The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, March 03, 1869, Image 2
T keSe,avety. rgys. ;'A at.iLt:=Er4.4,—,2ll ■ame.. ram , . res. pox 00V11:313 1 014 11111.,t JOHN W . !;434 , 1 4, A Y. A OonstitilloneLfflonviwdelrbas Preen held in Teccia. It finished Its work and adjourned-on the Bth Febnary. The most important mew nre befbre it was the division'.of the State. • This arrrlel' 2nd the new State will be called West Texas. If this division Is acquiesced in, and there is no came ;to doubt !this, the constitution of the new State and Texas p= o ker, will be submitted to the people iv ratification or ndee don on the 'first Monday et July. Either Texas or West "Texas will still be much larger than any other Sate in the Union, Odilitenis per. baps exielgel The e°lol, of the new State has the genuine ring. while that of the old smacks I good . of disloyalty. OHATIt*AS WrcasAit A. Weir Luz, has taken the War -path again: lblugitecenAsent a" conildentlai” . watch - the Sprineflectlonk Itotallta In We strain to thew t HAiuusavOct; Feb.'1, 1869. DzAit ern: Do not' negteet the Bpring'• Eleclicour.' We must secure our Atir proportion of election °Mee* in every 1:::oslity. Judges, Inapeetota and Amami are very itr an rtant oMwra; and if at tention be ven to the matter we aM elect more one•half of them in the State. ' Arouse our friends to the necessity qj doing, this. Elect men of nerve and will to those places. It is a great error to select weak men. The Radi cals last fall, by unscrupulous use of, their election off, erected mare legal votes than they had majority in October. This must not be permi tted again. The way to prevent it Is to see that we have tirm men on the boards, and that we have our full share every where. • t„ ; , Let no invoke you to give this ccul* ject your current ottentioss.••' , • Very respectfully, yours, i . WILLIAM A. WALLACE,' Oen, Republicana 'let VW'. A.Ad, catch ' napping." Let m too watch the Bluing Eleitions sad eel that we have our proportionate share of intelligent, positive num on each of theelectioa bowke.&swird*etbat we have a Governor and Supremo Judge Woke , / tido yeariand it is very IMPadeat that a Ark election be Yield: Tb.ts non 04 be seemed by, c having watchful Esepahlbsea everywhere to sheckina Se the opposition. Let us select each on the third Friday of March. IPENNWA. AND THE CAW, Some six or eight days ago r •ner. al Grant declared his intention GI nominate one member of his Caldne4 from Pennsylvania, butgavellft mation as to whom be should select. ',He said the tit - airman Intended for the Department of the Interior would probably bens much surprised many one when his name is announced.— The President assured over-urgent politicians, that the person he should appoint "is and has been a Ropubli, can from the first; and this'. think," continued tlis'Ehmeral, "will be sat isfactory to you aIL" As soon ea the above facts became 'generally known In Washington-4 which was in an incredibly short time—some of the " rule-oz‘rninf Members of the Republican pautil among whom was Cot WClture; of -- repaired Immedi ately to Grant's HeadiprarUse and peremptorily' demanded to know if Ex-Gov. Curtin was the man: _ They were distinctly informed that, "he waa not the man." Col. lerChue at once, assuming to speak for - thci great Republican party of Penneyl4, vaxda; told the President elect that be should " appoint a representativopol itician," and that Geo. H. Stuart, of Philadelphia, whom it was rumored Grant intended to appolot, was of one; that Pennsylvania would bo carried against the.Republiam party at thoGtibernatorial election next fall, If ho were nominated, etc. Grant re plied that, While he had never ina mated an Intention of appointing Mr. Stuart, he thought the objection un= sound. He [Grant] "was not a rep , : resentative although he had been elected by a political party. Mr. Stuart was a sound Republican, and had rendered good servicoduring the war. We entertain a high opinion of the eminent abliitke and patriotism of 11x1,tov. Qutin, and deeply . regret ha should have permitted Ids mine to be preseated to General Grant by those who only wished him in the Cabinet that they might use him to promote private_end selfish ends at the expense of the general welfare. Ho may now feelingly exclaim, "God save me from my Mendel" If be had ever had any show for a Cabinet appointment, he would have lost it in the course . pursued by the NClure party. Gen. Grant is not the man to -be pushed from hhiconelusiens by the impertinence of self-opinionated and arrogant politicians; and we are gratified that he took the first oppor tunity to repel such polltiad arro gance and preenimption, while we deeply sympathise in the disappoint ment of Ex-Gov. Curtin. We regret that Col. 2.l l Clure should have denounced Mr. Stuart, in the tuassici the RePublicasparty, qualified ter a Boat in the Cabinet. It was Injudicious, injurious, unwar ranted. We venture; the assertion . that a great majority of thepooplo of this State would hail the nomination of Mr. Stuart---were there any Moll .. hood of it—with feelings of grateful addiction. He is a man pt treat ability, enutildrood Sid'Uberalphi• ianthropy, and was ruarenritthag In his efforts, as head of the , Sanitary Commission of this State, in p rom ot; lug the comfbil of our slcV and dine, Ned aoldie.riduring the late wax, inni has always acted with the Becuubli. can party, The course ot4hb faction, while it misrepresents the ibelingsof , the pasty, la c a lculated to injure it at home and &brow]. Let Grant bring into his Cabinet meta of like ability, integrity andpatilotiair Stuart, and It! will have ae 244 ? titration at once honest and capable; like Caesar's wile--" unsuspected? , There is, as yet, no natal* Obit ' Stuart will be appointed. To:zoor rOW the lireeldent Will be leaugurrat: sd,lund in our nein aide to" Rive . G.lnkntioCalii.S:c°ll4l3ti, v:! - :•21 1 1 It will be months ago PoisiPoLY the arrest the American that Republic,. . _ 2:Lheto p :t i the Isatatkna!al; mi l IXtt ir ipro .'On o • rif6-4, I. ensbark. ,ea Aretemnerter They :were .Messrs Porten Ck'Biles,' from Western New - V or, WA 011 a 7.ldastermaniatiPlaa l WaV a t i i WA Ulm wimi togs) lili".' 46) . 044 Might yedire ego With Mint Webb., He hw trdvekia extends* tes the tint; ern shoieof theticlatliAinerliiini4 4 -i ilneat, Ailialk . Par*: ,iii , businent., permit!, ibet - ohienir is eibnaklecalt lingulaticad; ' and ' , geographical , seardien: ' Iff. ifesteninni Paraii l 47, Wen year! !gas 6 0 0 ./ailla reoltrgetritottbararagasPakaanY- Them,gentienten , borerjust arrived at New York ? from Sixth- /interim,' en their Way , tO VOShlngtak AY, .where they, were. ordenst, ,tO ;PP* , under arrest, in obedience to the don ditione of their surrender lorliresi . deatLOP?aqPirliM ! .;! l :4 inere ta 'AuloWer„flaah SWIM fla nialehei marred. against them by that Jeal-' owl and inbuilt= tyrant, Whonaneed -• . .—'.......&...i.,..a.k0uihtLa5it 6ii.l-I'. a thew DI Alakiglidt7 in a plot said tohavebeenformWillAinndewW the overthrow , of President :toriei.' I No such cotisiiraiw . ever,nristed; at least not within the knowledge of the 1 acenerid r and they emphathadly de dare that no Member of the Amid out Leiptipri ialltinnelcin ererted anYttling vhatalrfli , to de, otther 4-. redly or Indirectly, against the govt acumen of President piles: ThO votlvitsFY Eta/ * ll o' oo kocted,l l .7 Pmigno 14 0 Pez, brother of.t4e Wes!- ' dent—who had been convicted of sob bing the treasury of the Ilepublki of large sum of money—t;o saVO his neck froup Outlier. Re 'said he was °goof the conspirators, and took the money, to aid in its proiecation.. minted; is antougbistwaimpliced,ll. EC Mader Washburn, the an 351 n!goT ti.FarigiP ,Bed gee, the Ptitiguele Ckanni, and mV eral.other gentkinen-Lanionglltetn, Menke: Was !and lifait**; the &Minr of wliom be Rim bad ainovilz edge of the'plot, and , the iatterivake secretaryof t he , orPubFlti*: " Th e Preiddent,*4 of a' jefigne nature, believed etatenmant, and proceed ed at 041 0 0 tggreAt the peep, ana4 of whonx_wereexibr executed. On the 10th of, September, Me arid leguiterman Isere before stated, heavily _ironed "and Marched to Use Paraguayaw Miop, about 36 miles' from Anne:ion, "neht `Angostura. They were stripped of all their valeahies and most of their clothing; ironed heavily, and guarded nightaral day; without shelterof any kind Mr a number of days no ebeinge, of clothing for three months; tortur ed in the most barbarous manner fbr the purpose of extorting a enacted= of their guilt, and the ponipliciti of I , Minister Washburn, in the imagina ry conspiracy. Mr. Bliss thus de scribes the tortures 1111 "We were tortured with a centrf.- Vance to which Lopez gave the name of Ckpo Urugusirrus. I have been fisticaffed in thopresenee . of the tril• buzud. L waspet .the. torture P the aPe Vutieseffigavuneethlw liar tow i tribucing. Asti — of' a musket ,under t knees, sod whoa a, musket ov thence*, With thongs,reaching from one to the other which, on being tightened, force, the . heed down be tween the knees until the chin touch es the musiet, the proems compres sing the belly and causing great pain in the back and the other parts of the body. I was suliectedtothis for ever 50 minutes. Even= ) l was brought onboard the Wasp:l could not stoop without having a strong rerniniseence•of the torture. It made me sick for, several days. Marston fainted away under it" , finder these and the like repeated tortures the prisoners yielded, and wrote out a fictitious , plot of conspir cy, which Lopez had printed. Bliss was under torture fourteen different times before the tribunal, and only consented to write the falsehoods for the purposeof saving their lives. •Of Course, there was not a word of truth in the so-ddled 'Confession.' They sald'only what thei. were compelled to say. Bliss "walla wrote srhat put.- ported to be ahislory Washburul dealings with the amapirators, and had a sentinel placed over :Idol to compel him to write 4/. 1(. 04 OaY• Be says he owes hho Me to the fact ot having - Made the President believe in thetruth of hie history: , :ile is now ready to takm his Oath there is pet, n word of truth to 410141 ou the most intimate terms with Minis ter Washhumand ithelad hid any thing to du with a conspiraci ha would. hnyo.kneWnU., : . • Bike and Masterwork taky.Admiral Davis went up to Asuncion not to re- dries grievatic . es; but to :collect es'i- , demo to promi 'Watihburrk guliti of • conspiracy . against Paraguay. • He adds Os followsk .. : , •' , . • 1 "Mr. Washburn's iS3urse pis to till practical ,intents 'and . InlrpOSeS, 88 goods one as heconld have pursued for piotecting US, and inducing Lopez to releaie us; in tapt,•Mr. 'Washburn has really satred•eur lives by trying to get us out of the coutry, and by denouncing Lopez 'as a 'common fie to humanity us soon as possible. • Tho course of Admiral, Davis is utterly irreconcilable with 'my ideas ofwhat is due to the American flag., That is the opinion of the official representa tives of. the United States, the'Con suls, &e., in all at *the'poits at: which' we touched, tindisibli Is certainly my opinion, and theopinion of Mr.'Wash burn and Clenwel Webb.". On • , ". On the Oh Otßecernher last, the U. S. steamer 'Wasp arrived at :Angos tura," anti the Adrisizal inunediately, commando:l'th° Surrender of Mews. Bibs andMasterman. LOPez **Pt- IY replied that they' would be given kip on condition they, , should be te ceiVed pa prisoners of war, and . not to have any communication with the 'Allies: . These is:editions were acced ed to, and -they, were takenen board 6U. S. gun-boat will& hailyeeti'aint trlticnumd th4ii ifirivoni, asiii:iimin .we ofiirar,' and 'Resigned 'quarters to the forecastle. • - . :; , • ..The health-of Hearts: 111188 and Masterwork inek been seflOtellY,'lftlat PerwarkinitlY . their im prisonment .and tortures. -.Thiel are Op their Noe, 40 WishingloB;' WI:WM It 18 bello,Bd. their emes • • •tiabirtifiy* inv*lghted siiid'aucli '" • qs WM 4. 1 gtfore somew;g wipe out the Indignity our national honor. 1 - • • ,f . • —Thq ligearileroLake•Erhlstini t . barge of 09411 sit . Baltd:lebuidif bd Monftr •bigtkie. 'yeelr::Mwo 9ther 44141F:r„tiriiiri Ilie.r4orled,f3tiiiigkteallaktestica• and the mention of his name in:the above connection IS latisdutcni to Saffen47gis I.4 4 4lllfflui*Cgrk , rgitweld known and hiktAY aPPFe'. ctited t*lughetitt4olo l43 . looo unt l9 . He I. : ;Under the .hend 'of ."poittlcte we find lideatatement lathe New yaric TrWune;o 3l 4t:weii' " 1. 1 - li 4eptipitien„ *WI; 1' , .everaidap in the Penn-. . rftWilbPu t ikueiitsi t l 4e a cmese he pay of e ,menabom of I.* l 00 00 1 ; 50 4 zsg anum, dune to a muu vote .on the' 18thinst.. Tho Mends and advocates, of this and felt ' li 'lag their point;grah had unted noises, of MICA demand forthe yeas, an& nays brldr.)!liholiong,Umver Wog. sustained, the !Measure .*es 0 4 I* a lari i an Y voting. 0 0 1 * 4 1 1 )01 4in for the n~eQ ileth4o 37 . sl o e # lo * 3l ihat!the,fe* . !<iibustitut,d laden of ;;;;, party of this State; . wb have ' ':.; ' 44 4 ligq, 7 iEhtniket , ' week athia ; mutant in 'Wash ingtote',Nlhae : then and P i tT 4 Y-# l4 'w hii k ' Pati:**kntirs. 49,0 31 010thiii* .' .knOted Mom article bethis paper :beaded "Penn-. sylvan's: iand *: The -Cabs t.!' 'The "PrOOnnr: pellet WOW : 5 1i, 4titt men, after ber4i.:thiiii ';* titranti array,themadv'ea awne :form en other Wtodhet'thetr 440' Will :find tin krund&gOnd cantina ,l4 tatilt-tingnit with mierjr,thing,lie undartitety or w hether .11my ww go boldly 5 0frer. hdo s the P*o theelle! *taint *he Aired war, upon front. Um* reinelnkto seen. W e helnd little surprised, if ,the, egMEM =MI pas Cora tattaiaal Airmeniareat t . ' • FlismilfrAdapteg, • itc 43Bl *PrAheNotlehalygtel haure-have finally-adopted the pro. posed constitutional amendment. ' itote 'the' . geode siot4 :39 yeas to 13144-v2'4 ju the ! House *43 yeasio.43 nays. ; ; I, . • The bill Itaindlnitheatnendment, readaals Mein; Be it. ' :: 21;764/44; qf bigh Houffsemourria, That the fol lowing the Constitu tion of the United States be submitted to the Legislatufes of the several States, and when 'ratified by three fouVereof, be a part of add tution.' . A de I& The right of any citizen of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, 'or by any State on account of race color, or previous condition of servitude. ....The Legislature; of twenty-eight Shiites must ratify the above before it itin become a part of the Constitution- During 1868, the the tax-payers of Beaver county had to foot the snug little bill of seventy-one thousand and seven hundred dollars and ninth nine cents for the running of the county machinery.—Local. Thtsrecelpts of the county Treasu ry for the year 1868 were j 1(75,2794. Now if Local will deduct from this the sum paid on the 'public debt bequeathed us by its party friends some time ago, and which last year amounted to $18,072,10, the . $11,1134. 55 paid for. new, bridges; (neither of which belong to the ordinary expense account) 'and the $14,017,86, which still remains in the treasury, it w.lll ascertain that ;nthi) ruining - of the ceuntY machinery" last year coot P Just .04004,71 llf it (=Ude Demo (=tic county in Pennsylvania whose wealth, population dc,equals Beaver, and whose ordinary : experusce were less' than our own during the year re ferred to, wo,alill be much year In having it pointed, out. Tailag the Peeple,-Far and Against. An examination into the vote on the proposition to raise the ppaa of the members of the State I.egislawre 'from $1,000,. the sum stipulated !In! the contract of election, to $l. 11000, sustains with point and force the al legation•,that the, responsibility for the. extravagant legislation , of yth Is winter rests on the Dernoeratk: party at least equally. with any other. Of .the twenty-eight. members of the House voting forthis' measure, but ten were Republicans, while eighteen ,were Deiuocrats. Of the, sixty votes against. the motion, . forty-four were east by Republicans, and sixteen by !Democrats. To put it in anothernd stronger light, a great majority ofall 'the Republican- votes cast were given against, and 8 clear majority of all the Democratic votes cast were given In•bacor.of the ilfteen;hundred dollar outrage. Again, of the sixty-two Republic= members of • the House, but tea wem . feundshameLees enough or reckless enough tn vote for taxing the people ,with the $66,000, involved In , this proposition, while; eighteen out of the thirty-eight Democrats re.; cordetl•their vot e s : in its favor. Or the,prOportion may be better illus trated perhaps tlms:!Only about one. tenth of the Republic= strength of the House voted for thiS., additional taxation,,while alinesC one-half tit the De mocratic members did so. ,The motion itself, moreover, it should not be.iforgotten, was made by a Democrat, Mfr. ItlcHiller, of yontgomery.,--.Fbruey'a,,./-)ress. The Democratic ~Gaididate fbe • C Or of New Igesspahlre. - ;Twobiihree yearn ago the Demo ' Oats' Of New Hamßliiro. talked of nominating Gen. as acapdidate for Governor, which 'astonished. that I gentleman to such a degree thatle - Went home one day and eat for many hours In .deep _thought. ;His wife re- Marking hie meditative state, inquir ed.what ailed him. " Well," said he, :aftera pause, ".there is some talk of nominating me for GoVernori and I .have been, thinking . all; day, what Mean adion' ever performed that should 'lead thq Democrats of 'New Hampshire to think of nomina ting Me for Governor.l He had to give It up, us he could . not solvethe riddle, and as lie has tide year accept ed thelrimmination the natural infer ence is that lie ,has ; done . something very menu since the,periodto which allusion has peep made. I . :He has fre nueittly told theatory daring the last twee!, three'yeara. but has ceased its repetition, now that , it has *tuned flew. Phase, 3 111 )ee n9win*- uon. • ArAtAlikftllttE I,O 4 I •NVITY. -- • There nettles ton the :Harding Pike, twelve tidies than: the city,• a Dim Dinah Vies, a: atideW lady, 1,1.1 M to verging on litit'hundrrd and fcint teenth year.; She is vii„torrars, treal liky,/anti is, though almost incredible to •relate still - able to 'ride 'on. 'hors& Wain .14he has been Married three hits tbati 'lnhabit} deitendiukts living, hat been' It widow for htventyl three yeare, iredoltue great, greet, great, granettlanghter of' three suns mina, FAt.hother husbeeldtiserved fa the , Ittetrolutionery' war; for' which Andrews el prettied:- 'She' Billythr With her Iter; Whe itaireached her t y e a. , Th e , 0 1,1 I hie ludined•thaatL:LiAW.. DEM woe VICINECIER 0611 e. lOsartUat a llevelepasealk — iiireg. IDr. lebeePro fbr„ , *• ll [ • Tuesday morning; Dr., :$n Schgeppe, of Carlisle, was ugli itec cai li l.onalrarrantiesued by J a upon information madebygonatable Benno, fbr the Mulder of miss Maria Bbennedre: ;Theo information 1 , the.constable vnerbeard-npon pory of the chemist in Bal to Bonin tire stomach Mies Stemma°, which bad been submitted to Alm for exargloatlon. Dr.Schneppewascorn , witted 160 tante* bit trial at the temp nt CI:or and; Terri**. Therircumoranoes .of edit cam wflre ! i cs. ippigious thet We (orb* umn" menthig'upcurtliem, in Intake tri the parties concerned, emu eomethbig (Mould be, definitely ..settiedl*Sqn itific or JoiPriali Aninetiliorion, fta we were. assured w ( luhl .be .# O3 case. — There seams., no to any _procindon 4)= l , On,thAptir Of.Jarniagt Stenneraer a moan lady of seventy 'Aare of age, who had pre_vioutO bi BaUivaoterbut had been, staying 'An_ this place i for sown: , months, died 'Suddenly at the Mansion House under -min:deigns eirounstaildel; bUring.loF.YLskt, she was-attended by a young German physician,'„Dr. Paul Schoeppe by name, Who, .was . , 4:comparative stranger' in this - community: Dr. Shoe e l - WllB I!.tte4dlOU- Mint (lake; on t4e evening Pre' vious her death,"dmi ' 'pit the fel lowing nugninr she tip Alscovezed continued until " theAte:tram, when ithedied. Oneof artownPhysidrum was Med In for, consultation. but simply shook his 'wetland sttaated that she NM• already .in niticulo ,triortia, and he could do nbthing for her. ; Atter he, death or Miss Stennecire, a beating date November 17th, 1868, was tumid lunongst heipapers, Which devised berproperty to various benevolent an d religious, eisoclatlims. Whenthis will was' offered for pro bate In BaltimOre, the Attorney for Dr. ,Schoeppe of a later will, written by hloi wit; and wjjtriesed by his Whet, .Rey: P. Schiseppe, and himself, devising all her property to him. The Court duetted an issue to bejolned; to ten, the validity, of the will, and intluJ mean thne,lospicion tieing aluused es to the . CallBo,olr Mln Stennecke's sudden' deathiso riPik'' ptiathur of $3OO irsWAitadk ..lbr the pearl to have her bodyextiumed rust the stomach submitted Wir distin guished 'clienilst for exainination.- SchoepPe's arrest on' Tuesday , was the result' .of that exainination. • ' It is 'dim alleged by parties in Baltimore, who wet° well 'acquainted with Miss'. lAm:undo's ! handwriting; that. her signature to thp.pecond will Is a for- H ge r Y• . Amongst the papers of MisS,Sten; .necke, was found , a receipt, which Indicates that there was a contract of marriage between 4r and Dr. Schoeppe, as =had been generally ru mored through this, community. It , reads as follows: ' ' PA.Cover isr. llll. 14, 1860. Bocelved of *.-M.Sonneeke one bond of the State of , Mipouri, one thousand dollars, ($l,OW_,) date lath day of October; 1858, (No. 970,) city of Jefferson. Being part of the amount of five thousand dollars, the sum agreed up on by Miss M. M. Stenncko and Dr. Paul Schoeppe, to be paid to Dr. Paul Schoeppe by Miss M. M. Stenuecke, under the proviso that Miss M. M. Steunecke lies (by this contract for marriage) the entire control, possess ion and right to her own estate, per sonal and real, and to the manage ment of the same. P. SCIWEPPI; thiSaturday after the publication of the Herald, containing charges of foul play in the death of Idles Sten necke, Dr. Schbeppe brought us a card for publication in the Volunteer. It was simply an expression of con tempt for the Herald's insinuations; and we suggested to him, that ace, to be.of any avail in euletipee 4 ' more i that Mitea me town, snould eon tain 'some tangible proof to refute these charges, He then made certain statements to us, in regard to what occurred in MIAs Stenneckels room onthe day of her death, which we took some pains to verrify if possible, but which, we regret to • say, did not prove true.—thrliele Volunteer. [From the New York nibune, Feb. =.] ELECTION FIRAUDI!4.. - The replkt of -the. Committee of Cbngresa which investigated the Tam many eleetion frauds peems,.to,judge from the full andractgivenelseWhere, to present as theauthenticated digest of MOM evidence facts familiar for months to the readers of the Tribune, and to base thereon a series of recom mendations for legislative action al together too elaborate to receive any attention at this Congress, but too just and too obviously demanded to belong'neglected by the next. Look. once m re at the facts. 'lt is proved. before his Committee, on the testi mony of many and unimpeachable witnesses, that 1. 'Thousands of aliens fraudulently procured certificates of natuallzation during a few mocks immediately pre ceding our election. . . - 2r Many hundreds'' of certificates were granted in the names of fictitious persons, that those • holding. them might , intve facilities for voting many times. • 3. Many hundreds holding the* certificates did thus vote many. times; —ranging from twice-up to forty, times or more. • d. The frauds committed in count=, lug the ballots were nearly equal to: those in mating them. O. There was a combination of ofii cers,judicial and otherwise, to geet, those committing these frauds, and no - one has been punished for them.; 6. The Democratic electors for Pres., Went, and the condidaits on the Democratic State ticket were elected only by the aid of this fraudulent voting. Look again at some of the facts de. veloped In the exanination of wit nesses on these points: •In the gape; der thurt, in a single day, and sa.i ly by the .solitary exertions of the indefatigable Judge IdeCunn, there were issued 2,109 naturalisation err tificates. In the Supreme Court, in a single day, toward the close of this heated Democrsttle terms Judge Bar issued 955 naturalization certifl4 mites. From the Bth to the 23d of October that remarkable Judge issued a daily average of 718.. The blankit printed for this Court (which had never Issued naturalization paperi before),and for Judge McCunn's Court were on a scale that looked to their issue only by tens of thousands.' ;The fees were paid by tickets on Ttint many, printed with equally splendid profusion.. Both courts are pieved to have knowingly and deliberately issued papers to men who never ap r .peared in ,Lburt at all. They were sent broadcast over the city, and dis;- tributed throughout the State. • Not lea that 613,343 of them were issued from the two courts of Judge Bar- Bard and Judge liceum. , Not one ihuidulent •paper has twen traced to Republican__ Court... '1 have stated these Acts - in as cold and -.posies/leas a manner as we can.oommand, .We submit-:them this ..morning to toe; Boberjudgtese!. ,uf iwnestanen,of whatever party without oue.word of comment. itris Int% at:Washington, say p-tbat a prominentftemrtor, Who once beferi) hl7 / 1 301 In . a fitnitzier,:Uppeared suddenly, tt feU , ' since ttireibp ladles In the'patfor ef the James trete.; In id % s wr ite cliit Tle (*tame, and flourished remove* In a very . eareleett manner :He; in , - nothing' but asin gine, of 'raiment, and ; eft* of tereleated at the time. ;:The rito . ig s on . produced,' however, was A s he bed prorititext to reform, refrain.. from; , giving his Marne'. FM _ . L• lan ; Weigh Media tie • ', officer; toot`the - elaort'ard r in'a' eve l ords thanked Abepotiorentian t far t Yang NM,. QUe f IMP 4? Vet Ft Zit • A fte r fixing upw4nly as the timey anitiNewYor the placetOr hoidlngaponventi appointing, an'eleenceiroin ()T . offe from each eon* to hive of the ar-r rengeNekti, the ‘ln 11:adklamed. tentigylvama:l l is • iir lature. dintußco 2,11309: ' Democratic :• oaaarance." • .lqurizeious •• 4 • have been. prOpented,b Pop 1e Seuatorvi behalf." • Liwierman, 4 v16; 'Jackson; • eri - : Wildoti • • • : .e ratification of toth i f= . ' th am United eibdaisi4' . • • the. States.— LT , ALLIXIMPIcif! Mr. Graham pre tlea of the. Alleghs for an act relative • erne asses rents. lIBUSE BILE rmisko, The bill 'hart 'th House defraying the expenses of th Greenback Con tested Election . • mittee in Phila.: delWa was . nally. • •••• bill .. • e litatso .paying, Mr.. iYitham, Democratic ItepresentittiVefo .'eleboleeesdon, 'was potittioned; redueing' the amendment to !bill hmelied dollars. arrEaxoo • atailtox. • 'Brun Ruea -'IIIIIALII. ' r Preeeidirig and ishing the fib!). Bead= of . ..advertisements' and sale' of no : edicinee. Supplemen .garbitrati9 l l B and p .gs I courts, making two verdicts" . .d ' dgements on thu, saMe title An CorichistVe.• For more eon . lent •dispalah cif public busin .urts. Relatingte• of JitirVeYa: lll Land .Departme BOWIE or ItE ;SATED INTERINT. .• Being public • 'ender day, the bill allowing ptutleeoto contract for inter est at ten pet cent.. Was taken np. It was opposed by -Manlier, Fe, back, Hum pirey and Porter of York, arid favorol trI N t ri t o trang, Brown of Huntingdon, n, Bogen— and McCullough. 111 was • emended . by Mr. Niles to aerial per , centoind re ferred back to the JudiciaryGmenti- GOVERIOIENT RAILWAYS. , On motion of Mr: Strang, the joint resolution'"'; urging Congressmen against the incorporation of railway companies the General Govern ment, finally. Pending, diseussion of the bill se curing the people of the Common wealth against }lauds in the sale of patent rights, adjourned till evening. EVENING SESSION. • PUBLIC BILLS •• Being in order, Mr. -Box, .ot Erie, called up the bill securing .the people of the Commonwealth against frauds in the sale of patent rights, passed fl redly,with 'numerous amenements. Mr - Adaltei'of Philadelphia, called up his Joint' resolution. for final ad- Joununent otiMarch tenth. Re moved to amend bv isubstitutino - Nfare.h 24 2lfl • xstviamr PhUtifierphia, moved a pasptenerietif. Ile Was opts:feed to 'sending such a bait° the Senate, who would then be master of the House with the appropriation in their &sea -1 don. Various motions making the bill the special order on days after.' the recess, failed, and Mr. Davie' motion prevailed, yeas 57, nays 85. During the discussion, Mr. Wilson, of Allegheny', favored an early . ad journment. Mr. Playford, of Fayette, ealled,up the Senate bill reducing the tonnage tax on opal, coke and crushed rock sand. Passed Mr, Nelson, of Wayne, called up the bill regulating forfeiture of pelt-. des of Life Insuninee, and protect-, ing women possessing the saute, Pawed first reading. Mr. Brown, of liunthigdon, called up the Senate bill increasing the capital of the Cambria Iron Company to live millions; and authorizing the purchase of real estat i e si , x) : e rining, that the Company pro manu facturing steel rails. wised second reading. TAXIN ox ' SPIRITS, PI:TROLEU.B, Ere. Mr. 'Jackson . , of Sullivan, intro duced a very important bill in the Senate to-day, imposing State taxes on distilled spirits, petroleum, an thracite coal and boom comp anies. On distilled spirits, twenty cents per gallon, with authority to the State Treasurer and' Auditor General to appoint assessors, with due powers of entering, inspecting, .te; penalty $l,OOO fine fur refusing antrum* and for evading ur. attempting ,to evade the tax, double tax charges. The compensation of the ft.-sewers and collectors tole 'seven per cent, aiiid the bomb; twenty thousand dollars. The tax on petroleum to be ten cents per barrel of forty, gallons; with same penalties. On anthracite coal two cents per ton, with sane penalties. (ht Boom companies, three cents per thousand feet of lumber. #WEPOLGkE. 3 • z ted the reeolu• pty CouneUs. sewers and sew- The Fortieth Congress. CONSTITUTIONAL AIIEND MEN'T. WASILINGTO.N, , Feb. 2.i, 1869 • . SENATE. - . The hill amendatory of the net 'ex empting manufacturers of govern ment naval machinery from 'Menial revenue tax was taken up and passed by a vote of 86 to .2.5. • - Mr. Anthony offered a resolution for .the appointment of a committee to report any modification hi the pint rules that might be netssary to Neill thotjpagziW.lol4§imws• lefr. Ulleildier,'fisim the Cianialttee on commerce, reported with amend ments the bill to preserve harbors of Stistsk. centrist "triernicsli meat and obstrildttons. It provides fel. the appointment of a caixedlsofrd 00 1 4 1eni Al4o l Ailihnei te shave gen .end-oupervision Aittbe, Aillbjelty and reeconimendS to Cougtexassich, meat urea as theyanay agree upon. Mr. Osbomintroduced a bill grant. log lands hi Fidridatoakl in the eon= etmetion of the Pelona:lln and Louis: villa Baliroad.i RefetredtothePublie Committee.: • f • • • ,:Thejoint resolution previdingthat the,tourthof Mer .th.both. %louses shalthineet at 1 p ta:L Instead. of ; at .noonovatragnsa.d to, .• : Considers - flew .or the unfinished business of yesterday, the army tp propriationbill, was resumed. .Tire pending qUestke , war.On a point of ordenraised• by Mr: thrimes, that the antendureat offered by .31r- Sumne to; authorize. the- Secretary .ofllthe Treasury to pay the ,outstanding *rest , uueoLud, of • Mufflachusetto ifOr advances made nsr the 4.inited.Stateti .in the :wax of 1814 was out of. order. Alter dlstussion the nmendroentawas decided mut, of :enter :try a vote 41 , 19 An ;_ 1 Mrs Ditibtlarnofferea an addition al section,ywhiela was agreed to, pro vidingthat tweet. appointments in the arms'' shall be Anode honorary, ME .- .• . .. .le .all • - Appo*S um*. in ordettm ;Reduce ,the army . iMaillorteoen ar oecidommit, rokrsit.: , pain&ZZarolart tesfs,•butethe, - !:lrtKtPulgrt not for the.o to or Wart r Oen.. On-gli!k ftliti' thers'lo/lilhile4o4 4 !'" . - • Mlicemiallseannysime • ' TO -l tiln with advantage to.thetfogin . .. 1 , .. . ' • • - Mr; lstutoresiootkea • add A . M l . + Viibmi Ole 00t lffryilduel aMnghhem. . f Mire pregdiredeap ........ t „ • ~ tithe retailhitiMe - - . 10 . • - lore anri survey the 1 . • Ittltik. eth wrallelctlie' .. . ... laid mat of existing appaopriationa ,the ; = - S ul - odrel, *OP= iiii itir surveri •Itor trtinfriMilt != r •Z m iivirr' ' 'ir Mer.rora,mwssP ) / 106 4 1 # 3 . , • Mr. Sanmer igave , nolike IC* .. • dice to.reconsider OP 4lecti4OPiiii . amendment. , -: ,• , 1.,-... ;, • • ----,,-.* : Anze. o l 3 .w*tiPteP.4 443. ., ' ' Y- '''' A. nunibei: Of iiiirtitO • bills iv l e Puled.' . . utio •• ' ; : ' : • ; !..;". ' The constitnatarnandmentaras made a special , order for to-morrovr.. The, Committee 'or Crintbrearm on. the M e lo give' to Deputy Collectors' 1 and'Ariseseors theley,of.thekr prjgcl ples where they 'perftibu • principsl duties, reported that they, had agreed upon the bill writ sisighukUy passed: the Senato. Theropm , twasimed„ -:011 shothaforifraloWre;theSitnate insisted' on its amendments-010e iimistilWMid 111Pkwitne ariProPtil tion bill, and agreed td the appoint- Mend ofst hew,, Vl:mm*4o,of ,Cori: HOUSE OP REITHIE*ATEM. -. " A restrintion,was pftesed diptotipt the Clerk to notify, •tlie Seeretarer Cf State of the , parmege ,of 'the' coppe r tariff bill ert•er - thlinesidenViv . • Boutwell, from the Committee on Reconstruction, reported the evi-i deuce taken before that Cononitteer in the case of Georgia. Laid on the. muv -' ed to suspend the rulesot=irse of biro 'tire him last evening from the Comm t ili tee on' Coinage, fpr ,the coinage of' nickle copper pieces of five cents and . , under. The motion vas agreed ta,#o d un-1 der this; seeperisiert , ,qp question flie bill passed. Mr. Butler, of Masssehusettsr, culled up the report of the conference com mittee on the consular and diplomat ic appropriation bill presented by him last evengig. The re Mar ) e •Argong the changes in the bill is the 'adoption of the Senate amendment providing that the President, ort the recommen dation of the Secretary of the Treasu ry, shall -cause an examination to be made entcrtilie. acoounts :of consular edfeers of the UnitecfStrites, into all matters connected with the business of said,olliceor, Tioxpresident is to comnYanicutitlirCoit the names of the agentiso appointed, together •1•44), 2 .4 • 14 for their services; Thedisignement between the two Houses relative to the; Month Ainericals gotontlettion is cemprondsdi as follows: Initead of a minister resident accredited as here tofore, a earzonissiOn .hall be sent to the governments of Honduras, San .Salvador, Nicaragua and fists Riau Cedtral •".ammice f end tae Peru enharcerts'Or &nada:Vl% via, Peni• and' Uruguay in South America, at a salary not exceeding 13,000 a year tech. f •A.r . or f 4 r - Mr. Butler moved the previous question on the adoption of the re-, port, but wasnot sustained. se Mr. •l Ba pro nks oppe d pposed the report p be cent to ceduccq the im ber OrMlnisterginesident to Mr, ifriz: one wit to Brazil, New Granada, Chile and Guatemala. Tho Govern ment should be fully represented at these Central and South American Republics. • Mr: Butler ; supporied tile report. Air:-Murrgen could not seetany runs-. on why these South American RI - slim% shintld- tio•ebolished, while we maintained one at Liberia. Prnyn titipoded the fif•drE'' , / Mr. Butler again called the previous .question, arid M. liunkir.dentantifed the yeas and nays, whieli were or dered, and the report disagreed to, yeas 441,42ays lie - / • • On motion of Mr. Banks, the House insisted upon its bill; and asked anew conference committee. . Mr. Boutwell' subniitted areport from the Conference. cenouitt* on the itnifiegeAciaititatioat .thirend meat. The report recommends the House to recede from from its stinerid ment- and agree to the Senate propo- Mr. """ `• - Boutwell demanded the pro vicars question-on ag •Ing to the ie. port. . Mr. Woodward, of Pennsylvania, raised a point of order that it was necessary to present the joint resolu tion .when passed to the.l.'reeigentpf 'the United States. for it& ripprott . • The Speaker overruledthe point of order; citing eeverel'i precede* to slant" it Was unnes- n•y: -3 The conference repo,rl_wp.l adopted, 143 t0.42L . • Thetwo**Wl• amendment is'as follow: 1- • •‘: lie it reiolred,Tvio:thlrcii 3 Or both' Houses lronettriing; That the following amntimept to, the Consti tution Of the 'United' Statist: besub mittedj to the Legislatures of the severallStates; and' when ratified by three-fourths thereof, it shktli be a part of-Said constitutkO: ARTICLE 16. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United Stake; oi-hy OnY'Shrte, ml tiectrunt of nice, color or previo us condition of servfitole. ' ..SECTION 2. The Con sludthave : follrfot r • 4 1,147 r tif lobes Mr. Butler, of Massachusetts; mov ed-the susperisionlolkthe rules for the purpose of discharging the Commit tee of theiNliore-liels•cedidderation of the legislative appropriation bill. The rules were - BUS nded and the Soptuairte c *c5... , / sd - Th'e bill and torten merit being 1- fore the' House, Mr, Poland renewed his amendment "offered in - committee last evening, increasing ten per cent. the salaries of clerks in Departments aZ ighi1igt° 4114,4401.1.4).... . to.- Mr." Poland's. Aniendme,nt, that the. einployeas •Ot/ the 'Philadelphia postofilee shall be included. Mn , Itutieri efltfeartatusetts; then dernaridedThe 'previeuS question on clip _bi4l ged:peroilng amendments. • The Ilefuse proceeded to a separate veto. on the satemiseetite:saude in Committee-'et -the -Whoiett” They were agreed to as far as reached: fn- _eluding - , tiat mitigg oatopemation of lemalocierks in the offige:-Of,t,he ,TrinAtifei:Of Quit:rotted 'State* equal to t: Male clerks -ofjhe , bogie. e blab geades whoa cabal upon `yrdo Mont was i Yea!rfS k The . t 1114-1 1 1 6 4_, • ',The was a nacestuottt rim . s oon.. IN to • itbi le Mai LN-arsirposy,—_,Them Popo, err reqsarrr. ro rod lit CM Mee re C. B. Hunt, Reetoseter, PL. liondry, 11. at 10 o'clock. s. rw, y orderer Farraitra •WY BRUNT. Br., prwt, otr day 41111111.411011Pmm jdsto stmt. Ntaw MOM& llosas a • tat frame, otattalams six room. • cellar aumtattsol l • and a atataralt Ow dam. Lot la 40 Stet Wait Mid =SIMI and caw ostballdlaga ,00 ate . WIU be sold at . 11 Dot pretioualy sold. It w i reoestel Pett• Ite We. at 11 &dock, air., abov•R: ad. bra ai ) . Yoe tterbirr ttitaertAT . . `ar , " • 71 4' S • l i n eg lETaI I g re' k ruPtcY. Is maw at bow wick ...Jacob the Bestwkk, Swan" - western imotristes TArrainfriuds, A wariest in task r y=l ,t ur beat lowiel , 1 -' r 7 . i''''' -r I. " their ersdkon. . 4 1 bankrupts n • • • lbs paymrat a( any debts and too donnas of spp proporty taiongling to odd Baakrapts, to Woo, •' • a . y them , on -. croUtore of said, • arCi P AR sad &oars ono or mars 'Armes of their will be beta st a Cannot HataraptCy tO at New Briettoo. Pin,to sakl Milner.= tb• t du:A A. Irat 1 o'ckak. p. as- at o of 51;:epb B. Dos i laq kis sucarsoar, I - f roo fops), one of** ten In Back Wei ILI sakt ussZgt V ' '/ ) 01'. lisOftrabrestrist. WALL-PAPER F0r1869 - TYoatwatalser, JoNaC.Dedge. , •.; IMF t• ! botli ~,:;11111ffiNiplartLrr ‘ 4 CIARBrOW I I 4114Whb ;; • . - 4.o 4 ,4 rN e tr ef etird caort}ll4.: , s,Raspnt•nod goper IYiodow andiF, Etgastd:soilX.rilil,id.:36 twin ever before offered In the city. CAW ATM SEM ' " liipeciallodoceiseats offered to Mrbolesale THOMAS PALMER 8 C 0.4 14 11 tja geeWo2% Inatgt: aterVii. • We'do not Wish to . inform YOU, .'reader, wat o x u. e.: • iered a remedy tut' caret Cat stunp • Lion, when ibis lungs are half consursed, In ; cure .all diseases wheaser, bf mind, body, °West**, make 'ben live facet , . er, iVeleavre death to play for want of work d,li designed V) Mitre ' , Sur sublunary phere a taliss6utu adise'to4liach , on ltseif,abalt ;hetet aitt i e4w.; Yon . - 41ATII *et or that kind of burnhuggery, we.donot wonder that you hare by this dine be come disgusted with it. Rut when we till you that Dr. Saga's Catarrh Remedy will aseglysissatire 41* Wikos cum 44 , 0 t. tarrh, we only assert that which thous ands can testify to. Try It and yOnotlll be carivtncelt. WewlH pay $3OO II ewAnD for a case oflCatarrii that we cannot cure. Sold by afoot Drsigglats Esrerysebere. PAWS oats 60 corn. Seat by mail, postpaid. Par glary tonal Tow pbeicacts "web madams for Mrs. heed •11 cent stamp for Dr. Page's pampb let on Catarrh. Address theproprietor. DY. , Balla°, IN. Y. sniulenst Mercantile lippraisment. L Of Dealers In Goods, Wars• and' Ito the coantY orPerlie toe the year 180 Mass J B Ande n 13 0.1310 Illtann Reed • 13 Der& Tbompien 11 J $ Winona , Willlsio Kennedy - n B //cAr wit MOM, • tz, Robert's' I " 13 J V Price ' 11 JII Stoker- --. 11 0 ' i 14 Otorge F nlemon. 11 CI NV Glass 14 8 010 - :I !.:J 14 SWAIM* PALLS. BiiTlalsoisotrolt. Crass 0 Ansbuts Simon Boltger AC Co, A Wytuk r 14 cl i Ztaattl i James Moore „ 14 J 11 Clark J calii#awlai ames Allisori • 14 Orr* Cooper • ' •1.45. , • M t n , ZVI J R &MC 14 1110111 dr Oa IS Joseph M Reed ' • ,14 D M Donehoo 14 Bash Mr AtSiol 'x' l4 J Driver 14 P Walters • 14 prt 1 143 41 w1 4 • 1 11.7 . 14 11UD11141#414116.11411111. imey N.Watvoar. 'James Porter _.-14 14 A Breigm Daniel Miller 14 LP Wetness 14 , Marrs, Brown . „ Al 2 Mara , , 11 11 a Thassinisn's 14 W A Clerk s • 11 /4eirteih. Carrier • 14 Jobs. Commix/ • rt. 14 At. 7 Many . • . names. . 14 8 M Hawkins 14. 11 F Nonling, 11 It C YeKee 1 11 4L D ~V Haaa ion 2113 John J Conitor / 4 27. A Townsend & Son 11.‘ MeGkoran iirs Irvin If I d r 1 1 ng 110 Noveling CI A SI L ITT e r re 19 11 "fi ' VeTZ , 21 if/ohs: ;to = won win TP • Islitnes 9 21 11 Varefand 42, Co 14 Sandthlint ' If liaba Paler • 13 Clerk Bunter • u - 11 J 11 Witterspoon• -.24 J 47 Clumnin 1 r 11 ratremir . itkao J• lit • 14 .NualPbtier,.. • • % 13 s C u ll intiat ileatd , • 1$ `' 1 44 %1 J Debenry 59111122 k r ivvy• 111 ' 1 44 %1 Deland •I 14 John Duckett 14 W Wi i roba 14 Ile 0 141 I n5k ..... R k 'Wm Re* 14 7 Y Nuke 14 J W Devore crosOnT TT, • J Breitenstein 11 NIIIIC Tr Trimble k C KM o 11 i:/g12110& Ii 01?7 , ir sle. emu 11 11 W ilorls.ortss .st Dm 11 silage% w. Stewart 14 0.5111 Homey 14 E111a11& !Patten 111 norm ZZZZZ n TT. N J ArCortntek 14 TICITICICLET Ti 1 111;14a1ay ; H Wm Rich •• 11 Thomas Allison 11 _ 14 Pater Angst • :14 J S Dickey ..,14 T 0-11afgall .? 711: 11 &'8 11 Darragh 14 Samuel Aspliarorbs • -14 Joseph Hamm 14 Jona A Penal ' 14 Wm Alamo,. igecI(ESTZII 111*17611.. 'Ja4) A Fottusit • 14 ./101)/1 WlllO/I'.. John Conway f wpaohasow,,,.., .14 HaaWit IfoC4 , R i ttnell . 13 P Brown 14 Bend Miter 11 li C Speyerer & Sotto 9 D Cohen ham (1 11411)13 14 Auchln p ough ,11 DJ I n Unhabrink 14 Louis Stelnfirld II W W Johnston 14 Coe S Dsrrsah 11 IS .1 C:uss a. Go, , A 8114Ornsit " J 1) Cofiu 14. N1T4 1 ./Nt'.. 5 E4 Jacob liciihrlck. 14 Jo 0 hn shafir? • W IMcCWn (; W II i ,t 1 r1;:17 ter Pi pp . Mary WOUIIII WM Ev limn I /Nen 14 A C Klnehler Jo 'l3 Inn Powell 14 George Ragebei '110'•do` II ISPItTIM IZOtIST TP geeJilem 14 vivricuri tr. VAntenreith 14 TALLe•TON 1101400011, J Outils p 11 James 'human 9 C Itodgkinoon li Aber tiro a Rend 13 .I.t T Rnsaell 14 J R Warrick .11t J )4 Kenney Mictuiel Grim ^ 1 BF Miller • "• 1 John a.; .4 14 Mom 11.11 13 Job. sbd 13 law Elwood A Dewhorst-14 A.D.P4IPpik.... 2 . 'Jo - alimse L 4 Wedl SR 14 Roots a Sleek .13 Itershberg t Bop, ,14 11 McLangbilis t LLltlpper 11 TN MoHaze ntan 4 1 14 reyera '"," 14 BamillialeMMltatiffrl4 W himani 13 Charles Coals 11 W 11 McDonald. 14 licrMeloSeld 11 31431 A el l L, :pitt a llik. 14 Win era tied o 14 Wed avid. 14 Com „ E t a • TIIILIPTIUCROII 110110 C F Krareher .intoph D.vl■ 14 ^ Inrit/Lidlo • • 1111DOZWAT111 1010. R Smith W 'Mimeo II 2_,lmcniurrls MMilnechhng -" 3 J II Hannon 3 ===l Eamon" 2.2.... g., '4 ILIDORTATIIIIIOI6II% ID 1 Conrad Welagarber . 1 araucogT Tr . . aleditaailler lc. CI ky nir i c i a Lem V a • . ~, .T.' illiaithari. . ' _rniznoat John P Killer Clalla 7 BtritaNriteenk Bridgewater Bonk Wo18111=11;,.. 7 t l , l U alt.? •- lizellsamigs . ' New Brig i llWrlN Miss IU Bower rm. . do II ". • '-' . .111111 'Broker. New Belghton—R I{ all liciope Chum 111 Bean , /ani - SICCMINO lirefas itidt*e 4 an II A. O. LAM, Mordoldlo APPIII4III. mULAILI .31'1' :t' : I'l / ' rpepinilitilkilealliAlkkeire.—Letten otos , •ouslowsb. Mate of Sawa* Afeor la • of idiuscirri Wuraallp. Beaver coaaj. Pa.. do Ta ; rigivoA puiri 3,4 M. 25 4 1 1 1 u.'lllloFrit • ...:•ha • •=•••••••••---•-•--- wiris . , .. _to, thabeillartit taker?' room to , • the must work. best I jaws nbeleeUstweni ll aAn b h l e i r Etlbjsf beiet4 rateat trtatteli e 1 :4whkh taluisreu Ms MGM. so z ean not gst out et order. and oot Is. titentreglig &Vint?' Of linj else le patterns. In teetbsoar of Waal to bete Pain , ti f rrrm tir f. 13; r :ri le C. truned n r . : fate ,21- .. 3 limaaal Kennedy. 114Joiut 0 Winos, i 4RO 63 . ~. toothanit r 6 JoiriAll6=l4.• • - 21661 3- Kaaes e r il l "6 W. Jas. K. Jraelutos, 67 Jobs W. D. Blida, I Dr. J. li• lilliott, 68 it IL 14•Feeme. la g par k er .. 4 1 t iltirgcli* i.. 10 Mk, W. Miller, 71 Monad ILA= i ; IirIIOI6II4SOF . i 75 CliPt•JoeJ 6 Andrew morrow 73 Ben)amin lfrankllnj VS Rom B. grans. Jacob tr=lter,4 1 14 Cart. Jams ßoney . . liJabeit 116Wilia. WIOSS• 76 Frederick Kiestrar.4 4. l ‘ t OP ;2lt; ji .1 Mrs Robert Andre 78 Jobs M. Dineen, i 18 M. T. 6.:".., lo os urs. Th. MiddistOo' II A. O. lit'Crear lap jggli. 11 Mori= SO Tig . litatt., 1.. ill 13 111 3 1 Sheol. 67 John Dunlap 111 • Capt W. Glenn, -64 Andrew W. htlm+. ri11111.4,_._! ilif 9614=eolvt::. ',7 26 Robert 11,.....w 87 Mn. L Patterson. 1 1 F. The J Bradshaw , if. 88 itillilanaDitehtson, ' II Cleollailel. MI Milton Wed,. , , BLOW Donlan, ; KlMlbilleal - - " • 1 Me. D. P. Lowary,, 31 William Reed.. , 1 II Robed barrio. 1 *Reeall . 4 ~ SI time. W. Elasslltoe__ ~ That Whom •''' 84 Fmk Wilson, Li. M samstoa Luaus es William Dann, ay SA James Thom 10 Georg. Willem . 0 l ICA es. • , atter. Al William Rosen 96 Alfred Pierce • Ca . 1 0.91, McFerrin 100 Austin Plates , 40 Dar td Carr 4 , 161,J 9 hn, el Dr. Munn •' ' ' ltd Nn J.: Msas' 43 Solomon Frunk 103 Jobe Lowery ntrirj:=lllB4. , ; 061. W. Tho mas serf 45 William Morrow, 116 Robert l W o allsor . I ' 46 Wm. Slckentan t i Dalellfrarroll 47 Ssmusi Crosson 106 Thomas Morgan. 634parple, McDermio IPA Dr. C. It. Tuttle. 4111,441111aM. 110 Criss O'Rourke I 60 WillLun Wagner lit Wary Fetter • 51 Rev 11 Y Sawhili, ~. liglfrascle Iloallst ' 53 Washington Elsie 111 Ell Berm, • " •• 13 John Y. Marks 114 L. L. Higgins, 54 Capt. A.M•Donild 115 Retied a IRSS. 65 Capte g '2lonal4, •., 116 .t. tow& wijand Wires 040 r, t c 16,7 Wallaseriltatatand 57 Mrs sae 3CDonald 118 Rev Wm Nesbit 58 Alec. White 119 Leery Bradford .4 BO Mrs Landis 110 Willlsra Strocir, 40 W'IMMIIIPOTO: .1 1 1 : 311 Joseph{,. Blackmer* 61 Dolton Wove, introdocing oeo Moro we meove la Wt pay anden number of Me. r.4sty immlactured sold by other parties. Thee, as a generar thing. wrovseasily,mnr m,4lCerebraos the newest and meat Improved styles now mule. oteeptlig those mannfactured by myself. We will sell trees at atNeer li t ogre owiril e ca*ite ) *:tt ril. to the pubilent reasonable ratse. --- 40311 , 1 TUORI4II.IY.' feb 17 •59:11r pet Howe Siwlag Maskloco rgeSz 11-1.4`11.4-1 •A81 1 ,7)?‘...; 011BYST.1`,"AN,ISMID OF ANY IN THE WORLD ! Ile lie r : L. u They being the And OEM. CI MA CHINES ever made, and have been manufactured continually under the supervision of the origtnal inventor, Elias Howe.,jr., • ~,c Sines theAt t II rodrietion MSC The ter roes, rcii et Mee emetlA Ititiate.the led t • rapedW_Whitio. !oplarity Mies s a Maybes* seethed Riff my arms of perfection and that the a te not only the oldest establiabed bet the beet tribe worttGe These machine, do petlect week upon all tab. rice whether too or mane. m it tug a stitch : also,. oh/L{74 4 oLn OW. Bows-alike upon both of the f& hewed— s ibs teoehos4ne,W. novel and tuna , MOW posed to & agree of tight nem, and after being adjusted do not require changing for different threads. PUP Woo heed no threads. 11 is sot necessary for us to vast ; and yrs would ontledd to other( who Wish sherbet matfett to W 1111111 and see the,. machine, beton Will any other. Send for circular. rlppltrationa far azewetes • %hest be hdattweed Ts . , • •• • - • • 8111,LER RTOOPB,- Solo nests fail'lmasylviais,llWir &nor, Dt6- won Wee* Aftrests. 0409 IS South atta St., ?hlla„ qui No. 4 St. liar st,, pitubtrgll; Pa. HOlrlitty. V. RA 313t0:111, J. —DEALER w t . Flour; Feed, and Grain, itOCIII. I iii, , (OX TUE HILL.) Sklar at prices to mit sU. Inmarl to WQUALITY. Ml* Vora. of aU kinds. MEAL. IWI FLCilat • • -• BUCKWHEAT F4JOUR. 'CORN AND OATS ,:astaatly on .Imuld. Ain, a cheap and euov.a Wooden Purnp,, the cheapest to ass. A" cfsaullti of diacelebrated Alta Vela ~. GUANO' OR PHOSPHATE on hand, which will be sold cheap, to utter to la trainee It. :1, e. I buy Ihr CASH; and sell for the same. Cash leer. era will and It to their advantage to call. rA*lllle4e rql.l4le. Jain Wed r "stigmoND. DF.igt.'" 4 !inM l A! a v V i ': Ti writ SB SOlkiiT " ft:CV FICTION -~ (t ~1R.~I: ~H~BB~~~I~~~~(~. ; R ` 3 'l 014 Sto re r) e; k I)rugs and Groceries, Which they evil AP cheapen CIO be Iyught le llttehterlip Thlllbavg, be *WO' end - ere qui!, ~.r iS,L•ot PURE DIRU 'UR • ',3l7.inoz.N.Es__, • • • • -• • ' • „ tf a • •••` •a motetltidirine.i,6 tall bads, te6S., C,p, tattr, mod !iota rape Pan.. Pendia, InlcAllany• and Domestic kkups, Pure Wines and Liquor s , A tinspper F Ll.G.walen =X= for Merlical . putposes ONLY. Ourying 01le. and other articles uluall , y kept ha : 2 Oros Dr,: atom( tt I 714 Dwane laitint 'male/practice bf ykiara. frets confident of hi. ability to give satiafeition the preacriptiou department. which la under hie rpeclal dome. lie charge* nothing for advice "81 ,1 11 :1 ' ;1 1 P. 1 . 11r. . 1 • Physitima Prescriptions Cargfully Com- EE EMSI • .. . in=irsa It Saw. , is Apeo• , on A 111 lirsistsk ~..: t t • win B Y. Umod 14 • 14 item ,14 X Spe c ji4 Wm flan 14 INDURTIT I?. Doudel e Hon i say and kat. [MM *suikur,„ , • Cut.libp. Jacob Ilook WARM/1M TIP. . , 'recto RI ritcts,Ltzx 11 moan ralg ViCenach MINORS d Co CI Kerr :!., 1- 11,: fialtrinz Etracb Jellies Candies ES4 l lleME l eig t itt**. ii ': Our goodsWe ,b..wbotigittloar for cash, se lected with grNit , lut4, wlirbe sold at the very , • Ca be4na verrigasthlf et vamp. , " masc. teed in escenntge IL 8. 1118114121 ) , as. CO. Jan. 6, lin. Ado :" 8911 DARLINGTON TT W V ...,• t .i4 ;II 1 ailDitetila, of DrloOrigllo. liso am t , ...,. ' _'? to emit dine utmUDTPJaii I '.. ' , , 1114,60mPlivaltli dr itiotemoi re . , .p. 4 . 42 twap4l9ps.,as Lbws Sue fi l l hi gefifileitilaii D e il.i ;xi the ts;t iii- Uorlaloutotial irorivarnist , :. ~.1 ,V 4 ~,awass-4, ‘. " ".'' "" ... t .1. . .' 1• - - , anne r. Irate Illollle•.—Tnn padiriiitud r ', m i n x placed VW: Gag 1111 n tiorougli neW Doll c.. 414 . the derne• et 1111.1NRIAIne.setrtalli law ot int inturhyOw low nielpsslll% , . nut •210 - 10•4 renirtiet teen not ti eaiY wine of tin worsen& • -• • • and try Aura • largtir,x4initus :‘ Latium MIL, Screw Oa. . u:ik 74,- T - 77 .. ;•.1“.• •`• „ • ft. •• . :" tied • 01131111.1 1, ;- , - . Vg a l ltirtge;"4 • la E==3ll EEEi cumr,proul Amor t A : -- - -- tai - ",:i t if i,wastgil.iiViretuk.* :on ) a nYu* t p ia 114rif u IC; tb• saval or any Intermediate aos.e. Jost t he og for wash land or t Int r*Sal r i d am for bes . a from Wood t Valley Apico ltorel Poe au ayallektad XliatiO4. lllll oty. to 4 vemoiesostagsmi Abeam amilari Au* in Beau/ comity. on as extratallosioiowboP ^ porctutatog elaorhaty. NOGGasma. hosoomarr ' ~.. on the atly ii i o l d B isol=tago rai masorae. tor)sd• . . . ibragrel. AL . , ,ina rinatt=;c44naniwirww.cla; -04/411011 ~. sti a Ps. MI6 of Valwablio Wier 11.. co, aoial %VC ito order_pf.tbot te eltatier Mt ed TraZ r l gtite t a lle r d= „ii t i r se r s i n... , v ia . rd 'dee, kortbe brash' lle emus-. Mid orevalkllf, grlllegpme he sale y Vic tilueltentitetry on •"-: • - DCII*DAY, MARCH 9:11* st e licitick p,m.. MI the follerwhig_desellbod tract of tb,lallahleAstagiolifiMalWlofldenallesn, an le to _lloolittlp,ln said county of Bearer, hut. of YeamUSlmirfie lair AMMO MOM bounded on the north, hy Me lota _of thoboto_ _POl,llombrug, on thetas. are.7.lcont, 00 Ipatiti y leg is., .... la voat is a til Jacoblt aver, eonaairabotil ocree,abost 111 acres cleared, and In good state Of eallivation. Imo the balanon the pce wel remises ilida ohishl timbered. A log avirsmilosimbis house ead log s ty rolling, soli excellent. well waited, So It Is within squatter of a adleof the Uhl° gratratitig=fl3 Vr. eV i rrarml C. A, r. nat,..0...5..0k1 fro= Plltaburgh. It will bd ford al timbal& Ordivldmr,bo mit perched. litiValherTagget i gt w tiVi g iW i; meters division to contain about mu sad thowestorudivielon about 141 acme. ' - - paid on eoulUlCm", ta7- ance to gatoeVllM M. with inter est from (bit - date, t f fiV "WM - by Imed and mortgage. Vor nutisformatios Moslem of the ungervigned, NW ," b tu il .s *Don towsititp - doer ald, or by le • Ihmenetrennty, ;1. DAV I IrL B. SHORT; f b Mit Trireme. It Is a potiltva tact ibat MEIN 'Mee. 4 . L.;:n . iirmitli 1141,teem. EriMENI A_ ireEnni r AC VIM .5444firrr• attaiseiritaie *eve 'look, ' t Statile and Rah! in New York. ' A Auk ,evict Mosollcolt% uN beidleab of LIFE IX TR77I7I2PAIT METROPO ' LIS, SWIM • NI MON Or NEW Z ORK, aznicrugova, chint Chy • r • * A/poi( , sokt 4Orisa cloy, or reotier sold Ontt delivered =a in 15 clay,. an other 304 in 7 days. aYo book ewer pub lished thailjteUeiso:ratidtV. IFYon wisb to know how fortunes reads and lost in t day ; how shrewd men are roa• ed In Wall Street; how —Countrymen" are ...i -dled byte ltarater ; bow 1111Julaters and Bac Laws aro Blnekma lied ; •how Noce Houses end Concert Saloons are managed; how Gambling Houses and Lotteries an Stock Cotnpanirs Originate anti hdle the Bobbles NOM. dr, read this work. li tells yon life akeubee of it. ward 1211110ssiess.laerchants. A large Octavo Volume 73) Foxe; ' • • ! ty Ithmfand.• Tte Limit eiegadielea stmt.. Oar II page calm aatt a 115,01) Om:aback owt free on applMe Lion. Fur fun PlUngliain and Lerma address the Mb pabliatuna, . . J. D. Itlatli 6. CO., itb)o jhBwj '• • • . Hartford. Coon. Piton of Boa. vor.,voitikly.. 0. mi ton. Term. Oki And now. to wait:. 1998, The applkatloa the members of the necood Preehytertan Church —Old School—of Bearer Pally, foe a charter of le. .eontoratton, hating beempreeented In open Court. Welebn Cowl baring perused and examined the um., and - "It appearing that the objecta, articles and renditions therein act forth are !loin!. and not iniurioue to the community, the coon direct. the raid application to be filed In the office of the Prothonotary. and that publleatton Remedial , to law be made of the farts that such applicatha for • Charter of Incorporation ha. been made, and that, sullen entlikleot reasons be shown to the contrat7, et the neat term of veld Coma a decree and order "111 be nude Ineorporatlog said Church. fel:1.10;3C JOHN Prow!. desist latralloes No Ike. -Lett•rs of idmbe L k leustlon upon the state of Rm. Mr. lispp, fete of Philipsburg Borough. Beaver eouuti . . deaMclnk Icrelmg hem grainy! to the andeMgned. ett lenfoeir Indebted to eablesttilm areempeetfully requested to make immediate payment. and tsar giro urn uy. ow. ip pram' t.,.m o the nn erefrn t REV W. A. PiSSAVANT. Admen Address, Phtsisargh. Pc. " Vet. 3.-41 p . JEUNET. • %Watch Maker and Jeweler.. • 104 iireetflibsitei:Pl: (To Poona taimnivrJ C. Wllson's oftle•.) Gold watches sad chroo ometers. malted and war/sated. Es/raring done Warder. "The psfronsget "ef the public I. solicited, Red .stleactlon rearm:aced. (.ire as a • sprITCL3m. Notice iIL PorUitoit. lIK.AVEH COUNTY, se i . ---) In the Orptune conrkin. and lot said county, befell. the Mittorable 6 - 1 ... A L Judz, thereof. In matter of the petition fa partition of Ilk Nal MU a of Vlsester Duc'llo. deceased. Aug now to wit ; Nov. 19th, 1,968, the e,,r.r. grant ► Rudan the heirs and le4renresentan. es grit4oll/1C! EP FL hail. Nettling IY . Vellitietreatitttvl - tatt - dehtld Melee? (formerly Adelald Datham,) residing. In AIM.. Erie countz. Pa., and Nary, k widow of said de,. tr141r,4,41,...4.4.=.. . .low at iv 0 " ; they have, why an Inquest to . make ca partlllon 4;1 the real estate of uid deed. should not he awdd ed at an nT .. Court to be held a t Beaver, n 'ad i r • et t sfyi on; the ,thltd: Monday of JOILC A. lIAZIER. Clerk ~n ni Attest IBeave'r Feb. 10, 1..9 J. s. lArtxu.. Sbctl(r. (chi:Wt. •. , • • 1:4111-koti 41 V IrItST MUCINIUM m a. 0 . 1 . : 111 0 11 ' . Rant 113101ATIVE V 5117 4 1:, 4 1 4:1 NANZATT,III . Vegetable AIL Reston*. - . 11.A.. 11 : . liisla 16 Pilimei w e no t c ike ..111r .4 1 9. p 6.0.4 sit. Tip MIR eel • A an + " 5rW 4 .0. 1 1 6 7•1 as iP. , ...kb,. .. ..... • 1111r074P. = For sale by ill Drugglets ii .." 1 . 1?"4!lt? 113 . 111,11. anis eve, ywbere. , • • ' , e. CS ' - 1 R rAVOFiITE .1 0110RESSItii Ag4 t 3Atifti e lelligat will quickly, reams Gny Hair to its natural color isidistaitty, sad produce luxuriant growth. it is iffittitrhfcrnsknllMi i lr ferria over every other preparauon • tkagetwho have, t : fine head of hair, as well u' those who wish to restore it. Th•Adratifoltliloatua pee** imparted to the Hair make it desinble Irimr,m;• 4s Kpma4 1 0 4 . 874 1. MOT;Lit • • itie t • • . 11 I]