The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, August 25, 1869, Image 2
1g The Beaver Argus: I J. WETAND, EDtTOII AND 1110FAITT011. Deaver; Tennis. impust2s, P 169. Eon effiveusou, Ica), JoILN W. GEARI Jutl)4l. orSuprente Court, HENRI' W. WILLIAMS. ttopii 1 )1 iCiam -i Nom ill. ee &nate, JAMES c. it L'TAN, • WILLIAM C. %NI wILEW BUFF7Ni:T(►N HARVEY J. VANKIIIK. ShCrijr, .k It'n Wit Slit ElaiS Trefmnrcr: EIISN ALLISON. fiegixter and Ret . ttnier, DARIUS Iin:MA:MS' (vet* ." nwri. jolts ItAltT (s)whion:vitmer. JOSEPH ititITTAIN Aeidittw, , 11. 1.1710E.,i. Hop., ~,„„p! it. qf ' 15. P. LO\VAItV.. .LMKS M. SMITH. rims' E. companies of State ,ditty, numbering all told about ninty•five nom; left Louisville, last Sunday morning at. 9 Waal: for 'Lebanon, Ey.,to be dixtributed in the lower coutlea, where the Iteguintors have I wen depredating for seine time past. • • tt'n have t h e sluthority of old Ilen 11 - afle for saying that In China, a l'himmuui never repudiates an ;-.1 debt. Ito never fails to pay those owes. This, then, is probably the' cause of the Democratic hatred for (—they would'ut :make good winikers of that party. rlt Es I iteNT (Irma WILS received by tho Newport Rhode I stand multi pal authorities at the State !lope on satturClity Iwu. In the afterithon brilliant reetlitiott ‘111.4 held in his hotnirat the villaot Ex-SenutorAor-• The gunbvt Tallaponsa,iwlth an edictal party;nrrived there oittio 'tight previous. Tta•o colored men. calling them selves C. Brown and Jae. Merriman. who relvntly vetumitted an outrage o(lUn a young lady on the line of the ()range, Alexandria and Man:vises Railroad, were taker► out of the at Pront Royal, Va., foreibly,Thur4- morn (lig, but aful'lynehcil by a virty of (11.:4tmistal meu.' IV is a fart to he vrtitefully remene• 1,, rod by tax payers, that tinder 'the ;ulntinistration or tiny. floary, not only but the State debflteen reduced Ilot‘rly rive millions of dollars, but 1114 , tax upon real odate has been en tirely abolishell. With Ilrant in the Presidential chair and Geary re °loots! Governor, ;44 4th the national• met State 4144141 trill no doubt eantin-. 1,4. to diminish, as it (linw, 'and t ht , time will soon arrive when u still further reduetion nt taxation will be realized. ❑mtiounts froni Tettnessk2 represent the vonteA fur the United Andy Johnson, with the Omen in favor of the latter.—The Republicans ereinutwv should be read out of thn party, for having. permitted their pi 4 ;r;:onal quarrels to .41 divide them us to insure the eleetion to the Sen- Me'of either imeor the other Of the. -4, avowed repuiliationists. Their rou-' MO is_ not only di , gravefol to the tiny hilt will proxae to tie a publietin lanolay. • TILE Itepubliean,of tlhiohaveopen ;.,l the eampaign iu that Staie in goof -irttest. meet ings are called at all the prominent towns int thio,aml the hest speaker.; the Slate eau fur id:ll are already in the livid. They ;too riddling Pendleton', repudiation , h,etrints a , they nt•ver were before, and the more eritleally they are ex ,amined the Avorse they prove for the .•• Vottng.,Qtglo of the WeSt." be will he defeated in the rove, end ;,, I !ayes i..(44.414,ti by 3 sweeping otajorily, cecne 141 lie the coneltvion iu all well informed politiod eireles. I:. Tin ot !. Trots .lll.l,l. of the Limoln Monument 1•'11114 loildislasi a letter out rtatunhty last, in which he states the tuntruet was mai to some Bum shay with 11. K. Itrown, the cvlelmtted sculptor mid author of the Washington Monu ment In Square, Nev NUrk zosi that he lots already furnished a. plaster tiled of the Into President, 'which was aeeepted by the commit t.keand sent too foundry to beefed In Imaire. Mr. Brown . has hem paid ten thousand dollars on atr.s,nt, and the Water of the fund, eleven thott4- and dollars, is invested in 'llre-twen ty howls. T HE frii qu i s of Chief .Tustin; (lutie . Aro open and loud mounted in their a:sertion that they have tunurniteem o' , upport for hint 'front the 'South lir the next l'rtsi.leittial election. They ay di:tight, Conservative lte laiblitun movement ilk . the. South t.As orptnized for his benefit and , the: remilt of tit, Dent movement In \yin ill the I . llll' ilemonttlgttu liwtuloti, 0.1 their predietiowt. :I.ltentl Y. T. DPW, known ly n. the Pro,litent', itoorkeeper, publicly ii) dater lei, tieNt year's Glary that Judge (inv.'. will be the next eattill 'hilt, of the I hatioentey fir l'reAilent, eitelhiß brother, Jtidge I tent, will be Ilse next floveritor of :llisi.sissippi. M its. I 1:1:1 lir HU:F:OIIRn STiiWIR 'is AA now crt•ttilg n sensation in litentrytdrefe,t. lit theititanfieffuptit= ty for September, 3lrs. Starve tributes an article in whwh he put to g;Vt• tea• / (•eU• of Lord ityron's separation: Her ren.son for doing AO at the preSent lime is that Hie l'outdess (ii ioli-- Ilyrnu'.s niistress,-Indilisited a vol. wile in whidi she attributed thee .+• tntugentent of tlitseilistingutsited per smaiwholly to the hearties:4l644ot the wife•. In short, rthe make' Lord ity. run a vory and lzuly Ityt run a very great Niniter. • 'lm. Sho%.• I:nglanil in antl while there she }mule the aefittaintatkee pf lauly ' Byron, who was then living. Whileenjoying the latter's 15110 'tohl Mrs. Stowe; in a t.enlitiential *ay, that the roil cause of her lenvitig her hnstnuni ityron --was her dkloyery of au adultrous intrigue with his owp sister. Mrs. Stowe says she has kept the secret for Lady Byron for thirteen y.cors—eight or nine years after her death—and her sympathy for.n long suffering am! Injured Ogle prompts her nowio lay it before the world. The whele story : is pp,itriprohable, that Mrs. Stowe wilt find it moNsiry to fortify'-it with something more than she has yet given to the public. TILE Loc.AL, In commenting on our relew of We District Reptibl lea aw n c cliclateS, makes two or three cootie 4.ats statements which scene to require correction. For instance: It says the Arco cs was opposed to Mr. Rutan's getting. t he cote of this county for the Senate. This is ii fniStake. The An (irs took no part, eitherfor or against %Ir. Rutan in his contest with Mr. Townsend: On inquiry,* this fact fact :Can be learn&l iif Bitatutauthim• self. Since tilling Ourinesent tion we never have, tuabunless there Is an ;urgent public necessity lin so doing, we presume we never will, take any part between Republican candidates for county nominations. ..The Lora/ says we WV "soured" Ixettuw Mr. It., secured the District !imitation. This ,j;4 also On error. We were aistiatisfitxl with the manner in which the charges of eer relate!' against him were Met, and stated nt the time that these charges in 'our opinion were disposetrof in an Irregular way. 'But regular or ir regular, we prefer his election to the Senate, t ) that Of any" Dinnocntt whuse 'name is mentioned lu'icanmx..- tiOn with that otlito:. Will the/And please makethesecorrections? . Tn*Etlneatiensinintrition which assembled at'lsrenton,N.T:;oulTharA daj last, renCited trenion4fmr,Cßrupcir- Pius... There were over.oue thousand , delegates: in attendance , fides eiti- . tens. fieceml district meetings were held in the momink, viz :' Nafional Superintendents' AmociatiOn, Amer ican Normal School Association, and Nation:li Teachers' Association. The ladles were,addreistvd Ivy MIEI3 E. ileccher,.on "Treenail Female FAlu cation." • The first and last meetings adopted a joint 'resolution fitvorlitg National Edututional : Bureau, and appointed a joint conamittut (await on Canines( land -ativoeate the eon- Eli:Mance 'and oxtehsln,i of: said Pa rtin. The laSt named - ineeting was favored with •it lecture front Miss Banditti, ofNey; York, on "National iteapiiig.l.John F. Pilbrock, of Boi -1 ton, lectured on "The School end the Workshop;" and' Prof. T. Mt , Clintock, of PhiladelPhin,on "Physi ology in . School Education.'!' At Taylor Hall, in the everting, Mr. Klute, of Ohio, and State Huperin .tendent Apgar, of New York, spoke. ienerdi Howard lectured on " Edit cation in the South with reference to the colorist population." The Con -e lition was a marked succe4s, and Will give a new 'omelet, to the ea use of ellutation. sys,ix 11.A.NTimsr ham fiir sninetime ila4t been 0114. Or MP ehis•f manager; . the 'Wittnen'9 ittgltts Party lit the United States She has liaally and smently ehtfnt ea the Intllot for her sex, and insisted I vehemently that until it was given to women no fait rentunertition for services, ill whatever capacity, would !nailer the interests or ienatres, whose ehantpion Miss Anthony proposed to be, she establisinsl . a newspaper in the city of New York, which is call ed the Rem/Wien, tent id which her self and co-thinkers have cut :ant stesheil the " lords of creation" for the last year or so, at tt sontewlutt foarftil.rate. So much for 311-s Su- 111 ' 8 thoiell. Now for her prtietiet• tt the National Labor Convention Ott ill Philadelphia lust week, tt tel .gran was 114..6041 by Mr. Wall of he New York Typographical Union, lireitiott hini to withdraw from the 'oavention if 111 Susan ii. Antho., ny was - permitted to OeCURy a sent in it. The telegnati stated that last A pri I the " Typogruphieul Union," No. it, had waited on Miss Anthony, and rasinestisi her to pay the female tomplsitors employed on the Bem is/ion, the scale of prices,. which she agreed to but had not done. After discussing the question and clearly. esbibilshing the truth of the above 7 ' l l B s4tltilokY.wng grini,fSrl "n seitiin the National .Laboe Conven tion by n vote•ef re against. to 45 for. to, It will he seen that while • Miss Anthony was. loudly" declaiming against Men for 'defrauding' women, she . was actually— (mimed in defraud ing them herself. This is the history of more than one refrortner. Is St. Francis county, Missouri, during the war, lived a notorlaus character mimed illidehrit ltd. Tie was n "bushwinteker!',;of the bloodi est kind. lie has killed, it bralleged, between aerciityand eighty persons, Itteludin sweet.'lgo min , a .' titter rebellion, but he was nevereonnented with any of • their: ;military foreor..:- Plander 'was hint objeillie'pOint i , atal trxiteditkitis tote k hint to the ittiust - and barns of Confetle nite,s as well ar4t Unionists. .1„t the close of. the war this inan was a ter ror in that part of 3thrsonri, and the citizens handed to rid the country of one of the racist mereilvits desperadoes that ever cursed any hr entity. When this ninyemeat was initiated llildebrand, fearing the re sult, left the country, and it is sup posed, went to 'l'exas. ye or • .iix months tito, howeVer, he return (4l to tit. Faille's ciatnty, ;aid emu ineliciNl itiieW ids career or i.riiiw.--- The authorities then Wok- held of the iitatter, and for the lasttwa or three . , . iiiiattlis • vigorous effort- hive been made ti.ii his eapture. - :loar,qc nitrites, intiler'tictlvo hatters have sil'oured the Woods - hit:very dlittilitn, but all have tlitik Air ltuen. tblleil . 14; the terrier. scoundrel. Vol. flowen has Wu The thief of Out-eon Itildebratid's tnick, and after his last 7utistiorritiful expo 'Mimi; he recelvoit'the roilowin g kt ter front t he outhtwititrattgli the nutil front M., Litula'' . 5r...1.6i715, AI. A o g . lu, 'igi. . 31.F.ssia...,nowE.y, i t. ' ;‘1!,*pur ,emu or s itElts—Genttei/tegy WO gave you recently a little foretusto of our abili ty to resist tuptune. I We maid haVe killer! every doom one of. ou had we felt ilL4poseil. - .We. Will not shod blued unlasiiforoett to doHo.' We truer you kill hike warning in thine. '. If your livm are of valUo to you stay at lento. If we catch you, out in LIU.% wixxla we laity. send you all to hell- Don'tfolvetes.tostalt a hietistee,(Wo. are not amen! handful. The catch ing of Illitlybrunil will beetle of, the (kunst things, ever..attoupted. .. if you love your firesides and your al tars, stay at 'home. • IikADQUAILTEIN. P. S. - -Wl , did not want to kill Bowen.. But It he dont stay athome now, we will mud him bean the next time. Remember, it, you want to avoid bell, blood, and thunder, keep out of the Woods. ! '..lllldebnand is-n poWerfully built 111 Lill, and bears nptivi ids person the mnrks of ninny wounds received. while engaged in his pretient course of life. - If not tuntured by stmtegy, he will morellian likely add other names yet to - hiS already.terrible list of 'murders. Col. Ilowen is now or ganizing another force to effeet his capture. CAistonitAut„,E tumets.;ouy excite.- meat, in New York, has been °cm stencil by the decision of the Com missioner of Customs, that the fees collected by the Collector Of that city under State and municipal laws are unconstitutional, and• cannot herca►f ter- -he collected. It stmas that de eision will not in the itlisieliangethe preoentmode of collecting State arid municipal fees, which hitherto have been paid to U. S. officers as a con ' enience to alters. who prefer to pay all fees at one. The Supreme Court alone has power to decide what Wes are UlllCOlLitlititlollttl. It is be lieved the Secretary of the 'Treasury will not uphold the Conimissioner's decision. VICE PEESIDENT Colfax, Senator Stewart, Dr; Linderman of the Phil adelphia Mint, and others, - have ap pealed to Se/artery BOutwell to al low of thetransfer of **Arend millions from the Sub-Treasury at Sin Fran cisco' as a relief from ''the present' stringency of the money market,at that:place, the amount being replae ed in the Sub-Treasury at Now York, bait hive reeci*l'ne reply. • It, has Since • tranSpliul ttett 'the' Secretary ilaspertnitted 'one tun to dritw'Snials from the San Francisco SiibTretisury, thereby :enabling take advent.' 'ay) of the 'public' necessities. This' action of the Secretary is denounced by the Cldifornia Mes; and Is erect-' hog indignation among the entire nierctuitile community. 41. 'Welded at stithiintice. The It'est, Chester Republican says: We are prepared to pay liberal pricer for accurate and carefully prepared dedgas of Asa Packer, the Demo. cratie candidate for Governor, as he appealed in public under the follow-• lug thrilling eiretinsonce: .111ustralion3to.le ! --Asa Packer,the Democratic candidate for GoVernor, ail he appeared previous to being lm :rimed in the Lehigh.river, by:ln dignant boatmen, whom he wished to compel to workat . starvationpri-' ear, that he might accumulate a for tune of V 30,000,000! The boatman should also be faithfully - represented, ur they aripeared upon that memora ble omsion Rt4str;Ation No. 2.-41 . ,ia Packer,the Democratic Cfindidato lot Governor, as he appeared when entering the turbulent waters, together with the position of the several individuals standing on the bank, Nitneasing as well as teislsting him to perform the fearful feat! IlluFtration N0.3.-41;sit Packer,th Democratic mutlidate for Governor, as he ankle from beneath the waters, and what he did there!' Flustrittion No. 4,-4WParicer,the Denmeratic candidate for Governor, its he 11%11v:wed on the kinks of the stream - in the midst lit' his ath et ion ate admirers! The precise remarks made use of by Asa itt the four several acts of the Drama, together with, those of his assistants in the aquatic feat, should la•titors will forward their produe-. Lions With all piKsible dispatch, a we are anxious to place hands of the Chairman of the Dem- tallith! County Committee 4 'as form ing a series of remarkable, soul stir ring and patriotic. incidents M thei life or their candidate, and at the same time furnishing the most sub santial reason why he shoulc I he elee tcrl of the State! P. S. —Should the above designs pficve satisfactory, we Shall mecloth- er, reptestMting Astes singular re tuoval from Carbon timitty to Phila delphia, to avoid payment of taxes! Tue briltst works in front of tetsburg, thrown up by the Confect (Tato+ during the Into war, extending to the left towards Rieliniond abut twenty miles, and to the right :Mont twenty-five miles, for the defeii:se of the eity,las grown' up In the nom tinuoun line.of peach trectv.of every variety, yielding an abundant; erbii the purled - year. . This. is the • only legacy, lett iw our 'piliWthllows; who were On the ndynneellnd One hundred' yards of the enemy. Hav ing eaten tho fridt while on picket duty, they Lust the seeds aside, and now they appear in on continuous line of .forty- five miles in beautiful trees, yielding the greatest variety of the finest fruit.- -On the ttstlt Of June, IKlll , at the beginning of the late war for the pre servation of the Union, John W. (leery was mustered into the service' 1114 tt Colonel. On the •Ilth of April, 1842,-he was promote& to Brigadier Clo ture'. and en the'lltit of January. l 8(, was made Major: Gement'. Ile Was Wonuded nt Bolivar Cedar 'Maintain aril Chaneellorsville. Po the present day he earriet rebel lend in - his body. lie has heen Mayor of gat . Pritnehieg, Governer of Kansas Military Os:Werner of Bavannah, and (lovernor of Pennsylvania. Ile dk chargedtheresponsibleduties of well and all of these positions withhopor to himself and credit to his native f4tate. Few Pennsylvanians have ever nettle a nobler roSod. EME 'r.tu% Chicago Tribtuir .ays: Winn' ,Grant's pretence was needed during, the eight long yeans of the ,war, and of the perilsof reenustrnetion, wits lie ever histent from his ipast? DPI lie, ever seek the t'apitalf tr promo 'Hon or mine to it at all rrem the time lie entered the army As 'Regimental Shift tntartermaster until he WWI Mil- ed Diem ItS De/tend-hi-chief of ail our armlet I rid -stars .or. staff then figure at thin wintering places? Never.. The elonients of his igUiIIIILWA were then military. Removed free— ly among all his Officers and Men fmni Sherman, McPherson antirlher dam down to surgeons onartermits t and privates. lie studied the p deal In all its parts and made no mistakes. Ilis problem .tow is a financial, Industrial and politiod due. Ifo hi:moving among men 61 broils nesn, - of industry, and who thro thew reuniters, .have. Olandl thea, summer months for leisure. Reseed a very great number of them. And if he)earns nothing else, ho at hest learns them. lie does Wdi and wise ly. Before we find &nitwit!' it, let us see what evil' winos hum • *. The ?thole!' Chunk Ilardte, pub lislied'id the home of Mr. Pack r, sii;r unpopular h6 is very there, even tunoUg 4i • iqiik party, ai - @ ,"front ormentatwowitnees he will not tarry half hispuriy vote in the coal mines. Ills I.oettish .isnliwC and niggardly want or liberalitY" tOmods his 'own county and toWit'intS alienated very nutny of our citizens who have known him longest and bent" • Washington Correspondence or the Argot. Weather-4414,4 Sessallau at the cap., Ital—Catreacy rants Bureau— raslu Petst—Patents. WA,SII.6:6TONID. ('.,Aug. 19, wEATIIVIt The' weather here stilt ciadinum hot and dry; though a little cloudy, .which we would consider an indica tion of rain, if the protracted dry weather of lute had not retaliated us that "all signs fall in dry weather." • from all parts of Maryland, Vir ginia and the grader part of the Car olinas, I learn that vegetation of all kinds ; are suih.ring severely from the &might.. The corrkand tobacco crops in Maryland and Virginia, which the pooplo.chielly rely 'on, art• tzeri inisljr affected, and especially thecorn crop; it is stated, wlll not yield a ltar rel to the acre. ' LATE:4T SENSATIo!..; AT THECA VITAL. The fittest rensation with us at the Capital is the report that tienentl Canby will be required to have the Test Oath . . administered to the members elected to the Virginia Legislature. Since the Tennessee election, and the settlement of the Administra- tion-lk.nt-31fis*pi difficulty, the Demoends and Time-servers have been jubilant over the delusive idea that the Republican party is broken' up, and the allying of the Democrats with the Conservative Republicans affords them 'an opportunity to again Make a• tight with the Progreaive -party of our nation. Bad they have been patient andlept a little quiet There might have been smite shoW of their sMalltig_ the march upon . the .11±3publlom party..,But their mitlea4 dispoaltion would not allow them to saerete their well laid seheine, and hence the Oveaslon 'adminiAerlnk, tlio Teat; Orals, Wltleb 'illUstratiOn thailwherevier (here !Ha will there la wayS'! , 2. • • • ' I ani inforined by akefiticliikus;•of *Mai note from Albadsiditid; that it is quite uncertain yet about .Judge .Dent getting the conservative nom ination for Governor of .31.isalagippl. The Jilgv is expected to Washington in a day or two for 'his titan to look after his nomination. CUIGIENCY _MINTING 'IVREA The work ht the Engraving and Printing Bureau, has nearly ceased; and Males Mr. ltk(nrtce, now in N. Y.,. adjusts .the difficulties between the Bank Note Coniptuiy, and the Strikers immediately, it is hoped here that - Secretary Battweli will relieve the Bank Note Company of their jeb. it is stated aulliortatively, that this company is getting from the Govenunent $.lO per thousand sheets printed, and only pmpases to pay their Printors.ffiti, per thousand. There tire sufficient room and machinery up and in good running order in the Treasury Building to do all the work the tieverement been getting dune in New York. If the salary of douo' per year h not sufficient to warrent the service of a competent Superintendent at the head of the burotu, let the. Aatary he *4ooo, or cow $ INMI, the tlovernment would then dive 7:i per vont it hav ing. the work done litre. It not the province of people. generally throughout the country to understand .and appreeiate the hit- portame of the Currency Printing Bureau. But when they wake up some taunting and mad In Ilwir the 114 , 1(44, the denominatiouri of ou currency, and verfect toe znzu it.tpusin mt• iuculcd in their (JOlliOn a 4 to Wlwthor they are germ- inc or not, then Mew will become interesteii. (invernment has already Inst, it is said by some $lOll,- 100 on a single denomination n{3lllll. But this estinutti,xl loss, mind you, I (+untitled to the Government. Who knows how thanY hundred of these notei4 have !wen paKsell upon hutment people in different parts of the coun try? It stated that only two of flts(' "slo eouaterfeit Notes," about which there ham been so iniu!li talk lately, have made their itpiwarance at the Treasury Department. That Is probably correct, yet that is Ana Buttielent to imlitate that there may of ho now thousands of them in the u . Oniest pthimlon of people through nit the cOutry, who can illy afford o.suffer on account of mistake; and blunders at Washington.. Thrive un; fortunate holders of timse rounteifelte may think, and perhaps justly' too, that the Superlntendenterthe mak ing of our currency, notwithstanding this bureau being a part oftun Taus -I)eixtrtment, and under the See retary-of the Treasury, has more re sponsibility, and is more important to the country than any of the Odd net Officers. Any ermr or misman agement of the Secretary of t beTretts urx, of the War, Interior or Navy, of official character, 1.4 brought to the notice and criticism of the., whole country at um*, hat errors :or TON- , . irmagc . nelnt in the etirreney Itureatt, whether intentional or 'not, All 14 counting of the sheets to. he printed, or the use of the plates an which it-is printed, months may elapse before the country or the overnment is the wiser for it. To counterfeit, it is only ta.;:essary to put a sheet of haul upon the !date beneath the press to tint a sketch of every distinctly marked upon the' sank•, by a proves of electrotyping the sheet of lead thus Imprertsed, a plate newly or quite equal to the orig inal may he proeured.. A paperintrimixeil with which the iniprcs4ion is plainly ern on either believe, receiv ed the favorable eintshlerationof Mr. tmetwell, and his ontor making it o line nod imprisonment for any per son foiled iu pomsession of it, will perk trim- Inc en the danger,of eminter feliing hereafter. PUBLIC I,EIII itis i;uppesed. that the next, state ment will show tin inert se Of the public debt, of shout -three million, owing to the peaty aMount drawn` from the Treasury for the paynient of pensfous au.l bounties. In the way of bounties &t it 'bad; pay-alone, Henri,' nearly a-littif inn l ion allowed by. the 2nd Auditors OP Noirly all of, thi,4 sent goes to the *blows and orphans of the sol diers a 4 these are by far the gmitest ' • number .4,the claimants now,, and as they are all Poor, all 'it . May be said is tio'gwit into circulation. Tfie tiovertintent is doing a great deal:of good hi this way, not .gerierully : esti mated. lu one State lately, $.10,000 was distributed to those benetightrim There nrenearly 100,0 u applitrdirins for bo u nty till reinahllng to be stated ilie.bitreau . , twit the number is being added to quite largely every day, peiliats; MOO per mouth ; • but the forcei of. clerks, though small :IS Umstliptly reducing the uumber:' The u hale ;nunther_of the Cub', former ly engaged 14:,thie Unice Wm._ over 00, While noWthere•are only SOO all toldiang giAma . taigo portioriof this nuMber are iinployed in settling Paymasters' war accounts, which are yet thrjhild, , - • • , • The'ainutint otclaims of • till 'drab; settled by thoptioe duringthe past mouth wlll l - foot - up t 30,000,00. PATENITH There were 322 'Patents kilted this Av4 , ek, W of which were to the citi zens of l'ennsylvunia. 'From orreepandenee of the Pit L•burglt Cion•lte GREENMEIVRG. tlitm:ssnrsto, lug. 18, 180. • At a late hour on Monday Weinilig l ion. John W.•Ciestry, Governor of Pennsylvania, arrived in this place. lie came on private busiumi, uud his arrival was entirely uneipected.': At the Depot ha was recognized by a Democratic citizen thud conducted to the residence of his brother-In-law, Mr. Logan. ills presence becoming generally-known, he was called upon during Tuesday by a large number of citizeiucgreeting all with his amis.! toured warmth iind cordiality and talking freely of the issues pertaining to the present political canvass. Ile was in prime health, and looking ev ery Inch the gallant soldier mid the distinguished civilian. • - ' ItEPUDLICAN iIEETING.7 The Republican, County Commit tee being-in Warden at •M'Quald's,- it Was deternrimil to hold a -public Meeting at the Court House in the evening, at whichthe Governor Was invitee l to dellivran outdrew.. At the appointed hour the Court room was filled with an audience of leading eit bens, including quite a number of the Democracy. Jacob F. Kreps, ..eaq candidate for AMMUV Mated to -the chair, and Gov. making , hia appearance was in &NI to the assembly and reOeived with warm 'epidemic. I will not attempt more than the merest Laraine of his speech of an hour and a hall He spoke of having spent his youth on a farm in old — Westmorelanii, and remember-. tag the associations of, by-gone days, felt keenly the abuse which had been. leaped ,upon hip py.the Detno.7 cratic clique." of Aireenshurg. Not withstanding this, .however, he had punned his course undismayed, as he would to the end, acting in atria.- danceVith his convictions of right. Turning his attention to the national fintutees, he said that during the last year of AndraWitahnson's tuimhthi tmtion the public: debt had been in creaseds4o,ooo,ooo, while during the first. five months, of Ortint.s . career the debt had been reduced $43,- 1100,000. He theti referred to the State Minnow and showed that under a Republican administration, since 1860, the State debt—left as a legacy of Democracy—hildbeen reduced very considerably, and would continue to be more largely -reduced in propor tion OS they are continued In office. The Denwermy talked of the extrav agant expenditure of money, and their leaders appealed to the Lumens and the laboring, OfKAPM to throw Off the yoke of oppression, in the way of ' taxer, which were weighing them down and robbing them of hard earned money. The Governor en ' floired of any Dcstioerittie farmer, hi-. I orer or tenant, prwent, how inueli ttix hepaid to the State, and answered for them that they did not pay a dot hit, nor had not, Hiram the Republican administration took off the tax on riytl estute, transferring to railroads, bunks, Und other.turporations grant tit spieild privileges. This was un questionably news to the Viwtmore bind 'Lemuel:ley e but, doubtless, at their next tneetiag the Governor's truthful statement will be character jr.fid....a." cue"Tatunttie'utitlgiture ant "dyed in the wool" Democracy. It is to be hoped the cominggenera tion will be more .;enlightened, since there is little hope-of converting the present nue of Wettmorehuld lent oerats. Those who have grown gray in voting that ticket must Tx- given twits u hopeless task. The Governor went over the whole ground mateyjuirridly, refuting the misrepresentations of the opposition in regard to his "Amin (strut' , prov ing, most conclusively, that he had done more than Mug of his predeces sors to check special legislation, and also that he hail been atom considei., rate in the exereisc.of; the pardoning power. This portion of his speovh, espeeially as to tine pardoning power, would have been peculiarly appro• prime laid Rims% ItthlrlYSt'd ton Plate Putts burgh audience, and on this I have a word or two to say, suggested by a conversation with an attache ,(if the Executive Depcultnent =iMIE= 3fuel; has been sald nvently, in the city of Pittsburgh, 'cimeerning one of the flovernorWpardons. , I will net mentioninames Agit is Inutessary. That pardon, I venture to b - ny, was stronglygecomniceided or urged as any ever granted , to an•Alleghen i y onunty odbutier o gad were the. üblic! there advhed of , the =tun!' of the recommendations, end by. whom 1 made—both by petition and in per , son—by County onteers,tienaters and Representatives, pleading at the Ex evutive desk, in the Executive clim ber, I. feel quite sure some mouths would be etrecttually stopped, and the innocent, •uninformisi people be . , amazed at the Governor's, fimincas In hesitating for ;moment to refuse the pardon. Even the individual. 1 who welcomed the notoriety achiev ed by the, eiremitstatiee of a bullet liavtug - grazed.hig leg,' and who now, to the outward seeming, in finiNerlii envy to the opposition, feels outraged tlutt the desperadewho assailed him, should escupe t wrote repeatedly for clemency in his beluilf! After what I have been made aware of in con nection with this matter, I have no patience to write farther a bout it; out of regard to some politind friends IN well as enemies; your correspond ent will dry up' on the pardon question. DUMAN. tiS,EAKb: Afrer the Governor came lion. Thos. J. Bigham, who came here in revonse to a telegram from Mo. John Covode. Mr. B. skid he be lieved that, should the Democracy he suecessfid in Pennsylvania in! oe totter, and pandemonium vents] for an hour, a hundred thousand dead rebels would come forth and. slm( glad I tidings. lie did not believe tiny such (Identity was held in store: by the Almighty, and asserted Most' Ninth lends that a "copperhead" could not he elected Governor while he Muslims .111 war alive. ' ID. went' ' fur -Asa's " recoil," and related among other things the fit that at the tharleston Convention - ...‘•ta threnten(ll to "whale" Bill Linn,' a Douglass man, for' saying that the other act of:Demorratis were traitors. lie spoke tentintly of the Westmorr land I/emoeraby; they wore prineelY Ir4sad fellows, and lueorruptible. Ile omitted the Word' i.‘eripperhead" out of regard for them p i more so as he first KIN the light in their midat.and went to crliaol, by the hy, to Jolm W. (fear 's fattier, at the time one of tho best tommon school tettehem in. the Wale.- lii, s t he counmi of Mr. Big lutm's remarks it became very appa rent that - during }ll.4'recent visit chat he had • been' bOttY, "making :Mat? facts'', width "et..dahlßli ' - 'conelustvelv that 'Mr. Pucker MIS 11 4 ;CoOperfamul ), of the deepestdye, although now a "bloated bondholder;" trnfileking in the securities ofti iroYerement which, during the war, hO did not \cimtri bete one dritlar!tivtiMAdn, althiMlilt theptiftsessor'oriull •, lions. '• " s . , ' .. The tneeting adjoUrned aliont half wit too,. threptepubileans well plens= ed with thetlemonstration. ' ' • Fearing I have already written too much : I will call a halt. Yoars, Destitutlioa Arafibuis_tke Peasityl. , ' Taulik(**l Nineveh —. Agreat deal of °emulator} was crem , nted hskthe announcement madein yrday's Repttblican that - the IfyittisPark committee had r e ceived = on the General Gunnell Aka tion Arnow the needy. The news spread rapidly, and early In the .morning an army , of *omen meet of whOzuf , bad baba Ow their arms, made 'rapid strides ibr the headquar ters of the committee. Bellevue, Ham Patttgenhti— were d Continen ted, tal - end the pton onaih duy. The women crowdthroujiat street, • clamoring to •• the_ dattgatte room, Fellows Hall... The nommlt toe had to exercise 'a • great deal of judgment in regard to • the immedi ate necessity of the applicant, as they bad received hut one thousand 'dol lars, which was the first instalment front the General Cotince, those who were fertunate enough to taiktb iish their chums received , an order to any store for three dollars' worth of groceries --n mero pittance to some who are- already in want. Great were the tdtuitage for more, but"the amonittbe 'were inexorable to all the tles.of Misery that it fell to Weir he, to bear. Many were the curses that were heaped upowthe tomtit toe by the disappointed, ,while oth ers, quietly but sorrowfully returned to titer; homes with heavy hearts, ~e ndeevoring to penetrate the misty fdture to S , c'e if thdre were any hopes of better times to come. fiat pen.sion has brofiiht want to many A• fitmily; and everything tends ,to in dicate months of suffering and wand in store for them. There were, bow ever, Some 'who, applied for relief yusterday who are in comfortable eli eumstanees, one of whom, We know, is the. wife of a miner who Owns VA 000' Worth . of prope rty , in fgeranton. Herappliestion was promptly rejec ted: , • Last - evening the erosed had dis persed; but only for the night. 'Fe day the battle *Ribs renewed in all its liereeness naW all the money has beet4 it oC• The` edmmittee are otherreadally. 4-a va," Aribooll4:./01,14. The DelPlo,o4. TheOurflibarePatdot denies the' correctness of the statement that the deligatealn therlernmatie State Con vention who were pledged to true voted for plucker.. We itnd by -refer ence' td the , following report 'of the preemlings Of the convention, as published - in the 2‘..'e* York World,. that somebody must; have changed :. The convention then 'proceeduml to ballot, Witham following result: I l:sat Puke; llcvtge W. Car ..... W. 6. Ilaneock,... : ....... .... I W. Metitadleve, Whohanumber of Necessay t 4 a ettelCc.. 67 ThiB madeone More La the total 'vote than there were delegete3, which gave riSe to a spicy cOntroveray"ln regard to the mistake, and all man ner of motions followed for a ,new pallet to make a • new nomination unanimous. , According to this an tiOuncement; Mr. Packer had two wites • more then were neeemuy, to nOminate• him, but. the convention Was not willing to perniit - the ap earance of unfairness on the part of p the reeord. On motion ef the Pack , . 'cr t men, the :,econd ballot ciss bad. Before the roll was (111114/ lancork's• 'risme was withdrawn, !caving the vete between, Packer and Cass, re sulting Iti.follows A,A 1 . :!•011,^0 W. l'ltsic P . m-ill be observed that thOre wre risdly only two balloh4 Yet the Pa triot quotes the hogu second ballot which wow thrown out on amount of fraud, and then claims that we have naisrepresentod. Here is the mil pititto of 'OS rase: , - Fliot .. .Bc..coutt ?tan Now, heron, the Convention met, C Iss'S friends counted eighty pledg 'ed men. What Iwcamt) of them? if they had all voted for Cam he would .linve been nominated. So - to prevent airuuttamt.,ll4o eir daT-E7 for fucker until the final pinch. Packer ;calms! :16) votes from some quarter by some means. It could not have been his reputation in state numship, for he has none: It could not have been his party claims, for they were still lot). The retti)lons were doubtless olid enough. It really drf not make +my difference to us 1, cpublicans, whlch.of the mullahs hoftwe the Convention had a- majori- I for all alike were objeCtionable. lint it is rather curious that the man With the least claims should have so suddenly become successful. We' :hid that the notninatimi Wils at job. When we see nos gis)4l reasmi to amend t lfht statement, we shall dos(); lait.thw trick to wide)) the Patriot riesorts ittliwas us no stwh reason.— Xorth Amer/eau. THE Vas . 3foitus, lowa , .W i ne . . '• •*.tYti • • " Contrary to most ex- Peetations wheat .is turning Out a ' Much better crop than was expected. A #entlenum who hew been thresh lngever since grain has becu ht , states Ihtd not at field has been threshed by • him that did not average Fifteen *helm to.the acre, while some oth• ors turned out, eightOn anti twem tyhushels of good ;grain. In some localitiot the grain Ls' pretty badly Shrivelled, but . taken altogether an average crop may be expected, and at least as many bushels will be marketed this fall as were last. Wlf haVe been told of u two fold patch of Wheat,' grown from seed brought from Kansas. that threshedout sixty aix bushels of the best wheat grown in that section this season. That's a pretty heaVy yields W the - Seed did come from kantaks." I If party; conventions will. persist ly insist on , noininating individuals Wilted with suspielon„ let holiest Inca. resolutely. black ball' them at the polls. I Too many men seek, leg islative position fur tae opportunity Which it pri*ents of making money ; and nothlhg will cure the evil, hit it combittatiim (tripod men of nil par ties to give such characters the privil ege of staying at home." _ . Nest; 'Adeertisent eines. .9. OREA'T REDUCTION STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, I,luir, Gimp and Maid. IA I' ANi) i:ovNI •r.: nhu•ll 101,vers,, I';' VLO LOW PRICEN fzelllil{C. 1 NErliN n. 11:. • • • STAU Si . • Glover, lin KIA a Lisle% ii!ital Fine l:ntlint silk, Ifilliriggan :Stem and Ilny'n Faller :pill Sigwrflnc ontAttlrlitwe!.. Truvelilig SateliplA, lint);) tiklrt ,, , • ; ... ' • (!f)rsi•L. of 1 cKt.\takca, 472,1 Sl:irts,• • . , • ' Piques, Swisses,h JJ ITats::,Anietiting lEnlllll/ititiffeti.. Litien Cnlhtn 80.11 etnn. NEW twonsk-lARIIIVINoDAILY ~„ ' .77 .t.,79 L1M \‘, rurrshurcaii, If A nil. Yew Advertlatnients. idaliie of sundry writs of Vinidkloul Ex -I.D pens*: Mari Pietas and Lyme' Tsetse, blued oat of the Overt of Common Plea of the county of Beaver, and l 0 ma Mimed, them will ho ewe ed tO pablie sale, at the Conti Donee In the bor ough of Bearer. Better county. Pa. on Balarday, Beptenther 41" at tog *Aloft, a. m., the lol kreinflydepatfY, to wit: Anon rapt, Vas. Interest and Mahn of &fend. Mt OA In and to the hollowing lot of land in New Brighton. Beaver county FL. kuort. am lot No, it pa Benjamin Toff Ise' plan of town lots, hounded portt. by lot N 0.16, rut by Fifth Street, Rooth by lot No. ni, and wad by Bu l b air et. on irbietz than ts erected a two dory Irma cottage building about *1 feet front, by L feet back. u m, a kitchen extending to the rear of front budding. Blued and taken In ceseatiou as the_property uf Simnel Dunnorant, at the suit of U. D. khan. 6wita•as4 John Cottillarrtson's adatbdetratria, ' ' Nu. n. At the tame time and place, all the right. title Interest and claim of defendants of. In and to. a Catlin frame dwelling boom. of tiXo etuttac is In h, haring a front of twenty-alt feet a depth of six. teen feet, and height of sixteen feet, with frame back balldtng or kitchen attached— lug It fret in length. It feet in width and eight tart to height, Said building being Auto: ton a ocrtdm piece or parcel of Land iu the village of Bolin:wood, town• ship of DIE Sower. wanly of Matter sad Slam of jwsmsyteanla, bounded as follows : Beginning at the Southeast cornet, thente by street north ife'i degrees mat 13 feet to s posh thence by Lunt of tinalth's heirs north 7314 degrees went nu ‘,..t to a poet; thence by land:of same north 14S deg. neat TS feet to rumen demonby laud of game smith ly s deg- east no feet; co n taining. ten thoulnutimine hundred and lay feet. ' Seized and taken In execution a• the promsty of David Roberto S wife, at the call of Alan Thomi.. son. ALSO, N 0.4. MI the right, title, Interest and claim of defend. ants of, in and to, the following lot of ground In Mtn township, Deaver cowry, Pa. belie:: No. in. hugh Ferguson's pita of lots, Bounded north by lot No. 17; coat by _kW No. 13; acenth by lot No. 13; and welt by lot 'Not 33; Lut flny by one hun dred foot on which Um= tea prodnclng oil well, steam engine, boiler and smoke; slack, slot of loch babbitt-In the well, &rick, shanty, sand pomp, antildlr balloted. ropefzed and taken In execution as the property of .R Bohm% et al., at the suit or It A. l'flteh ardat al., for use of Hugh Ferguson. 'ALSO; NO. 1. All the right, title, Interest and chilat of defend ante of, In and in, the billowing lot of ground situate in the borough of Freedom, Bearer coun ty, Pa.„ Bounded north by. P. Ft. W. a C.ltallwny track: en, by Peter Cline; south by the Ohio river; and went br Vickery street; being lotx a lit is the plan of Freedom in rough, on Irina there is erected a brick building U 1 byOtt feet, one story high. formerly used an a foundry; a atone engine and boiler, a pan and roller.. and other fixturesa for the mannfacture of fins brick, twobrlck kilns. a frame stable. and enters/honer. Seized and taken In execution as the , peoperty of William Andersen, al the snit tit D. Nelsorr. ALSO, N 0 .3. All the eight, title, Interest and claim of defend ants of in and to a certain two story brick build. big 18 feet In width 'and IS het In depth • lower s i t s z:3 10 lie ne gt42l upper r e=f i e r e i lls s and ore our ID centre In front; two story extintslon dow In the rear 14 b_y lb bet, and bung fronting on the line sof Nan strati, and being 4B feetfrom the cor ner of Cheetnut street. Said building le on lot No. Min the Sammy plan of Lola In Bearer Valls,' banded north by tot No. lb, cast by Tank alley, south by lot No. All, and wen by Main street. Seized and taken in execution as the property otA, S. Cawing and wife, at the suit of L abating .S. llobaugh: alse;st the snit M Davidron A Muth. AIL/40, • NO. it, Al the 'mime time and oke, all right, title, In. tercel and claim of dein:ideals ef. In 116 to, lot No. Sill la the borough of New Brighton, Boner INHinty. Pa., bounded north by lot No, :At, mud by Broadway, South by lot No. WA and west by Ca nal street; on which there Is erected a two story frame dwelling house with hone:tent and cellar underneath, and out buildings, k Seized and taken in execution al the property of 1: gh J. Bostwick, at the suit of Hull A Carpen ter. Also, at the snit of Henry &quirk. MEN% NO. 7. At 4 the ume thus antl place; all right, title, to. tenni aad claim of defendant at IP mid to the fb/ Wein piece or of of land In Blg Beaver ty„ Beaver County Pa. Ps,, bounded north by William Bents, emit ty i ng Beaver creek, south by Grande Baker. and west by William Jones; =taping J. acres mote or leas, 7 acres ekstred : d log houses, and n let of belt trees on the prembles. Seised and taken in execution ea the property of ',Abort Foster, at the suit of Daniel Ehrhardt executors. NO. x 7 :7\ , , All right, title, lutttest and chant edtlendsut of, In. and to tots Noe. SOS sad WS, sß,state In the Borough of Dearer Fads, Braver mum. 14 1 , bounded north by lot No. 21S, east by Water ; south by tot No. 21)1 nod welt by Water Ailey, on width there Is meted two Ow frame dMittlC boom with kitchen attached:and under . ue..tth., a frame •tahle and othee•ealbuildimort lot etecknied and planted with fruit frees. Skid and taken In e.ucrittori as the property of Thomas it. Davis, at the mat of Alex, Yon/Nine. Also at the salt or It. D. Davidson.. Inc use. ALSO NO. h. At the same time and place, all the right; title, WO:rad and claim of defemiant. of In and to the following deserthed,lut of ground In the bonntglt of Me er, Bearer co. Pa.. being the east half of lot tat, In the !don of said horuudt bounded and (leactih, d ea follows : North by Turnpike spry. ran hyltranch Sank alley. south by Third street, aud weer by western half Of odd lot No. SA. being Dirty feet On Third }met and extendlnu book along . Branch Bank alley three !tundra" feet to Tumult:o alley: on which n. erech:d a lure two dory hrtrit do elllngthor.,e, two stortea high w Int store room , meeller underneath : a frame stable and out built:lnv lit enclosed and planted with fruit trees. ONE :eo Seized mot t4i:1:11 In exe:cui:oti at tlu, I.r..ricriv of U. D. Auden op nt the stilt of Jame., \V Barker'', ALSO. NO lo All. rl;:bt, title, interest and clam% ~; ticit•tiant of in ana In lot No. 579, In tho llorotortt or Non Drightou. Ltuavor county. Ps_ bounded on the north by lot 'No: 575, cast by Third street, south tot.tot. No. 590, and west by Second htmot bowie with kitchtorsrtatgetreaterevtrxrintdrm'all t —fruit trees, and cistern or the Int. . . . Seized anh taken lty CICCUIiOII a the proiretty henry Early. at the cult of A. II ialnlnrof Co. • ALS to. NO. J. All the r title, interent and oc fondant or, n ad to, the follontng tr,, t a land In New Met Ida, twownship, Deaver county. ra., bounded n rtit , ancl end hel of Stanton Cor don, de, 'd., .onth by land fortncrly Wtn Cast:, wept bylpti et Stuteeep Imlta rontntning hl; acre, MOM pr It '4l Am, cleared lout cinder fence. MI which IA crcrted n twit Flom Ir mr dweilm bon., Lime frame lam with .txtilltrz undenlextb: etch mrd or apple and 1511), frith tree. 11” 1/1, 111 M ~ ••lard anti takes, iti cxertitami ❑.,• prnivrty Joel lial.•r at •nit of .laroll,nuth s .1, t'll.-.1 •t Co, Also. NU. 1: Alt titre, intero.t nad Lan, J.! Ilerondaid, of, In and to lot No. v io 1103 borough of New flrE:tatott. Itcaver bouml,.l north by lot No. 571, east by Thlnl Street, booth by lot No. 57.4.001 seat by Socond etreei: nu a /deb then• 1.4 erected n two otory tram, l olllu, hou u Ith 1,71w00n attached and cellar atideanuath, tram,' %fa ble, and lot taunted with fruit trues. S'eized rtmStrikelf-in oxorislions, rho proper:" or .hitoc,ind Thomas Itotrro. at It of 11 of tiu. Vull Nt , rflll.7 Vadhlne COnapriffir. J5111:1 S Stitniry Orrtre, Denver 4117. 17, Iwo j L S. Ittaillot‘ Bridge Street; • BRIDGEW ATER, Itk ISAVEEKLY /1h:41:IV/NG A FIZINfI Ft OF Glions U? THE 1131.1.°W 1N47 131:1'ARTIIHNTS: I)l , Cr (it )(,)1):.4: Steithenville .1( Clu,...thilerei find Saltinet., White ‘Woolien White and Clllllll4l :thd Barred • t Lawns, Watt.; IVttolleil Shawk, Drown and laai k I %into!' Text, Mota ..•.. ‘11111.• I 4411., a 11114.% '0111•1 ..... tel vs 1",:. • Soap. Sial. v. , owl 74 •r, SA I:1' • 1 , 13111,, Hardware,- Nails; Glass, hoot stun,. Table rollvry. 'llllllu ahill Ten Nionono. Coll! I , lre . Sllnvt•ls and r0ke..0.. Not!,. and Slwvol.. and 4 710. , York., (takes, F. 7111.. and Sum hi., Corn and !10., W(X)DENWARE. BactrtA, Tub.% Churn., Ilnitrr Primo anal-1.11e,, cAnnoiN Linseed Oil tt, White Lead Boots and Shoes LNDIES: MI'SER' A NI) CHILDREN:, Rifle Powder, and Shot, - . Blasting Powder awl Fuse. Ivea,ti K tj l l 4 oollo4ll7lllre. - henry good. drifter..l fret, of charge. Hy elpshattitution• to bottoms, and ty• katittax edrielantty ou hand • wen amended stock or iTotuts or all the different kinds mount kept Ina etouttry store, the latoleedffheel hopes, In tho Now Is hi the past to vault and rervlee • lihenst share or the paldie patronare. hd. 12 A.N 4 firrat. ' deett'6•:ty.,JyTehgd. 1111E1111WFI6 SALES. Mantle 14. _ I 'I, 11. r , mti14 . 10,./s. 1110%7,, ( ; fn crest %at i.l`? MiMffildffN WV YORK CIRCUS, From the Llippothehtrun Iron Itnildings, .14th Fired. oppn°it•s tl.o Aonkroy or Slveu ` re: York. h. I:. LI.: sr,. .f)I121;t!TOR. WILL EXIIIIIIT N'l' ROCHESTER, NA TURD A I', di I 'I; :NTI TIIIS ('ELEIRRANED 111t0I'PE Which is perrnahendy established in Ti 6 plendid Iron Alice on Fourteenth street In the City of New York. will Lwetipv the usual summer Intention, during. which the building will he claged, with a &RANI EXCURSION BY RAILWAY through the country, traveling by !ipeeial tntlosetiariered for the purpose, with the Intenthin ntgivtng . the inhaldtantamf oth er cities and towns opportunities r it.f wit nessing u carefully selected programme of those BriMewl, Exciting, it7tgani Fiptrr- Irian Entertainments which for years have proved ono or the most poplar and successful features. of the publid amusements of New York. It should be distinctly trulenitood that this establislimimt k the only FIRST CLASS C.II4,C,'LIS in America permaaently established in a large city, conducted in metropolitan stylcond which has acquired a metropol itan reputation, and that the entire MAMMOTH COMPANY which has performed for ninny months in succession to the largest audiences ever drawn out to any similar exhibition in New York, will appear at every place where entertainment , : arc given during the present tour To those -who have ever witnessed the performances of this troupe, either W. the Ilippotheatron build ings in New York or during its former summer excumion... it is only nef11491117 to say that this year New Artists, New Esstittee.s, and. Nem Attractions combine to render its resources for the production of novelty greater than ever before, and it is confidently believed that in all respeetA the performances to be giv en the present SeariClll will be Mond not only superior to :utytiting t.f the kind 'hitherto nitnecsed in America, but posi tively Unequalled in. tiny Connery. 41414,:ig• itf:N4/WSEI , Al:Tisrs dtnr h•.l 1.. th".• NOW Yuck II 'it 1.4 the imnif s .‘f " • • - _ X . • . . . _ ......r.nn ith ilk 111E1.11t. Bon tvhosk. daring ).arrbacklc C 113,: Act has rrncicr• him evlchrati.d .1 liroughwit the world. and whi, lira Nt 11,,ner: PV4 I a‘l n 1114,1 I. i t Ei••trian frunt thY tttio,l el itie :111 113. 31 . 11.• cmtor,isi: It( ,u.AN beyond 31( y•Ntion tlib ou,t zweomplislw.l tally rider ongaged in Europe nt 1 . 1i01111 , 111.: eNpellS , o \lll.,Sly tor tl New York Civil, • who exenito.4 triton itarobati, All 4:411 I lir , 11111- Ciiit hut, .ii , rtoilkpii,liel Iby lit la4iy oi• or- qo, n hoard Saadi(' HonKra srtt•KKN.;y the eltatimion equestrian. without eeetv film the hest general performer who has ever lived, who has achieved the two-t triumph:it sa, , , , ,ses in all I ,apit.tls of Europe, ,end win, i , justly oliStitiglll,llvit RS theenmbodimentofskill, intrepidity an d manly grnee, whether in his astounding feats . upon a single h0r.0., or in his super', ant ttplitt Four Karel, tels Stetsis—thin pre. sent ingthe three best riders in America ill one ft/UV/UV, a ( 1 )111billatioll n deli eminent (loafed in anytmiest rian troupe iii the world Also din this mag !Arent company are WILL rAm nt-TroN. 'I lie ntivpid samemult rider li:wow, 'caper THE LEVANTINE BROTIIEIIS, Gyiiiiiamts tad EllitilibriitA nt the mitt etinsuntate PRANK MELVILLF graitftil juvenile Somemult. rider. THE ...tTRALIAS PARTLY, Wo !vlt (limas hi the Clasxi, &hard it Gymnastic& - W. IL LESTER, tinin nt wondefuir nf Contort istc MASTER AUX:ANDER, twalitiftil Ruby Hurdle Rider IL 11; WILLIAMS, rt,.• Grew. London Clcmn;kut .IcAt,r WILLIAM CONRAD, The Cluonpion Trick Clown. • Mi.iti.srs. Davis, Messenger, OrAnti, null toll and etlleiunt corp. (.1 vaidn. n ., an d Atioutt4, hmiling ni array of rir•it Class Talent in (Nery of • ,, luestain mill nerotnitwl;ot never 1.4,,R...,inn1ed o n this continent. SiTO/111 nIIMSOII iu AUlerlCl4 CO' Tr1 , 11;le Or it 111 ::%1/ N(; j1)01;S;' . irom and great leutute of the New Vial s cirrus ete.i,t. in the extent, bratty and perivet It:tilting 91 tlie •onni oI Pert.i :mil Ponies. th,:n• ,i; to 6itJt ,tti. (ler. writ Any Limit the in the nrutin. ' l O l lC` - ' _ IN Firac r 'ROGRA 211411 of licrforDinitte4 err:lnge.' tot! the preAent nenson will rolnprise more af , it.l better Jets illigtiestriati anti Iliylititit•tht: 01:1f1 Lava - ever been ineluttra in a %tn. gin entertniunient, together it han 0 , 1011- lehlnz display or-..14:0c1ty l,y ltiyhly TiAined Rubes, Foram., Div. and Nolo.. the irhoto form ing an ateninuint:on of .11tructluns whicti to: nov elty, carloy and intermit ull I‘e found hovond the approach of rivalry. PROF. lOUS. BOi4VOLD'S tit EID% BAND, the enc.t ntroacal or,mnimUon ever Attached to a eirmo, scrimp-yak. the troupe. N. li.—As the New York Circus, travels entirely by rid:rest/ no alienint IA mole et until& Dhow, the rammer relying for p:tronage open the belt ImAte attraction. oral,' exhibition, and not upon lone proceollore it.tlt;;ltge 100.0. and 011,111 1 ,1 100 the pebble oterete. ,t)I'ATCII , II:NIY .11)}: are allow 1:,I lib t ostahl kr.ll n t , • .511 n tinder trii c ent .. Mandiny :4.(tte . „jqr Tom open at 2 and 7. armlet 'En tree at 21 turt 71 P. .11. C. W. LT - L. 1.111 , A wintt. Misceltaluf Nmt,. lIIRAWIIIII. ARID Mtn- Trrig43% s ge IftSlouth Anus! thaelou 14dur few, wader ebeeri• tens:tea of the pa, NOV. R. T. Tea. ler. A. X. Mpeetalatteation will be pa/d to ob. preparation of teachers foe taw oataus Setuu„ . , Mute, road and tnatramental. C fa • etwaaeann Itorowur. it Moderate man. lade prem e d t o , CoLtege. of glees • Bodnar educatket. aunt*. alteleal and m o dern. hr erci t . nt law •b al, as well as Painting. Delwin, au se, work. baud for a Catalogue to MN. R. T. TATUM. Bearer, Pa au.1131 rrEscsxaa• 114.11AJIIIINATION% phi - buts for etboula In the tt.liewlng will meet ftw exemlhalhet ss team*. vl4: • M 1 Mouth Ikavdr, at DllOll lIYVVO Ifonac. . . Ohio Tp., al licalnlow Wheel ilosse. tt Indas d try and Neal's industry District, ta inastry. Brighton township, at itteh oy *Awl Boom. 97. Lialppewa„ at BM* School House ar, Pulaaki. at Daugherty's School none, t• al. North Seitlekle, st•Warntictr. N. 1,1„ 1. 11/1. st Febool Mao. t Marion. at liohri lieboot Moore :Yew Sewickley, at Morn ilk. • tt it. Haden how snit Economy tp.. et Petite •• 7, Glasgow and Georgetown lowougta, (Jaeger', v. IloOkstown borough and Gime to,„ Willy at Lloolunowa "l• 9. Frankfort brae and Ilanover tows lop at Ittlier'• School Bowe. • it . Narroon. at Greco (Medea. • Moon, at Darla' School Blouse. " )9. Bahasa townsht Iticotts ip, andvllki. l.nesient. district, a 10. Independence, at Independence. Special examltuitions will be Lech oo September ISO, at Ilookstosm, and That...lit September 30th, at New Brighton. for Boris oarc col Le cannot attend any of the aqua einem* 11046. and In such ewes the paws applytiet for examination mint Ming • request bow the ißrec tore. where the whitetail lbe exantinstiOn roper,. to teach. watrif Wei the resew why Ihey omit not attentie ',attar examination. applimar. lutist appear fot examination In thedlattlet ate. they expect to wade. sod 110106.1 they have neer spolfortions regularly below the director*. the., win he refused admittance 10 the examlnatine Private examinations aro 6/660,1ajely rdew.d. Teachers will provide theaweires with stampra , a v e ep ., hewing their address and umsomo, their last yeses certificate, and *hal provide Mew. wire* with eight or ten sheets of leobew a wa Examintakma win also be held the last iltant , day of the month. of October, November, them, bee. January. February and March, In the Yanters, Grammar school Departenent, for the beneatoi oath tracheal as herd provision., cenlacatte, sew who are &skate of advancing the grade of tio. certificates. The examinations will twain stirs:Vane. a, Applicants appearing at Vl4 or n hr. w witted to the examlnattoo, • Directory are earnestly requested to a t the elawriatlotut, ss well am all other Mesas te m i t rth ilar education. The Secretary It secerei of the county wtD traekt apnea by phe lw In the bands of the 63:111111116r. en the atomise of the O examtnatton. • eacefal e tered iht of cp. muta for die that no teacher :11= fliraildost kw a school unkss with • fall6.osrat be blesser he Interval et the Reboot be pewees," black WWI! up a healthy ed•catkisal stellablant ha the coe annuity is which he lebosii. awl soleutoote tic cane of Wanda' to all parts of the toasty. ang44n 0110,11. YIELDS, IL sot HENRY -LAPP. E===l FURNITURE , Brighton street above the Plow F.e taq. Rochetstor, Pa stock hi lktTea l omily . i ii i i Validly on hand, and sliTit - nt tli:• Ivry lowest prices. .. gIS BARGAINS IN 11)1:Y (.00D J.M. BURCHFIELD& CO. _ No. 51 sixth Street, late tit. 13 rf•ttadit),, n 41114141 (roil file t.7c. Chin?. rolitet , lfroin tr.:sl to #3,91 Dimity. for liremi N rellm p.l from 7; in 111.Inket , rglttr.,l from .#:1,71.11 to 3,:,0 Live Si:mi.. nAncell Irom COI tlf V.O Itlrnr 111,1 .oitl 10[114:who! 1. - " a 11 lc NAPKINS 14:, TO WkILS, A largv a.vrtrn nl IW:inks ai I Dro Cond. chimp, at N4)..:_•14A STU EF.:I 11111111 1)11 . 1 7 C,S& MEDICINE:, .Ir9ELl:TgEfitSMbei - W. LT TA_\ Apcitheenry rind Dritypi,!! IN THE DIAM(NI). HOCHESTEI, oomtantly on 11:111i1 n WVII ri elt 'it tick ot PURE D111:4;S, PATEN / r 3IEDTCINEiq, PE (WU AIES AND SoA PAIN7S, ous, I'URE.WINESII Llgrog: , It di Medical Purposes Cigar= inl Tol•atro v , enille and 14{410! 01)9. ALSO Sole ;Tent for 1)r 13r1n•1'x Pnwnt 'ffusit, L111414(1 . 1' — niftiest win be kldistird -on .hnrt 1111 , i lee. Pityaiciana prewripliaa. will toe illicit at all beam of dry and meld Marcy' pairotitigerritohot jp2l:ly. w. w. Matfaufartlifers , ameter for th DROVED BUCKEYE CIDER ELL IfrNIIERRy (ileAl.V pal EriIEICAFENITILtZIift • 11,3 . I:mit ~ y tti. Nlaluto, thrtools 4r P.r it .4.11. The .11nepros Illuehele Chler 401 I•t10.11. l• kik.; l'•• 1 .• &toil t ,14. fo:ct t. stolen.. re I:etnettalwr nll th. uwe 1,, Ilia,. 111.. 1.4 YUT(UELL s 4'o. ('ad's M=n M'SHERRY GRAIN DRILL. N'.• ItAre .A4l eller &NO o these Drill. wry tl , - , ern rean.ylvanla, iillribpr the 1%14 Ihre.. r.rne.aly mem:atm:tot W..* to V... tie* htTry Drtfi before buying any other. ',.'''. tiro C.UllorOn fUrnlibed fret by rural or .1 ^''' 111prc.' Eurek■ Rooky Nu perpho•pllk le of Lt.., -- We supply thia Valuable Fettlhort t.r Pic* , ' and the trade at eletory prier*. Wr ins.... t" , . empondenee of dealers and our ca-tomerr ally, Pamphlet.. With full' tievetipilo". Itrg analpsh., saithdireetiom. tor use of Pboaphate, iMano. Itme liurt and laud Me: t Furnished her; and supplied dealer tuition. • Peru elan ; ei yaw ),Batir Mott and Lind NEM atwaTr 01. two i lin. gneutitin, 114.1 Ewioq•. 11611, w. kNoX, iloaPc No. vri Liberty Str.l AGENT% WASTIED KYI311%11)111E 1111,trite