The Argo. .1. WITAND: Minion Alai Pio riurron. Beaver, ra.,llept. 15, 0(3e9• FOR Go),El,i,Norlos.m . , J H GE A it,T Judgro of uprenigtortxt , , lIENRY W. WILLIAMS RepubliCan'tsi‘i3miriceii:f JAMES S. RIITAN, Asaembly, ' WILLIAM C. EIDURLOCK, ANDREW J. BUFFINGTON HARVEY J. VANKIRK.. ARTII3III,- i3III.I!:LPS, Treasurer. , • *MIEN AtLISOiI. lir:qinter and Recorder. DARIUS SLNULETCN Cork - of .1011:4 C. lIART. Commissioner, JOSEPII BRITTAIN, Auditor, w. Jr. LUKENS Prior Hotteo 'Dircitor ROBERT COOPER 00roncr. DANIEL. COILBVH. 7'szt.leres of Ac4utinty D. P. LOWARY, HENRY' III5YE: Fon an intelligent history of the calamity at Avondale, Pa•, last week, see an article in another column, cop ied • from The New nrk headed, "Death iu the Mines." • SANTA FE county, New Mexico, has elected the entira Republican ticket by an average niklority of '2OO. Sufficient returns have been received to show that Chaves, Republican, is elected delegate to Congress. " • . I.AsT week, Judge MAJuillin son teuced Taylor thekentierry , to be • hung for the murder of, Miss hiccup in Butler county: lie was found guilty last w inter, and a motion for a new trial made. It was decided adversely to the prisoner. VERMQNT, " the star that never sets," has eleeted General Wasitburai and the entire Republican 'State tick et lay a majority of 19;00019 20,000.- • The Senate is unanimously ltepubli eUu, and but four. Democrats in the 1 limsc of riTn..eiiitutives.. Tjle vote of both parties was greatly reduced from that polled last year. IT is stated that Hen. John Al son, Register of the Trertsury; and i [on. Columbus Man% Comniissionl cr of Internal Revenue, have ac cepted an invitation extended by the State Executive Republican, Com mittee of Pennsylvania, and that they will stump thU.State in compliance therewith duling the latter part of the campaign. 'HoN. Jong . 111. LL, of Telinewee, died at his residence at Cumberland Ini`h Works in that State, on Thurs day last. • His remains will be taken to Nashville for interment. Mr. Bell was an able statesman, who for many years, represented his State in the 11. S. Senate. Ile was a candidate for the PriNideney, in 1860, on the Know- Nothing BAIA, with Mr. Everett for Vice President. DiseimenEs from Cuba are sonli,!- what conflicting, but the balance of proof is in favor of the patriots. One of the most important victories of the war, apparently, Iris • been fought which, in consequence of the deser tion of the Spanish troops to the in surgents, resulted in a victory for the Cubans. From the fact that Gen. Jordan was a partitlipant in the con flict it would appear that the Ameri an recruits formed part of the victo rious army. The Clams arejubillint, THE itrizonian, of the tilst publishes an account of the tight of (01. Omen witlta large party of Ap pitches, at the White Mountairei lle live Indians, captured a large number of horses and mule.;, and de stroyed a large amount of property of every description, among which. was one hundred acres of corn. The command ibund three Americans who live with the Indians and spend their time prospecting. The Neva t joes are unquiet on theirreservation. Os Thursday, last, the ,President appointed General Sherman Secreta ry of War. ThLs is not an ad interim appointment, which, under the law, it would be necessary to renew every ten days if it way the desire to retain the same person, so Sherman)has been appointed Secretary of War in fact. lie Will continue to hold, the pwition in the same way that Gener al Scholleht did. General Sherman will, however, only retain the office till .the Pre.;ident derides upon a new Seerehtry. TitEnt; aro 177 newspapers and periodiads 'Published in Illichigan. That State is now one of the most reliable Repablieqn Stated in the Union. Fifteen yeasr ago the num ber of newspapers published In Mich. did not exeml fifty.—At that time It was as eertaln to go for the Demo- erotic ticket as it is ❑OW sure to sus tine Republican principles. The,ie ;facts serve to short• that the fewei newspapers a locality maintains.the heavier will be its Democratic vote, • and the more light the people have ' the more ready do they embrace Re , publiCanitim. Tun Pennsylvania Republican As *iodation of Washington City milt -Tuesday kit, and took action relative to the death of Secretary Rawlins, W. M. Ireland presiding. Address es were made by Gen. Jay. A. Ekin, lion. Jdhn Allison, Rev. C. W. Den nison, Josiph M. Wilson, Rev. 8.11. Emory anti others, and a preamble and Resolutions adopted, certified copies of which were directed to. be .forwarded tothe family of the ikee4 - Gov. Geary, of Pa., Gov. Palmer, of Illinois, and to the newspapers of Pennsylvania. A committee Nasal so appointed to present a copy let he President. Tin: Democratic conferees of Ikaa- Ver and Washington (amities met at the St. Charles Hotel, In Pittsburgh,, oti W host ednewlay, and nominated Samuel Bigger, (wt., of this county, for the State Senate; and William Davidson, tag., of Beaver county, and. John B. Mcßride and S. N. Walker, of Washington county, for Altsembly. Mr. Bigger, we believe, Is a respect able, clever man; but Mr. Hopkins, of Washington county, or Dr. J. C. Jackson, of Beaver ()aunty, would !kayo polled i► much larger- vino• In thlecounly-lhan.heidll beableto clo.- Thlo Is not only our opinion, lint, the exprees