II II Theife aver Argus. J. WSTAND, Zureon omthieraurros Beaver. Pa.. Feb. 23.1870. Tim Lancaster Examiner says that the publication of A.G. Henry's let n:r: to Gen: Irwin, was the result of a quarrel between the Beaver ARGUS, and the Armstrong Republican.. We deny the soft impeachment. We have had no quarrel with the Artn storngßepublienn, nor is it likely will have. Wedonot etc!' exchange with that sheet, nufeli lees would we think of tiandying words with it. - Tim U. B. Senate on Friday last, confirmed the nomination' of Wm. Strong, of Pennsylvania, as Associate Insilco. of ; the Supreme Court. No yeas and nays. A motion to consider is pending, and action was postponed on the nomination of Judge Bradley. In sending these nominations to the Senate, the President did not designate in either Luse the vacancies to be filled. THE Scull -Findley senatorial elec tion ease been brought to an ab rupt close. • A few days ago Mr. Scull wrote a letter tor the committee who were investigating the subject;' and HO insulting was the tone, that by the unanimous consent of the com mittee, the letter was returned to its nuthur. A day or two later the com mittee reported alversly on Mr. Simil's claims to the mit; and the matter therefore drops. ANOTHER case involving issues of law, and fact like those in thoYerger case, is coming before the United Rtates..Supreme Court, George R. Kentiedy, a citizen of Texas, was arrested and tried by a military com mission for murder, and is now held in military custody. The United States Judge an Texas refused his application liar a wrlte of habeas eor pus,-and R M. Corvine; Of Cincin nati. on Friday lust made application to Chief Justice Chase and his associ ates for such a writ, and the argu ment is to be heard.next week, Friday. Trte Democratic papers during the late campaign, were wont to tivit Mr. *John Covode about his spelling, but when the campaign ended they made the important discovery that his figuring had been remarkably accu rate. Just now the Treasury ring papers of Western Pennsylvania are twitting General Irwin on his bad spelling, and publish a letter—which they allege lie wrote to one A. G. Henry, in proof of their charge. These latter, as in Mr. encode's case, we have n cid oubt realize by this time. that if Gehencl IrWin is not much 'in spelling and grammer, he is not slow in foretelling future events. Ills .. predictions in thissatne Henry letter, shows them that much at least. Cnh Philadelphia pay, in an edi torial article on the testimony of Mr. Mackey, says : "The question nnw presents it . self, and to which the public requires an answer, is, did ilium depositnries pay any thing Mr thOnse 1.1 tliC NMI . ; deposited? if so, to whom did they pay it? and what. became (4 the bonds, or interest, or al. lowhin-e so Paid? The law prohibits' the cpproariation of any profits accruing to Ihe tete of toddle moneys by the. Trea:u r-, ' 'li any earnings there be, they belong to the l'reasury. And if any prolltu have !writ remixed, sitall'we not be• shown the Met In some of Mr. Mackey'-' balance sheets? His balance sheets of • 'January 31, from 111(1. deposite of funds, either with • hank or bankers_ Perhaps his final balance w ill m i ke gelid this grave defect. “Etiongh has been elicited to show the meees.ity for investigation, as will as the hopte,ibility of abandoning its prosCcu• ti.ot until the entire history Slate Trelkitry nemagement shall be. Mid open to the 'labile. If men refuse to answer plain con,tions, the public will draw its own inlcrvnee." !4i oM E 0110 has forwarded us a mark ad vopy °Nile Armstrong Rejnif?/ica (".u•e do not exchange with it," hay ing :•eratehed it from our exchange - list about One ,year, ago on account of it. gelieral wortldthness,) containing what purport tohe a letter from Gen. Irvin to its editor. A. G. Henry. As we have heard but littlOsaid about this letter, and theiefore know noth ing of i ts authenticity, we are not pre pared to my whether it is genuineor not. Hut premising that Gen. Irwin did write thiS letter to the person who publishes it, its readers will fail to dime(wer tiny indication of private moral obliquity, political kint‘lery, or olllrh t dishonesty on Gen. Irwin's part, in it. The very worst that out .be said about it, Is tharits grammar and spelling are had, and the mune inn be said of the eompwitionof fully the one half of the pnitninent men of onieountrynt thisdny. Thisattenipt theiefore„of Henry's to of set his own violas: 4A political depravity by pro. [dining evidence or Gen. Irwin's lack •of early literary training, vill neither help thedefented (mandate for assist ant Clerk of the House,nor injure the Mite Treasurer (*et. The honest, debt-paying, law-abi ding people care very , little just now about a man's habit of dotting his i's • or crossing his C-; what they are in scar(' of iu pulAiemenvii good souse, .1101 i kid 110tletity,IIIIII itworrup tihility; mad this allei.,+d letterof Gem Irwin's, which is published to hold him up to ridicule and nothing else, clearly shows that he has all these requisites, and will make Just such a 'public officer as the tax payers of the State desire at this particular time. TUE . llouse :it Hilary Committee in Congregi was again in SeSSIOII on last ThimdaY, on the subject of the sale by Congressmen of onlei ships in the West Point and Annapolis acade mies. The following Witnokse;4 were examined : R. Lyle White, editor of Tiv _Yardville (Penna.) Republican; Major Blow; editor bf The Tiluvrille (Penn.) ikryld MaJor'nerrickson and 1)r..1. 'l'. lay of Meadville Pop. ; Wm. D. Jack and 'Phonnv; McDowell' of Huriishurgh, Pa.,; Gem George P. F.ite, Dr. Alfred Thomas, .C. A. SaWyer, and C. C. Copehnrt, of Washington city, and stime Others. The three former testitlild will ref ' orence to the sale by Judge Newton Pettis, late representative front the Twentieth Pennsylvania District, of an appointment in Mr. X.-t'. Bish o p • of Titusville; whose son . hi now it cat dett n the West. Point :Academy. Mr. White testified that he knew little of the facts of his own kno‘kledge, but had made the charge against Pettis Inhiq newspaper. ltioMestified that he mode the arrangement between Oishop mid Pettis; that 'Bishop de posited V3OO in the bank to the order of Wok!, to be paid when. his son Fusappoihted, and that llamado the mitthgement with Pettia,the'night of Pettis nonalnatlon. Theoriginal figure agreed upon was 00' 0; but Pettis creased his price s9ooafter the election on account of,as s he alleges, "fhegreat expenses of the compaign. That when the papers assuring the appointme, nt of Mr. Bishop son arrited Blow drew the money, and mailed it to Derrickson, Mr., Derrickwn testified that Pettis borreived the money, WO of him, giving his note, therefor, with the understanding ' , that Mr. Bishop was to pay the note, and an indorsement to that effect was. made by Pettis on the back of the note. The Committee have the note now in their possession. ' ThatHßloss for warded the money When the appoint went was made, andife received it and concealed the note. The Com mittee regard this as conclusive evi dence in the case, and will summon' ,no other witnesses. The testimony of other witnesses named does not relate to this case, and is not known. Two letters purporting to be writ ten by Gen. Irwin—ono lo A. G. Henry and ono to A. W. Taylor—ap pear in last week's Radical. The first one is intended to convince the public that Gen. Irwin uses capital letters where he should not, and that his orthography and grammar might be, Improved; the other is Intended to show that, Instead of Mr. Quay selling .Gen. Irwin , out one year ago, the General himself withdrew from the Lnutest. We publish en extract from the one, and-the whole of the other: ' • lam for, You Henry, for You. Hon estly Fairly t conscientiously for You, if You artijust So for Me, but if you are with quay, I am decidedly fairly dr. squarely against You, beoausoyou Know us both. (Moose Ve between the two. You Know I never did nor • never will Sell any Man t You do Know he has & will, that is all. I wont go off the track dr if living will hope to See You after the tight, as Lai ways have been I am now your friend. Yours truly I W. IRWIN. The reader will observe that capital letters and Italica are flung around loosely, and that the grammarian Murray is horribly mangled. in the above extract. Now, look at the other letter alleged. to have been written by the same author not'quite a year before: ItAmusauno, Jan,l• l th 1868. Dear Sir: lam earnestly I desirous of the election of Hon. John Scott, for U. S. Senator. I am told that thy candidacy for the State Treasury will seriously in terfere with his prospects. . The Senato rial election I consider ono of the most important, ever cpnelnded in this State, and I do not desire that my personal In terests shall affect the result. I hereby authorize you to withdraw my 'name as a candidate for . the office mentioned above, and will cordially ratify the choice of your caucus. W. \V. IRWIN. Col. A. IV. Taylor. , In the latter of these getters the capitals are all in their proper places, and not a single* grammatical error am be found. The inevitable pre sumption; therefore is, that these let ters were not.written by the same persan,- and that one or the other of them is ajbegery. .Any person with n half an eye can seolhat. -The ques tion then Is, who is the forger? As soon as discovered n criminal action should be instituted. Is it possible that th es e Treasury plundpiers have added the crime of forgerzy to their many other misdemennoti? TII.IT ,"old Snake," the Border County Damage bill, is again before the State Legislature. It proposes this time to tako lars fan the State Treasury. While this amount IS 'ostensibly claimed to reimburse those who sustained losses by the' rebels et and about the time tir the Gettvslmro hattln. 1 . 3 pr.tey, definitely known that the greater part of the money is to pass into the pock ets of.the lobyists who are busily en-. gsged ili ,t ,trying, to put the project through. It is an old swindle,vnd should be summarily kicked ou . of the Legislature, and a vote ,of censure named 'upon the member or Members who have brought it forward. • MAir. advices from liaVana give the particulani of the proposed con cession by the Mexican dongress to the Tehuantepec Railroad Company for the construetion else of a ship canal across that isthmus. •Surveys are to be completed in five yews, and if approved by the tiovernment, 'Abe construction of the canal is to be commenced with in seven . yairs thereafter. Large grants of land are to be made. After twelve years Mexico is to receive ten per cent. of the net proceeds, and after'. the bon-• del debt Is paid twenty-live percent. The, concession is for ninety-nine yeani, and the neutrality of the route Is to be guaranteed. SECRETARY BovrwELLon Friday morning lust, in conversation with leading' members of the Ways and Means Committee,.stated emphati c:illy that he was opposed at present to the reduction of thirty million dol lars of .internal revenue taxation. Ile thought a reduction to that amount might be made lafter the Government had funded V 100,000,000 or SGOO,OO OW of the indbttshtess. lie was exectslingly anxious that the funding bill reported by Senator Sherman should he passed as speedi ly as possible. Ile said there was an abundance of money now in Europe Waiting investment, and that if the bill was passed at an early day he had no doubt $:;00,000,000:lor 1 4000,- (00,00 n could is> funded within the present year. When that was ac complished a reduction of $90,000,000 of Internal taxes would beAdvisable.: MAT precious fellow, A. U. HEN RY, Who presides over the Armstrong Republicon, published a letter, writ ten by (;en. Inwtx, commenting freely on public men and , political affairs In general Mkt& State. The object, of the pnlaieution is to offset the letter winch ilimtv Wrote to aw it:, offering to/sell hittetelf body mad soul, and betrayingdepth of depravity or which the Oldie but seldom,and only ity some such means, obtain a glimpse. We must say that we have null (ien. Inwurs letter with decided interest and Ino little admiration. It is true that as a piece of comptsition It is not entirely •correct, but as aprivatetpistio show lug the man anti affording a pretty accurate standard whereby to Judge him, it does Wm credit. We venture to say that by fair minded men generally the letter will be atcrepted as evidence of the earnest' straight forwardness and perfect fidelity of the writer. As a disisertatiOn on the personal polities of Pennsylvania; it shows that (kenos( IRWIN is n . close olserver and, is poSsessed of a great dent of information; that helm a, man of shrewdneru, is instinctively correct in hisJudgmenta; and, taken in con nection with retsmt events. is quite it match for his enemies.--Pills.. Cbm nzercial. —Adam • lairele, brewer, whose mysterious dislippearance. I r exylicti lunch inquiry, has returned to Chi cagowtrom Cairo, whither he'Frays he -went on businere. ileratieria meet ing of his creditors. ' rem wwellunn!on. A bill to ,:. Po4vcskition of the outs and au qf Internal BerionseDepartmeal—Par dorsi; POperset voiykr 'V the War Jiforaleqf Wash- La44b or on—Judgesho Appoinbients-= Cbegreas—ife. WAsuptaxolt IXC., Feb. 18, 1870. The bill to obelisk, yolygamy was before the House yesterday, and will be continued to day. The officers of the Internal Revenue Department of Crtayare.using their influence in fa vor of the bill. Brigham's. refusal to pay his internal revenue taxes, will be made a strong point against the continuing of his pet institution Mormonism. Those revenue officers before the Committee, have testified to some of the most astounding reve lations, which if true, are more against the way polygamy is carried onn alder Youog than po(vgamy it self. , XL J. H. Beadle, Editor of the "Utah Reporter." the only Gentile paper in the Territory, testifies that he believes that polygamy 'might be abolished. lie stated in answer to a question. "What is the endowment honie that it was a large building. Into which no profane gentiloperinn was ever allowed to enter, but said there were three } written accounts; one by Elder John Hyde, Jr. who preached raornacinism six years in England, and on 'returning to Utah, became disgusted with it, and on get. ting out of the territory • when sent on another mission, he apostatized. The second was from Mrs. Smith, the daughter of Silas Corey, of Cror nellsville, N. Y. and the third was by.a lady, whoire name he had for gotten. These accounts, 'only differ ing lu detail, maker out that there are held In it exhibitions, dramatic cised representing Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden ; the temptation of the Serpent, Adam's transgression, and the condition of man after Adam's transgression; the opposition among the different sects, and their errors: and represents that Peter, James and Johaoleceased, anointed Joe Smith and others to be their suc cessors; then follows the initiation of the candidates into the four orders of the priesthood. For the violation of the oaths administered In taking these orders, for the first, the penalty is to have the heart torn out; thesee ond, to have the throat cut from ear to ear; the to have the blood spilt upon theground ; and the fourth to have the bowels slit across. It was urged at the meeting of the ways and means committee on Wed nesday, to report all amendment to the general tax bill, providing that the Internal Revenue Bureau be made a Separate Department inde pendent of the Treasury, and its chief constituting one of the Cabinet. There wag barely a :majority of 'the Committee imfavorof such a change, and consequently it is thought that the House will haidly acce pt it. The Committee on reconstruction directed its chairman; Gen. Butler, u to report to the'Ho a pill, which if it passes, the :Erni State] District Courts will hereafter have the grea ter portion of the pardoning power. The bill provides that every citizen disfranchised by the 3rd section of the 14th amendment, except those who have held Commissions in the Army or Navy, or have been Mem bers of Congress, shall be- restored to all rights - of cltizenship'hy applying i bya petition to such a Court in any State in which ho had his home dur ing the War. The military circle in Washington has been terribly perturbed for sev eral days past by the recent orders from the Adjutant General's Office, making changes in the Stations of officers. A number of officers, who had been stationed in this. city for years, have been ordered away to distant points. While this city is, of courswvery attractive, and especially as compared with far off and out of way stations, still this is not the principle disturbance. Many of these Officers expecting to remain on duty hero have purchased real estate, and those who haye not,• , have furniture, and are snugly ensconced in comfor table homes. This change compel)); them to sell their furniture at a great sacrifice, and possibly to part with their real estate. This seems 'hard to them when they feel that there is no real need for a change. It seems a little strange that the Department should incur an expense) of at least $1(S),000 for transportation,in making an exchange of ofilcen3 who are thor ,oaghly familiar with the intricate duties of their positions, for those wild will have all of these duties to learn. On the other hand, it seems , hard to allow one portion of the ar my to hold life long places of luxury and ease, while another portion is kept upon the frontiers or moving from *ant to point, and living un comfortable, and as it were from hand to . mouth. The excitement of "society" here for the past two Sabbaths has been unprecedented. The Philadelphia Sunday Mercury has thrown two "bomb shells into camp," which have set the people all agog. The writer of the articles in this paper is not cer tainly known ouly surmised. Some say a man, some say a womau, and others claim that both sexes have had a,liand in them. 'Mile articles charge linmorality upon certsba Senators, and upon certain ladies, who flourish at the National Hotel, and who figure extensively in ._fashionable circles. The writer, whoever he or she may be, has undertaken the task of puri fying the moral atmosphere. of Wash higton—a hopeless task. A 1 capitals are slightly touched with moral taint, and it seems impossible to separate legislation from weak morals. This moral reformer's letters amuck more of personal pique, than honesty Of purpose. Thesis exposures, If expo; sums they be, are calculated to har row up personal feelings, but fall without good effect, and possibly with really bad effect upon society. The feeling of horror soon subsides, and the parties implicated move in socie ty as brilliantly as ever. The net of issuing patents 14 held to be no part of the official duty of the Secretary of the Interior. The primary application is to the Coup' missioner of the Land Office, and the Secretary haS nothing to do with the Matter except on appeal. The - duty of signing and sealing patents is devolved on the . President and certain 'officers preskribed by law, and is not thq business of the Secretary of the Interior. The recent Supreme Judgeship appointments are creating quite a stir among the friends ilf the appointees, . _ Mr: Inrotsehas his fritaids hero. frOm Pettissylyania, ' and Mr. Bradley htui also' hie' friends from New Jersey, both parties urging their respective appointee's confirmation. The south ern Senators are doing their buist to defeat either Strong or Bradley, but they dont know which the President intends assigning' to , • the southern district: , Strongi friends aregetthig exasperated, because the Piveldent does not designate and not injure the chanCes of both." The Labor (kmgress Addreis will be a decided Improvemmit on its predecessors. It will take 'broader and more comprehensive grounds, throw ,off much - of the crudities of the one, idea men ,who naturally come like froth'to the surface, In the beginning of all great movements. In a word it will be adopted to har monize and unite all the clashing intereste; organilatioas and workers of all classes, lna great inoveMent for the common good. This , document has been prepared with great Careand will exhibit as a State piper, an abil ity equal to the demands of the hour and occasion. The !Libor and finan cial question, being prominentare dis cussed at length, and I am informed that they hive already prepared the draught of a bill designed to cover their plan. The Address will contain a true statement of their views on Rights of labor, hoursof labor dre.;anddeciares ftrlly in favor ofa labor party, and against all old parties and party politicians. ' ' • Currency hills are, numerous. Netrly every Member is self-suffici ent on finance, and thinks If he - can arrange and regulate his own finan cial condition,' he is capable of dein.; thesamething for theNatlon. Judge Lawrence's bill id the House on Monday, proposes to .issue coupons or registered bonds to the amouut of one billion and four hundred millions, redeemable in gold at the pleasure of the United States in three eqiial installments, twenty, thirty:and forty , years bearing semi-annual gold inter est not exceeding 41 per cent, and payable ten years after such times respectiviy.. The bonds are to be used at par in the redemption of five.twenties. It provides also for the issuing of one hundred millions bearing 2 per cent interest. The c o nditions in the bill for the admission of .111ssistippl, are the Rune as those fur the admission of Virginia, and by Tuesday next, with the Presidents endorsement, two more Senators will be added; one of Which, will be a colored man.. Last Momentaof D Rev.. Franklin Moore. . D . Dr. Wythe of Sacramento City, California, has, written the following letter to the drethodiat Zrome Journal of Philadelphia. It will be read with mournful interest by the rela tives and frier:cis of the deceased in this vicinity : 'DEAR Rao. WALLACE :—I. little dreamed that when I promised Dr. Moore to Benda letter to your excel lent Journal that the theme would be so bad. Seven years ago, under thq stimu lus of patriotic ardor, I left my prac tice in Penna., and the commny of my brethern ; of the Philadelphia Conference; to serve as Surgeon of IL S. Volunteers,' under commission of President Lincoln, approved hi the Senate. After a short service on the Potomac I was transferred tothis coast and male Post Surgeon to the I garrison in this city. in about 'a year I resigned a position which could just as well be tilled by resi dent physicians here, and returned . to the active work of the ministry. Being transferred from the Philadel phia to the California Conference, I was appointed to Powell St. charge, San I.)r:incise°, and alter two years was 'sent to Oregon. After four years of labor there in educational and pas toral relation I am again transferred to California arid appointed to liecni mentcrt A few weeks only had elaps ed since my enterinemon this charge before meeting with our esteemed brother,Rev. Dr. Moore. He in troduced himself to me after preach ing was over one Sunday morning, but so changed 'was his appearance 11 scarcely knew him. He gave me a history of the disease in his larynx, and stated that he desired to try the mild, balmy air of California in hope of some advantage. At his solicita tion I applied a strong solution of nitrate of silver to his throat with the Laryngeal syringe, which gave him marked relief. This with the Atomizer and tonics, was the treat meat suggested. tio much • did ho improve that he determined tospend the Winter here: He obtained board in the house of a Christian lady, where every needful attention was given him. Although the disease had extended to the internal ears,', producing deafness, which 'made it difficult to converse with him, yet he became endeared to all who made his acquaintance by his sweetness of temper, and manly Christian cour age. He was always in his place in the congregation on Sabbath morn inv. He declined to sit in the pul pit, as it wakened rad reminiscences; but though he lauld nest hear, he felt it a duty to set an example of public worship. He , often referred to his trust in the Savior and his perfect' readiness to. depart whenever it should please Clod; but thought it' right to use all prudent means for palliation or relief. • • A few weeks ego it became evident that although-his throat had hexane comparatively easy, his strength was failing. I should have urged his re turn, but for the Winterof the moun tains—from 15 to 18 degrees, below zero. Yet he walked a mile or two every day, ate well, and was con stantly cheerful. OnSaturday last - the day he died—he walked as usual wrote and posted a letter, and ate his dinner. - In the' evening I. was sum moned to his bedside.' He had lain down without andreraing. Au ahem had tiroken in his lung, audwas till ling up the bronchial tubes, nor had ' he strength to: relieve them. He knew that his time laid come. He thanked me and my son(Who was with me) for our attentions;' and then gate me the addresses of his friends and directions respecting his remains. Said he, "Don't think II - am frightened.. I am not. Death has shot his last arrow.' He has emptied his quiver! He can hurt me no more! I inn saved by the mercy of Clod in Christ!" Alter giving rile his directions, lie desired to be al lowed to sleep. Two friends remain- el to watch 'with him. At 10.10 m. he died, without a struggle or a groan. His body was placed in a metallic coffin to be sent home to his friends. To day it was brought into our', church (Sixth St.) and the funeral service by Rev. M. C. Briggs. D. D. the latter of the Congregational Church. The choir sang, ' l l - would not live alway,"- and the anthem he ginning, "lia'a gone," "originally prepared in memory of Mr. Brad bury. On Sabbath morning last I preach. ed a funeral sermon from Rev. 22: 5. On both occasions the people mani fested a true Christian sympathy. Your readers have followed him in thought 'from the gem ' to the golden City of the'eontinent, ' may they al so follow him In reality unto "Mount Zion;the elt . rorthellvitng the' inaVellwalrAerneltem;o— -•-; die *Ws empany met, rbgagied with near tlerteur brain' .. era othat tley greet. AU4 e'er *arrow andatath." 403 cnsina4 0 ,7ini: . ma. Warta. i , nit lIIITLEIL • - • The tolgrwisas. ;01§.0 - itrt , by theiecei* 'tfts Itterte oo S: Voxlin4_ 4 4 l3 ,,Autler .whlch.hwa exr elt°44qch i !r i X intei tst * • be seen'that:tin teproichloi indulging inaliusiveyensonallty can Justly op to Gen. Butler: • CoxL-I want teeny: Mx-Chair man, after listening , to this debate, that it is the largest debate on a small matter that I ever heard (Laughter]. Gentlemen: have undertaken to run this matter of economy by saving candle ends and cheese parings, while they -vote down iesolutious seeking for inforfiaation as to millions of ex penditures of this Government in the Navy Department. Yesterday I sought: to ofikr• such a resolution in quiring : Tor details as to an expendi ture of millions. Yet here we waste days t and perhaps shall waste weeks, in wmllming small matters,', when inarnenae* amounts are wasted - and unaccounted for. I see beforeme the gentleman from' Massachusetts (Mr. Butler) who is here on this side of the House to hon or me-with liis attention. Mn. Bums, of .1&69.-1 could not hear you at my seat. Mn. Cox—it has teen charged by the gentleman from Nevada (Mr.. Fitch) M gt the gentleman from Mas sachusetfa nut away from this Con gress and from his guardianship of interests of Virginia for the pur pose of making money in his profes sion. 'Ascend the member from MumMutletta He never ran away. [Laughter.] - He would not run away as a soldier, and he , would not run away as a statesman. He is always hero when there is trouble. I:say now, in his defence, that! believe his motion is made in perfect good faith. I He would-, if powible, save this small amount of mileage in the interest of. this republic. lie loves the people of this country. He would• not take mileage either in currency or.ln gold. He would stand by economy on this little matter. But why did he not stand by his colleague (Mr. Dawes) the other day on a matter connected with these large expenditures in the Navy and other departments?. Why do his political ssanclatssi on the oth er side refuse to allow us information upon theme matters when we propose to obtain it by resolutions of inquiry? More than that, I defend the lion ,orable member from Massachusetts against the insidious assault made on him by the gentleman from linnets (air. Farnsworth). What does the gentleman from Illinois mean when he intimates that the gentleman from Massachusetts gets money out side of Congress? I would riot stand it if I were the member from Massa chusetts.. [Laughter.] 1 think it peculiarly tbrtunate tnat the Demo cratic party, represented iu an hum ble way by myself, can defend one who was Remedy an honored and distinguished associate, who even went further than his party friends in standing by the cause of the South in perilous times. If there is one gentleman whom I love to defend mow than another, not only in his military, but in his economical miner commenting with the Dutch Canal and running through all his conduct connected as it is with his noble, moral, high toned principles respect ing the policy of this Government, it is the gentleman from Massachusetts [Great laughter.]' [Here the hammer fell.] Mr. Butler of Massachusetts—Mr. Chairman, 1 move to strike out the last word; and I would be glad to have it distinctly understood 'the groundcon which I have proposed the pen ng amendment. Mr. dredge--I hope order will bo restottd so that we may hear the 'gentler's*r Massachusetts. . ' Mr. • liutibs, Massachusetts--I shall take care that the gentleman shall hear every word 1 Kw here. Mr. lidredge—Thitt • is what 1 want. • * Mr. Batier of Mmuchusetts—At first I desire to get out of ' this all there is of argument to the prejudice. I have moved merely at the mileage and not I t the compensation of mem bers. " I think any man who is , fit to be hero is fit to have 85,000 for his service;-pad I de not, know but more. _ ' _ Glum Why,ls the fact that ram able In my proft6lon to earn something to help Myself with used as an argu ment why the people should pay more than they ought to those who have no• ability to earn anything clsewhero to take c a re of themselves': (Laughter.) Now, I desire to state further, that I have no wish to cut down tha salary of members. I state again that the mileage operates umj equally, and therefore unjustly, and tinny gentleman will move fora sum to be approkriated to pay the actual expenses 01 members in travel, will cansider whether I can vote for It. And I am glad on this great matter of . economyfor here is half a million to be saved—there can be found no argument against it, either by the gentleman from Illinois or by any other member, than insinuations against me that nobody dare speak out loud.. As to the vituperation of the member from New York (Mr. Cox) he will hear my answer to him by every hand-orgim, "Shoo, fly; don't bodder me! (Long continued laughter and,applause.) Noe Agrert FRUIT przEEi4, Everttreetui, Small Fruits, air, MCI Sober:dive tastes this method to inform his frieuds, and the public generally. that he has still some good APPLE THEWS to dispose of [large size , of rilitriiE P S7an h' d r ge m eest . va lU rrei PAZ VI! FRUITS, such as the PAUoderpille. Clark. Ear bearing, Mammoth (garter, Doolittle. Btad ISp. Druales Orange Itaapt,erry: Earty. cud Lawton Blarktirrry ; Grape tints, Goosbtrriss, Darrentr. Aitrembrrriss, .ate. Prke reasonable. Call, fur heretofore. at the Pruil- Bxt Mount litutsery. three mile. east of New righton. Orders left at A. D, Co's., New Brighton. or at the N. B. Poet Office Box El. will be protoptly attended to. No Marge fur ship ping, /cc. Sweet Potato and Tomato Plants In season. • • ELWOOD THOIIAS. feb3Zhtf xoeillta is TAlvstioc.—Letters icon mentary having been loaned to the subvcril* era on the estate of David Ferguren, deed, let. or Chippewa talwnsiop. -Beaver county. 1.4.. this to therefore toßatify persons Indebted In said er. tate that ininlediste paypent is expected; and etl persons having claim, ligninot said e.,tata will pre sent theta duky atithentkated for settlemmt. *ELIZABETH FERGUSON, 4 J4IHIS B.,FERCHISON. I:P.E.ALyIE If. A.C..A..1310.34.'Y Witt LI Open 012 MONDAY. the lath or March.' com ing. under the haltmetlon of Her. J. S.NYIT, D. 1.1.. D.. late Reads= of Washington College, who Parpoeoll to labor permanently in this geld. All the branches neormary to prepare for the it Massy business of Ilan sod for entering any class to College. will be Wight. Ths Term will contin ue for klanetO weeks.: for further inform/tibia addles, the undersigned members of the Board of !Trustees Beaver, Pa. D. P. LOWARY, fete/3:311j It. RICE, P..A.T.lliprtet Obtained Ice Inventory, by Dr. D. BREED, Chemist, and late Examiner In the Patent thrice. who has .devoted eighteen years bribe patent haidoess, and will promptly prepare PlPere. drawlaMi. km. Terme, St.) to PO. Write tor circular, Direct to 815 F street, oppo site the Palest °Mee. O. ' • " . Deter to ticomors Pomeroy and limner. febttain '" • ' T Ii 41" of Appralsoinento.-The 14 following Apprhisementh under the set of Alt rembly of the 14th of April, 1831, of PraParli al lowed to be retained by the widow or children of • decedent to the value of three hundred dams. have been flied In the once of the Clerk of the 01"Ituuse Court anti approved Moulds: Personal poverty to the amount of VON retain ed by widow of Michael Atiller. deceased. George Gardner. administrator. Parsondi piopirty to amount of them hundred dollars ret*Lurd by widow of Benjamin Whieler. deed.; Nary Whirler and Ahelllrd Whialer, ad ministrators. • Penonni Oreverty to amonnt ot OM retained by widow of JolatCavit. dikoaled; John Stern.tou. adielnlatralor. • porton' Town, toaniontittif $lOO retained by widow of Jolla Maw, deed. Jew: NerroA ad srtolarrator. _ • Personal pmperfy to innonnl of 1000 retained by widow of Jade, Boren. deed. John Memo!, ex t. Personal property to mooed of 8= retained 17 widow of Andrew Anderson, deceased; JILITICS Anderion, administrator. •• • ' • ' • Notice le hereby Wen to heirs, legatees. distill:t hief.. and alt of .ere Interested, to' appals at the next teem or o,a_mad Coott.seid Dot titer Int o,he third day, ItUthe the tint day of - Marsh, to show can,, if any they have against the final con. Amnion olds above annalsenerote. - febir3:3l) ' JOHN C. ILART, tkrA 0, C, New Aiwertisements. rli r tu° of order eCIEUT ravic of Ow Orpluun Court B e mi s 11/1110fligied will szposa to al* by runic Telidae, illirtwraiLiss,' . On Wednesdayi Abet! ta 71.1 d, 1870, as cmito'el ii p. j thirlbilowiti described INtata,' tad .40 the. botangb frankfort Swings. in gaudy ing the elude of rbabert deed., hue D off NU barongh. to wit. LotV i Ma'salCborocurb, bounded on ttri 'north trylotot U. 31. Wercary. on lb. east by .11 pains street, eldnowthliy the kit neat here loaf- Set dierclibed; 01 1 401111 ft 14 - of= acre. Improre. mute. a two..twy fame dwelling house 38 by 18 w k are -o W om b ed u 3 nt l h 4 , fe an a we e s p gc-; • number of tinelbutt trait Wee—apple, peach AIM plum. on the bd. Wl' No. 4—hounded north by the let above de acsibed; on the chat by the publiestseeL and South by the lottereinsiter described. Improvements. a two-star* frame dweling house, 33 by 18 bet: with basontsitt kitchen, de. ./1. welter good wa ter. at the door. . . • - - LOT NO.6.—tionftdidnorth by the lot last shore described'. on the east by • public:street. and on. Ate south pa lot of Thompeon Knox t on which Ire. erected • goodtrame 'hop td by 16 feet, and slugs trams stable with wagon shed, lte. The abcrre lots adjoin each other, each contain !witho of sn acre. Th e ume has been used as a ho und cabinet manufacturing establish. mankind Is well calculated for both purposes.— Tbe lota will be sold together a. a whole, or sepa rate 10 suit purchaerre, TE31..11 t—trne. third or the purchase money :In hunt 'on confirmation of the sale by the Court. balance in two equal annual Instalments with In terest from date of conlirmation, and secured by judgment: bond...or bond and mortgage.. The Pion to pay all capriole of stamp.. pinta. Hon or deed; ie. • DAVID LOCAL, jan26:4 j Ailm'r. of BOWL Stratum., decc'd. .; 1 3 .1(J.EI:LIC SA.LE. Tx the Orphans' Court of Bearer county. 'No. 31 Nor. Term. IMB. lathe Matterot the &tate of the iteco'at Law of Abigail Stony. 'deceased. By order alba Orphans Court of Beaver county of 1)-ft.11,18$11, I will offer at Public Bale„ On Saturday March 19th 1870, At 10 o'clOck, a. tn., on the premises, all the fot. lowing property • Lot No. Ma, In the borontth of New ittighton, for the pupae. of barring any en- Unman , as owed or claimed by the heirs at law 'of AbagallBlppy,supposed tenant In tall. enabling a clear title In fee simple to be made to purettas ers, ctahming or holding under them or otherwiae. . : JOS. BMTLE_ d • thisnitan: for Beul . minor heir, on behalf of ' oartm in Interest New BelOtan, Irebhtery 14,1E70.-1w . O , IiPIEIANS , COURT SALE.—Oy virtue of an order of the Orphans` Court of Beaver county the undersigned adminiatratorof the estate of Andrew Rose, deceased, will expose to sale by public vendor, on the premises. on Iliday March 18,1870, at 2, p. All that certain lot of ground situate In the bor ough of Beavet Palls, In amid county, bounded cast by an alloy, south by lot of Economy Society, went by Rain street and north by lot of A. Robertson; the entire lot being 45 by 123 set, on which Is erected al_ .Two Blory Brick Dwelling House, rib y; 40 Diet, In middling, repair. Ablo, a one sto ry frame atom room. Tatum One-third of the purchase money In band on couirmatton of the sale, and the balance In two allot annual payments from that date with Interest; the deferred Instalments to be secured by bond, and mortgage, the purchaser to pay all ex pease of Preparing deed, hood and mortgage and the stamping of Mown.. For farther Information Inquire of the undersigned at Beaver Palls, Pa. ' feti=ll] - SUSAN ROSH, Acker's. 3EI 6 1° 0 1V" -OF Fahnestock di, Co's. e White Lead B. L' Pu .T RECEIVED, AND FOR SALE AT Pittsburgh Prices by S. J. Cross it CHESTER, PA UM 'PBS Folsom lasitrowed Family Sew .l. lag Iliacbine. - neve machines make a strong,. Mutable and elastic Mich will sew with ease ere variety of cotton, woolen, H;a aan wl silk g from the finest to the comma., and Many requ ired thickness at greater speed and with less power and noire than any other machine Agents Minted In every town , Liberal conuubs eon &Holed. For terms and circular address A. S. HAMILTON, No. iOO Ches luta St., Philadelphia. Pa. Sole Agent. feltltlcati • AIIDITOWS NOTICE.--In the Orphans' Court of Beaver County, No. 8, March Term, 1919. In the matter of the ease of the Meal Estate of Hatuttel M. Mace, by his G ilartllau, John tier s 01, Ntq Now, to wit: December:lab, 1959, .gIEA 1 . .) g e t C l ou t "n motiot appoint E .U. ` ll .. I thst ' Agtirgo ‘ hrmu n ch o u f r lge m pro- "e coeds of amide of mid Real Estate at he may Sod to be nose payabin out of the rotor. From the meant AIWA: JORN C. HART. Ckrt. ThOAnditor appointed in the above matter will nitwit for the pupate of him appointment. at din Court Ilonse Ia Deliver. on Thursday the ad day qf -larch nett, at one n'eloek n. in.. at which Ohne and place:ll:type' in interest now attend It they ere E. B. DAValltiliTY, r. w - Dry = Goods El S'lrl7l-.1 4 1A of ir,sl , " 0, UNS ST RECEIVED '1,1:0M LlFA('Tl'itEtt:' , . (;111',AT 31.1, V 41.1 Ili7171( or I'I:IN'T?.. MINES, ALPACAS; ERGS, 1F LANNELS, SLINS, DE ME MU CHECKS. axaritratz, 2 ‘lY:itu.,:lz NOTIONS IN GREAT VA RIETY. I • - LS(I-.1 UST RECEIVED FROM The SPRINGFIELD Mills A LARGE STOCK OF TITEIR , ,_ N-0 4 - -4 •l4;ty-wated _Jeans, FOi.2 MEN' AND BOYS' WEAI( Thesh Gdods will do More Service for the Co.t tlian not• other (hunk 31 anulne tured In the Country. Ile, AL.. Kerr Constantly on handllnir Celebrated , Woolen( Yarns. 'name roods Have Been l'orelta , t tI Last Few Days, and Are Entirely t) . - k rt 1 . 1 kj RE' zixtrA ze,x o l . = s'a It 1.: •Hrk lk finitilite)it Very 3luch Ilciduced ]Prices. I i i Oil Mono this Tier, will in LA' GI . S , ALES -I,ND inmia•Lat, imurcSlia,asiem well in Call and Examine THIS STOCK. Berre_!lnying Eliewliem. • , S. J.l Cross & Co . ROCHESTER. Febmar y 16,1810 Receipts and Expenditures of the Treasuit of Beaver' County for the "Year 1869. ISTATIMENT. Dr. For Inhume la 1 reis'y is& 1.166',$ 14,01186 Cub teed dtirtteg the ler ea per weer Account, r=rle►lre of balante trove - tut par CAD 7 Total _ ' $31.655 59 Cr Aspeasors' pay 777 48 do registering voters 410 M.. 1,14 43 Audi's' pay, Slate-11. lt.Mooro 63 00 do Count Y. BUMillen 07 00 .-.r-'do , oits -3 1131.K.Stutnnon WS an - - • ' . do do W. Thomms.. ,an ou— 107 07 Airrienitaial Society; anneal donation, woo lloe'ed Money-paid on bond. and warrants 37.011 93 , Interest ... ...•.- ...... 3.1= ra—imin 53 . iiiiiiiii . ng.. .. ... ,r .;- a 0,9 at • . 136 / 4 "-- ) Itepalrintat rteiring . LTA 34:- 11,413 gy e°"ll.l .lTm en fs kYl l ar;ock..:. 510 01 • . • William Ewing ..... Gll 00 . • . : . Ileold W. 13C014.• • • 51 3 03 Jetth Brittain 1•X/ 00= rw 1,70 00 (:kek far Cozen, J. It. Enkin, rad 40 - .do - . do John Mliown 173 W.. .;07 00 Counsel far do Ilenry thee 110 0) Commonwealth Cases, Gat Clerk of Quarter *cairns.— 386 lei • Constables' lees tit 71 District AtCy.; J. B. llarrah• Ms * Boarding, wash•tr A clottig for 1. 0) prisoners , 37 Jaitone fees, attendance. A 4... 407 0/ SherirS bus. J. 8. LtlteU - ED 00' - Justices' Seeslol 70 .. Witness'. fee 5.... ..: • 32118 - Converg patrrie'strum county., SIL l'hysicisn to jail 4 attending and • Medicine ~ ' 8) 50- 8,:r.4 GI Inquests-Coroner's fem. FM 74 do' .Witnesa• tees' - 27 75 ' •do.arEsexamtnations,d4.l3l 10- IEI G 5 Court • (Usk:orgy. tlessions,gen'l fres 213 3.1 Constables walling on Coen... 134 47 do Returns, and sdiaga .roi 80 -• Crier. J. M. Elliott, VG 07 Grand Jurors'pay. 4T713 '.Pettit do do 1,17129 • Janitor. Janie/ Fogg'. salary,. 93 73 .du dy do extra... 37 0 1 1 . Jury Corn',, J. C. Wilson 80 MI do .do Aud. Carothers.. 8164 do do therk's pay ...0100 • IFllJahnornes, Treasurer, In Account vrith Itiwirer,County for the Year 1(3 19. Dr.. ' lon 3, 8:11-• l January 8. 18711-i . To bsitnce from 1808.... sllsl7 80 /By snit old gee wart-sole prior to 1 4 49 $ 1,370 13 •• am% recelsed from •unseated hods, 27 58 , ••do do do do fur 1969, ... 7%7 tO 01 ..• am't recd from Col's prior to 1969.. 0,975 19 I .•• do do ou fos.Atilipl. .ml% do by Treas. before Ang. let, 44.579 13 I •• do do 4.n cos.) views, 331 bli do do do do Sept. let, 2,145 49 ,'• do- do rodemrtlon un,sted land. 1:27 20 To am't rec'd from Collectors for 10G9... 12,973 91 1- do co 0.14 I. Bids t Co. Instante) 1154.1 •• do do do ShefflAttell. flties..tc 734111 o do do Mate ii,rvnial lust:roiniili 2.1 ,3 bd .` do do do redetnpVn unseat e d lands 1:5 96 9 do. do S. J. Crops. (vilo.key dues) tel 00 .• aml reed J.C.Evaing&Liu (old bridge) 54 ou 1- do do E. K. Black, road damages, 12.1 VP •• do do from 14111 tin GO ;,it ANT.' nt allow'cltarparrs before Am; I. 1.2(493 IA oft Treat , com on 63,408 77 reed al 'l pct 1.310 :A - - •• • 73.397 14 pald •• 2•• 1,167 70 .. 1.291 79 `Total ----11 y balance In Tr.... 1 ry $31,C1.7, DS -- Jan. 4, To balance in Tr... wry, 11,..bn 70_ Total Beatier County Stock Account Dr. Bro. ISTO Jan. 3, To suet. of outstanding warrantr, $ Sal 05 !Jam 8, Ey balance Co. funds In Treasury. 3, ro atret of outstanding bonds.. 5,I1(1 011 3, by do Due Dom Cols, prior to 102.1, 1.81.1 `• 5, To balance In favor of - county . .. 5.7117 " 3. By do Due from Col.. fur p+5•...... 5,113 1 4 3 " 1, By !stance due on unseated .ands, 101 CIO Dv do due frontLitt ell, ... vl3 00 • •• du d u John ttr.ehlnu.. CM Delinquent Collectors fir the years prior :o ISO 9. Collectors: Jo.. McClure. Borough Tp. 1866, $64 00 Jo.. Darling, Near Brighton, WA, BB 111 John llollday,Druilagton bor.lB6T, 15.44 Phlllp Baker, ,Industrit tp., 1867, 116 13 Amoont co iled over 15, 6 • • ns .61q-„ 11 6 14gititOlge c 12 t.IA„ 0 • - .4 I ;s1 21Att --- 53;61 - ; Ss2s; 22;SLE3A:Tz s :ve at Ri 5T ..91.1,12TT" 11 1. 1 f 5254 iC 77 .111., 17 7 g -7— VT . . 1 1 cs 7 ;tri e4.lsE F_ = n ;09 „ - 4g=lo-#:g { 3 l - • Zt " OE ,t; i2Y - 38-77r:i'linFe5: 2 5.".S77::FVIn7nr..;5.71:r:F..SF:Ea;F. La MEM i';i 7 z7-i:i".6 . ;fsi 7 -i:'.. -- ,. - ::";.".1: —. :3 - :: - .. 111 . : • • • i,•' - ' .;:.; • - •AiI - D. SINGLETON. - lie:Aster. In .I....aunt of Collaicral Inheritance with the Cow montveuttli of ferUllAliVaula, for the year eudtur. Deeemiber Ist, 1669. Dr. • Cr Intil 11 . 4.9 llte.l..For collat'l ili.s.tax IV.l.lritt '. t •1.0r5,•710.1 ..: tz I) .1 1:y 1•11.11 p E,ll D. O.T - In,•.ppn,(-rr •• :ro 119 ' t;. I'. Car..olie :...I,tilte, f IV) I.•wrl ' •- .!4 -- -- ptl C. A. unmet. sppnever Jolt° Nhs.tu, t4IBIe. 11,1,11w0rk14'..•• 11; •• P. 41111 Pe, • 14, J. 111,24 •• 21'4.12. E. C. 1.). •• 4. A. 11.110) . 1. •• :o'4) - IL. .4nivw,lll'2. •• N. •• Nl.ky. %V. Itrlctaiu • •• 5,1 ..d. 211, •• 9111/ I. A . •• :•••1,44 l',111111).. ion uu $ 1 .1 . ..-. • litirt 3111:11'. ,r; tilt Mar Ju..l J% ' Ati4 ti •• S •• tht NoV.l' .. .. . .. .. , STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, i A COZN TY j The undendgmNl, .ml.oloted nn Annhor by the emit t of Common Mean of Beaver county, to audit nod vcam:ne the account, &e., of the I:e,zirter of odk county, hereby that the uho‘e Matement con', thy be,t or k,,05‘11.11 1 .7C.11,/4 be lief; [Beaver. Mi., Jt0..1, ISIO.I 11. It. 31001ig...thaifur. Account of all Money's Deceived and Expended by the Director.* of the I'oor stud Dorset/1' Employment of Dearer County for the Vear ending: December dtst s 1868. bulunrc In Trcwirry Doe each recd from county Trcavtrer... •• do du do Slel'arter4 crude, . •• do do do Stncluhre do do do Hiram .. do. do Junius •• do do for .tone •• du to fur fat !deo,. •• do do for fat calco,.. . •• da ,do for premium. at a nur. do do rent. propry of ft.Crotacr •• do du for hider ........ Dp cash pa:d fur support of Menne pau pers at Dlxonrot and Ilani*burg $.1..51 Dy c ehpd fix oupport °foul door panp..rA -Di ' Dv do do Or. M. Lawrence for comical al• tendextre upon oat dour pauper* Ily mob pd 0r..1. S. Winona, do d 0.... . do pd Dr. I. C. Wendt. do do •• du put Or. d. 5. Elliott. do . •• do put Dr. T. F.SleCattx.ey. p•I Or. D. Stanton. do tW,. ...... " do put Dr. .1. C. tuna. do do • . •• pd fm• coffin, and funeral en In of oat door pauper* Dr y ends pd for temporary ri• Pero!' travel- Int: poor. ........ . ..• • •••• • • • • By en-it pd for •lu•tters'.l, Cor,il,l•• fees •• do pit for luso:mare •• do put for oubscrlption to A to.t do put for Uzi.* (It. t!nunern pond' '• do pd for removal of pauper,.. .• .. •• do pd for payment on farm •• do put for delivery of tli.patel. from Dtxmout aim bt,Vllpo, ==l lINAVIOt COUNTY. SS. tho untie:vaned An.lltor of It. r r•trntdo rer.ily that we ha,. axent:no‘l the nrconuir lme,. Tn.:truer or . !r•TrititO mul ENto.lldi• toroo of th, thy poor.d llon4e of Enspl.. .:1?; , !..!.•EL :al of t h r County 1t..- .TO awl Ol.lmiortnertl. for the venr Vial. au anq tu,:n Corr., .1 I:I etatrtl. In wiirano I iiti-n.dlte have here•ono tag • or lennl4 thia :tacit aay nf .I aun:r a I< i•. li. SIIANNON. WILLIAM THOMAS. AnAlt.e.. W. 11. I.UNI:NS. Fohnuirt 14 is:0 • lul 1 - 1 A •,.. a . ...-....?: : AI v . .. 8. .., -:,,,---,- thir incra.ing lowine.as hag compelled; A ' ' .4 .71 --''''''''''''?':,....., extenqive alterations' null enlargement of 2 l ' . 2 : it ~, , ,s - . . our Salesroolll4 tkreby, for "the Preaent.i • ii tlik , m ita 144 4 crowding our available r .,,,,p... To prepare! 111 1 11 :6 1 1 1 P ww _ • 1 lar Spring purchaqes, we;rtivolmsing 'opt , our Stock at a 13(nut Toitio.-12eiltiOtIOn. C t 11Prtm OIL CJ )Tits, IMUGGETS HUGS, ttc.' Lower than Last Nestaon's Peleem.! RARE RAROAINS FOR 'THOSE j TITAN CALI. EARLY, ; OliveriViTlintocaCostl I.'ilit Avenue, Pit rgh, Pa. tilar,34:framlL Imaiiiiiiiiiiiiim Amount bronght forward 'Pipette!: John Is Hall, 74 23 Tranocriblagjadgml. docket, 43 09-- 11,61.3 89 Court HMI! OMCCII- 'ooks, duplicate., station'! AY .313 36 d expendlittree " a b n ' ilitig . ar " i pnaclemat lona, 717 45 Printing Wanks, AY • - 7CO Postage stamps & box - rent,- " 9 18- 1,168 91-1 1.1.11. A Jail -Repair. 1 ,1469 Fuel and light 0112 9(1 Incedentakn.; ... .- . 91 ka WI 971 Electlonoftlcere Pay-; General end Township • 9171 II Pee of Isonse.ste 74 30 . Assessors attendtng elections,. 78 IS Cunatablei attending election., aild serving Perlincate4.. _.,.. 471 85-A. 572 6/ Ronan of Refuge -Supporter in mates , 611 91 Conveying persona to H. 11. "., 3916- G9I 46 likupitsf. Western Pennoyfrania- - - ' Yappers of Inmates 111 23 Couveytrig %meter to 6 70- 2"11 91 Poor Hoene A Housed Erdploym•int litiPtvort of paupers. . . - ...... 7.7 00 0 0 Directors' pay, J . K.:Potter._ tlf. Ott do do Jonn Shinty:. 45 fin do do K. 11c3limaina, 72 06- 7gr.a7 00 Penitentiary-. Support:mediclne and Goth's: for prisoner, 121 75 Convoying convicts to Kt 70 - 117 41 Justices Fens qualifying township °Messrs.. 51110 beseuhtg certilleate64 Kelps, tr. - 57 25 __Twzr. Loa-A:4lll s, n fettles et 131.1 2 16 Taxes .t coatiand amid In errot, In T. do Error. In aowysments••• 1711 ID- MITI 70 IV Kenzie, .2. Moore. Jug t net . Rounty. 581 tat Atn't of warrants Issaticl to Jan. I, 11170 72,11191 Fox *calm, 53 25 ,Road views 331 00 Redemption of unseatee lauds 136 16 Geo. It. Field,, County 'mato tu. ... • • 1(7 :Kt Kate-Persoual tax and commleator.... 2.187 ,ir. 8. J. Cross-I.lquor fines 5,4 un E K. Black, ILoad damages.- .• - • • .. 131 0, Abatement on tax paid before Aug. Ist. 2.22 8 93 Treao roan on 1161,401.77 reed at 2 pet 1,156 ..S do do on 73.397.11 plat 2 per et 1,46791 Balance In Truttory 1,811 11l Total =9 • Anit 101;1 for‘rart) Vrt.: A. M. 111.40 e, New Brighton. P. 4 Yr• 4 14 Peter Clark, Cl.ipprwa tp . . ...Art. Ilf. 60 W. 0. Lartmore, N. 11riglA0n, 1%1. :50 it: L O. Rerun., n64:C0.311 Ip T -$1,70) .46 Total • ma 2.-±i" , ,i'l , ':•::: - $L7..:-i - 'j!.- - : • •• 10,1 .3me. •• • •• appral..er 01 her. J. nut uttate, •• C. A. Gnllln, arprnio..e. ja. r•tate :7.4We 'l.'re,•llrer's revetpt CM $1.4 , i2 '_7; Tutel $ mit , A111011(0 bronzfd. 7 .711) ! cat.h paid fur niercLandl., ; do pd for v.:l. t. mud Itar.tv,in h••; 35 - do pi fur door and whom ;2.1 ti 110 icl for uhltown.litto: 10 Thtl tor toultlting .15 10 •• do pd for battle,. and rit2l,. to. 2:14 !AI •• do pd for time no, ........ •• do'pd for . . 17 00 uo for clover ,ctl los et t s.ota. I 00 , top onto 11 01 lip carp p , l for teed „cent .. do do do do sottatnee.... du 6.1 fruit and hitto:::tr do do Fl o thr,lll.c.: if., 110 do htuho fixtt.rt.o.lltc,ltc,.l.c do do do carpenters' wtct. In dodo repairs to Kir.dturc . do do do :1:10, and haft....... , du do do canto 5.,.. I.(0 • " tin 1100 do }Kant. , nod ttru:.•• .... • d.) do 1111 V 6010111111:: flour iht dap 010 110 coal ...... . •;d ; .• It° dO 110 . 17 : 4 ) "..'lartin do 11.1 ton:, do do do hpontln.z, 3.15.1,dc10t,1, 5 to 15 1 u - 410 oln 11(0 trelzitt-, ... •• do do do 1:001(11.4111( feccipf• AD(' tI: elrend!ture4 of P. 0 ., iii A not .4 ralf Itl .- .11 Fit., to Lot,: f c `Ott (..fl Ito cr..111 , d 11.111c...1 rea- r n(11 tl'lry, I:11 • do do I . NI. Kerr. p•sy• , ei.ot Ih/ 41.• do Sfll, Slitorlde. (.2.• 101 , do 0:0 for 111,10 . • id 110 fur 10.(11-11 , era ... . II II • •lo f r r 4 111 (.0 , 4 Dr %%1011, 00 VI •.4,17:•7 ; I II ,Ity ..• i:1 :L) I,o•t tnaterials manufactured In the United Stale.. C I and •11. vor ifllln, p•rionnnil In a t.tylo that • C1 , t1'.112 (Lig% Satl•ftettor. :star:tram! In all operations. or the rettr,ll. (:,vo Ittni a trial. fetr.tly CII,SING °UT .s.k LE The Satweri her Qilir.. Ilia Stork (9 cutout:taus, HARI/WM{l%lr. AT 7iVAIITCI2I) ICI ,70.4. TO CLONE OUT! ':III: lEx - r -42trzli• e Ar.d a satiety of Of ill be Sold Crn4 ! Ant a Great P4rt qj E.kk .I.k u.vcy !iv iltiidgewater. ra. _ . .11.EETItilli or STOCI C IIOLDEI9— Thy A nn e‘l Meeting of the Stockholder. of Ate Keyrioue Wtollett 3lnnnriclurlitgienutpany will be held at the (ink,. of Charles Hoops oti the itttd of February Is - 11), at 'I o'clock p. to. At which time a Treaeurcr and lloard of Directors will be elected to ...roe for the condo.; Tear. Fetrr:l•3l It. V. `TILDE, elm!. Neer Hrteiton. January 11. -- rtelliankSuuurnou's for nate at the Atio — rn o cr. ' , Fob 2,1 Mrifi Mediofrutl. A an d Skady Cure for Cout:hiColdi Auh m e Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Croup. Influenza, Whooping Conga. Incipient. Cocsumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Longa. Don't nezlec t wan Cough, or throw away mote) , en a worthless medicine. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE p.„,i by SEWARD, BE XTLET acid:al'. %note, B uffalo. N.T. golf by all Drugest"- j'ealy Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair lc its natural Vitality and Color. 6 , \ A, , drev,ing alilt' li at our: ri ,, r..pal4 4 Jr. °. ' ap.•• • l` healthy, mill .•1T,....„ 1 I / 1 hair. ' Y ..‘. . ' (r. for . pre-en i,,. ! ~. hair. P.a." ild1o• 11 16•,3 ,•••., I .i . •, .• r .to il i' 14; 'fr 1 wi th t.'w . y' , ,,4 ... I ' 'r •• t V!.0. , 4.., ;.. Thiit 1...ir i. ii,i,., 1.1.1 , 41. falling hair rlierlim.ii. i-i i .i i,, 3 , ...4 nnen, Ilimigli liot 11111.11+. .iy it, iNe. Notliiii....? rim r•-•,.... 1 , lair `'wilerii the iiillielee me ile.i RA ir t'.w Innil-t iftrilitille.l iinil i1eri.%.,1 But SIII.II a. reumiii can lir. - i‘e , l! . •jsi•ril'aii , -; by iliis application. • 1i.•:... -if fouling Ilia hair with a rii..ty ....:, .nont. it will keep it (low cud %12, , r., lie wea.limal o,:41 will VITVCIIt iii , iron batting grny Or I:tiling fir!, z,. con;eirptatut,• iirerruc laililimi, l' ; , front thmai .la:clarions rubrtant,.. 0 %.. S. 1,c33 5.4 t I,ra; nlakr some priparaiioll4 to the hair, Ih.• only benefit but not liana m'•rrly for a 'll 16' 01 HAIR DRESSING, nothing' lin Cowl" twitlit•ir nil tit,r it,. i t d. :tot whitt3 and Ivt tin tlia linir, g;vitig. it it rii h ;4 '0,....1 Ittptrit and a grittettil 1.,' ',alio. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer di. Co„ VIZACTICAL AND ANALITIVAL CIIEMPT. LOWELL, MASS Ayer Cillepry r,r Dow or the Throat and WO • orooo.tah•. 1.14tat4 !•,91. , 141V , 1 , •% r••• 14.1•11.9 111 to • • rot .111. i nitio,4 • 8 , ••I Ivit•et a Intl non high, .14 Is—lier 111 I r (1011, a. it 11.1. tre , .•,,te 14.1 tr, Li, M ••!larattler ill 1•"`u•r totor , of 111.• 102,4• ..101 1 , L.,. 0n... • . • . 1131.1.. , toot,. tor t !two,. 11 1... allot , , to, of ago: to , o: • at the Falne 111110 t :nos: :1, .t. be trmot •I t .,••• t t t grto,l2 alle.'lttot• 11:0 thr,,t I :.21, be kept WI 113,11 ,: rt , 1 iro n . are e.linctia.:: to c. 4 i.l it:0,11.11w pr 0,1.1,' I ~:11 a:•..t!....• 111 re•••Ais.,.l. •.4 r1t.,111,t, ot 1' tt Ca-,, ..yetnot aott pow,/ . ..hi11; I.t . Ctsrryll Perrioral. aver Ihe Lim.. :22.4 o. Co , 10n.101,..10t0.tee .11,11 tel.l to II 11 tux el, 81..11.1 •n told., ta". C„,:t• 1i•••481 lbw, ...Lot. on.l • ' cool 1 1 / 2 /22ir Mi.:122,1%1 212,2 trrttota fo,nn It. EMI BEI WI MT= -15;hmoolt OW ay s t e:•eve•l and o • rated ,t. nroterhilig k ex:ler:olv eved • :.'herry Perfornt In ~stall atiqf ti generally are Ics virtue. kl,•••• . put imUlt-lithe eel telleate••• $ • • the that . ru.sunainell . Ayer Is Ague Cu_ For tl. - rir. Chfl Per,4,l‘enl 0. —•-•- rn I trlcier. , l .!I the 17.••• • fr,n malstrious, 8, ~,, ! , .. z. It • !.1 1 . 8818t.18,8881. , ••888c.r• !...:8•8•••• • 88 8., B,BlB‘ i-!! .8 • , •P Vr• of ,1, .1:1.1 I"nlerhr,,•.• , l Avelhng t.. • ..... 5.• L. I •••111e.... 1,1 I I, 1 • ,• • •11 . 11t re 0• IX lIP 41.1. “ . 1 1 • :. .1 • • • ' 1.41 1 130 7171 7111 $l.l ...I ~• ~t ~•.:~..,...~ r= marl7;ly. 1 , ~,rl• 2 , : i i- . 7,‘"rfla.- r , - --,. • f :,. 4. , I i1:',4:4:11 . 7› . 1 ~ , , 4 1.. ,.; '.:, ' : . ....‘:. 1-A7 : 4: ' : ;4 1-I # , 14k1 41 • - 1 .114„ i.N N 1 4. WI 4 04 ' .4 1 ..-:•:.7... --•;--.T.--7,-4,i 1 fi,y ktN„.C ' •I44,. -: l a t r ii i :Z ; : l 7 i74 k ..il. Si i • e I 7PI A , MOE 4 ' a 1 11 , I.) 1.7 !i Q{s 'AI a. GSEII Rt 4:r fr• • V V.ll li,'.rdHu 1..1V rt.ll; Ell 11 ti I, DINE Pg.:S OF Tlll.l •11!1. ,r 3nd .•. 21.117./ *.q.' tl:" r , r K..!:6 • V, Y UNION A. BOYD ROOK, Proprietor. Stircessor to inlin 9t (1.1 r!, GOOD STABLING ATT BEA FEB. P.l. EMI Brighton Paper NiiIIS BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. PRINTING. MA _VAIL LA. ROOFING, BAILING, Dr. J. Mu r -1% at,. !• doter• in:m..llloA no 1tt.1111.1 In IL.. 01111 do work bolt, or chrapor than 1.0 oiler* It to 1.10 I :drone,— Ile Wt. :he liartiwnrc. Chvot, Slral%. 11A0 .kN 1) I:I'ET 3E3 AND SOLD AT Wholesale ai Retail to Frazier, Metzur &Co., M 2 Third Ileum 11171411:1: 4 . 11 rirl:ag. 44311 IXEITTOWS NOT 111:, - I er:t. •. i having hero granted ro tb • fe the eriste of Alexander Mehllol.on. late of ltaccuon tn.. all p 101,01 ", ertate are td rctn, not Ned 5. nut...lmm n. M. 05; and all person. ha•ln , ; Oats , estate will prevent them dull settlement A. SII ONON• Gruen Garden I'. 0.. Beaver Tilxicerrorrs .1.2 bovine been granted to the .uharrl . the eatate or J. Ilary Docking. ol 110 . / ;" borough, all one°. Indebted to raid nn'" •, hereby notified to make Immediate pelral!;_el all pereorst baing Oahu* agetnat raid P ment them dul' authenticated for orttlelar -1011 N 11. 1(01'N 11, IDIVAItD BOCKIN 1) . DT* Ayer's PRICE $l.OO 1,121!BM1111111! NM =I INIM EMI