The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, January 27, 1869, Image 1
.3%1%156 os. li.tireert „ yam t . Arcldteri: Mechanic:lan ap,tl !drew ibir AtU aud Mauutactuna . O ffi ce and Res tten",,litoobe l . r.. I) 31E1411E1N? dealer tu Duolu,Stailoaery. lA, Wall Pitwr, Carpet', Tart, ,Ite. norm oq It steet,Tildewater, Va. • th.c. 12, ,'eta, • G. I, • • . :• • • (Ira Engtneer and %mate% 'Newllllighton. N. Sonroyt. Napa and Profile. made ola *MK uottes. • • t. 41701. r . 1.1 AIS *MON • T . , 1. may at tar, Deaver, Pa. Ohm loathe Na tion Hotel balli.n. Collections, an., promptly attended to. • 1),.. Ma qui t Cuu mg Practicing . Pty.' Itozbftter rs,. Meg IM 0 1:100T , riot of Ankeay'ellotel. Promrtatten tlne:lveta to all relic. . . _ ilearceSeatiww roimNion oriebed September S. isitt. TMa r. and 'meet...rally co Pm( Torlorymil able eeeleteells, °P re .11f,elliaire mar} to tut , ' node., Eauvlbkh and far (*- mom. addre.. T. TitYLOll Pratt T . J. 011.11YD&Mit & NONly rs-rt 4 Ituul►u:rtur. 1'O.• Mkt. lu !know Mallon tor - work war. ranted. Price* modorste. N0t5:4.141a4-41.. r aw l Pa rturrehli, J - • ,•7•„•.1L,-. J. A. H. P. ILIJUN. I '1: .W ,Y I-V . 0114M d K 117131. At/Pricy., it Litr. ' Offe• ?Med garret, Nivel. ME ifisecl7a newts. Industry Pall Ceripmity• 11••I'1'a , TVItElt* AND umaaanoti Tr TABLE& COARSE . SALT, I SOUIVIIIY, IiNAVE It CO., Pit., All pOl up 10 :dud ardor and ninngin.n to • igire sadsfactlon.„. AU orders. proituptly Attended to. a. a. aittothi, llaXl4lllll. L. SLIM. SIC. k TRIAL HOLIDAY ,pAILIENTS. Iteinii;ejtan & Belk No. Ali Bth A.venus, PlatVarga, Pc , . Ms genii* leareasilibras their patrons and the generally that they hassjustopened an Immense stock of Goods, especially InSported for the corning Bolldlys—cornprlsing the &beat and rarest Sherignesa litnega tta Pure 6611=1Y z Groups and Itsatuelten.: es, Tea and Plunet Salts, Mules) boxes, Irenels Clocks in Marble. Bronze and Alabaster CANS, Parise War* In Groups and titetuettee, Silver Plated Ware In rentrarlety,Brais ?Alley Goods. Jewel Bona,' and St!,, Beaded Canes. de., &c. sure.--Our connections with Eastern and Wes -1,1/ Manufactures and onr frequent "lilts to their markets enable us to Dell goods In our line, either who legate or retail at lotterlirlees than say boom weal of New York. Lade •, •1 1 ., 0; . 21110UGAN, =MEI !..'“9.l,,ExuEnorri mfo. rine P=il7 Groceries. Queenswarf, Herdware, V. 4 ILS, WINDOW VLASS, WOOD AND H - ,iLLoir wAitx DAMN; 11. 4 41, FLOUR, BALD, La& COUNTRY PRODUCE .taken in Exchange for Goode. • nairered Free of Chnive in the Unioulocrfsn, Pa., Aug. 19, 18119 MM 7' R r 11 R ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE. CoMPORED PRINCIPALLY 01.7119 ,I,brAtd 1 / I •ANQ from A. '1 1 A. VE LA. CoulAtus throe per caTt. of AMMONIA. . , . An'toeple gniailtlty io give activity (nilhout lujn rJUa th. vegetation. sad a large quantity of sat Bone Phosphate ot Lime, ltwiLer with POTASII mai 6.011 A, tha soatulla tlawasta at a - comre.rra lIANU tut Tho high estintatlOw la which it l hall br uoo tlttouswd laruters who are using 111 u prefer• to other lands, is s surr!guarstitee ut its As, _Price Pt per too. Scud ;rordl pamphlet! kat,. —The Alrs• Vets Guwwo Compsuy, Itt l “.lu ay. Now York N.% Hardware Mott. - 1 , 1 ., Tb •, V.S T ET? R l'f# ryt..rEß r , And although It take* oat to make a liamon rise, Too erl/1 And. Upon Melt their establishment that they don't have to resort to go to snake thole Hood* Ito. To all., see would say, ..t ash ta" and examine nor stock I We tune on hand Ike linest and br.t. . • I, ..•r• . +,.+ ,ir,.lrn• ar •0 • , Vm.ftX7 -- - . P EW II AR DIV ARE -A ''''; il,- CUTLERY, • I'll'i , :v th . S . e i vr i.g. to:it t e . tupened slid Will be ores: LOWEST EASTERN PRICES -V RAI? , f):N: Dh:Pol', No. 337 LtBIRTY EITSZET4 ptrrButly111;111.• . . 1 Is islemwsret *ad .Chiudallers. all i btriesi sod qualllksattba IRON CITY LAMP • aml GLUM WAR . EI/0021N.. Dewlen supplied st wholesale rates: lion- tea Ostlers 4. P. bIIITH As CO : IFlLibertyBl.,Plttsbvgh,PL rem, Bout Tletileo.—Thapablic Ire • IL es notthat that the E rna Itestrtaatt: iitSt4ll the Ohio river at Vanport. t again 'Saint b rer,oter trim and will to the throe, eeatinagt : ,10 .0. The 'Weary:axe at Ito pohlte II respect. tally *aliened E. MINES. a5e.40,1869.--nt ta T 1 U s Att.)tit.4ll: l , l , Miscellaneous. I-11 N - raM ν A STORE NEW: . BRIGIITOt • (11)11,11x1/4-Lu. =1 !WHITE LEAD, Liz,isEin dzL purry, • IiItUSIIES, NAILS o . 91 . 1 A,Ltrif :‘rtsc-eld • 'Cohim, in Qti find. 11)" tai4CiAt Lard OIL 1 I , COACH SOW! VAIIINIA/fs k 7.; COPAL. VARNISH i FURNITURE VARNISH, 'HAMAR VARNISH; SHELLAC AND' ( NA NPAIT.? i 1 I ilkmiles .eoleyt Japan,l 1 i , 1 ARTIST'S MATERIALti, - {I ' 1 !!PICTettE FRAMES, (to °tiler') LooklN 9 (LASSES, Looking Glass Plates; O%A' IVINDOW GLASS, EZDENCH ZINC, ZNdLISH AND GERMAN GLUE, Limb prtry.s, to • Tana. aro - 41111R , Uvetav of' E. W. !lILAILIK & CO, BANKERS, §tiret, Philadelplsin! GEN.F.TAL AGENTS I ; =ZEE Penn yData and ken New Jai Or THE NATIONAL Lim:111MB; . of the Chitea States of Material. .)./ The Natiosal Life Insurance Compnuy la a cor poration chartered by special Act of Orogresa. anproved July O. ISM with s cub tspitel of slawmh tall Toil& Wes onired to Arrests sad Solicitors, who me Wheal to .p si our once. , 2,diltspottestkiLalm. once. egidVilite u, intend story of outt Bosse, where ctrenbirs and pamphids, fully de scrlbinF the sdrantagee offered. by the Company may be hid, NOTIt'IR NEW BAI ERY J. C. WILSON'S OLD STAND, Thu gt., Beaver, Ps JOS: M. REED, • 'Takes otelatevalo tnfem jdsold friend► that be fa ealalobohed tabostscaa at the above staud.vabrta be will be glad to meet and accommodate theto.• FRESH 111 READ, CAKES, • NUTS. Confectionaries of all kinds. NO. 1 FLOUR, made front fall wheat, by tile barrel, sack or at retail. Jan. 7;4NXTIFIAOIIDINATIV. ORAND BALM MIK , m isEnvER, cupid not be more mumisbing, thau„the •fact.tintt SIMON SNITGER & CO IMO keep the best, /argot and fretlest slack of aßocEntEs, FLOCK, PEED,, I in "leaver &tiny. TEAS, • • COFFEE. • SUGARS, • - PURE SPICES; Molasses, Syrups, Alia tbq bpst,baszpis Tbbac,co & Cigars , • to be found in Or" place. We make a 'speCialty of F. - Lau - R.& FEED, SaJScC add faticiiose bat waifs,/ liviown to b/ the sasylaart venous fa was. Out establiab• yokut. - en}oia a avtfessatsttlystatioa le tuts pat• W 4 bp.eqbl l tba nears as to the past to maintain it; WE DEFY COPPETLTIOI4.I Feraliastate the Vita. We are ill at the "914 Staudt' wad ad et 34 L. //erre; 11, - - Om. aid lee um. • • VarnhuLiVcr.r. id,i l . l 4li7. ; ;ittf , tilltet WI - " alto . tit.: Better eounty. Pe.. de sowed, us bow ranted to • the lending hi ttia &rat llttaionlk,'Anedb o n y coM" tyt..ra.tat persona bons say claims ar &Qads srodnetthe estate ot said Ow:adept ere requested to mako known t iler ibs tame to the undantszed at or belbeitbe Va itauleitry wear. and (base I nitebteh Wee% Senn in thanked to wake par neat anode beano that Una or have than lonts *lib ltre. lititiltret Mop to ItesTer,Tbolostrooly to Doeotolorr. - • Olditqp. iILACI4A4Iote: ------,-- ---, Cool, Co61:--Tbi liiidettieahi hiteetei b deliver coed burntair AL to all DMA heeding the esttele. Orden eilll reedit. orolopt atterilloo. A. P. CPXYPiIt. Dee. 9. Mt. . .. -. - -•.--.1m.-2,--, , ,,,, 3 4 4.- - T-7 ,- ; .; • i tr: ;i 0 no —7. nle, 4 Vantitab a ..41f,.. •• r p tigirtv / Of • ' d.• Y•i+51i.L.91.,1,--, •i• • i : , . . . . ~,;......-,. ' ,•... 5. ' ''T. ',I, - ..- • •1 7,. 'I - ' r , i UP b vi . ila u- • 1. :,. -'' 1 .-- .• , -J,•:••:::- . - . -.. ' t 1.i.:.1 hiti'l '.\”:4 - ,71-fl / •,,, t y. ~,,,,,,i , 1 r . 4 !( V.i t i ..- s ,•.. lIMINIIIIP' t „It, .-114.10 ?owl, Atla kirm 0 , 17 ttzt:itAtui riling') I • , -11,1 rt . tw: - 1 , .....,:t4.•:,-.5„,,, t it '''' • ' :. '-" ilain,4 -- r ., - • , 4 - il . , t' , :•.11,1,114, o.4J.ifrt,,il :: n.<; , l ; --, I `,'''' l.l E 1 , , f ifdlffe(j: IZA 11g.i . .:;‘•th '.., - ;, 1 :,!, - , 2 , *:,i: I.:',;iiii ! ;:: ,:l 1 , 1 -Vac facto*teditiksgs,' -;ri s .. .J. ) 1.11; .•;Ai )%tto.Av is, iii__ 1 ; 1 7.4 swum% iiriim Wesier S a I Lipm?' - .to -- - . . ~,, ' .4.0;1 - ,v):: t ioniti 'an, - 4 " " 1 CRIMPER' TIME EVER SOLD 1$ THIS re , ' • ...- COUNTY. 1 (A I.*:/) T019'0(0 i .? " . 1 ' "!. f , :I flgic:47.77ty,ffirpEst !•,:r..'!); • I .1/ ).ttla 1,1. ;• . 2 7:107 1 1 2 .*A r Pc.#K BTOTE se 'iVeltrelZgat°% SpI!!4I,T , Nu. T. Splinidid Seer,Lew *mars Ovia. No. ay SP t. ti Ofet. l o MX titaa rater; Urge wood is4a gr al4 4eT . l49l r a St4 7o:‘,'i :it,. 1, Juno Parlor, can beery " " , • • •., BEATING STOVES So: S.,, very heavy " " " bisnieltid. Grate - Fronts, • au 111, nMI •:zz, to ti t 3 *" „am I _ ll . !: 1! 7 e 9 11; . ' • 4 " 111, " &Pi " 7,1 1, 23q 8.00 Maio Rod, Wldo, 1 - 4:l4ner " ' • l a 14, - " lollhoot. Rod, 32, Plain Rod, • -•", at Box, Without Rod, 1.13 Omit Willi*? MOIL; .. - • I'll' I .7.11 vettkdialuseatia 040446:-o i; .° I ;.:;.. Air Work Warranted. Giro go a Gall. ltEßßlcitiveti;;' • FAILLsirroN voinotv. == IN :F l A:L.L.s e rorr, , , lietteerelliteleite *tutted/ of wry asui too.. etl - Iteeirte waned the carrion et the bait, antentoolete, 1 - us prepared to 'ea. tentativ& Ilona to •gtoo entire eadsteetkee. • I harron band different patterns and DOW of Xa. gins. lire tiny Bolts, inn ste.nreeettedt to =Lim or repatr all description% of inaiblzerr,ou tenon. 'able term.; • . E. IV. CLARK & CO., • SS Mat& (td t. B. A. IttESELL„ Sturager4 I have all too beat plow patterns that suit this market smear which to the .*Greet Wartettl." which boa been atti plow of the county for he teat, atteen yearn. Mao altacoat ill other ?lowa so) , QT previously la , I have on bind and will mutilate to irnanifse pre • Urge asortm.ut ut COOKING, ViANKLIN A LILTING Itl'OVTB,, Cit the latest styles and with all the male= lm-, prorements, irtkh I will sell at modern Wes. Among these Is the GREAT REPURIJV. Thls •%m bin 0114411 Aka top, arid& item it &bare sdrfeetrarbtstalt tallkirep UMW Amen, and it is bow looked upon is one of the best and most econ ouilml,stores ea Makes leer tact W and Is more dna. Menem other %see. 01111.4011perroa, . after haring vied this store foes considerable length of time, may be reterrd to in proof of what. Is beta 'add :• El.. Isaac 'Squint, M. T. Seaway, • - Ell Item, Jobs Witting. Mrs. tied. ?Oka. ' CAvli i ll. Winans, N t r antli'll 1:1 5 : 13 ' Robert lieGoemla. Asap Blaelmaxe. , • ' Mi. Joseptt Wadi*. lira. Majlor Wad Ste:i..l). CivalliT; ....- Xllolti. Mil der; --- David Leviek, Capt, Amer Rayon i Dr. C. D. Tattle. William Decd. Kelly Bawer. • John MelAaghlia, Samna! Taylor. , Dr. Jas. H. Jackaoa, , , Mamas fleacata, /atm DualaP. /114 ton Davis. Martna n lialjlrta, ...-. Jogs d liriVreari. .1. N. Winans. lira. boat. Animate. Mr. Lotiley, Mr. Clam, Vrteettelt. Hata - Mr. Benjamin rrantiln 'Cam - Alines anlittatim, SFICII2eI Heaped!. (ieorge Beam. • ,- .. jam Jackson. . ' " Halter Hrtenenoa. Bra. lititallomy. W. T. Beeves. Wiliam noon. EINE P'• , • )1 by; EVI=ZSI oe P. ' " l_:reii,diii:s.'.. :,,!! HE Ell 4 :mum coil AEA NNA COUNTY,rA 'P15145 'ANII fIOW CASTINGS. .STOP S! BTOYM ) Sega Rlehardsoo. James Loathe*. Capt. Woodson Glean s 111.111111 R. Davis, . Pawed hinsphr, Rho lloldship, Ohm Mows, Patiersow, James I/fairish& tams'! ErtilliZ um, Thompson J 31r. Crawled:• . lira. Rey. Rtmohons, Jaminban Reßensit, Jade . Rehm. 'l3le.bard Riohnisi. • ,Solomon Fronk. James Rnowies. David C6lllooil. Richard Staley, Joseph McFerrin, ' David Carr. Worts Wilma, James Tbompaon, (JUIL. lberison 11•44. t//Mon Reed, ?imam M Orme. ove, William I lWastitnaton Rn le. ,!James Galley. .; Robert Graham. jThomas Bradshaw, :Lilo Bradshaw', ;IDison Reed. lidenhd idamona, .1. W. Funhhonme. • %William Wagner. Ilie.Chooso„ " Renee Sulheret. ler. Wise. lii whetter. 101/21 THOIMUIT 11=131 =1:13 110SSULVESI COVITIfe Ja. anal* or Palo Mona! Jmee, s ? "-g lr e • 'Whereas dunes -MN 1, the fdth day of Itletela,-.A. D.' MS. preoleuts her petitiOn•in the WOW made the Judgeogrrt COMIZIan Mesa or Bearer County. a ril fl tee twee thereto set forth ohs hi loomed (row ge t , tn i a m nroach a l mni go= yOt ,the **atil Jonah Jolter; that aetthty Mikis ell ' arbor boobies net queue pbata,oartf Jo% l i r t oreeresepThki . %% I f tite i re g re be held, on the third Monday atlamb _ amt . t o. mere? the petition or libel of 1.1.1 401611 . '.T*OOll. - 10 'obeir CansevlrsEY Yen have. why the VW 'Argil JO" "PM shonlit not to *tweed froth tbe bona of•liatiblilet ha :the lel of toseably ht. nab .protided.. • Ilene:gym atone* fa ciadi wrimia ; s Witoree, The non. Med. W. of nor mid Court at Sewer, Ude dittphrye lb:01(ot November, 41'. D. - 18113. • J . CINEw DUFF. A. J.l. Lirn.s. Sheriff. *ire. Jao.ll, - , .., 1 „. -, : ~• t • - - .;',.. , ,04,-: - ,,-,, , r1--: 1, ' --,,•„,,,"` r" - -it , " f.'- - ,: lri ;,s -,- , ii............. - , . . ~ 2 2 12. 99,0 t. , > est .... . . • ill '.I 9v , , ' 1. , . re. •, . ~., &Lilt ;.' .s tir Jr' ing ;4i ' . .'.4 zr ... 1 ~ , ,,,i .6. . a-, • 6 . "'" Adi rirq If -tva 24.1 1. , - ~.__-_, 'ter tallad Jr4l tr ' - 1.1%11) ‘ If C J " t' ' ' .l-1 ^ctlyal 4 --.-------:• 0 .-- _ ,=Pang I-4- littrite ... .1. 4, 4 6 4.1;1-4 I I tali -tiis; 4.4.41 affs itiim..f.x...i 0 : rig.'', .... . ~...-... ~• 4 - • ...delcr 6 ' * lir ..u. , •,,-1..- ~,. i rot i ! ' . :41 Vidgyritrs - I antAlrethliptillit-1.- j i , *(4 aze„ ,,, ,irafra , )ll7--- !'F: , ,-, A +hrl: ‘... •• 4 . '4 -3 .0.. 1. 11 • •+• 41" : '• . 1. ' 4 4 i 4.41 ' . .... 4 ". ,;" 4 ' .7.- ?""‘) ' 521 i ' . • •e .' ' i • e ~' r. ljpv, r Mir:, , ~.;„ (i-i; -.):, , A:s 1 : •Tw 1 . ~. 1., ; '.... 1 , g g 1 0311040,111011 Tog 72. AI:WM.IO/y .; - plums* .iihi g;th L Igl . 2.;;:r10f,- •.; gir;.; - :opp • i aill72T 1 c i , ;'W "iSho . 1 , 1,..'-; :.i.g lii:,, Tlf.v: ~ i -Wz col;ttiir ;V : 1 ,-:a?rTtri.i...;til,l,l :P.ttliiii:4,ySll.;446l4) ~,,c.•...J.. ti t . r , s , . ..,. •,„.,„ /., h, ~..,„7„ ,1,,,,, 0:-. I . . • •: . Z: l 4. ki. ' l46 th1440 01 1134 41 t1 /4 - .' , " - ai.1.1i.. •it, ti'; , 4; 4 .i'. , .. i.".'43 ... , . 4 . '• • ' 1i 4 • .V.k. r•-':''' , .1' - '. • 11, , , lif b i s i ii . i t aie l ith i . i 1 .. 4 ; p 4,4 .r.i!'i -,F , iiig.g;g.:...-• Lcrgi 1 g t jviiXRX 111111pS??1,•;- :g : ,;: -g , F..!.. ::.,%. •-• , - .7:zlyrii i . .;,':' gll Viaiatir' BatitaN*Lii ..;,. i ..„*.i., , ,,,,-,.,,Tei,.., . ALL . . ! ,‘•. vrti : I= TA ^- .4 - :il'iii Li.ft ,':::%, - . 1 .'; ;. • F.; "::, i..,...... .„. ,r;•-- , .. , , i - .-..; ". ' : I ' I R' j irii« *ram; Inripegataibulare A It it 1 • 4 • ANY IN , Titil WORLD t • • • • • • • ' l ' 4 aad/r eirt made awl bate Imes made:mama -coattail*, Ititiarcyrfhat or *marshal (mance, c:f; • "„ • !1141411, •Me' /NW • acme or perfection sad that aot s,4;mttlizmuir...,:obi.: . ,4nri "NW dlign e of 1110z•Vmerli shy other. !Mad roc eitemear.. - Apir WOW.matl,lo4lo ll . l o l t f'; ''" '" J: 4 4. MEMI a. ~ ..,.., i 7 :: St4LEAU . 01 . STOOPS. .. i ' ' '1 . • • ' ' . 9411 *VOW . 0 64elThilltiftli. NM Jen*, aieUl, i mit :104•WatiaM1414...-•'' ... • ;.. Ono IS Baia II& lit.,•Pliu4.;ind :To. 4 fit. 4.35/r , - . St, Plttsbstryti;Ps.' • , 1) • ' • ' ' 1 .r tIA11111;,61411.0fili. D,B EEO lal ES J. W. BAIMIM'oti it. Pithbotg Pa SUVA. Linen; - • • ' •• ' Dress Hoods, • Cashmeres; Sheetinsts,• • Shirting*, Hosiery, Satinets. Prints. Jesuit: /mil HOUSE FURNISHING UOODR Attil jjaarrpisT, fur WWI, Gana and Childrfa. ekaka sudorific on band and suds to or .kfrettiliptlantaa, all woad: full wnnh, enact, aol ora. To cents. nuslally SUM Witer-hoofa. good qualll>, VP. Wbltallnankato. lam all wool, INA Beat POO!, al /03 , IST`Country Matebasts sappUri by dram pat Wimptato or paw at lowest suborn MIL CAIIPICTS. CARPETS ! NCIMAIMBROS. 3Enrtim wtreta. P171 . 51113t011, Are new opening a vets large sleek of lioliribto. iirtiouselff. man COMMON CARPETS, OIL "CLOTII%. • WINDOW 8/IDES, BUGS; &c., Am! ere', thlog bekolgtog to tho C .16 P JE: T 1 AnJ• arcALLum MOB. Pittsburgh, Ps Dec 9 D S lATMI 4 HRRRF TIN ♦RS Tlig BEST IN USE Use Rehrer's Tonle Bidets, rerd tut in Ms .Ikt' lid R. E. SELLERS & CO,. Ito. 4t Wood streets, • Oppodia St. amain Bata. sips musses No. Ups sod 114 Thlsi meet. par lYboleisle Agents for the Witt.' 11219 iale W JO'pi - 311008Z Want. Way. AkJittskiarsomar, AtroTIONEERB Istacu/9cre, bpera ilouse.AnetioD-Repla Pitut 'street; Pittsimegb. s; i • ‘; flOo r titi 'ShifestA:afpots, Dry Goods A i i PRIVATY MALZIDAT AND SViNiNGI;?:: *Aria ,' • . . .. ...,..:.) .- „.ad,- f LAO/ oif PV, i,!, ' ilv .* f .47./.:ti A Xew Iftionitilit isii - 41! 1 r1 .. r...n ii - , , i tlyrir' .- -:E.: Ii, ;..,.. ---, 1 . i t erA im : ' ovro,e•li v :i. ' . I, : r ., 94t_ftbt wrikaiw,_ • 'l_ .11V ! I, _ . tisaiNt '1 •i.l brinitt h 0 414111~ awe . 1 ;-,- -, _ maheductwattol=444 44 -, :dadOPRHOPP „- r, '7 , i ti o . l o itglati , l44,ii,gfiatiir. -- ip•byl 4 Liallioletsbeal,. _ __lnitifiC i ..., . rteettloins.ooll.lll4lly . „ st. : 1 9 , 1 , 1, , :At010i4,....: . An ever crimr J.,....„, , ' 4 .•" ;i:41119..,„ E• FtiT4 7 411* 074:: 741111 t ..): 1321114 )!;.1: • i Y? • ...Z. : . WI NC L i iikftsett le; .. :.%1 81 1W 4 The ghliall, ,Elfach Win 4 , Itiriir rift. .l*i, t ik : ', Their 'roll. ge'll llama; r)7.4s ATV' OW; t t: li t z.bk n -IQ so, w ith lti - 'per tate Oorl • •. Mit * ll / 9 7i;t011,o1 Ito to4eitt'llrei W . hdeoloWlalt: ••Re ImostaithO , VhelrottsAre4a 1: , The hissiattillp So,_;poug and gri t . Aadelp,4yrhilft l'aiihbew*Thetibli , , • Ming M ,- ; 1Y All talteii your Au t:eeeseif, % .• . Id tr of the dant* The kid/ itN, beatlei 'MOnslgij irintic filiar. InotAlbin 0, 'And owieg year . 1,44' I, In., 011 111. n.UII I 1 a! :3.• - ,3 Lint 'tenpin inward, OotUlonn Nun !lint tune Aliope dlo; • • • flay Money; mmt Then take burl , iv lino into suer ThojaniAlard I;eiiiinin Anglin ' fag . " ' Ea . , their Dons; ;berthas dismt__ to 'teams ; and . eye risterg took rides pieoU qhin, °rig • litehlonable peo hitherto unhimrd of .I.twas the questipn oflgorthern or Southern' useeuduneX, with the urger for:lte A dart shadow had come over the domestic hearths of the poor, that could not be kept out of thedniwings rooms of the rich; and Into many a home, end happy" and cheerftd, a grim skeleton was preparing to enter. Places of %Atonable resort were not free from the infection ; and, per hale; nowhere more than at, Newport were thole dread Ideas 'The peaceable isle of Aquidnec, tar long years a sort qf neutral grqund, where the best society of North and South had been accustomed to meet In ftiendly Intimacy; become en are na of bitterness. It was a sad change from the pleasant intercourse hith erto held between them. The children of Boston bore it With a certain rational calmness; while the sons of the South toot:reline:loy' ex hibited a temper ol the opposite, kind, It is ever thus with those who are In the wrong I , * • * * • , • • . . - "But -you •d o not mean it, Walter Det ereux? l'in sure you do not P 0 "If ever I meant anYthinifo ll ?n Winthrop, I do."- ~. • - "And you wouldnbsolutely flg:ht uainst the old Stars and Stripes T.- That flag, which, Bit hasn't `braved a thciumand years the battle and the breese,''wn.t.t" , Pm suroit willl" "If borne mud; longer as itlsnow, I'd bethe first to drag it dowe.r• * "0, mercy. mei , Where la you: patriothon ? 31r: Deverettx, -pule:- feed' me by. toying that. Boy • en know; sir, that my ancestors , were among the first to raise that w ere ' and' he can never be friend of mine who talks about dragging it, down!"' The two` individuals thus ldifihr hig in 'polithnl opinions, were a' young lady of Boston; and a young_ gentleman of Virginia,' both ;of.the best blood in their respective sec tions of the country : for ts4h..were descended frour"Signers."'.. 1 • ' emir They were alone in the ' t0.,1 pretty villa overlooking ' - set Bay, where Miss Adeline •1, in- , throp was at' home, and ;Walter Der vereux ' bet a visitor." Re .was ' stranger, for all this: as it ins 'writhe fine - seater that their families hid met in friendly reunion on the nen 'tad ground of Newport—the. young members of both walking; 4nbag, and dancing together. -. • • . - ,• And it. as far from being the first time that the handscuu t i=na had held tete-a-tete wl opoof the most beautiful girls of , clty ' famed for ita"fityderi Wm.!), • • It would have : 'Sorely grieved him to should he the hildrraye, cut him te ' the heart of 1 hearts: for , 'this' was in 'the keeping of 'Adeline • Winthrop; es he Supposed hers was captive to hint. . - - ' . In this'he might Italie . been' ~ .1111841- , ken ; but whether or • not,' he little ' 'Area - tort, at that Inomeni f how i near, heetas to knowing the truth, • ~„9 'Fancying hiruself in; full 4,o***, iibn,•-the last speech of the yVing la- dv, nettled him. The • empbasis on 1 the word "friend" Wan lligliNkint o f a reintiOn ' bearer and ' dearer,.. and . . Wed , '' directly • to • hhnself.• Sot ' 1 . . tbs,• and so -thinking, his re- Jain. er, instead Of behafteencillatory wits tinged With defiance. • • - " 01400 l" herepiledpettlshly, "1 1 , believe' my 'hamsters had alsOsome. thing to do •with the ralaing.of' that' lag: What matters, now that it is 1 becoming soiled by rank-abolition ism, and carried byyourseum of Pu- ' "Hold; Er.' Devereux V! The I 'young' girl blushed red as sheinter- .rtipted 'him. -"You' farget'lttat 1.• I 'Wm' myself some of,"thsi blood in itrY '. Veins; 7 : though we May .have Chan, ged_ thetramlbesimpleParitan sttinoletni: TbeiniltueLS at fait,. wits ; ii'ord (vie. Andes-alt eatthe Kuno ' as that of the Bethrepott, from whom you claim deecent?' IE "ritreo Ply.' • Two Ply vrrrsiontoit, :Witter TAp i efei Wit speak. 45 7 ..4t.. rpnerp , ' sktslienttthekti 09 12 01P1M ,7hsS'Sare liSWAssueu 7 1 allit u tilograVY su ttei r ol, , Ws ltelf oto lgp o ollicet i ov*tyisli *lieu ,Wanttilutitrillitntql the Patted 'of:which' td.thellnie mita • MilsMTPrt. - /Ii A IZ W6V4 W. o .44alaill e t' ~.00W1 4 .11 lioar ob tlo aliacthiftreutkiaitdvactid, igemititopm , Ydu;- • ` 1 ': l 6kedl the "" 421014;old'atorixeswe , n North tin4.stoe WalferseAlf Mitigate `l:,llarther-he l 'd iag :talte.pleusuretia An.dantrout c . -, NlSs._hegitil *silo thilf.` 4 "rettlyeuld by thp woof Toa:not.lforry - • • 4 3110`117inihrop, the button upon la" cod_sWittlil belt snMeleatatunver hi Y! Miestion., 1 1 11 - • stay true to ituit,if ft Watlid lose me every friend' I've"got.r ‘-•'••• • • • Bravo cried theßoston beauty,. , • rangingfrom her rocking-askant] • . .„ ping her litt/efoitt hiumplioutly on.thtipMnietof theplazal, "There's one you lititet -forety It, and that's Adeline Winthrop; • “filuee'_Vou're so well agreed,",iald der brot, biting his lips with • ; reload° be , Wr than leave you alone: %in 'Wcaddspoil the Sport cif 'such a'pairiitnegro-loting lambs • were it Eicsdhein wolf •to remaiwin trour cornpany. good-day, bilis Wite , I 'thiop I hope you won ' t make my ',brother gluts As Jbhiek' as . yoantelf.” t mot itsligtudion cruet from the Eby shame, Walter. If:you were: not my brother = —" • - • • Walter did 'not - want , to Wstr the threat - With a sombre oxrtil he bur rled dewh thehteps, and answer the laiteii; in the on of the cli&s. "looting them,' at the head of a sloping ravine; he did not go down; bnir so far as to ameeal the lower part' of ii•W person.- There, behind some bushes, with an opera-glass to remained watching theme - from whom .be bad ~~~,; ME grew his thas—edll Upi—mss beam his brother of Adeline Winthrop's vete upon it a idea, a no :of resistance. t i r ig .basek bld ts his l ear": non menx strafe beck to Us sent for me; Generale" Captain Devereux. . auspecttbatthe enemy in our front ; hat it its me to be sure et" It.' It anostimportarse to'itscer: exact positkm ; and I want -Nt,^er it; it you am. I'vo Main , that you am well Inc the country around , wee) leh - reethe dinerer,with a rile " butqrtin what hink I may trust you." The young officer bowed, but with art making otheraaswer. Tied the General known the sacrifices he had already sustained by fighting on the Northern side--a complete (:k•stitWinit from. friends, family, and house—he would have had no scruples about NNorconfidence in blur. or bad he: for, without requiring any promises be " You will take twenty ? mounted : , men. with you,,your own artillerists, and ride up the main' mad. Stoll quietly out of camp, and feel your`i way with caution. Go as far as you ' can with safety Icand take care of being captured by a - picket."' I The young Wilmer smiled ti&gur ingiy. . " Not much danger of that, Gener al," he nswered. Im be kill but not a captured. In my ay case death would be made preferable to being made-prisoner." " I understand you, (Optain Deve. revs. No doubt you will act_ with due discretion. (let as near the ene my's lines as you con t end, when you have finished yourteconnolssance, lose no time - in orting. Good night, and God you." • ' 1 It was at nigh, the above dialogue occurred, in a tent—the marquee of a commander-in-chief, noted for great "strategy," and greater caution.— With less of the latter, be might have taken Richmond twelve in °nth* after the war cemmeneed ,• and now been president, actual or elect; of the t?ni ted Perhaps it is better as it is. ' •*.4 * * • - The night was not favorable for a stolen scout, - such as. that • Captain Devereux had - been ommansied to make. • There was a clear moonlight, to the advantage of a picket in am bush, and against a party making at* preach. And the moon being in the zenith flungber beams upon the broad road,otong which the artillery officer - had been directed to make recounts stmee. . A little biter and the tall trees grossing on each side - would throw their shadows over '4, Making the, possum miler. — • . Observing this the young either had halted his little troop at a comer and was thinking, Whether he'should not stay till the moon was a little lower down; when a sound coming from the opposite side, broke abrupt ly on his reflection. • It was the tramp of horses! hoofs, as a troop going at a' trot •, and that they were armed Men, _mild be told by theclash of steel scabbards striking against the stirrups, " A pat rolling party of Confederate cavalry."• , • About this there could be no doubt. • The direction from which they were coming made the thing certain. • . 'Halted upon, higher ground, the artillery tinker conununded a view of the approaching horsemen. As near as he could •tell, they numbered about tiny sabres. Thowdo with only twenty men at his back, Devereux did not think of retreating. Instead of- being surprised by • a picket, he was himself the party in ambush; and this advantage encouraged him to keep his gmund, • The Confederates came on without 'Tear. Knowing themselves nearly three mites from the 'Federal lines, they had no' expectation of encoun tering an enemy. , • They were only made aware of it, wizen a horse " whighered" loudly intheir front, his neigh being quickly folowedbyaomehalfdozen otherg,and respoudvl to by the horses they were riding. .And then, before the shrill echoes heel died away in the woods, they were; taken up by sounds wore indicative of deadly strife—by a vol ley from each side, continued in atrag glingshots. Several Confederate waddles were emptied; and the" ozavaliers" him). were inclined ; to turn 'round and re treat; when one, who appeared to be their leader, and whose actions prov ed ltim to latve • the riglit,.dtawing his sabre, mid standiag up in the stir rups, cried out; ' ...'zr- , .. •.- - . . ~ . . . • ..,.v.r., , A . -- ".,.. thir ..., lei I w‘ ;1x......7;•. 4 . r. f ).1-1 ''' ' i i.lOl l. tthi“ , '::':: '4.:i i 4 ..., i.:‘'. I . .t : '"'i . ,* #3, ' 4 1f..., EI: n• -:. • , f , .. I,',f ; , .•-- '' ; CI • - ME c 't Cowards!, Would , XoUlfare hick?: I'll cut down the Bistm,.. hsit tams" - tall on me." Deny& yo. hear by their shots there's not intore thane flosenl or them?. Alter me; and letyour eri?„ be !death to all Yen, ee flnCditiOnitig." l • same to traitcirsandrel" Skated • Omtain DePremux, with ellaut&patfand shining In the team light, be spurred boldly put into the. read, cloneiy Miefred hYlds : l irtiPet Skts:' ' • .•le tenseCnials'' tlinetheoPPoadini parties ireire face to face ;- and after a rapid exchaugeet lastelmsitehs awful jhe clashing-of their sabres... ,• It wonid . hare ,heen an Until contest-4vrenty againt4 tette :t ir lumber,- and!lbOtn ually , :brave, , .flutthe.firatvolley.from,the Addles! 4 14 4 it4 l • . 3 eoTith the adYnntaAgo, of an l awn! had thinnetilheranks of the ectMtbdetattisOltid'othenifse . !blew .erted theme Menthe strife came roue 100-inuudithey.foelehtiettik,end wider a anehodi a g. of defeat. • . To , this • them_ was an exception— Ibitir"ehlef who lied shouted the de.• film speech, and led flair M the ' .encounter . Mounted n a powee•" . home, be, had' shot' .In frontiof 'hie followeesiuid lookedibr the Rut= cifthe oPperting trrkipasi ffie !thine *tiro wortify , ol hfis piteek-- •.•; ._. , 4le•l'had 'tiltliculty. In. finding him : for-at the nummut idevereux, stirred P.V. the seine istinit r ‘wa.4 *aching for. bin!..." , " • Their horses; spurred totheCi "auti!";' &shed against one another; re of itoin the shock; mud then, at the . meeting, the rqabres of _their thiers, striking together onnimeneed theirdmilly phiy, ;And while sparks fle"w" from .both blades, that mocked .the Pete shimmer of the moon,. their supporters closed alongside in a strife equally engrossing. . The combatants, at 'nod clumped' together, soon spread .into a wider circle, extending along therend and the broad • waste that bordered It. Each with": his own _antagonist had "enough to do, and 'the leaders were left to themselves. • ' ' • ! Between them, it 'was in truth a duel; only of a sornewhat=al kind : with alb" and on h And with death-like earnestness was It for some nfiruites kept up; (seise striving.. to kill the other that not a word was spoken, between them. They had neither time nor inclina tion for talk. Ail at once acme a pawn in the combat.. Captain Devcre—ux, hitherto fighting with his face to the moon, and under a disadvantage, had spur red Past his antagonist, and wheeling Suddenly round, obtained the supe. rior position. With his mine drawn back for a stroke, he wasabout kern fag down on the neck of the erate officer, when his blow was sud denly stayed, as if his ann bad be comestricmokonli en with i tS. fall upon • The ght lienarra face, a tftrible tale. e was fighting 'With his own brother! • " My God!" he gasped, " Walter!. Drother, teat you".'! " No I" cried. the Confederate lead er. ". It %Walter Devereux; but not your brother; nor the "brotherof any man who' wears the 'acennted blue. Dismount, and take it off; on shall rtpit froun'you with Lox sword 1" "0 Walter, dear AN alter I do not talk thus. I cannot do as you say—. I 'edit not ! Send your blade through 'm breastL4 caiutot•krit' ars- • - _ that !timer sl:unted a man on horseback, who : • had . suddenly spurred out "Trent among the trees ; and eirnalbneously 'with his shout, came the report of aphaol. Fora moment the combatants, with their horses, were shroude•l in smoke. When. it drilled away, the Confeder ate captain was seen let reg,lifeleas in the road, his horse go ing in a seared gallop th ro ugh the trees—alongwith a score of others that carried riders upon their back.s. The fall of their leader had ted the lonic of the Confederates; and those still In the kuldle, wheeling to the rightoverd. off in retreat. lie sides a dozen killed, ten of their num ber remained prisoners to the recon noiteriog party. • : Theory Devereux looked as if he had hinuielf receivedthe shot. Drop ping down from his saddle, he stag gered toward the spot *here the body lay, and bent Over it with a heart, full of agony. Ile bad no need touching it to tell him it was a corpse. A. streak of moonlight, slanting through a break between two branch (s' fell upon glassed eyes, and teeth clenched In the set expression of death. The- Union soldiers, at the . cow mend of their beloved leader, gave the last rites of burial to the body of his erring brother ; and as they fol.; lowed him back to tamp; with hearts full of sympathy for his soldering, they looked more like men returning from a defeat, than a victory. • • • • • • • • * • No doubt, reader, you Wish to know more of Captain lawereux, and what became of him. I hope you der, and so hoping, I will tell you—not ail that I know, but enough to setts fy.your curiosity. Of courte if I had given you his real name y•on could go to the army list, and, find out everything, .without thanking me for further information. And then you would look up thattine old chart, upon which are registered the names of those tine aid worthies t the "Sign ers of the Declaration ' who. gave you your political independence— and along with it Much of the hide pendence of thought, and Spirit, you are now.poeser el of.. ' And with that endeared document In your hambi--rt thousand times more important than the Charttv—you will seek for art= name besides that of Devereux : ,fart I know you will still be thinking of that beautiful Heston girl, who was, not ashamed of having Puritan fore 7 fathers. • ' • VI have also deceivedytar sato her name, it don't much matter. At all events she eared so little about it, that after the rebellion came to an end, she changed It for another--that other belonging to the num who had sworn to be true to the ling of her forefathers, a on and the emblem the ' buttons of his coat. There was then but a single row of 1 them, with a sbouidee.atrap showing but one bar. Now thelarewitbuttons I are not only double, but more gor geously gilt While theeheVron on the shoulder disp lays a trio of stars. It Is his're wardfor being true to them and the Itepublio—U distinction his children will appreedatei more than crosses, garters, and other gins from I kingly hands, that so far from being badges of ' honor, are too often the sure stamps of a, well-earued infamy. • • —The hair is now -usually droned high, and a . rich spray of , flowers -placed across the crown of the head, resting against the coil -or . plait of hair, which is newer than the eldg nou. Dark hair is said to &the reek ion now in Paris; therefore blond& 'are dying, their golden trouts' and those brunette who' Way. Witched their locks are re-boring them to their curly honors: All the Processes are very foolish and destroy l the hair.— , When the-ladles are nearly bald they will regret their vanity and want of, sense teashet,,.... . • • .-:-roity school teseher4 (if Bradford county hilve hem nuarrlckt during the test year. ME ,94err.til.tok Alta "JprrlCFl4 Tilz o ftstctlnv 10. ;11tafalder and faidleeo of thel paw;t 100 so 'ex cep tado. k the , titY- Mbad4htai follows . • • - behalf r of thiki Com itiotirsdltt; for eeiry ten wirkila,Wo mob,: • ; ;Docket estryb . m i rt.of tbolurt , roonwealtb. Ivo* . • I Warrant or , knit/ rowtont benolf of flee essuntorravalln; fottS•,tesink: • - 'Writing an 'exatnlnation On coniz plaiettnidliGindant;neie.tlepooltioa, Ufa r earelytai unadoctwo.conts.' • •AViblOnfigerisK 104'1'14.,h°1/rn)a -tlort ten crib', • " • - • Inkftiftreekvrthatied ht tittY attriw Meow; and' returnlnk the. , ma,tno to. valartl flay ..!. • • ' E l 4 o ringillliglA*4 Oir fine; twouty was / • " liceordingeokrwletimiareoliy theft= of, for eivelts, , tett iconic ;two eents.k ...Warrant. to let -Apo or forfOltw, :forty ! . Andlpieerandreturn,oratperaelkdo, •Id jaikkei twenty -11r e venni. , ",- • ; tuteintg kliscorkinittanCintanan llamabatt,cry,. forty ,earktki. tering,ennipralntiktimlPt. Olor treta. or apprentice, fo •Otyerlds. ;Notice to waster, , I/44r00m or np prentice, twenty-Ace cents., • portlok. and .dikielkarging coniplaint, forty cents. 11ohlinginquhiltIon undimlatillord and ;mint set - , or fn knse of forcibly entry-ill:ken day, Veep dollars. . Precept to wfiorlU, Jiffy cents. . pniiug Prot !dogs, one- Writ of restitution, tatty mote. Worronttoappraise damages,itirty yenta. \V stunt to Bell strws„ My cents. 'Warrant to'apprnll43 maine,,enter. ing return; advertising, etcetera, one dollar mai tiSty eel* . Entering action in civilany, tweu tY,(Pnb3. Sununon6 • ty Every - nth that, five cent Subpana cents. Entering • Enterinqualifyingg cents. Every at c Trial end Enti utt , or by MUDS Wail ' - cents. Enteting Entering' teats, Entry rale witness:e t ter Rule to tart ea, ten cents. Interrogaterti two oenti. Entering . Entering i. 'Rule of rift Notice to r Netioe t‘g teen cents. Entering . a report of' refeice, and Judi thent thereon; lifteetieents. ••Execution; twenty live tents. tett :&rrYa., in any me,. cents. Opening Judgment for ;re-hearing, twenty cents. • Return of proceedings in ecrtier' ari, or appeal, Incladlng,!olnizataxt, fifty cents. Transcript ofJudgments,inclnding certificates, forty cents. • • Receiving meant ofJudgment be fore execullon, or where csxecution was boned and special bail been en tered within twenty days afterJudg me»t and 'vying the mune over, if , not exceeding ten dollars, twenty cents. • If above ten .dollars, and not ex ceeding forty dollars, fifty cents. If above forty dollars, and not ex ceeding sixty dollars, seventy-five cents. If above sixty dollars one dollar. Entering complaint, in writing in rue of attachment , ment, and qualifying complainant, thirty cents. Attachment, thirty cents. Entering return, and appointing freeholders, fifteen cents. Advertisements, etch fifteen cents.. Order to sell goods, twenty-five cenet. • Order for the rellefor a pauper, each Justice, fifty cents. Order for removal of a pauper, one dollar. Order to seize good+ for mainte nance of wife or children, thirty 1 cents. , Order for premium fur wolf or fox soaps, to be paid by the eutinty,,,, fif • 'leen cents.' • Every tieknoidedgment or probate of a deed, or other Instrument • of writing, twenty-five cents. .. Taking and, signing acknowledge ment on indenture of an apprentice, for each indenture, twenty-five cents. Cancelling indenture, twenty-live cents. . 1 Comparing and signing tax dupit sate, fifty cents. • Marrying each couple, nuking re cord thereof, and certificate to pectic+, three dollars. I • Certificate of, approbation of two JustiEes to binding an apprentice by directors or overseers of the poor, fifty cents. Certificate to obtain land warrant, fifty cents: IP proceeding, tinder act, of one thousanfteight hundred and forty two, and one thonamd eight hundred and' fort -five, attachment, forty cents. Entering returns,twenty-flve cents. Affidavit, ten cents. - _ Bond, twenty-lice cents. Entering rule, et cetera, on game each ten cents. -stories, every ten word., , In !f a r! o cents Notice to gumshoe, ten cents. Same tee for services not herein specially provided for as for similar services. ooNfrranwrirzEu. , Stririox 11. Executing warrant on behalf of the Commonwealth, for each defendant, fifty cents. • Conveying to jail, on naiaintut, or Warrant, for each defendant, fifty cents. • Arrtstinga vagrant, disorderlyper wW,or other offracierapinst th e raw, (without, proow,) and bringing bol fore W.Wce, fifty cents. - Levying a fine or forfeiture on a warrant, thirty cents.- , Taking the body into custody on midissus, where lu ll afterward en tared before the prisoner Li delivered to the jailor, fifty cents. Serving subixena, fifteen mots. . Serving summons or notice en refe ree, suitor, master, inistrcKA, or ap prmtlee, personally, or by copy, each; twenty i n •. • ' Arresting ou copies, nay cents. b o g bond on (lupins, or for delve e l i t l 'goods; twenty cents.- ng plantitt d ant Inos acre chat onwhern eapios, delbu to he pad by plaintiff, twenty cents. • Executing. Isuadiord's warrant, nnrvlng execution; fifty cents. Taking ini•entory, of goods, melt itew, two ruts. • '• ,Levying 'or, AMtraiiiht.: mobs, or selling the Saiiitcfor old( (foliar , not exceeding thirty (Pm... - . ". . any. ewe, AlaLiarTy " . ;:iiiiinolubm haft t iherteiveil Where the tuoy, ls paid 2 .-- lcxY wititeut*e; htiVno corn- se volleps••,, nitaileit 'shall, l thty pi,,tte taken tt,,,' C e :/. ':nti"there, than:the r(..m1.40.,r • 1111 / f ret Adverthting the. rcune,flitit cents. C7 l ,r t Exacottnil athtehthent, t.bhsy-give w. 4 got pos es. • - CoPY' Ot:Voli Ile! itwer..*•4l.. de- r ,,.,ca thendek,eteb ter %co (veto. weft. rut mit no lees of. (Itstrers, at .1 .mi. nutitiiton or other pehileplaeept v, On the prendm tici,Tty;ren,ts. 74011 4 , , 1 I Serving ANcke Actor perronally, al twenty mutt+. ~ i_ i ... -- 11 I I Nerving hy te'lntt 04497 1 ,1,went5,= [lift , : '• • . • •"- ,Lxecat vei tt itor nn e e s be petom iliteie hs i gu fdriY , s peck mile (armour. tax cents, ~, , A " ;nu king attune to to4itons I ca a d .„„ g ;; N i air . end fifty cents, ' - " ~.. , .: .Attehdrhlf • general chat '' '" t • 4 10 (haters. , ,ek •:, 1%- 1 4711/114 - 04 he Atteuotlng epeeist, hreetioker ~ ~,Impil litrough eteet too,. tbreu.(;(gteiiieolas .', flame fees"for pervkete,Witr. specially , 'provided forits' N . ''' ..... i li`ii' 4l4 The fot.i4e.ire recelyed by, -• '.--',•,-(';'.•'! at, Hers of the PieNeret cc euttt - .., 11t: , -- :I, . .1. the sante to they freeti-ed y ' ..!....... ..... ••• ow._ 10 ,TAmilur. icrtict!ok.. ' ~. ;...Lt:: Lee 4 4. • .... - .• • • - . fide ..... 7 . ~,... , ...., _,... ICli` e • 'Cleiretand Itstiltivetili gar -----• --"' , • hrtnalti. • ". • in recurring to the Into rotirotul hit brirglio the Cleveland. ileratfl trtyvr 'lle IIeNVW elOcteit - Wrortiosi areas Inflows:("Obeli, WeltMtiv, James F. Clark, (2eireland;.J. lima ;ttinetzttinti, (kst, ettuitittatl; ..J. J. tied 119cinnotl; B. •Jos_.'"rittontirgTal , Joseph Hticicn N , -ertarre , *P4 -W. 11. Denhautp New :Vol* , IC-1141 ll arti, New. York; A. Prentiss, New York Tliklernos attie controcterlstbsit be twecn tii_ls Con - gin/V. sod tho Fitt*. burgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago rood Compune reqUireit the :election of Mr. McCullough Huperintendent of the !lifter roeitta the• Board of Di. teetors of I/At/foreland &:laittborgii '4 re, IThether"iii. consider ttle . boldunia or turvelty of this It has * Its parallel In stock movements. 44411. there in =Ohne feature In them 'append • the stock.. persons who represent the views of the owner-of such stock; ituotheing txtrevenient for each hold en". to attend personally 'upon the meeting at which the eleottott takes place, they give a power of attorney that their vievot may Le represented In the ehrtlon. Ilutthe Original olr led of the pnecy, so Liras raitraul elections are concerned, has been lit; and now proxies are matters of traf fic, the purties securing thent who are \Offing to pay the -largest pre titian fur their taw. Report has It that enough proxies were used, for the use of which two per cent, were paid, as to control the election on the 11h instant. Jude Pren " and Foote, at Cleve land, y -granted an Injune• thin at the 1 $. C. Oils, atthirdo...o:thetlieralaint and Pitt - burith'SaMtadMiln ysgainst the now poioxfc .; Notraining it flash • , , rig with tiro xnrd.,.Th6 ' , will appear iik papero tiiereqiis .1, i I hereby given' stockhohleni of the ClecelandirottPittsburgh 'Rail road Coin fl and to all penams In terested, that Reuben PAW/dill, E.‘ , l, has this day, been appointed rteei ver of this Railroad Company, and that the Directors, Executive Com mitter, "Maned Agent and Treasu rer of said (vulpine have been en joined from performing any ballets, act by the Court of Common Pleas of Cerhogn county. Ohio.. , Signedi "J.N. McCullough. 'Preddent C'. &P R. 11; 'Company. "Cleveland, Jan. 12, hati. A SWAtie Goes After and band's Pend Body. and rinds lllva the Head of's New nolll6f. hold. The New (Means papers tell of an unsoldlerlv trick, played by one Cap- Min Hoke, terraely of Spriegfield, Ilasenehu.setts. liukle cut a dash ot New Orleans path - In the war, and waS n I., , rent ladies { man. Very singu larly the papers One day announeed his. death ' and the Captain said it was too gocal ajoke to be cont minded. Soon alter, he mulled a New °diens lady, rtuigned his tommission, and began speculating In cotton, hi which be has been very succe*iful. All went tatioothly until an unpleasant episode averred, which Is thus :tar rated: . A kW:weeks:it:ea 'Ars.:flukle, front Springfield, Massachusetts, arrived in this city for the Purpcee of convey ing the remains of her husband, who tiled In the. year • ISM, home for Interment. lint, surprising RA it may appwr, the grave of the deceive edopuldnot be found. Almost in ill t- Isair she applied to the chief of the po lice tbr infbrmation. The officer knew a man of the same name, and it was barely possible that lie might be a relative. Inquirks were set on foot and the street and the number of hi' residence were found. In company with the chief the widow visited the house, and was hospitably received by. the rosy faced matron of the. dire. He was not In at the time, and she was courteously Invited tostay to dinner. This she am and at the ap pointed hour the relative same in. But writabth.e Witt en me oed h yste in ri d c e s; - wife first was p pale calm. She talked like her 'end to the point. She told hie he had acted shabbily, and even ventured to call hint a villian, 'dtranthrt, nod other epithet:4 not exactly partaking of the tteseription of endta rmeets. lie dirl'ut attempt , to' deny them. She was. perhaps gutter' correct; but Iw belated she would think of the ex posure: She would do this... The live yerus*-dreertion entitled her to a di -Erse; ti hancbsinnv sum was put at her disprent, Matti* owe sorrowing but now, hicensiVl Wife, took her de parture, leaving the, *hunt Captain sadlyMitemplating the unlucky coil tretenaps.” L-Ittro tiMihrur a group of dogg tlie.*lir. She nublirti $16,- _ - -