The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, February 17, 1869, Image 4

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    I~~el t
An excellent ~ cartalatlon of a 'wild,
b°0 62 4 and' tilirlar Poems ] Walt/
August Solineulav is Ikallism. - Poett o2-
traoted from iiiiiild,tiazabef Of Ltstikib
lin Unlvereity MaglAne: .-°
It 'tends in the lonely. WintertheL;
At the base or Ileberste hIII
Itstanda as though it Mn would MI,
The dark deserted zun; , , •
It; ' emetic', coated with moos and
mould, . .
tilde elle:A l an the day ; • ; •
Its mildew!d *as and windows old . .
.Are Cram l:f
: -
.... ,-• . ,
tng Into decay.
So through o :nityllght's lingerhof
hour • ' ''• ' • .
It mourns in *fletyrtna; , :. ,
But soon as itio sunset's gorgtnus 'tow-.
era , 1
In thence
, '•11 i‘ :
Beginto /1.
Beg . .
The long-dead'millers leave their lairs,
And open Its eresklug doom. ,
And their feet glide up and down its
And over its dusty gOors. ' • ,
And the miller'. mon they bpi , make;
And the atelit's wtord work basins;
The wheels turn round, the hoppers
shake Th e flour !kale into the Mune.
The mill boll tolls agatn andkSabi,
And tho cry ta,. "Griot home, hot"
And the dead oldaninere and their Men,
Move busily to and fro.'
And ever as night wears rnoreand more,
New groups throng Into the mill,
And the elantor, darning enough he
' tore; -
. Growslrflderand lender sitm! •
Hugel sacksare barrcrireatrom floor to
Tho wheola redouble thole din
The hoppers blotter, .end the tiegthee
And the flower o'nrftows the laird.'
But with theMonthseli pearly ahem
This ghastly hubbub wanes,
And the mooit-„dim taco of
,a woolen . is
Through the meal.-duird i t indow
P, . :
:She opens the sash, and her words re
,: sound
;n tones of unearthly power—, •
"Come hither, good folks, theleoin is
Come hither and take yougtlourl"
Thereon strange haay lights appear
'• 'A
-flitting all through the pile,
And a'deep melodious choral cheer .
I Ascends through the roof the while,
But a moment more, and you gale ind
And wonder and wait in vain ; '
For suddenly all again is dark
- And all Is hushed again. •
It stands in the desolate Winterthal,
At the base of Ilisberg 1;111; •
It sands as though it would rather fall,
The long leserted Mill.
Its engines, coated with moss and mould,
'Tilde silent all the day ; •
Any mildew'd walls old windows old,
- Are crumbling fest away.
&Met Miscellany.
This phrase is going out of use. It
is high time it did.. -If the thing it
represents would also cerise there
would be stronger and freer mon and
Women. But the phrwse is still some
times heard, and there are still con
scientious Whets and mothers Who
believe theY do God service insetting
about the thing. .:
I have more than once said to a pa
'rent ,who used these words—" Will
you tell mejust what you mean by
that ? Of course you do not mean
exactly what you say!"
" Yes I do. I mean that the child's
will is to be, once for all, broken!—
that he is to learn that my will is to
be: his 'law. The sooner he learns
this the better. " i. • • - -
"But Is it to your , will, simply as
will, that he to yield? Simply as
the weaker yid& to the stronger—
almost as matter yields to force ? For
' what reason Is he to do this?"
"Why because I know what Is best
for him, and what is right, and he
• does not." .
" Ah ! that is a very different thing.
lie Is then to do the thing that, -you
„tell him to do because that thing Is
:right and. is needful for hint you
are his guide on a road. I
road wiffti you
_ : have gone and he has not; y u are
beinterpreter, a helper; you know
tter than he does about all i things,
and your knowledge Is to tea d il his
ignominy.. "
"certainly, that is what I paean.
'A pretty state of things it would be
if children were to be allovied 'to
think they know as much as l , their'
barents.- there is no way except .to
reak their wills in the Ininiling."
„ But you have just said that it Is
nut to your will, as will, that lie Is to
yield, but to your superior knowledge
and experience. That surely Is not
breaking his will. It is of all things
hirthest removed from It. It Is edu
' eating his will. It is teaching him
how to WIU." • . „
This sounds dangerous ;. but, the
logic is not easily turned aside, and
there is little left for the advocate of
will-breaking but to fall buck' n some
• texts of the Bible, which have been
wr often misquoted in thistsinneetion
that one can hardly hear them with
patience. TO "children obey your
parents" was added " lu the Lord,"
and "because it is right," not becalm
they are your Parents. "Stare the
rod'," has been quitegmtuihously its
sumed to mean spare blows. Red'
means here, as elsewhere, simply
punishment, We are ' not told to
train up a child to have nu will but
oar own,,,hut "in the why in which
he should go," and to the end that
"when he la old " Imshould not "de
part front it"—i. e.., that his will
should be so educated that he will
choose to walk in the right way still.
, • Supine a child's will to be actually
broken; suppose hifirto lie so trained
that he has no will but to obey his
parents. What is to beteme of this
helpless machine, which has no cen
tral spring of independent action?
thu we stand by, arch minute °Mach
•, hour of each day, and say to the au
tomatons, "Go here and go there?".
And can we be sere of living as long
as they ilve?., Call we wind them up
like seventy-year clocks, and leave
them? • •
But this is Idle! It iii not, thank
,God, in the power of any Manor any
;woman to break a child's will. They
may kill the child's body in trying,
' like that still unhung, clergyman ii
Western New, York, who whipped
Ills three-year-old son to death for re
, Awing to repeat a prayer to iris' '
Bodies are Vail things ;• there are
,!more child-martyrs than. will be
known until thebodies terrestrial are
I done with. •• - ••' • • ' '• • ' ' '''
' 1 But, by oneescape oranotherof the
will; the sold, 'vier ftee. Sooner`'
later every huuurn being' Com& to
know:and protein • his- oWn -estate,
that freedom of will is the
dom for which there. are -no chains
possible, and that In Nature's whole
- - reign of law nothing is 'so priiidded.
for as liberty. Sooner or later all
thhimirst Come.' But If fteomes fat&
. .it comes through clouds of antagon:
1 Ism, and after days of light, and is
It should come kionek like the
kingdom of Gorrwhich it Is—"with-'.
out' observation • gracious as sun
• • shine, sweet as dew -it should . ' begin
with the infant's hest dawning of
comprehension that there are two
courses of action, twolusgn e ., woi.
duct—one wise, the other -foolish i'
one right, the other wrong. •,: 4
ram sum for I hays seen, that 'al
. ' child's moralprecep . its can bemade
dear, iiiid his will so . . estrongand
upright, that before , , . is ten yeas
old fie AU see and • his way
.tdlcommourightly and
014.7 7 • \
win heidiiiill ilitriiiVar kliftlit
est moral ,' •• • . .-- - - ' - I', - ,
tiVZ ,
nOt (mo . 6 4 11
NOlViti ; -*
. ' k : .1.1. , . • I * Offiltrl
Von of :” ).f. it s. 1 Yeti rktotitt; b ..tlil wo . mere tothn in de-1
t of morekeifithiblet than a
ihr=itpiali ;WWI - he • la; Ann. • i •
to doby .. some sort of- outside , pm"
. ,Ireadonthiniiiiiiii;,liiiterided: fer
the guidance of mothers; a story "of a
little child Who itinilleatblit Ala :JO!:
tees one daYsruddenly refused to sou
A". All the - Other letters he rePestO
again antingain,linheslttitinglY ,
be would - not, and persisted in aarrig
he could not say A. L Ile Was severe
peraisteL ..
ly whipped, but stift
now became k conteist ~of Wills. . -He,
was whipped, and the Int be :
lhe whlppingo th e lirldier Was
first he would be whipped again" 'if
did not hued hip mether and say A.
oget - ho*. 131iiq L iiiiiil3 he .Nlisi - t
whipped ;but it was stillest teems:oy
times to be belleriiit : The .fight was
a terrible one.. At last, in - a prim-,
swrn o Wilanting under, the'blo'WtS"
the, mother thought she •heard him
soh out " A," and , the victory . was,
considered to be viSfdr:, .. . •. .
%.'. .
A ilttieloyi whew . .I.4cnOW, once
had a Similar contertover,a,.letter of
the lit phabet ; but 1 the contest , was
with himself and hie mother was the
lidthfulGreat Heart wire helped hire.
through. -- The strwY is so
that•l , have lingwqited all ;mother,
"to know IL "'lt lane perfect ink 'illus . ,
tration of What I mean by educating
the will the other. We Lief what is
Culled. breaking it.' • ; •
._.=_.• '_
Willy was about fouryeare old. He,
had a large, active brain o.sensitiv e
temperment and indomitable spirit.
He was and is an eleommon . child.
Common methods of what is .corns
monly supposed to be " ' discipline;'' _
would, if he had survived them, have
maden very bud boy of him. He
had great difficulty In . pronouncing
the letter o—es -much that.. he had
formed almost a luthit of,omitting it.
'One day Ida mother said, not dream
ing of any .special contest—" This
time you must say q." "It is 'an
ugly old letter, and I ain't ever gOing .
-lofty to say •it .aWn," sidd Willy
irepatting the iiipbet ;very, ldly
from beginning to end; With mi out the
43. Like a wise mother she did not
open atone on a struggle,but said
pleasently—" All you di d .get it
In that tisile.again ;, go more
eloWly and you .* ill have • it. ". It
was all In vains and it soon legan to
look: more like real : obstinacy. nu
Will Y's part than anything she bad
over seen in him. 1 She had often told
me how she hesitated before enter-
lug on the campaign. "I always;
knew, " she said t' that. Willy's first
real fight with himself would be no
welter of a feed hours; and it 'WM 1
ir particularly inconvenient time far
me Just then, to give up a day to it.
But it seemed on the whole beat not
to;put it off."' I ! J . . . • • •
• So she sald-"Now Willy, you am
net get along without - the . letter G.
The longer you put off saying •it the
harder it will be for you Lowy it at
lust; and we Will liave it sailed once
for all. You are never going to let a
little bit of aletter likethat bestroug
er than Willy . We Will not go out
'of this roonsttill you have said It, "
Unfortunately Willy's will bad al
ready Mirth its stand. • However the
mother made no authoritative de
mand that he should pronounce the
letter as a matter of obedience to her.
Because it was a thing intrinsically
neemsary for him, to dii, she would
see, at any cost to herself or him, that
he dkLit ; but heniust do IV:volun
tarily, and-she would'Avait till hodid.
' The morning Wore on. She busied I
herself with other matters iand left 1
Wilty to himself; and now and then
asking with a smile—" Well, Isn't
my little boy.stronger than that ugly
old letter yet?"
• Willy was.sulky. ' He understood'
in that early stage all that'' was in
volved. Dinner time clime., . :
.you ; going to dinner,
mamma?" • i
"Oh, no, dear!. not enlists you • say
Gso tat you can go too. Mamma
willsitay by her little boy until he is
out of this trouble.
The dinner was brought up, and
they ateit together.' She was cheer
ful and kind, but so serious that lie
felt the constant Pressure ocher pain.
The afternoon { dragged , slowly on
to night. Willy Med now and then
and she took himin her lap , and said
—" Dear, you will lie happy as soon
as you say that letter,: and mamma
will be happy toe, and we can't eith
er of us be happy until you do. "
"Oh I Mamma, why don't you
make me say it ?"
(This lie said several n times before
the afternoon was over:)
"Bemuse, dear, you lutist wake
yoursdf - say it. ium 'helping you
make yourself say it . , for I shall not
let you go out of this room, Aim' go
myself, tillyou say it; but that is all
I shall do to help . you. I ten listen
ing, listening all the time and if you
say it in ever so low a whisperl shall
hear you. ' That is all rennin's cm do
for you. " .
lied-tithe mune. Willy went to
lasi unkisresi and sad.* The next
morning, when WJhly's metheropen-'
ed her eyes, she Saw \Val) , sitting up
in his crib and looking at her stead
!Witty. As soon as lie saw that she
was awake he exclalmed—" Mamma
I can't Say it: You're a naughty e
undrape and you don't loVe me) ,
'ter hea r t sank within her; but site
patiently went again overyeeterday's
ground.. Willy cried. Ile rite very
little breakfast. He stood at the win
; dow in 'vileness attitude of discourag
ed misery, which she said cuff her to
the heart. Once Ina while he would
ask for Seine plaything which he did
not usually have. She gave him
whatever he askedlor, but he could
not Play. She kept up an appear
ance of being busy with her sewing,
hut she was'far niore unhappy than
' Willy. .
- Dinner was brought up to them.
Willy said—" - 31atinnti, this' ain't a .
bit good dinner." •
she replied—" Yes it hi, darling;
Just as good as we ever have. It is
only because we are eating alone.lL•
And poor papa L 9 sad too, taking his
all alone dowu-stuiri. " • .
At this Willy burst out into a lips
terical fit of crying and !Ribbing. •
"I shall never see my pupa wain
in this world. "
Then his mother broke down, too,
.and cried CO hand as ho did; but she
slid—" Olt! yes . , you will dear.. 'I
think you will say that letter before
tea-time, and We will have a nice
evening down-stuns together."
"I isn't say it; I try all the time
and I can't say it; and if you -keep
me here till I die, I shan't ever any
it "
. .
The recondnight settled down dirk
and gloomy, and Willy cried himself
to sleep. His mother . wits ill from
anxiety and 'confinement s hut she
never faltered._ She told rue she re-,
solved that night, that if • it were ne
cm%ryahe would stay hi that' room
with Willy a month. • The , next
*morning she said to him more Seri
ously than before—"NoW, Willy, you
are not only a foolish little boy; you
are tinkind - Syou Are Making every
body. unhappy'. Mamma Is very sor-
ry for you, but she is also very much i
&pleased with, you. Mamma - will'
stay here with you till you say that
,w. Otitis for the rest of your life;
brirmamma will not hilk with. you
'nit she did4sterilaY r ke, tried all
!lay yeste to help , and you
wouild Ira ii 7 you f; to-day you
must do it all alone r " .. ~ „J. .
"libinunarti you sure I shall]
over saY it? aV "'Oied Willy.
' "Yes dear; ..perde,ctl., y sure. Yo u !
will say it some day' or othr."
.. "Do you think I. Shall say -
_ltlo 6
( i v y',
'I can't 'tell; , Yoh . are Atfot:iso i
strong a little boy as I thca2V .„ ILLI
,believedyod irritildierif it
I am Maid you have porno=
tierce* You."., . . ': - ,. - -
" thiCnitli6 anti
/eaynal btl =l " 7—Thett',he'.,begged
her to shut him up in A elastat
see If that wouldn't make'
good." Every lOW oduutes4 ld
-tom" armistrixXitioni•Weriasil ar
var',ooMOlttllTY .- ; Sure " 7oU".l
fra• i lir e: • v ivi-i. • :e - f 11
4 wilt eta, .No ,
t was the ntellich**.et,WV.4 o o..
it the signet kin.. l''lt- , %' , 41.
g t,--, of , -,,
• .I9ede..tft:tharafter tlikli
iltte ..40,VW,71N11117 .400;,heeh
, , , in hirftnieethidr looldnfrateadl;
trattbilltart; fl Oki Tonga tftnethat
: up mother was aimed JOrightened,
flat she linititted to "spode to him,
kir alio felt ,that.tbe eriabt ' had co .. .
fladdenliihe , sprang up., walked' t."
Ward' ber 41th 'all --the deliberate
lirconnsof it buthin his whole _bear- I I
Ing;_ ;wasp there •was something
in bee Whiell altehas` newer ;' seen I
slate, andeinartetexpectin itee'
_till 1
he le thirty yearn old. t ' - -,'
' .-
"Mammal" Said he. .„ -' 1
'", Well dent"; said • his matter,
trembling' ge. she could hardly speak.
' "Mamma, " he repeated In a loud
elutift 'tone—" G ipt GI 41,1 1 -1.- dkou/1
then he harsh Into aßt If crying
which she inuthard Work to ihiAlß I
'` tiny 'hen years, old. - From
that'day tei this lila Mahn has '• neV:!"
Nigel a contest with him she has
alerqya been able toJeastattalk Met
val questions , affecting, hig „Whey ,
to his • own deaden," merelytqsaying I
I--.WW)AIy I think tide ogthstlwill be
hater `, ' I! . . - -
Slis.self-om6l 2 and• telexing - ire
tV;;:stiderflil to and et. blesull
in;big , face of 1 eiiild-Wro aimpll .
aniiPtirity, with manly strength,- ,
something-which+ luive , l never: but ,
once seen • t -' 1 - • -
, _:For iffew, days lie went 'about the
house shouting "01 0 i 01" at -the
top Of his voice. the y
was heard ask
ing playniateg if they could gay NI,"
and showed them how. For several
years he used often to allude to the
dill% saying"Do yoii r remember,
mamma, that dreadhil time when r
would'ut say 0 any sooner than I
did?" . , ~ „
"I have never, felt certain . about
that Willy, •." she said. 1" What, do
you think?" • - 1
"I think I could have. said it ,a
few minutes soonersa• I was ga,ying it
to Myself as long as that!" said WI!-
It was singular thatalthough up to
that time he had never been able to
I pronounce the letter with any dis
rtinetn when he first made up his
mind In er t his .instance to my It he
enunciated it with perfect clearnees,
and-never again went back to the
old 'imperfect :pronunciation. Few
Mothers, perhaps, would be able to
give up twowhoie days to such a bat
tle as this 1 other children, otherdu
ties, wouldlateMne. . ~ .
But the same principle could be
curried out without the mother re
*mailing herself by the child's side all
the time. Moreover not one child in
a thousand would hold out as -Willy
did. Inall, ordinary awes a !few
hours would esiftlee. 'And after all
what would the sacrifice of oven two
days be in comparison with the time
saved in years to come? , If there Was
no stronger motive than one of poll
cy, of desire, to take the course easiest
Ito themselves, mothers might well
resolve that their first aim, should be
to educate their children's ° wills and
make them strongq, Instead of to con
quer and break th em.—N. Y. led.
. - ea iii* relaters.
• -, - . ,
_We r
the following letter froi
Miss Swam B. Anthony :
" REVOIAJTIO'S °Friel: t am. 29, 'illa.
"GENTLEMEN : The' Workingwo
-1 man's Association appeal to you to
contribute liberally to it for the pur
pose of enabling- us- to establish a
training school for girlS in the art of
tyPe-setting at once. There are hun
dreds ofyoung women now - in this
city (more than rio have midepersen- I
al application to me) who stand ready
to learn the trade—women who are
stitching with their needles at starv
ing prim, because that is the only
work they know how to do.
" Now,gehtlemen, If you will help.
us to money We will at , once start a
school. These women must be helped
to board, in part at lent,' while learn
ing the: trade. Give ,us , the means
and we will Sekin give yen competent
women conitsisitors. Respectfully
yours • "Scsas, B. ANIIION Y." •
We like Miss Anthony'sltiggestion.
One trouble -about " the Woman
Question" is the 'few methods' by
which a dependent woman May earn
her living. There are many forms
of labor denied to the sex by their
severity or unsuitableness. , It would
be hoptx4sible for a woman to become ,
a bricklayer,. or a sailor, or a laborer
upon the highway; and there are'
ninny other departments which men
lave absorbeclttp their own disadvan.
' Page and, e injury of, the other sex:
This is ' - m
il the case that when a
woman- roan upon the world;
she lindi herself compelled either to
tech school or to sew. If very for
tunate, she becomes an attendant in
a dry goods store. In New York,
'however, - the prepodderance of, nude
clerks over female clerks in the deli
cate millinazy and dry goods business
overwhelming. -Wv nan 14 virtually
excluded from the store; of the city.
,There is nooccupation 'which seems
so peculiarly adapted to woman as
setting type. It is in, many restiects
a mental labor: It ; *requires little
bodily effort. It is peculiarly Seden
tary, and needs no more exertion
than the sewing machine or piano.—
, The men who set type, as a general
class, pewees a great degree of intern
gence. We presumethat more men
have risen to distinction from the
printing office than from any single
occupation; and if nine-tenths of the
1 printers in New.Tork were thrown
upon their own minutes and sent
out from this greal l city into thennew
countries which Yearn for their in
dustry and ability, it would be better
for them and better for-the Republic.
They Me in many ouleC fitted . to he
time laden of men, barbell; the learn
ed professions, to perform the highest
duties of society. Nothing but the
-natural dislike toward taking what
seems to be a risk keeps so many men
in this dense and thankless city till
they waste their years overtheprad.
ing ease," and heroine - prematurely
old and poor. • .
• We should like to see type-setting
generally abandoned to woman. It
fs her work, and in ; she has
succeeded. Women are naturally as
quick and intelligent as nienNnd will
make quite le; good. printers. We
trust that Mike Anthony will perSist
in this new effort, and that sho will
receive, encouragement fend those
who here printers'. labor. 'Miele are
some departments! Inprinting In
Which, perhaps, It Wouhrtiat be well
for women to assist. In morning
newspapers,where the work is thrown
mainly into the middle of the night,
and is . accompanied by the' unpleas
ant necisialty of being .away trom_
home at unwelcome hours, we do not
think it would be an.ifiletultage for
women to 'be employed. Still, it
might be done. We trust to see a
thorough trial made,--X.: Y. Tribune;
817151111124 IC AND Sicanow Lit. Haw Yank.
By Matthew Hale Hinith., Illuatzatod:
724 pp. Hartfard,''Conti: Barr
at Co. 1888.
It Is not always that we tan commend
our readers to purchase. books of roil
value evon, for thew? Army. bo prosy,
though full of important Sias, as .tio'lle"
&rover unread on tbeir shelve,. But ht.
the book whose title we quote ' above,
the Judicious and onWrKlalull
,Ing hottO of J. .131 Burr it Co.,' who
know bow to cater to Abe Want! Of Br:
public . ; tke . people have:something
once very. valuable and readable.. Who:
over to read willnot per-.
inanently,litylt aside ttll he 'has 'gen°
over ever y' line Of Be' altiOty-ttr ‘ . O ehap 7
teqr;,end be en act but feel that lie la
more * than paid' foi 0;e - cent:of 1119tosilt
several fifties over, In thovaluable acts,
*spier Wades* -ife.:,.wine-whirh"
br4 is plied... know
New York far beitei Alai, Abe - n4riti
at heY tiLißieiltlientii'!Enit to know, New
Top la all her aspeoeih.
hod „low 'Mk 101 1 41111101 111 0 11 Ittrdit
ltrw!pttuithm *at
boo- minims Ida) abbses,tr:redly• It
*mows in tt. 4dixas.:44o l wimp 4 tlt
kiiicror ?bout 41 ,14 0 0 8 yr, ctir
ow /dive ot irbou iniaitit ibr
New l'et'klr ioithiercia
center of diaries; but a iedeottataf all
theitiitmland bid lti e the beidt
era will be hiteeeided in the following
excerpts' bait thebotsk," width they will
jai to satisfied withoutposseesdng:
eutsiati itarseximirr. , • •:
iitravelinfg, flailed the night with
a .liaanbar. nuatOurt, al„a. O on
ettutitge was a tower 'of, attettlNN.• Se.
badlands his fortune and wee proud .or
It He said he coedit retire from big
*for, -if a: fortune ler
blitielf to speed. and settle maim hie
wife and children. • Ile .was very me
cell*, bat very severe. He was ao
counted one of the 'broadest Merelanti
In 4 ,0 4 1 7 , •,.- I ?" l . lollad *' tsidor
.ward debtors'. In the day et bitt prosper,
ity, he was celebrated ibr. dennuelitoo
full tale of 'brick, and.• the „fan licutud of
• A few months after,l : Pasused the,
night with him ho became benkrupt•—,
Hie wealth - nod 14 a day. He bad failed
to settle "die 'fortune on his 'wins and
children, and they were'Perilesii. *He
*wee'lirestest lavishly, and wasemninarily
ejected tram' the institotioes over
which be presided. lid cosnphilueilitit.
Maly of tbs. ingnaltude of the men wigs
&haat, got down on their iluteee,io
ihvors at him when he was prosperous,
end who spurned and reviled.hitumbete,
be fell.' If in•the day of his prosperity
he hail been kinder and less exacting, he
might have found friends in the day of
his adversity.
TWO 1411.1.11PE1L5.
A noted sportsman, taking abuser at
oneof our clubs, exhibited 'a dlaMond
ring of great beauty and apparent value
tin his 'finger. A gentleman present
had a groat passion fOrdhunonds. After
dinner, - the parties met in the epee.—
After much bantering .the owner con
sented to barter the ring few the rum of
six hundred dollars. As the Myer-brit
the room a suppreised tittering struck
his ear. lie concluded that the former
owner had sold both the ring and the
pnichaser. lie said nothing, but called
the next day upon a jeweler, where he
learned that the diamond was paste, and
the ring worth about twenty-five dol
lars. Ile examined some real diamond!,
and found one closely resembling
the paste in his own ring. He hired the
diamond fora few days, pledged twelve
hundred dollars, the price of It, and
gave a hundred dollars for its use. Be
*gat to another jeweler, had the pule
mutated, and the real diamond wt. Ills
churns; knowing how he had been liu
posed 'imon, impatiently waited for his
appearance the next night. 'To their as
tonLahment.they found him in.high glee.
110 flourished hie ring, boasted of ,his
bargain, and said if any gentleman pies
eat had a twelve hundred dollar ring to
sell for six hundred dollars, ho knew Of
a purchaser. When ho was told that
the ring was pasta, and-. that -he had
boon cheated, he laughed at their folly.
Beta' were freely offered that the ring
dld- not contain a mar titafnond. Two
men bet a thousand dollars (itch.' Two
bet Ave hundred dollars. AU were ta
ken; umpires were chosen.. The money
and the ring were put into their hands.
They went to a first-class jeweler, - who
applied all' the tests; and who said 'the
stone was 'a:diamond of the first water,
and was worth, without the setting,
twelve hundred dollars. The buyer put
the throe thousand dollen' which be had
won quietly in his pocket. lie carried•
the diamond -back arid recalled his
twelve hundred dollars, and scith. his
paste ring on his fingers went to his
club. Tho man who sold the ring was
'waiting for him. lle wanted to get the
ring back; ho attenipted. to - turn the
whole thing Into a joke. lie sold the
ring, -lie said, for fun; he inew it was a
real dhimond all the, time. lie navoil,
Were false jewels. lie could tell a rod
diamond anywhere by a peculiar light.
lie would not be so mean as to cheat an
old friend. lie knew' his friend would
let hint , have tho ring, again. But. his
friend eisstubborn--said that the seller
-thought it was paste, and: Intended to
defraud hint. At length, on the pay
ment of eight tundred dollars, the ring
was restored. All parties came to the
emiclusion,'Wh the whole affair came
out, that when and cuts diamond
again, some one loss sharp will be se
Ono night en officer, in citizen's
clothes, was walking , on the Dattery.-- .
MS attention was (Dictated to a man
walking back and forth on tho old sea
wall. Ills appearance indicated great
sorrow and desperation. Tho officer
thought ho intended suichl6: lie wont
up to the man, touched. him. lightly on
the shoulder, and in a kind tone maid,
"Not to-night ;-not now. The water is
cold. You innst not leave your with
and children.' Don't iako that gteatleap
in the dark. Don't dO it to-night."—
Aroused as If from a reverie, in angry
tones the man demanded of the °dial',
"Who are your In an instant they
rocognized each other. The suicide ex
claimed, "Good Dal! is It - you? How
crone' you hero? How did you know
what I intended to dor lot us go and
sit down. You shall know why I pro
pose to throir away ri -life that is inot
worth keeping. lam daily in hell. I
can endure my tortures no longer. I
determined to.night to seek rust beneath
tho quiet watery: You shall hoar my
tato and judge for yoursolf."
Seated on a bench by the side of the
officer, the young man told his griefs.
Ho said, "I came from my mountain
home in Now Englandoo Hock my for
tune in this city. Hy mother's prayers
ind blessing. followed me. I resolved
to do no dishonor to those who lOyed tno
Sad looked for' oy suoksis. I entered a
largo mercantile store, and for a tittieslld
the medal Work.. I was industrious
and ainidtious, and resolved to rise,
did ehoerfally and faithfully what was
allotted to me. My advance was; slow
at first. I gained' the confidence Or my
employers, and hayerlseh to the Peal;
Lion of confidential clerk. I matried,s
noble4tearted girt, whom I love hotter'
than life, and foratime all things went
well with Me.. : . . •
One day, while at thestore,.l reeeived
a letter written in a fine delicate - hand,
asking for a loan Of money for a short
Mite. The writeviegretted thatiieciaml
ty which made it needful fir her to ask
the'loan, but 'alio was-"greatly reduced,
hailmone3 to Pan and eouldnet 'escape
from her present difficulty. unleiti her
'friends' (underscoring the word fine' ads)
would flotui: her a small sum; it& fifty
dollars; for a shott time. The tenet ivist
algnpobyn tome nnkown to ins'' The
letter, hanue.i, ta . k.lsoatiojaraiseectliinsl of
ndne,. and threatened an exilnouiro ;an
ima the money. Mai efegties: . pu,
I found the nom= to be:oneof
thawe culd-bloodedand heartless Wretch
*ha shourid in -Nen
Who: live
I Ort illackmalL She notorious
won' n, and passed sometitucal under'
one itune.autl, wentethruse
cr. I had seen her once, in company
arithaomo tutsoclates,bdilhat wait many
Taint agO. She kept aMt of all liertie
quaintanees; 'even of their* whe were
casually intreduced. My, name fa ,od
that SM. Slaty the fatal 'multi I saw
her, her eye hasiuMeibeins off.lMtu me.
/Me could aftqd toynitt.' Sbehaawateh
.o•l my rlse, and when filer° not!iellase;
basi ll ,oo4.l 6 r7'.int inei, under,. the ape. ,
doualpt,otn - i
• t Tbe indications are for an early op-
eirilf Spring.. Keep backthe molt
of dw orel tbe anoar atthe
41 32,111034211MTURZL.
jl. l 9 o jiOr j. -E rMI.
klAfi ,
Atka Ibis,
- r
• ,• ."- 151 : • /
.CiMrBT - 4 41 TPW IN't
1!. t, • . f
---the'A'..'...11:67:4;t0:8"1rriti.7"168.1"%wr1vie714)455a:411.7774.:11"6::1117.71'1711•1 771:-;,'
Dr„ . . 14,
.. : 4l' . 1. LS,: 4 1 ,;44_,i O 4" l'
A rnumil • • • ,age ,••• , 'L ,til; 1
APPI 4II- ' • ,!!7,100 . mr..,: ,:ili -..,
tiarr Uatt ti otL 411=4 .— "Irr
~•lik 'ra
Borrow= , ilrad....„ N .'i - " ''''' C I,
i s i tta24 4 lismalik . , i s: W*4
1 1 n u11 1 9 1 1 :4404 ,. a t . ,.. : tomm ••• ~ • , • •
. Vewlhg :. , 1418 • 141) . / .1
l •=4 . W
• i
b N : lo g gri 11/20;4.. ''
."Wllll4 a1:.',i51310•• 1 I,V
' DsTid- o ll4i '''''.llll)ll7
Cl'koCn , m4 Vsklp.,,l 72Cou on 1 14 , 5t , v11 7, • •••• i
mw 4440„ :
2‘.50„, •
~, •
•C itg . thi nr, s 4 •. ; 4F 2 5.0 . !
1.), ;,::
Jig 42 '
Af . c . ) . !oneri, .44 106 -: : '- •
fto, 400.00 ,
Sher; AWkitt. _ALIO
: j W ik 1 ii i
= . ..r i i d u
Pby'Vnl kW/ kw, SIM -.— •
Opszvorpor outof MAW
' Ohl& tp. 1, Directors', - _ ._._ _
Ana on guar awe; , -to OU 39n . 51
; Cor n e r 's
/nir t Wpay, 27.00
vituaßtes Ams. , .24.50 . r•
, co Expe urt assi umwe 4examlastkault amwmass; Med . ~ s 4 l
Docketa,dupll MAW IligAr„ ;" 1 •
• Pub: rees l . ax a, 1015.60
Adverllldllll 0104' 106.60
RM. onkel & i01 101 n!, 332 " 3
l e
Fuel tna '.f 312 • 71 00.2 i
Polll4olnciLitatosi rent ' 2= 440 , : 1 7 1E421
Anualil 1 isirrhXi Om! lird. ... : 88714271
*lllOll 11,. Trea4uareir. In
To will Bal. from tbrmer Tr0m5..111117111.72
-Hoed' from tuusoosled '
• ,Lands prior to 1881, . • . 198.93
From 11col'n. foams prior to 1888 .5/387.88
Taxes payed Wiwi AuglS
ug 1, 48038 . 2 °
COl's fOr " the . tuo . 117 5 811.0 1 7 1
Front .1 8 Int ell filalf, nos Air 18880 221.28
" Redempt'n of mulled binds, • 278.88
Poll tom from sundry roUretwlly 86415
Wholoi Levy of
linos; (Or 18 68
, .
i.• • - 175170.22
tteit , to bed ha TY. •
'Be ver
• . .
Jannal - yr Ist, 18 98
To outatand'g we:nulls
r bonds •. •• 46713.35
"To Itdµaoo .18687.14.
I. . ,
. , . . .Dannemeist Caltreteri‘ tor Time"! privarlto Isle t;
cora.. ~.., ii Tree . ~,
J..licelgue .Itor. t . 1800]. ,IF 84.00 rut. Baker Industry tp. 1967
.1. Darling N. ie Imo ' . 196.16 A.:ld'lstin I.l.Bril'nbor.lBB7.
3. IloltWay Darl'gton b0r,1809 , 15.44 ~ •
Amount carried over, • : I mks°
'Given under our hand and seal of °Mee at litover, tILb Mth day of January,
A. ID. 1130 g: - .
Airriiirr :
grj4;' .T. 11301. EAKIN;
. Clerk:
. . 4
• :, . : • . .
i I. pi * * -1 ' 1 r iii .."-' :-.44--ifif : .
;4 ripl3 4 I' M lig d tg.'. elisi -orfav i aelvli
--. 3 adirq Op - C . l A r - 5 2,35....V.24,• 1 .
1 02 4 0 60 1. 1 cqg ispl,'4l.rllool 4m e.? 4 ' l '
111111,01,19-111 ir*dlf2ggE34lll,
...'- o .1. - . 4 4 14 1 r. I it'•,p,a 1, "za1:5. 4 ti
g i g . _ si s_t...2.ll.______ _ 1
44 . -AAVvOI24II - t -5 1412 XtEigl
tlEMeni l i gi l Mt
a ••I-as
S rs SSG..G 6
R ,- 11 • v. ^r
88912 8 8_
_... a
41.4nqP 0 I
;01 lUipeFat . , SST 2
wi :83.13
42 mut mp;
Bl3 ie=
1 13 r e. ,
iztpmg.ssmsazztrale=#avas=su 2 ssgsgalcar.Oi
".2 8
•?...6 ..
s. P.P.
:: : i " . 4•.•
e6 4 111g .
Ta"*.o: l .
• e=11;g1;7 8 -..ego -2 4intal
I. lotHiittili l 1 4.1 :PL 1 112601; 1 =
, t ektl , eet , allayff • 18.14Wi1'bg2=15111 ,5 5
EA4apidA4AgrZi4oopaxi.4 Azg2Z
2 •
1 .
, .
paints Singleton. EA., Register; le account., or Collateral Inheritance TAX With the
Dr.F Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, tor the year eliding December lit, ABOB. Cr.
1807, Dee. 11, To (jot . Inh;taz on 1 - 10E14 .111110 17, by State Trea'a rocs s29o 00
a D un h a m , . o statei .$,OO 00 1800, Jan. 11 " " "', " 01 57
1800; Apr. 20, do J„, tivetay'a do 268 00 ' " "20 eomia'n on $370 08
" lane 20, do EC. Grator's do _32 83 - at 5 per,cent, is iio
" Aug.l2,do Zdarg i 't. Seawright's 9 •
1 24 ..
.07 . ~‘ • • ' ' 0
i ' Vl7O 07
State of Pennsyhtinia, Beaver (. bon. NS 1 The undersigned, having
been appointed by the Court of (kmunon Pleas, for said County to audit
and examine the memintsi le., of the Register, hereby certi fy ,e
that the
above Statement is coned to the heist of his knowledge and be lief
Eiceipts and
By the Directors orate Puer And nu
Yeam 0
•• • . —r
Dr: RECO:PM: ,
Delano, In Traumsy iroLi. laD, Var.,45
at rood from county treaenry, 7M.00
•' pension Ella. Downs, 142.00
". fur rile ocnvoil etc.
. 40.00
1 ? . ' iM01.45,
We. 31,'08, to bal'egto treaaVy. X 6158
Quilt pd supportirgenepatmr 1
en, $2825.10
," " -L' outdoo .. 4.00
" ftuteral and medl _
ml attend= , '
snore, on outdoors Paupers, . .
Temporary relief , ont, door paup's 147.25
Removal of prop* and pada,- • ' 31.Cei
Justiees• and cons los' fees, 113.04
Payment on Far . 200.00
Shoes,elotha,Mos A clothing, L 405 &I
Cash pi groceries, o. ote, 670 95
" ) unbind expense catching 1 I
the fuel flat,xi 338 90
Cash for insurance n buildings, 53 50
•• Pub. rect's ,S. e 'no in Argue, 3800
Local, 35 00
" Subscription :I yin to Argus,.4 00
" Lumber and seating, .. 92
" Ferriage and thrashing, , .47 211
" Salt and *alma, , • ' 26 15
" llaskets and ,bropyy
' • . 2545
• ,• '• t ,
'Amount carried-forward,' '
JOU barighei; j
- •
Dr.. • . Ci. .
to pit( during th! yr. *.101.46
.1 .18138. an..t0t; to biol . once Ott Per ' : .1.1a1 B"r o 10 111 .1 . . "Pe V 4 PYer 4 1 1 1 0 tuts. . • 510.00
• settlement th is dote 11191.40 1 . • •
lilay 4. Div. tat Dud 6
2t10.00 • • ,
Dm I lit 41, la " ACLOO
Dec, 31 Int. on bond _ of Di. 7.
' Kennedy • .
I*.sv Lit C.;rrerv; tit ' • " • • . • •,, • .
.) We the unde rsigned ' Anditori of Beiver.Coesty :Mi l herein , certitir that we have
ez i n g ne d t h e A c e n ests of iteeeipts and Fapenditlne of the Directors of ;the river
and 110 m ior Empinfrintla sumtarnti pr J. paughey, Asq l „ Treasnrer,or Beaver
Adideuiyitteceipts snd • Dirhutzetae ta- for , same. for. the year 1868. and fled' them
eorreet-as they stand sated. • In witness ydketv•lf,,ani la're yreuiato set' Mir Minds
this 161•11 'toy of January. A. D, PM. ; , • .• ' . • - •• .!•.
•"-•. . • • .
,•,• • ; . .j.T.MeMuzinc• "•
Ct. Snamxon; •
WILL'S , " Trios's* '
"County , Auditors..
------- --- 7 .1 I . _, • ~. !. '
' A Din t surrmAT‘ij Nepontici. AlblatiOtrult*O . -Nsdoo-lottititotta.
4. ten 0 odoligVatitlat ttpcos' OW "dote . ' •of A-4,11401,2.17_11414!„Utt;t0tt0t of imanset Inca.
Ammo Wit*l i p, Doom cos
Loots P.Otitie I,lstionifche•tellicallikesel« ,' ' 1 a I "' -• • , it t.r il ; O l t
biting !Nab graitait la go tootertgo?kalt pot 1 1 =h=
. Pootoa to the itodo ...
to sad snow ate
tam botollid to#4'cootte otoVisolotd Otto* to irtc.issiedias. piairma. sad thooThWool
ironalidlitO' porn* * doisii lunteilialaii tliftstromallomememej.., :
k viisaiktii Nisi iiiatiiiiidgiligin te tba "law it 7,;".. , . ft, .ItVrikra&..
! .•t i , ' ertMAJUN mina. ~.._•,._•• -;;, I, A , • •
, -.• t 14E * , 4,1; 1.191,1 ma sada rAl i ritl i f i X r a
' Jaam .
ht - .` l4 ' . ' i! '''./,' 1 ; 1 • ' Ill t °01,4 • 41 , -•-• • ..i:•: , ;MI ".t f 4 .I
fOr•if baol Iberaqk
1111041kDp tUNI,
annorrinL j
juirome thi: lo6 .34 27 ,
; J
7, 1
,303240 . 11111r iaix ;
• 1111014.111,W , ,•!;,
,1174=WiterwWilson,, 85.00,:!•
: , •
Colinidiene rink, 10.00,
ease bailor eeliesdnirnsd ' •
VIM , ••• ••
=fit L LEM .11101101• • ,
=O , =N D •: 1 ".,
';'1111;10 "
and i1it5286.17
MoWlEiwtoort...2l4us 1747.18
Nonselitedorup'i.iinn'ts 47.13
Ear D ÜbETT,lnan'y ••-• • • -
WV* hansted Div • Row tan
101011 1 11 -
. portotinialiel 10 .1 'I.:. 2G.3
16011 *Obi
suppOttorpal -
L ,
ji lds a nti . wififfi . broil,.. .LO O O. •
Dinanal I=llW ' " /11.410 'lt4e.tEE'
Pindtsn'ry,proviewt:med-•• • " •
know, tli'dlbr couriers , .r 80.80
Justlose Seek swearing „
LEsti'd sciatica:Wit:tn. 5.9:1 • '
Taxes,•Lost Oo eareyn 9418fflil ' •
Moon and Exists ; •
en land ao/dinitribr. Wm.
Errors In aweignients, 242 EKE =nub
Amt warrants Lamed up" • "
to Jan.' Ist, MOIL -• • • • 4511117.118
Pd fox scalps, pr Tress' reel ; 10.50
Rosd claws, " ! TAO
State tax on tuns stoeits, as per •
State Tritium's receipt.. . Lao
' 55872.77
Excess nett receipts, ' 1582821
with Bearer Ca., tbrthe
amt paid general warrants, $54823.00
lb: maim • , 70:50
. " " road Mews ,„ , 200
Redemp. Lands . • 217.40
JIM Whit/min far Co. Institute; ' 78.50
flisbe on coot of di:Meeks levy •'4161.23
Abatmormaidlowed tam'paYerei.; 21401.90
Roamers's all'd ool's of sall. 1808,... 304.00
Unp'd militia lines of 1808 , . 9260
Corn' all'd col's of militia nes'ill 40.02
Tress, cow. on $71482.50 ig ;
per cent. Reed ; • 1420.05'
Treas. corn. Paid 5700.47 Q 1 ,2
percent. 1115,21
To balance in band of Treas. 14017.86
Atm* Ateoutat..
By balance In handoofTreasurersl4 ol7 . B6
Due from Collett'', prior to 1101; 936.77
" " " for 113611 8794.31
. . flues 1863. V 2.50
On uns'd Lands at clop° of MR, .Z 4.77
ss zssuacznemstsuloso
a4B333esmotcusgsv A
Co!Weirs! Ltherliawee \Taz.
Expei - idiHtures.
Employment of . Bearer County for the
1862. . , . .
Amount brought forward, i 5227.27
Cash pd for weit , and rye, .. X 7 10
" Beef and pork,. 83 II
" Hardware, tinware, etc, 21 10
" Collins, -
." Leather 7 MI, drugs 565,
~; 1297
" Seed potatoes and onions, 680
" Stoves and fixtures' Ebb, etc,. - 18 40
" Hedge/LIU and blan)ets, 1975
" Plow, plow paints hardware; 1075 I
", Now 2-horse wagon complete. 116 AO
" Pump and irons for same, 2025
." Wool 11 90, tax Findley lot Sr, 12 19
' - . Masons and carpenters, -•= CO
" Hmithing, 25 60; fruit $2, • 760.
" Labor ezelualreof regular htbi. 25195
" Freights and MIN , 90 4.5
". Sea-grail See,' • • 013
" Mel, hirey tegtder,bitnd, • 375 70
" - Female hire. " ' ' tat 00
", Diree'r Id' Ilantuny,extrusarr'is 80 00
. . ~ Gibson, '' " 57 00
. " . Potter, 1 " " ' 29 00
. H like, Esq, Trea'm salary, 40 00
" J S Elliott, Physician's " 22500
" Wm: Shrodes, steward, " 700 00
•To balance, ' ' - NG 28
ia= V
Amoinat uritk beater Academy
, • ,
3*TEW,~~ - '~,~
, .
P• 11 41.11 •1
0 4 1 01111111011:4 1 ":
NZ" aminromelierfal.
t 't
'"3;'110 rir
1 Dffitß W.
oP .11111t78, , VICI ithiONO
' Lange , MAVIS. ClThlai2Jg l l
• - PAPER ' " " •
' • 111313LIN:' '•-. •
Moo :a vol imminiat of,
- • •
giNi_ Wit oottlandoa - •at "'''l'oo'p of
pa moor old Wo_pabalt moral. _Goods sot
10M111,1myrritiweatipeoram .
' : 13/1311MMIRKIL "Lim.
Ed Street, °peel* tbe 7:t. P. • Walser,
_ _
wAix, rikrza,
T: a larva sad ebordost stork of Wad raper,
U 11dam Copal).
• litr a. ssihoitilent of Illieterimpin, ke, Wool
and tel Boots, esastastly Mei rllbl
• '
gift. 'el Suitable for the Hilo
, .15279.22
diassissistse satiety el Pain tJan.IPP O I. Lima
Poodle, Gold smid Mad Piss, ssi sod OW Birds,
• Ids en die sislseli, AVM for theciael
. 76•01 or• Geist Posy
K this Cowart *boos otaktag a good Gold Na,
would do well to No there bs*we
IN aro IM Pond I/weft County - ast t Meta
Photograph Yacht • Cseliticato. 'll* Wisdom
at 0101 Is rollat to Mo. as .ous
eas ilstialmapt this - iturCoolosst ma they would
gas from the Pablloiar. Matters School O.a
ansioast . fresillo atiralgishaso•
. Yaw
/ ataatusa2g au!' luad ral i bll Cloth la
WV veld.
JAattm WAttxtswit.
WILLIAM -air INti,
- 00D11111MdOLIDDI
7" . " re.__ZZ"
#8294 45
Lam.: A . N P !MY,I3
WINDOW f4.11(A1) z
oik bud To • and Tarija4oods saliable far tbs
• ,
!rliej, New Brighton'
Farrel! &
Lead Pipe Sheet k Bar Lead
Pig Lead, Iron Pipe, glibber Anse. Stem
Gunge*, Whistki Iron
Copper Sinks anti !lath Tuba,
' Steam Pump*, Farm
Pumps and Force
and Mil devaiptiou of goods fur
Water, ••• Gas and Steam,
Pittsburgh, Pi.
DiAVEIt ACADIt3I.—The •Iteeter
23 dewy by been re,yeued by
S:•Prctldeai of Llerolu Val nagt y. karma as
eacceealla educator of the a$ the bald. The
out two torewasect, IX V,
• Bindings or both sexes. may Den ham thor
oughly, tbe Osumi' echoed Come; ander strict
discipline. Should adequate dames apply, In
struction will be given in most parts of tbe CAP
'gritty mane. Composition, clacutloa. Mamie
sad utronomy. lbs llebrem Greek and Lida
Liuignages logic midi pldlosoptiy, natural men
, -
tad mid or its 4 4011111124 !mot by Ula
W. purpose tow Winton's Spelled' and Mead
era ; Mitchell's Osiomilmat with Peiton's outline
WapsAircenlears NathrmaMmil Bain and Bat
lionh Groomers. Fee addltionel
please address J. W. )IA 71x.
Hog lid. &mar, Beaver County. Pa.
n nt asik-A. lead*, easter& paw sneaks se
Follow.' of d u m i s s altereka °mut : There
agt , Lag so , so' beaattbil, eo stmt.
lag ea ear.: , sad lag that we beard _for
&any years cow ea seer the petfectlos of-sweat
PIM& es the Norval Omen. made by ilbeeluve
£ Co.. blew Naves t'one. This lastrixtest
the wow Vol Umtata Mop, which b eneh .d dl
lilyto- the old apes r
am to anhenee their worth
kid. Thha atop by a fen. a trill
like into the warbling of tbe whole leathered
tribe. Waggon with the bellowing hitersenewe
so detzteeentel te triad bietramente. The rotas*
of mule It Lades forth le powerfal. riekand fall
of Welded IlleledY. sock I. .anima e the wows
end latextealas the ear. No perms would think
of wearies" where • performer wee towebiag the
part trio ortbs Norsk& •
Thews nowt extant inetronstaie are for sale
only by tha egrets. ,
suossns. mins, a co
ZS Fifth Aventie
Al.*. grate fur Ile esieticated 101.ARSCIII.LL
°OIS .
We date lad' opened It r lrget sad :Sant
Hopse-Fundsblog and Fancy
01,4 caned In Ms city. ioroprisias a fa.l llos or
Silver Nara Ciliary.
Japasaml Wars,
Wood's sat Willow Warta
Ibutditeresilet, Wore sad
Work Bons. •
. Richly Inlaid Writing
and gores. Mods. ot
Wooden, Ms owl has Toys, Übbby pones,
Vieda, Uarruwa. itc.
Call • sad mains ass stock se nossikessers •
ID 6t► Alves Re. liD.l wit
L awry 01*. .mare , awl grimes 011,
J. P. 111111T111 &
Ilanufectureni ant Wholemle • Dealers
Trutt Jars Sad Veldt Wli b casasetlaa with
Lumps. Cbandellns. Ole/aware sod Carlow 011
Inds. WilialgUkre
_sad Plawnsa's Self
Sealers ustau. O. K. sad Cart Glass Jam Hoek.
wnUll sad Tim of th e very beet to dis
bolessle sad ratan. 17000posada IL. AIM
Fran Was set rseelvid, please "call beton par.
J. P. SIME a co.,
187 t y Rt., Pithburpi, Pr.
Clio% IR Runs
totafy:Piiblic." ConyeruOir
and Insurance /Went.
. . , .
, 'Deeds o ils reement* written. 04, adraoil•
bus orialisimmoll tatAga4 Ihrsto ,
al Oro
lag the M. ° Z u g 1=1:- .
wawa', lb nuiele , ll4M , l4lta, Nibs ON wits
poridei c ar - alai Miss 111
Abp. tar dm .Ateline Lite' 'of ini
dim Masseseb - Pr4 l M;a nil bik sal Mr
sispl, Zrieadr ur.••. ..4 .
ir i gral Irk& PPIONIIOIIIIOI2I4
/0.411 .;jklp .A3i1 . 11
1W1111 1 11 1111111 " 111.141W S
I ":
. ,
,4il: vi.t i ;? - iiell 0 . 4 ••_ , 4,.•••111 , 'Elf 4 1• ,$l.•
ii i
. 01...4', • ••••• A 11• 1 1•0 V-1 1 " ,. • 1 ,f•• ", •,• 1
J- , , - 4B . IP •
UZif Si
t.; •,.. k
P. , i
Beaver,." ) :
P ' : • , -
,„„,..„i :,;, .:.::„., i... ~.; . 1: ~ I
, . ..,,,..-;.;,,.., ...;
tilar n..l.l....aii,*iskiat et „
SHAW" '01,:470r15.
• •
;••,.:., 11 . , Inimmeeto
•• ;AO ft IA: ,
• " YEFIr • 011 UP. - "
cit !1,-1/ :•
IlladiCkaiiistbrpos Catia.lllllofrioft
Clitedai Moder *Hu iiidespOpess llar
- • "ltanrilliCtoM4l6."' • ‘,
, , • •am Genoa Mow. .
•' • • .;Illogrer • I '
*oo* hinge' Cloaks. isplay.)lla, 10, 4114.
, • • • .‘i 'very 'iv, videty.) 1
• DONN - • crrie. • .
/pedal Watt.* paid to WV GLIOIII,
Babsoitd and, E4lunless Skirts,
hubsdlett thir Tory atillab '
-New Felt *4kirtm.
Yawl*. oriii•Yel...ic; as.
of SYITY .6tiKriptiO!,
Wise Underwear. Nene flidtle, WAIN" and
VAL Bounds, Inoue", M.
Thum, Volute. Trearm.
WU. le.,
. .
pray Ow lir lined was orusursory Geod:
ziarzirixtivii=glea.. ! pie (IT
'gibbous. 111bilsous, lltbbolU.
• larriotott. 1
. .
1 .
Invite over eised• sad ths pub& to cell sad
sa we ullas cur Pow 'gadget
New le the Ise to bey deep. Dw•t twist the
ewe. . ,
Bastar. Pa.
Now I. the time to get your Nolids; Preerstae4
woeful utteks elresp, .
Puplbis worth Sk worth 4Ds.
Amoral for rd, worth ryie.
Cloaking Cloths for 119 73, worth 15 5-. a.
Shawls worth [Se .
'mirth $lO.
Velveteens or P GO. worth SI la
Blanket. lot 154 50, worth $3 50.
11414 Flannel '4 or Ste, worth 40c.
44 Noslins for 15)4c. worth
Table Linens:l4 spktocTowelaited Spreads.
Cambric Ilandkerchlefs.lleva stitched
Handkerchiefs. Evening Dress 5115 r, Black
and colored
Call BOON. Stock all new and beet la city to
No. Oa NIX til's:l - reel.
(Formerly R. Clair,o sr Liberty.)
Sects •
New Adveramenients.
Make Meagre—The nubile are retpertrully In
'lied tonal at the Foundry of tiro rut denusued
In Bridgewater. Bearer county. and examine
the Unmeant! brat wratoted.lot of Cooking. Par
lor and liartlaelltores la the County. We sell
them low. sod warrest them to be at t we claim
them • . • ,1110. t. CAMPBELL.
Dec. t 1374--41 m.
nay be rood the heet streortmest et
11Q,U012S, WINED
I3randir.l4. -
`"Patutio, 0111 d.
I) i lirlli STUFFS:
In great . 4'arlaty, Wof Oa but quilts. and *old
clusper don can be Nought at any olber
Drag Stun In the
• malty.
ilupopro's Tesual. KILL 15 teitta per box;
llx•elnan'a. $1: Mat's. 11.
LAMM a LAWP Tha Larrl Tlt Inle t i llirtift, a LA lP YlTKinfu t
Oar offend outside of tbs city. at Yodel Deng
Sham and sold cheaper than am be Id say
grime Om. •
Let thou who doubt Oda can and are and they
lOU doubt so n:10114 • . • I
.mad "00 IP Alagnill 10
ir -Wm
s es
iy • pm afg a lth
%sc.= 7 ,
eAtiv4 o l l wl.llllliffilaa
1141.i.EILIEVIIL, • • •
go l eAt e nr‘r i rg l lll6
V a , '•' ' as at vra • 4 11 11,
rionsuairaar. •••
pumuma maus - 4
4 0
Witogibinirl and Itaeork
- tykistfMti°'
' TOILET ARM • • -
• CD" PAX ~
4 all
tilAiVink 6IMMMI'4
11 .and 1 Winter Goons,.
1, /
~, ROCHitaTIO4‘PESr:
358 1 L 7 6 °C ) DS
1 of wily
.. . ~ . N.
Ipliiiii 'twilit seasortaseuatiand the.
Cheapen& in PeilWer - , .
C0,up,47 . , , r; . .
Ladies Zephyrkm Maxis,
• • • Fun Good's at less Ibis eait
rt ',Ail is: ~/tri:tii.4
AitkIZZIF - 1
Mt Ulna st cost
Country .- • :Flan nelM,
all l i la*tea o b suniallietaile pate r : am
at Um than cost:
Men's 'Underwear
a lux. k 4 at amt.
HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ike,. tie.,
Mil early to wean borgolos Ord irtr booed
to ..0 Or odivertlood. lituptir rtaktag sod
Moats, Stitt:bloc dam to Order. • . • ; •
Iro trouble to •sliow.Gxds.
by imors
** bew tli• phial, ro od "beaterly a:copied
Nebo Rossabor. .
" '
THA 11 Ail 0 . ,2 p..
hare waved Ji eardess of WATT
ONAIX *nosily at IkiaggeWer.
N oV eimmai Or am" UsWare.
S. B. Ikal
Itl WIKgLY lIWY.IVINO A YRk'SII 6t1.1.1.7
nrrY (1.1 ()cons.
Steubenville White Woolen
'Blankets, Army Blankets, antd
ley's Barred Flannels, literin,..
Alpacas, Delaitas,
Plaids, Mewled, •
Drown and gold- •
mixed water
Chinchilla Cloths,
Woolen Shawls, Brown
uud bleached 3lnslins,
Thitings, Prints, Callum
Flannels, llolvery, °loves, llucksla
taittS, he.
Calk., Tess, Hogs/. Molootes.llr6 Ito sliver Dip..
Gulden it.d Common Syrups, Candles. Haw, tivlre
sad Wine Meat.
Hardware, Nails,— Glass,
Done Lorts. Ivor Latebrs. Worm Screw.. Tab!.
rather', 1 able aid Tea Spools., Sleigh Bello. OW
bozo., Pint [Morels ionl Petals, Ifalb aad .
Duelists, Tubs, Mersa, Batter Matsu,' Ladles.
Linseed Oil & White Lead
Boots and Shoes
Rifle. Powder and Shot,
BliiitLug PO - via:der aiiiiFuse
Flour Food a Quornowurr.
II limey goods delivered tree of c burr
fly elms attention to boalnees, and by keeping
constantly ern baud a well saaotlad stank Of tarots
of all lb. different kinds nand: kepi Ins country
sloes, lb toersign bopee ta the future an In
the past emit sail twelve a Illbegs: *ban of Le.
public patronage.
- L•
B , e,aver,Pol., Pa
or unoczius.
110)T11 a slimes,
. • oi.AsswAin,
-rtNwaam, .
•PltUdP, /LC
10 1 11adow clu, all dsn and double eirrntli.
Special litiontiail paid W Alling orders SO
large Aso window iglu., te.
;Pahr•AK.lll4.lolan, &mid, A 7 set la OU
remis me "do won to WI ud mato*
ltp. , Met of PtOofo beton poteloiloo dofobses floor la !hied Sad ie
ir et Ceeetry Peale taki a "
Übe Week Sr. does above IN CO
,W,T= t eele et MN.
a/.07'678 51{
vIXT ndt't
D. M. T4.11.NG11111.