The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 02, 1869, Image 1
. , ADVERWIEMENTS: • Advertisements ere fnentkedelith.rattl ' perequare for tlratlnseit On, and for each subsequent' Insertion. ISO Cent , : A liberal 'discount made on yearly ad viTtinementik. • • • • . A space equal to ten 114 es of this trio • Inep..§Uroll a square, i ,• • intsiness ;Cutlet's set inideta hoed by themselves immediately atter the loco,' now•i, will bo charged ten coa ti line fur !melt insertion. • .tdvertisemonts .ahould be handed in before Monday noon to insure insertion in that week's paper. Bushiest Cards. cE.Our citizens will undoubtedly cor.sen I their interot. the ice line. by keatag their netters for inst cooang article, at J. 11.,(14ske's 4:rocery. lie dill promptly detivel at residences ..arly -in morning - during bested 00116011, on taint that other, deaden cannot compete with In 1.01.11 at chespeois... . j ANDERSON, Illamatateiturer - all . stoves, Ilastlaitaratuj la Roehatter. k.otogy. lea viral:wed the g o .. d r , lat ely owned by Messrs. Emnfli Arbuqkla. In .. 1 1. 1 140kt to supply the public with the celehee '••Nee, Cookstown," for woad oncost; and to fel obh, al ehort notice. almost any castings called lac. (Local anttitadlcalcopy.l maylikti iiiiLLIA2I BARITES, dealer In Boots' rhocr, Matters, Blippera;ec., next dour to l'eper's 7111 ,bop. Bridge street, Midgets/der, here he la prepared to triddllfitddro and dell •co thing to do t line at reseonable =NS ild•- luz removed hie place of beldam froth tbe torn. rr mar the Bridge to his present leeation, , be in. ver Id. old friends and patrons to gird him:* • • tuy'STltly. a. - 11131AN. Attorney sid Law, Ilitsrar. Pa. r/ office 1p Conn House. 1113 N. K. PEEKSOL,_Attorney at Law and 111rreyor of isuds:• Mace opposite Professor 'l2oo 's In Leaver..___(apritlitt. Ftroil,u,°"7ol47lic 1 ( 3 ) :"In Ya ly. I.)LAVER SEMINARY AND MUSIC. ) AL INSTIL/VOCAL 1%4111 make corresponding red actions In Tuition poi Maine for pupils who may nee the can to ;11 n. for lIIMESICUULI. Tarn opens April'6l). war C;lt. IL T. TAYLOR. Darlington, Aerie/nay High School" GpettToe•day, Jibe Oh of Aprll. 180). lout. thirteen Weeks. Cl/inset lormed In the illgiter Mathematics, and Cum. English., :di ulna open. Sept. lat. • J. BliAl/FOIITI 114.161/E.` 4 ., Pro. S. Patten.on. Principal.. . Prr..ll..ard of Truskees. juji3334u.... • Shingles, LAIR AND FLOORING t •nutanar on nand: and nod at Ow lowertratei In Potato timber sawed to order. . • J...t.II.DAIIIIAGIL r • L. liberlanrt, Engineor and Harvey • or Neu Brighton. I'd. Surtreyri, !dap anti !uncle uu short make. • J. 1 handler 84 SonsOrnitlpla. linclaci• I • ter. OAllea in Beaver Stx.tlnn building. :imam ted. ' Priceolnalerste. Give us • 1 , NE1E1180:11. General Pollee, Deter. . u. e and Collemlon A auey, Oface, at Hall. Bout Depot, Itecha.ter. /karat' Cu., Pa. All uuILuDP. VII Milted to my care will recelre prompt loordou, on roasonable tapri,S,Ublf. 10.4: and ea H ants conducted by Prot. Taylor and able asablants, oilers extenelve comers la the I tows, Engliph and Music. For Catalogue. ad obe.. It. T. TAILOR. liln . glen I undersigned ahnoitaeluring and will always keep on bend a Ire Muck of No. 1 and No. 216 and 18 Inch Milligles. hleli he will dispose of at mdderate Wee. The mill Is located near Beaver station, on the C. & D. Maimed, D. roma, madenigned la prepared %../ to deliver goodbortHim Coal to all persona ...riling the ankle. Orders will receive prompt attention. • H. P. CUMMINGS. Hoe, 11, 1660 TAS. CAMERON, Attortiey at Lau` Beaver, Pa. Office ih the room for. mPrly occupied by the late Judge .Ad tMC CO i iectionn, d c., promptly atteded to. I , I \Ii.TIATILIC.—Dr. 5 Munoz, of Bridge 1 o Ater. lute 1111 . ' 0111celOchr_tolooe the gun lle GOODYEAR Kum EITR./t evneequent Ir h • does hot too the Dry Rubber, or im.op.i.tooe I;nlit and Silver flllllnia put M etttii bast ma 1.r.). and all !murk warranted..• ' BEM A mAniums Lodge nr.L.—se a t l so4.T. 4 meru every* Monday eTeurac , _ Rochester, Coaln I ) JEILINET, Watchmaker and Jeweier. gd creel, Beaver. Pa. (In room adjoining J. i'. Wilson's Wriest.; Gold watches • and dims- Inflaters repaired and warranted. Engraving ALCM to order. Tha pat:outgo of ohs•public la solicitcd,,and 'satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a niciunEEfti, Banker, curate of Thin! street and diemnod,..l:kaver. Peojlon vy loaned on Governmentlionds. -Interest allow tline depotita. We will also receive appll eidona for pollelev In the.N.4.IIOIYAL LIPZ CO., orrnrirs.Aiso Merchants', Mennfeetnrere and Aritzane' Co.. of.Cittsbursh, i's. inUee below the Court aprri,lWAtt . IIIi\" NEU Z, Dueler In fluids, 'Slices, /dippers and Gaiters. Boots and shoes !undo order. A lung experience In the business VlM to,ilo work in a superior manner. Terms eindersto. Him', on Third street (near Rev. 3111- liaokstore),• Deaver, IM. , (tine him a mil fir for.. purcluisingeleewLere. • . sprl,lteXkly ' 1 _ . \ DySTII V SALT CO., 31 =intact turn aud broir, itt Table and Cuanw nab, at Industry, county,Ta. All salt pdt up In good or. on, Foal warran.ed to glee satisfaction. Orders promptly attendee, to. • - - • s. D. Him ](*never. E. 111,UN1'. !Mc. G Trensurer CHAS. B. 1111'11ST, Notary Public. Con. e)enrer and insurance Anent. • heeds and A:rel.:l.llP "sirs,, and acknowledgements taken, • iler Inc bean noir commiutioned !tangent tot ....ere! first Class Insurance Compete, rettre .e,,oe:. the Fire, Life, Accident, nod To Block lo•••,nolelds. le prepase4 to take risks and write 1,....ete. on the most liberal tams. Also, agent ler the -Anchor Line" of first chum Ocean Steam. •,•• 'rickets sold to and' Trent an purr!. in 'Eng , laint. in hind, Fleolland,(lermany and Franco. Of tire l• lA-are brick row, Diamond, Rochester. nortirai Miscellaneous. VBANKERS, CO 40.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI PHILADELPHIA. IkENERAL R AgENTS, - FO aI n _PENNiYLVANIA ‘ l 4/ AND VP" 77 t1111 NCH 0 9 . 7 L) OF THE .6\ .a )101 1111VE 111%1 4)&6 /111 of nit UNITED STATES OFAMERICA fiATIOTAL LI7III INIVILAIOIII COUPAMT Nved Jt172515. wwith a CASH CAPITAL, D 1,000,000, /TILL PAID. term. offered to Agents' sad Ilolkbols. lan ..‘nvt..d to apply nt rn D.T tlculars 5.11, oh ad onopplleottoi at oar Ogle. son: In the atoned story or our. Bantlos Down n.r+tl colors and Porupbletr, ropy Micriblng tin on.' +tn. °enrol Mtn. Coinpanr.onav be had. • %Y. CI. CO. 5. , a411. TAir.d Opening New Goods Daily, • J. W. BARKER & Co's. No. 59 .Slarket Street, Pittsburgh, Pij • ImEss Goons, in 'single and double idih,• in nil the desirable shades and qualitle., at 20c, 25c, lidc, 35c and 40cis. BLACK SILKS, from sl . 4er yard arid apwardA. PLAIN, STRIPED &CHECK MILKS at all prices. ! SHAWLS,' of nll Rtyles. Sztaisiel4 and Eivaitsa'. 1)n Nand and made to Order, in the veiy LATEST PARISIAN STYLES. i Wall Paper, Windikw.Shadee, Potgerm New, • Prices Low. yartely Endless. .DEZOT-TCHPiI co. , Cor. Fifth Aroma; 112 Wood Streit - Pittaburgb, Pa. Packages delivered at R, IL Depots, Sr, free of dirge. • tuarltram., 4- is . -•• 4 ; • Y 1 •, . •. . • - • , • • - • (-• ••• " • 4 , _ • _:., • -t , A I- .• • . Beaver' Pa I ;irs3d.ttesda - - Establ 0. 22.. . -r.4 • 01: ' • 4 •'„ ; Dry ("Wm* . Miscelianeous. , I SZILLEC .4h.71 • oink' es* s' • " Ogg" •. • • • • • the as, . "a kne ar vs 'Untied eases • sodden ne. 'a A I VO , that • .roome lax • that !xer lor.the " sir i plank et t e he betown dank „wmin.astark sine • foot it - 7Q That the sea. nett • . otatill see out. ihnise.ils• never aof :4 • ' ` shit tat au ' wombs • „sleasklhe ler o k rgdP •alld IMO • • !KW, husd as " - ow tibler lain*'box • • • . and •• with the aka 1 • eleft • " she -• • • eBl ' -1 rhed It, andW gti• in witti.A •• -• • ?. Arld l efe tf l. t 1 tp 3. ` ' ' Vol. 51.- New 101EDillaltaibb , HAS OPILASD A ISTOItIt IN NEW BRIGHTON, To 1 41101.E3ALSpna AFTAIL WHITE LEAD, • , 41- LINSEED 011, • . BRII§HEIN - ' Mixed Paints. Colors. In All:and:Dry, Cirbtia' Oil, 1" • .foiled Oil, Nent's Foot Olt, Laid Oil, Spirits Tementine, dimd.' Body Varnish. COPAL VARNISH, FURNITURE VARNISH, IDAMAR VARNISH, , • 8111RI,LA6 AND •BLACK VARNISH. • 'COALE'S PATENT JAPANI AIITIST'S MATERIALS, I • - ; Picture FrIMICR, (to order,) LOOKING GLABSEB, LOOKING GLASS PLATES, FRIIINDII AND PLATE WINDOW GLASS, FRENCH ZINC., 'ENGLISH AND GERMAN GLUT:, 'SAND PAPER, Ills terms are CASH on de., livery or Goods.' junl,ll9 D R. W. 11.WIMIMITIAMD, • W. A. ANITA, ISSTRANGER THAN FICTION' It Is a Outtive het nail DR. H. S. HIBBARD & CO H. B. Anderson's Old Store BEAVER, PA., have Drags and. Groceriek, Which they sell u cheap es eau be bought In Pittsburgh. -They hare on hand and are daily - receiving • PURE DRUGS;- -.s .. • • , MEDICINES_,.. - ',. PERFUMERY, Patent Medichimmeiall kinds, Legal Cap Letter and Note Pellet Pon , Pencils,. ink.rnee7 cad Domestic Maps, Pure Wines and Liquors, far kindles] purposes oats. Burning Oil.. and other 'Welts vitally kept In , first china Drug Stores. The Doctor hieing bad a practhaf of ten years Peel. confident of his giro eatisfadion In the prescriptilui department, which ls noder his special charge. Ile charges nothing for advice and prescription.. • Physicians rffigriptiOnS CareftillY COM bounded at all Haus Bay and HIV. • We also'have en asmortinent of I=3:l=Mil 'WWI], Woo. Wee, Cai since] Vrulto, Flptoes, Flaming &tracts : Jellies ! Candies ; ItAISIN4, CHEESE, CRACKERS, aC. Our goods have Deco bought low for auk. se lected with great care. rod will be sold at the very lowest prices. Give wit • call before purchasing elsewhere. Country Produce taken in exchange Isw goods. 11. k. HIBBARD CO.. Jan. 6. ' E xtruordlneiT GRAND 13ALIDON ASCENSION - • IN .11EAVElt, cotthl not be more astonishing than the . fact that SIMON SNITGER & co., keep the Witt, largest and freshest. snick of GROCERIES, 11.0.11 R, FEED, ae, In Beaver county. And illthooeh It takes an to *aka • Balloon the, you win end, If you nut their estabaanment that they don't bare to resort to gas to make their good. go. To all, we would my, "rush In" and examine our .lock 1 We hare on hand the enest and best TEAS, • COFFEE. SUGARS. I'LIIE SPICES Molasses, Syrups, Soaps, also the be..t br..nds of Tobacco and Civars .to he found in the plate • We make a specially of • ;14vECiTiTR - irionylnar an sell ognona .44 w.—( L ED, to Le the very beet vat lelies In We. Our establish. meat enjoys a well•estrned reinitallOn In this par ticular, and we Intend In the Mere as in the pas( to maintain It. WE DEFY CO3IPEYITFON. • Don't mistake the place. We are still at the old dried, westeud of 3d St., Bearer. M. Como and eM UP, T he Howe Ness - tog Haebleee 111 OLDEST ESTABLISHED Orr THEW ORLD. • They belog e Ent Belidat lfsehineeerner nude and have been menufseturee continually , mode" the Poperelaton of the orbgloal Inventor, ELIAS HOVE Jr, Blocs their and Introduction IBM. The lat,thee. toestt.upon these maeblues wade .wlUdu the last two yews and their rapidly growing popularity attests the fact that they hare melted the eery use of•petiltetke and that *Agate sot only the 'oldest establlsbed but thabeet is the world. Mope machine* do DpAet workp . all Ties whelbmane or ea Mai ulna IM InteullOn or 3ltt Mu* alike ittoa both skies otitis retaie,fileired. The tesekoa, pew, novel and untarylnaVean be adiestad to any Ochre of lad e JD no and alter tutus edjosted do'loot • requite thanaistir, aueept ter Met. threedry. • Ilitheee whalUrre tamed iaia noire weetel , die, It Is not aeoweary the ea to 'peat : and we Wahl, oalyadd to WilM Who wish spelled talleNaea be aura and see Well Machine, toellwew haying any other. Bend for altruism Applications far leaden =slaw addressed to, • 14TOOPR. sow stems tot Pommy Thr4l4.*ltooly. Dela ware aid w r i t Vlrstatr Oaks Ai Saadi Rh Pbll4. f aid No. 4 p 4, • St. 'tuber" * • - : • trinretiz. I.I. II3IMIBILEDVAV . - AT D.azataini, , Ilitions, M►*tq SPRING STOelfal .T : _y - • • :::', ;$ ::- , Oil •ClOths,: . 'itt.-;: Et. :: 7 1 MTALIAJW, BROTH'S. 1 Filth Avenue, above! Woodinreet, ' .PITTPIIIMM: PA Have on hand TIIE LARGEST STOCKIN TITE N.Alt From the Finest Qualities to the Very Lowest Oradea- • • • • WINDOW SHADES, ~ Fine atufbornmou 'fable Covers, io., Ptices uniform to all, and the lowpst x•ceLLVM_ mos: mar24:ly. We do not wish to storm you, reader, bat Dr. •Wonderlal, sr any other inan,bas 11,,mwercil a remedy cures Consump• iouoihan the lungs tm half consumed,iin Mort, will cum all Menses whether o, nind, body, or estate .nape men live fore,- Jr,.and leave death to play for want of work —and Is designed to Make our sublunary 4phere A blissful par tdise to which Hear enMaclf shall be but II aide show. You have heard enough of that kind of humbaggery, and we do net wonder that evil have by_ this time , be. come disgusted with it. But when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will POSITIVELY crux the worst cases of Ca rrh. we only assert that which thous ands can teCify to. Try it and you will be convinced. We wilptitslsoo REWARD for a case of Catarrh t hat wrtannot cure. Soldbymost Druggists Everywhere. PRICE oars ma= Sent by mail; post paid, for suer car= Four packages for 42, or ono dozen for $ll. Send a 2 cent stamp for Dr. Sap's pamphlet on Ca, tank. Address the proprietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D., mar Ism • Buffalo, N. Y. F anners, TRY THE ALTA. VELA PHOSPHATE, It is Compered principally of Ms celebrated Quoo from • V33Ir.:LA:: Fustian. Um tiar 010! . . • .. • • AIingEOZIMILI haFtusinle quantity to give activity (without Info ty) tit the vegetation, and a Inge quantity of sol Old Bone Phosphate of Lime, Together mltts POTASH and SODA, the means! elements of ai• COMPLETE MANURE. The high estimation in which It to bee by many thousand tame on who air mina It in prefer anew toolbar kind., la a aura _intrude* or Ito •aloe. Pries diaper ton. Bond - Ibr .pamphlet Addreu--The Alta Vela Guano Company, LT Broadway. New York, THE GREAT Zingari Bitters. A Sufe Blood Pui ifyer, A Splendid Tonic, • A Pleasant Beverage, A CERTAIN CURE AND • PREVENTATIVE OP DISEASE'S. The Ziff 0 ARI DITTRDS ire compounded from pracilption of the eelebratod Titian Physician Dr. timorous who, afar years trial awl exper iment, dieeovered the Zaccoatriaz lisen—the most remarkable vegetable production the earth, per hapr.bss ever, yielded—eertainly the moat effec tive to the cure of disease. It. to combination sith the other valuable properties of which the ZITNGAIII UTTERS are composed, will cure Dyspepsia, Fever end Agile, Billions Fe ver, ('holly, Cold&Bronchitis, Consump tion, in its first stage, Flatulency, Nei , volts DeMirky, Female Complaints, Rheumatism. Dysentery, Acute and rh role Martinets, Cholera, 7tiortnts, Cholera, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, &mitt in, Diseases of the Kid. 'lQ's, I habitue] Costive- ness, &c. •, In the prevention and cure of the above diseas es. It has never been known to fail, is thousands °four nnot prosuhtestelilseas throughout all parts of the country, will testily. Let the afflicted send for circular containing testimonials and, certifi cates of those who have been cured after their cares had been tat:mounted hopeless by oar best phyaklaus. Principal Depot,- F. itAirrvat & No G, N. Front Street. Philadelphia lieeinessesidall by Ex Governor David R. Porter, of Pennsylvaula Hon. Robert J. Met, of Hon. Edward McPherson, lion. Joel A ‘ Danner, lion. William Mchherry, and others, SEND FORCIRCULARS. febtel 1 1 `012.14'1" - Ert, 131:: WALL .PAPER.. WINDOW SHADES* Fiber ilk Tab le 011 Cloths, fie. A Awry etateusive assortment of all qualities of above good, will be kept eoustautty oo baud and sold a, low Lae lowest. WIIOI4I.IIALE 4 RETAIL AT N 0.184 Smithfield 81., nearath Are., Pate burgh, Po. A eirLENDin STOCK OF TOICH GOODS wni be Arid la enothie &pulsate, the um , house. suarnhut 11111:LITElalti:; 14 4 7111. 1 .thu:sr of Freedom. The 'MILAN, and built of the beet material. Vie wdteell beldsrtherealvalde.on tonne to alt. In order to quit the business. To men of 'Mall capital WE Is a good thane. tor Inveetment. Cell en meddlers, C. 11. BLNIT.L. mayttftwl Freedom. Beaver Co., PI. 1!.,9r- NEW BAICERY, WILSON'S OLD STAND, •; : : • ' ; street; Myer, Pa. • Jo&*, REED, Tom ImOvie teialde old Meade tbat be Y es le besatee at the above stand. where be kill be glad 'to meet and accomodate them, FAA Bread, 4 , :• „ • Cakes, • CPs.I.IIW JW„,g7'. - sz-Ae• Confectionaries ot all leOli NO. I. FLOUR, ilasla Falllilbeit, br,tbebar ly eadrdir retail. , • ' Innirpwl,lnrovulwou*s. • • ` = Caar• rie:44tri Sandhogs, )fRIVBRIGILTOX,i , Vnntg. Moves. Grate Frew*, Ihmadoris It Sam ' toce rfeeery CHEAPER THAN. EVER SOLDI IN •' THIS COMMIT, .7 LOOK AT THE PRICES!! FIRST PREMIUM . COOK STOVE . RUBY.•• Net: wumanwlß Legs squerarisms No-4 SPOsilld Bakst, Lags Square Ova, MO No. 0. Splendid Sakes, large Square peen. MAO Franklin, Parlor Stoves I. Juno Paulo; ruing heavy " " ar r • kIFIA.'rLNGhS'rOIrEEf. EMZNEII Enameled Grate F'ronte,; No. tel, Grate 1254, U, ." 18 " "" • 10 ••t. .. go • 121, " 21 " • " Ile, " 211 i " 215 i 113, " " " " 1135 i " • ' ICUEELVIDMIR4I2O. No. TS, Plata Rod, Wide. • " 13. Fan " c • " Narrow, " 14, . ..14, ..y without Rod, Flan Rod, 21, Box, wlthont Rod, Pressed Sheet Iron Summer PieCes Ptah' Enamel-A, 41;23 " •• with Omareenial Centre, ISO Al! Work Warranted. Give us a Cht TERMS, C.A.SIL M=IICIC • CO , x 11 4 116.1 J . C. lIABINIOND, Dealer in Flour, Feed, and Grain, ItOCHEBTIgR E , near at wkaa to salt a4 , ln guard to PRICIII sad QUALM. 11M Feed, otallldada. CORNMEAL, ifft - itotnt BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. • . cpwr AND OATS, constantly on hand. Also, a cheap and cancan lent Wooden Pump, . tbmi thawed la we. • quantity of the cakibested Alta Vela GUANO OR PHOSPHATE ESMM;EiMENI buy far CASH, awl sell for the same. Cash boy ere trill Swift to their advantage to WI. . aft. All Goods Delivered Free.- •Jau ' J. C. HAMMOND WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER It. largest and cheapest stock of Wall Paper Beaver Comity. - • BOOKS, BOOKS, . • =. BOOKS A Urge meanatileert Loaellasotaul, Waco and 'ReVow Boots , eoostantly on hndd at ire, licher: Prlce .: Olt bob bitable for the MOTs 12:1:^03 STATIONERY, • STATIONERY, STATIONERY An itztesslvs variety of Paper. Envelopes, Lead • pencils, Gold and Steel Peas, Ink and Ink Stands, Lc.; tr. We 'At feellticallawatad Volers (labial Pen. for this County: thostatillag• a good Gold Pea, • would do well to see them before utebikshar. We amthe Aseurfor this County for [rider's Photograph Manias I Certificate. The attention of Ciprzynte, Is respectfully called to this, as we cauvelt them at tbs ante, discount am timely would got from the Pabliabee. Atwater, School Gov ernment for sal. at Mils& ns• prison We have constantly os land Plead Oil ta satiety., Tl llrrltAtr • WIN now OIL RUSTIC & PAPEKSHADES.. -AO- - • n hand Toys and Variety hoods suitable far. the Holidays. J. F. PRICE. Broadway, New Brighton C=l ii.., . F4IRBAN4C S . MO:DASD . . , _. 4 • • . _ 1 C A li El , oral! Murk A6BO, BAGGAGEBARROWS WARE HOUSE TRUCKS C (20 Ve t l,lru r 31 IMPROVED MONEY DRAWERS.-' Fairbanks. Morose dr. Co.: 101 gecoad Avenue. rear Wood St.. Pittaluit. SCALES REPAIRED PROMPTLY. :.1 1 4 011 ;n 0 L . BREAD ! BREAD 1 , 4 The undersigned takes plesarit In in forming ahe pablic that he is stilletwed in the'Thaking busineis at his aild‘itand, on Market Street. Bridgewater. Pa. ..11e warrants that/nothing is used In blahs ltenclfiii:its*e white hard of Airic Bair. Berson' leasing their bide* it his Worry will bssupplied at their biases daily ifso deuced with thettest .of bniad, do _-. • .1. G. YOUNG. araii.emaal • / •. . 10 000117: '1801.1:116at O:tot=, au' "M I 1 i rt 8 a tI CISo dt . 4 Itbla, _ "l"w ht_s; t to et* +eon or noemsftild sant mate/1r if pm 4 hdietaisiL ma 4. ... ftl -1 W kwu a m i= fia: "S i iime,Z4V co, loam alettew • 4 ii4inc s'Bll eMmi =% iiii nt t r. @waters* every nerve) ten% sad • etticoevery Ea ...;, the linding 'humedha on which the tank were situated:. It wa had . ; fainillar ROI often ‘.. shod P distened; tot On 4 .ots was as padtioaa tinitthepl c a ul dst 'whet so across t.. Wham preliedJust now? 7 than she.put tO het terror. She a lone old house, and the midnight. She a tt set her Amanda!' expecting ; .moms opened from with toiling as she had fire tbr a tepetitk so startled her. I as of the grave. 'S 'Straining beat of h • At the end eta seemed as long as" she rose alowly,l toLer Was an unlighted ofmatchos. , She lighted the cand aubliestiek held hand,and witli her beating hew the floor. She , nu3nt when skein the uplifted condi her Jinn& Then, burst of resolution, and dung the door dm before her two who, unheard by the carpeted skim. She had scarcely f are you ra belt's° t Her light was de their onto wete and held her like voles wi 4 ‘ Makc d =l l , area dead wear and no band et if to add ern. Martha, with barrel of a pi forehead. ,n 1 i tI4I 4 60 Sea , 115 , 11.15 SYS IEI 4.13 '0.40 6.01) ; "Only release It Is you want Inn , Her voice sound( 4 1 °, 1 / e4"3., "Let go of her al., sald one to the other.; - . The second onelti, and the one who der, sq far followed IN' example as to take around Noland t o i IT by turn pi_coft Beware r* maid not ode/11_010 *se! °traria trickS:4on click of his ol tepee more .f could have Aswan at themial att i :l94L,v e and . ThTh weak', vet* In which ware k and mouth. • - • two • fonn •• • r shod With atontr.r Wel that dead ened the soOnd oftlieliThotsteps. Through all Martha's terrora vivid feeling of wonder Was at work in her mind as to the meaiis by.hich those two unknown men had obtained ad mission Into the bank. She could only conclude that they had crept in, unseen by any : one, and afterwards secreted themselves In 'one of the empty rooms below stairs; although how such a thing could hive been undetected by , her father, whose daily careful examination of the, premises was well known to her, was a my*. tely which just now sho was unable to Whom. El Not much thmi was allowed her for surmise; a remark from the second man recallqd her thoughts to the scene before herf "Here's a butfch of keys"' heeded. "Most likely these are what we want first of all." "Whose keys are these, and what do they. open ?",asked the man who was holding Martha. "They are my father's keys," said Martha, "and they open the different rooms and places down stairs." "1110 they open the cellar'and the strong box in which the money Is kept?" ' . ' "One of them is the key of the door at the top of the stairs lending down to the cellar. The key of the door at the bottom of the stairs and' the key of thestrong box lore notthere." "In - whose possession are these keys?" ; "One pass key' is in the Possession of Mr. Jeremiah Wangtiltaw; the oth er is in possession of Mr. Hcoen. No one can obtain admission to the collar during their absence." ' "You will oblige us by, accompany. Ing us down stairs and pointing out which keys openeertain doors." Still holding her by the Wrists, but In other respects acting with perfect. politeness towards her, one of the masked men corlducted Martha down the wide old staircase till they reach ed the ground floor of the bank, the second man ballowing closely behiri As they went down the lowest High of stairs, Martha was startled to sees third masked figure—a woman, this time, and clothed in a gray mantle from' head to foot—who lighted their downward progress witk &All ender ray from a lantern in hef lama: They halted for a moment at the. fort of the stairs. "Is It not possible," said the leader to Martha, "that the:Vass key of one or both the brothers Wangshaw may be locked up in the desk of their pri vate office?" ' "It Is possible, bat not yerY answered Martha. " Still, we laxly as well ascertain whethere each lope calm or.not." At the leader's command, Martha pointed out the key which opened the door of the private, 43Mee, and then the desk at which the brother* gen. erally eat, one firing the othei. A small Jet of gas, conimonly made wept for melting sealing' wax; was now lighted --it greater light might have betrayed them to some paws.— by bathe street,--a bag ConthWng a number . of , *Kee breaking .kople mente, swath in flannel, was next produced,andittalivemlnutes,Gare fulexamhtation by the second man of the two implements selected by him (Mtn the rest, the desks of the broth ers were forced open and their con tents laid„bate. Their was no key in either of them..l A very . brkf exam ination walked to oxiflum the leader df that fllet. With a muttered oath ha turned away. • • ' "Five minutes' honest labor lost," beseid. •Atre must now try the gen. tlepenatasive poll" of our flannel doth Mends here, •• I havb never yet kOwn them to - • . . Thedotill holdkut Mahe by the bad, led the t aut of the office and the that led to the J demy studded wltla gentigts,'Whietiepeued"on the ftK - ot stubs by 1r mm 'mew: was bW tattle eel r M base; .he re• 'quested dfarthaant out i the prey. er key and se ihNoLtaceolu piled: Further :than keys woad& taiot aid them. door ylekkd - - Ms:My; . Molt book of ;Its - • • vela lifter Irght," 'Mee ,told, The first shock to her nerves was a severe one- but when she saw no real hi= was intended her so long as she dbeyalthe orders of her captors, her comp:wire had quickly returned; and now Omani] flush of hope ran thro' at Abe thought that there was Just aa4:utpomtWtttyotoscape. ,But she *nand; when she tried to free herself from her bonds, that she had underrated- the skill of the woman who had tied her to the pillar. She was as abeolutely helpless as a child of ayes' old weal have been under stm eircumsbinees. Again and again, with desperate energy, she struggled to freehetaelf ; but, the solo result _ , as It seemed, was to make berbonds fast er, than Mtge. It la „ true that 'her arms were partly at liberty, but her to render er hen - complete y mo tels. The last flicker of hope died out in her heart, and sheresigned her self with patience to her fate. She had little fear that, the burglars would succeedin,reachirtg the secret.golden sale of ,Wangshaw Brothers. Before they could touch a single' sovereign they must forceopen two iron doors of immense strength. These doors Martha had been always taught b. look upon as impregnable; and she smile' to herself to think how utter, ly futilethe efforts of the two masked men would be. She knew nothing of these modern improvements in the science of home.: breaking, which would seem to make light of the strongest safes that can possibly be constructed. - from mere. _ ~ Do SI MM. wolds ated, at ex 6aViPe . More dreary minutes paseed how many she could not have told. She was dreadfully cramped, and the cord by which she was thstentd seemed bit ing into her very flesh. Ali ordinary thoughts were being grandly stval lowed up in a pain that, with every minute was becoming more unbeara ble. It WEIS all she could do to refrain from crying aloud. Shebit her lip in agony; and moaned below her breath, but tht re was none to hear her. • Suddenly, when her torture was the sharpest, there flashed into her brain a . thought so startling, so unexpected, that for a moment every pain was deadened in the rush of uttersurprise with which it overwhelmed her.— There had been reVealed to hetet one glance a sure and speedy model of es cape. She stoc(l for a moment almost breathless, trying to steady her brain: Yes • ; there it was before her very eyes, insure and speedy mode of ewe, but a palniW one, , indeed; but still one that must be - carried out at all costs to herself. She -was in tor ture already, and that other torture Which she must undergo for the sake of liberty might be sharper-, perhaps, but it would soon be over. Bat she would not take -time to argue thb point, lest her courage should fall her, -She would put herself to, the imniedlate proof. • - The pillar to vhlch Martha WV' tied .was wititln a • yard of the deelt that Waken broken open. Close to the 'edge of 'thedeek was the upright wittpipe *from witlch sprang the smllet alight, of which mention has already been made.. By. ..stritete. - Jag out ker arms Marthamould:reabh ; this jet. could dq more thazi.that could hold her -wrists over It and let *ethane burn away the band the, were festcleMtogelb er* and her aside onoeatilberty, the r4t would follow, ThlSVile themtilie that flashed wan and she w prcieeeded to put - It info opera &no- Elbe - drew . in: her breath -and locked pier teeth, asd pushed out ber. Were . with- J glow* filed *talcs. endtnaa. an Wet Motioultiglds :wooed to keep Mattba, the' leader fook !the:lantern anti'deticended 'the = re relqi_ peered in &Couple- of Ind led thieWay hack lathe private office, withoutaword. Once Owe, be turned 14 spiike tti Mar-, mak compliment - you on your ienelble.tionduct In - this Mir," he add. ."Siew,liowever, you must be .left to . year ; own re flections for a 'EateW3o me it, before I ge, I put it but if your power to rotate my designs; and•make a prisoner. of Etr the next lb* hours,:• What bedoneshall be done -with as ' regard for your, awl comibrt ea =.' under =the eirenaishinces.' , the aid." - • -The Isetsentemewas aciiiresied to tho,piaskedireman, .6.1 e) up to this time luel ,a ' mere li:iota-dn. Now, however,shestarteti into sad; denaclAvi ; ;• ;•'" ' 4• obeli idge froliti the Seeder, she placed Martha with her .4* to a large Won pillar which sup porta& the roof'of the office. From tipeeelilddenpoolcet shenekt produe • smiler long, thin cord s ', and • with ed. to tie, Martha firmly to thepillar; jiffer iums,were left atlib-' ixty to the Wt.'Whey all . else was ,done,they Were -filidened together at • - wriats with a bead of strooirsori4 einstuk which heldthad as firmly as If they had bent tot* With iron. • "To luivehatetidi,your arms down tq irlxithkies for a couple of. hours would havabeen a refinement of au •elty of 'which, in your owe, I ,luaie no Wiati to teiguilty,"-Wd, the. Gradlson nit bottle breakers.' "Ono little_ point atilFreibaliis:' Not must give 'me your weld that yowwill not cry outer adlin an,y way, for assistance; other belnuler the unpleasant necessity- of :owing you.. If 1 you rit your word . have sufficient tan dm- in yowto believe you will keep 14. _How say you T ,Is your tongue to tiff /made oprisonor or not?" "I give you my word not to cry . out or create • any alarm by cal Hag for help," add Martha, after n ;few ino meats silent thought. • . "Thetis enough. I trust you." -As before stated,theroom In which the girl Was 'Confined wag the private office of- the Wangshaw Brothers. It was a comfortable room.. The flobr was covered with &faded Turkey car- , pd, ~ and the old-fashioned mahogany fittings were almost black with age. The only light nt present was that giv en by the small gas Jet before men Honed. It was just su ffi cient to em ble Martha to make out the familiar features of the room. She began to breathe more freely as soon Bushy was left alone. When Martha had fully made up her mind', that it was impossible for her to escape, she went to mleulating how loig her Imprisonment WAS to last.' It was now about half-east 1 a. m., and at ten Vlll TariTord would be hereto spend his Christmas day at. the bank. jf not set at liberty be fore-that time—and she'could hardly hope to de so, seeing that the burglars -would require sometime to get clear away after leaving the bank-Lehe might calculate on b - Ang released on the arrival of her sweetheart. He would naturally be surprised on find ing his summons unanswered, and an alarm would be ndsed, and finally she, Martha, wouldbe discovered and set at liberty. But'elght hours ands half of imprisonment—and such im prisonment l—was a long and dread ful time to look forward to. This thought was still in her head When the masked woman came gild , ingnoiselea4ly into the office, with the intention of seeing that. her prisoner wassafe. The riniljustment of a knot satisfied her. "You have been trying to escape, and you have found that you cannot* she said as she turned to go. "Take my advice, a nd _ rest quietly. At such a time as t his we do not stick at tri: ties." "What oin the woman be?" asked Martha of hemlf. "What a strange thing for a female to he. mixed up with Buchan aflhir " • hands With a quick movement,' and -bekl•thens whikt. tire let flame &yeti amber, wrists and on the band that held - them . bvther., She shut her eyerfinvehmtsmy, and her eye. brows !rune together in a frown of agony:. The tiny Jet played lightly upon the 'band that =held- her ink which preiently burst We a flame. Evert then she did not alter. -Iter arms might have been of steel so flied and rigid were they, so K . : nuly was she beat on accomplishing the thing she had set henrelfto do, In a few moments—moments thatseemed hoursthe blazing ligature gave yaw, curling Itself (middy .back like a burning serpent; her bands were fro* and they WI helpiew to her side. She ga utterance to n IWg slgh—a sigh was half a sob • then -her chin dropped on her breasi and ilfr a little• while she knew-noth ng.. Mar tha's return to her senses was quick ened by the pain from which she was still suffering. After one bewildered glance around she came back toa hill .knowledge other true eituatkon. and 'of ,the peril that was still before her. With a great effort of will, she pulled herself together ; and despite of pain she began with: quick and nimble fingm - to unkoomm one of the knots in the cord by whith she WAS fastened. This offered no longer -opposition to her efforts ; and the tirsticnO, unloos ened the rest quield y followed. In two -minutes more Martha. Deck house was , a tree , woman. ••, • • A deep,' silent thanksgiving went up from Iter: heart floor d Of the chortdropped to thShe was so cramped by. her bonds that for a little wuUti she was unable to move. She Stood thinking, as well as the torture she was hi would allow her to think. Hitherto she had no thought except how to free herself; but now Mit net was accomplished, what ought her next .move to. be ? She was still far from being out of peril; the masked woman might be back any Moment and discovers& In that Luse would her life be worth a mo ment's' purchase? Evidently the first to do, if such a thing were possi ble, 'was to make her elsa►pe from the bank without alarming • the thieves in the bullion cellar. The next thing Was to raise an alarm, and endeavor to effect their capture before they had time to get char away with their booty. lf on ly these two 'great Objects could be thromplished. The thought thrilled her through and through. She stoop ed and took citf her ahem without as much noise as wogid - bave frightened a mouse. Thenithe stood listening a moment with all her senses on the alert. There was a noise of voices, broken, faint and hollow, with - now and then a dull, solid thud, like the muffled blow of some heavy instru ment. • They were still h 2 thil cellar, then, and their task 'was as yet unaccom plished. Step by step, and silent as a shadow, she crept out of the office, and so along the passage leading to the cellar stairs, the light reflected on the opposite wall of tae corridor, he- truyeh where the nefarious work was still going on. Toward this light Marina, now crept with- 'stealthy swiftness. When she - had reached the end of It, she stood for a moment and lisletied. Then keeping her body well out of sight she. protruded her head within the line of Hight- , and looked.. Her gene went down the _stone stairmse and into the cellar. The iron - doer at • the foot of the stairs - had been totted open, and the I .i2.33"ertk g 2 :sit Iron sate itself. \ arlous house breaking instruments were scattered about the floor. One of the men was. busy with a crow-bar, swathed In flannel, trying to force open one of the doors of the safe. The other man was busy drilling- holes .1u another door with a strange looking imple metal, thelike of-which Martha laud never seen before. The woman was I lighting thew. operations with a lamp I held aloft in one of her hands.'. All th....e were standing with their backs 1 ! to the s:aircase. • Martha's eyes took in the pictureat a glance. There was one thing; be slues iyhich they took in, to wit; the bunch of keys with which- she , had opened thedoor at the top of the stairs. The bunch of keys was now lying on the the bottom of the stadrs,•elcue to the Iron door.— Could she but obtain possession of it she 5... w not only a way of escape for herself but a way 'by which the thievcsinight be caught in their own trap. But to obtain pas:session of the keys without disturbing the thieves was theone difficult thing to do. ' There was only one mode of obtain ing them and that was to fetch them. But to do this unseeu end unheard, seemed at the first glance utterly im possible. At the second glance it seenaxl a little more feasible but still a dangerous thing to do. Neverthe lou sne made 'up heranind that It must be attemplvd. Fortunately the door at the foot of the stairs had mil, been pushed quite back to the wall, in eunsequence of which its bulk intercepted part of the light Itelilby the woman, so that that portion of the landing which was be hind the door lay in deep shadow, and this shadow extended itself in a harrow strip from the bottom of the stairs to the top. It was down this strip of darkne&i, herself a • moving shadow, that Martha began to vilde on her dangerous errand. Fortunate ly her dress was a dark one, and' her feet were unshod. Her sole chance of safety lay in the fact of the, three people below stairs being so intently occupied that they would neither see nor hear her; and Martha Judged that they were set occupied bemuse for the last few minutes' conversation had al most entlrelY ceased. The grand cri sis of their labors was evidently at hand. With her Lock and hands prcused to the wall so as to keep her self in as small a place us possible, and with the skirts of her dress kept close ' about her, Martha began to mei slowly 'down stairs. her face : very white, but filled with a fine • olution. Front her present position the inmates of the cellar were not vis ible'to,her, but both her eyes and ears were painfully on the alert, and they told her so fax. everything was safe. By an Inch af a time, as it seemed, and, so slow that her advance wits- al ' meet Imperceptible; Martha kept de- Rending steadily. In.all there were fifteen stairs to go down; she had counted theininany a time, and air each one was now cleared and left be hind her heArt gaVe a little extra throb, and the felt that by so much comPletion, and tfiat. by so 2uch had her danger become more Imminent. When a dozen slain, had ;wen linseed in safety she paused a' moment or two in her progress. The beating other hind sounded soon orally Thud and strange in her • : that she Was afraid those in the cellar would hear.ilt tom • But in a little while her heart grew stiller, her faint ing resolutkat revived, and she mov ed onward again. Thirteen. lottr teen. Fifteen.'" The first part of her tag was over. She stood at the foot of shah, the iron door.clos6 behind her, the bunch , of keys within a half yard of her feet. .The next difficult thing to do was to pickup the keys,Whlchwere thread ed On a steel. ring, , without being, heard by the thieves: on the point of stoobing to attempt when the wonir?! l ., :cellar,ePokf — . o set a dnodwa rtKnsy h apr a im d :w , l t_ t b k"Yon must de wit/fotse h i e ntdortwred, i hrla e mp;d 7l gßo far upstairs that by putting her luau* out Moitbn Could 'have touched her DEE lished 1818 drew: when the . ..bizsb' 'wins of thi, nun mailed her. 7 • mid,"our prisoner le • tg i " be mid, quits "and I mina spare now. You mud hold tbillifigs es few mlantes longer, I. wind go on without you." • The womenwest back and Martha breathed Warn Now ee - new, bbutba qtooped and putout hashes? with* _ukk, smithy movemeek, and felt the kept between bee. Row to gather them and rtiel lts t e l; from the ghket n grotmd without making the diohe? • Eventide Maco was conquered at kat. ), • The hand holding the keys was drawn back into the ehadow, and there was no alarm. The ofher task seemed may. it was on ly to get back undetected to the la of the stake. She was 'going .slowly. but not as slowly as the had come down, and had amen= abort one4hird of reknit when an exclamation from one of the men below told her that she had • not an Instant to lose; and that she bad better make a rush kw misty. "The keys! Where are the keys?" he excia stinctiVely lmesl, hav It ing turned around as were. "FheY here not Ave minutes were As h he_ sprang Marthsoto idden; wades reek wafter! herbertitAledjitili;ll3r=arrriera The second Man, Inoitiquiek wit ted than his companion, drew a pis tol ftcan his belt andiked.- Martha hadiust pdtrDer foot on the top step when she fol. taosnethkqr hit her sharply on the shoulder. She staggered forward into the cor ridor,o wheeled quickly around and flung herself r 4usd, arms, and body —44 ed est„ the oaken door, . which y to her strength tu on its well binges, and with rned a little triumphint click as the spring bolt shot besolcalmt up as a trap tbe three tbleves'beker. in Without the key, this door; whiehlooked of itself when pushed to,. could nitre be. opened from one side or the other; with the key it could be opened on either. Hence the necessitypf baying the bunchofkeya, which, besides sev eral other, contained the particular one that belonged to the oaken door. The door had scarcely been shut a second, as it seemed, before the two meu inside begantearingand beating at it like madmen, trying to escape. Their language made Martha shudder and stuff her fingers into her ears. • Now that the door wasashut she was completely in The dark; and so with her fingers still In her- ears she ran along the corridor and back into the private °Mee where theamallgis jet, as still burning. She stood dote a minute or two like one bewildered. staring staring helplessly • about her, not knowing which way to turernext.— She felt an odd, 'numb sensation in her left shoulder. She put her hand up to it, and withdrew- it marked with blood. This was almost more . than she could bear, and only the strong sense therewas upon her of a 'duty unfulfilled kept her from AMA . bell holding her bunch of keys she went out of the office and down the =lto. the side entrance. She was ag now, and had scarcely strength enough to unfasten the hea vy door! At last it was open. - She flitted out and sped down the street in search of amdstance. - On reaching the first corner she almost tumbled Into the arms of a po liceman who was coMingthe posite way. What - sort of an story she told him, she could never after remember; but it must have been to the purpose. No one could have been more surprised than Mar tha herself was when she came to her senses to learn that the thieves were nono other than a certain sot dismal Cliptain Bromley, and his wife and servant, who some four months pre viously had become the tetrardsof an empty house that stood next door to the bank. The Clearfield Rank Robbery. The Rqfftsmen'a Journal gives the following particulars of the robbery of the County National Bank at Clear field, on the 18th accixiat of which we have already published: "Find they pulled the Lilley safe about two-thirds of Its length outside bf the other door, knocked off the combination knob, and then at tempted to drive In and cut to pieces the conical shaped chilled Iron center block in which the combination oper ate:. Evidently having found this a fruitless effort, they then plied .the heavy sledge hammer with great force and vigor to the various por tions of the front edger of the safe and door, but succeeded only in knocking off some small scales. Finally, how ever, it seems, they found a weak spot—a flaw, more than an inch in width and about five inches in length, in the iron of the door, to the left of the combination. The iron covering• this defect in the door was only about a quarter of an inch in thickness,and the inside about half an inch. The outside portion over the flaw having been broken In with the sledge ham mer, they next drove a • heavy steel numb through the inner part and Into the combination, breaking the lock into pieces. From appearances, the burglars evidently had a hard job on hand, and one which must have taken them perhaps more than an hour to aecom e r as ' the iron ro thugh which t forced their way is literally cov with `dents and marks • and the great wonder is that they did no .alarm the whole town by the great number of blywsithey struck to secure their end. The rob bery must have been committed be tween midnight and morning, and the amount secured by the burglars was $l5,OOAn money and $4,500 In government bonds. , • A telegraph dispatch leas 'received here on Saturday, announcing the arrest of two men at Mifflin, answer ing the description of those who ob tallied the meal at Dunlar,:but were afterwards released. On Monday an other dispatch—was received fyem Lock Haven, stating that two men had been =aired at that place who were adjudged to be two of the hue glars, but we have no further Inkir motion regarding them. We may my, in addition , that two men, supposed to 'be the burglars. have been tracked to the neighbor hood of Tyrone where they' disap peared in the thickets. Officer Dres sler, of this city, has been for several days absent in that locality, on the hunt, but - has, as yet, given no signs of somas. —The Convention of tho Genera- Ticket Agents of the prindPal rail roads of the northwest and southl west, which had been In tendon at laidsville, Kentucky, tbr Thu clay Concluded their t is , Thurs ( *Wag last- tediums was so to arrange the vision andel for.tbeir respective --(km Perrier, mM with Vaasa serious accident on .i.s y n tigh While oid et old, his horselt:ight at trrt a 7l -and at " temp to ran horse k , the k gmetal% striking the Governor a lm a thr. below _the knee of his :left re& hillicting a severe Injury. 7., - _ . .v. ~ orsday mornhgf o llunes .1001Sa was shot deit ..,Afrr .Palmonth Ky., by A. J.. Rollo . _he 4 1rait attorn4tt em Vter. J " rirshg near i n he this' as he IsA hlgh nopeetahility.' Isa youlliilawyer orlmtailiet efiar• °. •r. a , TRU . 15 1 1 0/ai A4 11 FINV la patililisi Ivor Wadaaplee t aid Argue baodlag Illard elinisk, No. var. 1%; 110 W 7.. r b.Av.lia. Cosiassokirtkos on sable* 4 Mod jjKijM .} f rigiastiatr Nois liaL To buourialtinfos &VOA , Cats Wad must lararisbly -be by the mime or, ilboisUbor, I , 1 6 1 4".. and t e),PrP, J..WAIYANAirIee4•IO%., iiiiEM . The tikiVeraiteatimea &ti yam; • ed to bead' to they two ye roe& MOOO,OOOI. bat.: - eceadele= amount of boa& tamale due oa .Ibe completed parts of tie road 'width have aoalet Deem banded over to the Moen of Use counewdea. A the detail- ed statement of - itaancial aad . r i tdt Addeo the Pacifielond and shows tie: Central Paine Railroad of Callawnis bar etmatraet. ed six turadred sad abet, idles of 141Foti rervimi in United Stake ..-. . . siabig SWUM INS dm mobilo t LIAM The Vela' Pia° Canavan? Lae emanat ihourand and eighty six miles, ed upon me which it hal received is 'United SW.obonds— • Mr* d' Yet - Yet des frees Umbel States 14.1111/$0 , ItitakOCOl Boni ',biddy to' Macs Aotde ' $ women oeboid Duady to Omani kst*a 1111.114510 . . • 81.114.11111 • • • 11141 0 0 0 t ..... . . )15301,1mmr: There be been granted by '• on) local ,rellannt coepanctione omelet nrlni the Pneltle 'United finites bonds an Ibi- • Lail =IWO Ostilnd* 11=ellsy -1 WeMom PROM A 0.01101210 11.100.10). Total Vaned Mates riew4s.. , maw= toad subeld, (utlalateS).. 1!:418.320 Total sh 4 tubedmil—. • $ The total amount of public' lands ven by emigres ra/lroad and other corp Orations la 18018,991 ace A la ; an area some twelve thcineand square mike larger than six EVAN like Pennsylvania.• The regular cam prisdowthat.hos berstotery atade the examinations of ..the Pacific folds will be reedy to tvport-at an early day. It Is expected, however, that the President will withhold the re auditing bonds due the toads until the report of the Special .Commia• don authorised by (magma on the 10th of April last is made, which will ;:krolaldy be dome six or eight weeks hence. The books of the Treasury • mut, on the first May • • • the charges of these of • • • • Mk= silsdi nt against the - United • - on a • xou of 878 fd ; one t M n l i f7V atimi 'dch • • In cash and the balance • - - • to pay, interest due na bond% the amount of which was $4,440, This leaves the .corporations rears 0,058,9 o n ak seam • terest on the m ClOrwmaketOr thus Su been paid except the amount of the lloyernmen portation -- Was U Jest. - If any link is necessary to the data of argument In fast Crawford county. system, we that link was finniabed by 4:endings of the County Con on Monday last In theca* . • Crmry, candidate kw • The dr .shinms of the case well known to this 'comma need repetition. But we can thin hum' taking advan •• opportunity thus afforded um, pressing our readers with the ty, - now more Imperative t for adopting a system -of nominations, that willput It the power of a convention to out one mandate, clearly the of a nudoilty of the people of In, and nominnate another a fair competition could . succeeded in getting the popu - McCreary none Into Con with 1131 votes, Haus - With 1 I' Moorehead with 741. At 1 thirds of the votes polled for head would have been given Creary, had the struggle tween the latter and Haus, th . • ' Ing conclusively that M. L • was the choice of a majority of th voters ,in the wanly, as against Mr. Haus. And yet, In spite of this t ' h, that forced itself upon the minds o every one that lowa, the vote '. d, and that teas admitted by Moo head, one of the candidates, Mr.' I say is now the nominee of the Ile blimp party in this county. No be ter ar gument eabld ptrsibly lac • been urged In favor of the poput u, voth system of inaklug nominatio , and' we venture the assertion that a is vailing sentiment • mong Ewl the pre the people in regard to the t mac thin on 'Monday, that were the atter to be submitted to the people nit wed be curried by large m ajo rities Is t i in nearly every township in the county. We can find no fa nt with the action of the convention 0 this Matter. Its action was strict In ae comkuice with the delegate sy mof making nominations. But ac tion went to show that our tion in regard to the matter was rrect, and that the delegate system cried out, tends to injustice. IV , that was at the Convention or has the . ' roceedings, will gainsay th facto Lawrence Jounial.-; Ala iailaja Duel.. The Helena (Montana) _ll Id de scribes a duel between two ltdlans, which shows that the red men re oft en as punctilious of their honer, and have as much cool bravery wi white men. Some Indians were at Hotter's saw mill, near Helena, when one of them displayed his revolt, and boastedsohighly ofhisextrao Mac, skill In Its use that another Wave of the party exclaimed., " Ugh, you can't shoot,'• and denounced him asp brag • Bart,and, at the smile time Saying, that he could beat him at h .lr own game. Thereupon No 1 pro Oaed a test of skill, giving his opponent the advantage of a rl tle,h is favotitit weap on. This was at onto acced e to,aati immediate preparation(' w made for a duel in theiz own pecul style. By this . time about twenty Warrior+ ai r hadarrived, and the party mil to a spot near by, where they r arke+ I off forty feet—the distance th t was to separate the dusky duelist who,. meanwhile, stood tkir lunatics ng the Most stoical indi ff erence. 1% en all was ready, the two warri 'too!. their positions, standing wit Hai: heels on the mark, hack to bear, duo with revolver the other with rifle. The Indian who had been seiceted to conduct the alikir waved a spear two or three times above his head, gave the terrible war whoop, and on the instant the two savaged wheeled and fired.. .Both fell—one shot through the brain, the other pierced to ltto heart. • I B a ithe'ree,l diteaTUT —At %e morn- Int, Itiebard Petteraon,moneYdettv ery dark of Herndon' s ft..=i : : et oney: tor to orege lkli V a °ward, on the tlttrd of No. to North Charlet Mewl: As Aeon as he entered the' room be Ines pelted by .itzl a = arid robbed alas be had toe .41ethreit to t.. houses in the' glitr- ki. was kicked In, and.the , robbere mem& Plow. turd ebbed ttle moth on - Fridtir at and Medved iw package from 'the Engem, Cowpoy_ ow :Wen be telenued me mine= etpected another .tide Morning. Howard was not present whit tho iebbery Weaved. 1 ims . O ndaz rdlow opened t their - lIC lonkill* B= l : on . WS sith-an linc isewor ember of nsontots inont —l- TJ. 8. 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