The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, September 29, 1869, Image 3
he Beawo"it II BealVer• geP • SO, ... inv .- lean "Over - ' ' Rates or Advert/slag.' rt *m. ../a. µ i t —lolli3m. 9 00 40 01 ,115 t o-Fro moan.., do 3 ninarer, do 5 W 500 OO 11 15 15 Si .02133., du 61 WOO 10 00 IS NI 11 CO g, .igrmu.. •• . 800 11 00 15 GO Ikl 00 Si Si odulnu ..... .11 Co 15 00 Si 13) IS 00 NN c01t1303.• • • ( V 'II prfoo, Oa 00 IP 00 30minletriktore and )Ineenoin. IteldouC.,.lls 00 !load* pa 111110,ionimi1h Or ray manta; IoSO motlrot adyertioler 1,1 3.lsance. 'charterly. which min Slate erthe TherritoPeter thr the ,%,44; 1 , 111iiiftho.115Ukia'8ept., 1000. 7 A. It. 2 P.; N. 9 P. M. Sept. IJ 63 deg. 80 deg. 70 dog. LI) 03 deg. 80 deg." 72dsg. 6 , 21, 01 deg. 76 deg.-t_ r ..43tios: 08 deg. 70 deg. 70 deg. 23 67 deg. 19-deg. 71 eg -24 .. 66 dog. 80 dog..i ..;03 fieg; 00 dog. 76 - dog. 07 dog. R.. T. TAYLOR. __- Subscriptions to the Beaver Ar. gus.—Tho following named persona have paid the sums set opposite to their manes on subscription to the Beaver Aunt's, since the dote of our Bust pehil coyon : t, s. Mooro, Belleville 111. $ 50 J. I. park; Freedom,, . . ' , 300 J. It. McDonald, Water Cure, 100 :4. M. Craft, Holt, 200 D. Sincleton,r.licaver, 200 J. 4. Ilorger, Now Brighton, . 400 ,; ( 4.. Douglas.' l ." : - 400 John Watson, "... " , • 200 Dr. I. Winnaus." " 600 IS:onion. " " 200 TO. Waddle, " ' " ' 400 E. 11. Alexander, " " 300 ..tract Mason,_ Beaver Fails, 4 00 I . l,..ipman ..t. Co. ~ . ,J. IV. 1). fitnith: 2 25 Fliliton, : - '566 I lenry Veon, New Galina), 500 'l'. Noble, Beaver Falls, 4 Jolt:: Mowry, Holt, • 21. Mr,. M. Beincll, Rochester, 2 , % Alexander,. " • g I Pitt, Plow C 0.," ' 21 i -J,w ,oh Deitrieh, "' • . • . .1 ii - o ' M. Miller, . 4 : , rapt. Perry Brown," 2 I. r. C. Molter, Bridg? , wator, . 31 , Philip Roos 2 0 I lamilton Zinn= New Brighton . 2 1. I leory .tfikeny, Rochester, 3 . The attention , of the publics is directed to the following Now Advertisements hieh appear for the first time in the An gus to-day:' Dress Goods—Ekshiff afiteinfold, safe Deposit Co.—Win. Phillips, Preek, Brighton Paper 31111—Firmer . New Book=Alnerionui 'Publtabing CO., Dry ChicxlaLLJaa. A. Fortune, Special Notice'—A. Hanauer, ' Special Notloes—J. 11. Doherty, Special "Notices—Jas. A. Fortune, special Noticea—WillSualth & Co., special Notleo--Xoyatone Manufacturing Company, Notice to Stockholders—M. riarragh, For Sale—Petrolenm Oil Co., Frolt,--Gocirgo Engle. , • I )isolution—igam'leKtoessin, J. q.Kroo- . . Vor salo—Henry Benz, ~• • .t•lmlnlstralar's Notico—Flanillto /tan- special Notice--A B. Lakin: • cannot Coal—liianatiold it Grim The Pllttabargh Paper Co. hare their card in this week's Amen. You that are in need of anything in tbeir hoe will iind thom clever, agreeable men` to .leal with. I • Now Goods at A. C. limed's. , ••,tniorimit Girl" kilat) at A.C. ilttrat's I ; rain I.laga for male at Benco's.t "r • I Dr. D. 14. Dempsey of this plaice fla vored WI last week with a'sample of peaches raised on hie lot this season. If any larger or more. luscious ones have been raised In this county wo have no t seen them. Dr., Mingle° you swats tip our beaver for your kindness. -; Large yield or Outs.—Samuel Mc- Ni anly,esq., or,Economy tp., this coun ty, gnwed tiro pounds of Norway . oats spring, and a fow weeks ago harvest ...l his crop, which weigbedseventy-two pounds. lie did not get his seed in the ground until near tho last of May, owing in its not reaching hint early. Consid ering this fact. we take IL that Mr. Me- Mail:nay is ahoad on the oats issue. . J. It. Doherty has jug ,received a ,plendid assortment of Ladies and Miss -1`4411111 Children's Polish Bab. mitt's goods lower than Pittsburgh retail prices at 'Doherty's. Our advertising patronage, as will be ',w by referringlo the columns of the .ta,ius is quite heavy at the present time. Along about the time of holding our annual fairs; nearly everybody wish e, to advertise. In a few weeks thievish' will be over, when we will be able to give our patrons the usual.- amount of rending matteragain. call nt 4a9.! A. Fortune's, mud secure Larvains In dry goods before purchasing ei+ewhoie, Dietnoml, Ibeelineter.' ueuuino couotry : fiannela at Jas.' . A l'..rtutie'a, Diamond, Itochostor. The little Miluswpc connect e d-with th, 'Presbyterian Church of Mayer held Pcqtival hilit 'Friday evening In the Public school House. Tho proceeds to Is• applied to . the Immetlt of the Freahy teriaii. church. Tho Festival was woll arranged,'and wo are glad to bear that tint snug sum of $49,00 was realized on the ea-widen. Embroidery cheap at A. Hananeer 'Bea• mbar°. • 'rho finest suwortmon of shaded velvet ribbons at, A. ilanauor'a now store. James Warnock, Iraq, of North Sewickley tp., ono of our County Cow mi.sioners, and by the way-ono of the havo luul for many years, has pitied this establishment under obllga to his furn half bushel of largo, it o dolieMus peachos,ralsod on his farm tlio present season. They were, In no wo,e, had to take. cull.. 14 contd, ni Ilonco'a. tu .k. C. Ilnrec•„ for Cheap Goods. 7. Styka of fiats at A. C. Hunt's ”Ititig."—A lot of ''rouglia,! , ous•mise believers to the "manly art of lefoetf: proeureiP, nitwit', boat ,at Pat.horgh en last Tuesday one week as.s, o u t crime down the rilecir to the Fer- Viuiport In this county. • , aw, king they proceeded up the bank distance wherotwo Of their num- .tripped to engage In a pr** tight. The row battunn werenoon at work pm away, but alter, awhile th , irbevonds "went for, each other" and had a terrible fight for a' few . mainutte. atter they got through, the principals s rot ;nit again, and fought, 'altogether enty-ltro rounds. Both Eng? w,"? , kstsitlurably bruised before ilie-"eponge sas thrown up." The party numbered laty or sixty person's. After Xbo,fight as over they all came 'up the' river, to I Gwhtater where they staid over night. it 13 said they nutde "night hideous with timir noise" over thorn. What *pity the %thole batch of than are not in the INnir It:unary or onthe Dr* Tertttgas. New Hoods at A. C. liarsCei. New lioothi at A... 41 Hunt's. 'A Inerlean Girl' (lint) at A. C. Hurst's. loth" Black Alpacci*a cents pr.yard, nt IlencOurleaver.' , ;'• Come one, come all, and oeerlrhat fine, goot6 aro kept at A. Ilanauer's fancy .tore. It tg a. pleseure to show Leas zamet, , 4,40 reeollectioiiitthe UMW tion of Louis Lane, fbribh , his with, has beep revivedby the MOW' of theconfaiidon of one. - 1%. 73,„'1 :who 4 0 r* 144111 d, Akift,.**9090 6 4., 144 11 11 111 , 1 7 undiedetti of IlibUf Aptkiliksmegis "Henrietta •Lene -vres , pokioned, but I dkrito - She treettsi ins beg' yarn .go, :min rdosi . tiosiat to bto hung, und don'tWonti" lobe btu, 'Would:spend this toPiesaU; but tbeatiasp WORM ithrirr wham Vitas. I will lAib a:bottlis and all go down the' rlierto Pittsburgh, and hope it will be :041 up before his hanging day,"ati. noC picked up, hoWaTeYi, l 4 3 _ .tißa9 2 three weeks ego, whew some boyaiiiirld a pop bottle, embedded . in Meal* in the Ohio river, in DWI! , 1101ZW. farm irso hanged ontbe 28th Of Apr" 11, iio the HOMasslun" camp too late."Thum was no Sweetish) , fbr haste in pithadMill the document. at It did not get into print until 'Muria*, *ten lk was mode, the bails ofaimimitinriii article. The public, are - well Wshed' with Line's guilt, and with the Julticiiif Ids elocution. A dollen' Confimmilumrstich the above, would not unsaid* their oonvictions. "J. IL" s only I Joker, end a very poor onset that, or he would u`ct have been Up etgpld us W aiv• tied his Joke.—Pitt. Cbm. Ea ; liarriat Beecher - Stowe hu :written something' about about Lord Byrn, bet ter. to Live written something about. A. Hananorls new Amoy store, and, then, la no doubt she would have done sobsdas seen what a splendid auortmeut of roods Ile keeps. • r. . Joss (Toned. nsyr , stOrtv with • all new goods, in our now ibi s ,roan under Smith's photograph gslietrieriztlietlio. mond, Rochester, Ps.,.wbcrevre sell no tice* Trimmings •iind,MlSinery goods ssinhesp as the cheapest. Give ns a ea. Will Smith & t 21. Ladino and Gents' :iniderwier, now styles of neck ties, &c., u Will Smith t • Scan! elf Ithdiatkild of .New Bright on have a heavy stook of goods for sale. It is all "gammon" about them requir ing people tcrustand on their heads" to see their goods. Go into their store, erect, and they will show you antesort, went of clothing, &c., at which you will be astonished, and when they come to make you acquainted with their prices, you will wonder haw they can sell so cheap. 'Call and me them, and when any person tells you that you muststand on yoqr heed to do So, conclude In your own mind that your informant has late ly seen some one else taking a "snort" or two.. The Salle Deposit Co., et PIUS. learghr=-The large amount of govern ment bonds and other securities of a similar character held by all classes has for some time required that some proper provisimbbe made tb protect them from the risk of fire, robbery or any other so tident, by which the earnings of many years may be swept away in a day. A number of enterprising business men and capitalists of Pittsburgh noting this, Protureds charter from the Penney/vs- Ma Legislature for the "Sall DepositCo, of Pittsburgh," and in another column will be found the card of the company setting forth its object' and giving the "rated of charges' for guaranteed securi ties of all valuables intrusted to them. The company's building is one of the finest structures ever erected in Pitts burgh, being perfectly fireproof and most elegantly ;finished throughout, thelloor being of beautiful tiles, set the counters of paneled marble while the outside pre /tents a very fine appearance., Circulars giving in detail the objects of the Matt tutibn, and containing a description of everything connected with the building will be sent to all applicants. Our Pooi.—From ono of the Direct ors of the lica4r county Poor House we gather that at the'present time the coun ty is maintaining indigent and unfortu mate people as follows: At the Poor House At Dlamont - /roplal collet to \=borg Total \ 74 Read J. IL Bence's now advottlaa7t In Another Column. Now Goals at 4. C. Hurst's. Now Dross Goods at A. C. Hurst's. Fall and Winter Hats all out, at J. H Bence's, Beaver. , Now Goods at A. C. Huist's Repobllean r neetiag IN Moon tp.—The Republican voters of Moon tp., met agreeable to announcement at the Simon Fields school house, on Friday evening Sept. 24th and organized by ap pointing William ,Shrodea, esq., chair man, and John Dryan Secretary. The object of the. meeting being tho selection of a local ticket, the following candidates' were agreed upon Justice of the Peace—Wm. Shrodes, Judge, of MectioUs—.l. W. Johnston, Inspector of Elections—John Shafer, ti'Q net NispCiv - aors Fath qtid - Walter Dunn Sr. School Direefors—Allen Brooks, Wm D. Elliott. New and large stock of Fall and Win ter dry goods Just received Mims. A. For tune's, Dianiatot Rochester.: . . , Go to Fortu no's for the cheapest dry goods, Manaond, Rochnitee. The finest fancy stero ever- in 'Beaver county, A. Hanauer's, Third street. Railroad Merillair.—Pursuant to a notice given a public meeting of the at oms of Beaver and vicinity was held at the Court House on Tuesday even lug. Sept.i 21st. John Caughey, esq., was elected chairman of the meeting, and J. Woyand was chosen Secretary. On tak- lug the chair Mr. Caughey !stated that' it wt#ift bullet Orlillioad frdniitaltimere to ChicagtF, Pita burgh, and when built, the new road would be much shorter than the ouo now running from - Philadelphia to Chibago. The new road, it was supposed, would pass through Beaver county. Three , routes through our territory have been spoken of. The upper or Brady's Run route, is the one the people of Bea ver anti vicinity are moat interested ' in, and the purpose of the present meet ing was to raise funds sufficient to make' a preliminary survey of that route. This survey, it was understood, would be made within a short time. Remarks wore also made by Messrs. Mice and An derson, both speaking favorably of, the movement and urged the raising of the sum of money necessary to defray the expenses of this survey. On motion Capt. O. W. Hamliton,Capt D. hi, Donehco audpugitAuderson,esq., were appointed k boiamittee to' solicit funds for the purpose stated, two hund red dollars being thought sufficient. About sixty dollars of this amount was raised in the meeting, the hinds thus raised to bo used at the 41aofetion of the above committee. ,On motion the meet ing adjourned. dour CauotutY,Ch'n. J. Weyand, Sec. M=2lMl New Goods it /Lp. "h s'/. N° l : o43 l s64 , l !aMtlitgthl**M en t ell • 111 ,17 ,ter 9 1 7. r. (RIVIs.AI 0.1/!lnv ‘ l4ws wiic,tft,b.mtmentliiszk4!34,e, goligotViaiw • as Ilk hero Ws; 404 qui; and Ids war bee been • veel . remrkable oise:ltlik many Mende have A*11.1,0 1010:1010,0111 hie experlanoe and he proposes to do ee a4l4 ,4 4l (4ll ll o.Vibiseiliri Pise" In ** * probes Mr. Berms Kra: N Tide beak inneyone or Forty Buy Yews. Pew moo In civil lilt have Oilleaffer 11 ***04441d1ridi,bleid,l; enterpdas. and unions hitireeerov tbklePei4ool/Ptinegi, of amass aiin tbia and *inapt . liadka.isrgaito qualatence with the humble and bower. Sal linlnt lea isf sow ,prisethient, Meng all`frholiairt, healthitil Witertabinamt to thiAmetoan people, . end, th *Ow& had op portaidtlaibrentore• hotuse of incident and anecdote, while, at * mine time, needing isepoity, en ergr, eareeight and fortitude rarely re gal* or exhibited in dam* Whim my !draggles and "experien* (it la riot altogether vanity. hi me to think) oannOt lbeWithontinteralak. wiiidkne country men. • Various leadinipubliaheirs have motio ned me to place at their disposal my Meciolleetiona of what I haye been, and seen, and done. Thesepropoeals; togeth er with the partiality of ftieittliand kin dodo have coast:allied as, now. that I hays ',Urged from &ladies participsthm in business, to pns in • permanent form what, it seems to mit, may be instruct lyttutertalulng and prodtatde. . i tie& jam" gnat, for the 'purposk princlolly, of advancing my interests as - piopfe Of i thelaseriaan Museum, igaVe tt the press some ParOOPal icoinimsi and Asia's': Hiving an it teasive sale, they were, however, very headily, and, therefore, haperfeeily pre pared. These are not only out of print, but the plates have. been destroyed. Though inclnding,rieessamily, in cou( mon with thent;sonte of the facts of my early life, in order to make this autobi ography a completeand continuous nar rative, yet, as the latter part of my life has been more eventful, and my• recol lections so various and abundant, this book is new and independent of the for mer.. It la the matured and leisurely view of almost half a century of work and struggle, and final success, in spite of fraud and fire-.the story of which is blenßed.with summing anecdotes, funny Imulestles, :frliCitOlis, • Johan, • captiviting narratives, novel experiences, and re markable interviews—the sunny and the sombre so Intermingled as not only to onterbdn,but convey useful lessons for all classes of readers. ladles and Gentlemen's Woolen Wear at Mrs. Beacom% • /Ace sad Linen Collars. Fringes and Braids, md all other articles wt. ugly kept in a first class trimming store to be found at Mrs. Beacom's. Fall Hats, Bonnet, Flower' and Rib 4 bona, at Mrs; &wain's. Persona attending the btr will plawo ealt mid ewe coy stork, corn - Trdeistieek, tteayer: • ' Hosiery and Fancy YartisstMes. Bea cow's. ruiriasulu Usk* 1•11100.,--The crops ()purity hiving boil good the preeent season; firmer, will very natu rally look around them to 110 e wherethey cap find a milt that will - do them good grinding; and furnish them with s yield. The mill at Fallatcn will do both of these. Mr. Edgar has recently over hauled Its entire machinery, so that It can be run during either high or low water. As an instance, during the re cent rise in the Beaver, it was noticed that while the mills and factories along the different races were stopped by the high wider, Mr. Edgar astonished ids neighbors by running his mill all the time the freshet continued. Firmer" can therefore rely on getting their grind ing speedily, no matter what the stage of water may be. With these advantag es Mr. Edgar feels confident of being able to accommodate the public, and therefore solicits their patronage. Flannels and Cloths, new patterns. at Bence's. . Now Goods at A. C. Hurst's \ For reliable styles and reliable prices :In to Bawds. : Th'elatest Novelties at, A: C. Hunt'.. Ind Gimps& A. C. Hunt's. CM Read Benwi new advertisement in another column: _ _ The cheapest Hats \ Nt Bonnets, as well as the most fashionable, are at Bone's only. New Goods at Hurst's. We take plea sure in directing \the at tention of the ladies to the great'mart ment of Fancy Toilet Articles, PerfuMer leS,Vrench Extracts for the Handk chief, Genuine Cologne Water, Fine Soaps, Hair, Tooth, and Nall Brushes, Turkey Bathing. and India Rubber Sponges, ,tc., offered for ssleby Mr. An driessen, proprietor of the Beaver Drug Store. We know that be will give satis- Diction, both in regard to the superior quality of his goods and the extraordlna ry low price at which he sells them. 'Auteiiaul 01,1' (Hat) at A. C. Hurst's. Men's Shirts, _ Collar", Tim, dc., at Bence's, Beaver. GoCid pant wale muslin 121 metal at peace's, Beaver. Large stock of Ditudina and Prints Chap, at A. C. flutist's. Satin Ribbons at C. Hurst's. New Goode at A. C. Hunit'e. 'American Girl' !Hat) at A. C. Harlot's New Goods at A. C. Hurst's, Bridge water. Otiodast 14. lbint'r Notlee.—The anbeeribera to the Capi tal Stock of theNeystone Manneactuling Company are requested to meet at the Mince of Charles Hoops, Notary Public, New Brighton. on Wednesday evening, the fifth Inst., at 7 , o'clock, for, the par pose.ot pwatiNtm9l4 orpaisetion. It. IL Cseatizauti, -: • • Thom Wimp; .•- • -O. 19.-Itmutsa, : . Tl.S. , Etacust.' New BrtgiOsmi, Sept.'ll64, ISO. _ • writock or boob *ad shoes at Dohettesi Bridgtrostler. Nor the lates style_ lists and Bonnets Trimmings of every diseription, Kid Gloves, Hose Be., de., go to Will. Smith it Co's., Rochester Pa. • • • Remember the "'torsi' under Smith's Rbotograpti Gaiety, bridge street, near the Dimond, Rochester. Will, will be gled twee you. 1. • • . • Oh how °beep le the remark of every One who ealL et Will. Sloth it CO. ' The beet systeui of practical instruc tion panned la thisocantry ls that prac tised et the Iron City College. To learn the withastion la which it beld by cam patent judges, nod .to the Principe* fesalth & Costley, Pittsburgh, Pa., Ow drafts' containing full particulars. GOOD Fresh Lime always on hand at the Maranon Lime Vanport. t3atta TritaaOnp at A. C. Must's. Nair Goods at A. C. Hunt's. „ _ • , . . _ , . • ,A. IbusserOmpiAmt antleta :of 311111208346( Ifszoi*loode In ' town v aid alb Asia fiesepa * r: lbsik as be ..=0#0 12 .F00 4 7:.;V 0 l lolloitlithi, oPrigso l l, l7 lP• grah.larYt ' 4 lO tie Admit I -bid aiyik goatha Novi trtangaint o,oo l . l krAMlllealgi Law, it Wu* Tco!xs!saP • A. Masiner bairpicit . hoop iiklrta toe . . bareiltyonirant.abitibi2Ar*A., A. 11110111111eS fIOW dCMKt.' Val SLIT,. Nat Good. it, A. C. none* 'latest Mmilbiat A. a lisiiv.. , Air-7.ryou form dbiolunge Axon tho nose, oftensiri or othirwias ti wild lose of the mass of; moll, taste or hearing, ayes watering or week, feel dull and stu pid or' &batted, pain or, Ileum in **bead, take sold many, you may be sure yon hies the Catarrh: Thousands annually, without manifesting half of the above aimptouts, terminate in con stunptket and end in Megrim. No dls- ease is ;ao 00=11014 more deceptive or km understood by physicians. Dr. B. V. Pierce, of Duffel*, N. Y., is the pro prietor of Dr: Sage's Catarrh Remedy—a pettier, *cid° for. (Wank', "Vold in the heed," or Catarrhal Rimdaehe, width he sands to any addrimi by mail on receipt of sixty cents., Bold by mosir'dmabda everyirhere. Dyrpepods Cure" does notoontato one drop of liquor, and IN not. "plermant bitters," but osit be re lid oponlor the , cure of the Ifesdaohe. Mine mad. Blow aur gooocOnland boggy Is °Oared tbr sale. Persons wishing to boy will Time *ill on B. B. Lakin, Bawer. Ps. Pennld ;peps*.. lastl!efonday Sao& or Cotswold sheep were driven through Beaver on lheirwei to Industry and Ohko toeueddlis in thin county. They limpet brought from Canada, purvha- Ned there by Menem M. L. Knight and Clark A. Ranter. The sheep looked well and we have nd doubtbut that their importation here will accomplish much good. A portion of this flock will be on exhibition at our county fair this week. ' We have been . advertising the Aflame for the hair Ibr some time, and our drug 2 gists say that it it selling remarkably well, and what is better gives universal' inidisfaetion—better far than any other Hair Renewer in tine. • • • Sowards Clough Cure should be In or ery A good institution. The State Normal School is an excellent school. For tnibr uudion address'. Jt. Cooopitr, Edinboro, Erie Co, Pa. _ • Markets. PITTSBURGH lIARKET. Ormcg or ran Perm. Gaserrrx, MONDAY, Sept. 21,1800. J APPLES—DuII and in 'good supply but unchangod, ranging from 314g1 per bbl. BUTTER—Is in good supply and dull but not quoted lower than 15 to 30 cents fur prime to choice packed: CREME—Ls quiet and unchanged, ranging from 14 to 18 tents, es to qua %LOUR-1a nlet and Inu demand confin edentirely to a c t= wane" of retail trade. We continue !NJ quote Western winter wheat brands at P,7517117 per bbl. (GRAlN—Wheat =quiet l and nnchang ed—sl,3o for Red and $1351g1,37 for White. Rzn lain demand with $1,12 free ly bid; anffwe can report tales of 2 cars at 11,11. Oats scarce and in demand at the advance; male. on track at 52 eta.,and te store at changed, $1 5154411 - 7 Corn la dull and un ,. HAY 00 —Seee from country wagons, at j15®22 per ton—mostly at $16®20. PROVISIONS—Firm but unchanged. Shoulders, 16a161; Ribbed and Clear Sides, 181a1k, Cincinnati Sugar Cured Hams 224 arid fancy 24. Lard, 201 in tierces, and 215214 in lialf bbla and kegs. Mead Beef2B. Mess Pork at $38,75® U. PEACHES—In good supply and dull ; maybe quoted at sl,oo@isl,soper bushel, according to quality and condition. SEEM--Timothy Seed ix being sold In small lots at {4,214.®4,50: Flaxseed is wanted at12,20442A and none offering. Noinquity for Clover Seed. SALT—.Allegbeeey River brandi are quoted by the car load, at $1,85. - I Tars advedber having been reitozed to health is a lbw weeks, by a very sharpie remedy, afar having indeed several yeas with a severe lung aleakm, mad that dread Mama, Consumption: s anxious to make know" to his fellow endears the means of cure. To all who dedre It, he t,W send a copy of the preeatptkna used (tree of Surge), with the War time for preparing and using theism; whist' they win end a some cons role Conantrnon, Arm na,Bsonarrris„ etc. The object sake advection . In sending the Prescription Is to benedt the idle tad. and speed labrustion which he conceives to be leveled& ;and he hopes every sufferer will try his resesdy,us it will cost them nottdog, and may prove a bleeds'. hones whhing the pro aeration will plane address Env. =WARD A. WILSON. WUnaineburg, Kings Co., New York. May My it mon of Tour*. • GOITLINAN WaG Offend for yearkfrom Ner- Tito Debility, Precut= Decay, and all the effects of,youtkfal Indisaetion, kw the sake of sat. fertni t homanity, rend free to all who need It, the receipt stud directions for making the stmple rem. ay by wkkiike Was eared.. &Mena+ wishing to profit by tbe adrertber's experience, can do so by liddseeeing, ill perfect eonfidence, JOUN R. (DIVED. mayLt.ty] . 'No. tl Cedar street. New York Mal4.ied. CUNNINGHAM—WALLACE—At the residence of the brides 'parents, Zelie nople, on Thursday u the illth Md. by the Rev. °rhea. A. Vincent‘Cunning ham,M. D.,son of the late R. Cunning ham, M. D., to Mho Jennie Ib,Wal lam, daughter of Mr. Franc is 'Wal lace. New Advertisements. Alwahalatratoles Notiew.— Letters of ad. ministration on the estate of John McLaugh lin, of New Melton borough, having been grant ed to the undersigned all Indebted Weald edge are requested to termedi ate payment, and those haring claims against the um will pro- vent them for settlement to sepll9.lll. Dtasslutlos.—The Partnership heretofore= Wog under the Inn same or M. and J. C Kroesee.oritaseer Palle. was Olseoired on the fidesy of September. INC All unsettled bast• nese or the late kin win be attended toey Paml. Kroesee. KROEHP.S. eeptaat. J. C. KKOESEN. LOW WOlll SALE. The undersigned will sell at private male Wig 77IREE ACRE OUT LOT! 'fleeted between the two cemeteries fnßeever Pa. The lot I. Ina Am state of enitiration, and is well salted toe either gardening or grazing purpoees. It to under fonee. Apply to or addrees MIRY BENZ. Bearer. Pa. Brighton . Paper Mills, BEAVER FALLS, PENN'A. per 29 lito PRINTING, ILLZUVIILLA, ROOFING, BAILING, Hardware, Glass, Straw. RAG AND CARPET . I=D A. 311 Pt MA.NTIP.A.CTITIZE.EI AND SOLD AT Wholesale * Stegall by Frazier, lletior.Ato., SS Third A 1111rItsgs to to exchange vadotolgoed withwo 01 to nap two sioaly Islam to work la his coal bask at 4 1 Tbs. , oaa Machado/. Imploymeat to sac% wit! bo clam Raul QM soon. J. C 1101.V g. scpl9 New 4.4oaltiOrnessta , , aseit ' . Ad PIN Cootitte• Ulf asir MU oast wis 4l4Ba4lll V ux= r - 14 111 4, ame ll gidock sad . a. biI"IPS "Maar. 0/011e0;''on wwad Prolort7l64= the SENN fow A. Iherra no.. as io ysnn, esdati Peery. Omar mow tit !or patalaiw4lwdootrrot 111 . 0wh .74 * JON2looll”rith's they ' • LXV SLOT! ?Was* •. JALDAERAGIN, ikiderwww.4i. Y. • . 01 f a t . ni i Low 030 • Tim liatbDellesda C•lollagess OF PITTSBURGH, PA.:, Incorporated Prato safe keqying, OF BOMA OMER fiIIIME8 t 10, No. 83 l'ourtk Avenue. , GUARANTEE RATES. Cleswasield asd all other Mira liaci * Ortes, •IdlWg _Bask Fills. for a riot kw parted. ill co tor 0. , , . uoia Coln or Fl MAW FLINN_ . •. t • .81.1 Tor Cols Of HOMO. IP Oil PO WM. . Bihar or Gold Mats, .odor 00 4 as oingatos s o. f loats et AM silos, sadist*WC:: adjustment for balk on • bola of akpar l COO. DatiMOloWaggilo-ValuM 4 1 11 1 11 . 1 t Mtn of so Ind valor. Fl • fola seek or Ma $5, Irtildi grandam germ lbw Issidartar of Ilia Ms ot tbit maker. 'fba someone is also prepared IS lbralliniall Iron =deb famlaod4fili a Oa box) IWO Ira Proof Vanit, the Unitas exelagiraly tindb. key Mansar, at Ow following net tn, WAIF, lrfi aIM MOO par asa Also. to OWN Boom el Amr, gamble Ttu. papas ste... rgagesabla rain, • • inreolialall Es • wmEaaAmpums4ellio. • Irian rireismnis - rmornariGrAlV.TN:. - • Dizeoano . • WIIlLao 19Mles, Bergs U. Abner * , • ' Usury Lord. = ;low* F. *swim, WWilliam Bea Ira. • G MirFa O. E ame Bkolxllasey. • • . u. IL ' Jl/1. I. Sennett. Ike:ratty m T'insaintree: 1 ud 8. F. VON 00:0110118F. aepdt,Eat. GRAND OPENING TALL &WINTER DRY GOODS. JAMES A. FORTUNE'S IN Tali DIAMOND, IIOcIIESTER. Dry Goods of Dray ' Desertition DRESS 000.13 S Genuine Country Flannel VERY CLIE4P. 1 Men a,nd Bey'g Wear. . HATS, do A LARGE STOCK. . SHAWLS, HOOP SKIRTS, &c., New Goods Bedewed Daily As we can not be tindersoa i STAMPING ANT) PINKING . DONE TO- ORDER. REM.E3IBER TIIE PLACE,! DIAMOND, ROCHESTER Pa mar3lay—cb. jy 21.7-ch. scp29: A DMINIIITELATO I NOTICE: Let ters of aduttulatratkm on the muds of Walter rennet det'd. of the borough of Freedom. Bearer county, PA, Whig been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves indebted to wild estate me requested to make immediate payment, and those having Melbas naiad the mums will presenJONATHAN P them for set tle AU nt Adm'r. P. 0. MIMVSt. iio ff 1.(1614t. Z) ‘4 4 44.; •BANKERS,.‘O g 0.35 S OUTH THIRD STREE PHILADELPHIA. EN ERAL AgENTS, CORA SO PENNSYLVANIA SV" wc tzlizaz A ; D m 0 OF THE ( 5\ .. PlO ru ' Of 171 f -"llt rkee UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Tb• K.r1611 1 / 1 /. LIPS I IrlariUSCIS 00117•1111 IS ..••••r.a b r .p pl.I Sri of C.ogivokof ' , nen Jaly'.l 1760. nth a. CA.:311 clrrrat, e 1.000,000, /DLL PAID. LS , : al •-•ni..•Q• r a to Atral• sod Sollsisolls i,ov: • cpylr • s. yar YiScr To PI y • .......t.o.orptlermlYll St streaks 4.••••• cuir-• • • Csetip, Cos bad.' 1.: •• . ItK de CO. lIIAMILTON BANNON. Administrator. leribeliki)kk 4 o ,l LADIES aa bad.asa TadagaNiadadas Papas aad Motet lamb. CICIMANEIi ma UM arms Maw lab, .....likt4l"Megwml4 aaea ad as Mad OM& PowWan= Ili=raciaaa Pawl. as, de. as raw W la if dome at am maw Bootre 2881184 .awattt aims ail mai aotL A complete and dealralde artiele—ererybody nerd* It. • - Yoe mde by Martin B. , Lymr[Oeneral meat for B. 11. iliebards Co.. temente ere* Phitedel. O n P, o . r ) d w m f e or e pa o ko aan M . ARTI NLL Y - ON. Bearer, Pa. _., • ESA sample of this Binder—ilse' of Ames— may be seen at the Armco ofilee. !- Deepen ly. W. C. Samoa", X. D A. E. C0u431. D. tC4U.P.A..WIMETU4. AAIPi Waring meoeleted with mA. Ode. IL IL, le the peeedee of Wed:eine end Savory. we stow oder oar profeeeloast eereked to, the, citizen, of Dutinton and 'Wetly. Thankum my banter panne for •their liberal C ozad*, l . respeetiVear x =syttst . ot '.septltilit• /.• peplatf. OF Eel 'A Large sti;ldc. Selling at Pittsburgh Prizes. Call Earl and SECURE ,OARGAThrSi No Trouble to Simla GOot / is .JAIIIES A. FORTUNE; SON'S PATENT. New Advertisements. Sett l t . thatintli t Jim veeet‘ed tins tall t besvystaabi TDrty'CKoo3:xB; ttimn)ianima, "riewitiom, FANCY. GOODS. , &C., • - Which they bare parebssaidfriefeval the beadquisters st NEW YORK AND PRIL4DiLPRIA, And are ',heretic able to sell their goods now a primes wide cannot be bou any. where, Pittsborith Included. . „ They have received s (n 11111 6 .0( the ark: trated Double 97arp Alpacca, Considered the best make Imported into this country. DRESS GOODS They . loro,on band now tlw Intent In 114 NEW YORK MARKET. PRINTS, They have on hand hundreds nt Memel patterns of the beit makes at 123 i cents ; elm Inferior qualities at 8' and 10 cents. WATERPROOF IVIII ho much worn agniirthls full, and on that necount they laid In a largo stock of all qualities. PLAIN AND CHIMED BONES Thdy havo a larger assortment than any other establishment In the county. They elan offercatni Inman' In bleached and unbl each ed ILUSLINS. New Styles In BLANKETS; COVERLETS,: , HOOP WOOLEN YARN And all klndaor NOTIONS AND LADLES Dress Trimmings. EMI FANCY GOODS SUCH AS BREASTPINS, F.lRlillsiGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, They have,reeelrod t ‘ lke most elegant styles, the like of which was never seen In tins • town. If you ace their . stoek in new styles In MEN'S and BOYS' HATS, and all kinds of GENTS' FERNISHING GOODS you must surely think they mean business. In Fancy and Plain CASSIMERES, CLOTH, DOESKINS, - BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS, They say without bragging that no one In the aunty [sable to show a • wore se , loci stock of FINE STYLES, and can offer them at SP=ii= than they do* Therefore they can guar antee whoever patronizes them that they can tarnish a suit of clothing which can not be beat, either In cut or prices They can say again that they have the best cutter in this . county, a gentleman who goes.ahead with the fashion, and has practiced his trade for twenty years In drat class merchant tailoring establish ments in New York. Cleveland, and late ly at Mllance, 0. Their force of tailors and tailoresscs areal' schooled handl, as will be seen b the work .they intend to turn out this t ail. Tokeep their old cur tomers and get now ones this firm has concluded to make suits to order CILEM).EIi THANE) All wool cloaimere suits they will 'low mato for \ X2O. For' t . Irty diastsha.t 'to he 'mid ehlear hen:, artil.oll wool block brrtuleloth sults for A \ $3O I , - Fool , lttelt other- Itou.i4 charge \ tIO. It would be atlelekibUt, end be Frei it islo the intereetot every one to price the geode end ezamlne the stuck of MN & ININFELD (Before parebasing elsewhere.) .BROADWAY NEW BRIGHTON. leP29:lm. liensateeroi COONIOHN SPECIAL - Announcentent 1111141111114 Wholesale & Retail - • •-nzkputili: • I L LIN i RR Y FANCY GOODS, OPPOSITE U. P. RXRUICAR Y, BEAVER, PA.. WILSO.P'S ~BVILDENG, NEW ERIGIITON, PA., OPPOSPTE IaZON HO VW, ALLIANCE. OHIO. I call the attention of Use people of Boa vet County to the tact that I have open ed a new Store, Opposite She tr. P. Seep Wary, in Beaver, where I will constant ly keep on band and offer at the lowest prices everything keptln a drat elan MILLINERY FANCY GOODS' Establishment. ONE PRICE TO ALL All goods are matted In plain agaves. Look at the Prices Hat Frames, all Styles Bonnet Frames, all Styles, 25 cta Hats, Good ifoopaklrts, All Linen Handkerchiefs JO els. Good lAnon Bosoms WS eta. LADIES' HAIR SWITCHES, 15 CT& Wrench Corsets, Si 00, The beat CUT sold for the money Call and Voorhies Yourself. Mr. Isaac Hanauer, Who has an interest In the business In Beaver will superintend the same, sad will endeavor by CHAINS, &C, FAIR DEALING to deserve the custom and Steil WILT Miss Louise C. Wilson Will be happy to see all her Mends st the STORE. and will show them the FINEST STOCK MILLINERY FANCY GOODS LOWEST PRICES Side ilgeat ql Bearer Minty for the Health Corset. sept29tl rwsrtws w"+ • Nzir pßziswrox • ....-. 1 alileisi4 Grate Plumlts. Maim & . mar rime.. CHEAPER THAN EVER 'BOLD IN FIRST. PREMIUM COOK] STOVE RUBY.]_ . - Na. Opisadbil Muir, law &pan Ches. $l4 Ki. S. Svissilid agar. Line liqeme• 14.111 Spleadlll Pskov, Lew Ilipare Ores. MS Franklin Parlor Stoves No. 1, Joao 1%1 " 1A extra bevy. I 10.14 " 111.« 17.111 .i:MaL7MMIGF IBTC/VMIO. N .q* Zl 7. "...7 b...i, 4. I. 114 11411 •• MECELSTZMWEL 31 ::" 3 . Pie Rod. tvw. Nanow. 14, Platy " " 14. withoot Nod, at. Malik Hod, " ti, 132 x, ba t Rod. " Pressed Sheet Iron Summer Pieces, rem IPA Zne.ll#4 Oesseestil Cadre. All Work Warranted. Give tie es Ctsli. 10 di. a%l4llL] ......25, 50, 75. i 50 cts. Spring and Summer Goo& Speyerer & Sons Hive just returned from the cast with a large stock of goods bought at the low est cash prices, which they offer to the public at Fl7mlr w - i GRoczarcs, PRoiisicers, lATB, CAPS, BOOTS 44D SHOES NAILS, CARMMRTOCILS For tbspproweolets a lart , , 011..41 1.. t don is ft ',mines. the 4leth,lefr,l to .menthe. .t• a Dimmer Pill. take one or two Pt 76 to mote tlkte.tion a o 4 relieve the tlonetelo. Ao oorationalllowo nthoulate• the rtolev.h bowel.. Into healthy Arbon m•tore. the :so”ente. +.l lartlforatna ...0111. Weer. it oneo Yardarms.. where no ilernsrement est.!.. Dna who reefs tolerably well. o ft en And. tint a do.. )(Orate rule make. him reel deewle.lly better, from :heir cleans/sat and renovating effect on the .11. rm. /re apparanui. UAL J. C. 47E1 2 CO., Proetiewl Chraalata. LOI..IILL. NABS.. V. 1r..1. FLOUR, FLOUR, I . ROPE. °CUM & PACKIWO YARN chosen brands of WRITE LEAD and PAINTS dry and in oil.; and a general •aarriety of OS Dryers, and Putty. OF ALL. ALSO Quenswers and Milan Ware, also of that favorite brawl; Clement & Stevens high ground flour, N'EWCIZEIEIE FLOUR. OF Pittsburgh Prices thus saying freigbt.wealeooderu whole Nan and r taU, NAILS. WHITE & WA TEE!, LIME, SALT, 80AP, Feed. Grain, *.e., &c tarThanklng the public for put W rong:, we hope to merit a liberal share for the future. We always lat.,' -for cub and sell cheap. AT TIIE F , Car Fararry Belhlltiksa, THIS COUNTRY. I LOCWAT THE PRIMO I 1 Enameled Grate Fronts, 10, Grata 1111 loch, D, 11, " " " 11 C, " 10 111, 11 11C, ">uK 12E1211 TERMS, C&SIL =MUCK ilt Co NEW Corner of Water and James Streets ROCHESTER, PENN' A. Consisting of DRY GOODS. HARDWARE, IRON, We still have control of tbe celebrated CUTS CITY EU MA We recieve the above brands by the load, and can sell tbent at CALL AND BE cOVINCED OXTAIL 000M1 DELIVICRID MUM OF ciiAinc MEI P. 8. Also agents for Ike KUM ERR IND .-BEIPER and Piliabwrgh National Om Ws. 1 3 ' La CO NAT Eh . mayl2:ly NEW BOOTS & SHOES. S. J. Cross & Co., ROCHESTER, ILLYS Ifigt:ZIVXD =LIR NEW FALL STOCK Or TOUTS'S. SOTS AND MEWS FALL AND WINTER BOOTS, AND CHILDREN'S. EMIR' t WOUWS EIIECOICIa btrecili km List= Xisuallictssuri rkIL iiiiiiiii Xedkritaat. 8 5. ` 4 CouCHERE SEWARD'S A Safe and Speedy One for Coughs,Colels, Asthma Bninchuis, lioamene s s Croup, Indoenes, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat dad Lungs. Don't neglect a acme Coush,"or throw away twney on a worthies@ medicine. I • 811101 FIFTY OUTS PE R BOTTLE - ?mend g ig i guta. BOTLa su ßENTL KT A OHINBY, N.T. Bad b/ je3o:ly . Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring .Gray Heir to Its natural Vitality and Color. ' A dressing whid is at ones agreeable. , healthy, and effsettui for preserving IL: hair. Faded or gre hair u WOO restopt to its original cola with di gloss ana l freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick. erred; falling hair checked, and bald,' was often, though' not always, carat by its use. Nothing' can restore ths hair where the follicles are destroyed, w the glands atrophied and decayed, But such as remaiu can be rsved for osefuluess by this application. s Instead of fouling the hair with a pisty pedi ment, it will keep it dean and vigorous Its occasional use will prevent the hail from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only bendit but not, harm it. If wanted merely for a , 1,13 Ls LOD 1.75 IJAI HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it' doer not soil white cambric, and yet kits long on the Voir, giving it a rich glom lustre and a grateful perfume. , Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer . 4t. PRACTICAL AND AN►LrnCAL CaRNINTIg LOWELL, MASS. PlllO/ . 0 111.00. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOC 111 tho purposes of • Laxstiv. Perhaps no one midi. eine is so universally ro , coned by everybody al • cathartic, nor was erre Say before so enemas!, ly adopted lino use. 10 ery country awl e arl classes, as this but enlcient purgative PRI. The obvious nye son la, that it ts Amore re, liable awl Ear wore ed.., \Ye teal remedy titan any other. Moo/ who hire ?led It, know that It cured them; limns 2,4l hav e lot, know that it cures their neighbors and &undo, Ind all know that what it glues onto it ii.. dgay —that it never tail. Mount any fault or neirli,t of ha composition. •We have tienasaiel• nom tinier sands of Weil:l,l(ra of their remarkable cures of the fallowing complaint., but such cure. are k ~,,, VII fu Peery neighborhood, and we nee.' not ',mishit. than. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all sit nate.; iontalning neither caloinel inr any deleterious dot f, hey may be taken with safety by anyluOly.i Their 11101 . Mating p ..err r • Ulna ever fivols .iii.l mules hem pleamet to take, while being Purely vegetable to harm cal arise from their n.e in any quantity. They operate by their powerful infitunwe on the eternal viscera to purify the bloat anal ,thoulate It ate healthy artlop— remove the oll.trivibuss of the stomach, Rowel., liver, and other organs of Ilse Moly, restoring their irregular action to health, and ay correcting, wherever they eci.t, such derange. smote as are thei first might of illoosoe. Minnie illrertions are given In the wrapper en he box, for the following complaint., sylliza Mose rale rapidly cons:— For Dyspepsia' or Indlisestlen, Listless. seas. lansher sat Lens of Appetite. they Monti' be taken moderately to atinsuLlbs the soma. teh ml restore its healthy tone and action. For *Aver Complaint and Ito verioa• .3-nue loan, 11111ests 1/eadisehe. Mies 11114.1. ache. Inandiew *or Green /Sickness Ittlins. Celle anti Posers. they . [amid hi in. lichnisly taken for each Cave, to correct Weill et.4. , 1 Winn nr remove the obstruettous l!..h Tor Dysentery tie Diarrhoea. hot inn I. generally required. •- - For lillawmunnthias.Ciont,Groirel. Point. notion of the Keret. Pain In iii.. Caw, Mack sal Leine. they :Moult be romintimeoly taken, SA minim!, to change the di.ea v.l a lion of the system. With such change ta c .sots iisaplunr. me Dropsy and Drepsirel they should be take.. In Large aiu I hyqucsii d t.e. fere tho efe , t ofa dims? Ir ponre. Itcsturc. ur:.y and litded Hair to its Oaluotai. COLO*. tcmovci Dandruff. 11 ELS 11.1. UISEISYS• OF TUE SEIM!, Prcccnt thi.nniss, and makes the hate ¢rue• int - % Ghns.y. and Luxuriant. Sue sd $l;,. w IlOk. Earl MI6 is hpt la a rnapangi I.y SEWARD, BENTLEY CII EN EY. nmiwisas. - Bufralo.N.Y. SoW t't Xifeirlfollll' TIOTICIL—Iseirre Teals .C‘ inestrty haring been granted to the under. it=eseentrtz and executor on the estate of gletter,dee'd, late of New liewickly town itivtatalemer countY. Pe, Therefore. all ha tO said Mate are hereby notified = Immediate mutest; and three haring dales on add estate *fit present item duly authenticated settionall, to— MARGARET FM= Ererstrtz. JOHN lIESSON, Ezeodor. anittelese 100111 SALE.--A new two elm , ?num flour. .1' eentalning four room, with a nice Lot doge to the dation In Indnetry. Inquire of Painter, Bearer. Pa. lautlitt IE=M 2 FIRST ARRIVAL OF NEW FALL GOODS, J. X. MIRCHITELD & COIL§ N 0.53 Slith Street, late St. Clalr, Blar.k.Sllks, Plaids for Barb, Plan' Poplin, French Chintree. BLiCk Bombaziaa, Black Alpaaia, Striped Shawls, New Stylist, Prints, Minims, Calicos, Flannels sad Blankets. 'A MI sasortment of VIEW AiIiMBIS AND STAMM 000D8 At Great Bargains NO. &3 ST. CLAIR STREET, FITThatiaGIN PA, sepWic