The eaver Argus. =ME==l __ T a i iiviitiolot internalrevenueon Fridor w0rdf0 2 0, 852 ; ibr the tilki,th 'mum I end for,the:Wleqr: date, WI - ,e . Tait -on iieetione were . . ,„. (signed ' . Thursday lest, itk the oonstdenition, ' of the questfoh of the ailowanoeiiroper stab>. oxide to con testant". , - L 011151114111 contested' cosies ,iii , , to be .pv04:14401 until . lifter the .... . . • • ! • - 4tulcH a oau has not re signed as Attorney General of the Untied States, null the appointment of ersuo.• easier t 6 the late Justine Grier, since the;death 'of ilon..Ed win /IL Stan ton, bemlines an open question. , - -1 1'he weight ot opinion, however, seems to bo tha Judge Strong, of Peowiyi vas** will be appointed. , Thu spedal election loin a fieutt orial vatcy In Ohlo, resuitedon the 29th, in °choice oelloward, Rep ublkin. The peinomoi, in a part of the distrizt, ran a colored man as their candidate, giving him hut a light vett). which would have been heavier If they could have felt any encouniging hopes of his election. • . . Ir Is eitently reported that the British Governm nt have been retitled, through Mr.iii tle l y,of the reodiness of this Govern ment reopen the Alabama Claims num lion at once, for settlement bere,,arsd that Secretary Fish, after oodsultation w Ith a maJoilly of the members of the Senate Committee on Foreign. Affairs, has drawn up the p dnelple points of the new treaty which, it Is Whereof, will be acceptable to England as well as to the Administration of President Grant. . Tun resident It Is said will sub; mit to egress on its reassembling, a special message on the Darien Ship Cltnal r itatter, accompanied by some Imp° nt documents regarding the operations under the treaty the purport of which Is not kaolin In de. tall, Nit it Is believed refer to some hitch in the proposed enterprise. This Government, however, is going ahead vith its part of , the surveying expedition, and is preparing maps, &c., fo the same. comment has heretofore been mtuhil,on; n misprint in President Grants summit message, which rep resented him as saying."the United States islthe first of all nations," it Is propir to state that in the menu 'script as flarnlshed to the press the proper word Is "freest," the sentence reading: "The United States is the freest id all nations; so too Its people . sympathise with allpeople struggling for Shorty and self government." Private dispatches from responsible sources in Havana, received in Wash , ington city on Friday last, state that ValMasseda reportsthatin hIS district about 700 men, with' their officers, ' laid 'down their arms to the Spanish force's, and "that In tho district of Remedios tho Chief, Coca, and all his men I surrendered. Spanish successes are also reported In the district of Puerto, Principe in the surrender of insurgents. The opinion Is expressed , In the dispatches that the Cuban cause sally growing weaser. - • 74.governmentsof Portugal and Great Briton severally Claim possem ion of the island of Bolaurd, on the western coast Africa, and certain __'portions of territory opposite that islarid on the main land. The posi ticm4 are valuable only in connection with facilities for icarrying on the slavO trade. Unable to settle, these governments have chosen the Pres ident of thq,Uoited States as umpire. it respective Tartment of , bill is virtu iderstood that House will be :inn the Judi clitx ~ _...-- Le repeal all the acts relating to the civil tenure-of-Mince. flu !M.'s bill will be the one reported, ~,2t, an he intends to take charge of it. In he House the repeal will doubt- It. be mil with not more than a dozen vo 41 in opposition. But in theßenate, I . Is understood that those Betiators who adhered so strenuously to ihe modtled law last session will 1 onils unconditional repeal now. ~ ..7 . --... bill introduced lu the House 'by Judge liawrence , of Ohio, pro flirting the recelpt,• •by pension agents, of .a fee for preparing the necessary papers to enable a pensioner to] obtain his semi-annul pension, will it is thought, become a law us soon Rath° Judge mu get the floor to explain the present usatml. It in hem the custom of agents heretofore to I •harge fee . for preparing vouchers fe the payment of pensions.,,and the • Tess,' In most cases, amount to us Much as the salary.of the agent, and • this make his Income not far' fem eight thousand dollars a year. .No other, class of Government °dicers are allowed to charge a fee for the prep arbtlon of vouchers. • , / Fr ts stated that a majority of the r, members of tho Reconstruction Committee have agreed to report a bill requiring the Virginia Leiria- Wore to be reconvened And each Member to be required to take the stoat h under the Fourtmth Amend eat, the election of United States tors to be declared null and void, , afid a new election of Senators to takeplaco after the Legislature has t t t us been purged. These members of t Committee claim that Judge oar's' opinion holding. that. `the embers ought not to 'take the. teat th, etc, is erroneous and that it was lawful for the Legislature to take emy action of all any kind until the, bers had subscribed to the nitoath. IF A SPECIAL statt4 that Prinklea , . Grant is about to issue Prochtma -tlon of rigid neutrality In the dispute ttpresent In progress between tiie oniste of the Red River country and the Canadian Government. This Proclamation Is aimed both at the sYrnpathizem who may be dbipased to aki the re:heis, •and at Gov. Me boagall, who roma to Muerte that he can organize exPeditteue oh 'Am , e l m sou to regain Ma aufiority user the insurgeuts. The sitilation ial the Red River country is 'viewed l* official circles as a serious inipedl sent to the' sate* 'of the English Government ,to unite all ' , Banish North American In the confederation and lq not therefore regarded as n matter for regret, although the Anal Limas of the rebels lenotcountedon. 1111 DEATII-Oiril. N. Edwin Stanton,eciratiript War' and late Justice hi *United atitee. Supreme Ckitirt.'olos Nir; trop Grier retired, Oil at Id e: rcal- K WaaWingtiin, s cityrfo FrP r 24th,hltimo. Although it m own ;tielbril rutin. 0.74 . ,, wi r pepartment—that • • had bten prastintedlii theme dirties of, ihat Mice dur-: ioglhe darkest deYs of the febidllori, during tit& defection and and dedicarrn of Andrew Johirbort's Ad arialstretkon'--the newli &Ms stl7`. den death ... fe ll upon the entuitriivith ealiock. 'lt. had just , recqttly been nom inated'tbat he was convalescent, and would sooll,be able enter upon, the buttes of la nei S' t aa: Judge;. the news • akingthetviresonthe ingdayl 'How auddera l We can. - May re alize it *l4 ; ." vl * 1 ' ends; 2 4. Uhl bitter enemies, . , appoint meal° the vacancy. on , o Supreme Bench—even while knownio be liawf tering with dlimaisi, and really„ upon his 'death-bed—wee nettle , the ocea-i don of most virulent and - bitter at tacks upon his character for political probity. No one doubted his legal ability. He was a great and a goad man ! -May he rest in peace. Stanton's Mi . grandftither was a Quaker and a slaveholder, but en joined his children to free the slaves and protect them in their rights. He moved from llohde Island to North Carolina in 1760. After his death the . &ray removed to Steubenvlile,Oh 10.. David Stanton married the daughter of a Virginht"planter, •and settled in Steubenville, then almost a wilder new, where Edwin M. Stanton was born. His father died while he was quite young. lie was educated at Kenyon college, Ohio; became a clerk in a book store in Steubenville; stud ied law with D. L. Collier ' and was admitted to the Ban - went into part nership with Hon. C. Dewey, at Ca diz, Ohio; became reporter of the de cisions of the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1839.. He o was elected prosecuting attorney of Harrison county Ohio, and in 1887 entered into partnership with Benj. Tappan, His firstiniport case,was that of Calehl.M'Nuity,. Clerk' of the House of Representa tives, which made a great stir among pOliticians of the time. Stantontle fended him with to much ability that , he wits acquitted. In 1848 he entered into a law partnership with the Hon. Charles Shaler, of Pittsburgh, Pa., which lasted till 1857; during which period he became rumor the most distinguished members Of that Bar. 'He had a large practice in the U. S. Supreme Court, where his ability as a lawyer vas fully apprecitited. On the 12th of December 1860,Gen. Cass—becoming disgusted with Bu chanan's imbecility la refusing to re inforce Forts MRultrle and Sumter— resigned the office or. Secretary of State, and Attorney General Black ,was appointed to the vacancy; and Mr. Stanton was appointed Attorney General: The resignations of Floyd, Cobb and Thompson, following im mediately, left Buchanan with a new set of advisers, to wit: Black, Stan ton, Dix Holt end Horatio King.— The loyal lnfinensitenew was resolute; too torcemen ttsigiVeltiait ing been firm and vehement at the Cabinet meetings, and contributed largely to whatever of patriotisrri may be accredited to the remainder of that administration. President Lincoln appointed Mr. Stanton Secretary of War on the 11th of January 1862, In place of Cameron resigned. Up to the. time Mr. Stan ton went into' Mr. Buchanan's Cabi net he had been a Democrat; but his position in that body gave him such an insight into the character of some of the leaders of that party, that he finally became a thorough-going war Democrat—pruetically a'Republican. It Is not known what Induced Mr, Lincoln to appoißt Mr. Stanton; but it is not doubted he appreciated his worth. It Is intimated there was an uneasiness ut Washington In regard to the movements of (lon, M'Clellan, and that he was led to. believe that Stanton would sanction 'them if at the hedd of the War Office. Certain is it that Stanton was his choice. But M'Clellau's expedations were disap pointed; for, no sooner had Mr. Stan ton entered upon his duties than he "began that wonderful career 'as a War Minister that has raised his name to the highest range among American statesmen." We endorse the following from the Philadelphia North Amerkais: " No man can pay too much honer to Minium for the work lie did during the four years of the war. lie telt that the mighty burden was rusting upon him, and success spurred him to greater exertions. His mind accused sleepless, and regarding his grand Queer now us is whole down to the return of peace, we can conscientious• iy say that, not Carnot, in all the grin. deur of his French campaigns, could he regarded us n greater war Minister than* he. In coining time his name will he re• euriled pride taut of the must illustrious our country has produced. r About tile subsequent events of 3:r. Stanton's life—his struggle with Johnson to prevent that renegade from using the War Department to thwart the colorer. meet id the:reconstruction Acts of Cun• grew--we have not space now to speak, ; and the occurrenctsi arc so recent as hart• ly to noel recapitulation. 'flume prolong ed excitement* produced their dewily ea , Met upon the censtitutton of Sir. Stanton, end he died from wage-Atoll or the heart, at three o'clock on I , riday morning 24th ult.; at hie residence in Washington, aged 54 yaws, having been born in December MIS. Ile had been appointed one of thu J outlet% or the Supreme Court: watt .Con. timed promptly by the Senate Without the - usual ceremony of referencr, and by an tuverwhelming vole, nod would have made an admirable J udge load lie lived to assume the honors of the lowitium ~ It wuuld have been difficult for him to bare Oiled to the lustre, of imbue so Unlink% and his record clusee whit titling coin. pletcnesa.7 On the aunounagueut. of Mr. Stan tales death,. the President ordered the various State Departments to be dos. ed in token of respect, mid minute guns to be , tired at all military posts &talon all vaiselsof the navy as soon as they received the official order. The Ararat of Mr. Stanton took . p Wear Menday 27th tilt., at his late residence In • Washington. and was largely attended. Thu servicea:were those Of :the ' Protestant Episcopal ChUreh, 'and perforined by AO. Dr. Starkle. The President. , Vke Presi dent, Members.of• the Cabinet, *Sen. atom and Representritlverrentaining In the city, Diplomatic corps, City Council. members of the Dar and oth er citizens were In attendance. Only a few intimate' friends of the EsmilY . W (aft 'l:Daytime(' to See the face etthe deceased previeeo to closing the Outfit' in the chamber where Mr.litrintort died. ' Ile Wes burried at Oak Ridge Cemetery, D. C. irgovsr mr-thefiwet . 410fliittlia**, realm* to Itsohinia folifistheicomiretaii iirt , lOtti • theintrt!and Press. It, Cpitipaitisl haethir4emaitis ,be ow loth° City pill 214104 in state so longlit-they.remaln in Port- Lind ,the City Hall tobeakiropriately &goad In mourning . during the time it procession will esc ort the remains thestaticin tat the ileptature &him, l 4 whichill the city_ societies tal Invited tojoitt. As soon Rothe litoliaisth: l #.alinaled a. telegralP .101sItatilied tha Trustees;. and a enall*aatittwentylloia froukiiitleto tutitaimoimdlng; townitAtiliproaepii. to pi , ithiltd. A milltary,olird hal* "wilOtecoMisusi the; r e Hain front Porthina'to.fialew.. _.• „ . - Tamtitmie severaled Repub... lbws papers In ails Eltatewhose•edit- 5 or are bully engage:4,l in, deilbadini( itlieTriCasirY Mid tlie.reciclee, expenditarea 0141144ot•Legislature. '%Vethave been •looking out for some , time past for the resiaditii undeti'ying stOge condutt On thelr~art, and •fortnoately yre 'havil:lo4% the discovery that La .•neirly ei/pry.'lo - these ."detbnOtiks" have suite' recently been "sticitin'g at the pubile teat" themselves, and some of then' to an extent that is frightful to con template. • No: wonder, • then, that they are so Industriouily,engid sit the present time tending .11ePtiblican" papers out Ofihe party, whoseeditors are exposinithese annual raids,upon the peopie's monoy., They witall;Ltai ”ungnitfjul***h_ io o ,Jesi.tgan they are doinght ot'tbe Plod derera • whose cause they have ea winged , • As will'e seen elsewhere in the .li.a6Us; an informal causes of a ,por tion.of the ItepnblicEux members or the House; Was held on last Satur day, at Harrisburg. Forty-one members were present. The Repub litskti strength of the . House is sixty. Hon. B. B. Strang:of Tioga was the choice of the caucus for speaker, and the conclusion arrived at that 84 Offi cers for the House was amplysutfl-. cleat for the present session. Lest winter thitre were more than double that nuxulihr emploYect. . • 'l h he nomination of ,Stmng Speakership has no bearing • whikklev er on the State Treasury question, es that gentleman stands entirely _Chair Of the titlaiury imbroglio., We believe hith to ,he personally a warm . , friend of Gen. Irwin but whether he will take a hand in the Irwin-Mackey 'contest remains to be seen:/4 TREA,WEEIt SPINNER hi Out hr letter defending the ,National pow from some, hostile criticisms: Ae. scouts the idea' that they ;lie fatted as monopolists, and snydlhat . they are at all times In the' control of the Secretary of the Treasury un der the,;laws already enacted. Ile says the monopy the , cinetrY is to 'fear is that"cir ralrodd on whichrhe iseomewhatseVere. In the course of his letter he declares against expansion in airy form, 'and ausya must get back to hard mon ey by careful. proc&Ses, and. warns his correspondent to beware of the influence of railroad companies. • . ...soF MoNissten•:this thera . kenis . to be : among :Cbmmereial Men, and the business community of all our aties, East; Sind it is begining to be seriously. .felt , all 'Mier' the country. The given preducing districts of the: \Vest and North West, are coiling loudly on Congress for an increase of the currency. The Washington cor-. respondent of the Philadephia Press, of last week, says from every section of the country complaints are receiv ed of the scarcity of money, and there is protrahly no part of it more seriously affected by the cause of these complaints than this city. The hanks have refused to discount and the money. shavers are thriving ,ani re turns of ten per cent.. A month from , their investments. It is esti mated that two and a half: millions of dollars of Washington real estate mortgagt.s will mature on the first of January, not one-half of which will be paid. , The same ratio may be ap plied to the Coins:to/vial paper of our merchants, nsich of which has been. kept active foo months back for the 'payment of interest in expectation of relief, but which will' go to protest, with the opening of the new year. : It is coal:Wed that this mulitiOn 'of affairs can only be relieved by the en largement of the volume of currency in the country, and It is expected that Congress will take up this' sub ject immediately alter it reassembles, A careful canvass of both Houses on the subject warrants the' prediction that a matority of them are favor of it, and are ready to addresis them ochres to its solution without further delay. EARTHQUAKE. A dispatch from San Francisco, 'da ted Dee. 27th, says : • The heaviest earthquake ever experienced in East ern California. and Nevada occurred about six o'clock last 'evening. It T. was felt.with more or le*; severlp in Sacratmeuta, Grass 'Vrtiley,NeVada, lowa Hill, Stockton, ,Chico; Truckee and_other neighboring towns. At Virginia City, and Nevada, fire wans were thrown 'down. door bells rung and clocks: vtopped ; dogs : howled; horses snorted andthere was general consternation. The shock was felt severely In: the lower lecitil'o4bo mines. VibratiorissOuth, loath* ten seconds. At Reno the shock was preceded by a low rumbling noise and laded near ly two minutes, alarming the !Muth- The express train bound west was detained about an hour between Wadsworth and Reno by large rocky and earth Memnon the truck by-the earthquake. Another dispatch states the earth. quake was felt throughout Western Nevada, and the shock continued:ail night at Virginia City. .The down train on the Carson - road was thrown from the truck:: : : .• - irmoo RAM dated' aan:-Ist, front rengtikeepsie, Y.,, says n terlible tragedy; nortirrod 'at Sleeo ,Hollow, near Tarytown. Zaxthatdey. &man named Wainekhout shbt his wife, 'Alfred Banda!' andson:-:.Mrsalnek hout was . hot through' the temple, Alfred Randall througlthe. heart, and Charles jtandall in the side, The two former are deudotad the latter is in a dangerous Witlon..7'TittActiont VWe hionelf,,uvloa!nedlitelyi,and and , rteslodgeliin.julli Theatose.of the tragedy; is ttahltnoWn.• 7Sorne as cribe lt tojeshaitil;iitt'sertito histuiitYr. .".7.4 -- f.','.:;'::.f... - :1.,,.. - ,'_: .- • . . , :',..74'..4 . , .:-....: ; •.,-.•:•-:i•:,...:, • ,•-.•:• ~„_..-t , , , ., ---:-. - .....4.4: , .:-Y,, :-,iit:,l;"4-4:•-•: lEMI= TUE '' , 1411/ALY .00,1111111E11:411 /111. LIBEL' SUIT. zr ~ .'"r - • '_ • ' _ J.C7 kuMnueh as •mfrl derable in • ~6 ; niippars to be manifested by* in the pending libel cam • • Quay . and: the Editor and Pabilidnlt cl The Ritteburgh'OA 6 eivilq, 5 1 5-1 ; in this enunty, littera:Abe p,1:90- ecuterresideNiOentdia oarmillAW —to some extent this weak ~(IIj matter miinent to that case. - 441 , 44.!•' • is*, , U ll ,t "' • • haabeen; an . hitereatink ROW :ift, qui city during the isistfour orAareasYlt , and . the Interest' has twen greatly_ heightened by-the ,prstate, y ,wlvness , of the ok.. mond kW! 1 tlect to mane hil4e,beenoryellitit. tio moment.:.rubllellnectAtrect polite tale ; e.WOuI4-.M41011,_ _rather than thejskeletint ix(^ , **dld Oar- • einmA betterbmileate Atte eourseof the: prosecasic.itiAitheli 'duct of this li bel osat‘er,Mustrato, the remarkable reticence siri CM, QM', than Joy quoting, in piathioN:frona the pt eceeditigs before the trlllifiOnde . at thkprimaryextunlostien; preratt log that theiAjO l of. the dqemiant's counsella proputhe • stories - be didl4M,Q,.tts; y woo. to es tablish the factor. hotcrouch he was tworth in the Current coin of the rmlm when he ,wastlrat'eleeted ttillio*Leg islature;,howniech hie term as legislittor i tual the sum of ~bis Presentlligmeni. resour ces. *Those tveremerjr~e.profx) sitlons, it .wllt , bUtlhey got° the . , liaski;• the very:, tier* and soul of the ' quote -from ht p to Wei ctoss-eiMmina ,thi* of An:ponyouiPtavliSietiPecdal attention to the maguitleentflrgtopes th t fentien** . **sed to answer • most Of.ithiAMool/.9, as aswell this, fiieti..divniffstin some .of those he tliftespand4o:- • vettQue g" at T iold ll4in you sorts: y li mer r- the Beam Iledicat, before the enneereem al tire M imed libel Istbiredimilemrcial.rtern: eroin4d, Rad cbarge Mr. Brighim vritb corruption; Chid be bed received money of the cOnnittion had Col. Quay doelliniiis to anottior the question. .; . . oyettivi-:vir. (aro had presto*? stated that he been In the Lenttlature three sesslonsi—l wish you to state 'you please, what tinaitit of MOI/Cy you were worth in ltaLii before you went into the Legislature? ObjeCtbd to on behalf of Cul. Quny. Yr. Hampton-1 propose tool[. Colonel Quay this question for the purpose, as already stated, of getting at this building: that to, ascertain wheth er there was any money used corruptly In !tor out. We cannot, get at the matter In any other Colonel Qiiny, I;3lfelines to answer the question.' -:.'-', .. as t attmad ok4son—w lathe eon tritei prim or the band ing you are • la Berms' Answer— dollars. Quation-L 'Meek yokr newspapm (the Baser R Nat our"y • . Ansum , ....p VAS or 111,600. , bp— ypdsaplialowledue,dlrectly or to tremo r a pared of i money being by a party of EV:Mewed eir Philadelphia to promote the election ,of. Governo: Curtain as .I.Te Iced States VW and yourself 'as Speaker it the session of ' tkil •"" . onelQuaydeellneittiansWer the* Atteelleit-zdt lied le this* cc.. ek;e:thle pester in Net did SetyCluda Sit cixko tes deed btrottemwsdeet is tooter; or stales OM. .. . in the Awake of augattenutu as aka? ' ..61.7itiet cilikoiditi63 tbanswerthe , qnest on. . (14eiften=-State whether daring the seasion of the Lanishtture of 1967, while you were • Member, you tartlet* any money, some, bonds, or other valuable oration. other than Jour pay as ,memht-r4 ay poyree whatever I ', . "Colon • declined' to answer the Am:slim'. • *,,,_ 8,:5; te orlon—Stele wtteer, In the latter put of 1 . -you did not ano 'th ogl aeounted e lit cep! (A)10E1013, . : aoelinee to answer theAufour-! •• .. , T . - -..-,,•- ,• : - - Ic iti, '-‘10460*-; l Nd I 911.11, three weeks after ut .F 1 1 Seua l tmula 4 take up pat note iff'% .' '-, '-','•-:'''-'-'-' '''''' - ' „ ,', , a 'Quiw. da, . . -to nNtiyer i I,ltt , . “tion." - _' - 7.,-:4 1--4 .,, r '.' . - --; -- .) ...(r4stion-Prtf;r to iolb4 : the t.: "." . e- - -:-'*.•-,`.""' --- ;" '..'", r- :., '—`' -,.•• ' .' ''',F_O - 47'...,.,. so _ .the .. :.''' r , - • • . '::',: .. 1 . *.riti.' ilatipton:Bl;ife whether' dertiellia ' time you were a member of tbe.Legistatultrut" became the owner of fila,MU or, worth of Meek of the Untun Ind . .way C y of Mlle delphiar Mr. Marshall asked the Object of the question. Mr. Itampton said the object was to shoW that the money went toward the bonding In the town of nearer. : . Colonel Quay declines to answer the question. • ' Question—State whether while you wero a mem ber or 'the Lraieloture you beastly" OWlllir of way.bouda to Oaf amount of Ste,Otte. or upward'? Colonel QUay devlirins to answer the question. . . Quertion--titaro 'greater you hare not purchased property In Plinadislphts, to Wu amount or $16,010 to $18,? ' " Colonel Quay declines to answer the question. Question—From the time pod went Into the Leg. latatutti until you lea It had you accinnatiLsted guy Mania Colonel .Quay declines to answer Ulu question. • • Oise:Loa— Col. quayl how mutilate yogi worth tads,? • Stunt er—.Kni worth 13t45G3 1 el C ittelve of illy personal gesatios.--btate whether with's' the lest two year* you hare met with any loans? Ansterr —I have not, of any consequenee. (psestion.—Dad you propose, last fall, to Mr. A. P. 'rotten, Supervisor of Internal Revenue, la Philadelpilia,Atist If he weald not Gehl two or thrte distilleries la Philadelphia, PR , could be by the operation? • Colonel Quay decline to Answer thenutstion. . • • Question—Wow you prevent at any time when . an offer tray mallow ..Ur. 'lotto; thaf if ha com plied with the p•opJaitlon made to the foregoing nneetion be would be banded an envelope ton. milting PLOW every Saturday erealag for-some weeke . . Colonel Quay dualities to ausw•er the qiiesllou. - •• jorkorer follow your prureasion a. an an .-.ltortoty Anstrrr—No, Questiox.-AVlwu you made the Information a;aluat the deutlemeu of the Unomereial you did it tat the parpore at having the truth brougtiroht? Auswer-1. was excited and did 11. harms pur poee'of having the truth brought out, . • . . And so on. We cite these ques tions to show how anxious Col. Quay was to have "thetruth brought out!" If there Is °nothing about the gentle man more to headmired than anoth er it Is his Lander: Of course we have nothing to say as to the pleasing little interlude between "the two uouusel for the Commonwealth" and Colonel M. H. Quay, in which • the latter protested be was solicitous to answer . some of these gumboils, only "the counsel for the Common wealth" wouldn't let him Cnhap. PY Quay I• to he " whined.. mibbed, manned" by such lullexibly obdurate "caunsid for ithe Commonwealth. " .Blmsrs. Marshall and tiwartzwelder are gentlemen of distinguished abili ty, kind hearts agd courteous. and we out only regret that—as "the Counsel for the Commonwealth" remember—they should deem it their duty to the pimple of Pennsylvania to repress disclosures with which Colt Quay is fairly bursting.. . WuEs Mr-Quay was asked wheth er or net he owned ton :or twelve thousand doily of the stock •of the Union - Thi:w4ger Railway Company of the city of Vhiladelphia, under the arrangement running through theox =Minion, he didn't answer, and We public was thereby denied n :knowl txlge of the truth .from Min, In addi tion to the. inevitable presumption, arising from this refusal, welled the following under the heading of stet— istios of the several railways of that: city in the Phdadhlphia Press of tiaturdity • ;.; vicuix ctottealit Thessuter—W. H. Kembie , ' • ; Directors—Jacob X' itidgway. • •Charica Weigh It. W.' tlibbo, W. 8 Kembith X. 13: quay. Thie rued, with the exception of the itecond and Third emit., is the longhwt in the eity. and one of the next prove -toes.. The' menu report fur IWO diger* but allphtly from that of UM. • 'Capital Mach, 01,000,000 • Amount et stock: Moo lbed, • • analpUtt Length or Cu Number of Cu hone., gotta and gables —Neither trf depoti4lll.. ;!: ; . • linabarofliatteion peetengsr taws, W... : Number 'deemed Ow teletientee Faith It. Numberotemployees, all,• • • . Vac receipts last rear imamrted to $1201141. ler this year they .shl be about WOAD prestch— The uumberht:puhatagers curried la Jaen bus Jt alum. ; l It would - appear from the;Abike that Mr. Quayle not only a ,Dlret tor, ;04 of &mese owner of stock In Itiat - ToinipitnY; - but that ate stock *eft " be , ..)/ prinductlve. F' if els ;., ' f,hiliWbfileL liiiialiiii ' 4 "iior .Pturptee atbripging out thetruthlt • ti t* troth; wtt uothtbg but the 'rittlf— i c i eetionti : b eiring : On'"lat , ' ( Im es whit oattorui whikille lrie amesnber of Wliegisktureittid. , 4dateftn• thOpealterehip;eeeelon are ' ist 'ordierVe. :,nupOet bftleuve to motk Mtn arfetv Al _ tlO.gulgttoes,Atot ortaltied., thit . prommps 7 ;rrlettivitt, , tklitch,leituay entire. : ttirelikPlP ~, ennugoCtbe, .*- ! 44.11welow&tviiiiiee . :. ii_ciiiiiiiii. iw.: 11666166., Itf. „.. peoloa 6f melt atlas sal I _ a dmit / 00 ad/ the Illmr asember• from Lai -1 4.7 4 r amill fO 11441:61b* to seeturfAi7 _ Mk Mesa this adl epos fyos pad Veal* rola tavielfb salaam; Ana did 7' ml an the 16acirter semben, about load a Pamanlif taa_cascia: and enotaTor to not as r• gm ad 6,ft , ts la , tfairait,• . aad ...:._._ aultro• Wm. ,pi rail bad alrNO seated - We were going to ask aralther gees. that in retard to an Interesting firm claloperstion Ninth street, Phila. delpitiaptbout , the Win time, but as Ur. glair is a tittle , siew aboutanl Hwerintc'wevill not poen anything more tipewhim at this tline.,z-.Father DZIKI4IIIIIIII .4111VVE1113. • IA • g fact on noted the,po at this end gfine Otate,and also of A gOOd 1111M tit* Harrisburgh and Philadelphia that Colonel WAY avadflu• from be ing' linsurially -independent. Not to put too fine a point on It, ,he was generally considered as being In such a state ofimpeotmlarsity require an office tbr his suppert. , He work ed' tbr threeyears haan official post= tbn, s# on an InsignifteanteakeY. oefe u t i rte ttade puhUCal d- onV el a n gu l t . papeepetoriously at a pecuniary loss.-Irerbe noWt turns up as thol °Where! it house and lot in Beaver, worthlt3 l ooo or $4,000, confessies he is putting up a business house on an other lotearsdnat at sl3,ooo—"the on- , lytargp tatildhurin the borough.ex .l the Methodist Church"—and swears he is worth $10,685 "exclusive' of his personal - effects," which may include old boots •or railroad bonds, as you please.. All efforts to get in formation' as to how this $16,685, "exclusive or .personal effects" and "the obly large building In Beaver save the Methodist Church," were realized It will be noticed in reading the testimony at the hearingsignally failed. Mr QUAY'S counsel would Dot, let Mr. .tell. He' was anxious, but his .counsel—or - we should rarY, "the Commonwealth"— Luait the searofidience - ombls lips: Mr y was, eager to imbaSous himself. counsel said "stop," and the un tounate-Nr. Qtra resigned himself' he embargo On y his tongue. . Now the public' understand all this legal gammon. 'They will reason this way: It was no dishonor to Mr. Quaylto have been a poor man when he en tered the Legislature. Daniel Web der used ,to boast he borrowed money to 'get to Washington when first cho sen to COl:item. It was no dishonor to Mr. Qtray to have made 00.000 1 during his legislative career, provid ed he nude it honestly. It is to his credit - Now that he is a gentlentan of independent menns,always provided, the Independence' waelislrly achiev-, ed. /kr t oWiltifie filets being conceded, why. shbuld:/ir._ Isto refuse to take • ' --Aleon4PgeneY ho has t. • - • and '= issue 44"1" fully eta g the el 11 erttettßaa • Weeki of hisSuanclal operations? k Jen° discredit to bepuol, . then _pros perous and then rich. Most men are only too glad to narrate their success in life. lt• is something to boast of. Vet' Mr. Quay is significantly reti cent. He will not state how much he was worth'when he 'first went to Harrisburg!' in an official capacity; ho shrugs his shoulders and closes his lips when questions are put to him which Imply certain money making transactions on hislairt •, and all that could be extracted from him was that• he is worth $16,685, exclusive of per tional easels! But how—when--where? "Aye, there's the rub."—Pitt. Chin, Public OPlnton T •What the Peo- pie Think. ' Extract from a letter from a lead- ing Republican in Mercer county: Your - ilprlght, honest. and noble stand, taken aguinst , the corruption lstsaf our party will be sustained by the people. Mr. Quay has found that lt were better had he never been born than to have undertaken n suit nut only against you but all honest people.' A private note from one whose nittne in this community is identified with its highest end best intersts, both of n social find .' kind, contains the. following •emphatie lines. "Rientitiel as I have been with, the Republican; party from its very begining, ; speaking ' earnestly and boldly from the platform, the stump and, to is extent, through the public premln the two Lincoln CfUll palgnAn4aaore recently for Gener al Gmitt,und ever chershing the great principles on which that party' is 'based, I feel that I cub only main tain my allegiance to these' principles ainl these Men by giving my, fullest nathy to every effort towards shing out political speculators un masking political corruption whore ever found inside the finely or not. Your time and influence (=not be bettor devoted than in three heroic resolves hi defeat the infamous out rages against public honesty that no threaten mat flarrisburg. Tho pol iticians will be openly or secretly against—yistrktt-r , the people nre with you, and the rank and tile of the Republicati party will yet in dorse,in no-half hearted way,• the honest policy you aremow contend ing for, isokplendid an illustration of which - Grant Is now giving us on a Yrand scalh at the sea t of Government our policy IS his. • *; ;.* . 5 ~ 5 My voiceony'lmnd and my influ ence are at year girls* in this noble fight.'!' 11 ' . Qv; Ay, Of the Beaver Radical, who recently commenced a. libel suit against the Pittsburgh Oneuircia/ for stating that he belonged toe cor rupt ring, was tompletely driven to the wall in the 'first healing of the ease In Pittsburgh, last week. Quay to be anxious to have all' rie ltre lrietel• laid before the public, but on the stand refused to. answer any qUestiortmlculated to bring nut the 4 facta...-11'ashington Examiner. qttIYNELVF MACKBY Ys DEVEAT kW—VAS Is Mr. Quay's mutt earn est. plea in behalf ef hie. friend . Mack ey, ~the Ring , v ier State Treastirer. • He Implores the'votes of such . rnenlbers pa's_tO he nursOnakfrietids onthe , ground , that tt Mp:ckef Should be defeated he (.Quay) will, be ruined ! haver no doubt" he is' sincere in this declara tion. ; The members of the Ring are not in a condition to endure defeat, And this hilly •explakt.4 the deSperate character. of theirelectioneering devi ces. • Illtbletrey is 'defited the unes cided- balance ninst' bei accoUtited • Kw; 0134 thettlere aftroitilses to pas" - of Weil ilelltielans will not' pass, cur? 'cent abt he•Tteasury -then -any , morer than. 'they dki tweyeuittago; No won der theb, thit:puny and his tolled- Pet Bee f!rulti ;gating thew In the :alcet—Ladeiictaler Wapres4 -;-Aboa - *tit lithhesi ' *Ow 11311 at Loalaviiktcat'ElatatilaSor _ ~ ' -PentLeglslatum • •,, Kuutuntridas.l‘l B 7 o . • n bkforibil aincrus of Republican membeta of the;Ronkiwai held yes ioani,o24noili,selliree.ofelock, at the State Capitol Hotel., Forty one werePreseht, Mr. Arries, of CrawfOrd I'4.44lloo3lKpunn;, of Phila delphia, serving as Secretary. Mr. StrlrneeffTlega, - was Intiratinowar chosen as.•themiridirlite for Speaker. As morethan twoltinia ,of the Re publlcert strength of Ilia ffisisSiwas RE'rPFilto ;:P4-;.013 caucus Mr; Strang's nOmination. electioii aro as A committee of seven, Adair, of Philadelphia; as chairman, -vim" OPPoiiited to make 'up a list of ;1 & • • to ) be nominated at the caucus to iiiirow evening.. The meetitigunsudmously resolved' reclticrOlue number of officere:, of the House to thirty-four. i ; Mr. Selfridge's election as the 'Rouse Chief Clerk is regarded as car „ The excitement bitter, and birth candidates . are. Jnifklent. This evedlfit, an 'effort. to WM'S cau cus for Treasurer:ln, advance! if the regular time was not.suec!essfill, and is likely i to proves failure. The Cloven:tor luis not yet consent ed to sebd his : message to thernews paper pr ess in advance, owing partly to a di)iibt whether the Senate will orgunhiii for Its reception by %Widnes .Atudltheetibtiesephietpars • • r iban last year. - • ZlTTB , llUllall, Jan. 1, 1870. lllr:non:. Having been' from borne n few days, not long since, I was grelatly surprised on my return, to find that:nforrner letter of mine to the Aitaus had been the.innocent cause of laWsuits, threats of murder, and di4ers other dreadful things. One thesOsuittheone brought against the Cdpinserdisl of our city—lots al ready- kiven your 'neighbor' the - Radieifl an odor which but few men w ./ 111 envy At the hearing of the easeltiopen Court, it is expected that •rieher developpnents will be Made than thosealready given to the public! So, let the suit end as it may, 9uay I will come out the worst used up 'man-politically. speaking in Pers.ania. His reputatien was ,bad enough before; it will be a thou sand told worse hereafter. Our people are now turning their eyes toward Harrisburg, and will watch the People's Representatives during the approaching session, with more;than . Usual interest. It is to be hOped thar the present Leghtlattire' will bean ImproveMent on the last, but I confess to some fears. Still, I will not murmur till I see Somethino• " to cconPlaln about. AS write 4N3 'On the Saturday before the Legisia taremonth; and consequently before that I body",effeets aeorganization, I cannot my - who.the Speaker of thii Houle will be. Were I going to guess, though, I would say gtmng. Mack eys. friends, a few days ago, claimed that if Strang was made Speaker, he (Mackey) wouldbe made Treasurer. Subsequently, they discovered that Strang wa.s'es much an Irwin man as a Mickey mat ; therefore, they con-, 'dulled drat Strang's success' bad no politioalOgrillieance er so far as t4ii • .. P or tbe opinion although!trung het/liv ed *tdlyAnsbme respects last winter, he Is just as anxous now to have the Trensnry ring" smashed, and the p 0 tjptl - *, 6 DickTurplris" kicked out of theState•Capitni, as any man in. thelCommonweilth. - ghat this. BusineS3 here has been-quite dead for. r a couple of Weeks past,and money is exceedingly tight., After the holi days are well over, we ail confidently exiect to be " up and doing" again. 'l'he death of Secretary Stanton was keenly lamented in this; city, where he rcaided for many years. lie mar ried his. second wife here, and his family looked upon Pittsburgh us their "old home." Our Courts took Ba , table action owhis death, and quite a number of appropriate addr, , ssia were delivered by members of our Bin., in commemoration 'of the life Ai atql virtues of the illustrious dcad.— Beeretary Stanton was, indeed, a great ;min ; and the nation, 'in his death, stained a very heavy loss. 1 have he rd it stated that his wife and chil d+i would probably make Pitts burgh their future home; but this is not likely, us, at Mrs. Stanton's re her httsbaud's' renfainS were b rried near Georgetown,. D. C. This weuld indicate that Washington or Gilorgetown is to be the residence of Mr. Stanton's family in the future. Mare anon. Mosrs. Agriculture Report. Ale report of the Department of Agriculture for the current month • wtil contain a detailed review of the crop s for the 'not season. Asto corn, the only States reporting an increase of l quitutity are,l%tainesola,.Alissititrl, r/urida,' Nebrasilta„ iianstat, Texas aid CaliforMa. Louisiana and lowa gibe nearly an average. The princi pal corn growing section of the West wplaveragea reduction of fully two'. ti per cent. In yield per acre. With ell the increase of farmers to produce mid popuhttion to mistime, and with IniTietual enlargement pf the arm un der cull' • don, it is certain there is aetuallyT corn produced this year than In 1868. lThe cotton crop is a little more than ten per cent. above the.yicld of IsGs, or ab0ut2,700,000 commercial bales, o r fully three millions of bales of lOU pounds each.. The potato crop is very large. The greatest increase is resiwetively in Kansas, Nebraska, Illinois, lowa and Missouri.- All the easte rn v States, New York, New Jersey and Penn sylvania, and all western, except Minutuota, have advanced in pro ,ductlbn.>t ti'the SouthetrkStativ, ex• cepting only Florida, Louisiana and Texas, have reduced their aggrelptte: The sweet potato crop is somewhat less than an average. Tobacco—The latest returns indi cate a reduction of one-third In \pr. Kentucky, and Maryland, one-sixth in Kentucky, sixteen per cent: in Mich igan, with at slight decrease in India wand Illinois. Massachusetts, West Virginia, Michigan, 'Wisconsin, and the .States west. of Mississippi have eniarg,ed their production. A fair Summary of returns Would seem to indicate au aggregate reduction of about twenty per cent. - [ The apple flop, was more limn an average one in the west, with theex eeptitm of Ohio, _where a reduction of twenty pert:ends indicated. Maine, Massachusetts and - Rhode - Island made but half a crop, New Hamp shire and Connecticut three-quarters, enjoyed ;nearly an average yield;, New York and Penn sylvania suffered fully one-tenth re duction. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia produced Crops from full to large, and the re-' Omitting. southern States report gen orally small yield:' Calhoun °minty, Michigan, 100,000, bushels, one-third the crop were frozen: In Athena county, Ohko, many thew.' ands of bushek werefrozen on trees. Similar statethents, come ft3om all portions of the west.—Cbr. • Gaz. A I:ErrEttfro*New York repoita ono of the : members; of the ;illegal • Vigilance Committees as Mylng: "Our men are well and carefully se lected, and whit is more, the) , are well paid." The letter addit "As for the effect upon the public, I think there will .1,0 general rejelclng when the Citizens wake, up some morning and find thil'Munp' pods ' and telegraph poleauderned _with the heads of some of the popular idols and other exlml- —At Wheeling, W. Va., Thursday Oemoonf a young woman ,named who hadlkeh 'eeI:WAXY a man named McNash, visited his boarding house and calling hirn'out, demanded.the fulfilment of his mar riage promise. Upon his refusal, she drew a revolver and shot him through the bowels. She then surrendered herself to the authorities. ideNash will not recover. lie was to have been married to another lady in a few daysi -The Mityland Legislature con vened at Annapolis on Monday,. _ —Dtspatihea from Phllndelphla, llnffal,o Wilmington N. C. and other points , report Now Year's well celebrated. • .Hein "Advertisements. TitAM Bintker.—Came to Itto premises of the subscriber, In Stuunn, borough of Bridge water. on or about nu first of June, INS. a blurt bettor, about two yam old. The owner-is request ed to come forwent, prose proper)r. pa charges arid tako tier away. lira. UniftliTlA N. janb-tw - FENICIPIL 11•Isiciese Shand and Dwelling, at gs,cm—worth P.M. A three story brick Dwelling and Store room., militated In Bridge Street. Bridgewater. Pa. The dwelling c. , ntains eight mums and • kitchen. Lot infect front by 150 feet deep, inwhlctt is • bake oven and wult.lsonse., itlll l / 1 4 e hour. stable, lee home, cls. tern. The more Is IS by 35 feet, with fixture. all complete —DOW The le< p i ro s p l e a rtf will oryvithout ibe munch of goods. SaUefactorr e win with ons given for For Sinker Information apply to Meno. Croft & Phillip.. 139 Fourth Ave. Share. sue. Pittsburgh. uron the premise. , A.B. lIARVEY. latts:lnt Bridgewater, Pa. Lima! and Radical , copy. THE SUEZ CANAL! WHILE the World 13inore or less ex ercised over the opening of the Snez Canal, the Public, in Beaver and vi cinity, should not lose sight (tithe fact that S. SN.ITGER & Co. At their old stand ,la-Beaver, Pa., aro still furnishing to 'their customers everything called for in their Hue. They always keep a full assortment of GROCERIES Flour, Feed, threes, Teas, Sugars, Spices, Tobacco mid. Cigars; And all other articles usually found Ina First Chita GROCERY STORE. From their tongand ultimate acquaint ance with the- Grocery, Flour and Feed business, and their disposition to render satisfaction to those who may favqr them widt their patronage, they hope iir the fu ture, as in the past, to obtain a liberal - share of the public patronage. • Give us a Call and seeif w . e. do not make it•ui your in tercet to call again. S. s:saTGEit & ( 70 CM To The, Public. rpliE Undersigned takes pleasure in in. _l:funning the public that, indwitlistand• log the "dullness a the time.," he hvi, ati usual, a lull supply of all articles minnow.. ed wttb the • Grocery Business. assure nittut of • , ;11,45i raware, Embracing everything usually called for In a•cnnntry store: . , Large Stock of the Rest nEars. Coffees, Teas, Syrups, &c., &c.; wkielt are Iresli. +ma like nnirket. Thr• I,t,t 1 r.unH (A . 4 10) 7FE— bt• +110:011,1 ni In 11111.1 at a. prio , I. :.atI;:r.L.LI. COl'ill110: I I et•o:i ham!, and !old in me quanitly. 111 A a,kor:inent ( hiTiS Ltem'ahly with any stock in the enmity.. In .hort, Lt ainei in kuop FIRST CLASS GROCERY STORE, And no pain: ntir i•llort+ ou lii. part aill to itiake it such • Raving, been in the Grocery Ilmines4 fora number of yent , , and hemming Et- initiar ttith it in all of 11, brancheA, ho feel, confident that he 'trill be able To Please his Patrons. Remember the Shinil Stowarts' Block, [triage Street,Bridgewater A. S. II ARVEV.„- . jansAsiithty HINKLEY .KNITTING MACHINES, h$ 0.00. The most perfect to:whine yet Invented. Wilt widen aad narrow, tarn :t heelor point the toe. It will kult plain or ribbed. It will knit stock ings. 4rovelo, chins, ac., 3:c IL la cheap, Omni.. and itnrahle.,./t nets np own work; 11-e• lint one needle. hull require. no w hatever. It will do the some work thst the Lamb machine will Alo and costs len Grin bairn lunch and ha• nht the tenth part or tilo machlco , rl In get out or order Ci 11111.114 suit munple4 ri*o ink Ag . ente wanted. All machine.. go's. gieed. STRAW 6: MORT(►Y I= No. Xt Sixth Aixota, Pit4yl!orgh 19 MEDI . P"I_ACDTT3Et• liu~ her & Ik•st, iitaile at 1:15;i1,111. Ohio, now raking the CZ S. J. Cross & -Co., ROCTIESTT:II, it M 114111401 for 531 v, t% Ir k dr. and at Lower Figures thaiilny other Flour of the - sall. I"4"l:Lalrier"E" sold in the eounty WE NEW GOODS! Fall and Winter Wt:nr I HAVE JUST RECF:IVF.II A NEW .STOCIC OF GOODS OF iHI • L'a , T EST, ETYLES FOR FALL JRL WINTER IVEAR Gentlemen's Forni■hink Good CONSTANTLY 0:Y HAND CLOTHING MAO R . TO °fir)Eh . . Wet awl ino,* tuadoluthu t tyba. and notice WILLIAM REICIL Jr. =MUM aItIDOSWATIM ft. UM "Misaettat eOW . CASH OR TRADE At market prior fur EEO 2000 BUSHELS OF OATS, • 1060 istre4it.„7.t4 RYE iOoo'brigitELs or CORA JAMES DUNCAN, Valbiton. 'Heaver CO., PSI. Who has JUL‘ received one of the Ltrge• and most coinplet . e4doek.... ever hr ,ught to Beaver county, conmsting of FOREIGN AND DomEsTic DRY - GOODS Ilats,Caps&Furs, i:%511M0111: 1 _3 z) ci_iorri-liwo-, Carpets and. ' Oil Cloths, Ha.L•cl - vVare, QUENSNVA.RE, GR OCLRILS, &•U_ Barml I , l3nnels - 25 rte. aT,d vpn•ard, 4;,,,.1 J ua n, 2t) and tiplynni Tartan Plaid Alpam;:;:i cts.and upward, Plain Ali.-s, 311 el 4. :11111 11i1W1111! Pli/NTS6I AND 1_•'1 CENTS 3111:4111, Wets. anti upward /)01r.C5t IC C; illg11:11114 y!,1.:11!Id upward nos 1$ am rrou,kccok Its deleterious eireet: on the Ite.dth are annulled and strength to the sutrering or gan., re,tored using LANGE'S PLUGS beirig a pleasant and powerful tonic in the hhape of navy tobacco. nut one.' March tith, Jr your drugl.,l4 has not got it send 75 cents to no and us e will send 5 pliqrs to any addre:o., postpaid. I.AN(4E.,t'SON Con Tlklrtvolth •lmcts PITTBBUIZGH, .P.I no% 10.::111 MEYRAN &, SIEDLE, Et= REINEMAN. MEYRAN & SIEDLE; No. -V.:, Fifth Avenue, Pat I luxe juHt opened especially for the cola iuq In.lidays an uutt.uully I.lrge and vie Font , tack of FINE .1 1.1 WELR 'iv , DIANIONDs SILVER AND PLATED WARE Fine Table,Cntlery, French l'lwks. 7e4, lhoxe.", Nanlin'., Charles .13e0C1, and Fr.l , ltahn'" , \Vat the:. ..I.»terical6 11'1:Ickes, nettle 1 A ppleton, Trwy Amen elm Watelt Co., E. Ilim ard CO., El gin Watch Co. FINN if ERB 'A N (1.0 ( Maki, by TI1031.1:4, Of which a large aq,ortnwat ly on hand in our lni..eturnt, and sAll whosesalr roiail. (oh clee S. The Only Reliable Cure for Dyspep- sia in the Known World. Dr. :I is.'.(ta'a f:reat .1,44 Helm D i 1 Awl Pint 00)./i4t1 are n Canible tlyAilep , l4 in itr most nazr.nratluz ,A,rnl • and n , w in.atrr ot how lon.• tan 'I •• •th..y pzeettatv the ~•eret abode Ur thig terrible d1....tr0 and 1, unolunte it, ro. t al:(1 ,mach force '11.,•“!1,•‘1,1to mart. trzony uti , l enont tmlieriaz lion tongue c.nt T 144. noted (444 . 41.1 m; the mom tdesperate ind heti 4.1 4.4ry known 'Meant lAN to nth red n4t14.1. No form id or Indi4celon cAel rv.trt ilo it p•m•lrtllaG vow,. „Olt. W1511.1.12'1,%%; Pine Tree Tar Cordial. It I. the, vital principle of the pine Tree. °Me I ti eil by a peruliur p•iweeo In the illatlllation of the tar, by which its propertied lire retained. It My ieuratee tlr ill4eudiu • mein, and reatdrei 11.0 appetite. It 'Orem:then. the itebill• feted gptea.. leptiriflea and enriches the bhuoit, tar extol. from the 1•VAILIZI the corruption which •Cro:nk hoed. un liw lunge. It thrum- CI. or pilleVitwhich atom. the air N -cage. id the lump, heallne principle acts ut the iritat• al .urface of the Innee and thmat, penetmtine to and! diotenvd Nutt, rellering pat.. and •übil nleo hi. flatuatlon. It I* the remit of run of otiol • and experiment; and It 14 offered to the afflicted With pothlue wit:ranee of it. pouter to cure the follow huff desesece, If the patient has not too long delay. ad a tu.v• rt to the memm of mire: Omsurnplion of the 1,400 p-, tbugh, Sore Throat am!' Breast, Itronehilis, • Lirer Omplaint, Illind t,nd Pile4,Astlinia,ll 7 hoopinyttntyh, hiptherics, A medical exp,vt, holiling hover:dile collegiate diplomas. devotes his entire 'line to the examina. Mon of patients in the °glee parlors. Associated with dim are three consulting Physicians of ac knowledged eminence, wham serviced aro given to the pisbllcires of Musa. Tide opportunity Ls offeraby no other Itietitn• lieu in the countni„ Letter front any part of the emintry. liking ad vice, will be promptly land gratuitously responded to. Where .convenieut.; lernittauees should take the shape. of Profts. or Itßt•qlllce Orders. Price of Wlshart's*American Wspepsta IYII. , $1 a bac Sent by Mall on receipt of ptice. Price 01 %lama's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, $1.60 % bottle, or $ll per domn. Sent by cameos. L. All communications should be addressed D ' • Q. CA 111111AUT, o, • Is 6, tdit lifOrthdaeon N d arose Ph , iladelphia. s , - 64-h;;L-1-: New Arrival of Goods Speyerer & Sons, Corner of %Yates und.lauirs Stolid R 0 CHESTER, PENN'A tiara just returned! from the east with • largo stock of goods bought at we to*. est cash prima, which they "'Ter to the public at REASONABLE PRICES, Con+Asting of DRY (loons GROCERIES, Puovislom, A ND • H PRINT& TLTRKS, COBEIMS, ALFA. CAS, WOOL DELAIN', cLuTi fs, CASSIMERKS, SIIAWLs, SILKS, FLANNELS, " MERINOS: MEN'S , • CKDgKWKAIL ' - ; HATS, CAPS, 800 Pi AND SINE.I ROPE. 0d1.73.1 S PACIONG YARN, IRON 8.; NAILS, Paints, oils and Putty, Queensware and Willow Wan, FLO UR, FEED, ORA 1N,11.1f . 0 s &(., hr We mall have control - 0 the ~id.r/14,1 CANTON CITY SILLS FLOUR MD Titilt:WCIAJEFai FLOUR We recieve LL a I.rAnl4 r 1 e I, and can sell tilt in n: Pittsburgh Prices ,oving freight on We •mn sell ;HON, eAILS, COFFEES, TEAs, SOAPS, 51'117.•;,,t , at wholesale prim , to dealers. t:V"Tleinking the public •f or paw tut. rothig:% wt hope to merit a lib,r3l Alm for the future. We always buy 14 a nd 401 cheap. I'. S. Also agenti for the EiffFEll MOWER AND REAM, and Pitt:query!' National Plow OA, Xi COPC7 f 3 i'urc Catawba and COliCOrd wine ownvintage for medical and Sacrum and purposes. are highly recornmeolo! !! those who have used them. nor:lte. DRITGS ! DRUGS A: MEDICINES rriza., - ErsusmiS ! 13TJECHIANG German Apoiltecary'and Deogy Is nu: DIAMOND ROCHESTER Kecps constantly on 11:111(1 it ,•11 4tock of PURE DRUGS PATENT MEDICINE.: ItFU3IF:-•; 'SI t INTS, Ls. PURE WEi ES AND LI QUO It.s:Fu - Aleclipal Purposes i,cigaN and l'nbticen, Cut& ;,n,l ALSO Sole agent for Dr. lictriTs All kind, 01 Trussem will 011 . silOrt will be fillet' at all hours ol•d:n' awl tgY Lid share flf pattipt age eolivitrili AT .TOl. 11012 N Fall and Winterlillineri Golds ; Babbling, Howers,Pa.ntlaer+, Velvets, Embroideries. i L a it•iLer, chief. Wlaite I )n— '• • Trinanting,a, Ileisery d. Wl> IX - Vitril i):9Z) YornA. Worded. Fldomd•. Balmoral Skirt UNDERWEAR , FURNISHING unr)l)N I lair Coil 4, Itoir4 :4,, 'W.,: AN 1) N TI4) N Stock nlwityg complete tot,l P rim. I -7: Ac 70 NI 1: I' sT.,, 1' I'PI'~I; I' I IG Il.l'~~ IMIE - - A lIITIVICIAL TNf.TffPEREF3I::. ED I —T. & 11. J. CIIANDI,".I: a‘e,p4r Chao the excludre rlzlit of lieeocrdy ry I: . use Dr. Stack's Patent, by which tny CO c ro ." Vulcanite a• thin on Hold ' NAV?' wclh emmeted poUgh; nod wv light mei rlaOo „ perfectly adapt Itself to the neeith: n',lllele: rn that downy end balky r00d:H0n.... , Phdu.t of heretofore; and le,owning ?lon h.." , to break one hundred per cent. Indeed. le.tul. It would be willing to wear the old plate any longer than they could coucenlently Le" them exChanged. All bunches of De nthin funned in the bent and unwt Allbt{3 l lttal In filling teeth with gold, etc . Ih teen petition from tine quarter, and can refer to latTecto who. flue:. Lane •10d between th.rtj, an forty yearn. AtoOnr the w. n Allison will trattlblt Billet( taft"" lii i yenta ago; the teeth perfect as the My they were fined. lAtiginhg llas prepared on • e . plan, freeing It from unplcmant and dugrf ,. ". elteent, making the extraction or teeth source pleasure rather than of horror and pain. Nevin. o'W oh! VOW dentist In the use. Oakes, Dearer hull os, ituchester tatralka) T. J 11..1 ciumnsa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers