• •Aq t0n9ti5t..41 , ; , ,N . Ic AT' • .:a etQnar 0.4111 tr, .r.~:..~:~rtian " - - .„ JOY. l iOt i f":r7. • - • ••• 3. O.IIN rtWi vol' 4 lVE f:NtE 2 1 ?' lOC •16 • I .1 bilauCtireihi .-t r at ot n - .tniletra , i•i :borg v •onl l l 3 htirsdt the.4tlt silt of FehniatY t l y o r e iiime pig Wets I t i u r r S, h !tate C,01;•• ' &I, • Iloto‘the triesietßarof ,(“ather'*iiproplistiellusibeisa A., . 4 •;1 vetteadloWp (len: I . I '. it • , ~:' L •Tt'utri n t r i n Q. W.ll.liivaer,l•:.,T r , LC" ,MCMPEO. %1.1 11,1 Pi • ,11 IT is reported -from WaShis gas to.johhy Motif* lanhiikel inieoeiXt 1aC1P 2 304 4 .4g 4r " t throUldt ene , ,fill*lb4slitalMlllh - lostemaktebiti*Pi " 1 policy, alitinandeatirliehe.eft the TreipagYaba gparanteelattAti • ' OD DAIDAtiejiDOWOD4DOCIDA I N °POI! UAW dodsetwo.hvieidrei* 400 0 opkdone-thoCtiellow .1510341944ra • alwar lleble lo.theNlllOt*rOW kb' Ataved4Ven laditliftthletilltutFkolgter theaßplicationfor ald praviotal ferea.:‘ Why wig ' l 3eirtd° or Repreientatives persist in enersitt: ; aging, these Sacenlaieta.te,hek any sort of natiellek PORreedlo tthelr srleunm Y .11tOre,4 8 . hetihite* l no wisdom or safetifpeAte PepterY Mthe present olanClitiffieAPilf I exceptAnialhAexil4o. retlttL}l! to loan the Puhlie ete4kif9r. 4P44i'+' ib any direct or .hidireet• P 10 .4 6,-- Pi tt4 , Wr. notice that Senator A. Nt Icy hiretelf, "or'by his hext frrend,” makes in attn . * upon ha from flap/ ilsburg in , the lee .. liaiffetet . Ixicatual todfc'O4,Liiiitin a dela Of ;wilt* iitibUsh ietto utioix 1140 n s'ehniorlat Wor • ' 'Atito:."Out of 'nie4twintY-four.' ;attempt to inks tile c 'finfthlnslotkop, "our' mind iha Mt. Itieholseir'iti author af 4iffeh ' hY' 1 1 0 1 0 exprsir "Thirifigthe last eleh r cans , vf, I. n= 2_ r x r rivi Ag — w " tatiratimtrent ali INte a 'rpm. r 'Ys6fiatortayldrolii6+lona 0 tmonymons efforts.• Mr, cliitholson w 'ay not he eitegethei il!klitilrl with, -* 'the roUr{ie of the Aimee' Millie rapt. I fin Wfttioih t tiritqui ng an ng q . had toit'l [alai "011110 1 ,041(41490.w Withal - NO iihiowd ipoliOnigg to write inch fthif *aline lig pi ta to6a the ItarilsbUrg CoirrPood ellen allied Week's Ead(oßecirteeroing 'the Atiairs Melts editor. " With 'Mr:' ithriaelfAve sire tolitiVeas littiel'conticiversy ~Ig the nesithinpers or eliewheri,ne pgpQi ble.' tie hag not in ht's answer dent-, ed the atithorship of theresoltrtion)e ferred toy tior has he given a gooti reason fdr adoption: Until he does • both Or either of these a farther re ference to subject • Will be' tiseletal and nnnery, Ptitraimmiara negate= naind • Kleckner in theAlottee at Haresirrg . . ' alto appears tcv :want two or. t up- re patting antilnidhartbrthellousefor 145,060,+whieli :tvintereestsB7,o66; and noCetintent with-doing that he • :''tirade aietwoirstattuelt-hirthe Let'is.' inure feit'a day". Igo :upon' •for.offeringit.• • Liu papet o (74MeAtekthruMiseplies,Pd 'tnites•lthe ItepresentatiVe bet Ween 'wind - and water' , luittitmArlso:' Colonel Kieciiiter titi•n Le 'bets of tad House ofti front Philadelphia, on. y• ' in his usual *wile e wi n thmonou ;"Pl Mr. E. it Ranch " caster." Last year When MY. er conceived the Idea of 'intioducing a 'resolution (for buncombe) complimenting the United States Senate for reinstating lion. Edwin M. Stanton as.Secrelary Of War, and not having bruins enough to write it, he culled on "the sante rooster" to do It. Ibr him, and he did. See Legislative Record 1868, page 78., If Cob K., or . Mr.'Strahg, ' or any• other "feller" "of the paste ring want some stories 'told out of school thbr"itoostet " willebeerfully suvommodite them..: : . . Committee' Of Ways and • Mean!, says the .014: ellithiercial; Itairisburare,,MidOrsti;c4 to been gaged cui the. annual;' Mipm E rlatlori l' e"6 .? B * 1 " 1 "'' _ whether ok n'Ot i tla* Include in the bill the,tfeln Of ti : entii:idd thous and dollars JO pay the 4 `twf i litxseven 140094: :041c01:4!° 'WhOm •Caucus, without law, and gi:Aellance of law, smuggled into the ; Ijquse, The law which-stands on theatatutelx)ok says the House shall have, forty-officers, no More. Any over that Hawn, will be there without the shadow of anthorityFthe vlrtudiis Str t . EmstiA ' \V. DANIs' Co tie earitiitri notwlth-1 slandina.2 An diteinO to` ffike out of the Rime Treitatiri% td'OltY •odd thousand dollarit4iint poet.' these ittrOty- • -saVelf iteolYed hangers-4alNlll be an outrage ,that, "tdink"cohilemmt don On the 'heads, of those et It. 'AVheri the liouS. Undertook to make the'l3enate it liarty to: the act increasing the legal nuthber, that body lustantly„ refissed.: Whe.retiOni ta.the House deteimined to.go it aline, tni4 Owedtc reeMittion which they Oka high.- er.theli AI4NeMP, Legislit. tow , NOW •we shilLundt . With: no Iltifelitterest to eery/Nether Modem; ate= be drtyroonafthitO becoming ti iitii0.::#440,4: . 446;pf putting the paywirtheeetwenty seven :supertiu:. .utemrj l eis j 'AititiAnysOPOiot. bttli to the time of - More thin twenty tholiandirdlyrili•l g rnd'iliell jams • ..see.lt the 'Mo t woe, . . han MIR fleeAlate such sthing.. • ' ' I t Pte „ ll , eki V 44l q o Of - the! Aftlixdr weA. gait**, 4 4 1„scwe, threat 9r,./out:•yeimitge. A -friend ittdeateibtiorl Wilma& +that, ohm/ ait*t g / 4 "intat - ,RiPPeilMl.4oo.oo' *10011e:1"w The report fa eiretthttinwtheithe • • ettworesit.the Atteate,hadietnl •V, ibueditheetkiitteeettML, • does thisirbriogimailth riwan T; 7 comPense whAtalier.l, •' a • , .it :fori 111°1 000*4440i10.*41 , t the abovepatatosph oat $*1118,601". • an ' It the greateet, ,nlpideitebrt, of his ehiisepealaitlitied tiver _ _ 'with Agri) porabe • Itiatittears !now that from that day to this no on ever took the , en , --- for in his Rad • • • vY very nearly t, ••. th thing in this "The nee" e ••, • •. • h drola and, Local amaixuat to consol idate- is - Intiorhiet, - Thet Local f 7 . 110 Ia • • br..,ts.:, Mu*, Ao vett =MI e • Pu b' - • • ...rt 117,diluarthia.111mogsaialla4Wo. iternittak the abtuvedellt 4104 01W ibehlailekiad **tellable ismer isl• rthogirth thaitnianfotirvioulkAmli• in hls history, save. urhem•o4ol4 *at ;lade Witill the atilt of ,bilktlrekaft4 , %atira.: WleintagkilitOtklithat'cwheo, legal la alba gave, idaltitlld 41 twaripaacklAthhallaied aith itameakarkviittholkohlioottur? 1 witeuvaletit Witeeiolgunailtbatlitiltigii 1 egratelieso bltie, attars, •and.:,wotoo conielolis q. it. sprt 4.4 rdift • •.' • . tazettir,aegulaexlatgekrdqw • • • t it.Wl ll lll 011103kt.1, I • ,41/1' , :1.%) .4,14 i ,rs , The edit bitheattkiimaased • We llnisilibutiittilenionsakinik -, rm• Ink themcallee ottani Aainnuell • • . • fattirlireditor.wasiißulistglealf • . hettirsiiintQuOthcirighto • ,6. .. .g emi,itadtbatexocki hike WA*? • am long after Mr. Qutiy :taw • round fili old. Oars hi the Mb ...flft • ...Olitienition.;: ••::• .p. I/ .5 iri a [PA RFC: it 2•. • . . ` i t .l -.4114. 1t'..:,..1 -llh WE have the authoritinttbeiltiet blush vonumertibUbr‘dtating P'llstt, quite attutuberffatmoulast9 l o,* tits iheisiarebeemaititlek tttatited eci itotii have. been eaeallutt 'netlike 41 itioa.,licalo.niatiya it. 1 1 4 14 takilngiandloine:amikammuit eAti :Me the ULIMAINIARA4(44IOEI fg-, ettittatiVespi They,infQru*..thMQ 8 ,i0,-, oeptiblejournab3 that:44o4loo qt4:l 411'0ml/cep ete'llowinatul We. .T! ,ew,ttli theaues,44:Legiulatlga t tlik tatetethav be1t:1004144 \at atlaaii WTI ItEhis Itehapty triaktraeu. 1 l'At. P7W , atathiniklUilan.nototittteen. 09t 1 441 Awed* ceartatecto4u4antainme9t. mkt:Makatea kw Wen irauleouktb* papas whielttpet*abouk.bollig We Oda have:)*o)4o4Pd. bYtlttkritqpil, horsA , .. i • .• 0 A. , ~