The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 24, 1869, Image 1

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o wase•
Jan „ai,
illoollll4l l l. 4 ititt
old AVIS
Terle::=W e
r et gesererigte
nod; *Nai v e •
laud chow/
by theitiali
tllllg.111" 1 1147-. •
its .• A e-1 - . r•trolt
• lieehieldae .
• " rt .alf deolailiwkia..
• ~ Sten en
.11 ' •4 t
. " 1141 / 1 W14 11 4 1. 1 =
ale • OHM
1,..4111 1 011
/rot Ankeers lune& . War
an aim.z turn:
• see taw mei Inesiaohu•
em& ; Ter •
rt, lava seems T4T
Meet . , Cr!
s. ......
, . .pop • ."...Fevr $44,
`.ltoohifo l . ol4l * sl. •
,osk,,, to Deena Stalks binding. Alt 1a! Mir:
mated. Prices moileette. Oil eaffiDiSft • ;
Noir 4, MEL —ly. •
LawP4,4l! I
' a. SI. 11.- R. iltTfint.
1: ituini•A4 tior...loaliatairistreat, Bearer.
aprSIR:Ir. . . •
• •
Nina& Ileo/18.
Industry Sall Chimerear
nano Venetian* Min =Wow In
Alt salt pet tip , lo good 'or - lei warrabbie te
,•• wee eatleteetlee.
All orders promptly attended to.
s. u. 11111•0111. .1. zufre, sae. eau*
_TitIILIDAY rmussurre..•'
, .
Reinmak Imo Ir'
4.1 sth ,A.veshussa
• Pittsburgh, PL.
This Arm beg tome to lakllll their patrons sod
lesseJaat opened so
he coming Liollders—ceroprialag Itee n re.:l B i g
rarest dealgus In Fine Jewelry.
Pure Solid Silver Ware; tiro:mein Gneiss. and
Stauteltes, Viewed& Watches.. Tee and
„Meet Setts, l and De Wrench Meeks le
' Marble, 11:011111 and Alabaster • Pasha Were
In Droops and Statuettes. Sliver Plated Atm la
frar'ier: P a ra Iran Goods. J"11
Nora.--Onreosseetionsmith Eastern nee Was.
tett, mantifactaree and our frequent aisle. to their
' markets enable at to well goods In our tbas, either
who legate or viten at lower prime Dm Ong basil
west of New York. •
' DecNl
...mos 7 .
• , es&uge ist
Fine Family Groceries. •
Queensware, Hardware, .
AND WILr,OW WARM, 11.400 N.
• COU,NTRY PRODUCE, taken in
• Exohange for Goods.'
Good. Ddicered Fred of (Marys to • I
Bameavravna,-Pa., Ang. 111, IMJ.
14 -( AHM MIEN
• 7' 11 Y T II 11
A. celebrated GUANO from
ALTA V Pe I_4' A..
ittnalaktlues per mut. of
, •
As els Usotlt, to give setivlty (without Itdo.
1 7)t. (be vegetal a, soda urge quantity of sol
Bone Phosphate of .
Together with POTASII awl SODA, the ewer tial
elements of a
• •
The high eatinietkni In which It a hula
many Owen*/ Metiers who are watts it In pref
ears to other Mode; teasureguarantbe of to
'ow. Prim $5O per too.
• Send As, a peamillst !
Addreee -Toe Aloe Vela (luau° Company, 57
Itroadieey. New York.
crat'aigied4=4 .-
stosi t oksiort!a4 .
~ A vOtof ' •
• 17. !;.ct,`.l4_
twolisdkileatore o nokeoralloteL ..ihrtmatoo
or e = open
ado. Z 1: MAO
\•w Ilan'twain Mom
T •
Importers anti dealers lu
: " 3 3 . 7 t •
-4 X n--
Eattre New litork Nategteiwil slid will ha iihr
ed to the trade at tbe
No: 337 LIBUTY
D it. W. H. Sallterlasd. - -
• ,
' •
Thhd abed, Ifs Loan
Ornos.) Ilse jait retaniid frost 0610. 'Wm
b. bu inn anti la tie practice of la probs.
1 : 111.14111114 st,7 ds
16 sad% prkei d a
ies =t4llll.
1 EW>
-liYfi./ d
/ .4. I ir t iC . •
i'' '' ... t 4 .)
aa. • WC
' tl,4_
L i,
' •Tt l,
( 4 1 , 1ed ,y
' ir
aims main ItAß7ilin;
eciki*Otrinii4 '
• • 811ELLAO fain
Coalfee Patent despan,
IPICTURE FRAXE B i 0-11°1'114
Leaking Obis Plates.
NAND PAPER; 4e., Ake.
Terms iced:4l4ll ipai.
livery orgoodis.
litglitr 4 : 1
) 11 7\ 1 1 P ‘ V ' F
4.1011 t RESTO 4 •
y ew tyl t iso"B o ttle
will quickly mime Gray Hair
. to its natural color and buuty,
aad produce luxuriant gr owth. It is
perfectly harmless, and is preferred
over every other preparation by
those who have a fine head of hair,
as well as those who wish to restore
it. The beautiful gloss and perfume
imparted to the Hair make iidesirable
. for old and young. _ • ,
• mar Bala by all lansiTalla.
E. W. VIA & CO.,
NO. &I, South Third Street, PhtladelphEsi
PunyWalla ant Seinen New Jene
• I,
.cat On Unit ' titstnnnf America. ,;
Ths National Lite lasuranca Company Is a cori
position chartered by special Act ot Congress',
improved in1y15,1858. !Mb a ankh capital of
smooth rail raid.
linos onus! to Agents aid ilolleltors l ,
who are Invited to apply at our ales.
Inn particulars to second on sophistic ur
Waco, located In the @tory onr Ban k ing
nous., wham circulars and oamphlein fully ,ds
scribing the advantages offend by We Company
\TOT/CS. • - • .
c. wir-soN's OLD STAND
Taker pleastue to Inform blo otd friends nisi he
Is established ki business al Ito &boar ',Land, abut
be will be glad to meet and aecortonodait them.
Confectionaries of all ki a di •
roads fie, 1 tall *hest. by the barrel, sack
~ . or at retail.
1 Jam.S. tos.
VOICAPPAIIIIIIIT—Tbe airloalraat would la.
.LI Apeettutisfues do thistles at Illoaver
tad tidally that hi lot opened an at
la Ws.
vac Pa.. tot practlopol Domingo. Ito baa kat
coostiltrable exprleuro la the in otootaloa. sad
tattoo blaitelt to be *Wet° Aloe poetill satiate.
tkia I. hta kaolseas. ~ ,
promo . la Um old wOlorall Plater baba
lel, TWA 1014 Ber..f. PE. All watt werraat
ea tot meat. - , . -A. la GOODORN.
Ottrittly. ,
Wino Do
e u
t .r Maers 4 ped
Mired 4 . ldarderila
DOWN eara n Ps.. Mika MI Mll7 aimidift_
are roam SW Mae la Marlif tbe CM."
wad dames Orim... erM MMus till boW•.,
gallon ar keg. • .
sNmeord pisals cm year Ma. fer sakiarAy
yard. maim ItOMMIL.
R. W. CLARK it CO.,
No. AS Sou:01'101rd
11. S. sI RLL.
Third St., liestrer, Cr.
Alii i gird=, lll 4l ll
..hageSvißo.„ .
`,' ,, Frankim Parlor Sttives
K 9.1, Ina Pittoliestri May,
.4 : !NI . I • ••,l
Rimrizre . iTovss.
11 . ?.1. Ribbed xja..4.ty Item.
4. 111.01
13*te Proltim;
" •IT I=l4.
"614 . ."
" -
IST, " 0 1E-*
"AIM; M . 4
•'.F(Andt)rs - .
Iwo. 11, Plats. Rod,. Wide. -
•II ." • '", "farrow. . •
.14. Fancy _
'° ' 14. " Rua. '
42.'11141a 11441,
St. Box, 'tittle' it'd,
Ptlvied 11!seetIrol Sumo* Plume.
- • • A ":
i Orisslealif Cairo, 1.00
...411,111a ingrothiflit: pin ua u aria
fruS I bat
keep the Imet ; l2l and frodieet
In Iknver county
:lad although ft takes aas 'to make it- &Moos
ries. goet slit Slid. If you stall their eetahlbliaest
that they don't lime tomes% to gas ta mak. their
Goode go. To Mt. urOhld W.., ask Is" and
0171.11.11 oar stock. I We Woo° hand the tont
sad beet •
Molasses, Syrups, Soaps,
Ilta best brands of
Tobacco '.:4v Cigars,
to he found tn the place. '
We make a specialty or
biota: ami getout DeaO bat wbat ar• knows to
be the .eq NY varieties in one. Onrestabliab
sent imps' a well.rarard reputation la this par.
tkular, ...a we lateud to-AM taints as lb the past
to maintain
Don't mistake the plate. W. are stilt at
-"Old antad"Yest end of ad tit., Beaver. Pa.—
Cams and ye as.
J.a. 6. lane _
FA" aoour.
J. W. BARKER & CO.'S.,
,if Market Street,
Pittsburg Pa.
Dress GOoda,
• Reding',
Ilnalery, •
•ad Valararwar. tor Walk thwga comma
Cloaks of on imatiltalo. a. WWI tad soda, to al
dwr. .
1 Nock Merlooes. 41 wool. toll wl.Oll. abdao sot
am 7. mato. broody 111.00.
Welor•Prooh. good iwolllY. SIX
White Bloat," 1204. all wool. S4.IA
Best rtlate. at X%
llarCasultp iierelunde supplied Ivy dress pal
Serasploce or puek~ st lomat aftters rates.
streor. l
At• ow 0p411,1 • Ten lu g . s r at
Time° Ply,
Two Pl*
OIL CLoTnet •
'Watt, ,ke:, &e.
ADd 'Der, thin bektittlas t.
c3A.nirwr TIiA.DTd:
rgsborgh, s.
l e is Prnistba t 4
C.. 1.
:iiimal.—/Irbi *adore ..
V &Miller lloa bilr= will receive
seeding the article. .
" Th arret
sit Der, Ueadas.
M. •r. L' '.
A *hie, MO%
yaw *
ad- J. 4. 1
War. , tto,Ndor of 1 414 1 1 .
or Nchola Damn .wob ilk 4 i H
t - iotoitill
""Piffr mt.Taumo.PWn (4,44 wthoposeed:
:AteosatabtalcligimiCl wine ,
la.d4 diso**
t t2(toot to/
• +sow --•+•••••. • • t • • ' I .
Agana otactos ilmortaatJoika pltioril.
sew. of Robot, /Martin dad.. • • _
, Meant cdtkomaliAllboa; Maas el
P. Lao. diathtor of GorEillf. Althorn d il otr t
foof Normufet; rood basil Moody
' itt a itrof Zola Nosey, oho rumnahl
offirbabolb Mao, drta Own. Yaks MON
War* oboa„ Rana H.
Miarels of Johb art/lbory /I. Worn,
derail or Joins bison oad lodieur /PRadlcln
admishaboor of Johio ProolloWL '
Redoiatioll. S. Rdbo. l .Rouy. goirdlod of Nam
L. ON Ranier • 11:4ohadtoa. Mares' of. Dallis
Asecout o( Jon laa_ L log ir ioordtair 114.
hob Flaw. doubter orirooty
J ar deed
Arrogate 101atherb Thomead /arm Lple/s,_
adorto of Abort J. Shama we , •
Arrant of.T. C. Wlloo‘adthY.ab tabrahlhh
nano, opitrillhuolbronk demooL _
s is
• ats
, 4.Tb
wusus us urticus
A Lll
; In Ilse Diamond,
1111;CNIESIZER,.13eaver Co. Pa. o,
IC coodOotly - Oo tried. nod has n o w.
th boy
ad Imeot ut Drop. eltrokalo. 411.. hi Lave;
t Medicines fired] kinds, Paints, Oils
Perfluincrintr'Oillet and .
I , Fancy Articles,
lu ler qttentllled.
sioians' Prescriptions
nded at ill !lows-41v nt: night.
Dr, 13etzel's ! latent
All other knob' of Timms will be deity
erect in a Mort time,iriten called for.
Next , Poor to Jul'des A, Variants,
Dry Gocilt4 Store,
- 1)n thd Platnou4l,
' ' I
Tiochestei• 1-'enrea.
_Formerly Bueeblbig .t Brehm. .
Feb 17;3w
Re i nsiarsvnis ionsagy Tomo
Use Rohrer's Tonic Bitters,
Thi wry brat , to th. Markt(
No. 45 Wood streets,
Opposite It. Clods* nail. Aso annum" No. KM
sad 104 Mist .stresc
Wholesale Agents fOr the West. -
/or ado 111 JOUR 119131.11. leaver,
100111111.11J4-1 7 ei Wadereddrell wttl wig We
bta la iitos toormiar Beim roweel•
The heel oe, WI wow w or Yee, about
ilrbittetesrol, tbe balm* well 'tterlrnert:irl
a one • awn
r territory
le tt.
arre e4 Wlny IN III . •Lood - frere tora, •
teemeiveeble obi lire h.. • • ood IMMO
.dupe boor sad. al 'sear motwerwy wt b.iW
biretie tbes=e d tgo•darelord. bolt
a 1 1 0 77 r 1154 4 1,617 f of
'of Bowan to i MTN* ItilettNtrift.
febl7 • '
1110 "
• ,, s; Wedni 7 •
:,; , ;s4,m,Etitilioii
~ ....,** • te Vi ...
0 ..
1 - 11* -2::: P %Wilda! "AVV : / ...,
c.;1, , , , -.1'..) i• a,, ..-r ip .44: - ,MA: .reu l f).
fief, opd pii OR k: '1 %"ite!'" , '
i AO ioill;i/bd;Tee aervii*ja,
,", : 11 - 111
ob, awe hisilidloolloPirol - 1,-,
. Too mid% tiff timide wo e s' . 4 . 0 ~.
intik Irbil's& towhirotln lip baadtiVil,:
, Poor Illult4landi 'kg , witl4,!: . MY a g
*iid Win ti9w3 sA r misk-o k or
•. - c 1416 -.. 1 . “ I ...ii : 10/"G .
Y: 1 1§ 6 • 16 4? -4 1 0 1
. 49 ° li l t 1 ' .. 1 ,. .4m
', 1 .ekr4r.•.141 1 , - it;'.c... : . 1:4 1 ,,,,
Shit 'ildilt° lllll i . 1 0 0 441#
se ini
. . .
41 *.
- - 4 - . "riS "
' ' iiltrad. ".;
- : ".t.i." ' •" 1
' O4l infintridi i
I r . P l a t's "! 4141 ;1 4414( t. 5,:s i ! 3 ?? `' .l
' ElianCi? 'Win ' siAr , ~I :pl. ‘Z.
4**1 1) .44 ',
' 4 ' ' ''
Fir Woniali 1 1 4 , A/1 11 4,4 .140.1a 13 0''''' -7
!Mit thelfgeiAtilliealttelkr .. I ,it l ‘'
In the poor pate - AKIN; ..r,
It will etill Wing"
iesklor ,* •
" Here is an error in thentkaaleas
of tan dollars which they have made
against themselves; and another of
ten dollars in the footing.'"
• " Also against themselves I'
Yes sir."
The merehant stniled in a way that
struck nutted as peculiar. '
"Twenty .dollars against them
seive4 " he • fenutrked in a- kind of
plelesint'surprise. "Trusty 'clerks
bey must have. "
"Shall I correct the figures? "ask
ed the lad. •
"No; let them correct their own
nilstakes• l we don't examlnekrfis for
other peo ple's benefit, " replied the
merchant. "It will be time to recti
fy the errors when they find them
out. All ' much gain as it: now
' stands."
The boy's delicate moral sense WAS
shocked at so unexpected a remark.
He was the son ofa poor widow, who
bad given him to'understand that to
be just was the duty of men.
Mr. Carman, the merchant, in
whose employment he had been for
only a few months, was an old friend
of his'father's, in whom he rmoaed
the higheetconfldenoe. Intact James
had always looked upon him as
kind of model man, and when Mr.
Cannon agreed to dike him Intel his
store, hefelt that a good fortune was
lu his way.
"Let them correct their own mis.
takes. " These words made a strong'
impression on the mind or James
Lewis. When -first spoken by Mr.
(-lumen, and with the meaning then
involved,) he felt, as 'we' have add,
shocked but ai he turned them over
again in his thoughts, and connected
their utterance with a • person who
h P e O hi
be g a h hi m k o tthha ep o e p r t h im ap a s .
the thing was fidr enough In .bust.
nese. . Mr. (urmun was hardly the
man to do wrong. A lbw days after
James had examinea c the bill,;a clerk
from the Isaac by which it had been
rendered Called or settlement. The
lad, who was present,' waited with
Interest to see whether Mr. Carman
would speak of the error—But he
made no remark. A cheek for the
ainOlnit of the hill rendered win fi lled
up awl titkati,
" la that pi VI I
- James ask himself this question.
His moral sense said uo; but the fact
that Mr. Carman had so acted bewil
deted his mind.
"It may be the way in business"
--to he thought to ltimetif—'• but It I
don't look honest. I wouldn't have
belioye It or kith ' •
Mr, Correa!, 11“ a kind et=
with his that won the boy's
and naturally tended to make, him
Judge whatever he might do in a most
favorable manner.
" / wish he had =rectal . . that er
ror," he said to hiniselfa great many
times when thinking is a pleased
way of Mr. Oyu= and Ids • own
good fortune in havinibeen received
into Ids' employinen " It don't
l e ek right, Nit it May belt's The way
of business, " • -
One day lie went to the bank and
drew some money on a check. in
counting It over he found thattheteb
ler bad paid him fifty dollars too
I much, so - he went back to the counter
and told him of -his mistake. The
teller thanked him, and be returned
to the 'store with,the.conackaumees In
his mind of having done right.
"The teller ovklme fifty dol
lar'," he said to hU. Caslitan, u ho
handed him the money. •
"Indeed!" mated • the hater, a
' light breaking over his countenance;
and he hastily counted thebenk bills.
The light faded as the last bill left
0 4= toi
• is mistake, Jame, " A
tone of disa utinent was in his
vole°. •
oy, I gave hint back the fifty del
-Irs/ Wasn't that right?"
" You simpleton! treiclaimod Mr.
-Cannan, " don't you know that bink
mistakes are never corn:Med? Ifthe
teller had paid you fifqr dollar:HAN:A
be would not have made it right. "
Thewarm blood mantled the cheek
-of Jouteounder this :uproot It la of
ten the awe that mom shame is k•lt
for a blunder than a crime. In this
.0 . %) all
f,7 (
= , _ ••hkirt .
:'the telt a ocelot mii
s 'at
ctiesiOdi oev*ldt oilbt otiemblitair;.:Pgr
tatoie Wu&
made bpbbnotsxttpat
eliouidlievesaveniorldht theAd
thilleaeottberbsoit imi:Aadald
theiroognti+nmdempto*ex .i . sod let
Mot 00 es ke*Ned. watt the - !r 1 . 1.)1 .
tyv. .
I.Letioeoiptottook ofter thetr mint
•Cutnan.; •
uaiptieo LowNipondered these allege
bride +heart.. -The liopteselott tthey,
*Me oho toast/rest be ffit4
,oUm.l' A 4 It maybe AIM; " lie~tetkt
tante did not bed gltegether 'at II
• :t•
fiAitiooutti.. l.l;:• ortOrmafirso tbei
retoriatho biutionistokerodi Yoiopt
exuded over tiliconoltlymaireei %feet
reeifivarfrotb. _he d i "'
etioe' foLibat bates 1101 . 120 w; o•J dot
-,nsztr..; I
Mint bopoloe'orbts imitet .was
belt &Oar i4j,. Wl'
hb. W . ' IgiYi
ratieb,f tidr i r -zirbeu ;the notrgetteo
arards,."..Lot *mkt look afros their
flashed ,upon his
bbi a . beettete.'" "To
loarley . witkerll.le to lx) over
Visit thhtk. about thia,'", aant
_...tiai,:ashelpiatAbe Emmy in . hla ,
app. 46 ,111t-lottne In one' atee '
data' il~wnetl►er : ittearnuat dein
nitotakiathat Oeople snake in
aVoriand he mitt complahtwhen
rulo work* Aladait himself."
Itthe hey was.tat front' Wing in
tAnttibleatate.. iitylett that to
the halt a dollar would beadle.:
tact. i Still he could .not _snake
mind tcrtntnrn ft, at leue.t not
smelt did uat:atietaiii Ma ' hiff
nibs .41s gratin!,
"d- be bat date
e guibiguly.:lloA bea4 that
, cluitaiat4ad . vally.pbaea' trying
Auld lus rtattlital
• .:;'‘f: •
roticelg.titler ;repeat
thd)amse• miatake.. JashoCieept:
hatfdollar witiplese hesitation: -
It • hint 'correct. his own mis
laid •he lesolutely p 1' that's •
thctrine he 'acts MI with other.
people; end cati't complain ,If he
Etspuid bait • la; the same. Otiln he
• ts eitculaUon. fluid: whited a
' !Moder:if - . • , •
)Frum 414.4 time the tine moral
sense of Lewis Was blunted.
.I[o:thud taken an evil , co u nsellor into
hit heart, stimulated a spirit of cov,-
:etousness---hatent-in. 'almost every
rhich uursed hint to, re
tidon of things beyond desire his
lad good husinesqualitlca
so pleased Mr. (Airman by
licence, • industry and tact
miens,: that he idvanced
ly, and gave Wm, beGire he
toyears 'Ad v il* moot re
tti°li ' 111.: the iltore. But
-14iriat somethiag. more
lyloyer thrut) how to! do
. had learuOd 1a be
fie had neter forgotten
.• belied rectived in this
had acted not tally in
but la a 'hundred, and
Injury of Mr. (Imam
Ince 'given up waiting
*be made in - idgi them,
them Intim varied and
msactlons• of, allergia
lie wastrustedint
mitres. &cured tti
, wove 1113 are trr
wngana a. - k
James grew sharp, cunning and
skillful; always on the alert, always
bright and flatly to m.-et any ap
proaches towards a discovery of his
wrongdoing by his employer, who
held him in the highest rtpird.
Thus it went on until James was
in his twentieth year, when the rum.-
chant had his auspicious amused by
a letter which spoke of the young
man as not keeping the most ?wpm
table company, and us spending mon
ey too freely for at clerk. on a moder
ate salary.
Before this time James had remov
wilds mother into a pleasant house,
for which he paid a rent of four hun
dred dollars; ' his salary Wes eight
hundred, but he deceived his moth
er by telling her it was fifteen hun
dred.' Every comfort that she need
ed WM fully supplied, and she was '
beginnig to think that after a long
and painful struggle with the world,
her happier days had come.
James was at his desk when the let
ter was receiviA by Mr. (arum. Ile
looked at his employer am saw him
change counter axe sudd nly. Ile
read it over • twice, and , J• oleo saw
that the vontento produced disturb 4
ante. Mr. Canaan glanced toward
the desk, and their eyes met ; it was
only fora moment, but the look that
James received made his heart stop
There was something about Abe
movements of Mr. Carman for the
day that troubled the young man. It
was plain to him that suspicion had
been aroused by that letter. 0, how
bitterly did he repent, in dread ofdits.
cowry and punishment, the evil of
which he luulteeu guilty! Exposure
would disgrace and ruin hint, and
bow the head of his widowed mother
oven to the grave,
"You are not well this evening, "
said Mrs. Lewis, us she looked at her
son's changed faeeacrces the tableand
noticed that he didnot eat.
- .
"My head aches."
" Perhapsthe tea will make you
feel better.' ,
t•I'll tie down on the sofa in the
parlor fora shortlitne:"
• Mrs. Lewis followed him let t ° the
parlor in a little while, and, natiugg
down on the Note on he was
Placed her hand upon his head.
Ah, It Would take more than Melee
ing pressure of a mother's hand to
ease the pain from t whigh ho.was suff
erhig. The touch ofthg pure hoed
Increased the pain to agony.
"Do you feel better?" asked Mrs.
Lewis. She had remained some time
with.hor hand On his lbrehcati.
" ralt nit:01, 11 11e replied and
ejug ne he spoke, he added 1 ' I think
a walk in the open alr will - do .nee
good. „
"Don't go out, Janice," said Mrs.
Lewis, a troubled feeling mining Into
her heart.
"I'll only walk a few squares."
And James went from the parlor and
passed into the street.
"There is something more than
headache the matter with him," A.
For half an hour James walked
without any purpose in his mind be•
vond the escape from the presence of
his inother At lad his walk brought
him nest Mr. ("anima's store, and at
musing he was surprised at seeing a
light within.
"What out this mean?" he asked
himself, a new fear creeping with Ito
shuddering: hneßhe Into his heart.
/Ie Ibitened by the door and win
dows, but he could hear nO'souud
" Tlre's something wrong," The
raid; "what can It be? If this Is
discovered what wilfbe the end Olt?
Itolu min! 4y poor mother, "
The wretched young man hasten
ed on, walked the street for two
hound, when he returned home. His
mother met him - when he entered,
and, with uneorkeniedonxiety asked
him if he , were any better. He avid
yes but in a manner that only in
creased the trouble she Mt, and pas
sed.up hastily to hisewp room,
In the mottling the strut!' niter"
ed hoe of .hunm nate met moth
ez at the dreanettable, Amer abluln
Into her heart. Ile was silent, and
evaded all beremestions. Whilethey
...I itt tunttr•iirTs <LULL, ;it• L - L - 4.,,-1,1 - rtt . 4 "-- - I
L. ;LL -,'• Lt t 1 ;._ .• . v. ; .... 7..tur‘r; a mos; ~; ',1.44‘14 ' ..--; -, - 7: -
,r • -, ,,t L ' i d -;;;•.• il i ' -i . Litt '4li All . affrb is ilhWiti 1 ."
• ..--
~,, it Y., i'' it. 'I; • ~.• ;,. •; LI IL!. Ji 1.J:., ~.:,; ‘, I' .!1. , i-• i
'.r.r.4.1 siir.; r , • 4 ';..i.,•;", vic '. ;-., ... Ai i/ 1,t4)11 rr
. • i , ....;... .0 . 11,,,, , ,i ::::.:
~r ..
Ael the atr , ,ntnif
.4 cu i s ee t 4'4 6 4 t rAt ts, Th 4 t u t tr i le i,
tgiArt l f":nabA AO,
‘ 131 4W*4 6 *00 SR"
I J,/4 1 0.,' refinglithe t
ban* rode i ahnt th e y.'ention!
o;ifee .14
11J, tlog
roma 0244841 M ;
did an. "Meh l =
sat Iraning ; leet.von's return.,, , Bhe
heard lam emial beck in a lbw me
tucate3 ben be di not enter the din
ing room,. Then he 'returned along
the hail to. the' sreet Veer,- and al
Mini fished:- All wasaftent. • Start
, par up she run Imo the:nearegei!bal
4+PliYmivils nog 0 0W- I, P 4 4' hut. but
vray wipe tpeipe son. who nik4 ml 7
• .1.14 who, •
' "Wig was 'a sed Ong; away.
Mr. Oman had apentMenther night
ineersonining,the accounts of Amm o
lad diecoverni jam& of, ovetl, six
thousand dotbus. ' bedighant
he sent an officer to itirmat hint netlir
Inds morning ; •aud, 11118 with,tbia
effintf *bathe sent army •trom his
motherdiever.te retam
The yeteng villeins/One in the
bed lee has' nude for himself!" ex-
cfaimeetUr. Carmani in his bitter hi.
digestion._ And he mode 41 expos
inve completely. Oa „gee „trial be
sheiwed eittetecla lave. him
eouvletell, oted pretested such an ar
ray of evltlerice that' the jetty !mild
not give any other verdict thou. gedl-
• . ,
The poor mother meinmein court, and
audible In the 'silence that followed
came herronvulsed moha i r : l e l:1dr.
The- presiding judge d • the
culprit; and asked if berm ything
to say why the sentettge the law
should 'not • be'-prondl i entlnst
into: All eyes were-tarried n the
VOikelitOutell yciadg Air • nue
with an alert, and lone¢pspalust the
Militbgby widekt he.liti 4l s‘, l , o
tne Nipped. '
" Will It please Will 'he
said, "to direct my peuereotor to h e
little nearer, so:tbSti 41114 leek: at
ldtn and: Your bomir! 4:4 1 e: For
time?" • •
Mr. Garman was dire:ta ✓ le point&
• foranud to where !the • tidy'
James looked at blur :stare! '.ll
few Mofttellt4l and•nrn. 040
• , . ! • - -
" What I hive liipt;,to4ll,axi
out Is' tads, ,! (he' and
distinetlYo " **ls it de+
gree extenuate, though it cannot ex•
tine my .erinte: I went' into that
man's stamen Innocenti Lary. and If
he had been an honestl
man would
not have stood beforeyou today ase
criminal.'! . • • '
• 31r.:Qtrmannpptaled--tothe court
for protection apintit an alictition Vf
such an outrageous. character; but he
was pereinptorily ordered to besil-mt.
James , wentiman a Sim retest..
"Only alow weeks ,alter, I went
into his employment I examined a
bill by . hii direction tinddlseskered
an error Oftvientietlollartsi" . l ' • "
The race of 'Mr. tlirminerinsibised,
." YOU, remember. it, I Se j"
Jtimes,_ " and I shall have cause to
teluember;whilel "The shot
was in favor of Mr. Chrman. I asked
VI should correct the ligures i nnd he
;atiswertd,-' " Ni, , AO them ttinix:t
their own mistakes; we, on't exam,
lne bilhi for other . people's knell!. ":
lt WaS My first letntsi - ip dishonesty:
I saw; the 'Eldtiletl;: and' Cap.'
'min -taXe twenty dollitro-thisCwoO
not hianintel ucictlA
, 4 llolft
for hoist ust:hitekalltbrdellai • Lb
the teller of , bank, whielc he 'had
overpaidwe on a check, and that—"
• 3Lay ask the protection of. the
court VI Add Mr. Carman. ! '
" Is ittrue, what the lad &lye" 'ask
ed the Judge.
Mr; Carman hesitated and looked
tunfused ; all eyes were on his face;
and Judges and Pi m. lawyers and
sisetators felt certain that he was
guilty of lending theituthapOy young
um estray.
f.`" '
Lewis,Not rung afterwaro,
L "in receiving my 7 1 :1„mn I
found/Hutt Mr. (Airman had dme
fifty cents too much.- I was about to
give it back to him, when I remem
bered his remark about letting people
correct their (Wu mistakes, and said
to myself, "let him correc t Ids own
errors." and dishotimtly kept the
money. Again the thing happened,
and again I knit tin; money M at did
not of right belong to me. This was
the beginning of evil, and hero I am.
If he had shown any mercy I might
have., kept' silent and made f no de
fence."- -- - - I
The young man covered his face
with Ins hands, and sat down over-
Puwerd with his feeliniss.s. His moth
er, who:was near him sobbed aloud,
and bending over, laid her hands on
his head, saying:
"My poor boy ! my poor boy I"
There were few oyes in the court
room undimmed. In the silence
that followed, Mr. Carman spoke out:
" Is my character to be thus blasted
ou the words of a crimbtal, your hon
ors? Is this right?"
" Your solemn oath that the charge
Is Untrue," said the Judge, "will set
you in the right." It was the un
happy boy's only opportunity, and
the court felt bound in humanity to
hear him.
James Lew Is stood up again ImMint
ly, and turned Ida white Um and
dark piercing eyes upon Mr. Car
" Let him take his oath if hedare I"
he exclaimed.
' Mr. Carman' consulted with his
counsel and withdrew.
Aftet a brief, conference with his
ace, - the rankling judge add,
addressing thecriminal: ; • •
"In consideration of your ' youth,
and the temptation to which in tender
years you were unhappily subject,
the court gives you the slightest sen
tence, one years imprisonment. But
let me solemnly warn you against
any further steps in the way you
have taken. Criroecan have no valid
excuse. It is evil in thesight of God
and man, and leads only to sunkienit•
When you come forth again after
you brief incumnition,_may it be
with the resolution to die rotifer than
Commit a crime."
And the curtain fell on the sad
scene in the boy's life. .When it was
lifted again, and he mule forth from
prison a year afterward, his mother
was deal. Front the day her pale
face faded from his vision as be ;miss
ed from the court 'mom has never
leaked upon her again.
Ten years afterward a man was
raiding a newspaper in a far western
town. Ile`htui a calm, merlons face;
and looked like one who luul known
suffering and trial. •
" Brbught to justice at lost!" he
said to himself, as the blood orate to
his face; "convicted onihe charge of
o isnolvency, awl seat to state
Khoo. . So mutat liar the man wbo
gave me in tender yews the drat Ice,
sous in ill-doing. But, thank God,
' the other lemma, have been "remem
bered. = When yo u count forth again,'
' saki the Judge, • may it be with the
resolution to die Mho.- than ounttult
it crime,' and I have kept thlelnjune.
tion in toy heart when there seemed'
no way of escaping except through
crime; owl fed helping mu, I wilt
keep it to the ond."-
(maw, deserits,S, the a*e
tumes of the court, of au Al'Aqui
'Xinges falkars: "'VW King wore
ev o—ouni nothing else; bid
Oft nihibgter vorea shirt —aini noth
iikeelsei his second minister ;wore a
ueekti—and 'nothing else; thelbittl
tutt-4nid nothing , else; tunritie
Queen were a paneiol—and nothing
ri .` E~~` buSheflB
;, ,710141PWIfT4P1
, Ast fleeter Wiese Dethrone.
.. .7 1 • i •
.•ia l lll 3 44l.**bkn id;Otilio
relate Ls'otiti' the many derma of
r ba r n a = opm V any deimroail*ci d
1 0 1 1 4 0,4 1100 PrderthanPosiiklbx
IddklstvltTitlleine nitio
phonOnsesion Wliieh ban
wiser beads-than mine, and WMtlt •
Aryksor p =st u reer the nebulous
Sly word au
as hudd iolbo ;definition of
ore who,dixis the agency of,Mber
- physical .Or itatund elitism to
predating Maidens of Oerits: Inr
•.slllitiOU, ;trolneilyhwitel , oftleal
siogia,, aro:Abel , wee Ainkifr width
these superbly prodical pel4!tiberwr
er upon tho heads orall Maybe'
belated to . eixelaitir With' t poet,
"There are natnelldrigs In heaven
and meth. gut tWtraann
ofele, • your ptiliosopley.. ,That the -
Irrlte . 1 41, 14 - extinill obed l 'Pearl
agro by' ifinir•treirsore o Lthiso met
rt may hi accepted - as proof
that they aresnot au potent for the.
pupas as many good people imagine
them to be. I repeattruth Aran.
ger than' fiction, which" repetition
memo that lem not exercising my
bay Iniaghiatlon. .1 big to white that
min t OO .IrPfuwAxjIPRIVI,
suen menial eltert•mo. Imm, eon
aelotis of but pee rfiasub.„'Tb the Mk
of MET* the annhemnyof an eirietw
memorable night. -Lae Coleridge's
" Ancient Marriuori!;EnY , heart to
WO With ikreoefiil agorty,•and I em
constrainf o to repent the '
Year** , I was -Invited to spend
the moo of. March oith nfismUy
with whom I eqloyeil • gm most Intti
relation& Thlsfiunlly consisted
of 'throe persond-L-Mr; arid Mrs; pi.
den, end' their fdaughtFor 11,Me t
tcnchy gist of nlnsteeau—:
Marie irektolgo married an theWf*
th e. 43 9B:4Aww i l dwi t e, i o
both mo, , ,:dsbOt r that I.
shooklipead r addrtiMeeritlithent
adl ' to the'oreet. It
boa henna° odes asserted that there
M can 100,P 0 r*.b ) Ve - betweea 11. 9 0 WP1
tat the owing' hes koMe
ed tenth: I t
to make any'dttempt id: melding is
.absurd • bat that It hi im en'or
My;lovo kg, Limp* woUld
ixn um i m v igb itily t t• ogv:dw agother
- A popular writer has add that. "to
:Wee* flrect hat conierA.ProulW,
these.who Jove it, on Wean tqeoita
with hive," Is enough tbr,
mum." - -Bueir a thee I
h ilm i e
'Linden; yet; la dearly 'iee, '
doubt, tE ,
in convey any e‘ 'hse.
proalon of it to the reader. i Hash
eyes, auburn hair, and a brit WWl
plexlim; tell nothing—it was paid
lornvor take' that the bendy tar-=;
ptiduw. it wan aft:WWII ~
sgi , 4W.414. 1 0 11 4,tr0N ,or . 1 4. 4111 "
in the eyla,,aithl weguie WV*
very .• delit&—att . Inwa rd . _ • NA
=whiefrlnade it Imposeible totaled:de
'anything *meow with - their
4 ,o o l demPr — t kw! :notatul thud
.proceed with my otOry... . .. '
Mr: Litulen's house was Atudeit
eti a 'crest lir rising - ground, about a
nine- diatant .•
:teem. .It or
' 41Felerl1 k Iv,
teuded for
slopes, with
tween, where, hi the season, _
ripened grain waved like a billowy
set. The east side eginuanded a view
of the town; hero distance lent its
usual enchantment to the picture.—
Midway between the town and Mr.
Linden's housestood the gray church,
which Mr. Linden, with his wife and
daughter, always attended, and
where tow or three generations of
Mrs. Linden's fatally were buried.
Two white columns, which 'marked
the graves of Mrs. Linden's parents,
and one daughter, who had died
Young, were, on a Clear day, distinct
ly visible from the house.'
ard," reamed
The month passed rapidly, as the
mindful always do when ism& are
absorbed. 3iarie was to mar •
man of her own cluxisiug, anti a man,
that her parents would have chosen'
for her, could their choice have mm
prebetitied the world. The love of
Marie Linden and George Percival
was a flat contradiction to the old
xaying, that " the course ortrue love
never runs smooth." - During .a two
years' engagement, no shadow had
ever darkened their paradise—it had
been a clear sky, a bright sunshine,
from first to last.
The :9th arrived, and the first put
of the programme which had long
been arnuiged, was carried out. The
ceremony took place at '4 o'clock In
the afternoon, only a few intimate
friends being present; but there was
to be a bridal party In the evening,
and on the gallowing day the bride
and groom were to start on their bri
dal tour.
Nine o'clock soon came, when the
moms were filled with the beauty
and , aristocracy of • both town and
country. Never was there a more
beautiful bride than Marie Perdval.
Never was there a happier groom
than her 'husband. Never was there
a gayer company than was aseembled
that night under Mr. Dinden's mat
Yet mod of the guests have probable
retained only audi recollection of the
evening aa an' 'immunity pleasant
party might leave upon the mind.
But (or me, it la branded on my
memory with • strength whit* plus
have had no power to dim. The al
most summer warmth of the night,
the blue sky without a cloud, the stars,
-the fall moon, whitit lit up the old
gray church, and the two white col 7
umus. Within there was the beval
dering light, the perfume of the flow
ers, the music of the waltz, and the'
rapid whirl of the waltzera, .11.4 they
floated past the open window, where
I stood -gazing attentively upon the
two plctures—one withont and one
within.. It was there that Marie
Joined me, chiding me, in her In
girlish way, for not Joining the
waltz., I told her that I had been
better entertained; then, putting the
lace curtains thrther back, I drew her
close to the window, and we stood
there, hand damped to hand, for
least live minutes;
she gazing do
upon the beautiful night, talking of
Merge, and of her expected trip,
with aotneUmets a loving word fix
myself; 1, gazin uponher, thinking
how well her bridal robe became her,
when I saw the color slowly fading
out front her sweet Ike. 1 thought
It was the moonlight, and was going
to draw the curtains, when she stop-
I P°ll n t ule he . cl Pol urelly tl anli ng t° ,
the whicl ju r i -e t ere umu s t :
visible as at tifill•day, " frow many
lare there?" sheadd.
I "Two, deer," I answewd, "Yeti
I know there never were morn"
" I want dues," she said.
I turee n my cyo upon the w o nt*.
ost expecting to see a
third; bat
t h e e there wen
inl felt hand whit% was
In mine grow cold and frigid, while
her taco had become like the marble
upon 'which her eyes were so Intently
fixed; I above to draw her front' the
window—it was imposaibie. 1:- en.
treated her to speak to me-,-it was of
no 'avail. Thorougldr alarmed, I
said 1 would call Mr. e rcivul.
"'NO, no, not hint,
_" tale answered
while i'pereeptible shoddier ran thro'
her (rune.
But his name had, roused her from
nuainamaNigiamo rot umbers Mod tryi
e, tb• kola
m V=ititaideblY Wu
ZillA". v je MeistainV46 In
Monday *N AM Insertion
asirme.NtOneellv,tibelltii . •
sai "reggi v — azure, or
rwi lt
"What Word, Marken borswered.
"you know the words on the mono
tuudsr; and if you did! mold
net rowlikten at oak a:
, - iilbetepitsti,-",1, gm of the
• .Mekit is talks. the other
I; and the *Fur& ath - la distinct:
0 itatred to the Merrier! onfindePer.
Mind,. who. died Febfgary-4, 18—,
•84 1 4..,isuStPlaa Woe ../. 12 4 dwell.
months.'" . ' •
" Hush, Marie I" , I trairE ''" I can
not ifaluß iiok tr sod* haPPIIY
grr in'lllr, r,itbo was 100. E.
Ink *wide ; diserVerell her at
1 U* nueneso,:, A•'1111: mid steps
4 r i tt i t k irt h r 4l6l *
~ , • 7, be rig; . you ar.o
* pale as' one or Tfig i l y alpole s
1 it ;wilds mom.
He drewthemetrinstageiber, and
I saw the mice mood Warr her bre
*he bore her. aware t i • . it
lad gone from irth • them
was an unearthly ' • ,',I . awa
Inv, es I rat tlwre "'"' buck to
the moonlight ; • aapdl mad
clans player mr--At useA l r e s ui t
t r i
never Um; my bOth; ' sto4 cir
cled, and (viva - they
played be, • and A ter llnsharrs
walt,--Thett . hos-
Mold Ike*, bly. the sunong
lionsalL ;- . J ; 1, i• :: ler. . c: .
i t& st istin4rir 1' I MM.
e y my skie
n ' larcrip
tient imp ` ftistrilifilhui that
OW Girls tilieldwatiler.ulthat rno•
Wir 4 'ilt at krug
wer isty , other
9 on ImPPer
VluallyttalkisiAtie party
loridit, without, nik, Wilt MIM Whiskl Ine good s'
the sf ' had
elitile 'sic, , ItIV• Wei4llll/ on my
Wadi - . .., ..,,, ;, iu
". ltitvad.lo.4' eu4.slitht," I
T'tudt, bat It, wee in i A ts pod-bye,.
at IliXtitt7 Were re ye/11_11v°
keelollititile netts "Jed not
sapid mare
l lga . bar re
turn. This ,bkgbeWidmr
weeks„and ' mamboed to ain
withiter paraltsAillieliet time.—
11 .01. 11 44 dedqeditl A law
lines. troafan only " Informed
thtt he had just ded to carry
out a long-cherished Wiskwhieh was
to gb hrith his , wibt: to Eerope. It
Was Mmie dad to Ural ittatid scam. --
pingliens.... Aziew vhkelo start hi
Ism that is . weak, I. win-obliged to
"lofty bows- -- . - • )
1 I Jetta few lines for Mario, stating
that I lima write to bet sr soon as
possible, and let heri know where to
addrona hater WIN". .t. ••
.. It 'moot my Termer to speak of ,
Isky itleln Musepe--where we went
ow witatwesank,onlythlw lity broth
er could-never a ndentand my dislike -
to visiting the tombs of the dead.
- "I depot likernMmagingin grave
yardsi"' I won't!" may to so, too,
with nil naxmlight nights i su Nagai I
fni to him, but. which were, end al
ways will W„ a ghastly horror to one.
I wrote frequently to-Marie and
her mother, but my brother had t
• •-- ..,,d'a4wo wereednsbudi t
asg -
But If any one luaasiced mu if 1 be
lieved In the possibility of its truth,
I should bare answered, " NO."
It was four o'clock When I arrived
itt the end of my journey. A few
minutes' walk brougitt mo to the
huuse.'• I rang the hell, which was
answered by an old woman whom I.
had frequently seen during my pm
slots vhdts.
"C • in," she said. "Mr. and
Mrs. Linden are in Europe; you did
nut know it, perhaps."
" I know nothing," I replied quick
ly; " I have Just returned from Eu
rope myself."
/ 4 could not ask ahead Marie ;• but I
' rose and went to the window, the
one that looked out twee the chunit
yard, and I saw—yes ' reader, I sow
the third monument- ,in ten minutes
1 stood before it. With a bruin too
much paralyzed to admit of surpri:e,•
ur any other fueling, I real: "Snead
to the Memory of Mario Percival
who died Ft•bnutry Ath, le—, aged
nineteen years and eleven months."
dear;t know how long it was be
fore I was amused by the old woman
from the stuper into which I had fal
len. Becoming alarmed at my long
stay, she hail come out to find cuer: l —
her I rearmed all that I skill
ever know. I will tell It in as few '
words as possible.
On that day Marie, with her has
band, and two or three ether young
friends, had gone ant on the lay, as
was their frequent custom when the
weather was fine. I githaW front
what the womanmkt, that the day
had been unusually cahort,.but that a
sudden squall had •thrown the Mkt
against a low reef of slimy weed.
covered rocks, whkh ran out into the
water. It did not upset the boat, but
Mrs. Percival was thrown oat. The
accident happened on the onward
aide of the rocks, and though Mr.
Percival was a good swimmer, and
remained In tho water until he was
dragged out by one of the party, yet
Dirs. Airedl wait not found until
Wane hours afterward.
I have only to kid; that Mr. Lin
den, who was an Euglishnuin, Wok
his wife to Europe, hoping that In
change of scene she might recover
/min the shock. Butshedkd shortly
afterward, and was buried there. Mr.
Linde, has never returned to this
The mischievous resutts, of Mit AU
ries of lilunders by which Commas
has Involved the Georgian question
In • threadieni maze of dillicultiest,
are attracting the ,attention oft
thoughtlid awn everywhere. For.
example, the Utica //ern/drays
In seeking to dodge the implement
duty of a pAtive decision upon the
statue of Georgia, it has Simply made
itseltridieulous, while axoniplishing
by indirection what It sought to a
void. It did not wbth to ar.knowl
edge Georgia In the Union, and lack
ed the moral courage to doside her
out of It. In Wring to dodge the horns
of this R has imptiled itself
on the had, and in eflbet decided that
Georgia is ressitinitted, bemuse it de
clares her eadded.tu , vote av Chief
3legistmte—tind, of course, to her dill
representation in both 'louses.
Ckingress will find it very difilcult
to get rid or this conclusion, though
there is not the least doubt in the fact
that the Mate of tiectsgis has not com
plied with the recouitrimitSon kink
and is thetedire not lewdly en t ombs,
of the Union. such a cow y, bine
der on the pert of Congress Is wow
than a crime. .
The real nittathlet is the precedent
hwe hoar ,
the tai k la the
elabct or, the course en.—
I f Georgia was not entitled vote,
her vote had no ' plaee In Cengrent.—
And the petty TWA* or wanting It .
both way* does not asap LW admix-
Won that there was a kcal _election.'
no. this, the Senate—Which has re'
Awed Beate to Mow & Hill and MU
Geiiorgia In Compels,-
The Albany Evening Jestinal says: