The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, July 14, 1869, Image 1
otAd' i•• O l ...•.I •• * ) rr fli el,oo " Per Sad for each ettbitailnertl. /. . fee ti t c . A.llberml 411socattnt awry! id; vertittansatsi/ /../ •,/ A vane SeiellAWaSktiikbp Business ,Notioes st y tiiithir's halal. by thornselves itnaitiol eller the loaU H awk *SU - be %tuned len ornate a Una for eschAwiartion4 l ,3l , //I 1;* -,1. AdverttsernetthLsbaukt .hebartdad to bolero - Monday no 6 ar:to'hatutalasnrthat In that week's 4.,,/ • .„ , Btittitiegf .pe n ="ll=ACloll4,l - Jkom and Disler air% do., at; PIM Strad: /710_0orth. Pm All olden prolowgy lot wadi w led. Factory cOrner Of Fllloontb am& Peon *until A 11110111180" 'llarneceskter bad . old 14landry. .1, - ,ltoebease. Pit r y will be pleased to bes end tostomesee end friends who may - want edtber the BEST COOK ING STOVS, Nesting Move, outer other/Mid or outings of beet otatertelanotr. The tifisleosi wlll be coadeeled_w j,•91f1 ' • J. J.' AJWIRSON EONS.. • 71 11i SIFIALION'AUDILLIte:.The unieesto. 1 M ham thde ;althea olinfeehl a tl ri ti m e phone W lh they hare toushieed 'eak= edits Slt iron 31 Ille„ ferment owned by the *mere pee. nt:4,l",tiraiti glet p'u ""4 dTerkh a u2 ot sanding to the eatitthre of hhels pahre Their bands °thou etill comities fehtteehle with sny la the market: titre me et tall leefot• meth. d•serhere. 8.&11018J6 DAVIDSON 411.1111411:7, unettem NOTlelt i—dowilialterys pa. at MOW* old atand, Third Streit, Dearer, Jostles IL Haan takes pleue to int= hie old Mende Hmit be is established In boleros at the abate ;stank ^wbere he will be glad . to meet and aocommodate them. Fresh bread, calms, crackers, sinte, de. de. Confectioneries of all kinds. No. 1 'ker. made from Fall Wheat, by the barrel, sack, or reOU. - . JAIL U. 1869. ILLL ,V Mfrs, el fig p a d e "i gxed Porter's Iln shop, prince Aroe . i, Bridgewater, where he Is prepared to inanuaetore aoU. everything In his line at reasonable rake Bay. log removed his place of booklets from the eeri er nor tea arldmi to bispressatlotatioo,. be in. viler hla mid blends sun patrons to Rive blot a t/ . aIIM T. °Me. . •• N Attorney at . v r, FL L. • tlovise. K. ' illitiotAttoinej it taw ilia D P LP Survo7o, of Taylor's In E . r:PrinailliVA • nialerlinundint. - Whin* *pore. . mar 31:1). • • 11 SAVER twirl mr: 'Ws INV. AL IN I will asks correspow 'reductions Zillion. stud Musk kw ptiplis., limy U. 1$ My to nub us fur lualradion. opens , A 1 ,...! marital. " I; IL T. TATLOII.'.- filiii Dakibit fl '' .. em) at • • School to 0 . ow coda.lnter n ell. hi l i elt e Tem. - theeiz sreeks. Ansa . slasslesallgerrs Mathematics, sat Gem. litnetrh. Fell tetesoitens f , l j e . p l . Ist.. D Duo .103, Per. th Pattsrson._ . .c•ilent Pres. Board orTenstees. • mar3l:llmo. S lea LA TII AND PLOORINa lionstailion hand. mut sold at the low t riles In the market. Frame timber rowed to order. • /1 L. Elierbars, Civil 'engineer mat:my. • of. Nyw ftletton, Ps. Surreys, Napo and Mlles made on abort...notice. D 017,18. (obit% tf 11 .L.Cluialliler Ir. Mom, Dealtat& Roche*? a. • ter, Pc Onlce to linter *Hatton bantling. Aliwackwananted. Pllea =anal& Give us a . call. nov4'G&l FIIIGAN22OIIIIO2, General Pollee. DMA:. • Wm as Volleslism.Alerrez: 02es, at .221- Road Depot,: ilasataster, Heaver Co., Pa. ' All Molars eatnstild Mayors arlllisetlve prompt attartUrra, an mumble amiss.. [928,W,, Dimmer lisasabsary wad aaltigage..SPring seadon °penal Apttl Ist. Thu school w• lAga s sm= caideaed • by 110. Taylor taken calms Ise MIMS In the EntW► and Mask. Poe Catalooes • R. T. TAlthOlt. SVan a t " lZt a Intes "3 tlw isbe rb ri ' reap . 'on V illtt • larger stock orDo.l 'and no. wand ss - Shingles, which. be will dieboee of a moderate • rata. The mill is loaded near BMW stailoc'ea the C, dR. Railroad, , , D. SIIUMARILL ~anli:O. noel, C0a1...4U undersigned la *pared to deliver good burning Vaal to all persona needing the andele.,, pedlars will receive proinpt attention:. • CIIMIUNGS. JAN. CATINEMON, Attorney at Law Bftwer,,fa..:-.,COffice in the rams kw merly oczapted'ef the lati. Judge MIMI. Col lections, auk promptly atteded to. " • lieptireftly. . Murray, of Bridge. 11 Water. has so ..oMee Right to nee the gen uine GOOD.Y.KAU IIARDEDB1101.; amassment. ly he toes tot use the Dry Rubber,' or soap -atone, mabaso for tenth. " Dolt sod a t i thor Vining' pot la of the best Ina. tests], sad vrorkwernueted. ,• A.AWBANTIK Lodge No. 29441.0.G.T. xs. Wets rows Woodsy evenly: et 7*V/wk. - to • . franikts, ittli=7:lithluftoni . 'lo7Wlrson'e'bfflee.)'• Gold 'wadies. and thron meted* ; repaired and wartinted. •Engrsving done to order. The patronage of the vabtle solicited, and Intlifacqon runrapteed. Vve us a , .prrilkatn. • NIcCREIRWIa Banker, corner of Third street and diamond, Beaver. Pa. Mon, ey loaned on Goverpmentßonds. interest allow , rd on time deposits. We will also receive appli. cations for policies to the NATIONAL LIFE IN. tiI•BANtIE CO., OP TIES U. B. Also Merchants',. Manufacturers' and Artisans` Co.. of Pittsburgh. Po. ()dice below the Conrt Rouse. ' sprILINICIf • 1 JEMMY 8111311Z,' Dealer in Boots, Shcee, tillppeci and Gaiters. Boots And shoes made to enter. A long experience in the business enn bies him to do work in a superior manner. Terms moderate. Shop on Third street (near Rev. Bookstore), Beaver, Pa. tare bim a call odors pnrchesing elsewhere. , _ _ INIDETWEItir SALT CO., Ilsoulacturers and Dealers In Table and Coarse Halt, at Industry, Bearer county, Pa. All salt pat np In good or der, and warranted to glee eattsfaction. Orders promptly attended to.' S. .11.' 13111 GOS, Manager- E. BLUNT, Sec. I Treasurer. CaPECILAL NOTlCE.—Frrsons karingbuil -0 nets to tom sact with the County Commission. ers, irk' find them in session. rd their office, on Friday of eich week, until Sept. Ist, ISIS. By Order of the Rased. JOUR R. EARLY, Clerk. aprl4'69:tn OIIAR. Notary' Public. Con. Ceyancer and insurance Agent. Deals and A greements written and acknowledgements taken, Sr. Haller been duly commissioned asAgrnt ire .everal first elat e insteince Companies, repro. entlug the Fire, Life, Accident, and Lire Stock Demote:teak Is prepared to take risks and write poach!. on the moat liberal terms. Alan ' agent nit. the "Anchor Line" of first class Ocrantiteam. rn.. Tickets:sold to and from all ports in Eng. Isud, ire laud, Scotland,Oemuuty and Preece. Of fice la Trans brick row, , Viamond, Rochester. • aprdetri Pontefract& Cass, Manufacturers - of Woolen Goods, FOUR. DOORS ABOVE EDOdEli FLOUR MILL FtlMLOil, 13eaver Co. I rtg?si ri S g Pl g the "ea ri v e inK. n F rgi Blankets. Flannels, Cioths, Casahneres. Knitting Yarns, will receive special &Mellon, at prices low. er thou the lowest. Givens a eln before purchas ing eloowhenr. I Jettf. DR. HARRIS' Eclectic Summer Cordial , IS 811 Infidllble Remi•dy rim DI AititMEA, DYkENTEItY, cIIOLERA 3101111 US, SICK STOMACH, .‘,JINCE THE lIITRODUCTION OF 13 thiti. Valuable edicine to the Public it hha.never falled .M to'zive the most perfect ~otßfaction In' every instanee,• anti the proprietor authorizes his agents to refund the money in every case ehere it fails to a cure. PR V.,E; 50 DENT'S PER MOTTLE. For Fate by Druggists generally, or sent by I•N)rtmi to any pad of the 'country, on receipt °roe price.. Addretts-- DARR'S & EWING, Wholesale I)rpggists, Pittsburg, Pa. nolys:3m. prawns, TRY THE ALTA VIOLA •PHOSPHATP, It fn ruropo,o4 principally or the celebrated igozo Rom _A_TJTLA. Coidalns three per conl. of ..AANE3VCONI.A. I • • • , All ample quantity to give activity • (wllhait laJu nrk to the vegetation, 'tut a largaquantity of sot obis , . done, Phosphitei of Lime, Together with.POTASII mind SODA, the essential ' • elements of COMiLgli • . The high etillialtioti to which it Is held bj Many chow 'ottoman who growths& It In probe rout* other kinds, la. • aura Igharardee off's, s aloe. Price $66 per ton' Bead for apamphlet •ddrtss—TM Alt, Vela Ilaano „Comm.", ' 57 Broadway, New 'fork. , ..r. r ,i ritc,l to,:', Crr e ? 41 - tit:A • T ~.,......, .',l •.? P Vv i j! ? .-.t' ‘:, - .i. i ? ::. . I L ' , .:7i - A . atliirt i Ijr,-, ~,,,, :;:. .:. - .-!!!rri , ` , o) ~...:11 I .0.0.1ctiVa.,,,. `"-- - ".`.. - ' • 151t7i1 , 11.1 „0", , , , .,j',..1.);i1 • ',l* * l .;r u. El , . No , .2 • " NiSeethitilefe B P H~B OYYnY , D,.► N7'OltlL IN TE LEAD, , •1 uriarattoM l 4# 111 4 117 • 10 " 1 /! 8 ' MiXea paiuts tolom In 011 intii)ry, oartion 011, • 1,• : It BoitedOtl, Foot Oil. Coach ‘IWY, `VO'ala• COPAL VAHNTSR; ':". ' FURNITURE VARNISH IDAKAR•VARNISII, =9 ODAILVS PATENT JAI;PAINI • . MATERIALS,, ileture Fiaines,(l9l3oer,) LOOKING GLASSEE4,I LOOKING WM PLATES, I iRENCII AND PLATE WINDOW GLASS, TRENCH ZINC, ;ENGLISH AND SAND &C. : s terms are CANN ;in ie.: throw of 161"646. 1 jan1,719 D s. } XL s. 4illiniX/114: Tiwrn ii3STILANGEIiTVir ,nMIC)11 ,t DR.II. S. IIIBBARD&, CO B, Old Store BELVILft, Druwil and Grocerie Which they sell as cheep 'u tau be' bought Pittsburgh. They have 'on. head and are dill PURE, P,RUIA, . • : • -7" • i PER Patna Ilidleioesa.orall kinds,Legal. Cap. Le and Note Paper Peas, Pendia, lok„Faacy and Domestic Soaps, • • Pure . Wines and • Liltuprs, for Yedicat pumoses Weir. Burning 01., and other arUcles usually kept drat clue Drag Storrs. The Doctor haring had • practice of tan yea.- thes fidnt of his ablUiy. to give satisfaction in prescription deportment, which is ander Ms 'pedal charge. Ile charges Dentist, for stirtee and prescripdons. Phytitiam Program Cattily COII - at all HMS Day ani AfghL WO also have en assortment a fTiutgar, Coffee. Tea. Flairoriel Eitrach, Jellies, Candies, RAISINS, CHEESE, CRACKERS; &C Our goods have been bought low ifllf lotted with peat can,, end will be 'old atthe Very lowest prices. Ole. us• call,before purchasing Country Produce taken la exchange for goods. 11. Y. ILUIBMID eh CO. Jan. 6.1849. E xtniordllna7 GRAB BIM UMBER 13EAVER, could not be more tuitonlahlng than the tact that SIMON SNTIVEIV & CO., keep the teat, largest and freshest stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, tlce, In Beaver county. And although It takes gas to mitt a Balloon shoe, you will Ind, If you' stall their establishment that May don't have to resort to gas to make their gooda go. Ago all, we wouldary. "rush la" and exandbe OW stock I We bare on hand the Beat and best • TEAS, ' ' COFFEE, 11° 4E%. ErUtflnd. I m p' Tobacco nln the Once 'stna irate to bu fou We make a epeelelty of gati2sn i rilg nonadi tistZ Ern be the sea best vartetkos in nee. one establish. meet enjoys a well earned repatatkrty to this par ticular, and we intend be the future as a the past tonuitetato ~WE DEFY COMPETITION. Sa. &a DMA telatake theplaee. We ate still at the old stud, weetend of Ed 81, Deaver. Pn..- Come and aft 014 , 1,1111211. T he Howe Salida* afacblnes OLDEST ESTAILLIRD or Al is rim vrOit.D. The/ beta[ the trot saw Nubble* irrer made and hare been , tunnhetmed continually under the auperrielon of the original larenter... N. 1.1.414 HOWIE Jr, Sines their Ant introdnalost MU. The Ise yogis; meat upon three matinee made within the last tie one and *dr imouttair poptibece awaits Mabel OM they hava Um very law of perfections ant that th= l wit only the • tddeat 'astahlhhad hal the hut la Ma westa, u m , machine" do garfeet work alma MI inb. 44n - whe th er Ins or imarsiton dant a semen_ eM teveadate of Ilr. BOA; Wks moon both aides of the OdniesthrlnalL The temaoss, new. navel and unvarying, can be adjusted to any do mot requ degree or tight. nem, sad after :bfts diluted ire chan meta for Meade. , To tie who ham used the, flows 141611114 it ill cot seesaw, ft* an p spat; end We would malyadd to who Wish sperta micidnee t be sem and othen see them machines be t ibre ' barin o g any other. Send for circular. Applkations for geodes must bu addressed to , • MBLEtt 4 STOOPS,. '• . Boleagemp_for Permayinala. DeranregY. Dela ware end Wed Nirghata. Oldee 1M South dat tit., Phila., and Na 4 !It. Clair S Pitta aeutiratly. . . e • ' ! ruansuaro AT ITER .. 4 I LOWItEIT RATES. AT DARRAGH'S._.. ' ,' . • .r .. WAITII.I7I. Ileb 10;U) it, :•, ; 4 ...1 .-. /1:,!-=61,/ , 1. —, 11..11 1.35; . " • ~.,. 1 , 1.'4 , ,:].l_•7._x:. SPRING ', STOOL 7; :~ _ • T O l Cloth M'CALLUM - SRUTWS:- Lard Oil. •-• • 4.94lll"l44ViKat.trAir--1, it •• • f- THELARGEs!rt,WOCAN-V0144, • •; ,grz?%thilsVnist• . faul,UUts tb," • • :';:eyte444lllid'*:.",'s SplOta Terpeptlpp,l 13H~1,1..AC AIQD~ VXECIPI T ORISta" ineetimhsehig ,him ia rbed tote eager, Wool ee the estate at Haim. docolleed, late of the Waugh of :Freedom. *aver meaty, Pa.,Ntertarore; 'Ryerson blaebted Weald armee are mottled, re retake hameilale IMPINIM: sad those Melee dame rinat,_ wad intale'lrin pre sent them detreuthendated for settlement • • '. CATHARINE HOPIPM/ale,_Ex'rs, CHRISTIAN. HOLLAND, Rea jettl w - - - - FAIRBANKS tITANDARD Oro • - • ALSO, aAGGAGEBARROWS,WARE norsz 'MUCKS. • GERMAN GLUE, ecorizlNG I : ; ii IMPROVED.MORRY rIitAWERS. Vini',Wanks. lfforwo at , Co. . um Second givenno,war Wood dd.. BCALp,R I REP4IRED "PROMPTLY. apriximmt •, r -- - - BREAD ! BREAD I The undersigned • takes phours, in fanning the public that be ic still angst* rP tbe Baking bosiaccs stt hba old ' Stand, tat Yackes ihrect."..Briditewatiwas. He warnuita that ii btLing 'his to? Airy to, .aittko White breed • Ord or dark flnur..'• Persons' leaving their orders at his baierY will be supplied at their bar:mei 'daily Ifsp destred• with the best 'otbraid; nPritilirts. • '• ". • MEI Seldby Sunni Druggist* Everywhere. priLY rid CENTii. If your Dreg g Wig }tact not yet got it cn side,dont be put MI with some worse than worthless strong amid,"fumigator;' or poisonous caustic solution, which will Drive the Disease to the Lungs instead of curing it, but send sixty cents to us and the remedy will mitt you Dv return mail. Pour packages, post paid tit. ; One down for *A Send a 2 cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address the pro prietor, I It. V. PIERCE. IL D., mar 2iilni;je3lm.) • Buffalo, N. Y. floe, 0.111 . 0110 AN. I= Mplowid, NAILS, WINDOW (MASS, WOOD AND 'WILLOW WARL, BACON, FISII, FLOUR, SALT, LIME, Country Producelat ods en in Entaille for 'n. , Goals delivered free of charge In all the Villages. sul11;68. THE PEOPLE'S Cooperative Life Insurance Company • OF BE AVER, PA., Incorporated by special Ac of the Legis lature, Apnl 14111, 1809. sUOAB3, • Officers: E. P. KUHN, Esq., President,. • Jlt, Treasurer, Id. L ADAMS, Secretary. A. IV. TAYLOR, General Agent. This Company Is now fully organized, and Citmilms containing its Constitution surd Ily-Laws rimy be obtained by. apply ing to, the Of4icieivAl OITLOe. , : • IN B• EAVER, Penn'a: • We invilir the Public Before Insuring Eliewbat,lo a aw ful Eziunination of the 0-op-a-a-• live Systein, As illustrated In our circular, and the se curity offered to the insured - . A limited member of energetic Agents, who,can gire sufficient 'security for lite..faithfal per formance pf duty, will And permanent em ployment by application to thi General ju penrom or by letter, Batt PURE SPICES MIMI c..*Dratosn, Dealer in i6 , 4bitti ,-( St* tau: s; oi _4/ 111,4 2811 ICE Lm • •-• :.. ~y.•:4.i Prices tintrorst to all, iii fthii forst. BROS.'' mar 24.1 r. I= iiitALLENBERGER BROS. DISALtII IX Tine Family &merles. Queensware, Hardware, Flour, Feed, and . Grain, ROCITESTER, (ON WIZ WILL.) led VlL*.eggrlllll.l.otairili.o ?RICE CORN ?aim. • RYE rr.oun BUCKWHE AT 'FLOUR, - : • iconN AND OATS, • Constantly o. Alt, a chap ad Munk kat - Wo4od en, jukt iborloze. !vsa.” . ty thuielitelmrats4 Au e etto OR PHOSPHATE . as baud; vrtich artll tot sold damp, to Older to to,. traduce a. • . • eririn e rft Ott '. tett Cbt t t are s tire:ll —ef' . l ! ' OIL; All Qoods Delivered Frer.liii• : isms' ~. • J. C... lIAIMOND • .nuH - -.. r , viJak ••••11u • * ? •.; * • • r t=ll !I I t. 1,. , 1 , ." • ' wedituo — ' .9 ar,. spit- '.. l ;.atil.farifiNeopkintiong j Viiirriasietiireirayoreausy:7l - 7 Ii II EMI E=IMMI MEM - c f ir Rola:Wm' .. .; .:.2 .711Elrittc.rauroar, :BMWS* I=EIJEL=EMI „ • VONtai EirEldio4lllo: THIS. 001.1111T2, 4 , ! - • MN BEM= 400 ~, zpo.a.A.,v, _.,.. / ,1t ..-, 1 1 1 r ' s . rr ,."'''T..., i '''q 01 , -.•14.' q:,_ .' *.: • • ' - ' 4 , i' I,•C ‘ hit ~ IllE A gitaktOO ' It IT xi. il 4.. , No.l.l4llifidilkilviaritaii• biol. : Lkwacelis I:111W; ItOrt tagaligneWM • 11=MEME • • :11 -''"lirinklitrarlOntOne hie; havy. ;11, 4k : 3e •21E.• 11L17A.T.1iV44449C0'VE11;% . ". 8 1 61 ‘ 'l ! C‘ ) 15. 14 01 1 R. No 11.A.Iblee,t1 Irv, ♦eq 1411071, • Ihiameleil' Grate:4l'9oli • '• WI, Gist*•issi that, • 1.>.• • • IT ' , :n. '". ••• TA, ..`• 4 . . • • -r; : /21 Al. • •., "a. IinaIKIDMIEZEL' " " Plala Rtd.i Mae. 11 : " 15 2 0/rfow, : • 1 . , $ 415 , FisiteY2'7s " • withentUod, • / 10, Pllgn:Rod. sou asl 13121.11ip!Ont It?d . -1 lA • - Firm* Sheet Iron Summer feces;` rissitaii;ided, • wubornmentaicentgal. . . . . . . . . . . :4,i4 York Triiriweed.. .arve us ,:-., -, .., 7- 44. : •::7, .-;--r , ', . : •• • ,,,..... 4 ,..", :.: •i .:'.:. ' • ;', X 44011. Es.Vaak' 1.-j-,,:1t,',...rrr, xe~ucx s°i~d .-~.. II:=Ia . • • - • - - • -.. 0va,,.. • 8003, BOOKS, ' BOOKS A and Trarfffors= t eglattg a nrat name Prieto. flift Books Suitable for the Holidays, • STATIONERY. , STATIONERY. STATIONERY, AVIV al l i;an . r i r * Pa n sTo, 'k E a n n v a l liVltitg, iffe are Ike exelits Ise Agent for lbeillebrated. Foleyr Gold Von, for this Coart: those seeking a good Gold Pen. would do well to see them befbre purchaehig. . ' We are th e Aunt for thla County fo r finder's Phologlaph Yarriaz I Certificate. The attention of Clergymen Is respectfully cal led to this , as we can Bel em at the same dhimmt as aherwould get from the Publlsher i Atwinws School Goy- MOM t for sale at POWs( rs'igzs. We haat constantly on hand Oil Cloth In Wry variety. `WINDOW verrirnow corr. csLcovri. • .111.11 MC & PAPER WADES. on hand To). mid =lend! eutteblelor the J. F. PRICE, • c midway. New Winton I=l Wail Paper ! Wall Paper ! I . Wall. Paper ! OIL CLAYFIE-31 I Oil 01.0 - 03;2 OIL Cff-aCeinEEI ' CARPETS. CARPETS, C.ARP*T S Benj. Mulheim, BRIDGEWATER. PA.. ' Ms pig. received a large ilt.oet. of Well - *PAM: CAM - P=B, 0:1ClotbS, ilooks,Stutlonem all.kiods of WAndtavV, Shal.lol4! Looking-Glasses. :Tninks, .TELA.V.IBI,ING SAG . ' 8, Satchels, Baskets, Childrenor Carriages& W us. • Ail kinds of Fancy G Also, An Extensive .Assnertment of STE REOSOOPE S and '• , STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. , . This is Um lamest and best selected Stock of Good* In die county, and Limed direct from manufacturers, at the osvest price. and will be iield 'lower than else where. " BENJ. 31IILBEIM. marl74l' . , . , Relsm% 1111101 intern , Ti!late ip!si!ore. ARE TILE BEEMAN USE:`, vas ionumws TONIC arrriens, The very' beet in the Itarhet. R• E. SELLERS' & CO, NO. 45 WOOD STIUUCT. k Oppoidie Bt. &sale, HAM. aim atnum and 101 Thltd street; . P.MMTIRGH, PEN2r-eL Wholesale Agents for the West: Toe We by Jails' Mows. Beaver. Pa. ketral.T. - M -.,411 ffIE „vr,,,l3.lgLat , M *4 l• = 4 A l ir %vet =praveitL VifalleUrr4iwideliA 41110.- at Akal.V4 Viet air Wier entbi ab• owl Mak. slif.) gOaSeMsailielaglh - Oseetimmotinidor inw atm trawil Utak, Totibbed aml roe ' , ll64lW36,'+sbi Basolimrs bomb, Da. 11 , 1= nr; . ' t , ^l 1 MBE Eii „,, vue l -s,x`itl cog be . _ t„... , ..,..-...ian uv these i n r . 9:011 .....,4 nigger plaster * ifi 'a, 14130 ernOloyed , ~ ~.. jrt: _. on the Staltrond 14*TiearturabkCeiii It-ted.,Garretts tent, _ .. st ilt eil see anS winrn. .riVakiiin* - at uv.thelr n h e a r Ti r • . WaY,V./. , . plored em' n 8 • -. ...!;...lfg l / 4 1 .9 - wve the dignity u v zrn 1 tuvado your ok ztropo lidlW7. ilaaildiav eta plasterers :ever! Neve !" ~ heutmostprom. rvt. lic, Ihe • wretch that 03 ,ipi t it 1.. „ . . ___ .. ..134t IteAran- Ma scam amen another, ~. ...ienigin alt together) Methodist brims. And ,over and anon the Unthinkin man of inferiority wood.s toooppp and exemot a break down, and to hisselfso that he mod be heard a mile. The dis gusto wretch' dhsp yc,xl his gruvelin naeher by drinkm. water out uv, a bucket with ho hed handy by him. • We made short Work uv it. We informed him that the laborersuv the Corners hed organ' that no one 'Could work within its b members thereof. "'Jerry well cuss, puttin tar.and suloothin it, Pie the Yoonyun:" "But you can't, ad m I tted ." _ "Den I.speek I shel hey to go on and work without !befit a member. De ole woman and de babies must hub dar bread, you know." Sich insolence coed not of course be tolerated. We bed stated the case to him calmly and disnassioriately; We bed infiirmed him uv the laws we bed made, and this wretch deliberate ly defied as by insisPn that he shood go on with his woe l• Tit.lp , er wuz but one course to take ntl we. took it. We snaked the plat orm out from un tier him, we tore u 1 his mortar bed, We broke his 'trowel and other tools, and notified him otlishelly that any attempt at teioomin work wood re-', suit is the lynchiti uv him: The next day we found that the nigger lied in trooth quit plasterin, but hed foundemployment as a strik er in a blackstnith shop. Uv course 1 Bich an outrage on the pure Caucashen employed in that shop whose name i was O'Toole, rood not be permitted, and ez O'Toole refoosed to work with him he Sniz discharged. 'The next Mini day I notist on the street rather tale and ' haggard than 'otherwise, carryin home a shin bone uv -beef with be lied bought.. The next day afterward I observed that ho lookt better, and I diskivered that he bed found employment ,at last on a , turn , pike rwt,wich la beta built east uv ,the town. 'maker Gavitt and me, - the InVehamaions otlabor for' this section.(ez we don't work we hey time to attend to it) seiested to the noble Celts einployal on the Joh the hidjusnus uv ammeilln em to work on an equality . with a nigger, and they struck again with the .yoomal result, ; !. The nigger AP. discharged. Ho Made but one or two more ef forts. Ho undertook to work at various p ices, but by this. tinie. it V4l/3.MVI enuff knenied that the chi.; zees tiv the Cornets wuz uhflatibly opposed to retvgnizin uv eta in any capacity, and ho yeelded. lie got very thin, and Pale, and haggattl, and, his. large family likewise.. It wuz evident that they wuznt feedlu Very, well at home. Notis the /whir al remit uv (readmit 11 Ile Absolutely Im.ggetl, bet .uv course the Corners wood give nothin to a nigger. Then the instinktlV'eussitittess . uv the nig gff-Aheinfernal depravity' with is Inherent to all uv em-begun to dis play ibicif. He detuoralized rapidly,' and Ina week became a most dLsgus., tin °Wick. lie stole chickens uv Deekin Poznan, leastwise Deekin Pogrom's chickens wuz missin, and Who coot; have stole maid thiS nig ger-40.02c font uy' Elder' Penne bricker,'and Wuz fintdly detected talc-' in 'n ham from liaseoni s smokehouse. There wuz no.doubt et to his gent— 'ho wuz takin in the act with' the fa tal ham In' his * possession, :Ho had taken it home and his wife wuz fry- In - large slices uv it. - . . - ' There good be butone endin to sich a sluice :mien of crimes. The citizens were tOo.mtich incensed to await'the uncertain akshea uv the law and they hung bite at site.,The Corners will never tolerateS nigger theet In-their midst no;hoW. ' , . ~ ' Uv course I improVed the occasion. Ez his body wuz swingin in the' air I askt our people to behold the,truits of radicalism and fanatyeisni, That nigger am: ma* thehappyslave itv ME ofr • ••, .• 1/4".;:k :r •!.„,„.„ iihitkot .iiwnor7', there. wuz atWeen em a- appy..l4lttalien. The I nigger workrandlthrAiWtter , ate, and thug wuz• fulfilled. the, mim, dooties uv life. %Selma not hung then, for lie 'wuz worth too much money Mining , . Wow hedit ben with. him settee? Ha 416rumdid to hem* afreo Man, and herelte IS. r tore OM that there war. Ini heed nvettying-more4-that' body adanglinfinAhe air ~ while, his. sole was oupeiths on, wuz,the quest hie. itentsennon Welt euml be pn.szeht; i s i 'l'hernan'whMe house . the Mater wain plasterbi wuz-in town ester. day tryin, tor m t .:tkureashon p trot s tn,fittish.the ob, but : oz the ain't none ay em ero he Isn't, suomedin . :446ry1v011. He. probably; ' won't get Ifatolils new atiarters•thlm 6111! .. : ratunotieertata , wot terrine uv . - Unity. - There wuza :nigger wo man's body, pulled out uv Viol darn, a day or two afterward with Somebody Xemarkt was-the wife uv the demon, and Coptain,lThlter remarkt that wherthe went to the .cabin uv tbe de. 1 1 *?St nigger, ,i 9 eoeoor Ids share of the ,furnitoorthat two bud' n alggerS from GarrettstoWn were nottst tnakin off with tbe•children, but there's, no tel. ' lin whether there's any. treotif In theserumunt or not. I think; I :stet geto Washidgtoo.and pat my self at the.head .of the' anti-nigger, labor movtimentnow beta Inogurated ther. : Pyramzem V. - .N.ssay, P. li. .. .- • Mich Is PostruaSter.). THE WIRMT THOUSANDI DOL. , , . L.tRM. ;F AZde.• • OW case 1 OW - 'p in!. idrior qatitgesi-sit q‘ irt •r 4 iari; 4rlttrllll4oilf aat tinter; • M Yoar ta-Aren = fee►ern: . rband herkwa mootherabarer, 4. raw? draw. alattort-lo4w. • ~.~~z~~ e neir Labor -The re-' ItY Itk:V: HAM 1 . 717.1. T. SpFIA The first thouanal dollars .:that a young man, after going out into the world to act for himself, earns and .saves will generally. settle thu ques tion of busui&s with him. There may be exception to this statement; yet, for a rule, we think it will hold true. :RoAns ducky,,) uv the dliwhite lied' the loost, ez Rro is AS resa ith 'heir ud urgin ,fitter' end elr &gg'nni to only cauea it wuz AO. 5' bed hevin bin r for a Sob wuz in a anything . Thefirst condition is that theyoung man actually earns.the thousand dol. Earn in question. tie dam not inher it this sum. It does not come to him by a streak of brood luck, as the result bra fortunate venture in the purchase and eale of a hundrtil shares of stock. It is the fruit of pen outl industry. He gives his time and labor 'for it. While he's thus earningg . fund saving it, he must earn two or three, or per .lmps four times as much to pay his current expenses. Re is wasp:went ly held sternly to.the task of mulus ; try; for a 'very considerable period. The direct', consequenceto him is a et , oantintious and solid disci ; pllno in the habits of industry, in pa tlenttpersistent .forecasting anti self denying effort, breaking up all the tendencies totadolence and frlvolty, and making, lint an earnest and watchful economist of time. lie not only learns how to work, but he also acquires the love of "work ;' and, moreover, he learns the value of the sum which he has thus saved ;out of his earnings. Ire haS toiled Or it; he has observed its slow increase from time to time; and his estimate of it rqtresents so many months or yeas of practical labor. His ideas of life are shaped by his Own experiilw. These natural effects of earning the first thoterand dollars we hold! to be • are. just • which sue 'Alto teat Aft& a full . °ppm expansion and developmnt in later years. Alen have but one life to live; and 'holm they start from opening manhood but once.' And the mintier in which they start, the principles with which they start, the purpose they have In view, rind the habits they form, will ordinarily determine the entire se quel of their trcer'on earth. To suc ceed, nen must have the element of success-in theosselres.. One great rea son why there are so many useless, inefficient and poverty stricken men On earth—or, rather boys, seeming -to be men—consists in the simple fact that they did not start right. A prominent reason why the children of the rich so frequently amount to nothing. may be found in the luxury, ease and indolence which marked the 'commencement of their dives. It is the law of God, that we should I be ,workers on earth ; and no one so well consults the beat development of his being as when he conforms his practiee to this law. The workers in some suitable sphere are the only really strong men In the world. . The other condition of the 'state ment is that, the thousand dollars should be saved, as an actual surplus beyond daily consumption. Ile who spends all he earns is always 'poor. He hover has a dollar of ace u mitlatet wealth. The stream runs out as that as it runs. In spending his entire earnings he will, on the one hand,' contra&-the. habits 'of prodigality, with its kindred vices., and, on the other,, lose those of a sound and judi cious economy. Thislxiin,g the phase of things us life opens with him, his prospects for the future are a 'Minus quantity. Life With him will be a &demi mature years will be mark ed by insimillitunce, and old age, if he lives to see itotrill be loaded with poverty. He is an object of charity at the moment in which he ceases to be a producnr, hailing no reserve up on which to drautin the day at ad versity. Some men seem to be doom ed to this by necessity, and in their ease poverty andiwant are not their fiwlt; yet a very, huge number make this condition their choitn--rand, 'hence, with them it 13 self produced. The great rule of good sense and Christian virtuois not to spend more than oneearns, never spend anything either foolishly Dr viciously, and al ways spend as much less than • one's earnings as is. consistent with a reas onable degree of personal comfort and a proper sense of duty to God and man. This is the general thought which every one mustap ply for him self. ' It is not meanne, but econo my. It is not selfishness, lint a legit imate self love. it Ls far more like ly ttidWell'' in (the, bosom of virtue than In'that of - depravity. it in deed, it form of virtue, graded to the realities and ntx.Msitiei of this life and not unfitting its subject' for the em and glories of the nest. ;Now,in'savlng the first Mot - quid dollars,- the young man whom we hnvo In view prod - tees this ettnomy. He lites within his means, and hence owes. no debts , he cannot pay ; he never spendsrdoneyin' a, foolish or vicious way; 'and; after proper at tention to' his Own wants,- and the duties which bind'hlni to others, of which questions he is the sole judge, he lays by, from month to month, or year to year, his surplus earnings as so much accumulated-capital. - At length he reaches the point, and LS worth a thousand Vars. The les. sons thus acquired will almost cot ly last. him tt • llte time: They' are wrbeght intothe very thisum of his personal being. If fortune smiles up on hith, as it probablY • will, It, will not make him a fool.' lie can stand prospialty without •explosion. He understands economy, for ho hits practiced it. It is with him not an Idea merely, but a fitet, and a fixed feature of character. , The outflow of his earnings may increase with his increase of metes; yet the law Which governed and the processes - width so 'cured the saving of the first thousand dellarsiwill be likely to stand by him In ifilintlme to come. sonar-met Gel a Unyan and be permitted to oundariee mptin iarkt the Afrikin )11 a dab uv mor "beiry well ! I'll No nigger kit) be 1 t . • , !or ; , M lIMIME ~ for the want of suMelent action to coniniand staxessti others fail for the Wantelmisithient economy in respect to the products•of action i ; still others fail for want of both. : I Some have tto dlscretioala prosperityotul oth ers have almost no energy and force the.darof adversity. The trained marker and the trained economist be longs to .no one of these classes. I Its personal qualities lake him a tarot— a beatable,. prudent, forcible, practical Iran. , lyery relation and at all trout.:. VP% . • We Jet a. thousand dollars as the *dal sum because It is nut too largo to be attainable In I most rases, or so . Small as to be of 1 easy attainment. It is about sufficient to put,a young man to the and bring ut what there is in him,. anti in this way give him a prtuAlarl edutntion for:the bus- Ines work of life. .11, is quite true , that - this article re fers, mainly ton point in material Civilization ? development, and pro gress; and it is Just UM true that Int uumity.was designed, while moving through this sphere,: wisely and.well todo the things that" belong to' this Sphere. The present life has its laws and its normities ; and to, obey. the formerund meet the latter is us really ii duty at it is to pray or sing psalm.:. Thereare six days in every week for business as well ASA seventh for re ligious • Society rests on business. Pioduelve industry is the life hided of the weed. It futxls and elothe4 the rare. Tim surplus' earn ings of humanity beyond immediate 44meumption constitute the wen mu-: fated wealth of mankind. It is first produced by industrY, and then waved by economy ; and but for it the our *ould be a lienl of [paupers and sava ges. Thenanwhotoolsawaythislife im indolence or Prodigality is a fool if them be no other life; and he cer tainly i 3 a fool if there be another. The young men to whom It Is a mat: , ter of no consequence whether he Works or plays,whether . he saves or sPend?, deserves a Workhouse to , task him and a short allowance to disci pline, him. The father who, having an ample fortune, brings. up his sons upon this shiftless theory is practi cally their enemy, and is as inexcu sable its he would :be If he should Poison them with rum. To nirsuch fathers an d all such sons whew n mend the practical profit of earning and saving the first thousand dollars. suwwood and the Registry Law. • PWILADELPIIIA, July I.—ln the Supreme Court in Bane to-day the fallowing scene oeCurred: Charles Gibbons, E' q., called the attention of the Court to the appeal taken from the decision of Judge Shapmood up on the 'constitutionality of the regis try law, and askasi when the Court Avpuld hear the argument, saying Weis a tnest important matter. Chief Justice said that the case Was upon the list iuregularorderand winild be called up when reached. , I Judg,e'Read sald•thathe most seri-' Misty objected to having acne of itsa great Importance placetL at ,the. foot tifthe list. It 'was the must Laporte nut Matter before the. Court;,aud lad etirtainly thought it 'should be heard at onee. t Tltc ChiefJustied said he- did not' know that the acs had lwel phulsf at the foot of the liSt. , Judge Bead. it at the foot of the list, and I do not see:why the prefer 4 once should be given to. another of, not hall's° notch weight. ,;,„ do not understand th 6 rgOiton "for this Imputation that i‘ittleto any case before the Otiottrt:..loikitatiltan.ettter: orW, behvard in its regular order, and there is nth reason fur deviation from thisrule. ;Judge Read. There is no such int.; plantion Chief Justice. There isoud it Is very improper. A. case is already called which upon, the list has prece-1 Bence to this, zeal when it is conchaV Pd, if no other intervenes, the regis ley ease will be heard right away. Judge Itead. I shall call . tbr a' poll of the judges, us a ;majority of tlit cohort can call a- ease.: • !Chief Justin' lam aware of that.' r ‘. ttief 3 ust ice. .re C. .4,1 thut this is the must extraordinar.‘,l tlieory I have lieard since I have I)eeirJ j ou the bench. William M. Meredith, Esq., sag.; gdstcd to the court that it was usual.: to' give taE of great importance preference In-point of time of hearing. The Chief Justice said . he did not like to sec the court thug importuned to!imil 0 case running out of its rt.-ga tor order, te: if it were trying to avoid hearing. Mr. Meredith answered the court thht he had entertained no such idea. I'hiNvhole controversy was of an e;c l ecsAinglyunpleo-ant characteramd was finally concluded in an under standing that the registry question would 'se heard if no other inter- Vellislt ;We have more than once called at tention to the industry Which Judge Sharswood displays in olsitructing juStice and shielding crime; but all former efforts in that line are cast blithe shade by the shameful trick dekribed above. That the Judge shOuld resist any attempt to crinple • the fiends by which he holds his resit, on the Supreme bench is easy enough of isimprehension when you know, the man, but it is pitiable that deeen e,V cannot restrain !him within the limits of professional decency. The very greatest danger now tl4vatening the stability of our gov ernment is the enormous frauds prae- Deed on the ballot. The very Judge ' who now disgraces the place of Chief_ ' Justice of our supreme Court, Stairs: wood,motoriously holds his place by these Very frauds. New York east thirty-three electoral votes for Sey mour admittedlysecured by the mast stupendous villainy ever practiced, or attempted at any election.) The Governor of that great State now holds his oflice-through illegal votes numbered tens of thousands, mid the public mind is especially bent on thiscrime and its remedy. In our Legislature passed a registry law deSigfied to prevent illegal voting. Flaws were discovered in Its prepa ration; and a technical consideration of it resulted in an opinion against its' onstitutionality. In 1569 anoth er lalvtwas paYANI, trained especially to meet the objection-I urged against itsipredecessor, and, on a made up issue, it was carried before Shrawood !sitting haw.• rfe' declared the law void. Every man who•desires a air eleetion in PeninTivania was outrag eYl a single judge, and :particu larly.thejudge elected by ballot stiff ling should consent billow a cause of such momentous Importance mul en detivor to forestall the public mind by decidingthe vase. 'rhat a hear ingibefore the! full bench. Would be demanded has never for a moment been doubted, am! everything which could be done to put off such a hear ing would inevitably provoke an in creased anger In the public mind. It was not delay alone which- fur nished cause for irritation. Datum p iIY for mull, the great &arnica! par ties are divided on this question. The Republican's dethand that fair elections shall beheld, The Demo crats demand that fraud shall be pro tected. licence one pirty prow* and upliolds this'registry law; while the other opposes and owitructs it. he Judges are elected, and, on partisan questions are generally inclined to atihitige'll cause ru hurzpoky with the priacipl s e which gnvern their cal Views. The Republicans have a majority of the court, but a Demo enitis chief Justice. And the fact that, this law was hroUght in question before ajudge who must either der ' strey its force or ruin his party, was :!;. .'r, e Established 1818.' held to bathe meanest Wok of a lier.• tiregger, and the basest scheme of a shyster. When , therefore scull court. Met,' the anxiety oral( for re felt and fair hearing 'Was etrpreadng that the taunset for the maintenance of the law, requeeted that a specxly. trial of anise might be given and. this brought out the deviltry whidt has been resorted to, to delayitsitled. -; • -Air - eminent , advoeate asked iflutt tbo cuso be. taken up bemuse. of Its • importance, Ile west:lolly answered by Sharswood that it was on the list and . would . betaken •up in "regular order," and called "when nachad." Judge ..itead called attention, to the fact that the also was plated at the bolloenof.thelist. Shanswood denied knowledge of this damaging fart, and flew into a passion because of the ‘!lmputation"ofJudge Read'sdisenv ery. The sluunefuiseene which fol lowod townie deplored ; but it (-stab lishm this clearly, that Sharimmod ur his clerk, Snowden, or both, have at tempted tobury thisamoutof sight. That the discovery mid exposure of the villainy Was not expected, and -that when held up to piddle atten tion the perpetrator lust his temper aid became a ballyasawat)aaa black guard.t, This netiort;A r Atiailivooti I points out to us the chtuneter of the coining campaign, and we hold it to he our duty to denounce every rascal, high or low, who tolmteli, (wahines, defends, or protects fraud,be he high or low, Shritawoixl. included.—!7"r Trig/rapt/. EverYthiag ruls - 1,17en done under great dittdvnetelesti ' Thu mei:imam' i dations are thefts:ti t an(' the Misehm is fresplentiSr. era Wiled Vs exceed. The girls collie Mitre door' and beg so.pit eously foradsulaslon dud they are let in .wben there is ectually s , no room fulethcasi - 1 Wheys will; *op on the flOori OrAP lieneheefsor tilt and Acell in chairs, or undergo' any ftrdshlp, And they do their beet to Do useful. Thef doh it the Wiiithluzsiroulnis, sewing, mending, cooking,' scrub blngSantlethele Week of the•Miselon, and &S it . gladly, They are'hot watched. No espio nage of any kind is kept upon therm The elothist in wash-are no counted. Everything:l4.l(lk to their honor ;and the reatruemys that so air not a cent's worth Ofanythltig as been stolen, althougheve Ey girl 14 it thief when she mines there. 'Me trust reposed. In them amitimislan them, at first, be yond unustins They can hardly bes Ileve that, aitylxxly would or could trust }Beat'. The fact has to grow upon them by deyrrees„ And &very one distrusts all her fellows, and minis the matron against them. " Mrs. Smith," the informer will onfidentially piny, " yotemus'n't let these girls li ave a chauteto snot ally. , Ilene •, for if you do they 'll take it. T tse 're all thieve 4. rindon't know I at art tar welt as bk." tend so every ens in turn whispers her warning in the iri*truus private et; and every tine in turn Is tilled 1101CACE GREELEY IN THE w t ut astonishment that none of her . . . RIOTS. co ipaniens emus; inclined to steal Only a hundred muskets had been of er their entering the Miaelon. brought Into the building during the kithough there is no preeeptible night: but these, by a barmy- rime, di ripline In the M iselon,rioeollirtions had been magnified in the eklimation cs or among the intimates. This is of the mob into et, least live hundred. another surprising fact, for they are They kept the rascals at bay for the' le, no memo; pee seeeed of ungelie night, but were totally insufficient to npers in their antinilledon Witte! for the regular defence of the building: 1 1 right 118 re is a awd place t''' l ial With even a hundred brave men be. n ntion that several pet theories on hind then they could no more luwe 11 is subjectSwhich we have held lit withstood that infuriated crew of five is rumen with others, have been thousand than a (Luther can with- st ngly shitken if not overturned by stand a whirlwind. - This WWI fully tl e filets developed •in this Mission. appreciattld by the defenders, and it I has usually been suppcssed that the was determined that if the building v 'tennis in I•ieet.llol4 be the' inert should stand overnight, to .kid it up d fficult of reclamation : and It itecip., to the muzzle in the morning. Ac- it ipoesi lee that it could be otherwise. twedingly, by the following. noon, dt iut experience, thus far, ahoree that was a perfect arsenal. ' The fled floor i •is the oldea transgressors who was barricaded with balisfof Printing I eke the most steadfast' penitent:. reapers and . provided with u stem[ Mme who had been keeling hideous hose, that would have badly "scorch- lives for eighteen 'y ent have become ed" any' intrudtn; arid the second t horoughly reformed, and have been story had at one o f the windows a or months earning their living by small cannon, loaded with ginpe and downright honest drudgery. Thev• canister, and *at the others piles of ete axes° contnny to ones prcein hand grenades, ready to be hurled •eived notions on this subject as to 1.• .upon the rioters. The third story 'foully painful and they ought to lie was equally well armed, and in the looked into, 11181 11181 1 Ysell, and as large editorial room we r e a dozen counted fur at the earliest pcsesibli• forty-pounds shells, with fries shoe. da tenet so they woul d y. explode on Falk- I These wretched creatun•s an. kind ing the pavemeut. These with a Ito one another in the. 3flr..Nlott, and I brace or more muskets at every win- ;ready to help dune the sick, or' per dow. and a hundred and fifty deter.form any friendly o ff ice. They also I mined men, all under command of tfike a deep luteriat in the pennan au experienced army officer, comple- envy of one anet her's reformation. tea the armament of the building. They also like to'havethelt . 'MI Mon This arsenal, Mr. Gr e eley entered frietals kept Informed as to their about now, on the second day of the ownsmeeet rand when they begin to riot, and making lids way to the csl. earn wages; they like to give a por ritorml rooms, lie looked curiously tion thereof to the Mission In repo ;- about at the warlike preparations. Mout of the stoney expended for "Wind are those?" he inquired, in. them, and also to help others who speeting the shell, which were rung are strunfling to breek loose from ed man inegular semieirele near on the bondage of iniquity . . '• ' lof the trout svindows. I Till: 111.I.NIDGII:1, OrWATERSTREET. ! ' '"}..lulls of lire and brimstone to 'nth= girl's family had been ' flour- I those red ragamuffins down on tit [shirs dance-house keepers for years. side—walk." Their were Slur genenttions of deal' "But 1 wanted noarms brought in in their Water street den at onetime to the , building." o l • ee, we know; but Col. Adam • —the grate-gnuelfather being eighty" Yeti, Scars old, and I hegrate-grandehild a now has command of the Tribun.,, littl e girt of itv( . .. and we propose to we this dance out, !Cho Mind , girl,' '. whom, instincts lif it taste till doo th ebiy." ' L were naturally, refined, Sped from the Without further remark Mr, Sins house, on le ley went to his work, andailday was In 04.711L4011, 10 tWape the til."ll,itrin ' companhuiship to which knee-doep in editorials and exclute 4 - s e s '' ‘eas til sse su b jected, a nd the re ey pubilve duty of playing the meloile- Meanwhile a noisy mob was in ou for the girls . o dents); but her B e-' 18 " er rrinling'sitoase &Ina i mother bean:dug ,dangerously ill, and whoever entered or tell the bui - ding was greeted with yens and ear duty,' x.xlSshe returned from a sense or filial du,' to her tItle:: Whileshe Wti, SIN, and threats of even rougher trea - i n i i i i ii iili .,l l. , w i i, acc id e nt a lly rmind molt. , I liz.: till , hii-...ionary of the Water-Met Still, a throng of friends kept ism - leg in and out all the day, and Ga. e visitors so impeded Mr. Greeley s work dint It was eight o'clock • t night before he finished his last lead er. As it grew thwart's dark one friend after another :went to laid, urging him, to leave for home, so l d repreienting the great danger of r 1 1- maining after sunset. To all, his a l - swer was "I am not quite through'; I will go in a few minutes." At last General Hustecd came in from the street, reporting that !lie crowd, now greatly augmented, were clamoring wildly for "o ul d Giuy kyr "It is absolute madne," lie added, "for you to stay longer ;" but the an.: swer still was,{ "1 am not quite 'through ; I will go inn few minutes " Eight o'clock ut last came, and Col. Adams and another gentleman sent out for a close carriage to be brought to the shin door, and then going to Mr. Greeley, he accosted him some what as follows : "Mr. Greeley, a carriage willie . i here instantly. We want_ you to leave the office." "I'm not quite reedy ; I will go n a few moments," was again the qt i ; et answer. We insist on your going mar. A hundred and fifty of us risking our : lives in defending your building, and you have no right to add l to our thr• ger o . At this the philosopher slowly rost .; and with his peculiar smile, said, "lint why order a carriage? I could have gone OS well in a street earl "You eouldn' have got to a ear. Look down there, and see the kind of (Tow(' that surrounds the buildidg. He looked down { and saw what miglit haveljunde it Man ofiron nervea turn a little palid. 1 , The Infernal r}g. lons had been unroofed. and the tidy- Hs were there shoutidg and hooting, and howling, and groaning on the pavement. Such another crew never ;,eft together 'on this or any other planet ; and as he looked they shoa ts', "Come out, ye' ould haytheit ; come out, and we'll hitch ye a tidy gar's as good as a Irishman." 'Alien, they are n hard looking set," he said, tutiting quietly around and drawing on his coat preparatdry to leaving; 'iwhere - could those (el lowS have come from?" -- t , He was smuggled into the the car-, thane, the door WllB closed, anti in half an hour he-ants miles away, in safety. . .. . .{. . As all knew, the riot lasted days longer. During every.. hour I 0.4 theta two days the Tribune oflictand its editor wive in almost hourly dam. ger ; but Mr. Greeley eante and went as usual, and as usual attended to the duties of his potation, as if only gni et were reigning over the blood-d.el uged city ; and all thismittle salad of the great dallbat were posting-him . * a poltroon, _• and even a venerable archbishop had the bad taste to ottb-. licly .brand j him as morally and physchdly a coward ! Whatever may be the facts Muck- Mr. Greeleys moral or phy-81*1 courage, fie slum - tat upon this own shm au in tellitetutd courage that stock! him in good stand, and constituted hint in very deed a hero.—E.DatuN g .n c, in .I"ackares No:dilly, fie June. , ,fr - —England's poet lanreato is travel ing in Switzerland —Monsieur nonher is to be made Viceroy of Algeria. —The late National intelligencer died a the age of plus. —The Ptince of Was w01f523,000 cleftion the Into Derby. "1111110111111AMMAlltere. ; ; blirgialsloiktregitbe old Alt& bulldngtm'etitrd ktrbef, Bea vice, - it 111; aq*.xecu., in advance. Ckiiiiinnolgoaennima lab/efts of litlIAIVT°400 4 099041"Ilr• fled Tcrinsereatimation-dnfoniet this kind timid liiirarliddri be acconirruded 11 ; tlin inuton'of th e an OM. 4 14tiOn i l lA cuftimnO:ntiMogi +mid bseddronsod to , 1 ;'i ...WAYAKp e U ear, Ps. 'Alia: l .44/mpg stgall i*/$6- MION. M1...d0n, at whose roinest the matron visited her.. danee-howat not tieing far from lin:mission, (we omit the number, and also the name of the nuttily. nor the baud girl's sake, soon after tier return honee she one day nttended the noon prayer nue . ting, told btsutue deeply interest's!. Having . a good verbal and noe•ieal memory she reinenihertql the hymn and tones:she 'leant ; and on return ing home, begnn to sing unit play them in the danee-huuso. The in macs, gm hexed around her and list ened to suet' hymns " More like Jesus would I be," "There is a Fenn tain Illkil with blood," "Just us I am, without one Pleh," "Nturer, my (lob, to Thee," Ae:, and some of lie listeners finally joined her inflaming . - ing. Theoffeet upon the girls was so .marked that the keeper a th.• house forbade "such goings on ;" but the blind girl weal(' not obey the command. o from that time forth she wits a tssistant attendant upon the pr4er 'meting, awl the hymns which she learned there she as eon stantly sang ; and thou sing ing she went to praying. ..& feeling of awe settled upon the house-114 , 1d, and she waa permitted to sing and pray at she pleased. The re ult was that she utterly broke up the Infernal den. tier grandfather first bermsto attend the prayer meetings; then Jar sister and her brothers; then ionic of the dance house girls; and her Sick mother became interested before Alo dial. And finally the place wasabandoned, and eight of the girls arenow In gt UM I lintnea and living Christian lives. Thus this poor Water street girl's affliction was made The means, un der Providence, of areomplishuig a seemingly. hopeless work, in break ine up one of the oldest dens of iui guity in the city. "Tod MOTiN In a mysterlnum Way ilia tvunders tolerfurm. ". —(Xirer Dyer, ise Pada u•cr s -Von MI fur Ave. TirE GIatATCENLETERY.—The ism is the laritt%Lot all eetneterio4, awl its slumberers repose without mune ments. An other graveyards, In uil lands, show some diAlnetion betwivit the great and email, the poor and the rich ; but in ,t.¢o maul mmeteriy the king anti the, down, the prince an d the peaNttit, ere i il'ttilke and 'tied i— tlrlgutAted. 'he stone waves till overall—the. Sllllla requiem by the minstrels of the ocean Is chanted to .their honor. Over their remains the same storm beats and the Same sun shines. and there un marked the weak and the powerful, the plumed and the unhonorod, will sleep on until awak ened, by the name blast off, oibricps trumpet. Truly, 'so fiir asltiterfer cum with thou on the, pait)sl.the living Is concerned, they, wilt rest lii IN -111.1*. _ A Joke. vas r perpetrateti, a few days stun. upou:Jud . ge .Barker, who IVai presi,ding qVer the Fitiprot• Court, In s&tsion' at Lockport; N. Y. 'A jurynnoi , was absent front h 1.4 seat, all.. the , others being otrupl tal. A dog looking for the master, very Ouletly took the earatit . plaee. .The Judge, addressing Ron: - A. P. f.anning, of Menlo add ; "You see, Mr: Latuting, . that ' Jurymen's seats are all occupied. Are you ready to proceed? The distinguished pleader raised hisglasses to his eyes, and af ter a brief survey Of the Jury-le% made tha wl ttv reply ; "Your/lonia . , that fellow .might do for a judge. hut I. should halo to trust him for a ,jor - mai". The good-natural Judge join ed heartily in the merry laugh that followed, and provt4 that he e' aid take as wegits give a joke. , Ar, •