The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 30, 1870, Image 1
igra 4,, Advertisementsare insertealie Wife of 51,00 per square for first insertion , d for each subsequent insertion 604 cents. A liberal discount made 'on yearly ad vertisements. '' A space equal to ten lines or this type tnetwurcs n square. • I litudness• Notices ad iindeii heal by themselves ImmetliatelY otter the lend news, will ho chargod ten cents a line I (or each insertion:. Advertisements should be handed In hefere Monday nee* to Insure lemetlon in lludlreek's • Business Cards. • j; , A LL 'AND 11, urn= rAkensoirs.- itzik r .m. /L., Pinder has.fastarrived from Perla mid LOsildon inlet the, islet dtlgoa, peemmnfly :elected from the greatest novelties; also, the most elegant Trimmings to be secured la Paris. 1nc.,,,, Ribbon., Velvets, Bridal Yells, Flowers, Fine Jewelry. and Trimmed Paper Patterns, Dress nod Cloak making. Exclusive agent for Mr.. M. Works's celebrated system larcenist ladies dress ce. *sequel, Miguel. de. N. W. corner of 11th msod Chestnut Sta., PhiladelpliLL isepti;Gm. ItEAVEIII LADIES , SIRMINAIdr.—The m•xt terra of this Institallion will commence Tueedny, September Id, 1809. Eytry th.p.,rtrueut o bb lur.4luvl with experiences son comp...lnt Teachers. Hues MAUI' ANIIMON, ho hikes the ;dice of - Miss Deveir. graduated In ilightichool while the subscriber Was n. Pribuipal,auti hue scholarship and experience as. dt,iieller, were the Inducements that led hlm'to ore her as n teacher In .1110Seinlbary, !lose, oho desire to see Our Catalogue, will ',bake col on or address the Principal, eafJ U. U. A. M'LEAN; I YaIiiiiiIIIVITBUNKRACTOIIIY.--Jibm Llebler..llauufacturerr, andOhataila and 'Plait Dealer in Trunk.: Valloca, Traveling Jingo, Se., Se. No. 101 Wood Street, Pittohrfrich, to. All order. promptly tilled. and work Warren Fntoryeorner ut Fifteenth nod Penn .treets Unnelitly r J. ANDEILSON, having taken bold of will. old Foundry again, In Itueltexter, Fn., be pleased to meet hi. obi en.tomen. and friend. mho may 11+111elther the HEST COOK. I NI i STOVE, limiting Stove, or taw otter kind of cant toga of hem material nod workmanship. The 11111 be condbeted hor jettittl J. J. ANDEESON &BONS. , 1•1111.0 RIITAILbs—The undersign takca,this method of lutorming the politic that they have purchased and taken charge of the Hi :riot fillils,turntery owned by the Ilesent Sharon:Deaver ConnlY, Da. They have rc fitted them and are now prepared to dunk Uinta giluillog to the siatlsfactson or tbelc.patrons.— 'I heir Wanda of Sour nlll compare favorably with any in the market. (live us a call beforci going ehewhere. SAMUEL DAVIDSON A 1110. stineUdim , J I wrier. I—New Bakery, at Wition's old rtautl, Third Street, Beaver, Pa. inseam M. nECIA tukee pleasure to lu(ort hie old friends that he Ir tatablielied in booklet.' at the above stand, ,t her he will be glad to meet and accommodate I hem. Frevh bread, cakes. crackers, n ota, ae..te. Confveli.lll.lCa or all kinds. No. 1 moue, made Inan Fall-Wheat, Sly the barrel sack, or retail. Jao. Q lImPI. I 4 VVT4I4LIAIII BARNES, dealer In Boots'. lihuits, Gaiters, Slippers, .tc., next door Ito Porter'. Tin-shop, Bridge street, Bridgewater. Pa., where ho Is prepared to manufacture and sell e,ytithig In ins tins at reasonable; mica Ili, ug removed his place of 'business (mm the corn er near the Bridge to bla present location, he In . itesida old friends and patrons to give hlin a 111)2IVi ly. for sole nt the Annus alter. I) EN. K. PIKIISOL, Attorney nt Law and 1 Sun eyor of lands. °ince "planate Professor Taylor's Is Ileaver, taprzly - 1 1 . P. KUHN, Attorney nt Law. 0111 re In Mc. 1 .1 Kinley'a building, enbt of Public Stinare. 111111 . 31: Ir. . - I T AS. C.11:111ERON, Attorney at Law J Beaver, Pa. 0111 re in the room . 16r• leerly ucenpled by the late Judge Au Imo. Co l. to.. pronto', atteded to. yt•otting:ty. JEEN ET • W•tchtunker and Jeweler, 1• etnvt, 11. aver, Pa. (In rooin fuljoininc J. C. Wilmon'e office.) fluid watches und chron cutlet ere repaired raid warranted. Engraving dune to order. The patronnge of the public In eolicited, nud .ntivfaction guaranteed. Give u$ a TIIOB. Meet' LLY e Bau corner.; o Third street nod diamond, Beaver. Pa. Mon o 10nt04.1 on. Government Itoodr. loterent allow ed 011 time 1101,0Nitr. We will Ulf° rOCCIVO I'llllollg for policing In the NATIONAL LI FL IN UNCF. CO.. OF TII F. C. S. Aloo 3lerchniihC, Nauufaclun•rn' nod Artizemo Co., of Pitteburgh, below the Court lionife. aprlLite7l:if .._ Willi( 31E111Z, Dealer in Itouto, Shree, Slippers mut Oniteret. flouts and pitocs made to order. A lung experience In the bupinc,o hint to do Work Ina ellperitar manner. Tema tuuttenkte. btu'', on Third etn•et (bear Item.\ht• ilookrtorel, Beaver, In. taw him a Call' le rare purchtuang eldcn Lyre. aprl".lSti9tly • 11131ININTILITOWN NOTICE.—Let it•rn of administration bads;; been granted to the sonserilwr on the estate of Miss Jane Mclieen, deceased, late of Ihnough township, Beaver comp Iy. Pentok) h !oda ; therelore, ail tenons Indented to said estate arc hereby notified tom the Itmmull atepayment; and all persons lowing claims against said estate a 111 please present them Only anthenti. noted for settlement. .1. C. WILSON, Adni r. Mann] Blighted , tp. CINAN. R. 111:11ST, :s:otery l oldie. Con veyancer anti iI.IIIIIIICO •DV.I* And Agreements writ:en and acknowledgements taken, .ne. Having beef. tinily conamh.eloned amAgent r eral Holt class Insurance COlllll/111le., repre senting thd, Eire. life, Acchletstomol live Stock lloparttneuts. Is prepared Inn take risks and WOW polliit-e. on the 11100 t 111.111 tome. Also, agent for the •Anchor line" of tirst titian Ocean Slenm• o 'l•lckets sold to and Irons all parts In Eng land. Ireland, Scodlantl,flermany and France. M are In Lafe In irk low, Iflamospd, Rochester., aprl,T9i 11A-17j:N•rs Obtained fcr Inventorn.• by U. D. and late Examiner to the P•tlent Dtilre. uho lots devoted ebzitteen t in to the patent btodnow, and will promptly prepare paperA. drawitimn. Terror; VA, to ttat. Write for circular.. Direct to 818 I , egret.% aphis else this Patent Uhler, War/sirojton, D. lieter m N . IIIItOM 1 . 01111,111 y Mitt Stunner. • VA; 4 . 4.111 t letl.—Lettei. tetotn i otolitary Itavlott been I..ttil to the rolwrll. ,4.1111 tht,..tate of David Mertztuton, decd, late of Idivo .1 Collllly. Pa.. N. la 11,..n.t.trt• to molt oil peretoot Indottli4l to raid et , . 'l3lO 111:1111111110111110 pnyinunt lo expected; and all claltaa nattlnot .11111 erg .1, , will pre. M Id Ilit•111 duly nothentlentett for rettlemrot. F.;.IZA BETH f i r „. lILt %cs I JAMES 11. YI:II(IUSON. ', T T lON HOUSE, , A. BOYD ROOK, Proprietor. itiamaisur tr, John B. Clark. GOOD PITABLING ATTACHED BEAVER, PA. :4 till apr I. Iteruts . lVautild Fur H 0 \ N"l' 0 •AI ;IC I.: II 1.1 . VA.12.11 Illy e. W. DICKLUMAN, Hon. CHAN. L. ELIN'r, uud other ['met teal Writ ."... Nearly WO panes on fine CALSNICSI:I34 L•119:11 111:1.10 Vxpre,ply for this work•, from new, clear. nod open. t,114,. and 1,111 be illa4trAteil with 14C FINE ENGItAVINGS by Sartain and othwrr..-- Ahol, a igilendld colored fruit piece, •on caning el Aileen prieelmens of the choicest American frollr., colored, from life. lu English . and Gerona... 1 TIIIS BOOK is a sure, safe and,praMical guide to every earmer. Stock Raiser. (lordlier and Fruit Ity It they min Antible their nmlita each tear, end greatly iscrottum the mine of theirland. It mean the pear matt rich. It makm rd'work ..nder. 'lt rewards the :labor of homed working. men; It it purchnvcdlhy utmost every due at sight. Nearly .Ix bandied copies sold In w test a:null township.. and. In ninny eases, bondwds ht nlogle township. Agents ran .11nd no !better mink during the tall awl wilder. Farmer. and their sun. can mach lenge SILO pee month by /tell. lug only three or Pur caplet per day, while more than double that number can amity be sold.. Far ru•n ninny. make the suet PUCIII,I4III tatzento. for ILL. book, tutor awing Mot fill and hinter It I. 311.! the thing for them. If yon wl.h to engage Is the busittertt, wall ha• a circular contalulm: a full of ii, hook sind I,•rm. to nb,•ote. .kd uln.. ZEltiLEff. Of rottlArcZo Sleect. i'Lliadi•lpLiM. I'a., la 9 Sore Street, (!itictnntil • Ohio • oZt SloliriMSltetet, Chicago 4 111. tart N. SIM I,lfttet., St. It tIS.NIo , 101 Nfaln Sheet Sprhighold.' Masi. 11.111:1?;;V 11A ti! AL. 1 . IMr inereatling lep..bit•,: 4•413111wIlell r IrtNiVe aiteraliOnti ilibtrgenti•bt our Snlesrttnma thereby, tbr the pu'e,sent, I. , w,ling our itv3ilable melt. To pr'ep.kre purr:lmmo; %e tire clniin, MIL ~ :Ir.Stock at a Ilona Fido lteduction I:IT,TS, o)11, CLOTHS I)IIUUGfr:TS, RUMS, Sc., .te., I .u , lSer than UMSensoren Prices. istREDAUG.t!N.S FOR THOSE HIAT CALL EARLY,I.T Oliver M'Clintock &Cos' 1 , 13124.10,9:c11. LOOK HERE. • Tfolitr ° :tr fr - I;n ri gi :.11.1 the leibite gen:rally that be hag Jail received :Ork g 130415 or the Wept mole*for ?•prllig , and Slllllll.'l' wear .which he ~tlen at very re leret.rateo. • (; I'1. 1:.11 PC,ILVISIIING (7 0 ODN. coNSTA N'tl.Y ON' DAND.: matte to order on the rhorte,t notice. 'I h.o.tanl to the 031.11 r for pnot favor..., I hope dope attention to Loather+, to merit a Cation ti. : • • of the rime. ' DANIEL MILLEILPA iii:ittGE /M. BMW:WATER. noir 1:1,1 m ire - Blank Mortgagee forte at the Asat•e Ea • • • S , T: ......,..,,..... ~. ...,_,,.,..,„._,.:,..,:, .7 ."..,...,„!,.;...“...,,..,..,,... ~,..,..:..,, 0„,„ ;. .„....„. .„.,_„._ i .„...,„. .„, ~.. ..,.. U.52—N0.13. Miscertanecust. T O. 31011CIAN: SHALLENBEROBB BROS. =ll3 Eine Fatily Groceries. Qaeensware, Hardware, . NAILS, WINDOW I . ,MASS. WOOD "AND WILLOW WARL, : BACON, s' FISH; FLOUR, BALT, LIME, N N Country-Proinceinhi in &chap for \MIL Goode delivered free of charge in all the Villages. ,augakela • THE SUEZ CANAL! WIIILE the World is more or' less ex- ereised over the opening of the Suez Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi chilly, should not line sight al the fact that S. SNITGER & Co. At their old stand in Scorer, Pa., aro still furnishing to their customers everything called for in their line. They always keep a full assortment of GROCERIES., Flour, Feed, Ogees, nem, Sugars, Spices, Tobacco and Cigars; And all other articles usually found In ri First Class GROCERY STORE. From their longaml intimate acquaint• mice with the Grcery, Flour anus Feet! and their ilfsposithin to render those Who may favor them will their patronage, they hope In the fu. tors, us to the past, to obtain a liberal share of the public patronage. Give us a Call and see II we do not make it to your in tweet to call again. jons. S. SNITOER Jo CO. HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINES, $30.00. The most perfect machine yet Invented. Will widen and narrow, turn a heel or point the toe. It will knit plain or ribbed. It will 'knit stock inet, &ewers, shirt., &C.. AC. it In cheap, simple and durable. It sets up Ito own work,\ noel but ODE needle, and requires no adinsting nbatevu. in It will do the same work thalthe Lamb athlete will do ar.d costs less than half as much uud hue not the tenth part of the inachinery to ev out of order. Circulars and samples mailed Ire on ap plication. Agents wanted. All =chi,' guar anteed. . NTUAIW tiMIZEIALAGENTEk No. 10 131sti 844, Pitt.borgh Ps. nov44:ly. Qfm.a6 The . Most Complete Business Col lege in the United States, Affording facilities fnrpegnirlag a thoroagb,prae• Seal business education, pasenacd by no other School In the country. Pince Its Incorporation to neatly Sialeen Thousand Students. repraurentailves ileum every State In the Union, have attended here. No vacations. Students erase at any time, and receive private instruction throughout the entire course R. B.—Circular. with Intl particulars and aline tweetry informatinn. on attar...lnt SNIMI & COWLEY. Parr.nulutu, Pa Jan'llty NEW GOODS! Fall and Winter Wear. I 'HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCR ON COODS OP NICK LATEST ST Si L,ES FOR FA 1.1. NI) Ir INTIM 3RA TILE LARGEST, CI lEA PEST AND BEST rtment of these Goods t has ever been brought to the city. ;‘,ll and examine before purchasing, and he con lieutleniett's Fornimhing Good I vinecd, at I= I= In latent and most fashionable styles:utl ut short notice. WILLIAM REICII, Jr., BftII,OI,MATEII. E=IEIB I3E AVE It DiaTG STO*E, 1 4 1A'4 Yk3ilnlkEi,sfiii, Druggist .L Apothecary, 13 LEVER. PENN. DEA,LZR IN PURE DRUGS,CHEIUCALS,MEDICINES, PAIN'T'S, OILS, VARNISHES, DYF:- sTr_FFs, WINDOW GLASS PUTTY, &e. Choiee C+B-) 00 MiZaH S 7 0E -el NI) REFINED 011.8; Lam, &, LAMP (1111311.1EYS, BURNERS, &C., Of the gmitt,t Variety, and at the Lowest .11Z Uit 4'lll iilll3S :::trl'lty.ician4' Prescription.; carefully and scientifically conapaninlial at any time day cir night. • • arAgenls for Falinestock,.Haslett and Seim artZt; Strictly Pure White Lean. the oldest and best brunt in the nyarket. at manufacturers: pricer.nrad [ocifid.r. Wall Paper! Wall Paper!! PATTEIINS NEW, PRICES LOW, VARIETY ENDLESS, • FROM 77/N BM' FRENCH INPORTAT To The Cheapest Kitchen Paper. Do Douche & co., 112 Wood st., corner of Fifth are. PITTSBURGH, PA. Plain and gold ►onlered Oil Cloth Window Blinds. Ifeb23:3ln. Ito MIMI Miscellaneous.., ~. Bridge -Street, 13RIDGEWATER - ,.P,A. DJ WERICIN ANCEIVIWO A FRESH immix OP GOODS IN NACU OPTIII FOLLOWING DEPARTNANTS:, DRY GOODS: Steubenville Jean; Candmeres and Sattinet‘ White Woollen blankets,' White and Colored and Barra! Flannels,. . Manama, Delahms, Plaid; . . .- Glngharna, Coheres, - , • Lawn; . • Water l'rnota, • . . Chinchilla. . • .Cloths., ~ • Woollen Shawl* Biown and Black Mullins. pnllingn, Ticking*, . • Print', Canton: Flannels, ' Jocoaeta, Tuttle Lin - en, !Irish Linen, Crash, [ Counterpanes. (i) Battery, Gloves t . .r...._ . . & Mita -, - es, Colt Teas, laugar, Molasses, Willie 81IverDr1pe, Go en and Common Symms, Mackerel In bar ' rela and kilo. Star and Tallow Candles, Soap, Spices and Mince Meat. AL*, SALT. Hardware, Nails, Glass, Door Locks. Door Letcheen Maps, Screws. Table Cutlery. Utile and Tra Spann', Sleigh Dells, Coal Boxes. PIPS Shovels and Cohere. Nails and Glee.. Spades, Sherrie. 2,3, and a Tine Forks, Asko!, &Shen and Snathe, Coniand Garden norm. WOODENWARE. Docket', Tube, Clarnot, latter Prlnto and Ladies CARBON OIL, Linseed Oil do White Lead. Boots and Shoes LADuts , MISSES' AND CIIIIJMENS' 8110 ES 11.1 gruill variety. idle Powder and Shot, Blasting Powder and Fuse. Ftpur .1 7 eacl do quocontsware. •11 heavy goods delivered. free Ofnharge. by elm° intention to bustnesi, and by keeping constantly on Mud • well assotted stock of goo& of all the different kind. usually kept In a country store, the underalgoed hopes in the future as to the past to Merit and receive a libels: share of the public patronage. 13. lei. 111A.NIGER. dectgrptly.--hlclizt. 'B. D. truaom J. WICKMAN. fruzsox A.TTOIVINIY:VE4 AT X...A.W jacliam.) BEAVER, PA. FRUIT 'FREES. Evergreen's, Small Frisian, Jive The Subeeriber tatted this method to Inform Mt Moods, and the public geuesally. that ho has etill mom, good APPLE TREtigt to diction, of [large •alirel. Price PPS. per bandred. Also. ■ anion lot of EV biltblnxiztiaucl the beet moiety of SMALL ?Rums, inch au the eAktacietpaia. tart; Ertl:- &wing, Mrs nenicifil ander, .I . llk, Black Clap, - and Brunkle's Orange Raspberry Altleformy. Wilaoys Early. and Leiden Blackberry: Grape eines, Gooelerries, Cnrrenle, blrawberries, e. Price negotiable. Call. as liereloGrre. at the Pt...0-pen pen Mount Nursery. three tulles edit of New Brighton. °nicer ten al A. D. 011111 and A Co',.. Now Brighton. or nt the N. B. Poet Ogle' 800 rd, will be promptly attendod to. No charge for chip. plug, de. Sweet Potato Rod Tomato Plants In ELWOOD THOMAS. fchatif 11' 41%114 4,1 T %at WALL 'PAPE R. WINDOW SH S BOOKS, STA TI()\`ERY, F. E. WELLS - 8.1 CO'S., NO, 106 FEDERAL STREE'I 4 LLEGIIENY PENN' A 'sew 15:1y.Feb.9clid SPRING STOCK. , • R E T S Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc, M'CALLUM BROTH'S. 51 Filth Avenuc, above Wonil street, 111'01110-I'A Ilave OD band THE LARGEST STUCK IN THE NIAlt KET. From the Finest Qua Mies to the Very Lowem. Grades. WINDOW SHADES, Fine and Common Table Coves, Prices uniform to all, anti the lowest M'CALLUM TIROS mar24:l y Insure Your Life AT ONCE! c 7 We want the Merchant, The Farmer and the Me. cluanie to Mat of and know the benefit to be de raced from Instating their litres' in the Johnlism cock Mutual Life Insurance Company of Barton. Mao& mla company presents the adrantagea offered by other companies. and In addiflow this Company makes all Its Policies nonforfrilable. after one payment. It Mao peva diridende to cask Idler one payment—end for reliability ha second to none. % e should prefer that parties, desiring in sumac, should apply through the vent the the county. Cwhlllk STROUD. flea' dor Mee. I:10 ISt :loath 4th Street, Phlladelp la, of the John Mattock Life Inaurance Company of Boston. Mass. We wish energetic and responsible agents for this and the adjoining counties- Ap. itleations from mon of known reapeetabillty and ntegrity will only he entertained. COLE & 11111100 D. feb . hlMl General Agents, Ptailadeaphla. A tlnilnlastratorm' Notivo. Let. 1. ten. of AdmlnDtration havlog been maned to the aubserihera on the estate of Mrs. Mary Howe, deed., late of the borough of Bridgewater. Bearer comity, Pa, therefore all pertain indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment : and all persons haring claims against the tame will present :hem duly authenticated for set. tkmeut. T. 11. DOUGLASS, I 11. D. HOWE. • Bridgewater. Eifel '' • • • , . . ...‘- ... . , ~. , ... 11) . ; . , ~, . it -, T. ..! ". t,., ... , 0 ' ~. .1. iu ... {I I I • , % • ' ' . . ' ' 0 fi- : wat "•Rciitlroadar , ' 1 ,Rikuolicvs . pri._... : A.: • , . - .. di • . .: ~' $ ; ~,,, • ~ _•.,........ ;i . . . . , PITT.; 111`..,WATNI a CRICAQQ.RALLWAT. (In and afar Nov. 13th. Peons will lainre Hallam do l), esess, dl et roalows.-- lir IT l :t l : 4 ll .r ea M°Mv iAis ving ._.o4 Pl . 4l :: "s.l4.- I bauzltH a Ta lea tri.' dal. X., • . . . .... . . .. ........ ' '. STATIONS. Ma.% Pittsburgh. ..... BMus Roches ..Ii ter • SW - Sale anm , 506 Allice • t I 111.5 Casten...... 4. • ..11 70U Massillon. , 717. 0rrti115...... .... ; BA Wooster . 11 RR MansgelA,., 101.1 A I 1100 Crania° 1 D ....i; ms , Bucyrus 1 1140 • Upper Bandusky..,{llllllrat Forest ;1114 Ilea. Ii iao Van Wert. i! Orl Fort Wayne. '' 41:1 Colombia.. •1 WI Warsaw i OR fftuatrth ' it'MR llin %Wealth° Clamp. I i ileirl 121=0:21 ,rl.-- i t".. Chicago :I 4.50 as ViT ),l m i ti c a ")ll :lb 1; DOI I 1 1505 . Colombia. i .1055 Fort Waytm ;11159 Van Wert 1 t 115nt Lima . 1555 Forest ' t am Upper Sandusky... its Bucyrus ,i 515 6,i ut ib,,,,, j A . l' 55u D 7!°:,1 550att llanalle r l '' d - t Mil -Wa illenei , Orn 905 Itassillon ' - ' I ' 9CI AllCa I nton owa iance 1115 Salem ' 111151 Rochester ,1 .105 mi Pittsburgh '• 115 ~ _ Youngstown, New Castle and Erie Expresa leaves. Ydungstown at ta3 p. tu; New Castle, 2:15 arrhes at Pittsburgh, 5:50 p. Returnee; leaves 'Pittsburvh 7:15 a. rn; arr. at New Castle, 9:50a tn. Yeangotwa, sa. • • • Yhungatown. New Castle oud Pittsburgh Ao• commodatton leaven Youngstown, 2110 a. In: New Castle, 1:20 a. sn; anise. at Allegheny, ICr.lO tn. Return! ug, leaves Pittsburgh, SW m; gr. rives New Cast!..2lo ruclionnavtowth Una. na 1 0 . R. MYREN General. !Wiener and lkift Age;d. CLEVELAND A prrnininwn RAILROAD. Oa and after Nor. 15th MOE. tralits will leave Stat wee daily (Mondays excepted) ac follows. 001%0 1110V111. STATIONS. NA IL. 11311..•. i.A.0001111 Cleveland Euclid Street. Hudson Ravenna_ .. Alliance {Celßayard llle .... 1315A1s 1913 rs BVI 12-16 I 933 110 f 1901 910 1100 IS , 1132 313 , . 10S rs 4:rr 0017:t1 XOITU MAIL Exes Well vlllo Ba)nrd Raretknn , 85Saii ! 'or, 1 ma 1:4"1 - 148 280 If ads° n . • • Euclid Street =3=2 IZa:E=MEZII:a Benxi'. .• higsn Bridgeport , 5.15 Steubenville...... , TOG Welleville PI BIS SSmithn eer 's Ferry 11 s 840 4 Rochester. .. ..... o 953 Fittsbnrgh 'l'l= GOLNO V STATIOICS. MAIL: 11 1715. ts ; 735 Pittabtirrt, ftwhester. Beaver Smith's Ferry ii MI Wellsville 1 MO Oteabeaville• ..• )1 9.10 Srldzeport. lllO5O Belittle , law • 71as hp ■ mixed train to Wellsville and an ex press train from Wei'ovine to Pittsburg!. TUSCARAMIS Leaves Arrives N. I • lll!nlleninin.Qon. Phiyard, SA ctn. I N. PhiladeplehLtiOput Y.It.MSYKIL Y19k41,0"4. Dry Goods. CASH -BUYERS IVA OLESALE VIM. FIND A VERY LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF .1 : I Di I \III 10 oil DRY - GOODS, At Very LOW PRICES, Either by thv yard,avve or package .AT A. W. ERWIN de CO'S. 178 Fetiontl Siete, Allegheny jun'tly IR ME MEM • •- •"`-, • II I: e •• _ • fit tkir YWII - IaiTIP :.' . AOr , .': :,' .. i ill litßaii . i • --. r" - :• 1 . • 1 ,•- ' • ..• 41=1:',Voll. c- ll'itr . '"r: l'ilio *kV nand ( iiklonithaiiimilor • 144th He, . " K O WN I AFP 9t ! : Or ramble !wank 4 ,4,4 11 1nek . „VF•en; - 16 keittelif ale 7 WI trotenht glihee ; • ElVw belittled wenere; , Inn tiniriete ear* lythiPel.inlhen PO wehdaeritOreee. llowoil We tinted , otiose Win*. 4 11 4 enl4 O,O A OR ~.Pineff; ah Ar n enkr. ;. freehold on the hweW II the ;r am in b a i m; • ; Waded lone high gll.iw riebead eiejaf2.. Or, getheend moue 1111.1 WI as lnielipettly .0.0.,: rliTl .44.40 .-i4vw,(..i Andby . lj th e ,m. biL4-"uie ; Ado hmidija rimed was 054 :. Tba huidaws thichotttom resets. : ' I The white school b OW tete ditto inted-! I The lall eat traw_ , irnaiend ;•, ' T ' The wild guirliu'.... th4rS,Pii*l"lChl .• • • hei r vie • brakei.' el• d°ll ,:ilie " t f te "4„, . 'mood., .. i i .:•'• „1. , :4,„;,....w.,,......., "r; '.l' • • All reel In oar moor', 11Wridypper , iiirt .. F O'er their beilideilgullioasits 'often pore. . Ard wish-42 we iron' " . old *AG waid4 . . we ;oda c 0414 rest dijizi) Sty idd binit—thousbio 6 4.4ll4 , 4thiliottedo 4 Wnace7 Vxd ti!dliikiNip **id 4" I i rep iiiii P u r l , ' AI MMI I f rth.F. !F w f xl II ! "devotion. , 4 ,. •_.- ~,,,, ' •: . - . And Initialler their indid:Chpiefaa Vrijel" • . When the old Blidelnitta the robin with • , can. - - ha- - _ ...4 :..1 1 , , 1 An 4 nit leditteadeeplrnent Its pages rand Orate peophetrof old.eiti r Godly rear: r • , dud the beertuty wan tietrylewed lifts& . . . €1,,,....... - ,Wslt. , ...-.... „.-- NAIL. arr's. 6fau!'s 643.3 0 Klan sra 103 MO 11 U 0 1031 1114330 WI 1113 133 KO 14111 rat US 1140 ' 1340 143 I'o6 I#' 1119 - ' 700 101 100 . 4106. 334 &SI 901 440 000' 11110 • 400464 000: 1030 013 063 " lOU po .118 - . 1113 11 . .7 1011143 • *l5 113045 1001. 110 #0540 100 ISt WI 150 MI 441 . VW , 447 . 110 WO 100 9113 1018 11E9 Marx 1 iE DM 1 ' I Ash thee*re whe s 111,1 esbn hothi The hell rematibOsel knew bi to I t atresinha+ndaps•dsioll•4lll4 • Adill Thee art acme awallote thamolettet 'of time. ' -"" • ; •Wt the 44.04, a• hi . llp 144 dap et kori: defy Into. kit me leh ithittlthel sad gm; it tells mu. aa It tun hare* tile &pre— : lad, ate eerhanly eat I:lPatiln.?sw4. • I search "around for)ho oarisPicridi nu birth 'ire game.' l'O'qui • * Outs idiew'they, sloop : The last sleep of death. The than and thehssal letheyviglh hwy. ; A few 14ria from my eiti4/8 WO Meat bent. I look &w and met% htsidflallokffsal.' ThelTdenal 10 •MistooP#111**1 th•par:. . th77!•flimn! ..Toket° ,ol Thin Diem* ar • 0%! ' se , • sti• f lea Piftt•r• It le wcll to w rd, and w • gat', As the world 4 • More Hien con nod • Aud morning briloght . W 344 443 I 313 603 It was a dream Of y Darer come a Twas a Nebo ait hely* Thai VIVO MI pros:die . , Love was the theme lAA Tom; Me awaking Id, Awl, to the tar moulds yo Thitt dram wall emit Amax. 355 em 510 613 , roar, 011 ; 613 613 81W I 719 ; 730 ; 1010 PMI3 ME] "a 5836 815 lass nara 4.lDrit I=l falr; •eit 144 • f li fiei foist ' Pot , • , t -- 3 - - , SELECT DIES :s • . 2CM- Bus, cutfal be, ye young! Mete eertaba ye 'pledge Meku certain that your Par bryoad Mu dal *V Lay aka your hOpu As a name hoar war, Bat, sprains remember, whero worldly weal For, If yricegare hots pa A gramme sad lorlage Tow wilt ban. PlikTed And "bath open 4a, r -. EMI o=l Et= 0 R EMI '., • ..Ausettiitnitp MO.'. • .it have a brother w Is a mldshlpr 41*1 .fkatiliiVuVcruren 'atary in - ad"""e, iiiid fd sisters:Who arti t lu it similai laso it is °fat/ particulit signification, but to Litoseiwooareitlitteggests a great Mal. .For d iuldship, like other boys, iiistois home moth Pints to cheer the heaits Of thelittiu es ;" and how I/I, they spend their timeiWhenenjOylog these visits is well a to we In. bated, hut the, wee . . general um a form but a meagre .. n of it. k w A 'midshipman,' Oen lie comes home, soon makes hb+o-'illy feel that novena/ the hoe- ~ r outside, is ameessible t )WS arc handler things come in at, If one May. 3 habits; there is no, tree ,titahch of width he wi legged, cracking ,tube rook's nest, howerez has not poked his flu; i urea joke to Mtn, i more of oaks and-eh Watt of hay stacks.... other boys + ehairs'iuid eat mom, but a nil up kloft, and sumetimw top of tlie gt to say, he um to the top of I is a very ham weathercock, hang his cap kte txmact3 it prt.-sents you jackdaws, whi of thelop of tl He spends f as bOxes are Li Olne from t of it be makes rum+ up and du rel; other lengl cradles up in ' from °new th he disports in tinciously from touching the Ithge4 mild' without s) tuarvel lees pug Finally he hiseountry'sT have tho Cu, whatever hr thef~U:~,tlut~ ut thlit very of H. M. S. th feats uoG Watt The ittit ing a mittshipatiiiii telt him a story. eircumstancea" I: hi tt, sutiveedifOr two, gether, it is - done pen air and among newly cut .1 the -lines. ef ' hay, 1 suppose,.,__,chuni 'them .of, waves; for certain UV never knew a midShipinan ran . these 'lines, amid have tried the eiPetheehteeir. eral tittles, and on there, than one of thew generally refragtory subjects: Sometttues nty, Mather could lie drawn into relating tc'etot7 hint,mlf; some adventure thatlle had inet with or some wonderful thing that he had seen; for this sad midshipman, though stnrcely fouttwaytstrs of age, • 'had visited every gnarter of tlieglobe, and knonivboth shipirreckand terns-. Onam heteld um sada a ClIFI0114s4)- , 17,13M:owing the value of presentse of mind, that I wrota It down' shandy. afterwards . snail 110010'er it te•Yth!,i divested or nearly- all the Language of the sea, itahstereat partly depends, in my mind, upon thefset that but for this singular presence of mind he probably would tiof_haVe to tell It. "I suppose yvir have heard of Outland?" he began ignoranceon such subjects as terrestrial magnetism navigation, and the internalarmage meats of a line ship seeming to his mind inconsistent :with knowledge on any other pcilots. • • 'How can yen a4ksucli a question?' I answered. "Yes,:of course, I have, and I have read an account of. it in Humboldt ; It is a town in the north. ern part of South Atherica. • 'Oh, well, I thougbtyou might not ' know about itt at least !thought you might not know . about the experi ments that have been made them; about the variatiens, and' ad that; • . i ~.• ~ ,$ i. V.Co, :'ll ‘11:111;.) ' . 4 ..,...,•, % ,„.t, „..,• f J.,..,„.. ..:,..... i'r I --, it .r.ri • _1 llaa• ll= sit us lining ,eat ions, to the Grange we; or which or the IC Call ke,and young ,t out (w r ouch maws t, some an, and x squir nto eats dooms' a the* Is au ithout at her served RI such ug. I UpOU. latices I that home taws izing Elti )f for kap , Afirma iisto r Etvorable :nom, this hours to- - • .:a1:1:1t , ZIAV • A MEIMINIM • - Bathes' Mask something -Maur a • isakanknormintry; and euiibdAts '.landattzralied t thought I lionott , msitilcsoLt:snerti• •thataik' ',read- tar ,John Bawls bealk, , stutubow. beairento; seasetiof the nimpaitili pole& • ,106 • well' 'ha 'answered,. 'thou • I weidaVisiphiln Ma , yam"; Laid tell yon: that wwlay off ammo for some !time; and that wa Wero.aent up; :the mazy to that amend on the moan •teht j Mabee andAhreu 'and L. were sent with theta:Mid and third tenanteandthedeetor, to theheights above CussaeO r with 'the chronome. Mrs end the heittnesents. 'Wee litflotig inquired. 'No, not ( long,' eerily: *Moat; 'it took anveraidom Tea ciumot think what all extniordiitary shore there is •Initutt pert Off:lout!' America. When *talkie gembut j; uneovereaeres • of hady the& stems'ited 'lower brachei lite- thftkly Incrusts! With 'Minty mud, said they Ilvevend grow in - the Mt theratittigrosteand Wife treseikAltipphigi, 'teeny' kneel sheiks as Wade as u persou's Yeti' slalrwiteh , unwholesome looking"tteesOhey steam with the heatttNl tiiif Meals' artiuld caked 'Upon' theta; and the the Mae -mMes tlp ent weiSWOOtini' " ?WelrOjeilca u':ol4 . edyiltiy UN* yhut, and 80 steep that off', We 'begin to aimed the mountain ; that I shouldna: Were 'have thought the mutes could iamb up with es„thau I shoiad havaexpec fed WO bigot to the epithelia, and Yet ttotittg May've lt, - "lid toeh tee instrithissbacie. W hen them..Weee • liti`tfeaVt4the' eoulitry 'nothleg • ; 044, ailst,, and 'setae ' ' godiudeue ,of /t/AOO titW = gil 3 o '6lg-Frtin*:t;iAi - sQie i tf 04' r ig: :17. 1 bV . .400- I . , )das.*Pli - • ci}itt& at y),,111A nr,,giothea a 4 ; tho '94.494.2 . 610 "Woven; Area 1 1 44' Att_the 4414 ' eimt.on ibo iiimintaituaiet ina monks were- verp.kind to. us end tried to leech tui salient their epanish words. . wood to Mil*. thee the awake. were -dark divided; fellowai. tr tatao and , tat* silent ~ hut. Wow .wero vary • greasy; one. I and they had such d . halide and gowis, that,l've no doubt mem muat be,:very hard, to get, up 'Thera cook' not be as;tril;U s },, , et place thaadhat convent. , .It was huh On the flat - pleco - of-land at the top of the mountain ; and about aslargeSs this -tield (feign:ores on threesidm there was a precipice,. stud If you Walked tp the &Igo you could see - the trees grow ing below,' and the apes springing about them.. On the fourth side you could drop stones into a tara or lake a thousand &et below you,and yet al must overhanging, lake Is the path dowmvard. • 'You would hazily call it a path at all. Imagine.this.Aleepest Marxist down which itirOuld possible to slide without • dagger -of tumbling heed foremost, and soar imagine that upon ' !was built a; wall thirty or flirty feethigh; and that the path was the top of the wall, and you will have a very good. notion of what it was , 'But do you mean that there really was alwatir. odied.' ir.'llll,somcimMintittl Piiit - of that Side of the mountain runs a sort .of a spine of rock stzmnly wide enough in wane places for two mules to walk abreast; it is flat on the top and bare of trots. The mountain it imitia.causweii with self densafocest that you sea imaghtssisothing like it limo; la some parts the spino is high. er than the foreikand.youlook down on the tops of the trees, In others they reach above it and overshadow it. 'Well, we three .youngsters were left with the old monks Sur a day af ter the vest.of the party were gone down spits; and Ithen we, set off. 'ralbot•mld Owen and I, with two Indians and two of the fattest of the old monkt, who .seemed so infirm that it wassurprisingto seehow well they rode. It was the mast piping but morning and the stiffest that you can imagine when we rode out at the court yard of the convent. We tho't we never were to begin the dent; those monks were so afraid that we should be playing some tricks or get ting ourselves hurt for want of etre, that they all collected round us, their hts►ds shaking at u.•s, and, with the greatest gravity, trying to let us un• derstand that we ought to be grave andserious, as if we had not come up the very: same path. However I must say it's ten antis easier getting up than going down, and it was very the old fellows to be sorry to part with us, for we led them such a life while we were there; in fact, our clambering about nearly frightened them out of their wits. 'So off ato set ; and ut that we made seercely any way; the mules are cult. ning creatures, and would not go a step faster for coaxing or whipping; they stepped along the spine as daint ily is a lady whom utnud of wetting her feet, first u little to one side,theu to the other, so .tlutt 1. could have thrown- my cap down, right down into the water.if 1 had liked, and 1 would have done it, only one. of the monks, when we frightened him, used to,lnusve up such deep groans, that we all knew how thankful he would be when we were safe out of his hands. - are, two forests there, one above Bic other; first, there are the trees with brauelies like our oaks and elms, only VlWltrtill with dowers, large, white, yellow, and scarlet hltes soma, greaterevera twine over them; they are like ethics, only green and hairy, and , here and there bursting out :with, queer flowers, some like wax globes, sonic like .tutus of Lath ers others all thick and powdery, red pollen, strewing the ground be and others dripping honey. This was. under forest,. out of it sprang tall iruuks, bore, , like Mists, and spreadout their tops just like um brellas.held out to shade . muter the trees front the sun. IKu .wore 'warty 'an lour going down the first thousand feet to the lake; after that, the way was not so steep, and the spine of the reek was lower,,for the trees of We upper for est overshadowed us. Nothing did appear to live in them; but the un der forimt swarmed with monkeys, squirnds, lizards, yellow snakes,birds and butlerilitu. You tan not think what a noise and fuss was going. tai around us ; it was perfectly etunniug. .First we would come ton whole Hock of blue parrots walk -rose colored top knots; they were tearing to pieeis quantity of white, fleshy flowers with their strong beaks, and feuding on a yellow seed that was in then'. Soule thutts they were perfectly white with these flowers, and not one WilS left on .-the tree, while the birds sat on the . boughs absolutely ixiatiug with the toil of tearing them up. Next we would come to a whole tribe of little monkeys, screaming, and squalling and boxing one another's ears, and altogether making such a distraction that the cockpit, when we are all nicking as much noise as we possibly can, Is:nothing to It.' 'This I thought was saying a good deal for the monkeys, and so I Inti mated to my brother. wait till you hear those won 'keys,' was his reply; 'in the hardest gale hat ever blew, when the canvas is tearing and the' spars splitting I'll engage myself to say they would be heard tesehattly swim a cairn.' 'But the noise subsided as it became Witter; andat noonday there was not around to be bawd in the forest; and •TI I; .• ~ • , • in !to , ' t+r: r .r , " • "'" ',I: 111 • I , - 41 . e. 'ii •• It . I •Itti 42n 1 WA =I EMI ME Ml= . it was droll On Needreknetratote bang. 1 ,1, .ii,the 4renciteti hY their, beaks, J .. l i ke game in ,a shop, with the nrhitellirn half 'drawn overtheir eyes, +Showing . as plainly as possible ting therwere so hot • that they •did not know-What to do. with therwlver. _ At .noon we canto to a sort of a bower Id a level place ; it Was perfect ly overhung;'strul the trix. were so matted and .lataxi np with. creepers .that not an inch of sky prirld be seen nor a breath of air felt; 'drops of wa ter fell from the trees, and a Warm stetni , •arceelrerin - everytldng:' 'But thertilvasa perkctshadasnd as Wire witeibundant .r nor ,fer.ter all trt.ait down and reltandinuuddle the CMOS 'Wodld'all We Could to persuade the tirod--to - rest them' Bmides 'ive nrere. hungry, and we kept• putting our lingers to our mouths, and. as,,well es we, could that we t= something to eat ; but they shook their heads and made' us understand that this , place ' wits infested with snakes. ,- . , .. . ,!• W ixl elook out fmmuuder the trees, and there again in the glare of the istniberuns. wait the &pineal:Abe reeky noW winding downward, almost across the mountain ;. the heat strik ing up from it made our eyes biros and ache; but it was not very. steeto now, and It was nearly as betted at he) turnpike roads' here, so that I 'could have got down by the help -of sty bands atul.the plants. $o off .we set agalo3.4wd now, as there was no dan ger, We went as we liked, and I led the way. •.. .. • I noticed a great temper something .lying in the path ; it was as big as a I,ollf, of a gray color and covered,with white; if I thought about It at all, I thought It was astone: • I never eh solutely looked et It till -we Were within one single pun of it, and then ; my eyes seemed drawn to It end fix a It WWI a serpent. The 'Mule stirang . 'hack'and Minded, find - her eyes tented at Ithey trotildStart front lint hen : . ._ ..-" • - -1 1!i , - • Thortt: It IV. the aliens thingpleeic and fat, all coiled upend knotted, its littleeyes leering at isle with& horrid smite fiCtlient. It. "could not have been cause than a minute that I sat .gaping. at ,J 6 but. It aeeinetta. year, and t 4811 1 14 mule cried out ,aluu?st like Altman creature,'had' turned •ardund 'and •tore up' p ast the 'other nudes; straining and stumbling,' and still uttering -that fearful Cry till .in tw.ct,Or three minutes we were up nein In that level placer; and I tura 'ed ifia . saw all,the. other unties . but one tearing' upthe -ascent, and poor little Owen straining up on foot.. .',There was dust In the road-41rst I saw only that-,--theit In the twinkling of an eye I 4aw Crwen's mule creep ing up slowly, and my first thought wits wonder where the serpent could hew seiluiy net, wonder at the Ire mendeuslyJoug. tail that this,:naule was trailing after. h e r. , In. another instant this hilt was rivrect up and brandished over her, back,, and She was sprawling on, the .. . t, and the tali Was that great' se'A., , and the t t ernyi .optic Were roliwl up "- - Inttfone _flaws, ~suld tucking f :side to, alite, and , writbleg.:eild ' lug. At hiat,the wretched mul eking still —they, both fell 'together ever AC edge of the precipice, and Weutpltlnip Into the top of a tree, and While we . frtal quaking and looking on, they crashed' down frow thcnce,androlled am ajbp ro•ro4 roil c ni , i. nnif tints was a horrid sight; and when I it'd over my surprise a little. I found we had all distuotuited, and that Owen :Was standing wringing his hands and crying with all his P•quidiheiiedlergbai s ,hes.stop. Ped and burst." out kitighhig till he made himself cry again. • 'Of coo* we did hot like those old wool to 'sew an English boy crying and we kept Patting him Mt the back, titlidu,g to him At last he • semed to wake up all ou a sudden and bin to look about hiniself. . . 'Well, 'al telloW,' Talbot said to hitt', 'how arc you now r 'I'M all right. What are wo waiting for?' 'But present remembered all about it. He Was lost, it seems, and as each Mule mine up to the serpent it slad and dashed up the useeut,btit his mule actually put her 'foot Into the middle of the creature; slid It down among the sleek folds, and at once seemHn.F paralyied, and 'never Stirred. but kept gazing at the thing as it uncurled itself and hiss softly.. 'Owen iatid he did not remember how he got otf, nor Anything else, till he found us all shaking him; and tell hig him that he was quite safe; and lie kept shivering and crying out while he described the serpent's eyes, 'Oh, the hissing -monster! . 1 hide her!' Am!, doyen know, it has seem ed to me rather shocking ever since, that instead of feeling thankful that we were MI safe, I could think of nothingind that text, In the Bible about Human !' `What test, ny dear doy O 1 I asked 'Why that awount of how Hawaii camo home and told las • wife about his riches and his honors, :and the distinctions that the king, had oon;• furred upon him, and then ended by saying, glut all this avails me noth ingso long US I 4eeMordeati the Jew sitting in the king's gate.' • *I• cannot see any connection be t Ween the text and the serpent,' I &served ; 'how came you to think of such a subject:" 'lt Hashed into my mind directly, and I thought to myself, what Is this world to live in, if such otlius reptiles as this are to stun: it with as. flow I did loathe that serpent ; it quite cur dlettny blou,l even now when I think of her!' '1 have: often heard pimple speak of that peculiar hatred, I replied; 'and refer to the enmity that God played between the serpent and the seed of the woman. 'Yt.s ; so the chaplain told WY after , . wartP. I have often heard lions and tigers roar, when 1 have been keeping the middle watch, and have felt a good deal of rear, and a sort of re. spect for them, but not disgust. It was gnma in the dark to listen; it made one think, .oh, you jolly old fellow, I'm gl ad you are not crushing my bones! But when you have once heard a serpent hiss, and • seen his sleek body and the hideous leer in his eyes, it does not BO= enough to have dumped, only to have looked at him somethates makes you feel ill for days afterwards with disgust and fear. .' • 'lint I was going to tell you what a bravo thing Talbot did ; as long .as I live Ishall always think it was the bravest thing that coukl be, and I shall rtsfpoct him as .much as any ttrown up man, - though ho is only two years older than lain. I told you that we had ail dismoun ted in that shady the mules were standing hod :together, but 4.e were in no fear a the serpent. for we knew she would not _quit-l wr prey ; so we all sat . down, and 'the kind old monks broke off some brun ches-and we all began to fan ourselves with them, while they got out•some provisions. There was a sort of pat ty, made of the flesh ofiguanas—very nice these creaturce are, I can tell you —and then there was • some mite of Indian corn, and softie bilked parrots; but Just as we put the very first mouthful into our mouths. Talbot started up as though he was perfectly astonished, and said to us, fy, voungstem we shall never be on. I hoard ante ship by sundown if we stop to rest here, V iand you knout what the order; were;' and in tin instant hetbrew down his cassava and bread and began to saddle one of the mules 4L. irr: ru , 1414 , ; j ME 12.;$tUbliiiied.: , :18,18 with :alt his .might. We,..ivere ex-. ttemely rorptisW; we did not know that - the order had beer) at 'Urgent. The nionkstoo'were surprised; they . arose with many bows and as idandY as possible let him understand that. it Ives their wish and Intention to rest. But the tnore•they said the faster Talbot saddled: •' Their bows'and per : Wetness. dumped to angeri add still the' email ,r, Weld en.; they ,thought lie .pould not, underraand,. bat they iinderStOod that he was perfectly bstit upon setting off forthwith, acid 060gra s rlti/eY Aid net It: „o r to atr to prevent It: ' were rather sullen at belie; so Mater: bird;.btit" Manner and deter asination so amaked his, that when he 7ordetod. Owen r to get• up and 'mount thepoeritttle fellow obeyed instantly. Talbot struck the mule with a whip , /anti offshe set down the spine. 'Now I then,' he said to me, 'up with you, I T—, your tnule's :ready,. lie • was ,t rembling with hurry and impatience 'No,' I said, 'it Suits me to wait a tie longer.' I shall never forget his facethen, it seemed toexpressmo nut erminga—terror. entreaty; deternii nation. 'l've no time to wait' he said, 'but if you don't mount this In stant,.T—,, I mast strike you.'. Ifs Was far,stronger than I, burns he ted upethe: whi I knocked . up the handle audit fe ll.. Instantly he tur ned to the 'adieus, they obeyed him and instantly set off. without a word; then the • astonished monkri; casting melancholy eyes on the pmvisions, want somehow. made. to mount. I don't know how hedid it; but "Sup pose they were so AILUIZAXI ' iIt his Ix:- ttelar and his audacity, that they lad no sense left to contend; and 'NI • hot ;gave each mule such a blow at parthw that she, set olf at full speed: 'Andlhen he turned to Me. 'NoW, then,'.he said, 'there is but one mule, len for both of us; :Mount and he quick.' 'felt that he had on right to Leouunan'd„ and I was angry, tied as- tingthed. I fixed my eyes ou Ulu for a moment; hi whole face Seerukt to. be changed 'lrtimpritiente. and; Averted quivered 'with .1 'lnrirrt the pattering hoarier the other Mules, they. were stilt audible. If I. could have knows I I mid to' Min, 'I will not .go I have an explanation.' • 'Very Well, then, he answered, 'there it is.' Ile had aireasfy got his haud on my shoulder to urge my mounting, - he now. turned Ins • eyes toward the most shady and ',minded end of the bower, and there—oh, it mates me cold to think of it l—there, nu a rock, ridded and reposing, illy another serpent, Just like; the one.we had ecru before. it was Watching us, and 'tithing its lung, slender tongue in a narrow , sunbeam. In steul upend setting off fOr I could not stlr,orbreathe, sir get my eyes away (rein the fear:id creature; but Talbetelni, me up by -main forte, and mounted behind tne • and off we went sr owly--mh,how alosidy • • - "We had no whip to urge on the mule with, for I had dropped it when Lanatched It. from Talbot:arid Isbell tamer .forgut the terrors of thin Rest five minutes. A.tlast the mule might , iiight'of her companions and mended I her. pees, and in a fest minutes we an open _sward; where only li few trees Vero scattered here and Fa.asl Vaawdl-4. rually rplace where - the rock sheltered us, anti where there were no crevices in which any. creature weld hide itself, we all lay down and Talbot made an apology to the monks; and I contriv ed to explain to them what he haul cYnert y . were: sesestlintel3l-4* lighted • with his presence of mind, and kept repeating, AfuscharJabisitio, Musehachito min.* 'Talbot told us that he saw the serpent the moment the provisions were served up, and was so frightened ut first that for an instant he thought of springing on a mule,dashing down the slope again,. and then turning round when ho wits safe to warn us of our danger. As lie. 'wily did something so different I think it was very honorable of him to confess this first intention.' 'Yes,- indeed,' I replied; 'and think lie showed wonderful presenc.: of mind and a noble ixiurage-' 'I wassu re you would say so. Ile said that he then considered the con fusion and fright we id hi all be in —rushing this way and that way, sonic riming down on foot, others j hindering one another, letting them run away—and you must remember our lives almost depended on these 1111.11C1; we could nut get either up or down the mountain without them ; and then you must remember, too,that Owen, after the fright he had, was not tit fur much. If it had been any other wild animal, of course he would have told us at once; but, as it was a serpent, he feared wif should be viralyzed, and if nut that, get dispersed and fall over the prwitilve, !Asides, he hoped at first that it was asleep, and dreaded lost any noise should awaken It. As for me, my behavior when ho was obliged to show it to me makes me think I should hot have escaped. I shall always think that Talbot saved my life, for the , serpent was beginning to uncoil 'There can be very little doubt that be did,' said 1, 'and almost probably he was asleep when Talbot first saw him, and might have been awoke by the noise you made in quarrelling to gether.' We we ro told afterwards that those ash colored serpents arc benuvud WU%Wv to live 111 patrs, proceeded my brother, 'for when one is killed, another Is almost sure to be seen about t'.! same spot.' 4 ., 'I ho . utter tins *mond escape you did not hink of Haman?' I observ ed. 'Nu, didn't,' . said my brother, with in eh morethoughtfut face thou was um mon with him. 'Wile' you think *of the Mar cud hatred With which ,you\ regarded the serpent,' I continued, "you should consider that thisenmlty w.ts implan ted by sin, by Satan, under the firm of a serpent ; and that it is sin which we ought to fear and dread, far - inure than the serpent, which run maid no injury, excepting to the body. Yriu should be grateful, too, that the promise given so long w'o has been Minified by our Itedeetner—the promise that 'the styli of the woman should bru ise the serpent's hind. 'Yes,' mid my brother; 'that was what the ship's chaplain *raid to us when we mune on board.' And so ended my brother's stury ..11y brave buy, or brave fellow —The l'reildent Is add to be in clined to give Gen. Fitz John Porter an opportunity to review the record and teathunny in the Court martial that tried Porter—or, in other words, permit Ilium to offer additional testi mony, explaining away damaging pots. But the pnesureagalnst Por ter t $ o stron front Senator Chand ler, Judge Advemide Gen. Holt, and others, that the President will de cline to grant Porter's petition fur at now lwaring..During Mr. Johnston's adminbaratien Gob Grant favored 41 rehearing, but declined to make written or (urinal recommendation to that effect. Stowe writes from Florida. that " a country can not be laid fiat down, under a war, burned over with fire, nod all its pleasant thing's laid waste, and come up again so as to stand even' with the undisturbed civ ilization of Northern towns, in one, two, or three years." In this, nt least, Mrs. Stowe has truth on her iil 041pat' hold Um .44na bullMajfilld - - rei. Pa., at isrl i nlk /Tooeir. - ComoiaOlaaf - ilLiata of load l ir veer* h 4 4 .10.44 no* I kliod: To boture aUentkm hvorm of ' 4 , Mod. loos, In vs:l4l4e 14. Meetal'a tkhill by, tba. nuoo,of tbo#Ptilior.4 • Lotcork and mum uorrollooo . be teddresto4 • ' • 4 6' y 6" '!::I/ l:‘ to. 4. P:Y#IN . ME44444.4".r w rauteitaut. Thee(Sliatr6 41W/44'416 gilk jai }hue in the Pcidetttlargi In It3l-2 there lived• *maw eotlnty"Mtat.; _tistenat,Wist. ley: 7 ltel *to a' ittiii-b rer' eeedl-lot: 'hest there. was a good , Otit•of-thiiroitee lueliao ittbli-;- *twin Lkiy 'duvet., end tuttfull.the worst huts tWe'didAlmop6ater--drltik Mg, ifaatblidgerttl hoist} facing. "". • Thme pursuits• alternuot formed ucetipanoti;-thir ,beisiginant*att byantevereitor..- , Re 4144 :Me sole , VirtilloPrilidefeeth* , * sort of Indian vettenttion (pr . ; the au eiedms tod mkt!: llet 'Wahl not. execute!' R ' mite' for anY" pit= whatever, and hekl al/ men lw ign ixinr,esupt, w,bo Aikillabk. their uledl weal. , Ile ltad atiphipme don In Man .what he dokned Just r isteirret t bet 'Mk 'ward was his boat 1. This was his known eluirackir, yn,l .lu,.eugid:have got credit for times' id,}. lie hit ,W4ell easier theifothermieu ivuld'have got hu e l d e r r a l itA A k e t v it e e r Th a o p e rfseotnt slll g k ni te tiling quarrels; and he was looked upon as a man not ta-be , 'eneatied except lathe rigic,of life: : OUP obOto7, While playing eitrde in 'Coluntivs, a quarrel am* about,the op rent. we'd itortilin deg:term:lu.. audbe gave , the tie. to Wooley'sslinuiwitationt .the pane. Iluwity ThialtetlitUt both were Slightly' efoilailott, weep ‘VOoley'iibpikkteht dead upon the Boor."r-Next morning Wouley was nneistoltd be cause he did unkeare that Wheat be OtherWise.';WooleYilind horded his the'judge4 , lt. bound to: cote natt4 titmOn , ordett , avoid Um iteputationfoll beiuspelfeq tl-11 !04 1 43'. 1 4 1 1 1 Wfale wealth. Aece MAMAS? to lit went Wooley. • The joilor urea.' week inanweek IWO:smite anJ weal[ to milsktheinilusalot oedema% ArterUarinsrAiatzwilisiu"ng, ,or,AdaY or two ' Wople4' ant flit titepAitir• , ."'..:443 •, 3,1:11, ,, "trara • he,' " kmiWutei you kneW f 'fieliee'brisak my word. two um anti leivell swial game with the boy, You 0111 :1 44 L• INVUOUP. the *Oa leo , I when. it gets 1s 4. tittle 1, stoma. lock Myself 10, and !Chill Wulf rlkhe.. • The Argument Was eacirelittbknek teriatconsuleratha la $ tatd ;Ahem iitter night ,Wooley eats/ woutne,ous ; enjoy his noetutpulilPlefik Tar urt tallest' eiSin; rite, gut thb atm• pht off, mill giVing ball'hr shy straY . ,ls" 1110.000;.wes releatiefl.'. ' • , At the next, Icon of it:oertoWeele es: was put,upon . ,tiial.; Um . Jury re,- tureed u verdia tif gyaty, :Leo Judge minteueed `While Oita' ye:tele the penitentiary atifiteldsin.tqlWp pew, were duly ,male, outs mut lane eiheritfcroandtti-Aurt for,)ite, • but Wuoiey demurr4 • Voti noW,Sherift" . wittliici, "tho thetountry Is poot--An't - afford the tAp and 'aq: , l'il-Justlietnitty . .boy (Amu drive R 3444 1 1. ttqadtenus esal s ave 411 ..f 14 . 6 , e 7N?Slir* 9 1 Pc„ a for The Sheriff produced a theibi and, ere' ho; was aware, .Wboiey asixed thepi and put Mein info Mapocket, "All right,,". said Wein tie ; elf to-morrow Morning." The Sheriff knew he had a der pende nein to dud 'with, but when mrenecrentrun wootey never broke his word, and had, beetles, over Stull Ow worth of property he cupid out move, he made a virtue of nefx.a:sity, end left things to take theft tern. True to hi, wont • Watley left fur Jackman, and in time arrival.. Put liatuP Itt , Abe idnosiou House, lie I soliital out, lulled all the goinbliese 'hello with Mitch that town even then abounded a n d the next melt ing drove up to the Penitentiary: Euterieg the ward mom, hi, euquir ed : "Where shall 1 flail the WlllllOll ?" "f 11111 flu• man," said Cul. I>ick . "Well, Feu brought you a prouln. " Where i, lie?" inquired • tilt; Warden. ' "Here: 1 nto the ohm," find NVIM ley handed ovor the. Sheriff's hill lulls. The 'Warden vostini.tzeil. ILO lie a lunatic to dear with, or had thi• man killed the Sheri IE, and then entne o the b defy hlw lleirmbl int tell : deteruiltind qulcrisly 0 kell/ the 01110, •-itien lie offered titoseff. "Now," ',Aid Wooley, "let's rgif thmugh this_ place and vien how It looks," and through they wont. they returned to Urn guard room, 'llrotiley lidked so pima:tatty Oho, the warden felt re:tssured, and Joe "Now, Mr.' Wooley, what branch of the busini..4B do you think you would like hest?" "Td tell the truth, C111)110 \\'o ih.y. "I never did a day'A wfirk In my life, nial I don't think soy of your euniell trades. • I'll tell you how a . ectel fix it—l'll clerk fur you, just for the name er the thing, anti we'll live Jollity together, till the year's up. • The warden yaw he had a charm. , ter to deal with, Will concluded, that a luau who would go into a pr6on of lAA own accord, would not runaway, nod mildewed. SVook'y year °coon tingly ; nominal "clerk or companion by day, and a gambler to Jaeksou by : night. 110 kept the wardroom itippiled with fravanibi„ and a slit nook in the tact. allrftrt. ....Awl.. .4 the hen uf fIyUOTY. LIU year up, he left, unregreting. hut te greicil, fur ut mart he way u gAIOCI fellow, and neitle the Warden a *VA eumiranion.—Jeekson Cili:en. —on the 7th of thks month, near Pleasantville, Pa., a it of booth' .were match w. four ttords of three foot I, 1, a k w 0941, apil ;buy accianplished it. 'rte alitud weight of tire whorl Wain 11.925 pouncts, and the sleigh and wood rack weighing 1,000 pounds, This was Nulled up a hill the steepwt portion of which is allowed by good Judge], to be at least "one quarter pitch.' —lsn't it curious, hriw face mask ing from the eyebrows to the end of the nose will Akspel horneline•ss With only the .forehoud, mouth and chin visible, and bright eyes looking through ape:litres, there WILi scarcely woman present who might not have been taken to possess a beautiful each. It wouldn't boa tsel blest for ladies to substitute musks for 1 _About the Ix ginningorthe seven teenth -century the warm drinks In table we we to wine And beer, prepuit in a very captivating s tyle. :Kea was introduced taxon. dud dine, at 41 its use leas eurneetly masted by the wine and beer drink ers, kst it should exert an InJurlotri In II UMW en mends t • • —The Milwaukee Temperawe elety I formerly thanked Governor Fairchikl, of Wl.4convin, "far hloot antple of total alkainerice before t chiral' s, and particularly for the In fluence it should have upon thoyoung men of that'State." —A Siutit Uwe culoted Sena ter. Cxeluded from the first , clan♦ air of a railroad, rovengtil himself by a bill repealing the charter of the read. . maned Keep WIL4 unable to keep his geld front New York thieves, who "suppliedits place In his belt with a quantity of silver, which Is an abomination to a eantullan. • •