The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 16, 1870, Image 1

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th•lort• 31lidny 110011 to Ibsen) Insertip :Vol • re. V. 41 •7 ' f
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In lltnt week's I)apor. • 6 . -.6- '. , - !; !- i Id 6..', !•J•... , .-. '..;! - 4: v‘.ll; , ' , lttn. r).c lit tr4.5t.(5ir..191.1.1t;1: tt, I 6nii t :•..1. -, ,tbi; , ,:•„,
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- fins iiiefit . ai`d.l." --• , . Miscollat,eous. _ • I ::-', - ..;ttlihieetr a y t ,: e ett i ii . I:7,''t C.. ',. 7 =•:':.7..1 . , r ..liairi,,e4l 4 l4ol: Al' - .1,f1. P
1 ',VIA. .1 ND %V ANTEIII PASSE lONA. - , , . •—•-
1 . • il-, M. A. Binder has Just arrived truth l'arls •_ 44 ' 111°1116A14.:. '11.: '
T • arlitakk Media* sale at the •A'soiniainclii , ItAIIIIiiItiiIIMII, 6 6 '6- f,:•': 1. v 6 6,- ..6.... , c 6...;
• •
~ .11,..i. with the. Int,t, • doleacfatwooosliyl .. - ' a luo,,,,,..o:,..r_. • , t• - • • - • •
...,,..1 wont the greatest 11,400.: 111//0. oho ~.....
~ ..! t - -113 TIIIIIII/111,, , d 10 bu secured In farts. 'keret:Slott To. ' inbela orin7 'fonder e 7 1210 , 1 E 71 ° ,`.... ^ •.„. , .. rn Pin e» FV.AYI/18 511,.0030AD0 RAILWAY;
, flochener.utoontavthilb , . -., . •Lr..../... ; oh an d 0 n .... N eff. /5th . ...m . ..,r ww .,, 5 inum 0
~ , ,!, I.tolaths, Vett ets, Bridal Veils, Flowery, ! .
, I, e. try. Alld I . :1.11111rd Paper hillialki% Ure. , SIIALLENBERGER lIILOS. TPlittooLVIIIIITI(011108.1`0 ,. )11r CRIZ3V.! , B „,_,,,_teiee,_ , eetAltle,l_4_,letrfacorgeid)aalasgowaii . .) 1
..,.., ..,... making, Exidualvo agent for Ills. „NI, • A. ITOBet Yoe an hereby . lol2lloithal:l„r 41151 l y • r f ,ll", i n it i e ,,,,i dg ut la 'b iu , i l r '.. /i g r i pir;;t.
~•„ ~„•„ e..,ehtlledletten lurputttng Indict des.s,. er.4 oll PbeellenteaD 1 1 100111 E 1 4/edualf7 Welt*. 1 - ' , dor I . ~...1. ..../. i..... i• i, . ~:...; ~ -i
...,,,, •, 1...,...,u,v, are. IC W. corner Of Illit ' [MOIR IN , ' eh a naaitt:couety,,ka..lAt. 'PAW to - the - 6 '7 1 . 1 •r• . -
~ •,, „ , .,,t em., Philadelphia. • brpti;lim. . .. ...
' ' Court of ttettattea ridoref Aid - toasty tar Omilwni
. fi ~ .. t ~, ,Tioamr.pauK.Toac•• ../.; i.::'.- -, `:..1T .it,
,I: I% lilt la DI lis , NI:3IINA lIY.- the • . '''
: Fine .Family Groceries. .fi, of the InsolrAtt Itaa of el4l,COMMlnnvesith„ . ~ ••• ,- syyskipws. - "' limp). sn, -- XsyCligi . . -- .Zgrol. ••
and the .and Court have fipolntad the,end 110.01 ' '''''
-•-•-••••- ,---....-' ' --r.
i ) ,
~, krat al Itilt , lartllalithr will cummeticti March Menu, 7810 , to thelleurt !lease trt thew'. pithantra...; • • - mai.. , muss ..aggpme
-- • .
• •1•ii,...,104 , scptenther 14, telle. Berry 01 01 oellelleer, Mr the beating Of me Made, seed= Roolmatir::: . ..-. . 1 1 - 41113:' •.Oa ; • ~i. toot :
~.,,,,, ~,,i 1., itir /i,litql t, lab expeileticult . Queensware IlatalVare, Item; tit which Onto nod +tom you Moy attend if 'Salem ....
............) - .1 /24.• MI . 374311 41/ 1 ! , - . . "
'' • ••t 1' •teli,•ro Mims 'laic." A .11M.IN, 1,,...1, : oh thiliziropc•r.
.. -WILLIAM CAMPBELL: • 'ALlmis;,e.. .... .. .., 815 . ' Mls.' ..,415 . ' We "'
.. •; . .... i.... plat, 43 Mkt Dever: itra.ltinteil in .
, ~, ~.1‘ Illgli t•ollool whlle,tho onto, kber.naa XAII,B, wlNlciiw GLAss, WOOD : : -7 ., ,- • --- - ii - r_• - z - - ---- F - '----------- Ynestllete, i '' ' : ...lllll' -la : a ft ,.. „ ..,, a . e., ,
. „,, ~,. ~ At t ti her ricludir.slilp hinteqtatiel/Co am AN I) WI LL OIV ISTATIL, lIACIV. A-Ve i l' (...1 1 N6!SALiEl o 1 ' • -•• '1•100: -
-- ' - ' , I db• • t 1.1 hint to' x.•‘...• 1.i.• li t elllk 11 nt, /TV VII. I ..,. 1 4 .. „....,,, ..1 f
••.•, 1. %, 110'111 ,ale tientionry. ' . FISII, FLoug;isALT, LIME, ' '.v.f Rare Chance or • Bargains I !•••••• • ~ .-..........,0e5s 4. ~.. isci4 ~ ,VO,1:. f -
, „... e 1.., ,:,, , ,r, lo , re a opr Catalogue , will ; ,
,y.,,, A. . 'Di Ink.tlolllllPUl elf duicimitlisiiluiatie tratle.lo eon- traidins,l. A • ;,',,illtie.., - • l i gv , AI, .' 11, ..1
, .-.....,11 or t..1.1r....0 Ibt• I . sitteilial.
1). II: A. M'LEA.N.. Couniry ProduceTaten in Exchange for - 4 lik"° - "( o stda.w , luirld"^x 9 Pvd!o.iiski! , tieri..... , . , 1! ,1 . (11 . 1 ' '6 / 1 " ' 'lle l' l °4ll- ' ' is
•, ,:: It 1:1C SIijIINAItY AND 'NATI- ./. flood S.-. ' I
Public Sale' , Without•Reservei,,it• uPPersakiniii , :;lntarl• l w , 7,- 7.--, ,"
Forest _ ..„,.,11344 . .743. -, • 145
I) rt rii Open. Its F111‘.131111 Allllll.ll St.,II , ILM ; • ~ Oa Todidlikr FebrOarr:latltWiti7oi , tjaza..! ** t . NI 150 . 1103" '• 5- 1352.111 .
.- . ....... ...„
• • !tali to sepiettilter, under lie, shiivrin- ~., al nee sloes le RoobeintiePS.,' the lb Yes Welt • ""t 258 .. 018: - .1 Ital : let , '..
delivered free of charge in all -f10,t , .! A large lotof;ehatastocklihr t it i M g 7 "' rertWay77,.. .'IVD • • lie • • '„, - PO ii.,,
. .,, .• 0. in, 1•riii.•11...1. limy. B. T. Toys Li
1....t..11. Sll,Cialiiiiviitiou will be. paid to note . • the -cells. QiituninvaeibitErelit *seer fecethbr tat oltimbla
~ „1L:: , 4 , s, 11511 , „
.. , .•. 1.011.3 feat hers tor 301 COllllllll CllOOl, ..„,,,. V ill ages.
.ma endlneasrarietY of notions; and'llatal IV tyranny •-•- • • •• lel- !Z , i 0. 44. , 0
• ~......,:,, .n., ,r„„,.,,‘,.. by a 1.01111,..tent . • too tmuserbas tot:110114Pu. AU 'SAX:O4OId at ,aito. v ltrinottel . , - ' 1 .12 .-: 42 ...• ; Sec i 'Mail
j • ........r, at intiLlerste ralts. Lads preparol for HI . ,
•. • tli tittn u 11 . 1111,1eS 13111C131011. LAD- I - . .7
: . - - - liC s ' .l.l:: . V.:4%.! ` at c lifm nl .td'eoa" iliiuty - 'er4O . ' Ch -1 1= 4 !,,..t::::1 - '"sis '. am ,-, O r:
litiviii. tint] modern, by highly vlltdeitt _.
1, 001 tie P,311311g , lirawhig . and Wirt. THE SUEZ CANAL I "1" da i "uffir°ll ."
18"8 1 :1 14
. ' Owl.* - • -, , - ...; -- 1 ::..:i!, - •,;,,, r/techliter.: ' -• ‘'
' 11,
, , hd lor a Catloc,tte to r •
14 5 10C11 • PitIX'S NOTIC/L-Letters tedyenentary . * •
Jw,v, It. 'L', TAYLou. ue ""P" , I ' 4. Air IIILI: tile World in nloro Or lest 02-
_a-i having been granted. to the ambient. ber,Cos the
. :La • - j V V erch•ed over the °penny.; 01 the estate of. Adam rohrudyn, dee'd.iate of ine. her:.
; tum Tttli:NK, leAC•rOltli. , -.10.• line% Canal, lite Public. in Beaver and vi- atilt of Rochester.Beafer county:Pa.. all pawns i
I "''''''' Ll ' I ' ll " , 31 •'"" 1 " elm -q 2" ‘ ' i l " ii ` r"le el nlty, shoultlent lose sight el tile fact that hutehted to eald estate me hereby notified tomato
, I, lot 11.1, Itt Trutt. - 7 " -Yeiling 'tauten late payment: nod all persons bar lag elatma
~,,..,_,,,.5:5, , :i . ...! 4 ~.., i l,:eitine-ii. M t rttl:, (.4 r , - 1 -- t
ran C4 N - 1 . _1..GE1 - 1 (ki Co: , :r do.t cold eatatu will p retort them duly authen•
ogled for rottlement„ LUOYJOHNSPQN, .- • , am . • tanssl'lrte: I -':.
• ,-,-,,....'` or,- ' l. ' " At their old stand In B.:aver, Pa, are still
_,411112: 1 1t , :-:- • ~, • • ' ' Inseeetrl2.• Lima,' ' C.:..:11 235: ; 1165 .; ,I= i BO ...
• •••:l•-•-:-.-- -----,-- "" ''''. t - furnishing to tut:(/ - eustoatiers everything 'Motion Ist r•-giltleu.4-11EAVElt couNct Fora i ii4 .,..,11 ; 2,2 11 ..,. •.340, i , ft = , „., .
• keit hold or . LN SS. IR. the Orphans' Court of Beaver county. .I.lp Band .., aos " i .., • -%,,,,,,,fgtillPf'it bateau . . I t •
called fo,r, tit their line. They always keep
r. ,• oh( t. %outlay healn,ful ocin.ahr, a•• , - - ' 11i the - matter of the ran. of B /1. Jr.J..l Al6ll lel - -' .447 ,'411181"1 -, •-:
•1 i urea. l,iittl etiotoilivr., milk 0 full stssortinent of f1i1.,,, - I , ..)tbe.ftlial Estate . of shlantel evens ? ;iii 1 .0: . , ji, I 0_540- • : 'am ..._
, 0 . ) . o,lot e vor the isc,..y etiot;.- , : , • -....... late of.lleavereounty. damson!. .
''.•-• ' • A od'now' 10 wit • Dec 'eat 1803 - --
1 - • • ' ''' E. ll'l''''' , S,'' V ` . •: ° . 4l. " lh t" k ! " !tt " GI, 0 CiT. 4 .;]LIIES • . 'Hble-oli She heirs =Mimi( repti4entstives 'r
.• ~ ~.,- ~, 1,,,, ~,,,,, a l r an,,,Nvor.lttae . 7.qpt : 1-to ,
salll//3111.01 ETailr,7 Who died on the--day 1.4 -.
'' '. "dI
6.'"" .1 1 .1. ) 714T/iBSIPS ' .Igt3N.Y. '. . :17()tri., 14.e(1, dig .- e . r ea, Teits,. &gars, 186-, leering a widow named snob Evans and
..- . • - • iceB s t .
0 .it children attrvirtorldobvii: John Unnis.yobr
• : II :: stustsllN itill.Lk.-:1 he ontlerelfzte petitioner; residing - in lowa, alarlhoOseenerocid,,
1 . , [lli,. WOOllOl . totorntiog the public m -• . , 7.--.. •
.. . tieorge. over :31 year*: EnleMnel aro, 14 yeare,Et
• •. 1 • • veto- 111111 ialall r1111rt!‘•011111, .1 u baCCO MAC/ Ul t ,,als, Waal aged."l3 }ern., and Sarah Jane Evannagod 16 '
years; reshiln,, ,, In Rochester tp., Beaver county, I
~ 0, , ..., ioroor 1 0011‘31 by nth 31,..,...D. Dar.
~ n .
.I. ta t•letron. ik•uver eon uty,'Pu.. Tlwy have 1. tl till ether articles usually found ling aiMltlk AIM ti e whew ePhDte
„ , - 7 . •
•.. .1.• ..1....1 are how pr. pnreit 10 elb all 1, tads . . In a First Class Noah was appointed guiirdlao itly„ol4. ;loanable 1 :Tolufgettninf" Near 'Llts 'And'Ene l • Ezairelsi • '
. . -,..i...x lon., sati,lnetion of their patrons.- ourt. on heday .1%-n, =liar dtinglttet. lone. Yoangetowneftas .ar•-New Castki, , lLl6
0 ears, of Mary Remlogion.deed..lormerly. . ;no arriteaatylttsburgh; p„ . m. Retunft.,
• . • .....'• 4 , 1 dour 0111 compare fm (mill iy with i 3r - Ro c Kill , Sr 1 , 0112 .
k1.„....i ..... r.,..ift,
he- ntdrket. Glee lik a enli betore holhg 1.. •Firtv,ni Pittsburgh .7:15a; arr: al .Npir Collie, 1:.
,• .. •••. .. 5.5.110E.1. 141V1UntIN a... 11110. . tor of mid Daniel Evans. dee'd.. sold arum Rem- 9:54a. m. Youngs:lrd, 10: 11. tn.' • ' ' ' "' :''
1 From their long and intimate netittnint- motet nxildes with her hillier. John Itendogloo, . .youngstouni,,New. castia•maLplusberrrt., Ae.
at-Madoc. Canada West. and all others Intertwoid,. comniedation lessen yoanoimen, too a. pi; .New .
,iiICI: 1 -Neu; Bakery, et (Viltou'o oil. - • tu.l;uvr eau.. Rally they. have. why nu Inquest. Castle, :10 ti." m:" arrlte* at .Allegbelly, Bk7o a.
1..,,d.',:1ird 7.treet. 'leaser, Pa. .I.lshett M. int:ouch,, and did!' tii,lnositioll I n rello or to foetal partition of the Iteal Esdate n
.' s deed. iti. Iteterrilogi leaves Pittsburgh, .450 p;talat-: .
.• .• ....• • ple.o.nre to inform Itlg 0111101..147 11111 sal btia etlint to [haa t ! , who ably flint then' th e nut be wooled at an • Orphan C o ourt, wt- eves T aw caatte.fiV o.unlipangstown.7:olp.;to.. •••
' ..., ,i,; ' .,,,j'1', 1 . :;,,., , ,,r,',', 11 ,;: t . : . , 1 ,,',',1"'''i n ',. ‘ 4 .',,,,,'.,;;;;,',',1',' Will their ihltrottitge, they hope in the fn. the 11, 1 14 Monday of 3forch next. ' ...• F. IL eYERII ,
General Bus Mud . licel•Agnd.
i', , •111,r,14, taKer.,'eracker,, not., 4, 111 le, as In tit,. past, to obtain it liberal
:. ,,,,,-,,. :LIT . ; c e " , ,Pf u lt, r ll . 6 , l ki e ' mi. -. ' - vr
.. , „..
. , ~.„• r„...1 nik klnda. No. I Floor. mate blutre of lite itilld le pat ronage. .Atttx,t: JUIIN GRAEBINti, Sheriff. •• ' CLEVELAND .t. PlTYSlsuitalt ni..ll.alisu.
... , ,:: 1% :w.a, by the bat rel. pack, Or retail. , • - febtr.3w.l " . - - Bawer county, Pa. ilif and tater Nov. 115 t pa titian win Lew,
' Grivo - ts a Call _,,,.. . ~., • Statomi dallytnatalays:t ) all tenowe. -•
1' 1 L 1,1.1 ;It 11.1.1tNIts, diner to Beet: and :We ir we do 1 .t. titake It to your ill- J.lllt4urel,'l r our .1.....1.1*3 . , "7 — .. • Gotha a ' - ---. '
, t ', •••.,,,, hailer, Slippi•rs. &C., l'al dour to ILL cat 11, c u ll ~,,..tin .
. • /17:. ONCEI A . , • lITATtOaa: ';. Der it . IIirACITONr ..----
r- ' 'I la oboe, 141.1;.p ,treet.. Bridge,,itter„ _
S. .2..NITGEIt.& CO. -
ro in. IS I/111,11,3 111 111.01111.3111, ailifl sell .1 3110 . . , .
.i 1.:.,;; IIL 10. low tit rt.:l-0111113, nice line- - _ - .- . . ' • . Cleveland... ..... . 815 in 1 rm. 2•lsricl • ,
•. • -Euclid Street : .• ON , 2:IV ' 1'546 '' -
rd hie place of Int-it0....7 from the cunt-
.1.. a th. 1111.1., to 107 prt,ent lotatton, Ito itt. ~,-, /MO 1140 • 413' 1 . • '
- . I,ls old illt.nols awl porous Its gly4 4 11, 1 aa .o r i l li -1- ' Public. Ravenna . - 4004 310 1 513 ' •
O. t- . -
. ' . . I: :3: '. t:Plie A llla llt rrd a en°
a . - ....! ' llag l i 515 'l '. uyd
1.,y! , .'1 ;If ty. '
. . . _ . .
I (IN. IC. I.lEftslll., Aporney tit 1-%10 stilt!
, ) Stit.,...lmr of 1.1,1,1. t. inacc 0,4,,,..ite P0n....,er .
...111r'e In Beaver. . . : • ' pipribly. • • .
. , • : aTaMOtra. (imam. o - ...14./..c77. ..
r 1 1 1111: I:ll4,•rAgse,l la ke; pleaittre ill In
, . we .tint tliellerLhant. The Fanner arid the Me. -4-.---• ---,;
~ .
. 1... It ICII Iv, Allerney et Lew. (Jai., I. 31c. ._l.. l'n . ining I he public( kat, matt it list"" • auntie to think et and knot' , the benefit to be at,- We11eyi11e.Y.,....0 'maim . 3351 , x ----. !----,
t • I. e 1..) ~ building, tart orl'algic : , t7n.are. BP , the "'lll Illiesi of the limes," he lets, as root from bonnie.; their area In the John Ban. Bayard .1....... -.1 1 ,1035. ; 510-
.. ..I.I). ' • inotal, a lull sultply e l all :trtieles connect: cook Mt nest 1.10 Insurance Company of Boston, Alliance • 011:1), •I= 725111 .
?tato. Thh, corolemy presents the - advantage,' Ravenna litesta 611 1 815
'. II C :-SA T.,..V., -I'll,. (:At th.,rce et Stmt: etl 10:1 11,1,e. tiered by other cotnpanter, and in addlflon this lindson 1 t 1 4 0 •an ass •
r•• ~..• N,,1 or Beaver Cu. Eliglilro . oan) towhee rel It! ?elide. nonlorfeitabl,, liticlidStrect • 1 144 7111. 1 01 0
11. • 1..1z. Neer Brighton, P. . iint.l.2:llh. . . • ott er ./ payment. It abut lava dirirknrlir In comA Cleveland I =l,l, =1 1010 s -•-
after oar payment-mid fir reflablllty 1.1 PeCulrit to --,--, -- •
,1 - .t. HOSE, t. it tendt•re ht. pnlee. , Gr ocer v.- :Business.
nose. l% a .I.OIIIEI prefer that parties, dealrltur in. . GOLSO MOT:
' r
r . .1..10, lees to the Mize... or Roches- ..
• same', alumisi applt 'throat+ the Ofreat for the ----- -- - --i i—,..-- • -, -
• ~. , ro.trolith.: ~,t uttrY• "' I C' I'' N. C. . 11110 n ., which linty he found a full tissort- 'eenoty. Co ft th STROUD. Ver.1.10... ' . lATATIONS. / SST ai • • matt.. • ACt OX
• t1..12, , Dort. tot Il'at..r 1 , 101.1. lioelt..nwr. • o
0111 ear. 150 & -102 South 4lh Street. Philadelphia. , —.. -.-_.1..,---.1-. - - ....
.. . ,or.nt) .. l•A. l'on•Ill'altIon aolre• ',emcee 'tient of ot the John Hancock Llfe /manna, Company of Denali. 1t 5454 i ii as. 1611ra I, 4:2lrn
...., 1 0.1... , • Iii).1•1 ..... Dune,: w 9 arba aneratala and rotuuradhle R...rid,CP oll 1 , 655 8181 , 300 i 4•01
. / ./, iti.lllli ftlol pre..lCflil3olll f farorully Ili- . 3c_3[ 4 90L.,410417•49br i e , anions for tuba nd.ther adJolistog wanks./ •Ap.r. Soo nville l' Ite iWM • , 101011. •OM •
• • 0.,,,, , Inn."l-tor., . nations from man' of tocrwo respecta lilt, and eelbrvllla i 816 1 tetirn .46 • -
E nib ran!ng everything usually collet" for ruicgray ant only be entertained. BMWs Farr: 11 810 1111 ass, . . ,
COLE ar trr norDo Barer ' '
'• - .11..........r10.11r1y 311 the bill rent h0i.1., for 111 It country store: fel,t);3n] , Genend Agents. Philadelphia. Rochnstee 11 035 ). 320 • Ofin n.. -:
.. .-, , ..11,i, nub,. ' • • • Pittsburgh
.: 1 1055 ". 325, . 455 . .
• - --•- A I.ltege Stoop of the Incst
..____.. •
.. ,-
:viy ....A. ,• A I a), a 2 a l F2l , i. , .
~ .... w ho-. .. . -... .1 '1
r ,
. ice. (.. 113 ElitC)N„ltt , trney at Law
!, :Iv,, l'a. t Illiet• in the t„ nett en l,•- Sugars. Coffees Teas Syrups, &c. &c: . STATtalall. ' Vital& Eyes. /lomat Acton
~ eili.,•3 by ilt.• 1 tie dodge .‘,. tot.. Pol. 1 / , I ' I vvAl7_,T_:. F b Ax x v.rt. - , ... i : _ .--.- -.4.-"--1 , -....,•-••,..
.. , 1, ~ J 0. . , promptly toted...l to. rdtahurgh.. War Dbes - Mot •
:tv.ii.,.ly. • Alt or ,v111;:li are froth. 'and the best in the ..
Rochester . 755 Z 5, . 5161 -
. . Hui rket. The bc , A brawls of W
kli•DOlir SHADES Bison* • • " 1 •• '-- '• • .
; ,- 111.ittl,Con-t.t1.1..'s ! , ..le• for 7:1: , tit Ott. Att.
..7 - • • . ''... .. . , '., a • Smith's. Ferry . 817 ', 333 548
-.. , 10 , 0• 71 . . . Wellaillle SW ' 415' lel
BOOKS, . Steubenville • ire . sal • . Triads
' 8ridgep0tt......,.. ;Hoe an : 1 815
' Bellidr 01010 .' 640 1 sext
) Ex?. Watelint..kor
• (lo rmstir .1.
.11!<e., watrlies untl duos,
ier• ~irranleil F:o2ravinq
.•• tit tinter. •Tlnt. intlrionagt• of Oho public I,
vo• I. Give ii• a
• Mini: . .‘l.lro..fag , 2;Tt1.1
;tio•cicEElCV..ll:inUer. corner of
•tteet 111111 1 1 1.11110:111.
11111 tiON VI : 111111a Intere-t al'ow•
.k. ,11110 <14 . 111:11 x . Vi 1 11 11 1 . 4.0 Slill.llo
• • :L,l: :11 the NATIONAL I FF, IN
CO., orAl
l%ti."mo Mereleinf.%
•"1•11,1• • 111111 .lrtli.nlY (1).. of l'lttelinrgh,
Ire low 'lie Vtoort 11.11
„..lloot+ :61 ohon. made
..t , ••1 A It,: ,, iin•rivner , In 11i,, Inn.lneso von•
.I.t ,nrk w u ,uperlnr manner. Tertili.
risl,4 ,:1,1 .....
1 . .1. .1:i1r0 Mtn n 1..11
'I I \ I ATI/114 NOTICE. 1.k.1
' \tall... It INII•titglIt1111 .1 1 to
tr., ma tie. tulle Melitiom.
1 . 14 , LI Ilietemli Mincer fOlitt•
05 11l 1111,011,
• ,t.• .irelimeby 14 mike lumwdl•
• i•.. 111 1.1‘..1n1t 1110111 OrillIIIIII11 . 11:1•
•••111kIltlistit. ‘s.ll.til)Ni
' • 111 . 111
f t'. 11. 111 . 1[ST, Ndory I'ul r.
.tor, and
.odd•Pwrit:ra and ackuot , lod=etneut+Ltken,
Ilnt cla4e Insuranvv rg•oro
:: Ow !Irv, lAD.. AcTl:lvntowd Live Stock
• 1, nit. 14 lin•parel to tale thIN na , l wrife
- In IL A • 1110'1 11 1 ,,. / . .11 tern; 1.0, ngeta
line" of brat dd. , * Ocean Swam
'.l+Fold to and 11,111nilvoid.. 111 I:11Z.
MI. S,t,llanil.Oerman) Frane... Of.
; .• row. Inam":1[1, Itoclit•mter.
:-f1 ioronA for rule nt the AnUV%
-11 S J,,its J. Www.u..u.
1v 111CICIEt3f.
lu:+ ..... DI 1..., - , i 3. M. M.,,,N
. . 11, 9411). C. ; - Attorney at
, 11 I. ry.tet,—
. • • a of NValthit,-- 1 ol
-1. 11. il 1
American 'and European Patents,
A ant Con nut. I or. nt Patent Luta . . eKiti•lifill'e no ,olititors or
wAsiiimGrroN, 11. C.
l'lrerr. carefully pr•Tartal•una rahaa, .secured
• el•rt lb y.
the Patent oillve e,
,rrce ..hory
1 , • ttPked ny a (11,, flatee a
i• •
• far l'lrculur of Term+, Intlrue tit.. awl
(nog .1: 1 y
NO:, for role ot tit, A i:1;, • , oflice
, ';[l (:IOUs: The
. -1., 1e.,t0 Inttorm bin frire::-
. . ~:•0‘ t, ~t he has Jll4l n • a • n, • d
•• .sI t h e It h •rt style, fur
tee... hieh I s , 414.reitt wry
Yli.\'h•• U1:-VLSI/LNG
• G
11.1tle to orlor nit Ihr thorty-t
• ! the 1a1641e Luor..,
~ a non to t,,whe'.. to men: a rontu.u.
DANIEL li.Liiit,t I.
1%1e11 , 61:w.v7ix,
.7% tt
L •
Brightoi Seminary
N. It. JOHNSTON, Principal.
JOItNgTON, Viet Principal and
• 1 I.lh, eitlrn (till corps Tcachery
• !, tor null day echolanctoa
• • Pint :Ito ndst y of Aprll Next
oire.• .14.100.
,•• 4.t lor )0111141LOU.11107131pleft .
• I). per Uncut lor Teacher.; with hp' erin
first claim Tenth
\'O.3/ 1111%1C, Paint lug null Draw
M , r, othboltltd am Day &Awl
u 4 tor t0.f10,.. or prep:trod ft r nd
,I 1 I. OW IMO(' CONII/4 11 /iOll/1
1 1 ,11. r, iltivd Intl %yell furniplitql for
2! hfi~nuatinn
nn Lt rtes of Tuition,
.• eund f4r st 'lrvulAr to tilt
• ' ,rt Pllncliut at Nuw eon
• !, dm, nt Now Itrlglitun,
11..nk Anent* Wunted for _
Struggles and Triumphs Of
P. T. _l3a, - rnulll.
Ii '
le ho/ IlinixeY, in One Large
rr,J Vilme--.Vearly SOO l'agrB
I:nglidt and German
- l IN:lunl Full l'age Evgrarings.
; ; tuner VrAtut ltr.cht.rtrtiotcs of
• ~ ., • t 1.1, a Merchant, Itlnnaecr. 'tanker.
t•aw: NIMVIII.III. UIIII S:IVel , account, of his
1,0111,..ft. Succeottful Enro
l: Inq.netaut Illetnrlcal and Pereon
.. lund.reearea; replete with Ilumor, Aneedotes
talning Narrative.' No hook pub101o•11
, ionbie to all c1.0u., Lvrry one WaliP IL
ar• )olllog loon 50 to 100 week: - WO
r extra term., • Our Illubt rated entalUgne and
Agents neat free. J.
111.111tIL & CO.
;Ma:41111 pnbilsben..llartford, Conn
• 3D -1 3C—q C> ILT 3E1...
Can always be olitalnt.ll at my Store, and
nt :14 LOIV a price us can. be allortled.
C011.1111.el &c.,
.In hand, am! sold in . an Y triatitify.
••rns armlranst . .. , " I •
(4'1(.4.n5-ware, Czlrti4,4 &C,
14 vomplete, and will compare favorably
with any stock an the . cininty. In short,
he aims to Beep a
:1:1‘1 no Nil, nor blrortg on hi, part will
fail to timlcu it sucli
I liven in the ,liroccry 'Sashimi
it taitlihvr of yeani, :11)&1,N: outing fn•
niliar with it in all or ils bratiche:i, - he
that he will lie able
'Eto Please him l'ittroats.
llt•ineniber the Stand.
t4lew:Erb-e Block,
2 .l3rilige Street,lirldgewitter
,a.,. BL tuvEV.
The a 0.1 i.vrreet Ina Chine Vet Invented. Vlll
wilkni And ilinroW, turn A heel nr point the toe.
will Lott plain or rlbluel. it will knit ntoeL•
droWeir. shirts. AC. Se. It Is cheap, pimple
and durable. It reto Up itr , own work, nscs but
oils needle, and requlrea no luting:leg. whatever.
it trill do the same worjrlhat the iamb machine
u 11l ilo'grlll.roty lest. tone hnlfnn mach And has
not the tenth part of the InAChinerV to get out of
order. Circulars and samples mailed free on Al.
plication. Agents wanted. All machines guar
No. 1!0 Sixth Street, Pittsburgh Pr
9C033A.C , 00.
Its deleterious alias on the health are
annulled and strength to the sultering'or
guns restored by Hong
They tieing a pleasant dad powerful
Weir In the shape of nave toliareo. Pat
ented March 9111, 1869. Er yntir druggist
has not got it mlld 75 cents to tm and we
will send 3 plugs to any address, postpaid.
J. 0. LANG.E: & SON,
Cor. Penn k Thirteenth streets,
A?2Z/J2 1/
The Most Complete Business Col
lege in the United. States,
Allorulug Inc ncqulrluc tharou;:lt,prec
th,ll by 110 01/le
SChOili 111 the country. .
Slog• Its incorporation In lnnfn nearly Sixteen
The rand Students. repte,eututt‘cs from every
State In the Union, hub attended hen•.
No vacations. Students enter at any time, and
twelve prit ate tn•trnctleu the onghout the entire
course •
' N. It.—Circular's with fall particulans and all ne.
denary information. onaddreAging
8511111 4§ C OWLEV , Principal...
Pirrrne nun. Pa.
Fail and liVluter
Gendestken'a Furniddnil Good
In ltanat and mnst fasblonaldo &tries, and at chart
la °dm.
AVairdPaßtitioftraregartit r if
examine betorc piirctiasing„ainl be con
vinced, nt•
P. E. WELLS & qb's.,
zia..0,11Z14 1 1 42 . :11 , 01:1 4
In Beaver. tit, Public Rale.
'I'IIE Untlywigned Ebiecutor of the last will and
testament el Elizabeth Workman. deceased,
will espotie to public Sale on toe premlyea, on
Tue.assy,_,Slarch 8, 1870,
Al I o'clock. p. m., the ball of Lot Nn.'29
the borough of Beaver, P... fronting ISO feet ' on
Elk Street and 111 feet on Team k Alley ; on which
I..ereded a comfortable two story tonne dwelling
house, nearly new and in good repair. The prop
erty ts Oblate near the hank of the Ohio ricer. only
a short dietunze tram thc.l.7. It. It. Station,
Mid in plen-atd locality for a private re.dilmice.
TEItSIS : --One half of the purchase money to be
nn the let day of April. IMO, el -0 Welt titan
p0...10n of the property will he given, and the
balance tot the firer day of Januar!. ISTI. with in
terest. S. A. WIISOY, Eer.
• T
Oil Cloths, Etc., Etc,
51 Firth Avenue,.abOve Wood stied,
nvit-EVECE, PA
linte on fiend
, RET.
From the Finest Qualities to the Vet,
Lowest armies.
Fine anti toiamon Table Crive6l, Sa, &e.
Prig uniform to all h and the lowest.
M'Cl'iLLll3l BROS
VC — Wank• wanvols for salo at the Aiw
This is no Patent
liedieine Humbug.
gotten up to dupf the
credulous, nor is it
represented as being
"composed of rare
dud precinUAsubstan
ces brought front the
Mut- en:nem of the
earth, carried seven
times Across the
Diva Desert of Sa.
hunt on the Lacks of
fourteen camels, and
brought , across the
Atlantic Demur'no
two ships" It is a
triple, nada, sonar
ng Remaly, a per.
feet Specific for Ca.
taritt and Coldin the
Head, also for offiensive Brenta, Less nr
impairment of the sense of Smell, Taste
or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes,
Pain or Pressure in the limit, when mutt.
ed, as they all not unfrequently are, by
the violence of Catarrh.' ' '
We offer in good . faith a standing tin•
ward 1 . 4.300 fora case of Catarrh that wo
cannot cote.
Soldbymoait Dn41:41 Evet7where:
Sent by Mali post paid on receipt or 60
cents Four packages for two: dollars or
one dozen for five dollars:
Send a 2 cent stamp tor. Dr. Sage's
pamphlet on entarrh. • Addrein the pro
prlctor, • R. V. PIERCE, 3I D.,
Buffalo, N.N.
.• r .
,Tiudii...o, 4 s a.. - ... - 7,,
KrATimm. yr,. . F,.., -1. sr s.• s r
~.___.,—.1..._.:, L.. • - • .....,.....2.•
431.101 g, .e.;','430•11111...i1iA1il :
..111111 V .
,Vlyplinl4o , , ...T. Tip , MO • 04 * -, f k.L... - -
1 1,
PlyMbpll4 ''• ". 901' -i 1 ' 630" auf.
Warsaw:, - . 4006 :11 ' A 'Oil '; -; 410 1, .
C010m414. 1 10 55, il ~, r;i.,,, E -.J
Port Warm! ll* , . . 1.V...
,Vitu Wert. - •• '• • 115 rm - • !Mix ' • ••••
Mu.' • • C.:..:1 2.151. ' UM: , - ,In'i BSI ..';
I ..tNB
m,itt i r ' a i 1 ,1 ;7l
: l „ -i '
~1 : v.
} 1
t .l;
f i
. : I 1
- ' -
. 1
441415w10..: 10 c
t 4O 1 14
6exurffdod .:t.': 1.. lt!i 2
'W0cater:,........15.' *V-' stl / p i et • __ft? Ll . '
0rni110...• ....... ..11 9113 . t , ,&$ 1 • fflk , -..g , ,
2.1.4110,, " - li la' ''" 021 '' ' " ' "
Moto.: ' - .0 lOU , .'"' V g.: .7713 ': , 114ii..i.!
Nt " . 4 . .... ' !i11.0" ::-. 0 .- 1 , a - ral? 4t.;“ 7 .
llothades• , Mei/ 4 lota 1 , we : ?
Pk aft% 11. - ....... A !113, . 40. . 11141i'.. .701:
L •
' • this Is a mixed train to WoUnille and max=
prang train from, rittalnkratt• . •
. .
Va l T r:-. 11L ;
BaArds I I adalin; I M. ephinAlepen.
F. U. MEYERS, Gettetal ket
1 AT
• '4
' • 4
. : •
• , At Very
Either by the yen!, piece ar.package
- •
178 Feciend Steed, Mlegheny
~ „ .
• .143 t:
• I hue Mirelll4
. 340 ,
ics4ol,*4 sir
• r#lfraii9t ,
;14. 1 .111:P2 0 ,thsti
LYN:Rae. OA.
• ' - 'l'' 3l 3 l #. t ": l ! '
L;74P 1 0411041 4 4
; air . : 11.1 1.6igri
It rtitiir
'SOW I P,dl
shosf 4.
Pump' tom
it-P:mnßgb9 ol 4*
•!iP l 44agtaM ,
' , "lfy fames arise
`t had tbio td se
;Ant titirss of ais%
• -Erb oualive died }4
'Of my "stdldeJki
Dui now they
G.' 40 .0 "*A°
A ! , 44c 01 0. :AO"
Near tau as
ANA, A4l „k
flow cold I am,
corer ma op .r'
76! *pod LMI - 1
. . .
Spread of ,Cafto
.I . te "Running.:
• Nerestrarp to .
Attempt to,Mot
edEfection Ctu
:NM* goodly city - ,
,agiltatail; dating ill.
!able extent over
titadc hiaa)
days ago,
turns Oa oi
and anent'
• Mr. %VI.
!gifted pill
'siieeeli, an
116 ',Nee..
: Protestant
fact that 1.1
idanalng,trio: icpubli
;to:show lt(
that all ivl
te . lll be col
trot.; mild, to
;711r: WM,
mice betwe
was" published in the ie% ipapers.
which he courted any of b rapponentslto
discuss with hini in public an matter i tn
question. Thavals were tan to mob hatn.
lin published. a card i6jpo of the daily
newspapers, calling upon al lin lawalaid..
the citizens to ;ustnin Lim
of free speech. There tens
of in the uji
urer perhir:t.-
re, were torn
thing (lanai.
ars lecture hi
tee. At tlie
tlgiugi by it
,by the Mn}.
syniptimis of an itupentlingi
pro:telling evening, if the le,
cJ in currying out-his pros
phosirds,sulvertising the lect
front the street cars. But,
ed by the threats that wen;
his Kt:, Mr. White tlellv,erei
UKeuticuiing to n. large owl
close he was es6,rte,l to los
strong foroel,gqialtee, Luule
Or of the city.
A havoc, mob awaited tliteturer snit
his .fricel, on tic street, termitual to
assault them as they left,the !pens ilouse!;
but an opposing crowd or 314 White's aut.
dienee nuirched with bin Ilds:pinee
sojourn In the'city. As * l nt two stonei
'vitae thi:own at Ihn, 'out( *ay to hti
lodgings, One of thera,Daiiali bits, brolat
a largo plabstlass windoriin the I.Scii
flouitT the other struck litrifiite on tin;
's)toulder, doing no serious I iiry.
Tliti question or the eltgOity of Mr
Dlukeslec,:licpublican memhof the Ohl o
house or Representatives fin
county, has been settledi . hle report in!
his favor of the Committee Privilegest f
'anti Elections, and Its - aili.lep in thud
binge. It. will be remeinbid that .?li.l
Blakeslee's right to kis244 ).he Rouse
was warmly contested by',lL4)einocracy_:
during the !present scsstiin S,tLo Leg's.
'store, with it view ttireveilie passage
of the XN'th Atneridntent44 National
COnstitutdon:• . . •
Next week wo are to-lesis Women's
Eights Convention bold iti?ectings in
Columbus, wlien a numbeepremlnent
advocates of Female Stiff7et t : expected
to take part In fue'proceedit
One of the Moat elabootairesagelf in
Revenue Comuilisioner larelfist Report
is devoted to au eirorti9 'pt . Unit the
Protective, duty ou wool bas tell nand
dises.terrwly to the interteat Ile Ameri
can wool grower. Ile pnit+ the low
prima of wool and the ridutlumber of
sheep'and argues that iliese:tho'natu;
eeland legitithate'resuliii of lion. If
the doMeslic'production' g rfer y the in.
thier.ce of protection, weerp i 'as of-the.
consumption, . .f coarseMri old fall,
end the business
. beecrue u liable.—
But . that is not a permaneuttili. It Is
temperary mily, . and bait orf I eVery-
where and under all citeut@s, nigh
pnces invariably pnalueingtritaiund
cure by sit =Wing . produe; British
interests have attained . t hei Int utter
mous develoPentent by , itly'l such
Magas and they ate lathe i lure of
fox . institutions and open petition
among:domestic. produtem
Mr. Wells remedy is}to 41 protec
tive, throw . open the thftd tolgn emu- ,
petition, and thus - prevent Wid9 Le:
paeston Of the home ititeryth tides
wouldbe a remedy with a vipte: For
these foreign wools, w hen cling with
our own; inn always tie' soibtryery"
'prices that are now So rill'in - the
AnietiMn wool-growers. liter have
r ltoeke
ot from
parlor. :
taken n better, %my helpi
and U thinning 0
and an *daring the supply
mills •hait.n.ltterCdlimaity
any fault-a' they own. •F'
crap( aniolen giicala fairly a'
kete ;forisylitr or .two, as
mined to -swamp their A
any etrit.' hie the seine old
F.uftvehe itetnethetineroi
eta tiudeOeptit lo~s'Cor t 6
Nee oicnppUng American
~ .
. .
„.........„..,.....,41.•z„:„..._• .......1.,
.;:;.....,;.....,7!...,, 4' •• - • - .* i '' • f', ••••• -'-'. i '' ~
"..a...}. rL. ~.: ~ ••
.Y - ',;.,.. - :11 , ....41,?. :P431 11.'.til : ; ... . 1.1.; I , il rstil ii , IF ,! :• , '
• 1
4 1r . '', - ' .... , " - c." . .ii: .4: ' , ,..Lr'''z f.-'
.... _
? .. %...... ' . • ... .
itarOpeastiii inititlil l itio`niarket of the
thatWn'tintitiroireilalts nit as a . tnat:'
'Hew euntd It: be othOir
..ttitrisinOriiroducuisn , fwmilen gnekt4
tratt. eineniiirtV. • It tits the anointing,
that'utle :it seem so.. We tuul en
011 - Ott. Iriniunitlituatepottatton.
Out the fordo_ renutseturens made their
ont/sturAtia pirket and Inuit field
pie* they. were ludo* Hoee they were
ittiitswit urokOP 111, All atria .tir
`rff P` l oCClfelkrl l l l3 9 l2 oY , . f ittp4rse,
O W/cc : l
.111Y..11:01 , 1 1 oolilli-pH,6 ta'
retio n tiottai;tl*
fat I*-17146140463/0411
erdeilttilittif •
Wivral * WO. ciritu4kit
taiga' ifattiti*.l
-, Art..lirni&putd*l
i i ivatioadwilma l
likiskitiwOrk ditimlytinutiSe.W!itY
*tie; With Ayala wt() enjoy, iu addition
P>iri„t!“ POOL, 10 PUVerie - 4 ns l .clicar•
likPPre4 lo -474 1 . 1 u 41 4 1 91rPsource
xtrtkt atlpply of ilia' rate material. ; ,
,4ifforlakVirto l . 4 ,;: it wcqtl !Kent , to Ite n
i tpatArat ttuttio,ittifii(e'runett , ,n•hethiir Ira.
produce :1w raw jp ttodal , i tknot. "-tit i;e"
) .111117 n ti lum Imam:nue stretches of Spit
lbolkolifo 416 !not
?In tilt iintiiicitini`q4niititintirletlstiltur
t ilua 'ettplily • t :in titt.4t ry
rntbil Ever enclf Intone'
Ikr.!Weil4l:o'l:6Ligt.; ;vrtoi;ollll)t.makiis
akr afire mace , lo Aiitn , bow lite , lioople
; 'eulfret I.l.cOrwequence of his ikgarias,
firOvielng Lo taw. nakii diitja
istofteinont Inaba quis.otatever raw
In tlinnibt ..
In the Unita" 136,tes slwuld Lo forgtxl nod;
: NUMUirtted by, riII 411 o oitlo or prosection.- 7
'lo6.ll3.NoOltltacritzto.. •
:Ita Mr. Justice drier:s opinion, in the
in the_ (I. S.
loci lull whit
uro Judge,
ni to con.
if' such onai
MO.:Justice '
lg. opinion,
ono ut. the
unto,. in prit
Approliii . ,
Thu ogee-
out uni vor•
is nito bellared.tliat it will 1114vn theaget
of rnislog tho papa of gold and fli:lffy 114 C,
Any d apeCie paymenlg.—{Car. Pitt. thy..
pospreinsaYeereosotr i pvl
Fifty years ago, and I've but to
shut my eyes and there wines Willie
over the hill,•as I used to see hint
coming, when I sat waiting for him
at the farm house window. Same-
Unica on hum track, but mostly on
foot, for, the Hall was not fitr away.
Nowadays you see the boys and men
all alike in black', or with a little bit
of gray or brown. It wasn't so then.
Will wore a blue coat with gilt but-
tons, and knee• buckles, and silk
stockings, and buckles in his
and a buff vest ; and, on gala days,
claret color and white silk, Hand
some in any one's eyra r apd wonder
,'fully so in mine; for I was half Qua
keress, half Methodist, and never had
worn anything gay myself.
Tall? Surely •he was tall. Never
a Haslet under six feet, and brooder '
ha the shonidera thatiany of it is age.
I :titraightfeattued and rosy, and Just
twenty-five. .
Will's father was rich Squire Has
let and they lived at the
grand house we thought it, for we
were plainpeople. Father a.Quaker,
mother a.MethotliSt, and be kept to
the plain dress and language,. all his
life.' In those days there never was,
a Methodist who wore gay colors, or
new fashions, and mother took to the
poke :bonnets and grave dresses natu
so we ; were quiet enough,. nut a
picture nor 1111 Ornament in the house.
et a fiddle,- though brother Baron
ial tieggqi t 9. Alava one. And at dusk
Saturday night, work put away, and
the house clean, and not so much as
a mouthful cooketltheSabbath thro".
'Everything cold;, and mother put
she key in her pocket,, andltatk as
jariS on way,to:-Idaltedist..pneeting,
andiather wok:, thq-boys. to 4putker
inettgag„for that ityla i the compact,
thefts and t hey never let religion go between
It Was all rain fferen t at the squire's.
The curtains and carpets and Mrs.
.'llaslet.'rt caps all aglow with color,
. - And Sunday a feast day, avith more
if work for the servants Sam any other;
I, tuoLguests down from the city, and
• -
ime-hush—lautli 4 wonder to all—and
.the harp,o itioying. They went to
church if they tfirae, and sat in the
squire's-high hacked pow with cur.
atother used to Say ---she was a bit
prclutlietli—that what with the organ
undanar cloths, and fonts and turv
!limit, and minted windows, and gay
*meta, the Cpistmsti church was all
_lho world like a playhouse. Sister
Ellis used to say to me, 'For all that,
I'd like a pink bonnet myself, and to
go where there was ,music in the
chbfch. Ellis initheta Quaker bone
In her betty, nor a drop of Methodist '
bitted in her veltts. 1 always won-
dared Will didn't come a wooing her
instead of me. .
I was A little bit of a thing with
blue eyes, and skin like wax, with
out a bit of color in it; and didn't
,come au artist who painted
ininiaturra, to our place, ousummer
and toll-tae my face was 'classical,'
nearer, 'antique' than anything he
had ever soon. I was pleased with
the first, but the last worried me, for
do whatiwould, though it sounded
likes rampllment, I could make no
Meaning. of, 'antique' . but old, so I
asked Willie, and said he:— -
• I 'Come to my house and • show
you.' So mother let me, and I went.
There, in the drawing room waslt
'atntnd, and on it' was a woman 'in 1
aiarblethat is, the face and neck of
aiivoman, and -down : to the-waist.
.`bust' he: cal led - it.- Says Willie,
antique-. It ls Psyche 'anti
mom like you than anypictnracould
vitUr at
:Meyer like vie.' said I rand • then
I blushed and turned away, for not a
erf nor.a tucker had the; and .L thlt.
t was a splendid house—loogrand
; 1810::
• rici' aiat cha ined ln, a t i g td l if ne oe t a ° .% : l l 'h ivl3 ll e In;
w a ma nd in h y e ,
l i ont; Wa evertt, even :to tbu. hot
ouse, where summer flowers, grew,
it Vie t- Winter' tined; 'and Put ,somel&
tar] tall r..SNV hl tr.' said he, 'you look
post In whlte J : s;•., -. •
One night,l lannlattlatrand tooth,.
'orliilVing_by tholOreltan Are. 11;aya
InetheiYlt's wrong' to' Stand 'ln the
girl's witYr thougtsi he's .Bpbteortal. '
Arid think.of .her .being . mistreat ;of
the li:di, midi rAtiaz , in ; Ing:.Owu,
~- urlito;thleKs teo'inach or the brot4
Earth.' sit,yetither.'"".:: - *
; ; c•Bet Mind/Met, Elifts,'Ataysmoth
*Env It's nehance:thiat comes kr-few.
And she'd be gond ;tp -Pis it'We died
kuid tlie. fent would' be, off our. hands
liii !Mo t et' lid reit': ' "We hard Who poet'.
to' Phil* WWII/Ye, and totnotv n-bad
iyeat forerepsiarA-4pell - or, tklmesa .
twoukt , swallow, all.. He lota* her.:
,gu tour he'll_ ,
=ll4 ° :. t t i l ig ite ar gles ‘.
minelclailiethY 'ittlisWiti* - testi
liithei", - '?.43ittryd lielbeesee her
arty some youegltietek - Villvbilt
one eoWatifttwa.• or .4,ltree ficreiC-1.
tltakrata-theamatrA6**Wkilc.! - a
• ritt et l i ri volcalitaf fiend and I- knew =
e ad' ; teldetVl"Viliiiiiiiiitisiiiiike
ndrOntiMinti*ivith'ii'leOd - setae.-the
• Slide ovekittaMortiliagla sftliither.
Ilicither•Went;bitiithe tiltthig, room,'
iindTWitilbstnyM - the' 'clatrYthut
hoW could I; when rkuoiv, my; 'fate
I wo In the hatanhol ,1 crept Into - the
.entry and Thdened.‘ I beard the squire
• *- 4 31YlieY'leis set his heart on your
jail,' haaaldt - 4 holrlight findarieher
Mate, but he could not find a prettier
Pr;better. If you% say yes, neigbor
;I?iuithorne,'l. will, and , 1114 mother.
EtAttnal* to Ini,Marriecnibea, and We
iiball:Watita dtinghter fit thetlllll.'';
l'Fatherltlld l itot it Word for a WhII6.
Be folded his'hinds;!and satiook Mg
nt.;the'llOor. - ;- At hist ho Sahli .'Have
,thy,nwn.,way, .h t liittlee, she is•ri girl.'
:Oh,',asweet•to have the first
love crowned by a parent's blaming.
Mell„well, with Joy comes sorrow.
, A:nionth slier 'that Willl&S • mother
I diedo: She dropped from her chair at
the dinner table, and when tho.ser
iyant sped acruis the country and back
With the doctor she was dead. -I Wept
as- I stood neer DM; grave and saw
Willie. SO. - mul,' dressed - for the-first
time In' mourning, and I had more
eoesou to weep than I knew, for Sa
brina Haslet KW m istress of the 111111,
and all along, in :secret, she had snt
her heart against her brother's match
with me.. , . .
•As soon us she ()mild she begun ;to
'till the house' with ehrapany—nearly
all yeung ladies, handsome fashiona
ble, dressed in - finery and jewels, and
Will must play tho part of host and
make them welcsono. He told me
foal, *Though I'd rather lie with my
Quaker beauty by the river Side,' he
add. But Sabrina wants commons
to keep her spirits up."- .
- I; bad; a• MIMS ..thaVshei hoped. to
wean UM. fromnte, hati.novertold•
ldin sp., ' True love, I thought, needs
own Willie afithe same. But at last
therecame tothe Hall theltendsomest '
lady of all—Miss•Dortas Oakley. She
stayed along while and there was
dancing in the. eVenin,gs and riding
all day; she rode benttlfullynnd al
ways with Willie. ; I thought to my
, selfover and over again,. 'Dods' she
knowit is my love she ride's away.,
with though he Were here ?' ~,,_.
:Then thit.le.ileusibebutter„ . .Mw,la
' Fitsitittitle * ViTAlVT4llM'
told ate that it was a fashion and
courtesy. and kept mee Met while ho
t wos by. lie would have hail me at
the Hal! often, but Sabrina sett no
message. She was mistress of the
house, and I would notgo there with
out her invitation. So I pined and
grew thin, and mother thought me;
ill. So I was, but of heart, not of '
body. And when she talked of my
we:lo4;day, toy blood would boil,
and I'd say between my clenched
teeth, 'No, I'll marry no one who
weds me bee:time he's bound to one;
and out from love!'
One night 114 1 stood by the garden
gate looking at the stars, :t woman an
it hood mine over the fields and stood
beside ate. sit was Sabrina Haslet.
I started as if I had beeti shot, and
she trsik MT her hood,fir it was warm,
and looked hard at mac.
'What kind of a girl are you?' she
'What kind of one are you?' said
I. 'Not a civil one to speak that
Said she; 'What I want to know is
this. Are you the person to hold my
brother to a foolish bond or to let him
free when he beginsleStrugMe?You
,caught him cleverly; and though his
heat has slipped through -your flit.
gems, you may be mistr es s of the Hall
yet, I suppose. Will you?' ',/
'With Its heart gone front me!' I
cried. 'Has he told you it is gone?'
'lle'd die first,' said Sabrina. 'His
honor would not let hint break troth I
with you. But to see how he loves
Dorcas Oakley, told she is* a match for
him in rank, and wealth and beauty.
People are talking of it, and pitying
hint.' . .
They shall pity him no more,' I
said., 'What is that Hall to me? It
was my Willie's love I eared for.
Tell him he is free.'. '•• -
'You must tell him Yourself,' she
said ; 'if you carete see him happy,
open his cage,' and
,she tits{ on her
hood and sped away .- . -
That night them Went. a - note to
-Willie : . . .. , • .
''Wailer Il r illia»r'.Jliiilet: I've
thoughts long while that the bond
between us wasbsmt broke, I feel sure
of it now. It will tat better that we
should not meet again ; and In this
I send you back your ring. May
good fortune and happiness attend
you! And with this wish, I sign
miy.sdf liANNAll ' FAl:Taionxii.'
This I' wrote with it heart tom and
rent as never flesh could be, and it
was sent; and though he came to the
fermi would not see, him; and all
was over bet well us.
. I waited only to hear that he -was
betrothed to amiss Dorcas Oakley, In
stead of that I heard, a week after,
that he had left the country. Where
as lawyers
Onions two
ono of Om
Jr rendered,
icon Senators
`'prove dis
,eountry, n.
r he had gone, and why, no one knew.
When L felt sure that Mim Dorcas
Oakley could be nothing to him, or
at least that they were not to be
married, my heart smoteme a little
and I wondered whether I should
not have put my pride down a bit
and have heard him spelik for him
Miss SabrinaHaslet did nut marry.
The wedding was put off, first by
her mother's death, and then by her
father's six months after; and then
.folks said there AVM at quarrel. But
be it as it may, he who was to have•
been her husband, married instead,
that same Miss DoreasOakley:. Oth
er suitors mane no doubt,--for 3llbs
tkabrina 'was handsome and rich ;
but she liked none of them, and liv
ed on in the Hail quite alone but for
theamants. 'By and by she saw no
company, and shut up half the house
and owned more lamely andyvretched
than many a wan. woman. Alt her
baxanty left her, too, and she became
a sharp, sour spinster, always dress
ed in black—she who had been both
belle neat beauty.
I lived on at home. Ellis married,
yearsand so did Barzillia. " The did
'not seem to give a gray hair to any
another, nor a wrinkle to my father-
they wero too placid to grow old
alt.No wonder I did not, Marry.
They scorned to think that, having
been sp , nearly mistress of the Hall,
It was not likely I should be willing
to wed for has. The Hall! It was
. i '
I looked at the poor i tlying woman.
I was trying to forgive her, but I
could not help speaking harshly. 'I
inn only a stranger,' I said; what I
have sutlered is nothing to you. But
had you no mercy on your brother?
You have had time to repent.'
'Time V site - bald.-.'Yes, Hannah
Fauthorne. it seems like eternity;
put F have sought for him in vain, for
years 1 thought him dead: Yester
day I learned that he is alive, and
not many miles distant. Old before,
his time, they say,, but ho lives.
Look,' she continued, drawing. a
packet from under her pillow ; 'in
this I haVe written the truth.- It
shall be sent to-morrow. It is direc
tetl plainly. If I die in the night, It
lam go all the same. Will and you
May meet again and be happy when
I um _under the turf.'. Then-she be
tom an wall:'lioalticavinel clou t mave me to the atone.
I sat down by her. 'Don't teal r,' I
said, 'and try to think of ether things.
Forget wish,look to Heaven.'
I never. left her. Sitting by her side
on the third night, I saw a change
come over her face, and bent over
'Hannah Fauthorue,' she whisper
ed, 'have you forgiven me?'
'As 1 pray to God to forgive me,'
I answered.
Then fainter still she spoke: 'Be
kind to Will; he loved you. Oh !to
think I should have lost my soul
that you might not be my sister—
you who seem so like one now.' And
with these words there wine a look
into her eyes I shall not forget; and
the Christmas dawn she lay on my
On Sunday they buried her. The
graveyard was full. Every one eame
to see Squire Haslet's daughter laid
in the great vault: I stood near it ;
but, though the solemn words of the
preacher raw in my ear, and the cof
fin was before my eyes, and I should
have thought of nothing else, my
mind would wander aWay to the past,
and I saw Will as 1 used to get him
and myself, as in a mirror, young
and blithe, leaning on his arm. Then
I found myself praying forthe deal
,woman, 'God forgive her, for she.
knew not what she did.'
I came hack to the present 'with a
startand a thrill •, they were closing
the i vault. And beside the clergy
man, speaking to him in a whisper,
stood a tall man, with foreign look
about him, and tilicavY hat slouched
r over his eyes; tu man all hi black,
with hair dark as night, but with
here and theme silver thread. Why
did my heart beat so when I looked
at him? Surely I had never seen
that man before? I turned away and
..went homeward. The path led by
.the old Hall. I paused a moment to
look at it. • Every window was abut;
from the broad front door, and froze
the necks of the stone lions on the
porch, streamers of crape were Boat
ing, 0! how often had I seen every
window ablaze-with lightsjted heard
musw, and dancing feet, and laugh
ter from within. '_'end, now, in the
winter twilight,
for'a t five this day
way nearly done, and the clouds Jolt
ered heavy with coming snows—now
how dark and cold it way; and yon
der in the graveyard lay
- in the grim
vault, master and tuistresss, and she
wlaihad limn the pride of their hearts,
the toast and beauty of the reign—
:Sabrina Ilaslet. And Willie, where
was het
The gloom, the scene I had just
witneased, the memories Were too
touch for me. I bowel-coy head op
the cold steno of the gateway anti
Wept. 'Gone,' gone, gone„' I cried,
awl the sobbing - wind seemed to re
sound tho wordS gone, gone, gone.
I had,ntep on the snow, I
had seen uu shadow, I never guessed
any one was near me until a hand
was laid on my shoulder, a hand large
anti strong, but 'trembling like nn'
aspen leaf. 1 looked up. Beside Inc
stood tho,tall, dark man 1. had seen
in'the graveyard. When I turned,
he rethoved his hat, and I saw the
face of Willie Haslet. A face altered
- .
and uged, bronzed and sad, but sill
his, with love in it. .
'llan:nib; he said, •Thanadil'
And I,as though I spoke its adrea
murmured: 'He has conic track ag,ain
lie has come buck again!'
•Yes, Hannah, bat* again,' said the
low, sweet voice that had been ill toy
memory so limy years. 'ller letter
brought me back. She was my sister,
anti ls dead. - Hannah, you know
`All,' . I said.
Ifeloblied at me i I felt that, tho'
I dared not look at him. We were
silent a moment, and then he spoke,
'I have not. creased that MK:Aoki; it
rests with you whether I shall. I
will not be master of the Ha, unless
you will be my wife and the in Istress.'
"The Hail P I cried. • 'Dld the Hall
woo me 1' Did I love the Hall? You
sia..tilz.of it first as all do! 0, Will
Haslet ! if you had bi:en a poor faun
erti son,all might have been different.
I never tlinught of anything but your
• ,-;i
i., ~ ..t .
404,0 - qr.
- ono winter niglit. l --Dhilstroas time
1115 noirirmonstlanil • I sat brtke
fire dressing dolls and tying up sup& -paper-horns with bits of
fib's at litskuty. nieces lintl , metatetrs'
lattk:44l--theru mum loudiaming •
the our x
.opened It and them
Mod tin ;old mart 'servant 'front the
sent, by - Ilituusabrina, Miss,*
I c l - l u'l,7!Slloisi erY.lll,tuld desires
rig hi' etime alone;„ she. has some
thing,pritticular to say tit yOu.' '
! ' timid' for mc!' I
thought; and then my heartbeat Emit
fancied, j.juFdly knew what.--
E ilk; you say? • ; asked
: !Verytt)," said the man ;.''the doe
timi'gaitt her Ovet'
I-went'lstek Sae' shawl anti'
hood, atiddelDmy mother' where
Was going, audthen -mine out. - - The
night was, bieuk,, und, ; snow ;fulling
And' laydeop Om), tho. ground, and
therestond'a carriage Witli:kugs lii It
ftady-lbemo,'' I stepped 'intuid Was
!whirled, may towards Usti , Hall:- ;It
was .I.ll4,a.,dreynot...l‘coidd scarcely.
helltrm myself awake:„ 3t was still a
ilream.ltten ltd stoppettiit the
and Portly titditied - thatAninlek true,
When, tented in hlissaibrituesMomS
and saw Itet lying wan and pale upon
thciPlJow. !, what a change had
einne 'Mier 'her:
she "snid ; ' , INA:Ik you far ! that, -I
thought, N , oted-, refuse, perhaps, It's
a long while slum we spoke
or!' •• • -
'Yet you haven't , ehlingtsl much,'.
salt she. Yon look as you did when
you stood byAlte!hedge in the ntooh-
I ight,und said: What( is the
to me? 'Twos Willie's, love I ,
far, rennimber the
bituthorno. , They've stung m 34 Stull
often shim. : Do you know -I..ficsl
then?' - , • . -
`Yet, tract. .
It.ivai I who wanted.
hint to wed Dorms Oakley. • Willie's
never belonged to any one but - you.
lie was true as 'Leuven.. I thought
ti poor girl like you beneath - Idea,. I
told him you loved that cousin who
ettITIC to your home so • often, and
when your letter came he believed
I thought he would marry Dorcas .
then. I never:meant:A° drive him
from haute and kin ,• but he wen toutd
the last words hosaid were: 'Sabri
na, my heart 6 broken.' And all
these .years he • has wandered over
'the world a lonely, sorrowing man;
and I, his sister,, the muse. And she
—Dereus--oh ! you know my lover
jilted ine for; her; all the place knows
`1 forget,' lie said,"tis itot young
62 -
lopoitidAki aeirWilddifekrto the
:%`,ld Argus . bididJag aa Thridetraiß 311411. .
voi. ra,, sr, gl pet year iff advance. ' •
QuiurtiufgakitiAiolg bpar iiefoesil
or oer.t Interest' p ! r,
tf0041; ;IT; Ettiittoo 'two.. or
' IN intim! In iarfably • 1.110 secOriipt;
;seed, 31746 same onto suninro.- "
: Letter,' owl tvisigtan 4t41.101,4eti1d Ist
tiirtirtowkil W '
• • • • J.:10'1'061bl
I ['islet frinte.'• Ihtr-itil]rial
'the time for Weehig mrl: 1 1 1 ;it
11 'Arid iitireAtt oho,'
la not • Hannah 'Faiith
'tly.hen anfhlher4entatts
with her tunnel, ~,„;..„,;
"rhere re thung,4--•
Hantiitbfih4W .
'opened nit *IOC= r l 4
. I took enttlang fonecitektsloaliontri •
lipad was tplAtil Ihmept4 - pflfiNfAbfrrif
ten • yeuis 'liefere,, aud
.r hort .L .hif„
Tit rIY/ P^tilinitilantattiktiftiraWM• '
her hew the.eilankpg wV_rvil_LAwr
wed, and how the mut 7on. ri
tled With • • Mb plline'r ''1364 -- "keig •
Wl4O mo proud ws •neithdr?: . laiir'
was the stint reshdehly..atiel , utteta
treys of the, Balt where
fat et rot Ihr Welke i iiiiiii i ii iii iiii
and died , to 'paled and , •
together, khit.. die,"
;will an d Y , for we Love each
still, though; ixelr putt: hvadit-.210,.."
Nvhito as' anew iii*Arsy! 'Butv_iesiktiiiii-.7
the ellango .that : havatoin.hliel: err
these ytnins.we liam.theltati•
to other; iuut, ua-we, kik
lie skirl :
• Jt,
• ;. TRUE': .11111102011r4: $
711 — . et 4 1 .04 ligreiia
IlesiuW , • tai
ircr tirtkoe ,
thP,F4Y ,
rot Hitt" •
foltionuble iluil.pganreiy:entbaehler _
Hun, co y' , kn4wing nyttung
I pretty gus and vonien nf Ohlo..isteL
r Indiana, '
we think Vittblkurgli Ana
-:Ailegheny alone pneentoneltnifiltht
true beautier—to toy. nottilag theirf
qualitieof tvonsplhite.
Inelus-Ito tlyir,y one t0..be501.441,u;*
In Washington. Atiat tikuihuedlime=".
4.11 tulk -en theitaNettf--
You must go !Vain tome to"hear the '
news, they say, end if you want to
know all aholn the twatfiyand huildou
with which , Washington , is tilled
tiering the l 'season,' losik
Into the newspapers puhlisliettn•few
loindnxi miles from here': ' You
find it in Forney's L'hivtiicleibet - theri. , ,,
Is no newspaper, at• I` Ita 1111111111...
Should be ethanol, to tnal,U#irsitetl,:
I'ii era •
- - lipt the New • 'York papal-ramie
here every night hulett-with gloWifig •
accounts of the ret-eptions If' thet
previous evenings—wnat pas clutrit,e,,
I lug Mrs. Thing-a-bob Wont mid huh',
beautiful she looked; ' alariaitv ti is
lovely and accomptislied bites on
and so was the cynosure at ad eyt.siri
From all of which
.we ;; woult/..,lltthan.
the array was tier:ix:a
wonder hoW bat h t 3,
a)Uhl wn
a- - -
age to behold It all
N I do not proftw Ih to xi a) ut
of himale beauty,"and I ticknOwledge -
utter lguorace of thy:a-toilet , wade%
millinery ru,yaterles which entaf-Vet
largely into themake.up of the .epee=
feet woman, nobly planed" for court
ship, flirting and command.. .Anxious
to test the truth of all.l hatileattand
heard about the beauty and 10volt:hest
of tile Washington reeeptfoft a. se:.„
cured the servitas of a coffflhhiSeuiiii .
such matters, and quite' auseePti
young man withal, and; together
made-the moods, about'a week: ago--;
We went, every.whero-,-,Ve phiogial
piedica iesitito the very center of
sift brt Ina orivvotty.,”
[no idea that my friend sou ,
out with a whole heart. - But hetlit4.,„.
and when at the close of the exlKllj
lion I asked him If he had** duce
imprei.-Axl, lie Irreverently . " hand',"
"Not a d—n bit." -
The litet is , the 'stock co:nix:or...4f "
I may so Lull it—is a magnificent ar
ray of be-jeweled hoinelitua, YOU
will, however, find at every reception
a few 'stars'—rail gem tif '
beauty—but they are hem for a ''few • '
nights (nay. ; They come, motely;` l
from the West; and Cincinnati just
now furnishes a few of them.. Tiler,,
are seldom more than four
in Washington at a time—and 'I/ I
be considered a thrute'•lhr this iiisvr.
tion-1 hereby declare that every•lit.'
.1y will, rends this and visits
ington is 011410 f the four delik-raimy
meant. I eon fe-s, however, 11M1 I ,
can't bring myself tit a pohit Of mdm i
ndium for the 'Mock company.'
Though 114.1 t a judge of hominy, I
ant tell the want of it a wileull ; and •
though an Ig:tontines on I ,
am easily detect a struggle beta, ep: .
ago and art that despenito
smooth tilt the wrinkle of haul. - -
till up the furrows of Time, tho rolh
lts,s plowman. After lie, has , passed
over his inexorable sub 'salter •yoli '
may follow with liarniwa CI l - riiiii%nt 4
and no end of implenteuta and huh i
flees, but you etin' S rt-stiore the Isnot
tiful freshness of the unturned mul.
And so the 'stock company' Looks all .
the worse for this despende contest;
and resorts to diamonds' and low
necked dressed, and powders,-
know not what. else. :But Nature •
has not been demoralized by the whir
and will not yield to slaxlil3-,
thus it happens that the - largest
zle they can get sap . in Washington.
falls short in beauty. and grace and • •
elegance of the ; quietest dtal ino4
unpretentions little serial gathering.. ,
in one of the small towns Of
Indiana—when" Ponce de l'Asm‘,.."
fabled fountain of perpetual yom 11/' Is'
not sought after nor believed its, siad •
soiree desired—where youth and
-beauty go hand In hand till they si
lently merge into a graven and tilt
powdered maturity, and •where the , .1
'weather' is not Seill*Xl,lll .the.;tolls'
topic of conversation with whlch.ahlt, .
may be supposed . ."
This IS the way tho Fox gfrig
prixinee their spirtual
Fasten one end of a pleco •
hand, four or five inches long, to the
middle of h pound bar Of- letid Mid
the other end to a ring large enough,.
to.reeel ye the toe ofyour (KV fit
mother piece of ehnitte band,: •efght"
whim or more jti length, fasten out, • .•
~... .
:end to tito.ring;and kite'
right leg above the knee.' When
standing with thecontrivunce &ran
grill as. described. the • betel lof hit'"
should come not the ablzlv. •• ;
Of course, a long drtsts is meessary to ,
conceal it. When sitting, the nips
tun be made by putting the toe to"
ttie left shoe through the ring, mid •
with it Might movement of tito•loot . !
musing the. haul to strike. thu titaas tl "
One end of the bar will likely coupe- , •
in contact 'with the floor a lifilc • •'
before the other end dory, and thus. •fts
produced the peculiar dopblekuocks - • .;
in made by the Fox mediums.. Iv,. ,;a
slight lationd motion of,. the : ft,s,kr, i _
raps can be made with stith - Aeon-
trivance on A table leg or a door. A '
gentleman walking home with • one ••i•
or "r an i ct o , n g o i t r iL l :si c'i tt t" :
stt e u l ru l.a l til in g' 3 txt n u e u r ect :. •,
Lion %vitt' her step like thitt . Made by '':
a woodeit peg in••witikitig,' and" the
cut - harm:lmM girl wild: she could not
conceive what causal it... ! .- •
• ••• •• ••
• —The Oil City Times ' anis; "It is
genendly understood in this '
that Aloes' catne home for a' 'settle •'
driver In order to tighten up the loose' •:.
serewa t and that when he left
risburg he look with him a t large one
ofa peculiar kind.
—At Gibson, Scutamehanna county,
guld'hunter is prcomecting, and tra
dition says many years ago the-lu
dians gathered tho;precioua, ore in
large quantity in that locality. Thu
Mkt' constructed by them has been
found but the gold has flEd yet turn
ed ti