The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 28, 1869, Image 4
11 A Ito=irr• I • IVS, t k; Istlied • w eigneatisiteninbitilitfon ofrogues for some Dunmire tifinUthadthee is culled the, lobtoy,': , and aasignates uents Ilvinthere, end enipkoyed ti rings and individuas to push . their I wactiern ti gt o ver n yp u d theetherdey;whtsaton.u . sofa in the NOM of Sepreeentatient and listened totheerinds that blewto and, fro about ina4 Wheil'i happened to. nut myayesi into. the ladies' 'ga ll ery above, end aut . of the gloom raw a memory come, In Shope Of rt far • I wail dlittii4l4 and by memory, chavr left my,meatand sauntered Into the. gaiety and ;Wed 7.myselt near my - Mend, and , williOut: fdattl_ • found mgrikid te jrnavidly illainenng UP the In •frigments of the wst - nutll. far ice Was trained In gad - If, was a very sweet raw, - netecryinnag as item Was ; tat with a insendling or_ premien of child like hinodence.!l Ada to this a man- ner of great refinement set off and ' adorned In the extreme • of fashin 1 but subdued •to the best taste, an' th e "o• ar thitk. hanoonizing of . eol= I .9fth Rd we hive our old tuquaintarith beere us. , Although I looked my far 'Mend in the fire% I saw. that either she had fbrgotten me, or was net disbosed to renew the aequaintr aloe. - She was talking* a quiet easy I manner, to a.well known member of Congress, and,' considerately with drefrogilf thad been looking fn the face'Atan ntter stranger; insteirdof one known tomelri dines gone! by. An hour .after,'lhappened to be on the floor of . the Senate, Chamber, where the multitude of 'marble steps seemed to run out and flow • down, when my fair Mend came outaccOmf byther Congressional newt,late rt i eVthegallery, and almost brush ing me with her dreas as she passed, the two deseended. I saw a neat p r ivate carriage, drawn by a hand somepar of and driven by a banOcinio coachman in livery, roll up. My friend of • the law making power helped the lady in with a bow, the door swung to with a bang, and the fair lady drove away, while the Solon cam: up the steps hum Ming a tune to bl ;;Filf and a his law making fingers as if especiall y plenis ed with himself. Ha riga spthking acquaintance, I begged pardon for curiosity, and asked Solon e name of his Mend. of New York, was the quiet response.' The whole ,of the surroundi were so entirely different, and p elanAritly so life-long and respecta to • from those that I believed formerly : hedged in the lady, that I was in doubt. But, no, thelonger I thought uponthe matter the more I felt sat isfied of the identity. And the re membrance was singular.. While de tained in Washington aring. the war, awaiting orders, I was invited by a brother to a wine supper. The people giving the entertainment were ; .stingers, and taking my Mend's word forit that I would be welcome. I went with him. The house was a plain unpretending rink; but offixed a display•of upholstery rather uncom • mon about Washington. • I learned that the house and furniture belong ed to n "secesh" that had hastily left the city before the battle ofßull Run, putting their property Iry the hands of friends. Thefriedds assembled on this eamaion were questionable. The parlors were in a blase of light, and the glass globes about the gas jets were some pretty women, and a number of young men in and out of uniform. The bare necks and arms of the women indicated a party, but my friend fold me that this sort of 'thing went on every night. We had a rich repast, garnished with choice wines, and the lively flow of talk the last named generally brings 4 out. I was particuWly 'struck with two of the gaols—oho a slender youth with large, dark eyes, andbroad, thought ful forehead whom I took for an Italian or Frenchman; - the other a beautiffil young woman of twenty, in feet, but much younger in_ appear ance. -I found this young lady ex ceallngly charmingas she was not only loving in person but lively ,in mind. ' • • • We broke up it a late hour in the night or rather at an early hour in the morning, and being ordered away few nights after, the wine supper, and the merry people there assembled soon passed from my mind tin the hurried eventful life of the camp. They were never destined to return. Could the future have been anticipa ted, death would have sat at our beard that night; and phantom vis ions of dreadful' events dimmed the glittering lights, and settled in horri ble gloom on the countenances of the assembled guests. - To ono death-would have said: "I will claim you at Chancellorsville." To another, "I .will come to your relief tit' tife•hospital at Cumberland." To another, "We will meet at night, and I will saveyou from thh gallOws." Of that little assembly in the sup per room, two only survive I and another. • It was shortly after the assassina tion that a friend sent me the photo graph of Wilkeißooth, and I recog-• nized !wit the young man I had mis taken.for a foreigner. • When we were in command at Baltimore, and. after Col. Fisk got intO his difficulty with Baler, so that I had for a time, Immediate control of the Provost Marshall's office, I ro ceitied a card, at the White House, frofri a lady wanting to see me in the putffic parlor. On repairing to that rewption room, I found my fair friend of the wino supper in :Wasb ington. So far as her beauty went she remained the same, but her ward roK3 evidenced straitened circum stances; if not poverty: She gave me a long account of hertroublesiand wound up by offering to go to Rich mond In the employ of.the Govern ment and rettim with all the infor mation she could gather up, for the use of the War Department in Wash ington. lat once engaged her, but mild riot send so auspicious an agent into the enemy's country until after I had gives her a fair trial hi 'Bald more. She proved the most adroit, self-peeemod,cunning detective I ever saw or mid of. „She afterward made two successful trips to Richmond re turning with valuable information; although Mr. Stanton had 'no ques tion butthat she carried to the con federates as much us she brought • away.••. I left the army, and saw and heard no more of my pretty little detective until the day I saw her In the indium gallery so elegantly gotten up and surrounded. That is, if it were really the same. • All doubt on this subject was re moved the neit day by a note I re volved,. Inviting Me to an interview at the fair woman's lodgings. I saw her frnMed In By elegant upholstery, and yet more fascinating in the dell •,e,te morning robe that so adorns a beautiful woman 'by the concealed effort to adorn,.. Mall, square built, 11 ' 0 A-tray man was introdueed,as her humane, and so long as he was Pres ent, no allusion was made to the past, other than the few;Words of Introdue tiomas an° old tind.-valned friend,, Men as he left, however, she turned sald "How kind In you not to rte. nire me yesterday. My 'poor was In my mouth when 1 elm your approach. But you have such ti tact-you haVii such a kind heart. 1 was rellinred In ft minute when T Ettw that you stared as If only atttacttxl by nr• charms • "Why, wouldn't your husband put up with the part, 1 suppose, conceal ing from him?" "My husband" L-and she gave a lit tle silvery laugh "my husband, that fellow! Why, huisn't my husband: We - only make believe. But it thtl Hon.—you saw me with yesterday were to suspect fora mom ent, 1 would . be ruined." "Come now, this is lntereetlng; tell me about It. 'What little game are MUM %dot' WWII me. I I :mtvet bet • — 44 NI clever; you • never have; land I don't add to Oak by tedlngyou. WA I am rib longer.* de , .►vt, 7 ll Spy' !lam a lobby agent.- It my 'business' to persuade honorabletnem -1 hem to vote for our , ' t-' AqVhSt Is your bill?" , "The °nal . = employed to worry Womb." • _ does It require a shanihui= band and a handsome *carriage, ffid all this sort of thing to set up a lobby agent." .., • _*••1 # "Certainly. Witbrilft a husband I would not be resoectSble; ' without a and all - this evidence of a vrilt i g t , 3 .l would not bo attractive. It PaYs, however. I could.keilre now on a hundred thousand. But - Tam hortibly ambitious.' I a a4l- Ikin.,-onl.y think of lt; L must 'rayon million. I have mcm ey, taxi I want tripod pri" "And do none of the honorable Representatives know who you are.", -""Why you goose I , I thought you keep( betterthan that. • Why the ring always reaches - into the House and donate, and Bombe( our directors are the most pious and respeetahl men in Congress. There is one—the most benevolent,plous, philandurnple Indiftldual .In the world. He is so- Intensely pious that he never'speaks to me—nevertheless he pan me heavily. Here Is another, a most re spectable gentleman, who bows to me most profoundly ' In the gallery and'on the avenue. and presents me to his family with a lofty air, who would look at me with intense as tonishment if I were to thank him for my cloth* manages and servants. , Yet he contributes" • "Why, this Is ditadWa . . I can scarcely credit it . • "Yai, it's very wicked,. and I'd rather you wouldn't believe IL But after the schooling you gave me in deceiving, you ought not to wonder." 4 1roitizteart that for a bit--forget ting that wake was in behalf of your beloved country, and this"— "Is in behalf of my beloved self." "But do you mean tOsay that men in high- position connive at, this wickedness?" "Look about you ; see the fortunes realized by officials, and you will-find that'mine Is not the only carriage that is rollingabout W ashington that Is a fraud, and I am but among the host of the wicked. You are too much a man of the world Colonel, to be astonished at finding a good deal of sanctimonious respectability cov ering rascality. it Is the cheapest cloak to get, and the4isiest to wear." "And how do you influence these Solons?" ' "Sometimes one way, sometimes another; But always in being very quiet and exclusive. The game we play, for is cautious and cunning. The men bought cheaply arethe men not worth buying. 31y business is among the higher sort, that will hot stoop to common carrion, and carry with them great moral ch aracteri that not only covers themselves, but all the f little rogues who vote with them." "And you often fall?" "Sorinetimes: not often. You re member the temptation of St. An thony." .lifitl . l the detail' =dor the Ales, Devils wicked, or devils wise, Deilb short, or devils tall, • A pretty woman with sparkling eyes, Is the greatest devil of them all." "sly mission is to capture the leaders. The lesser lights are left to coarser meant'. Some surrender to delicious little suppers—others to persuasion—others again to love. There is General —, proud, sensi tive, and suspicious—ho comes to me with, all his griefs, and .1 listen. You'd be astonished to know how little the tongue and much the ear has to do with this kind of business. Then there is Mr—, who life with a homely, unrefined b l e ithr, and is 'now ashamed of • her. Poor 'man' he is really in love with me." "And will'all the money you make pay you for the degradation you suffer in return? You area woman of fine intellect-4m intellect that ap proaches genius; you can command admiration, respect—even wealth, by devoting your gifts to an honorable pursuit." ' Her fate flushed for a second, and then starting to her feet and pacing the floor in some excitement, she ex claimed; • "I learned my power when it was too late. But you are the last man to upbraid me. Do you know when I discoverd my powers as an actress? I will tell you. Under your tuition while in , Baltimore, I came to you starving, and you sent me unto pri vate families to worm out secrets and betray their intentions." "There you go again. That was in the service of your country,. and the people posessal of those secrets were our enemies." "What is the difference, • so far as my character went? But I do not regret-1 have nothing to rivet. I have: no friends, no relatives, no country. I never knew a man who did not either insult me or cheat me. I never knew a woman who had not a stony heart and claws like a cat. hate them all: I despise them all; they would hunt me down, and so I hunt them down, when.l can." "But you have made money enoughwhy not leave the horrible business, and front this out—try and possess your i aoul in peace. You are young yet-3eu can have many years of happineie before you." "You want me to desist," shesaid, interrupting utie. "I have two .good reasons for going on. It is nOttiVerice althOugh, having sold devil, I am right in getting the hest price for my soul. But let me show you my two reasons for going on." "There," she continued, dropping the curtain again, "these are my two reasonsi - I cannot give my children a good name, but I will give them that Which is more precious than a goOd name in this mean wicked' world of ours, I will give them wealth tuutl will try to tench them to beanything on earth but what their unfortunate mother was; So, now, if you .betray me, you betray them." "I left the detective business When - I to tßal Swore. I try moral suasion'. how." And so I took my leave, and I give this imperfect sketch as a specimen of the way laws are made, through the lobby, in our beloved capital.— if 'ash. Ctn.. Cin's-Ctint. NAPIIIIIY. 1 happened to be in Albany, wieh lain the State uv Noo Nork, on St. Patrick's lhly, and wuz a, gratified and pleased observer uV:the , !meets,- sloe In honor, uv the patron saint uv the ,irecil Isle. ,It wuz a gdrgeous site, aial one wich warmed my heart. Thee wuz men in coekt hats on horse= back, with green &Mee onto ern; tier wuz officers uv the various .ecsaeties In eurriagtu with green sashes onto pp . ; then wuz the sturdy sous uv Erin on foot, with sashes onto exit, WI *elk- In or riditi, serene in the knoWledge uv the face that no matter wet cussid =sheens mite be invented for dig gin on railroads or txtrryin brick and mortar to, thetops uv , building none be theth eed niaiheensimodevervote. Then the eiathoodasm tr.' , the Dime, =tic otils-holders uvAlhanyexteed ed anything I' ever wittiest. The Dintomatie imtative; uv the Legisle cher, and the State and county of war. all hi cimuTkuoillf Pesistensi the high ones bon urbenelyoual ie l t the low ones cheeritivoelleumsi .. I we* at a viindet.uv the van House at whit, es,' bedit't I o bag gage, heal taken the precaution to pay in aulYaUtu for fear I mite,ithient miededly, leave without ipayin my . board, wish 1 did at the 'suggestion' qv Ihe gentleunualy and urbane clerk —when I was molly pusht aside by ah ;impetuous gentleman... Notieln that he wuz a small Antuf,l seized him and demanded wat in blazes he meant by pushinnu4 " lify dear sir," toed he in agony, "please give me your .plinp--do give me your piece! lam a candidato 'for -Alderman next • . :. , , , . - ;,j, , _.•:L . ,•*'..', - ;-:-...:, , r ; .t. : :•'.. against" Pltirbilitailisnit, In is - mlnlt he. writ si'vavlit a&em fist from 'the whinier sand abontlit "Bahl " with all the Velem ibat was in Es I lookt at him - en& the tith him er • eXpectanta, I coed -not' help thinkinivat abappinees.itnlustfAl" be an Irishman Ameriky.• • • The next mornin 'opened the pa per and read the acanmt uv the ban quet the previous eventn. My re sgmftio3 r the, Celtic race Increased ABS I read: limited/Jeans the s made at the, banquet by in v test: Democratic guests who.was present,' and the letters from distill gulsht _Daa , ocrats who bed bin in vited, but who was not present, that the Irish intt only &Aimed Ameri ky; but that they won the independ enaruv.the Colonies, beat the British In 1812;'carried orfthe Mexikin war, and Bally, sdone, and unaided, put down the late onplcainutnis. One, altkwho expect- to be Mayor uv ut e „;; czar** it en his. beleef that the magnetic needle, gunpoulex,mtd the telegralf win Ethe Invenshun uv Irishmen. 1 - The letters written by the leadin Democrids uv the State, to he read at the batiquet, Governor Hoffman paid a tittin triboot to. St. Patrick, and remarkt that it wuz the first time for ytars that he hed omit ted to take some part in the celebra shen uv St. Patrick'S Day, and that the thought cut him to the quick.— Champlain, the Attorney General uv oo York, re,markt that et.•ll.lst:upon hed borne so bonomble a part in ev- erything that, hez Waded to Increase the moral, intellectooal and physikle strength uv the country, his symptt thy,twines closer and closer around em, and that he consekently shud dered at the prospoc. k uv any obstruc shen beln placed Inthe way nv their, bein made citizens ez fast or. possible: The other letters from distinguisht Noo Yorkers wuz mostly uv the same tenor. Ez I wuz readlu this, and thinkin to myself how the leadin Democrats uv 1r oo York never forget that there's an eleckshen @mad, I fell asleep, and in that sleep I hßd a most: curious vision. , Dlethawt I .wui set 'ahead twenty years. The fifteenth amendment hed bin passed, and the niggers all voters. I wuz a sittin at a winder in the De 'levan House when the sound uv brass moosic broke the fearful stilnis that yoosually ' precedes the streets uv that city. A percession hove in site, and to my horror they wuz niggers. There wuz Riggers in cock - t hats on horseback, Riggers in carriages with banners, and niggers on foot. " Wet is this ?" mkt I, in indigna shim. " Why, its S . eelebrashen uv the birthday uvl. SP. Gtunbo,lhe patron saint uv Afriky!" remarkt a Dlmo antic alderman, who stood beside me. " Hurrah ! hurrah I " shreekt he, pushin me aside and bendin his head out uv the winder so ez to be seen wavin vociferously a black flag, wick I learned had bin adopted ez the nashnel color uv the Afrikins in Ameriky. The enthowinstic Alder man wuz rewardid for his eggsertions with agrashtis smile from a pekooler iy disgustin black. nigger with a sash onto hiM, who wuz seated in a ba rOosh. "Rah! ILA'S " shouted the Dimoe rne3r from all the winders ez the per cession filed by. • Ez they wound their Way up the Capitol, I notist the en tire buildin wuz decorated with black flags, in honor uv the day, and to my disgust I wuz informed that the State officers - wuz all Dimocrats. In my dream I picked up the Dern °Crane papers the next.morning, and read an account uv the banquet that took place that evening.• I notist some familyer names appended to rather famllyer looking letters. Hoffman, who hed got to be a Sen ator, addrest the chairman uv the Committee on Invitashens ez-"Ceezer Fsq.—My deer sir," and re markt that it wuz the first time for Veers that he'd not taken some part In the celebrashen uv "St. Guintio's Day," but binds prevented. . re, grettid deeply that ho cood not be present and Jine in the festivities.- present to the noble sons us , Afriky present," he wont on to say, "my sense uv the honer conferred upon Me, and my ashoorance that so long ez my heart beats It shel beat in yoo nison wit7a theirn. a.l recognize the Valyoo uv the Afrikin popultudien to Our common country, and yieldto no One •in admirashen uv their noble qualities. " I am, sir, yoor molit obedint ser vant." Sinotherin my clivu;t at this per formance, I read on. ' Champlain, who .wuz by this-time Governor uv Noo York, havin re ceived all the Mager, votes, and wuz a candidate for re-eleeicshen, remnrkt in his letter that otlishel biznis pre vented him from attendin. "It is Most !lateral," he remarkt, "for Aznerikins to yoonite with Africans everywhere, and he felt it the more ez he thought UN' the honorablepart the Afrikins lied borne in all that hez tendid to increase the moral, Intel leetooal and phygkle strength uv our growln country. - The otheo letters and toasts were ez Much like these as two peas. They all expressed the 'highest devoshen for the Afrikin race, and the %most ardent admirushen for the African character—one enthosiastic Democrat Who wuz a canditate for l'riscin In spector or' suthini going so far ez to remark that he bad a rite to be pres ent., eir,he wuz pond to say his grand mother, on , his' father's side, had Afrikin. blood in her veins, and out uv regard for her lip bed named his two darlin childMll respectively Pon , Pey and Millis. He loved the Afri kin race,andwuz proud that he coed lily his Mind on his heart, and say, "1 too am an Afrikin! " Anotheidamentid that be cool not say he bed .Afrikin blood in his veins, and Fernandr - Wood, who still want- N ed to be Mayor uv oo York, pro- Psed the health uv the late Fred Douglas, to whit Jim Brooks re sPondid. John Morrissey proposed the memry uv' Fred Duglas, and Ben Wood 'the health, uv Wm. Wells Brown. . ' In Ihet so ardent, wuz the admim shen uv the Mat !ay the Democrisy for the Afrekin thht in my dreant 1 regretted. that I bed not bin born in Ain ky. At this pint I awoke, pleased at findin that wet 1 hod seen and read *IIZ all a dream, that the paver I field In my hand contained an account tiv an Irish and not a hi= oclebm shen,and Hutt the names uv Hoffman Mid Champlain wuz stppended_to let ters addressed tq Irishmen only. But 1! wuz sad after MI. When that tumid intendment lea part uv the soopreme law uv the land and the litmus - hey Vohs, will not these men court em and ftmdle em the KWIC ez they do other men with ballots? thought I.— Will there not he then the same rea rm -forfsloblivin Pdmpey that there IS now for slobberin I'atlick' . Will not the ardent Democrat in purtxxi ;iv votafforgit that he is tiv.the proud Cauctishen rico, and aloOp to ture.w . an InleriOr? I fear mel IMEM=ZEZIE —Louisiuna tuts taken to .raising ' —Dedionl county 'anticipate:4 a bounteous wheat crop. —Opium eating Is mid to been the increase In this country. f .portr*painter of ability In Cincinnati Is said to be only 16 years • '—.One of the products of- Alaska is the eranberrymhich grows wild in greafabundance... • . :-:NOUT England 'shepherds' have discovered that . fish Make as good sheep, feed as hay. =Fred Hanlon wants to rano any other velociPedist for $1,0 , 00 and the championship:. '; • -A 'Frenchman is hi' ealtiVate the olive in Louisiana. Miami; no re ference to Idles Logad and her Paris life. - • tiI,"MV6 NEM REPAIR 'IIEOP;.. - -::•-• alatb & tbe eetortyle. Having inei great misty Of I eau with promptitude aceareseadele eueramere wing stoma IMll,llllff la Ore codas Mae sad at PiOugh 'andtaio4igh . ClaileitilW. ardllirreist hatterire,lsitt"uilng the Grad Weibel& *tab 'intake tar itself wham* It W lltealig -- • Arrerak -Mei& r,Teßatilaud other wit 149- pier PI/4=w, of ell loves the Omer ithroasurja the beet as It Iltde esek 'Hide 70011 to do the ems waft. beet baker...llod. deretds tape alhodelbet the beet stoats itetilo , e , mm with the don I tree gotpp a Oassai Pirtamonitssidiviiriih: t which islistriary Mae Coanctio addittawalinet.' an not get oat of order. add not liable to weir gut. dirsendlog with sU Pipe, can bd sat old or bk.* off st any' thaw had wade to dolt sillitdres of say daze de patterns. • in teadinads of -what id here said, I opera few' =we of perms barbs ludd the Store ibr dome 1 Dr. Isms Wlnatts,, •ti It. T. Kennedy. • litunnel Ketutady, 4 Robert Wtisnrao, Joha.Watioa. Dr.•Jaa. &Jackpot, I Dr. J. I. Elliott, Dr Parker. 0 Dr. J. O. Illeavaay, 10 Mll° W. Miller, 11 William I.yoa IS Andrew morrow i Rimma 71. Walla • 14 Cat. Ja mei 'Hoary • 11l COL J. e, Whims • 16 Ws Major Wade . IT lira. Geo Fulton IN H. 12 A. O. ll'Vreary 20 Jame, Coale 21 Thomas It Davis 21 thigh Wands SS Capt W. Glenn. 114 Thomas BradsbaW,ll4 15 lino Bradabaia. W Robert Bradshaw 17 nos , s 1 Bradshaw. fr. 23 Mum Read. 1111toa Hoed laced 31 William Bee, St Joel Wed, 33 Mn Tlaa.lloater 51 Jobsaton Limb ha Wanes Tbmnamal; 4.41 Madill Knight Et IhMMwd Stator • W wwum 31 Joseph 1= la David Cur 41 De. Noon d Ramon Fronk a James Knowles Judie Carus a Winton Yarrow. a Witt.' illekaitall 47 805nsel Crams • 48 Joseph YeDermitt. 411 Yn. Jas W William Wagner SI Rev D F Swahili 53 Washington Engin 53 John Y. ]lath 5 4 capt..s.3rDonalif 55Capt. 31 ICDonald, 31 Wm WDonald. 37 lin 3111041 1:101M123 MI Mrs Landis. 00 William Grove, 01 Boston Grove ' In tut roduelng our ;dove we receive to part pay a great number of stoves reonttly.mannfactured and sold by other parties. Those, an a general thing. are nearly new end embrace the newest and most Improved styks now made. excepting., those mannfactund by Myself. We Cid sell these at very low rates. Raving three And elms ermines on band. of abort fifteen horse power capacity, they are oZered to the public at reasonable rates. TIIONITILLY. feb JOttN WALL-PAPER F0r1869 ThoniasPaliner, John C. Dodge. At our etnamcidlona and Ppaclons Pales BOOtit,.. a complete assortment of Nsw and Er.taawr styles Of \Argil-Paper, both Unglossed and Balls dnish. Cheap Brown and White Papers; Alan, every variety of , - OIL CLOTEitill...-'!. Tranoparent and Paper Window Shadtat, Figured and Pinin -at lower prices than ever before offered in the city. CALL AND NEE. ' Special laidneemants offered to Wholesale Dealers. TLIONIAS PALIIER No. 91 Wood Street, between 4th and sth ave• iineM door below Diamond alley,Pittsbitrgb, Pa. msr3;3m. 13.F.MDVA.1.4 ...4N11) CLEARANCE SALE. • • HAVING found oui pmsent store too small for our business; we will lie. move to 311 LIEtV.. 11.!11" about April let. To• Rive trouble null expense of moving, we are now closing out - our Stock of HARDWARE AND 1:1"1" 1-2 I=t. 7E" At Greatly Reduced Prices; LINDSAY, STERRIT & EUWER, 337 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa,. niarlO if NON ENPLOIOVVE. • The New Light Petroleum. Gives twice the light of Carbon oil, and is safe under all circumstances. Can Not be Exploded. The undersigned are now manufactuting, and hare for sale the New Petroleum Flat& made by distillation. Without the aid of compounds, whkh Is gradually taking the place of Carbon 011, In all places where introduced. • Agents warder/ in every town. Send fort.lir. tiller. Address, • . • J. J. PALMER . .ft CO., No. a RAND STI,ZT. PIITSBURGU JEUNET. Wal' Maker avid Jeweler. Third itfeet, Beaver. Pa. (In room adjoining J. C. Wtlaoe'a ogee.) Gold 'watches and ehron omaters repaired and warranted. Zagroslns douo to order. The patronage of tits public/tie solicited, and otisfaction guaranteed. Glue us II 1.14. State and County Tax; *THE County Treasurer will attend in the sever .l townships and boronghe, tor the pinpoint of receiving the Slate and Gtuuty tales Meths year 134 D, at the time, and places designated be. low. Me Tee. tit Flores.. ' Time. ' Baer. Philipsburg bow.. May 17. liteketstaffs lintel. Freedom borongh, •• IS. M'Caikey 6 geree,, linden& Economy, •• a. to 11/../ Y Marlys store. Harmony township, m. 114, Hotel. Itochr.ter bomtigh, ••• al Doneaster's Rochmter lowneldp, 31, du ' do Bridgewater born. 24, Dr. Levis' Oleo.' Yellaton borough, New Brighton born, •• gi, liurdn Monte.' ' do do - do' '• 37, Magew'e Hotel. Pattenom It Bearer Faille. May•A4,,llotui at depot Glasgow bor. it (Mkt May 31, a. lsenleseeStnilles. Georgetown hum. •' • Ai. p Calhoun's slo!ls Industry tp. • •• t. 'June 1. A been More. - • Mattson tp,. do te, ItichejAkinler.'„.-• Big Bearer le New Galilee. June 8,, (instate n. do de & Homewood, do 4.4oldaston's U. North Selvlckly Tp., June Franklin tp.. • - do ' Antonmitlie Store. Marion township. do • -SI, (km halt ell's. Tolseki tp do In,. 11: ' New Sewickley fp. do 11, Geo. itsucher"e ,t Economy tp, do it, tico. Neeleg. • Darlington tar. tp de 514 a. Cook'stele.-•'. do du do to, .1. P. Dilworth's. South Bearer tp. do 30. Jtmeph Laweence`e: Chippewa township July I, hire eanutughaisis. S. Dearer tt Ohio . do 3, Kure Store,., . Obidlownehlp, , do 3, 11. IL Derloger'e. Frankfort born, do 5.• Mfr. Steeensen'i. Hanover &Gruen, July 11,tbsyretengen's hrk shop Hanover tp July iteed's Store. • luMmendenste fp. du S. John Ilietoss' '• do A Hopewell, do V, 1. Datis'.slore s. . liooketown bra, dor 13, Hotel; ' do &Green tits, do it, do , , • Hamm tp. do 14. HMl's Hopewell tp. do 13, McAfee'. More. 111ron tp - ' l do 15 William Elliott's. Payments eon be wide In adjoining tainsen lee. . Alt licensee most be end on or before Jane 15th. or otherwise they .111 bar Collected by Medl• tem with erode. ELUAU BA Apr Gat] Tr enter, IL I m proved Crystal .Palace Cooklat Stowe.—The proprietor of the' Bridgewater Foundry tender* his thanks to a generona pane, for their eery liberal painmege,nod Inform them tom he has completed and 1. now manuladirtog the imprwred eriend Palace Cooking Stove.• In which all thelefeets, teal or Iniatticati. peer 111 , - cove red •In the old pattern hare been • Mantled; the tenet aria the oven enlarged and remodeled, , ere beet remodeled after the meet dutihte hoe ever made in . . THIS CtiUNTILIr; and otier improsanisida'both until and *Marini The 500 , 1 'airline* Wall hare supplied with' he old patient or Crystal Palace Stores (or the Berm, store. as they ore called m thecountry) Uy testily that they are the best booking sad IC. , king stores thattua 11114 e, ha this country . - The adrantngee of the Ultpriorced one b teennaci- Weight and draught; enlarged hake oxen. , esker. - ed trout and doors, ' grit; and 12301A0 the a stndg ht and Ore bean. wafts' in the judgment expotienced expects ha therreast derahlztern of store tack dates be mad: Bend orders to Mute. Carepbeltfloohester post No ehenge In Wen. Teem and wagons on toad to deliver 'Awes 111 t: any pert of the surrounding country, old Meek stags,taken In exchange, Second-hind stores always on hand end bir eels eeay. syrlttf. 11100. C ." ' '..- '.......".: --.- - :4 ~ ,,, , ,...., . ., • -•.1, 3 . 4 . .1:‘ , .: , _, ' El Co • , , , r . No,l 7.0: t., r , ?..1,,? ! .' ~..?.;, i, _; , 1911" .! Trinititri .. - , • . *MA 0,4 ..- -: • ‘,.:.' = iieir 11.1111* Shea,'' , ,5. ‘• ~. , ~,,AN- , .* ~.t.-4 , ta".• : r-t.lovec ' ; - 1 ,411fitstail Dail= is , t: , _ i - BOKS STATIVERA:: - ~, A Lillie Anorimeisiot Btatdud Books BCIBNOB, • , ~ i . 'l t ' 4 ,-,, - ~ = - ' I.Taithk us et i ual%), _Ft aibba t h &hod BoAIR School arkfeolkie Text BooluvßtatiOlirlyantißlaptloolu, ..,. Kept_ r onlind• ..,,. , countrylealrebui pplb.everl f,l • - lbing In • line SC, . •' - A:1'; it` - t it- , "'....,i1,.1 • ~LeCl. V cr " . 3Pr10430..; ~ , , R.l. DATIB & CO.. 193"Litiolr Stred,Plttibtirp. , . 0 Jahn Oro " 0 Abner Morton.". • - 4ohn 0 Canoe. • 43jonathan NeKenak. 011110 —iltunialk • . . 0 John W. D. 910104 dill. S. lllPPerrat. •• . cejotus Jackson, • ; 10 Ihnkl.P. Pugh, ' 71 alumni liCounel 79 COWAN Johat Baklavas Pranklo:' . 74 Jacob Lonpacker, 0 JOH* 76frederlek EataraC .Iles Hobert Andrews,. itl?Phn 78345. The. 111881 BD Jame, litilorlast 81 David 1 10 7 11- • OS iliailirie - earrs 61 John Dualep SI Andrew W. Jerboa, t o damsel Tas"; 6 Hlram'Stower' P/Liire. L PeSenkla. tm Mann Daviderrif, se Geo Shively., • • IX) BaesediVaslip, • 1 Sec AM. Lowery, OS Robearbrihrle. W • Geo. W. IlealUten, St Perk yaws, sin, Ps Wail=Dean, • • :SS Gump Wilson • . 91 learn Illearrden; • ler Ng N. Sankey. .; 1( 9 3 =giant ' ' lot Joh n PletcT reJohn The' NEW o-oc)i),§l . . ' '' slll l ku '1 ,, ,... - , ,•, • - ~„:.•• 4. .--,-,. '. , r,.. 4 - •• • ~ • liprluirap merGoodi.• lOC Jobs' Loliery 1606 J. W. Fonlctionser .143ssea Tbarusa. 103 Robert- allace SO? Daniel 'Maxwell I itAvifIosTHICOIVED • NEW STOOA off. 000D8.0/ - • " • LATEST STYLES, .restroga4twiner Weer 2 109 Dr. 0,14 Tata; !Meths (Mout* • 111 Henri Fetter HI ' , rands Uonllet 118 EN Deno, 114 ILL Higgins, 115 nestle! & Leas. khael Weyaud 117 William Petelsnd 115 Rev Win Nesbit Gentlemen's ON Good . CONSTAN ON NAND. 119 !leery Bradtarcl =I • CLOTIIING IL TO 01I.Di II Joseph L. Elactmore In later rand most, isbioirrabl• styles, and Mahon space. WILLIAM REICU, Jr., Bamonwesz. Pa. • mu2L•U • SPRIN G , 1869.. • DicksonM'Elroy, & Co: I#ood - Pittibuikti, OFFER TZIE SPRING; STOCK :DRY '-1000DS AWL 2Voiiollll, . • wa10,14 - EsA...m, • And Invite' lltp .st emery, and the trade generally, marlo:2m. Dr. E.'S.'Warner. , KNOWN . NEAUS AS TUZ "IND/EnnutNAN ": Ais 0, , 4 of Pittsburgh . ' spec has had twenty-five years experienenoin practice, and whose father was knor forty years, es ' - 121 DIAN P CTITIONER, . wi treats with success y emery them of disease. whether of recent or I e duration. The Doctor's manseentent of dim. is, In many respect, pe culiar to himself andiprederessor, and any per sons who may avail Tsetse. of !is treatment Mr a enfitelant lenith time win be greatly tame or cared , list AU arable. No matter under what system of pracilee the patient may have been treated for chronic diseases, among which may be- included many.lbutale Complaints as wall as Incipient Consumpgon, • . " Asthma, Colds, Coughs, Dispepria, and those various diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Dowels and Kidneys, Dropsy, . Scrofula, TetterS - Rheumatism, Ery- sypeiak Brolchial Affections, Sore Eyes, Nervous Disorders, 1 and many othersi n general& yield to his well known practice embracing the use of many Indian 'Remedies. Where desire d patients may be treated by- cor respondence, and thedicine sent by having the case oescribeditiving age, SC; &c. Office, medicino:and consulting rooms, formerly on St. Clair, are now located at 211 Penn at.; neaa'fit. Clair,• Pittsburgh, Pa. 1' [marloiBm ' , ;r 4 ;••• .H ' tml i ,„ ?--, CI I= o --=" 54 ' k-. - : o ? i 459 01 •4 , - --- '4 : t = Ol 31- _C!' ) ...• ' ._, pi • .... d• h — , tj g 1,:r... : , : 11 .: ': c l ' : = ' I r 4.., ' 1 " - C1 iv w m '' -- ..- k er... • 0 o NEW FA . Nitivatoilanit - PROVISIig elte'titer. • . By COE , & D R R 443 ' wilfriint- sAi• al - luny U ioetKoies_auti l' Pro &kali% • egre.t: Butter, Uri, Demo, OIL Ptua Cider - Bien 'Molasses, Illalt,Taas, COMM, Sa Crackers; To bacco, ' : Wlllomoirsro, . . • theel t r i g i ond tbsT ' • -,. ys tattle* to . tionness, to • ; •• •: • ' il L BERA SUARIII; ;01i '1716: 'PATUONAO ‘•,,..VXim . • 4; 4. t . : Walt Pa)lies; maw Sha,4l4pf, - •-• !iiPinlern2 . . .I.oVre. virietrt*ibe: DEZO EM:4li tai:Futk n4.ll2*°°d Otr eet: ' . ' ' 1 1 .1 inMibt INk del ^lt tir r 4 * • „ r• 4 4 ' .Aignelai - 7101101fikiti: 11411rww! 21Wimerstil 111 Vim* Agloes , i jll4lll. dihd: . 40 ,0 11 .0:14 M P. ' ! -314 iriiir ‘ . NitiWriliti:lll l 4o l 6l' . ,-.1"-jrfg rah f..• aittiss ~ -M t ; .....• ....• ~. ..4... ~... .....,.., , z . ! :: g rki t „ .. e .. .3,...m.„ q ••• - iair.7 111$1 , , 'M . !. -iii , .. ...2 y.:ltri.,,, Mk ,40f , :5113- - - , Iro-7 t ea zr , . :n . .......i.u.1t A-•,: - , 4157.- 10/0 -r7r7'.l 7 Wel'.'. s':,Xis. 40 MI 1 : 1.1111 ME , 114061qcis 1,, a , ~.-.: 1101 m %i i .1 , 7:7 .'' . ...i. 1111,7 :101144.- 110 431 1111 . , par. . ... lit iii . la - - 111 , 41 w, -r o t .. ' -' 110 110 :. 4111.,' -430 . Wane. IST 515- 1111 IS pn000114..., , . 1141 . - Ift ~ 2 ,_., 2 , : . .xik TA - . . OM; 16- . 1 TR► .1 - - - 110100.74. ', 2.-11M:es. UM. lfm'il. Am •1 p x .. , :. : .... .11111 - 701 11017.0 430134 -43040 V WS.' 1110' • 71/ST - 037 : tie - '• i %, wax sor'-. .sos so , sot 1014 -0=4;:". ... ...1 1 110 ta r - Ma 1110 rarlW4/00..,'-,. 1 SOO : 11/0 • .' M.: 11110410 'Ywilifel. "-I EL.' ra i l ' ' " 11 1 10 1114 ! IS 'II ii , ;;;1447 ' ... .62 '1 1 72 ' . , 1% 5 _ 'rt . 111riras .... ....... eV I OM" 115 ' 100 • .Cmithis 1 1 1;;;:: r .• :2 , tt s , ff,„ ILuilkos. ' I 'Oll 'r MS 'on : iso sy o._ .r . 101.:' HOT . 401 MI - MMIe .. . .......... 1 0111 ' 1121 134 513 • ' • • i 043 :. 1101334 107 - 100 . I A T I m: r ....., 215 1011 7 .... ! .'. i ll ,r 4 ~.fea..,, It3o 1101. , .. •-. Ulm M. 1001 113 apt isr uili....: ,. ..;,'. 0 , 0 , 1'. ;so - no 1: so -... "tows New. Cagle, aml Zda ,Irammes Waif Tiora al IMO p.*lttiw dude, t4lO =WO 111 MAIMS& MUP. 1 1,11ibeluStall. 11=.1:15 a. m; am. at Younimtqms. 110 a. - „ • • Mallaltamni. Pim Oaatie Mo 2 lithobiugb eammodidan lavas Yousplawn. Sal a. mu; 2Crur CaM12.1:20 a. am antes , IPAPettlag.' MO 8 .- m. meaning, lama Pttlimmb, p. war. urea New Caa ' 7•05 maongstownMO p. P. B. Goma' Ilekatdpem CLISTRIADD i PITISBUEWI IiaILROLD. Oa iad after Dec. Vet. DNS, Oaths, will lea, Mahone daily (Soadays exapted) aa follows. , . . triresolcs. .1; 31.1.11..tite5.t Km. Lama Bleveland - I, i Malt 1110,0 1 , 7-- 865ra Reelld Street-11 841 1111 bib 'Hodson 0913 ,'.146'1 598 1 Alliance 1 1115 117 .. IR.I . lisyanl .. ~. ... ....... iitsl 1M .... ' WeihnrUle • - I 115ver ink . 00/30'aioirrn. ' . t rumors. lLiaz.lexes. ' , A ccost ---4---- - Wellsville ..., 1. ... Ms* 4111r0, ...... .... ... AI ci - In is we 810 ...... 7 634, . 900 1209 7111, 045 F.neUdiltnet. 146 9' 1914 Clevelsad. WI .., L 0 • - ' 1100 . .. . . OTATIOEI. :EXVII !Err's: MAIL. Accost - Beller I . 600sstLidelvis 1115sm .... Bel t 61,0 1 16Orst 1113 - .... liten d =LUa...... I 713 1 15 1921 hrs .. • Wellsville - -, 1, WI 1 410 150 7011sst Smith's Feny • i i KU 602 lll 130 Beam . - .... .... , Rochester 1 950 540 ,150 871 ; Flitiburgh , ,1100 613 MX 940 ' - - - - - • ' demo vrwrr. , .... ,' STAMM, Harr.. . L i p O. /Tel. ACCOM .".... irßtsbusgfi '6lBAic Mery 4110iN "Bre Ilochester - 1113 . 010 . 66.5 4=l. Reim • 2 .. - Odl 000 100 emettes Ferry 811' 'NS - 650 513 Wellsville 845 410 73:1 605 ; 11,004 ,, t Inv e 915 WO 811 ... ll 1035 140 en ... i Bel , 6 06 FA WO .... I ffE TUSCARAWAS BRANCIL beam. Antrim Na I'htladelpbta,Gso a. sq. Bayard, Ma, a.m. N:-Phllartepitta.,ll3oaui Y. It. LISYEBB..GeneraI Ticket Agmint. ROCHESTER MARBLE - WORKS. NEON'ME.I\TTS Warble and Stone Poeta For Cemetery LaCAN We have' now on band& a Large and 8n parlor Stock of Plain • and I)rniimpnta lionnuleula and Ileadstonetk We are' now ready, to. supply on short notice, all orders from the country ta low .rates. Also, CA'rl.3:i.etatt:OXLCM -And Fixturts of nfiupe;l Quality rif Our Neighbors represent that the sell Cheap, but we practice Selling Cheaper And Doing as we Represent. We Employ no Agents, as w•e ran !wit 0 Per Cent. Cheaper at the Shop All perilous desiring any thing 1.1 ou r line Bproie piirchuslpg clseri•Lcrc. DRY - GOODS, SPAING -1869. Full and rnuiplete usartuteut of 'wagons- Wu $OOl% at fa4..pricelk Foil Hoeg of New Dram's Goods, Brown Sltevtingh; Nsiv Prints, MEM New 9inginuils, Tic:Mugs itntl Stripm Cassituerest, Checks .17 Dinints' ' .New New Cottanndes, Ermine. Clodis,New Kentucky,,, • Table, Diaper, Nnpkinty New • Ladies ClCttis, Itttpellunts, Nnw Boys Caw:metes; • -. New White GINKIs, • • ' New Lawnsi; • . .•' 'Tweed% • '• . f • Hitt& Bilks, Funny • sului, New Jackntieb, - - Near C4intioi, New Brilltants; Ne%y 11,1otHey, New Hoop Skirls. item Suspep4!ra„ " A !and eiiinpletwatiiek of Notiani; de: All of which. Java been bonet at lowest possible flgruresi and will be sold it Wets that will•givo ictlsEietion trade. Cair,,ll'Cludless & ..Co . • • I • Pittsburgh Pa. ' ' • • • vriLL iron s ALIL—Ne arm. f4lsale. oar .11L aybndld Itm properis, la Me VII/Ago of la - CostrV.' The MIMI ore slew. • ben ii , goort • roe of coital" tad slow, dolof • -cood,Too ,booluero. W. will err s t o them far belOtr at real value, Mad 00 . forma to itit—lo order tollowto ooir baltloooot -To L'ollsk *WI tophollloo hko rare donee wtablo I% , olment.• Call on Oddiesd BAKER untrrugus Inoutry, Beam Co.. 49141-H, WM GI. • Po. iliali MEN 11101,10111100711 W. g. =SEAL'', Manufacturer of MAD & FOOT STONER; ALWAYS ON IIANI) Than by Agents. Are Invited In Call and Exiintitie OUR WORK AND PRICES [marl7:6m Bleached MuPlins, ltnliau Cloth, , Shah Fronts, Spun) Collin], ME= ),.. , , , • ,, ,t:ti 4 , 7 , .. ..9„ ,w. -~.C.-:".,4 t VESlri ARE.' ~. ....... _ 4!' . • • r, ,: i r . , t , • ' l" . r, • -- -. ' . . ~. t ' DEALER 111" - ' , •:. tii;COplier - tShiit • Iran ,Ware, sciepo's G:nolilOtosoltmene of $ Wrckti.tas, Grates Cookilig-Stoves . • gibe. -.4dbio• rl.4fiwftii ktiesies*iwt Donn to Otder promptly and on Hawn abkr Terms: I)ti_t,lcular Attentkin Paid to Job Work JApptinctl and PRESSED. 'WARE imp on the !owes:pin! Otir 'keel, . • Beaver; F'a. Call 'and Examine Mir Stock Lefty purchasiug:Msewhere. [nutrlO:lt BUMF Farrell k co. Leid Pipa,_Shee(it liar Lea 3IA'SVFACTUBILIt9.AISO Pit Lead, Iron Pipe. Rubber Rose, Resin Guagee, ,Whietles /b . Valves, Iron . Copper Blake and Bath Tube, ' Steam Pum Farm Pumps. ps, nd Force Pumps. ' and ererydeirription olgoods for Water,': Gas NO, 167 SMITHFIELD STREET Send far Pries Mt: .11DM 811.11118111 ACLDIFINY.—Tbe Dowse Am demy baa.been re-opensd by' • - REV JOHN , WIENE MARTIN, D. D. , • -• Ez-Proldebt of L.lneohk Übiversity. known ss successful educator at the des! and MO blind. The nett term will !:emmence, D. V., - • MONDAY,'JANUARY 4TH, 1869. - at 10 teclock;`A. N. Studenta of high sexes. may here learn, thor oughly, the Common School Comae, nuder attict discipline. Should adequate chimes apply., In struction will be given In most parts of the Uni versity course. Compositlo4 elocution, rhetoric and astronomy. the .Hebrew, Greek and Latin Loop:ism ; logic with, philosophy, minim!, men. tat End moral, will be, am:entry taught by the Principal. We purpose to tme Willson'. Spellers and Bead en :.Mitchell's Geographies with Pelton'a outline Mops, Greenleara Mathematical Series and Bul lion's Grammars. For additional particular. please address • J. W. MARTIN. Box 114, Beater, Brayer C 0111317. Pa. S. Cros s Co., HAVE JUST RECEIVED One Ton White Lead 10 Bbls. Linseed Oil, 10 " N. 0. Molasses 100 " Choice Flour, 100 Kegs Nails 3 Hhds. N._ O. Sugar Large stock 01 HARDWARE. Fresh Stock of Boots and Shoes ! New piring Style DRy - ,..,..6:601J. - 77 t All .Bought Low, yid for Salo Low. Corsets, (710%cr, Itlisitth Ist, 18C4/ Wall Paper For -- Spring•-•of . 1869. At. No. 1 7 ket lit, near sth Avenue, . Piltatnurgalr.N. • . . largo stock of new 'and elaborate . de signs ,of Paper, Bringing', suited for nswing *Ronny, PArlors,.. Balla ' and Chambers,. together with goods or the Lowest Cost, no* Opening; and to which constant itektitiona Will be made. All to be' disposed or at prices to suit the limos. - • JOB. It. HIIGHTtiI &IMO. nets tomb' `XXIHi rf Wit to two wee. ,Z o et everts late .ot Oblo Bottur mia t 0 = inn pr .. pers:001110o cal= fir mituaroot; roil. ant woroo to sold odds :Pow tOimd di , ate P a7 VlVlßT D. //AMMO N. Oath' w LAMM DUNCAN. RtNo.• . • , • -i . ,iziFixim - rirmidop: 1 ,.,.....,,,,,:.: "ICC 4 O. 'ilimoiromiki,,,.., ..„..;.;.,-,.. • .. ; '• •- . ~,.• 1 . 1 .W.:-.••"-,,,, -, <,. -, : 1031 :tr,-:*4.:• -. .., • :-..• :!.: Autos :2 . .0. *: - •,.. ;„•.c.oi , ':-.,!" *towed. from. , , L ~ 7,:, titslagt with alu , ta . . 7 0 .0,./:"P . "stock of Goods. bought ' • o i . • : at.LOWESTth C bI A NSHts PRIMA ' , ar =ME =IEI 11X4VIERIr4ln At D JANE MIMI? - /to HO rER,• Pllll.lf.A. 010W6RAL. DWAIU Dr • • . Y • DAT (190b8 IfATf ROOT? LED" SHOES :(31Xk:WWN, PROMIONS, HARDWARE; IRON, ziens, 0411mm/sons :ROPE. OCIIN do PACHTNO YARN, . WRITE LEAD and PAINTS dry • • ' •and ta 011, & Puttr.. - „ • kitnemillits! WOW.; Ware, FLOf_T R, FLOUR, ~• . _ 81111 having the • Sala At wy.of, that CRIS MUTED CANTON Cln , " 41.001 t, for Beebe. ter sad vietutty we aua selbeteelen at Pattsbumb sates, saving treliebt. ' FEED, WHOLE S ALE AND RETAIL • ALSO AGENCY YOR Buffalo Scale Company, We arer Beaks at MANUFACTURERS Eureka Bonn Sulphate of Lime and and Steam PLASTER PARIS FOR LANDS; White and Water Lime at Wholmes Rates BEAYEII SALT CO3IPAITS SALT iittiblnl{,Ra. • Mewls on heed. We always bey for Cash and vellum?. Call mud examine our Good. and be convinced. RETAIL ROOM DELIVERED IMES' Or IMO To ins Wormuo am no+ prepared to tarnish all elapses with constant eutployMent at their homes, tbeNstictie of the time, or for the sre moments . .erds. , ;Li.ineas new, and eerily pro t per even ing is earn ed i by persons of e er ser. and the boys and girls earn nearly as mach as men. Great Induce. toasts are oehred those who will 'devote their whole time to the beetles.; and, that every per son who sees this Sorts-hay send me their ad dress and test the baldness for themselves, I make the following unparalleled oilier: To all who are not well satisfied with the business. I will send dl to pay for the trouble of writing me. Ball particulars. direction., de.. sent free. Sample sent bl mall for 10 Ms. Address E. C., Inarl7:3na.. Augusta, Me. - --•-- loonsw Duni !mous, IN 'BEAVER May be found the beet reeortotent or DRUGS, thiGE a.cilaiza eyes, CEMISZEIC AT .9, PITIZM L 1 UUes, WINES And 13 ra.n4rlie4, Pin t. , • Coil's., DYE STUFFS: TOILET AICTICLE.; SOAPS 13ItUSII.ES. PATENT 11E1)ICINES lu great vtricry, all of the best quality, and sold cheaper titan ran ha bought atm, other Drug Store in tho - counts. Ilatanfa's Female PIlLa centa per box; Choesumarea, $1; Clark's, $l. Tho t - Stock ot LAMPS LAMP TRIMMINGS, LANTERNS, STATION ERY,•WINDOW GLASS d PUTTY. Etat otrbrod °weld, of the city, at Loom• Drug Store., LIM .old cheatsr than can be bought any otheßtelae. - M;lMM=il=il bull'G: Chas. IL 11fumy Notary Public, Conveyancer and Ininrance JlAKent Deeds and Averments written end seknowl edgmmts taken, de. • Using been drily eomniss*loned is Agent far see emit And rims lcuonsmee Dampen lee, represent ing the Fire, Life, Accident, sad Lire Stock Dee . lartmenta, Is prepared to take risks and write - policies on the meet liberal terms. • Also. Aged,. for - the "Auchor Lne" of Ant chow Ocean Steamers. Tickets sold td and from allports in litaglartd, Ireland. Scotland, (Amman) slid France. Office hiLeets brick row, Ditmond. Rochester. LorllFC.a. Vall Paper ! Wall Paper !, - Wall Paper ! OIL CLOTH ! Cniatb. ! OIL. cAnyupri4, Benj. 'Nutheim, BRIDCTEWATp.II. PA.. Hasps: received a large stocK ni Wu ll CARPETS, %hi Cbths, Books; Stationery; nil kmdi of 13'indiivv '- filhactes Lookiiig:o** . s,FTrunks, TRAVELING SACKS, • Satchels, Basket.% Cblldfin's Curtin c a dc Wago n s. A9kinds' Toys, Fan6y Goods Also, An .Extensivo Avvortment og STE hEO SCOPE S and STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS This 'is the' hug' st and - best Selt.ied Stock of Oasis In tlw county, end bought direct from ninnuritturenr, at the lowest price. and trill be sold lower Abut else where. DENJ. 31ULIIEri1.. rir4llCl3.—rtnats 1.7 nese t 6 tesatiet With list Count, etta en. vtII Mid :hrweedwitak tkeir vete, as radii wraith week, wall Sept. ht. • By tinter of Oto board. apeli*tfl JOHN H. :EAKIN. Met. = Ixotimmk.* =I ALSO AGENTS YOU • CILtIWL QM 12EC=E! conxrF:•rf4, utroatiWtoldzOndis. the p set of ; 16tfInli Conie.ig *Mg 1 1 0 1= Pannone= ea O from • (rite or, Paula Or .htf ease or providlneapptleCilloui been or Shah hereafter be 'male, winds aro THE• - ..taaNABN olzi . Now , az 4 • aLIZCZN2I, , by Maw wbo have only dawn from date ot, application. floldlets. diachargol for • liana (rupture) an wow. obtain stns sou Thia the mune Asir dischargedi wcunds, maUea stag Low kora. Limy 'Stay have served pun-W.llg the Injury was received In the service. For panto tikes respecting mak descriptioe of &nay or naval,:chents, all on or address (with stamp) ' 'B. F. BROWN, Ifk3Bwlthheltl SL,,lposlte P. 0. •="`"" • iliaborgh ra, — Panama drawn fieml.annually In any art of the United States, saving pension. err the trouble and expense of. going • to , , . ED. vomatisyrigat, .'DZALEB IX WILL a PAPER, . ENDOW 111US3 Slaw* Table Oil Mahe. ale. A ray extensive eseertaieet at all quelloote above "sods will be kept aristsetkr s.d saki se low ei tbe kraut., . , • WIIOLMALZ tt BETALT. AT. . .111b.164 linsiafield 81.4meargai Aie., berg*, .i . 1 / 2 1" . A, smear/ea nom. or TOY.d ar. P.,krircrY 4 11/001 - bee NUI bi Aced Is another depulswat et tbe sewer bow. amnia DRY G OODS. J. M. BURCHFIELD & CO. No. 4.81. Oak. kreet, - Eur'•rs - ittrreGa-r, PA. HAVER:ST OPENED NEW qoop.s. Table Linens, To el, NatAluA, Csasb, Distimr. 4.10 Sheeting Blackruplin Aljulum4 Black Luster Black and Colored Sllka, • ' Real Scotch 131Inghanu, New P►intp • • . Plain, Pick, Buff. Blue Percales White P. Dee. 18—mar 8 NToWlioods hr ON Holidays. D. 13. lANIt, BRIMEWATER, PA IS WEEKLY RECI3VING A FRESH SHPVLT OF GOODS IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING! =Ea= DRY la CPCODS. Steubenville 4eans, White Woolen Blankets, Army Blankets, Brad ley's Barred Flannels, Merin os, Alpacas, Delaines, Plaids, Bleached, Brown and gold- Mixed water • . Proofs, • • Chinchilla Cloths, • Woolen Shawls, Brown and bleached 3fuslins, Dril- • 'lnge, Tickings, Prints, Canton Flannels, Holsery, Gloves, Bucked n mitts, tic. Groceries, Co,.ffe Teas. Sugar. `Noisome. White Bihar Dt . ps. Golden and Common Syrups, Candle., Rap, aplea and Mince Meat. Hardware, ails, 1 G „ Door Locks. Door latch& Mug., Screw.. Tstua Cutlery, Table awl Tea Spoons. Sleigh Sells, Coat Dozes, Fire Shovels an Pokri, Nails aad Dltu• . WCKMMcWARE. Duckcta, Tubs. l'homi, Batter Flint. and Lidl ea. Linseed Oil di, White Lead Boots and Shoes FOR MEN LAMS AND CLULDELLN Rifle Powder and Shot Blasting Powder and Pub.. 'lour 'Feed ek. Queoulikiwaro All heavy good. delivered free of charge Dy rloso attention to business, and by keeping eonetently on hand a well sweated shlct of (oat• of au the dlirereat kinds smutty kept la • eaaarry store. the undersigned hoped In the Tutors as to the past to merit sad receive& Dhetal share of the Public patronage. 11.41./VGIIII. derl76B:li L. B. DAWSON, j ,Boaver Pills, Pa HAviNti .1114 T OPSIIND'A LAROII sToch or onoesstlis, NOTIONE, . RUIN Sr. SHOES. HARDWARE. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, TLSWARE, NAILS, DRUF, - &C %lades• taus all sites siod doable strength ; Nyvelat sure:lvo µaid to filltog.orden for boxy +Jae window gloss. ad. Moo, LINSEED OIL, CRUD' BUILI g lig BENZENE; COALE'B PATIENT DETER. /yenta of al; cigars, 9rezad. t 7 art Purcburre will do wed to earl sad 6:2mie. oar stock 01Polots before parasol:a obrorm. Also, Choirs Frond. of Flour la !Facet and to narks. All Wads of Country produce &nen is orthints. Inv Ooods. lety _• . Iturnoutbor n CIA ;lbws, Int wok door Js,. Oppugs olds of soneluil h1.....ut0n,—:-Notice.„....n. Itst.l mcutary on th e rains or Hannah A. map, of North Ftwkkley tp.. Jut% ing been granted to the anderaigned ail p..r aims knowing tbemselaw Indelot.l In iin• estate or said degealent are tegno4o,l 1.. make immediate p lititenkkand Oink 1.3 v • tngehainat or cleananda-agidinit • the rime to roma them lot seltlomool t to • . 3AB. WA.NNOCK, E‘'r. *pal" . .