Entertain
ment.-9n last Wednesday evening a
very enjoyable llterary and musical en
taint:tient was given by the pupils of
Prot Taylor's Seminary. The term
closed last week. Next , term 4xorn mamma
March 314,1370. The following was the
programme for the entertainment on last
Wednesday evening:
Mule—Plano Dno. Yalu Brill.,(C. Mem. Mist.
es May and Langstaff.
Piano Solo—Daue flutlgne—(W. Mason. Wm
Mary itels, Now Castle.
Sung—Only a Poor Little Beggar. (Howard.)
Private Vocal Clue
Paper —Tbir Messenger, part Ist. MW Vents-
Itichardecin, Thlkidte.
Piano Solo—Monastery. (B. Itichards)Anius
Vesta Miller, New Brighton.
tieng—iteautirtil Sommer. (Powell). 411 . 01-
lie Campbell, Bridgewater.
Essay—The Master ever the greatest Servant.
Miss Amelia Moorhead, Bridgewater.
Solo—La Clocketts. Chu. Voss. 'Miss
Nellie Barker, New Brighton.
Song-0, Sing the sang tiara to Me. Private
Vocal Chum.
Essay—Walking„an Stilts. Mlas Miriam Wil
son, Bridgewater...
Plano SOlo—Tarantella. (C. Volweilk.r). Mies
Libble McKibben, Keuwood.
Vocal solo—Come in and shin the door. (Ha
phaelson). Mks Nellie Barker, New Brighton.
Plano tiolo—Noctunte. (J. Leybach). Xias Vo
nis Richardson. Tidionte.
Vocal Uull—Muds of the Greenwood. (Glover)
Mimics May and Woodioffe.
Piano Duo-,-Wands Polka Ronan). (J. Bail),
Misses Emma and Els Brown. Youngstown, 0.
Vocal 8010-Nightiogale's TrIlL (Wee. liana).
Mies Mary Bela, New Castle.
irsutylno Cram NWCrown. Bliss Irene Barr.
Plano 8010-Le Bose des Alpes Wee. (0.
Erug). visa Nettle Breeden, Youngstown, 0.
Sous-Little Maggie May. (Blaniphin). Pd.
vale Vocal Clue.
&say-Character.; Mize Clara Ewers, Belmont. Ohio.
' Piano 8010-La Cascade. - Pam). Mee L
Pluto Snlo-Marebe (L. de Meyer).
Prof. A. Banter. • • •
Paper-Mentenger, pert . 144 Mks Susie May,
Tionesta. ,
Piano Duo-Wandering Jew Walla. Mug
moiler). Misses Richardson and Woodrotre.
'Vocal Soto.-One Year Ago. (H. Wood). laza
Susie ltly Tionesta:
'Vocal Vetett-lraty Did-Katy Didn't. (Paul
Hughes]. Private Vocal Class.
NEW Goods at A. C. Honer.
(Jo and s soo the great variet y of white
inataililes and whits goods of all kinds
. .
at A. C. Hurst's. ".
Lint IN UTAIt ; or. the Slyetertee end (triTet of
Monnontsm; being an espree of the f.tTe !Mes
sed Ceremonies of the lotus-Ng Sainte, nth
• tall and antlisatle Platen , of the )srnton sett
from lta mien to the present time. By J. H.
needle. Editor 01 the Hell Late Itter. and
nob correeptentent of the CloctanaU Comma ,
del.—NatWest rebileldng Company. , Pithadel-
Phl. Memo. &e,
Ws have received advance sheets of the
above work stow in Mese, by the Nation
al Publishing Company. It is, truly, a
comprehensive work on Utah awl ?dor
, mons, and will be sold only on subscrip
tion.- On the subject of PolygatnY, .we
take the following: • •
The occasional references hitherto in
regard to " Preexistence of the soul,"
"Sexual resurrection," "Progress In
eternity" said "Generation . of the gods,"
have prepared the resider somewhat for
special consideration of polygamy; but
It U neeessry also to look into its earthly
history, and the reasons urged for its
origin aqd continuance. And in these
racoons we are surprised to find bow
captivating a veil of religious Jitney may
be thrown over an Institution naturally
idliftottltteikaki 14166 1 t A L TII
to 1,0 tg.eam ea Uty n fo some Mor•
iterowakeirottho • rOttig .. pr
them:teal litetlitett :PeobehAT. it/MP%
them= tonittitittiotrof bilnitentt tem.
Perseoaritarbkb lite..orte;
poweithllyilludivestetoWard thitillitirt
Pierilllty! 7 UT
Wiv A
" es, theijewerda 'r
oft*: Pritatittiodi„lfe ll f#an espouse
it virgin aid desires to 'espouse another,
and the liritt ere ,her.consent ; Ind if
he eipatere the aecOnd,lirid 'they ire - vie
filo; ead
,hsio‘l ll 09 .14?-C rt n Ant
thembilistpastibeir , be • c ann ot commit
'adultery are gOihi'iiittb %lei;
for he cannot commit adelterr wieb that
disk balonghtir nitto,llltio46l4l l iiir 6
else ; ant if he have ten - virgins . Oven
iinto.hltu by ibleber, he Cannot &milt
adultery for they belong to him and ara
glint unto Idea; therefore isheJnitified.
They aro given *saki him to multiply
and replenish the earth according to my
commandment, and to fultll the prong'',
which was given by my Father..before
the Gmndatiott of the world ; ina for thiii
exaltation hi the eternal worlds, that
they mad bear the souls of men, ;be
herein is the Work of my Father wittily:-
mai, that he may be glorified."
- Heavy punishment la threatened LP
all women who refine, Without geed
cause,' to give their husbands second
wives; concluding as. follows And
now, as pertaining unto this law. verily,
verily, I say untoyon, I will reveal more
unto you hereafter; therefore, let this
sullies, for the present, Behold,' t am
Alpha and Omega. Arnim',"
• Such is the revelation. Space fails me
to nettd' it, Contradictions and abiturdi
tim. One, however, is worthy of special
•researk. -In ;the eighth .sectioi Mimic
Smithls commanded to receive loving•
ly those; that have been glien unto
oli'servantJereph." , .Thupast pare is
used. Thus the that rerelation outhor
hang polygamy implies that Joseph had
already practiced it. Stranger sti ll , po
lygamy is expressl y ibrbidden by the
" Book of Mormon."
The third book and seomd chapter of
the Book of Moirmon condemns polyga
Au.the l ate ntt oflad!es bat', bat
frames and ' bonnet frames at A. C.,
itursea. , ,
Fstnustrks tiemm.s.—ln another col
umn will he found; the card pt Fair
banks, Morse& Co., of KC amend ave
nue Pittsburgh, whose manufietory is
the largest in the world; and whose scales
have stood the test of years and become
the' Teedgnituid skendartl LW ovi s et , this
country and In some parts or Europe.
We would call thb especial' attention of
farmers to these Settles, believing as We
do that they are . really Indispensable to
the farmer as a half bushel measure, and
will In a short time save many Mum
A full iswirtuient of black silks for
Racquet'. at A. C. Hurst's.
Mr. Ehrron apPears that sour.
neighbor, the Bodied, cannot allow the
Congressional contest to proceed as other
canvasses have heretofore proceeded—
without newspaper interference but
must on every occasion, proper or im
proper, thrust Its ranks Into owe of the
candidates, who seems to be an especial
object for itahostility. I clip the follow
ing gem from•the last issue:
"It is notorious that one of the gentle
men now active in the canvasa,can never
touch bottom in a District Conference,
for the reason that our sister counties
have ho liking for the
_man.and no faith
in his ability, whatev er It may be."
The gist of the foregoing amounts to
about this.; 'The "sister counties" claim
the privilege from time to time of dosig
nada/Cenci of. ttldr, own number as the
mini a:their choice' .Beaver county is
adouLlhat t ehoiee cheerfully,
as she his always done: But when it
mutes her turn, she la 000ly told that she '
must forivoler own choice and nomi
nate enlyanch an one as may.bewietlpt
ablek tebertain prominent-soh - enters In
the different counties, or else she must
expect to have her cifolce set asides Out
open such miserable impudence Doubt
lewithfre are politleans in other portions
of the district, al well as hero, who un
dertake to set up a ' , elm crow' like this,
in order to detor :so I two blimps of Bea
ver county front interfering with their
privately arranged plans. Tito mass of
the people, • however, are fair dealing,
and will readily extend the same courte
sy to a sister county, that they its turn
deinand fee' themselves. Just_ let the
Republican's of this county understand
that the policy here ftweashadowed has
been initiated, and is Ilkeirto prevail In
the future, and how many aspirants in
the 'sister counties' •would be able to
'touch bottom' in District Con fereness or
anywhere oleo—and how long would it
bo before the people themselves In those
same 'sister counties' would be dosed to
their heart's content, with their own
nauseous medicine.
The editor who would encourige such
a dictatorial spirit, or who has not Sin'
Hums enough , to resent it with the ut
most scorn, no matter what his own
personal preferences may be, is not only
unfree to his own county, fiat is ar-Je4-
lellA guardian of the honor of the party he
professes to serve . And the rani:Mate,
who, instead of resting upon Ms own
home ,popularity, would make use of
such a plea as thin in order to make head
way against his competitor, ought to be
allowed to look mainly outside orbis
own county for support.
EDITOU Anus:—Months ago when the
Radical opened up tho Congressional
question with such Indecent haste, It as.
Burned that Mr. M. Weyand would be a
candidate, and that ho was to run for the
benefit •of our present :Representative.
Now, however, it emits its purpose to
take a dlattrent tacic. Hear its
"But ought Beaver, at present, to make
a serious struggle for tboAnurrinaUon
And, if not, is It worth while to convulse
the county with, what is to boa more
struggle between rival llolitielans? Has
ft not been a custom, as binding as law,
to concede to tnir .Congressmen two
terms. Why his, it suddenly became
necessary to depart from 0, usage, which
by long sancUonikaa: hooorne a l most a
law of tho party. '
Had it not been for the intriguing
spirit of tho nt ref the Radical, which
it seems mitlik7 i liteessatitly at work
somewhere, 1.41,5 would Watt prambn.
By be no striligloletbia, county at the
present time.il6rd - Rib person - who
has received iirotiticla,abusetutd miarep
resentation it theltaidsagt /tortieol,
am satisfied, would • • lattangst
the first to accord thy cuitinAtipattge to
Ur. Dotal*, ptott6d ttt!iiilibitlaolith of.
theothit#3lol4omiti . Bait)
- , ,
adjottrea gat_ • county
to 10IIIII:Pt5MI,4110:11*.jOirsistent
tiaklas,d tsitiive him
to th(wailjbaiti)Sinotti*Aternatlve
was loft but to taste up the gage of battle
so prematurely and insultingly thrown
Is the Radical really sincere In its '
protest against the' violation - of party
usage? I doubt IL It Is either an at
tempt to hoodwink Mr. Donley and his
friends, or the plane arranged by the
editor and a Des , of his 'Blends are in
danger of tubtairrying. Was the gather
ingot select repreeentatives Amu ths Mar
counties of the district In Pittsburgh in
December last convened by Mr. Quay In
the interest of Mr. Donley? Wore the
persona composing that consultation the
friends or the enemies of Mr. D.? Dld
they resolve that he was entitled to the
usage of the party?—or did piny come 141
the conclusion that he must be kicked
overboard? Was it not the understand
ing then and there, that Beaver - county
Was entitled to t h e nomination, prOkded
A CO aaaa orTaeties,
ittinal lathed' • v.. -
7/ 0 ,14 406 - ;tar!!
' -A EiRELL:
. ,
weal itilifeiet] .Atiltivenatiy
of trio It. F EjObaik IN4i,cl9l,4,lterw(or.
took 1 4 4te., P441 1 P! ?Lerch
ItaketWiireleeet!ohe*.in the '
at rine hr4riPat Fi reiia "t tl f t *Ot i firG'
pryite to' the hi
Mater cbirleY litehi*a,iaditidraisesi
by hientrii.l6 l o,r. DTe i f* and
telinitsittb o - 40;
dna eltieth were i‘ i° , l " ll ' •
'' 411 !*1 1 / 11s n ot 1 ° Wile*.
c ‘.4 9e4 .
that aleikhool was tint (nisi
as will orient:Wl WinditiOn'an *Ma oo;
crupying their or',
wan vary, ereditable4l. , -- , • ,
Alter. thereports oat= the nonelnattoon
of Ille members atty. lidesladary taxi&
gy by the payment it twenty &qua Gar
each member • . „ 1
elezekinkiteie si
;61104 t Dl.' ,Ilitaidniiiii; . parli;
,ii.G* l 44 ( Milii **-
am outil,Dovidourimp, . „
-thAltor the shiglittoCapproir
uso;andionaip• notlaid w 41.. gourd wish
th e aftenioieweattitalnusetre. • . ; • .
• , , • CoxxoxlcAiPxA•
' 4lll. MM. ' •
, the runctey t ivwnia Oros
irk Su' Merchle7o, We'ellp the ngloying
ititort, which will belied with: interest
by.thottnichersantfiltiesultrof adlianUon
hi the 'county. 4, This ireport."llll run
through scienalweinAnotte:
Thereat? 'l47• , ousel,
:al24g schcad d ' t only.
140 , Wads of, sag are. . wid—
ths graded and, •
.Thena ate :44; •.mixed
schooW . At you r sadist iOn,ldoiers
ems, I propole to famillarisatliet friends
of popular sdneatiOW With theisoneltiois
and Inimical wOrklittot;uf our wheels,
lions time tip dine,riiakoknotrato thatidi
Of Directors, Teseleth and q'stroiii,
throtnihout 'Le gouutzle an oftlehdroan
nor, the results and observatlotie or my
work as kluperistanyllaill of onrCorarnon
&booth. . • j. . • ,
- glum. the begincinfrof School
Year; June lot; 186947 Tallith flaming.
Lions of tescherslaver been heat nos Pd..
Tato Examinations.' US wale - and l2t fe
male t4itchersimarntted; 190 Provisional
and'7 POresslopii'cortidesies 'Lanett . ;
; . .07 t4 , 4al lottailoni Usalo ; Lt:?t-
Lionel noiOtin. to 4 attended ; 202dayie a:pont
in Maoist duties; .1041- miles; gaveled,
.and 409 *facial totters written!, Nita
follows aro oluteriatlOnu, remark :and
suggestions which "aro taken , front Wo
Note Book of Vieitstions. •
.Nesi Brighton ndrinsilii.--The r iiehoid
house hi' a eubstantlit, brl4 l r,'
Pout stork.% high, ten school
rooms and a hall. Theool. Auld
tied into four Printery, two Intortoodiete
and three Grammar departments, with
one Gish. School 'department; and la
under the one male Prin
cipal and bln femaieeasastant *cabers.
Tho several grades 4de in exvelle?l con
dition ; teachars faithful in the discharge
of their responslblalutlea ; via
dlous and makini.pontutendatio 'pro
gress. Sysiturkand moray ellanictorize
the whoio school. 414,4 is a school In
which every cluZ4 the Plum ahould
feel an honed 0 and sustain with a
manly-dignity. + l ll6ei total 01111.11.11101111 of
papihr for the width otJanualty was as,'
tasking !....:ft4t reoin average about 50
islindsos.,Wibllopring Is the pt7o/ 4 -
; tcspo itrOleiiditaeg during the ' mouth
above menilonod.l I prebend that
Ware aro but fine selituds, itursitens,
which will exhibit , so satisfactory a ro
Rodin. • -Vela Peartates. rota
0. 10 . 100 94 ' 90
" • . -Er ' NO . 1.10
95 93
( Id * • "tat 01
" 4 - 89'
3 9/ 89
91 .
1 87 • 88 . 88
The Board of Education contemplates
removing the High School from room
No. 10 to the School Ball—adopting a
curriculum of studies that will- require
two yews. to complete, and conferring
upon those graduating • 'diploma. The
wish Is earnestly expressed that the
above measures will be woraptly carried
. out, In order that the ieThool may be one
of the best educational mediums in Wart
ern Pennsylvania I may add, by *ay
of suggestion, that the school. should be
better supplied with Geographinaidllath
entatind std' Philssopland , apparatus
and that more care Should Ire taken with
the proper ventilsifou of the moats. "
Reeroos..!..ln this school district there
meals."framo buildinwtind six. achtrols.
Only one of the honest Iw said to be
comfoAable. and fairly furnished; the
°Medi:bare passed; through their best
days. It la a matter worthy of note,
however, that the Directors herein view
the ereetion'ot buildings, from year to
year, until'eseh sub-district shall be fur
nished*** a Arst-class house. Not
withstaridlug the unfitness of marry of
the honer* for school purposes; the
schoolsthemselves, were when visited,
with ono excerption, Ma prosperous con
dition; ludeedi mine of them might ,bo
minded set most resit schools. The
exception that I have mentioned arises.
more from Inexperience on 'the part of
the teacher than' from any want official
ty to tho interests of thd school. The
Rumens of the sclrdwil la this district,Mt a
whole, iesattributedto the efficiency and
feithfuluesa on tg - patt ofthe teachers a
healthy educational .mentiment on the
part of the patrons, and last, but not
least, a conscientious anpervisiop of ttie
schools on the part of Directors. Those
schools which have :no 'outline maps
should he turgid:ll*(llolth them. • '
A copy of du) &loot Chronicle wiU find
Its way into the hands or many Directors
and Tcaciumsof,tho'COUrity, for three
mouths/me of cierge, after which time
it, Is towed that as manyfriends
of our Ltommon School system as possi
-bly can, will subseribe for it.
- Directont can procure a copy of 'the
'Annual Roport ofthe State Superinteii
dern,hy calling at tint Clerk of the :klutz's
offloo, Barrer, 9r at idy office; Falleton.
Directors, imam* and others; win al
ways find me in my ode*, in rallstoti,
an the laattlaturday of'each month. :
{;!:onus In. lemma,
County Sup%
, .
'Wasiiisuirow tunnel . .
. 2
-We re Oa to learn that W. A.' klio
icir: ceib; o< liopewell townshin, was
seriously injured by a kick from one .or
hia.horses ow:Friday. or Saturday last.
The anion& struck him In the region of
the eye smashing his cheek bone badly
and cutting him severely above the eye
brow Wo are happy to ascertain that
tilsviouuds aro nut regarded as danger
ous and that, he is doing as well as could
.bo exPed4. •
Gebbyi on.. of Franklin tp.,
wale kicked by a horse on Saturday last
while passing-through his stable. Fort
unately be was so' near • the animal as to
prevent the blow from having full force.
One of his teeth was knocked out; his
lower lip rutopen, and blabbeit slightly
injured. Dr: Dougherty was scut. for
and dressed the Wounds. The Milts are
qulto Painhd bitt notolangerons:
—A. li. Ecker, pg. of the Review, shot
himself locidently in Pittsburgh one
day lent week. , We have not learned the
particulars, but understand be was do
ing something with deeded plate' which
he eanied Ih his pocket. and inadverten
ir "Ti'"hall passed' thin'
uos : 1* of twoll • . .1111 - ger . on
• ):. And lodged deeply -
• The would h Oise serious sad
- •. .
-•••," .
' •;-7.9 0 etiefeelelfttet ieet *lel !
'TeelPfeteti, ,ecleeielfel' at
the termpfgouitof eePitil
oat license end eanteneed. to
mak in jell: toads his maw hum • fdal
listUation Wader lbw Ibliowlairelrosuil.
staneelit , 'D Oconts that lib, mesh • have
bra biougiii'infilm by els "wife; salon
4iestlod '34rs,
tOtt"eetYleketbY t4ir4ttilir,' Inmost'
in 4; ilEdOnfliline .6 ti*.siksTurs
bihniilld fief beebend'ellegegieflitl bar;
telleoited edetittnitoo to On Jail, which
was grinhtd... After spending some time
with the Pilionor,:the deo:iris utzbadc
ed - and!one of' the *omen .mmo • out.
dmie-'.fuither wail ipeni by the
biker iito*•idanneini *kb had gone in,
when they ten came to the door which
tile lisle. 0 0 1 0 by alefailof. sett ' 111 ,7
stela ;1 4 . . retgrsCag ;
dreaded in letuido ammo ti*out by
the Jailor, and :sheriff. without eeeilleS
their; stmpiclotts. ' Mot prilionses ahem*
wastioriamicednatil late In ihneveuing,
when the priscsitmoseere looked In -their
coils forlke night: " As - 460W is his tee
calk( wa d diecknoireul t hy
that odlitialniadifhembdlato *such Tor
hlui bat the 61rdlaki r Minn. Ihruinut;
Voaa b e f o re llerrdsh
makutt..the wife of Temple* fur aiding
in the amp°, and sho.was ppaitptly, ar
rested and held In one thousand dollars
bail liar her appeanuteo at court.
sonso time - pair: a: revival, has
'bole 'rang on 'at the 34. S. Church. in
piimonsburg, lad the ittisidauce has
been 491i0 largo. 'Chi' Thursday last,
Just prior to tfMaxsaultaing of 'the von
gregation, the Brick chimney that is
bunt , from the sound story gave way
and the whole sues of brick, do came
crashing • through the ceiling into' the
church. lied the usual crowd of people
been iu Lhethurch at the time, probably
Untie tires would have boon lost. ' The
tianntglito tbebuildlng will bo speedily
rtiledved• '
tlibout toutrry.
=Torn Kirby and till° Timpani's' were
hauled'hii before the !target's 'Saturday
morning, 'tor 'disturbing the peace, by
whoeplog 4 !apt.' was 'dues! Fit
and SUrrsl...4,ot having the wherewith
they, ,were to tri ~joil,..where they
madotiesday hideous with their yells.
The uovetty hovrem, soon wore cdf,and
they quieted down' r
—Sunday at the Methodist Protestant
chitrch, two 114101/ors 'Went out doors
and indulged in 4 HO, one of thorn us
i°o*WV•l' •I, . . ,
—Pt.0,04/•Pw.inii3i4?? appears iu
RePgaiger#of CAreenP,UnLY
Xiorpa :-Aina.• wilt please an
nounce H E W, ixorisr;o4., of Waynes
buratto a. estuditl.te res Cuogrnse, sub
ject, to the eettott.of the 'Gres t° County
Itepubliteui ecakientio'n:"
March 0, " 3.1.0rr Illtiutnaewere.-
5..,: .4\ Witt:St:li -CG'IURTY
—I u avenue of any (Uncial not kat front
Batteryin,but with very pleasant reeeol
lecttons,cif last : tear, artti, - with tho prim
poets before cif tutothet afire oble day
,eviltilug at: Mt Jaeltson— tie take the
liberty of retututling tho public that tho
Ito union of :the : members of Cooper's
Battery occurs at Mt Jackson on the
26th of next month.
Ci pt W , lil'Clelland, of North Beaver,
Is lo deliver the Annual Address, which
of erinese; will be a treat of Itaol4 '
first train„joonalating of a loco
motiveseid akibt oars of Ora; passed over
the now • bridge, .and .to the Shensago
works at Now Castle, on kat Thursday
morning. Everything went smoothly,
and the road is now an established fact.
L-Wertmesture . tivoil7 ...i!!! , ..1!),1.41,..i.D.-
ing the tics and rails upon the brinch
ralirOad to the furnace and rolling Mills.
Cars will soon be running Into the city.
Looliorit for your cows and pigs.
, .—We ere. Informed that the •; burnt
district"' la te 'Whirl)" this antscrul•
the work of enlarging the foundations
For the now • buildings having already
commenced. The buildings, we learn,
are to be Sf a most substantial character,
three stories high, and extending the
entire depth of the block. This im
provement,'with others to be made on
Washington Strieet during the !slummy,
will give our thorotighfare quite a city
like appearance. •
—Shot gunsand ammunition seem to
bo much in.demandjustatpresent. The
wild plgoogs have commenced their
spring flight, and the sportsmen of this
city and neighborhood ,have been giving
them due attention for a few days back.
We heard of a Union township party
who dispatched nearly a hundred in a
single day.
Forty - First Congress.
&MATH, March and resolu
tions were offered and introduced on a
variety of subjects, but of no general In
to:west. The Georgia bill was debated till
liovsm.—A resolution to perfect the
right In the Governmen't of all National
Cemeteries, was adopted. A.resolution
censuring B. R. Butler, M. C. from the
State of Tennessee, for nominating ■
cadet to West Point out uT his district
and receiving money therefor was, atter
considerable discussion, adopted.
SZNATE, March 19.—An amendment to
Senate bill No. 858, relative to the re•
demption of fractional eurrencYaiteithe
4th of July next, was offered and refer
ral. Tho bill to legalize the legislative
apportionnient of the .Assembly of Ari
zonia was Passed. The Judiciary Com
miltee's report against the admission of
Gen. 'Amos as Senator from Mississippi,
was sought to bo tired fur consideration
to morrow, but without action the Sen
ate proceeded to the consideration of the
Georgia but 41:Wont definite con
clusion It adjourned until Monday.
Revert Several patent bills worn
pursed. Several petitions were presented.
Tho tariff bill occupied the attention of
the House the remainder of the day.
SENAI : I4 11rn:11 2l.—The aPpointment
of fhatatuton, in the revenue service ad
New York, 'ln place of Collector Bailey
abwiniA, was continued. The bill to 'dia.
tribute arms anions the Southeru,States,
pasall.., The Georgia billAilla:Abaled
till adjonnunent. .
and rlerriaL A reatilithin;djrietingthe
Secretary of the Treasury to furnish a
statatement of tiro balances due from col
lCctors of internal Revenue. who are not
now in oftice,,as such balances appear on
the looks of the Department oci,the 30th
of June, IMO. and showing what amount
thereof has hen paid, was adopted.
resolution—tkelariug it the duty. of, Con ,
weal to provide fat:funding the National
debt at a lower rote of interest and to ex
tend the time of Its payereir. tir a period
when it swill be, knit oppression ~to, the,
people, and that the interest booing debt
should not be increases! by canting .the
surrender of, any part of..the circulating
melluin nut bearing intertat and by the
substitution therefor of interest bearing
bonds,—was adopted. A resolution—de
claring it as We Tudgmemt of the House
that the policy el granting subsidies to
railroads and moats from the publichtods,
ought to be discontinued, and that egery
consideration of public policy and equal
justice to the. whole people requires the
public la nd iii be held for the exclusive
. , .
purples: of securing homesteads to actual
settlers under the homestead and praetor , .
thin Jaws, subject, to the , reasonable
propriation of sucle,lands'for the purposes
ed etlucation.—was.rigned to. A resolu
tion: requesting the President ,to inform
the please whether anYmilltaryforee bad
been Sent to time anisettes ,of notirhem.
on - silmae firodifijanent;h4rai . abur adopt'
ed.:, ~The ,CCOIUS wet' llic*acjd and
permed. .. A , bill to,pity the *Weis itr . '.ller•
ey.ef. Charleston, S. C,. 0W,00 0 .10r the
destruction of the tfrpluta Amiens at
that jiiiice.ilarimi the' bite war, pasted.—
denatt;blll, atithiii4ii44 the Scerets•
rjr,l4 the . , - inisitry W beneyer them is a
default in peyinent of itucii
clpal of , iliac bonds iseli by the Uulied
Matt" tododuatthe Minium from moneys
ibiif tom the tritlibipitstes tit inch 'State,
044ite.',Thtititritf h llyiiiilsolt'dkuomid
tilltiaOlieoref istliairiunibt., •
Simian. March a4ti
tkies werelittrialuital. -The.joint.resolu,
'ont of the 'Japanese lode*
&titmice to the“steruner Mom:
kr, tired Into ity Ilia Initl446lili . the MI.
cadatia Pasimal. Thu rmefin
lion to pay the expense* of I .cialtclicsc foe
soldiers' bounden. was adopted. .The Joint
nisoltitieb Vir d single Luck hedge scrim
thk: ',.river'at'itoo . l4lll4, was
• :ktdcsx...—The. greater. past of the Au
was spent in the discussion of the Utah
Peirillutil bill, by t withent definite action
qt adjouruinent. ' '. •
B*lXOt i *nib . = —llau bill to prosiAutiq
among civilaiutiun am theiudians'Passed,'but
a motion areconsider, was inunediately
entered. The ono or Gen. tAutea, Senator
elect front 3iissiseppl, liras debited during
the remainder 4'0614. • •
Sceretary of the Tenure
ty was inikMl Air tidetitiledsirsteinent of
the expenditure of the ;l00)300 appropri
ated In 1802 for the colonization of fetid
men.; The, polygamy hill was dlscusited;
winentkal and passel. The tariff bill wits
debuted throughout the evening wasion,
but without definite action at the hour of
&dim Foment.
SEssig,blarell 21.—N0 action rejoined.
liousx.—Thu cotwohtt:e on Military
Again reported on the subject of -cadet
ships, setting forth that there has been con
siderablo bribery of members of Congress
to obtain coat appolntar.enta A bill was
passed .rismiring one year's residence on
the purl ; of uc.idet in tliddistrict for whioh
ho ht,appoieksl, rcynfsik,. . tiso, resolu
tions were adopted censuring General
Behr:elf, w , Pmeitt Office Examiner, and
Commander Cpsher, of the Nary for Ina
jog WTI Money to bribe rutanbersof Con:
m to , appoint their relatives to Maki.
sinps. Also, a resolution vassal directing
thsBjanker to exclude from the privileges
of the floor, and nil other ronuw or the
eapitrd, any person who has, or may be
'lmlay of hriblug, or sitempting to bribe.
*.member of Congress iu, any manner
whatever. The tariff bill was then din
cussed till adjournment.
SMIATI; March 21.—Several commit
tees reporled bills on various subjects.
Thu 1411 fixing the point of junction of
the Coital and Central Pacific rallreads
was passed. The bill extending the
homestead and preemption laws to lands
to . Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana and
Mississippi, was under consideration
when the Senate went into executive
session on the San lkonturo troaity; after
which ItMuourned. -
Committee on Public
Lauds was instructed to taciutre Gain the
ex poileoey of .extending the land laws
and GOvernmetat surveys to Alaska.—
TheJodiciary Cominitteewereinstratsted
to inquire lute the expediency of report
ing a bill granting writs of error In
criminal rases In . the U. N. Courts, for
peremptory challenges and to allow de
fendants to testify. A large 'number of
private bills posited. On the subject of
cadetahlp sates,. Mr. Woodward stated
'Mat tnateen
immediate predecessor, Mr. Millward, -
sold a cadetship at West Point Ow $2,000,
bat it was untrue that Mr. Kelly bad
anything to do with it.
.the Statement of lids colleague, and . said
that between the time of his ownelection
and the time that he took a seat In the
House there was a nytorious saki of a
cadetship In his district, and ho found
the people held him responsible for it.
The man that ho believed sold the in
detship WAS thesame man (Mr. Millward)
who begged to confer an appointment on
a protege of his and huckstered the ap
pointment through the Streets of Phila
delphia, finally belling it for 111,000 and
swearing ho put tho Money in his pookot,
o=oo , that ho paid • to his agent,
which his agent denies, so that he be
trayed the friendship of Mr. Cosodo,
attempted to brand him with infamy,
cheated his agent and pocketed the $l,OOO.
The tariff bill was then discussed up to
MONDAY, March 28, 1870. j
APPLES—Market rather dull and un
der influence of increased receipts, price+
are barely, sustained. We continue to
quote at' $2,5063,50 per bbl.
BETTEK—There Is plenty of common
and medium grades of knitter coming In,
while strictly prime • fresh Is *carat and
wanted—the latter may be quoted at 3M( . 9
40. .
eIIERSE Western Reserve, 1111 c;
Hamburg. IT; Ohio Factory, ill; Ohio
(Joshen, 18; New York Goshen, 19e.
DRIED VlVOlT—Contlnnes verydull;
unchanged. Apples, 7448 cents.
, for quarters and 91(9
14 far halves; pared peaches 18thi;
blackberries, Bitsttle; pitted (*Orrice, :Ii
600 eta.
FLOURLISIarket' continues quiet and
prices are unchanged. W 6 ecoutieue to
quote western llours,in store, at 115(45,50
for spring, and 55,; 0(4.'0,00 for winter.—
Bye dour, 115,00.
GRAlN—There is a fair local demand
fur wheat.. and but MD( offering; we
continue to quota at 51,10(31,13 for good
to prime red. Oats continue dull not
withstanding the arrivals during the
week have been light, and the market Is
by no means glutted; we continue to
quote at 42(543, buying, and 43047, sell
leg. tarn 16 dull and the supply, only
Moderate, . may be quoted at 70(472, on
wharf and track, .and 73078 in store.
Rye is unchanged dealers are buying at
1 1 SO, and selling at 836t85..
Salem' a email
let at 821, and a tar load at 85. Barley is
dull and irregular, and the leading buy
ers crutinue very 'bearish.' Quotations
may bo fairly given at tiO for spring and
90 for fall, with some few sales to small
'buyers at 3 to Scents more.
PROVISIONS--The market is quiet
and dell bat unchanged. Shoulders,
121€4:11e fur plaint 131@)13.1 a nd gar
cured; sides, 141 u fur ribbed, Mk
ho clear. Sugar cured barns, ;
Breakfast' bloom 17Ie. Lard;in tierces
15c and in kegs, Ace. . Mesa Pork, tin
Dried Deeter(qVleat.'
Maw advertiser Saving halo rodored to hisaph
to a kw weeks, by a very 'fatale nonady, alter
having settfered.olveral you with a IKIT•10 haig '
Helot", salt thddreaddissate, C.onsaniptlon, is
attaltsts to mainhasektoitts fe l low salaam tan
. pent. of clue..
7011 olio drain it. be will send a copy of the
protiription used tare of ztaugit. with the direr.
lions tor.prebarhig and using the sante, whieh they
rill Gild a 'seal toss rot" Coskrurtior.
xs, Dim:dant,. etc; The °Wet Girths advertiser
In Sending the PiesetVption IS to benefit the
tel. and tptiotd inftsination which be rootelvni to
be invittahle I sad' he hone" 'emery sulker" will
try W tenwdy;ss It will oust:lisos maids" ; and
mai prove a haring. Parties ,wiettalt the Pre
scription/1M please addrasa. •
•risr. =WARD A. WILSCIN.
W4ilainebarg, K 1 co., Newyork.
Errors or rourils.
A Gbertsiebe who 'weindell We Yam Imo 5 . 1 `
Vasa Debility, Ptomaines Decay, aid ell 'besiege*
of mato! isdiserellob wilt, be* ealleof me
tering botodolty. send Doe to ell who awed li. the
receipt aid dim:Dom far making the AsoPh'!""
adz by 'dibble waseurod.. bibles" wedging to
piollt bilbe odrenber's expwrielmse e!1!40 w bY
addreesktg, lg pereeet wooddeort.
• • ' ' JOlild D. OODIVI.
No. d Cedar stseirt. New Toile
liraLta—OlLLZSPE—filarch 21st. by
Bev. A. Dilworth, in Beaver Falls,
Mr. Jacob Friar, of Eric city Pa., to
• Miss Amanda Gillespie, of Mercer Co.,
Pa. •
i ..~
iR- i
Re. '
• 4C
.•.4"11.1 apell4
VU TV IC WUJIKI UM* —laws latml.
sp4 to kraal' mU climes ,
meat at bow, the whole ad tie dattu se lls7M;
soutatata Bas slaw. Ilea aid war
A 4. nom. of either en Melly can bump eta
l 45 pet ...valor. sad a prOporflooal oriplfy 4,
voila* awl. villa. Ham tao lastaema lhamma.ll
04. von. neatly a. mach me atm Thai all
ma 111. may that Mamma *l4 *WM 000 Ma
. 1.4. arks thin sopsrandat allert awl
:: 011 .. . na .::: :nu nnt : a ta: T trua l : ; blo mi6 of it a" Ltrtu arat . h w . th: a 4141 f ati... . ;: ra .4w.t.4611.4: 1 6 p=: 4.
wwk 1 1 WU 9f no hespijzfr lamel
madam ooe t lama mm
worn pestuada.,eti mot
uois of Ja ig
ws ammetl emplialatt mamater al
orea ,MV
y e a
Chtfmewa toweohha Itearee rosury,ipa 1 4 ,a,
ammo wawa, Marble& to au wham thsa
haamallaa papaws; I. Orftko4. 411, mamma
hating claim agahtet maw are caqamas4 to
prams* than ally ambearcatal be artthmalla:
lasnikOkol J. ...117140N.
S. J. Cross &' 004
.IlTe weaved, within the Nit' tell (kr:
the following g 44, which tiler
propose to sell at
SPRI,III 'onus d;
loaiiinviis a •
HOSIERY, &C., &,C.
sib intal 31af.1)Ull.
00 Kegs of Shcenbdrger's
Co IV 3ln TON
B. L. Falinestock d, Co's.
Pure White Lead.
50 Bbls. Alassillon
wa - fxww '1711i:11A•al
Mr" .IL., C: 10 IE7
Mardi 23, 18:0
BIG MONVVI7 Mule elin wlihk mei ?At
INT ARTICUM Gtr. TAG and cliAlsco.Tuois
Vlrculars V. W. DORMAN a (U.
lebilnisi AI W. Lnothard It.. BillbOtitt.
o r S tank Commitmenia !Ur sale at the Aitac.
al i o:A u g; all tbr kinds tor
ider7tllabriiiirodo'a gar oda at tae NYC
EX X EeI:TOWS NOTICIL— Letters leo tgolD.,l 14rj
.n having been ``anted to the untienagned on
th, .tate ot•Wllilam Elliott. deceased, • tile of
Moon township, Beaver nullity P.; this la there
fore to notify all persons indebted to said eat de to
make Immediate payment. All those who have
claims 'genial the estate will present them duly
authenticated log settlement.
tiridgesrater. March, Oar
Sewickley Nurseries!
Fruit Trees,Grapevines,Gooseberries,
Currant., Usapberrsee, Snwerherrtea and liata.i
Fruits In great variety Flowering *brats.. Orna-
Mental anti Evergreen ' frs; Arianages out Wise
herb Root.. Oar stock for ee Spring p plaothiLlks "17
aurwrior.embratisr that:wet rarefies forOrtilaroa
met iiierlea culture. Persona arderUsg Ines the
Sewickley Numerics may rely on the varieties. OW
lag come. having the advautege of &warring from
the extenalve hearing Orchards. on the place. s Wt.
aloguess mallet Iv applicant.. Orders lentil Ike
orrice ore. 11. LOVE EEO.. WI Poore s avenue; or
addrons JA gal WAIIDKOP.
• - I.moklhoel
udrch Irkaer,l Pittahargts root Ofece.
11.—Nn Tree lieddiere authorised to veil For
Sewickley Nueresnew
Moslee to !Bridge Contraetoris.
Comesussurseu• oats,
naafis. *arch 11, 1570. I
Sealed Prophets win be received at this hare
b i y . trz Beard of County Cooonteshmere . sole
Y. the Lth day of April, 103 o 4 at 10 deck
a. fa., m
for the inasoury and agipetatntetrin , el tot n
ltuw lik one Over Iwo Ma. ain Hero Ip,
where tho Neidgas, w
Lisbon rood craws the ewes, of
twesty•two (13) Cott owl, the road way to Is.
eighteen (lt) hot wide; the other over Mock
Loam nu. in Pulaski up., at the sae tad of ilsr.
anal streekiiiew Ilkightos,of silty (el) feet spot,
and tweuty•live (13) feet TOW way. Proposals
noel be aoseaspaeled with • stateeseat giving the
We weight of the asst and wrought ism, the
general eructing etreogth, sad the aillsuate or
breaking ettessah per (hear foot as Wht no the
greatest load load the bridges will sus do.
Abu for the rooting fed tepturteg of the boddge
at Vasport. BM) tp.
• Plana and apaelecatiow for lan ulaboary of old
bridges nay be hien at thla onto, hall April Oh.
11110. By order of Cooley Coolmisstooers.
marlehl • .10115 Illoraafrft. Cl l,
Roam( cony.
VIECVORI4 NOTteg.—Letemo testemeauty
raving km vetoed to the ottewelhere ea
the estate ot J. Mate Mocklat. glaoPehling
borough, all wimp Ladebted to meld estate am
hereby settled to make Immedleta petlmeaß
all poste. barter elelnelt=o r tr= ol
18e."1 thorn da " " jillVel ' . Youxo, •
Brighton Paper Mills,
Hardware, Gloms. Straw.
1: 0 -EL 1 3, :3133
Wikeissigo & &elan by,
Frail, letter C 0.,&
SS Thud Avosee.
Crliags taken to orF4mult.