The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, May 26, 1869, Image 3
• - , _ . The Beivei - -Aiti .. „ _— nestig..4/Ay5i0,18.19., , ••T L l•b-Cirtidation Tivelit Hundred. lig Rates or Advernsing --- : - , --- , 1 rive. IMC 61 , F. Ilts., 641,: I 7.e., I rqr-1011dea, yi 55 N 00 ss 00 cio 4 , 0 14- 4 ,, do - 310 660 ZOO TOO 15 55 mi ngirp., do SCO 600 9001115 18 00 roue., do 600 860 10 CO 1600 111 191 . 4 c01umn..... 800 11 01 15 0:11 1,10 15) AN 00 4. rulumn ..... 11 00 15 00 ad IX ad 00 ad M j - c01umn..... 11 00 30 IP 39 130 GO 00 100 OD Admint.tratore and 'Execlitors' ram -SpecLd nollmi per tine, lei amt.: ver- payment. to bo nuide guar for trsoolent odrertloomonli, which In adrnuce. Slate of the Thermometer for tho ending the 15th nf May, 18611.• 62 deg. 56 deg. 51 dm 51) deg. :52 dog. 4u dog 51 deg. 55 deg. t 4 dog 50 deg.l*,2 deg. 50 d :o deg. (;'2 deg. 52 deg 51 deg. 53 deg.. 49 deg deg. 5 , 3 deg. 43 deg R. T. ?TAYLOR. " k% 16 17, 1 , , I', _l, atteption of the public to dtreetett to the fallowing 'New Advertisements • NriOrli appear for the Ilrsetinte in tite Att. gum to-day : , . iilieritt's Sales—John S. Litton. tdtnr'a. Notice—Samuel Nelson. finds .t Shoes—Win. Barnes. For Sale—A. NtellwaLtbe. loan For AntiersoM. . Recount—liciellotter Horn. Atiderson. (71iirlr. Trial List—John entighey. ..A iplirations for Lieen se 7 Joluf A. . Workl4 7 -A.. H. Stnith t N,,tivk , a—Speyerpr Jz. SonM ty ; er Academy—J. W. :\ lartin. , Stiliserlptlouit to the Beaver Ar- Lt.+, -'lllt. following untied 'iersons leave paid t h e MIMS let OppOilite (0 their won,. on subscription to Olio Beaver A a,. I'M, Alla' the date of our last issue : Samuel BeolT, Bridgewater, tl2 00 Tho.. 11. Hunter, Brighton tp. 2 00 'Noma. Nerr, Industry, ' ' . 11, 00 Trimble A: Co., Georgetown, 1 (10 Ja, L. (load, Hookstown, -. 1 (10. .11,;( . . MoCullough, Beaver Falls, 300 nliver Purvis, Beaver,' 2 -00 'llo”....Smart, East Palestine, 2 00 Win. Itriorly, Frankfort Sprint* 200 .1: 1.. Anderson, Beaver, 2 00 :..ainuel Blair, Homewood, 2 00 I,aniel Stone, 'Beaver, 1 00 I 'aili ,t, Son, Kokomo, Intl. , 100 Miry:llary.—The boot and shoo shop or will. Barnes, toot., at Bridgewater, u a. broken into by some person or per unknown, on last Tuesday night And shout two hundred dollarirwokh of shoes and leather taken therefrom. The burglars made their entry into the roam by means of fidse keys used' In opening the rear door. •t 701 IN 31 I AI., wholesale and retail, nt the , Ire of tipoyorer & Sotis, Itoeltestor. TII E now illustrated edition of Web •ter's Dictionary, containing, three thou .:ma engravings, is the beat book for ei erybody that tho press lies produced in the present century, and'should bo re gartit4l us indisPensable to the well reg ulated home, reading room, library and phtee•of businett.—San Francisco Gobien tsr ear load of shelled corn," Just, re vdi 110 d for sale, wholesale and renal, at tho More of Speyeror & Sons, Ito+es ler, Pa. DeCoration.ortioldiers' Grovem. (A. lA,. P. leFerlattil, the State :Su perintendent of the soltiliTs' Orphans of Pennsylvania, has made a request bfall the Principals and 211anagerm of the Sol diers' Orphans Scheele and Denies to mike with the members of the Grand Army of the Republic on Saturday next iu deeorating with dowers the graves of deceased soldiers.. lice. Taylor's school iu Phitlipsburg,' this 'pninty,. will be present and take part in the excreises nearer on that day. biaddrod barrels of Clcincitts Sdrists' flour Just received 111111 i for sale holcsale and retail at ilia store of Sliey rycr d: Sons, Itticliester CM= Soldiers' Graven:—TV, number of gravei in the two eetneteries of I :0:1 is believed to be twenty. Nine levit v.:, the number ono year • ago ; an ot I;er :Is since been added. We give the nat., below. If -there .are others we 1 1011 le pleased to be informed of the 1.1 and likewitie their pietas; of burial. These known are as - follows t.• Howell Walton, RMhard Walton, Win. Morrow, Alvin greenkee, John Wilson, •• Alfred P. Cairns, Frazier Dillon, Wm. Jack, I'. M. Johnston, LI. John U. Stokes, L. Kennody, William Hall, t J. Q. Anderson, Lt.' Henry Hurst, Alex. Purvis, ' Col. H. P. Roberts, has. Stowe, Jas.McCreary, lir. 11. Minis, William Montag, [Mexican soldier. save the Scraps.—Two persons re :. • in Beaver; count* limo tatteni out from the Horatio Department, ,alier that they may deal in old iron, sold, .t . e. They have 'wagons, and via- . n th e different boroughs in this count y very low days for tho Purpeiso of gath ernia- upall the scraps 'that are offered Save the old iron, metal, .te„ ,n,l tarn it in when culled for. You will Ihm gut it out of i•our way and l o re iiianerated besides. l'onsit Litho always on lutnd at tho tiOvanott Limo Kilns, 'Vanport, 20. ets. r bushel. apr2.l;tts — Personal.—d. 1L Helsingor, of tho 1 -, .;,,1ag0 Citizen , was in town last week spent a day4two 'among his rola- Mes Millis place. Mr..R. Is a native of aver, but for many yearS past has re •,.i..ti In Crawford _county, this State.— I:tctudy ho has taken up his abodo in' (aunty, where ho publishes al paper, and takes especial do licht in l'pepr.eting"thO licumeracy. lie 1.4 for Mono on Friday evening last. Hats A: Bonnets. alterisl, cleaned and' svereheap,'arJ. If. Bowes' cheap. Millinery Establishment, Beaver. way 12;31.• %crest of a Murderer.—Abont a i” , ealk ago a ruse named - Jachmon Kirk had. an altercation at Watninun Vcraace with another person .named Ni.wits, in which Kirkwood killed the hcer. The murderer llod and nothing, , ‘ , L , heard of him until on last Tuesday, "hen he was arrested at Ft. Wayne, lcd., where he wag residing with . hig hu , dly. Ile was brought at once' to E.M.rellell county, this State, and is now nildined'in Jaunt New castle. , .Dn.,. Goods! Dress ( .00JM I! Choice ',ltems cheap, nt Benno's. inyl2;:n. Tile County Tronsan7 Robbery. Wo.were ' , hewn n letter the other day fr.s o 'a detective, living In another State, exprilarts a belle( that ho li. , ...isained a clue to the parties who hkw open the safe and rolibed the trees hry ill tillh place, some tWO years and a We hope and trust the 'ovate ' 3. yet be unraveled. sandusky Register of Lee. lolly I`s, says :. "We McMinn have any faith In patent. medicines, but wo bellevo„ Dr. lvnittlesey's remedy, noticed elsewhere in the Itegister, Is an exception to the rule, and Ls a really usefulntilxlielne. We know Demonslly of several instances of. it+giving relief to the moat obstinate ease s of sick headache and, dyspepsia. It inannfuetared by a gentleman of high sisteling in Norwalk, Ohio, and is be isuning very popular. Weiay this much assure our readers that in ouropinlon this remedy Is really valuable. \ IV, • Naltertighutienta wt flew, fIJII.I dtith — Theeitlienitititeer Frighten and vicnity are anticipating a rich • theri i7 lica4 ocoport, ott,neittlTMTKPlF and Friday evenings. The Yetniet : , men's , Library Aaseciaticin of that place have proenred the services of Who Augusta. LtWgen, whe.will entertain her Audis once With select:a-papaws and recitation* : from our moat' :kiuistr :authors. finis' Dorgan . recently appeared before, a Pittsburgh audieneti and the dasette of that city gives her this flattering. notice; - .Anse Augusta L. Damon's': reeding 'at the Academy of MteledreW tegethdr one of the largest and most intellectual aud iettees of the season, and If we' are to Judge from the frequent manifestations of applause whleli rang through Mit house at the proper ; times, her hearers were keenly apprechitive: Tholady;trits perfectly at home in her new rote , a* a reader, and in ail of he.' 'renditions dis played that •rare and charactetiatie : ge, talus which has Made her's.) peppier - in ,theatrical circles. She is devoid of forced affectation, And in her 'native, greed and delieady incisively gains her wiwy into' the hearts of her auditors. In the inter pretation ofeharacter where great pow er Ls needed, or in'tho transition to the tenderest and sweetest bursts of pathos whiclibid tears rather than start the blood tingling and thrilling through the veins, Miss Dargen is equally at • home. She uses tine taste in the selection of the strong points in her sketch, exquisite Judgment executin hem, 'and mar- • velous adaptation in lending together in one pretty picture o ow) or poetry all that Is worthy ands !king in, the conception of the author. She has not made a Mistake In abandoning the boards for the 'rostrum. She graced the Theatre as leading lady, shining conspicuously forth to edam and elevate her piefesslon but her ambition laid In another direc tion, and with her vigorous will, Arm' purpose told decided ability she must and will carve her way high among the few finished' readers now before the American public. We wish her succ6ss. A lady so relined, cultured, dignified and pure, and possessing so large a share of nature's richest endowments, genius and ability, is worthy the place • her friends so ardently desire that' she sliould otteu „py ip the estimation of learned lovers of the line arts. Osu car lead of Canton (lay Milla Flour; juet received and for sale whole sale teal retail, at the store of Speyerer ,t; Sons, Rochester Pn. (Local copy.) erly, except must be paid On Saturday morning last, at about 3 O'clo k, Mrs. Thomns, wife oeldr. John not as, AsaLstant Superintendent of the C. & '.. R. It., died very suddenly at her raltionee in this place. She had/been to Tittsburgh on a visit ; to her friends on [Friday, and returned home in the even , I log in good health. Atabout ten o'clock in the evening she was taken suddenly; .111, complaining of a severe kaki iu the head, which never ceased till the bour of her death.- About an hour atter kie was taken ill she slightly rallied, hut-hersuf- Terings returned; and. she never spoke ;again, but continued to sink rapidly no- I til the end. Her remains were taken to ißochester, Beaver munty, on Monday ilast for - Interm6nt. Her husband and i • her friends have the sympathies of the community In their sad bereavement.r— lrellseille Union. • lerighful Aceideut.--Tuesday ternoon last three little Treys', aged are seven an d nin e years, sons of :qr. John (leorge, who resides nearthe canal aboUt quarter of a mile below Melbas at the State dam, loft the locks in search ; of iloweri, going up the side °Ube hill near It. They had gotten but abouttifty yards p the hill when they came WOW° dog wend bush tilled with dowers, against which a largo log, about fifteen feet-in `length by two feet in diameter, had lodg -61. The borfapproaebed the log from the lower side, and mithnsciourt of the tlanget seized the bush and bent it over t r o pluck the blosiioner, when the log thus freed started forward far enough to catch the children and pin' them to the ground, Its weight resting upon, the breast of one and the limbs of the others. Their set:cams soon brought their moth er to their assistance, but her strength Was of no avail for their relief, and all idle could do was to send a musenger up t o the locks for her hturband and wait for his return. It was ten minutes before li'tt with other help arrived, and in the meantime the child (Naught on the breast, aged seven years, had expired, scarcely living long enough to tell his mother he W ‘ as dying. The anguish of the . parent att she stood by her child watching, its little face as -it blackened with soirees 'lion, without 'power to afford it relief, I.tuneit bo pictured in words. When Mr. i:eorge arrived the log was removed and the other children rescued. Dr. Scearce Was at ones sent for. lie found the two children rescued to be but slightly bruis -61 about the legs, the log being kepeoff tif Weal by resting upon the breast of their brother.—Cliillicothe Register, May 111/i. ae kept Wheellog.Nails, just received awl for Bald, wholesale and retail, at the store of Speyerer A:Sons, Itoehester, (loeat copy.) - I, In Sic-arch of n Lost Ilinsbancl. Yesterday morning a poor woman nem 'ed Mrs. Brown, accompanied by a little girl seven 'years old; arrived in the city, "Vearing a letter from the Mayor of Bala- More to Ills Honer MayorXrush. The letter naked that efforta ho made to pro ! °nn) the unfortunate Woman transporta ! tion to Chicago, whither she Was bound' In search of her hist husband. Ma y or Brush immediately made arrangements to send her to Chicago, and Mr. Patter son, the Clerk, tecompanied her to the dWol. The Railroad Company kindly • ! consented to take her there for half tine ---!seven dollars—and a• ticket waii'pro-' eared for her. Shp was -entirely desti tt& and had nothing but a few biscuit on which she stud the little girl had subsist eti during their travel from Baltimore to Pittsburgh. Mr. Patterson gave her three dollars to purchase eatables be-. ti4con here and Chicago, and Nilo depart •cd on the afternoon train. Previous to her' departure Mrs. 8., .who is young and of rather prepossessing . aftpearanee, told e very pitiful story. 'For four or liNe years she lived very happily with her husband and his mother in the -city of Baltimore, having had two children, the oldest of which is now seven years of age. About three years ago her husband requested her Vi pay a visit to her rela tives in Virginia, but-her inotherlindaw tried to pursued° her not to go. Finally she consented, end her husband SICCDIII. ponied her and the children to the boat and saw them off, bidding theme 'most affectionate farewell. Some days afar wards she returned front her visit, but her husband was' not' at home, neither could her mothir-intlaw giro Iv ac count of his,whereahouta, and front that day to this she, has never heard from him.' She was kindly treated by her mother-in-law, batwing left peuoiless with two small children to support, bad to work very hard when in -sickness as well as when ircgoat health. Ono time, she says, she sat propPed in the bed lin able to otherwise sit 'up, so ' weak was she, and hemmo the button holes' of shoe uppers for shod manufacturers' in Baltimore. Recently her good mother in-law felled fn health', and she left her home and went to the hospital, and Mrs. Brown was thrown upon the world. title had on ono wanton heard that her huts. hand was in Chicago. and believing that ' she yet could reach him alive, started on her perilous Journey some days ago. taking with her the oldest child.. The other she left with a shear in Virginia. It Is to be hoped she will find him3vhom she searches for.—Pitts, ens. Moy2l. -- 1 . au , r^ - 1 rt't eau- ' ; 7 thnraionitsl l 44Alibi 4;4111111am r,briiiiir 7 laiiettiNmtL.Ar OUr'Prinia -ey meeting" peket tifi r t a r, 'Sat sudsy,. and 'milt 111; very le that trio rules and.regulapone to be obeerVed at Mai timeobithorongikr unikie .. • We republish them in this week's An. f i VS.ri a t liTrY l 9l4l,l4l9gUl iftr4 pert tareftilly: -'-" •, ': -e . ' ..' t ',--' ' ; '''. t"' ' Sitertow L Candidate giethe verb °016001 441:116. itiMtkittioid.Wy Ai - 4 . vote of the Bcpublimn party by ballot Sec 4. All electors. wilkelalin, and are recognized as members of the Itepublicati piuty; roiddeati . of the elec. Bon dlatrietewhere they, propeeetovoto at the time of tho primary election;• and miners who are Identified rich the arty, and:Whe :will be of fall age' ,ht t tlll l'ext: ensiling election, iliallbe entitled to vote for =Mato; for the various .&flees to bo filled at such ensuing election: . - Sae: 3:Candidates for the makes ... give officesehall announce themitelves assuck in at least one county paper, for twp Weeks before the primary elections, tutd' thereby pledge themselves to - abide the result of thonominatkm. • Sac. 4. The primary election for nem- Mating Candidates shall °be hold at • the usual plitce of holding primary meetings , in each district on the last Saturday in May in each Year, and shall to opened at 2 o'clock p. m., and close In the Town ships at 7 O'clock . p. ni., and hi the Hoe. ougha at 8 o'clock p: M. Sec. b. The ItopubUcan Electors pres-.. en t at the time for opening tlie--election, shall elect, viva rocc, one of said Electors as Judge, and 'two Of said Electors es Clerks to bold saladecilon,Mid discharge the duties ineuMbeid on Such °nicer:4, under these regulations, said clerks to keep a correct list of the arum* of the. persomvvoting. SEC. 0. The Electors Of each district shall also at the sonc, time and place,: elect by ballot,: as aforesaid, ono person as a member of the Volinty 'Committee the ensuing year, undall districts polling, more * than 100 Republican •votes at the, preceding election shall. be entitled to elect two persons from such district as members of said . committee. Star, 7. Atter the polls - are (dosed, the officers of the election shall correctly count the votes cast for each candidate and for the member or metubers of the Co. Coln.. and Ann duly certify 'the memo over theirsitmatnres, and such cer titivates, together with thelist .of voters and the tally papers, also certified by the officers, shall be carefully sealed 11t au envelope addressed to the Chairnian of the Republican C. Com., which 'envel opw shall then be ,dellvered before 8 o'clock a. In4on the Monday following such election, by the 'Judge or ono of Clerks aforesaid, to * the person who has been elected a member of the Co. Com., or to either of - them, 'when there are more than one in the seine district. lit ens° the member of the County Orommittee elect, is unable to discharge the duties under this section, be may appoint a salmaltu to for the occasion. Sze. S. The members elect of the County Committee shall assemble at the court-house in Beaver on the Monday following sidd election, ut 1 o'clock p. ut., and Shall organize by din election of ono of their number as President and two as Secretaries, and when so organ- toed the members elect Ethan deliver to the President the return of tho election of the respective Districts( same condition as received front the election officers us aforesaid, which returns so delivered shall be opened ,and the votes for the inveral candidates correctly counted, and the person receiving the highest number of votes, alien be declar ed tiro nominee, wattle committee shall also cause the. publication of 'the condi dateS nominated, to be made in the par ty papers of the county. Stk. O. Any twit or mordpersoushav ing an equal number of votes for the name office shall be balloted for , liy the County Committee, and the person re . - ',dying the highest number of votes shall lie the nominee. Sr.(. 10. majority- of the Copnty Committee on being satisfied of fratialn the returns or otherwise, of any election district, may reject the votes of such district to the extent of the fraud com mitted—and, ilt vase it shall appear to the • satisfaction of a majority of the members of the County Committee aforesaid that such frauds wore procur ed, aided or abetted, or connived at by a candidate, the entire vote of such dis trletcast for the candidate thus procur ing, aiding or ecnnivlng 'at such 'fraud shall be rejected in the count of votes. :Sin 11. The person having OM high est number of votes for.auy office, in the eleerlon of which this county may be connected with any other...shall have the right to appoint the conferees, SEe.-12. Immediately, after declaring mominees for the ensuing el6etion-:—the members of. t he County Committee shall proceed to permanently organize by electing one of Their number as Chair man and on as Secretary, and the ap pointment of seven of their number as nn Executive Committee; for the ensu ing year... SEC,. 13. The dolewates to MI National and Stale Conventionm . ohall bo appoint ed directly by the pbople, and it fdtall be the duty of the Chairmani of the County Committee to call meeting-a at proper times for tido purpose. Eeso/red. That tho Executive , Com mittee of the County Committee be un thorize4. to prepare the necessary blank forms to hold the elections: Itesolpeol„ That 'each candidate for nomination be requested to make a con tribution of $2,00, on or before the Ist of May next, to the Treasurer of Co. Corn., for the purpose of defraying the expen ses of printing the necessary blanks. `On motion adjourned to meet at the call of the Chairman. CI I A It LlO3 M . :MERRICK; } Secretary. ' CLiairman About Cellnni.—What is the condi , lion of your cellar? Is it damp, close, ' tilled with disagreeable odors proceed ing from germinating or decaying vego, tables?. Ifso it is high time you gave the 'matter your earnest attention; for you have in that locality the germs of disease, an l yourself and family nro lia ble to be prostrated at any moment. You think your cellar or basement is In good sanitary condition ; do you knout that It is f nave :you fairly and carefully ex amined the promises? Have you looked over. tho potatoes, turnips, squashes and other vegetables to ascertain their con dition? We know that diptheria, ty phoid and scarlet fevers, and many other mostserious illnesses have their origin in cellars, both in city and country, and we can do our readers no greater service than to urge them to moo that at all tithes they are in achy, sweett,wholesomecon illtion. Why should firmers and farm ers families, living in the country, away from the pestilential vapors'of the city' •lie so subject to attacks of malignant dis eases? There's a reason fur it, and 'Aro canpointlt out,' They arise from the In dillerencO manifested to thelobservtuice of hygienic rules, and tiro violation of sanitary laws. Cleanliness is essential to health, nett is just neectsAltry in' the country In the city. - -A family living over a foul cellar I's more liable to be poisoned and inflicted with Illness than a city family its i pollnted at mosphere, but without cellar or base ment tilled - with fermenting roots and fruits. There is far morosickness in the. • country among husband:twin than therei Ought , , With pleuty of Pure :air, water and exercise, the evil imp disease ought to bo kept at bay ;'.and ho be if a better observance of certain Ity gienle conditions were maintained, Bad • condition - collars, small,. close sleepipg rooms, stoves,—theso aro all agents. of, evil, and aro fast making the, homes of farmers almost us rtnhealaw'as those of the dwellers In cities. Are notthose sug gestions worthy ofeonsideration?--/Joi ion Jostan/ of Chins /Airy. " MEM! - -, uprawliwmusirtollaigy SI; INgles - ;Evart sit*litmilletiOg i ft r iirtng weather Le*NiAlleitifs . .1 7 no of those dratiching nthus ttuit bids , -r to inundate the whobt name Of MI 'unla heen . rattlet"nT I t TIM, rabio ft lib favagricultural pursuits: ' The tires arid shrubs aro covered with blossoms buds and opening flowers 7, Their tbliage is emblematic of lift, and teach us thigreat own guitars too are blootningOigt tot ditc l . i .9ll?-: -; , JP . f.klL'i, .'' 'Into() tOwn was visited ou Dfonday last by two Circus shows, Yankee Robison's and G. 0, Gntdrs..llloth :gave ,genoral satisfaction, and`daring the day much of taint beverage called "tangle foot;' for , which this plate biliO widely p?tolr 1n4 1, ' consumed. ' . Mr. David Gray, living near thisplaoe, madotwollllllllCFlll93kligtapTts totem mil Suicide ti 'fair daye ago. lie came hero in September last from Penrisilva itia, whpreilte left a beautiful and ktte/lis gent wife, who is sahlto possess aconsl& crablo amount of wealth. Why he dee sided her:.l am unable to state, the more likely cause beluga family quarrel. '; Af .ter his arrival hero be met a young lady, and a match grew obit of the bile!' ac quaintance. • Ito seemed to hear from his deserted AviAi some source, atul a short time since he learned thatahe 'was ,nutrried.. /laving laid befbre the lady itO4o thosellietik ho .propOsed td her and was made glad by her travel Ilfe'sunovenjobrn-, ey with him; whereupon they Were married about six' weeks ago. „ • • Four weeks of ueilliditrbed , nuttritnci-. Mai bliss passed away, when the start ling intelligence reached him from dot his wife there was not married as ie..' ported, and that she hail heard of his inisconduct i And, throateqed to prosecute him to the full extent of thq, law. This news fell like &thunderbolt upon his with who immediately left him,! re fusing to over live with him again.: At this atartliog intelligence he was hortite, ed; qt 6 t l oo hili;t 6 lo ,l ; his choice of a companion would seeede without any other provocation. Repas sed the niitit alone, And whew:the early dawn apprehehed lio prOcnied`a piece of rope and proceeded in his Uindeavot' to "shuffle off this mertareffirf by placing one end around his neck and the other to the beam efthe porch. The rope being hold tip in- mid-air such a Miserable being It broke. Having by this tlute lost all confidence in hemp cord lie went to the ding stoic,- Ind two dmehms °temente, folly resolved to make sure work this time, stating that he wanted it to poison 'rata, Returning home he lock the entire dose. Ito is 'yet living although the dose was sufficient to hare killed ton man. Two iihirsielans are attending on him and have strong (topes of his recovery. Respectfully yours, \Vtaxnorr 4.i go to Ikenees' for your shirt.. unit collars. The Star Shirt In:all numbers. mayl2;:tel To Republican Voters. ROCEIFATEIt MAY Marron Anovs—DrorSir :—Being . One of many csindidabes.har Bur .nomination 'for Sheriff oethhe'confitY, subjiiet' fo ash decision of the Republican voters of the county, I am led to address the people through your columns in vindication of my character, and for tlui. purpose. of, nailing a slanderous lie or series of beef to the mast, which lam credibly inform ed have been Prayerfully and widely cir culated by several of my aspiring oppo nents aboutine. To_lite. people I .1011 sap in starting, that serving them daily and nightly as I am in my present cape°. i ty of Constable, I am untilite: to lk ay them personal visit's for the Purpose elimprisy. sing them with my Individual melts and capacious ability to fill the canal of Sheriff, and as. 'iron as ...fixing in their minds hy zny conientatimial pcnetrts the fact of my abstemious habits; virtue and non-gambling propensities, as is being 'darn, by my ambitious competitors , to my derogation , or in other words telling people who they may ace and talk to, "Elect me, I am virtuous, sober anti tip right, but F. M. Anderson laden) , drunk, is vile,.and gambles." The only way I have of refuting this is through the mil- umust'oryour journal. Those Who :Soo me daily and know me' know of the rid. sit.). of those wide spreail, assertions, but those who do not may lid, and douhtless are led by, the plansibilityof thopenn me circulating the stenos, to believe • that such is the truth: I milk is it fair to take this mean advantage Oa Marie° slander and villify hint behiiid his' hack either in private or public Conversation, and I fool sure/be good pst9ple of thl.4 county will bmwmc'out MhaYing it hi not t and whetherchosen or not i default my duly to myselland friends to mako at least QllO effort to refute this- vile attempt to traduce my chitracter. i In my humble capacity as constable of Rochester Borough, I am truthful in saying that I have done, anti ant daily doing more to serve the people at largo than either of the vile traducers 'have done in all their meritorious lives, elthbr WI a soldier or a citizen, but people ail a distance whci know nothing of this per sonally cannot be expected to, take the pains to investigate, and it is reasonahlo they should believe what the first good . square wirepuller Sayis unless ealightait.-1 ed by sotto ono who 'knows the (kind -facts of the case. ' . ' I am charged by these 'candidate's with being a drunkard and a gambler, also with being In league With the oppbsition, and that if I fail to bo nominated on the Republican tickei I will run on the Ap posite ticket. These charges are all pro -fermi in an underhanded way in hopes they would not reach my oars till too late. But alas for human calculations. I haSre heard thetas, and want it understood by all they aro Labia, as can he prbvon by, those whd hnow nio and see' me dallji. My record of five years as constable, in this and adjoining counties is open fin inspection.l My retard aliono of the that to enlist in the 10th Penn'a. Reserves, ono of the first regiments in the Mild, is what either Of th6to several candidates cannot possibly show, try'however hatd they may, and Upon this I base stir ciaini. My private character as a Man Is open-to the World, and .1 am willing :to have any ono who may feet so dispoecid examine it In. connection with that of those several candidates and abide the result. ' It has been said that thit Railroad Com pany payaruo one hundred and seventy:. live dollars per month.: This is Simply absurd, and was it the case they would doubtless forgo the fatigue And vetation of serving the comity as Sheriff, and tuie their prayerful and powerful infirm** to obtain that position. Net that they love the dear peoplis lass ,but, that they love tlio railroads' money snore. In-conclusion, Ism fairly on the track. task only that whliti I will merit At hazards; should I got it Iwlll oenrefotth- • fully ; should I fail I hop° what I hallo said above. will appreciated, as it Is in 'tended purely as a vindleatlgn of my public and private charaiter: . F.M. ANDISIL9O(4 . P. S. I am informed that my op p - aro cireulating a report that I am in arrears in my borougn accounts. Th,o amount due the borough is on the dapil. rote and stoml7 antxdieeted. 11[y dnpU. catefor the year UM amotinia W ne4. $9,000, and any" ono may ace by Mbar yearstmy - list *Fail always asttlott to dote: • 'F..31. A. Tun little alimenta, gried and dismal,. fort.: to which poor w!tak humattitY liable are among this bards', d bear. Los/s af hair_ attlictiPti 'soma people quits unbearable. Yet that loss elicits no consolation' troth "our kicitotarkifillikiP:iallot soihrodai 4riairtmes faiiimisar- tioal immOvalmt Oresiiidoir kiitio thi oilimishe4r.gii table.,r# Eistaiestie•Wilielaßtk Ho ioplicikolkig s,[l4,t 7 ,'ttiote - : saiiii.44464/4vii " ' OR 4 1. 1 ; rzomazatrin—ln andplpstion °tee tOp*sidpiell,ithink• ili 4 . ' " 1101 17 1 ,,, 11stail e i irrif4oo 7.__ S teLr i tit i mEst r s: ...-nrinw A pi marts ow* . x lat e nWgra i 'va ireri t ir wirAmirwasimni.-1 Vbektiive•berta—ius Pr /wpm. mit ' .4 - .,L,:l .: •• I : , I -,,,, T& biai•litmoNl; foUowingpetltion hobo= handed ;for circubdicamolig.thedatleqedigcd: : am on:l*W cddidy : • - ZbAie Jtoittr6l4l44 md ldep. ditiiVongfur hkeolity .;era44','" ' -• • y4iltoeutropelo6oota salf4ep to thj trOd! *lo' bd. Rebrilkon• 1 040311. 1 5 AA •X o ll.=whg. Thrtliscdt. didle woOds Arrprottulty riminmoddilo your: Itbdorsble Body thm, earporiehre iM Aida that 00-Adlikkhd Leg; 1 2 04eiej via dude, irWbrar la ne for iiord gad o* yeti. lirigielat' be iniiiejateid; &it iiptiy are unserrker. taaiumo,4 tact with rard expeol6**l7:4o4' , Orilx ltdra ourat ter Aye (5) PletTo.k. 61 '.?; 14!.44 w0u1d ;sLO •reprereat dig aka Odra rr 'Fib! 1)4 orate eircumbriaces, find OM dowsperw'o, of. repairing gad; Rumbaing Artllloiiid Limbo salami* boons our ability' to support ouraolvai and tballi.depeadred us. • " ' ' Wp Would hiither repAstent thstqbe latest sCailidics ShoW the". nutibir 'PLUS malitio,dti?heabout Five Thotusind prig theykateii,swis, 110 thit t4e pesitsge: of the Act; prayed, for in the following petition, will hinge so . tint Governnientyory =nail in proportion to tie relief:granted. • .Your Petitioners would 'thorothii. as• • honorable Body . " • •'• ist; , .Tcrpouts , Act opt orizing the Pr;tlPei antliarhics to fLinlsb all thus die disabled with anomie!' for 'in Artificlie Idtnb on every Jive Tairs. Yd.. That aompetitlow by lait open to all - nounakettnerset.trtfileial /*ohs In thspnited fitatesi Inning It optloisi tboY aPPlimnt to • pseetwo.:epotinteh oidor a leg where he'tnay look?: ; • 34 That no Omit* heptild by the Goy; oilmen' to . applicants In La of s a i d crr• • a n 'a , • der. . . . . : Nowt I ant unable to travel ahoitt- to eireniste tids poi t itlcat and I art tint favor of the press of the County to, ciresitito It, aid request au ottedened *abbot* Who • wish to sign It to sand theta, medlately toitlie Radical *Mar, Beaver, ,Pe. The benefit's It lireponwt to wader upon ono-leggedsoldiers will readily be perceived. , Brook. : vaaport, Boater co.; Pa. Ti tie 1t iiLeiti valets lir Glllls.—Olie part . : or • tho election heat Saluiday, (the:2o h of more tosportenok than .11111111 ,auppoae, and that la 1/i . ..tuition of aConsity Own niittee ctmapciaskof over Alty liumberie. repreeentativer from treaty Illatriet, who will manage and control thiC Opera tions of the Republican Party in Beaver witaty, and it kill iniporUnit idioms YO: bwf {way satemliaiiiOfthatCorn ndttset as thiiiiia,o7 lißM.',dtadd but that there will &fan idlivt tOda. to 'pat us back into tha something albite Ito , But lathe editor of the Munn" varysensibly.rimarked iti. thalami - paper, let-its give! thht popular vote system a fldr trial before we even Wit about a (*tam I holleie It is the - tnie plan to let °Tory nun hive a iayis to who itnittbeil candidate, More pirtla ularly tillto*nti 'nibs nornhudion amounts to en ideation. And Ineemapli mentlo !one of thecandidates, Milton Townspii34, liniaki selyrhamid trim a- ldtulantidit entidithadl, that be iraeitr favor orate ptillatOaratenir7 The "Merit Cifiee"l4lllo4/011. , . „ Jiihtor tae Drape Argus sin: Why di the accent parade of a bu s e of "hard itidei," la the Ailment& other papers of 'leaver, Wiwi are they that, abusing the article, • label , . Own. solves ignorant Of, Ite qualltktal lam acquainted witli the character of the ci der sold in onviltdet I . have &snit of it, and know that it is. not In toxicating, ittlfaut mixed with whisky. Two brands ale 'sold Indus town—soar and stood. Itlenathin two or.thnie gal lons of the aoar:Will intoxicate, ao will the same quantity of vinegar if the sweet will intoxicate; so will lemonade or orange juloe. 1 . • , ' For shame—fo the sake. of our "edu— cational rettoarn'Llet the Bride of abuse of cider cease. It will satiety none Oth er, than fools, that 10 Is. intoxicating. It is: an Innocent victim—an unwilling shield.of the miserable whisky hn. the cellars of the inebriate youths' parente- Iliabler's, Ilosteterds and ftobaeleir bit ters, and other Worse polaims Issued from ottrding storia:‘; Neither the cider nor the pea-nut ,venders of it, deserve the senseless abuse . your correspondents are pursuing them with. They deserve,and I ulna they will hereafter receive better treatment at the 'bandied' at who Would. net saddle their owe criminality . _Upon the 'boulders or Innocence. Abuse by ,thelatter la bearable, as the dirt they !throw returns to soil their own 'gar ments; but the knowledge' that • honing people haveberminisled fete the chase, demands this remonstrance. • Order of exeMeo and procoselon of G. A. 'R., mi ElattOay,llo 21004 78 AL. the dodleatimi the graves of, &maimed Soldlere:' at the Court HOtme, in Reaier, It 1 o'cle* p m. Prayer by Reft. R. T. TayhAr r Addrees, 'by Rer.J. 0. Aftetithe mbitmei the Fro ;eeeeket will Ibrm In Root of the Court ROM* in the following order, to: wit: IsG swum mind. awl Post' No. SO G. A. IL, with °Mei intoobers the G. A. It. W. Honorably dlJcbaiied Radler. and &atom not numbers of the R. A. R. Soldier' Oipbane. 4th Any Orden that uuty be In ittend.: auce. - .sth. The several _lnvited School, of Beeverand - • 6th. All others desiring to loOltlelpate. itotrric or inoczeouoii. To the eV gravayard; thence to the cemetery, and . from thence to Minis' Grove, then return to beartquarters Prot 909. A. R. • I Capt. James Dal:nigh, Cominander of the Post, will have charge of the prays 'dint and will eppOint his own aide.. All persons who feel incline]. to Pay is tribute of respect to the memories of the honored dead mato the cause for which they died, are! regliested to participatelit the ceremonial.' By order of Pat - J.B. iivris, t (k .ii ind i te , 3. R. RAISAII. The.l3mttliee appointed lbyPcat OD Beaver, to', maettie dower . ftir the dedlcattanvd Soldiers' Graive, is the Beaver ' COMMertes, , on Stattrday, *ay 20, met Pura* to odJoitrOtnellt, at the A.sava 44104:eit t3aturday, avert ing. Moat 22 r .whem on modeo, t< vim , P. , toteed, That the ladka of Beaver, Bridgewater, Ileehoster and vjandtlr be invited to contrltatte tleamo for tba putt. iald deicers may left at 412Vay' Brawn's Mare. Ttlidgoaratet: t;at the Pod hatiquemeie, hiWynn'elatibllng, vereor,,lth any member of the ,tattut• initial, on dattmlay mond Zak I nat. 17i 11 4 6 :ircii4 11 71 1 rero 6 9 . 6'l li . ,_(l todo 4 ,7, 11 4 1 49,t0 Lbw filer crop in Ms moo ! . 1 . .100 of the orontry.. • •—• • •• • 4]lftprivteur: , ;• • . legteer.fevocze3 - I‘c i L Maui Oft the Ust of 'a pr nted titulteptibllaue to )011„14, P •oi7llr,ooitte l ..** ti.timPultlon lie• oruttll...***7ll4l4l"t;i' inylifeetbetiyilidarerand pisairstbaliel, (rat the stipiCtaght 'Amon :Pii‘::443i1.74 o . 4 oo4o 3 Nwli*?ftektb9 Wm ; nefloweil brOishiPe who Welue theneatination tbr Clerk of Cosset'. WI believe this, would twit indiciona. nontliWioni as ldr.linioilnit cmaliticw, itkmeicif intipeirlof °Mew pm , the Office; :tielnifie‘gratitiltnot Nitre college, '#ltta titniKeutd'ificer4diini?otlyeer. in -, that *Mention. • iitivo*l 11*14-melMiel o f Pc!-8.441.011ca1i an dlabored with good effect , eluting tbo *campaign. Wo think this ,Ilepubli emi panty arotild bo • hozimingt Heel! by placing his name on the ticked this lalk ankilso;: oft 'made promi see-Via wbuldlakiiiiirci of the :''boys terlibie!''whetaliuktreinenediicine:'. • • • :' • 'Muni CiztzxrM r,..vraw inducements offered hi . .,411r0p EDodi tbAs week it !kat, makes, la Betibetivileiveri EilizAtette• "entilits :' Wil,h/rre.Prott t 4? itn!/?unce Lhenanurs Of the following gentlemou as JOlUOdlital *Or the various Wilms In this riounti, inthlect to the result of the. Re• intiehian primary' eleeSons: • ' . • • Smartie, • ' • .J.mints ft:RUYAN; Beaver bore. • 'MILTON:TONI ..TNSEND; New lirlghicia, l ' " " Asserwy, JOHN ROBERTS ; B righton tp. Dr. Wx. C. SiIURLOCK, Darlington 4. JAMES FIFE, New Brighton hero. JOHN.Y. MARKS, Baden. THOMAS J. POWER, Rochester bore. ,THOS: J. CHANDLER, Rochester bore; CAPT. 0. &BARKER; .New Brighton, Sheriff, • • • F. M, ANDERSON, Roehdater bort. THOMAS Iet.EFSON, , lORN-D. BOYLE; I.4nr . Brighton Niro. JAMEY M. MeGEKIIAN, South Bowyer. JOHN U. BEIGHLEY, Vraolabt ti 4 • . JAMES A. ANDERSON, Darlington tp. ABRAHAM It; WOLF, S. Di IittIGOS, Industry tp. „ • • JAMES IL num BLE, Greene • ARTJIUR SHIELDS, Independence JAMES DARRAGH', Bridgewater. .• JOHN 'AL DUNLAP, &tint b4O. .. •, , • Tresinurer; , • JOIIN.B...EAKIN, Beaver boro. DHABLES P. WALLACE, Big ,Beaver: BB EN ALLISON, Deaver bore. • , ()LARK A. HUNTER,.OhIotp. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Falb:toil. • Register and Recorder, • DAtial7S SINGLETON. Ilritver bort'. 13. ELOEIL, Darlington tow neliili, of Courtv JOHN A. FDAZIED4 Deaver barn, H.,IIRUCE, Iropenvoll tp. JOHN C. KART, Darlington borkt. ' ••• • Coannaissioser. . .TA.MES:WARNOCE.,North Sowiekley. - JOSEPH DRITTAIN, New Brighton. EDWARD COLEMAN; Marion tp. Paoli Howie Dlei,clcir'. • ROBERT COOPER, Main tp., , JOHN WHI E , Alopewolt:tp. , ' • Auditor; • . •%. • • • 'SAMUEL M. DISSMORE,Res vor W. H. LUKENS, Rochester lioro. • • ii;:tit!teeit or Assit4e!sti!7. D. P. I Vittlit • Boomer. •• • •, • i4 l / 1 11 . .. 4 "v". ! •• • • • 'Markets.: .PlTlrli*B44k . . , OFFICN OP THE PYITH, , ~• MONDAY, M 41144, 19.1). ' • Burma- 7 7A in good supply and dull but doehanged; sales of prime to .tholoo at'N OiL • -1i quoted hi a jobbing way at755113:60. • , 50€;$1 75 pet cwt. g In more freely but unehanged. ' Sales of new Western Ite nerve at 18@i 20 , as to quality. . • . FLOUR—lLdriner wlth a steady' demand; but tires are unchanged; Wes in 'store at id (47 $l5, for spring wheat brands, and s7so@tr 00 fern-Inter wheat. Ilya Flour $5 7507 00. • ORAlN—Wheat Is quiet and prime Iced lii muninal at $150; no 'demand , for Spring Wheat in this market. Oats dull but unchanged; 117408, to arrive, buyers furnishing max, 70(372 on track, and 75 in store. Ear corn is.searee, and ; prime Yellow may to.quoted at 80 on wharf, and 8514901 n store. Shel Led 75480, as, to quality, Rye is very dull and moan nal, at $1 ®1 55. l'rfine Spring 'Barley $175. . u. - Tes Consumptlvea. • Tniadvartiser haring been restored to health la a het 'weeks,' by a very stmple • remedy, atter hartig as ered several years with a sever* lung *Section, and that dread dims. e, ConsumpUon, Ia •anxions to make known totals fellow suffereratne mean. or sure. . To all who desire It, Its will send a copy of the presciptloa used (tree of zharge), with the dire*. dope for priming and using the acme, which they will dud a acturcuits YWICOXIMIPTION. APTI• Bioxcniru, etc, The objectorthe advertiser la sending the PMserlption Is to betient the Make tint and stolid larortnation'altlch be conceives to inesinable; and he boyce every sufferer will try his 'Ornate.. It will cost them nothing, and may prors'a Seining. Parties Wishing the pre• saiirlon wiE please. addreu Rat. EDWARD A. WILSON. • Williamsburg, Kings Co.; New rink. Sayl2:ly itatfors of Youth. A Gariumnir who infrared for years from Net :ll3lM Deblliq,l rematore Decoy, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake Of.inf. bring humanity. sand tree to all who need It, the reeelpt and directioits for making the simple rem edy by Which he aim eured.. Stifferers wishing to' molt by the Overtimes experience, Cando so by add:reeling, In perfect tontidenee, • • • JOHN 0: OGDEN. satsizty) . No. e 9 Cedar street. New York. VIWXOAIL Married: COURTNEY—ROUTE—On , May 20th, ' lelA; at the rettideneo of Amos Dontt, esq., by Rev. Jas. lloilingshead, Rove Joa.Vonrtneyi of Mt. Pleasant, lowa, , to Miss Aggie Doptt, of Vanport, SNP yer county, P. The happy ample in starting out on Rib's journey wore not unto ladle' . of tho 'printers. May thrir matrimonial career end ad happily m'it has comtneneetl. New Advertisements. - I .TO3‘4olte eltlatni win undoubtedly corsult. 'date lee Hue, by kieinEtheir 1 1131 . 11AWi l tly l ' llrettt B eim e idgge: ego, neraing. during betted season. ou Was Oat other dealers. :snout compete with b point itebeuptiese. Lowyee:tt ANDXIIIIIION, Hand Carer o • naves. couturio. 4e.s tn. itochester. Hearer alum; Pa. Harhig purchased the Foun dry lately owned hy Messrs. &odd Arbuckle, he N prepared to @Apply the public with the celebra ted ew Cookstove," for wood or coal; and to WOW at short node& ahnost any eudude called W • (Local and Radical eopy.i . .raiyAktf • ADMINISTSIATOWNOTICE. . tars of Admintstration or John liiclistf. bite at Wean tornaship. Soarer county, Pa".dgell. baring been ranted to dm, under. mad, all person Indebted to mdd estate. are en. ge to maks Immediate payment, and chars Wirth, Malmo against-noisome wilt present them properly an tbentlattod for sattlansent. tiAMITIL NICLItOIt, Administrator. • ELIALAN MILUMMIIs desk: In Boots. Slums, Gaiters, Slippers. ate., titß_ dwe Porter's Tin shop. Bridge street, Bildgenater. Ps.; what prepued to stanobetnre Intl Wit evemthlsot An his iino &treasonable ratn Rav in removed hie place of bustnen front the corn er nee Oa Midge to his present location, be In vitee his otd Lamle and patrons to sire him a IRON-CITY SALT WORKS- Beaver County,PeniVa., rin trasmi* nowasb;Lear irriir, h; at 10 e'cloda,m,lLl be sold as the Beam amity: at the North aide of Mt) 1 11 beloW the Ctrratind.Tlttaborth and Wheel lo City best Rabe wL, weeworks idle w RV mho** Am ." the hes ; - N twolwellla andeight mop ofamend. with Made". ea the Maw: esatedlaty beet fools the Whose.; The it4t .Well Ls the Met la the Co buoy. with aatemoem, Moo, On the primate** ofthe bolt modlry Oat. .The worts have beta ' mkt time mouths aloppod oi nthe • • RIM will bra favorable ty far pettham., 'tat, teem Oak moat he pod Ire; to clam parhtm 'ehlitiMeteatat-had the saltlike talked whale," Magmata* MIL be foeutt aa object. Tense at We Train lemettbe wool:49okm ritelbaglas. a 112 kg. A. 11111LW skit 4aetl.ear: LPIN. • ~~;.~:~ ' • • • • ..$4/LES• • : Br samottif=y ai l=f Waa l art Vto-Doer( of Coronas Paw of Pe twat, et &AMA aidto we drectod dem will ladopm.. ed. 4. paddd& at the : Coats Wood be to' dr- MO Or Betwer„'Beant itspaq. rm., as reuse Z oe 11111 st tea Qatari , s. Ss Mkt/ • i ii. tirr t ja dilli dig; htlated and hat of add& Abbott. abbe art to de loildrhem ries of =moon louranhin vete I I& StrUb lase a rlialsor m i= .* thi lty dads of dead IfeCallsoalt ant emus iscallb behr, Art Cu the trot try Jamolopltt hale* sad Maunder Vadat: oasttatalud tiltlo l dr .t z taw; 'boot tat artetchnied. on eons le ; alas doodad bode asd lotmadde... drank of hld end other fall hart es the possalow• "oda • and bdupt to ezmeatloo n ihe property Kerr & Ibeno, at the mar of.J,W , Bezter & C.. Alai% 6 NLY.3. • fp ii 'd a r d t;dra d labellt and ei"% i i:l aa delbe;d. hoese • randoKrnriA mihn Amm aort er Pa ilfibrlbeboie by .IWe 044. loath by knit Mat ilia reef by lot Zs which Med Ja /afro two neeynune dwelling Lope, wash besse. mad* and. tither out.terthrogi. Lots ea:loud gad' 1 prated - math &oft tater+ Seised mad taken Is et. •thation ea the property of U. W:Linahlin, at Abe salt of Job Ilalawsonood What Wont children of Nieholtufpartp. IWO , le it p' • ALSO. NO,S. • • , AU the Orb*. ilda Interns and . sbilaz of denote ant Ala and% that tartan kd 41111 , 0111111. in IJI snow. Sesser county, Pe... being lot Ago. Win ,the Am of mad borough; god being lb. woe ha con= W. . Itriant and wills to and C. Vir, silt. • NUM Wv-Ws at am brow ettyld C. W V at remit of W. D. Braga dr s 'ALIO ee ofJ L. rad. All the right. illJe:lntirost mad dale deans*. oats of and to, tha lotions:4 lot =tad hi ledutry. Heuer ; enemy. Pa.„ ha week north sad east by lendetd. Warr*. Rasa. did Lottbiti:4ll=kl a a a lajogle t =ll3o h. team"&d" e 'bop et stare roan, .W 0 dory. Idfda fleblad tad fatten in execorou a. the ;worm of ao)b and lin/ lf.' Ron. It the du of Wag Aloe. • All the tight, thlm, littered sad cWm of darad. ants of, to and to, - the' Ibllotrtor lot' of ground duals bards toward/a LWO commt res.. bounded and deanded aelollorra: W econUe•or v. est by the Ohio Itrer.inatts•anth CArtmtkr,north met by •: Inched duirtfer mad oortlearatt by John Mirth, t coutalnind dordithe et at ante. more or lase. on %dirk there tt mated a 'town gtiet od I. with two ies MP born mod as tbe dott ed Indrovesnesto. and dyad oar odd sttacbed, all in good runnlog-orddrateo. marten room la d frame dwelling boese,rith ortbrundersestb. Taken In etscodost ow the prooorty of Lafayette Nirid, at the salt of William O. Dean. . AMO. 'NO. 11. ' All right, tide; Integra god darn dethadant of.- In and to, thn follootta bon lot of ground in ?algal township, Beaver point). boanded north by George Allison. eint and south by Jame But and on the west by park • rood containingone fourth Jef an sae. dam or tin 'odd Is erected a one story frame dwelling house. Taken try etheidoc as de property of Janes Allison, at the. salt of Men Canning 'use of E. Ikardetun. • • ALSO,- • -, - NO. , All Meld. title, known: and dales of denudate 04 -In and to. the following let al greend to lAtra Heighten, neater county, Pa.. Wended amt by -lot of Thos. )(Atm. enttby Fourth onset,- swath by tut of IL .11. Danghetty and west by .Thiett ',neck On which there le erected a as. stop fratue dwelling house. a frame 'tablet and other oat buildings; delete at the dew and lot phoned mith fruit tree'. Taken la a:rendes as the peep. arty of Jame.l Rionnekllogne. at the null of the "Weed Sewing Ifacklas Co.`• • ALSO. tPIO. C. • . All the right,. Ulla, Interest sad clan of de fendant of. Is aadt the fonowlngpkg lead Is (.Iklypetral‘owestdp,Haver won „bona& ed north J. and O. N. Doe tt, reel by Wen. Anderson, *oath by rum and west in Barone and Milton Cuttalsakets resitalw. 114134 scree mote or leer. about 90 sass classed and tauter, fence. On which there la erected a alone awellug boast, twa stories high • a Owns barn; wagon abed. core ail and other ;wthatld 'lege. A good orchard an the Iran, and the prem. low underfed with coal: Taken In execution ae the property of Aaattah lumen, at the salt airs. Ilaridson. Sr., and mbar'. ALSO. NO. b. All the rigid, title, literati and dabs of deka& WA,. of In and to the ibliowlog blocks Wife boo ouch of Bearer Yana. Bearer Wanly, PiL b = block No. 11, In the Xconomy ylan of told —bounded north by teonteny street. seat by Jobs. plea attest, south by jlannony west, bad wort by Urant street. bald lot 1830040 t ensure, enclosed and on which there is eroded a two /Wry trees dwelling house, Seized wed taken le nesentlon IRO the property of William G. Wright, at the sell of Jacob !ferule! and Jonathan Lens. Treateek ALSO, , NO 10 All the right, title, Interest sod claim of defend ant, of In and to the following iota of fraud in the borough of Beaver Palk Beaver cars., bell WA Ned. 775 and Bounded not Why lot Na. IT Bart by Grant street, Booth by tot No. TN, se I we'd by an alley. :on which there Is erected • two story terms derailing hods. with kitchen attached I anti cedar moderstettn lots lades* mal4 hoes be. .04, each 43 bt 143 length end width. :seised see taken la smecepon se 1M property et Owego x Il i Brown. Atm milt oracle. Border, las el !1 , 4m..4:04,18. • A LtiO. • ' 140.11. - • ' All. rigid, lid.. Intend end elan of defendant cd in sod to. ad MS coil hi that ante= of bed at, coal Memo sa the there lbet or Deet&rty rain II - I the farm; oneridell the mid Je(0011 our statW rtnides ih North therkkley tmrarh!p Beereelt 004 PL. bounded sod described as 14001 Begin ping at twhile oak, online of lands Joe Pargoson, theme* by land. of John J Dusgherty, north deZ stet 911,10 per 14( pod, thence by toms toriD 3% deg, west 71 830 per to • post. theme towel 1 de.. west 33 3.10 per to II white oaks Wean none 40:' -deg, t east by land. of James Wllsou 69 2-10 p si a stove. throes by land of Thomas frameeyStid other* cud 131 .10 per to a post, thence by hoes olletszler and !mad BM tier. Mat Inn 10 per to .post. Weems by Ueda el Neßleery & Fouler by 1%; den, 101 11-10 per to a pool, thence by land* of Daniel* *oath lei deg, west WI T-10 per to • pad. thence noedtt deg, west 071.10yyeett to • pomttelow reoth a. deg, seat per. &este south =i; doh mad 14 is-io per to s post. thence by lands ea John Feemasoo, north 03 4-10 pule the place of bectualog, cast tsioing 114 scree tea 133 per. Bunco and takes In esecudos es the property of Josiah King, st the suit of Junta Thomas. ALSO. 13, All right; title . Inteteit and claim et dedandanf or. in led to thelfoUotrtht piece or parcel of land Inn Iftlan tp., Beaver conoty. Pa., bounded east , and math by land of Bre. Baldwin, Brest by land of John - Ferguson, teeth by the Ohio river. as , which there is enteled Ifoune dee:lint Mime One and a half stories high and • frame stable; enclosed and planted with Welt trees. , Seised and taken In minder ae: the property. of Anthony faker, at the culted John O. 13. t., title, tole:eat end claim of defesdant or. In, end to lota Noe. 4011 and 106, situate In the Borough of Beaver Falls, Beaver county. Pa., bounded north by - lot No'. 911, east by Water tit. tooth by lot No. 811 and west by -Water Alley, at which there In erected a two story frame dwelling house with - kitchen attached and cellar -under neath. • frame stable and other outbuilding.; let enclosed end plaited with trait tem. Kelted and taken In execution se the Of Thomas-11. Dash. at the soft of Alex. A r n e =e r . JOHN B. LITTZLL, Sheriff Snmurr Orrice. I *rover Mayl,lllo. nuiliSte [fisdical co py.' • TRIAL LIST. tat of Camases lbr trial at June Tom WA 1.4 conunenaing second Monday. ria.vr wrist: Jahn Messer • vs Audrey Swaney. hlngton Weigle es William [nowlet. palmists Stub.. vs lamb Marko & Join Davis' adm. McKinsey & Moore vs COMA,' of Deaver. tottharine Henderson is Adman/edema. Sinai Wescotra ears vs George Wallace, graGraham h Jahn rh'onro. Gram & teC en Jinni Wk. , aisles Morrow et ex vs Thomas Jenkins el al Andersen vs Thornton A Sidon. Sampson Marker vs II Delman. '— John Laughlin et al vs bap Green et al •LcO%D RICK. tnlog nsdiool Dtrectoni bAa . - ... d. - , • L Kroot vs W WeTrileii TO Raids Michael Grim vs W L Rayl t R Pritchard Andrew Smith Ts Win Kennedy Wm G Clark eta: vs Robes t L Dillow's Pitts Nat Mc orCom - vi Joan Z. Siests 'Jobs Stasbuty -vs J Wears Welsh Moots* Illtasou vs James Grabs= et al Georgia Wadi vs P, Yr.W JIG A It Co limienbaugh's Wars vs Jos,Jobastatiet al Itariey Er et al vs Jos Krisakat sll . . W vs Same: Berns et st , Jobe Donrao's ears vs Jobs Wilson Caret Jooa di wills vs Robert Patton James Turret** vs Albert Torrance Alva Tboissoon . vs David Roberts et az Alexander Loma vs Jacob De mrSkte • JOUN CAUGljlMo'rr. LICNINSE NOTICE. • PHIS apptleattoas Lea ban OatSo 1 for W* WO: • • 4171!Lte.111711 roa awns, Jtar John Johnston, Hootorood. ms Awear toraship.' Michael Camp, Jr.. Rochester borough.. . Diehard Doncaster, - do do Montgomery b -do Ido Adana Johnetou. . do do John U. Smith, Freedom Daniel Botirbeek, New Brightos t*m i s eesteL Phillip L. Stiepler, Bridgewater baronet. Job Johns. . Beaver Tana do Jaeob Marks, Daillneon borough. • I =1:11:i James Andenon.jr, Beaver MIA baronet. Mirk Wagner, •do do •do Phillip Docker,. New &wick'''. tsurinhip. To read Noon to quantltlis Dot Ins than one quart, together with other goods sod merchandise teo. C dpeyercr, _Rochester borough. Mary Alexander, - do do D. P. Encoding , Dearer Talk, . do - Wet. L. Miller, do do do Lartmore do do do = Mead, Mochester borough. mar/fatal JOMN A. 111AMMR, STATEIDIENIT of the Hooray Areosult or the Borough of Rochester s • Dr. To amount doe Diudel pied, Angie. Ist. I,elfm. sl4ltell To Interest at 1 3.10 pee esoL to Sept. tbtb, 1811 e, 311.111 . . . $14183.111 Cr - - , 11iy,cabh pad sepirmber Va. 1,843,.. 48&118 Amount due Ikert, - COMO . • Dr. To amount d no Jacob Beeticl,Trattee. August, PC. , GlOOO.OO To Interest et.G per coal. to May, MA i 110.00 . , . , 1ND0.130 . . Cr. - • . , . . • . 0 Dg pagemot. Meg, Ilk . 1 3ID, . .1109.00 . ______,_ A mooed doe Bendel GlO/01/ Amount or dap:leafs kir lea, . *MELO° Expeller. of collet_ —doe,. , ....$111.60 Am't ref emelt to Cocundaoes. ILO— 11K111 . . By amount paid Into Tressury........ Balaaeo due bacon* ' !pawn • • THOS. J. rOWEI, I MONRE. MILLILU. MOWS COOL 11.. D. CRON, 1 10 noryll6:lt. ; Fitagt .7- POs Lia...,—ausated...barty.4laiwltaan.Bl.•• Itadisder wabostasq,a, arras/ i=b i rprias , ' wiry Seid bat awl; a .4,cambea Or% ratd_boasa, bent i t2rongoo. It fa aallaaThlalbribna -11:=1,— = f ir Tr 7 P.IL ANDZILSON, Xaelonazr. ra. may XL** 321 ffMM ISM Sprig and Simmer Goods Speyerer & Bolls, Corner of Water and James Streets R 0 (?His Pi If If' A. 'lave Just retuned from tie east with , o Urge dolt of geode bought it tie low eat tads grim, whictt tbey Wier to the public at Ii , EASONABLE Pte, Consisting of DRY GOODS. #3lwczaps,,' HATS, CAPS, BOOT, AND MONS , HARDWARE, IRON; • • mum cuitplarriimuovi HOPE. OCUM # PACIMiIIt TARH; choice Wanda or WHITE LEAD and PAINTS dry and lit elk and a general variety of Oil Dryars, ' arid Putty. . Queensworo and Willow Wm, FLOUR, FLOUR, We gill bare eoatiel al the eelebrat Cll7Oll - .CM' Kw rum, abo of that favori(e brand, • Clement I Stevens, high ground door, .2$ akytoi :4 tie o[ o l '1 We reelere the above breads by the kar load, and OM sal them at Pittsburgh Prices Onn swing freight, we a/monger at vials- sale and retail, NAILB Wan & TER LIME, SALT, SOAP, Feed. Grain, &0., Ate tirTbanklog the public for put pat, roug, we hope to merit a liberal share for the More. We ohms bay foe cash sad sell cheap. CALL AND BE' CONVINCED swam 000 U DIL/Slalll, 1W 01 CR&IieL P. 8.. Also stews for the MIR AID MPS and Pittsbargk National Row Cb's. . FLOVitS. tosy13:11. Wall Paper For Spring of 1869. Al No. 1W Market 6L, sear 511 i A row, Pittsburgh, N. INN •, A large stock of new and ehibrwate de signs of Paper Hangings, linked for Drawing Rooms, Parlors, Halls end Chambers, together with goods or the Lowest Cork now opening, and• to which constant additions will be made.. AU to be disposed of at_ Firaces to suit the times. JOS. R. 11121011 RS it BRO. marl7:3m. . BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO. • , • NO. 62 St. Clair Street, prrrsußuizon e Are seines out their stock of HOOP SKIRTS AT COST. ' CORSETS at 75 ets, wolthsl.. Figured P. K's. for 50 ete. worth $l. Plaid Flannel for 28 ets., worth VIN A lot of soiled blankets at $5.50 irsirts. 45. A lot of remnants for CM'Ulan's dream, , cheap. A FINE STOCK OF FANCY SILKS. Gray Poplins. Plaid Pop Smelts. 52 St. Chilr, now Sixth IL, Pittsburgh. Dec. 10: niays:. • ' 1 R °CHESTER MARBLE - WORKS. W:. Kam, 3LsnabctOror of MOZTITILIIINME3 HEAD is FOOT STONTS ; Warble and Stone Poste For Cemetery Lots We have now on hands a Large and Su perior Stock of Plaln and Ornantenlal Ilonumente and Heidstones. ,We are now ready, Ur/apply on short natter, all orders horn the country* low rates. .' Also, . CW.rirLdartcasess And Flatitres of a Su p erior Quality ALWAYS ON HAND - , 1/0" Otis Neighbors 'cynical that they sell Cheap, bat we practW. Belling Cheaper : And Doing!: we Heresont• We Employ on Igeuts, MI we ma . 10 Per Cent Cheaper at tbs. Shop • IM Than by Agents All pertain !Salting any thing is our Use Ali Invited to Call sad Ramada* OHR:WORK AND PRICES Beto:ri:prireluudog'ebswikeit. [inarVlAlts ~~r~ l d~~..'r r •~-.ti mifr IMI roe rislarfai Gra*. Ride ti *Wm! VW* . ,slie Calir ,. : - - - , A, eresowir width • . •ht at awe eisesahla! -. :...- . heeithy, ma elheteli ' hr monk( he is& Ada sr psi (IT ', . • heir is •Nels swim* ' • ••• to, its erig lad raw , , i '•• wig the' glow eta' . , r A ' ' ' A.kien 'S f taligh* Tkia bake is glide' ~ Mating heir 'elterkedi'lma'beW anent dicl& i xa s ^dweisi and its um N .ama 'mere 'the • . where 'the . Ire la' - tvietff' w the eash atiop h ied and &wet ; . s ae as main can bio used hr loofah= by this mikado& rladosil of fcapling the hair with' pasty sere' meat, it will keep it demo vigordo Ls coessioeal vas will prima tbe hair 6ont turning gray or idling of, mai ;cwwwFselctlY beldame. Fres item Ow • aubstooes which I , some preparations dangsreas sad linjarlons to the hair, the Vigor eon oly benefit but not harm it. i If wood t fix. a • . HAIR DRESSING, Sothlog else can be &and 'so desirsbk ICestairtiog neither oil nor dye, It doer not soil white aupbrie, and yet lasts Ileng en the leiratving rich &no hone and Rte pietinne.; Prepared. by Dr. Ayes. & Co., hucncar, Ai? Axasaviau, leimaars, LOWELL, WAIL PSI= *MA Ayer's .merry Peato 1, Ice Dlision the Ilinst. sit Low, "sok es Camdie. Odds. • Ow*. likasairaft. is. Ocumesies. rreirekr arm bards Is as AdstW i f modeeds,ble mad. weeso silldvand eyes ds . ,111 et deshier seats edeerydr ~err issolielle. ems. • tem = l aZei Zs= el irel:= ; ids 4 es d a ti below bider Rs made deabk imr = Il Messes s so .e=gig"Mts.: at demo Om as mod ore =2 "."" rls_2(_, ems= adsoke et a itTirt a rreeedamorLd= eg r 2 i id redbadoir . is. lON w i lo ee 17 thw 5.1.1 7 asegYes e s sadery d*. V = ; over et Ilis Low sad nesse. Mat ,ds °bridle of liest MA 10 N. WIWI 11.01. du deo sold mei dret, used as Ceded Ad. benot fts7 =Wig and deaspoter. ~es asd rs/do Slosslten ad grist pew babe ado Y. is Zta itdieve rellsvoi net Sam Thar deeedeeditio Is reseraDi edid di deft ds Memo ~sevens mad sad Doswell Ssed‘ So sto de dram Items OM vs semi est ndroid orOdd bles. er Sop ems weds Or a tbs,pelds ass de diddle us dyer's Ague Oure; Sig or igt MOO 11•11", Of VOIMISOAD plibiOSOL Al Ms aars Impllea, It Illes ewe. awl OM. m a n.OestambliaelatteAnoteMehow =ir say Gest witaisi et poiesseeke eshAuKa a le ameba %lima say pea& Th• M sal brae as la thee= Wm. ere etaased. sad we Maw olf Acme amellefeee It il Ztre se guilt by the thdatememe, VA Mate It the Mad ems elated re obaltuatt meek luta Ewe OW nommales AY wbs Muted. thteettlaated dI abeam at, es tratellme cho p awe teeektieAaal Ila Pak. V ie d l er Itak h il l 411 . 1=1.11 ro ry. il Oa LITs 10 . 2 . r QOtYa.a resselky. . Ihe liver bete lee Salem Intees sa Complaiste. It Ss estelloas reasty. pe at emia=6 Bl, tni= es 7 part:abbe wee, lime ether by, ad& . Al= "MI CM10144, iseliCartain, it ri m ag a now w ?411C.. 41,11.00 !Si atoms. 111m17; I y: J. R. BARRETT & CO., ►nrrMwee liilAilatalr rip. N. nem& by MI Dregirthtv sod Degas is MM etas. everywhere. • - 4 - The Last A • • • 0 .11V11449 F gaRREsTom AV LIF ilTc ~1 Italß onsgiffi fro Pet in cadode . will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and bwiuty, aad produce -luxuriant growth. Ift is per- dy harmless, and is preferred over every'. other preparation by these who have 'a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to rsitore it. The beautiful . gloss and imparted to the Hair mishit= for old and young., rer Ilballe by all Ovum DEPOT, 198 VIIELYWICI I . T. PRIMONEDOVjai i . - - • ii 7: - ' - , -. • • mb• Italliies licaarer aseSl jii‘alles=ifs= sr.est t - Now. ... 0 Wheel ea the IMO Iliac at If Nowa la ger vita eines slesaied. ( la iall above) the blies wlll No as freely ea al the level or •ay hietamee asess. Ars tes tee mob Wei or wow Name sad Waage primaleat fee last iseatatt imeelataa. a laMbil eau Mud Talley Ageleallatsl Ity iirt Naca lam dips hilt Mies* ith SW awl I S OW dab , . tae. Taman, =WWI the sea =Me hi ewer .as ea saaastre sasta y learns =illiliew .No among le aegasearT arrusiege at beyft a usellse maasear. Mal wentadeat te the when Yea. thill ead .ribs ear warts. PTITSBUNOII NATIONAL TLoW i.O. stab lON . m.......y. Ne4hlif•elf4 ea